Management OF Information System: LLLLLL

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1. Ngô Quỳnh Hương
2. Nguyễn Xuâ n Hoà ng
3. Phạ m Nguyễn Gia Long
4. Lê Anh Long
5. Trầ n Phương Thanh
6. Nguyễn Thị Thanh Hoa
7. Tạ Phương Linh
8. Nguyễn Đứ c Hướ ng
9. Lê Thu Hả i
MIS Report

Group 5

STEP 1: THE BUSINESS PROBLEM.................................................................................................................3
STEP 2: THE BUSINESS CONTEXT:................................................................................................................3
1. Brief introduction to Ta Quang Buu library:...................................................................................3
2. Organization chart:.........................................................................................................................5
3. Core business processes:..................................................................................................................5
4. Reasons for topic selection:.............................................................................................................6
5. Expectation from the project:...........................................................................................................7
STEP 3: INFORMATION ABOUT THE BUSINESS............................................................................................7
1. Interview:.........................................................................................................................................7
2. Related Documents:.........................................................................................................................9
3. Identification of requirement:........................................................................................................10
STEP 4: MODEL OF IDENTIFIED REQUIREMENTS.......................................................................................11
1. Business Functional Diagram (BFD):..............................................................................................11
2. Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD):.............................................................................................12
2.1. Data analysis:.........................................................................................................................12
2.2. Entity relationship model:......................................................................................................14
STEP 5: IMPLEMENT THE COMPLETED THE DATABASE DESIGN ON MS – ACCESS....................................15
1. Tables, Relationship and Forms.....................................................................................................15
1.1. Tables....................................................................................................................................15
1.2. Relationship...........................................................................................................................18
1.3. Forms.....................................................................................................................................18
2. Queries and Reports.......................................................................................................................21
2.1. Queries...................................................................................................................................21
2.2. Reports...................................................................................................................................22
3. Count book borrowing and the most borrowed book.....................................................................24
3.1. Count book borrowing...........................................................................................................24
3.2. The most borrowed book query and report............................................................................26
4. Searches.........................................................................................................................................28
4.1. Book search by book code.....................................................................................................28
4.2. Borrow search by Borrow Number........................................................................................29
4.3. Borrow search by Date...........................................................................................................30
4.4. Reader search by ReaderID....................................................................................................31

“Development of a database application for books rent service at Tạ Quang Buu



1. Brief introduction to Ta Quang Buu library:

Ta Quang Buu Library is a famous library located in Hanoi University of Science

and Technology. The library is under possession of Hanoi University of Science and
Technology. The library functions to help the Principal manage, exploit and develop
information resources and information services to serve the university's training and
research activities.

The library organizes a system of reading rooms, borrowing rooms, learning

environment, providing information and documents to meet your reading needs
throughout the university. The library also catalogue of supplemented documents,
building an automated information search and information system.

Ta Quang Buu library also helps to supply and develop domestic and foreign
information resources to meet the needs of teaching, learning and scientific research;
Receiving, archiving and disseminating university documents such as: accepted scientific
research topics, training programs, textbooks, lecture book, master's thesis, doctoral
thesis and other forms of documents through donation or exchange.

In addition, the library provides opportunities to expand cooperation with domestic

and international agencies and organizations in the field of library information;
participate in professional activities with the library system throughout the country to
promote the development of the library career; link, cooperate with domestic and foreign
libraries to coordinate supplementation and exchange of documents, share information
resources, cataloging data, interlibrary loan service organizations, information provision
services information online in accordance with the law and the school's regulations.

Figure 1: Ta Quang Buu Library

2. Organization chart:
Organizational Structure Chart of the Board of Directors, specialized departments.

Figure 2: Organization Structure Chart

3. Core business processes:

The core business process of Ta Quang Buu Library include 3 key operating
processes: the process of making a library card, the process of management of readers
and documents, the process of management of software.
The process of making a library card:
Check the
Make a Return card
information Signature
declaration to readers
and print
The process of management of readers and documents:

Get into the Statistics and

Scan barcode
circulation module report

The process of management of software:

Create a Design and

Build system document manage
configuration circulation report
policy templates

4. Reasons for topic selection:

Currently in the market economy, management plays a very important role in all
fields of human society. But to effectively and effectively manage a mass agency or an
organization is not at all simple at all. Therefore, how to reduce the administrative burden
for organizations and unions has been positively imposed by society. To answer that
question, people have applied the achievements of science and technology in general and
the achievements of information technology in particular into management and it is
particularly effective. Because of these great benefits, our libraries have also gradually
introduced information technology into library management. With compact management
software instead of cramped filing cabinets and it helped the staff in the library have no
headache about finding information about a reader or a book in the mess, and the reader
also spent a lot of time finding one. scrambling in a subject list containing a few thousand
titles, letters also have a headache when looking up where the scroll that readers find is
located in the repository, if unfortunately when librarians remember the location If that
bookstore has been borrowed from the bookstore, then you have to find another book.

