Chapter 3 - Historical Antecedents in The Course of Science and Technology (Medieval and Modern Civilizations Philippine Inventions)

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Medieval/ Middle Ages

Printing Press – invented by Johann Gutenberg. Used fruit juices as ink, and metal impression of letters (negative) to
produce an impression on paper (positive).

Microscope – a device that could magnify things invisible to the naked eye. Zacharias Janssen invented the first
compound microscope.

Telescope – an optical instrument that helps in the observation of remote objects.

War Weapons – long range weapons like cannons, arrows, trebuchets and catapults. Defensive tools/infrastructure like armors,
chainmail, walls, fortresses and citadels.

Heavy Plough – gave the Europeans the ability to turn clay soils to arable land, increasing their food production. Led to an
agricultural revolution.
Paper Money – developed first by the Chinese. Used the concept of assigning value to a marked piece of paper in place of using
precious metals as currency.

Mechanical Clock – paved the way for a more accurate time-keeping. Changed the way people spent their days and
work patterns.

Spinning Wheel – a machine used for transforming fiber into thread or yarn, and eventually is woven into a cloth using a loom.
Increased the production of thread by a factor of 10 to 100 times.

Modern Times
Pasteurization – invented by Louis Pasteur. The process of heating dairy products to kill the harmful bacteria that
allow them to spoil faster.
Petroleum Refinery – Samuel M. Kier invented kerosene by refining petroleum. Producing different products from crude oil
through refining/ distilling.

Telephone – allowed for real-time communication using telephone wires via a switchboard. Invented by Alexander Graham Bell.

Calculator – allowed for the faster computation of complex equations.

Jacquard Loom – lessened the demand for labor while it also increased the complexity of designs of fabrics. Used punch cards to
mass produce fabrics with complex designs.

Engine-Powered Plane – by American brothers Orville and Wilbur Wright. The first engine-powered aircraft was launched in 1903,
and it spurred the age of powered flights.

Television – by John Logie Baird. A device capable of projecting images to a screen.

Philippine Inventions
Salamander Amphibious Tricycle - an amphibious tricycle that can run both land and on water.
SALt Lamp – invented by Aisa Mijeno. Sustainable Alternative Lighting (SALt) Lamp. The SALt Lamp is powered solely by brine
solution (water and salt). The next iteration of the SALt Lamp shall feature a USB port for mobile charging.

Medical Incubator – invented by Dr. Fe Del Mundo. Used two native laundry baskets heated by hot water bottles to allow
premature babies to further develop.

Mosquito Ovicidal/ Larvicidal Trap System - developed by DOST, this works by attracting female mosquitoes to lay eggs on the
paddle drenched with an organic solution. 

E-Jeepney – an innovation to the existing Filipino invention jeepneys. It uses electric motors instead of internal-
combustion engines to lessen pollution.
Erythromycin – an antibiotic out of a strain of Streptomyces erytheus developed by Abelardo Aguilar.

Mole Remover – developed by Rolando Dela Cruz. Used cashew extract to remove moles and warts from the skin without an

Banana Ketchup – by Maria Orosa. Due to a shortage in tomato supply due to the World War II, Orosa used mashed bananas,
vinegar, sugar, and spices to develop the banana ketchup. Red colorants were used to resemble the tomato ketchup color.

The devices, tools, and technologies given to us by the innovators of the Modern Age has revolutionized the way
people lived, and it has led to our current way of living - urbanized, modernized and fast-paced.

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