CSS-10-Q4-Week 3-6

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Technical Vocational Education

Quarter 4 – Week 3-6 Module 2
Perform installation of DSL modem
Technical Vocational Education – Grade 10
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 4 – Module 2: Perform installation of DSL modem
First Edition, 2021

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Published by the Department of Education- Region III

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module

Writer/ Illustrator/Layout Artist/Editor:
Daisy H. Delos Reyes

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Layout Evaluator : Rosemarie D. Abecia
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Printed in the Philippines by ________________________

Department of Education--- Schools Division of Bulacan

Office Address: Curriculum Implementation Division

Learning Resource Management and Development System (LRMDS)
Capitol Compound, Guinhawa St., City of Malolos, Bulacan
E-mail address: [email protected]

Technical Vocational Education

Quarter 4 – Week 3-6 Module 2
Perform installation of DSL modem
Introductory Message

This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, dear learners, can
continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities, questions, directions,
exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you to understand each lesson.

Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-by-step
as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.

Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in each SLM.
This will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module or if you need to
ask your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better understanding of the
lesson. At the end of each module, you need to answer the post-test to self-check
your learning. Answer keys are provided for each activity and test. We trust that
you will be honest in using these.

In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teachers are also provided
to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on how they can best
help you on your home-based learning.

Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any part of
this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercise and tests. Read
the instructions carefully before performing each task.

If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in answering the tasks
in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator.

Thank you.
What I Need to Know

This module provides engaging activities that will help you learn about
the computer system servicing. This will also help you to be familiar on how to
validate one’s work for quality improvement work.
At the end of this module, you are expected to:
• define Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) or cable connection
• analyze the principles and concepts in installing Digital Subscriber
• install and configure modem in line with modem installation manual

What I Know

Directions: Read each description carefully and choose the letter that corresponds to the
correct answer. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

_____ 1. It is a device used to connect a computer or router to a telephone line.

a. DSL modem c. DSL router
b. Ethernet card d. Ethernet hub

_____ 2. This is a standalone device that combines the function of a DSL modem and
a router.
a. DSL modem c. DSL router
b. Ethernet card d. Ethernet hub

_____ 3. This step is to unpack the DSL modem and then plug it into the nearest AC outlet
and then turn on the unit.
a. Install the Filters c. Connect the Modem to Your PC
b. Connect the Modem d. Connect the computer

_____ 4.It is used by the filters to be installed into the phone outlets in your home that are
not providing your DSL Internet connection.
a. Install the Filters c. Connect the Modem to Your PC
b. Connect the Modem d. Connect the computer

_____ 5. This step allows to use an Ethernet cable to connect the DSL modem to your PC
a. Install the Filters c. Connect the Modem to Your PC
b. Connect the Modem d. Connect the computer

_____ 6. It provides you to use your telephone and the Internet simultaneously and without
a. Modem c. AC Outlet
b. Ethernet Cable d. Filter

_____ 7. This is a typically blue cable that you use to connect to the Ethernet port on your
PC and contains an Ethernet connection at both ends of the cable.
a. Modem c. AC Outlet
b. Ethernet Cable d. Filter

_____ 8. It is used to plug this device into the telephone outlet that does not have a filter
. a. Modem c. AC Outlet
b. Ethernet hub d. Filter

_____ 9. If you also want to set up a local area network, you'd need this kind of device to
connect the other PCs to the network.
a. Modem c. AC Outlet
b. Ethernet hub d. Filter

_____ 10. This kind of device is used to carries both voice signals and DSL data.
a. DSL modem c. RJ-45 jack
b. Nat router d. Telephone line

_____ 11. It is a device with 10Base-T port looks like a large phone jack.
a. DSL modem c. RJ-45 jack
b. Nat router d. Telephone line

_____ 12. It is used for a small home network, which contain a 4- or 8-port.
a. Modem c. AC Outlet
b. Ethernet hub d. Filter

