AGI Renewables Platform Equity Teaser - July 15, 2021 Version

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Platform Overview & Seed Assets Teaser

Summer 2021


 Employee-owned infrastructure investment management firm Black & Veatch / Diode Suimei 47MW Solar Park
 Headquartered in New York Platform Acquisition
 AGI principals’ US$20+ bn track-record of committed financing over
the last 10 years
 Exempt reporting advisor with the US Securities & Exchange
Commission OECD Countries Shimane Prefecture, Japan
Distributed Energy and Utility scale solar facility
 US$70M AUM as of December 31st, 2020 Oil & Gas Midstream with 20-year FIT contract
 Mid-market investment in infrastructure with platform partners Confidential Confidential
Geographies  OECD Countries August 2019 August 2019

Platform Partners Vector Renewables acting as preferred independent advisor to the AGI Renewables Platform

 Founded in 1915 in Kansas, B&V is a leading employee-

 Vector Renewables has over 200 employees in 10
owned engineering, procurement, consulting and
international offices
construction company with more than 11,000
employees in 25+ countries  It has provided 70GW technical due diligence and
+3.7GW of asset management
 Diode is B&V’s development arm

 15-year of experience in developing, building and  Michaels is a national leader in residential real estate
operating solar photovoltaic plants globally. offering full-service expertise in development,
 Solarig’s current pipeline is made of 3 GW of management, finance, and construction
proprietary projects and 1 GW of projects under  It has developed 55k+ units in 35 states, DC and US
advanced development. Virgin Islands



Senior Axium Infrastructure, Infrastructure M&A, project finance,
Frederic Brassard President >16
Leadership Stikeman Elliott fund/platform structuring & legal/compliance

Lendlease, HSBC, Ksoft, Infrastructure JV / M&A, project finance, technology, civil

Ashutosh Aman Managing Director >15
Infrastructure MWH, HPCL / environmental engineering & financial analytics
Investment Pierre-François Axium Infrastructure, Infrastructure M&A, project finance,
Director >14
Desvignes PwC, Ernst & Young asset management & financial analytics

Corporate Vice President, Fiera, CDPQ, Desjardins,

Samia Ben Tahra >11 Compliance & Risk Management
Support Compliance National Bank

Managing Partner,
Jennifer Skylakos Board Member >20 HR, Executive Search, Legal
DHR International
Board /
Board Observer / CIBC – Head of Infrastructure Project finance; currently member of OMERS’ Audit &
Investment / Cliff Inskip >30
Invest. Committee Advisory Actuarial, Investment and Risk Committees
Board Observer / Sunfolding – CEO, Senior leadership in the electric power industry including
Committee Glen Davis >30
Invest. Committee RES America – CEO development, construction and financing
Advisory Committee Suez North America – Senior VP, Senior leadership in the water management industry,
Patrick Cairo >40
Member United Water Services – CEO infrastructure M&A and corporate development
Head of Fund Services TMF Group,
Kwame Lewis >30 Fund Administration Services
North America ACON Investments, PWC

Laurent Liagre EY >30 Ernst & Young Accounting Services - External Audit

Schiff Hardin, Debevoise &

AGI Support Sarah Fitts Partner >30 Governance, Legal
Plimpton, Nishimura & Asahi

Willis Towers Watson,

David Goldstein Senior Vice President >25 Global Insurance Advisor (D&O / Projects)

Deutsche Bank,
Deirdre Lewis Vice President >30 Trust Bank Services
BNY Mellon, DTCC



Mid-Market Platform Optimization
Exclusivity /
Strategy Approach & Value

Investment strategy focused Partnering with developers Certainty of capital Value creation combining
on mid-market segment in with world class track record deployment and deal flow technical and financial
OECD countries and proprietary pipeline visibility expertise

 Higher risk-adjusted return versus widely marketed

Higher Risk-Adjusted IRRs investment opportunities
for Investors  Seed assets & diversified portfolio at inception
 Privileged access to world-class developers

Reliable Access to  Access to deep, flexible and reliable cost of capital

Competitive Capital for  Consistent and predictable transaction framework
Developers with custom-made investment platform



~11% IRR at Platform Level for

~US$175m Equity Investment* Platform  The Platform investment objective is to generate attractive risk-adjusted returns primarily through equity, quasi equity,
Investment convertible and subordinated debt and equity-related investments in late-stage development, greenfield and
Policy brownfield renewables assets in OECD countries supported primarily by long-term creditworthy offtake contracts.
Portfolio of PV Assets in partnership
with AGI & strategic partners
 Utility-scale solar
Target  OECD Countries with seed assets in Japan,
Well geographically diversified  Utility-scale onshore wind Geographies
Sub-Sectors Denmark and Italy
Portfolio from inception  Solar PVs + Storage

Hep GreenGo KPV

Investment Aggregator Strategy Co-Development Strategy / Milestones Payment RTB Asset secured at late-stage development
Strategy (brownfield & greenfield projects) (12-24 months before RTB) (6-12 months before RTB)

