Electric Machines EEE241 LAB Report#2: Name Registration Number Teacher Date of Submission
Electric Machines EEE241 LAB Report#2: Name Registration Number Teacher Date of Submission
Electric Machines EEE241 LAB Report#2: Name Registration Number Teacher Date of Submission
LAB Report#2
Date of Thursday,
Submission October 15,
Lab # 2: Familiarization with single-phase
transformer and transformer polarity
• To understand the principles of transformer operation
• To understand the effect of load on transformer operation
• To learn how to establish the polarity of a transformers windings
Pre Lab
Before we start our study of the transformer in detail, it will be useful to look at what a
transformer is and how it works. The simplest practical transformer consists of two coils placed
together and linked by a closed magnetic core which passes through the center of the coils (see
Figure 2.1).
Each coil consists of insulated copper wire wound round a bobbin and protected by an insulating
outer cover. The coils may have many turns of fine wire for low current work or fewer turns of
large diameter wire or copper strip capable of passing heavy currents. In power transformers, one
coil or winding will be designated the primary and this will be connected to the ac mains supply.
There will be one or more secondary windings, each supplying power to its load at a chosen
The core of a power transformer is constructed from insulated steel laminations bonded and
clamped together. This laminated structure is used to reduce internal heating in the core. When
current flows through the turns of a coil, lines of flux are set up which pass through the center of
the coil and form closed loops outside the coil. Constant current will produce a steady flux,
alternating current will produce an alternating flux. If the coil is wound round a close steel core,
the flux level will be increased many times and the lines of flux will be confined to the core path.
Iron and many of its alloys are ferromagnetic materials and have the valuable property of raising
the value of flux produced by a current-carrying coil, and in reducing flux leakage.
As in the simple transformer of Figure 2-1-1, a second coil may be fitted over the core so that the
flux links both coils. A steady flux will produce no voltage in the secondary coil but any change
of flux will cause a voltage to be induced in it.
The effect of the magnetic steel core is to increase the flux produced by current in the primary
and keep it within the core path which links the two windings. In Figure 2.2(a), two identical
coils of a transformer are shown fitted to their core. When one coil is energized from an AC
supply, the second coil will produce a voltage equal to the energizing voltage.
If the core is removed as in Figure 2.2(b), the flux linking the two windings will be much reduced
and the secondary voltage will fall to a low value. Separating the coils as in Figure 2.2(c) will
further reduce the flux linkage and cause the secondary voltage to be reduced.
Figure 2.2
As previously discussed, the current drawn by the primary winding from the ac supply produces
an alternating flux which links all the coils which embrace the core. The voltage induced in the
secondary can be measured directly but a voltage will also be induced in the primary winding
since its turns are linked by the same flux.
The induced voltage in the primary is referred to as the back EMF. It is almost equal in value to
the ac supply voltage and will always act in opposition to it, so tending to reduce the current
taken from the supply.
The voltage in each turn of both the primary and secondary windings will be the same;
consequently, the value of the voltage induced in the secondary will depend on the ratio of the
number of turns in the secondary to those in the primary. When there are more secondary than
primary turns, the transformer is said to be a 'step-up' and the secondary voltage is higher than
that of the primary. With fewer secondary than primary turns, the transformer is a 'step-down'
and output voltage is lower than the supply. For the same number of turns in each winding, the
transformer is a 'one-to-one'.
Turns ratio without load is given by Eq. 1 and that on load is given by Eq. 2.
A simple transformer with two separate windings is shown in Figure 2.3(a). To illustrate the
principals involved, the same transformer is re-drawn in Figure 2.3(c) with the primary and
secondary coils wound in the same direction on a common core, and with the 'start' and 'finish'
wires of each coil labelled.
Figure 2.3
If an alternating voltage is now connected to coil A–C, the resulting current flow will set up an
alternating flux in the magnetic core. This causes an induced voltage to be produced in coil A–C
which acts to reduce the flow of current through that coil. This induced voltage is called the 'back
EMF' or ‘counter EMF’.
The relationship between the supply voltage and the back EMF in the primary can be likened to
that of two cells connected positive to positive, negative to negative, as shown in Figure 2.3(b).
They have the same polarity, but it should be noted that their terminal voltages are in opposition
to one another and as a result no current flows between them. In the transformer we can say that
the polarity of the back EMF in the primary winding is the same as that of the supply voltage,
again the two voltages oppose one another. The effect of the back EMF is to reduce the flow of
current into the transformer.
The secondary winding is wound around the same core as the primary and consequently an
induced voltage will also be set up within its windings. This is the output voltage of the depend
on the number of turns in its winding. Referring to Figure 2.3(c), the polarity of the induced
secondary voltage across terminals D–E will be the same as the polarity of the primary voltage
across terminals A–C.
The polarity of the secondary coil can be reversed by reversing the connections to its terminals.