_____ 13. This kind of device contain with two 10Base-T Ethernet ports.
a. Cable modem c. RJ-45 jack
b. Nat router d. Telephone line

______14. It is the heart of Internet access over the cable TV network.

a. Cable modem c. RJ-45 jack
b. Nat router d. Telephone line

______ 15. It is used to provides a fast and reliable Internet connection that makes
downloading and using the Internet a breeze.
a. Data Subscriber Line c. Digital Subscriber Line
b. Digital Subnet Line d. Data Subscriber Lane

What’s In

Directions: Read the statement carefully and enter the password by decoding it using the given
table of the alphabet with corresponding numbers. Write the correct answer on a separate
sheet of paper.

It is a device used to connect a computer or router to a telephone line which provides

the digital subscriber line service for connection to the Internet.

__ __ __ __ __ __ __
4 9 7 9 20 1 12
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
19 21 2 19 3 18 9 2 5 18
__ __ __ __
12 9 14 5

17 23 5 18 20 25 21 9 15 16

1 19 4 6 7 8 10 11 12

26 24 3 22 4 14 13

What’s New

Directions: Search and list down five (10) words associated with the different devices and
materials used in installation of DSL modem from word search puzzle below. Words appear
straight across, backward straight across, up and down and diagonally. Write your answer on
a separate sheet of paper.

Loop a Word!


1._________________________ 6. _________________________

2._________________________ 7. _________________________

3._________________________ 8. _________________________

4._________________________ 9. _________________________

5. _________________________ 10. ________________________

There are many different types of connection media that are used in
contemporary society to connect computer networks to one another. In terms
of wired connections, there is coaxial cable, fiber-optic cable, USB cable and
traditional telephone lines. These are the most common network connections.
Wireless technologies differ hugely from one another, but the most popular
kinds are Bluetooth and WiFi.

What is It

A digital subscriber line (DSL) modem is a device used to connect

a computer or router to a telephone line which provides the digital subscriber
line service for connection to the Internet, which is often called DSL broadband.
The term DSL modem is technically used to describe a modem which connects to a
single computer, through an Ethernet port, USB port, or is installed in a computer PCI
slot. The most common DSL router is a standalone device that combines the function
of a DSL modem and a router, and can connect multiple computers through
multiple Ethernet ports or an integral wireless access point. Also called a residential
gateway, a DSL router usually manages the connection and sharing of the DSL
service in a home or small office network.

Setting Up a DSL Connection

A DSL modem provides you with high speed Internet connectivity by connecting your PC
with your phone lines which enables both services to be used simultaneously without
interfering with one another. You may have obtained a DSL modem through your Internet
Service Provider or you can choose to purchase one from an electronics store in your local
area or online. Below are the procedures in Setting Up a DSL Connection.

1. Install the Filters

There are filters that are necessary to install which may be included with your DSL modem
or you may be required to purchase them separately. The filters should be installed into
the phone outlets in your home that are not providing your DSL Internet connection. The
filters allow you to use your telephone and the Internet simultaneously and without

2. Connect the Modem

Unpack the DSL modem and then plug it into the nearest AC outlet and then turn on the
unit. Plug the modem into the telephone outlet that does not have a filter installed.

3. Connect the Modem to Your PC

Use an Ethernet cable to connect the DSL modem to your PC. This is typically a blue
cable that you use to connect to the Ethernet port on your PC and contains an Ethernet
connection at both ends of the cable.

With a DSL Internet connection you will be provided a modem. Additionally you will need
a regular telephone cable, an Ethernet cable and a telephone jack where the DSL signal is
available. General steps for connecting a modem are:

Step 1. Connect a regular telephone cable from the telephone jack to the modem. Usually
the modem's port will say "DSL" for this connection.

Components of DSL connection

Step 2. Plug the modem's power cable from a power outlet to the modem. The modem will
begin it's boot up process. Most modems will have a DSL (or DSL-link) light. That light
should blink as the modem is trying to connect and then go solid.

