Neet Question Paper 2019 Code p1

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P1 Question Paper

Time : 3 hrs. NEET (UG) - 2019 Max. Marks : 720

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1. When a block of mass M is suspended by a long 6. In which of the following devices, the eddy
wire of lenght L, the length of the wire current effect is not used?
becomes (L + l). The elastic potential energy (1) Induction furnace
stored in the extended wire is:
(2) Magnetic braking in train
(1) Mgl
(3) Electromagnet
(2) MgL
(4) Electric heater
(3) Mgl 7. A soap bubble, having radius of 1 mm, is blown
2 from a detergent solution having a surface
tension of 2.5 × 10–2 N/m. The pressure inside
1 the bubble equals at a point Z0 below the free
(4) MgL
2 surface of water in a container. Taking g = 10
m/s2, density of water = 103 kg/m3, the value of
2. A mass m is attached to a thin wire and Z0 is :
whirled in a vertical circle. The wire is most
likely to break when: (1) 100 cm

(1) the mass is at the highest point (2) 10 cm

(2) the wire is horizontal (3) 1 cm

(3) the mass is at the lowest point (4) 0.5 cm

(4) inclined at an angle of 60° from vertical 8. Which colour of the light has the longest
3. Ionized hydrogen atoms and -particles with
(1) Red
same momenta enters perpendicular to a
constant magnetic field, B. The ratio of their (2) Blue
radii of their paths rH : r will be : (3) Green
(1) 2 : 1 (4) Violet
(2) 1 : 2
9. A disc of radius 2 m and mass 100 kg rolls on
(3) 4 : 1 a horizontal floor. Its centre of mass has speed
(4) 1 : 4 of 20 cm/s. How much work is needed to stop
4. Body A of mass 4m moving with speed u
(1) 3 J
collides with another body B of mass 2m, at
rest. The collision is head on and elastic in (2) 30 kJ
nature. After the collision the fraction of (3) 2 J
energy lost by the colliding body A is :
(4) 1 J
1 8
(1) (2) 10. The displacement of a particle executing
9 9
simple harmonic motion is given by
4 5
(3) (4) y = A0 + Asint + Bcost
9 9
Then the amplitude of its oscillation is given
5. In a double slit experiment, when light of
by :
wavelength 400 nm was used, the angular
width of the first minima formed on a screen
placed 1 m away, was found to be 0.2°. What (1) A0  A2  B2
will be the angular width of the first minima, if
the entire experimental apparatus is immersed (2) A 2  B2
in water? (water = 4/3)
(1) 0.266° (2) 0.15° (3) A20  (A  B)2

(3) 0.05° (4) 0.1° (4) A + B

11. Two similar thin equi-convex lenses, of focal 17. Six similar bulbs are connected as shown in
length f each, are kept coaxially in contact the figure with a DC source of emf E and zero
with each other such that the focal length of internal resistance.
the combination is F 1 . When the space
The ratio of power consumption by the bulbs
between the two lenses is filled with
when (i) all are glowing and (ii) in the situation
glycerin (which has the same refractive index
when two from section A and one from section
( = 1.5) as that of glass) then the equivalent
B are glowing, will be :
focal length is F2. The ratio F1 : F2 will be :
(1) 2 : 1 (2) 1 : 2
(3) 2 : 3 (4) 3 : 4
12. Increase in temperature of a gas filled in a
container would lead to :
(1) Increase in its mass
(2) Increase in its kinetic energy
(3) Decrease in its pressure (1) 4 : 9
(4) Decrease in intermolecular distance (2) 9 : 4
13. An electron is accelerated through a potential (3) 1 : 2
difference of 10,000 V. Its de Broglie
wavelength is, (nearly) : (me = 9 × 10–31 kg) (4) 2 : 1

(1) 12.2 × 10–13 m (2) 12.2 × 10–12 m 18. For a p-type semiconductor, which of the
(3) 12.2 × 10–14 m (4) 12.2 nm following statements is true ?

14. A copper rod of 88 cm and an aluminium rod of (1) Electrons are the majority carriers and
unknown length have their increase trivalent atoms are the dopants.
in length independent of increase in
(2) Holes are the majority carriers and
temperature. The length of aluminium rod is :
trivalent atoms are the dopants.
(Cu = 1.7 × 10–5 K–1 and Al = 2.2 × 10–5 K–1)
(3) Holes are the majority carriers and
(1) 6.8 cm (2) 113.9 cm
pentavalent atoms are the dopants.
(3) 88 cm (4) 68 cm
(4) Electrons are the majority carriers and
15. Pick the wrong answer in the context with pentavalent atoms are the dopants.
19. Average velocity of a particle executing SHM in
(1) When the light rays undergo two internal
one complete vibration is :
reflections in a water drop, a secondary
rainbow is formed A
(2) The order of colours is reversed in the 2
secondary rainbow (2) A
(3) An observer can see a rainbow when his A2
front is towards the sun (3)
(4) Rainbow is a combined effect of dispersion (4) Zero
refraction and reflection of sunlight
20. The unit of thermal conductivity is :
16. A body weighs 200 N on the surface of the
(1) J m K–1
earth. How much will it weigh half way down
to the centre of the earth ? (2) J m–1 K–1
(1) 150 N (2) 200 N (3) W m K–1
(3) 250 N (4) 100 N (4) W m–1 K–1

