CEP Refresher Problem Set3

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Chemical Engineering Principles

Refresher Problem Set 3
201. A solution containing equimolal N2 and O2 is passed through a membrane to separate O2
from N2. The final product is found to contain 45% O2 and 55% N2. Find the percentage O2 in
the remaining gas if only 20% of the original solution passed through the membrane.
A. 51% C. 5%
B. 50% D. 45%
202. A composite wall is composed of 2-inch cork on the inside, 6-inch concrete and 3-inch wood
on the outside. Their thermal conductivities are 0.025, 0.8 and 0.065 for cork, concrete and
wood respectively, all in BTU/hr-ft-°F. The temperature of the inside surface is 40°F while
that of the outside is 78°F. What is the heat flux through the wall in BTU/hr-ft²?
A. 40.7 C. 3.41
B. 11.2 D. 25.6
203. The total capacity of a four effect evaporator is ___ that of a single effect of the same heating
surface equal to that of one of the effects when operated under the same terminal conditions.
A. twice C. equal to *
B. 4 times D. 1/4 times
204. The greater the surface area of the packing of the fractionating or absorption column,
A. the greater its efficiency *
B. the lower its efficiency
C. efficiency does not depend on the surface area of the column
D. the faster the distillation proceed
205.The diffusivity of carbon dioxide in nitrogen at 25ºC and 2 atm is __ cm²/s.
A. 0.165 C. 0.332
B. 0.082 D. 0.552
206. Which statement is true?
A. relative humidity < percentage humidity
B. relative humidity > percentage humidity *
C. relative humidity = percentage humidity
D. none of these
207.The ____ of a saturated gas phase equals the gas temperature.
A. wet bulb temperature * C. dry bulb temperature
B. dew point D. adiabatic saturation temperature
208. In fractionation, an increase in reflux ratio
A. increase the number of theoretical plates
B. decreases the reboiler duty
C. increases the amount of distillate
D. increases the condenser duty *
209.Liquid-liquid extraction is possible when there is a difference in this property of a given solute between two
immiscible solvents.
A. viscosity C. solubility
B. vapor pressure D. temperature
210. An operation where warm vapor mixture is cooled such as by contact with a liquid resulting in condensation and
decreased humidity is
A. evaporation C. humidification
B. dehumidification D. extraction
211.The ratio of the partial pressure of water vapor to the vapor pressure of water is
A. equilibrium moisture C. relative humidity
B. absolute humidity D. critical moisture
212.Which one among the following has the best insulating property?
A. window glass C. wood
B. air D. concrete
213.For the elementary reaction A → P occurring at a constant-volume batch reactor, the half
life of the reaction is a function of the following except
A. rate constant C. temperature
B. activation energy D. initial concentration of A
214. A catalyst
A. decreases the energy of activation
B. lowers the entropy of activation
C. increases the equilibrium constant of the reaction
D. increases the time required to attain equilibrium
215. The gaseous reaction A → 2B + C takes place isothermally in a constant pressure reactor.
Starting with a mixture of 75% A and 25% inert (by volume), in a specified time, the volume
doubles. Calculate the conversion achieved.
A. 33.3% C. 42.5%
B. 51.4% D. 66.7%
216. A fluid is flowing in two backmix reactor in series. Each has a capacity of 40000 L and flows at
a rate of 100 L/hr. If the fluid undergoes first order decay with a half-life of 24 hours, what is
the percent conversion?
A. 71.7% C. 66.8%
B. 99.4% D. 85.3%
217. In a constant volume batch reactor, at 8 minutes, the conversion is 80%, at 18 minutes the
conversion is 90%. What is the order of the reaction?
A. zero C. first
B. second D. half
218. How many 500-L CSTR’s in parallel are needed to achieve 90% conversion of A for the
reaction whose k=0.04/min. The reaction is charged at a rate of 10L/min.
A. 3 C. 4
B. 5 D. 6
219. A fluid flowing at a rate of 25 m³/hr inside a 60-mm ID pipe has an average velocity in m/s
equal to
A. 5.9 C. 1.5
B. 2.5 D. 0.6
220. A rectangular duct 4 ft by 1.5 ft in cross section carries conditioned air. In determining the pressure drop
through the duct, the equivalent diameter in feet, may be used in this case is
A. 4 C. 1.5
B. 2.18 D. 2.75
221. A pump requires 5Hp to transport the liquid from a lake to a reservoir. If pump efficiency is 65% and the
electricity costs P0.30 / kWh, what is the monthly cost if the pump operates 12 hours per day?
