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1. oxidation loss of electrons, positive charge atoms 16. cathodic -shielding issues
(anode) protection -attenuation
limitations -interference
2. reduction gain of electrons, negative charged atoms
-excessive current density
-contact with other metals (shorts)
3. forms of uniform, crevice, galvanic (dissimilar metals)
17. measurement true voltage reading
corrosion if two metals have to be couple then best to
methods voltmeter reading
couple metals close together in the galvanic
% error calculations
series, pitting, intergranular, selective
effect of voltmeter resistance
leaching (dezincification, graphitization),
IR correction methods
velocity phenomena, environmental cracking
(corrosion fatigue, hydrogen embrittlement, 18. test stations allow electrical connection to structure for
SCC (Carbonates/bicarbonates) potential measurements and bonds.
Spans allow current and direction (IR drop).
4. High PH Low hydrogen, alkaline, easy polarization
inistall during construction
5. Low PH high hydrogen, acidic, harder to polarize
19. pH measure of acidity(hydrogen ion
6. High harder to polarize, work at the cathode only, concentration)
oxygen/High called cathodic depolarizers. high pH is alkaline
Hydrogen low pH is acid
concentration pH is a log function therefore each increase
7. factors A. anything that affects polarization. (temp. in pH is a factor of 10.
affecting etc...) 20. RECTIFIER - positive to anode
corrosion B. concentration cells (oxygen, temp, etc.) In -negative to structure
an oxygen concentration cell, what is the - AC suppy
anode? (i.e. the area with more or less -AC circuit breaker
oxygen?) In a metal ion cell, which area is -Transformer (increase or decrease voltage)
the anode (i.e. the area with the greater of -AC fuse
lower concentration)? -rectifier bridge - diodes change AC to DC
C. Anaerobic bacteria (MIC) Absence of -Voltmeter and Ammeter
oxygen, depolarizer -Surge Protection
8. polarization a. corrosion current reduces with polarization -Filters
b. polarization increases with CP current Esecondary = (Eprimary x Secondary turns) /
applied primary turns
c. Occurs at surface of both anode and 21. Reference the reference electrode should be placed as
cathode. electrode close to the structure as practical.
9. shielding a. shorted casings location (underground piping or tanks- over the center
b. proximity of other structures of the structure, multiple readings along the
c. reinforced concrete structure as required)

10. amphoteric corrode at low and high pH

internal surfaces of storage tanks, waterfront
and offshore structures (as close to the wall
11. on potential native + polarization + IR drop as possible)
12. polarized native + polarization 22. impressed impressed current- higher current, better
potential (off) current vs control
13. kirchoff's laws a. voltage (series circuits) sacrificial
b. current (parallel circuits) sacrificial- no power required, less
maintenance, easy to install, less land
14. faraday's law W=KIT
relates weight loss of metal in a corrosion
cell with time and current flow.
15. rate of directly proportional to current flow
23. AC capacitance, inductance, and resistance 29. current span current in a pipe can be measured by
considerations taking a voltage drop across a known
hazardous AC potential - 15 Vac length and either calibrating the
section in question or using resistance
Safe method of connecting ground0 cable from tables.
to ground then to pipe
unknown pipe size must be calibrated
arcing hazards by using I/ deltamV or R= V/I using 4
corrosion rates from AC (current density)
30. Sacrificial anode magnesium
switching or pulse rectifiers
24. Reference CuCuSO4- most common, (soil, fresh water)
cells cylindrical, bullet, ribbon, bracelet
AgAgCL - seawater
soil backfilled in gypsum, bentonite
Calomel- lab mixture to reduce contact resistance to
soil and to retain moisture
Hydrogen - standard (lab)
make sure to remove plastic shipping
zinc- stationary bag
25. Cathodic protect the cathode 31. small anode to higher corrosion penetration rate
Protection large cathode ratio
attempts to bring the cathode potential as
32. large anode to lower corrosion penetration rate
negative as the anode potential
small cathode ratio

