Artigo Zuber & Findlay 1965 - Modelo de Deslizamento de Fases

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in Two-Phase Flow Systems

A d v a n c e d Technology Laboratories.
Mem. A S M E

J. A. F I N D L A Y
Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory. A general expression which can be used either for predicting the average volumetric
Mem. A S M E concentration or for analyzing and interpreting experimental data is derived. The
General Electric Co., analysis takes into account both the effect of nonuniform flow and concentration profiles
Schenectady, N. Y. as well as the effect of the local relative velocity between the phases. The first effect is
taken into account by a distribution parameter, whereas the latter is accounted for by the
weighted average drift velocity. Both effects are analyzed and evaluated. The results
predicted by the analysis are compared with experimental data obtained for various
two-phase flow regimes, with various liquid-gas mixtures in adiabatic, vertical flow
over a wide pressure range. Good agreement with experimental data is shown.

Introduction ment and information which were outside of the designer's im-
Present Status mediate need. Such data, obtained from a large number of ex-
periments, were often correlated by means of computers, thus
THE ability to predict the volumetric concentration of providing correlations void of any physical significance.
a phase, i.e., the hold up or the void fraction as function of the With exception of some of the papers discussed here, most of
design and operating parameters (geometry, pressure, flow rates, the published analyses are based on models and formulations
thermodynamic and transport properties of the phases, etc.), is often definitively incorrect or questionable. 3 Often, from these
of considerable importance to the nuclear reactor technology and incorrect or questionable formulations, "general correlations"
to the chemical process industry. Consequently, numerous have been obtained by means of high-speed computers.
publications, dealing with both the experimental and the theoreti- It is apparent from this brief discussion that a general method
cal aspects of the problem, have appeared in the literature. How- for predicting the volumetric concentration or for interpreting
ever, with the exception of a few papers discussed herein, this sub- experimental results is not yet available.
stantial effort has not contributed significantly either toward the
understanding of the physical processes involved or toward
helping the designer in providing him with design information P u r p o s e of the Paper

and criteria of sufficient accuracy, reliability, and generality. It is the purpose of this paper to provide a general method
This state of the art and knowledge is the result of the experi- which can be used either for predicting the volumetric concentra-
mental and analytical approaches which have been heretofore tion or for analyzing and interpreting experimental data.
used in analyzing the problem. The analysis takes into account the effect of the nonuniform
With the exception of some of the experiments to be discussed, flow and concentration distributions across the duct as well as the
few experiments have been either properly designed to provide effect of the local relative velocity between the two phases. The
basic information (although many investigations have claimed results are general and can be applied to any two-phase flow
this purpose) or property instrumented to provide the kind of regime. In this paper, we shall appfy them to adiabatic, dis-
data that are required for the solution of the problem. 1 Most ex- persed two-phase flow systems with fully established, i.e., con-
periments were conducted with the purpose of obtaining data for stant, velocity and concentration profiles. Two-phase flow sys-
a particular design, paying but little attention to other measure- tems with heat and/or mass addition or removal along the duct 4

1 W e note the nvestigations of Govier [1 ]2 and co-workers as an 3 For rather obvious reasons and because of their large number, we

exception. cannot cite and discuss them here. As an example, we may note the
2 Numbers in brackets designate References at end of paper. analysis reported in [2 ] which claims to obtain a correlation by means
Contributed by the Heat Transfer Division and presented at the of the minimum entropy principle, although the entropy equation for
Winter Annual Meeting, New York, N . Y . , November 29-December the two-phase mixture is not even written down less minimized.
3, 1964, of THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF M E C H A N I C A L ENGINEERS. 1 Mass can be added to a two-phase mixture, for example, by blow-

Manuscript received at A S M E Headquarters, September 15, 1964. ing air through a porous wall of the duct.

units in the [M, L, T] System R — pipe radius [L]
r = radial variable |X]
A = flow area [L 2 ]
r* = r/R dimensionless radial variable [0]
Co = distribution parameter [0]
t = time [T]
Ci = terminal velocity coefficient (see equation (10)) [0]
Vij = v( - (j) = drift velocity [L/T]
D = pipe dia [L]
v = velocity [L/T]
d = bubble dia [L]
Vr = V2 — Vi relative velocity L/T]
g = gravitational acceleration [L/T2]
I,. = integral as defined by equation (63) volume flux density
k = exponent used in drift velocity (see equation (57)) [0] L*
K = (a)/(/3) = flow parameter [0] Q1 + C2
(j) - + ji) — average volumetric flux density of
m — exponent on velocity distribution (see equation (43)) [0] A
n — exponent on void distribution (see equation (44)) [0] lyr"
the mixture
P = pressure [M/LT-] L2
Q = volumetric flow rate [ L 3 / T ] (Continued on next page)

Journal of Heat Transfer NOVEMBER 1 9 6 5 / 471

Copyright © 1965 by ASME

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will be considered in other publications, because in these systems ponents of the velocity and concentration profiles, whereas (jo
neither the velocity profile nor the concentration profile remains and (j2) are the "superficial" velocities of the two phases.
constant but both change as the mixture flows through the duct. The flow parameter K is a function of pressure, quality, and mass
The results presented in this paper show how the flow dis- flow rate. Because of insufficient experimental information, the
tribution, the thermodynamic and transport properties of the value of Ii was not directly predicted by Bankoff. However, he
two phases, the system pressure, the duct geometry, and the was able to show analytically that, for circular pipes, the effective
operating conditions affect the average value of the volumetric range of variation of K is from about K = 0.5 to Ii = 1.0. For
concentration. Therefore, in addition to presenting a general an assumed value of K = 0.89, good agreement was reported with
expression for the volumetric concentration, the analysis is useful Martinelli-Nelson correlation over a pressure range from 100-2500
because it demonstrates the kind of experimental data and the psia.
land of measurements which are required if an accurate solution It was shown by Zuber [5] that the flow parameter K in
of the problem is desired. Bankoff's analysis is identical to the ratio of the volumetric
concentration ( a ) to the "flowing volumetric concentration"

Previous Work </?>; thus

There are two effects which must be taken into account in an = «

analysis of the volumetric concentration problem. One must con-
sider the effect of the local relative velocity between the phases where the "flowing volumetric concentration" (/3) is defined by
as well as the effect of the nonuniform flow and concentration
distribution across the duct. In the literatures, these two effects (P) = (5)
have been considered separately. Qt/A + Q-i/A
Behringer [3], in 1936, was apparently the first to consider the Equation (4), obtained first empirically by Arinand [6], was
effect of the local relative velocity between the phases. Neglect- used extensively in the Russian literature to correlate experi-
ing the effect of nonuniform flow and concentration distribution mental data obtained at high mass flow rates over a large pressure
across the duct, he derived from continuity considerations the range. The dependence of Ii upon pressure as determined from
following expression for the velocity vo of a bubble in a bubbly these experiments is given in [4, 5, and 6], Since Bankoff's
mixture: analysis neglects the effect of the local relative velocity, it can be
expected that equation (4) will be successful in correlating the
Qi (h
Vi =
+ A
+ va (1) data only if this effect is negligible.
Following the work of [3 and 4], there have been numerous
where Qi and Q2 are the volumetric flow rates of the liquid and the papers which took into consideration the effect of relative
gas, and v„ is the terminal rise velocity of a single bubble in an in- velocity and/or have attempted to take into account the effect
finite medium. The volumetric concentration a then follows of the nonuniform flow distribution as well.
from the relation between v2 and the superficial velocity of the An important contribution was made by Griffith and Wallis
gas; thus: [7], who, for the slug flow regime, rederived equation (1) using
again continuity considerations and expressing the terminal
QI/A bubble rise velocity v„ by the velocity of the Dimitrescu-Tay-
lor bubble, i.e., by

In his 1936 paper, Behringer reported good agreement of values gApD' 'A
t>„ = 0.35 (6)
predicted by equations (1) and (2) with his experimental data. 5
L pi .
Bankoff [4] was apparently the first to consider the effect of the
This analysis has been since extended by Moissis and Griffith [8]
radial nonuniform flow and volumetric concentration in the
to consider the entrance and flow transition effects and by Griffith
bubbly two-phase flow regime. Neglecting the effect of the local
[9] to take into consideration the effects of heat addition.
relative velocity between the phases but accounting for the non-
uniform profiles, he obtained the following relation between the T w o attempts to account for the effect of nonuniform flow
mean volocities of the two phases and the volumetric concentra- distribution on the volumetric concentration in the slug flow
tion : regime were reported by Nicklin, Wilkes, and Davidson [10] and
by Neal [11], Both papers modify equation (1) by introducing a
1 - {a) constant Co to account for the nonuniform distribution. Thus
(3) both papers present an equation of the form of
"i 0',)/{l - «) IC- (a)
ft + Qs
where Ii is a flow parameter which is determined by the ex C„ 0.35 (7)
A Pi
6 It is rather surprising, in view of the numerous incorrect formula-
Whereas Nildin, Wilkes, and Davidson consider the velocity v-2 to
tions which have subsequently appeared in the literature, that the
formulation of Behringer was neither used nor referred to. This is be the actual velocity of the vapor slug, Neal considers it to be
even more surprising since an A E C translation of his paper is available. "the total cross-sectional average gas velocity."

