Everybody in The World Should Have Access To Library

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Everybody in the world should have access to library

I completely agree with the opinion that everyone should have access to
the library. Nowadays, education of people plays a very important role,
because knowledge is investment in our future, in particular in education.
In my opinion, knowledge can open all doors for us and give us a lot of
opportunities for self-development.
Nowadays, there are many opportunities to enrich our inner world,
including the Internet and social networks, but in my opinion, from books
you can get most of the information. Libraries have many benefits that
are not available on the Internet and that we may not be aware of. For
example: free access to rare documents or any information. Also, one of
the advantages is a lot of space for work, where a person may not worry
that he may be distracted from work.
That’s why I believe that libraries and free access to them are one of the
most useful and best solutions.

Individual countries do not have he right to interfere with the affairs of

another country
I agre that individual countries do not have the right to interfere with the
affairs of another country. First of all, we need to know that no state has
the right to try to subjugate another country politically or economically
way, and deprive it of its freedom.
In my opinion, there are positive and negative sides to this issue. I want to
start with one of them. In difficult times, a country may ask for help from
another, but this positive situation can have a negative effect. For
example, war, because one state will know all the weaknesses of another.
An example is the war between Ukraine and Russia.
Another advantage is that countries will be able to cooperate in the
future, but downside is that in case of termination cooperation of their
cooperation, both countries may be left with profits.
So I tried to prove that each situation has positive and negative sides and
before concluding contracts, you need to weigh the pros and cons.
Women should be promoted to top jobs in business and politics before
In my opinion, the question that women should be promoted to top jobs
in business and politics before men is very ambiguous. Nowadays, there is
a very developed concept of feminism, which means that women fight
against discrimination against them. If we compare the 21st century with
the previous ones, we can see a huge difference in the importance of
women in society. Previously, a woman's responsibilities included only
raising children, cooking, cleaning the house and other household chores.
Over time, things began to change. If before no one took the woman's
voice into account, now everything has changed to the contrary.
In my opinion, in the 21st century, men and women have the right to
nominate their candidates for positions that may be of state importance,
because women did not seek superiority over men, but to be on par with

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