21. A solid cylinder of mass 2 kg and radius 4 cm 25. A hollow metal sphere of radius R is uniformly
rotating about its axis at the rate of 3 rpm. The charged. The electric field due to the sphere at
torque required to stop after 2 revolutions is a distance r from the centre
(1) 2 × 10–6 N m (1) Increases as r increases for r < R and for
(2) 2 × 10–3 N m
(2) Zero as r increases for r < R, decreases as
(3) 12 × 10–4 N m
r increases for r > R
(4) 2 × 106 N m
(3) Zero as r increases for r < R, increases as
22. A force F = 20 + 10 y acts on a particle in r increases for r > R
y-direction where F is in newton and y in meter. (4) Decreases as r increases for r < R and for
Work done by this force to move the particle r>R
from y = 0 to y = 1 m is
26. At a point A on the earth’s surface the angle of
(1) 30 J (2) 5 J dip,  = +25°. At a point B on the earth’s surface
(3) 25 J (4) 20 J the angle of dip,  = –25°. We can interpret
23. Which of the following acts as a circuit
(1) A and B are both located in the northern
protects device?
(1) Conductor (2) A is located in the southern hemisphere
(2) Inductor and B is located in the northern
(3) Switch
(3) A is located in the northern hemisphere
(4) Fuse
and B is located in the southern
24. In the circuits shown below, the readings of hemisphere.
voltmeters and the ammeters will be (4) A and B are both located in the southern
10  hemisphere.
27. The total energy of an electron in an atom in
an orbit is –3.4 eV. Its kinetic and potential
V1 A1 energies are, respectively:
(1) –3.4 eV, –3.4 eV
(2) –3.4 eV, –6.8 eV
(3) 3.4 eV, –6.8 eV
10 V
(4) 3.4 eV, 3.4 eV
Circuit 1
28. In total internal reflection when the angle of
10  i2
incidence is equal to the critical angle for the
pair of media in contact, what will be angle of
10  refraction?
V2 A2 (1) 180°
(2) 0°
(3) Equal to angle of incidence

10 V (4) 90°

Circuit 2 29. The work done to raise a mass m from the

surface of the earth to a height h, which is
(1) V2 > V1 and i1 = i2
equal to the radius of the earth, is:
(2) V1 = V2 and i1 > i2
(1) mgR (2) 2 mgR
(3) V1 = V2 and i1 = i2
1 3
(4) V2 > V1 and i1 > i2 (3) mgR (4) mgR
2 2

30. When an object is shot from the bottom of a 35. A block of mass 10 kg is in contact against the
long smooth inclined plane kept at an angle 60° inner wall of a hollow cylindrical drum of
with horizontal, it can travel a distance x 1 radius 1 m. The coefficient of friction between
along the plane. But when the inclination is the block and the inner wall of the cylinder is
decreased to 30° and the same object is shot 0.1. The minimum angular velocity needed for
with the same velocity, it can travel x2 distance. the cylinder to keep the block stationary when
Then x1 : x2 will be: the cylinder is vertical and rotating about its

(1) 1: 2 (2) 2:1 axis, will be : (g  10 m/s2 )

(3) 1: 3 (4) 1: 2 3 (1) 10 rad/s

31. -particle consists of :
(1) 2 protons and 2 neutrons only (2) rad/s
(2) 2 electrons, 2 protons and 2 neutrons
(3) 10 rad/s
(3) 2 electrons and 4 protons only
(4) 10 rad/s
(4) 2 protons only
36. Two parallel infinite line charges with linear
32. The speed of a swimmer in still water is
charge densities +  C/m and – C/m are
20 m/s. The speed of river water is 10 m/s and
placed at a distance of 2R in free space. What
is flowing due east. If he is standing on the
is the electric field mid-way between the two
south bank and wishes to cross the river along
line charges?
the shortest path the angle at which he should
make his strokes w.r.t. north is given by : (1) Zero
(1) 30° west (2) 0° 2
(2) N/C
(3) 60° west (4) 45° west  0R

33. A particle moving with velocity V is acted by 
(3) N/C
three forces shown by the vector triangle PQR.  0R
The velocity of the particle will :

P (4) N/C
2 0R

37. Two point charges A and B, having charges +Q

and –Q respectively, are placed at certain
distance apart and force acting between them is
F. If 25% charge of A is transferred to B, then
force between the charges becomes :
(1) increase
(2) decrease 9F
(1) F (2)
(3) remain constant
(4) change according to the smallest force 16F 4F
 (3) (4)
QR 9 3

34. Two particles A and B are moving in uniform 38. A small hole of area of cross-section 2 mm2 is
circular motion in concentric circles of radii rA present near the bottom of a fully filled open
and rB with speed vA and vB respectively. Their tank of height 2 m. Taking g = 10 m/s2, the rate
time period of rotation is the same. The ratio of of flow of water through the open hole would
angular speed of A to that of B will be : be nearly
(1) rA : rB (2) vA : vB (1) 12.6 × 10–6 m3/s (2) 8.9 × 10–6 m3/s
(3) rB : rA (4) 1 : 1 (3) 2.23 × 10–6 m3/s (4) 6.4 × 10–6 m3/s

+6 V 43. A parallel plate capacitor of capacitance 20 F
0 R is being charged by a voltage source whose
A 1 potential is changing at the rate of 3 V/s. The
conduction current through the connecting
R wires, and the displacement current through
0 the plates of the capacitor, would be,
B 1 respectively.
(1) Zero, 60 A
The correct Boolean operation represented by
(2) 60 A, 60 A
the circuit diagram drawn is :
(3) 60 A, zero
(1) AND (2) OR
(4) Zero, zero
(3) NAND (4) NOR
44. In an experiment, the percentage of error
40. In which of the following processes, heat is occurred in the measurement of physical
neither absorbed nor released by a system? quantities A, B, C and D are 1%, 2%, 3% and 4%
(1) Isothermal (2) Adiabatic respectively. Then the maximum percentage of
(3) Isobaric (4) Isochoric A2B 2

error in the measurement X, where X  1

C 3D3
41. A 800 turn coil of effective area 0.05 m2
is kept
will be
perpendicular to a magnetic field 5 × 10–5 T. When
the plane of the coil is rotated by 90° around
 3 
any of its coplanar axis in 0.1 s, the emf (1)  %
 13 
induced in the coil will be:
(2) 16%
(1) 2 V (2) 0.2 V
(3) – 10%
(3) 2 × 10–3 V (4) 0.02 V
(4) 10%
42. The radius of circle, the period of revolution,
initial position and sense of revolution are 45. A cylindrical conductor of radius R is carrying
indicated in the fig. a constant current. The plot of the magnitude
of the magnetic field. B with the distance d
y from the centre of the conductor, is correctly
P(t = 0) represented by the figure :

T=4s B
x (1)
3m R d

y-projection of the radius vector of rotating (2)
particle P is:
R d
(1) y(t) = –3 cos2t, where y in m
 t 
(2) y(t)  4 sin   , where y in m (3)
R d
 3t 
(3) y(t)  3cos   , where y in m B
 2 
 t  R d
(4) y(t)  3cos   , where y in m

