How The Wrong Washing Agent Can Ruin The Printed Result: Problems in The Graphics Industry
How The Wrong Washing Agent Can Ruin The Printed Result: Problems in The Graphics Industry
How The Wrong Washing Agent Can Ruin The Printed Result: Problems in The Graphics Industry
None of this had any impact on the re- analysing mixtures of substances and it ed 2,000 sheets showed clear peaks deriv-
sult. allows the individual components of ing from the oil-based blanket cleaner
even complex mixtures to be separated that had been used but the residues from
BLANKET IN THE LABORATORY. out. Combined with a mass spectrome- the blanket that had printed 6,000 sheets
After 2,000 sheets the blanket from the ter, the so-called GC/MS combination, no longer showed these peaks.
cyan unit was carefully removed and the it is possible to detect even very small The situation has been cleared up. The
same was done with another blanket af- quantities of substances and at the same residues of oil-based washing agents left
ter 6,000 sheets. The blanket surfaces time to determine their structures. The on the blankets after their washing ex-
were preserved and then investigated by integral of the peak in the results graphs pand the halftone dot as soon as it is
the expert in the laboratory. Before print- plotted for a particular substance is a transferred to the blanket, and this con-
ing began both blankets had been new measure of the proportion by mass of the tinues until the blanket surfaces are com-
and supplied by the same manufacturer. substance in the sample. pletely free of the washing agent residues.
The marginal printing conditions were Gas chromatography is a very important The only remedy for this would be alter-
identical and the two printing trials were tool in the analysis of organic com- native cleaning agents that prevented the
carried out one after the other with the pounds and is ideally suited to the analy- unwanted halftone dot enlargements and
same press and temperature relation- sis of the residues on the two blankets. the associated tonal value increases. The
ships. search for these is continuing and as soon
The residues (ink, damping solution, THE LABORATORY RESULTS. as there is a result news of it will be re-
etc.) on the surfaces of the two blankets The first series of measurements provid- ported in a future instalment of this se-
were analysed using gas chromatogra- ed a clear result. The residues on the sur- ries.
phy. This is a very sensitive method for face of the offset blanket that had print-