SAP Political Economy 2021

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Political Change:

Political Economy and Political Development

Political Science,
Post Graduate Study, 2021-2022

ChusnulMar’iyah, Ph.D
Ph. 0811832592
Email: [email protected]

Dr. Abdul Azis

Dr. Mulyadi

office hours: consultation by previous arrangement

Daring: 11.00-13.00

Course Description:

Political economy policy is about the conflict, contradiction and ambiguity that result
when the words "politics" and "economics" are thrown together. The intersection of
politics and economics raises questions - and sparks conflicts - about the fundamental
issues of politics: freedom, security, order, sovereignty, fairness, and democracy. In this
course we will examine how the struggles for power and for wealth affect one another
and the realization of these values. Specifically, we will compare and contrast political
and market solutions to collective problems; the politics of economic crises; corporations
and labor in the political economy; regulation, monetary policy; and fiscal policy.


The following books are required for the course:

James P. Caporaso and David P. Levine. Theories of Political Economy

(New York: Cambridge University Press, 1992).
Hall Hill, the Indonesian Economy Since 1966: Southeast Asia’s Emerging Giant,
Melbourne: Cambridge University Press, 1996.
Harold James, International Monetary Cooperation Since Bretton Woods,
Wibowo, Neoliberalisme,
------------, negara centeng,
AmartyaSen, Development as Freedom, New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1999.
Stuart Corbridge, Development Studies: A Reader, Oxford University Press, 1995.
Grading: Grades will be allocated in the following way:
 Participation and critical review (caporaso: 3 chapters) 20 %
 Artikel pendek (artikel Koran/3-p) 20 %
 UTS (book review) (ctt: pokok masalah dan kerangka teori) 25 %
 UAS (artikel lanjutan UTS/Journal type) 35 %

Participation. You are expected to attend all seminar class sessions, to have the readings
for each session prepared, and to contribute thoughtful and informed questions comments
to the discussion. You also have to write 1-2 pages of critical review (3 Caporaso
Chapters). If you do so you will receive an "A" for this part of the grade. Remember, this
seminar will succeed only to the extent that you participate. Its success depends on you.
Everyone is especially expected to participate actively.

Short Paper and Presentation There will be two short (3-4 pages, typed, published in the
media) book reviews for the course. These papers are due November (week first).  You
should choose books that you are eager to read, and/or are critically important for your
research paper. You should get these books approved no later than week third meeting of
the class.

UTS, Seminar Paper (6-8 pages: book review/pokok masalah dan kerangka teori ) the
issue in Indonesian’s case (class choose the issue), you have to submit to Secretariat Staff
of Program Pasca Ilmu Politik, Depok by signing submission form.

As you read a scholarly book, you should ask yourself:

(1) What is the main topic of the book you select? 
(2) What central point does the author want readers understand?  Why?
(3) To what other scholars or arguments is the author responding?
(4) How does the author prove her/his point? What logic or evidence does s/he use?
(5) How does s/he structure the book?  Why?
(6) what’s significant and relevant in the context on Indonesian’s case?

Exam paper for UAS. There will be a take home final exam (11-15 pages, melanjutkan
UTS dengan analysis), journal type article. You will have the questions in advance.
Topics will be discussed in class no later than the forth weeks of meeting.

The Course in Brief

Week 1: Introduction: Seminar on Political economy and Development (CM)

Week 2: How the Economy is Political -- and Why? (CM)


1. Caporaso& Levine, vii-55;

2. Charles E. Lindblom, sels. from Politics and Markets;

Week 3: Perubahan Politik: Pemilu; Revolusi (Mul)


1. Stuart Corbridge, (ed.), Development Studies: A Reader, London:

Arnold, 1995.
2. AmartyaSen, Development as Freedom, New York: Alfred A.
Knopf, 1999.

Week 4 :Indonesian Political Development (Mul)


1. Hall Hill, The Indonesian Economic Since 1996, Melbourne: Cambridge

University Press,1996.

2. S. M. Lipset, Political Man, Ch. 2, "Economic Development and

Democracy," pp. 27-58, [58-62], 469-476.

3. L. Diamond, "Economic Development and Democracy Reconsidered,"

American Behavioral Scientist, vol. 35 March/June 1992, pp. 450-499.

4. Ann Booth

5. Dawam Rahardjo

6. References on New Order Development (Prisma 1980s to now)

Week 5 : Globalisation ( CM)

Week 6 : Perubahan model keuangan dari Barat ke model Islamic banking (dosen

Week 7 UTS (book review)

Week 8 and 9:Capitalism and neoliberalism (CM/ dan AA)


1. Rama Bowo, Neo-liberalism

2. Rama Bowo, negara Centeng
3. Schonfield, Modern Capitalism, 3-17;

Week 10 and 11: Political change, Democratisastion and Economic Crisis Post
Soeharto Era (CM)


Mann, Richard, Economic Crisis in Indonesia: The Full Story,

Week 12 : Gender Perspective in Political economic approach to Politics (CM)


1. Shirin Ray, Gender and political economy development

2. Caporaso& Levine, 126-158;

Week 13 :Political Change: Environmental issue (CM/HS)

Week 14 and 15: Book review ( pendekatan political economi, presentasi)

Week 16 :  UAS, Due by 5.00 P.M. (by email and by post)

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