Artigo Zuber & Findlay 1965 - Modelo de Deslizamento de Fases
Artigo Zuber & Findlay 1965 - Modelo de Deslizamento de Fases
Artigo Zuber & Findlay 1965 - Modelo de Deslizamento de Fases
J. A. F I N D L A Y
Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory. A general expression which can be used either for predicting the average volumetric
Mem. A S M E concentration or for analyzing and interpreting experimental data is derived. The
General Electric Co., analysis takes into account both the effect of nonuniform flow and concentration profiles
Schenectady, N. Y. as well as the effect of the local relative velocity between the phases. The first effect is
taken into account by a distribution parameter, whereas the latter is accounted for by the
weighted average drift velocity. Both effects are analyzed and evaluated. The results
predicted by the analysis are compared with experimental data obtained for various
two-phase flow regimes, with various liquid-gas mixtures in adiabatic, vertical flow
over a wide pressure range. Good agreement with experimental data is shown.
Introduction ment and information which were outside of the designer's im-
Present Status mediate need. Such data, obtained from a large number of ex-
periments, were often correlated by means of computers, thus
THE ability to predict the volumetric concentration of providing correlations void of any physical significance.
a phase, i.e., the hold up or the void fraction as function of the With exception of some of the papers discussed here, most of
design and operating parameters (geometry, pressure, flow rates, the published analyses are based on models and formulations
thermodynamic and transport properties of the phases, etc.), is often definitively incorrect or questionable. 3 Often, from these
of considerable importance to the nuclear reactor technology and incorrect or questionable formulations, "general correlations"
to the chemical process industry. Consequently, numerous have been obtained by means of high-speed computers.
publications, dealing with both the experimental and the theoreti- It is apparent from this brief discussion that a general method
cal aspects of the problem, have appeared in the literature. How- for predicting the volumetric concentration or for interpreting
ever, with the exception of a few papers discussed herein, this sub- experimental results is not yet available.
stantial effort has not contributed significantly either toward the
understanding of the physical processes involved or toward
helping the designer in providing him with design information P u r p o s e of the Paper
and criteria of sufficient accuracy, reliability, and generality. It is the purpose of this paper to provide a general method
This state of the art and knowledge is the result of the experi- which can be used either for predicting the volumetric concentra-
mental and analytical approaches which have been heretofore tion or for analyzing and interpreting experimental data.
used in analyzing the problem. The analysis takes into account the effect of the nonuniform
With the exception of some of the experiments to be discussed, flow and concentration distributions across the duct as well as the
few experiments have been either properly designed to provide effect of the local relative velocity between the two phases. The
basic information (although many investigations have claimed results are general and can be applied to any two-phase flow
this purpose) or property instrumented to provide the kind of regime. In this paper, we shall appfy them to adiabatic, dis-
data that are required for the solution of the problem. 1 Most ex- persed two-phase flow systems with fully established, i.e., con-
periments were conducted with the purpose of obtaining data for stant, velocity and concentration profiles. Two-phase flow sys-
a particular design, paying but little attention to other measure- tems with heat and/or mass addition or removal along the duct 4
1 W e note the nvestigations of Govier [1 ]2 and co-workers as an 3 For rather obvious reasons and because of their large number, we
exception. cannot cite and discuss them here. As an example, we may note the
2 Numbers in brackets designate References at end of paper. analysis reported in [2 ] which claims to obtain a correlation by means
Contributed by the Heat Transfer Division and presented at the of the minimum entropy principle, although the entropy equation for
Winter Annual Meeting, New York, N . Y . , November 29-December the two-phase mixture is not even written down less minimized.
3, 1964, of THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF M E C H A N I C A L ENGINEERS. 1 Mass can be added to a two-phase mixture, for example, by blow-
Manuscript received at A S M E Headquarters, September 15, 1964. ing air through a porous wall of the duct.
units in the [M, L, T] System R — pipe radius [L]
r = radial variable |X]
A = flow area [L 2 ]
r* = r/R dimensionless radial variable [0]
Co = distribution parameter [0]
t = time [T]
Ci = terminal velocity coefficient (see equation (10)) [0]
Vij = v( - (j) = drift velocity [L/T]
D = pipe dia [L]
v = velocity [L/T]
d = bubble dia [L]
Vr = V2 — Vi relative velocity L/T]
g = gravitational acceleration [L/T2]
I,. = integral as defined by equation (63) volume flux density
k = exponent used in drift velocity (see equation (57)) [0] L*
K = (a)/(/3) = flow parameter [0] Q1 + C2
(j) - + ji) — average volumetric flux density of
m — exponent on velocity distribution (see equation (43)) [0] A
n — exponent on void distribution (see equation (44)) [0] lyr"
the mixture
P = pressure [M/LT-] L2
Q = volumetric flow rate [ L 3 / T ] (Continued on next page)
Previous Work </?>; thus
In his 1936 paper, Behringer reported good agreement of values gApD' 'A
t>„ = 0.35 (6)
predicted by equations (1) and (2) with his experimental data. 5
L pi .
