Smart Spoken

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Future Gen Int‘l School, Future Commerce College, TESOLTV, TESOLRADIO, TESOLPODCAST
English Language Trainer, Bangladesh Police, BGB & Army
Guest Faculty of English, NAPD, BCS Administration Academy, ICT MINISTRY

Chief Online Trainer at A2i &

Formerly Lecturer in United International University (UIU)
Asst. Professor, State University of Bangladesh (SUB)

www.f gladesh

Muhammad Yeasir & A Native Speaker



First Edition : JULY, 2020

All Rights Reserved

No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system
or transmitted in any form or any means of electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior permission from
the author.

Typed and Cover Designed by : Md. Zakir Hossain

Fixed Price : Tk. 300 (with Audio Version)

Sole Distributor:

cÖvwß ¯’vb:

eB cÖvwßi Rb¨ †hvMv‡hvM:

Muhammad Yeasir: 016 33 68 68 68
Roxana Mam: 01620000994



evsjv‡`‡k GB cÖ_g TESOL E-Publications mKj ¯Í‡ii wkÿv_©x‡`i Rb¨ cÖKvk Ki‡Q Ô†mj&d jvwb©s
cÖwZwU eB‡qi mv‡_ mieivn Kiv n‡”Q Audio Lessons| eB‡qi cÖwZwU jvBb eywS‡q w`‡q †jL‡Ki wb‡Ri K‡É AwWI
†iKW© K‡i wkÿv_x©‡`i cvwV‡q †`qv n‡e|
Avcbvi wb‡Ri Kw¤úDUvi ev j¨vcUc bv _vK‡jI Pj‡e| AwWI dvBj¸‡jv Avcbvi †gvevB‡ji †g‡gvwi Kv‡W© Kwc K‡i
wbb| cÖwZw`b 5 †_‡K 10 c„ôvi AwWI ï‡b ï‡b, ey‡S ey‡S eBwU co–b| G‡Z K‡i Avcbvi †KvwPs †m›Uv‡i hvIqv-Avmvi
mgq Ges cÖwZwU †Kv‡m©i Rb¨ e¨qK…Z cÖvq 5,000 †_‡K 10,000 UvKv I mgq `y‡UvB †eu‡P hv‡e|
Avcwb cÖwZ mßv‡n Facebook/Youtube-G 3wU jvBf K¬v‡mi my‡hvM cv‡eb Ges Avcwb mivmwi cÖkœ KiviI my‡hvM cv‡eb| Gfv‡e
cy‡iv eBwU K¬vm wb‡q wb‡q eywS‡q †`qv n‡e|
Gici Avcwb hZevi B”Qv wd« AbjvBb cixÿvq Ask wb‡Z cvi‡eb| Gi Rb¨ AbjvB‡b TESOLBD.COM-G cÖ_‡g
†iwR‡÷ªkb Ki‡Z n‡e| cixÿv I Certificate Gi Rb¨ wbw`©ó wd Gi UvKv cÖ`vb Ki‡Z n‡e| eB‡qi g~j¨, cixÿv I
mvwU©wd‡KU wd, GB n‡jv Avcbvi †gvU LiP! †eu‡P †Mj A‡bK UvKv I AviI A‡bK g~j¨evb mgq| †c‡jb †jL‡Ki mivmwi
GQvovI eB wKb‡j wbw`©ó wd w`‡q †iwR‡÷ªkb K‡i GKw`be¨vwc †jL‡Ki mivmwi Online IqvK©k‡c Ask wb‡Z cvi‡eb|
we¯ÍvwiZ Rvb‡Z †dvb Ki‡Z cv‡ib 01620000994, 01765049900 G bv¤^v‡i|

ïf Kvgbvq-
TESOL Bangladesh Limited I TESOL E-Publications
eBwU msMÖn Kiæb I co–bwd« AbjvBb cixÿv I dvBbvj cixÿvq Ask wbb mvwU©wd‡KU wbb


wKQz K_v....
‘Spoken English’ evsjv‡`kx‡`i Kv‡Q AZ¨šÍ f‡qi GKwU welq| mKj wkÿK fq †`Lvb, mKj
†jLK fq †`Lvb| GB wkL‡Z n‡e, †mB wkL‡Z n‡e....Gfv‡e wkL‡Z n‡e, †mfv‡e wkL‡Z n‡e| Gfv‡e
`ye©j wkÿv_x©iv Av‡iv fq †c‡q hvq| †KDB Avkvi K_v e‡jb bv| GLb cÖkœ Bswjk w¯úwKs †kLv wK Lye
KwVb? `yB ev wZb gv‡m wK †¯úv‡Kb Bswjk †kLv m¤¢e? wK w`‡q †kLv ïiæ Ki‡Z n‡e? evsjvq ey‡S ey‡S
co‡Z n‡e bvwK Ab¨ wKQz Ki‡Z n‡e| †`Lyb, GmeB wkÿv_x©‡`i wec‡` †djvi K_v| Avgvi `xN©
AwfÁZvi Av‡jv‡K eje, ‡¯úv‡Kb Bswjk GKwU mgy‡`ªi gZ| †ek K‡qK eQi jvM‡e Avcbvi| Z‡e wKQz
Uv‡M©U cwiw¯’wZ‡Z Bswj‡k K_vevZ©v Pvwj‡q hvIqv Lye KwVb wKQz bq|

‡¯úv‡Kb Bswjk wkL‡Z n‡j me‡P‡q †hwU †ewk `iKvi Zv nj ÒcÖej AvMÖnÓ| GwU‡K Avgiv
Bs‡iwR‡Z GRIT ewj| Avcbvi cÖPÛ AvMÖn bv _vK‡j wkÿK hZB fvj †nvK, eB hZ fvj ‡nvK,
†kLvi c×wZ hZ ‡miv †nvK....Gm‡ei wKQzB KvR Ki‡e bv| Zvn‡j GKUz Iqv`v Kiæb, Avcwb 3wU gvm
cÖPÛ AvMÖn wb‡q Bs‡iwR wkL‡eb| †h †¯úv‡Kb Bswjk eBwU Avcwb co‡Qb, mwZ¨ GwU †miv eB| A‡bK
M‡elYv K‡i †jLv| AvB †m›Uv‡i G‡m wkL‡j †Zv Avi K_vB †bB| Avcwb mwZ¨B wkL‡eb|

Avcbv‡`i A‡b‡K †¯úv‡Kb Bswjk †Kvm© K‡iI w¯úwKs wkL‡Z e¨_© n‡q‡Qb| Zv‡`i eje, Avcbviv AvB
†m›Uv‡ii wkÿK‡`i mnvqZv wbb, Avgv‡`i †miv eB¸‡jv co–b, Lye fvj gv‡bi w¯úwKs wkL‡j Avcbvi
K¨vwiqvi KZ avc GwM‡q hv‡e ZvI wPšÍv Kiæb| mwZ¨ ejwQ, Avcwb mdj n‡ebB| Avcbv‡`i Rb¨ †`vqv
_vKj Ges AvwgI †`vqv PvBwQ|




SPOKEN English + Phonetics

Instructors: Yeasir Sir & A Native Speaker (From LONDON)
01620000994 (Roxana Mam), 01765049900 [Emon Sir]


�First Time in Bangladesh! �

FOR all types of people:
�University Students
�University Teachers
�Bangladesh Police/Army/GBG/RAB/Navy/ Air Force
�Government Officials
�School / College / Madrasa Students & Teachers
�JOB Seekers
�Overseas Bangladeshi
�English Version & English Medium Students + Teachers
�Cadet College Students

• 1.5 ৩৬০০ !
•3 ৩ / !
• 1.5 ০০% !
• 1.5 !
•6 10,000 !
• 1.5 !
• , 15 !



10 (15 Hours Class Time + 20 Hours Practice Time)

� 2000 FIXED
�Course Materials Fee: Tk. 1500 Taka Fixed
TOTAL = 3500 Taka [No Discount]
�Course Materials Include�
1. Spoken English E-Book
2. Englislh Pronunciation E-Book
3. English Vocabulary E-Book
4. TESOL Conversation Questions E-Book
5. English Presentations E-Book
6. Easy Listening E-Book
7. 25 Audio Lessons (6.5 Hours Audio Duration)
8. Video Based Complete Phonetics Course: 61 Video Lessons
��Online Certificate ��
BONUS: 6-Month Practice & Course Repetition Facility [ 100% FREE ]
� 0162 0000 994 (Personal), Or, 01633686868 ( ), 01705674939
(Agent) Or pay throug our TESOLBD website.
� 01765049900, 01620000994 (Official Numbers)
01633686868 (Yeasir Sir, WhatsApp Only)
, , IELTS course
��Our Other Courses:
i. IELTS Course with a 9 Band Scorer + A Native Speaker
ii. Kids' English with Emon Sir + A Native Speaker
iii. English for Teachers with Yeasir Sir + A Native Speaker
iv. Phonetics course with Yeasir Sir + A Native Speaker


National Anthem

My Bengal of gold, I love you

Forever your skies,
Your air set my heart in tune
As if it were a flute,
In Spring, Oh mother mine,
The fragrance from
Your mango-groves makes me
Wild with joy-
Ah, what a thrill!
In Autumn, Oh mother mine,
In the full-blossomed paddy fields,
I have seen spread
All-over sweet smiles!
Ah, what a beauty, what shades,
What an affection
And what a tenderness!
What a quilt have you spread
At the feet of banyan trees and
Along the banks of rivers!
Oh mother mine,
Words from your lips are like
Nectar to my ears!
Ah, what a thrill!
If sadness,
Oh mother mine,
Casts a gloom on your face,
My eyes are filled with tears!

Avgvi †mvbvi evsjv

Avwg †Zvgvq fvjevwm


My Oath
I am the best creation of Allah.
I have firm faith in myself.
I am confident.
I am focused and I am diligent.
I was born ONLY to SUCCEED.
I know my goal, and I believe I CAN.
Please Allah, make me STRONG!

3- Speaking- Tips
You and family


Aim in life

About Me
Hello everyone!
Allow me to introduce myself. My full name is Muhammad Yeasir but
please call me Yeaisr. I‘m…..................……years old and I am
I am from…….(home town)....................................................................…
I live in a city/town/village called……………...........................................…
My main ambition is to be a/an………...................................………………
That‘s all. Thank you.


KwVb k‡ãi evsjv A_©

National Anthem– RvZxq m½xZ
forever– wPiw`b
tune – myi, myig~”Q©bv
flute – euvwk
Spring – emšÍ Kvj
mine– Avgvi
fragrance – ‡m․if, mywgó MÜ
mango-grove– Av‡gi eb, AvgevMvb, Av‡gi Dceb
wild– cvMj
joy– Avb›`
full-blossmed – c~Y© weKwkZ, cwic~Y© cÖù~wUZ
spread– weQv‡bv, Qov‡bv
tenderness– Av‡eM cÖeYZv
bank of river– b`xZxi, b`xi K~j
nectar – myav, Ag„Z
thrill– wkniY, cyjK
sadness– `ytL
gloom–welv`, nZvkv

oath– kc_, cÖwZÁv
firm- `„p, K‡Vvi
confident- cÖZ¨qx, AvZœwek¦
diligent- K‡Vvi cwikÖgx
succeed- mdjKvg nIqv
tip- wb‡`©kbv
ambition- D”PvKv•Lv, jÿ¨, D‡Ïk¨


Icebreaking Game with a Ball

mKj QvÎQvÎx cy‡iv K¬vm Ry‡o e„ËvKv‡i `uvov‡e| wkÿK ejwU wb‡Ri cwiPq w`‡q 1g wkÿv_x©i Kv‡Q Quz‡o †`‡eb
Ges 1g wkÿv_x©wU Zvi cwiPq w`‡q ejwU 2q wkÿv_x©i Kv‡Q Quz‡o †`‡e....... (15 wgwbU)
Teacher: Hello, I am Yeasir Ahmed. I am an English teacher at TESOL BD.
Student (1): Hello, I am Hridi. I am a student at TESOL BD Smart English Course. I
am from Viqarunnisa Noon High School. .....(2)......(3).........
G ce© †kl n‡j wkÿv_x©‡`i‡K ejwU evsjv kã e¨envi Ki‡j fvj wewfbœ R‡bi Kv‡Q Quzo‡Z n‡e Ges Zv‡`i
cwiPq w`‡Z n‡e|
Student 1 (Hridi): You are Mim from Viqarunnisa Noon High School.  Mim:
You are Nusaiba from Future Gen School.  Nusaiba: You are Adiba from
Cant. Public School............................... 


 If you try to say the alphabet [all letters] without moving your
lips or tongue, every letter will sound the same.
 The sentence "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"
uses every letter in the English alphabet.
 The word 'rhythm' is the longest word without a vowel.



Beginner’s Phrases
Many Ways to Say Hello & Goodbye
1. Hello ~ Hello!
2. Hi ~ Hi!
3. Hey ~ Hi!
4. Hi there ~ Hello!
5. Howdy ~ Fine, you?
6. Bye ~ See yeah!
7. Bye-bye ~ Ta-ra!
8. See yeah later ~ Ta ta for now!
9. Take care ~ See yeah!
10. See you around ! ~ Bye bye!

Many Informal Ways to Say Yes or No

1. Yeah
11. Ah Ha!
2. Yup 12. Nah nah !
3. Mm-hmm! 13. Ah yes !
4. Uh-huh! 14. Oh no!
5. Sure! 15. No no !
6. Nope 16. Ya, sure!
17. Hm hm !
7. Nah
18. Ya, Ok.
8. Mm-mm 19. Ha ha !
9. Uh-uh 20. Ah Ok!
10. No way!

Many Ways to Say Thank You

1. Thanks.
2. Thanks a lot.
3. Thank you so much.
4. Thanks a million!
5. Thanks for your help. /
Thanks for helping me.
6. I really appreciate it.
7. I‘m really grateful.
8. That‘s so kind of you.
9. I can‘t thank you enough.
10. I owe you one.








KwVb k‡ãi evsjv A_©

Page: 9—15
Icebreaking – RoZv wbimb Ashamed – jw¾Z
Tongue – wRnŸv, fvlv Surprised – wew¯§Z
Rhythm – Q›` Favourite – wcÖq, Av`‡ii
Informal – AbvbyôvwbK, AcÖPwjZ Vegetarians – wbivwgl‡fvRxiv
Appreciate – cÖksmv Kiv, myL¨vwZ Kiv, gg© Dcjw× Conference – mfv, Awa‡ekb
Kiv Uncomfortable – A¯^w¯Í`vqK, Avivgnxb
Grateful – K…ZÁ, e`vb¨ Exclamation – AvKw¯§KZv, AvKw¯§K ewntcÖKvk
Intelligent – eyw×gvb, axkw³m¤úbœ Agreement – m¤§wZ, Pzw³
Resources – m¤ú` Absolutely – cigfv‡e, wbwðZfv‡e
Disaster – wech©q, `ywe©cvK Excuse – ÿgv, IRi- AvcwË
Homework – M„nKg©, evwoi KvR Interesting – wPËvKl©K, PgrKvi
Message – evZ©v, Lei Proposal – cÖ¯Íve, cÖ¯Ívebv
Guarantee – wbðqZv, mywbwðZ welq Discount – Qvo



I want to…
I want to go to college next year.
I want to finish eating before I leave.
Do you want to…?
Do you want to go out to eat tonight?
Do you want to go to a movie with me?
Do you want me to…?
Do you want me to do that for you?
Do you want me to come with you?
"Learn Language Learning Failures
so that it does not happen to you."
We Fail:
Because we really care about the result.
Because we really don't want to fail.
Because we want to speak confidently.
Because we know that the result would really change our life.
You Believe.....
“It's difficult to start speaking English
BECAUSE you want to do it so badly.”
Read this sentence OUT LOUD
“I'm committed to forgetting fear
so that I can become a confident English speaker.”



He is tall. He is short. He is average / normal /

medium height.
He is very tall. He is quite short. He is relatively normal height.

She is fat. (negative)

She is skinny. (negative)
She is tubby. (negative)
She is anorexic. (medical)
She is overweight.
She is underweight. (negative)
She is thin. (negative)
She is slim. (positive) She is plump. (neutral)
She is slender. (positive) She is stocky. (neutral)
She is bonny. (positive)

If a man is fat (especially round the waist) we often say he has a beer



brown hair red hair black hair grey hair
blonde brunette redhead - -


grey eyes green eyes blue eyes brown eyes dark eyes


She has medium- She has medium- She has short hair.
She She has short hair. He has no length hair. length hair. She has
has long hair. She has hair. = He She has medium- short, blonde hair.
is bald. She has medium-
She has short, black hair. length , blonde hair.
length, red hair. She has
long black hair. She has She has medium-
She has short, straight, length, straight, short, curly, blonde
She has medium-
long straight, black hair. blonde hair. hair.
length, wavy, red
black hair. Her hair is short, Her hair is medium- hair. Her hair is short,
Her hair is long, straight and black. length, straight and curly and blonde.
straight and blonde. Her hair
black. is medium-length,
wavy and red.
She wears glasses.


He is asian. He has She is black. She He is white. He has She is white. She has She is white. She has
light-brown skin. has dark skin. fair skin. lightly tanned skin. very pale skin.


KwVb k‡ãi evsjv A_©

Page: 17—19
Lesson –cvV
Pronunciation – D”PviY
Phrases – kãmgwó
Confidently – cÖZ¨‡qi mv‡_, AvZ¥wek¦v‡mi mv‡_
Commited – cÖwZkÖæwZkxj, cÖwZÁve×
Physical – •`wnK, kvixwiK
Anorexic – AbvMÖnx
Slim – wQcwQ‡c, cvZjv
Slender – j¤^v‡U, †ivMv Mobhy³
Tubby – ‡gvUv‡mvUv, †MvjMvj
Plump – †MvjMvj, bv`ymby`ym
Stocky – MuvÆv‡MvÆv, gvsmj
Bonny – üócyó
Blonde – ¯^Y©‡Kkx
Wavy – †XD †Ljv‡bv
Curly – †KuvKov‡bv
Light – brown – nvjKv ev`vgx
Complexion – Mv‡qi is
Tanned – †iv‡` †cvov, †iv`-‡cvov Zvgv‡U
Keen – MfxiAvMÖnx, Drmvnx
Deal – Pzw³ Av‡jvPbv, †jb‡`b
Pale – weeY©


Getting to Know You:

GwU `yÕRb wkÿv_x©i Øviv m¤úv`b‡hvM¨ GKwU G¨vKwUwfwU|
cÖ_g †Kvm©‡gBU cÖwZ †Rvov ev‡K¨i cÖ_g evK¨wU ej‡e Ges
wØZxq Rb DËi †`‡e| cÖ_g Rb, wØZxq R‡bi DËi eB‡q
wj‡L ivL‡e| GKBfv‡e wØZxq RbI Ki‡e|
Asking & Answering Commonly Used Questions in Speaking:
1. Hello, my name is ...............................................; what‘s your name?
 My partner‘s name is............................................................................
2. I‘m ......................years old, how old are you?
 He/She is............................................................................years old.
3. I come from.............................................; where are you from?
 He/She is from....................................................................................
4. My father‘s name is ............................... ; what‘s your father‘s name?
 His/Her father‘s name is......................................................................
5. My mother‘s name is ............................... ; what‘s your mother‘s name?
 His/Her mother‘s name is.....................................................................
6. I have only one brother, how many brothers and sisters do you have?
 My friend has.........................brothers and ...............................sisters.
7. I am a student, what do you do? Where?
 He/She is a/
8. My father is a/an............................................. ;what does your father do?
 His/Her father is a/an............................................................................
9. My mother is a/an .......................................... ;what does your mother do?
 And his/her mother is a/an.......................................................................
10. Well, I got A+ in JSC; what was your Grade?
 He/She JSC.
11. Let‘s talk about our favourite teachers. Mr./Mrs. (..........................) is my favourite teacher;
and who is yours?
 He said Mr./Mrs. his/her favourite teacher.
12. Now favourite colours. White is my favourite colour; what is your favourite colour?
 He said his/her favourite colour.
13. Jacky Chang is my favourite movie star; who is your favourite movie star?
 Well, his/her favourite movie star.
14. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him) is my favourite person; who is yours?
 He/She said his/her favourite person.

15. ‗You Can Win‘ is my favourite book; what is your favourite book?
 My friend‘s favourite book is.......................................................................
16. I live in a city/town called Dhaka/...........................; where do you live?
 My coursemate lives in a city/town called............................................
17. I don‘t wear jeans; how about you?
 He/she usually wears/doesn’t wear jeans.
18. I have ten very close friends; how many friends do you have?
 He/She has only........................very close friends.
19. Rabindranath Tagore is my favourite poet; who is yours?
 He/She said, his/her favourite poet.
20. Sakib Al-Hassan is my favourite cricketer; who is yours?
 his/her favourite cricketer.
21. Bappa Mjumder is my favourite singer; who is yours?
 his/her favourite singer.
22. I read my religious book regularly; how about you?
 My friend reads/does not read his religious book regularly.
23. I am not married; what about you?
 He/She is/is not married. (Give Tick Mark)
24. I want to learn English to get a good job; how about you?
 He/She learns English to get a good job too/to study abroad/to be smart.
25. I don‘t watch TV much; how about you?
 My partner watches a lot of TV/does not watch TV much.
26. I can speak in two foreign languages—English and Hindi, how about you?
 My coursemate can speak in two foreign languages—English and Hindi.
27. I usually read books and hang out with my best friend Masiur in my free time; what do you
do in your free time?
 My friend likes reading books/watching TV/listening to songs/painting/browsing the
internet.....(Tick or Write)
28. I am very hardworking, honest, ambitious and pious; how about you?
 My partner is also hardworking, honest and ambitious.
29. I am very fast in typing; are you very fast in typing?
 Yes, my partner is /is not very fast in typing.
30. I have a Facebook ID; do you have any Facebook ID?
 S/he has a Facebook ID/has no Facebook ID.
31. I usually use Google to search for information on the net; how about you?
 I usually use Yahoo/Google/Bing to search for information on the net.
32. I hate smoking; do you hate smoking?
 S/he hates/does not hate smoking.
33. I don‘t usually eat fast food; how about you?
 S/he usually eats fast food at weekends. or, S/he never eats fast food.
34. I am very loyal/obedient to my parents; are you loyal to your parents?
 S/he is also loyal/obedient to his/her parents.
35. I hate politics a lot; do you hate politics?
 Yes, s/he also hates politics. Or, S/he does not hate politics.
36. I get up early and take physical exercise regularly; how about you?
 S/he also gets up early and takes physical exercise. Or, S/he never gets up early and takes
physical exercise.
37. I sleep 8 hours daily; how about you?
 S/he sleeps...............................hours daily.
38. I am good at mathematics; what are you good at?
 S/he said s/he is good at .........................................................
39. I never love to be alone; do you love to be alone?
 And s/he loves to be alone. Or, S/he does not love to be alone.
40. I want to be very rich; do you want to be very rich?
 S/he also wants to be very rich. Or, S/he does not want to be very rich.
41. I have not visited any foreign countries yet, have you?
 S/he also has not visited any foreign countries yet but s/he would like to.
42. I want to get a job within 4 years, how about you?
 S/he wants to get a job within...........................years.
43. I can tell you a lot of jokes; how about you?
 S/he also can/cannot tell a lot of jokes.
44. I don‘t support child marriage; do you support it?
 S/he strongly opposes child marriage.
45. I use NOKIA brand handset; which brand do you use?
 S/he uses ................................brand handset.
46. I have a personal computer; do you have any personal computer?
 S/he has a personal computer. Or, S/he does not have any personal computer?
47. I strongly believe in GOD; how about you?
 S/he also strongly believes in GOD.
48. I shall never take bribe; will you ever take bribe?
 No, ______________________________
49. I want to earn every penny honestly; how about you?
 S/he also wants to earn every penny honestly.
50. I can sacrifice my life for my beloved country Bangladesh; can you do the same?
 And lastly s/he can also sacrifice his/her life for Bangladesh.
Gevi wkÿv_x©iv Zv‡`i Avmb cwieZ©b K‡i GKRb Av‡iKR‡bi Kv‡Q c~‡e©i eÜz m¤ú‡K© †cÖ‡R‡›UBkb †`‡e| Ges me †k‡l
`yÕevi, cÖwZevi 5 Rb K‡i wkÿv_x©‡K mvg‡b G‡b I‡`i cwiPq w`‡Z ej‡Z n‡e Ges e‡m _vKv mKj wkÿv_x© GKwU K‡i
cÖkœ Ki‡e Ges mvg‡b Avmv wkÿv_x©iv cÖ‡kœi DËi †`‡e| cÖkœ Ki‡Z GB evK¨ e¨envi Ki‡Z n‡e:
―Hello, I am ................................... and my question is to..............................‖ Now the student
will ask the question from the above 50 questions. At the end of the presentation the teacher
will tell the students ―Please put your hands together for/Give a big hand to your friends who
came to the front.‖
abstract concept (G¨ve÷ª¨vKU& Kb‡mÞ&) = weg~Z© aviYv, wbe©¯‘K/fveg~jK/¸YevPK aviYv
This is an abstract concept so everyone will not understand. How come you expect me to
understand this abstract concept?
Abstract  idea/thought/proposition/reasoning/thinking/notion
academic achievement (G¨vKv‡WwgK wPf‡g›U) wkÿv-m¤úwK©Z AR©b

His academic achievement is envious. My academic achievements give me a lot of

Academic calendar/aspiration/blog/background/institute/year/writing

KwVb k‡ãi evsjv A_©

Page: 21—24
getting to know – AeMZ nIqv Ambitious – D”PvKv•Lx, D”Pvwfjvlx
Interview – mvÿvrKvi Pious – avwg©K, ag©civqY
Favourite – wcÖq, cQ›`mB Loyal –AbyMZ, eva¨MZ
Movie – Pjw”PÎ, wm‡bgv Personal – e¨w³MZ, e¨w³‡Kw›`ªK
Course mate – cvVcwiµgv eÜz Bribe – Nyl, Dr‡KvP
Hardworking – K‡Vvi cwikÖgx, AwZ cwikÖgx Sacrifice – DrmM© Kiv
Honest – mr, mZ¨wbô Academic – wkÿv-m¤úwK©Z, wkÿMZ
Aspiration – D”PvKv•ÿv, AvKv•ÿv
Enuious – Cl©vcivqY, cikÖxKvZi
Celendar – w`bcwÄKv, †`Iqvj cwÄKv

Collocations: AGE
1. old age (= the time when you are old ) the
problems of old age
2. middle age (= between about 40 and 60 ) He was
in late middle age.
3. a great/advanced age (= a very old age ) My aunt died at a great age. | Kirby is not alone in wanting
to run his own business at an advanced age.
4. a difficult/awkward age (= used mainly about the time when people are teenagers ) 13 – 16 is often a
difficult age.
5. retirement age The risk of experiencing poverty is much greater for those over retirement age.

6. school age Children should start doing homework as they approach high school age.
7. school-leaving age The government is proposing to raise the minimum school-leaving age.
8. the legal age In the US, the legal age for drinking alcohol is 21.
9. the minimum age 16 years is the minimum age to drive a car.
10. the voting age plans to bring down the voting age from 18 to 16
11. the marrying age She was 28 – long past the usual marrying age.
12. from an early/young age She‘d been playing the piano from a very early age.
13. at an early/young age Kids can start learning a second language at a young age.
14. somebody (of) your own age He needs to find people his own age.
15. of childbearing age (= at the age when a woman can have children ) It is against the law to refuse to
employ a woman of childbearing age because she may become pregnant.
16. of working age 55 percent of the people are of working age.
17. the age of consent (= when you are legally allowed to marry) At 15, the girl was under the age of
18. the Ice Age (= one of the long periods of time, thousands of years ago, when ice covered many
northern countries )
19. the Stone Age (= the very early time in human history, when only stone was used for making tools,
weapons etc )
20. the Bronze Age (= the period of time, between about 6,000 and 4,000 years ago, when bronze was
used for making tools, weapons etc )
21. the Iron Age (= the period of time, about 3,000 years ago, when iron was first used for making tools,
weapons etc )
22. the Middle Ages (= the period in European history between about 1100 and 1500 AD )
23. the Dark Ages (= the period in European history from 476 AD to about 1000 AD )
24. the Elizabethan age (= the period 1558–1603 when Elizabeth I was queen of England )
25. the Victorian age (= the period 1837–1901 when Victoria was Queen of England )
26. the industrial age (= the time during the late 18th and early 19th centuries when goods or substances
such as coal and steel were first produced in large quantities using machines )
27. the modern age (= from the 20th century until the present ) the technical and scientific achievements
that ushered in the modern age
28. the space age (= since vehicles were able to travel in space )
29. the nuclear age (= since nuclear energy was used for weapons or energy )
30. the computer age (= since computers became widely used ) the modern computer age
31. the information age (= since the Internet has become widely used ) Business has had to evolve in the
information age.
32. a golden age (= a time of great happiness or success ) a television show from the golden age of British
33. a new age (= a time when things are better than they were in the past ) Supporters see the coming
season as the dawning of a new age for the club.


Teachers Wanted
IELTS, Speaking, Writing, BCS, Bank Job
TOEFL, GRE & Kid‘s English

TESOL BD is a very up-to-date and promising career building organization where

you can think of a dream career in teaching.
i) For IELTS:
Those who have 8 band score in IELTS
Corporate Training Courses:
 8/8.5/9 in IELTS or,
 ELT/Linguistics or,
 CELTA or,
 English Hons./Masters or,
 IBA or,
 O/A Level background or,
 English Medium Teachers or,
 English News Presenters or,
 Standard UK/US Accent or,
 Columnists in English Newspapers or,
 English Medium Teachers
iii) For BCS:
 DU IR/Economics/Science/Math background or,
 Ex. Govt. Cadre Officers or,
 Experienced Ones in BCS Test Preparation Teaching
 IBA/BIBM/BUET Background or,
 DU Math/CSE/ENG. Background or,
 Present/Ex-BCS Cadres or,
 Ex. Bankers or,
 Current Bankers of Govt. /Private Banks or,
 TOEFL/SAT/GMAT Top scorers or, 26

 Army Officers
 Top Scorers or,
 Experienced Teachers to teach for GRE/TOEFL/SAT


vi) you are efficient in English language teaching, can make full digital contents like PPT,
Audios, Videos, editing, proof reading, writing
vii) you are a fresher but want to be a unique presenter
viii) you are a strong IT and SEO/Online Marketer
 Dhaka
 Divisional Cities
 District Towns
 Full time
 Part time
 Contractual
 Incomplete CV and Cover Letter.
 If you believe in ‗I know everything‘, you are NOT the ones we are looking for.
 Those who are not adaptable, have been fossilized in learning, do not have sense of humor
i) We don‘t count experience, seriously. You have to undergo a rigorous training under some
nationally and internationally reputed trainers by paying a lump sum amount of fee to
ii) Females/Housewives who have O/A level/Eng Hons/Masters/CSE/Bangla/ Journalism
background are highly encouraged to apply if you want a secure and reliable teaching

DEADLINE: 10 December, 2021

EARNING: 15,000 to 70,000

CELL NUMBERS: 01620000994
EMAIL : [email protected]



1. Which company advertised this advert?
2. Why did TESOL BD advertise in BDJOBS?
3. For how many courses and for which courses did TESOL BD advertise?
4. What type of company is TESOL BD?
5. Who can apply for IELTS?
6. What does IELTS stand for?
7. Who can apply for Speaking, phonetics, presentation, writing, kid‘s English and
corporate courses?
8. Who can apply for BCS?
9. Who can apply for BBA, MBA, EMBA, Bank jobs?
10. Who can apply for SAT, GRE and TOEFL?
11. Who will be valued?
12. Where are the locations of the advertising company where the candidates can
13. What types of jobs are they?
14. Which qualities will disqualify a candidate?
15. Which things will the company value?
16. What is the deadline to apply?
17. What is the earning range for the applicants?
18. Where the candidates will contact?
19. What is the cell phone number of TESOL BD?
20. What is the email address TESOL BD?
21. What is the website of TESOL BD?
22. What is the facebook page of TESOL BD?
23. What is the IELTS Facebook page of TESOL BD?


address My address is _________________________.
appointment Our appointment is at __________________.
characteristic A good characteristic to have is __________.
contact Can I contact you _____________________?
favorite My favorite food is ____________________ .
first impression Making first impression is not ___________.
friendly Friendly people are ____________________.
handshake Give a handshake when you meet ________.
hobby My hobby is___________________________.
impressed My friend was impressed with ___________.
interests One of my favorite interests is ___________.
introduce My I _______________________ with you?
meet Let‘s meet at _________________________.
personality I have a ___________________ personality.
phone number My phone number is ___________________.
picture This is a picture of _____________________.
smile _______________________ makes me smile.
taste He has good taste when it comes to _______.

What do you do?
What’s your profession?
~ I am (work as) an Advertising Agent/a
manager/ a reporter/a supervisor/a call
center agent/a call center supervisor/a
banker/a govt. official/a tanner/ a baker/a
fashion designer/an architect/an
engineer/an artist/a composer/a typist/an office attendant/an administrator/a guard/a
driver/a cook or chef/ a coach/ a tourist guide/a sales manager/an executive/a
receptionist./an Army Officer/ a nurse/ a columnist/ a journalist/a correspondent/a
controller/a director/ a negotiator/a representative/ a teacher/ a builder/ a contractor/ a
singer/a musician/a dancer/ a comedian/ a salesman/a helper/an assistant/ a secretary / an
announcer/ a binder/ a biographer/ a cashier/ a copywriter/ a dealer/ a proof reader/ a
jeweller/ a police officer/ an adviser/ a part-timer/ a bank manager/ a volunteer/ a public
speaker/ a registrar/ a publisher/ a preacher/ an informer/ a homeworker/ a farmer/ an
eye-specialist/ a surgeon/ a general practitioner/ a druggist/a chemist/ a dentist/ an
economist/ an educationalist/ an essayist/ a lobbyist/ a machinist/ a pianist/a technologist/ a

chemist/ a biologist/ a physicist/ a mathematician/ an astronomer/ a librarian/ an academic.
/a lecturer/ a professor.