5. Expectation from the project:

The utmost important expectation from the project is the management of sales and
condition of every book in the library. 

Moreover, book management can help managers to understand what kind of book
is more popular, what kind of book is less popular for students to control the number of
books in each genre. Therefore, the library can meet the needs of readers as well as gain
higher revenue.

A good database can create a foundation for managers of the library to get to know
their students better because this can bring us a deep insight of students’ reading
behaviors and preferences. Overall, the development of a database application for book
rent service in Ta Quang Buu Library helps the management become easier and more


1. Interview:
We decided to interview the librarian of Ta Quang Buu library to learn more about
the operation of a library, and here is the dialogue:

Interviewee: Good morning. We are conducting a survey library management system

system. Can you please give us some time to ask you some questions today?

Librarian:  My pleasure. What aspects do you want to know?

Interviewee: What information do I need to know when importing new books?

Librarian: Book title, genre, book description, price and quantity. Those are important
things you need to keep track of.

Interviewee: How to classify after receiving new books?

Librarian: Firstly, you must number the book, then you sort by genre, book type,
publishing company and author.

Interviewee: After sorting, how can we arrange the books?

Librarian: New books are kept separated from old books, then sorted according to the
classification I mentioned above.

Interviewee: When customers rent or return books, what should we do and what is the
procedure like?

Librarian: The first is to receive requests from customers. Then check whether the book
has been rented, if not, guide the customer to the book rental procedure. For returning
books, you must check the status of the book, whether it is intact or damaged. Then guide
them to the book returning procedure. In case the book is damaged, require the customer
to pay compensation.

Interviewee: How to deal with problems caused by customers?

Librarian: It depends on the level of damages. Indemnification can be deducted from the
deposit. For customers who lose their rental record, ask them to provide full information
to compare to the information in database.

Interviewee: Okay, that's all i want to know. Thank you for giving us that useful view
about this job.

Librarian: You’re welcome!

After the interview, we found out that all information about the book such as
name, genre, author, publisher, origin, release date, stock date or stock release date needs
to be saved apparently. That is also the basis for sorting and classifying books for readers
to find easily.
In addition, important information to save when a customer borrow books are
customer’s name, book title, date of borrow, date of return, and especially the book's
status, which is used to easily handle problems happen to the book in the lending time.

2. Related Documents:

The information management system for reading and borrowing based on

magnetic cards:  Books are classified by many codes. The language code consists of 3
characters and is encoded by letters. The 3k-character packet decoding code is also
encoded by letter, the first character is only the language of the book, 2 characters
followed by the letterhead of the book type: The book group code, the publisher code
consists of 3 characters in which the first 2 characters write the end of the title and the 3
letter is the index of the book group: The position code is defined by 8 characters: the
rock character is the finger language of the book, the character that collects 2 readings of
a large or medium sized book, the next 2 characters are for the year of entering the book
into the library, the last 4 characters and the book's individual numbers are automatically
increased The information management system for readers, books and loan returns based
on school cards.

Registration form to borrow books: Book borrowing process

When readers have a need to borrow books, readers can write a loan slip (as form
above) if they remember the title and position of the book or a specific number or can go
into the open storage to select the book they want, after the book is borrowed. Readers
must scan the code into the device and enter the password of the device to check the
reader's borrowing information to see if the reader has the right to next borrow or not.
When readers are familiar with books, readers must scan the book's barcode onto the
machine so that the machine can enter the books borrowed by readers. Borrowing
information is displayed on the screen. All of the above work is to be supervised by the
loanee returned through another computer or observed directly. 

Borrowed book statistics: Book’s name and authors with date until overdue.

Reader's card profile: Readers who wish to make a copy of the book will receive
a form determine the status of readers, belong to which group? (There are two subjects
here: students and public servants with university degrees) Check that readers have
enough requirements to become readers of the library (such as the student, ID card,
diploma, letter of recommendation from the agency ...). When you have the conditions
created by the library, ask readers to fill out the registration and circulation formReaders
who wish to make a copy of the book will receive a form. Determine the status of
readers, belong to which group? (There are two subjects here: students and public
servants with university degrees) Check that readers have enough requirements to
become readers of the library (such as the student, ID card, diploma, letter of
recommendation from the agency ...).