N^e =Weber number [0] (a./'1,-)
Ft = weighted mean value
a =volume concentration [0] <«i>
/3 =
flowing volume concentration [0] Subscripts
p =density [M/L3]
Ap =
p, - p2[M/L3] 0 = orifice
1 = liquid phase
u = surface tension = [ilf/T2] 2 = gas phase
m = mixture
H = dynamic viscosity [ M / T L 3 ]
co = terminal in an infinite medium
F = point quantity
r = relative
<F> = FdA = average value i — 1, 2 number of the phase
u j = with respect to the center of volume

512 / N O V E M B E R 1 965 Transactions of the ASiVIE

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The authors of [10] use plausible arguments to select the value Assuming further constant densities and using equation (11) and
of the constant C0 to be (12), we obtain from equations (17) and (18)
Co = 1.2 (8)
S(1 ~ «)
instead of unity as given by equation (1). They justify this + div ji = 0 (19)
modification by arguing that the bubble is located in the high-
velocity region and is transported therefore faster than the da
average flow. The value of C0 = 1 . 2 comes from the fact that the — + div h = 0 (20)
ratio of the maximum to the average flow velocity in turbulent flow is
equal to approximately 1.2. We note that the effect of tne when, upon eliminating the volumetric concentration, we obtain
concentration profile was not accounted for by the authors of
[10] in computing the value of C0. div (ii + j s ) = 0 (21)
Neal [11], on the other hand, notes that the value of C0 can be or, in view of equation (16), we have
obtained from Bankoff's analysis and expressed it therefore by
the inverse of the flow parameter K; thus div j = 0 (22)

It follows therefore that the volumetric flux densities of the two

j jadA phases do not depend upon space coordinates but may depend
Co = (9) only upon time; thus

J H i f.
where j is the local volumetric flux density of the mixture. He
adA ji + h = i ( 0

for one-dimensional flow or for multidimensional irrotational


notes also that, in addition to flow distribution effects, one must flows.
consider the effect of local relative velocity. In order to account W e shall show now that, if the local relative velocity vr is zero,
for this effect, he adds, without proof, the second term on the then both drift velocities Vi,- and V2y are zero and the two phases
right-hand side of equation (7). have the same velocity which is equal to the volumetric flux
Finally, Street and Tek [12] present an equation for the slug density of the mixture j.
flow regime of the form of By means of equations (11) through (16), we can express the
drift velocities of the two phases in terms of the relative velocity
v2 = C„ + W D ] * (10) v r ; thus
V 2 , = v r (l - a) (24)
where now both constant Co and Ci depend on the flow distribu-
tion. Vij = — wra (25)
In this paper, we shall derive a general expression for the
It can be seen from equations (24) and (14) that, when the
volumetric concentration applicable to any two-phase flow re-
relative velocity is zero, i.e., when
gime. From this expression, one can obtain equation (7) as a
special case of the slug flow regime. Other expressions applicable vr = 0 (26)
to other flow regimes are also presented and discussed.
Analysis V2y = 0 (27)
Velocity Fields a n d Continuity C o n s i d e r a t i o n s
v2 = j (28)
A more detailed discussion of the various velocity fields which
are useful for characterizing the flow of a two-phase mixture is
Similarly, when equation (26) holds, then it follows from equa-
given in [13]. Here we shall use some of these expressions to
tions (15) and (25) that
formulate and solve our problem. We consider here a three-
dimensional problem and express the velocities in terms of vectors. Vu = 0 (29)
In analogy with the kinetic theory of gases or with plasmas, we
vi = i (30)
define the local number velocities or, more appropriately to this
problem, the volumetric jinx densit ies by
A v e r a g e Velocity a n d W e i g h t e d M e a n Velocity of the G a s
h = av s (11) In two-phase flow systems, one has more often data on average
j, = (1 - a)vi (12) values than on the local ones. Consequently, it is advantageous
the relative velocity between the two phases bj' to consider the average value of a scalar or of a vector quantity F
over the cross-sectional area of the duct defined by
vr = v2 — vi (13)
and the diffusion or drift velocities with respect the volumetric flux
(F) FdA (31)
density of the mixture b} r
V 2 ; = v2 - j (14)
Introducing the expressions for the local values of the local
V i / = v, - j (15) velocities v2 given by equation (14) into equation (31), we obtain
where the volumetric flux density of the mixture is defined by the average velocities (averaged over the cross-sectional area of the
j = ji + h (16) duct) of the gas; thus
In this paper, we consider a two-phase flow system in which a
change of phase does not take place (either due to evaporation, = <j) + <F2,-> (32)
M =
condensation, flashing, or chemical reaction). For this case, the
continuity equations for the two phases are given by
where we have taken also into account equation (11).
&(1 - oOpi Although equation (32) may be useful in some analyses of two-
+ div [p,(l - a)vi] = 0 (17)
at phase flow systems, it is more advantageous to formulate the
problem by considering volumetric flux density instead of the
d(ap 2 ) (18) velocity v2. The reason for this becomes obvious if one considers
-(- div [p 2 av 2 ] = 0
that the system input parameters readily available to a

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designer or to an experimenter, are the average volumetric flux The general expression for predicting the average volumetric
densities defined by concentration { a ) follows then from equation (39); thus

Q" (P)
{av2) = — (33) (a) =
(<xVy) (41)
Co + («)<j)
This average velocity is often referred to as the "superficial"
velocity. 6
Using equation (41) and the definitions of the weighted mean
In view of these relations, we are led to consider the weighted
velocities, we can form the velocity ratio; thus
mean value of the quantity F, defined by

f<2 <1 - a)
ceFdA 81 1
(aF) A I A <7i>/(l - «>
F = (34) (a) (42)
(a) (aVu)
C„ +
adA (a)(j)
A I a
In contrast to previous analyses (often incorrect) and semi-
Whence we obtain the weighted mean velocity v-2 of the gas phase,
empirical results, we have derived here an expression (equations
(41), (39), or (37)) which is applicable to any two-phase flow
(v2Ci) regime. Furthermore, the analysis takes into account both the
(a) effect of nonuniform flow and concentration profiles and the effect
of the local relative velocity. The first effect is accounted for by
Note that this definition is identical to the definition of the mean the distribution parameter C0, whereas the second one is ac-
velocity of particles given in the kinetic theory of gases and counted for by the weighted mean drift velocity (aVij)/(a). For
liquids. In view of equation (14), the weighted mean velocity also each particular flow regime, the value of the average volumetric
can be expressed as concentration ( a ) can be obtained from equation (41) by insert-
ing the appropriate velocity and concentration profiles and the
. (aj) (aVtl)
(36) appropriate expression for the drift velocity. In what follows, we
shall apply equations (37) or (41) to various flow regimes. How-
ever, before doing this, we consider first, in more detail, the effect
It cannot be overemphasized that, in general, the average
of the nonuniform velocity and concentration profiles and the
velocity {vi) defined b y equation (32) is not equal to the weighted
effect of the concentration distribution on the drift velocity.
mean velocity vz defined b y equation (35), i.e., by equation (36).

The G e n e r a l E x p r e s s i o n for the A v e r a g e Volumetric The Effect of N o n u n i f o r m F l o w a n d Concentration Distribution

Concentration We shall investigate now the effects of nonuniform flow and
The weighted mean velocity v2, given by equation (36), can be concentration distribution on the value of the coefficient C0, which
cast in several forms which are most useful for analyzing experi- we shall henceforth refer to as the distribution parameter. For
mental data and for determining the average volumetric concen- simplicity, we consider an axially symmetric flow through a circu-
tration (a). Thus, multiplying and dividing the first term on the lar duct and assume that the flow and concentration distributions
right-hand side of equation (36) by (j), we obtain are given b y

V2 = —
= CoO) +

where tlie distribution 'parameter Co is defined by

^ (37) = 1 -
— (43)


C„ =
T J/^ (38)
= 1 (44)

where the subscripts c and w refer to the values evaluated at the

center line and at the wall of the circular duct. 7 In the last
The inverse of this parameter first appeared in Bankoff's analysis section of this paper, we discuss the method for determining the
[4], where it was called the flow parameter K (see section values of the exponents m and n ; here we insert equations (43)
"Previous Work"). and (44) into equation (38) and obtain the following expressions
Equation (38) can be expressed in a nondimensional form by for the distribution parameter C0
dividing both sides of (j), thus
Co = 1 +
•m + n + 2 L <«>.
(a) ° + (a)(j)
when expressed in terms of the volumetric concentration a w at
where the average volumetric flow concentration (/3) (or "flowing the wall or when

concentration") is defined by
m + 2
C0 = 1 + (46)
(40) m + n + 2 (a) m

+ 2J
(7> Qi + Q«
expressed in terms of the volumetric concentration a c at the
This quantity, which is known a priori, depends only upon the center line.8
operating conditions.
7 We could have assumed other, more complicated, profiles. How-
6We prefer to use the term average volumetric flux density instead ever, for the purpose of this paper, those considered here are suf-
of "superficial" velocity because (a) it brings up the true significance ficiently illustrative of the physical processes which take place, most
and physical meaning of ji, and (6) it relates it to expressions well often, in vertical flow.
known in thermodynamics and rational mechanics. The expression 8 The relationship between ac and oiw is given by equation (62)

"superficial" velocity has no meaning. and, therefore, Co can be written in terms of aw/ctc.