KwVb k‡ãi evsjv A_©

Page: 26—29
Phonetics – fvlvi aŸwbZË¡, D”PviYwe`¨v Engineer – cÖ‡K․kjx
Prescatation – Dc¯’vcbv Dentist – `šÍwPwKrmK
Linguistics – fvlvZË¡, fvlvi weÁvbm¤§Z Aa¨qY Journalist – mvsevw`K
Background – cvUf~wg Negotiator – ga¨¯’ZvKvix, `iKlvKwl‡Z Ask
Contractual – Pzw³ welqK, Pzw³ m¤^Üxq MÖnYKvix e¨w³
Environment – cwi‡ek, cwicvwk¦K Ae¯’v Controller – wbqš¿K
Disqualify – AK…ZKvh© nIqv Lobbyist – wkÿvwe`, cwÛZ
Vocabulary – kãfvÛvi, kã‡Kvl Educationial – imvqbwe`, imvqb weÁvbx
Impression – Awfe¨w³ Chemist – imvqbweÁvbx
Handshake – Kik`©b, n¯ÍwgZvwj Astronomer – bÿÎ weÁvbx

Let alone..............
1. He can‘t speak fluent Bangla let alone English.
2. Emam doesn‘t know how to stand properly let alone give a presentation.
3. Jadob is not getting a job let alone get married.
4. You cannot pass the test let alone get A+.
5. You cannot speak proper Bangla let alone proper English.
6. She doesn‘t even believe him let alone marry him.
7. I cannot buy a simple NOKIA handset let alone an iPhone.
8. I cannot carry 1 kg. let alone 40 kg.
9. She cannot come once a month let alone everyday.
10. I cannot even hurt you let alone kill you.

Been to /Gone to..............

1. Have you ever been to England?
2. Have you ever been to Chittagong?
3. Have you ever been to hell?
4. Have you ever been to your village home?
5. Have you ever been to Cox‘s Bazar?
6. Have you ever been to space?
7. Have you ever been to any foreign country?
8. Have you ever been to USA?
9. Have you ever been to NASA?
10. Have you ever been to a desert?
11. Has he gone to a village market?
12. Has he gone to a village fair?

13. Has he gone to a new city?

Three-Word-Tips for Self-Introduction [HOME WORK]

Hi guys, this is Sakib Al Hasan, your new friend. I am so much happy to be a
part of you. Ah yes, let me tell you about my family. My father is a teacher and
my mother is a home maker. I have a sister and she is in class 9. If you ask me
about my hobby...I would say I‘m crazy about playing guitar. And my
favourite food? Well, fast food, though I know it will kill me fast. Lastly my
ambition...I want to be a famous journalist. That‘s all about me. Thanks!

Respected teacher, dear friends, greetings to all of you. I am priviliged to get
the chance to introduce myself. I am Sayed and I‘m from Noakhali. My father
is a teaher and my mother is a home maker. I have a sister and she is in class 9.
My main ambition is to be an administrator. I took admission here to sharpen
my knowledge and make me a worthy global citizen. We started the jouney
today and we will be together no matter what happens. Thank you all!

Hello sir, this is Nusaiba Binte Yeasir. You can call me Nusaiba. I am 20 and I
am from Bangladesh/Barguna/Barisal. My major is English Language, so I will
seek your help sometimes. You know sir, I am not a native English speaker. If
I ask for some assistance, please guide me your way. I promise I will be very
serious and studious and of course I will timely complete all the assigned
duties. I want to be an English Professor. Please help me make my dream true.

Good morning! How do you do? May I sit? I am Fatema Tuz Zohora, the
newly appointed HR Manager of your company, of our company. I felt getting
introduced with you because on the first day, CEO sir talked highly about you.
Sir, I will seek your assistance often and if you feel I can be a hand for you in
any assignment, please just knock me. I am really previliged to be a part of this
great company.

Good morning! Assalamualaikum! My heart-felt greetings to all of you. I am
highly priviliged to be here before you. I am Yeasir Ahmed Milan, your
today‘s presenter. I am here NOT to teach you anything, I mean it. I am here to
share some knowledge. Here, by the term share I mean, WE will share. Please
take me as your friend not as your coach. Feel free to ask me any question
regarding today‘s presentation. Hope, we will enjoy our time today. Thank


Well, it‘s me Md. Akramul Houqe from Banani, Dhaka. It‘s an honor
for me to have this opportunity. As I have already mentioned in my
enclosed CV that I have higher degree in this field along with my ten
years of job experiences. You know what sir, I really love working in this
field. As I find my heart in this field, I didn‘t leave any stone unturned
throughout those ten years and consequently, I have got to enrich my
experiential knowledge which I think will help my upcoming journey;
hopefully with you sir. Truly speaking, I would like to see myself as a
successful professional like your honour.

Hi, Good evening. I am Azad, a teacher by profession. I live just round
the corner of this Green Road. I would like to extend my heartfelt
gratitude to all of you for being here and my special thanks goes to the
host of this enjoyable event Mr.Abdul Karim Khan. Thank you, Mr.
Khan. Ladies andgentleman you know one thing, we have become very
much busy and virtual nowadays and that does not allow us to attend
such social events any more. So, today‘s gathering is very special for me
and I feel like flying having this golden opportunity. So, let‘s enjoy the
program wholeheartedly. Hope we are going to meet again in another
excellent occasion very soon.

Hi, Good evening. This is Abdur Rahman here in this studio. I am very
delighted by getting this opportunity to participate in such a wonderful
program which is telecast across the world. Atfirst, I would like to thank
the host of this prestigious TV program for inviting me as a special guest.
I think, you all are aware about this program where things related to
national and international affairs are discussed. Hope you will enjoy
today‘s episode as well.

My fellow citizens. I stand here today humbled by the task before us,
grateful for the trust you have bestowed and mindful of the sacrifices
made by our ancestors. I would like to thank all the national leaders for
their service to our great nation.It‘s an honor for me that you people have
selected me as the president. Every so often this oath is taken amidst
gathering clouds and raging storms. Today I say to you that the
challenges we face are real. They are serious and they are many. They
will not be met easily or in a short span of time. But know this, they will
be met,Insha-Allah.

I had a friend from Syria.You know why I used the word ‗had‘ because he
is no more but my dear audience he had a dream like most of us .He
wanted to be a captivated presenter, a successful entrepreneur and most of
all a change maker but he was not allowed to do that. We did not allow him
to see his dream true. He has gone a point of no return during the mass
slaughtering took place in Suria.How many deaths are needed to awake our
blunt senses? How many mothers will have to sacrifice their sons to move
us a bit? This is Md.Akramul Hoque, will talk about this global terrorism
happening in the name of establishing peace.

Hi, Mr. Jhon! Nice to meet you. It's me Sayeed.I am really happy knowing
that you like our country and have come to visit us. Thank you very much
and welcome to our country.As you have said that you will stay here for a
week, I would love to inform you about some must see tourist spots of our
country specially the longest see beach Cox‘sBazar, Shunderbans,
Rangamati, Banderband, Please do not hesitate if you need my help. I am
always here to help you. So, take care buddy.

TO A POLICE OFFICER Hello sir! I‘m Al- Amin, a resident of this area. I have been living here for
the last five years at Road no 5, House no 10. We are very happy with the
service you have provided so far but recently we are facing a problem in
our area. In fact, we are very upset about the matter. Some of spoilt young
boy are continuously disturbing our girls especially when they go to
schools and colleges. Please do some exemplary punishments and take
stern actions against those going astray, otherwise we have to stop our
sisters and daughters from going to schools and colleges. Thank you sir.


KwVb k‡ãi evsjv A_©

Page: 31—33
Introduce – cwiwPZ nIqv Challenge – Pig `ytmva¨ Kvh©vewj
Hobby – kL Audience – †kÖvZ…gÛjx
Grectings – Awfev`b Entrepreneur – bexb wk‡ív‡`v³v
Administrator – cÖkvmK Slaughtering – binZ¨v, nZ¨vKiv
Assistance – mnvqZv Blunt – †fuvZv
Previleged – myweav‡fvMx, myweavcÖvß Tourist spots – ch©Ub ¯’vbmg~n
Heart –felt – ü`qvbyf~Z, ü`qwbwnZ Hesitate- wØavMÖ¯’ nIqv, wØavwš^Z nIqv
Inholeheartedly – me©všÍtKi‡Y , mg¯Í ü`q w`‡q Living – emevmiZ
Delighted – Avbw›`Z, Lywk Recenthy – mv¤úªwZK Kv‡j
Bestowed – Ac©b Kiv Continuously – Pjgvbfv‡e
Humbled –webqx, f`ª Provided – mieivnK…Z, cÖ`Ë
Ancestors – c~e©mywiMY Disturbing – weNœm„wóiZ, e¨vNvZiZ
Cloudes – †gN Otherwise – Ab¨_vq

The ultimate reward in Paradise

Abu Sa‘eed Al-Khudri reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said:
Verily, Allah will say to the people of Paradise: O people of Paradise! They will say: We are
at your service, our Lord, all goodness is in Your hand! Allah will say: Are you satisfied?
They will say: Why should we not be satisfied when You have given us what you have not
given to any other creation? Allah will say: Shall I not give you something better than that?
They will say: O Lord, what could possibly be better than that? Allah will say: I will bestow
upon you My pleasure and I will never be displeased with you afterwards.
1. back off: not follow a threat.
"Tom was ready to call the police when I told him I'd wrecked his car, but he backed
off when I said I'd pay for the damages."
2. beg off: decline an invitation; ask to be excused from doing something.
"At first Lily said she would be at the party. Later she begged off."
3. bone up on: review / study thoroughly for a short time.
"If you're going to travel to Peru, you'd better bone up on your Spanish."
4. break in : enter by using force (and breaking a lock, window, etc.)
"Somebody broke into Jane's apartment while she was at the movies.
5. brush up on: review / study thoroughly for a short time.
"If you're going to travel to Peru, you'd better brush up on your Spanish."
6. butt in: impolitely interrupt (a conversation, an action).
"Hey, you! Don't butt in! Wait for your turn!"



Can you tell me about...?

1. Can you tell about something you love to do most?
 I love cooking/watching TV/reading/.......................the most.
2. Can you tell about something you hate doing most?
 I hate backbiting/wasting time/hating.......................the most.
3. Can you tell about somebody you really care about?
 Hm, sure. I really care about my father.
4. Can you tell about someone you dislike?
 Yeah, I dislike my father‘s friend the most because he undermines our family.

5. Can you tell about a dream you've had?

 Yes, I will. The dream I have is becoming the richest in my district.

6. Can you tell about a goal you have?

 As I said, I want to be the richest person in my district.

7. Can you tell about yourself?

 Yeah, sure. I would love to talk about myself. I am a bit crazy person and traditional.

8. Can you tell about your childhood?

 Yes, but I can‘t remember well. So far I can tell you......I was very naughty/soft/gentle/insolent.

9. Can you tell about your family?

 My family....well, it‘s a heavenly family. Every member is helpful and friendly.

10. Can you tell about your parents?

 My parents are the best parents in the world. They are my friends, they are my guide, they are my teachers and
they are my everything.
11. Can you tell about your friend?
12. Can you tell about a place you've visited?
13. Can you tell about a time when you were happy?
14. Can you tell about a time when you were sad?
15. Can you tell about your favourite pastime?
16. Can you tell about your favourite chocolate?
17. Can you tell about something beautiful?
18. Can you tell about something delicious?
19. Can you tell about something boring?
20. Can you tell about your education?
21. Can you tell me about your work?
22. Can you tell me about a teacher you had in your primary school?
23. Can you tell me about a friend you had?
24. Can you tell me about a mistake you made?
25. Can you tell me about someone who is very close to you in your family?
26. Can you tell me about your favourite book?
27. Can you tell me about someone you envy?
28. Can you tell me about something you've achieved?
29. Can you tell me about your first day at school?
30. Can you tell me about your favourite music / song / band?
31. Can you tell me about a problem you have now?
32. Can you tell me about a game you love to play?
33. Can you tell me about your first friend?
34. Can you tell me about your last day at school?
35. Can you tell me about your favourite restaurant?
36. Can you tell me about your favourite movie?
37. Can you tell me about your country?
38. Can you tell me about your home town?
39. Can you tell me about a time in your life when you were very, very busy?
40. Can you tell me about your Creator?
41. Can you tell me about one of your grandparents?

[Just Memorise and Present]

My boy
Little boys are often a bunch of trouble
They fight and bite and play in rubble
They're cute and fun
And they like to run
And as they grow, the trouble will double!


Now Write About You [Just Memorise]

I am my own man/woman. I am a dreamer and think of
beauty. I am a doer and work to excel. I am a fighter and
believe in love. I am a lover and believe in trust. I know my
strenghts and weaknesses. I listen to my heart that guides
me. I am the type of person who make one understand what
true friendship is.
About ME
About Mr. Akram I am a warrior for those who I love. I am the
nurturer for those I care about.
I am a friend and can always be counted
upon. I have a sixth sense and that intuition.
I am friendly and contented.
When I feel someone, I feel deeply from
heart. When I am with someone, I am fully
with him or her. When I sacrifice, I can do it
hundred percent. When I take action, I take it
without mercy.
I believe in myself and that is my strength. I
hate breaking relationship. If you want a
friend who will be fully yours, you can think
about me.
I am a believer in God and so I am all-time
happy. I am a true patriot and I am ready
sacrifice my life for my motherland.


How many people are there in your family?

 There are 5 people in my family: my father, mother, brother, sister, and me.


Does your family live in a house or an apartment?

 We live in a house in the countryside/in Dhaka/in a town.
What does your father do?
 My father is a doctor. He works at the local hospital.
How old is your mother?
 She is 40 years old, 1 year younger than my father.
Do you have any siblings? What’s his/her name?
 Yes, I do. I have one elder brother, Jewel, and one younger sister, Hiba.
Are you the oldest amongst your brothers and sisters?
 No, I’m not. I’m the second child in my family.
What do your parents like to do most?
 My father likes playing football and my mother likes cooking the most.
Do your parents let you stay out late?
 Of course not! They always ask me to get home before 10 p.m. each night.
Do you stay with your parents?
 Right now, no, but I used to.
Does your family usually have dinner together?
 Yes, we do. My mom always prepares delicious meals for us.

NOW, write 10 to 15 questions about your

friend’s family and ask them.




KwVb k‡ãi evsjv A_©

Page: 35—38
Dislike – AcQ›` Trouble – mgm¨v
Dream – ¯^cœ Dreamer – ¯^cœ`k©x
Goal – jÿ¨ Warrior – ‣mwbK, †hv×v
Favourite – wcÖq Mercy – `qv, ÿgv
Past time – Aemi we‡bv`b Strength – kw³, ej
Creator – ¯ªóv Relationship – m¤ú©K
Bunch – ¸”Q Patriot – †`k †cÖwgK
Rubble – cv_iKzwP, BU, cv_i BZ¨vw`i fvOv UzK‡iv Motherland – gvZ… f~wg
1. butter up: praise someone excessively with the hope of getting some benefit.
"I guess Mithu really wants to be promoted. He's been buttering his boss up all week."

2. call off: cancel something that has been scheduled.

"We don't have class today. The VC called classes off because of flood."

3. call on: ask someone for an answer in class.

"I don't know why the teacher never calls on you. You always know the answer."

4. calm down: become calm / less agitated or upset; help someone become calm / less
agitated or upset.
"Why are you so upset? Suchi didn't intend to spill orange juice on you. Calm down!"

5. catch on: develop understanding or knowledge of something.

"Babu had never used a computer until he took this class, but he caught on very quickly
and is now one of the best students."

6. cheer up: help someone feel less worried / depressed / sad.

"Shyamoli‘s brother was depressed about not getting a promotion, so she sent him a funny
card to cheer him up."

7. chew out: scold someone severely; berate.

"Tarun‘s father was really angry when Tom didn't come home until 3:00 AM. He chewed
Tarun out and then said Torun had to stay at home for two weeks."


100 Golden Expressions for Fluency in Speaking

Do you use internet? ~Yeah, I do.
What is on TV at ten?~English news.
Do you listen to FM radio?~Yeah, my favourite.
Which channel?~Radio Amar.
Are you hungry?~Hum much.
Are you still angry with me?~Not at all.
Is she married?~No, she is not./Yes, she is.
Isn‘t she lovely?~She is gorgeous.
Doesn‘t she look lovely in that hat?~She looks so cute.
Can you spell it?~Sure.
How old are you?~I‘m 32.
Can you give me a hand?~Yeah, sure.
Did you hear about Raju?~No, not recently./Why?/What?/No,
What happened?~The police nailed (caught) him.
"I have a math test tomorrow. ~ "The bottom line (the most important fact in a situation)
is, I just couldn't do it. I don't know why, I just couldn't. And I've cursed myself every day
since then.
Did you videotape it? ~Yeah, any problem?
You are the biggest moron I have ever known.~Mind your language.
You see? That's exactly what I'm talking about.~I know, I know.
What's this for?Let's play dress-up.
~Ah! Dude/guy/man/fellow.
Dude /duːd/ noun [ C ] SLANG Means a man
Some dude just asked me if I knew you.
Dude, where were you last night?
Taslim was one cool dude.
Are you ready for the big present?~You mean there's more?
We can exchange it if it's not the right one.~Yeah, would be nice.
No, I just thought-- I thought you guys were buying me that car I wanted.
~A car? Why do you need a car?
Now what are we going to do?~Can anyone suggest?
Look, mom. I need a car.~ Well, honey. A car is a lot of responsibility.
~Mom. I'm seventeen now. I think I can handle it.
You hungry?~Yeah, I could eat.
Grab some lunch?~Yeah, okay.
What's that smell? We had a small fire, Mrs. Lewis. I tipped over a candle.

A fire? Let me see the damage. ~Dad, don't. Let me take responsibility. We'll pay to have
it fixed.
There's something I want to talk to you about.~What?
When?~Not now.
Why not now?
Come on. Come on!Dad, wait up!
Hey, guys, wait for me!~Please, hurry up!
or, We are sorry honey.
Do you see your family?~There's my dad.
We forgot something?~No, I don't think.
~We did.
There's nothing to worry about.~Yeah. Yeah, you're right.
~You're right. We're fine.
~Nothing to worry about.
We're the last ones off the plane.~Hum, we are.
Excuse me, this is an emergency!~Yes, sir?
What's the child's name?~Kanon. - K-a-n-o-n.
Excuse me, where's the lobby?~Down the hall and to the left.
Excuse me, where's the lobby?~Down the hall and to the left. Thanks.
Get outta here!~I gotta talk to you!
Could you stay out of this?As you wish.
Am I bothering you?~No.
She is engrossed.~Hum, she is.
Isn‘t it lovely?~Yep.
Are you hopeful/optimistic?~Of course I am.
Am I a stupid?~Any doubt?
Am I not serious you think?~Of course you are.
Am I done?~Yes, you are.
Am I bothering you?~No, no. It‘s ok.
Am I talking too much?~No, no. It‘s ok.
Am I allowed?~Yes, you are./No, you are not.
Am I right?~Yeah, you are.
Am I wrong?~Yeah, you are./No, you are not.
Am I disturbing you?~No, no. It‘s ok.
Am I coming?~No, you are not. /Yes, you are.
Is she sick?~Yes, she is.



I would like to introduce you to my friend ........... whose nickname is ...........‖

Name : Muhammad Yeasir

Nickname : Milan
Birth Date : 1st November
Place of birth : Patharghata
Family members : 5
Education : MA in Eng, MBA, BBA, HSC (Board Stand)
Skills : phonetainer
Hobbies : sightseeing
Other interests : watching space documentary, reading and writing
Job experience : lecturer at UIU, Asst. Prof. at State University
Sports : kabadi and football
Prizes/Awards : was awarded by the Prime Minister
Travel experience : did not travel abroad
What makes this person unique?: friendly, has leadership qualities

Name :
Nickname :
Birth Date :
Place of birth :
Family members :
Education :
Skills :
Hobbies :
Other interests :
Job experience :
Sports :
Prizes/Awards :
Travel experience :
What makes this person unique?:



When students finish writing the questions, each one will ask one question
radomly to the teacher and give a TICK mark so that questions are NOT asked
repeatedly. The teacher, while answering the questions, can ask a similar question
to the questioner.


KwVb k‡ãi evsjv A_©

Page: 41—43
Cooking – ivbœv-evbœv Intuition – myPZzi Abygvb, ¯^Ztjä Ávb
Backbiting – †cQ‡b K_v ejv, wMeZ Kiv Circle – e„Ë, Pµ
Childhood – •kkeKvj, †kke Sheet – cvZv, GKLÛ KvMR
Traditional – HwZn¨MZ, cÖ_vMZ Mangin – cÖvšÍ, wKbviv
Crazy – Db¥v`, cvMjv‡U Question – cÖkœ, wRÁvmv
Insolent – D×Z, A‡kvfbg~jK Example – D`vniY
Heavenly – ¯^M©xq Tick – wUK wUK kã Kiv, g„`y ¯ú›`b
Pastime – Aemi Defferent – wfbœ, wfbœ, Avjv`v, c„_K
Beauty – †m․›`h©, iƒc İllustrated –mwPÎ, e¨vcKfv‡e ewY©Z
Memorise – ¯§„wZZc~Y© Kiv, ¯§„wZ”P©v Kiv
Random – G‡jv‡g‡jvfv‡e
Friendship – eÜzZ¡
Nurturer – †mev-hZœKvix
Some Idioms
He's the apple of my eye. He's my favourite person.
He's a rotten egg. He is a thoroughly evil person.
It's for the birds. It's a crazy idea.
She eats like a bird. She eats little or nothing.
He's a wolf in sheep's clothing. He's a bad guy pretending to be good.
I smell a rat. Someone has betrayed us.
He's chicken-hearted. He has no courage.
I could eat a horse. I'm extremely hungry.
Please don't monkey around. Get serious and stop playing.
We'll kill two birds with one stone. One solution solves two problems.



Instruction: At first look at Today’s Pictures. Now ask your partner
the following questions. Your partner will try to give answers without seeing the captions.
1) Who is stretching in the picture? ~ He is stretching in the picture.
2) Who is on tiptoe? ~ This girl is on tiptoe.
3) Who is trying to balace the body? ~ This boy is trying to balance the body.
4) Who is squatting on the ground? ~ This boy is squatting on the ground.
5) Which boy is on all fours? ~ This boy is on all fours.
6) Who is crawling? ~ This girl is crawling.
7) Who are standing arm in arm? ~ They are standing arm in arm.
8) Who are holding hands? ~ They are holding hands.
9) Who is perching on a stool? ~ This boy is perching on a stool.
10) Who has hands on hips? ~ This boy has hands on hips.
11) Who is sprawling on the stool? ~ He is sprawling on the stool.
12) Who is reclining on the folding chair? ~ She is reclining on the folding chair.

Students! All of you...........together.

1. stretch
2. stand on tiptoe
3. walk arm in arm (same gender)
4. walk holding hands
5. stand putting hands on hips
6. crawl and laugh
7. body position: squat
8. body position: on all fours

Write 23 sentencs by using the above collocations. The first

one has been done for you:
 Dear friends, have fun now.
Kick Out the word ‗ Very‘
1. He is very genius. = He is especially/incredibly genius.
2. I am very upset. = I am bitterly upset.
3. My sister is very alone. = My sister is completely alone.
4. He is very ashamed. = He is deeply ashamed.
5. The subject is very new. = The subject is entirely new.
6. The area is very/much polluted. = The area is heavily polluted.
7. The place is very unhygienic. = The place is hideously unhygienic.
8. The staff are very skilled. = The staff are highly skilled.
9. The party was very enjoyable. = The party was highly enjoyable.
10. My sister is very shy. = My sister is painfully shy.
11. This is very normal. = This is perfectly normal.
12. They are very rich. = They are immensely rich.
13. This is very surprising. = This is totally surprising.
14. Hiba is very slow. = Hiba is painfully slow.
15. He is very stupid. = He is terribly stupid.
16. Smart spoken is a very enjoyable course. = Smart spoken is a totally enjoyable course.
17. The book is very helpful. = The book is unbelievably helpful.

1. Hello, everyone. Good morning/afternoon!

2. Allow me to introduce myself.
3. I‘m so very glad by getting the chance to say a few words about myself before you.
4. Well, my full name is ________________________ and _______________ is my nick name.
(What‘s your full name? What‘s your nick name?)
5. My birth place, well, the name of my home town is ___________and you know it is famous for
___________. (Where is your birth place?)
6. I love my home town very much because I was born and brought up there. (Do you love your
home town? Why?)
7. I have been living in Dhaka since ______________ and we are settled here. (How long have you
been living in Dhaka? Are you settled here?)
8. I study at _______________school and I have completed my JSC exams from there. (Which
school do you study at? What is your last degree?)
9. My family consists of _____________________________ members and they are
(How many members are there in your family? Who are they?)
10. It‘s a nuclear/extended family. (Do you have a small or a large family?)
11. I‘ve _______________ siblings excluding me and I am the 1st/2nd/3rd/4th number. (How
many brothers and sisters do you have? What is your position among them?)
12. My father is a/an ____________ and my mother is a/an ___________. (What do your parents
13. We are a happy family indeed. (Are you a happy family?)
14. If you want to know about my aim in life that would be.........I want to be a/an __________
because this I always dreamt to be. (What do you want to be? Why?)
15. My second goal of life is to be………………………because I want to be happy and help others.
(What is the second goal of your life? Why?)
16. In my leisure time, I usually read ____________________because it gives me much pleasure.
(What do you do in your leisure time?)
17. Sometimes, I watch different types of TV programs and browse the internet, specially Facebook
and YouTube for study purpose. (What else do you do in your free time?)
18. Occasionally, I listen to music online as well. (Do you do any other activity in your free time?)
19. My favourite person is of course __________________ because I like his/her personality and
ideologies. (Who is your favourite person? Why?)
20. Every one of us has a favourite teacher. (Do you have any favourite teacher?)

21. My favourite teacher is ____________because I love his/her teaching methodologies and honesty.
(Who is your favourite teacher and why?)
22. I watch a lot of movies and I have my favourite actor. (Do you watch movies? Who is your
favourite actor?)
23. My favourite actor is ____________because I like his acting very much. It‘s really unique.
24. Now my favourite actress: well, my favourite actress is ____________because I like her
glamorous look. (Do you watch movies? Who is your favourite actor?)
25. I don‘t listen to music much but still I have my favourite singer and that is ____________because
I like his/her melodious tune. (Do you listen to music? Who is your favourite singer?)
26. Though I don‘t find much time for sports and games but still I have my favourite game and that is
____________because it is a very exciting sport. (Do you play games and sports?)
27. My favourite player is ____________ because he/she plays so very well. (Who is your favourite
28. My favourite TV programme is____________because it is very entertaining and educative. (What
is your favourite TV programme? Why?)
29. My favourite colour is ____________because it is suits me well. (What is your favourite colour?
30. My Favourite book is ____________because it gave me pleasure to read. (What is your favourite
book? Why?)
31. My favourite place is ____________because I find peace in mind when I visit this. (Which is your
favourite place? Why?)
32. My favourite food is ___________________because it is our traditional food. (What is your
favourite food? Why?)
33. My favourite restaurant is _________________because I like the menu, environment and service
quality of that. (Which is your favourite restaurant? Why?)
34. My favourite movie is ____________because it is very entertaining and educative. (What is your
favourite movie? Why?)
35. I love travelling but I am very homesick. (Do you love travelling?)
36. I haven‘t visited any foreign country yet but I would love to visit soon. (Have you visited any
foreign country yet?)
37. My personal qualities are: I am very sincere, honest, frank, friendly, outgoing, faithful, religious,
kind and responsible. (What are your personal qualities?)
38. I am very much ambitious and emotional as well. (Any other qualities do you have?)
39. I don‘t mind about my weaknesses because I am me.
40. So many thanks for your patient listening and attention.
41. God bless you all.

I think that…
I think that I will leave tomorrow.
I think that I will get something to eat.
I think that is beautiful.
I think that that is a good idea.


I do not think that…

I do not think that I need to study more.
I do not think that going bowling is a good idea.
I do not think that she’s a very nice person.
I do not think that he said that.
I miss...
I miss going to the movies with my friends.
Good bye! I'll miss you!
School was so much fun! I miss it a lot.



KwVb k‡ãi evsjv A_©

Page: 45—46 Page: 53—57
apartment – ‡Kvb wekvj evwoi Af¨šÍ‡i Stretch – cÖmviY
¯^qsm¤ú~Y© evm¯’vb on tiptoe – c`v½ywji WMvq fi w`‡q
sibling – m‡nv`i squal – Dey nIqv
amongst – A‡b‡Ki gv‡S balonce – fvimvg¨ iÿv Kiv
usually – mvaviYZ, mPivPi on all fours – nvgv¸wo Ae¯’v
crawl – nvgv¸wo w`‡q Pjv
Page: 47—48 holding hands – nv‡Z nv‡Z aiv
perch – w¯’i n‡q D”Pmv‡b ¯’vwcZ nIqv
nailed – ‡c‡iK w`‡q we× Kiv hands on hips – ‡Kvg‡i nvZ
bottom – Zj‡`k sprawl – AvuKveuvKv nIqv
cursed – Awfkß recline – †njvb †`Iqv
situation –cwiw¯’wZ argument – ¸iæZi g‡Zi Awgj, Zxeª
biggest – e„nËg conversation – K‡_vcK_b
moron – †evKv, g~L© appoinment – wewb‡qvM, wbhyw³
language – fvlv common – mvaviY, me©Rbxb
slang – Acfvlv, Acåsk especially we‡klfv‡e
dude – ‡`v¯Í incredibly – Awfk¦vm¨fv‡e
exchange – wewbgq, Av`vb cÖ`vb Kiv bitterly – Zxeªfv‡e
suggest – mycvwik Kiv completely – m¤ú~Y©fv‡e
responsibility – `vwqZ¡ deeply –Mfxifv‡e
hungry – ÿzavZ¡© entirely – m¤ú~Y©iƒ‡c
tipped – cÖR¡jb Kiv havily –cÖPÛfv‡e
bothering – wei³ Kiv hideously – b„ksmfv‡e
engrossed – gy», wbweó highly – AwZkqfv‡e
optimistic – Avkvev`x painfully – †e`bv`vqKfv‡e
Serious – M¤¢xi perfectly – mwVKfv‡e
dsturbing – weiw³Ki immensely – e¨vcKfv‡e
totally – mgMÖfv‡e
terribly – fq¼ifv‡e


Hello everyone! I am here to talk about my country Bangladesh.
When people seek class and History, they think about London. When they look for
romance and delight, they think about Paris. But when they seek for a place that has a
touch of Mother Nature, they think of the land of the rivers which resides in South Asia,
occupying a small portion of the eastern zone of the Indian subcontinent. This is my
country: Bangladesh, the home of the world's longest natural beach and the world's largest
Mangrove forest, both of which lie in the southern region of the country. The beach in
Cox's Bazar is an unbroken 125 kilometers (78 miles) sandy beach with a gentle slope.
Cox's Bazar is also known as "yellow flower". The famous Mangrove forest in Bangladesh
is called the Sundarbans.

Along with many other fascinating wild creatures, the Sundarbans is the home of the
Royal Bengal Tiger, the national animal of Bangladesh.
I love my country very much and I am very proud to be a Bangladeshi. Hope you all liked
my presentation. Thanks!

Bangladesh Facts!
o is the world’s 8th most populated country
o has the world’s 31st strongest GDP
o is the world’s 21st richest Muslim country
o is the world’s most Muslim populated country
o ranked 8th in the most peaceful Muslim countries in the world
o ranks 3rd global outsourcing field
o is the 2nd largest garment manufacturer in the world
o is the 2nd largest ship breaking yard in the world
o has the world’s 52nd strongest military
o is the world’s number 1 military investing in UN
o has the longest beach of the world
o is the only country in the world where people sacrificed their lives
for their mother tongue



K‡g hvIqv.............
`vg K‡g †Mj = The price decreased. e„wó K‡g †Mj = The rain abated.
e¨_v K‡g †Mj = The pain abated. evZvm K‡g †Mj = The wind died down.
fq K‡g †Mj = The fear subsided. eb¨v K‡g †Mj =The flood abated/subsided.
kã K‡g †Mj = The sound died away.

Decrease Collocation
Adjective + decrease
dramatic , drastic , great , large , marked , sharp , significant , substantial + decrease
There has been a sharp decrease in pollution since the law was introduced.
modest , slight , small, gradual , progressive, steady, rapid , sudden, corresponding, relative + decrease
Fewer houses are available, but there is no corresponding decrease in demand.
Let‘s Laugh Today
1. Politicians and diapers have one thing in common. They should both be changed regularly,
and for the same reason.
2. To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is research.
3. If 4 out of 5 people SUFFER from diarrhoea... does that mean that one enjoys it?
4. A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops. On my desk, I have
a work station.


Adjective + Love Collocations

She has all-consuming-me©MÖvmx love for me.
I have burning- Zxeª/ R¡jšÍ love for her.
Mom has deep- Mfxi love for it.
The man has great- gnvb love for school.
immense- e¨vcK, Mfxi love for my kids.
The boy has love for the country.
intense- Zxeª/cÖMvp
They have love for the teacher.
The man has passionate-Zxeª Av‡eMgq love for the spouse.
We have love for Allah.
profound- myMfxi
love for the
passionate- Zxeª Av‡eMc~Y©/ tender- ‡Kvgj /genuine- LuvwU /perfect- wbLuyZ/pure /real /sincere /true /boundless- Amxg/
unconditional- wbtkZ©/ altruistic- D`vi/ eternal- wPišÍb/ mutual- cvi¯úwiK/ everlasting- wPi¯’vqx/ lifelong- Rxebe¨vcx/
undying- Agi/ unfailing- AdzišÍ/ new-found- becÖvwß/ secret/ hopeless/forbidden/ lost/ first/ brotherly/ fatherly
/maternal / parental / paternal / sisterly /puppy- ‰K‡kvwiK / teenage /marital / married /physical /obsessive- Av”Qbœ/
divine- ¯^Mx©q/ human /universal- mve©Rbxb
-------- love is only for you.
-------- love was only for you.
-------- love will be only for you.