3. Identification of requirement:
Library documents ought to have the option to look through books by their name,
writer, classification by the distribution date. Each book will have an extraordinary
distinguishing proof number and different subtleties including a rack number which will
help to genuinely find the book. There could be more than one duplicate of a book, and
library individuals ought to have the option to register and hold any duplicate. We will
call each duplicate of a book, a book thing. The framework ought to have the option to
recover data like who took a specific book or what are the books looked at by a particular
library part. There ought to be greatest breaking points on the number of books a part can
register. There ought to be a greatest cutoff on how long a part can keep a book. The
framework ought to have the option to gather fines for books returned after the due date.
Individuals ought to have the option to hold books that are not accessible at the time. The
framework ought to have the option to send notices at whatever point the saved books
become accessible, just as when the book is not returned inside the due date.

Each book and part card will have a remarkable standardized identification. The
framework will have the option to peruse standardized identifications from books and
individuals' library cards.
The coordination of various sources and frameworks both of bibliographic data
and the full content of archives.

 The disentanglement of admittance to sources

 The personalization of frameworks
 An adjustment in the manner that product is made and kept up

 The improvement of the framework will be compelled by the accessibility of

required programming, for example, web workers, information base and advancement
instruments. Library Management framework can possibly have more than many clients.
It is unreasonable to give preparation to everybody. The library the board framework
ought not have any unscheduled personal time during library activity hours. Any vacation
in activity hours has a critical effect on the activity and will bother everybody in the

On the off chance that venture requirements will be outperformed the activity
inside the library will be proficient and it will be a climate that is favorable for learning.


1. Business Functional Diagram (BFD):

Figure 3: Business Functional Diagram

The above is a diagram that outlines the main functions of the library management
system. As you can see, we break it down into three main functions:

Classification management which includes: 

 Reader management
 Book management 
 Publisher management.

Second is the Library Operation management: 

Borrows management and 

Borrow Support

And the last one is the Reporting, which contains:

 Information request Collection

 Data Access and Process, and 
 Report Creating
2. Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD):
2.1. Data analysis:
2.1.1. Entities:
 Book (Book code, Title, Author’s Name, Publisher ID, Book
 Publisher (Publisher ID, Publisher’s Name, Country)
 Reader (ReaderID, Reader’s name, Date of birth, Email)
 Borrows (Borrows Number, Borrow Date, Reader ID)
 Borrows Details (Borrow Number, Book Code)
 Author (Author’s Name, Year of birth, Writing Style)
2.1.2. Entity associations:
*Reader has borrow*
READER and BORROW share the same property ‘Reader ID’. A reader
can borrow once or many times, but a book loan can only be made by one and only one

Figure 4: Reader has borrowed

*Book is written by Author*

AUTHOR and BOOK share the same ‘Author’s Name’. One author can
write one or more than one book, but a book can be written by one and only one main

Figure 5: Book is written by Author

*Book - Publisher*
BOOK and PUBLISHER share the same ‘Publisher ID’. A book is
published by one and only one publisher, but a publisher can publish multiple books.
Figure 6: Book - Publisher

*Borrow - Book*
Once borrowing a book can borrow one or more books. However, a book
may not be borrowed, borrowed once or borrowed many times.

Figure 7: Borrow - Book

2.2. Entity relationship model:

Figure 8: Entity Relationship Diagram

1. Tables, Relationship and Forms

1.1. Tables

Figure 1- Borrow Table

Figure 2- Borrow Details Table

Figure 3- Author Table

Figure 4- Reader Table

Figure 5- Book Table

The Publisher table provides detail informantion of all the publisher: Publisher ID,
Publisher’s Name and Country. The Borrow table includes Borrow Number, Borrow
Date and Reader ID while the Borrow Details table involves only Borrow Number and
Book Code of each borrowing. The Author table provides Author’s Name, DOB and
Style of all authors in the library. The Reader table includes all information of the
readers: Reader ID, Reader’s Name, DOB, Telephone and Email whereas the Book table
involves Book Code, Title, Author’s name, Publisher ID and Book Genres. All the tables
are linked by a relationship based on DSD diagram catering for management.