Bankoff [4] was apparently the first to consider the effect of the
This analysis has been since extended by Moissis and Griffith [8]
radial nonuniform flow and volumetric concentration in the
to consider the entrance and flow transition effects and by Griffith
bubbly two-phase flow regime. Neglecting the effect of the local
[9] to take into consideration the effects of heat addition.
relative velocity between the phases but accounting for the non-
uniform profiles, he obtained the following relation between the T w o attempts to account for the effect of nonuniform flow
mean volocities of the two phases and the volumetric concentra- distribution on the volumetric concentration in the slug flow
tion : regime were reported by Nicklin, Wilkes, and Davidson [10] and
by Neal [11], Both papers modify equation (1) by introducing a
1 - {a) constant Co to account for the nonuniform distribution. Thus
(3) both papers present an equation of the form of
"i 0',)/{l - «) IC- (a)
ft + Qs
where Ii is a flow parameter which is determined by the ex C„ 0.35 (7)
A Pi
6 It is rather surprising, in view of the numerous incorrect formula-
Whereas Nildin, Wilkes, and Davidson consider the velocity v-2 to
tions which have subsequently appeared in the literature, that the
formulation of Behringer was neither used nor referred to. This is be the actual velocity of the vapor slug, Neal considers it to be
even more surprising since an A E C translation of his paper is available. "the total cross-sectional average gas velocity."
N^e =Weber number [0] (a./'1,-)
Ft = weighted mean value
a =volume concentration [0] <«i>
/3 =
flowing volume concentration [0] Subscripts
p =density [M/L3]
Ap =
p, - p2[M/L3] 0 = orifice
1 = liquid phase
u = surface tension = [ilf/T2] 2 = gas phase
m = mixture
H = dynamic viscosity [ M / T L 3 ]
co = terminal in an infinite medium
F = point quantity
r = relative
<F> = FdA = average value i — 1, 2 number of the phase
u j = with respect to the center of volume
J H i f.
where j is the local volumetric flux density of the mixture. He
adA ji + h = i ( 0
notes also that, in addition to flow distribution effects, one must flows.
consider the effect of local relative velocity. In order to account W e shall show now that, if the local relative velocity vr is zero,
for this effect, he adds, without proof, the second term on the then both drift velocities Vi,- and V2y are zero and the two phases
right-hand side of equation (7). have the same velocity which is equal to the volumetric flux
Finally, Street and Tek [12] present an equation for the slug density of the mixture j.
flow regime of the form of By means of equations (11) through (16), we can express the
drift velocities of the two phases in terms of the relative velocity
v2 = C„ + W D ] * (10) v r ; thus
V 2 , = v r (l - a) (24)
where now both constant Co and Ci depend on the flow distribu-
tion. Vij = — wra (25)
In this paper, we shall derive a general expression for the
It can be seen from equations (24) and (14) that, when the
volumetric concentration applicable to any two-phase flow re-
relative velocity is zero, i.e., when
gime. From this expression, one can obtain equation (7) as a
special case of the slug flow regime. Other expressions applicable vr = 0 (26)
to other flow regimes are also presented and discussed.