I have to…
I have to finish this test.
I have to wash these dishes.
I have to go and eat.
I have to do this before I can go on my date tonight.
I have got to…
I have got to go before the post office closes.
I have got to get out of here soon.
I have got to throw away this old television.
I have got to get to bed. I‘m so tired lately.
Page: 58—59
decrease – n«vm subsided – cÖkwgZ nIqv
abated – K‡g hvIqv dramatic –bUKxq

drastic –cÖPÛ gradual – µ‡gvbœwZ, ax‡i ax‡i
large – e„nr, eo progressive – cÖMwZkxj
masked – QÙ‡ekx, gy‡Lvk cwiwnZ steady – AwePwjZ
sharp –avivj rapid – `ªæZ, †eMevb
significant – ¸iæZ¡c~Y© sudden – nVvr
substantial – cÖK…Z Aw¯ÍZ¡c~Y©, m½wZ¯’vcb coresponding – Abyiƒc
pollution –`~lY relative – AvZ¥xq, ¯^Rb
regular – wbqwgZ available – mnRjf¨
suffer – †fvMv, ei`v¯Í Kiv demand – Pvwn`v
modest – webqx politican – ivRbxwZwe`
slight –Aí, Zz”, mvgvb¨ common – mvaviY
small – †QvU diarrhoea – Wvqwiqv, D`ivgq, †cU Lvivc


A: Hello, nice to meet you. My name is (_________).
B: Nice to meet you (_________). I am (_________).
A: Where are you from?
B: My hometown is (_________), but I live in (_________). And you?
A: I‘m from (_________).
B: Really? What is your favorite hobby?
A: I like (_________).
The other day we went to a party at our friend‘s house. Before the party we had to go to another
appointment so we showed up a little late. We ate dinner together. Then we sat and talked for
a while. I had not met many of the people there. I am a shy
person and very quiet. Sometimes it is hard to get the
courage to ask people questions to get to know them. But
as I try, it is getting easier to talk to people. I found in
talking to them that we each have similar experiences. I
learned that some of us had similar hobbies. Afterwards,
we shared our addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail
addresses so we could contact each other again sometime.
I was impressed with the personality and character of
them all. Throughout my life I have met many different
people. We all look different, but we are all human beings.

Characteristcs – •ewkó¨ Personality – e¨w³Z¨ address – wVKvbv hometown – wbRkni


How to ask Questions in English



1. Yes-No Questions
Shaynil, are you Ok? Is he back?
Have you finished?
2. WH-Questions:
What‘s your nick name? Where do you live?
How are you? Who did it to you?
3. Tag Questions:
He is right, isn‘t he? There are there, aren‘t they?
He helped you, didn‘t he?
4. Polite Questions:
I would like to know your name.
Could you please tell me your name?
If you could tell the way to New Market.
Could you tell how to get to New Market?

5. Spoken Questions:
He said what? You did how?
She got what? You met who?

6. Surprising Questions:
He died? You live here?
You got A+? She failed?

7. Double Questions:
Do you know what his name is?
The largest word of the world:
Do you know what the price is? Pneumonoultramicroscopicsi
8. Elliptic Questions:
Angry? Right?
Ok? Done?
Finished? Understood?
Like it?


Exercise on Question Types

Exercises: [Pair Work]
Questions Type
Did you like the Orientation Class, Hrid?
Who informed you about TESOLBD?
Will your friends come to do the Smart English Course?
I would like to know her name please, Jeme.
He is dead?
You are the youngest son, aren‘t you?
You did what?
You met who?
Can you tell me Pryanka how old he is?
How did you do this?
In which room?
If you don‘t mind, please tell me your name.
How long have you been waiting for me?
Do you know where the God is?
May I be excused?
Can you tell me Jannat what I can do for her?
Bangladesh is a peaceful country, isn‘t she?
Should we waste our time just by chit-chatting?
Who did this to you?
Ayesha did what to you?
Isn‘t TESOLBD the best in teaching English?
What does GB stand for?
Who can tell what my fault is?
Isn‘t Prophet Muhammad (SAS) the best human?
How could you say that to me?
Who is your favourite teacher? Why?
Whose ideologies influenced you the most?
Is your country beautiful?
How do you say this in English?
Can you define love?
Could you please repeat that, Meha?
What is the synonym of the word ‗antonym‘?
Would you like to be with us?
Doesn‘t TESOLBD train Bangladesh Police and Army?


KwVb k‡ãi evsjv A_©

Page: 54—56
Orientation – m~Pbv
distressed – cxwiZ, AvZ©
acceent – D”PviY fw½, ¯^ifw½
habit – Af¨vm
deserve – †hvM¨, cÖvc¨
duty – KZ©e¨/ KvR
melodious – my‡ijv
nourishing – cywóKi
cultural – msK…wZK
refreshing – mRxe/ ZvRv
expected – cÖZ¨vwkZ
important – ¸iæZ¡c~Y©
career – Kg©Rxeb
expert – `ÿ/ wbcyb
harmful – ÿwZKviK
Oh God!
---Yeasir Ahmed Milan
Oh God, from my heart I adore Thee;
Out of so deep love You created me.

I was nothing, yes my shape You gave;

You show right path, from danger You save.

To live You give water, air and food;

I am grateful, Your blessings are so good.

I‘m taking the test You gave to me;

Make just as You want me to be.
When I‘ll breathe my last to meet You;
I‘ll give all the thanks as are due.

Can You Take Interview?


Questionnaire: Habits and Daily Routines

Instruction: Find out something about your partner‘s habits and daily routine by asking
him/her questions. (Your partner will also ask you questions.) Before you start, work out
which questions to ask. Mark your partner‘s answer with a cross mark (×).

No, not usually 5%

No, not often 10%
Yes, always 100%

Yes, sometimes 30%

** (Pair Activity)

Yes, usually 80%

No, hardly ever 2%

Yes, often 60%

No, never
Your friend beside you….
….goes out at the weekends. (Do you go....…?) 

….goes to bed before 10 pm. (Do you go to....…?)

….has coffee for breakfast. (Do you have coffee....…?)
….does his/her homework. (Do you do your....…?)
….catches a cold in winter. (Do you catch cold....…?)
….feels tired in the morning. (Do you feel tired....…?)
….wears jeans to college/work. (Do you wear jeans....…?)
….has lunch in a restaurant. (Do you have lunch....…?)
….reads a daily newspaper. (Do you read a daily....…?)
…. easily makes friends. (Do you easily make....…?)
….forgets people‘s names. (Do you forget people‘s....…?)
….forgets people‘s phone nos.
(Do you forget people‘s....…?)
….listens to classical music. ( Do you listen to.....?)
….often visits village. (Do you often visit..............?)
….eats fast food a lot. (Do you eat.............?)
…gets easily annoyed with people.
(Do you get annoyed.......?)
….rides bicycle to work/college. (Do you ride...................?)
….tells a lie to his/her friends. (Do you tell a lie...............?)
….has dinner late at night. (Do you have .................?)
….drinks tea or coffee a lot. (Do you drink.....................?)
….dreams bad dreams at night. (Do you dream..............?)
….quarrels with siblings. (Do you quarrel with.............?)
….remembers his/her past. (Do you remember..........?)
….hangs out with friends whenever s/he gets some time.
(Do you hang out with....................................?)
….waits for his/her daddy for dinner. (Do you wait........?)
….uses Facebook at night. (Do you use.............?)
….watches English news at night. (Do you watch...........?)


When you have finished, use the answers your partner gave you to fill in the missing
words n the following sentences. Remember, if your partner answered No, not often, or
No, not usually, you write ‗He/She doesn‘t often/usually……..‘.
** not often/ not usually GB
`yÕ‡Uv ev` w`‡q wjLyb| Avi G `yÕ‡Uv Ackb e¨envi Ki‡Z PvB‡j evK¨‡K bv †evaK G
iƒcvšÍi Ki‡Z n‡e| wkÿ‡Ki mvnvh¨ wbb| N.B. (in case of negative sense, use doesn’t often, doesn’t
usually………) Don’t use s/es with the main verb if you make negative sentences.

I spoke to………… (Your partner‘s name............................................................).

1. He/She_____________________ goes out at weekends.
2. He/She_____________________ goes to bed before 10 pm.
3. He/She_____________________ has coffee for breakfast.
4. He/She_____________________ does his/her homework.
5. He/She_____________________ catches a cold in winter.
6. He/She_____________________ wears jeans to school/work.
7. He/She_____________________ feels tired in the morning.
8. He/She_____________________ has lunch at a restaurant.
9. He/She_____________________ reads a daily newspaper.
10. He/She_____________________ makes friends easily.
11. He/She_____________________ forgets people‘s names.
12. He/She_____________________ forgets people‘s phone numbers.
13. 13 to 26 (You try...............................................................................)

Smart Spoken/Phonetics/
-At your home or Office (Fee: Tk. 1,50,000)
- At TESOL BD Campus (Fee: Tk. 50,000)
For details:
Yeasir Sir (Writer): 01633686868


Do you…............?
Yes, I do. (Why?) OR, No, I don‘t. (Why?) What‘s your nick name?
Do you…………………….?   Why? Nick
Do you love your parents? my duty
Do you hate smoking? harmful
Do you get up early? good habit
Do you help the distressed/poor? our duty
Do you eat a lot of fruit? nourishing
Do you go to bed late? used to
Do you watch a lot of TV? time waster
Do you love to live in the country? pollution free
Do you adore your little sister/brother? they deserve
Do you obey your parents? my duty
Do you support child marriage? risky
Do you support late marriage? risky
Do you love to eat sea fishes? nourishing
Do you watch Hindi serials? cultural attack
Do you love to play cricket? good for health
Do you drink coffee? refreshing
Do you fight with your friends? not expected
Do you listen to folk songs? melodious
Do you support student politics? dangerous
Do you watch BBC/CNN? to learn English
Do you browse the blog of Yeasir Sir? to learn English
Do you use Google? to search info
Do you have Facebook ID? important to have
Do you like to visit America? to study there
Do you perform five-time prayer? duty to God
Do you want to smoke in future? harmful
Do you want to learn BBC accent? important
Do you want to get a foreign degree? for better career
Do you eat fast food often? costly
Do you drink a lot of soft drinks? harmful
Do you cook for yourself? not expert/expert
Do you want to do a part time job? to earn & learn


I need to…
I need to study English harder.
I need to get something to eat.
I need you to…
I need you to wash the dishes for me.
I need you to finish this after I go.
You need to…
You need to be nicer to your little brother.
You need to clean your room before you can play.
It seems like…
It seems like you are really tired.
It seems like the weather will get colder today.
While I studied, he listened to music.
While your father is gone, let’s clean the house.
We can talk while I drive.
Take a shower while I cook some dinner.


A: You look a little tired. Are you feeling okay?
B: I'm fine. I was so worried about today's test that I stayed up late last night studying.
A: The last question really confused me, but I think I did a good job. How about you?
B: I don't think I did very well. I was so nervous that I couldn't remember anything I
If you do better than I on the test, I'll be really jealous.
A. Maybe next time we can study together so we‘ll both get good grades.
B: Good idea. Well, I have to go to my next class. See you later!

Pottery House Oven

13,000 BC 28,000 BC 9000 BC
H aving harnessed the power
P eople started to build T he earliest method of
of fire, people were able to cooking was to put food
houses about 30,000 years
make pottery. The first potters over an open fire and turn it
ago, but most people lived in
only needed to find some soft occasionally. But this wasted
shelters or caves. They also
clay, shape it, and then heat it fuel and someone had to do the
built simple huts, in which
in a fire. Because an ordinary
they probably lived for some turning. It was more efficient to
fire did not heat the clay very
time before moving on to find put the fire inside a stone or
evenly, the resulting pots were
fragile and not completely
food. At Dolnì Vestonice in the clay chamber – an oven.
Czech Republic, archaeologists The first known
waterproof, but they still
have found the remains of ovens were found in the city of
proved extremely useful.
houses built from stone, wood, Jericho in ancient Palestine,
Pottery from about 15,000
and mammoth bones, dating where people have been living
years ago has been
from about 25,000 BC. for more than 10,000 years.
found in Japan.

Many Ways to Respond to “Thank You”

1. My pleasure.
2. Glad to help you.
3. Don‘t mention it. 4. No problem.
5. You‘re welcome.
6. No worries.
7. Sure!
8. It was the least I could do.
9. Anytime.
10. Thank you.


KwVb k‡ãi evsjv A_©

pack – e¯Íve›`xKiY clay – Kv`vgvwU
wrench –‡gvPov‡bv, gPKv‡bv fragile – fs½yi
deed – KvR/Kg© extreme – Pig
cap ped – Uzwc civb waterproof – Rj‡ivax, Rj cÖwZ‡ivaÿg
past – AZxZ shelter – AvkÖq
tired – K¬všÍ probably – m¤¢eZ
feeling – AbyfywZ moving – Pjgvb, PjšÍ
worried – msw¼Z/ fxZ republic – cÖRvZš¿
confused – wØavMÖ¯Í, Ø›Øm¼zj archaeologist – cyivZË¡we`
nervous – `~e©jwPË mammoth – e¨cK, mywekvj
jealous – Cl©vwbZ, wnsmyK wood – KvV, Kvó
priority – AMÖvw`Kvi woods – eb
harnessed – mvR civb occesionally – gv‡S gv‡S cÖvqkB
pottery – g„rwkí chamber – Kÿ
ordinary – mvavib, gvgywj ancient – cÖvPxb


cÖvZ¨wnK iæwUb eY©bvq e¨eüZ kãmg~n

Words used in describing daily routines
1. Usually ~ mPviPi 30. Soon after magrib prayer ~ gvMwi‡ei bvgv‡Ri ci-
2. Get up ~ Nyg †_‡K DVv ciB
3. Wake up ~ Nyg †_‡K RvMv/DVv 31. To start reading ~ cov ïiæ Kiv
4. Say prayer ~ cÖv_©bv Kiv 32. To leave study table ~ covi †Uwej Z¨vM Kiv
5. take ablution ~ IRy Kiv 33. To take supper ~ iv‡Zi Lvevi LvIqv
6. Natural call ~ cÖvK…wZK wµqv (cÖkªve/cvqLvbv) 34. With all family members ~ cwiev‡ii mKj m`m¨‡`i
7. Wash ownself ~ wb‡R‡K cwi®‹vi/cwi”Qbœ Kiv mv‡_
8. Breakfast ~ mKv‡ji bv¯Ív Kiv 35. To sit before TV ~ wUwfi mvg‡b emv
9. To take breakfast ~ mKv‡ji bv¯Ív LvIqv 36. To watch TV ~ wUwf ‡`Lv
10. Sit for study ~ co‡Z emv 37. For a short hour ~ Aí mg‡qi Rb¨
11. After reading for a while ~ wKQzÿY covi ci 38. For long hours ~ `xN© mg‡qi Rb¨
12. After reading a bit ~ wKQzUv covi ci 39. Favourite TV Programme ~ wcÖq wUwf Abyôvb
13. Get ready ~ cÖ¯‘Z 40. Drama ~ bvUK
14. Start for university ~ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi D‡Ï‡k¨ hvÎv Kiv 41. Episode ~ ce©
15. Start for office ~ Awd‡mi hvÎv Kiv 42. Episode of a drama ~ bvU‡Ki ce©
16. To reach university ~ wek¦we`¨vj‡q †cuŠQv‡bv 43. Educative programme ~ wkÿvg~jK Abyôvb
17. After reading university ~ wek¦we`¨vj‡q †cŠQvi ci 44. Talk show ~ Avjvc Av‡jvPbvi Abyôvb
18. To attend class ~ K¬vk Kiv 45. Moderator of the programme ~ AbyôvbwUi mÂvjK
19. To perform official work ~ Awd‡mi KvR Kg© Kiv 46. Presenter ~ Dc¯’vcK
20. At a stretch ~ GKUvbv 47. News Presenter ~ msev` cvVK
21. Up to 1 pm ~ `ycyi GKUv cÖh©šÍ 48. To gossip with family members ~ cwiev‡ii
22. Lunch ~ `ycy‡ii Lvevi m`m¨‡`i mv‡_ Mí Kiv
23. To take lunch ~ `ycy‡ii Lvevi LvIqv 49. To share ideas ~ aviYv fvMvfvwM Kiv
24. Lunch break ~ `ycy‡ii Lvev‡ii weiwZ 50. To lull baby ~ ev”Pv‡K Nyg cvov‡bv
25. Johr prayer/ midday prayer ~ ‡hvn‡ii bvgvR 51. To fall asleep ~ Nywg‡q cov
26. To return home ~ evwo †cŠQv 52. in a nutshell ~ ms‡ÿ‡c
27. Evening snakes ~ we‡K‡ji nvjKv bv¯Ív 53. day off ~ e‡Üi w`b
28. Magrib prayer ~ gvMwi‡ei bvgvR 54. snore in sleep ~ Ny‡gi g‡a¨ bvK WvKv
29. As soon as ajan called ~ Avhvb nIqvi m‡½ m‡½

Now Write 12 Sentences About Your Daily Routine



Words used in describing yesterday‘s routine

1. Yesterday‘s routine = MZKv‡ji iæwUb
2. As usual = wbZ¨w`‡bi gZ
3. I woke up = Avwg Nyg †_‡K D‡VwQjvg
4. I performed ablution = Avwg Ihy K‡iwQjvg
5. I said prayer = Avwg bvgvR c‡owQjvg
6. I set for study = Avwg co‡Z e‡mwQjvg
7. Then =ZLb/Zvici
8. After that =Zvici
9. I took tea/ I had tea =Avwg Pv ‡L‡qwQjvg
10. I made tea =Avwg Pv evwb‡qwQjvg
11. I was awfully busy =Avwg Lye e¨¯Í wQjvg
12. I had a lot of work =Avgvi A‡bK KvR wQj
13. I went =Avwg wM‡qwQjvg
14. I went to office =Avwg Awd‡m wM‡qwQjvg
15. I didn‘t go to office =Avwg Awd‡m hvBwb
16. I had a meeting =Avgvi GKwU mfv wQj
17. I took breakfast = Avwg mKv‡ji bv¯Ív †L‡qwQjvg
18. I phoned my friend =Avwg Avgvi eÜz‡K †dvb K‡iwQjvg
19. I met my friend =Avwg Avgvi eÜyi mv‡_ mvÿvZ K‡iwQjvg
20. After having/ attending class =K¬vk Kivi ci
21. I took rest for a while =Avwg wKQzÿ‡Yi Rb¨ wekÖvg wb‡qwQjvg
22. I left my house =Avwm evmv †_‡K †ei n‡q wM‡qwQjvg
23. I went shopping =Avwg †KbvKvUv Ki‡Z wM‡qwQjvg
24. Sometimes =gv‡S gv‡S
25. Sometime = wKQy mgq
26. I went to bed =Avwg weQvbvq wM‡qwQjvg
27. I fell asleep =Avwg Nywg‡q c‡owQjvg
28. I had sound sleep =Avgvi fvj Nyg n‡qwQj

Now Write 14 Sentences About What You Did Yesterday



Let‘s Learn about Professions

** (Pair Activity)
1. What is your profession? 17. What is your profession?
=I‘m an Accountant. = I‘m a Medical Promotion Officer.
Is it a good profession?
=Yes, I think so. 18. What is your profession?
What are your major responsibilities? = I‘m a Mechanical Engineer.
= To keep accounts and to report. 19. What is your profession?
2. What is your profession? = I‘m a Microbiologist.
= I‘m a Banker.
20. What is your profession?
3. What is your profession? = I‘m Safety Advisor.
= I‘m a Civil Engineer.
21. What is your profession?
4. What is your profession? = I‘m Procurement Officer.
= I‘m a Chief Executive Officer.
22. What is your profession?
5. What is your profession? = I‘m a Production Manager.
= I‘m a Police Officer.
23. What is your profession?
6. What is your profession? = I‘m a Public Relation Officer.
= I‘m a Film Director.
24. What is your profession?
7. What is your profession? = I‘m a Safety Inspector.
= I‘m a Drama Teacher.
25. What is your profession?
8. What is your profession? = I‘m a Sales Representative.
= I‘m an Event Manager.
26. What is your profession?
9. What is your profession?
= I‘m a Sales and Marketing Executive.
= I‘m an Electrical Engineer.
27. What is your profession?
10. What is your profession?
= I‘m a Software Engineer.
= I‘m an External Auditor.
28. What is your profession?
11. What is your profession?
= I‘m a System Analyst.
= I‘m a Fashion Designer.
12. What is your profession? 29. What is your profession?
= I‘m a Financial Investment Adviser. = I‘m a Sports Umpire.
30. What is your profession?
13. What is your profession? = I‘m a Bank Manager.
= I‘m a Graphic Designer.
31. What is your profession?
14. What is your profession? = I‘m a Pop Singer.
= I‘m a Human Resource Manager.
32. What is your profession?
15. What is your profession? = I‘m a Teacher
= I‘m a Hardware Technician. .
33. What is your profession?
16. What is your profession? = I‘m a Telecommunication Officer.
= I‘m Management Consultant.
34. What is your profession?
= I‘m a Telecommunication Engineer.
35. What is your profession? = I‘m Customer Relationship Officer.
= I‘m a TV Presenter.
54. What is your profession?
36. What is your profession? = I‘m a Call Center Agent.
= I‘m a TV journalist.
55. What is your profession?
37. What is your profession? = I‘m a Helicopter Pilot.
= I‘m a TV equipment operator.
56. What is your profession?
38. What is your profession? = I‘m a Geologist.
= I‘m a Tennis Coach. 57. What is your profession?
= I‘m Environmental Scientist.
39. What is your profession?
58. What is your profession?
= I‘m a Training And Development Officer.
= I‘m a Fitness Centre Manager.
40. What is your profession?
= I‘m a Travel Agency Manager. 59. What is your profession?
= I‘m an Education Advisor.
41. What is your profession?
= I‘m the Managing Director of GB. 60. What is your profession?
= I‘m a Company Secretary.
42. What is your profession?
= I‘m a University Lecturer. 61. What is your profession?
= I‘m a Computer Engineer.
43. What is your profession?
= I‘m a Vehicle Painter. 62. What is your profession?
= I‘m a Corporate General Manager.
44. What is your profession?
= I‘m a Web Designer. 63. What is your profession?
= I‘m a Dentist.
45. What is your profession? 64. What is your profession?
= I‘m a Welfare Worker. = I‘m a Detective.
46. What is your profession? 65. What is your profession?
= I‘m a Social Worker. = I‘m a Dental Therapist.

47. What is your profession? 66. What is your profession?

= I‘m a Welfare Centre Manager. = I‘m an Emergency Service Worker.

48. What is your profession? 67. What is your profession?

= I‘m a Wholesaler. = I‘m a Health Officer.

49. What is your profession? 68. What is your profession?

= I‘m a retailer. = I‘m a Hotel Manager.

50. What is your profession? 69. What is your profession?

= I‘m a Retail Shopkeeper. = I‘m ICT Business Officer.
51. What is your profession? 70. What is your profession?
= I‘m a Zookeeper. = I‘m an Insurance Agent.

52. What is your profession? 71. What is your profession?

= I‘m a Zoologist. = I‘m an Insurance Broker.
53. What is your profession?
72. What is your profession? 86. What is your profession?
= I‘m an Interior Decorator. = I‘m a Railway Station Manager.

73. What is your profession? 87. What is your profession?

= I‘m an Interior Designer. = I‘m a Recruitment Consultant.

74. What is your profession? 88. What is your profession?

= I‘m an Interpreter. = I‘m Regional Sales Executive.

89. What is your profession?

75. What is your profession?
= I‘m a Real Estate Agent.
= I‘m a Legal Advisor.
90. What is your profession?
76. What is your profession? = I‘m a Real Estate Representative.
= I‘m a Librarian.
91. What is your profession?
77. What is your profession? = I‘m a Deputy Managing Director.
= I‘m a Laboratory Technician.
92. What is your profession?
78. What is your profession? = I‘m a Neurosurgeon.
= I‘m a Mathematician.
93. What is your profession?
79. What is your profession? = I‘m a Network Analyst.
= I‘m a Neurologist.
94. What is your profession?
80. What is your profession? = I‘m a Motor Mechanic.
= I‘m a Plant Engineer.
95. What is your profession?
81. What is your profession? = I‘m a Meteorologist.
= I‘m a Metropolitan Police Officer.
96. What is your profession?
82. What is your profession? = I‘m a Health Promotion Officer.
= I‘m a Composer.
97. What is your profession?
83. What is your profession? = I‘m a Gymnastics Coach.
= I‘m an Editor of English Newspaper.
98. What is your profession?
84. What is your profession? = I‘m a Corporate Treasurer.
= I‘m a Project Administrator. 99. What is your profession?
= I‘m Education Psychologist.
85. What is your profession?
= I‘m a Quality Surveyor. 100. What is your profession?
= I‘m an Architect.


Saying Hello and Goodbye

Greetings: A greeting is a friendly way of opening a conversation.
There are many ways to say hello.
Greetings Responses
1. Hi! Hello!
2. Hello! Hi there!
3. Hi there! Hey!
4. Hello there! Hey!
5. Hey, how are you doing? Cool and dandy!
6. Howdy friend! Keeping cool!
7. What‘s up! Crummy!
8. How is it going? Just great!
9. Wow! It‘s good to see you. As usual!
10. Hi there! Hey, how are you doing? Fine and dandy!
11. Hello, how have you been? Keeping cool!
12. It‘s good to see you. How‘s life been treating you? I am in heaven!
13. Good to meet you! (for the first time) Good to meet you too!
14. It‘s nice to meet you! Nice to meet you too.
15. I‘m pleased to meet you! Pleased to meet you.
16. It‘s a pleasure to meet you! Same is here.
17. Oh my God! It‘s you! Touch me!
18. Aahh, where have you been? I was hiding.
( প )
19. My goodness! Long time no speak/see. I was hibernating.
( প )
20. Wow! It‘s good to see you again. Same is here.
( প )
21. Is it really you! When did we last meet? Um, two years back!
( প )
22. Hi, sorry, I can‘t stop. ( ম ) You always too busy.
23. Oh, hi there! Look I am a bit pushed for time. Here‘s Ok, sure. I will.
my phone number, give me a call sometime. ( ম )
24. Hello there, I am on my way to work.........maybe Surely.
catch up with you again soon. ( ম )
25. Hey, I would love to stop and chat but I really have Surely.
to dash. ( ম )
26. Hello, what‘s going on here? I am not sure.
27. Hello, I did not know he had a new friend. Hum, he is lucky.
28. Hello, what‘s going on over there? I am not sure.
29. Hello, something is wrong here, he took my money. Oh my God!
30. Hello, isn‘t it a lovely day? It is indeed!
31. Hello, what about this terrible weather? Yes, so terrible.
32. Hello, did you hear the storm last night? Yeah, how terrible!
33. Hello, how‘s the family? They are fine. Thanks for asking.

34. Hello, how‘s your wife doing? She is fine. Thanks for asking.
35. Hello, how are the kids? They are fine. Thanks for asking.
36. Hello, how are your parents? They are fine. Thanks for asking.
37. Hello, did you understand what I said? Not really, sorry.
38. Hello, was that too difficult for you to read? Yeah, it was.
39. Hello, did you see me waving at you? No, swear, I didn‘t.
40. Hello, do you not recognize me? Why not!
41. Hello, how is everything? Everything is fine. Thanks for asking.
42. Hello, what time do you call this? So sorry!
You are late!( )

evsjv‡`‡ki †Kvb Bs‡iwR eB‡q GZ ai‡bi n¨v‡jŠ I ¸WevB †`Iqv ‡bB| G welqwU w`‡qB ‡evSv hvq GB eBwUi
we‡klZ¡ KZLvwb| eBwU Avcbvi c‡o fvj jvM‡j `qv K‡i eÜz‡KI wKb‡Z ejyb| †mI DcK…Z n‡e| Avcbvi
cwiwPZ mevB‡K ¯§vU© †¯úv‡Kb †Kvm©wU Ki‡Z ejyb| G †Kvm©wU e¨w³, cwievi, †`k mK‡ji Rb¨ Avkxev©`¯^iƒc
G‡m‡Q| Avcbvi BwZevPK f~wgKv LyeB Kvg¨ Avgv‡`i| ïf Kvgbvq|
--‡jLK (01765049900)
Coming Soon!
*Journey to Success*
by Yeasir Ahmed Milan


A long, long time ago,/ there was nothing/ but a great empty space.// /There were no earth/ and no
sky.// There were no sun/ and no moon.// There was no light anywhere./ Everything was covered with/
The Merciful Allah/ thought of making the world. / He said:/ ―Be!‖/ And the world was made.// Allah
wanted the world/ to be beautiful.// He spread the earth /like a carpet.// Then he put mountains on it/
to hold it down./

Above the earth/ He made the sky.// In the sky/ He put two lights:/ the sun and the moon. //And He told
the sun/ to shine in the day/ and the moon to shine at night./ Then Allah put stars/ in the night sky/ and
told them to shine brightly/ to help travellers find their way at night.// There are many stars in the
sky./ Yet /each one is different.// Some are small/ and some are very big.// Some twinkle gently/ and
some burn brightly./ They are like road signs/ that guide the travellers/ to the right place.//
After that/ Allah divided the dry land/ from the seas.// He covered the land with greenery:/ big trees,/
small bushes,/ and colourful flowers. // He told the rain to water the plants /so that they might grow.//
After that/ He made all kinds of animals:/ camels,/ horses, /sheep /and elephants. //Then He made all
kinds of birds:/ high-flying eagles,/ beautiful peacocks/ and sweetly singing nightingales.// And He
filled the seas/ with fish and other creatures.//
The world was beautiful. //The earth was green.// The sky was blue.// And the seas were green and
blue./ There were many different animals on earth, /many different birds in the sky/ and many
different fish in the seas.//
Yet Allah wanted the world/ to be even more beautiful.// Allah made the angels.// The angels obey
Allah/ in everything.// They are His messengers. //They carry His commands/ to all corners of the
They see to it/ that the whole world is running/ as it should:/ the wind blows/ where required,/ the
clouds take the rain/ to the right spots, /and the rains give water/ to the fields and gardens. //
Then out of fire without smoke./ Allah created jinn./ Some jinn are good/ and some are bad. /Some of
them are believers/ and some unbelievers. //Finally Allah decided /to make a human being./ He
collected every kind of soil.// He mixed it like a potter‘s clay.// He moulded it/ into the shape of man
/and breathed His spirit/ into it./ He named the first man/ Adam.// Then Allah made the first woman/
and named her Hawwa, /or Eve./ Allah made the beautiful world.// And He gave it to man/ to live in.//

spread- Qwo‡q w`‡jb mountain- ce©Z brightly- D¾jfv‡e traveller- Av‡ivnx
darkness- AÜKvi greenery- k¨vgwjgv bush-‡Svc camel- DU
peacock- gq~i nightingale- cvwcqv creature-m„wó shade- Qvqv
messenger- evZ©vevnK command- Av‡`k plough- Pvlvev` Kiv spot- ¯’vb
potter‘s clay-Kzgv‡ii Kuv`vgvwU mould- AvKvi †`qv breath- wbtk¦vm spirit- AvZ¥v
When was there only empty space? Who thought of creating the universe?
How was the world made? What do the stars do to the travellers?
What did Allah create first: angels or humans?
Who obey Allah in everything? How did Allah create Jinn?
How did Allah create Adam? What are the names of the first man and woman?


Conversation Questions
Topic: Travel
Instructions: Read each of the following questions, understand what each question asks you to
answer, see the hints. Try to elaborate your answer as much as logically possible.
Word Meaning: abroad , planপ , anywhere , vacation , if so  ,
afraid of  , alone  , the rest of , frankly speaking , travel ম ,
prefer প , tourist destinationপ , recommendউপ , baggage
1. Have you ever been abroad? (Hints: Yes, I have been abroad./No, I have never been abroad
before but I would like to......................because...............................)
2. Where have you been? (Hints: I have been to...............)
3. Are you planning to go anywhere for your next vacation? (Hints: Yes, I am planning to
a. If so, where? (Hints: I want to go to...............)
b. Who with? (Hints: I want to go to with...............)
c. How long will you stay? (Hints: Um...I want to/will/would like to stay for...............days.)
4. Are you afraid of going abroad alone? (Hints: Frankly speaking, no. This is because....................)
5. Could you live in another country for the rest of your life? (Hints: I never thought that way
6. Describe the most interesting person you met on one of your travels. (Hints: I met a girl
named...............when I was going to....................)
7. Do you have a driver's license? (Hints: No, I don‘t have. But I would like to...............)
8. Do you like to travel with children? Why or why not? (Hints: It depends on where and why I am
going to...............)
9. Do you like to travel with your mother? Why or why not? (Hints: It depends on where and why I
am going to...............)
10. Do you prefer summer vacations or winter vacations? (Hints: I prefer winter vacation
11. Do you prefer to travel alone or in a group? Why? (Hints: I mostly prefer to travel...............)

Let‘s Laugh
1. I asked God for a bike, but I know God doesn't work that way. So I stole a bike and asked
for forgiveness.
2. If I agreed with you we'd both be wrong.
3. Children: You spend the first 2 years of their life teaching them to walk and talk. Then
you spend the next 16 years telling them to sit down and shut-up.

Quotes to Remember
1. Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance.—Will Durant
2. Tell me and I‘ll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I‘ll learn.—
Chinese proverb


GwU GKwU PgrKvi w¯úwKs †MBg! cÖwZwU wkÿv_x© Av‡M eB‡q 1 †_‡K 15 bs cÖ‡kœi DËi wjL‡e| Gici cÖ‡Z¨‡Ki eB Ab¨
†Kv‡bv AcwiwPZ eÜzi Kv‡Q w`‡q w`‡e| Gici wb‡Pi cÖ‡kœi mnvqZv wb‡q Ny‡i Ny‡i mKj eÜzi Kv‡Q wM‡q eB‡qi gvwjK‡K
Lyu‡R †ei Ki‡Z n‡e| cÖ‡Z¨K‡K Kgc‡ÿ 5wU cÖkœ Ki‡Z n‡e| DËi bv wgj‡j Ab¨ eÜzi Kv‡Q †h‡Z n‡e| DËi wgj‡Z
_vK‡j me cÖkœ K‡i DËi wgwj‡q hvi eB Zv‡K w`‡q w`‡Z n‡e|

Find Me If You Can!