1.2. Relationship
Figure 6- Relationship (DSD)

This relationship based on the DSD diagram expresses the relation between 6
entities: Reader, Borrows, Borrow Details, Book, Author and Publisher.

1.3. Forms

Figure 7- Author Form

Figure 8- Book Form

Figure 9- Borrows Form

Figure 10-Publisher Form

Figure 11- Reader Form

The Author form provides all the information of the authors, including Author’s
name, DOB and Style. The Book form involves Book Code, Title, Author’s name,
Publisher ID and Book Genres. The Borrow form includes Borrow Number, Borrow Date
and Reader ID. The Publisher form provides Publisher ID, Publisher’s name and
Country. The Reader form includes Reader ID, Reader name, DOB, Telephone and
Email. Additionally, there are 3 buttons in the right side of all those forms. The top
button is used to add new form, the button below is to move to the next item of each form
and the lowest position button is to close that form. In some certain form, there are some
detailed transactions below the main information and we can click to the plus (+) button
to open details.

2. Queries and Reports

2.1. Queries
Figure 12- Reader Query

Figure 13- Book Query

Figure 14- Publisher Query

Figure 15- Author Query

Figure 16- Date Transaction Query

We creat 5 queries for Reader, Book, Publisher, Author and Date Transaction
based on the above tables. The Reader query contains Book Code and the Reader table.
The Book query consists of all information in the Book table. The Publisher query
contains Book Code, Title and Publisher table. The Author query contains Book Code
and the Author table. The Date Transaction query consists of Book Date, Book Code,
Title, Author’s name, Publisher ID, Reader name, Telephone and Borrow Number. After
adding all those fields, click Run and we will get the result tables.

2.2. Reports
Figure 17- All Books Report

Figure 18- Date_Transaction Report

Figure 19- Reader Report

We creat 3 feature report based on the queries: All Book, Date Transaction and
Reader. Each report contains the detailed information similar to the result table after
running query.

3. Count book borrowing and the most borrowed book

3.1. Count book borrowing
We creat Book_Borrow to find out how many times a book is borrowed. After
adding Book Code and Borrow Number field, click “Total”, chose Count in the Total
Row of Borrow Number field and then click “Run”. We will get the table that consists of
Book Code and the number of time that book is borrowed. After that we can creat the
report based on that result table.

3.2. The most borrowed book query and report

In case that we want to find which book is the most borrowed one, creat a query
containing Book Code, Title and CountOfBorrow Number (from the Book_Borrow
query). Then we click “Total” button, choose “Descending” in the sort row of
CountOfBorrow Number field, add “1” in the Return field and “Run”. We will get the
table containing only the book that is most borrowed.

4. Searches
4.1. Book search by book code
From Book_search query, we created Book_search_by_BookCode query/form. In
this query, Design view illustrates Book Code, Title, Author’name, Publisher ID and
Book Genres. To create this parameter query, we have to add criteria [Enter Book Code]
at Book Code field. When you click on this query, it displays Enter Parameter Value that
you have to add a Book Code. For example, when you click on this report and add “1”, it
displays information about The Little Prince. This query will be used mainly by librarian
to check book’s information quickly.

4.2. Borrow search by Borrow Number

This Borrow_search_by_BorrowNo query/form is similar to the
Book_search_by_BookCode query. For example, when you click on this query and add
“2”, it displays information about Tran Phuong Thanh.

4.3. Borrow search by Date

This Borrow_search_by_Date query/form is similar to the
Book_search_by_BookCode query. For example, when you click on this query and add
“28/2/2020”, it displays all the borrow transactions on 28 February 2020.

4.4. Reader search by ReaderID

This Reader_search_by_ID query/form is similar to the
Book_search_by_BookCode query. For example, when you click on this query and add
“1”, it displays the information of Ngo Quynh Huong. This is also useful for the librarian
to find reader’s information quickly.


Our report has illutrated the proper process of building an application for books
rent service at Ta Quang Buu library. It is a good mamagement of the huge traditional
books source that we are motivated to accomplish this app for a more effective and
efficient books rent service to both librarians and readers.

By interviewing and searching on related documents, we study the lending books

process, classification of books and reader; several information that are key point to take
after on buiding the application. Base on these information, Business Functional Diagram
and Entity Relationship Diagram are formed during modeling the system. Besides two
diagrams, the application implementation Data Structure Diagram is created as well.

Finally, using MS Access, our group arrange these pieces of information into:
Tables, Relationships and Forms, Queries and Report, searching and reporting tools for
librarians and readers – the interface.

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