46. The number of sigma () and pi () bonds in 50. Which of the following reactions are
pent-2-en-4-yne is disproportionation reaction?
(1) 10 bonds and 3 bonds
(a) 2Cu 
 Cu2   Cu0
(2) 8 bonds and 5 bonds
(3) 11 bonds and 2 bonds (b) 3MnO24  4H 
 2MnO4  MnO2  2H2 O
(4) 13 bonds and no  bonds

(c) 2KMnO 4   K2MnO 4  MnO2  O2
47. The structure of intermediate A in the
following reaction, is
(d) 2MnO4  3Mn2   2H2 O 
 5MnO2  4H
CH OH Select the correct option from the following
O2 H (1) (a) and (b) only (2) (a), (b) and (c)
A + H3C CH3
H2 O
(3) (a), (c) and (d) (4) (a) and (d) only
51. Under isothermal condition, a gas at 300 K
CH3 CH3 expands from 0.1 L to 0.25 L against a
CH constant external pressure of 2 bar. The work
O– CH3
H3C – C – O – O – H
done by the gas is
(1) (2) (Given that 1 L bar = 100 J)
(1) –30 J

CH3 CH2 – O – O – H (2) 5 kJ

O – O – CH HC (3) 25 J
CH3 (4) 30 J
(3) (4)
52. Among the following, the one that is not a
green house gas is
48. The correct structure of tribromooctaoxide is
(1) Nitrous oxide
O O O (2) Methane
(1) O = Br – Br – Br = O
(3) Ozone
(4) Sulphur dioxide
O O O 53. For the cell reaction

(2) O = Br – Br – Br – O
O – O

2Fe3 (aq)  2I (aq)  2Fe2 (aq)  I2 (aq)

O – ECell  0.24 V at 298 K. The standard Gibbs

(3) O – Br – Br – Br = O o
energy (r G ) of the cell reaction is :
– –
(1) –46.32 kJ mol–1

O O O (2) –23.16 kJ mol–1
(4) O = Br – Br – Br – O – (3) 46.32 kJ mol–1
– O
(4) 23.16 kJ mol–1
49. 4d, 5p, 5f and 6p orbitals are arranged in the 54. Enzymes that utilize ATP in phosphate transfer
order of decreasing energy. The correct require an alkaline earth metal (M) as the
option is cofactor. M is :
(1) 5f > 6p > 5p > 4d (2) 6p > 5f > 5p > 4d (1) Be (2) Mg
(3) 6p > 5f > 4d > 5p (4) 5f > 6p > 4d > 5p (3) Ca (4) Sr

55. The most suitable reagent for the following 60. For the second period elements the correct
conversion, is : increasing order of first ionisation enthalpy is:

H3 C CH3 (1) Li < Be < B < C < N < O < F < Ne

H 3C C C CH3
H H (2) Li < B < Be < C < O < N < F < Ne

(1) Na/liquid NH3 (2) H2, Pd/C, quinoline (3) Li < B < Be < C < N < O < F < Ne

(3) Zn/HCl (4) Hg2+/H+, H2O (4) Li < Be < B < C < O < N < F < Ne
56. Which is the correct thermal stability order
for H2E (E = O, S, Se, Te and Po)? 61. The biodegradable polymer is:

(1) H2S < H2O < H2Se < H2Te < H2Po (1) Nylon-6,6
(2) H2O < H2S < H2Se < H2Te < H2Po
(2) Nylon 2-Nylon 6
(3) H2Po < H2Te < H2Se < H2S < H2O
(3) Nylon-6
(4) H2Se < H2Te < H2Po < H2O < H2S
57. Which of the following is incorrect statement? (4) Buna-S
(1) PbF4 is covalent in nature
62. pH of a saturated solution of Ca(OH)2 is 9. The
(2) SiCl4 is easily hydrolysed solubility product (Ksp) of Ca(OH)2 is:
(3) GeX4 (X = F,, Cl, B , I) is more stable than
GeX2 (1) 0.5 × 10–15

(4) SnF4 is ionic in nature (2) 0.25 × 10–10

58. Match the following :
(3) 0.125 × 10–15
(a) Pure nitrogen (i) Chlorine
(4) 0.5 × 10–10
(b) Haber process (ii) Sulphuric acid
(c) Contact process (iii) Ammonia 63. If the rate constant for a first order reaction is
(d) Deacon’s process (iv) Sodium azide or k, the time (t) required for the completion of
99% of the reaction is given by:
Barium azide
Which of the following is the correct option? (1) t = 0.693/k

(a) (b) (c) (d) (2) t = 6.909/k

(1) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(3) t = 4.606/k
(2) (ii) (iv) (i) (iii)
(3) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i) (4) t = 2.303/k

(4) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i) 64. The non-essential amino acid among the
59. Which of the following diatomic molecular following is:
species has only  bonds according to
Molecular Orbital Theory? (1) valine

(1) O2 (2) leucine

(2) N2
(3) alanine
(3) C2
(4) Be2 (4) lysine

65. Among the following, the reaction that 68. The number of moles of hydrogen molecules
proceeds through an electrophilic required to produce 20 moles of ammonia
substitution, is: through Haber's process is :
(1) 10 (2) 20
+ –
Cu 2Cl2
(1) N 2CI CI + N 2 (3) 30 (4) 40
69. The compound that is most difficult to
protonate is :
AlCl 3
(2) + Cl2 CI + HCl
(1) H H

(2) H3C H
UV light
(3) + Cl2 CI CI
(3) H3C CH3
(4) Ph H

heat 70. For an ideal solution, the correct option is :

(4) CH 2OH + HCl
(1) mix S = 0 at constant T and P
CH 2Cl + H 2O (2) mix V  0 at constant T and P
(3) mix H = 0 at constant T and P

66. The mixture that forms maximum boiling (4) mix G = 0 at constant T and P
azeotrope is: ii
71. Conjugate base for Br onsted acids H2O and
(1) Water + Nitric acid HF are :
(2) Ethanol + Water (1) OH– and H2F+, respectively
(3) Acetone + Carbon disulphide (2) H3O+ and F–, respectively
(4) Heptane + Octane (3) OH– and F–, respectively
67. For the chemical reaction (4) H3O+ and H2F+, respectively
72. Which mixture of the solutions will lead to the