A. P280 C. P680
B. P220 D. P620
222.The differential height between two points through which a fluid has to be transported is the
A. pressure head C. dynamic head
B. velocity head D. potential head
223. When a solid object is placed across the path of fluid in motion, the pressure drop across the solid object is
directly proportional to _____.
A. surface area of the solid object C. density of the fluid
B. velocity of the fluid D. volume of the solid object
224.The increase in power requirement of a centrifugal pump when the speed is increased by 20% is
A. 100% C. 44%
B. 73% D. 14.5%
225. Pressure drop of the fluid flowing through a conduit is
A. zero as velocity is constant
B. not affected by conduit material
C. not affected by the flow regime
D. much higher during turbulent flow
226. A pipe has a 2-inch inlet and has a 4-inch outlet, the mass flow rate of the inlet is ___ to that of the outlet.
A. 4 times C. twice
B. 1/4 times D. equal *
227. Which of the following fittings exhibits the highest pressure drop for the same flow conditions?
A. 90-degree long radius elbow C. 45-degree standard elbow
B. 90-degree standard elbow D. square corner elbow *
228. The equation of continuity is based on
A. energy balance C. mass balance *
B. pressure balance D. force balance
229. In steady state heat conducting system, where there is no generation of heat is involved,
which statement is always true?
A. heat flux is always constant
B. temperature gradient is constant *
C. rate of heat transfer is constant
D. rate of heat transfer vary along the direction of transfer
230. The unit operation for separating a particular gaseous component from a mixture of gases
due to difference in solubility of the gases in a liquid phase is
A. adsorption C. absorption*
B. extraction D. distillation
231. Find the order of the reaction having a half life of 100 minutes at concentration Co and a half life of 50 minutes at
a concentration of 2Co.
A. first order B. second order *
C. zero order D. third order
232. Which of the following has a higher heat of combustion on a gram per gram basis if heat of combustions is -237
kJ/mol and -532 kJ/mol for methane and propane respectively?
A. methane * B. propane
C. need more data D. equal
233. Calculate the enthalpy change upon converting 1 mol of ice at -25°C to water vapor at 125°C under a constant
pressure of 1 atm. The specific heats of ice, water, and steam are 2.09 J/g-K, 4.18 J/g-K and 1.84 J/g-K,
respectively. For water the heat of fusion is 6.01 kJ/mol, and the heat of vaporization is 40.67 kJ/mol.
A. 40 kJ C. 48 kJ
B. 56 kJ * D. 60 kJ
234.A screw conveyor is to beinstalled to convey 800 bushels of wheat per hour over a distance of 80 feet, the
horsepower requirement for the installation is
A. 4 C. 3
B. 2.5 D. 3.5
235.Two large wall at a constant temperature of 600 and 900 ˚F. Assuming they are black bodies,how much heat in
BTU/hr must be removed from the colder wall in order to maintain constant temperature.
A. 8956 C. 3421
B. 3698 D. 12625
236. Glass spheres with diameter of 1.554 x 10-4m are placed in water at 293.2 K and slurry containing of 60 wt%
solids. If the density of a glass sphere is 2467 kg/m³, its settling velocity is
A. 3.93 x 10-3 m/s C. 1.525 x 10-5m/s
B. 0.205 m/s D. 2.65 x 10-4 m/s
237. Air at 311 K is flowing through a packed bed of spheres having a diameter of 12.7 mm. The void fraction ε of the
bed is 0.38 and the bed has diameter of 0.61m and a height of 2.44 m. The air enters the bed at 1.10 atm abs at
the rate of 0.358 kg/s. Calculate the pressure drop of the air in the packed bed. The average molecular weight of
air is 28.97.