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First, we note that, if the concentration is uniform across the 4 For fully established and constant profiles, the value of the
duct, i.e., if distribution parameter remains constant.
a„ = ac = (a) (47)
Effect of Local Relative V e l o c i t y
then it follows from equations (44) and (45) that In order to analyze the effect of the local relative velocity vr be-
Co = 1 (48) tween the phases, it is advantageous to formulate the problem by
considering the drift velocity Vay instead of the relative velocity
If the concentration at the center line is larger than that at the vr. Indeed, the cardinal question in two-phase flow is concerned
wall, i.e., if with determining the correct form of the drift velocity V 2 I n
ac > a „ (49) order to answer this question, it is necessary to specify the mode of
momentum transfer between the phases. This transfer depends
upon the stress fields in each phase as well as upon the geometry of
C„ > I (50) the interface between the two phases. Thus, the question pertain-
ing to the correct expression for the drift velocity is, in essence,
Finally, if the concentration at the center line is smaller than the question pertaining to the correct constitutive equation for the
that close to the wall, i.e., if
ac < aw (51) B y examining the form of equation (41), it becomes apparent
now why a change of the two-phase flow regime (a change in the
then geometry of the interface) will affect the value of the average
Co < 1 (52) volumetric concentration. It becomes also evident why analyses
which do not pay any attention to the flow regime cannot be
In order to examine the sensitivity of the distribution parame-
successful in predicting accurately the value of (a).
ter C0, we follow BankofT and Neal and assume various laminar
In this paper, we consider dispersed two-phase flow regimes with
and turbulent profiles, which are illustrated in Fig. 1 together with
either spherical interfaces between the continuous and dispersed
the value of C0, computed from equation (45). It can be seen
phase or an interface in the form of bullet-shaped slugs, i.e., the
that, as soon as a . « a c , then Co attains a constant value which
slug flow regime. We analyze the general problem by permitting
depends only on the type of the flow and of the concentration
the drift velocity to be a function of concentration. The sepa-
profiles. For pronounced parabolic profiles (akin to laminar pro-
rated flow regimes—like the annular and the annular-mist flow—
files) (curve I in Fig. 1), the distribution parameter attains
will be considered in more detail in other publications. In the
a value of C0 = 1.5; whereas for flat profiles, it tends to reach a
section on "Two-Component Systems" of this paper, we show,
value of unity. Since BankofT and Neal considered only the case
briefly, that the analysis is applicable to these two flow regimes as
aw = 0, our results for the region ccw < ac are similar to theirs.
We conclude from the preceding that:
For the systems just described, a method for determining the
1 The value of the distribution parameter C0 depends on the drift velocity is given by Zuber [14]. Briefly, the two-phase mix-
flow and concentration profiles. ture is considered as a continuum whose thermodynamic and
2 For fully established profiles, in axisymmetric two-phase transport properties depend upon the thermodynamic and trans-
flow, this value may range from about C = 1.5 to Co = 1.0 when port properties of each phase as well as upon the concentration.
aw < ae. The problem is formulated in terms of the momentum equation
3 For fully established profiles when a w > a e , the distribution for the two-phase mixture, two continuity equations, and the
parameter has a value smaller than unity, i.e., Co < 1. equation of motion of a particle. As discussed in [ 14], the formula-

Fig. T V a l u e s of the distribution parameter Co, a s function of the e x p o n e n t s of the f l o w a n d concentration profile curves
for a x i s y m m e t r i c vertical up flow t h r o u g h circular ducts

Journal of Heat Transfer NOVEMBER 19 65 / 471

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tion takes into account the effects of both the motion and the It can be seen from the preceding that, in the bubbly and the
presence of other particles on the drag force acting on the repre- slug flow regimes, the local drift velocity can be expressed in a
sentative one. The method has been applied to gas-liquid systems form of
[15], solid-fluid [14, 16], and fluid-fluid systems [17], where it is
V , j = w„(l - af (57)
shown that the predicted results are in satisfactory agreement
with experimental data and the semiempirical formulations of where v„ is the terminal rise velocity of a single bubble in an in-
[18, 19], finite medium, and the value of the exponent changes from A- = 0
From the definition of the local drift velocity (given by equa- to k = 3, depending on the bubble size.
tion (14)) we see that it represents the local velocity of In order to evaluate now the effect of the drift velocity on the
the particle with respect to the local volumetric flux density of the average volumetric concentration, we consider the second term
mixture. The simplest expression we can obtain for this velocity on the right-hand side of equation (37); thus from (34) and (57)
is to assume that it is unaffected b y concentration, i.e., b y the
presence of other particles. In such a case, the drift velocity is
a)*dA (58)
equal to the terminal velocity of the particle rising in an infinite
medium. Indeed, this is true for the slug flow regime, as was
shown by the results of [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12], and for the bubbly For the slug flow and for the turbulent bubbly flow, we obtain
flow in a turbulent stream, as it can be concluded from the ex- particlularly simple expressions for the weighted mean drift
perimental results of [15 and 20], For these conditions, we ob- velocity; thus from equations (57), (54), and (58), we obtain
tain for the local drift velocity of the gas the following expressions: 'A
W i ) 'gApD'
= 0.35 (59)
'gApD' A (a) L Pi .
V-ij = ih — j = 0.35 (53)
L Pi .
for the slug flow regime and
for the slug flow regime and
crgAp' = 1.53 (60)
V,f = v2 - j = 1.53 (54) (a)
. P.2 .
for the bubbly churn-turbulent regime.
for the churn-turbulent bubbly flow.
In order to evaluate the weighted mean drift velocity for the
W e note that equation (53) is valid for the slug flow regime
cases described by equations (55) and (56), we assume again a
when the viscous effects can be neglected; this is certainly the
volumetric concentration profile given by equation (44). The
case for water in most systems of practical interest. The range of
weighted mean drift velocity then follows from equations (31)
validity of equation (53) is discussed b y White and Beardmore
and (44); thus
[21]. They present also expressions for the terminal velocity of a
slug which should be used in place of equation (53) when the
viscous effects become important. a(l - afdA (61)
W e note further that the value of the constant equal to 1.53 in
equation (54) is that proposed by Harmathy [22], whereas where
Peebles and Garber [23] recommend a value equal to 1.18. Both nh a c n + 2 au.
values, as well as equation (54), are approximations. The useful- <a> = [ac — (ac — au,)r*"]2trrdr =
ness of equation (54) lies in the fact that the rise velocity is inde- ~ ^ Jo n + 2
pendent of the bubble diameter, which is not known a priori. (62)
When the presence of other particles (bubbles) affects the
motion of a given bubble, then the local drift velocity will depend The integral on the right-hand side of equation (61) can be put in
on the concentration. 9 This problem has been already analyzed the form of
by Zuber and Hench [15], who present the following expressions
for the drift velocity Ik = (a + bx")kxdx (63)
gApd* whose solution is
= (1 - a)3 (55)
(a + &)«•• nak
nk + 2
+ nk +
Ik-. (64)
for small bubbles obeying the Stokes law, i.e., for bubbles with a
diameter less than 0.5 X 1 0 - 1 cm; whereas for larger bubbles
For the special case when a w = 0, the results are shown in Fig. 2.
with diameters of the order of 1 0 - 1 to 2 cm, the local drift velo-
It can be seen that, when the drift velocity depends on the con-
city is given by
centration, the value of the weighted mean drift velocity is smaller
o-ffAp 'A than that corresponding to the slug flow or to the turbulent
a) A
V 2 i = 1.53 (1 - (56) bubbly flow.

