Marconi's History: Gian Carlo Corazza

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Marconi’s History


The roots of the future are in the past.

This paper remembers the main events of the history of radio,
events in which Guglielmo Marconi gave his fundamental contri-
bution to the development of the new system of communication.
This paper covers the period from the first transmission at
Villa Griffone, near Bologna (Italy), in 1895, to the transmission
across the Atlantic Ocean from Poldhu (Cornwall) to St. John’s
(Newfoundland) in 1901.
Keywords—History, radio communication.

Guglielmo Marconi was born in Bologna, Italy, on April

25, 1874. Therefore, he was only 21 years old when, in the
spring of 1895, at Villa Griffone in Pontecchio (Bologna),
he transmitted the first signal using a free propagating Fig. 1. Villa Griffone, Pontecchio Marconi, Italy.
electromagnetic wave as a carrier.
However, radio was not born in one day. Rather, it had
to go through a long labor, which ended in 1901, at Signal
Hill (St. John’s, Newfoundland), with the first transmission Once he had placed also the transmitter outside Villa
across the Atlantic Ocean. We can reasonably hypothesize Griffone, Marconi resumed his experiments until he had
that if the activity Marconi carried out between 1896 the stroke of genius of a great inventor. At the conference
and 1901 had not been successful, the 1895 experiments of Stockholm, when in 1909 he received the Nobel Prize,
would have only opened the way to plain radio telegraphy. he said:
In fact, as we will further discuss below, in 1895, the In August 1895 I hit upon a new arrangement which
instrumentation was not syntonic, and the ionosphere had not only greatly increased the distance over which
not been discovered yet. I could communicate but also seemed to make
As a consequence, the words “invention of radio” do not the transmission independent from the effects of
identify a single event but rather a whole period. intervening obstacles.
The scenery where the initial part of the history of radio This arrangement [Figs. 2 and 7] consisted in
communication took place is today known as Villa Griffone connecting one terminal of the Hertzian oscillator,
(Fig. 1), but in Marconi’s times it was called Il Griffone. or spark producer to earth and the other terminal to
The building, elegant and impressive, was actually a large a wire or capacity aerea placed at a height above
country mansion with a residential part, a stable, a barn, the ground and in also connecting at the receiving
and a granary where Marconi’s father reluctantly let him end [Figs. 3 and 6] one terminal of the coherer to
build the first laboratory, thanks to the insistent requests of earth and the other to an elevated conductor. [1]
his mother, Annie Jameson.
During the autumn–winter 1894–1895, Marconi worked The new system immediately proved extremely effective,
in his laboratory with the aim of putting into practice what either to increase the distance between the transmitter and
he had learned from the activity of other researchers. the receiver or “to overcome hills, mountains, large metallic
In the spring of 1895, Marconi opened the windows of obstacles intervening between the places where the link
the granary and brought the receiver outside the building, must be established.”
further and further away from the transmitter that was left Thanks to the new arrangement, the distance between
inside. the transmitter and receiver was progressively increased,
to the point that the inventor’s assistants finally found
Manuscript received June 18, 1997; revised March 4, 1998.
The author is with the University of Bologna, Bologna 9-40135 Italy. themselves at the upslope of the Celestini Hill (Fig. 4),
Publisher Item Identifier S 0018-9219(98)04467-3. situated about one mile from Villa Griffone. According to

