Unit-3, Adiabatic Chemical Dehumidification, Numericals

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8 Heating and Dehumidification -Adiabatic Chemical Dehumidification

This process is mainly used in industrial air conditioning and can also be used for
some comfort air conditioning installations requiring either a low relative humidity or low
dew point temperature in the room.

In this process, the air is passed over chemicals which have an affinity for moisture.
As the air comes in contact with these chemicals, the moisture gets condensed out of the air
and gives up its latent heat. Due to the condensation, the specific humidity decreases and the
heat of condensation supplies sensible heat for heating the air and thus increasing its dry bulb

The process, which is the reverse of adiabatic saturation process, is shown by the line 1-2 on
the psychrometric chart as shown in Fig. 28. The path followed during the process is along
the constant wet bulb temperature line or-constant enthalpy line.

The effectiveness or efficiency of the dehumidifier is given as

Notes: 1. In actual practice, the process is accompanied with a release of heat called heat of
adsorption, which is very large. Thus the sensible heat gain of air exceeds the loss of latent
heat and the process is shown above the constant wet bulb temperature line in Fig. 28.

2. Two types of chemicals used for dehumidification are absorbents and adsorbents.
The absorbents are substances which can take up moisture from air and during this process
change it chemically, physically or in both respects. These include water solutions or brines
of calcium chloride, lithium chloride, lithium bromide and ethylene glycol. These are used as
air dehydrators by spraying or otherwise exposing a large surface of the solution in the air

The adsorbents are substances in the solid state which can take up moisture from the
air and during this process do not change it chemically or physically. These include silca gel
(which is a form of silicon dioxide prepared by mixing fused sodium silicate and sulphuric
acid) and activated alumina (which is a porous amorphous form of aluminum oxide).

Example 5: Saturated air at 21° C is passed through a drier so that its final relative
humidity is 20%. The drier uses silica gel adsorbent. The air is then passed through a
cooler until its final temperature is 21° C without a change in specific humidity.
Determine : 1. the temperature of air at the end of the drying process; 2. the heat
rejected during the cooling process ; 3. the relative humidity at the end of cooling
process; 4. the dew point temperature at the end of the drying process ; and 5. the
moisture removed during the drying process.

Solution: Given: td1, = td3 = 21°C; ∅2= 20%

1. Temperature of air at the end of drying process

First of all, mark the initial condition of air i.e. at 21°C dry bulb temperature upto the
saturation curve (because the air is saturated) on the psychrometric chart at point 1, as shown
in Fig. 29. Since the drying process is a chemical dehumidification process, therefore-. it
follows a path along-the-constant wet bulb temperature or the constant enthalpy line as
shown by the line 1- 2 in Fig. 29. Now mark the point 2 at relative humidity of 20%. From
the psychrometric chart, the temperature at the end of drying process at point 2, td2 = 38.5°C

2. Heat rejected during the cooling process

The cooling process is shown by the line 2-3 on the psychrometric chart as shown in
Fig.29. From the psychrometric chart. we find that enthalpy of air at point 2.

h2 = 61 kJ /kg of dry air

and enthalpy of air at point 3,

h3 = 43 kJ/kg of dry air

∴ Heat rejected during the cooling process

= h2 - h3 = 61— 43 = 18 kJ/kg of dry air A ns.

3. Relative humidity at the end of cooling process

From the psychrometric chart, we find that relative humidity at the end of cooling
process (i.e. at point 3),

∅3 = 55% Ans.

4. Dew point temperature at the end of drying process

From the psychrometric chart, we find that the dew point temperature at the end of the
drying process,

tdp2 = 11.6° C Ans.

5. Moisture removed during the drying process

From the psychrometric chart, we find that moisture in air before the drying process at
point 1,

W1 = 0.0157 kg/kg of dry air

and moisture in air after the drying process at point 2,

W2 = 0.0084 kg/kg of dry air

∴ Moisture removed during the drying process

= W, — W, = 0.0157 0.0084 = 0.0073 kg/kg of dry air Ans.

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