An expression for the intermediate range of bubble diameters is Discussion of Analytical Results
given in [15]. The reason for the different expressions for the
S u m m a r y of A n a l y t i c a l Results
drift velocity in the "laminar" bubble regime stems from the fact
that the drag on a single bubble depends on the bubble size. A Before proceeding with a discussion, it will be helpful to summa-
more detailed discussion and a comparison with experimental data rize the main results of this analysis.
are given in [15]. The average velocity of phase two is given b y equation (32),
9 We note here that the character of the bubbling process is greatly

affected by whether or not the drift velocity depends on the concen-

tration. In order to differentiate the two cases, Wallis [19] originally <«*> = = 0"> + <V*i) (36)
referred to them as the "ideal bubbly flow" and the "slug flow re-
gime," respectively. They were called in [15] the "laminar bubbling" whereas the weighted mean velocity is given by equation (37), thus
and the "churn-turbulent bubbling" processes, respectively. The
latter term was introduced in order to differentiate it from the true slug
flow regime. The difference between, and the main characteristics of <J2> (avi) (otVn)
V2 = — = — — = CoO) + — —
these two bubbling processes were first discussed by Siemes [33], (a) (a) (a)

512 / N O V E M B E R 1 965 Transactions of the ASiVIE

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k= 0
1.0 The weighted mean velocity of the gas in the pseudo jet flow
regime is derived in the section on "Steam-Water Systems.''
• 1 , n * 1
- 2, 'n ° 1 M e f h o d of A n a l y s i s : The v2 — {j) Plane
\ \ / / • 3, n » 1 It was noted that the results of this analysis are general and
can be applied to any two-phase flow regime. Perhaps the great-
W , est value of the result lies in the method of analyzing and correlat-
0.6 ing experimental data implied b y equation (37). It can be seen
\ / >»
X X that this equation suggests a plot of the weighted mean velocity
X (fc)/{<x) versus the average volumetric flux density ( j ) of the
s mixture. Such a mean velocity-flux density plane is shown in
N. Fig. 3; it has the following important characteristics:
(a) If the concentration is uniform across the duct, then the
value of the distribution parameter C0 in equation (37) is equal
0.2 to unit}' (see equations (47) and (48)). If, in addition, one neglects
the effect of the local relative velocity vr, i.e., if one sets the value
of the local drift velocity V2y equal to zero, then equation (37)
plots into a straight line through the origin having an angle of 45
0.2 0.4 0.6 1.0 deg. This line represents the locus of points of
Fig. 2 Dimensionless weighted mean drift velocity a s function of the ex-
<*> = (i) = o-> (67)
ponents k and n
(a) w (1 - a)

In the literature, such a flow is referred to as the homogeneous flow.

In equation (37), the distribution parameter C0 takes into {b) If the concentration across the duct area is not uniform,
account the effect of nonuniform flow and concentration profiles, then the value of the distribution parameter C0 is larger than
whereas the weighted mean drift velocity {a.V*j)/(a) accounts unity for axisymmetrical distributions with the highest concen-
for the effect of the local relative velocity between the phases. tration at the axis of symmetry. (See equations (45), (49), and
The dimensionless form of equation (37) is given b y equation (50).) If the concentration is the highest near the duct wall (as in
(39), i.e., by subcooled boiling), the value of C0 is less than unity (see equation
(52)). Consequently, the slopes of the lines in the velocity-flux
M = c , <«y„)
<«> ° +
<«><j> (39) plane reflect the effect of the nonuniform flow and concentration
(c) When the distribution parameter C0 is larger than unity
whence one obtains equation (41), which is the general expression
and the weighted mean drift velocity is not neglected, then the
for the average volumetric concentration ( a ) and is valid for any
value of the weighted mean velocity ( j 2 ) / ( a ) will be larger than
two-phase flow regime; thus
( j ) (see equation (37)). In this case, the data will plot above the
<§) homogeneous flow line. Furthermore, it can be seen from equa-
<«> = (aV2j) tion (42) that the slip velocity ratio also will be larger than unity.
Co + Consequently, the weighted mean velocity of the gas is larger
than that of the liquid, i.e.,
The velocity ratio given b y equation (42) then follows from J2 3}_
equations (39) and (41) ; thus (68)
{a) (1 - a)
V2 (1 - «)
The opposite is true for values of (j2)/{a) which plot below the
T> i 1
homogeneous flow line.
- <«> (42)
< l2>
c 0 <i> + <|i>
For axisymnietric vertical flow, the expressions for the distribu- <a>
tion parameter C0 are given by equations (45) and (46).
In general, the drift velocity V 2 j is a function of concentration CO > I
in which case the weighted mean drift velocity is given b y equa- V2J>0
tions (61) and (04). Especially simple expressions result when the
<-U> > <ii>
drift velocity is constant, as in the case of churn-turbulent bubbly
<a> <\-a>
flow, of slug flow, and of a pseudo jet flow (which is discussed in
the section on "Steam-Water Systems in Vertical Flow With a AIA V2i
~ B
Free Interface at High Pressure" of this paper). vlv <il>.< j >„<A>
<a> <i-a>
The weighted mean velocity of the gas for the chum-turbulent
bubbly regime follows then from equations (37) and (60); thus
c„< l
(ii> 'ogAp v2j<o
h = ~ = C„0') + 1.53 (65)
(a) . P.2 J <h> < <ii >
<a> <i-a>
where, for the numerical constant, we have used the value of 1.18
recommended b y Harmathy [22], We could have used instead
<QV;j >
the value 1.18 proposed originally by Peebles and Garber. For
the slug flow regime, we obtain from equations (37) and (59) the
following expression:
L/J <J >
h = = C0(j) + 0.35 (66) Fig. 3 Weighted m e a n v e l o c i t y - a v e r a g e volumetric flux density plane,
(a) L Pi . i.e., the v« — (/) plane

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are formed [33]. Since the mode of gas injection is the boundary
condition imposed on the bubbling field, it can be expected that it
plays an important role. However, very few experimenters
describe or indeed pay any attention to this aspect of the problem.
Consequently, contradictory results and incorrect conclusions are
often being made in the literature. The importance of the mode
of gas injection in a bubbling batch system is discussed further in
In connection with the experiments of [24, 31, and 32] we
note that (a) the steam was introduced into the water through a
perforated plate and (6) the liquid level above the plate did not
exceed 3 ft, i.e., 1 meter. It is possible that, under these condi-
tions, the flow field was strongly influenced by the boundary
conditions imposed by the steam jets issuing from the perfora-
tions on the plate. Such a flow regime would consist of a steam-
water jet rising in the core above the perforation with a downflow
of liquid along the walls of the container. This flow regime
would be greatly influenced b y the initial height of the liquid, by
the number and size of perforations, as well as by the dimensions
of the container. With the exception of the dimensions of the
container, no information is available in the literature relative to
the other parameters. Consequently, a detailed quantitative in-
vestigation is not warranted at this time.
However, we can explore the problem a little further by noting
that, if the flow is influenced by the vapor jets issuing from the
perforations in the plate, then the kinetic energy of the vapor, the 0.6 0.8
< j > m/ sec
surface tension, and the geometry of the perforations will influence
the process. It appears, therefore, reasonable to formulate the Fig. 14 C o m p a r i s o n of values predicted by equation (77) with experi-
problem in terms of a critical Weber number based on the orifice mental data of [24] for steam-water mixture at various pressures
diameter and express it as a function of a geometry group repre-
sented by the Etvos number; thus

p-iVw-do a (76), give, for a given apparatus, a value of the constant Ap

= F (75) which is approximately independent of pressure.
a _gApd„'
In Tables 1 through 3, we show the values of the weighted
where v» is the velocity of the gas through the orifice of diameter average drift velocities determined from the intercepts of the
do- In absence of data on liquid height and oil the number and straight lines shown in Figs. 12-14; we also show the values of
size of perforations, the simplest relation between the weighted the constant Ap determined from equation (76) for the indicated
mean drift velocity and equation (75) is of the form system pressures.
It appears from Tables 1 - 3 that, for a given apparatus, and as
{<xV'-i) " P22 T A
= -4„ (76)
a first approximation at least, the value of the parameter Ap
(a) _agAp\ in equation (76) remains constant and independent of pressure.
It also can be seen from these tables that this value changes with
where, if the preceding arguments are correct, the parameter A p a change of system, i.e., of apparatus. Such a change can be
should not depend on pressure but may depend on the character- explained in terms of changes of container geometry, liquid
istic, i.e., geometry, of the apparatus. We can then test the height, and of the number, distribution, and sizes of the orifices
preceding results by investigating whether or not the values of the in the perforated plate. Additional comparisons are shown in
intercepts determined from Figs. 12-14, when inserted in equation [28],

Table 1

Reference [31] D = 14 in. = 45.6 cm

P, psia 600 800 1000 1200 1400 2000
atm 408 54.5 68 S2 95 136
(aV21) cm
65 55 45 40 34 25
(a) ' sec
Ap, equation (76) 0.79 0.81 0. S2 0.845 0.840 0.89

Table 2

Reference [32] D = 9.4 in. = 24 cm

P, psia S8 250 4S5 880 1140 1350
atm 6 17 33 60 77 92
(aFii) cm
93 69 52..5 38 32 27.5
(a) ' sec
Ap, equation (76) 0.530 0.500 0. 538 0.610 0.640 0.650

Table 3

Reference [24] D = 6.3 cm = 2.5 in.