N2 (g)  3H2 (g)  2NH3 (g) formation of negatively charged colloidal
[Agl]l– sol. ?
the correct option is:
(1) 50 mL of 1 M AgNO3 + 50 mL of 1.5 M KI
1 d[H2 ] 1 d[NH3 ] (2) 50 mL of 1 M AgNO3 + 50 mL of 2 M KI
(1)  
3 dt 2 dt (3) 50 mL of 2 M AgNO3 + 50 mL of 1.5 M KI

d[N2 ] d[NH3 ] (4) 50 mL of 0.1 M AgNO3 + 50 mL of 0.1 M KI

(2)  2
dt dt 73. Among the following, the narrow spectrum
antibiotic is :
d[N2 ] 1 d[NH3 ] (1) Penicillin G
(3)  
dt 2 dt
(2) Ampicillin

d[H2 ] d[NH3 ] (3) Amoxycillin

(4) 3 2
dt dt (4) Chloramphenicol

74. An alkene "A" on reaction with O3 and Zn–H2O 77. Which will make basic buffer?
gives propanone and ethanal in equimolar
(1) 50 mL of 0.1 M NaOH + 25 mL of 0.1 M
ratio. Addition of HCl to alkene "A" gives "B"
as the major product. The structure of
product "B" is: (2) 100 mL of 0.1 M CH3COOH + 100 mL of 0.1
CH3 (3) 100 mL of 0.1 M HCl + 200 mL of 0.1 M
(1) Cl–CH2–CH2–CH NH4OH

CH3 (4) 100 mL of 0.1 M HCl + 100 mL of 0.1 M


CH2Cl 78. The major product of the following reaction

(2) H3 C–CH2 –CH–CH3
strong heating
CH3 + NH3
(3) H3C–CH2–C–CH3 COOH

(4) H3C–CH–CH

Cl CH3 O

75. What is the correct electronic configuration of

(2) NH
the central atom in K 4[Fe(CN) 6 ] based on
crystal field theory?
(1) t 2g e2g
(2) t 62g e0g

(3) e3 t 23
(4) e 4 t 22
76. Identify the incorrect statement related to
PCl5 from the following: 79. Match the Xenon compounds in Column-I with
its structure in Column-II and assign the
(1) Three equatorial P–Cl bonds make an correct code:
angle of 120° with each other
Column-I Column-II
(2) Two axial P–Cl bonds make an angle of
(a) XeF4 (i) pyramidal
180° with each other
(b) XeF6 (ii) square planar
(3) Axial P–Cl bonds are longer than
equatorial P–Cl bonds (c) XeOF4 (iii) distorted octahedral

(4) PCl5 molecule is non-reactive (d) XeO3 (iv) square pyramidal

Code: 85. A compound is formed by cation C and anion
(a) (b) (c) (d) A. The anions form hexagonal close packed
(hcp) lattice and the cations occupy 75% of
(1) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) octahedral voids. The formula of the
(2) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i) compound is :
(3) (ii) (iii) (i) (iv) (1) C2A3 (2) C3A2
(4) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii) (3) C3A4 (4) C4A3
80. The manganate and permanganate ions are
86. In which case change in entropy is negative?
tetrahedral, due to :
(1) The -bonding involves overlap of (1) Evaporation of water
p-orbitals of oxygen with d-orbitals of
(2) Expansion of a gas at constant
(2) There is no -bonding
(3) Sublimation of solid to gas
(3) The -bonding involves overlap of
p-orbitals of oxygen with p-orbitals of (4) 2H(g)  H2(g)
87. Which of the following series of transitions in
(4) The -bonding involves overlap of the spectrum of hydrogen atom falls in visible
d-orbitals of oxygen with d-orbitals of region?
(1) Lyman series
81. Which of the following species is not stable?
(2) Balmer series
(1) [SiF6]2– (2) [GeCl6]2–
(3) [Sn(OH)6]2– (4) [SiCl6]2– (3) Paschen series

82. For a cell involving one electron E°cell = 0.59 V (4) Brackett series
at 298 K, the equilibrium constant for the cell
88. The method used to remove temporary
reaction is :
hardness of water is :
 2.303 RT  (1) Calgon's method
Given that  0.059 V at T = 298 K 
F 
(2) Clark's method
(1) 1.0 × 102
(3) Ion-exchange method
(2) 1.0 × 105
(3) 1.0 × 1010 (4) Synthetic resins method

(4) 1.0 × 1030 89. Which one is malachite from the following?
83. Which of the following is an amphoteric (1) CuFeS2
(2) Cu(OH)2
(1) Sr(OH)2 (2) Ca(OH)2
(3) Fe3O4
(3) Mg(OH)2 (4) Be(OH)2
84. A gas at 350 K and 15 bar has molar volume (4) CuCO3.Cu(OH)2
20 percent smaller than that for an ideal gas 90. The correct order of the basic strength of
under the same conditions. The correct methyl substituted amines in aqueous solution
option about the gas and its compressibility is :
factor (Z) is :
(1) (CH3)2NH > CH3NH2 > (CH3)3N
(1) Z > 1 and attractive forces are dominant
(2) Z > 1 and repulsive forces are dominant (2) (CH3)3N > CH3NH2 > (CH3)2NH

(3) Z < 1 and attractive forces are dominant (3) (CH3)3N > (CH3)2NH > CH3NH2
(4) Z < 1 and repulsive forces are dominant (4) CH3NH2 > (CH3)2NH > (CH3)3N

91. The Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro in 97. Match the following structures with their
1992 was called respective location in organs

(1) to reduce CO 2 emissions and global (a) Crypts of Lieberkuhn (i) Pancreas
(b) Glisson's Capsule (ii) Duodenum
(2) for conservation of biodiversity and
(c) Islets of Langerhans (iii) Small
sustainable utilization of its benefits
(3) to assess threat posed to native species intestine
by invasive weed species (d) Brunner's Glands (iv) Liver
(4) for immediate steps to discontinue use of Select the correct option from the following
CFCs that were damaging the ozone layer
(a) (b) (c) (d)
92. Colostrum the yellowish fluid, secreted by
mother during the initial days of lactation is (1) (iii) (i) (ii) (iv)
very essential to impart immunity to the new (2) (ii) (iv) (i) (iii)
born infants because it contains :
(3) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
(1) Natural killer cells
(4) (iii) (ii) (i) (iv)
(2) Monocytes
98. Which of the following is the most important
(3) Macrophages
cause for animals and plants being driven to
(4) Immunoglobulin A extinction?
93. Grass leaves curl inwards during very dry (1) Habitat loss and fragmentation
weather. Select the most appropriate reason
(2) Drought and floods
from the following :
(1) Closure of stomata (3) Economic exploitation

(2) Flaccidity of bulliform cells (4) Alien species invasion

(3) Shrinkage of air spaces in spongy 99. Which part of the brain is responsible for
mesophyll thermoregulation?

