1997 Mae Tharaw Hta Agreement

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wdkif;&if;om;vlrsdK;rsm; ESD;aESmzvS,fyGJ

u|Efkyfwdk@ wdkif;&if;om;vlrsdK;rsm;jzpf=uaom &cdkifwdkif;&if;om;/ csif;wdkif;&if;om;/ ucsifwdkif;&if;om;/ u&if

wkdif;&if;om;/ u&ifeDwdkif;&if;om;/ u,ef;wdkif;&if;om;/ rGefwdkif;&if;om;/ ytdk0f;wdkif;&if;om;/ yavmif
wdkif;&if;om;/ vm;[lwdkif;&if;om;/ &Srf;wdkif;&if;om;ESifh “0”wdkif;&if;om;acgif;aqmifrsm;onf tzGJ@tpnf;
ESifh vlrsdK;toD;oD;udk udk,fpm;jyK=uvsuf aumfol;avjynfe,f/ r,foa&mxmY 1997 ckESpf Zefe0g&Dv
(7)&ufae@rS (14) &ufae@txd usif;yaom ESD;aESmzvS,fyGJ}uD;wGif pHknDpGm wufa&mufcJh=uonf? txuf
azmfjycJhaom u|Efkyfwdk@wdkif;&if;om;vlrsdK;acgif;aqmif udk,fpm;vS,frsm;onf ESD;aESmzvS,fyGJ}uD;Y &if;ESD;
yGifhvif;pGm ta=utvnf aqG;aEG;n‡dE_dif;wdkifyif=u+yD;aemuf atmufygtcsufrsm;udk wnDw!Gwfwnf;

1? EdkifiHa&;&nfrSef;csufqdkif&m oabmwlnDcsuf
(u) ppftm%m&Sipf epfzsufodrf;+yD;/ jynfwGif;+idrf;csrf;a&;wnfaqmuf&ef/
(c) 'Drdkua&pDEdkifiHa&;pepf usifhoHk;&ef/
(*) vlrsKd;wdkif;wef;wla&;ESifh udk,fydkifjyXmef;cGifh tcGifhta&;&&Sd&ef/
(C) zuf'&,fjynfaxmifpk}uD; wnfaqmuf&ef wdk@jzpfonf?

2? e0wtrsdK;om;nDvmcHESifhywfoufaom oabmwlnDcsuf
vuf&Sd e0w OD;pD;usif;yaeqJjzpfaom twkta,miftrsdK;om;nDvmcHonf ppftm%m&Sifpepf
qufvufwnf+rJa&;twGufjzpfonf? wdkif;&if;om;vlrsdK;rsm;twGuf tcGifhta&; vHk;0&Edkifrnfr[kwf
onfhtwGuf‚if;/ e0wtrsdK;om;nDvmcHudk u|Ekfyfwdk@wdkif;&if;om;vlrsdK;rsm; ESD;aESmzvS,fyGJ}uD;u
“vHk;0”todtrSwfrjyKa=umif;ESifh ‚if;nDvmcHudk qef@usifwkdufyGJ0ifoGm;=u&efoabmwl=uonf?

3? oHk;yGifhqdkifaqG;aEG;yGJESifhywfoufaom oabmwlnDcsuf
ukvor*~ESifh EkdifiHwumtzGJ@tpnf;rsm;rS qHk;jzwfaxmufcHxm;onfomru 'Drkdua&pDacgif;aqmif
a':atmifqef;pk=unfuvnf; oabmwlxm;aom oHk;yGifhqdkifawG@qHkaqG;aEG;yGJudk u|Efkyfwdk@wdkif;&if;om;
vlrsdK;rsm; ESD;aESmzvS,fyGJ}uD;u oabmwlvufcHonf? xdkoHk;yGifhqdkifaqG;aEG;yGJwGif r'w. (UNLD)
(NDF) ESifh tjcm;wdkif;&if;om;vlrsdK;rsm;yg0ifaom tiftm;pk/ a':atmifqef;pk=unf OD;aqmifaom
'Drdkua&pDtiftm;pkESifh e0wppftkyfpk tiftm;pk/ oHk;pkwdk@yg0ifap&rnf?

