Chalking Rate Tester Acc. To Kempf Model 241: Din 53 159 Titangesellschaft MBH (Kronos Titan GMBH)

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Chalking Rate

acc. to Kempf
Model 241

DIN 53 159
Titangesellschaft mbH
(Kronos Titan GmbH)

testing equipment for quality management

For quick determination

of the chalking rate
of coating materials
Introduction Principle Design and operation
The first sign of a paint coating The pigment particles, lying The Kempf Chalking Tester,
being affected by the weather is loose on the film surface Model 241, consists of a light
an initial disintegration of the because of binder decay, are metal cylinder equipped with a
surface film where some of the pressed under a specified 40 mm dia. rubber stamp
pigment becomes loose when pressure (250 N) into the (Shore-hardness A 60 ± 5). A
originally firmly held in the paint steeped gelatine of photographic strong integral spring allows the
by means of a bonding agent. paper. loading of the punch with a force
This stage of deterioration can of between 50 to 250 N. Ring
be shown by simply wiping the markings engraved at 50 N
surface, loose pigment particles intervals into the stamp shaft
will be removed. This is called permit the application of lower
„chalking“. pressures than the standard
load of 250 N.
The sooner the paint
commences to chalk, the sooner Guiding the loading device by
the decomposition of the film has hand is often not accurate
begun; the life expectancy of the enough for guaranteeing an
finish will therefore be even pressure over the whole
accordingly shorter. area of the stamp. It is therefore
recommended that the special
Self-cleansing paints
stand (available as an
On the other hand, paints are
accessory) be used which
being manufactured nowadays
provides an accurate vertical
which are accurately adjusted Fig. 1: The upper pigment layer has lost
cohesion with the rest of the film guide during application of
for a predetermined chalking
effect. Such self-cleansing
paints renew their surface after
every rainfall by the washing off
of the conta-minated pigment.
Their life is practically the same
and they show a high degree of
colour durability and cleanliness.

Purpose and application

The quantitative determination of
the chalking rate is therefore of
great importance for
♦ the choice of the correct raw
material for each intended
Fig. 2: Pressed into the gelatine layer of
♦ the determination of the the photographic paper, the
maximum pigment/volume loose pigment particles are
concentration in respect to lifted out.
weathering resistance or Fig. 3: Testing the chalking rate using
self-cleansing properties; a stand

♦ the evaluation of natural or In accordance with the relevant

short-term weathering tests; evaluation method, the im-
pression in the photographic
♦ a comparative assessment paper is visually compared with
of raw materials and a chalking scale or a comparison
finished products (testing of paint.
competitors' samples);
♦ determining the maximum
warrantable period for large
Test procedure Evaluation of the test For this method a standard scale
is divided into 10 stages of
The photographic paper is Several methods are known in chalking intensity of brightness.
soaked in water at room practice, namely: The distances between the
temperature for four minutes. stages of brightness are of an
1. Kempf standard
After removing any water exactly defined photometric
comparison method
adhering to the surface with value and these measurements
filter paper, it is laid upon the This approved method is are reproducible. See chalking
paint to be tested, gelatine face specially suitable for white or scale next page.
down. light-colour pigmented paints.
The brightness limit values of
Placing the rubber stamp on the For comparison with the 10 and 1 represent absolute
reverse side of the paper, the chalking marks obtained, it freedom from chalking and
Chalking Tester is pressed down uses standard photographic vice-versa a strong chalking
as vertically as possible with the diagrams which are supplied effect.
ball of the thumb - or with the as Kempf Chalking Scale with
lever when using the stand - every instrument. Chalking value 10
with a pressure of 25 kg (55 lbs) (highest calking resistance)
until the ring mark 250 is The comparison (Fig. 4) is corresponds with the bright-
reached made visually with the 6 ness value of 10 (lowest
chalking stages, whereby 0 brightness value) for an
After lifting the stamp the photo- represents the weakest and 5 unaltered black photographic
graphic paper is pulled off and the strongest chalking value. paper without any imprint.
Chalking value 1
Notes: (lowest chalking resistance)
Load: corresponds with the
In special cases - to be agreed brightness value of 64,2
upon - a smaller load may be (highest brightness) which has
used. been measured on an imprint
Duration: obtained from most intensive
The duration of pressure does chalking.
not influence the test result.
3. Method acc. to DIN 53 159
Photographic paper:
In order to avoid measuring This is a method which should
errors it is recommended to be given preference whenever
obtain the same quality of coloured paints have to be
paper from the same supplier. tested; testing of white and
very light colours is, of course,
Dirty coatings: also possible.
Surface contamination of
paints that have undergone The evaluation here is not
weathering in the open air may carried out by using a scale but
simulate chalking of the paint by comparison with paints
on impressions of unexposed which had been produced and
fixed (therefore white) photo- Fig. 4 Kempf Chalking Scale weathered under similar
graphic paper, although only conditions.
the soiled layer has been lifted By visually comparing the
off the paint surface. To be 2. Modified method of the impressions in the gelatine
able to discern in such cases Titangesellschaft, layer of the test specimen with
between contamination and Leverkusen the comparison paint, the
chalking it is advisable to make (now: Kronos Titan GmbH) differences in the chalking
the impressions on white as between the test samples and
well as on black photographic Used only for paints pigmented
with titanium dioxide (TiO2). the comparison paints are
paper. established.
Maintenance Technical data
Basically the instrument does Chalking Tester Ordering Information
not require any maintenance. Dimensions:
Height: 270 mm Ord.-No. Product Description
Signs of wear on the rubber
Ø: 50 mm Chalking Tester acc.
stamp and tensioning spring to Kempf
fatigue may occur after several Load: up to 250 N 0076.01.31 Model 241,
years or after very frequent use. Net weight: approx. 1.2 kg incl. Chalking Scale
These parts are available as
spares. Special Stand
Exchange of stamp: Height: approx. 450 mm
The rubber stamp is removed by Width: approx. 150 mm
Accessories / Spare Parts
unscrewing the knurled support- Depth: approx. 250 mm Ord.-No. Product Description
ing ring.
0207.01.32 Special stand
Exchange of tensioning spring: Net weight: approx. 5.5 kg
48760117 Rubber stamp
The tensioning spring is
replaced by unscrewing the 220091441 Tensioning spring
domed cap on top of the loading

Chalking Scale in accordcance with the test devised by the

Titangesellschaft mbH, Leverkusen
Leucometer-brightness Chalking stage Chalking value
10 e 1,8594 64,2 1 highest chalking rate (lowest chalking resistance)
10 e 52,2 2
10 e 42,5 3
10 e 1,2396 34,6 4
10 e 28,1 5 medium chalking rate (medium chalking resistance)
10 e 0,8264 22,9 6
10 e 18,6 7
10 e 15,1 8
10 e 12,3 9
10 e 10 10 no chalking (highest chalking resistance)

The right of technical modifications is reserved.

Group 16 - TBE + BAE - 241 - IV/06

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