Activity: Philippine Brand Foreign Brand

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A.How Globalized is Your Home? Make an inventory of everything you find essential in
your home such as footwear, clothes, computers, cellphone, television, radio, washing
machine, cookware, etc. Organize your inventory into two types: First, things made in
the Philippines and Second, those that are foreign brands and list the countries of origin
of your foreign-brand items. Do the same in your kitchen, bathroom and living room.
Write your answers in your notebook.
 Based on the definition that I’ve read I can say that my home is very globalized,
from my kitchen, my living room and any part of my home is very globalized there
are many things that showing how my home is globalized especially in our
essentials, the following below are one of the example:
Whirpool Safeguard Mandaue foam LG Iwhitekorea Vivo
Oven Soap Bed Refrigerator Facial wash Y20 Cellphone
(south korea) (korea) (China)

Lagermania Sunsilk Uratex Stoneline Face republic Gucci

Gas range shampoo sofa Pan Moisturizer Bag
(Malaysia) (korea) (Canada)
Kaserole Cream silk Mse Ureka Dove Nike
Cooking pot conditioner shoes Oven toaster Soap Shoes
(china) (United state) (India)

B. View the 2 PPT presentations on the Introduction to Globalization and write your
insights gained from the content of the slides presentations. Put your responses in your
Notebook with the corresponding date you have written.
 I think while I read the presentation on the “Introduction to Globalization” I
understand what is globalization is, and there are many author’s that have their
definition on it. I learned the advantage of globalization and the disadvantage of
it. And it so important to study about globalization, especially the student like me
who are have interest in studying entrepreneur.
Instructions: Analyze each statement and answer what is asked for in the following
questions. Encode your responses in a long bond paper same Font & size and submit
them thru your Focal Person in your Class Folder.
 How would you define globalization from your understanding of your readings?
 Globalizations means it exchanges of human beings like goods, and services,
capital technologies or cultural practices. Globalization can be defined as
interconnectedness and interdependence of people and countries.

 What is the importance of studying globalization in your own terms?

 It is very important to study globalization because understanding the

contemporary international political economy is an essential part of being an
informed citizen. Understanding globalization is a very important part
of learning about our human involvement with the environment and society.
 Enumerate at least three of the most recent songs you know and tell where it
originated? Identify the nationality of the singer or the writer?
 Night Changes by One Direction – London, England
 Forevers Not Enough by Sarah Geronimo – Phillipines
 Uptown Girl by Weslife – Sligo,Ireland
 What gadgets do you usually use to listen to music? Where do these gadgets come
from or the company that produced that gadget?
 Cellphone VIVO Y20i by Vivo Communication Technology Co.
 Using a visual representation, tell something about the following item:
 Things I have Learned
1. What is Globalization.
2. What is the Advantage and Disadvantage of Globalization
3. What are the importance of studying Globalization.

 Things I have Realized and Appreciated

1. I realized how my home is very Globalized.
2. I appreciate that some point Globalization is very helpful in our lives.
3. I realized and appreciate the advantage of globalization.
 Things I have Discovered
1. I discovered that there is disadvantage in Globalization
2. When you studying Globalization you discovered how our world is globalized.
3. I discovered that someday I want to create my own company and our products
was sell on the other country.
Write an Essay with the topic: "Using Metaphors of What Globalization Mean to Me" It
must consist 150-250 words either in Filipino or English, encoded in long bond paper
with the usual font and size.

Globalization is like in your relatives suddenly starts coming to your house for dinner. At
first you have a big party and it’s a reunion in your house and when foods run out,
others bring awesome stuff to keep the party enjoying. Everybody has plenty to eat and
the music is incredible. Soon some of you relatives start spending the night with their
babies or kinds in weird places in your house and you discover one of your relatives is
building whole new apartment in your attic. One of your relatives expands your garden
and its awesome, Corn, and Wheat and Flowers everywhere, but another relatives tears
it all up to plant dope another relatives brings his cow into the living room and it shits
everywhere and you don’t recognized your own house and there are more and more
people who you are certainly are not your relatives trading weapons and trying to buy
your children off with video games and sell you other relatives children for gadgets.
There are new pipes and cables going through the house you didn’t see before and
somehow the asshole guy that used to live on the corner down the streets is some kind
of President and people in bizarre uniforms are carrying him around in a chair through
the kitchen and he’s telling everybody to give him their stuff as he gives out the
cigarettes and a woman in the back room smokes crack and some of your relatives start
a religion on the couch and still others start a school in a language you have never
heard before. Its all so exciting and crazy and you don’t know who’s anymore and you
long for the time when it was just your house but can’t reconcile that the fact that you’ve
got more money and speak more languages and have more opportunities than before
and its all is glorious, terrifying mess that inspire you either become a mercenary
assassin and you get stuck in indecision about which to choose without realizing how
insane the choice is.

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