(4) Tyloses in vessels (1) Cerebrum

94. The shorter and longer arms of a (2) Hypothalamus

submetacentric chromosome are referred to
(3) Corpus callosum
(4) Medulla oblongata
(1) s-arm and l-arm respectively
100. Consider following features
(2) p-arm and q-arm respectively
(3) q-arm and p-arm respectively (a) Organ system level of organisation

(4) m-arm and n-arm respectively (b) Bilateral symmetry

95. Respiratory Quotient (RQ) value of tripalmitin (c) True coelomates with segmentation of
is body

(1) 0.9 (2) 0.7 Select the correct option of animal groups
which possess all the above characteristics
(3) 0.07 (4) 0.09
(1) Annelida, Arthropoda and Chordata
96. Which of the following is a commercial blood
cholesterol lowering agent? (2) Annelida, Arthropoda and Mollusca
(1) Cyclosporin A (2) Statin (3) Arthropoda, Mollusca and Chordata
(3) Streptokinase (4) Lipases (4) Annelida, Mollusca and Chordata

101. Select the correct sequence of organs in the 106 Which one of the following is not a method in
alimentary canal of cockroach starting from situ conservation of biodiversity?
(1) Biosphere Reserve
(1) Pharynx  Oesophagus  Crop  Gizzard
(2) Wildlife Sanctuary
 Ileum  Colon  Rectum
(2) Pharynx  Oesophagus  Gizzard  Crop (3) Botanical Garden
 Ileum  Colon  Rectum (4) Sacred Grove
(3) Pharynx  Oesophagus  Gizzard  107 In a species, the weight of newborn ranges
Ileum  Crop  Colon  Rectum from 2 to 5 kg. 97% of the newborn with an
(4) Pharynx  Oesophagus  Ileum  Crop average weight between 3 to 3.3 kg survive
 Gizzard  Colon  Rectum whereas 99% of the infants born with weight
102. Which of the following pairs of gases is mainly from 2 to 2.5 kg or 4.5 to 5 kg die. Which type
responsible for green house effect? of selection process is taking place?
(1) Ozone and Ammonia (1) Directional Selection
(2) Oxygen and Nitrogen (2) Stabilizing Selection
(3) Nitrogen and Sulphur dioxide (3) Disruptive Selection
(4) Carbon dioxide and Methane (4) Cyclical Selection
103. Which of the following muscular disorders is 108. The correct sequence of phases of cell cycle
inherited? is :
(1) Tetany (1) M  G1  G2  S (2) G1  G2  S  M
(2) Muscular dystrophy (3) S  G1  G2  M (4) G1  S  G2  M
(3) Myasthenia gravis 109. How does steroid hormone influence the
(4) Botulism cellular activities?
104. The ciliated epithelial cells are required to (1) Changing the permeability of the cell
move particles or mucus in a specific membrane
direction. In humans, these cells are mainly
present in (2) Binding to DNA and forming a gene-
hormone complex
(1) Bile duct and Bronchioles
(3) Activating cyclic AMP located on the cell
(2) Fallopian tubes and Pancreatic duct
(3) Eustachian tube and Salivary duct
(4) Using aquaporin channels as second
(4) Bronchioles and Fallopian tubes messenger
105 Match the Column-I with Column-II
110. Which of the following statements is not
Column-I Column-II correct?
(a) P - wave (i) Depolarisation of (1) Lysosomes have numerous hydrolytic
ventricles enzymes
(b) QRS complex (ii) Repolarisation of (2) The hydrolytic enzymes of lysosomes are
active under acidic pH
(c) T - wave (iii) Coronary ischemia
(3) Lysosomes are membrane bound
(d) Reduction in the (iv) Depolarisation of structures
size of T-wave atira (4) Lysosomes are formed by the process of
(v) Repolarisation of packaging in the endoplasmic reticulum
111. Which one of the following statements
Select the correct option. regarding post-fertilization development in
(a) (b) (c) (d) flowering plants is incorrect?
(1) (iv) (i) (ii) (iii) (1) Ovary develops into fruit
(2) (iv) (i) (ii) (v) (2) Zygote develops into embryo
(3) (ii) (i) (v) (iii) (3) Central cell develops into endosperm
(4) (ii) (iii) (v) (iv) (4) Ovules develop into embryo sac

112. Concanavalin A is 117. Match the hominids with their correct brain
size :
(1) an alkaloid (2) an essential oil
(a) Homo habilis (i) 900 cc
(3) a lectin (4) a pigment
(b) Homo neanderthalensis (ii) 1350 cc
113. Which one of the following equipments is
(c) Homo erectus (iii) 650-800 cc
essentially required for growing microbes on
a large scale, for industrial production of (d) Homo sapiens (iv) 1400 cc
enzymes? Select the correct option.
(1) BOD incubator (a) (b) (c) (d)
(2) Sludge digester (1) (iii) (i) (iv) (ii)

(3) Industrial oven (2) (iii) (ii) (i) (iv)