NACE criteria- what are the exceptions? 33. 4 elements of a Anode

-high temperature corrosion cell Cathode
-bacteria Metallic Patch
-sulfides Electrolyte
-acid environments 34. Faraday's law metal lost due to current over time
-dissimilar metals calculates
26. Isolation confine protection to protected structure 35. the stability of a a saturated solution of the copper
Requirement thus limiting the current required for copper-copper ions.
protection. sulfate reference
electrode does not
use for stray current with care vary with
27. continuity bonds are necessary for continuity: 36. Which of the i, ii, iii only
requirement mechanical fittings (compression, bell & following are
spigot, rebar etc.) depolarizers?
28. Impressed graphite
Current i.Dissolved oxygen
Anodes cast iron (high silicon chromium) ii. increased
mixed metal oxides velocity
iii. bacteria action
scrap iron iv. current pickup
on the metal
conductive polymer

cylindrical, tubular

soil..... backfilled in coke breeze

37. polarization occurs C. at the 43. In a standard emf series of c. the potential is measured
anode and metals, which of the following with respect to a standard
a. at the anode surface only cathode is represented? hydrogen electrode
b. at the cathode surface only surfaces
c. at the anode and cathode surfaces a. the potential of a metal is
d. in the metallic path measured in a saturated
solution of copper-sulfate
38. Which of the following factors affect All of the
polarization? above
b. current is measured
between the most noble and
a. current
most active metals.
b. ion concentration
c. anode/cathode ratio
c. the potential is measured
d. temperature
with respect to a standard
39. Which of the following are types of i and ii hydrogen electrode.
d. the total number of
i. concentration electrons is determined.
ii. activation
44. if two different metals are b. the most positive
iii. temperature
connected together in an potential is the cathode
iv. velocity
electrolyte, the metal with
40. The measure of the electrochemical b. volts the
difference between two metals in an
electrolyte is which of the following? a. most negative potential is
the cathode
a. amps b. most positive potential is
b. volts the cathode
c. ohms c. positive potential will
d siemans corrode
41. the relationship between current and i and ii only d. highest valence is the
polarization is described by which of the anode.
following? 45. in a practical galvanic series d. the potential of metals in
of metals, which of the a common electrolyte
i. Corrosion cell current decreases with following is represented?
increased polarization.
a. the potential between two
ii. polarization increases with increased different metals in the series
current. is measured.

iii. current increases with increased b. the current is measured

polarization between two of the metals in
the series.
iv. polarization decreases with increased
current c. the electrolyte contains
42. a passivating material will exhibit which of ii, iii, and iv metal ions of that metal.
the following properties? only
d. the potential of metals in a
i. does not corrode at all common electrolyte
ii. corrosion increases as current increases 46. the nernst equation calculates the potential of a
initially metal in solutions of
iii. corrosion current decreases after a different metal ion
certain point. concentrations
iv. corrosion current increases beyond the
passive region
47. a corrosion cell can form d. a difference in salt 50. the cathodic protection criteria for all of the above
under which of the following concentration where the steel includes which of the
conditions? anode is at the highest ion following?
a. a difference in temperature I. a potential of -850 mVCSE or
where the higher temperature more negative with curent applied
is the cathode. after IR drop is considered

b. a difference in oxygen II. a polarized potential of

where the highest -850mVCSE or more negative
concentration of oxygen is at
the anode. III. polarization of 100 mV or
c. a difference in metals
where the anode is at the IV. a polarized potential of -790
most noble metal. mv AgAgCl or more negative
51. when cathodic protection is b. cathode more
d. a difference in salt
applied to a corroding steel negative
concentration where the
surface, it shifts the corrosion cell
anode is at the highest ion
potential -
48. when bare metal passes a. an oxygen concentration a. no change in potential
under a paved road surface, corrosion cell can develop b. cathode more negative
with the metal under the c. cathode more positive
a. an oxygen concentration pavement being the anode d. anode more positive
corrosion cell can develop
52. cathodic protection polarizes b. the potential of the
with the metal under the
structure cathode to
pavement being the anode
a. the potential of the structure the structure anode
anode to the structure cathode potential.
b. an oxygen concentration
cell can develop with the
metal outside the pavement
b. the potential of the structure
being the anode
cathode to the structure anode
c. a temperature corrosion
cell can develop with the
c. the potential of the structure
metal outside the pavement
cathode to the CP anode
being the anode.

