Elements of Teaching and Learning

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Elements of

Teaching and

Integrated School
Ramil A. Adarna
Teacher II
1. Our institution's culture plays a key role in determining success and failure.
Educators are now framed with a single aim, vision, and mission, which shapes
their performance, engagement, attitude, and dedication to the teaching and
learning process in generating quality education among learners. As a result, there
is a good climate that leads to productivity at all levels of expectation. Overall, our
institutional culture contributes significantly to how manpower cultivates a caring
culture that demonstrates support and humanity at work.

2. Department or Program Culture-As

an educator, I am convinced that
understanding the department
culture maps the department's
standard of excellence and the
Matatag agenda. Within our
department, culture can be
described using positive mantras
such as, but not limited to,
department culture as challenging.
Despite our workloads and
ancillaries, educators can
demonstrate noble wisdom our
profession towards transmitting
knowledge to all learners.
Furthermore, a fostering culture in
which everyone advances
professionally. Furthermore, having
a collaborative department means
working effectively together to
achieve goals and objectives.
Finally, autonomy expresses a sense
of ownership toward individual
authority in order to better
educational outcomes.

Elements of teaching and learning process 2

3. Teachers- It is impossible to ignore the
link between teacher culture and the
learning process, which is a major focus of
educators. Furthermore, educators create
a pleasant school atmosphere by being
culturally attentive and moulding
students toward holistic development. In
our institution educators builds creative
inquiry to the teaching and learning
process wherein to measures how deeply
learners understand the lesson they are
studying. In other words, the learning
objective cannot be realized if it is not
used with questions that come from the 4. Students- Despite the different and unique
educators himself/herself. In addition, differences among our institutional
we believe in our sector in several learners, they continue to acquire basic
strategies that can foster a culture of competencies mandated by educational
excellence as well engage our learners sectors in their curricula. As a result, their
through critical thinking skills, inquiry education is a core of opportunities to
skills and meaningful life experience equip forces with choices, learning styles,
dialogue amongst learners. values, and critical thinkers in a worldwide
education standard. Learners in our
institution are especially resilient. Being
resilient in demonstrating knowledge,
bridging academic gaps, and eventually
empowering to dwell in real-life situations.
Regardless of the conditions, our students
can still contribute information, attitude,
and abilities for an excellent education.

5. Resource materials-In our institution one essential factor in teaching and learning process
is the learning resources where teaching- learning materials enable a teacher to enhance the
learning experience of all learners. Thus, our school ensures that the resources provided to
our students are challenging and engaging and this should not offend student due to
offensive or controversial nature. Furthermore, it is handled with sensitivity, consistent with
the policy and guidelines of the Department of Education.

Elements of teaching and learning process 3

6. Methodology/pedagogy- one major aspect of
teacher education that has received a lot of
attention is the usage of methods. One strategy
that we used as educators was technological-
based learning. This educational material makes
it easier for us to teach. This comprises both
concrete and non-concrete visual and audio-
visual aids, as well as the use of internet
platforms like Google conferencing. As an
educator, I am convinced that using technology
as instructional tools brings learning to life by
motivating students to study. Furthermore, it
will assist us in properly explaining new
concepts, resulting in enhanced learner
understanding of the idea being taught. To
summarize, technology is critical in modern
teaching and learning, and every learner's
learning habits can suffer as a result.
7. Setting- Academics and values are crucial
areas to enhance in our educational setting,
while enhancing performance by ensuring
students remain accountable for their own
decisions, habits, and triumphs. This fuels
motivation by explaining opportunities for
personal development. More importantly,
morals are instilled. It is a critical key to balance
academic excellence, and social pursuits. In
addition, in our school setting it is a collective
effort between stakeholders, teaching and non-
teaching staff towards student’s development
and progress.

Elements in your school

contribute to quality teaching
and learning.
(Binahaan Integrated School)

Elements of teaching and learning process 4

1. Teachers- Educators play critical
roles in the lives of the students they
work with. They have an impact on
what and how students learn in the
classroom every day. What
distinguishes educators is their ability to
teach and influence others. First and
foremost, educators must convey
knowledge derived from teaching a
certain curriculum and ensure that
learners comprehend what is being
taught. Furthermore, being a role model 2. Students- being a student entails more than
both on and off campus. I am convinced just attending courses and then going home. A
that the quantity of time students spend student's responsibilities as a member of a
with their teachers has a certain level of school are numerous. Furthermore, the
influence on them. Nowadays, contributions are not just for school but also
educators do more than just teach. We play an important role in personal
educators are now involved in development. With all of the international
counseling, mentoring, and teaching education trends, learners have a range of
students how to use and apply their opportunities to contribute to the continued
knowledge in their daily lives. advancement of quality education. Learners'
perspectives on educational experiences as
evaluators. Listening to learner voices, in my
opinion, helps to close gaps and bring about
improvements in the institution. More
importantly, including learners as decision-
makers demonstrates the institution's
commitment to greater student involvement in
changes to teaching, learning, and institutional
development. As an example, this occurs

3. Institutional Culture- Having a culture only serves to bring us closer together. As

a result, it is critical to maintain a good culture of nurturing great learning at all
times. As a result, having a school culture is what helps everyone feel at home
even when they are not in one. Having the same culture will assist everyone to
have a diverse thought process where improved possibilities for personal
improvement will be recognized and a support structure will be in place to focus
on giving quality education to all learners.

