Holistic Point of View Partial Point of View

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The Heuristic theory of holistic perspective is about seeing and understanding not only
what is out there in the material world. We are also be aware in what is happening
inside ourselves and others - in our minds and bodies and how this relates to all around

> complete/well-rounded/all/entire perspective or understanding

partial perspective suggests that we only understand one

component part of the whole.


Looks at all aspects of the given → Looks only at a limited number of
problem or situation. aspects of the given problem or
→ All aspects are given importance situation.
when making conclusions. → Conclusions are made based on
→ All aspects are tied in together to considering some, but not all, sides of
form a general overview of the the problem or situation.
problem or situation. Example:
Example: A teacher scolded Student A after
A teacher listened first to both stories of Student
her two arguing students before making B accused him of stealing her pencil.
any conclusion about the issue. However, the teacher only listened to the
story of student B, and not Student A
before deciding to scold the student.

> Holism comes from the Greek word "holos" which literally means all, entire, totality.
> A partial point of view is a perspective that looks at reality based on a single or
partial component of a system

1. HP = they consider the different impacts on the environment

2. PPV = she considered only her beliefs
3. PPV = Juan didn’t look at the big picture, he only saw what he felt was true
4. PPV = She's speculating on something from an unidentified source, the news
could be fake.
5. HP = she chooses to reserve her judgment until she get all the facts regarding
what made those people act in that matter.
6. HP = she did not take sides
7. HP =
8. HP = they have done some research about the virus.
9. HP = facts. If you have read or studied all of the origins & functions of the organs,
you can see how each of them holds a big part of our lives.
10. PPV = the child only listened to herself/himself.
Holistic partial
> refers to a view that considers a larger > focuses on the specific aspects of the
scale of patterns in a system. problem
> sees the bigger picture > uncomprehensive/limited thinking
> examines all facets in a given situation > explore a small number of facets in the
given situation

Student 1 :I sincerely hope that DepEd reinstates face-to-face education. At school, I'd
want to meet up with my classmates and teachers. I'd like to join them for lunch. I'd like
to create new and exciting memories with them.

Student 2 I hope so, too, but because to the epidemic, DepEd is unable to begin face-
to-face sessions. Yes, there are some rules or processes to follow in order to avoid
becoming infected, but you never know when one of us may become unwell.

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