4? zuf'&,fjynfaxmifpkESifhywfoufaom oabmwlnDcsuf
trsdK;om;wef;wla&;ESifh udk,fydkifjyXmef;cGifh tcGifhta&; tjynfht0&Sd+yD; trsdK;om;jynfe,frsm; pkaygif;
yg0ifzGJ@pnf;xm;onfh ppfrSefaom zuf'&,fjynfaxmifpkwnfaqmufa&;twGuf u|Ekfyfwdk@ wdkif;&if;om;
vlrsdK;rsm; ESD;aESmzvS,fyGJ}uD;u wnDw!Gwfwnf; oabmwl=uygonf?

5? pD;yGm;a&;rl0g'ESifh ywfoufaom oabmwlnDcsuf

pD;yGm;a&;rl0g'ESifhywfoufI aps;uGufpD;yGm;a&;pepf usifhoHk;&efESifh EdkifiHjcm;&if;ESD;jr‡yfESHr_udk zdwfac:oGm;
&ef u|Ekfyfwdk@ wdkif;&if;om;vlrsdK;rsm; ESD;aESmzvS,fyGJ}uD;u oabmwlonf?
odk@aomf e0w tkyfcsKyfaepOfumvtwGif; EdkfifiHjcm;&if;ESD;jr‡yfESHr_rsm; jyKvkyfaejcif;onf ppftm%m&Sif
pepfESifh ppftkyfpk. tusdK;pD;yGm;udkom jzpfap+yD; wdkif;&if;om;vlrsdK;pkjynfolrsm;tzdk@ tusdK;vHk;0r&Sd
onfhtjyif zdESdyfcsKyfcs,fr_'%fudk ydkrdkcHpm;vm&onfhtwGuf e0wppftkyfpkESifh yl;wGJvkyfaqmifaom
&if;ESD;jr‡yfESHr_tygt0if pD;yGm;a&;vkyfief;tm;vHk;udk u|Efkyfwdk@wdkif;&if;om;vlrsdK;rsm; ESD;aESmzvS,fyGJ}uD;u
tjyif;txef uef@uGuo f nf?

6? rl;,pfaq;0g;ESifhywfoufaom oabmwlncD suf

rl;,pfaq;0g;pdkufysdK;xkwfvkyfa&mif;csr_tygt0if vkyfief;tm;vHk; qef@usifwdkufzsuf&ef tjynfjynf
qdkif&m rl;,pfaq;0g;wdkufzsufa&;tzGJ@ESifh yl;aygif;aqmif&GufoGm;rnfjzpfa=umif;/ u|Ekfyfwdk@ wdkif;&if;om;
vlrsdK;rsm; ESD;aESmzvS,fyGJ}uD;u wnDw!Gwfwnf; oabmwlonf?

7? 'Drdkua&pDtiftm;pkrsm;ESifh ywfoufaom oabmwlnDcsuf

e0wppftyk fpkjyKwfusa&;ESifh tm%m&SifpepfcsKyf+idrf;a&;twGuf EkdifiHa&;wdkufyGJ/ oHwrefwdkufyGJ/ vlxk
wdkufyGJtygt0if bufaygif;pHk wkd;jr‡ifhwkdufyGJ0ifoGm;&ef u|Ekfyfwdk@ wdkif;&if;om;ESD;aESmzvS,fyGJ}uD;u
oabmwlonf? xdkodk@wdkufyGJ0if&mwGif a':atmifqef;pk=unfO;D aqmifaom 'Drkdua&tiftm;pkrsm;ESifh
wef;wl&nfwlvufwGJI trsdK;om;tcGifhta&;twGufvnf;aumif;/ 'Drdkua&pDtcGifhta&;twGuf
vnf;aumif;/ w®yifeufwnf; pnf;vHk;nD!GwfpGm wdkufyGJ0ifomG ;=u&efudkvnf; u|Efkyfwdk@wdkif;&if;om;
vlrsdK;rsm; ESD;aESmzvS,fyGJ}uD;u wnDw!Gwfwnf; oabmwl=uonf?