A. 0.0497 x 105 Pa C. 0.0320 x 105 Pa
B. 0.0315 x 105 Pa D. 0.0284 x 105 Pa
238. An increase in reflux ratio causes a/an ________ in the concentration of the more volatile component in the
A. change C. increase *
B. decrease D. none of these
239. At 500ºC, the rate of a bimolecular reaction is 10 times the rate at 450ºC. The activation energy of the reaction is
A. 21,200 cal/mol C. 51,140 cal/mol
B. 36,450 cal/mol D. 73,200 cal/mol
240. A saturated feed solution of ferrous sulfate at 80ºC is cooled to 20ºC in a Swenson Walker crystallizer at a rate
of 5000 kg/hr. If the amount of water evaporated during the cooling is approximately 2% of water in the feed, the
% yield of the crystals is ____.
A. 52% C. 74%
B. 36% D. 92%
241. Which dimensionless number is not involved in heat transfer?
A. Reynold’s number C. Sherwood number*
B. Prandtl number D. Nusselt number
242. Dimensionless number defined as the ratio of inertial forces to viscous forces.
A. Reynold’s number * C. Sherwood number
B. Prandtl number D. Nusselt number
243. The drag coefficient at creep flow is
A. 16/Re C. 64/Re
B. 24/Re * D. 3
244. Which of the following is an incompressible fluid?
A. water * C. steam
B. LPG D. air
245.The system used to remove condensable vapor from a flammable or toxic mixture by passing them through a
pool of liquid in a vessel.
A. flare B arresters
C. quench tank * D. blow-down drums
246. A pump operating at 600 rpm has a brake-horsepower of 1.5 Hp. What will be its new brake-horsepower if the
speed is increase to 1200 rpm?
A. 12 Hp C. 8.5 Hp
B. 11.5 Hp D. 7 Hp
247. How many kilograms per hour of water flows through a 3-inch Schedule 40 steel pipe if its average velocity is 16
A. 171,500 C. 274,700
B. 215,000 D. 723,100
248. For the complete corrosion resistant stainless steel, the minimum percentage chromium in the alloy required is
A. 1.1% C. 3.2%
B. 8.3% D. 11%*
249. From which mineral is radium obtained?
A. limestone C. rutile
B. pitch blende * D. hematite
250.Pig iron is prepared in a blast furnace from a hematite ore. The ore contains 80% iron oxide
(Fe2O3), the pig iron produced is 96% iron and the iron in the slag contains 10% of the iron in
the ore. How many tons of pig iron is produced for every 500 tons of ore?
A. 156 C. 262
B. 150 D. 353
251. A furnace has an area of 1000 ft² exposed to the surroundings. The furnace is made of 6-inch thick insulation of
brick with a k=0.15 Btu/hr-ft-ºF. The change in temperature across the brick is 150ºF. How much fuel is required
in lb/day to heat the furnace if fuel has a heating value of 15000 Btu/lb?
A. 342 C. 26
B. 72 D. 610
252.One metric ton per hour of palay is to be dried in a tunnel drier from 180% to 10% moisture
(dry basis). How many kilograms of water must be removed per hour?
A. 380.5 C. 512.3
B. 487.1 D. 607.2
253. Seawater is being desalinated by evaporation. From seawater with a salt content of 600 ppm, it is desired to
have process water at 20 ppm. The fraction of seawater that may bypass the evaporator is
A. 0.083 C. 0.151
B. 0.033 D. 0.113
254. A Tyler screen series is characterized by
A. square root of two ratio of areas between successive screens
B. square root of four ratio of linear openings between successive screens
C. two times the area ratio between successive screens *
D. none of the above
255. A mass transfer operation in which component from a solid phase is separated from the solid
using an appropriate solvent.
A. adsorption C. electrodialysis
B. leaching * D. equilibrium stage
256. What is the process used in making newsprint?
A. soda process C. mechanical pulp process *
B. sulfite process D. sulfate process
257. In some reaction operation, bypassing some amount of the reactants prevent wasteful processing. To determine
the amount of bypass, it is essential that a material balance be taken
A. inside the reactor
B. at the feed
C. at overall output and input materials
D. around a point where mixing occurs*
258.Wood is to be dried from 40% to 25% moisture. What percent of the water in the feed is
A. 80 C. 25
B. 20 D. 60
259. In a heat exchanger, the fundamental types of heat transfer normally considered are
A. radiation and conduction C. conduction and convection *
B. radiation and conduction D. heat fluxes
260. As the upper interface approaches the sludge building up on the bottom of the container, the density and
viscosity of the suspension surrounding the falling particles _____ with a corresponding decrease in settling
A. increases * C. remains the same
B. decreases D. none of the above
261. When logs are burned in a furnace, they burn quietly. However, when wood dust is thrown in the same furnace,
an explosion occurs because
A. the concentration of oxygen is increased
B. the pressure change shifts the reaction to the right
C. a catalyst is present in the wood dust
D. the reactant surface is increased*
262. A refrigerant system operates on the reversed Carnot engine cycle. The highest temperature of the refrigerant in
the system is 120ºF and the lower temperature is 10ºF. The capacity is to be 20 tons. Neglect all losses. The