d. a high salt concentration at

d. the cp anode potential to the
the edge of the pavement
structure cathode potential.
with the metal under the
pavement being the anode. 53. the current requirement for a. decrease in pH
cathodic protection of a structure
49. an environment where c. atmospherically exposed
will increase with a
cathodic protection is NOT surface
effective is
a. decrease in pH
b. decrease in temperature
a. liquid
c. decrease in oxygen
d. decrease in velocity
c.atmospherically exposed
surface 54. if lead, copper, steel, and aluminum
d. steel in concrete aluminum are connected together
in water, which will corrode the
55. in a galvanic anode system, the driving anode to 61. an impressed current system is NOT a. with very
voltage is due to the structure couple normally practical under which of the small current
in the electrolyte following conditions requirements
a. electrolyte itself
b.anode to structure couple in the a. with very small current requirements
electrolyte b. for protection of poorly coated and bare
c.connection to the structure structures
d. anode backfill c. in high soil resistivity
d. inside water storage tanks
56. which is NOT a primary reaction at the d. hydrogen
anode? evolution 62. Rectifier components could include which of I and IV only
the following?
a. metal oxidation
b. oxygen evolution I. Transformer
c.chloride evolution II. Photovaltaic cells
d. hydrogen evolution III. thermopile
IV. silicon diodes
57. which of the following will decrease a. increased pH
cathodic protection current 63. Which of the following DC power supplies II and III
requirements? are commonly used to charge batteries that only
in turn provide cathodic protection current?
a. increased pH
b. increased oxygen I. thermoelectric genorators
c. increased temperature II. solar
d. increased agitation III. wind-driven generator
IV. saturable reactor
58. a galvanic anode system is NOT b. in high soil
normally suitable in which of the resistivity 64. A transformer will D. increase
following conditions? or decrease
A. change AC to DC the AC
a. when a small amount of current is B. increase the DC voltage only supply
required. C. decrease the ac voltage only voltage
b. in high soil resisitivity D. increase or decrease the AC supply
c. for localized protection voltage
d. for interference mitigation.
65. If the primary AC voltage is 100 Volts AC, d. 200 Volts
59. The purpose of the galvanic anode c. passivate the and there are 100 primary windings with 200 AC
backfill is NOT to anode secondary windings, what is the the
secondary voltage? (100 x 200) /
a. prevent passivation of the anode 100 = 200
b. create uniform corrosion of the A. 25 volts AC volts AC
anode B. 50 Volts AC
c. passivate the anode c. 100 volts AC
d.provide a low resistivity environment d. 200 Volts AC
around the anode.
66. With a single diode installed in series with b. halfwave
60. the elements of a galvanic cathodic I, II, and IV only an AC voltage source the results will be DC voltage
protection system in soil includes which a. half wave AC voltage
of the following? b. halfwave DC voltage
c. full wave AC voltage
i. active material d. full wave DC voltage
ii. noble structure
iii. carbon backfill
iv. wiring
67. full wave rectification can be I, II, and IV only 73. a close interval potential survey is a a. at 1 to 5 meter
achieved with test where structure-to-electrolyte spacing along a
potentials are measured pipeline
I. a four diode bridge circuit.
II. a center tap configuration. a. at 1 to 5 meter spacing along a
III. one silicon-controlled rectifier pipeline
IV. two silicon-controlled rectifiers b. at 1 to 3 km spacing along a pipeline
and two diodes in a bridge c.at the quarter points around a large
68. what is the purpose of a "free a. to prevent latching
d. close to the DC power source
wheeling" diode? of the SCR ???
74. polarized potentials are measured b. just after the
a. to prevent latching of the SCR rectifiers are
b. to improve efficiency of the a. when the rectifiers are ON turned OFF
rectifier b. just after the rectifiers are turned
c. to convert AC to DC OFF
d. to increase or decrease the AC c. after the rectifiers are left off for
voltage several days
d. just after the rectifiers are turned ON
69. the advantage of three phase a. are more efficient
rectifiers over single phase 75. polarization is determined by c. subtracting the
rectifiers is that they instant OFF from
a. subtracting the ON from the instant the Native (free
a. are more efficient OFF potential corroding)
b. have lower initial cost b. measuring the instant OFF potential potential
c. are easier to troubleshoot c. subtracting the instant OFF from the
d. are easier to adjust Native (free corroding) potential
d.subtracting the IR drop from the ON
70. which DC power supply converts c. thermoelectric
heat energy directly to electrical generator
energy? 76. current pickup on a pipeline is ...
indicated when
a. transformer-rectifier
b.solar a. the structure-to-electrolyte
c. thermoelectric generator potential over the pipe is more
d.wind-driven generator electronegative than to each side.
b. the structure-to-electrolyte
71. a constant potential rectifier c. structure-to-
potential over the pipe is more
provides a constant electrolyte potential
electropositive than to each side
c. the two electrode method (side
a. voltage output
drain) shows the electrode over the
b. voltages between taps
pipe is more electropositive.
c. structure-to-electrolyte potential
d. potential to the SCR 77. What is the current in a 91 m (300 ft ) a. 0.850 A
span of 762 mm (30 in) pipe weighing
72. a structure-to-electrolyte potential b. the structure and a
176.65 kg/m (118.7 lb/ft ), if the voltage
measures the potential difference standard reference
drop across that span is 0.62 mV?
between electrode

