Social Agents and Its Impacts

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Early Childhood Elementary High School College

They are the ones who

Family They taught me good They guide me and
molded me, they teach They teach me how to
values and reminded me respect my decisions
me how to respect and be a responsible on my
  everyday to be a good specially on choosing my
to have proper study
person. career.
School They taught me about I develop my social
It builds my It helps me to be more
crucial social skills interactions by
characteristics and independent and
  through my interactions communicating with my
personality adaptable
with the educators. classmates.
It helps me engaged
We used to have class by I am more
myself on different kind
When I was a kid, I used using technology, it knowledgeable because
Media of technology and
to listen to different kind develops my skills in of media I can able to
develop my writing skill
  of drama and it makes computer and different communicate with my
in writing and
me more emotional. type of social media friends, family wherever
communicating by using
platform. they are.

1. Identify your social Agents and Its impact

2. Explain how significant social agents are in one’s self-development. Cite your points clearly.

- Social agents are very important in self-development because it is the one that help us
discover ourselves, it helps us how to socialize and understand each culture and
tradition by means of communicating with each other. Additionally, social agents really
help us develop our personality and most importantly gives us lesson which we can
bring to our lifetime.

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