Analysis V2y = 0 (27)
Velocity Fields a n d Continuity C o n s i d e r a t i o n s
v2 = j (28)
A more detailed discussion of the various velocity fields which
are useful for characterizing the flow of a two-phase mixture is
Similarly, when equation (26) holds, then it follows from equa-
given in [13]. Here we shall use some of these expressions to
tions (15) and (25) that
formulate and solve our problem. We consider here a three-
dimensional problem and express the velocities in terms of vectors. Vu = 0 (29)
In analogy with the kinetic theory of gases or with plasmas, we
vi = i (30)
define the local number velocities or, more appropriately to this
problem, the volumetric jinx densit ies by
A v e r a g e Velocity a n d W e i g h t e d M e a n Velocity of the G a s
h = av s (11) In two-phase flow systems, one has more often data on average
j, = (1 - a)vi (12) values than on the local ones. Consequently, it is advantageous
the relative velocity between the two phases bj' to consider the average value of a scalar or of a vector quantity F
over the cross-sectional area of the duct defined by
vr = v2 — vi (13)
and the diffusion or drift velocities with respect the volumetric flux
(F) FdA (31)
density of the mixture b} r
V 2 ; = v2 - j (14)
Introducing the expressions for the local values of the local
V i / = v, - j (15) velocities v2 given by equation (14) into equation (31), we obtain
where the volumetric flux density of the mixture is defined by the average velocities (averaged over the cross-sectional area of the
j = ji + h (16) duct) of the gas; thus
In this paper, we consider a two-phase flow system in which a
change of phase does not take place (either due to evaporation, = <j) + <F2,-> (32)
M =
condensation, flashing, or chemical reaction). For this case, the
continuity equations for the two phases are given by
where we have taken also into account equation (11).
&(1 - oOpi Although equation (32) may be useful in some analyses of two-
+ div [p,(l - a)vi] = 0 (17)
at phase flow systems, it is more advantageous to formulate the
problem by considering volumetric flux density instead of the
d(ap 2 ) (18) velocity v2. The reason for this becomes obvious if one considers
-(- div [p 2 av 2 ] = 0
that the system input parameters readily available to a
Q" (P)
{av2) = — (33) (a) =
(<xVy) (41)
Co + («)<j)
This average velocity is often referred to as the "superficial"
velocity. 6
Using equation (41) and the definitions of the weighted mean
In view of these relations, we are led to consider the weighted
velocities, we can form the velocity ratio; thus
mean value of the quantity F, defined by
f<2 <1 - a)
ceFdA 81 1
(aF) A I A <7i>/(l - «>
F = (34) (a) (42)
(a) (aVu)
C„ +
adA (a)(j)
A I a
In contrast to previous analyses (often incorrect) and semi-
Whence we obtain the weighted mean velocity v-2 of the gas phase,
empirical results, we have derived here an expression (equations
(41), (39), or (37)) which is applicable to any two-phase flow
(v2Ci) regime. Furthermore, the analysis takes into account both the
(a) effect of nonuniform flow and concentration profiles and the effect
of the local relative velocity. The first effect is accounted for by
Note that this definition is identical to the definition of the mean the distribution parameter C0, whereas the second one is ac-
velocity of particles given in the kinetic theory of gases and counted for by the weighted mean drift velocity (aVij)/(a). For
liquids. In view of equation (14), the weighted mean velocity also each particular flow regime, the value of the average volumetric
can be expressed as concentration ( a ) can be obtained from equation (41) by insert-
ing the appropriate velocity and concentration profiles and the
. (aj) (aVtl)
(36) appropriate expression for the drift velocity. In what follows, we
shall apply equations (37) or (41) to various flow regimes. How-
ever, before doing this, we consider first, in more detail, the effect
It cannot be overemphasized that, in general, the average
of the nonuniform velocity and concentration profiles and the
velocity {vi) defined b y equation (32) is not equal to the weighted
effect of the concentration distribution on the drift velocity.
mean velocity vz defined b y equation (35), i.e., by equation (36).
V2 = —
= CoO) +
C„ =
T J/^ (38)
= 1 (44)
concentration") is defined by
m + 2
C0 = 1 + (46)
(40) m + n + 2 (a) m
+ 2J
(7> Qi + Q«
expressed in terms of the volumetric concentration a c at the
This quantity, which is known a priori, depends only upon the center line.8
operating conditions.
7 We could have assumed other, more complicated, profiles. How-
6We prefer to use the term average volumetric flux density instead ever, for the purpose of this paper, those considered here are suf-
of "superficial" velocity because (a) it brings up the true significance ficiently illustrative of the physical processes which take place, most
and physical meaning of ji, and (6) it relates it to expressions well often, in vertical flow.
known in thermodynamics and rational mechanics. The expression 8 The relationship between ac and oiw is given by equation (62)
"superficial" velocity has no meaning. and, therefore, Co can be written in terms of aw/ctc.