1. My AIM in life: ___________________________________________________________________
2. My Favourite Person: ______________________________________________________________
3. My favourite Colour: _______________________________________________________________
4. My favourite Movie: _______________________________________________________________
5. I am from: ________________________________________________________________________
6. My last degree: ____________________________________________________________________
7. My fovourite subject: _______________________________________________________________
8. My favourite Actor/Hero: ____________________________________________________________
9. Brothers and Sisters: ________________________________________________________________
10. My father is: ______________________________________________________________________
11. My mother is: _____________________________________________________________________
12. How many friends I have: ___________________________________________________________
13. What I do: ________________________________________________________________________
14. My Nick Name: ___________________________________________________________________
15. My FULL NAME: _________________________________________________________________

Questions To Ask:
1. What is your aim in life?
2. Who is your favourite person?
3. What is your favourite colour?
4. Which one is your favourite movie?
5. Are you from………………..?
6. Is ……………………your last degree?
7. What is your favourite subject?
8. Who is your favourite actor?
9. How many brothers and sisters do you have?
10. What does your father do?
11. What does your mother do?
12. How many friends do you have?
13. What do you do?
14. What is your nick name?
15. What is your full name?


Cross out two words that could not be used to describe each bold word. Use a dictionary if
you‘re not sure of a word‘s meaning.

1. artist
charming reputable criminal convincing compassionate
2. stranger
sibling outsider non-acquaintance mentor unidentified
3. fraud
bargain trickery hoax opportunity scheme

Unscramble the words from the reading. Then write each unscrambled word next to its
synonyms (words with similar meanings).
NOVICE ________________________ INSTRUCTION _________________________
RICHES ______________________ STATISTICS ______________________________
UNPREDICTABLY ____________________ CHIEFLY _________________________
1. inexperienced, innocent, ______________________________________________
2. guideline, standard, __________________________________________________
3. unexpectedly, immediately, ___________________________________________
4. data, facts, _________________________________________________________
5. especially, specifically, _______________________________________________
6. fortune, wealth, _____________________________________________________

6 Ways to Show Interest

1. Really? ~ Yeah.
2. That’s interesting. ~ Hm.
3. Uh-huh. ~ Liked it?
4. Right. ~ Yeah!
5. Gotcha. ~ Uh Yes!
6. Sure. ~ Yeah, sure.


KwVb k‡ãi evsjv A_©

Page: 74
profession – †ckv shopkiper – †`vKvbx, †`vKvb`vi
journalist – mvsevw`K zookeeper – wPwiqvLvbv iÿK
operator – PvjbvKvix zoologist – cÖvYxweÁvbx, cÖvYxwe`¨vwekvi`
coach – cÖwkÿK emengency – Riæwi
development – Dbœqb insurance – myiÿv, exgv
agency – ms¯’v interior – Avf¨bšÍwib, wfZi
lecturer – cÖfvlK interpreter – †`vfvlx, fvlvšÍwiK
vehicle – gvb, MvwW technician – KvwiMi, hš¿wer
painter – wPÎKi, cUzqv administrator – cÖkvmK, cwiPvjK
designer – bKkv cÖbqbKvix surveyor – RwicKvwi/ RwicKg©KvÐ
worker – Kg©x recruitment – wb‡qvM, msMÖn
welfare – Kj¨vb, g½j mvab representative – cÖwZwbwa, cwi‡ekK
social – mvgvwRK netowork – Kg©Rvj
manager – e¨e¯’vcK, cwiPvjK mechanic – KvwiMwi cÖwkÿK, KvwiMi
wholesaler – cvBKvwi we‡µZv promotion – c‡`vbœwZ
retailer – LyPiv we‡µZv


Words Related to Sound

1. cooing= some birds are cooing. 14. purring = (continuous soft sound)
2. deafening = extremely loud purring noise
3. faint = weak/faded sound 15. quiet = silence
4. harsh = harsh (unkind) voice 16. raspy = rough
5. high-pitched =piercing 17. resonant = echoing (sound)
6. hissing = hissing sound 18. screeching = loud/high noise
7. hushed =quiet 19. shrill = piercing (shrill high-pitched
8. husky = rough voice = husky voice
9. loud
20. silent = quiet

10. melodic
21. soft = weak: soft sound/music

11. moaning = moaning sound

22. squealing = long high sound

12. mute =silent

23. thundering = high (sound)

13. noisy =loud

24. voiceless = without sound
25. whispering= very quiet


“Parting is such sweet sorrow”

Saying Goodbye
Goodbye Expressions Responses/Replies
1. Bye! 1. Bye bye!
2. Bye for now! 2. See ya!
3. Bye-bye! 3. Later!
4. See ya! 4. See ya!
5. So long! 5. Ciao! /tSaU/
6. Ciao! 6. Cheerio! /ˌtʃɪə.riˈəʊ/
7. Cheerio! 7. Farewell!
8. See you around! 8. So long!
9. Farewell! 9. Ta-ra!
10. Ta-ra! 10. See you again!
11. See you again! 11. Ta-ta for now!
12. Ta-ta for now! 12. Goodbye!
13. Catch you later! 13. Bye!
14. Goodbye! 14. Catch you later!
15. See ye soon! 15. Ok, all the best!
GZfv‡e ¸WevB e‡j eÜz‡K ZvK jvwM‡q w`b| ¯§vU© †¯úv‡Kb †Kv‡m©i ¸iæZ¡ eySzK mgMÖ evsjv‡`k!

Some Useful Websites:

1. [Your Education Coach]
2. [English learning blog ]
3. [for 2000 presentation videos]
4. [for Islamic books and videos]


Adjectives Describing People and
Personal Qualities
A‡bK wkÿv_x©ivB e‡j _v‡Kb, m¨vi, Avwg Bs‡iwR evK¨ •Zwi Ki‡Z cvwi bv| GB welqwU Avm‡jB RwUj| Avevi
AmsMwZc~Y© `yB GKwU evK¨ ‣Zwi Ki‡Z cvi‡jB fvj w¯úwKs †kLv hv‡e bv| g‡b ivL‡eb, †h †Kv‡bv GKwU welq wb‡q
A‡bK kØ evK¨ •Zwii †Póv Ki‡eb| G‡Z H welqwU m¤ú‡K© Mfxi aviYv n‡e Avcbvi| †hgb aiæb, GB PvÞviwUi K_v|
GLv‡b ïay gvbyl‡K eY©bvi 500 Bs‡iwR kã †`qv n‡q‡Q| GB 500 kã w`‡q Avcwb B”Qv Ki‡j 10,000 ï× Bs‡iwR evK¨
‣Zwi Ki‡Z cv‡ib| Aek¨B Avwg GLv‡b ‡K․kj wkwL‡q w`e| Giƒc Avcwb GKwU wfwËK kã I evK¨ wb‡q KvR ïiæ Kiæb|
Z_vKw_Z Bswj‡ki em cÖwZôv‡b (ïay A_© eyS‡j bvwK me Bs‡iwR †kLv n‡q hv‡e.....) ïay wew”Qbœ wKQz Bs‡iwR evK¨,
wKQz iæjm, Avi wKQz wfwWI †jmb w`‡qB Bs‡iwR †kLv‡bv nq| djvdj? e¨_©Zv| 36 wU wmPzGBkb wkL‡jB bvwK †¯úv‡Kb
Bswjk †kLv †kl...nv nv nv..........| AbjvB‡bi wKQz wfwWI ‡`Lv‡bv n‡e †mLv‡b..........Avgiv Avcbv‡K H wfwWI¸wj wd«
w`‡q w`e| hvB †nvK, Gevi wk‡L wbb, ‡Kgb K‡i gvbyl‡K eY©bvi Rb¨ 500 kØ w`‡q nvRvi nvRvi ï× Bs‡iwR evK¨ •Zwi
Kiv hvq|
Hm, you are right.
independent What is your opinion? I don‘t think so.
abnormal /atypical
careless Do you agree with me?
He‘s You are right.
absent-minded indolent/lazy
She‘s = Am I right?
I am not sure.
laid-back Do you know the reason?
I am not
You aren‘t I do not know why. May be.
aboveHe average inexperienced
isn‘t far I have heard. How do you know?
She isn‘t
adventurous far I have seen.
They aren‘t far I know.
Without doubt.
affectionate/loving interesting
The girl is You are read my mind.
The man is
inventive How do you say this?
short-tempered You shouldn‘t guess.

1. Do you think Sanjida is quiet .........................? – No, I don‘t. /Yes, I do.
2. He is really........., right? –I am not sure./Yeah, I think so.
3. Isn‘t she..............? –You read my mind. Yeah.
4. How come you know he is..............? –I just heard.
5. Who do you think is very...................? –This girl/this man.
6. The student is really..................
7. Now he is.............., what do you think? –Yeah, he is./No, he is not.


A childlike delightful fabulous =

able/capable cheerful demure= amazing
abnormal/atypical chic/stylish modest fastidious
absent-minded = churlish/rude depressed =fussy, choosy
forgetful circumspect = devoted ferocious
above average cautious/careful dexterous= =violent
adventurous civil/social skilled fervent/eager
affectionate/loving clean/spotless diligent flashy/showy
agile/lively clever/shrewd dirty frank/open
agreeable clumsy/awkward disagreeable friendly =
alert/watchful coherent/logical discerning= welcoming
amazing cold/unfriendly judicious funny =
ambitious competent/skilled discreet= humorous
amiable/friendly composed = tactful fussy/picky
amusing controlled disruptive= G
analytical/logical conceited/proud unruly generous
angelic/pure confident distraught= gentle
apathetic = confused = upset good
indifferent baffled/perplexed distrustful= grave/serious
apprehensive = conscientious = suspicious groggy/sleepy
anxious careful dowdy= grouchy =
anxious/worried considerate = dated or bad-tempered
= concerned kind/caring old-fashioned guarded =
ardent/keen content/happy dramatic protected
artificial/fake cool/friendly dreary/dull
cool-headed =boring H
artistic/creative hateful =
assertive = cooperative drowsy/tired
cordial/amiable drunk = odious
self-confident hearty =
attentive/careful courageous intoxicated
cowardly/spineless dull/tedious energetic
average helpful
crabby= dutiful = compliant/
awesome bad-tempered hesitant =
awful/terrible well-behaved
crafty/cunning undecided
B cranky= E hot-headed =
balanced/fair bad-tempered eager/keen argumentative
beautiful crass=stupid earnest = hypercritical =
below average critical/dangerous solemn critical
benevolent cruel/unkind easy-going hysterical/wild
blunt/dull curious/nosy efficient = =out-of-control
cynical competent
egotistical =
energetic = pessimistic idiotic
narcissistic =
brave D self-centred
bright dainty= illogical
brilliant/bright emotional
graceful imaginative
energetic =
C decisive=
callous/cold influential immodest
candid deferential= impatient
cantankerous respectful imperturbable/
= calm
=irritable deft/adroit controlled/
capable = =skillful composed
excitable =
competent delicate= impetuous/
cautious weak hasty
experienced =
charming dependent knowledgeable
childish impious/bad
impressive mature thoughtful revered
impulsive/ mean persevering ridiculous/absurd
hasty meddlesome= =adamant S
inactive intrusive persnickety sad/cheerless
incisive/keen methodical = =fussy sassy/lively
incompetent systematic = hard to please self-assured
inconsiderate/ meticulous/ petulant/ selfish
selfish careful irritable sensible
inconsistent mild/easygoing picky/fussy sensitive
independent miserable = plain/simple sentimental
indiscreet/ unhappy plain-speaking = serene/calm
careless modest/humble straightforward serious
indolent/lazy N playful/ sharp/intelligent
=laid-back naive= good-humoured short-tempered
indefatigable/ inexperienced pleasant = shrewd/clever
untiring nasty/mean enjoyable shy/introverted
industrious =malicious plucky/brave silly/stupid
inexperienced naughty polite/well-bred sincere
insensitive = negative popular/famous sleepy/drowsy
unfeeling nervous positive = slight/small
inspiring = noisy optimistic slothful/lazy
intelligent normal powerful = slow
interesting nosy influential smart/stylish
intolerant numb/frozen practical snobby/superior
inventive= prejudiced =biased somber/serious
creative O pretty/cute
obliging= sober =
irascible/ proficient = clear-headed
irritable kind/helpful expert
obnoxious sophisticated =
irritable/ proud stylish
short-tempered =hateful provocative
old-fashioned soulful/sad
irritating = =challenging spirited/brave
frustrating =dated prudent/wise
one-sided = spiteful/hateful
J punctual/ stable
unfair on the dot
jocular/funny orderly/tidy steady/firm
jovial/jolly ostentatious Q stoic
joyous/jolly =showy quarrelsome striking =
judgmental = outgoing = querulous = outstanding
critical sociable = argumentative strong
K friendly quick/fast stupid
keen/eager outspoken= quick-tempered/fiery sturdy/strong
kind/benevolent frank quiet/silent supercilious =
R arrogant
L P suspicious
lazy/indolent passionate= realistic
leery/doubtful ardent= reassuring T
lethargic/lazy zealous reliable tactful/diplomatic
level-headed passive = reluctant tactless
listless/indolent inactive resentful talented
lively patient/ reserved testy/irritable
logical tolerant resourceful thinking
lovable peaceful respected thoughtful
lovely peevish/ respectful thoughtless
irritable responsible timid/nervous
M restless/respected tired/exhausted
tolerant = forbearing amazing
touchy = Y
sensitive vulnerable =
U helpless
ugly/unattractive Z
unaffected zealous =
unbalanced = enthusiastic

uncertain =
uncooperative =
1. I just can‘t believe you are untrustworthy.
2. You shouldn‘t be unfriendly.
undependable =
3. She came unguarded.
4. Never be careless when you cross a busy road.
5. His unhelpful attitude made me shocked.
6. My brother is unimaginative.
unguarded =
7. She is dull. I don‘t enjoy her company.
8. You are boring.
unhelpful =
9. I am apathetic.
10. This is unpleasant.
unimaginative =
11. This speaker has become unpopular.
12. She is very simple.
unmotivated =
13. If you become unstable, you will reach nowhere.
14. I am unsure.
15. She is a bit hesitant.
16. I am unwilling to work now.
unreliable =
17. I am reluctant to go with her.
18. She is a versatile genius.
unsophisticated =
19. Hridi is multitalented.
20. My mom is very vigilant.
unsure = 21. Baju sir is a always warmhearted.
hesitant 22. Ms. Sheuly is really affectionate.
unthinking 23. Please be cautious.
unwilling = 24. Be watchful.
reluctant 25. He is really weak.
26. He is really well-rounded.
V 27. I am willing to talk to you.
versatile = 28. You are wonderful.
multitalented 29. You are amazing.
vigilant/watchful 30. I am zealous because I really to be like you.
W 31. The girl is fully enthusiastic to master new tricks.
warmhearted = 32. It‘s unfair.
affectionate 33. She is talkative.
wary/cautious 34. The book is informative.
watchful/alert 35. She is in pensive mood.
weak/feeble 36. She is a bit stylish.
well-behaved 37. This is absurd.
well-developed 38. Mr. Jewel is a bit quick-tempered.
well-respected 39. She is perfect.
well-rounded = 40. She is all-time lively.
attractive 41. She is lovely and friendly.
willing/eager 42. My sister is a bit reserved.
wonderful = 43. Isn‘t she talkative?


Is she ..............? Am I..................? Isn’t she.....................? How come you are...............? Was he..................?

NOW...............Avcbvi hZ AvZ¥xq, eÜz ev cwiwPZRb Av‡Qb Zvu‡`i PwiÎ/e¨w³Z¡/AvPiY

BZ¨vw`i mv‡_ Dc‡ii †Kvb& k㸇jv g¨vP K‡i wjLyb:
1. My father is very.............but my mother is..................................................
2. I am..............but my sister is........................................................................
3. Whenever I meet my best friend, I find him/her very.................................
4. My only uncle is sometimes very..............and sometimes very.................
5. When I get a good new, I become very.......................................................
6. When she heard the bad news, she became very.........................................
7. I am bored with her because she is..............................................................
8. I am happy with her because she is.............................................................
9. How come I believe you? You are very......................................................
10. I am really because I found last.
11. The boss is really..............................but most people misunderstand him.
12. All mothers are nature character.


KwVb k‡ãi evsjv A_©

Adventurous – `ytmvnwmK Incisive – avivj, e¨½Kvix
Agile – ÿxcÖMvgx, Zx² Jocular – nvm¨RbK
Amiable – AgvwqK, cÖxwZKi, eÜzZ¡c~Y© Jovial – cÖdyjø
Ardent – AvKzj, Av‡eMcyY©, e¨vKzj leery – a~Z©
Benevolent – `qvjy, m`vkq, mü`q level-headed – KvÛÁvbwewkó, w¯’igw¯Í®‥
Callous – Abyf~wZnxb Indolent – Kz‡o, Ajm
Churlish – iæÿ Numb – Amvo
Competent – Dchy³, mÿg, `ÿ Peevish – e`ivMx
Crafty – a~Z© Quarrelsome – SMov‡U
Adroit – `ÿ Kzkjx, wbc~Y Sassy – ‡envqv, †KZv`yi¯Í
Diligent – cwikÖgx Serene – wb‡g©N, kvšÍ
Dreary – welYœ, wbivb›` Shrewd – wePÿY
Fussy – e¨¯ÍevMxk, AwZe¨¯Í Somber – AÜKviv”QY
Groggy – Aw¯’i Stoic – wbwe©Kvi
Idle – Ajm, Ag~jK Slothful – Ajm
Imperturbable – wPikvšÍ Vigilant – mRvM
Impetuous – DÏvg, ‡eMevb Irascible – GK‡iv‡Lv


evm¯’vb m¯úwK©Z kãmg~n

Worlds related to accommodation
1. Accommodation facilities = Avevmb myweav
2. Spacious room = cÖk¯Í Kÿ
3. Multistoried house = eûZj feb
4. Duplex apartment = Ggb d¬vUevwo hvi `yB Zjvq Kÿ mg~n I wfZ‡i wmuwo i‡q‡Q
5. Modern house = AvaywbK evwo
6. Dilapidated house = ‡givgZnxb/ aŸsmcÖvß evwo
7. Well-furnished house = mymw¾Z evwo
8. Yard = Avw½bv
9. Spacious yard = cÖk¯Í Avw½bv
10. Household accessories = M„‡ni wRwbmcÎ
11. Amenities of modern life = AvaywbK Rxe‡bi myweav
12. Brick built house = cvKv Ni
13. Muddy house = KvPv Ni
14. Tin-shed house = wUb w`‡q ‣Zwi evwo
15. Window curtain = Rvbvjvi c`©v
16. South facing door = `wÿY `iRv
17. Corridor = eviv›`v
18. balcony = Szjv eviv›`v
19. Kitchen room = ivbœvNi
20. A five storeyed house = cvuP Zjv feb
21. South facing = `wÿY `iRv
22. Located at green road = MÖxb‡ivW Aew¯’Z
23. Parental property= ‣cwÎK m¤úwË
24. Breaking stairs = wmwo †f‡½
25. Ground floor = wbP Zjv
26. Fist floor = cÖ_g Zjv
27. People of upper floors = Dci Zjvi gvbyl

Now Write 12 Sentences about Your House




Amazing Human Facts

How many facts did you know? Now
memorize the facts and give a presentatoin
before your friends.
1 Every Atom in your body is billions of years old.
2 Our toe prints, fingerprints & tongue prints are unique.
3 Our tongue is the strongest muscle in our body.
4 Our tongue has 3,000 taste buds.
5 We have no sense of smell when we are sleeping
6 The average number of Dreams in our life is about 1500 per year.
7 The human body and banana have similarities- 50% of DNA are the same as in banana.
8 The human body has an Iron content to make a 3 inch long nail.
9 Our heart beats about 3 billion times in our lifetime.
10 Our heart beats 100000 times per day.
11 Female heart beats faster than man‘s heart.
12 The pumping pressure of the human heart can squat blood to 30 feet away.
13 One out of 8 pressure snores while sleeping and 1/10th grinds teeth.
14 New born babies are colour blind and they can see only black and white.
15 Dark coloured persons wrinkle later than white colourd persons.
16 Our eyeball weighs about 28 grams
17 We read 25% slower from a computer screen than from a paper.
18 It is impossible to sneeze when our eyes are open
19 The brain is more active during the night than on the Day.
20 80% of our brain is made of water.
21 Our brain itself cannot feel pain
22 The left side of our Brain controls the right side of our body and vice versa.
23 The brains grows faster up to the age of 5.1 years.
24 The brain operates on the same amount of power as 10 – watt light Bulb.
25 The human brain cell can hold 5 times as much information as the Encyclopedia
26 Your brain uses 20% of the oxygen that enters your body.
27 Our body contains about 10,000 trillion cells.
28 Adult bones weigh – about 14% of body weight.
29 Our Finger tips can support our entire Body weight.
30 The strongest bone in our body is our thigh bone- Femur.


I have a friend who is always very
emotional. Every time I see her she is
either sad or she is happy. But when she
wakes up in the morning, she is always
grumpy, and when she goes to school she
is always tired. Whenever she comes over
to my house, she is always mad about
something. One time she did badly on a
test. She was so angry that she jumped up
and down and screamed. The teacher told
her to sit down. Then she was very
embarrassed because everyone was
looking at her.
I have learned a lot about myself by
watching other people when they lose
their tempers. When I see how foolish
people look when they get angry, I
promise myself that I will have self-
control and not lose my temper. I am
learning patience.

 Have you ever lost your temper and done something foolish?
 How did you feel after losing your temper?
 Do you like to be around people who are always getting angry?


KwVb k‡ãi evsjv A_©

Average – Mo Encyclopedia – wek¦‡Kvl
Content – myš‘ó, cwigvY Contain – aviY Kiv
Pump – Pvc w`‡q D‡Ëvjb Kiv Weigh – IRb Kiv, gvcv
Pressure – Pvc, cxob Support – mg_©b Kiv
Snore – bvK WvKv Emotional – Av‡eMcÖeY
Grind – P~Y©bkã Grumpy – µz×, ivMvwš^Z
Wrinkle – gyLgÛ‡j †KuvPKv‡bv †iLv Embarrassed – AcÖ¯‘Z, weåvšÍ
Sneeze – nuvwP †`qv Foolish – wb‡e©va
Active – mwµq Temper – †gRvR
Operate – cwiPvjbv Kiv Patience – ‣ah©

Effects of Fast Food on Kids‘ Health

My name is ........................... and I am here to give a small speech on the effects of fast
food on kid‘s health. Kids of my age like to eat fast foods and I am no exception from
that. But fast foods have a lot of bad effects on our health.
Fast food can cause a lot of health problems in kids and adults alike. Since the
young are its biggest fans of fast food, we are more at risk than adults. Fast food is
extremely high in calories and fat, thus linking it ends with obesity. The high fat and
cholesterol amount in fast foods also causes a variety of heart problems including high
blood pressure, heart disease, high cholesterol, strokes and heart attacks. Kids who are
overweight are more prone to having high blood pressure, which is a dangerous
condition with no symptoms that can lead to heart disease if left untreated. High
cholesterol, which is caused by too much fat buildup in the arteries, also has no
symptoms, and can result in stroke if untreated. Eating too much sugar is a contributing
factor to developing diabetes. Many fast food items are high in sugar, some containing
more than the recommended daily amount in just one food item.
If we are not aware of these bad effects of fast food, kids and young people in our
county will suffer from such problems. So I would request all the parents to be well-
aware that their children are not eating too much fast food. Thanks.


ability noun I have the ________ to do this task.
1. You have the ability to do very well at school.
capability Sumaia has the _______to solve this.
Ayesha has _________ to come up with a
2. He‘s a young footballer with a lot of ability. solution.
skill Nusaiba has ________ to handle it.

about adverb
There are about thirty children in our doss.

accept verb
The children stepped forward to accept their prizes.
to take
to receive
Opposite: reject

accident noun
1. There was an accident on the main road.
I had ________ on the road.
a crash
a smash Sumaia escaped _______out of luck.
a collision
a pile-up Ayesha saved me from _________ .
a bump
Nusaiba could not avoid the ________.
A pile-up is a bad accident with a lot of cars:
There was a huge pile-up on the motorway.

A bump is an accident that is not very bad:

We had a bit of a bump on the way to the supermarket.

2. I‘m sorry, it was an accident.

a mistake
I ___________fell the plates.

accidentally adverb She did it ______.

I accidentally knocked the lamp over.
unintentionally Hridi did not do this __________but it was
done _____________.
Anyone can do this ________________.
OPPOSITE: deliberately


Do you know what life is?

[CHORUS] ** (Teacher Vs Whole Class Activity)

Life is a challenge – meet it.
Life is a gift – accept it.
Life is an adventure – dare it.
Life is sorrow – overcome it.
Life is a tragedy – accept it.
Life is a duty – perform it.
Life is a game – play it.
Life is a mystery – unfold it.
Life is a song – sing it.
Life is an opportunity – take it.
Life is a promise – fulfill it.
Life is a struggle – fight it.
Life is a puzzle – solve it.
Life is a test – take it.

Describing People
Personality and Appearance Description

1.Tell me about your father. 1. Well, he's very friendly, smart and funny.
What kind of person is he?
2. He's young, short and handsome. He has
straight black hair and green eyes.
2. What does he look like?
3. She's tall, thin and beautiful. She has black
3. What does your mother look like? hair and wears glasses.
4. She has curly black hair and a cute smile.
4. How about your little sister? Everybody likes her.

Clothing 5. He's wearing light brown pants and an orange

5. What is your brother wearing? T-shirt.
6. Sneakers, and he's wearing white socks.
6. What kind of shoes does he have (on)?
7. No. She's wearing a blue saree and a yellow
7. Is Sumi wearing a dress? 8. Yes. She's wearing shoes and carrying a
8. Anything else?


Talking about Favourite Things

1. What is your favorite colour? 1. Purple.
2. What's your favorite kind of music? 2. I like folk music.
3. Favorite sport? 3. Football.
4. Do you have a lucky number? 4. Yes. It's eight.
5. I like Bangla food.
5. What kind of food do you like best?
6. Action.
6. How about movies? 7. Jackie Chan.
7. Who is your favorite movie star? 8. Chittagong, of course
8. What city do you like most?

Talking about Life Events

1. When is your birthday? 1. December 29th.
2. Which year? 2. That's personal.
3. Were you born here? 3. No. I wasn't.
4. Did Shamim grow up here? 4. Yes, he did.
5. In Gulshan.
5. Where did Shurovi go to school?
6. Dhaka University.
6. Which university did Touhid go to? 7. Next April.
7. When will she graduate? 8. They got married in June.
8. When did they get married? 9. Two months ago.
9. When was your son born? 10. It's July 17th
10. What day is your wedding anniversary? 11. Last September.
11. When did they move to Joypara? 12. Five years ago.
12. When did his grandfather pass away/(die)?


KwVb k‡ãi evsjv A_©

Sorrow – `ytL, †kvK
Tragedy – `ytLRbK NUbv
Opportunity – my‡hvM
Struggle – msMÖvg
Mystery – inm¨
Challenge – `ytmva¨ mvab
Adventure – `ytmvnwmK KvR
Puzzle – auvav
Promise – cÖwZkÖæwZ
Fulfill – †gUvb, c~Y© Kiv
Smart – eyw×gvb, PUc‡U
Handsome – my`k©b
Curly – †KuvKov‡bv
Cute – AvKl©Yxq
Graduate – ¯œvZK
Favourite – wcÖq, mgv`„Z
Folk music – cjøx MxZx/ †jvK m½xZ

How Our Prophet (pbuh) Was!

Assalamualaikum. My name is ................................. I would like to say a few words about
how our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was. To all Muslims, He is the ideal man and Allah has
ordered us to try and live our lives the way He did.
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was born on Monday 12th Rabi-ul-awal to Amina and
Abdullah. His father had died before He was born and his mother died when He was six years old. The Prophet
(PBUH) then came under the guardianship of his grandfather, Abdul Mutallib. Abdul Mutallib loved his
grandson very much and knew that He would become a very special and significant person. After his
grandfather‘s death, Muhammad (PBUH) and was then raised up by his uncle Abu Talib. All his life our dear
prophet led a very humble life. He never said a lie to any one and for that reason, the Arabs called him Al-Amin,
which means ‗the truthful‘ in Arabic. Due to his humble nature, his employer, Khadija (R), a 40 year old widow,
proposed to marry him. They got married when He was 25 year old. The Prophet (PBUH) got his prophecy when
He was 40 years old. He always taught us to live a life of truth and peace. When He was preaching Islam, many
noble men of Makka, who were against him, attacked him again and again. Still He never wanted any harm for
them. Instead He prayed to Allah, so that they could come to the path of light.
Our dear Prophet (PBUH) always taught people to live a life of truth and peace. He left for his followers the Holy
Quran and Sunnah so that we can live a life of Islam. I love my Prophet very much. And I pray that I can live the
life of one of his true followers. Thank you.


1. How did you......................................................................................?

2. Why don’t you ..................................................................................?
3. He successfuly ........................................................of the audience.
4. The homemakers always should .....................................................
5. It’s our job to.....................................................................................
6. I should have ........................................................when I was rich.
7. Believe it or not you cannot ............................................this time.
8. Only he came to ...............................................................................
9. Baba did not care to.........................................................................
10. I will not go to college today, I .....................................................



No. Find who...... Name
1. ....was born in this month. (Were you born in this month?)
If the answer is yes, write his/her name. If ‗NO’, ask another
2. ....was very naughty in childhood.
(Were you very naughty in your childhood?)
3. .....skipped his/her breakfast today.
(Did you skip your breakfast today?
4. the only child of his/her parents.
(Are you the only child of your parents?)
5. ......heard the name of TESOLBD two years ago.
(Did you hear the name of TESOLBD two years ago?)
6. ......loves to listen to classical music.
(Do you love to listen to classical music?
7. ......hates smoking in public.
(Do you hate smoking in public?)
8. ........wants to run business in Bangladesh.
(Do you want to run business in Bangladesh?)
9. .........has a pet (dog, cat, bird).
(Have you got any pet?)
10. a lot of TV.
(Do you watch a lot of TV?)
11. .......has a Facebook Page.
(Do you have a Facebook Page?)
12. ..........wants to marry after five years.
(Do you want to marry after five years?)
13. ........watched the movie ‗I am Sam‘.
(Did you watch the movie ‗I am Sam‘?)
14. ........has two mobile sets.
(Do you have two mobile sets?)
15. ........reads English newspaper daily.
(Do you read English newspaper daily?
16. .........gets up early in the morning and pray.
(Do you get up early in the morning and pray?
17. English movies.
(Do you watch English movies?)
18. .........wants to study abroad.
(Do you want to study abroad?)
19. ..........wants to sit for IELTS exam within 6 months.
(Do you want to sit for IELTS exam within 6 months?)
20. ........supports love marriage.
(Do you support love marriage?)


1. Activity 1:
I interviewed 30 people.
Among them, …....................was/is……..................…
I found none who was/is…....................……
Only ……………..................
Some 3 people……………… but everyone was/is ……………….
2. Teacher Vs Whole Class:
Who was………..?
How many people…………….?
Anyone got the full required information?


KwVb k‡ãi evsjv A_©

Flu – R¡i, mw`©R¡i, VvÛvRwbZ AmyL Naughty – `yó, `~išÍ
Glimpse – ÿwYK †`Lv, GK bRi †`Lv, GK Childhood – •kke, wkïKvj
SjK †`Lv Skipped –DËwiZ, D‡cvwÿZ, duvwK
Rays – iwk¥, wKiY, Av‡jvQUv| Heard – kÖæZ, †kvbv
Sight of – †`Lv, `„wó Require – `iKvi nIqv, `iKvi cov
Attention – g‡bv‡hvM, `„wó Succeed – mdjZv AR©b Kiv, mdj nIqv
Space – ¯’vb, RvqMv, gnvk~b¨ Connect – mshy³ Kiv ev nIqv
check it – ‡LuvRv, †LvRvLywR Return – wd‡i Avmv, cÖZ¨veZ©b
Planet – MÖn
Audience – RbZv, Dcw¯’Z `k©K

How to Reach the Road to Success

Everyone wants to be successful but only a few can be successful. That is because they knew
how to reach the road to success. The road to reach success comprises a few steps including
knowing that success comes after failure and knowing why people fail to succeed.
Of course there might be a few people out there who succeeded from the first attempts
but the majority of successful people failed many times before they managed to reach success.
A very large percentage of billionaires faced financial troubles at many points in their lives
and some of them even lost all of their money and had to start all over again. Learning is all
about making mistakes first then knowing how to avoid these mistakes in the future. You may
be wrong sometimes before you can learn how to do them the right way and thus in order to
reach success, you must first know how to not become successful.

So, if success is all about learning and avoiding mistakes then why don‘t all people
succeed? Simply because most people feel bad and become depressed when they experience
their first few failures! Instead of continuing the learning process to learn how to avoid their
mistakes those people stop at one point, form false beliefs about life and become depressed.
The only difference between those who succeed and those who don‘t is that the first group
continues to the end until they learn how to overcome all of the mistakes they were doing
while the second group feel bad and stop trying.

So, to reach the road to success, we must keep trying and learn from our mistakes until
we reach the long-cherished golden gateway to success.



Pretty Collocations
She is pretty +
amazed, amazing, awesome, awful, certain, clear, conclusive, consistent, cool,
crazy, crucial, daring, decent, disgusting, exceptional, exhausted, fair,
fantastic, fascinating, fed up, free, gloomy, good, harmless, horrible, ill,
incredible, independent, normal , one-sided, ordinary, regular, ridiculous, sick,
slender, sober, sure, terrible, unbelievable, unique, unscrupulous/dishonest,
~ Hm, I think so./I suppose so. Or, I don‘t think so.