a. 0.850 A
a. two different structures acting as
b. 1.176 A
c. 2.802 A
b. the structure and a standard
d. 2.585 A
reference electrode
c. the structure and the anode
d. two different points on the
78. structure-to-electrolyte I, II, and IV only 81. If current being impressed on to a c. -950 mV
potentials can be used for structure is causing a potential gradient
which of the following of 50 mv per meter (average_ and the (-800 - 150) =
purpose(s)? reference electrode is 3 m from the =950
structure, what is the potential being
I. Confirm if a CP potential measured if the true potential at the
criterion is met structure is -800 mV?
II. Locate anodic areas on
non-cp pipelines a. -150 mV
III. determine resistivity of the b. -300 mV
soil c. -950 mV
IV. locate stray current d. +950 mV
79. which of these would clearly c.a structure-to-electrolyte 82. with proper instrumentation, a dual soil II, III, and IV
indicate that a tank is potential of -950 mv cse coupon can be used to predict which of only
isolated? with the electrode at the the following?
pipe and a tank-to-
a. a structure-to-electrolyte electrolyte potential of I. The potential of the pipe surface at the
potential of -950 mvcse with -800 mv cse with the location of the coupon
the electrode at the pipe and electrode at the pipe II. the polarized potential of a coating
a tank-to-electrolyte holiday of a given size at the location
potential of -800mv cse with III. The amount of polarization of a
the electrode at the tank coating holiday of a given size at the
b. a structure-to-electrolyte IV. The amount of CP current pick up on
potential of -950 mv cse with a coating holiday of a given size at the
the electrode at the pipe and location.
a tank-to-electrolyte
83. an electrolytic couple between a pipe C. allows CP
potential of -940 mv cse with
and a casing current to
the electrode at the tank
access the
A. shields CP current from the pipeline. pipeline
c.a structure-to-electrolyte
B. causes a high current demand due to
potential of -950 mv cse with
the casing.
the electrode at the pipe and
C. allows CP current to access the
a tank-to-electrolyte
potential of -800 mv cse with
D. causes corrosion on the outside of the
the electrode at the pipe