8? ASEAN ESifhywfoufaom oabmwlnDcsuf

e0wtkyfcsKyfaeaomumvtwGif; jrefrmjynftm; ASEAN tzGJ@0iftjzpf vufcjH cif;udk twwfEdkifqHk;
qdkif;iHhxm;ay;yg&ef ASEAN odk@ yef=um;v$may;ydk@oGm;&ef wdkif;&if;om;vlrsdK;rsm; ESD;aESmzvS,fyGJ}uD;u

9? wyfaygif;pkESifhywfoufaom oabmwlnDcsuf
wdkif;&if;om;vlrsdK;rsm;. jynfvHk;qdkif&m wyfOD;tzGJ@tpnf;jzpfaom trsdK;om;'Drkdua&pD wyfaygif;pk
EdkifiHa&;/ppfa&;/ pnf;±Hk;a&; ponfwdk@udk ydkrdkcdkifrmvmatmif 0dkif;0ef;yHhydk;wnfaqmuf=u&ef u|Efkyfwdk@
wdkif;&if;om;vlrsdK;rsm; ESD;aESmzvS,fyGJ}uD;u wnDw!Gwfwnf; oabmwl=uonf?

10? jyefvnfqHkpnf;=u&ef oabmwlncD suf

r,foa&mxm ESD;aESmzvS,fyGJ}uD;. &vm'frsm;udk qufvufxdef;odrf; taumiftxnfazmfoGm;&efESifh
tenf;qHk;wpfESpfv#if wpf}udrf/ pHkpHknDnDqHkpnf;=u&ef u|Ekfyfwdk@wdkif;&if;om;vlrsdK;rsm; ESD;aESmzvS,fyGJ}uD;
u wnDw!Gwfwnf; oabmwl=uonf?

1? AdkvfcsKyfatmifoef;av;
u&ifeDtrsdK;om;wdk;wufa&;ygwD (KNPP)
2? AdkvfrSL;}uD;cGefOuUm
ytdk0f;jynfo@l vGwfajrmufa&;tzGJ@ (PPLO)
3? AdkvfrSL;}uD;r[mqef;
“0”trsdK;om;tzGJ@csKyf (WNO)
4? AdkvfrSL;}uD;pdkif;aygif;
“0”jynfe,faoG;pnf;nD!Gwfa&;ygwD (UWSP)
5? rdkiftdkufzkef;
yavmifjynfe,fvw G af jrmufa&;wyfO;D (PSLF)
6? AdkvfrSL;}uD;aZmfqdkif;
ucsifjynfvGwfvyfa&;tzGJ@ (KIO)
7? cdkifjrwfausmf
&cdkfifjynfvHk;qdkif&mausmif;om;ESifhvli,frsm;tpnf;t±Hk; (AASYC)
8? bD=umtl;
vm;[l'Drdku&ufwpfwyfOD; (LDF)
9? Edkif[Hom
rGefjynfopfygwD (NMSP)
10? cdkifpdk;Edkifatmif
&cdkifjynfvGwfajrmufa&;ygwD (ALP)
11? cGefem;±k
u,ef;jynfopfygwD (KNLP)
12? p0ftw G af u;qD
nD!Gwfaom&Srf;jynfawmfvSefa&;wyfrawmf (SURA)
13? qvdkif;a&$cg;
csif;trsdK;om;wyfOD; (CNF)
14? cGe[f rk f
&Srf;trsdK;om;'Drdku&ufwpftpnf;t±Hk; (SDU)
15? AdkvfcsKyf}uD;apmbkdjr
u&iftrsdK;om;tpnf;t±Hk; (KNU)
16? wOD;csif;udk,fpm;vS,frsm;
(1) p0fZefa,mifa0 (2) aemfvDZmbifqif (3) cGef;rm&fudkbef;
(Mae Tha Raw Hta)
Mae Tha Raw Hta Agreement

We, leaders of Arakanese, Chin, Kachin, Karen Karenni, Mon, Pa-O, Palaung, Lahu,
Shan and Wa ethnic nationalities, representing the various organizations as well as
the nationalities, attended the seminar held from January 7 to 14, 1997 at Mae Tha
Raw Hta in Kawthoolei.