Hafiz was a farmer in Africa who was happy and contented (happy). One day a wise man came to him
and told him about the glory (fame/importance) of diamonds and the power that goes along with them.
The wise man said ―If you had a diamond the size of your thumb (finger), you could buy your own city.
If you had a diamond the size of your fist, you could probably (possibly) own your own country.‖ And
then the wise man left. That night, Hafiz couldn‘t sleep. He was unhappy and he was discontented
The next morning Hafiz made arrangements to sell his farm, took care o his family, and went off in
search of diamonds. He looked all over Africa and couldn‘t find any. By the time he got to (reached)
Spain, he was emotionally, physically, and financially depleted (reduced). He was so disheartened (less
confident) that he committed suicide by throwing himself into the Barcelona River.
Back home, the person who had bought his farm was watering the camels at the stream
(fountain/waterfall) that ran through the property (land). Across the stream, the rays of the morning sun
hit a stone and made it sparkle (shine brightly) like a rainbow. He thought the stone would look good in
his living room. He picked up the stone and put it in his showcase. That afternoon, the wise man came
and saw the stone sparkling. He asked, ―Is Hafiz back?‖ The new owner said, ―No, why do you ask?‖
The wise man said, ―Because that is a diamond. I recognize (to know) one when I see one.‖ The man
said, ―No that‘s just a stone I picked (took) up from the stream. Come I‘ll show you. There are many
more.‖ They went and picked some samples and sent them for analysis (test/examination). Sure enough,
the stones were diamonds. They found that the farm was indeed (really) covered with acres of
Q:1) Is Hafiz right? 2) Who is responsible for Hafiz‘s damnation?
3) What would you do if you were in Hafiz‘s situation? 4) What did you learn by reading the story?

get-go noun
The beginning
He's covered this case from the get-go.
stoic adj
determined not to complain or show your feelings, especially when something bad
happens to you
We knew she must be in pain, despite her stoic attitude.
He showed a stoic resignation towards his fate.
Local people were stoical about the damage caused by the hurricane.


an abandoned baby/child;
an abbreviated form;
an abridged edition/version;
a heavily accented English;
an acclaimed artist/writer/poet;
abandoned – cwiZ¨³
He is a skilled pianist/painter/horsewoman;
abbreviated – msw&ÿß
an accredited (approved ) drama school;
1 abridged – msw&ÿß
an adopted child/baby/girl/boy;
acclaimed – cÖmswkZ
She is an adulterated drugs/food;
accredited – Aby‡gvw`Z
an advanced technology/thought;
allotted – ew›UZ
the allotted time;
2 an amused smile;
anguished – gvbwmK hšÍYvwK¬ó
It is antiquated– cyivZb, †m‡K‡j
an anguished cry;
an antiquated ideas/attitudes/
3 values/laws/machinery/technology;
a fully automated system
a barefaced (=shameless) lie

a bearded man;
a bejewelled woman/bride;
a belated =attempt/birthday greetings;
a beloved husband/wife;
bejewelled – iZœmw¾Z
a bereaved widow/parents/wife;
He is belated – wejw¤^Z
a biased report/teacher/judge;
bereaved – ‡kvKvZ©, †kvKmšÍß
1 the blessed peace/rain/silence ;
biased – cÿcvZ`yó
a blocked ( up ) nose;
She is bloodstained – i³gvLv
a bloodstained clothing;
blurred – Svcmv
2 a blurred picture/ photograph;
bruised – ‡_Zjv‡bv
a boiled egg;
It is canned – ‡KŠUvRvZ
a broadminded person/boss/leader;
clogged – RgvUe×, RgvUK…Z
a bruised shoulder/knee/elbow;
3 cluttered – A‡MvQv‡jv
a canned fruit/tomato;
a certified teacher/nurse;
a civilized society/world;
a clogged (=blocked) pipe ;
a cluttered (=messy) desk/room


KwVb k‡ãi evsjv A_©

Page: Ordinary – mvavib, mv`vwm‡a, mv`vgvUv
Regular – wbqwgZ, †bwgwËK, cÖwZw`bKvi
Amazed – wew¯§Z, ¯Íw¤¢Z Ridicvlous – nvm¨Ki
Amazing – we¯§qKi, AevK Terrible – fq¼i, fxlY
Certain – wbw`©ó, we‡kl we‡kl Unscrupulous – we‡eKewR©Z, bxwZÁvbevwR©Z
Conclusive – P~ovšÍ, wm×všÍ¯^iƒc Farmer – K…lK
Consistent – mymvgRm¨c~Y©, Lvc LvIqv‡bv, Contented – mš‘ó, Z…ß
Crucial –fqvbKfv‡e ¸iæZ¡c~Y„, AwZ ¸iæZ¡c~Y© Glory – hk, L¨vwZ, mybvg
Daring –mvnmx, fqvbK Wise – Ávbx, cwÛZ, weÁ
Decent – f`ª, b¤ª, webqx Fist – gywó, gywV
Disgusting – weiw³Ki, Sv‡gjv`vqK, A¯^w¯ÍKi Unhappy – AmyLx, Amš‘ó
Exceptional – e¨wZµg, wfbœ ai‡bi Discontented – AZ…ß, ALywk
Exhausted –K¬všÍ, cwikÖvšÍ, wbt‡kwlZ Arrangements – e¨e¯’v, Av‡qvRb, cÖ‡qvRbxq
Fair – my›`i, mykÖx, fvj e¨e¯’vw`
Fantastic –PgrKvi, we¯§qK, wPšÍvKl©K Emotionally – Av‡eMNbfv‡e, Av‡eMc~Y©fv‡e,
Fascinating – gy», wegy», g‡bvig, cÖkvwšÍ`vqK Av‡eMf‡i
Fed up- Analysis – we‡kølY, cixÿv-wbixÿv
Free – gy³, ¯^vaxb Accented – D”PvwiZ, D”PviYK…Z
Gloomy – welbœ Adultered – †fRvjhy³
Harmless – ÿwZnxb, ÿwZKiK bq Ggb Barefaced – †Lvjv gyLhy³, Db¥y³ gyLwewkó,
Horrible – fqvbK, fq¼i, gvivZ¥K Beloved –AwZ wcÖq, GKvšÍ Avcb
Ill – Amy¯’, my¯’nxb Broadminded – D`vigbv
Incredible – Awek¦vm¨
Independent –¯^vaxb, gy³



We Use Come and Go with.....




Bu While Wherea
On the other hand
1) Comparisons between two girls
Dress: Linda is wearing a blue kameej, whereas Shumi is wearing a white kameej with
blue dopatta.
Eyes: Linda has black eyes but Shumi has dark brown.

Height : Shumi is 5' whereas, Linda is only 4'8".

Complexion : Linda is fair but Shumi is not.
Looks : Linda is fairer than Shumi but Shumi is prettier than Linda.
Education : Shumi is doing A‘ level but Linda is doing O‘ level.
Age : Shumi is 21 years old whereas, Linda is only 15.
Talent : Linda is younger than Shumi but she is more talented than her.

Residence : Linda lives in Gulshan whereas, Shumi lives in Dhanmondi.

House : Linda lives in an apartment but Shumi lives in a house.
Family : Shumi lives in a joint family whereas, Linda lives in a nuclear family.
Temper : Shumi has a sweet temper but Linda has short temper.
Colour : Shumi likes white colour on the other hand Linda likes blue.
Hobby : Shumi‘s hobby is gardening while Linda‘s hobby‘s reading books.
Cooking : Linda can cook but Shumi can‘t.
Interest : Shumi has interest in Computer Science but Linda is interested in Interior

Sports : Shumi is good at sports but Linda is good at music.

Flower : Linda likes yellow rose while Shumi likes red one.
Computer : Linda uses computer to browse internet while Shumi uses it only to play
Friends : Linda has a few friends, on the other hand, Shumi has a large friend circle.
Birds : Linda likes parrot, whereas Shumi likes Moinah.
Pet : Shumi has a rabbit as a pet but Linda does not have any pet.



Comparison between two boys from English & Bengali Medium

Education : Rakin is doing SSC, whereas Nafis is doing O‘ level.
English : Nafis is good at English but Rakin is not.

Sports : Rakin is good at sports while Nafis is not.

Painting : Nafis is poor in sports but Rakin is not.

Hobby : Nafis‘s hobby‘s gardening while Rakin‘s hobby‘s collecting stamps.

Newspaper: Rakin likes to read newspaper, whereas Nafis does not.

Interest : Nafis has interest in computer while Rakin‘s interest is only in cell
Computer : Rakin uses computer only for playing games, on the other hand Nafis uses
computer to browse the internet.
Pet : Nafis has a pet dog, but Rakin has no pet.
Friends : Rakin has got many friends whereas Nafis has only a few friends.

Siblings : Rakin is the only son of his parents while Nafis has one brother named Najib.
Family : Nafis lives in a joint family whereas Rakin lives in a nuclear family.

Talent : Nafis is talented but Rakin is dull.

Study : Nafis likes to study while Rakin likes to listen to music.

Aim : Nafis‘s aim is to be a doctor, on the other hand Rakin wants to be a

House : Rakin lives in an apartment, whereas Nafis lives in a house.

Location : Nafis lives in Dhaka whereas Rakin lives in Narsingdi.

Parents : Rakin‘s father is a police officer, on the other hand Nafis‘s father is a
Story books: Nafis likes to read story books while Rakin likes to read novels.

Comparisons between a Rich man & a Poor man.

1. Occupation: Mr. Hasan is a rich businessman whereas Mr. Rafiq is a poor farmer.
2. Wealth : Mr Hasan is very wealthy while Mr. Rafiq is very needy.
3. Food : Mr. Hasan takes rich food, on the other hand, Rafiq takes very simple meal.
4. Location: Mr. Hasan lives in the city whereas Mr. Rafiq lives in the village.

5. House : Mr. Rafiq lives in a small hut while Mr. Hasan lives in a mansions.
6. Family: Mr. Rafiq has a large family but Mr. Hasan has a small family.



7. Education: Mr. Hasan is an educated person while Mr. Rafiq is an illiterate one.
8. Likes : Mr. Hasan likes to visit foreign country whereas Mr. Rafiq likes to visit city.
9. Party: Mr. Hasan enjoys eating food out whereas Mr. Rafiq enjoys family party.
10. Friend: Mr. Rafiq has many friends in the village while Mr. Hasan has none.
11. Leisure: Mr. Hasan has no time for leisure but Mr. Rafiq has leisure time to enjoy.
12. Hardworking: Mr. Hasan is a hardworking person but Mr. Rafiq is a laid-back person.
13. Car: Mr. Hasan owns a brand-new car while Mr. Rafiq has a brand new bicycle.
14. Savings: Mr. Hasan has a huge savings while Mr. Rafiq has no saving.
15. Hobby: Mr. Hasan‘s hobby is collecting coins and currency notes of different
countries, whereas Mr. Rafiq‘s hobby is collecting pens.
16. Games: Mr. Hasan likes to play golf while Mr. Rafiq likes to play Kabadi.
17. Interest: Mr. Rafiq‘s interest in farming on the other hand Mr. Hasan‘s interest is in
different sorts of businesses.
18. Clothing: Mr. Rafiq wears very simple costume while Mr. Hasan wears expensive

Don‘t They Differ?

1. Ayesha likes to read books whereas her sister Nusaibah does not.
2. Rakib likes to play games while Rajib does not.
3. Nourin likes to watch TV while Mita likes to listen to music.
4. Shumi likes to eat fast food while Sima likes to have traditional food.
5. Evan likes football whereas Ashraf likes cricket.
6. Rafiq likes to dance while Eva likes to sing.
7. Nusrat likes to paint whereas Piya does not.
8. Afra likes to eat Thai food on the other hand Nusrat likes Chinese food.
9. Shima is a housewife while Mita is a working lady.
10. Mugdho is a naughty boy whereas Tousif is a gentle one.



KwVb k‡ãi evsjv A_©

Gig – mivmwi cwi‡ekbv Prepared – cÖ¯‘Z, •Zwi
Compromise – mg‡SvZv, Acm Kiv Decision – wm×všÍ, gZvgZ
Standstill – APjve¯’v, w¯’ive¯’v Agreement – m¤§wZ, Pzw³
Downtown – Dckni, bMi mwbœKUeZ©x, Permission – AbygwZ, AbygwZ cÖ`vb
bM‡ii KvQvKvwQ| Frightened – fxZ mš¿¯Í, AvZw¼Z
Abroad – we‡`k Impression – Awfe¨w³
Straight on –‡LuvRvLywR, mivmwi worried – fxZ, `ytwðšÍvMÖ¯Í
Crazy –Db¥Ë, fxlY ÿz× Whereas – ‡h_vq, †hLv‡b
Prison – KvivMvi, nvRZLvbv, †Rj Hobby – kL, AwZ cQ‡›`i wRwbm
Concert – m½xZ cwi‡ekbv, m½xZvbyôvb Interest – AvMÖn
Conference – mfv, mgv‡ek Browse – e¨envi Kiv
Ride – †Nvovq wc‡V A_ev PvB‡K‡j Pov ågY

Gardening – evMvbKiY Educate – wkwÿZ Kiv, wkÿv †`Iqv
While – ‡hLv‡b Enjoy – Dc‡fvM Kiv
Named – bv‡gi, bvghy³ leisure – Aemi, AeKvk
Nuclear –GKK Hardwork – KwVb kÖg, K‡Vvi cwikÖg
Talented – cÖwZfvevb Brand new – bZzb cY¨
Aim – jÿ¨, D‡Ïk¨ Saving – mÂqx, RgvK…Z
Apartment – evm¯’vb, e„nr evm¯’vb Huge – e¨vcK, wekvj, weivU,
House – evwo, Nievwo Collect – msMÖn Kiv, †hvMvo Kiv
Businessmen – e¨emvqxMY Simple – mij, †mvRv, mvaviY, mv`vwm‡a
Wealthy – abevb, AwZ ¯^”Qj Expensive – `vgx, g~j¨evb
Needy – `iKvix, cÖ‡qvRbxq, AwZ Avek¨Kxq Read – cov, cvV Kiv, Aa¨qb Kiv
Marsion – like- cQ›` Kiv, fvj jvMv


50 Debate/Discussion Topics
Smart English Club
1. Should school students face a mandatory drug test?
2. Should students be required to wear a school uniform?
3. Are the Olympic Games a waste of money?
4. Is our nation still unprepared for disasters?
5. Should school prayer be encouraged?
6. Should minorities be treated differentially?
7. Should the age to vote be reduced to 16?
8. Should the Prime Minister serve for more than two terms in Bangladesh?
9. Should the use of animals in sports and entertainment be banned?
10. Do Hollywood movies have a bad influence on the world?
11. Should homework assignments be limited to a maximum of three nights a week?
12. Do school authorities have the right to search students‘ lockers?
13. Do adopted children have the right to know who their biological parents are?
14. Does God punish sinners for eternity?
15. Should certain books be banned from libraries?
16. Did God create evil?
17. Should Religion Play a Large Role in Modern Societies?
18. Does Intelligent Design deny the Existence of God?
19. Religious people are better than irreligious ones.
20. Why should we be afraid of God?
21. Is atheism a religion?
22. Kindergarten schools should ban junk food sales inside the campus.
23. Indian TV channels should be banned in Bangladesh.
24. Teachers are low paid in Bangladesh because of their low quality.
25. Corporal punishment on children should be illegal.

26. High Schools should have mandatory drug testing for participation in extracurricular
27. Food aid does more harm than good.
28. Cell phones should be allowed in schools.
29. Bangladesh should rely on alternative energy sources instead of fossil fuels.
30. Television is a bad influence on children.
31. All schools should provide students with music and art education.
32. Homework should be banned.
33. Bangladesh should ban the death penalty.
34. Classrooms should have closed-circuit cameras.
35. Bangladeshi high schools should substantially expand vocational training.
36. Beauty pageants do more harm than good.
37. Bangladesh should expand its use of nuclear power.
38. Fast food restaurants do more harm than good.
39. Schools should provide for single sex instruction.
40. Physician-assisted suicide should be legalized.
41. Zoos do more harm than good.
42. Fried foods should have warning labels.
43. Smoking in public should be banned in our country.
44. Algebra should not be required for high school graduation.
45. Exclusion of Arithmetic from math curriculum was not justified in our country.
46. Businesses should not place advertisements in schools.
47. It is unethical to eat meat.
48. In the case of student lockers, school safety is more important than student privacy.
49. Single sex schools are better for students than co-ed schools.
50. The President of Bangladesh should be elected by the direct vote of the people.


Describe Your Friend with the Following words

A: What‘s the ANTONYM of ‗Good‘? B: The ANTONYM of ‗Good‘ is ‗Bad‘.
How is Rafi? ~ Well, he is........................................................................................
How is Rafia? ~ Well, she is.....................................................................................

Won‘t You Laugh?
rich poor 1) Boyfriend: What is your favorite
hardworking lazy music group?
meritorious dull Girlfriend: I love U2!
ambitious hopeless Boyfriend: I love you too, but what is
your favourite music group?
careful careless
beautiful ugly
naughty gentle 2) In London, one man to
tall short another:
long hair short hair A: "You know, my daughter has
married an Irishman"
educated illiterate
B: "Oh, really?"
computer computer illiterate A: "No, O'Reilly"
early riser late riser 3) The Perfect Son
religious irreligious
faithful unfaithful A: I have the perfect son.
extrovert introvert B: Does he smoke?
outgoing unsocial A: No, he doesn't.
friendly unfriendly B: Does he drink?
helpful unhelpful A: No.
active inactive B: Does he come home late?
spendthrift frugal, sparing A: No.
respectable disreputable
B: Then you have the perfect son. How
caring hardhearted old is he?
trustworthy not to be trusted A: He will be six months next week.
hardworking laid-back/idle
famous infamous



agx©q Kg©KvÛ e¨vL¨v Ki‡Z e¨eüZ kã mg~n

Words used in explaining religious activities
1. Religion = ag© 28. Eternal = wPišÍb, Avw`-AšÍnxb
2. Religious activities = agx©q Kg©KvÛ 29. Devil = kqZvb
3. Religious rituals = ag©xq ixwZbxwZ 30. Shatan = kqZvb
4. Mosque = gmwR` 31. Instigation of shatan = kqZv‡bi cÖ‡ivPbv
5. Temple = gw›`i 32. Evil deed = Lvivc KvR, cvcKg©
6. Church = wMR©v 33. Adam and eve = Av`g I nvIqv
7. Pagoda = †e․× gw›`i 34. Forbidden fruit = wbwl× dj
8. Muslim = gymjgvb 35. Thrown away from heaven = ¯^M© †_‡K wbwÿß
9. Religious belief = agx©q wek¦vm 36. As punishment = kvw¯Í¯^iƒc
10. Say prayer = cÖv_©bv Kiv, bvgvR cov 37. Sin = cvc
11. Offer munajat = ‡gvbvRvZ 38. Sinners = cvcxiv
12. Theist = Avw¯ÍK, whwb m„wóKZ©vq wek¦vm K‡ib 39. Place of sinners = cvcx‡`i ¯’vb
13. Atheist = bvw¯ÍK, whwb m„w÷KZ©vq wek¦vm K‡ib bv 40. Fasting = ‡ivhv ivLv
14. Omnipresent = me©Î weivRgvb 41. Obligatory = eva¨Zvg~jK
15. Omnipotent = me©kw³gvb 42. For each and every grown up person =
16. Creator = m„wóKZ©v cÖvßeq¯‥ cÖwZwU bibvixi Rb¨
17. This world = GB c„w_ex 43. Fasting for Allah = ‡ivhv Avjøvni Rb¨
18. This universe = GB gnvwek¦ 44. Fasting people = ‡ivhv`vi gvbyl
19. Crearor‘s creation = m„wóKZ©vi m„wó 45. A complete code of life = cwic~Y© Rxeb weavb
20. Heaven = ¯^M©, †e‡nk&Z 46. Perform haj = nR¡ Kiv
21. Hell = biK, Rvnvbœvg 47. Holy place = cyY¨f~wg
22. Heavenly peace = ¯^Mx©q kvwšÍ 48. Religious festival = ag©xq Drme
23. Hellish punishment = bviKxq kvw¯Í 49. During Eid festival = C` Drm‡ei mgq
24. Believer = wek¦vmx 50. Sacrifice animal = cï ‡Kvievwbi mgq
25. Unbeliever = Awek¦vmx 51. Sacrificed animal = ‡KvievbxK…Z cï
26. Allah‘s satisfaction = Avjøvni mš‘wó 52. Meat of sacrificed animal = KzievbxK…Z cïi
27. Life after death = g„Zy¨i c‡ii Rxeb gvsm

Now Describe one of Your Hindu Friends OR, One of Your Muslim Friends in 12


KwVb k‡ãi evsjv A_©

Meritorious – †gavm¤úbœ Irreligious – ag©nxb
Ambitious – AwZ D”PvKv•Lx, D”Pvwfjvlx Respectable – kÖ‡×q
Extrovert – ewng©yLx Trustworthy – wek¦¯Í
Introvert – AšÍg©yLx Hardhearted – K‡Vvi wPËm¤^wjZ, KwVb ü`‡qi
Spendthrift – AwgZe¨qx †jvK Laid-back – †eqvj LywkgZ, ¯^vaxb‡PZv, †LvjvLywj
Frugal – wgZe¨qx, mvkÖqx Sparing – gywóhy‡×i gnov †`Iqv, ZK©vZwK© Kiv
Illiterate – AÿiÁvbnxb Inactive – wbw®…q, Aÿg

What if.....
by Yeasir Ahmed Milan

I, out of unexpressed ego, sometimes think that my mom knows nothing about the modern world
because she never went to school, read good books, browsed the net (like used Facebook or Twitter, E-
mails), mixed with famous people, visited good places, used sophisticated technology like iPhone,
Smart Phone and even she cannot talk smartly. Aha! I feel proud of myself for the luck that I did do all
of these. I am a modern person: people say and without doubt I consider it. What if, after knowing the
whole world, I go to the Hell and what if, after knowing nothing about this material world, my mom
goes to the Heaven!

Life is so beautiful in this modern world. I am so proud about my life. People read my blogs, comment
about them, praise my posts in facebook. I meet many people and people meet me for scores of reasons.
I take classes in many schools, colleges and universities. I am an icon to my students. I write books and
I am admired by the readers. In short, I am a complete man, a successful person. But to WHOM? To the
people of this material world? What am I to my LORD? Does He praise me? Does He love my actions?
Does He accept or reject my prayers? Is my intention of doing all these things in this world to satisfy my
creator? Or I am just doing these for my untold, unexpressed pride. I still do not know the answers.
Let's talk about my mom. She is sixty, still strong and hardworking. Happy she is with whatever she
gets or does. Satisfied she is for the things small or big she gets. She can shower tears in prayers. She is
purified, honest, happy, and responsible. If God on the Day of Judgement pardons her and says, 'Go to
the heaven and enjoy whatever best I have adorned for you.' Isn't she a successful person though she
was unlike me in this transient world? And what about me if God says to me the opposite?
"God, make me like my mom and like him who you love. I don't want to be like my present me."


A Morning!
B Good morning!
A How can I help you?
B I'd like some orange juice, please.
A Er ... sorry. There's apple juice, but no orange juice.
B Oh! What's that? Isn't that orange juice?
A Oh, yes. So it is! My eyes! There you are.
B Thank you. And some potatoes, please.
A A bag like this?
B Yes. fine. Now, some milk.
A Sorry. I sold the last bottle just two minutes ago.
B Oh, dear! What about some coffee?
A Yes. There you are.
B Thanks. Orange juice, potatoes, milk. coffee ... A kilo of apples, please.
A I don't sell apples.
B Really? That's strange. What about cheese? Do you have any cheese?
A No, I don't sell cheese, either.
B No cheese? That's incredible! Ok. Now, I want some pizza, but I'm sure you
don't sell pizza, do you?
A Yes, sir. Pizza with mushrooms, pizza with cheese and, pizza with sausage, and
pizza with tomatoes.
B Wow! Can I have some ... pizza with cheese, please?
A Sorry, sir. Usually I have pizza, but not on Thursdays. Today's Thursday
B I see. I don't suppose you have any bread.
A You're right.
B Pardon?
A You're right. There isn't any bread.
B Tell me. Do you do a lot of business?
A Oh, yes, sir. The shop's open all the time.
B What do people buy?
A All the things you can see.
B Well, that's all for me. How much?
A Fifty taka, please.
B Thank you. Goodbye.
A See you again soon, sir.
B (to himself) I don't think so.


Other Phrases for buying and selling:

How can I help you sir/mam?
I am just searching.
Do you sell....................?
I need to buy a can of condensed milk.
How much is it?
Do you have other brands?
This is too costly.
You are demanding much higher than the other shops.
Is there any discount?
Is the price fixed?
I want to offer Tk. 500.
I don‘t have change.
Can I change it if not fitted?
How do you want to pay: cash or card?
Can I have a look at that?
The red one in the middle.
The 3rd one from the last/first/left/right.
Yes, that one.
It seems to be expired.
Is it formaline-free?
Here you are.
Excuse me, where can I get................?
Is there any warranty?
Do you give warranty card?
Do you replace if anything goes wrong?
Where should I pay?


Let‘s Talk about Weather

** (Teacher Vs. Whole Class and then Pair Activity)
Instructions: You and your partner together will read the following ‗Weather Today‘ taken
from a national daily called ‗Daily Star‘. Your partner will ask you as many questions as
he/she can from the following text and table and you will answer.


Thundershowers likely
UNB, Dhaka

Weather is likely to remain dry with partly cloudy sky over the country in next 12
hours until 6:00pm today.
Chances of rain or thundershowers accompanied by temporary
gusty/windy or squally/stormy wind is also likely at one or two places over the
regions of Noakhali, Comilla, and Sylhet. Met office said the country‘s weather
condition will likely to remain nearly unchanged.
The sun sets in the capital at 6:05pm today and rises at 6:13am tomorrow.
Country‘s highest temperature 35.4 degrees Celsius was recorded yesterday at Jessore
and lowest 14.6 degrees Celsius at Rajshahi and Ishwardi.
Highest and lowest temperatures and humidity/wetness recorded in some major cities and
towns yesterday were:
City/Town Temperature Humidity
Celsius Percentage
Max Min Morning Evening
Dhaka 34.1 23.8 76 70
Chittagong 30.4 23.0 79 77
Rajshahi 33.5 14.6 59 35
Khulna 33.5 23.3 83 46
Barisal 33.5 24.0 87 68
Sylhet 32.0 21.0 82 48
Cox‘s Bazar 32.0 22.8 69 74

Ref. Daily Star, 08/06/2017

Sample Questions:
Q: What was the maximum temperature in Dhaka on 8 June, 2017?
Q: What was the humidity percentage in the morning in Dhaka on 8 June, 2017?



Thundershowers – eRªe„wó Costly – `vgx, g~j¨evb
Accompany – m½x nIqv Discount – Qvo
Gusty – `gKv nvIqv Fixed – wbw`©ó, w¯’i
Squally – S‡ov nvIqv Offer – wb‡e`b Kiv, cÖ¯Íve †`Iqv
Wetness – Av`ª©Zv, †fRv, wm³Zv Cash – bM` A_©
Incredible – Awek¦vm¨ Card – cÎ, Zvm
Sell – weµq Kiv Middle – ga¨g, ga¨ gvSvgvwS
Business – e¨emv Expired – evwnf~©Z
Searching – AbymÜvbkxj, mÜvbiZ Pay – ‡eZb, cwi‡kva Kiv
Condensed – Nbxf~Z Record – bw_, cÖgvY
Brands – cY¨mvgMÖx, gvK©v, wPý Unchange – AcwiewZ©Z nIqv, AcwiewZ©Z _vKv|
A little boy got angry with his mother and shouted at her, ―I have you, I hate you.‖ Because of
fear of reprimand, he ran out of the house. He went up to the valley and shouted, ―I hate you, I
hate you,‖ and the echo returned, ―I hate you, I hate you.‖ Having never heard an echo
before, he was scared and ran to his mother for protection. He said there was a bad boy in the
valley who shouted ―I hate you, I hate you.‖ The mother understood and she asked her son to
go back and shout, ―I love you, I love you.‖ The little boy went and shouted, ―I love you, I
love you,‖ and back came the echo. That taught the little boy a lesson that our life is like an
echo: We get back what we give.
1. do over: do something again.
"Oh, no! I forgot to save my report before I turned the computer off! Now I'll have to do it
2. drop in: visit informally (and usually without scheduling a specific time).
"If you're in town next month, we'd love to see you. Please try to drop in. (Please try to
drop in on us."
3. drop by: visit informally (and usually without scheduling a specific time).
"If you're in town next month, we'd love to see you. Please try to drop by the house."
4. eat out: have a meal in a restaurant.
"I'm too tired to cook tonight. Why don't we eat out?"
5. end up: finally arrive at; arrive at an unexpected place.
"We got lost last night and ended up in the next town."
6. figure out: logically find the answer to a problem; solve a problem by thinking about it
"For a long time I couldn't understand the last problem, but I finally figured it out."
7. figure out: understand why someone behaves the way she/he does.
"I can't figure Sumaia out. Sometimes she's very warm and friendly and sometimes she
acts as if she doesn't know me."





a collected poem;
a calm and collected person; calm and collected –
a coloured light/pencil; kvšÍ I w¯’i
a committed socialist/Christian/Muslim/teacher; committed – cÖwZkÖæwZe×
a concerned (=worried) parent/authority; Concerned – DwØMœ
He is 1 a concerted action/effort; concerted – mw¤§wjZ
a confirmed (unwilling to change) bachelor/atheist/tea
confirmed – AcwieZ©bxq
She is a contented smile; a continued fighting/effort; contented – mš‘ó
2 convicted – `wÛZ
a convicted murderer; a convinced Muslim/ atheist/
socialist; convinced – Zzó
It is 3 a convoluted (complicated, complex) sentence; convoluted – RwUj
a cooked piece of meat/food; cracked – wPo LvIqv
a coolheaded person/boss/MD/leader; crammed – Vvmv Vvmv
a cracked mirror/window/plate;
crooked – Amr
a crammed (full of people) train/room;
a crooked (dishonest) police officers/govt. employee

a crumpled (full of folds) shirt;

a dedicated father/teacher;
a detailed description;
a determined person;
a devoted fan/husband ;
a tall dignified woman;
a disciplined child/wife;
a discoloured tooth;
a disconnected thought ; Really?
a diseased lung/kidney ;
a diseased brain tissue;
a diseased mind/imagination;
He is Really?
1 a dislocated bone;
a dispirited army officer; Really?
a disputed border/goal;
She is a disputed territory;
2 Really?
a dissatisfied customer;
a distinguished writer/director/politician; Really?
It is
3 a deeply distressed mother;
a well-dressed/casually dressed man; Really?
an elevated (high and important) position in the
company; Really?
an embattled (having a lot of problems or
difficulties) government/teacher;
an enlightened policy;
an enlisted man/woman;
a poorly equipped classroom;
an escaped prisoner ;
an estimated cost/value ;
an exaggerated report;
an exalted post;
an excited player



1. fast , quick , slow + learner
She was a quick ~, and her German got better by the day.
2. lifelong + learner
3. adult , older + learner
4. young + learner
The book has been written with the interests of young ~s in mind.
5. language + learner
6. foreign + learner

 brilliant , good , straight-A , talented + student
 college , school , university + student
 A level + student
 full-time , part-time + student
 prospective + student
 first - year , second - year + student
 graduate , postgraduate , research , undergraduate + student
 doctoral , master's , PhD + student
 mature + student
 She studied metallurgy as a mature ~.
 former , old + student
 She's a former ~ of mine who graduated in the 80s.
 fellow + student
 He developed the website in collaboration with his fellow ~s.
 foreign , international, overseas, + student
 exchange
 I first came to America as an exchange ~.
 art , engineering , law , medical , music

 enrol/enroll + student
 Ninety-four ~s were enrolled in the class.
 educate , instruct , prepare , teach + student
 engage , motivate + student
 teachers who engage ~s in meaningful discussions
 assist , encourage , help + student
 The ~s are encouraged to think creatively.

 student + numbers , population
 Student numbers at the college have increased by 25%.
 student + body, council , government , group , organization
 days
 She worked hard in her ~ days.
 student + life
 I'm thoroughly enjoying ~ life.
 student + participation
 student + enrolment/enrollment
 grant, loan + student
 She had to take out a ~ loan to help her through college.
 accommodation dorm, dormitory + student
 newspaper + student
 student + visa
 activism , demonstration , protest , unrest + student
 He often takes part in ~ demonstrations.


KwVb k‡ãi evsjv A_©

Affect –ÿwZMÖ¯Í Kiv Set – ¯’vcb Kiv, wbhy³ Kiv
Digestive – nRg mnvqK, nRg`vqK Caffeine – K¨v‡dBb bvgK gv`K `ªe¨
Road rage – Anxiety – D‡ØM, `ywðšÍv
Simmer down – Promote – DbœwZ nIqv, KvD‡K D”PZi
Honest – mr, mZ¨ev`x c`gh©v`v †`Iqv
Anger – †µva, Zxeª ivM Irritability –wLUwL‡U ¯^fve, iMPUvfve,
Started – Avi¤¢K…Z, PvjyK…Z weiw³
Excuse – ÿgv, ÿgvcÖv_©bv Kiv Spurs – ZvovZvwo KvR Ki‡Z DrmvwnZ Kiv
Behaviour – e¨envi, AvPiY Brilliant – PgrKvi, AvKl©Yxq, †gavhy³|
Mistake – D”QvK…Z fzj Kiv, fzj Talent – cÖwZfv, †gav, axkw³, m„RbkxjZv
Driving – Mvwo PvjbviZ Research – M‡elYv, we‡kølYg~jK Aa¨qb,
Example – D`vniY, bgybv cixÿv-wbixÿag©x †jLvcov
Work – KvR, PvKwi Mature – cÖvßeq®‥, cwicyó
Decide – wm×všÍ †bIqv, gbtw¯’i Kiv Former – cÖv³b, mv‡eK
Practice –Abykxjb, ”P©v Coloured – iwOb, eY©gq, ewY©j
Tailgating – Convicted –‡`vlx, Acivax, mvRvcÖvß
Gesture – A½fw½ Coolheaded - VvÛv gw¯Í‡®‥i
Respond – mvov, mvov RvMv‡bv crumpled – fuvR Kiv
Quietly – kvšÍfv‡e, bxi‡e Determined – `„pcÖwZÁ
Blow – cÖevwnZ nIqv Dignified – gh©v`vm¤úY©
Alter – cwieZ©b Kiv, cv‡ë †djv Dispirited – wbivkvhy³
Damage – ÿwZ, aŸsm, ÿwZmvab Embattled – hy×iZ, hy×MÖ¯’, hy×RwoZ
Pattern – aib, cÖKvi, •ewkó¨ Enlightened – Av‡jvwKZ, D¾¡j
Physical –‣`wnK, †`nMZ, evwn¨K Enlisted – ZvwjKvfz³
Effect – dj, djvdj, cwiYvg Exaggerated – AwZiwÄZ
Stress – Pvc, †ewk †RvicÖ`vb Exalted – gh©v`vm¤úbœ
Distract – †Kv‡bv wKQz †_‡K Kv‡iv g‡bv‡hvM Excited – D‡ËwRZ, DÏxwß, D¾xweZ
mwiq †bIqv


Nyg m¤úwK©Z kãmg~n

Words related to sleep
1. Go to bed = weQvbvq hvIqv
2. Fall asleep = Nywg‡q cov
3. Sound sleep = fvj Nyg
4. Deep sleep = Mfxi Nyg
5. Have a dream = ¯^cœ †`Lv
6. Sleep disorder = Ny‡gi mgm¨v
7. Feel sleepy N= yg cvIqv
8. Snore = bvK WvKv
9. Nap = `ycy‡ii nvjKv Nyg
10. Take rest = wekÖvg ‡bIqv
11. To sleep during day time = w`‡bi †ejv Nygv‡bv
12. Nightmare = `y;¯^cœ
13. Lie down = ï‡q cov
14. Leave bed = weQvbv Z¨vM Kiv
15. Toss about in bed= weQvbvq Gcvk Icvk Kiv
16. Sleeping pill = Ny‡gi Jlya
17. People who cannot sleep well = ‡hmKj gvbyl fvj Nygv‡Z cv‡ib bv
18. Asthenia = `ye©jZv, ejnxbZv
19. Suffer from asthenia = ejnxbZvq †fvMv
20. Suffer from sleep disorder = Ny‡gi mgm¨v †fvMv
21. Excess sleep = AwZwi³ Nyg
22. Make one fatty = KvD‡K †gvUv evbv‡bv
23. Excess sleep makes one weak = AwZwi³ Nyg GKRb‡K `ye©j K‡i
24. Stay awake the whole night = mvivivZ †R‡M _vKv

Now Write 10 Sentences about Sleep Habit




Life is a challenge – meet it.
Life is a gift – accept it.
Life is an adventure – dare it.
Life is sorrow – overcome it.
Life is a tragedy – accept it.
Life is a duty – perform it.
Life is a game – play it.
Life is a mystery – unfold it.
Life is a song – sing it.
Life is an opportunity – take it.
Life is a promise – fulfill it.
Life is a struggle – fight it.
Life is a puzzle – solve it.
Life is a test – take it.

