Research Methods Comparison Tool AMA

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Use this tool to understand the different types of research design and the research methods that will wo

1. Review the "Research Methods Map" tab to learn how the 3 types of research design and their corres

2. Gain a deeper understanding of the types of research design and various research methods in the "R

3. After evaluating the aspects of each design & method, rank the research methods listed on a scale of

a. Alignment with study objectives - How well does the research 'Use Case' align with your research
(1= not at all; 10= highly compatible)

b. Influence of considerations on study - How much of an affect will the 'Considerations' have on your
(1= will have a large impact ; 10= will have minimal impact)

c. Budget fits with cost analysis - How does your market research budget fit into the 'Cost Analysis' a
(1= does not fit into budget; 10= fits perfectly into budget)

4. Once you have completed your rankings, use the Overall Method Fit Score (out of 30) to help you de

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Research Methods Comparision Tool

Research Methods Map

Literature Review

In-Depth Interview
Exploratory Research
Focus Group

Case Analysis

Continuous Panel
Discontinuous Panel
Descriptive Research
Cross-Sectional Sample Survey

Laboratory Experiment
Field Experiment

Causal Research
Standard Test Market

Market Testing Simulated Test Market (STM)

Controlled Test Market

Research Methods Comparision Tool

Exploratory Research

Method Type Description Use Case Considerations Costs

Should be completed at the very

Reviewing prior research and
beginning of a market research Delving too far into previous
relevant content on your topic to
Literature Review Qualitative project and is almost always research may cause a biases as $
gain more insight on your market
applicable to any market research your research study progresses
research problem

Conducting one-on-one sessions Conducting several interviews can

Most often used for obtaining first-
with individuals close to the become costly & time-consuming
hand accounts of the problem
In-Depth Interview Qualitative market research problem to gain as preparation, location space, $$$
within an organization or
detailed, individual opinions on the employee time, etc. must be
problem considered

Organizing a small group Commonly used to engage Group environments can lead
discussion with a facilitator respondents in discussion to allow respondents to answer differently
Focus Group Qualitative (moderator) to obtain perspectives the peer affect to occur (bouncing than they would in a one-on-one $$$
on your problem; Most commonly ideas off of each other to create discussion due to the "peer"
used method grander ideas) pressure nature

Generally used to provide

Studies each instance of the
analytical insights in the research Cases of a problem can only be
problem individually to learn if the
Case Analysis Qualitative process and to analyze the analyzed at this stage not solved $$
problem is actually recurring or
instances of the problem on a with this method
case-by-case basis

Descriptive Research

Method Type Description When to Use Considerations

Involves a fixed panel of Used, primarily, to gain true

Reliability of respondents over
Qualitative; respondents who are measured insights into consumer activities
Continuous Panel time can wain and inhibit the $$$$
Longitudinal repeatedly over time on the same over time and show patterns in
"true" nature of this study
variables activity

Typically, it is difficult to engage a

Involves a fixed panel of Can be used when measuring
selection of respondents that are
Discontinuous Qualitative; respondents who are measured response/attitude changes over
representative of the whole, which $$$$
Panel Longitudinal repeatedly over time on the time to find patterns and/or
makes generalizations on findings
different variables changes in consumer activity
next to impossible

Surveying a representative
Utilize this method when you are Must consider the cost of surveys,
Quantitative; sample of a target population to
looking to target a specific which can include preparation,
Sample Survey Cross- produce generalizations of the $$$$$
population to generate statistically hiring specialists, analytical
Sectional target population (averages,
significant data techniques, etc.
percentages, etc.)

Causal Research

Method Type Description When to Use Considerations
When you want to almost certain
Involves creating a situation with There is very little realism related
that the manipulated variables are
Laboratory Quantitative; controlled variables & manipulated to this method and, therefore, can
producing the outcomes you are $$$$
Experiment Experiment variables to observe participant rarely be generalized for an entire
observing, this method will work
behavior population

Creating a study in a realistic

When you want to study real
situation with manipulated
Quantitative; consumers in their real Limited control of situations does
Field Experiment variables, however, the nature of $$$$
Experiment environments, this method will not allow us
this method allows for limited
prove most effective
control of other variables

Not only is this the most

Entails developing a product and Effective for producing a realistic
Quantitative; expensive market testing option, it
Standard Test selling it under normal idea of market performance with
Market also gives competitors a heads up $$$$$
Market circumstances in test real competitive reactions to the
Testing on your product development
stores/cities/countries product
before a full product launch

Participants are selected to review Best used when market testing is

Does not provide insight into the
Quantitative; and/or test a product and provide required, but limited
Simulated Test actual competitiveness of the
Market ratings, which will then be time/resources are available as $$$
Market (STM) product in a market as it is not
Testing compiled & analyzed to determine this method is the most cost
released publically
sales projections effective & least time-consuming
Research Methods Comp

Alignment with Study Influence of Budget Fits with Cost

Objectives Considerations on Study Analysis

Literature Review 8 9 10

In-Depth Interview 7 9 8

Focus Group 2 9 7

Case Analysis 7 9 3

Continuous Panel 1 1 8

Discontinuous Panel 1 10 9

Sample Survey 7 3 7

Laboratory Experiment 7 4 9

Field Experiment 7 4 3

Standard Test Market 7 4 10

Simulated Test Market (STM) 9 1 10

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