Step 3. Connect an Ethernet cord from the modem to your computer or router. Your
computer or router should automatically establish the connection and get online.

These are the basic steps you should follow prior to configuring the DSL modem to
provide high speed Internet connectivity. It is also important to note that the setup process
we have described here is basically the common method used for all types of DSL modems
across the board. You may have a modem that contains a firewall that is included with the
unit which will need to be setup as well.

To get DSL for your home or business, you have to contact a DSL provider. In addition
to your phone company, there are many other DSL providers. No matter who provides the
DSL service, some work has to be done at your central office-the place where your phone
lines connect to the rest of the phone network. The work involves connecting your phone line
to equipment that can work with the DSL modem at your home or office. The central office
equipment and the DSL modem at your location can then do whatever magic is needed to
send and receive digital data over your phone line. Because of the need to set up your line at
the central office, it takes some time after you place an order to get your line ready for DSL.

If DSL is available, you can look for the types of service-ADSL versus SDSL-and the
pricing. The price depends on the download and upload speeds you want. Sometimes phone
companies offer a simple residential DSL that's basically the G.lite form of ADSL with
1,500/128 speed rating-meaning that you can download at 1,500 Kbps and upload at 128
Kbps. After selecting the type of DSL service and provider, you can place an order and have
the provider install the necessary equipment at your home or office.

Figure 13-2 shows a sample connection diagram for typical residential DSL.

Here are some key points to note in Figure 13-2:

• Connect your DSL modem's data connection to the phone jack on a wall plate.
• Connect the DSL modem's Ethernet connection to the Ethernet card on your PC.
• When you connect other telephones or fax machines on the same phone line, install a
microfilter between the wall plate and each of these devices.
Because the same phone line carries both voice signals and DSL data, you need the
microfilters to protect the DSL data from possible interference. You can buy them at electronic
stores or from the DSL provider.
If you also want to set up a local area network, you'd need an Ethernet hub to connect the
other PCs to the network.

Figure 13-3 shows a typical setup the connects a LAN to the Internet through a NAT router
and a DSL modem.

Here are the points to note when setting up a connection like the one shown in Figure 13-3:
• You need a NAT router with two 10Base-T Ethernet ports (the 10Base-T port looks like
a large phone jack, also known as RJ-45 jack). Typically one Ethernet port is labeled
Internet (or External or WAN for Wide Area Network) and the other one is labeled Local
or LAN (for Local Area Network).
• You also need an Ethernet hub. For a small home network, you can buy a 4- or 8-port
Ethernet hub. Basically, you want a hub with as many ports as the number of PCs you
want to connect to your LAN.
• Connect the Ethernet port of the DSL modem to the Internet port of the NAT router
using a 10Base-T Ethernet cable (these look like phone wires with bigger RJ-45 jacks
and are often labeled Category 5 or Cat 5 wire).
• Connect the Local Ethernet port of the NAT router to one of the ports on the Ethernet
hub using a 10Base-T Ethernet cable.
• Now connect each of the PCs to the Ethernet hub. You must have an Ethernet card
installed in each PC.
You can also buy NAT router with built-in 4- or 8-port Ethernet hub. With combined router/hub,
you need only one box to set up a LAN and connect it to Internet with a DSL modem. These
boxes are typically sold under the name Cable/DSL router because they work with both DSL
and cable modem.

Connecting with Cable Modem

Cable TV companies also offer high-speed Internet access over the same coaxial
cable that carries television signals to your home. After the cable company installs the
necessary equipment at their facility to send and receive digital data over the coaxial cables,
customers can sign up for cable Internet service. You can then get high-speed Internet access
over the same cable that delivers cable TV signals to your home.
Understanding How a Cable Modem Works
A box called a cable modem is at the heart of Internet access over the cable TV
network. The cable modem takes digital data from your PC's Ethernet card and puts in an
unused block of frequency (think of it as another TV channel, but instead of pictures and
sound, this channel carries digital data).
The cable modem places upstream data-data that's being sent from your PC to the
Internet-in a different channel from that used for the downstream data that's coming from the
Internet to your PC. By design, the speed of downstream data transfers is much higher than
upstream transfers. The assumption is that people download far more stuff from the Internet
than they upload. Probably true for most of us.
DSL stands for Digital Subscriber Line and provides a fast and reliable Internet
connection that makes downloading and using the Internet a breeze. If you are considering
getting a DSL connection or you already have one and you are trying to tackle the setup, here
are a few pointers on how to setup and configure a DSL modem.