Portfolio Initial ~11.6MW Brownfield ~500MW PV Solar Assets under milestones ~100-150MW RTB
Description PV Solar Assets (Japan) development agreement (Denmark) PV Solar Assets (Italy)

Under Exclusivity Late-Stage Term Sheet Negotiation Under Exclusivity

 Assets in operation with historical  Development stage portfolio under milestone development  RTB portfolio aggregating several small/mid-
production data available agreement for projects located in Denmark. sized projects across Italy
 Core infrastructure assets with ~16.5-yr  Acquisition price is based on a variable fee taking into account final  Acquisition price is based on a variable fee
remaining FiT contract at ¥28-36/MWh permitting, design/energy yield, PPA commercial terms and debt taking into account final design/energy yield,
 Assets developed by a reputable financing. PPA commercial terms and debt financing
developer with pipeline in the US and  Payments are spread over various development milestones, RTB  Payments to the developer are spread over
Highlights /
Japan notably and COD dates which fully mitigate development risk with notably RTB and COD dates to ensure proper
Key Mitigations
 Debt market sounding to secure developer top-up obligations alignment of interests
commitment debt financing at PSA  Low interconnection costs, PV as priority access to grid in case of  Debt market sounding to secure commitment
execution curtailment, presently with a low PV penetration debt financing at PSA execution
 Recontracting O&M strategy with  De-regulated merchant market, part of Nord Pool Spot with access  PPA Strategy for a 10-yr Solar PPA and
additional solar project investments in to long-term PPAs. PPA Strategy for a 10-yr Solar PPA and Merchant merchant revenues partly offset by variable
Japan being lined-up revenues partly offset by variable fee payable to the developer fee payable to the developer

Equity Invest. & ~US$15m immediate ~US$120m over 2-3 yr ~US$40m over 12-mth
~8.5-9.5% ~12.0% ~10.5%
Exp. IRR** deployment (~US$40m pipeline) Investment period investment period
*10-year hold equity IRR in USD (post-tax, post-fees) **10-year hold equity IRR in local currency (post-tax, post-fees)



 The Platform investment objective is to generate attractive risk-adjusted returns primarily through equity, quasi equity, convertible
Investment and subordinated debt and equity-related investments in late-stage development, greenfield and brownfield renewables assets in
Objective OECD countries supported primarily by long term creditworthy offtake contracts.

 10 years from the Initial Closing date, subject to two one-year period extensions.

Offering Size  Targeted Platform size of approximately US$200 million.

Investment Period  Five years from the Initial Closing date.

Long-Term  12 months before the expiry of the initial term of the Platform, the General Partner has the option to propose an extension of the
Extension Option Platform to Limited Partners.

 Limited Partners admitted to the Platform at any subsequent closing will pay as a capital contribution an amount representing the
same percentage of their capital commitment as the percentage that all existing Limited Partners have been required to
contribute (includes management fees, Platform expenses, etc.). The amount is net of distributions paid to existing Limited
Partners prior to the subsequent closing and refunds that have increased the unpaid capital commitment of existing Limited
Subsequent Partners.
Closing  Newly admitted Limited Partners will pay an amount equal to the interest that would have been earned if the amount of their
Mechanism capital contribution paid at such subsequent closing had earned interest from the Initial Closing date at an annual rate of 8%
(Additional Amount).
 Upon making the capital contribution and paying the Additional Amount, Limited Partners admitted in subsequent closings shall
be treated as having been a Limited Partner since the Initial Closing date.

Cash Call Priority  AGI Discretionary Fund to have a priority on all cash calls from the Platform.



 1.50% per annum on all capital invested
Fee Structure
 Closing fee: 1.00%
 Carried Interest: 15% of distributions once Limited Partners have achieved full return of capital and an IRR of 8% on total
investment, subject to reductions depending on the economics of the contemplated transactions.
Incentive Fee
 GP Catch-up: 50% of distributions until cumulative amount distributed to the General Partner equals 15% of all amounts distributed
to Limited Partners in excess of return of capital.
 Limited Partners will bear their respective proportionate share of all costs incurred in connection with the formation of the
Fund / Manager Platform.
Expenses  The General Partner will be responsible for its expenses in providing its services to the Platform (such as compensation for
employees, rent, utilities and office expenses).

Minimum Capital  US$5 million per Limited Partner. The Manager reserves the right to accept a lesser investment commitment.