P, psi 250 530 1040 1620 2060 2650
atm 17 36 71 111 141 ISO
(ccVi]) cm
58 52.2 35 21 15 9.5
(a) ' sec
Ap, equation (76) 0.421 0.568 0. 650 0.619 0.625 0.635

512 / NOVEMBER 1 965 Transactions of the ASiVIE

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by several Russian investigators (see for example [24]) as well as (62) for approximating the concentration profiles, are given in
by Neal [11]. [26],
(d) If we neglect the effect of the nonuniform flow and con- It was noted previously that, apparently, experiments have
centration profiles, i.e., if we set C0 = 1, then equation (66) reduces not been conducted yet in which the concentration and the mix-
to the slug flow equation proposed previously by Griffith and ture flow profiles were measured simultaneously. Consequently,
Wallis [7] (see discussion in conjunction with equation (6)). no data are available for determining the value of the distribution
(e) By comparing equation (7) with equation (66), we see that parameter C0 (given by equation (45)) from the measurements
both are of the same form. We note, however, that equation (7) of the two distributions. An estimate of the value of C0, can be
was not derived either in [10] or in [11], Whereas the authors of made, however, if we assume that the flow profile of the mixture
[10] used plausible arguments to modify the analysis of Griffith is similar to that of the volumetric concentration, i.e., that the two
and Wallis [7], the author of [11] adds without proof, i.e., adds exponents m and n in equations (43) and (44) are equal. This
arbitrarily, the second term on the right-hand side of equation (7) assumption does not appear unreasonable if one considers that
in order to modify the analysis of BankolT [4], Furthermore, the volumetric flux density of the mixture j will be greatly (if not
whereas Niklin, Wilkes, and Davidson [10] consider the velocity
' > in equation ( 7 ) to be the actual velocity of vapor slug, Neal [11]
considers it to be "the total cross-sectional average gas velocity." <a > '<J> n
We note that the average velocity obtained by integration over
V 0.433 1.82 2.27
the cross-sectional area of the duct (see equation (32)) is not
0 0.364 1.49 2.19
equal to the weighted mean velocity given by equation (39). • 0.280 1.16 1.51
This statement becomes obvious if one recalls that the average 0 0.262 1.16 1.41
of a ratio is not equal to the ratio of the averages, i.e., that A 0.189 0.93 2.78


to) = (~ (h)

The coefficient C0 in equation (7) can be different from unity

only if one formulates the problem in terms of the weighted mean
velocity given by equation (37).
We note, further, that neither the analysis of [10] nor that of
[11] can predict the decrease of the slip velocity ratio below unity,
which is one of the results derived in this paper (cf. items (5) and
(c) in the section, "Method of Analysis").

Comparison With Experiments

Effect of Concentration Profiles
The comparisons of the results predicted by the analysis with
experimental data are made for fully developed, adiabatic, verti-
Fig. 5 C o m p a r i s o n of the volumetric concentration profile predicted by
cal flow through a round duct. These data fall generally in the
equation (44) with experimental data of Petrick [25]
bubbly, slug, and two-phase jet flow regimes.
It should be noted here that a great deal of data was en-
countered in the literature that could not be used to check against
this analysis because the experiments were either improperly run
or the data improperly recorded (or both).
In running experiments of this type, two considerations are of
great importance. They are: (a) The method by which the gas
or vapor is introduced into the pipe, i.e., size of orifices, etc., and
(b) whether or not the flow regime is fully developed or is in the
process of developing. These two items can cause a good deal of
trouble in interpreting the experimental results and may lead to
A further difficulty arises when the experimental results are
analyzed for determining the effects of the concentration profile
and of the flow profile of the mixture on the value of (a). The
authors were not able to find a single reference reporting experi-
ments where these two profiles have been recorded simultaneously.
Data are, however, available on concentration profiles only;
consequently, we can examine the validity of the assumed dis-
tribution given b y equation (44).
Fig. 5 shows the experimental data of Petrick [25] for an
adiabatic steam-water mixture at 600 psi flowing through a pipe
( I D = 2 in.) together with the results predicted by equation
(44). The values of the exponent n which were used in equation
(44) were determined from equation (62) using the measured
value of a c and ( a ) ; the value of a l f was zero since the flow was
adiabatic. It can be seen from Fig. 5 that the assumed distribu-
tion is in agreement with the data. The reader will note also that,
as the volumetric flux density of the mixture (i.e., j) increases, the <j> m/sec

value of the exponent n increases, resulting in flatter profiles. Fig. 6 C o m p a r i s o n of values predicted by equation (65) with experi-
Similar experimental results, which justify the use of equation mental data of Petrick [25]

Journal of Heat Transfer NOVEMBER 19 65 / 471

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mostly) affected by the volumetric flow of the gas. With this flow regimes cannot be made. This statement is illustrated in
assumption, and for adiabatic flow (a,„ = 0), equation (45) reduces Fig. 8, which shows the experimental data of Smissaert [27] for
to air-water flowing through a 2 in. I D pipe. For this pipe size, the
drift velocity for slug flow, predicted by equation (59), is equal to
approximately 29 cm/sec, whereas for the bubbly flow, predicted
Co = (72)
n + 1 by equation (60), it is approximately equal to 25 cm/sec. Conse-
quently, the difference is too small for an accurate differentiation
Fig. 6 shows the value of C0 computed from equation (72) for between the two flow regimes. This can be seen in Fig. 8, which
the experimental data shown in Fig. 5. With the exception of the shows data for air-water mixture for various air and liquid flow
run at the lowest volumetric concentration, 12 i.e., ( a ) = 0.189, rates. Here, again, the linear relation is striking; the slope is
it can be seen that, as the profiles become flatter (both n and j equal to C0 = 1.2, indicating a flat profile (see Fig. 2). The inter-
increase), the value of Co decreases, which is in agreement with the cept is in the range of 25-30 cm/sec in agreement with either
analytical results plotted in Fig. 1. The average value of C0 for equation (59) or equation (60). The data of Smissaert obtained
these experiments is approximately Co = 1.35. Inserting this with nitrogen-mercury mixtures are not plotted because of the
value of C0 into equation (65) gives the weighted mean gas large scatter. 13 It is possible that in these experiments an axisym-
velocity that is plotted and compared to the experimental data in metric flow pattern of the mixture was not established or that the
Fig. 6. The agreement appears reasonable. The reader will experiments were not sufficiently controlled.
note that the effects of the distribution parameter and of the gas In order to investigate further the difference between the slug
weighted mean drift velocity as well as the characteristics of the flow and the bubbly flow regime, we consider the experimental
velocity-flux plane (discussed in the preceding section) are sup- results reported b y Bailey, Zmola, and coworkers [29] and
ported by the results shown in this figure. It is apparent also plotted in Figs. 9 and 10. These investigators observed two flow
that, for a definitive confirmation of these results, experimental regimes; for concentration smaller than 0.13, the flow was in the
data are needed on simultaneously recorded concentration and bubbly regime; whereas for concentration in excess of ( a ) =
flow profiles. 0.286, the flow was in the slug regime; a transition region existed
between ( a ) = 0.15 and ( a ) = 0.28. They noted also that, in the
Two-Component Systems bubbly regime, the diameter of the pipe did not have an effect on
In Fig. 7 are plotted the experimental results for an air-water the value of a or on the bubble rise velocity, whereas in the slug
mixture flowing through a circular pipe (5.5 in. I D ) reported by flow regime, both ( a ) and v2 were affected by the diameter. It can
Petrick [25] (approximately 120 data points are plotted). These lie seen from Fig. 9 that the values of ( j ) larger than approxi-
experiments are of special value because the volumetric concentra- mately 20 cm/sec, i.e., for ( a ) larger than 0.27, the data are
tion ( a ) was determined together with the bubble size distribu- 13 A comparison with the experimental data for nitrogen-freon 113
tion as a function of flow rates. Thus, these experiments provide mixtures is shown in [28], which also presents additional comparisons
quantitative data on the average volumetric concentration, not reproduced in this paper because of limitations in space.
bubble size distribution, and on the flow regime (only the bubbly
flow regime was observed). It can lie seen from Fig. 7 that the
data, when plotted in terms of the coordinate system suggested
by equation (37), show indeed a linear relation with respect to the
average volumetric flux density (j) of the mixture. The slope of
the line is equal to Co = 1.6, indicating a higher concentration of /
bubbles in the central region of the pipe (cf. the results plotted on
Fig. 2). Also, the value of the intercept of this straight line with
the (j-i)/(a) axis is in agreement with the value of the weighted
mean drift velocity for the churn-turbulent bubbly flow pre- /* Co = 1.45
dicted by equation (60). It appears, therefore, that the results /
predicted by equation (65) are in agreement with these experi-
ments. A /O