0018–9219/98$10.00  1998 IEEE


The experiments which were made with the above
system on Salisbury Downs and which were con-
cluded on Friday last have to a very great extent
been successful ones and I am certain by now that
the system is likely to prove of considerable value
when further developed. In many respects the results
obtained were most remarkable. [2]
The tests of Salisbury were followed by a long series
of experiments and applications, which testify to the huge
amount of work that was necessary to achieve the complete
In May 1897, some messages were exchanged between
Lavernock Point and the Isle of Flatholm, in the Bristol
Channel, at a distance of nine miles.
In the same year, Marconi came back to Italy and carried
out some experiments in Rome and at La Spezia. In the
Gulf of La Spezia in particular, he obtained satisfactory
results up to a distance of 18 km on sea, between Cape s.
Bartolomeo and the battleship San Martino.
Fig. 2. Scheme of the transmitter used by Marconi at Villa
Griffone (1895). Assisted by the Wireless Telegraph and Signal Co., Ltd., a
company he had founded with a group of English financiers
in July 1897, Marconi began to build two telegraphic
stations, one at Alum Bay, in the Isle of Wight, and the other,
14 miles distant, at Bournemouth, in the village of Poole.
The same distance was also covered while transmitting
from the Isle of Wight to a steamboat. This last experiment
was evidence that bad weather conditions do not prevent
successful communications.
During May 1898, upon a request by the Lloyds, radio
transmissions took place between Ballycastle and the isle
of Rathlin.
On July 1898, aboard the boat Flying Huntress, Marconi
followed the Kingstown regatta for the Daily Express
of Dublin, and he sent messages that were afterwards
published in the evening edition of the newspaper. A
connection was also established between the boat Osborne
and Osborne House, in the Isle of White, to permit Queen
Victoria to communicate with her son, the Prince of Wales.
In the last case, about 1000 messages were transmitted in
a satisfactory way, and Marconi commented:
Fig. 3. Scheme of the receiver used by Marconi at Villa Griffone I consider the results of this service particularly
interesting, because many people doubted the possi-
bility of establishing regular radiotelegraphic com-
what was reported in an interview published in 1897 by munications over long stripes of land. [3]
English journalist H. J. W. Dam, Marconi declared that The ease of use and the reliability of the apparatus were
in September 1895, one of his receivers, which had been again underlined in the connection between the lightship
placed on the other side of the hill, reacted to the signals East Goodwin (Fig. 5)—moored 12 miles off the lighthouse
transmitted from Villa Griffone. of South Foreland—and the lighthouse itself. On March
During 1896, Marconi moved to Great Britain, where on 3, 1899, the East Goodwin accidentally collided with a
June 2, he filed a patent entitled “Improvements in Trans- steamboat that was sailing in fog, and the S.O.S. message
mitting Electrical Impulses and Signals, and in Apparatus received at South Foreland allowed the rescue of the entire
Thereof.” crew.
The first practical demonstrations took place in London, A regular radio-telegraphic service between England and
in summer 1896, and in September of the same year in the France was opened on March 27, 1899, between the station
plain of Salisbury. The technical report that H. R. Kempe installed in the lighthouse of South Foreland and the station
of the Engineer in Chiefs Office sent to the General Post of Chalet l’Artois, at Wimereux, not far from Boulogne,
Office on the Marconi system reads: where Marconi’s parents had married.


Fig. 4. View from the rear of Villa Griffone, toward the west. Celestini Hill is on the left.

Fig. 6. The first receiver.

apparatus within what I’ll call the sphere of their

influence, a great limit was set to the practical use
of the system.
Using simple wires, placed vertically, connected
directly to the coherer and to the spark gap of
Fig. 5. The lightship East Goodwin.
receiver and transmitter, as I used to do before 1898,
it was not possible to get any satisfactory syntony.
Other tests were carried out in 1899: a service for two The new tuning methods which I adopted in 1898
American journals, on the occasion of the America’s Cup [Fig. 6] consisted in the connection of the receiving
regatta; and a transmission between two ships of the U.S. aerial to the ground instead of connecting it to
fleet—the New York and the Massachusetts. the coherer, and in introducing a suitable form of
Finally, in 1900, Marconi managed to accomplish mul- oscillations transformer coupled with a condenser;
tiple transmission on a single apparatus by exploiting the in this way I had built a tuned resonator which better
phenomenon of syntony or tuning and he had, once again, answered to the waves emitted by an aerial of a
a stroke of genius. determined length. [4]
The text of the conference Marconi held at the Society Soon, also the transmitter was changed (Fig. 7), until its
of Arts on May 15, 1901, reads: configuration became very similar to the receiver previ-
I now wish to describe further improvements ously described, and the whole system—transmitter and
I carried out, regarding in particular the results I receiver—became syntonic.
obtained while tuning or syntonizing the apparatus. At the Nobel Prize conference in Stockholm, Marconi
As long as it was possible to operate only two affirmed:


Fig. 8. View of Signal Hill from the sea.

