Evolution of Microstructure in Centrifugal Cast Al-Cu Alloy
Evolution of Microstructure in Centrifugal Cast Al-Cu Alloy
Evolution of Microstructure in Centrifugal Cast Al-Cu Alloy
February 2010
Evolution of microstructure in
centrifugal cast Al-Cu alloy
*Sui Yanwei1, 2, Li Bangsheng2, Liu Aihui3, Guo Jingjie2 and Fu Hengzhi2
(1. School of Materials Science and Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, Jiangsu, China; 2.
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, Heilongjiang, China; 3. Department of
Mechanical Engineering, Huaiyin Institute of Technology, Huai'an 223003, Jiangsu, China)
Abstract: In this research, the effects of centrifugal radius and mould rotation speed on microstructure in
centrifugal-cast Al-Cu alloy have been investigated. The results show that, with increase of the centrifugal radius
or mould rotation speed, the grain size of centrifugal-cast Al-Cu alloy decreases gradually, while the content of
white phases containing the Al2Cu precipitated from α-phase, divorced eutectic and regular eutectic microstructure
increases, leading to higher Cu macrosegregation. The variation level of microstructure in centrifugal-cast Al-Cu
alloy at 600 rpm of mould rotation speed is greater than that at 300 rpm.
(a) (b)
Fig.1: Steel mould for centrifugal casting (the arrow indicates the cutting position)
2 Results and discussion 0 rpm, the solidification structure of the casting is almost
entirely dendritic with very limited equiaxed grain structure.
2.1 Effect of centrifugal radius and mould Comparing Fig.2(a) with Fig.2(b), it could be noted that there
rotation speed on grain size is a negligible difference in grain size. This is due to the fact
Figure 2 shows the micrographs of Al-Cu alloy with that the cooling rates in position 1 and position 2 are the same
various mould rotation speed and centrifugal radius. In at the rotation speed of 0 rpm.
Figs. 2(a) and 2(b) with the same mould rotation speed of
(a) Position 1, 0 rpm (b) Position 2, 0 rpm (c) Position 1, 300 rpm
(d) Position 2, 300 rpm (e) Position 1, 600 rpm (f) Position 2, 600 rpm
Fig.2: The optical microstructure of Al-Cu alloy at different centrifugal radius for various mould rotation
speeds in centrifugal casting
It can be seen that the solidification structures shown in of centrifugal force, mechanical vibration and convective
Figs. 2(c) through 2(f) are all equiaxed grain structures with a flow [3, 5, 11]. In the centrifugal process, the turbulence in the
mould rotation speed of 300 rpm or 600 rpm. Obviously, their liquid becomes more intensified inside the mould, enhancing
grain sizes are finer than those in Figs. 2(a) and 2(b). that the detached melt (solidified fractions) may collide
Figure 3 presents the effect of centrifugal radius on grain with each other and fracture into small fragments. Similarly,
size at the rotation speed 300 rpm and 600 rpm, respectively. the inherent vibration of the equipment also increases the
It is clear that grain size decreases gradually with increasing number of fragments. These fragments move outside along
the centrifugal radius, and that at the same centrifugal radius, the centrifugal radius direction and accumulate at the farther
the grain size at 600 rpm is finer than that at 300 rpm. This is position. These fragments act as new nuclei and consequently
attributed to the following reasons. increase the number of solidification sites in the inner part of
As the centrifugal radius increases, finer microstructure is the casting, resulting in the finer equaled grain size with radial
formed. The most probable mechanism is the combined effect distance. In this work, the effect of centrifugal pressures on
Research & Development
February 2010
(a) Position 1, 0 rpm (b) Position 2, 0 rpm (c) Position 1, 300 rpm
(d) Position 2, 300 rpm (e) position 1, 600 rpm (f) position 2, 600 rpm
Fig.4: Microstructures of the centrifugal-cast Al-Cu alloy
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The present work was supported by the China National Natural Science Foundation (grant no. 50434030).