We note that, for a pipe diameter equal to D = 5.5 in. = 14
cm, the drift velocity for slug flow, predicted by equation (59), is
equal to approximately 45 cm/sec. Consequently, if the two-phase
mixture were in the slug flow regime, the intercept should have A </
- 2.5
had a value of 45 cm/sec instead of 25 cm/sec as predicted by
equation (60). Since no slugs were observed in Petrick's experi- cvj| a w
ments but only bubbles, the intercept is in agreement with the 'vlv
predicted drift velocity for the churn turbulent bubbly flow, i.e., A /
with equation (60). This fact confirms our previous statement AIR-WATER
that a linear relation between (ji)/(a} and (j) does not imply that A _/ A AIR-GLYCERINE
the mixture is in the slug flow regime; statements to this effect,
which have been often made in the literature, are obviously in- O AIR-WATER
correct. This distinction between the slug flow and the churn-
D= 6"= 15.3 cm
turbulent flow is discussed in more detail in [15], together with

the other regimes of bubbling.
The apparent reason for identifying the churn-turbulent bubbly 0.8
regime with the slug flow regime arises probably from the fact 0.6 1
2 j > . 0 .35 f g A ^ D
that, for water at atmospheric pressure flowing through pipes with
~OA <a>
diameter in the range from 1 to 2 in., the drift velocity for slug P, 1
T52 o « <a\/o:> "erg Ap
Pi I
flow predicted by equation (59) has practically the same value as -
that predicted by equation (60) for the bubbly flow. Thus, unless 0
1.0 1.5 2.5 30
visual observations are made, a differentiation between the two
<j> m/sec
12 In view of the data reported in [26], the results of this run are Fig. 9 C o m p a r i s o n of v a l u e s predicted by equation (66) with experi-
apparently incorrect. mental data of Bailey, et al. [29]

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t o




i /

/ /
/ / /
/ /
r a
/ /

/ / /V
o D • 6"" 1 5 . 3 cm
a D • 12" • 30, 4 cm
/ /
• D • Z 4 " > 6 1 . 0 cm f
/ 'A
/ / °
0 (cm)
/ / A
/ /V
Eq. 7 4 • 30.4
/ *

15.3 o a

o9A u

/ A y
Eq. 7 3

/ /
/ y
/ 0


0.15 0.20 0.25

< a >
Fig. 1 0 C o m p a r i s o n of v a l u e s predicted b y e q u a t i o n (65), i.e., w i t h e x p e r i m e n t a l d a t a of
B a i l e y , et al. [ 2 9 ] , for a i r - w a t e r m i x t u r e s . This figure also s h o w s transition from " c h u r n -
l i r b u l e n t " b u b b l y flow to s l u g flow r e g i m e .

linearly dependent upon (j). The slope of the line is C0 = 1.45 (a.
pronounced parabolic profile) and the intercept is equal to that
predicted for the slug flow regime, i.e., by equation (59). It is
Co i.o h seen therefore that, in the region where Zmola, Bailey, and co-
/ workers observed the slug flow regime, the values predicted by
equation (59), which holds for this regime, are in good agreement
with the data. In order to investigate the transition from the
bubbly to the slug flow regime, we expand the scale in the region

y where (j) is smaller than 20 cm/sec and plot the data in Fig. 10.
It can be seen that, when the average volumetric concentration
SLUG FLOW f HOMOGENE OUS FLOW (a) is smaller than approximately 0.26, all experimental points,
E C 0 - 1.2 V C 0 = 1.0 obtained with various pipes, can be predicted by equation (65),

V2j = 0.35^—
ft. [v 2 j = 0 which for a batch process can lie written also as

0*2) = 1.53 (73)
P iz 1 Co(a)

It is of the form discussed previously by Zuber and Hench [15].
It can be seen further that in this region there is no effect of pipe
diameter, which is in agreement with the experimental observa-
tion of Bailey, Zmola, and coworkers. On the same figure, we
have plotted also the values predicted by the equation for slug
flow, in a batch process, i.e., by:
10 15
< j > tm/sec) 'gApW 'A
(?2> = 0.35
Fig. 11 Plot of d a t a of [ 3 0 ] for different f l o w r e g i m e s L Pi J 1 - C0(a)

512 / N O V E M B E R 1 9 6 5 Transactions of the ASiVIE

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SLUG FLOW { 2 6 0 °°

p s la OTM
0 600 40
0 800 54.5
A 1000 68
A 1200 82
O 1400 95
0 2000 136
0 = 18" •45.6cm

0.6 0.3
< i > m/sec
Fig. 12 C o m p a r i s o n of values predicted by equation (77) with experi-
mental data of [31 ] for steam-water mixture at various pressures

It can be seen that, in the churn-turbulent bubbly regime, and for Fig. 13 C o m p a r i s o n of v a l u e s predicted by equation (77) with experi-
a given value of (72), the equation for slug flow underestimates, mental data of [32] for steam-water mixture at various pressures
considerably, the value of (a). However, as (j?) increases and
( a ) increases beyond a value of approximately 0.26, the data start
deviating from the hue for the bubbly flow regime and, after a
transition region, they merge with the curves for the slug flow been reported in the literature [24, 31, 32] and are reproduced in
regime (cf. Fig. 9). Figs. 12, 13, and 14.
In Fig. 11 are plotted the experimental data of Wallis, et. al. It can be seen from Figs. 12-14, that, after a short transition
[30], for air-water mixture at atmospheric pressure flowing region (for low value of (j)) and within the accuracy of these ex-
through a 0.975 in. I D pipe. It can be seen that the data can be periments performed at high pressure, the data follow the linear
approximated, rather closely, by two straight lines—one corre- relation given b y equation (37). The slopes of these lines vary
sponding to the slug flow regime and the other to the annular between approximately C0 = 1.0 and C0 = 1.2 for almost all
flow regime. The straight line for the slug flow regime is that pre- runs. However, at comparable pressures, the values of the
dicted by equation (66). An analysis of the annular flow7 regime weighted mean drift velocities as determined from the intercepts
will lie presented in a forthcoming paper. Here we note that, for of these straight lines change from one group of experiments to
an established annular flow, the data plot is a straight line with a another. Thus it appears that, with different apparatus, different
value of the distribution parameter equal to unity. The reader values are obtained for the weighted mean drift velocity.
should note also the change of the values of the distribution In order to clarify this new aspect of the problem, we note first
parameter C0 and of the weighted mean drift velocity with a that neither the weighted average drift velocity given by equation
change of flow regime. (59) nor that given by equation (60) is in agreement with the
It appears from the foregoing that the conclusions which have values of the intercepts shown in Figs. 12-14. The values pre-
been enumerated in "Method of Analysis" under items (a) dicted by these two equations do not show such a strong de-
through (?) are supported by experimental data. These and pendence upon pressure as indicated by the intercepts shown in
similar results (soon to be reported) confirm the generality of the Figs. 12-14. Consequently, in view of the discussion given in the
analytical results and of the method of analysis proposed in this preceding section, it would appear that the flow was neither in the
paper. churn-turbulent bubbly nor in the slug flow regime.
W e are led then to consider the influence of the mode of gas
Steam-Wafer S y s t e m s in Vertical F l o w With a injection on the volumetric concentration in a batch bubbling
Free Interface at H i g h Pressure system. It becomes evident that, for the same volumetric flow
Another problem of practical importance is concerned with the rate of the gas Q2 (not excessively high), different results will be
relation between the volumetric vapor concentration ( a ) and obtained depending 011 whether the gas is injected through one
the volumetric vapor flux density (72) for a steam-water mixture large orifice or through a porous plate. This statement follows
with a free interface in a vertical container of large diameter. from the fact that different regimes exist during the process of
Such a system may approximate the region above a reactor core. bubbling from an orifice. At low flow rates, single bubbles are
Results of several experiments concerned with this problem have generated whereas, at high flow rates, large bubbles and gas jets