the earth’s curvature would not constitute an insur-

mountable barrier to the extension of Telegraphy
through space.
The belief that the curvature of the earth would
not stop the propagation of the waves, and the
success obtained by syntonic methods in preventing
mutual interference led me in 1900 to decide to
attempt the experiment of testing whether or not
it would be possible to detect electric waves over
a distance of 4000 kilometers, which, if successful,
would have immediately proved the possibility of
telegraphing without wires between Europe and
Today we know about the existence of the ionosphere
and the fundamental role it had in the Transatlantic trans-
Fig. 7. The first transmitter. mission, but in 1901 it was completely unknown. All the
analyses carried out by electromagnetic field experts of the
time, based on an incomplete propagation model, resulted in
In 1900 I constructed and patented (it is the patent the impossibility of the closure of such an extremely long
N. 7777 issued on 26 April) transmitters which link. If Marconi had not been a strong-minded man and
consisted of the usual kind of elevated capacity an ingenious experimenter, he would have probably quit
aerea and earth connection, but this was induc- the challenge and would not have discovered the physical
tively coupled to an oscillation circuit containing phenomenon of the ionosphere. But how much struggle and
a condenser, an inductance and a spark gap, the hard work to reach the final results.
conditions which I found essential for efficiency First, Marconi and his staff built up the transmitter station
being that the periods of electrical oscillation of in Poldhu (Cornwall), with about 15 kW of power for a
the elevated wire or conductor should be in tune nominal wavelength of 1800 m. It must be noted, however,
or resonance with that of the condenser circuit. that this transmitter had a large spurious harmonic content;
At the end of 1900, Marconi was ready to look at the therefore, Marconi was certainly using also wavelengths
most ambitious goal, and the reading of the conference of shorter than 1800 m.
Stockholm becomes fascinating. Here are his words. The receiver was in St. John’s, Newfoundland, at a
distance from Poldhu of 3684 km on top of a hill baptized
In January 1901 some successful experiments were with the prophetic name Signal Hill (Fig. 8) because it was
carried out between two points on the South Coast used for flag signaling to the ships. During the historic days
of England 186 miles apart, i.e., St. Caterine’s Point of the experiment, a blustering wind prevented the use of
(Isle of Wight), and The Lizard in Cornwall. balloons to hold the receiving antenna wire vertical. At the
The total height of these stations above the sea end, Marconi decided to use a kite (Fig. 9) that soared,
level did not exceed 100 meters, whereas to clear tied to a copper wire 120 m long, which was actually the
the curvature of the earth a height of more than 1600 antenna. The receiving apparatus was again nonsyntonic
meters at each end would have been necessary. and used as a detector a “mercury-drop” or “Italian Navy
The results obtained from these tests seemed coherer” and earphones in order to increase sensitivity.
to indicate that electric waves produced in the On December 12, 1901, around 30 minutes past noon,
manner I had adopted, would most probably be able three weak but detectable signals transmitted from Poldhu
to make their way round the curvature of the earth, reached Marconi’s ears (Fig. 10). He handed the earphones
and that therefore even at great distances, such as to his trusted assistant Kemp to have a confirmation of
those dividing America from Europe, the factor of what he had heard, asking him: “Can you hear anything,


Fig. 9. Marconi (left) and his assistants at Signal Hill (1901).

Fig. 10. The agenda where Marconi wrote he received a signal at 12:30, 1:10, and 2:20 on
December 12, 1901.

Mr. Kemp?” The positive answer to this simple question [4] , presented at the Society of Arts Conf., London, UK,
started the age of Marconi’s heritage, the age of radio, the May 15, 1907.
age of wireless communications.

Gian Carlo Corazza (Life Associate Member,

REFERENCES IEEE) received the industrial engineering degree
from the University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy,
[1] G. Marconi, “Original Manuskriptet Marconis Nobelpris- in 1951.
Föredrag,” Hallet Inför Kungl. Svenska Vetenskapsakademien, He joined the Istituto Superiore P.T., Rome,
den Dec. 11, 1909. Italy, in 1953. He currently is Professor
[2] H. R. Kempe, “Cooperation of department with Mr. Marconi, of electromagnetic fields at the University
experiments on Salisbury Downs,” General Post Office, Lon- of Bologna. He is a past President of the
don, UK, September 1896. Fondazione Guglielmo Marconi of Pontecchio
[3] G. Marconi, presented at the Institution of Electrical Engineer- Marconi, Italy.
ing Conf., London, UK, Mar. 2, 1899.


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