Fig. T V a l u e s of the distribution parameter Co, a s function of the e x p o n e n t s of the f l o w a n d concentration profile curves
for a x i s y m m e t r i c vertical up flow t h r o u g h circular ducts
An expression for the intermediate range of bubble diameters is Discussion of Analytical Results
given in [15]. The reason for the different expressions for the
S u m m a r y of A n a l y t i c a l Results
drift velocity in the "laminar" bubble regime stems from the fact
that the drag on a single bubble depends on the bubble size. A Before proceeding with a discussion, it will be helpful to summa-
more detailed discussion and a comparison with experimental data rize the main results of this analysis.
are given in [15]. The average velocity of phase two is given b y equation (32),
9 We note here that the character of the bubbling process is greatly
Table 1
Table 2
Table 3
to) = (~ (h)
value of the exponent n increases, resulting in flatter profiles. Fig. 6 C o m p a r i s o n of values predicted by equation (65) with experi-
Similar experimental results, which justify the use of equation mental data of Petrick [25]
We note that, for a pipe diameter equal to D = 5.5 in. = 14
cm, the drift velocity for slug flow, predicted by equation (59), is
equal to approximately 45 cm/sec. Consequently, if the two-phase
mixture were in the slug flow regime, the intercept should have A </
- 2.5
had a value of 45 cm/sec instead of 25 cm/sec as predicted by
equation (60). Since no slugs were observed in Petrick's experi- cvj| a w
ments but only bubbles, the intercept is in agreement with the 'vlv
predicted drift velocity for the churn turbulent bubbly flow, i.e., A /
with equation (60). This fact confirms our previous statement AIR-WATER
that a linear relation between (ji)/(a} and (j) does not imply that A _/ A AIR-GLYCERINE
the mixture is in the slug flow regime; statements to this effect,
which have been often made in the literature, are obviously in- O AIR-WATER
correct. This distinction between the slug flow and the churn-
D= 6"= 15.3 cm
turbulent flow is discussed in more detail in [15], together with
the other regimes of bubbling.
The apparent reason for identifying the churn-turbulent bubbly 0.8
regime with the slug flow regime arises probably from the fact 0.6 1
2 j > . 0 .35 f g A ^ D
that, for water at atmospheric pressure flowing through pipes with
~OA <a>
diameter in the range from 1 to 2 in., the drift velocity for slug P, 1
T52 o « <a\/o:> "erg Ap
Pi I
flow predicted by equation (59) has practically the same value as -
that predicted by equation (60) for the bubbly flow. Thus, unless 0
1.0 1.5 2.5 30
visual observations are made, a differentiation between the two
<j> m/sec
12 In view of the data reported in [26], the results of this run are Fig. 9 C o m p a r i s o n of v a l u e s predicted by equation (66) with experi-
apparently incorrect. mental data of Bailey, et al. [29]
i /
/ /
/ / /
/ /
r a
/ /
/ / /V
o D • 6"" 1 5 . 3 cm
a D • 12" • 30, 4 cm
/ /
• D • Z 4 " > 6 1 . 0 cm f
/ 'A
/ / °
0 (cm)
/ / A
/ /V
Eq. 7 4 • 30.4
/ *
15.3 o a
o9A u
/ A y
Eq. 7 3
/ /
/ y
/ 0
linearly dependent upon (j). The slope of the line is C0 = 1.45 (a.
pronounced parabolic profile) and the intercept is equal to that
predicted for the slug flow regime, i.e., by equation (59). It is
Co i.o h seen therefore that, in the region where Zmola, Bailey, and co-
/ workers observed the slug flow regime, the values predicted by
equation (59), which holds for this regime, are in good agreement
with the data. In order to investigate the transition from the
bubbly to the slug flow regime, we expand the scale in the region
y where (j) is smaller than 20 cm/sec and plot the data in Fig. 10.
It can be seen that, when the average volumetric concentration
SLUG FLOW f HOMOGENE OUS FLOW (a) is smaller than approximately 0.26, all experimental points,
E C 0 - 1.2 V C 0 = 1.0 obtained with various pipes, can be predicted by equation (65),
V2j = 0.35^—
ft. [v 2 j = 0 which for a batch process can lie written also as
0*2) = 1.53 (73)
P iz 1 Co(a)
It is of the form discussed previously by Zuber and Hench [15].