Talk Show
Dear viewers, you are welcome to our regular Genius Adda on TESOLTV. I am
...................greeting you with adoration and veneration. We have 6 guests today. Let‘s
get introduced with them. At first Mr......., and then Ms..........and at last Mr...................
Ladies and gentlemen, our today‘s topic is ‗Home by 7.00pm latest‘. We will invite
opinions from the viewers too. You can ask questions to any of our guests. But you have
to ask relevant questions. Ok then, now is the time to kick off.

At first we would like to know the opinion of Mr./Ms. ..........about the topic. What do
you think sir/mam about coming home by 7.00pm latest?
Ok, dear viewers, we are about to end the program. It was indeed an excellent Adda.
Many many thanks for watching us. Stay happy. Allah Hafij.


The talk-show will highlight the incident of the two-murder case in Dhaka:
“Oishee killed her parents”.
GAMES: Talk Show
Topics of the Talk Show:
1. Parents should be stricter
2. Home by 7.00pm latest
3. Stop giving pocket money to your kids if problems arise
4. Trust your children
5. Be a friend, not a parent
6. Only police can change a nation
Three students will be in a one group and will conduct a Talk Show on the above
Topics. The teacher will observe and facilitate.



Fluency Acceleration Drill

May I interrupt for a moment? …………………….
1. May I interrupt for a moment? You have a phone call.
2. May I interrupt for a moment? You have an important guest waiting for you.
3. May I interrupt for a moment? What do you think about extending the workday?
4. May I interrupt for a moment? What do you think about shopping?
5. May I interrupt for a moment? May I add something here?
6. May I interrupt for a moment? Who said you are retarded?
7. May I interrupt for a moment? Can I borrow 2 minutes from you?
8. May I interrupt for a moment? Sir, we need to leave now.
9. May I interrupt for a moment? Sir, this is the schedule for today.
10. May I interrupt for a moment? May I say something here?
11. May I interrupt for a moment? As it happens, this question is related to business.
12. May I interrupt for a moment? I have a different answer from yours.
13. May I interrupt for a moment? I‘d like to interject a comment here.
14. May I interrupt for a moment? I‘d like to add some insights.
15. May I interrupt for a moment? We need to sort out our priority first.
16. May I interrupt for a moment? We need to go shopping.
17. May I interrupt for a moment? This is really important.
18. May I interrupt for a moment? I want to draw your attention towards another subject.
19. May I interrupt for a moment? We really need to draw the goals and objectives.
20. May I interrupt for a moment? Is the discussion over?
21. May I interrupt for a moment? We need to adjourn the meeting now due to shortage of time.
22. May I interrupt for a moment? You have a client waiting for you in the conference room.
23. May I interrupt for a moment? You still need to clarify the problem before answering.
24. May I interrupt for a moment? We will be starting the meeting shortly.
25. May I interrupt for a moment? The guests are advised to wait in the conference area.
26. May I interrupt for a moment? Where are you actually from?
27. May I interrupt for a moment? Which is the way to the bus station?
28. May I interrupt for a moment? Can you tell me where can I find a handkerchief?
29. May I interrupt for a moment? Do you mind?
30. May I interrupt for a moment? Could you please let me up the queue?



How often do you eat out? Who do you go with?
I often eat out on weekends, when I hang out with my friends.
What restaurant do you usually visit?
Well, there are not many restaurants in my neighborhood, so my best choice is the deli in
convenient stores like the Circle K, Mini-Stop, B-smart.
What type of food do you enjoy to eat? Western or Asian?
I‘m interested in Asian food, Western food is not my thing.
How much do you usually pay when you eat out?
It‘s not very expensive, just around $5 for each meal.
Do you enjoy spicy food?
Yes, I do, especially on cold days.
Are the servers there friendly to you?
Yes, they are. Most of them are really helpful.
Have you ever tried Italian food?
Yes, at least once, when I was in my friend‘s wedding party.
Are you concerned about calories when eating out?
Yes, I am. I‘m on diet now, so this really matters to me.
Are fast food restaurants like KFC or McDonald‘s famous in your country?
Yes, they are. The youth in my country are big fans of fast food.
Do you often drink alcohol when eating out?
No, not often. Just when I have parties with my friends.



KwVb k‡ãi evsjv A_©

Gift – Dcnvi Indeed – cÖK…Zc‡ÿ
Accept – MÖnY Kiv Excellent – AmvaviY
Adventure – `ytmvnwmK KvR Watch – Nwo, †`Lv, g‡bv‡hvMmnKv‡i
Sorrow – `ytL ch©‡eÿY, mZK© `„wó
Overcome – civ¯Í,civf~Z Talk- Show – Av‡jvPbv Abyôvb
Tragedy – `ytLRbK NUbv Highlight – mevi `„wó‡MvPi Kiv
Accept – MÖnY Kiv Incident – NUbv
Duty – `vwqZ¡ Case – NUbv, cÖK…Z Ae¯’v, e¨vcvi
Perform – m¤úv`b Kiv Parent – RbK ev Rbbx
Game – †Ljv,Dcnvm Strict – K‡Vvi
Mystery – inm¨ Stop – _vgv‡bv
Unfold – cÖKvk Kiv, fuvR Lywjqv †`Iqv Packet money – ¯^í A_©
Opportunity – my‡hvM Problem – mgm¨v
Promise – cÖwZkÖæwZ Arise – DÌvb nIqv, DVv
Fulfill – c~iY Trust – Av¯’v, wek¦vm
Struggle – msMÖvg Nation – RvwZ, †Mvôx, †`k
Fight – hy×, jovB Usually – mvaviYZ
Puzzle – auvav Visit – `k©b
Solve – mgvavb Neighborhood – cÖwZ‡ewkMY
Viewers – `k©K Best – †miv, †kÖó
Welcome – ¯^vMZg Convenient – myweavRbK
Regular – wbqwgZ Interest – AvMÖn
Genius – cÖwZfv, we‡kl `ÿZv Expensive – e¨qeûj, `vgx
Adoration – fRb, Dcvmbv Server –mvf©vi, wbqš¿K
Veneration – kÖ×v, fw³ Try – †Póv Kiv
Introduce – cÖeZ©b Kiv, cwiPq †`Iqv Concern – D‡ØM, wPšÍv, DrKÚv
Opinion – gZvgZ Calories – K¨v‡jvwi
Relevant – cÖvmw½K, m¤úwKZ Famous – weL¨vZ
Kick off – Avi¤¢ Kiv Parties – ivR‣bwZK `j
Topic – welq, cÖm½






He is getting old. Why are you getting angry? Don’t get hot. I am getting cold. The child is
getting dirty. I am getting fat. Hrid is getting rich. It is getting dark. I am getting late. I
am getting wet. Get ready now. Don’t get hurt. She is getting sick. I am getting well. I will
get it right. He got drunk. It is getting wrong.

The problem will get bigger. It is getting smaller and smaller. The sound was getting
louder. I was getting richer then. Get quicker. I am getting better. It is getting worse. The
day was getting darker. She is getting lighter. The problem is getting more difficult. The
situation is getting more complicated. The job was getting more exciting.

Get dressed and let’s leave. Get your hands washed. I got lost. I got engaged to the job. I
got married to her. She got divorced from him. Don’t get bored with me because I love to
be with you. I am getting tired of you. Are you getting annoyed with me? I am getting
interested in IT. I am getting worried about you mom.

Please get going/moving. It is getting interesting to me. The food is getting exciting. It is
getting boring /annoying/ challenging. It is getting embarrassing /overwhelming/
exciting/perplexing/ confusing to me. The work is getting tiring.

I got hit by a car. I got my heart broken by you. She was attacked by a mugger. The
Rakhine city got bombed by the Myanmar Army. She got shocked by you. I got punched by
a boxer. The little boy got bitten by his uncle. He got fired by the line manager. I got paid
by the boss. I got stopped by a passer-by. The executive got promoted by the company. I
got confused by your friend.


Twinkle, Twinkle little star...

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are!
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are!
When the blazing sun is gone,
When he nothing shines upon,
Then you show your little light,
Twinkle, twinkle, all the night.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are!
Then the traveller in the dark,
Thanks you for your tiny spark,
He could not see which way to go,
If you did not twinkle so.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are!
In the dark blue sky you keep,
And often through my curtains peep,
For you never shut your eye,
Till the sun is in the sky.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are!
As your bright and tiny spark,
Lights the traveller in the dark,—
Though I know not what you are,
Twinkle, twinkle, little star.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are


50 Sweet Expressions for Conversations

1 evt †ek! Marvelous!
2 mvevm! Well done!
3 evt my›`i! Beautiful!
4 Av‡i [ZvB bvwK?] Oh!
5 nvq! My God!
6 nvq, Ck¦i! nvq Avjøvn! Oh God! Oh Allah!
7 my›`i n‡q‡Q †Zv! Done wonderfully!
8 wbðqB! Of course!
9 ¯ªóv‡K ab¨ev`! Thank God!
10 ¯ªóvi `qv‡Z! By God‘s grace!/By the grace of God!
11 ¯ªóv †Zvgvi g½j Kiæb! May God bless you!
12 Avcbv‡KI!/ †Zvgv‡KI! Same to you!
13 LyeB my›`i! Excellent!
14 AZ¨šÍ `yt‡Li e¨vcvi! How sad!
15 AZ¨šÍ Lywki Lei! How joyful!
16 Af~Zc~e© weRq! What a great victory!
17 ‡n ¯ªóv! [Avðh© fvev‡_©] Good heavens!
18 GB †h!/ïbyb! Hello!
19 GKUz ZvovZvwo! Hurry up, please!
20 wK fxlY! wK/ fqvbK! How terrible!
21 wQt AZ¨šÍ cwiZv‡ci welq! How disgraceful!
22 [GUv] cÖjvcgvÎ /Am¤¢e! How absurd!
23 wK Av¯úa©v! How Dare he!
24 wK wgwó! How sweet
25 wK my›`i! How lovely!
26 Zzwg G K_v ejvi mvnm wK K‡i cvI! How dare you say that!
27 I‡i eve! Oh dear!
28 ZvovZvwo Pj [Ki]! Hurry up / walk fast!
29 Pzc Kiæb! Quiet please/ please keep quiet!
30 wVKB †Zv! / wVKB! Yes, it is!
31 ZvB bvwK! Really!
32 mwZ¨! Is it!
33 ab¨ev`! Thanks!
34 ab¨ev` Avcbv‡K! Thank you!
35 ¯ªóvi Amxg `qv! Thank God!
36 GB w`b evi evi wd‡i AvmyK! Many happy returns of the day!
37 Avwg wR‡Z †MwQ! Hurrah! I have won!

38 Avcbvi my¯^v¯’¨ Kvgbv Kwi! For your good health!

39 Awfb›`b! Congratulations
40 wK ev‡R e‡Kv! What nonsense!
41 wK j¾vi K_v! What a shame!
42 me©bvk! How tragic!
43 nVvr †h! What a surprise!
44 A™¢yZ! Wonderful!
45 wQt How disgusting!
46 mveavb! Beware!/ Mind your step!/Careful!
47 `yt †Li welq! What a pity!
48 wK eyw×! What an idea!
49 Avmyb Avmyb! Welcome Sir!
50 Dn! jv‡M †Zv! Ouch!
1. sb‘s main/primary goal My main goal was to get the team to the finals.
2. sb‘s ultimate goal (= what they eventually and most importantly hope to achieve ) The ultimate
goal is a freer, more democratic society.
3. an immediate goal (= that you need to achieve very soon ) Our immediate goal is to cut costs.
4. a long-term goal (= that you hope to achieve after a long time ) The organization‘s long-term
goal is to gain a strong position in the European market.
5. a short-term goal (= that you hope to achieve after a short time ) Companies should not focus
only on the short-term goal of profitability.
6. sb‘s personal goal They had to sacrifice personal goals for their family life.
7. a common goal (= an aim shared by more than one person or organization ) Iran and Turkey
shared common goals in their handling of the refugee crisis.
8. a realistic/achievable goal Students are encouraged to set themselves realistic goals for
academic improvement. | We pushed for what we thought were achievable goals.
9. an ambitious goal (= an aim that will be difficult to achieve ) The agreement set ambitious
goals to cut greenhouse gas emissions worldwide.
10. a modest goal (= an aim that is not too difficult to achieve ) Don‘t try to lose a lot of weight
quickly; set yourself a more modest goal.
11. have a goal Sheela had one goal in life: to accumulate a huge fortune.
12. work towards a goal We are all working towards similar goals.
13. pursue a goal Have we gone too far in pursuing the goal of national security?
14. achieve/attain/reach your goal Farhana has worked hard to achieve her goal of a job in the
medical profession. | They‘re hoping to reach their goal of raising Tk.100,000 for charity.
15. set (yourself/somebody) a goal (= decide what you or someone else should try to achieve ) It
helps if you set yourself clear goals.



deeply = intensely, profoundly

gently = quietly, softly
passionately = fervently, ardently
quickly = rapidly, promptly, fast
closely = intimately, warmly
warmly = lovingly, tenderly
widely = extensively, broadly
properly = well, deeply
wisely = prudently, sensibly
brilliantly = radiantly, brightly
well = properly, gently
freely = generously, kindly
big = high
tirelessly = persistently, determinedly

New Words You Need to Know:

1. deeply = intensely, profoundly = Mfxifv‡e
2. gently = quietly, softly = b¤ªfv‡e, f`ªfv‡e, kvšÍfv‡e
3. passionately = fervently, ardently = AvMÖnf‡i
4. quickly = rapidly, promptly, fast = `ªæZZvimv‡_
5. closely = intimately, warmly = wbweofv‡e
6. warmly = lovingly, tenderly = eÜzmyjffv‡e
7. widely = extensively, broadly = e¨vcKfv‡e
8. properly = well, deeply = h_vh_fv‡e
9. wisely = prudently, sensibly = eyw×gËvi mv‡_
10. brilliantly = radiantly, brightly = D¾¡jfv‡e
11. well = properly, gently= fvjfv‡e
12. freely = generously, kindly = D`vifv‡e
13. big = high = eo
14. tirelessly = persistently, determinedly = K¬vwšÍnxbfv‡e





KwVb k‡ãi evsjv A_©

special – we‡kl rush – AwZ `ªæZ‡e‡M avweZ nIqv
assured – wbwðZ faint – AÁvb nIqv
quiet – kvšÍ, w¯’i reply – cÖZz¨Ëi †`Iqv, Reve †`Iqv
straight – †mvRv recover – D×vi Kiv
properly – mwVKfv‡e, h_vh_ donate – `vb Kiv
tease – D³¨³ Kiv gentle – f`ª, gvwR©Z, iƒwPkxj
ahead – m¤§y‡L, mvg‡bi w`‡K sacrifice- DrmM©, Z¨vM, wbt¯^v_© `vb|

Gabriel sees Paradise and Hell

Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said:
When Allah created Paradise and Hellfire, He sent Gabriel to Paradise, saying: Look at it and
at what I have prepared therein for its inhabitants. So Gabriel came to it and looked at it and
at what Allah had prepared therein for its inhabitants. He returned to Him and said: By your
glory, no one hears of it without entering it. So He ordered that it be encompassed by forms of
hardship, and He said: Return to it and look at what I have prepared therein for its
inhabitants. So Gabriel returned to it and found that it was encompassed by forms of hardship.
Then he returned to Allah and said: By Your glory, I fear that no one will enter it. Allah said:
Go to Hellfire and look at it and what I have prepared therein for its inhabitants. Gabriel
found that it was in layers, one above the other. Then he returned to Allah and said: By Your
glory, no one who hears of it will enter it. So Allah ordered that it be encompassed by lusts.
Then He said: Return to it, and Gabriel returned to it and he said: By Your glory, I fear that
no one will escape it.

Assignment Presentation
[For University Students]
Dear friends, allow me to greet all of you in this beautiful/special morning/afternoon/
evening/. How are you all? At first I want to convey my heart-felt veneration to our
course teacher Mr./Ms. .........................................and I must also thank him/her for the
opportunity s/he gave me to present my assignment before you today.
My topic of the assignment is ....................................., and it is indeed an important issue
to be presented/talked about. I divided my presentation into three parts:



1. My Powerpoint Presentation
2. Distribution of Hard Copies and Free Discussion
3. Question-Answer Session
First thing first. Now, I would like to start my Powerpoint presentation. During the
presentation, you may feel like asking some questions. But I would entertain questions in
the question-answer session.


Dear participants, at this stage I am going to distribute the hard copies of my presentaion.
You will get 5 minutes time to look at the hard copies and then we will have a free
discussion session. Here you can insert your ideas. You can argue, refute some points.


Dear friends, now I am in the end of my presentation. I would like to request you to ask
questions regarding my presentation. I would definitely answer them if I can. So, who
wants to ask the first question?


And lastly, I would like to request my dear teacher to ask questions about my
presentation if you feel like to.
Ok, dear participants, my respected sir, I would like to finish my presentation. I am very
much glad to you for your patience and active participation. Many many thanks to all of
you. Assalamualaikum.



58 Sweet Expressions for Speaking

1 GB‡Zv AvmwQ| Just coming.
2 ‡ek / Lye fvj| Very well.
3 wVK Av‡Q| It‘s fine/ very good.
4 Avcwb hv e‡jb/ Avcbvi †hgb B‡”Q| As you like.
5 Avi wKQz [ejvi Av‡Q]? Anything else?
6 _vK& _vK& h‡_ó n‡q‡Q| That‘s enough.
7 [GB AwKÂjb‡K] m¤§vb †`Lv‡bv‡K abe¨ev` [RvbvB] Thanks for this honour.
8 Av”Qv| O.K.
9 [wbðqB] †Kb n‡e bv?/ †Kb bq? Why not?
10 GKUzI bv| Not a bit
11 Av”Qv Pwj| Ta- Ta
12 Kvj †`Lv n‡e| See you tomorrow.
13 nuv, nvu wbðqB| Yes, by all means.
14 A‡bK n‡q‡Q| Too much.
15 nuv, gkvB! Yes sir!
16 KLbB bq| No, not at all.
17 Zv‡Z wK n‡q‡Q / wVK Av‡Q| Never mind.
18 [ejvi] wKQzB †bB| Nothing more.
19 ‡Zgb / we‡kl wKQz bq| Nothing Special.
20 Avmyb, Avmyb! Welcome!
21 Avgvi Ici fimv Ki‡Z cv‡ib| Rest assured.
22 mycÖfvZ /ïf Acivý/mܨv/ ïfivwÎ Good morning / afternoon/ evening/ night.
23 we`vq! Good bye!
24 Avevi Avm‡eb| Bye-bye!
25 GKUzI bq! Not the least!



1 _v‡gv| Stop.
2 e‡jv| Speak.
3 ‡kv‡bv Listen.
4 GLv‡b A‡cÿv K‡iv! Wait here!
5 Gw`‡K G‡mv| Come here.
6 Gw`‡K ‡`‡Lv| Look here.
7 GB bvI| Take it.
8 Kv‡Q G‡mv| Come near.
9 evB‡i A‡cÿv K‡iv| Wait outside.
10 Ic‡i hvI| Go up.
11 wb‡P hvI| Go down.
12 ‡b‡g hvI| Get down.
13 ‣Zwi n‡q bvI| Be ready.
14 PzK K‡iv| Keep quiet.
15 mveavb| Be careful.
16 Av‡¯Í Av‡¯Í hvI| Go slowly.
17 GLbB hvI| Go at once.
18 GLv‡b _v‡gv| Stop here.
19 ‡mvRv P‡j hvI| Go straight.
20 GLvb †_‡K P‡j hvI| Go away/ Get out.
21 fv‡jv K‡i cwi¯‥vi Ki| Clean properly.
22 ‡h‡qv bv| Don‘t go.
23 fz‡jv bv| Don‘t forget
24 GUv‡K †f‡Ov bv| Don‘t break it.
25 Avgvi R¡vjvZb K‡iv bv| Don‘t trouble/ tease me.
26 Avi GKevi †Póv K‡i †`‡Lv| Try again.
27 ïiæ Kiæb| Go ahead.
28 b‡ov bv| Don‘t move.


1 In 7 seconds food from the mouth reaches the stomach.
2 Fingernails grow 4 times faster than toe nails.
3 The best colour stain is human blood, that‘s why the native Americans used it for painting.
4 Our blood is 6 times thicker than water.
5 Our kidneys filter 1.4 litres of blood in every minute and we pass 1.5 litres of urine per day.
6 The amount of blood in Women is about 4.5 litres and that of Men is about 5.6 litres.
7 Honey is easily digested because it is already digested by the bee.
8 In about 20 seconds one Red blood cell circulates our entire body.
9 New born baby‘s lung is Pink and when start breathing, it becomes darker in color.
10 Our hair and finger nails can grow even after our Death.
11 Half number of total bones are located in our hands and feet.
12 The only bone without a joint is the Hyoid bone in our neck.
13 Our bony skeleton is changing gradually every 10 years.
14 We can survive 20 days without eating but we can‘t survive not more than two days without
15 90% of what we eat is digested in the small intestine.
16 Our bone consists of 50% of water, 50% of solid material.
17 The shape of our face is made by 14 bones.
18 We can read 150-200 words per min. our average vocabulary is 5,000-7000 words.
19 Scientists say the higher your I.Q the more you dream.
20 Every day the average person loses 60 -100 strands of hair.
21 The faster growing nail is on the middle finger.
22 You get a new stomach lining every three to four days.
23 Our sneeze usually exceeds 100 Mph.
24 Feet have 500,000 sweat glands and can produce more than a pint of sweat a Day.
25 A foetus acquires fingerprints at the age of three months.
26 After eating too much, your hearing is less sharp.
27 Your nose can remember 50,000 different scents.
28 Everyone has a unique smell, except for identical Twins.
29 The ash of a cremated person comes about 9 pounds.
30 Your eyes are always the same size from birth but your nose and ear never stop growing.
31 Over 90% of diseases are caused or complicated by stress.
32 Babies are born with 300 bones but in adults it is only 206.
33 You use 200 muscles to take 1step.
34 The tooth is the only part of the human body that can‘t repair itself.
35 Bone is 5 times stronger than steel.
36 Our skin sheds and re-grows on every 27 days.
37 Three thousand million cells die in the human body every minute.
38 Every day an adult‘s body produces 300 billion new cells.
39 While sleeping in a cold climate we see more bad dreams.
40 It is not possible to tickle yourself.
41 Right- handed people live, on average nine years longer than left handed people.



One Day An 11 Year Old Girl Asked Her Daddy, ‖What Are You Going To Get Me For
My 15th Birthday ?‖
The Father Replied, “There Is Much Time Left.”
When The Girl Was 14 She Fainted And Was Rushed To The Hospital. The Doctor
Came Out And Told Her Dad She Had A Bad Heart & She Is Probably Gonna Die…
When She Was Lying In The Hospital Bed, She Said ―Daddy… Have They Told You I
Am Going To Die ?‖ The Father Replied; ―No You Will Live‖ As He Left Weeping.
She Said ―How Can You Be Sure.‖ He Turned Around From The Door And Said‖ I
She Turns 15 When She Is Recovering And Comes Home To Find A Letter On Her
Bed. It Says : ‖My Dearest Daughter, If You Are Reading This It Means All Went Well
As I Told You. One Day You Asked Me What I Was Giving You For Your 15th
I Didn‘t Know Then But Now My Present To You Is MY HEART.‖
Her Father had Donated His Heart … !
‗Blessed Indeed Is The Man Who Hears Many Gentle Voices Call Him Father‘
He makes Many silent Sacrifice for us ~ Love you Daddy;)








KwVb k‡ãi evsjv A_©

mental health – gvbwmK ¯^v¯’¨ condition –Ae¯’v, kZ©
surprising –we¯§qKi, AevK possible – m¤¢e
foolproof – Ae¨_©, GZB mij †h †Kv‡bvfv‡eB worthy – ‡hvM¨, mÿg
Zvi fyj e¨vL¨v Kiv m¤^f bq admit – ¯^xKvi Kiv
formula – m~Î limitation – mxgve×Zv, Acwinvh©
majority – msL¨vMwiô inescapable – Aek¨¤¢vex
content – cwiZ…ß, mš‘ó awareness – m‡PZbZv
freedom – ¯^vaxbZv sefl – control – AvZ¥wbqš¿Y
satisfaction – cwiZ…ßZv, m‡šÍvl weakness – `~e©jZv
overwhelming – Awff~ZKvix, wenejKvix worthwhile – g~j¨evb †hvM¨
hardship – Kó, myKwVb, cwikÖg realistic –ev¯ÍweK
psychologist – g‡bv¯ÍvwË¡K Emotion – Av‡eM
contentment –m‡šÍvl, Z…wß
borrow puzzled/baffled/bewildered
lend comprehend/realize
archaeology magnificent/superb/breathtaking
weekend astonished/astounded/stunned
confused Friday and Saturday
understand study of ancient societies
wonderful loan/let somebody use
surprised have a loan of
determined very funny/side-splitting
enthusiastic enjoyable/pleasing
witty calmed/comforted
hilarious the words of a song
pleasant pay no attention to
relieved clever/sharp
lyrics passionate/eager/excited
ignore strong-minded



Meeting Expressions
It‘s good see you again Avevi †`Lv n‡q fvj n‡jv|
nice It‘s nice to see you again.
wonderful It‘s wonderful to see you again.
delightful It‘s delightful to see you again.
marvelous It‘s marvelous to see you again.
exciting It‘s exciting to see you again.
It‘s good to see you again
meet you It‘s good to meet you again.
talk to you It‘s good to talk to you again.
be with you It‘s good to be with you again.
hear from you It‘s good to hear from you again.
have a conversation with you It‘s good to have a conversation with you again.
It‘s good to see you again
them It‘s good to see them again.
all of you It‘s good to see all of you again.
everyone It‘s good to see everyone again.
John and her It‘s good to see John and her again.
Mary and him It‘s good to see Mary and him again.
It‘s good to see you again
today It‘s good to see you again today.
this week It‘s good to see your again this week.
during our vacation It‘s good to see you again during our vacation
so soon again It‘s good to see you so soon again
after such a long time It‘s good to see you after such a long time.
It‘s good to see you again
Wonderful It‘s wonderful to see you again.
Meet It‘s wonderful to meet you again
all of you It‘s wonderful to meet all of you again.
so soon again It‘s wonderful to meet all of you so soon again.
be with all of you It‘s wonderful to be with all of you so soon

Where have you been lately (B`vbxs †Kv_vq wQ‡jb?)

recently Where have you been recently?
since June Where have you been since June?
this past week Where have you been this past week?
for the last month Where have you been for the last month?
since school finished Where have you been since school finished?
Where have you been lately? (B`vbxs †Kv_vq wQ‡jb?)
John Where has John been lately?
all of you Where have all of you been lately?
your friend Mary Where has your friend Mary been lately?
John and you Where have John and you been lately?
everyone Where has everyone been lately?
Where have you been lately? (B`vbxs †Kv_vq wQ‡jb?)
recently Where have you been recently?
all of you Where have all of you been recently?
since last July Where have all of you been since last July?
that student Where has that student been since last July?
this past week Where has that student been this past week?

I‘ve been busy with extra work. Avwg AwZwi³ KvR wb‡q e¨¯Í wQjvg|
tied up I‘ve been tied with extra work
with business I‘ve been tied up with business.
we We‘ve been tied up with business.
completely involved We‘ve been completely involved with business.
with activities We‘ve been completely involved with activities.
I‘ve had a lot of work to do too. Avgvi A‡bK KvR Kv‡Z n‡qwQj|
a great deal l‘ve had a great deal of work to do too.
finish l‘ve had a great deal of work to finish too.
also l‘ve also had a great deal of work to finish.
too much l‘ve had too much work to finish too.
Take care of l‘ve had too much work to take care of too.



I haven‘t seen you Avwg Avcbv‡K †`wLwb|

for quite a while I haven‘t seen you for quite a while.
heard from you I haven‘t heard from you for quite a while.
She She hasn‘t heard from you for quite a while.
either She hasn‘t heard from you for quite a while either.
I‘m pleased to meet you. Avcbvi mv‡_ mvKlvZ nIqvq Avwg Avbw›`Z|
delighted I‘m delighted to meet you
to make your acquaintance I‘m delighted to make your acquaintance.
happy I‘m happy to make your acquaintance.
so soon I‘m happy to make your acquaintance so soon.
to have the pleasure of I‘m happy to have the pleasure of meeting you so soon.
of meeting you
John speaks about you. l‘ve heard him speak about you.
John mentions you. l‘ve heard him mention you.
John refers to you. l‘ve heard him refer to you.
John describes you. l‘ve heard him describe you.
John inquires about you l‘ve heard him inquire about you.
John complain against you l‘ve heard him complain against you.
I thought you were in Europe. Avwg †f‡ewQjvg Avcwb BD‡iv‡c|
the city I thought you were in the city
at Sandy Beach I thought you were at Sandy Beach.
school I thought you were at school.
the office I thought you were at the office.
on the train to New York I thought you were on the train to New York.
I got back yesterday. Avwg MZKvj wd‡iwQ|
two days ago I got back two days ago.
returned I returned two days ago.
last Thursday I returned last Thursday.
flew home I flew home last Thursday.
on Friday I flew home on Friday



KwVb k‡ãi evsjv A_©

wonderful – we¯§qKi delighted – Avbw›`Z
delightful – Avb›``vqK acquaintance –Rvbv‡kvbv, cwiwPZ
marvelous – Awek¦vm¨, A™¢~Z pleasure – Avb›`
exciting – wPËvK®‥©, D‡ËRbvKi mention –D‡jøL Kiv
conversation – Avjvc-Av‡jvPbv, K‡_vcK_b refer – wb‡`©k Kiv, D‡jøL Kiv
vacation – AeKvk describe – eY©bv
recently –m¤úªwZ inquire – wRÁvmv Kiv, Z`šÍ Kiv
lately – Aí wKQzKvj c~‡e©, mv¤úªwZKKv‡j against –wec‡ÿ
tied up – LyeB e¨¯Í _vKv beach – •mKZ, mgy`ªZxi, †ejvf~wg
complete – m¤ú~Y© thought – wPšÍv
involve – RwoZ Kiv return – †div, cÖZ¨veZ©b, cÖwZ`vb
greal deal – PgrKvi KvR either –‡h †Kv‡bvI, †h †Kvb GKwU
finish – ‡kl Kiv

direction sensible/logical/rational
identify isolation/seperation
reasonable overseas
alienation awful/dreadful/appalling
foreign self-belief
terrible inadequacy/deficiency
confidence spot/recognize
shortcoming way

contraction testing
experiment eagerly
curious wed/tie the knot
keenly tone/modulation
marry gap/stop/silence
intonation interested
pause short form
chunk portion/part


Spelling Competition
wb‡Pi 200 KwVb Bs‡iwR kã QvÎQvÎxiv 15wgwbU a‡i co‡e| hw`I G covwU evmvq †nvgIqvK© wn‡m‡e
QvÎQvÎx‡`i c‡o Avm‡Z ej‡Z n‡e| Gici cÖwZwU QvÎQvÎx‡K GKwU B‡qm KvW© †`qv n‡e| wZbwU ivD‡Û
†¯úwjs †MBgwU †Ljv n‡e|
ivDÛ 1: Gwjwg‡bBkb ivDÛ
ivDÛ 2: †miv 5 R‡bi cÖwZRb‡K 5wU K‡i kã †¯új Ki‡Z n‡e|
ivDÛ 3: †miv 3 Rb 1 wgwb‡Ui g‡a¨ m‡e©v”P KZ¸wj kã mwVKfv‡e ‡¯új Ki‡Z cv‡i|
‡miv Rb n‡eb Ô‡¯úwjs gv÷viÕ
Word List for Spelling
inspector, abrupt, target, criminal, dismal, astonish, investigate, entirely, escape,
shortage, emphasis, victim, upheaval, mustache, startle, eccentric, accomplice, budget,
accessory, incriminate, caper, utilize, recycle, arena, debut, response, reprint,
diagnose, aboard, retrace, patiently, decipher, utility, bias, chaos, typhoon, reimburse,
credence, violent, seasonal, feign, relieve, foreign, heir, retrieve, sovereign, heirloom,
grieve, veil, reprieve, leisurely, beige, achievement, perceive, unwieldy, forfeit,
counterfeit, deceive, convenient, weirdly, old-fashioned, full-length, problem-solving,
out-of-date, best-selling, well-informed, up-and-coming, long-distance, peace-loving,
much-improved, play-by-play, world-famous, part-time, far-reaching, matter-of-fact,
player-manager, decision-making, up-to-the-minute, thirst-quenching, secretary-
treasurer, circuit, perforate, transform, perplex, circulation, transparent,
circumstance, persistence, transition, perpetual, circumvent, transfer, circumnavigate,
persuade, transplant, circulating, pertinent, transistor, persevere, circumstantial,
alumna, alumnae, alumni, alumnus, stimulus, stimuli, analyses, analysis, index,
indices, criterion, criteria, phenomena, phenomenon, datum, data, curricula,
curriculum, memoranda, memorandum, superior, superiority, inferiority, inferior,
punctual, punctuality, visibility, technicality, technical, flexibility, practicality,
personality, fragile, fragility, originality, individuality, liability, liable, capability,


100 Golden Expressions for Fluency in Speaking

They need a long rest. ~You are right. My towel?~There.
Can I get one more ticket?~Here you are. Come on, take it. ~Thank you.
We are talking too much.~May be. That‘s the perfect job for him.~Hum,
I really missed you. ~I missed you too. right.
Happy new year!~Happy new year! Trust me.~I do trust you. /I don‘t trust you.
Can you smile?~He-he-he-he. You see?~Hum, I do.
You can talk to me. ~Thanks. Do you mind?~No, I don‘t.
I am the king. ~Really you are. You look gorgeous. ~Thank you.
Goodbye. ~Goodbye. You just take her. ~Ok.
I don‘t want any money. ~No, no, it‘s ok. Open your door. ~Wait.
I am your daughter. ~Yes, honey. Anything else?~No, thank you.
It‘s my birth certificate. ~Let me look at it. You can do it.~Really can I?
Nine years ago.~What happened. This is for you.~Thank you.
She is on the way to Chittagong. ~Oh. Please don‘t get angry.~Ok. I am sorry.
She is dead.~I am sorry. I don‘t care.~This is not fair.
One more question.~Ok, ask me. So beautiful!~Hum.
Who wrote this?~Me. You are lucky this time.~Yeah, I am.
What‘s her name?~Sumaiya. That‘s not my fault.~I know that.
Who‘s that?~My dad. I am so scared.~Nothing will happen.
Stop it. ~Why? Are you serious?~I am! / Of course I am.
Do you get me?~Yes, I do. Who can understand?~Me.
Miss you honey!~Miss you too. What happened here?~Nothing. Don‘t
Where is my shirt?~It‘s there. worry.
It‘s really nice. ~Really it is. I got it.~At last.
I am thirty.~No way! I want to die. ~Try for the next time. /God
Can I help you?~Sure, why not! will help definitely you.
I should be careful.~Yes, you should.


