April Rose A. Alay BSE Filipino 3 Module 2 - Psychology of Learning
April Rose A. Alay BSE Filipino 3 Module 2 - Psychology of Learning
April Rose A. Alay BSE Filipino 3 Module 2 - Psychology of Learning
BSE Filipino 3
will have2a–deeper
Module Psychologyunderstanding
of Learning and long-term retention if they take what they learn into
practice. We also retain 50% of what we learn when we participate in group discussions
which is also considered as cooperative learning. Through interactions and sharing of
thoughtsAs andwhat the in-depth
ideas, video hadunderstanding
mentioned, educational
may occur psychology in particular
since discussions like thisis astimulate
element in
learners’ the learning
thinking capacity process which
and class influence the curriculum through its scope, selection of
appropriate objectives, suitable learning experiences and effective methods of evaluation.
This isOn the other
connected to hand, we retain
the principles only 30%that
of learning of are
what we learn
needed to be when
in the teaching- is
involved. When teachers present or provide students a learning task to
learning process to ensure effective and quality education to the students. These principles are be observed, it will
said to
to fewer
be the misconceptions
basis of the learning and better understanding.
experiences teachers planAudio-visual learning methods help
for their students.
retain 20% of what we learn. Audio-visual learning tools like videos, sound, pictures and
charts can First off, learning
alleviate should
learning be a process
retention of actively
especially constructing
to audio-visual knowledge.
learners. Aside It is best
from that,to
expose students to hands-on activities and tasks that cater the enhancement
reading is considered to be one of the least effective methods since it only retains 10% of of critical thinking
skills. With learned
information this, teachers
it wouldprovide
be muchlearners with ifexperiences
effective the studentsthatareactively involve them
visual learners. The
least effective method according to this learning pyramid would be lecture which is moreit
and are meaningful. Another principle is letting students construct knowledge and make
favorable in terms learners.
to auditory of prior knowledge
Lecture is more and experiences. In this, students
of a passive learning learn to
than an active link
one. and
integrate their prior knowledge to newly acquired information
of the time information is spoon fed to learners with less interactions. since this will help them store,
retrieve and transfer new learning. Teachers will have to create a positive and engaging
learningOverall, the effectiveness
environment to build onofprevious
what is written
learning.in the learning
Aside from pyramid can beisinfluenced
that, learning enhanced
by the itpreferred
when takes place learning stylesand
in a social of collaborative
the learners. Every methodSince
environment. cannot be determined
learning is dependentas theon
least or the most effective ones since it usually depends on what learning
positive social interactions, communication, and relationship, it is believed that strengthening styles yields the best
results to the learners.
the collaboration among Learners
will be at effective.
different paces
Givingand learning
group works ideas
andmay be done
more or less
activities thatquickly than the are
elicit teamwork others.
greatWhat teachers can do is use the underlying learning
principles as guide or basis to create content that would provide the best learning experiences
The fourth principle that we should look forward to is the need to view learning as an
to the students.
integrated whole. This means that teachers should be able to help students acquire
opportunities that can strengthen their connections across the curriculum and on the real
world as well. Another principle that we should focus to is seeing to it that learners see
themselves as capable and successful that is why teachers should communicate high
expectations for achievement to students and provide opportunities to develop self-esteem.
Giving support alongside academic challenges are also encouraged to ensure development on
the students’ part. We all know that learners have different ways of knowing and representing
knowledge. Not all learners are the same since they may come from diverse background.
With these in mind, teachers should create content that maximize learning opportunities and
would cater the needs of all the learners. Aside from that, a classroom armed with respect,
acknowledgement, encouragement, and belongingness will make students at ease. The last
principle and one of the most important is seeing reflection as an integral part of learning.
Student should be able to learn to reflect on their learning processes and experiences. Self-
assessment is essential in learning and students should be able to do it since it makes learning
more effective and meaningful.
In line with these seven (7) principles, we have the “learning pyramid” or sometimes
referred to as “cone of learning”. This pyramid model tells us that some methods of learning
are more effective than the others. The best way to learn is putting into action the knowledge
you have acquired that is why teaching others what we already know is the key to achieve
mastery. This can happen through peer teaching or study groups. When we do this, we retain
90% of what we learn. On the hand, we retain 75% of what we learn by practicing it. Students