(3) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
(4) Bioreactor
(4) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii)
114. Consider the following statement :
118. Variations caused by mutation, as proposed by
(A) Coenzyme or metal ion that is tightly Hugo de Vries are
bound to enzyme protein is called
(1) random and directional
prosthetic group.
(2) random and directionless
(B) A complete catalytic active enzyme with
its bound prosthetic group is called (3) small and directional
apoenzyme. (4) small and directionless
Select the correct option. 119. Which of the following pair of organelles does
not contain DNA?
(1) Both (A) and (B) are true.
(1) Mitochondria and Lysosomes
(2) (A) is true but (B) is false.
(2) Chloroplast and Vacuoles
(3) Both (A) and (B) are false.
(3) Lysosomes and Vacuoles
(4) (A) is false but (B) is true. (4) Nuclear envelope and Mitochondria
115. Purines found both in DNA and RNA are 120. Due to increasing air-borne allergens and
(1) Adenine and thymine pollutants, many people in urban areas are
suffering from respiratory disorder causing
(2) Adenine and guanine wheezing due to
(3) Guanine and cytosine (1) benign growth on mucous lining of nasal
(4) Cytosine and thymine
(2) inflammation of bronchi and bronchioles
116. Select the correct sequence for transport of
sperm cells in male reproductive system. (3) proliferation of fibrous tissues and
damage of the alveolar walls
(1) Testis  Epididymis  Vasa efferentia 
(4) reduction in the secretion of surfactants
Rete testis  Inguinal canal  Urethra
by pneumocytes.
(2) Seminiferous tubules  Rete testis 
121. Select the incorrect statement.
Vasa efferentia  Epididymis  Vas
deferens  Ejaculatory duct  Urethra  (1) Male fruit fly is heterogametic
Urethral meatus (2) In male grasshoppers 50% of sperms have
no sex-chromosome
(3) Seminiferous tubules  Vasa efferentia 
Epididymis  Inguinal canal  Urethra (3) In domesticated fowls, sex of progeny
depends on the type of sperm rather than
(4) Testis  Epididymis  Vasa efferentia 
Vas deferens  Ejaculatory duct 
Inguinal canal  Urethra  Urethral (4) Human males have one of their sex-
meatus chromosome much shorter than the other

122. DNA precipitation out of a mixture of 127. In some plants, the female gamete develops
biomolecules can be achieved by treatment into embryo without fertilization. This
with phenomenon is known as
(1) Isopropanol (1) Autogamy (2) Parthenocarpy
(2) Chilled ethanol (3) Syngamy (4) Parthenogenesis
(3) Methanol at room temperature 128. Persistent nucellus in the seed is known as
(4) Chilled chloroform
(1) Chalaza (2) Perisperm
123. Select the correct group of biocontrol
(3) Hilum (4) Tegmen
(1) Bacillus thuringiensis, Tobacco mosaic 129. What map unit (Centimorgan) is adopted in the
virus, Aphids construction of genetic maps?

(2) Trichoderma, Baculovirus, Bacillus (1) A unit of distance between two expressed
thuringiensis genes representing 10% cross over.
(3) Oscillatoria, Rhizobium, Trichoderma (2) A unit of distance between two expressed
(4) Nostoc, Azospirillium, Nucleopolyhedrovirus genes representing 100% cross over.

124. Select the incorrect statement. (3) A unit of distance between genes on
chromosomes, representing 1% cross
(1) Inbreeding increases homozygosity
(2) Inbreeding is essential to evolve purelines
(4) A unit of distance between genes on
in any animal.
chromosomes, representing 50% cross
(3) Inbreeding selects harmful recessive over.
genes that reduce fertility and productivity
130. What would be the heart rate of a person if
(4) Inbreeding helps in accumulation of the cardiac output is 5 L, blood volume in the
superior genes and elimination of ventricles at the end of diastole is 100 mL and
undesirable genes at the end of ventricular systole is 50 mL?
125. Match the following organisms with the
(1) 50 beats per minute
products they produce
(2) 75 beats per minute
(a) Lactobacillus (i) Cheese
(b) Saccharomyces (ii) Curd (3) 100 beats per minute

cerevisiae (4) 125 beats per minute

(c) Aspergillus niger (iii) Citric Acid 131. Thiobacillus is a group of bacteria helpful in
(d) Acetobacter aceti (iv) Bread carrying out

(v) Acetic Acid (1) Nitrogen fixation

Select the correct option. (2) Chemoautotrophic fixation

(a) (b) (c) (d) (3) Nitrification
(1) (ii) (iv) (v) (iii) (4) Denitrification
(2) (ii) (iv) (iii) (v) 132. Which of the following factors is responsible
(3) (iii) (iv) (v) (i) for the formation of concentrated urine?
(4) (ii) (i) (iii) (v) (1) Low levels of antidiuretic hormone
126. What is the direction of movement of sugars (2) Maintaining hyperosmolarity towards
in phloem? inner medullary interstitium in the kidneys.
(1) Non-multidirectional (3) Secretion of erythropoietin by
(2) Upward Juxtaglomerular complex
(3) Downward (4) Hydrostatic pressure during glomerular
(4) Bi-directional filtration

133. Which of the following statements regarding 139. Which of the following protocols did aim for
mitochondria is incorrect? reducing emission of chlorofluorocarbons into
(1) Outer membrane is permeable to the atmosphere?
monomers of carbohydrates, fats and (1) Montreal Protocol
(2) Kyto Protocol
(2) Enzymes of electron transport are
embedded in outer membrane. (3) Gothenburg Protocol

(3) Inner membrane is convoluted with (4) Geneva Protocol

infoldings. 140. Which of the following contraceptive methods
(4) Mitochondrial matrix contains single do involve a role of hormone?
circular DNA molecule and ribosomes. (1) Lactational amenorrhea, Pills Emergency
134. Xylem translocates. contraceptives.
(1) Water only (2) Barrier method, Lactational amenorrhea,
(2) Water and mineral salts only Pills.

(3) Water, mineral salts and some organic (3) CuT, Pills, Emergency contraceptives.
nitrogen only (4) Pills, Emergency contraceptives, Barrier
(4) Water, mineral salts, some organic methods.
nitrogen and hormones 141. Tidal Volume and Expiratory Reserve Volume
135. Cell in G0 phase : of an athlete is 500 mL and 1000 mL,
(1) exit the cell cycle respectively. What will be his Expiratory
Capacity if the Residual Volume is 1200 mL?
(2) enter the cell cycle
(1) 1500 mL (2) 1700 mL
(3) suspend the cell cycle
(3) 2200 mL (4) 2700 mL
(4) terminate the cell cycle
136. Which of the statements given below is not 142. What is the fate of the male gametes
true about formation of Annual Rings in trees? discharged in the synergid?