It can be seen further that in this region there is no effect of pipe
diameter, which is in agreement with the experimental observa-
tion of Bailey, Zmola, and coworkers. On the same figure, we
have plotted also the values predicted by the equation for slug
flow, in a batch process, i.e., by:
10 15
< j > tm/sec) 'gApW 'A
(?2> = 0.35
Fig. 11 Plot of d a t a of [ 3 0 ] for different f l o w r e g i m e s L Pi J 1 - C0(a)
p s la OTM
0 600 40
0 800 54.5
A 1000 68
A 1200 82
O 1400 95
0 2000 136
0 = 18" •45.6cm
0.6 0.3
< i > m/sec
Fig. 12 C o m p a r i s o n of values predicted by equation (77) with experi-
mental data of [31 ] for steam-water mixture at various pressures
It can be seen that, in the churn-turbulent bubbly regime, and for Fig. 13 C o m p a r i s o n of v a l u e s predicted by equation (77) with experi-
a given value of (72), the equation for slug flow underestimates, mental data of [32] for steam-water mixture at various pressures
considerably, the value of (a). However, as (j?) increases and
( a ) increases beyond a value of approximately 0.26, the data start
deviating from the hue for the bubbly flow regime and, after a
transition region, they merge with the curves for the slug flow been reported in the literature [24, 31, 32] and are reproduced in
regime (cf. Fig. 9). Figs. 12, 13, and 14.
In Fig. 11 are plotted the experimental data of Wallis, et. al. It can be seen from Figs. 12-14, that, after a short transition
[30], for air-water mixture at atmospheric pressure flowing region (for low value of (j)) and within the accuracy of these ex-
through a 0.975 in. I D pipe. It can be seen that the data can be periments performed at high pressure, the data follow the linear
approximated, rather closely, by two straight lines—one corre- relation given b y equation (37). The slopes of these lines vary
sponding to the slug flow regime and the other to the annular between approximately C0 = 1.0 and C0 = 1.2 for almost all
flow regime. The straight line for the slug flow regime is that pre- runs. However, at comparable pressures, the values of the
dicted by equation (66). An analysis of the annular flow7 regime weighted mean drift velocities as determined from the intercepts
will lie presented in a forthcoming paper. Here we note that, for of these straight lines change from one group of experiments to
an established annular flow, the data plot is a straight line with a another. Thus it appears that, with different apparatus, different
value of the distribution parameter equal to unity. The reader values are obtained for the weighted mean drift velocity.
should note also the change of the values of the distribution In order to clarify this new aspect of the problem, we note first
parameter C0 and of the weighted mean drift velocity with a that neither the weighted average drift velocity given by equation
change of flow regime. (59) nor that given by equation (60) is in agreement with the
It appears from the foregoing that the conclusions which have values of the intercepts shown in Figs. 12-14. The values pre-
been enumerated in "Method of Analysis" under items (a) dicted by these two equations do not show such a strong de-
through (?) are supported by experimental data. These and pendence upon pressure as indicated by the intercepts shown in
similar results (soon to be reported) confirm the generality of the Figs. 12-14. Consequently, in view of the discussion given in the
analytical results and of the method of analysis proposed in this preceding section, it would appear that the flow was neither in the
paper. churn-turbulent bubbly nor in the slug flow regime.
W e are led then to consider the influence of the mode of gas
Steam-Wafer S y s t e m s in Vertical F l o w With a injection on the volumetric concentration in a batch bubbling
Free Interface at H i g h Pressure system. It becomes evident that, for the same volumetric flow
Another problem of practical importance is concerned with the rate of the gas Q2 (not excessively high), different results will be
relation between the volumetric vapor concentration ( a ) and obtained depending 011 whether the gas is injected through one
the volumetric vapor flux density (72) for a steam-water mixture large orifice or through a porous plate. This statement follows
with a free interface in a vertical container of large diameter. from the fact that different regimes exist during the process of
Such a system may approximate the region above a reactor core. bubbling from an orifice. At low flow rates, single bubbles are
Results of several experiments concerned with this problem have generated whereas, at high flow rates, large bubbles and gas jets
Table 1
Table 2
Table 3
Steam Wafer S y s t e m s at H i g h Pressures in Forced Clearly, the value of C0 = 1.2 is only a rough approximation as
C o n v e c t i o n T h r o u g h Circular Ducts indicated by the values tabulated in Table 4.
The results of an extensive study of the effect of the Froude
number on the relation between (j2) and (a) are reported in [34, Conclusions
35]. The Froude number was defined there as 1 A general expression (equations (37) or (39) or (41)) ap-
plicable to an}' two-phase flow regime which can be used either
Pip') 2 for predicting the average volumetric concentration ( a ) or for
N Fr (78)
gApD* analyzing and interpreting experimental data is derived.
2 The analysis takes into account both the effect of nonuni-
It was varied from 7.5 to 2270. The experiments were conducted
form flow and concentration profiles as well as the effect of the
with two pipe sizes, D = 1.7 and D = 3.0, at four pressure levels,
local relative velocity between the phases.