heat rejected from the system in Btu/min is
A. 4936 C. 2468
B. 4000 D. 3529
263. A device which controls the flow of refrigerant manually.
A. capillary tube C. flotation valve
B. gate valve* D. expansion valve
264.For a successful clarification, the settling velocity of the particles must be somewhat ____ than the vertical
velocity of the fluid at that level.
A. less C. greater *
B. equal D. none of these
265. The chloride concentration in a brine waste flow of 6.3 L/s is 15000 mg/L. The river flow
upstream from the point of discharge is 0.57 m³/s, and the chloride content is 10 mg/L.
Calculate the concentration (in mg/L) in the stream below the mixing zone.
A. 172 C. 174
B. 176 D. 178
266.Process variable in a process must be measured and then controlled and integrated for _______ processing
A. actual C. optimum*
B. fast D. automatic
267. In the process of mercerizing cotton, cotton is treated with
A. phosphoric acid C. acetone
B. ammonia D. sodium hydroxide*
268. The concept of using information about the deviation of a system from its desired state of control.
A. proportional control C. integral control
B. feedback control* D. transient
269. It involves the transfer of a soluble component of a gas phase into a relatively nonvolatile liquid absorbent.
A. gas absorption* C. liquid extraction
B. distillation D. stripping
270. Multiple effect evaporation _____________.
A. increases the steam requirement
B. decreases the rated capacity
C. increases the steam economy *
D. decreases the heat transfer rate
271. Delay in time it takes the process variable to reach a new value when load changes occur.
A. time delay C. process lag*
B. dead time D. dynamic error
272. _____ is the addition of water to facilitate extraction of sugar cane juice.
A. maceration* C. solvation
B. hydrolysis D. massecuite
273. A highly vitreous product obtained from limestone, sand and clay is ____.
A. earthenware C. structural bricks
B. glass * D. enamel
274. The main chemical constituent in salt cake is ____.
A. sodum carbonate C. sodium sulfate*
B. sodium nitrate D. sodium phosphate
275. In filtration operation involving incompressible cake, the flow rate is directly proportional to
A. viscosity of the filtrate C. the pressure applied*
B. the thickness of the filter cake D. the size of the cake particles
276. During the filtration of the slurry, the filtration rate will fall once the pressure drop _____.
A. is increased C. is maintained constant*
B. is fluctuated D. none of these
277. 250 grams of wet solid sample containing 58 grams of moisture has
A. 23.2% moisture by weight, wet basis
B. 76.2% solids by weight, wet basis
C. 40.5% moisture by weight, dry basis
D. 50.2% moisture by weight, dry basis
278. Increasing the operating pressure of a distillation column
A. does not make a difference in component separation
B. makes separation difficult*
C. sharpens separation
D. requires less heat in the feed heater
279. The degree of freedom associated with a ternary distillation process according to Gibb’s phase rule is
A. 2 C. 3
B. 4 D. 5
280. For a gas diffusing in a stagnant layer of another gas, the concentration decreases ____ along the diffusion
A. linearly C. geometrically
B. logarithmically* D. proportionally
281.If a sample of food waste contains 3.5% of organic nitrogen, calculate the approximate
percentage of protein in the sample. The organic nitrogen content of protein varies from 15 to
18% and averages about 16%.