(1) Annual ring is a combination of spring (1) One fuses with egg other(s) degenerate
wood and autumn wood produced in a (s) in the synergid.
year (2) All fuse with the egg.
(2) Differential activity of cambium causes (3) One fuses with the egg, other(s) fuse(s)
light and dark bands of tissue early and with synergid nucleus.
late wood respectively.
(4) One fuses with the egg and other fuses
(3) Activity of cambium depends upon
with central cell nuclei.
variation in climate.
143. What is the site of perception of photoperiod
(4) Annual rings are not prominent in trees of
necessary for induction of flowering in
temperate region.
137. Which of the following ecological pyramids is
generally inverted? (1) Lateral buds (2) Pulvinus

(1) Pyramid of numbers in grassland (3) Shoot apex (4) Leaves

(2) Pyramid of energy 144. Select the correctly written scientific name of
Mango which was first described by Carolus
(3) Pyramid of biomass in a forest
Linnaeus :
(4) Pyramid of biomass in a sea
(1) Mangifera indica Car. Linn.
138. Placentation in which ovules develop on the
inner wall of the ovary or in peripheral part, is (2) Mangifera indica Linn.

(1) Basal (2) Axile (3) Mangifera indica

(3) Parietal (4) Free central (4) Mangifera Indica

145. Following statements describe the 150. Select the hormone-releasing Intra-Uterine
characteristics of the enzyme Restriction Devices.
Endonuclease. Identify the incorrect (1) Vaults, LNG-20
(2) Multiload 375, Progestasert
(1) The enzyme cuts DNA molecule at
identified position within the DNA. (3) Progestasert, LNG-20
(2) The enzyme binds DNA at specific sites (4) Lippes Loop, Multiload 375
and cuts only one of the two strands. 151. A gene locus has two alleles A, a. If the
(3) The enzyme cuts the sugar-phosphate frequency of dominant allele A is 0.4, then
backbone at specific sites on each strand. what will be the frequency of homozygous
(4) The enzyme recognizes a specific dominant, heterozygous and homozygous
palindromic nucleotide sequence in the recessive individuals in the population?
DNA. (1) 0.36(AA); 0.48(Aa); 0.16(aa)
146. From evolutionary point of view, retention of (2) 0.16(AA); 0.24(Aa); 0.36(aa)
the female gametophyte with developing
(3) 0.16(AA); 0.48(Aa); 0.36(aa)
young embryo on the parent sporophyte for
some time, is first observed in : (4) 0.16(AA); 0.36(Aa); 0.48(aa)
(1) Liverworts (2) Mosses 152. Which of the following is true for Golden
(3) Pteridophytes (4) Gymnosperms rice?

147. In Antirrhinum (Snapdragon), a red flower (1) It is Vitamin A enriched, with a gene from
was crossed with a white flower and in F 1 daffodil
generation pink flowers were obtained. When (2) It is pest resistant, with a gene from
pink flowers were selfed, the F2 generation Bacillus thuringiensis
showed white, red and pink flowers. Choose
(3) It is drought tolerant, developed using
the incorrect statement from the following :
Agrobacterium vector
(1) This experiment does not follow the
(4) It has yellow grains, because of a gene
Principle of Dominance.
introduced from a primitive variety of rice
(2) Pink colour in F 1 is due to incomplete
dominance. 153. Pinus seed cannot germinate and established
without fungal association. This is because :
1 2 1 (1) its embryo is immature.
(3) Ratio of F 2 is (Red) : (Pink) :
4 4 4 (2) it has obligate association with
(White) mycorrhizae.
(4) Law of Segregation does not apply in this (3) it has very hard seed coat.
experiment (4) its seeds contain inhibitors that present
148. Conversion of glucose to glucose-6-phosphate, germination.
the first irreversible reaction of glycolysis, is 154. Which of the following features of genetic
catalyzed by code does allow bacteria to produce human
(1) Aldolase insulin by recombinant DNA technology?
(2) Hexokinase (1) Genetic code is not ambiguous
(3) Enolase (2) Genetic code is redundant
(4) Phosphofructokinase (3) Genetic code is nearly universal
149. Drug called ‘Heroin’ is synthesized by (4) Genetic code is specific
(1) methylation of morphine 155. Which of the following sexually transmitted
(2) acetylation of morphine diseases is not completely curable?
(3) glycosylation of morphine (1) Gonorrhoea (2) Genital warts
(4) nitration of morphine (3) Genital herpes (4) Chlamydiasis

156. Which of the following statements is Choose the correct answer from the option
incorrect? given below
(1) Viroids lack a protein coat. (a) (b) (c) (d)
(2) Viruses are obligate parasites. (1) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(3) Infective constituent in viruses is the
(2) (iii) (ii) (i) (iv)
protein coat.
(4) Prions consist of abnormally folded (3) (ii) (i) (iii) (iv)
proteins. (4) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
157. Match the following organisms with their 161. Which of the following glucose transporters is
respective characteristics : insulin-dependent?
(a) Pila (i) Flame cells
(1) GLUT I (2) GLUT II
(b) Bombyx (ii) Comb plates
(c) Pleurobrachia (iii) Radula
(d) Taenia (iv) Malpighian tubules 162. Which of the following immune responses is
responsible for rejection of kidney graft?
Select the correct option from the following :
(a) (b) (c) (d) (1) Auto-immune response