Journal of Heat Transfer NOVEMBER 1 9 6 5 / 471

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are formed [33]. Since the mode of gas injection is the boundary
condition imposed on the bubbling field, it can be expected that it
plays an important role. However, very few experimenters
describe or indeed pay any attention to this aspect of the problem.
Consequently, contradictory results and incorrect conclusions are
often being made in the literature. The importance of the mode
of gas injection in a bubbling batch system is discussed further in
In connection with the experiments of [24, 31, and 32] we
note that (a) the steam was introduced into the water through a
perforated plate and (6) the liquid level above the plate did not
exceed 3 ft, i.e., 1 meter. It is possible that, under these condi-
tions, the flow field was strongly influenced by the boundary
conditions imposed by the steam jets issuing from the perfora-
tions on the plate. Such a flow regime would consist of a steam-
water jet rising in the core above the perforation with a downflow
of liquid along the walls of the container. This flow regime
would be greatly influenced b y the initial height of the liquid, by
the number and size of perforations, as well as by the dimensions
of the container. With the exception of the dimensions of the
container, no information is available in the literature relative to
the other parameters. Consequently, a detailed quantitative in-
vestigation is not warranted at this time.
However, we can explore the problem a little further by noting
that, if the flow is influenced by the vapor jets issuing from the
perforations in the plate, then the kinetic energy of the vapor, the 0.6 0.8
< j > m/ sec
surface tension, and the geometry of the perforations will influence
the process. It appears, therefore, reasonable to formulate the Fig. 14 C o m p a r i s o n of values predicted by equation (77) with experi-
problem in terms of a critical Weber number based on the orifice mental data of [24] for steam-water mixture at various pressures
diameter and express it as a function of a geometry group repre-
sented by the Etvos number; thus

p-iVw-do a (76), give, for a given apparatus, a value of the constant Ap

= F (75) which is approximately independent of pressure.
a _gApd„'
In Tables 1 through 3, we show the values of the weighted
where v» is the velocity of the gas through the orifice of diameter average drift velocities determined from the intercepts of the
do- In absence of data on liquid height and oil the number and straight lines shown in Figs. 12-14; we also show the values of
size of perforations, the simplest relation between the weighted the constant Ap determined from equation (76) for the indicated
mean drift velocity and equation (75) is of the form system pressures.
It appears from Tables 1 - 3 that, for a given apparatus, and as
{<xV'-i) " P22 T A
= -4„ (76)
a first approximation at least, the value of the parameter Ap
(a) _agAp\ in equation (76) remains constant and independent of pressure.
It also can be seen from these tables that this value changes with
where, if the preceding arguments are correct, the parameter A p a change of system, i.e., of apparatus. Such a change can be
should not depend on pressure but may depend on the character- explained in terms of changes of container geometry, liquid
istic, i.e., geometry, of the apparatus. We can then test the height, and of the number, distribution, and sizes of the orifices
preceding results by investigating whether or not the values of the in the perforated plate. Additional comparisons are shown in
intercepts determined from Figs. 12-14, when inserted in equation [28],

Table 1

Reference [31] D = 14 in. = 45.6 cm

P, psia 600 800 1000 1200 1400 2000
atm 408 54.5 68 S2 95 136
(aV21) cm
65 55 45 40 34 25
(a) ' sec
Ap, equation (76) 0.79 0.81 0. S2 0.845 0.840 0.89

Table 2

Reference [32] D = 9.4 in. = 24 cm

P, psia S8 250 4S5 880 1140 1350
atm 6 17 33 60 77 92
(aFii) cm
93 69 52..5 38 32 27.5
(a) ' sec
Ap, equation (76) 0.530 0.500 0. 538 0.610 0.640 0.650

Table 3

Reference [24] D = 6.3 cm = 2.5 in.

P, psi 250 530 1040 1620 2060 2650
atm 17 36 71 111 141 ISO
(ccVi]) cm
58 52.2 35 21 15 9.5
(a) ' sec
Ap, equation (76) 0.421 0.568 0. 650 0.619 0.625 0.635

512 / NOVEMBER 1 965 Transactions of the ASiVIE

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In view of the foregoing, it would appear that equation (37),
Table 4
with the value of the weighted average drift velocity de
from equation (76), i.e., that the following equation N Fr 14 30 55-58 80 333
P (13) (13) (13) </3> (P)
<J2> or/Ap
= C'o(j) + Ap (77) (a) (a) (a)
. Pr J
can be used to scale the effect of pressure for a given apparatus. 20 1.23 1 .14
It is evident also that additional experimental data are needed 40 1.38 1.33 1 .25 1 .10
in order to clarify several unresolved questions relative to the 70 L . oo 1.25 1 .20 1. OS
effects of container geometry, of initial liquid height, of the num- 120 1.19 1 .10
1.11 1.09 1 .03
ber of perforations in the plate, as well as of their size distribution
and of their spacing.

Steam Wafer S y s t e m s at H i g h Pressures in Forced Clearly, the value of C0 = 1.2 is only a rough approximation as
C o n v e c t i o n T h r o u g h Circular Ducts indicated by the values tabulated in Table 4.
The results of an extensive study of the effect of the Froude
number on the relation between (j2) and (a) are reported in [34, Conclusions
35]. The Froude number was defined there as 1 A general expression (equations (37) or (39) or (41)) ap-
plicable to an}' two-phase flow regime which can be used either
Pip') 2 for predicting the average volumetric concentration ( a ) or for
N Fr (78)
gApD* analyzing and interpreting experimental data is derived.
2 The analysis takes into account both the effect of nonuni-
It was varied from 7.5 to 2270. The experiments were conducted
form flow and concentration profiles as well as the effect of the
with two pipe sizes, D = 1.7 and D = 3.0, at four pressure levels,
local relative velocity between the phases.
P = 20, 40, 270, and 120 atm.
3 The effect of the nonuniform flow and concentration profiles
In order to compare the results predicted by the analysis of this
is taken into account by the distribution parameter Co in equation
paper with these experimental results, we use the definition of the
(37). For fully established profiles, the value of Co remains
Froude number given by equation (78) and rewrite equations
(66), (65), and (77) in the following forms, respectively:
4 The effect of the local relative velocity and the concentra-
tion profile is taken into account by the weighted mean drift
i or, 1
(79) velocity (aV2j)/(a) in equation (37).
(a) " C° + °- 3 ' > 0VFr)V=
5 For the axisymmetric vertical flows through circular ducts
which were considered in this paper, it is shown that the value of
(SO) the distribution parameter depends on the exponents of the flow
(a) - + 1'53 ( W 7 .
and concentration profiles as well as on the value of the volu-
metric concentration evaluated at the wall tx„, and at the center
line a,., of the duct (cf. equations (45) and (56)).
a Pi 6 The value of the distribution parameter can be less than
(81) one, i.e., Co < 1 when a w > a c , or larger than one, i.e., Co > 1
<«> " C° + (iWr)'^ _gApD"-_ _P2_
when a w < a c . In the latter case, it is shown that the value of
It can be seen from the preceding equations that, as the Froude the distribution parameter varies between Co = 1.0, for flat
number increases, the ratio ( / ? ) / ( a ) tends to the value of C0. We profiles, up to Co = 1.5, for peaked profiles (cf. Fig. 1).
have shown already that, for axisymmetric vertical flow when 7 It is shown that, at high mass flow rates, the velocity ratio is
ac > the distribution parameter Co varies from approxi- larger than one, i.e., v2/vi > 1 when Co > 1, or smaller than one,
mately C0 = 1.5 to Co = 1.0. i.e., v2/vi < 1 when Co < 1.
The results of [34, 35] show that, up to approximately (/3) = 0.7, 8 Two types of flow regimes were considered on paper. For
the value of the ratio <j8)/(a) remains constant in agreement with the first group, which includes (a) the "churn-turbulent" bubbly
the previous results of Armand. However, in contrast to the regime, (6) the slug flow regime, and (c) apseudo, two-phase jet-
results of Armand [6], the value of this ratio is function of both type flow regime, the local drift velocity, and, therefore, the
pressure and of the Froude number. The values of the ratio weighted average drift velocity, does not depend upon volumetric
(/3)/(a) determined from these experiments as function of the concentration (cf. equations (59), (60), and (76)). For the second
Froude numbers and of the system pressure are tabulated in group, which includes the various types of the "ideal bubbly re-
Table 4. gime," the weighted average drift velocity is a function of the
It can lie seen from Table 4 that, as the pressure and/or average volumetric concentration (cf. equation (58)).
the Froude number increase, the value of the ratio ((3)/(a) 9 The results indicate (see equation (37)) that a very useful
tends to unity. This is in agreement with our discussion of the method for analyzing and correlating experimental results is by
distribution parameter C0, which tends to unity for flat turbulent plotting the data in the weighted mean velocity-average volu-
profiles which can be expected at high Froude numbers. metric flux density plane, i.e., in the v2 — (j) plane. The im-
In order to determine the variation of the flow parameter C0 portant characteristics of this plane are discussed.
with pressure and flow, it is necessary to consider the momentum 10 It is shown that, when the drift velocity does not depend
equation because the flow and concentration profiles depend on upon concentration, particularly simple expressions are obtained
the dynamic conditions in the mixture. The problem can be for two-phase flow regimes with fully established flow concentra-
solved either by modifying the approach presented by Levy [36] tion profiles. For such flows, the slopes of the straight lines in the
or by using a different formulation; this aspect of the problem will v-2 — (j) plane give the value of the distribution parameter,
lie treated in a future publication. Here we note that data on the whereas the intercepts with the v2 axis give the value of the
flow and concentration distributions as function of the volumetric weighted mean drift velocity for the particular flow regime.
flow rate, pressure, properties, and geometry are almost non- 11 Plots in the velocity-flux plane which show abrupt change
existent. It is evident that an accurate prediction of (a), as well of slope and of intercept can be interpreted as indicating a change
as a sound analysis concerned with predicting the flow and con- of flow regime.
centration profiles, will depend on the availability of such data. 12 Since in two-phase flow s3'stems with heat and/or mass