 Proceeds from distributions and realized investments will be distributed as follows:

 First, 100% to the Limited Partners until they receive their contributed capital;
 Second, 100% to the Limited Partners until the cumulative amount distributed provides an IRR of 8% on their capital contributions;
Distributions  Third, 50% to the General Partner and 50% to the Limited Partners until the cumulative amount distributed to the General Partner
is equal to 15% of the aggregate of all amounts distributed to Limited Partners under paragraph (2) above and this paragraph (3),
such 15% being subject to reductions depending on the economics of the contemplated transactions; and
 Thereafter, 85% to the Limited Partners and 15% to the General Partner, subject to reductions depending on the economics of the
contemplated transactions

 Transfer of Units between Limited Partners or affiliate of Limited Partners will be accepted. Transfer to third parties is subject to
Manager approval, which cannot be unreasonably denied.
 The Manager will cooperate with any Limited Partner seeking liquidity, provided that such Limited Partner will be required to
continue to fund its commitment until its Units have been transferred.

This document and the information presented herein is strictly confidential and intended exclusively for the use of the person to whom it was delivered by Alma Global. The recipient, by accepting delivery
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or otherwise relating to the Alma Global funds, investment platforms or any of their affiliates, the recipient agrees to (i) provide prompt notice of the request to Alma Global, (ii) assert all applicable
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This document is not an offer to sell nor a solicitation of an offer to purchase interests in any of the Alma Global funds or investment platforms. Offers and sales will be made only pursuant to confidential
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qualified in their entirety by reference to the complete text of such documents, and in the event of any conflict between this document and such documents, such documents will govern.

The information presented herein was prepared by Alma Global and may be based, in part, on information from third parties believed to be reliable and/or assumptions that later prove to be invalid or
incorrect. The information contained herein is not intended to be relied upon as the basis of an investment decision, and is not, and should not be assumed to be complete. Alma Global disclaims any
obligation to update this document. Alma Global does not make any representation or warranty as to the accuracy and completeness of the information contained in this document, and Alma Global does
not assume any liability therefore.

The contents herein are not to be construed as legal, business or tax advice, and each recipient should consult its own attorney, business advisor, and tax advisor as to legal, business, and tax advice,
including advice as to the suitability and/or the appropriateness of any investment in any Alma Global fund or investment platform.

Prospective investors must be aware that investments in funds or investment platforms such as the respective Alma Global funds or investment platforms are speculative and involve substantial risk of
loss. This document does not, and does not purport to, contain an exhaustive list of potential risks related to an investment in a fund or investment platform. Prospective investors in any of the funds or
investment platforms should carefully review the Confidential Private Placement Memorandum, as the same may be supplemented and/or amended from time to time, particularly the sections entitled
“Certain Risk Factors” and “Certain Investment Considerations.” As some or all alternative investment programs may not be suitable for certain investors, any persons subscribing for or maintaining an
investment must be able to bear the risks involved and must meet the suitability requirements relating to such investment. Among the risk factors that each prospective investor should consider are the
risk factors set forth in this paragraph. An investment in an Alma Global fund or investment platform is speculative and involves substantial degrees of risk. An investor in a fund or investment platform
could lose all or a substantial amount of its investment. The funds’ or investment platforms’ respective performances may be volatile. A fund or investment platform may be leveraged. There are
restrictions on transferring interests in the funds or investment platform, and the funds or investment platforms are illiquid. There is no secondary market for investors’ interests in the funds or investment
platforms and none is expected to develop. An investment in a fund or investment platform involves complex tax considerations and there may be delays in distributing important tax information to
investors. The funds’ or investment platforms’ respective fees and expenses may be substantial, and may offset their respective investment profits. The funds’ or investment platforms’ investments will be
subject to the risks inherent in the ownership and operation of infrastructure-related assets. General risks include but are not limited to local, regional or worldwide economic or political changes, as well
as regulatory changes or administrative practices over which the funds or investment platforms have no control, including the regulatory environment; interest rates; currency fluctuations; exchange
controls; inflation; liquidity of markets; tax policies; and other political, social and economic developments that may occur in the jurisdictions in which the funds’ or investment platforms’ respective
infrastructure assets operate. Infrastructure-related risks may also include the supply and demand for services from, and access to, infrastructure; the financial condition of users and suppliers of
infrastructure assets; changes in interest rates and the availability of funds which may render the purchase, sale or refinancing of infrastructure assets difficult or impracticable; changes in environmental
laws and regulations, and in planning laws and other governmental rules; environmental claims arising in respect of infrastructure; changes in energy prices; uninsured casualties; acts of force majeure,
terrorist events and other factors affecting operating costs, including breakdown or failure of equipment, industrial accidents and labor disputes.

Additional information about Alma Global, the Alma Global funds or investment platforms, their respective affiliates and the information contained herein is available upon request.
The information contained herein is provided for information purposes only and in no way, constitutes an offer of services or a solicitation. While we believe, the information contained in these pages is
accurate, Alma Global does not assume any responsibility and, consequently, declines all responsibility with respect to direct or indirect damages and any loss of profits that may result from the use of it,
including any responsibility connected with the inaccuracy of information. The information contained in this document is not intended to provide financial, tax, legal or accounting advice and should not be
used for this purpose. Past performance is not a guarantee of future performance. Any opinion expressed in this document may be modified without warning.

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