SEHAT (Smart Health Tracker) : Inovasi Terbaru Untuk Memantau Kepatuhan Protokol Kesehatan Pada Anak Di Era Pandemi Covid-19 Ringkasan (Summary)

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SEHAT (Smart Health Tracker) : Inovasi Terbaru untuk Memantau

Kepatuhan Protokol Kesehatan pada Anak di Era Pandemi Covid-19


The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is the agenda which became

the framework for global sustainable development. One of the goals of the 17
goals of the SDGs is to ensure healthy lives and encourage well-being for all
people in all ages (Sustainable Development, 2016). However, Indonesia still has
a big challenge in solving various problems in the field of health that are more

To achieve the goal of the SDGs is there are many target to be achieved
until the year 2030, some of which is to reduce the maternal mortality ratio;
prevent child mortality; ending the epidemics of AIDS, malaria, and Tuberculosis;
reduce premature birth; program of family planning; strengthening and prevention
of abuse of drugs and alcohol; and other targets associated with the development
objectives in the field of health.

The current state of the world is appalled by the presence of an infectious

disease that is caused by a type of Coronavirus that was first discovered in
Wuhan, China, December, 2019 (Yuliana, 2020). The increase in the number of
cases increased in quick time result in Covid-19 became a pandemic. Currently in
the year 2021, the development of the transmission of the virus is very significant
because of its spread is worldwide and the whole country felt the impact,
including Indonesia. The clinical symptoms that arise due to infected with this
virus like the common cold symptoms (fever, cough, runny nose, sore throat,
muscle pain, head pain) to severe complications (diarrhea and pneumonia) to
cause the death (Huang et al, 2020: Chen 2020).

The case of the first positive Covid-19 in Indonesia was announced by

President Joko Widodo on Monday, March 2, 2010 which is transmitted through
the transmission from human to human. On July 19, 2021, it is known that cases
of Covid-19 that occurred in Indonesia has reached 2.9111.733 people with the
number of deaths reached 542.938 people with a total heal of 2.293.875 person (a
task Force Covid, 2021). Children belong to the age groups who are particularly
vulnerable to the transmission of COVID-19 from the surrounding environment.
Most children who are infected with COVID-19 often do not show symptoms of
infection. (Zimmermann and Curtis, 2020).

In the middle of the trip action of the SDGs, the spread of the pandemic
Covid-19 impact on the target achievement of the SDGs, especially in the field of
health and welfare of the community. The presence of the pandemic Covid-19
causing gaps and changes in lifestyle and patterns of community interaction.
Because of the high additional cases of positive Covid-19, the government asked
the public has a high responsibility and collectively to adhere to the protocols of
health, including through physical distancing, social distancing, mandatory use of
masks, supplying protective equipment (PPE) to the restriction of large-scale
social (PSBB) in a particular area (Silalahi, 2020). It is also in line with the advice
given by the WHO is associated with the prevention and tackling Covid-19 that is
by washing your hands with soap, keep your distance from people when they
speak, and in people who cough, not touching the face with unwashed hands. It is
also advised to wear a mask and cover your nose and mouth with a tissue or elbow
flexed when coughing (WHO, 2020).

Knowledge and action in society against the adoption of the protocol of

health are expected to reduce the number of cases of Covid-19, so the pandemic
Covid-19 can be ended quickly. Therefore it is necessary for education about the
implementation of the protocol of health in the community in the prevention of
Covid-19 in the community. Moving from this background, the authors found the
solution in the form of “SEHAT (Smart Health Tracker) : the Latest Innovations
to Monitor Compliance with the Protocol Health in Children in the Era of
Pandemic Covid-19” in Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
SEHAT is a tool designed to help health professionals monitor the adherence to
the protocol health in children, especially for children who are far away from the
reach of parents. This tool will read, luminous, and bring up the notification on
the app that is connected with the mobile phone which will give a warning to
always obey the protocol health 5M namely the implementation wear a mask,
keep your distance, wash your hands, avoid crowds and reduce mobility
(Kemenkes RI, 2021). This tool is designed to be used on the child's waist like a
belt given the child's waist which is located in the middle of the body and not easy
to loose. In addition, the application of this tool will also help to detect the
symptoms of Covid-19 to know the status of health in children and provide
education on child about Covid-19 are expected to be able to arouse the child to
continue to implement the protocol of health independently so as to pass through
the catastrophic pandemic of Covid-19.

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