P = 20, 40, 270, and 120 atm.
3 The effect of the nonuniform flow and concentration profiles
In order to compare the results predicted by the analysis of this
is taken into account by the distribution parameter Co in equation
paper with these experimental results, we use the definition of the
(37). For fully established profiles, the value of Co remains
Froude number given by equation (78) and rewrite equations
(66), (65), and (77) in the following forms, respectively:
4 The effect of the local relative velocity and the concentra-
tion profile is taken into account by the weighted mean drift
i or, 1
(79) velocity (aV2j)/(a) in equation (37).
(a) " C° + °- 3 ' > 0VFr)V=
5 For the axisymmetric vertical flows through circular ducts
which were considered in this paper, it is shown that the value of
(SO) the distribution parameter depends on the exponents of the flow
(a) - + 1'53 ( W 7 .
and concentration profiles as well as on the value of the volu-
metric concentration evaluated at the wall tx„, and at the center
line a,., of the duct (cf. equations (45) and (56)).
a Pi 6 The value of the distribution parameter can be less than
(81) one, i.e., Co < 1 when a w > a c , or larger than one, i.e., Co > 1
<«> " C° + (iWr)'^ _gApD"-_ _P2_
when a w < a c . In the latter case, it is shown that the value of
It can be seen from the preceding equations that, as the Froude the distribution parameter varies between Co = 1.0, for flat
number increases, the ratio ( / ? ) / ( a ) tends to the value of C0. We profiles, up to Co = 1.5, for peaked profiles (cf. Fig. 1).
have shown already that, for axisymmetric vertical flow when 7 It is shown that, at high mass flow rates, the velocity ratio is
ac > the distribution parameter Co varies from approxi- larger than one, i.e., v2/vi > 1 when Co > 1, or smaller than one,
mately C0 = 1.5 to Co = 1.0. i.e., v2/vi < 1 when Co < 1.
The results of [34, 35] show that, up to approximately (/3) = 0.7, 8 Two types of flow regimes were considered on paper. For
the value of the ratio <j8)/(a) remains constant in agreement with the first group, which includes (a) the "churn-turbulent" bubbly
the previous results of Armand. However, in contrast to the regime, (6) the slug flow regime, and (c) apseudo, two-phase jet-
results of Armand [6], the value of this ratio is function of both type flow regime, the local drift velocity, and, therefore, the
pressure and of the Froude number. The values of the ratio weighted average drift velocity, does not depend upon volumetric
(/3)/(a) determined from these experiments as function of the concentration (cf. equations (59), (60), and (76)). For the second
Froude numbers and of the system pressure are tabulated in group, which includes the various types of the "ideal bubbly re-
Table 4. gime," the weighted average drift velocity is a function of the
It can lie seen from Table 4 that, as the pressure and/or average volumetric concentration (cf. equation (58)).
the Froude number increase, the value of the ratio ((3)/(a) 9 The results indicate (see equation (37)) that a very useful
tends to unity. This is in agreement with our discussion of the method for analyzing and correlating experimental results is by
distribution parameter C0, which tends to unity for flat turbulent plotting the data in the weighted mean velocity-average volu-
profiles which can be expected at high Froude numbers. metric flux density plane, i.e., in the v2 — (j) plane. The im-
In order to determine the variation of the flow parameter C0 portant characteristics of this plane are discussed.
with pressure and flow, it is necessary to consider the momentum 10 It is shown that, when the drift velocity does not depend
equation because the flow and concentration profiles depend on upon concentration, particularly simple expressions are obtained
the dynamic conditions in the mixture. The problem can be for two-phase flow regimes with fully established flow concentra-
solved either by modifying the approach presented by Levy [36] tion profiles. For such flows, the slopes of the straight lines in the
or by using a different formulation; this aspect of the problem will v-2 — (j) plane give the value of the distribution parameter,
lie treated in a future publication. Here we note that data on the whereas the intercepts with the v2 axis give the value of the
flow and concentration distributions as function of the volumetric weighted mean drift velocity for the particular flow regime.
flow rate, pressure, properties, and geometry are almost non- 11 Plots in the velocity-flux plane which show abrupt change
existent. It is evident that an accurate prediction of (a), as well of slope and of intercept can be interpreted as indicating a change
as a sound analysis concerned with predicting the flow and con- of flow regime.
centration profiles, will depend on the availability of such data. 12 Since in two-phase flow s3'stems with heat and/or mass