A. 19.23% C. 21.88%
B. 22.51% D. 23.16%
282. The walls of a brick-lined house consist of the following layers of materials;Brick layer, 0.1 m
thick, k=0.8 W/m-K ; Rock-wool insulation, 0.0762 m thick, k=0.065 W/m-K;Gypsum plaster
board, 0.0375 m thick, k=0.5 W/m-KIf the inside of the house is maintained at 295ºK, estimate
the heat loss by conduction through the walls of area 200 m² when the outside temperature is
A. Insufficient information C. 4400 W *
B. 2200 W D. 8400 J/
283. A process for manufacturing nitric acid, developed in 1902 by the Latvian-born German
physicist Friedrich Wilhelm Ostwald. Ammonia is oxidized by air to nitric oxide at 900°C and 1–8
atmospheres of pressure using a platinum-rhodiumcatalyst. The nitric oxide is further oxidized to
nitrogen dioxide, which is dissolved in water to give 60% nitric acid.
A. Ostwald process * C. Haber process
B. Solvay process D. Bessemer process
284. Which is most suitable for transportation of sticky material?
A. apron conveyor C. belt conveyor
B. screw conveyor * D. pneumatic conveyor
285.In dimensional analysis ,there is or are ____ primary dimensions that are algebraic instructions
of these primary dimensions.
A. one C. four *
B. three D. two
286. A membrane separation process where the component from a liquid phase which is heated,
permeates through the membrane and is removed under low pressure.
A. reverse osmosis C. dialysis
B. pervaporation D. microfiltration
287. Malt is produced from barley by
A. steeping, germination, and kilning
B. steeping, mashing, and lagering
C. mashing, addition of hops, and fermentation
D. mashing, kilning, and fermentation
288. Substances that absorb ultraviolet light and reemit it as visible light are called
A. bleaches C. optical brighteners
B. fabric softeners D. water softeners
289. Plaster of Paris is obtained by calcining
A. bauxite C. gypsum
B. kankar D. limestone
290. At the exit of a nozzle :
A. pressure is high and velocity is low
B. pressure is low and velocity is high
C. both pressure and velocity are high
D. both pressure and velocity are low
291. Enthalpy of an ideal gas is a function only of
A. pressure C. temperature
B. entropy D. internal energy
292. All of the following statements about wet bulb temperature are true EXCEPT?
A. wet bulb temperature equals adiabatic saturation temperature
B. wet bulb temperature equals both dry bulb and dew point temperature at 100% relative
C. wet bulb temperature is the only temperature necessary to determine grains of water
per lb. dry air
D. wet bulb temperature is the lowest temperature attainable by evaporative cooling at
ambient pressure
293. A Carnot engine operating between 70ºC and 2000ºC is modified solely by raising the high temperature by
150ºC and raising the low temperature by 100ºC. Which of the following statements is false?
A. The thermodynamic efficiency is increased.
B. More work is done during the isothermal expansion.
C. More work is done during the isentropic compression.
D. More work is done during the reversible adiabatic expansion.
294. The ideal Otto cycle consists of which of the following processes?
A. two constant-volume and two isentropic process
B. two constant-pressure and two isentropAic process
C. two constant –volume and two isothermal process
D. two constant-pressure and two isothermal process
295. For turbulent flow of a fluid in a pipe, all of the following are true except:
A. The average velocity will be nearly the same as at the pipe center.
B. The energy lost to turbulence and friction varies with kinetic energy.
C. Pipe roughness affects the friction factor.
D. The Reynolds number will be less than 2300.
296. Which of the following set of reversible processes describes an ideal Otto cycle?
I. adiabatic compression, isometric heat addition, adiabatic expansion, isometric heat rejection
II. isothermal compression, isobaric heat addition, isothermal expansion, isobaric heat addition
A. I only C. I and II in succession
B. II and I in succession D. II only
297. Gasoline is a
A. single, complex hydrocarbon
B. mixture of a few simple hydrocarbons
C. mixture of a few complex hydrocarbons
D. mixture of a large number of hydrocarbons
298. Combustion product of the ultimate oxidation of sulfur.
A. H2S C. sulfur oxide
B. sulfur dioxide D. sulfur trioxide
299. Pig iron is prepared in a blast furnace from a hematite ore. The ore contains 83% iron oxide
(Fe2O3), the pig iron produced is 96% iron and the iron in the slag contains 10% of the iron in the
ore. How many tons of pig iron is produced for every 500 tons of ore?
A. 156 C. 272
B. 150 D. 353
300. A solution containing 15% dissolved solids is to be concentrated to 60% dissolved solids. If the
evaporator will evaporate 20,000 kg of water per hour, what must be the feed rate in kilograms
per hour?
A. 16803 C. 17782
B. 23333 D. 26667
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