d. a structure-to-electrolyte 84. With sufficient current applied to a C.shift

potential of -650 mv cse with pipeline which has an electrolytic couple electropositively
the electrode at the pipe and to the casing, the potentials will on the inside of
a tank-to-electrolyte the casing
potential of -640 mv cse with A. shift electropositively on the outside ?????
the electrode at the tank of the casing
B. shift electropositively on the pipe
80. For steel in concrete what is d.>95%
inside the casing
the probability of corrosion at
C.shift electropositively on the inside of
a potential of -370mvCSE? page 5-93
the casing
D. will be the same on the pipe and the
a.no corrosion
85. A stray current is a current that B. goes in an 90. The AC voltage-to-ground on a section of I and II only
unintended pipeline paralleling AND crossing a power
A. goes back and forth path line tends to be highest
B. goes in an unintended path
C. goes only to a pipeline I. where the power line and pipeline cross
D. does not complete a circuit II. point where the power line and pipeline
86. a mitigation control bond should be I, II, III, and IV
III. A gradient mat or a grid around above
designed to
ground structures
IV. A remote ground away from the parallel
I. carry the necessary current.
II. restrict the current to that required to
mitigate the problem. 91. Methods of lowering hazardous AC I and III only
III. keep the current going in one voltages include installing which of the
direction if necessary following?
IV. return the potential on the interfered
with structure to its pre-interference I. grounds at the discontinuities between
state power line and pipeline
87. a mitigation bond may cause more I, III, and IV
II. A bond to the steel power line tower.
problems under which of the following only
III. a gradient mat or a grid around
aboveground structures.
I where the interfering structure bond
point is more electropositive than the
IV. a remote ground away from the parallel
interfered with structure.
II. where the interfering structure bond
point is more electronegative than the 92. A polarization cell is used to D. provide
interfered with structure AC coupling
III. where there are more than one, or A. polarize the pipeline. but block DC
changing, current discharge points B. polarize the electrical ground
IV. where the interfering structure bond C. provide DC coupling but block AC
point potential varies from being more D. provide AC coupling but block DC
electronegative to more electropositive
93. Tests for interference can be indicated by I, II, III, and
than the interfered with structure.
which of the following? IV
88. AC voltages on pipelines do NOT result D.
from thermodynamic I. Structure-to-electrolyte potential
coupling changes
A. resistive (conductive) coupling II. Changes in line current magnitude or
B. electrostatic (capacitive) coupling direction
C. electromagnetic induction coupling III. Localized pitting in areas near or
D. thermodynamic coupling immediately adjacent to a foreign structure
IV. breakdown of protective coatings in a
89. on a cathodically protected pipeline, AC III and IV only
localized area.
corrosion can be expected at which
current densities? i ac < 20 A/m^2
..... no
I. 20 mA/m^2 corrosion
II. 10 A/m^2 20 A/m^2 < i ac
III. 110 A/m^2 < 100 A/m^2 ...
IV. 200 A/m^2 corrosion
i ac > 100
A/m^2 ....
94. When AC voltage of 13 V is II, III, and IV 97. Which of the following is NOT a source of A. Cathodic
measured on a pipeline, what dynamic stray current? Protection
course of action should be
taken? A. Cathodic protection
B. Mining equipment
I Wait until next year and take C. Transit systems
an AC voltage to confirm it has D. Telluric current
not changed
98. Stray current CANNOT be detected by D. Soil
II. Contact the power company
to determine what percent of
A. structure-to-electrolyte potentials measurements
load the power line is operating
B. reference electrode to electrode
III. Advise other personnel that
a near hazardous situation exists
C. pipeline current span measurements
on the pipeline
D. Soil resistivity measurements
IV. Advise the owner or
supervisor that an AC mitigation 99. Cathodic interference occurs B. in a voltage
program should be investigated gradient that
A. in a voltage gradient that is positive to is negative to
95. The purpose of a gradient mat is B. bring the voltage
remote earth remote earth
to difference between the
B. in a voltage gradient that is negative to
pipe and the earth close
remote earth
A. electrically ground the pipe to 0 Vac
C. at the cathode in a corrosion cell.
to the earth to eliminate the AC
D. at the structure's cathodic protection

B. bring the voltage difference 100. an electronegative peak in potentials a. anodic

between the pipe and the earth along a cathodically protected pipeline interference
close to 0 Vac may be indicative of