Configuring a DSL Modem

Performing a do-it-yourself configuration for a DSL modem is not a complicated task

although it is important to ensure that the process is done correctly to spare yourself a myriad
of headaches over the long term. Before you configure a DSL modem it is important to be
aware of the type of service you have.

For example, an ADSL service which stands for Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line
will offer slower upload speeds and faster downloads for applications from the Internet. DSL
means that both the download and upload speed are the same so chances are that you have
this type of Internet connectivity. Although there are different types of DSL modems here is
the typical method that is used to configure a DSL modem:

a. Unpack the CD: Your DSL modem will have a CD included with the unit so you
can perform the installation and configuration. Unpack the CD and then insert it
into the CD-ROM slot on your PC.

b. Installation and Configuration: Once you insert the CD in your CD-ROM it will
display prompts on your PC screen that will walk you through the process of
installing and configuring the DSL modem. The prompts will include a terms of
service agreement, activation of email addresses for your account, and
designation of the type of DSL software you will be using with the modem.

c. Enter Password: Once you are walked through the installation and configuration
process you will be prompted to enter your username and password. Once you
are logged in you simply wait a minute for the installation to complete and then you
can test the process by opening your browser. If the home page of your browser
appears this means the configuration is successful.

A Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) is capable of handling large amounts of data and
bandwidth intensive applications such as video and different types of data
applications. Under other circumstances this would cause congestion within a network
and slow down data transmission speeds .

What’s More

Digital Subscriber Line. It is a medium to provide internet access by transmitting

digital data through a phone line. In a DSL connection, you can use both the internet
and the telephone line simultaneously. This is primarily used in residences and small
businesses that require ease of access to both the internet and the phone lines.

Independent Activity 1

Fill me up before you go!

Directions: Complete the following statements below about the procedures in installing DSL
modem by choosing the appropriate word(s) inside the box. Write your answer on a separate
sheet of paper.

ethernet port DSL modem

filters ethernet card
DSL router telephone outlet
NAT router local area network
ethernet cable cable TV

1. Connect the __________ of the DSL modem to the Internet port of the NAT router.
2. _________ companies also offer high-speed Internet access over the same coaxial
cable that carries television signals to your home.
3. Connect your _____________ data connection to the phone jack on a wall plate.
4. If you also want to set up a ___________________, you'd need an Ethernet hub to
connect the other PCs to the network.
5. Connect the Modem to Your PC use an _____________ to connect the DSL modem
to your PC.
6. The _____________ should be installed into the phone outlets in your home that are
not providing your DSL Internet connection.
7. A _______________manages the connection and sharing of the DSL service in a
home or small office network.
8. Plug the modem into the ___________ that does not have a filter installed.
9. Connect the DSL modem's Ethernet connection to the _____________on your PC.
10. Connect the Local Ethernet port of the ________ to one of the ports on the Ethernet
hub using a 10Base-T Ethernet cable.

Independent Assessment 1:

Tell me the Truth!

Directions: Read the following sentences. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE
if it is not then, change the underlined word/s to make the statement correct. Write your
answer on a separate sheet of paper.