Journal of Heat Transfer NOVEMBER 19 6 5 / 471

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addition along the duet, the flow and concentration profiles con- 13 N. Zuber, "Conservation Laws and Thermodynamic Rela-
tions for Two-Phase Flow With a Change of Phase," to be published,
stantly change, it can be expected that the curves which ap-
14 N. Zuber, "On the Dispersed Two-Phase Flow in the Laminar
proximate experimental data in the velocity-flux plane will Flow Regime," General Electric Co., Rept. No. 63GL50, Schenectady,
exhibit a slight curvature. N. Y., January, 1963, accepted for publication in Chem. Engr.
13 T h e comparison with experimental data, for various flow Science.
15 N. Zuber and J. Hench, "Steady-State and Transient Void
regimes, shows that the various results predicted b y the analysis
Fraction of Bubbling Systems and Their Operating Limits," General
are in qualitative and quantitative agreement with experiments Electric Co. Rept. No. 62GL100, Schenectady, N. Y., 1962, to be
( c f . Figs. 5 - 1 4 ) . published in Nuclear Science and Engineering.
14 It is amazing that so m a n y correlations have been obtained 16 N. Zuber and F. Staub, "Steady-State and Transient Re-
sponse of Solid-Fluid Fluidized Systems and Their Operating Limits,"
and so m a n y analyses of this p r o b l e m have been c o n d u c t e d b y
to be published.
means of computers when data shown in Figs. 6 through 14 ex- 17 N. Zuber and N. Fitzroy, "Steady-State, Transient Response
hibit such a striking linear dependence. and Operating Limits of Liquid-Liquid Fluidized Systems," to be
IS L. Lapidus and J. C. Elgin, "Mechanics of Vertical-Moving
Recommendations Fluidized Systems," AIChE Journal, vol. 3, 1957, p. 63.
19 G. B. Wallis, "Some Ilydrodynamic Aspects of Two-Phase
T h e results of this analysis indicate that, for a detailed under-
Flow and Boiling," International Developments in Ileat Transfer,
standing of the phenomenon, simultaneously recorded data on August 2S, 1961, Boulder, Colo., part II, p. 319.
b o t h the flow and concentration profiles are required. 20 L. L. Baker and B. T. Cliao, "An Experimental Investigation
of Bubble Motion in Turbulent Liquid Streams," June, 1963. Univ.
of Illinois Report No. M E Tech. Report 1069-1, Urbana, 111., 1963.
Acknowledgment 21 E. T. White and R. H. Beardmore, "The Velocity of Rise of
Single Cylindrical Air Bubbles Through Liquids Contained in Vertical
P a r t of this w o r k was performed under the U. S. A t o m i c Tubes," Chem. Engr. Science, vol. 17, 1962, p. 351.
Energy Commission Contract No. AT(04-3)-lS9k Project 22 T. Harmathy, "Velocity of Large Drops and Bubbles in Media
Agreement 35 for the Joint U, S . - E U R A T O M Research and of Infinite and of Restricted Extent," AIChE Journal, vol. 6, 1960,
p, 281.
D e v e l o p m e n t Program.
23 F. N. Peebles and H. J. Garber, "Studies of Motion of Gas
Bubbles in Liquids," Chem. Engr. Progress, vol. 49, 1953, p. 88.
24 A. I. Filimonov, M. M. Przhizhalovski, E. P. Dik, and J. N.
References Petrova, "The Driving Head in Pipes With a Free Interface in the
1 G. W. Govier and L. Short, "The Upward Vertical Flow of Pressure Range From 17 to 180 Atm," Teploenergctika, vol. 4, 1957, p.
Air-Water Mixtures," Can Jour. Chcm. Engr., vol. 36, 1958, p. 195. 22.
2 S. M. Zivi, "Estimation of Steady-State Steam Void-Fraction 25 M. Petrick, " A Study of Vapour Carryunder and Associated
by Means of the Principle of Minimum Entropy Production," Problems," ANL-6581, July, 1962. Argonne Nat. Lab. Report
J O U R N A L OF H E A T T R A N S F E R , T R A N S . A S M E , Series C , vol. S6, 1964, ANL-6581, July, 1962.
pp. 247-252. 26 F. W. Staub and N. Zuber, " A Program of Two-Phase Flow
3 H. Behringer, "The Flow of Liquid-Gas Mixtures in Vertical Investigation," Fifth Quarterly Report, GEAP-4631, EURAEC
Tubes," Zeit. Ges. KaUc-Ind., vol. 43, 1936, pp. 55-58. Also AEC- 1171, July, 1964.
Translation No. 1777. 0 . T. S. Dept. of Commerce, Washington, 27 G. E. Smissaert, "Two-Component Two-Phase Flow Parame-
D. C. ters for Low Circulation Rates," ANL-6755, July, 1963.
4 S. G. Bankoff, " A Variable Density Single-Fluid Model for 28 N. Zuber and J. A. Findlay, "The Effects of Non-Uniform
Two-Phase Flow With Particular Reference to Steam-Water Flow," Flow and Concentration Distributions and the Effect of the Local
J O U R N A L OF H E A T T R A N S F E R , T R A N S . A S M E , Series C , vol. S2, 1960, Relative Velocity on the Average Volumetric Concentration in Two-
pp.265-272. Phase Flow," Report GEAP-4592, EURAEC 1096, April, 1964.
5 N. Zuber, "On the Variable-Density Single-Fluid Model for 29 R. V. Bailey, P. C. Zmola, F. M. Taylor, and R. J. Planchet,
Two-Phase Flow," JOURNAL OF H E A T TRANSFER, TRANS. ASME, "Transport of Gases Through Liquid-Gas Mixtures," paper presented
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6 A. A. Armand, "The Resistance During the Movement of a 30 G. B. Wallis, D. A. Steen, S. N. Brenner, and J. M. Turner,
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7 P. Griffith and G. B. Wallis, "Two-Phase Slug Flow," JOUR- N. I-I.
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307-320. Euratom Program," Allis-Chalmers Atomic Energy Div., Report No.
8 R. Moissis, and P. Griffith, "Entrance Effects in a Two-Phase ACNP-63021, July 10, 1963.
Slug F l o w , " JOURNAL OF HEAT TRANSFER, TRANS. A S M E , Series C . 32 M. A. Styrikovich, A. V. Surnov, and J. G. Vinokour, "Ex-
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9 P. Griffith, "The Prediction of Low-Quality Boiling Voids," Teploenergetika, vol. 8, no. 9, 1961, p. 56.
J O U B N A L OF H E A T T R A N S F E R , T R A N S . A S M E , Series C , vol. 86, 1964, 33 W . Siemes, "Gasblasen in Fltlssigkeiten," Chem. Ing. Tech.,
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10 D. J, Nicklin, J. O. Wilkes, and J. F. Davidson, "Two-Phase 34 S. I. Kosterin, N. I. Semenov, and A. A. Tocliigin, "Relative
Flow in Vertical Tubes," Trans. Inst, of Chein. Engrs., vol. 40, 1962, Velocities for Steam-Water Flow Through Vertical Unheated Pipes,"
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11 L. G. Neal, " A n Analysis of Slip in Gas-Liquid Flow Applicable 35 N. I. Semenov, and A. A. Tochigin, "The True Steam Content
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12 J. R. Street and M. R. Tek, "Dynamics of Bullet-Shaped 36 S. Levy, "Prediction of Two Phase Pressure Drop and Density
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56th Annual AIChE Meeting, December 1-5, 1963. TRANSFER, TRANS. ASME. Series C, vol. 82, 1963, pp. 137-152.

512 / NOVEMBER 1 965 Transactions of the ASiVIE

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