Ijatcse 61842019
Ijatcse 61842019
Ijatcse 61842019
Aaron Don M. Africa et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 8(4), July- August 2019, 1427 - 1432
the frequency domain data available. The said identification most basic, if not the most basic concept that is known in
approach was verified using an academic sample where a lot electrical circuits is the Resistance Inductance Capacitance
of optimization algorithms under the identification process circuit or the RLC circuit The RLC circuit is a big help in
were put to test. Based on the scope of this study, the Trust understanding behaviors that are evident in control systems.
Region Reflective (TRR) method has obtained the most RLC circuits may be considered as series or parallel the main
exemplary results among the different optimization difference of these two circuits are obvious from the names
algorithms. On the other hand, the Nelder-Mead simplex itself, series RLC circuits have a series connection for the
method had shown almost the same quality of performance, resistors, inductors, and capacitors, while for parallel RLC
therefore, it could generally be utilized to solve the problems circuits, resistors, inductors, and capacitors are connected in
where bounds are either hard to estimate or unknown. For parallel with respect to one another [7].
future research work, the researchers recommend the
assessment of the current approach based on real-life The next topic for modeling in the frequency domain is about
industrial information and re-evaluation of the translational mechanical systems. One of the first things to
Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm using the approach of know about translational mechanical systems is that it moves
coordinate transformation to permit the application of search along a straight line and that it is made up of three basic
parameter bounds [4]. elements, which are mass, spring, and dashpot or damper.
When a force is applied to a given translational mechanical
In another study, a frequency domain with a three-phase system, an opposing force is present which is caused by the
transformer model was implemented using nodal method. mass, elasticity, and the friction which is present in a given
The model was able to show and demonstrate effectiveness system. It is also known that since the force is applied and the
and ease through its involvement on basic distribution force which is present in the system which may be considered
networks. Also taken into account was the angular as opposing forces are of opposite directions, the algebraic
displacement parallel to winding connections, which verified sum of the forces in the system and is applied to the system is
and proved the versatility of the model. Furthermore, this zero.
paper also described the function of frequency-domain
transformer modeling processes for electromagnetic transient The first of the three is mass (figure 1), it may be defined as
analysis of networks. The said was dependent on the the body’s property which is able to store kinetic energy. It
utilization of admittance matrices which can be incorporated was also mentioned in the previous part that when a force is
with bigger networks later on. For the actual experiments, the applied to a body that has a mass, it will be opposed by a force
researchers have used the model to compute the transient over which is due to the mass of the system. It should also be noted
voltages which are results of switching and the Numerical that this force that opposes is proportional with respect to the
Laplace Transform (NLT) to obtain the time domain response. acceleration of a given body.
According to the researchers, the model is easy to modify in
order to try and consider winding connections and the
appropriate angle displacement inherent to them. The
accuracy and effectiveness of the model were evaluated
through having the results compared with EMTP-RV or
Electromagnetic Transients Program [5].
The study by Gocheva et.al. focused on proposing a novel Figure 1: Mass Force Diagram
approach with regard to using generalized nets in the
modeling of electronic circuits. Generalized nets are utilized The next is spring (figure 2), it may be defined as an element
in choosing components, connecting, modifying, and which is able to store potential energy. For a spring, when a
simulating electronic circuits. The proposed matrix calculus force is applied on a spring, it will be opposed by a force
was done with respect to time discretization. It takes into which is caused by the elasticity of a spring. This opposing
account the performance capacity of generalized nets as an aid force is proportional with respect to the displacement of the
in parallel processing. Systematization of electronic spring.
components is one of the most essential elements and
considerations of the proposed approach. Furthermore, it
provides opportunities to manage complex electronic circuits
using basic methods like matrix equations instead of solving
differential equations [6].
One of the important concepts in modeling in the frequency Figure 2: Spring Diagram
domain in control systems is electrical circuits. One of the
Aaron Don M. Africa et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 8(4), July- August 2019, 1427 - 1432
The first in rotational mechanical systems is the moment of This next topic is about modeling of electromechanical
inertia. It is similar to mass in translational mechanical systems, this system is made up of an electrical subsystem as
systems in a sense that it is the one which stores kinetic well as a mechanical subsystem, thus the name
energy. It should be noted that when a torque is applied on a electromechanical system. Some previous concepts like mass,
body with a moment of inertia, an opposing torque is caused elasticity, and damping are also related to electromechanical
by the moment of inertia in the body itself and that opposing systems. There are cases for some devices like motors and
torque is proportional with respect to the angular acceleration speakers where the mass is driven with the use of a force that
of the body. is generated by the electrical subsystem and there are also
times when in some devices like microphones, the motion of
the mass is the one which generates either a voltage or current
in the electrical subsystem. One of the most important
concepts in electromechanical systems is an electric motor.
There are various types of electric motors, however, the two
main categories that are considered in most systems are direct
Figure 4: Inertia Diagram current motors (DC) and alternating current motors (AC) and
under the DC motor category, the two considered are
The next is torsional spring (figure 5), again similar to the armature-controlled motor and field-controlled motor [10].
spring in translational mechanical systems, it is the one which
stores the potential energy. When a torque is applied to a The last topic to be discussed in this part is the concept of
torsional spring, an opposing torque which is caused by the poles and zeros. Poles and zeros are used in analyzing the
elasticity of torsional spring opposes it giving the torsional performance of a system as well as to check the stability of it.
spring a relationship of being proportional to the angular It may also be defined as it is the one responsible for
displacement of the torsional spring. controlling the system whether it will work or not. It should be
noted that most of the time, the numbers of poles and zeros are
equal with one another in a given system, but there are also
cases when the number of poles is greater than the number of
parts of each of the poles. The real part is the one which gives
the exponential, while the imaginary part is the one which
gives the sinusoidal values.
The output equation can then be defined as
For the parallel RLC circuit (figure 10), the equation is shown
The series RLC circuit (figure 8) shown below can be used to Figure 10: RLC Parallel Circuit
analyze and understand the performance of the control system
Aaron Don M. Africa et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 8(4), July- August 2019, 1427 - 1432