___________1. Unpack the CD and then insert it into the CD-ROM slot on your PC.
___________2. Once you remove the CD in your CD-ROM it will display prompts on your PC
screen that will walk you through the process of installing and configuring the
DSL modem.
___________3. DSL means that both the download and upload speed are the same so
chances are that you have this type of Internet connectivity.
___________4. Before you configure a DSL modem it is important to be aware of the type of
service you have.
___________5. The cable modem takes digital data from your PC's Ethernet card and puts
in an unused block of frequency.
___________6. The cable modem places upstream data that's being sent from your
Television to the Internet-in a different channel.
___________7. You can then get high-speed Internet access over the same cable that
delivers cable TV signals to your home.
___________8. Typically one Ethernet port is labeled Internet and the other one is labeled
Local or LAN.

___________9. When you connect other telephones or fax machines on the same phone line,
install a microfilter between the wall plate and each of these devices.

___________10. The work involves connecting your phone line to equipment that can work
with the DSL modem at your home or office.

Independent Activity 2:
Picture Me out!
A. Directions: Arrange the basic steps you should follow in Setting Up a DSL
Connection. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

Connect the Modem

Connect the Modem to Your


Install the Filters

B. Directions: Arrange the basic steps you should follow in Configuring the DSL modem
to provide high speed Internet connectivity. Write your answer on a separate sheet of

• Enter Password

•Unpack the CD

•Installation and Configuration


Independent Assessment 2:

It’s Jumbled Time!

Directions: Arrange the jumbled letters to form the correct name of devices based in the given
description. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

Devices Description

ELBAC MEMOD It is the heart of Internet access over the cable TV

LDS MEDOM A modem which connects to a single computer, through
an Ethernet port, USB port, or is installed in a computer
2.___________________ PCI slot.
TENERHET LEBAC A blue cable that you use to connect to the Ethernet port
on your PC and contains an Ethernet connection at both
3.___________________ ends of the cable.
TERSFORLITCIM It is used to protect the DSL data from possible

SLD RETOUR It manages the connection and sharing of the DSL service
in a home or small office network.

Independent Activity 3

Follow the Rules!

Directions: Identify the different components of a residential DSL connection. Put the
corresponding label on each device. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.


wall plate
telephone microfilter


1._________ _ 3._________



Independent Assessment 3

Who am I?

Directions: Read the following statements carefully and identify the tools and equipment being
described. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

Column A Column B

1. A. Telephone

2. B. Computer

3. C. Modem

4. D. Wall jack

5. E. Microfilter

What I Have Learned

Directions: Upon completing this module, summarize what you have learned
about the topic by completing the sentence below.

Through this module, summarize what you have learned

about the topic by completing the sentence below.
. ______________________________________________

. ______________________________________________

What I Can Do

Directions: Illustrate inside the box a diagram for typical residential DSL connection.
Draw the illustration in an Oslo paper.


Creativity 50%

Originality 30%

Visual Impact 20%

TOTAL 100%

Directions: Read the following statements carefully and write your answer on a separate
sheet of paper.

_____ 1. What kind of device is used to carries both voice signals and DSL data?
a. DSL modem c. RJ-45 jack
b. Nat router d. Telephone line
_____ 2. If you also want to set up a local area network, you'd need this kind of device to
connect the other PCs to the network.
a. Modem c. AC Outlet
b. Ethernet hub d. Filter

_____ 3. Which material is used to plug this device into the telephone outlet that does not
have a filter installed.
. a. Modem c. AC Outlet
b. Ethernet hub d. Filter

______4. This is a typically blue cable that you use to connect to the Ethernet port on your
PC and contains an Ethernet connection at both ends of the cable.
a. Modem c. AC Outlet
b. Ethernet Cable d. Filter

______ 5. What kind of device is used to provides you to use your telephone and the Internet
simultaneously and without interference?
a. Modem c. AC Outlet
b. Ethernet Cable d. Filter

_____ 6. Which among the procedures is used by an Ethernet cable to connect the DSL
modem to your PC?
a. Install the Filters c. Connect the Modem to Your PC
b. Connect the Modem d. Connect the computer

_____ 7. Which of the following steps is used by the filters to be installed into the phone outlets
in your home that are not providing your DSL Internet connection?
a. Install the Filters c. Connect the Modem to Your PC
b. Connect the Modem d. Connect the computer

