1. oxidation loss of electrons, positive charge atoms 16. cathodic -shielding issues
(anode) protection -attenuation
limitations -interference
2. reduction gain of electrons, negative charged atoms
-excessive current density
-contact with other metals (shorts)
3. forms of uniform, crevice, galvanic (dissimilar metals)
17. measurement true voltage reading
corrosion if two metals have to be couple then best to
methods voltmeter reading
couple metals close together in the galvanic
% error calculations
series, pitting, intergranular, selective
effect of voltmeter resistance
leaching (dezincification, graphitization),
IR correction methods
velocity phenomena, environmental cracking
(corrosion fatigue, hydrogen embrittlement, 18. test stations allow electrical connection to structure for
SCC (Carbonates/bicarbonates) potential measurements and bonds.
Spans allow current and direction (IR drop).
4. High PH Low hydrogen, alkaline, easy polarization
inistall during construction
5. Low PH high hydrogen, acidic, harder to polarize
19. pH measure of acidity(hydrogen ion
6. High harder to polarize, work at the cathode only, concentration)
oxygen/High called cathodic depolarizers. high pH is alkaline
Hydrogen low pH is acid
concentration pH is a log function therefore each increase
7. factors A. anything that affects polarization. (temp. in pH is a factor of 10.
affecting etc...) 20. RECTIFIER - positive to anode
corrosion B. concentration cells (oxygen, temp, etc.) In -negative to structure
an oxygen concentration cell, what is the - AC suppy
anode? (i.e. the area with more or less -AC circuit breaker
oxygen?) In a metal ion cell, which area is -Transformer (increase or decrease voltage)
the anode (i.e. the area with the greater of -AC fuse
lower concentration)? -rectifier bridge - diodes change AC to DC
C. Anaerobic bacteria (MIC) Absence of -Voltmeter and Ammeter
oxygen, depolarizer -Surge Protection
8. polarization a. corrosion current reduces with polarization -Filters
b. polarization increases with CP current Esecondary = (Eprimary x Secondary turns) /
applied primary turns
c. Occurs at surface of both anode and 21. Reference the reference electrode should be placed as
cathode. electrode close to the structure as practical.
9. shielding a. shorted casings location (underground piping or tanks- over the center
b. proximity of other structures of the structure, multiple readings along the
c. reinforced concrete structure as required)
cylindrical, tubular
a. 0.850 A
a. two different structures acting as
b. 1.176 A
c. 2.802 A
b. the structure and a standard
d. 2.585 A
reference electrode
c. the structure and the anode
d. two different points on the
78. structure-to-electrolyte I, II, and IV only 81. If current being impressed on to a c. -950 mV
potentials can be used for structure is causing a potential gradient
which of the following of 50 mv per meter (average_ and the (-800 - 150) =
purpose(s)? reference electrode is 3 m from the =950
structure, what is the potential being
I. Confirm if a CP potential measured if the true potential at the
criterion is met structure is -800 mV?
II. Locate anodic areas on
non-cp pipelines a. -150 mV
III. determine resistivity of the b. -300 mV
soil c. -950 mV
IV. locate stray current d. +950 mV
79. which of these would clearly c.a structure-to-electrolyte 82. with proper instrumentation, a dual soil II, III, and IV
indicate that a tank is potential of -950 mv cse coupon can be used to predict which of only
isolated? with the electrode at the the following?
pipe and a tank-to-
a. a structure-to-electrolyte electrolyte potential of I. The potential of the pipe surface at the
potential of -950 mvcse with -800 mv cse with the location of the coupon
the electrode at the pipe and electrode at the pipe II. the polarized potential of a coating
a tank-to-electrolyte holiday of a given size at the location
potential of -800mv cse with III. The amount of polarization of a
the electrode at the tank coating holiday of a given size at the
b. a structure-to-electrolyte IV. The amount of CP current pick up on
potential of -950 mv cse with a coating holiday of a given size at the
the electrode at the pipe and location.
a tank-to-electrolyte
83. an electrolytic couple between a pipe C. allows CP
potential of -940 mv cse with
and a casing current to
the electrode at the tank
access the
A. shields CP current from the pipeline. pipeline
c.a structure-to-electrolyte
B. causes a high current demand due to
potential of -950 mv cse with
the casing.
the electrode at the pipe and
C. allows CP current to access the
a tank-to-electrolyte
potential of -800 mv cse with
D. causes corrosion on the outside of the
the electrode at the pipe
I. Legal Defense
II. Government regulations
III. Historical references
IV. Possible future ECDA assessment
113. It is safe to work behind the panel of a rectifier IV only 119. Personal protective equipment in all of the above
under which of the following conditions? plants includes which of the
I. When the rectifier breaker is off
II. When the rectifier breaker is off and locked I. Hard hats
out II. Safety shoes or boots
III. When the outside DC cables are III. Fire retardant coveralls
disconnected IV. Safety glasses
IV. when the outside AC disconnect is off and
120. Purpose of Transformer step up or step down
locked out.
AC supply voltage
114. A constant AC voltage-to-ground equal to or B. 15
121. If a transformer has no losses, E secondary= 115Vac x
in excess of which of the following is VoltsAC
what is the secondary voltage of a 100 / 400 = 28.75 Vac
considered to be hazardous?
transformer being supplied with
115 Vac that has 400 turns on the
A. 5 voltsAC
primary and 100 turns on the
B. 15 VoltsAC
secondary windings
C. 24 VoltsAC
D. 40 VoltsAC
Esecondary = (Eprimary x
115. When measuring a structure-to-electrolyte C. an AC Secondary Turns) / Primary Turns
potential, which of the following measurements voltage-
122. Three phase rectifiers available in Wye (3
should be taken first for safety? to-
diodes) or full-wave (6
diodes) with full-wave
A. A soil resisitivity measurement
B. The reference electrode contact resistance
C. an AC voltage-to-ground
D. The meter lead resistance
116. Hazardous materials include which of the all of the THAN SINGLE-PHASE
following? above UNITS, BUT THE
II. Caustics
123. Electrode used in reinforced manganese oxide
III. Acids
IV. Copper Sulfate
124. electrode used in seawater and Silver-silver chloride
117. Gases that either promote combustion or are C. anode
flammable can be produced at the and
structure 125. electrode used most frequently in calomel
A. anode only lab experiments
B. protected structure only 126. which part of the structure the most cathodic site
C. anode and structure polarizes first?
D. neither the anode or structure
127. current requirement DIRECTLY
118. Before working on a project you must know all of the proportional to
which of the following? above surface area