Activity 2 Ta
Activity 2 Ta
Activity 2 Ta
The Saber Tooth Curriculum is a curriculum that applies the survival needs of the communities
according to the changes that they have to adapt to the outcomes based education principle.
The curriculum that was being describe on the article actually conveys a message in a form of the
premise “we should teach them on how to catch a fish using their hands rather than using a nets”
in which it implies that we teachers/future teachers we must teach the young on how to
manipulate on their cognitions, we should let them think and we should let them do things on
their own rather than spoiling them on all their needs and covets.
2. What does the author mean when he said “A curriculum should be timeless”?
It means that a curriculum should preserve the past but not be limited by it. Also our
education system should fit with the needs of the time and serve as a purpose. Ultimately,
these curricular decisions should be made by our society to fit our needs rather than by
individual teachers, school buildings or districts.
Training is the process of learning something with a goal of performing a specific skill or
behavior. Education, on the other hand, is the systematic process of learning something
with a goal of acquiring knowledge. In education, a person learns facts, concepts, and