Questionnaire: Opinions ** (Pair Activity)

Instruction: Work alone, put cross mark according to your choice:

No, I don‘t
Yes, I do

I‘m not
Do you think…..

English is a difficult language to learn?
men and women can ever be equal?
you can tell a lot about a person from the clothes he/she wears?
the most important thing about a job is the money you earn?
cats are better pets than dog?
it is better to grow up in the town than in the country?
classical music is boring?
you shouldn‘t get married until you are at least twenty-five?
a child should look after his/her parents when they are old?
pop music is only for teenagers?
smoking should be banned?
it is an advantage to be an only child?
politics is very interesting?
people are happier nowadays than they used to be?
watching TV is more interesting than reading books?
there will ever be a third world war?
educated people are not as happy as the uneducated ones?
God sees whatever you do?
getting jobs nowadays is very tough?
good results can ensure better jobs?
most govt. officials are dishonest and corrupt?
football is more exciting that cricket?

Activity: When you have finished reading, work with your partner. Take it in turns to
ask each other‘s opinions and to agree with them. Ask questions like these:
You: Do you think English is a difficult language to learn?
Your Partner: Yes, I do because…………..
You: Yes, so do I. /No, I don‘t think because……
You: Do you think politics is very interesting?
Your Partner: No, I don‘t because……
You: Neither do I because……
You: Do you think men and women can ever be equal?
Your Partner: I‘m not sure, really because……
You: Oh, I do. Or Oh, I don‘t because……
Note: If you disagree with your partner, try to give a reason for your opinion.


Do You Agree With Me? ** (Teacher Vs. Whole Class Activity)

1) Married people are boring.
2) Footballers are not intelligent.
3) You can't be friends with your boss.
4) Old people have no fun.
5) Men are bad at languages.
6) Young girls are brighter than young boys.
7) Mathematics is for intelligent people.
8) All politicians are corrupt.
9) Rich people have a great life.
10) City people are more cultured than country people.
11) People who talk a lot don't think much.
12) People who act are basically exhibitionists.
13) Artists are different from most other people.
14) Poor people are happy in their own way.
15) Pious people are happier than the atheists.
NOTE: Use the following phrases while you answer:
Yes, I think so. No, I don‘t think so. The answer is yes and no. The answer
depends. No, this is not true. This is absurd. I am not sure but what I believe
is...... I think there is no scientific reason to believe this. Yes, some people
may think this way but I believe...... How can you say that?






Make 15 Sentences with MAKE:




KwVb k‡ãi evsjv A_©

perfect – wbuLyZ, h_vh_
gorgeous – RuvKRgK c~Y©, RgKv‡jv
angry – ivMvwš^Z, µz×
fault – ÎæwU
uneducated – AwkwÿZ
corrupt –`~bx©wZ Kiv, `~b©xwZ MÖ¯’
interesting – gRv`vi e¨vcvi
teenagers – wK‡kvi-wK‡kvix
serious – mvsNvwZK, gvivZ¡K, ¸iæM¤¢xi
understand – eyS‡Z cviv
happened – msNwUZ, NUv
intelligent – eyw×gvb
reduce – n«vm cvIqv, K‡g hvIqv
reuse – cybe©¨envi Kiv
recycle – c~Y©e¨envi, c~Y©Pvjb, c~Y©mÂvjb
buy- Lwi` Kiv, †KbvKvwU Kiv
protect – myiÿv Kiv
maximum – me©vwaK
provide – mieivn Kiv
sustainable – ‡UKmB
conservation –msiÿYkxjZv, wbZ¨Zv, msiÿY
carpool - `vwqZ¡gvwdK Mvwo Pvjbv
packaging –gvjvgv‡ji mymw¾Z, Ave„ZKviY, c¨v‡KwRs
dump – Av¯ÍKzuo, AveR©bvi ¯Í~c
non-toxic – ÿwZKviK bq Ggb, welv³ZvnxY
cleaning – cwi®‥vi, cwi”QbœZvg~jK
argument – hyw³, weZ©K
mistake – fzj-åvwšÍ, åvwšÍ
threat –fq, Avks¼v
mess – wek„•Ljv, A‡MvQvj Ae¯’v
improvement – DbœwZ
contribution – Ae`vb
investment – web‡qvM, A_©jwMœZv
attempt – cÖqvm, †Póv
progress – DbœwZ, AMÖMwZ
profit – jvf
journey –hvÎv, ågY







KwVb k‡ãi evsjv A_©

metropolitan - gnvbMi make – ‣Zwi Kiv
affordable – mvg_©¨m~PK earn – DcvwR©b Kiv, Avq Kiv
commitment – cÖwZkÖæwZ, kc_, A½xKvi raise – D‡Ëvjb Kiv, †Zvjv, DbœxZ Kiv, cvjb Kiv,
successful – mdj Av‡ivnY
specialist – we‡klÁ waste – AcPq Kiv, bó Kiv
individuals – e¨w³MY give –‡`Iqv
disrupt – weNœ m„wó Kiv, e¨vNvZ NUv‡bv invest – wewb‡qvM Kiv
interrupt – wew”Qbœ nIqv organise – Av‡qvRb Kiv
teach – wkÿv`vb Kiv attend – †hvM`vb Kiv
enrol – bw_fz³ nIqv, fwZ© nIqv crash – †f‡½ cov
borrow – fvov Kiv, avi Kiv spoil – aŸsm Kiv, Pzigvi nIqv ev Kiv
spend – LiP Kiv, e¨q Kiv gatecrash – ûogyo K‡i Xz‡K cov
save – euvPv‡bv, iÿv Kiv

fluency reprocess
acceleration phylosophy/belief
whereabouts speeding up
recycle location/position
ideology copy/duplicate
imitate smoothness

orientation the needy
the distressed damaging/detrimental/unsafe
nourishing similar word
refreshing opposite word
harmful assessment/appraisal/ valuation
synonym stimulating/energizing
antonym nutritious/wholesome/healthful
evaluation first time introduction/direction





**Massive Intensity for Learning!**

Dear Learners of Smart English,
To be fluent in only 2-3 months, you must create massive intensity. In other
words, you have to listen and read 8-14 hours a day, every day. You must listen
constantly to English. You must read constantly. In fact, I recommend alternating
the two activities. Listen for an hour, and then read a novel for an hour. Then
listen again for an hour. Then another hour of novel reading.
If you are really focused on speaking well, do more listening. But do not worry;
reading will also help your speaking ability. So that is it. That is my simple
method for very fast English fluency. Of course, most people do not need to
improve so quickly. For most people, two hours a day of listening and reading is
enough. But if you need or want to improve very quickly, follow this plan.
...............Good luck!



USE ‘ Make or Do ’



realtor approximately, about, roughly
extra all through, all the way through
suit about, relating to , regarding
sweep brush, clean, clear, mop
concerning match, fit, look good on
throughout at the back, at the rear, in the rear
behind additional, further, added
around someone who works for a real estate agency





Find Your Match

This is a whole class activity. Each student will interview all other students in the class
and find out his/her MATCH. ** (Whole Class Activity)
Partner Points Me(%) You
Students‘ Politics is dangerously harmful for us.
Co-ed schools perform worse than single-sex ones.
Arranged marriages should be appreciated.
We don‘t have freedom of speech in Bangladesh.
I don‘t enjoy fast food rather yummy local food.
Our police can make our county a better place.
Parents & teachers do a lot of harm to our students.
Partner Points Me(%) You
Students‘ Politics is dangerously harmful for us.
Co-ed schools perform worse than single-sex ones.
Arranged marriages should be appreciated.
We don‘t have freedom of speech in Bangladesh.
I don‘t enjoy fast food rather yummy local food.
Our police can make our county a better place.
Parents & teachers do a lot of harm to our students.
Partner Points Me(%) You
Students‘ Politics is dangerously harmful for us.
Co-ed schools perform worse than single-sex ones.
Arranged marriages should be appreciated.
We don‘t have freedom of speech in Bangladesh.
I don‘t enjoy fast food rather yummy local food.
Our police can make our county a better place.
Parents & teachers do a lot of harm to our students.



Partner Points Me(%) You

Students‘ Politics is dangerously harmful for us.
Co-ed schools perform worse than single-sex ones.
Arranged marriages should be appreciated.
We don‘t have freedom of speech in Bangladesh.
I don‘t enjoy fast food rather yummy local food.
Our police can make our county a better place.
Parents & teachers do a lot of harm to our students.
Partner Points Me(%) You
Students‘ Politics is dangerously harmful for us.
Co-ed schools perform worse than single-sex ones.
Arranged marriages should be appreciated.
We don‘t have freedom of speech in Bangladesh.
I don‘t enjoy fast food rather yummy local food.
Our police can make our county a better place.
Parents & teachers do a lot of harm to our students.
Partner Points Me(%) You
Students‘ Politics is dangerously harmful for us.
Co-ed schools perform worse than single-sex ones.
Arranged marriages should be appreciated.
We don‘t have freedom of speech in Bangladesh.
I don‘t enjoy fast food rather yummy local food.
Our police can make our county a better place.
Parents & teachers do a lot of harm to our students.

Partner Points Me(%) You

Students‘ Politics is dangerously harmful for us.
Co-ed schools perform worse than single-sex ones.
Arranged marriages should be appreciated.
We don‘t have freedom of speech in Bangladesh.
I don‘t enjoy fast food rather yummy local food.
Our police can make our county a better place.
Parents & teachers do a lot of harm to our students.



Partner Points Me(%) You

Students‘ Politics is dangerously harmful for us.
Co-ed schools perform worse than single-sex ones.
Arranged marriages should be appreciated.
We don‘t have freedom of speech in Bangladesh.
I don‘t enjoy fast food rather yummy local food.
Our police can make our county a better place.
Parents & teachers do a lot of harm to their kids.

Partner Points Me(%) You

Students‘ Politics is dangerously harmful for us.
Co-ed schools perform worse than single-sex ones.
Arranged marriages should be appreciated.
We don‘t have freedom of speech in Bangladesh.
I don‘t enjoy fast food rather yummy local food.
Our police can make our county a better place.
Parents & teachers do a lot of harm to their kids.

My Match:
Name:........................................................Percentage of Matching:...................

Pesentation: ** (Whole Class Activity)




1. Could you spell your last name please?
Ans: Yes, certinly. It‘s G-R-E-A-V-E-S.
2. What‘s your student number?
Ans: J 304 W-M-B.
3. Do you have a fax number?
Ans: It‘s 02173 926
4. What‘s the registration number of your car?
Ans: B-V 9258 J-G.
5. When do I have to return these books?
Ans: By 15 July.
6. What‘s the number of the bus?
Ans: Seventy.
The number 17? Seventy.
7. What time should we be there?
Ans: Not too early. About 9:00
8. Where are they going?
Ans: To Budapest.
Was that Bucharest?
No, Budapest.
9. Could you spell that for me please?
Ans: V-E-X-A-T-I-O-U.S.
10. How long before that will be ready?
Ans: It usually takes a couple of weeks, so I‘d say the 30th.
11. Do you have your membership number handy?
Ans: Yeah. J 231-A.
12. What‘s the flight number?
Ans: QF 518
13. What time does it leave?
Ans: 14:00 hours.
14. Do you know her medical card number?
Ans: P-N 96 K-J.
15. When are your exams?
Ans: On the 16th and the 19th.
16. Can I have your passport number?
Ans: 91200 8 C.Y.



17. I‘ll need your account number for that.

Ans: Fine. It‘s 300674-4115-18.
18. What is the number of the part for the washing machine?
Ans: I need a new spindle for a washing machine.
Do you know the part number?
Yeah, it‘s A 75 U-T 90.
19. How old did you say he was?
Ans: Eighty.
Only 18? No. eighty.
20. What percentage of men would you say actually help with housework?
Ans: Oh about 15 per cent.
Did you say 50? No. Fifteen.

How Can You Fail in Learning English?

 Learn word meanings without context.
 Learn only grammar.
 Learn English sentences without contexts.
 Follow bad pronunciation.
 Start learning grammar and writing first.
 Ignore learning English sounds.
 Don’t read and listen intensively.
 Don’t attend Smart Spoken Course at TESOL BD .



Prepositions Activities
Q: Where‘s the umbrella? A: It‘s over his head.

Activity 01: Practice using Prepositions of Location. Follow the instructions.

Examples: ** (Whole Class Activity)
Teacher : Put your hand under your chair. Where is your hand?
Student : My hand is under my chair.
You : Put your pen on your book. Where‘s your pen?
Your Partner : It‘s on my book.
You : Put your pen in your book. Where‘s your pen.
Your Partner : It‘s in my book.
You : Put your pen next to your book. Where‘s your pen?
Your Partner : It‘s next to my book.
You : Put your hand on your ear. Where‘s your hand?
Your Partner : It‘s on my ear.
You : Put your hand next to your ear. Where‘s your hand?
Your Partner : It‘s next to my ear.
You : Put your hand above your head. Where‘s your hand?
Your Partner : It‘s above my head.
You : Stand next to him. Where are you?
Your Partner : I am next to him.



You : Stand between him and her. Where are you?
Your Partner : I am between him and her.
You : Put your pen between your two books. Where‘s your pen?
Your Partner : It‘s between my two books.
You : Put your hand behind your head. Where‘s your hand?
Your Partner : It‘s behind my head.

Story on Prepositions
Consider the professor's desk and all the prepositional phrases we can use
while talking about it.

You can sit before the desk (or in front of the desk). The professor can sit
on the desk (when he's being informal) or behind the desk, and then his
feet are under the desk or beneath the desk. He can stand beside the desk
(meaning next to the desk), before the desk, between the desk and you,
or even on the desk (if he's really strange). If he's clumsy, he can bump
into the desk or try to walk through the desk (and stuff would fall off the
desk). Passing his hands over the desk or resting his elbows upon the
desk, he often looks across the desk and speaks of the desk or concerning
the desk as if there were nothing else like the desk. Because he thinks of
nothing except the desk, sometimes you wonder about the desk, what's in
the desk, what he paid for the desk, and if he could live without the desk.
You can walk toward the desk, to the desk, around the desk, by the desk,
and even past the desk while he sits at the desk or leans against the desk.

All of this happens, of course, in time: during the class, before the class,
until the class, throughout the class, after the class, etc. And the
professor can sit there in a bad mood [another adverbial construction].



In the same way, practise the following expressions:

Put your pen in your hand. Where‘s your pen?
…………… on your palm. …………………..?
…………… behind your neck. …………………..?
…………… between your hands. …………………..?
…………… under your book. …………………..?
…………… next to your book. …………………..?
…………… above your book. …………………..?
…………… inside your book. …………………..?
…………… beside your book. …………………..?

Expressions used in the bedroom:

 Please make your bed.—Oh, sure.
 Is it time to change the sheets? –Oh, yea.
 Do you need an extra blanket on your bed? –May be tomorrow.
 Mr. Sadik prefers sleeping with a window opened. –He always does this.
 Put the socks and the underwear in the top dresser drawer.—I will mom.
 I'll put fresh sheets on the bed tomorrow. –Thanks mom.
 This mattress is too hard. –I will change it tomorrow.
 What time did you set the alarm for? –At 6 am.
 Fold or hang your clothes neatly when you take them off. –I always do.
 I prefer sleeping on my side. –So do I.
 Lamisa, hang your clothes up neatly.—Sure, mom.
 Theies clean shirts in the closet.—Yes, there‘re.
 Turn the night light on, Mommy. –Sure, honey.
 Many women keep their perfumes and cosmetics on their vanities.–My does my
 Try to fit your sweaters in the bottom drawer. –Ok.
 Good night. Sleep tight. Don't let the bedbugs bite. –Thanks for advice.
 Don't forget to set your alarm clock. –No, I won‘t.
 How many times are you going to change clothes?—Twice a week.
 I don't have anything decent to wear.—I don‘t believe that.
 Shyla keeps her bracelets and necklaces in a jewelry box.—So does my sis.


KwVb k‡ãi evsjv A_©

alienation – g‡bv‡hvM dynamic – MwZkxj
compliment – cÖksmvm~PK Awfe¨w³ prefer – AwaKZi cQ›` Kiv
calm – kvšÍ, w¯’i aggressive – AvµgbvZœK
control – wbqš¿Y motivated –AbycÖvwYZ, DÏxß
secret – †Mvcb, GKvšÍ purposeful – D‡Ïk¨g~jK, D‡Ïk¨ mvwaZ
touch – ¯úk©, †Qvquv determined – `„p cÖwZÁ, msKíe×
promise – cÖwZÁv, kc_, Iqv`v learned – wkwÿZ, cwÛZ
change – cwieZ©b, cwieZ©b Kiv industrious – cwikÖgx, Kg©V
fluent – mvejxj, ¯^Ztù~Z©, evKcUz diligent –cÖwikÖgx
massive – e¨vcK, eo hard working – K‡Vvi cwikÖgx
intensity – ZxeªZv, cÖejZv gospel – mZ¨, cig mZ¨
constantly – µgvMZfv‡e absolute – cig, Pig
improve – DbœwZ Kiv harsh – KK©k
quickly – `ªæZ‡e‡M, `ªæZZvi mv‡_ naked – weem©bv, Dj½
mess – weåvwšÍ, wek„•Ljv plain – mgZj,
active – mwµq whole – mgMÖ, me
realistic unjust, inequitable, iniquitous
strategy stay alive, live, live on, continue to exist
ethical abruptly, unexpectedly, rapidly, swiftly, all of a sudden, out of the blue
strange fake, forged, phony, bogus, imitation, sham
counterfeit odd, bizarre, weird, eccentric, outlandish, peculiar
suddenly moral, principled, right, fair
survive plan, policy, approach, tactic, line of attack, stratagem, trick, ploy, gambit
unfair sensible, pragmatic, rational, reasonable, down-to-earth

adorn lack of knowledge, unawareness
alternative state of affairs, circumstances, state, condition
situation thoughtful, kind, understanding
considerate a person you trust and share your feelings and secrets with
patient decorate, beautify
confidante tolerant
sensual option, choice
ignorance bodily, physical, corporeal



100 Words and Their Antonyms

Abundant - scarce Accept - refuse Accidental - intentional Accurate - incorrect Admit - deny
Advance - retreat Antique - modern Attack - defend Authentic - imitation Beg - offer
Cease - begin Combine - separate Comedy - tragedy Condemn - praise Conquer - fail
Discourage -
Contract - expand Dangerous - safe Depart - arrive Destroy - create
Disgrace - honor Drunk - sober Dwarf - giant Evil - good Exhibit - conceal
Exterior - interior Extinguish - ignite Fail - succeed Famous - unknown Fertile - barren
Fiction - fact Former - latter Frequent - infrequent Gather - scatter Generous - stingy
Genuine - fake Grin - frown Harmony - discord Harsh - mild Idle - busy
Illegal - lawful Imaginary - real Import - export Imprison - free Include - exclude
Inferior - superior Joy - grief Knowledge - ignorance Lazy - industrious Literal - figurative
Maximum -
Majority - minority Merciful - cruel Miserable - happy Mix - sort
Moist - dry Naked - clothed Necessary - useless Nourish - starve Obey - disobey
Perfect - faulty Permit - forbid Positive - negative Private - public Prohibit - allow

Reluctant - Sane - insane Shrink - expand Slavery - freedom Solid - gas

Solid - liquid Spend - save Stationary - movable Stiff - limp Strengthen - weaken
Swift - slow Tardy - early Temporary - permanent Thaw - freeze Tough - tender
Triumph - fail Unbreakable - fragile Unique - common Useful - useless Usually - rarely
Vacant - occupied Vanish - appear Victory - defeat Villain - hero Violent - gentle
Wealth - poverty Worthless - valuable

Synonyms for Beautiful

beautiful aesthetic appealing attractive awesome
blooming bonny comely cute dazzling
striking drawing elegant exquisite fine
glorious good-looking gorgeous graceful handsome
lovely magnificent marvelous nice picturesque
pleasing pretty pulchritudinous ravishing scenic
shapely sparkling splendid statuesque stunning
gorgeous good-looking eye-catching attention- charming
smart gleaming glinting endearing breathtaking

GAME: Spelling with YES cards!



Vocabulary Building
Words Related to Good Feelings (3,800 Sentences and 3,800 Replies)
I am/was/will be agreeable gentle
amused and glorious
We are/were brave good Really?
You are/were calm happy
They are/were charming and healthy Great!
cheerful helpful
comfortable hilarious Cool!
He is/was not and
She is/was not cooperative jolly Awesome?
Ayesha is/was not courageous joyous
Habib is/was not delightful kind Wow!
Mom is/was not determined and lively
I know.
Dad is/was not eager lovely
My teacher is not elated lucky
enchanting and
and nice

The boy will be encouraging obedient Excellent!

The girl will be energetic perfect
enthusiastic pleasant Unbelievable!
The man will be
The woman will be excited and proud Brilliant!
exuberant relieved
fair silly Wonderful!
Rima and Ripa are faithful and smiling
fantastic splendid Fine!
She and I won‘t be
We and they won‘t be fine successful
friendly and thoughtful
The teachers should be funny victorious
The members should be
The ministers should be
thankful and vivacious
witty lively
wonderful zealous

apology not right, incorrect, mistake
accident fee, expense, compensation
judge grasp, clutch, grip, clasp
involvement total, whole
complete participation
hold moderator, arbitrator
payment mishap, misfortune
wrong admission of guilt



Rohingya Crisis is Deteriorating Very Fast

An Open Letter by 12 Nobel Laureates and 22 Eminent Global Citizens
to United Nations Security Council to end the Rohingya Crisis
Date: 13 September, 2017

Dear President and Members of the Security Council,

Thank you for holding the UNSC meeting on Rohingya crisis most likely on September 13.
The human tragedy and crimes against humanity unfolding in the Arakan region of Myanmar need your
immediate intervention. This is one of the moments when bold and decisive actions are needed.
According to different organizations, recent military offensive by the Myanmar Army in Rakhine State
has led to the killing of hundreds of Rohingya people. Hundreds of thousands of people have been
displaced. Complete villages have been burned, women raped, many civilians arbitrarily arrested, and
children killed. Crucially, humanitarian aid organisations have been almost completely denied access,
creating an appalling humanitarian crisis in an area already extremely poor. According to UN sources,
around 300,000 people have fled to Bangladesh during the last two weeks. Human misery created by
such massive displacement of men, women and children under the threat of death is getting worse every
Some of us denounced the previous spate of violence late last year and wrote to you to intervene.
However, the situation has not improved. We urge you to take decisive actions to stop the violence
against innocent civilians and bring permanent peace in Rakhine state.
We call on UNSC to intervene immediately by using all available means. We request you to take
immediate action for cessation of indiscriminate military attack on innocent civilians that is forcing
them to leave their home and flee country to turn into stateless people.
The arguments that the Myanmar government is using to deny Rohingyas their citizenship are ludicrous,
to say the least. At independence of Burma from the British in 1948 and under successive governments,
Burma recognized the people of all ethnicities within its border, including the Rohingyas, as full
citizens, having representation in the parliament.
The military juntas in the 1980s decided that Rohingyas are not Burmese. Accordingly, they stripped the
Rohingyas of their citizenship. They used military and political means to make sure that the Rohingyas
leave the country. Systematic persecution aiming at ethnic and religious cleansing began.
We join the Secretary General of the United Nations in re-emphasizing that, "The grievances and
unresolved plight of the Rohingya have festered for far too long and are becoming an undeniable factor
in regional destabilization. The authorities in Myanmar must take determined action to put an end to this
vicious cycle of violence and to provide security and assistance to all those in need.‖

We urge you to persuade Myanmar government to take immediate steps to implement the
recommendations of the Rakhine Advisory Commission which the Myanmar government established in
2016 under the pressure of international community. The Commission, mostly comprised of Myanmar
citizens, chaired by Kofi Annan, recommended providing citizenship to the Rohingyas, to allow them
freedom of movement, rights and equality before the law, to ensure communal representation, lack of
which affects Muslims disproportionately, to facilitate UN assistance in ensuring safety and security of
returning people. The fear became reality through the attack on Myanmar security forces by the

militants. Unless, constructive effort to build lasting peace is taken, the situation will get worse which in
turn may pose serious security threat to the neighbouring countries.
To implement the Commission recommendations we suggest the following preparatory steps:
1. Reappoint the Commission members immediately to constitute an Implementation Committee to
oversee the implementation of the recommendations,
2. Take immediate steps to stop the outflow of refugees,
3. Invite international observers to visit vulnerable areas on a regular basis,
4. Invite back the refugees who already left the country,
5. Build camps within Myanmar for the returning refugees to facilitate their rehabilitation with UN
financing and supervision,
6. Give them the citizenship as prescribed in the Commission Report under the exclusive authority of
the Implementation Committee and
7. Ensure political freedom and freedom of movement.
A bold change in approach is needed by United Nations and the international community if there is to be
an end to the cycle of violence against the Rohingyas. The government of Myanmar needs to be told
that international support and finance is conditional on a major change in policy towards the Rohingya.
Propaganda and incitement of hatred and all violence, particularly state violence against Rohingyas
must stop, discriminatory laws and policies must go, the recommendations of Kofi Annan's commission
must be implemented immediately.

The world is anxiously waiting to see that UNSC is playing its role to bring end to a humanitarian
catastrophe and build peace in the region.

Sincerely yours,

Professor Muhammad Yunus, 2006 Nobel Peace Laureate and other 11 Nobel Laureates and 22
Eminent Global Citizens
Difficult Words
refugees – kiYv_©xMY, AvkÖqcÖv_©xMY defficult – KwVb, `yiæn
observer – ch©‡eÿK, wbixÿK relatives – AvZ¥xq¯^Rb
international – AvšÍR©vwZK course – cvV¨ welq, MwZ, MwZc_
facilitate – my‡hvM myweav †`Iqv enjoyable – Dc‡fvM¨, Avb›`Nb, Avb›`gyLi
prescribe –wbw`©ó, wba©vwiZ, wb‡`©k †`Iqv pronounce – D”PviY Kiv
violence – mwnsmZv, Zzgyj wek„•Ljv satisfied – mš‘wó, Lywk, cwiZ…ß
representation –Dc¯’vcb unhelpful – mnvqZvwenxb
movement – Kg©PvÂj¨, MwZwewa beyond – ewnf~©Z, AvIZv ewnf~©Z
citizen – bvMwiK, bMievmx counselors – civgk©`vZv, Dc‡`óv, wb‡`©kbv`vZv
incilement – cÖ‡ivPbv, D®‥vwb re-emphasizing –cyb‡R©vi`vb, cyb¸©iZ¡v‡ivc
hatred – N„Y¨, RNb¨, K~iæwPc~Y© undenyable - Ab¯^xKv‡hvM¨
recommundation – mycvwik, Aby‡iva community – m¤úª`vq, †Mvôx
mission – miKvwi Kv‡R wbhy³ e¨w³ ev KZ©v, we‡kl Kvh© investment – wewb‡qvM
attack – AvµgY, nvgjv worthy – g~j¨evb, ‡hvM¨, Dchy³
assistance – mvnvh¨- mnvqZv target – jÿ¨, jÿ¨e¯‘
misbehave – `ye¨©envi Kiv, Amr AvPiY Kiv mostly – cÖavbZ, †ewkifvM
homework – evwoi KvR, M„nKg© present – eZ©gvb
complete – †kl Kiv, wb®úbœ Kiv, m¤ú~Y© immediately – AbwZwej‡¤^, LyeB ZvovZvwo, Gÿwb
assigned – `vwqZ¡cÖvß, M„nxZ humanly – gvbweKfv‡e


Council – mfv, msm` discriminate – •elg¨ m„wó Kiv
unfolding – D‡b¥vwPZ previous – c~e©eZ©x
decisive – wm×všÍg~jK, request – Aby‡iva Kiv
offensive – AvµgbvZ¥K include – AšÍfz©³ Kiv
civilians – bvMwiKMY

Some Idioms
She's like a fish out of water. She is not in her area of expertise.
You'll stir up a hornet's nest. You'll cause a great deal of new problems.
Don't let him get your goat. Don't let him get you upset.
Don't make a mountain out of a molehill. Don't make big of something insignificant.
They are packed like sardines. There is absolutely no room for even one
We got a bird's eye view. We had a very good viewpoint from on high.
We're on a wild-goose chase. We were chasing something that didn't exist.
It's raining in torrents. It is the heaviest rain I have ever seen.
It's just monkey business. The business is either his own business or
She'll go ape. She'll become very upset.

Some Phrasal Verbs

Let's talk turkey. Let's begin to talk seriously.
Don't let the cat out of the bag. Don't tell our secret.
Those are crocodile tears. Those are false tears.
We had a whale of a time. We had a great time.
I've got a frog in my throat. I need to clear my throat in order to talk right.
He rolled snake eyes. His dice had two ones.
She's pig-headed. She is very stubborn.
It sounds fishy. It doesn't sound like it's true.
Don't make a hog of yourself. Don't take more than your share.
Quit horsing around. Stop being silly and get serious.
He's a rat. He is not to be trusted.
He ratted on me. He informed others about my secrets.


amazing deny, take away, withdraw,
tough movement, slogan
reform ruin, spoil, damage, harm, destroy
determined articulate, utter, convey, communicate
express strong-minded, unwavering, firm
tarnish improve, restructure, modify
campaign rough, harsh, hard
deprive astonishing, astounding, remarkable

important unforgettable
very think, believe, judge
compare brave, daring, bold, spirited, audacious
attractive frequently, often, regularly, normally, generally, habitually
usually good-looking, eye-catching, striking, beautiful, nice-looking
courageous contrast, weigh against, judge against
consider extremely, awfully, bitterly, exceedingly, exceptionally
memorable significant, vital, central, key, main, essential

hurt spiritual, friendly, nonphysical
interrupt musical, tuneful, melodious
awfully ever-lasting, undying, unending, never-ending, perpetual
nasty love, worship, esteem, respect, admire
adore spiteful, mean, malicious, hateful
eternal dreadfully, terribly, appallingly, unspeakably, horribly
melodic break up, disrupt, disturb, stop
platonic harm, injure, wound, damage



1. The best English teacher of my life
2. Why I want to learn English
3. How I learn English at TESOL BD
4. How Spoken English is taught at TESOL BD
5. Is watching videos helps learning English?
6. Should we listen to English songs to improve our fluency in English?
7. The reasons why I could not learn Enlish before I came to TESOL BD
8. My Best Friend
9. My Coursemates at TESOL BD
10. The Problems I am facing in learning English at TESOL BD
11. How I came to TESOL BD to learn English
12. Why I did not go to other English Centers to learn English
13. The Books I am reading at TESOL BD to learn English
14. Importance of learning good pronunciation
15. All about My Handset
16. What I wish for my parents
17. Does Meditation help improve concentration?
18. In my point of view, the BEST ways to learn English vocabulary
19. If I can be the Education Minister of Bangladesh
20. Why Many English classes are boring
21. Movie Review: Karate Kid
22. Movie Review: Akeela and The Bee
23. Movie Review: King’s Speech
24. My Motivator of life
25. My School Life
26. My College Life
27. My Childhood: Things I still remember


28. My Mother: My Best Friend, My Best Teacher

29. My Dream Job
30. How One can learn English by using Youtube
31. Facebook Live Classes of TESOL BD
32. How a student can be a good presenter
33. Why we need 1,00,000 great teachers in Bangladesh
34. How to be a successful English language learner
35. Who are responsible for my success or failure?
36. Should we learn standard English pronunciation? Why?
37. My Suggestions for TESOL BD
38. My Good Memories at TESOL BD
39. The Best Class I have ever attended
40. Career Opportunities for English language learners
41. TESOL BD: A Blessing for Bangladesh
42. “From today I will be ME”
43. Let me tell you a story........
44. Let me sing a song.......
45. Let me tell a joke.....
46. Let me recite a poem.....
47. My Country Bangladesh
48. My Dream Life Partner: How s/he will be
49. My Creator: Allah
50. Ego and Self-respect
51. I want to tell you about a successful person and s/he is........
52. When I will be 50......
53. What kind of parent I want to be......