Elements of teaching and learning process 5

4. Technology-based learning is one of the
methodologies that is now being used. I am
convinced that educational technology may
be extremely valuable for teaching and
learning in order to provide a high-quality
education to all students. Learners can access
courses and assignments remotely using this
instructional style, and those in rural or
remote places who may not be able to attend
a typical learning setting will benefit from
this resource. Furthermore, because of its
interactive and collaborative nature,
technology positively correlates with
improved learning results. As a result, kids
are more likely to be motivated, engaged,
and enjoy improved communication in the
5. Resources- Learning is a complex activity that
involves the interaction of student motivation. In conclusion, technology-based learning
instructional and learning resources at our can be used to improve the quality of
institution include institutional facilities, educational experiences by increasing
instructional resources, and teaching and learning, adapting to the individual, and
curriculum demand skills. I am convinced that elevating learning.
the presence of these resources improves school
effectiveness since they are the basic resources
that result in strong academic performance in
kids. Furthermore, for an efficient teaching-
learning process, these resources should be
offered in sufficient number and quality in

6. Setting- Students are more likely to learn when they have a positive perception of
their educational setting. Creating an academic environment that fosters a sense of
belonging, a sense of competence, and student autonomy will result in improved motivation
to learn and possibly improve educational quality. Furthermore, having a favorable climate
is strongly linked to academic success. For example, it can boost attendance, success,
retention, and even graduation rates. As a result, having a safe and friendly school
environment can foster educational experiences.
7. Department culture-when considering how to build department culture toward
quality education, good communication and feedback throughout the level of department
should be braided in order to encourage everyone and make them feel like they are a part of
the institution's mission. As a result, establishing a happy environment has a significant
impact not only in the department but also throughout the spaces.

Elements of teaching and learning process 6

In my opinion, methodologies are one gap that should be addressed in our
institution because one of the major concerns during class is managing the
behavior of individuals or groups; thus, educators set strategies that may be used;
however, teachers' dynamics must be understood, and behaviors, teaching
approaches, or methodologies must be adjusted. Again, different learners'
learning demands, methods, or styles may exist. In this regard, teachers must
understand the needs and preferences of the learners and develop lesson plans
accordingly to satisfy the learning objectives of all learners rather than specific
people. Most importantly, teachers must recognize the learning hurdles.

Teaching method is the mechanism that is used by the teacher to organize and
implement a number of educational means and activities to achieve certain goals.
Teaching techniques are the means that reflect the success of the learning process
and the competencies of the teacher. Being a teacher, I always need to look for
new ways to deliver knowledge to my learner, and in many occasions, I found
that traditional teaching methods become not effective as it used to be due to the
current advancement in technology. Therefore, teaching becomes more effective
when it performed in a quicker response to the needs of the learner, so that
blending various techniques to deliver knowledge and ideas become necessary.
Selecting teaching methodology is an element to hinder quality teaching and
learning. In my personal view, there are techniques that is best for particular class
of study. By example, the online teaching method. Teaching occurs outside a
traditional classroom using internet. As the way of learning changes, the way of
teaching is also changed. With this, online teaching weaknesses often the limited
view of administrator to online program as a way to increase revenues, not as a
mean of providing quality education by giving adequate technology, proper
facilitator training, and limitation of class size, all of these would have the impact
on the success of an online program. Moreover, not every subject can be taught
online because the current electronic medium does not permit the best method on
instruction. Examples are subject such as public speaking, surgery, sport and
physical movement. The development in technology may solve this problem or
permit using hybrid courses as a temporary solution. Lastly, in a public institution
like ours not everyone (learners) has the access of full capacity of internet
connection and equipment.

In addition, the used of lecture as teaching methodologies. I firmly believe this is

the main roller where learners represent the passive element while the facilitator
represents the active one. Thus, main concern of weaknesses could be boring time-
spent by the learners, communication is one way, learners are spoon fed, and
passive, and facilitator concentrate on information that learners.

In conclusion, we the teachers must know all students do not learn in the same
way at the same time. Students also have a variety level in any particular subject
and teaching methodologies. Therefore, we the teachers should continuously
close the gaps in finding the best suited of the learners.

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