We, leaders of nationalities mentioned above, after frank and cordial discussions in
depth, have agreed upon the following terms.
1. Agreement relating to Political Aims
(a) To dismantle the military dictatorship and establish peace in the country;
(b) To practice the democratic political system;
(c) To achieve the rights of equality and self-determination for each and every
(d) To establish a federal union.

2. Agreement Concerning the SLORC’s National Convention

The sham National Convention being held by the SLORC, presently, is for the
perpetuation of military dictatorship. Since absolutely no rights will be gained for
the ethnic nationalities, we, the Ethnic Nationalities Seminar, do not in any way
recognize the SLORC’s National Convention and agree to oppose it.

3. Agreement Regarding Tri-partite Dialogue

We, the Ethnic Nationalities Seminar, accept the tri-partite dialogue agreed to by
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, and called for by the resolutions of the UN and
international organizations. The tri-partite dialogue must include three forces,
namely the force composed of the National Democratic Front (NDF), Union
Nationalities League for Democracy (UNLD), Peace and Democratic Front (PDF)
and other ethnic nationalities, the Pro-democracy forces led by Daw Aung San
Suu Kyi, and the SLORC military clique.

4. Agreement Relating to Federal Union

We, the Ethnic Nationalities Seminar, unanimously agree to establish a genuine
federal union composed of national states having the full rights of national
equality and self-determination.

5. Agreement Relating to Economic Policy

Regarding the economic policy, we, the Ethnic Nationalities Seminar, agree to
practice a market economic system and invite foreign investments. However, as
foreign investments, at present, are benefiting the SLORC military dictatorship
only and increasing its oppressive power, we strongly object to them.

6. Agreement Relating to Narcotic Drugs

We, the Ethnic Nationalities Seminar, unanimously agree to cooperate with
international narcotic drug eradication organizations for the eradication of the
entire business of narcotic drugs, including cultivation, production and

7. Agreement Regarding Pro-democracy Forces

We, the Ethnic Nationalities Seminar, agree to raise the fight, on all sides, in the
fields of politics, diplomacy and people’s action, for the dismantling of the SLORC
military dictatorship. In this struggle, we agree also to join hands with pro-
democracy forces led by Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, and act unitedly and
simultaneously for the achievement of rights of the nationalities as well as
democratic rights. Moreover, we acknowledge the National League for
Democracy (NLD) led by Daw Aung San Suu Kyi as the winner of 1990 general
election an accordance with the true will of the people and democratic process,
we fully support all acts of opposition against the SLORC, by it.

8. Agreement Relating to ASEAN

We, the Ethnic Nationalities Seminar, agree to send letters to ASEAN, requesting
it to delay, indefinitely, acceptance of Burma under the SLORC, as a member of
the organization.

9. Agreement Relating to Alliance

We, the Ethnic Nationalities Seminar, agree unanimously to help the National
Democratic Front (NDF), the nation-wide alliance body of the ethnic nationalities,
into a politically, militarily and organization to be a more solid entity.

10. Agreement on Reunion

We, the Ethnic Nationalities Seminar, agree to maintain and implement the
results of the seminar and to have a reunion at least once a year.

1. (Gen. Aung Than Lay)Karen National Progressive Party
2. (Col. Khun Okker)Pa-O People’s Liberation Organization
3. (Col Maha Sean)Wa National Organization
4. (Col Sai Pao Sing)United Wa State Party
5. (Mai Aik Phone)Palaung State Liberation Front
6. (Col. Zau Seng)Kachin Independent Organization
7. (Khing Myat Kyaw)All Araken Students and youth congress
8. (B. Kya Oo)Lahu Democratic Front
9. (Nai Han Tha)New Mon State Party
10. (Khing Soe Naing Aung)Araken Liberation Party
11. (Khun Na Ruh)Kayan New Land Party
12. (Sao Oac Kesi)Shan United Revolutionary Army
13. (Slai Shwe Kha)Chin National Front
14. (Khun Home)Shan Democratic Union
15. (Gen Saw Bo Mya)Karen National Union
16. Individual Delegates
1. Chao-Tzang Yawnghwe 2. Naw Louish Benson 3. Khun Marko Ban

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