1. My Best Friend
Dear audience/ Ladies and gentlemen, assalamu-alaikum and good
morning/afternoon/evening to all of you. I am very glad to be here in this pleasant
morning/afternoon/evening. Actually, it is a great pleasure for me to say something
before you. Everybody loves to talk about friends and I will try my level best to deliver
my short speech on today‘s topic and the topic is ‗My Best Friend‘.

So, who is a best friend? A best friend is a person with whom you can share
everything, and who also shares everything with you. Like everyone else, I have a best
friend too. Now I‘m going to tell about him.

The name of my friend is Asif. He is a very good person. He is always there to help me
when I am in any trouble. Sometimes he also guides me towards the right way. When I
fail to understand anything, he helps me to understand it. We study in the same class,
we play together, we hang out together- we pretty much do everything together. He is
very polite and gentle. I would like to share a small story about our friendship. Once,
during our final exam, I forgot to bring my admit card in the exam hall. As my home is
far from my school, it was not possible for me to go back to my house and bring my
admit card. I panicked and was scared to tell that to my parents. So instead of calling
them, I called Asif‘s home. Luckily, he was still at his home. So I asked him to help
me. Without saying anything to me, Asif put the phone down and I was scared to my
bones. Exam was about to start but I couldn‘t enter the exam hall without my admit
card. So, I just stood outside of the hall with no idea about what to do. A few minutes
after the exam had already started, I saw Asif running towards the exam hall. He
stopped when he reached me and, without saying anything, he handed me my admit
card and I then entered the exam hall. I followed him, totally at a loss of what to say to
him. He came in late for the exam, just so that I could sit for the exam.

Everyone needs a best friend in their life. Before choosing a best friend we need to be
careful that we don‘t make any mistake. I am glad to know that my best friend has
always been there for me and always will be. In Shaa Allah, I will always be there for
him as well. Thank you for giving an earnest solemn hearing to my speech.



2. My Sweet Home
Dear audience/ Ladies and gentlemen, assalamu-alaikum and good morning/afternoon/evening
to all of you. I am very glad to be here in this pleasant morning/afternoon/evening. Actually, it
is a great pleasure for me to say something before you. But I‘m not a good speaker. I am really
sorry for my shortcomings. Anyway, I will try my level best to deliver my short speech on
today‘s topic and the topic is ‗My Sweet Home‘.
Well, the place where I live with my family is in a reputed part of Dhaka city. We have been
here from my childhood and I feel really lucky and blessed to be able to live here. My family is
relatively small with four members – my parents, my sister and me. The area is very neat and
clean compared to the rest of the city. It is also very safe and secure being inside a university
area. We can be here for two more years as long as my father retains his job. He sets out for
work in the morning when my sister and I are preparing for our schools. My mother being a
housewife takes care of our breakfast and prepares us for school. When we get back home in
the afternoon, mom waits for us in the dinner table. We do our lunch or have light snacks with
tea while watching TV together. There are occasions when my aunts or uncles visit our place or
we have invitation to their place. We wait for dad to come home so that we can go to the party
together. Sometimes, dad brings food from outside for dinner, if that ends up not enough for
four of us, we still share that with each other. The best thing about our small family is our
sharing mentality. We do our best to greet a guest. We always try to keep our pride high and let
ourselves bow down in front of an outsider.
There are nights when we watch horror films together after finishing dinner. We get so scared
that eventually we can‘t sleep alone in our rooms; we all sleep together in my parents‘
bedroom. We don‘t isolate ourselves even when we grow up. Our bonding is very strong and
it‘s unbreakable. We share amazing amount of trust and reliability with each other that nothing
can tear us apart ever.
That‘s all for the time being. Thank you very much. Truly speaking, brothers and sisters, this
was a very nice moment with you. Allah Hafeez!

3. My Expectations From Parents

Dear friends, good morning/afternoon/evening. How are you? Alhamdulillah! Well, this
is (tell your name..........................................) before you. I am really privileged to
deliver my speech before you. Truly speaking, I am not a good speaker. Please pardon
me for my shortcomings. Anyway, I will try to say something on my selected topic.
Dear friends, I will talk about today (tell the name of your
I am ............................................ Today I am going to talk about my expectations from
parents. Every child expects many things from their parents. But it is not necessary to
fulfill all the expectations. Like everyone I also expect something from my parents.
I expect from my parents that they will be friendly with me. When I face any problem,
they show me the right way to solve those problems. I also expect from them that they
will understand me when I want to tell something to them. Parents are the best teachers
for every child. So I expect what I learn from them that will be useful for me in my life.
What they teach me should be absolutely appropriate. Also, I expect my parents will try



their best to make a better future for us. I also expect from them that we will live
together in peace and harmony. On the whole, I want a happy family.
That‘s all about what I expect from my parents. These are the mandatory parts of my
expectations. Other things that parents are providing me, I consider them as a bonus. I
love my parents very much because they are always with me no matter what. Thank you
very much for giving me a soundless patient hearing.
Well, dear friends/ ladies and gentlemen, I would like to finish here today. Thank you
very much, see all of you again in another day. Allah Hafeez!

4. How to improve your English speaking very fast

How to improve your English speaking very fast? Is it possible to accelerate your English
speaking ability? Is it possible to make massive improvements in only 2-3 months? The answer
is yes. But of course, to make massive improvements requires massive intensity and effort. So,
how can you do it? How can you improve super-fast? What do I recommend for this kind of
The first and most important thing you need to achieve this goal is incredible passion. You
must have tremendous emotional power to learn super-fast. Why? Because you must study
English 8-14 hours a day and every hour you must be alert, interested, and energetic. To
improve that quickly, you must build emotion. You must be obsessed with English. You must
be passionate and incredibly enthusiastic. Remember, Emotion is 80% of success, method is
only 20%.
To create passion, you need very compelling reasons to learn English. Just doing well on a
test is not a strong enough reason. Just getting a new job is not a strong enough reason. You
need HUGE reasons for doing this. Imagine all the incredible benefits you will have as a fluent
English speaker. Imagine how your life will change 5 years from now. 10 years from now. 20
years from now. If you are motivated by money, imagine how English will make you
amazingly rich. Visualize your dream house, your dream car, your dream life, spread of our
culture, our religion!
If love motivates you, imagine how English will help you meet incredible people from other
countries. Imagine meeting beautiful/handsome foreigners! Imagine incredible love and
passion, possible because you are a fluent English speaker. You can also exaggerate the terrible
things that will happen if you fail to speak English fluently. Imagine all the jobs you will miss.
Imagine all the people you will never meet. Imagine how bad your life will be because you
cannot speak English. Make your reasons bigger! Bigger reasons = Bigger Passion. Bigger
Passion = Bigger Success. Emotion is the key. Make your emotion stronger! Become obsessed
with English!

Besides obsession, you need massive INPUT to help yourself talk and write.


Massive Input
The second key to super-fast learning and incredible intensity is to focus on English
INPUT. Do not waste time studying grammar or vocabulary. Do not waste time trying
to speak or write. You should spend all of your time either listening or reading. This is
the fastest and most efficient method for speaking English fluently.
Carry your iPod everywhere. Read the posts in my blog
( Always, have a book with you. These are the
most powerful kinds of lessons and will help you learn the fastest. You should read easy
English novels, starting with novels for children. Absolutely do not waste time reading
textbooks! Read the books which make you feel happy, contented, satisfied. Grow
passion for reading and listening. If you follow any other way to improve your English,
your result will be always a BIG ZERO.

5. My Favourite Subject
Dear audience/ Ladies and gentlemen, assalamualaikum. I am very glad to be here in
this pleasant morning/afternoon/evening. Actually, it is a great pleasure for me to say
something before you. I will try my level best to deliver my short speech on today‘s
topic and the topic is My Favorite Subject. Actually, I like any subject that is
associated with science but my particular favourite is Physics. There may be many
reasons for many people to have a particular favourite subject, but my reason is very
simple because I find it interesting.

Physics is the study of matter, energy and how they interact. It is important to everyday
life in more ways than can be thought of at first. Without Physics, we wouldn't be able
to walk, see, or have a brain to build a computer... also, the study of the world‘s
properties, and the universe around us. It allows us to understand a lot more about our
human bodies and the environment we live in. This allows us to create cars for
transport, footballs and cricket bats for sports, books to read pretty much anything!
I was always fascinated about the way everything works since I was a little kid. As
Albert Einstein said ―Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The
important thing is to not stop questioning.‖ So, I grew older and my curiosity grew
extremely intensely with me and I realized that this was the subject that could meet all
my curiosity and it did.
I believe Physics can be used to explain everything about not only matters as big as the
universe but also as small as our everyday life or the meaning of our existence.
With this belief, I would like to conclude my presentation. Thank you all for listening to
me patiently. Allah Hafez.



6. How to Learn English

Two friends, / Raghib and Adeeb, / wanted to learn/ how to ride a cycle.// Adeeb
bought a book/ called/ How to Ride a cycle/ and Ragib started trying to ride it.// He fell
off several times/ and Adeeb laughed at him.// However,/ by the time Adeeb finished
the first chapter of his book,/ Raghib was riding his cycle fairly well.// Adeeb knew/
how the cycle worked/ but did not know/ how to use it.// Raghib did not need to know
everything/ about how his cycle worked/ but knew how to use it/ from firsthand
Learning a language/ is like riding a cycle.// The most important thing about any
language/ is communication.// You learn to communicate effectively/ by using a
language,/ by doing things with it,/ and by experiencing it.// You can learn English in
the same way/ that Rghib learnt to ride a cycle.// Don‘t worry/ if people laugh at you/
when you make mistakes.// You can certainly learn/ through mistakes.//

7. Farewell Address of Abraham Lincoln

Springfield, Illinois, February 11, 1861
My friends, no one, not in my situation, can appreciate my feeling of sadness at
this parting. To this place, and the kindness of these people, I owe everything.
Here I have lived a quarter of a century, and have passed from a young to an old
man. Here my children have been born, and one is buried. I now leave, not
knowing when, or whether ever, I may return, with a task before me greater than
that which rested upon Washington. Without the assistance of the Divine Being
who ever attended him, I cannot succeed. With that assistance I cannot fail.
Trusting in Him who can go with me, and remain with you, and be everywhere
for good, let us confidently hope that all will yet be well. To His care
commending you, as I hope in your prayers you will commend me, I bid you an
affectionate farewell.

8. My Favourite Teacher
Good morning/afternoon/evening my honorable sir, a very warm greetings to my
fellow classmates. This is _________________standing before you with a desire; you
can say a burning desire. Today I want to share my deep-rooted feelings, my untold
expressions about someone who changed my life to a wonderful extent. He recreated


me to what I am today: an English accent trainer. He is none but my most favourite

mentor, my guru, Mr. Bari, my High School English teacher.
Do you know what, Mr. Bari, traditionally I used to address him ‗Sir‘, was not only
my teacher—he was like my father. He used to call me ‗ZzB‘ and I was just madly in
love with this term. It would touch my mind—my inner feelings. He was so caring, so
dearly that I cannot delete his sweet and eventful memories –NO, really I cannot.
He usually used to teach us English grammar. Let me tell you about an incident that
moved me a lot. We, the best students, were in a private English batch with him. All
the students better than me failed to answer a grammatical question but I did. He
remarked like this ―See! His brain power!‖ It seemed I got the moon in my hands.
From then on I started studying harder and today you see my English. All credit goes to
him—my favourite Bari sir.
Parting is such agony. One day I heard sir was no more. I cried a lot, prayed for his
departed soul and condoled. After one year of his departure, I went to my village and
visited the graveyard of Bari sir. I could not control my tears. I was crying just like a
baby. I asked Allah—please forgive my teacher and give him Jannah. Dear friends,
today, you are my witnesses, I am telling in public ―Sir, I love you a lot, I miss you a
Dear all, thanks for your patient listening to what I said. Please pray for my beloved
mentor, Bari sir. Love you all. May Allah bless us. Once again, many many thanks to
all of you.

9. A good presentation about GOD

Hello everyone. Let me introduce myself. I am ................................................... and I
am here to say a few words about God.
I came to know about God from my mother. She told me, God created us. He is our
creator. All the animals, all the trees and all nonliving things like rock, water, soil, air,
everything in this world is created by God. He created all the planets, stars and moons.
He gave us a beautiful life. God loves us all. He always wants us to do good things.
God rewards those people who always do good deeds. Heaven is a place where
everyone lives happily forever. All good people go to the Heaven. God made Hell for
those who do bad things and commit sins. The Hell is a place where people are
punished for their sins. But God is merciful. He forgives us when we pray.
We pray to God for many other things too. If our prayers are good He grants our
prayers. No matter where anyone is, God is always with him/her. I love God. I always



pray to God thanking him for this beautiful life. I also pray to Him for his forgiveness
for my sins and ask for his help so that I can do good deeds.
Everyone should pray to God to thank him for his forgiveness because without His
mercy nothing would have been created.
Thank you all for listening to my words. Have a good day!

10. Massive Intensity for Learning!

Dear Learners of Smart English, I am..........I want to talk about ‗how to be fluent in
English quickly‘.
To be fluent in only 2-3 months, you must create massive intensity. In other words, you
have to listen and read 8-14 hours a day, every day. You must listen constantly to
English. You must read constantly. In fact, I recommend alternating the two activities.
Listen for an hour, and then read a novel for an hour. Then listen again for an hour.
Then another hour of novel reading.
If you are really focused on speaking well, do more listening. But do not worry; reading
will also help your speaking ability. So that is it. That is my simple method for very fast
English fluency. Of course, most people do not need to improve so quickly. For most
people, two hours a day of listening and reading is enough. But if you need or want to
improve very quickly, follow this plan. ...............Good luck!

11. Adverse Effects of Television

Hello. My topic of discussion is adverse effects of television. Now, we all like to watch
television to some extent. It has many good sides, like it keeps us updated with the
world through news, historical shows helps us gain knowledge, not to mention it helps
us spend our time when we have nothing to do. But too much of everything is harmful
and television has its adverse effects as well.
Spending too much time in front of the TV, consumes our precious time that
could be used for exercises or reading books. It also uses up time that can rather be
used with our family and friends. Children today watch television for long hours. Many
a time, they spend their evenings watching their favorite programs on TV. At times
they stay up late to watch films. The addiction to television deprives them of their time
to play. Children should rather engage in physical activities during the evenings. They
should go to the open spaces to play with friends or spend time reading some good
books. Moreover, watching television is detrimental to one's eyesight.
I hope that people will be more aware of these bad effects of television, and try
to spend less time in front of it. With this thought I would like to conclude here today.
Thank you.



1000 RHYMING dogmatic logistic

domestic lunatic
WORDS dramatic magnetic
for drastic majestic
SPELLING eclectic materialistic
COMPETITION ecstatic mechanistic
egotistic militaristic
elastic modernistic
Set: 01 electromagnetic monastic
-tic (adj.) empathetic monopolistic
energetic monotheistic
enigmatic moralistic
enthusiastic narcissistic
erotic narcotic
erratic nationalistic
euphemistic naturalistic
evangelistic nepotistic
exotic optic
fantastic optimistic
frantic paradigmatic
futuristic pathetic
genetic patriotic
gigantic pedantic
gymnastic pessimistic
hectic phonetic
hedonistic pneumatic
heuristic poetic
holistic politic
hypnotic pragmatic
idealistic problematic
idiomatic prophetic
idiotic psychosomatic
impolitic psychotic
impressionistic quixotic
individualistic realistic
inelastic realistic
interscholastic rheumatic
journalistic ritualistic
kinetic robotic
linguistic romantic


rustic colourful meaningful
sadistic deceitful merciful
sadomasochistic delightful mindful
sarcastic disdainful mistrustful
schematic disgraceful mournful
scholastic disrespectful neglectful
semantic distasteful painful
semiotic distrustful peaceful
static doleful pitiful
stylistic doubtful playful
surrealistic doubtful plentiful
sycophantic dreadful powerful
syllogistic dutiful purposeful
symbiotic eventful regretful
sympathetic faithful remorseful
symptomatic fanciful reproachful
synthetic fateful resentful
thematic fearful resourceful
theocratic fitful respectful
therapeutic flavourful restful
transatlantic forceful revengeful
traumatic forgetful rightful
traumatic fretful rueful
uncharacteristic frightful scornful
unrealistic fruitful shameful
unsympathetic gainful sinful
gleeful skilful
Set: 02 graceful slothful
-ful (adj.) grateful sorrowful
artful harmful soulful
awful hateful spiteful
baleful healthful stressful
bashful helpful successful
beautiful hopeful tactful
blissful hurtful tasteful
boastful insightful tearful
bountiful joyful thankful
brimful lawful thoughtful
careful lustful truthful
cheerful masterful tuneful


uneventful construction position
unfaithful convention preparation
ungrateful cooperation presentation
unhelpful corporation prevention
unhelpful corruption pronunciation
unlawful creation proportion
unmindful decoration publication
unsuccessful definition qualification
useful demonstration recommendation
vengeful destruction reduction
wakeful determination reflection
wasteful distribution regulation
watchful donation rejection
willful ad edition relation
wistful exception reservation
woeful exhibition resignation
wonderful expectation restriction
worshipful federation revolution
wrathful fiction sanction
wrongful foundation satisfaction
youthful frustration selection
zestful function selection
implication separation
Set: 03 indication transportation
-tion (noun) infection vacation
accommodation inflation variation
Set: 4
application intention inter- (adj.)
association invention interactive
assumption legislation interchangeable
location intercity
collection motion
compensation negotiation interdenominational
completion notion interdepartmental
operation interdependent
opposition interdisciplinary
condition interested
connection organization
consideration pollution interesting
constitution portion interfaith


intergalactic incalculable incremental
interim incandescent incremental
interior incapable incriminating
interlinked incapacitating incumbent
interlinking incarnate incurable
interlocking incautious incurable
intermediate incendiary incurious
interminable incensed indebted
intermittent incessant indebted
internal incestuous indecent
international inchoate indecipherable
internecine incidental indecisive
interpersonal incipient indecorous
interplanetary incisive indefatigable
interpretive inclement indefensible
interracial inclined indefensible
interrelated included indefinable
interrogative inclusive indefinite
interscholastic incoherent indelible
interspersed incoming indelicate
interstate incommunicado independent
interstellar incomparable independent
intervening incompatible independent
interventionist incompetent independent
incomplete indescribable
Set: 5 incomprehensible indestructible
inconceivable indeterminate
in— (adj.) inconclusive indicative
inaccessible incongruous indictable
inaccurate inconsequential indie
inactive inconsiderable indifferent
inadequate inconsiderate indifferent
inadmissible inconsistent indigenous
inadvertent inconsolable indigent
inadvisable inconspicuous indigestible
inalienable inconstant indignant
inane incontestable indirect
inanimate incontinent indiscernible
inapplicable incontrovertible indiscreet
inappropriate inconvenient indiscriminate
inapt Incorporated indispensable
inarticulate incorporeal indisposed
inattentive incorrect indisposed
inaudible incorrect indisputable
inaugural incorrigible indissoluble
inauspicious incorruptible indistinct
inborn incorruptible indistinguishable
inbound incredible individual
inbred incredulous individualistic


individualist infected enslavement
individualized infectious entanglement
indivisible infectious enticement
indolent infelicitous entitlement
indomitable inferior entrapment
indoor infernal entrenchment
indubitable infernal environment
inductive infertile equipment
indulgent infinite equipment
industrial infinitesimal establishment
industrialized infirm estrangement
industrious inflamed excitement
industrywide inflammable excrement
inebriated inflammatory experiment
inedible experiment
ineffable Set: 6 ferment
ineffective figment
ineffectual ...ment (noun) filament
inefficient disillusionment fragment
inelastic disinvestment fulfillment
inelegant displacement garment
ineligible document government
inept element harassment
inequitable elopement impairment
ineradicable embankment impeachment
inert embarrassment impediment
inescapable embellishment impoverishment
inessential embezzlement imprisonment
inestimable embodiment improvement
inevitable emolument incitement
inexact emplacement inclement
inexcusable employment increment
inexhaustible empowerment indictment
inexorable enactment inducement
inexpedient enchantment infringement
inexpensive encouragement installment
inexperienced endearment instrument
inexpert endorsement interment
inexplicable endowment internment
inexpressible enforcement investment
inexpressive engagement involvement
inextinguishable enhancement judgment
inextricable enjoyment lament
infallible enlargement ligament
infamous enlightenment liniment
infant enlightenment maladjustment
infantile enlistment maltreatment
infatuated enrichment management
infeasible enrolment measurement


merriment requirement captive
micromanagement resentment causative
misalignment resettlement coercive
misgovernment retirement cognitive
misjudgment sacrament cohesive
mismanagement sediment collaborative
misstatement segment collective
mistreatment segment collusive
moment sentiment combative
monument settlement commemorative
movement shipment communicative
nourishment statement comparative
ointment temperament competitive
ornament tournament comprehensive
overstatement treatment compulsive
parchment undergarment conclusive
payment understatement conducive
pediment unemployment conductive
pigment wonderment consecutive
placement conservative
postponement Set: 7 constructive
predicament consultative
prejudgment --sive (adj.) consumptive
presentiment abortive contraceptive
procurement abrasive convulsive
pronouncement abusive cooperative
punishment accusative corrective
puzzlement active corrosive
raiment adaptive counterproductive
rapprochement addictive creative
readjustment adhesive cumulative
realignment administrative curative
rearmament adoptive cursive
rearrangement affirmative dative
recruitment aggressive deceptive
redeployment aggressive decisive
redevelopment allusive decorative
refinement alternative deductive
refinement appreciative defective
refinement apprehensive defensive
refreshment argumentative defensive
refurbishment assertive definitive
regiment attentive degenerative
reimbursement attentive delusive
reinforcement attractive demonstrative
reinstatement attributive depressive
repayment authoritative derisive
replacement automotive derivative
replenishment autosuggestive descriptive
digestive inductive conscious
diminutive ineffective contagious
discursive inexpensive contentious
dismissive inexpressive copious
disruptive informative curious
distinctive innovative deleterious
educative inoffensive delicious
effective inoperative delirious
effusive insensitive devious
elective instinctive disputatious
elusive instructive dubious
emotive intensive efficacious
evaluative interactive egregious
evasive interpretive envious
evocative interrogative euphonious
excessive intransitive expeditious
exclusive introspective facetious
executive intrusive factitious
exhaustive intuitive fallacious
expansive invasive fastidious
expensive inventive ferocious
exploitative investigative fictitious
explosive iterative flirtatious
expressive legislative fractious
extensive furious
festive glorious
figurative SET: 8 gracious
formative --ious (adj.) gregarious
fugitive harmonious
fugitive hilarious
furtive ignominious
generative illustrious
genitive impecunious
hyperactive imperious
hypersensitive impervious
illustrative impious
imaginative inauspicious
imitative incautious
impassive incurious
imperative industrious
impressive infectious
impulsive ingenious
inactive inglorious
inattentive injudicious
incisive injurious
inclusive insalubrious
inconclusive insidious
indecisive invidious
indicative irreligious


judicious religious advisable
laborious sacrilegious affable
lascivious sagacious affordable
licentious salacious agreeable
litigious salubrious agreeable
loquacious sanctimonious agreeable
lubricious scrumptious allowable
lugubrious seditious amenable
luscious sententious amiable
luxurious serious amicable
malicious spacious amicable
melodious specious amortizable
mendacious spurious answerable
meretricious studious applicable
meritorious subconscious appreciable
multifarious supercilious approachable
mysterious superstitious approachable
nefarious surreptitious arable
notorious suspicious arguable
noxious tedious assimilable
nutritious tenacious attainable
oblivious tendentious attributable
obnoxious unceremonious available
obsequious unconscious avoidable
obvious unpretentious bankable
odious uproarious bearable
officious usurious believable
opprobrious various bendable
ostentatious vexatious biodegradable
parsimonious vicarious bookable
perfidious vicious bookable
pernicious victorious breakable
perspicacious vivacious capable
pertinacious voracious certifiable
pious certifiable
SET: 9 changeable
precious (adj.) chargeable
precious charitable
precocious charitable
prestigious classifiable
pretentious clickable
previous collectable
prodigious comfortable
propitious comfortable
pugnacious comfortable
punctilious comfortable
rambunctious comfortable
rapacious comfortable
rebellious commendable

communicable enviable imperturbable
companionable equable implacable
comparable equitable imponderable
compostable estimable impracticable
conceivable exceptionable impregnable
considerable exchangeable impregnable
contactable excitable impressionable
countable. excusable improbable
covetable execrable inadvisable
creditable expandable inalienable
culpable expendable inapplicable
cultivable explicable incalculable
curable exploitable incapable
damnable exportable incomparable
debatable extendable inconceivable
definable extraditable inconsiderable
degradable fanciable inconsolable
delectable fashionable incontestable
deliverable fashionable incurable
demonstrable favourable incurable
deniable favourable indecipherable
dependable flammable indefatigable
deplorable fordable indefinable
desirable foreseeable indescribable
desirable forgettable indictable
despicable forgivable indispensable
detachable formidable indisputable
detectable friable indistinguishable
detestable gradable indomitable
disagreeable habitable indubitable
discreditable honorable ineffable
dishonourable honourable inequitable
dispensable hospitable ineradicable
disposable hospitable inescapable
disputable huggable inestimable
disreputable identifiable inevitable
distinguishable imaginable inexcusable
doable immeasurable inexorable
downloadable immovable
drinkable immovable
drinkable immutable
durable impalpable
dutiable impassable
eatable impeachable
electable impeccable
employable impenetrable
endurable impenetrable
enforceable imperishable
enjoyable impermeable

Smart Spoken English: Speaking Test

Short Conversation Questions. In this part, there will be peer evaluation. Each student will be an interviewer
and an interviewee. Band Score and Grades will be given in the evaluation sheet supplied by the teacher.
[Minimum 25 Questions]

1) Describe yourself.
2) What‘s your name?
3) What‘s your full name?
4) How can I call you?
5) What‘s the meaning of your name?
6) Who kept your name?
7) Is name very important to you? Why?
8) What do you do? Do you work or study?
9) Where do you work?
10) Do you think students should do part-time jobs? Why?
11) Are you self dependent? If yes, how?
12) What do you study?
13) Which one is your favourite subject?
14) What are you majoring in?
15) Describe your family?
16) Do you have a large or small family?
17) How much time do you spend with your family?
18) What do you like to do together as a family?
19) Do you get along well with your family?
20) Are people in your country generally close to their families?
21) What do you do?
22) What are your responsibilities?
23) How many hours do you work each day?
24) Do you enjoy your work?
25) Is there some other kind of works you would rather do?
26) If you could change your job or profession, what would you do?
27) Describe the process of getting a job in your country.
28) Describe the company or organization you work for.
29) What is your position?
30) What do you like about your job?
31) What do you dislike about your job?
32) Describe your education.
33) What kind of school did you go to as a child?
34) Did you go to a co-educational school?
35) What was your favourite subject as a child?
36) Who was your favourite teacher?
37) What is the education system like in your country?
38) Do you think your country has an effective education system?
39) What are you studying now?
40) What is your area of specialization?
41) Describe your hometown.
42) What‘s special about it?
43) Where is your hometown located?
44) Is it easy to travel around your hometown?
45) What is it known for?
46) What do people in your town do?
47) What are the main industries in your hometown?
48) What problems does your hometown face?
49) What languages are spoken in your hometown?
50) What are the advantages of living in your hometown?
51) What are some problems faced by your hometown?
52) Compare your hometown with another city.
53) What are some environmental problems faced by your hometown?
54) What‘s the weather like in your country?
55) Does the weather affect your mood?
56) How do rainy days make you feel?
57) What‘s your favourite season of the year?
58) What do you like to do when it‘s hot?
59) What do you usually do in the winter?
60) How many seasons does your country have?
61) Describe your home.
62) What kind of building do you live in?
63) How long have you lived there?
64) Have you ever been to a wedding?
65) Whose wedding was it?
66) Where was it held?
67) What clothes do people wear?
68) Describe the wedding ceremony.
69) What sort of gifts do people buy for the bridal couple?
70) What kind of clothes did the bride and groom wear?
71) Do you like to travel?
72) What kind of places have you visited?

cixÿvwU n‡e wVK AvBGjUm& w¯úwKs †U÷ Gi gZ| wkÿK cixÿvi wbqg e‡j †`‡eb| cÖwZwU
cixÿv_x©‡K 1 †_‡K 9 Gi g‡a¨ e¨vÛ †¯‹vi †`Iqv n‡e| cixÿv †k‡l ‡miv wZb Rb QvÎ-QvÎx‡K cyi¯‹…Z
Kiv n‡e| wkÿv_x©ivB G·vwgbvi I K¨vwÛ‡WBU n‡e| wkÿK Ny‡i Ny‡i w¯úwKs ‡U÷ Gi gvb hvPvB
Ki‡eb| cÖ‡qvR‡b mnvqZv Ki‡eb| G w`b w¯úwKs †U÷-Gi GKwU wfwWI †`Lv‡bv †h‡Z cv‡i| cÖwZwU
QvÎ-QvÎxi cÖe‡jg Gwiqv wPwýZ K‡i w`‡Z n‡e Ges civgk© w`‡Z n‡e hv‡Z PzovšÍ cixÿvq fvj Ki‡Z




Describe a child that you know. You should say:
Who the child is
How you know the child
When you see the child
Explain why you like/dislike this child.
Describe someone who has had an important influence on your life. You should say:
Who the person is
How long you have known him/her
What qualities this person has
Explain why they have had such an influence on you.
Describe an old person that you know. You should say:
What your relationship is to this person
How often you see them
What people think about this person
Explain why you like them.
Describe a lake, a river or a sea you have visited. You should say:
Where the lake is
How often you have visited it
What activities you do there
Explain why you like this particular place.
Describe a present you have given someone. You should say:
Who you gave it to
What kind of present it was
How it compared to other presents you have given
Explain why you decided to give this particular gift.
Describe a sporting event you attended. You should say:
What kind of sport is was
How it compared to other events you‘ve been to
How often it takes place
Explain why you consider this event to be of interest.
Describe a TV show that you enjoy. You should say:
What type of show it is
How often it is shown
How popular it is with other people in your country
Explain why you like it.
Describe a happy childhood event. You should say:
When it happened
Who was involved
How you felt at the time
Explain why you remember this particular occasion.


Elaborate Answers-Based Questions

** (Pair Activity)
12. What languages can you speak?
13. What was the most interesting place you have ever visited?
14. How do you get to school/college/university?
15. How long does it take?
16. How many times have you travelled by airplane?
17. Is parking a problem in your country?
18. What is the most dangerous thing in your home?
19. How can it be made less dangerous?
20. What is the most dangerous thing in your home for a child?
21. What is the funniest advertisement you have seen? Describe it.
22. What makes an ad memorable?
23. In most countries the legal retirement age for men is five years older than for women, even though women
live longer than men on average. Why do you think this is? Is this fair, or should it be changed?
24. Some people say that men live better than women, and remain attractive longer. Do you agree?
Explain your opinion.
25. Some people say that men never grow up, they just get bigger. Do you agree? Explain your opinion.
26. Can you name some endangered species?
27. Can you ride a horse?
28. Do you consider yourself an animal lover?
29. Does smoking bother you?
30. Do you get annoyed when other people display bad manners? Give some examples.
31. Who do you think is the most beautiful person in your country?
32. Who do you think is the most beautiful person alive today?
33. Who was the most beautiful person in history?
34. How should we punish children who commit crimes?
35. Should parents be held responsible for their children's behaviour?
36. Were you born in the daytime or at night?
37. Where were you born?
38. Do you celebrate your birthday?
39. Have you ever seen a celebrity in person? What did you do?
40. Which celebrity would you like to meet? What would you do if you could spend a day with this person?
41. Are famous people happy?
42. Do you like to be a celebrity?

Band Score :_________
Position :_________

wbR wbR cÖwZôv‡b Bswjk K¬ve

¯‥zj/K‡jR/wek¦we`¨vjq/gv`ªvmv †j‡f‡ji QvÎQvÎx‡`i‡K Bs‡iwR †kLv‡bvi GK AmvaviY
D‡`¨vM GB Bswjk K¬ve|
TESOL BD Gi D‡`¨v‡M evsjv‡`‡k †gvU 50,000 Bswjk K¬ve cÖwZôv Kiv n‡e|
G K¬ve¸‡jv QvÎQvÎx‡`i Bs‡iwR †kLv, fvwm©wU‡Z fwZ©i civgk©, weZK©, wRwbqvm evsjv‡`k
KgwcwUkb, †g›Uvj g¨v_, †¯úwjs we, AvBwKD, †Rbv‡ij b‡jR I nv‡Zi †jLv cÖwZ‡hvwMZvq
AskMÖnY Kivi Rb¨ wbR wbR cÖwZôv‡b Ô Bswjk K¬veÕ I‡cb Kivi mn‡hvwMZvi Rb¨ AvRB
†dvb/ SMS Kiæbt

Bqvmxi m¨vi (01633-686868)


TESOL BD AvMvgx 2 eQ‡i evsjv‡`‡ki ¯‥zj/K‡jR/gv`ªvmvi 10 jÿ wkÿK‡`i wd«

Bs‡iwR/AsK/wnmve weÁvb/evsjvi Dci †UªBwbs cÖ`vb I wkÿv g¨v‡Uwiqvjm mieivn Ki‡e|
Avcwb G my‡hvM cvIqvi Rb¨ B‡gBj Kiæb A_ev SMS Kiæbt
Bqvmxi m¨vi (01633-686868)

TESOL BD Gi Awdwmqvj †gvevBj bv¤^vit



TESOLBD Smart Spoken Class Routine

Student‘s Name:................................Teacher‘s Name:..................................
Student‘s ID:.....................................Branch:.................................................
Student‘s Mobile: ...................................Emil:..............................................
Batch Time
Day 9.30 11.30 1.00 3.00 5.00 7.00
Batch Time
Day 9.30 11.30 1.00 3.00 5.00 7.00
Batch Time
Day 9—12 /9—1 3—6/3—7 6—9

wd« K¬v‡mi mgqm~wP I fwZ© m¤ú‡K© Rvbvi Rb¨ †dvb Kiæbt



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