During manufacture, it is probable that all coils in the transformer will be wound in the same
direction of rotation, clockwise or anticlockwise. If this is so then the start of winding leads will
always have the same polarity.
If the transformer winding details are not given, we can carry out a test to establish their polarity.
In this test, one of the primary coil terminals is made common with one of the secondary coil
terminals. A low ac voltage is applied to the primary and the voltage difference between the two
non-common terminals is measured. We can then work out the relative polarity of the two
The connection that gives minimum voltage across the windings is that which gives equivalent
polarity. If the voltage ratio of the two windings is one-to-one, the voltage across the windings is
zero when their polarities are the same. For other ratios, the voltage across the windings is the
difference between the individual winding voltages (same polarity) or the sum of the individual
voltages (opposite polarity). Where a transformer has more than one secondary, the same test can
be extended to identify the polarity of all the windings.
The circuits used for ac polarity tests are given in Figure 2.4.
Figure 2.4
In most transformer applications, it is not necessary to know the polarity of the windings.
However, when two transformers are required to be connected in parallel, it is essential to
establish correct polarity, otherwise destructively large currents would circulate in the secondary
windings. This is of particular importance in power distribution systems.
In most transformers supplying industrial loads, e.g. motors, heaters etc., two or more secondary
may be connected in series or in parallel to provide a range of voltage and current levels. Again,
the polarity of the secondary winding must be known.
Answer: Polarity is the instantaneous voltage obtained from the primary coil in relation to the
secondary coil. It depends on which direction the coils are wound around the core (clockwise or
anti clockwise) and how the leads are brought out from the winding ends to the terminals. We
can check polarity of a transformer by using the polarity test method.
3. What is the no-load turn ratio of a single phase transformer whose primary is rated at 230V
and secondary is rated at 115 V?
Answer: The ratio is 1:2.
4. What is the no-load turn ratio of a single phase transformer whose primary is rated at 230V
and secondary is rated at 230 V?
Answer: The ratio is 1:1.
In Lab Tasks
Lab Task 1
1. Make the connections shown in Figure 2.5.
2. If virtual instrumentation is being used, set the 250 V/500 V range switch for
the V1 and V2 channels to ‘500 V’ on the Multichannel I/O Unit 68-500. This
allows up to 50 V to be monitored when the ’50 V’ sockets are connected.
3. On the Universal Power Supply 60-105 , ensure the ‘variable output voltage’
control is set to 0% then set the ‘3 phase circuit breaker’ to the on position.
4. Set the primary voltage to 40 V by use of the ‘variable output voltage’ control
(as read by virtual or conventional instrumentation).
Lab Task 2
1. Ensure that the ‘variable output voltage’ control on the 60-105 is set to zero and that the
supply power is switched off.
3. If virtual instrumentation is being used, set the 250V/500V range switches for the V1 and
V2 channels to ‘250 V’ on the Multichannel I/O Unit 68-500. This allows voltages of up
to 250 V to be monitored when the ‘500V/250V’ sockets are connected. Additionally, set
the 1A/10A range switch for I1 and I2 to ‘1 A’. This allows currents up to 1 A to be
monitored when the 10A/1A socket is connected or 200 mA to be monitored when the
200 mA socket is connected.
4. Set the switches on the load unit to give a resistance of 548Ω (R1, R2, R3 on, rest are off)
and check that the load switch on the Single Phase Transformer Unit is switched on.
5. Switch on the 60-105 power supply and then using the ‘variable output voltage’ control,
set the primary voltage to 230V as read on virtual or conventional instrumentation meter
6. Using either virtual or conventional instrumentation, measure the primary and secondary
voltages and currents and record the results in a copy of Practical 2.2 r+esults table.
Figure 2.6 t
4. On the Universal Power Supply 60-105 , ensure the ‘variable output voltage’ control is set to
0% then set the ‘3 phase circuit breaker’ to the on position.
5. Set the primary voltage to 40 V by use of the ‘variable output voltage’ control. This is the
voltage applied to the primary connection 0-230V and is read on virtual or conventional
instrumentation V1.
6. Record the secondary voltmeter reading, on a copy of the appropriate Practical 2.3 Results
Table. The secondary voltmeter V2 connection and the link between the primary and
secondary shown in Figure 2.7 correspond with the first entry in your table.
7. Turn the ‘variable output voltage’ control to 0% on the Universal Power Supply 60-105 and
then switch off the ‘3 phase circuit breaker’.
8. Repeat the experiment for the other connections listed in Practical 2.3 Figure 2.7 Table (a)
and record the values in the appropriate results table.
9. We now have all the information needed to establish the polarity of the primary and two
secondary windings of the transformer.
The connections were first checked by the instructor for safety and then the
equipment would be turned on. All lab tasks were performed in the lab and
checked by the instructor followed by a comprehensive viva.