_____ 8. It is the procedure which used to unpack the DSL modem and then plug it into the
nearest AC outlet and then turn on the unit.
a. Install the Filters c. Connect the Modem to Your PC
b. Connect the Modem d. Connect the computer

_____9. Which type of standalone device combines the function of a DSL modem and a router?
a. DSL modem c. DSL router
b. Ethernet card d. Ethernet hub

_____ 10. What kind of device is used to connect a computer or router to a telephone line?
a. DSL modem c. DSL router
b. Ethernet card d. Ethernet hub

______ 11. It is used to provides a fast and reliable Internet connection that makes
downloading and using the Internet a breeze.
a. Data Subscriber Line c. Digital Subscriber Line
b. Digital Subnet Line d. Data Subscriber Lane

______12. Which of the following materials is considered as the heart of Internet access over
the cable TV network?
a. Cable modem c. RJ-45 jack
b. Nat router d. Telephone line

_____ 13. What kind of device contain with two 10Base-T Ethernet ports.
a. Cable modem c. RJ-45 jack
b. Nat router d. Telephone line

_____ 14. Which device is used for a small home network, which contain a 4- or 8-port?
a. Modem c. AC Outlet
b. Ethernet hub d. Filter

_____ 15. It is a device with 10Base-T port looks like a large phone jack.
a. DSL modem c. RJ-45 jack
b. Nat router d. Telephone line

Additional Activities

Directions: Complete the crossword puzzle below based on the given functions of devices
used in installing DSL modem. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

What I Know Independent Assessment 1
References Independent Assessment 3
1. A 1. True 1. B
2. C 2. False (remove) 2. D
3. B 3. True 3. A
4. A 4. True 4. E
5. C 5. True 5. C
6. D 6. False (PC)
7. B 7. True
8. A 8. True
9. B 9. True
10. D 10. True
11. B
12. B
13. B
14. A
15. C
What’s In Independent Activity 2 What I Can Do
1. Digital 1. Install the filters 1. Answers may vary
Subscriber 2. Connect the modem
Line 3. Connect the modem to PC
What’s New B.
1. Unpack the CD
2. Installation configuration
3. Enter password .
Independent Assessment 2 Assessment
1. USB 1. Cable modem 1. D
2. Fiber Optic 2. DSL modem 2. B
3. Coaxial 3. Ethernet cable 3. A
4. Wifi 4. Microfilters 4. B
5. Bluetooth 5. DSL router 5. D
6. Telephone 6. C
7. Computer 7. A
8. Network 8. B
9. Cable 9. C
10. Router 10. A
11. C
What’s More 12. A
Independent Activity 1 Independent Activity 3 13. B
14. B
1. Ethernet port 1. Wall plate 15. B
2. Cable tv 2. DSL modem Additional Activity
3. DSL modem 3. Ethernet cable 1. Cablemodem
4. Local area network 4. Microfilter 2. ethernetcable
5. Ethernet cable 5. Telephone 3. cabletv
6. filters 6. Personal computer 4. natrouter
7. DSL router 5. ethernethub
8. Telephone outlet 6.filter
9. Ethernet card 7. DSLmodem
10. NAT router 8. DSLrouter
Answer Key
A. Books

K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum Technology and Livelihood Education Learning Module

Macapagal, Roberto S., Technology Competency Based Learning Material Philippine Long
Distance Telephone Company Technical Training Division, October 18, 2011

B. Electronic Sources

VK Repair.com, Tutorial and Reviews Accessed January 16, 2021, https://vkrepair.com/how-


Computer Hope, Computer Tools, Tools to have when working on a computer Accessed
January 18, 2021, https://www.computerhope.com/jargon/t/tools.htm

For inquiries or feedback, please write:

Department of Education, Schools Division of Bulacan

Curriculum Implementation Division
Learning Resource Management and Development System (LRMDS)
Capitol Compound, Guinhawa St., City of Malolos, Bulacan
Email Address: [email protected]


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