(1) (iii) (ii) (i) (iv) (2) Humoral immune response

(2) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i) (3) Inflammatory immune response
(3) (ii) (iv) (iii) (i) (4) Cell-mediated immune response
(4) (iii) (ii) (iv) (i)
163. Use of an artificial kidney during hemodialysis
158. Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs) refers to : may result in :
(1) Genes expressed as RNA (a) Nitrogenous waste build-up in the body
(2) Polypeptide expression
(b) Non-elimination of excess potassium ions
(3) DNA polymorphism
(c) Reduced absorption of calcium ions from
(4) Novel DNA sequences
gastro-intestinal tract
159. Which is of the following statements is
incorrect? (d) Reduced RBC production
(1) Morels and truffles are edible delicacies. Which of the following options is the most
(2) Claviceps is a source of many alkaloids appropriate?
and LSD. (1) (a) and (b) are correct
(3) Conidia are produced exogenously and (2) (b) and (c) are correct
ascospores endogenously.
(3) (c) and (d) are correct
(4) Yeasts have filamentous bodies with long
thread-like hyphae. (4) (a) and (d) are correct
160. Match Column - I Column - II 164. Which of the following statements is
Column - I Column - II correct?
(a) Saprophyte (i) Symbiotic association (1) Cornea is an external, transparent and
of fungi with plant protective proteinacious covering of the
roots eye-ball.
(b) Parasite (ii) Decomposition of (2) Cornea consists of dense connective
dead organic tissue of elastin and can repair itself.
(3) Cornea is convex, transparent layer which
(c) Lichens (iii) Living on living
is highly vascularised.
plants or animals
(d) Mycorrhiza (iv) Symbiotic (4) Cornea consists of dense matrix of
collagen and is the most sensitive portion
association of algae
the eye.
and fungi

165. The frequency of recombination between 171. Extrusion of second polar body from egg
gene pairs on the same chromosome as a nucleus occurs :
measure of the distance between genes was (1) after entry of sperm but before fertilization
explained by :
(2) after fertilization
(1) T.H. Morgan (2) Gregor J. Mendel
(3) before entry of sperm into ovum
(3) Alfred Sturtevant (4) Sutton Boveri
(4) simultaneously with first cleavage
166. Match the following genes of the Lac operon
with their respective products : 172. Under which of the following conditions will
there be no change in the reading frame of
(a) i gene (i) -galactosidase following mRNA?
(b) z gene (ii) Permease 5AACAGCGGUGCUAUU3
(c) a gene (iii) Repressor (1) Insertion of G at 5th position
(d) y gene (iv) Transacetylase (2) Deletion of G from 5th position
Select the correct option. (3) Insertion of A and G at 4th and 5th positions
(a) (b) (c) (d) respectively
(1) (i) (iii) (ii) (iv) (4) Deletion of GGU from 7 th , 8 th and 9 th
(2) (iii) (i) (ii) (iv)
173 The concept of “Omnis cellula-e cellula”
(3) (iii) (i) (iv) (ii)
regarding cell division was first proposed by
(4) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
(1) Rudolf Virchow
167. It takes very long time for pineapple plants to
(2) Theodor Schwann
produce flowers. Which combination of
hormones can be applied to artificially induce (3) Schleiden
flowering in pineapple plants throughout the (4) Aristotle
year to increase yield?
174 What triggers activation of protoxin to active
(1) Auxin and Ethylene Bt toxin of Bacillus thuringiensis in boll worm?
(2) Gibberellin and Cytokinin (1) Body temperature
(3) Gibberellin and Abscisic acid (2) Moist surface of midgut
(4) Cytokinin and Abscisic acid (3) Alkaline pH of gut
168. Identify the cells whose secretion protects the (4) Acidic pH of stomach
lining of gastro-intestinal tract from various
175 Identify the correct pair representing the
causative agent of typhoid fever and the
(1) Chief Cells (2) Goblet Cells confirmatory test for typhoid.
(3) Oxyntic Cells (4) Duodenal Cells (1) Plasmodium vivax / UTI test
169. Which of the following can be used as a (2) Streptococcus pneumoniae / Widal test
biocontrol agent in the treatment of plant
(3) Salmonella typhi / Anthrone test
(4) Salmonella typhi / Widal test
(1) Trichoderma (2) Chlorella
176. What is the genetic disorder in which an
(3) Anabaena (4) Lactobacillus
individual has an overall masculine
170. Phloem in gymnosperms lacks : development gynaecomastia, and is sterile ?
(1) Albuminous cells and sieve cells (1) Turner's syndrome
(2) Sieve tubes only (2) Klinefelter's syndrome
(3) Companion cells only (3) Edward syndrome
(4) Both sieve tubes and companion cells (4) Down's syndrome

NEET (UG)-2019
177. Polyblend, a fine powder of recycled modified Select the correct option.
plastic, has proved to be a good material for
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) Making plastic sacks
(2) Use as a fertilizer (1) (v) (i) (ii) (iii)
(3) Construction of roads (2) (ii) (iv) (iii) (i)
(4) Making tubes and pipes
(3) (v) (iv) (i) (iii)
178. Which of these following methods is the most
suitable for disposal of nuclear waste? (4) (ii) (iv) (i) (iii)
(1) Shoot the waste into space
180. Select the correct option.
(2) Bury the waste under Antarctic ice-cover
(1) 8 th , 9 th and 10 th pairs of ribs articulate
(3) Dump the waste within rocks under deep
directly with the sternum.
(4) Bury the waste within rocks deep below (2) 11th and 12th pairs of ribs are connected to
the Earth's surface the sternum with the help of hyaline
179. Match the following hormones with the cartilage.
respective disease
(3) Each rib is a flat thin bone and all the ribs
(a) Insulin (i) Addison's disease are connected dorsally to the thoracic
(b) Thyroxin (ii) Diabetes insipidus vertebrae and ventrally to the sternum.
(c) Corticoids (iii) Acromegaly (4) There are seven pairs of vertebrosternal,
(d) Growth Hormone (iv) Goitre three pairs of vertebrochondral and two
(v) Diabetes mellitus pairs of vertebral ribs.


CODE: P1 – Answer Key:
1. (3) 2. (3) 3. (1) 4. (2) 5. (2) 6. (4) 7. (3) 8. (1) 9. (1) 10. (2)
11. (2) 12. (2) 13. (2) 14. (4) 15. (3) 16. (4) 17. (2) 18. (2) 19. (4) 20. (4)
21. (1) 22. (3) 23. (4) 24. (3) 25. (2) 26. (3) 27. (3) 28. (4) 29. (3) 30. (3)
31. (1) 32. (1) 33. (3) 34. (4) 35. (3) 36. (3) 37. (2) 38. (1) 39. (3) 40. (2)
41. (4) 42. (4) 43. (2) 44. (2) 45. (3) 46. (1) 47. (2) 48. (1) 49. (1) 50. (1)
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