C. provide cathodic protection a. anodic interference

to large structures such as tank b. cathodic interference
bottoms c. shorted road casing
d. current discharge
D. to eliminate the earth 101. analysis of dynamic stray current does A. soil
gradient to obtain a true NOT typically include the evaluation of resistivity
polarized potential
96. the corrosion rate of iron b. 20 pounds per ampere A. soil resistivity
caused by current discharge is per year B. the interaction of voltages between
different structures
a. 15 pounds per ampere per Ferrous 9.1 Kg/ A-yr or C. measuring of current on the structure
year 20lbs / A-yr D. correlation of current and voltages on
b. 20 pounds per ampere per Copper 10.4 Kg/ A-yr or different structures and
year 23lbs / A-yr 102. With current (and direction) measured at B. Location A=
c. 20 pounds per ampere per Lead 33.85 Kg/ A-yr adjacent spans on a pipeline, which 2.0 A (right)
month (74.74lbs/ A-yr) condition indicates a current discharge Location B=
d. 40 pounds per ampere per (Location A is left of Location B 1.0 A (left)
A. Location A= 2.0 A (left ) Location B=
1.0A (right )
B. Location A= 2.0 A (right ) Location B= 1.0
A (left )
C. Location A= 1.0 A (left ) Location B= 1.0
A (left )
D. Location A = 1.0 A (right ) Location B=
2.0 A (right )
103. Recommended methods of mitigating I, II, and IV ?? 109. Which of the following All of the above
cathodic interference from another items must be included in
cathodic protection system include recording structure-to-
which of the following? electrolyte potentials on
routine surveys?
I. Drainage control bond
II. cathodic protection I. Value
III.Coating the current discharge area II. Units
IV. Reduce source of stray current III. Polarity
IV. Reference Electrode
104. A complete cathodic protection system C. Detailed
monitoring program consists of which of survey and 110. Which of the following is C. Electrostatic Voltages
the following? routine readings NOT necessary in
between establishing the integrity
A. Detailed survey only surveys of an aging pipeline?
B. Routine readings between surveys
only A. Dig inspection data
C. Detailed survey and routine readings B. In-line inspection data
between surveys C. Electrostatic voltages
D. Soil resistivity surveys D. Leak History
105. Proper operation of a rectifier can be all of the above 111. A job safety analysis I, II, and III only
confirmed by which of the following? ??? allows a project to
proceed when the
I. DC current output
II. DC voltage output I. hazards have been
III. tap setting identified.
IV. Potential at a control point II. risks have been
106. a short to bare structure will most likely II only
III. Preventative measures
cause which of the following?
reduce the risk to an
acceptable level.
I. A decrease in the current output of the
IV. risk increases
II. An electropositive change in the pipe- 112. Which of the following is II. 8 mA
to-electrolyte potential the maximum current
III. an increase in the current output of passing through an average (9-25 mA can cause lack of
the anode sized body that will allow muscular control, let-go
IV. An electronegative change in the the muscles to let it go? current, that makes it
pipe-to-electrolyte potential.. impossible to release and in
I. 4 mA face it may cause the muscles
107. Which of the following regulations All of the
II. 8 mA to tighten.)
require inspection of an interference above ???
III. 120 mA
control drainage bond?
IV. 480 mA
I. DOT 49 CFR 192
II. DOT 49 CFR 195
IV. ISO 15589-1
108. Reasons for keeping records include All of the
which of the following? above

I. Legal Defense
II. Government regulations
III. Historical references
IV. Possible future ECDA assessment
113. It is safe to work behind the panel of a rectifier IV only 119. Personal protective equipment in all of the above
under which of the following conditions? plants includes which of the
I. When the rectifier breaker is off
II. When the rectifier breaker is off and locked I. Hard hats
out II. Safety shoes or boots
III. When the outside DC cables are III. Fire retardant coveralls
disconnected IV. Safety glasses
IV. when the outside AC disconnect is off and
120. Purpose of Transformer step up or step down
locked out.
AC supply voltage
114. A constant AC voltage-to-ground equal to or B. 15
121. If a transformer has no losses, E secondary= 115Vac x
in excess of which of the following is VoltsAC
what is the secondary voltage of a 100 / 400 = 28.75 Vac
considered to be hazardous?
transformer being supplied with
115 Vac that has 400 turns on the
A. 5 voltsAC
primary and 100 turns on the
B. 15 VoltsAC
secondary windings
C. 24 VoltsAC
D. 40 VoltsAC
Esecondary = (Eprimary x
115. When measuring a structure-to-electrolyte C. an AC Secondary Turns) / Primary Turns
potential, which of the following measurements voltage-
122. Three phase rectifiers available in Wye (3
should be taken first for safety? to-
diodes) or full-wave (6
diodes) with full-wave
A. A soil resisitivity measurement
B. The reference electrode contact resistance
C. an AC voltage-to-ground
D. The meter lead resistance
116. Hazardous materials include which of the all of the THAN SINGLE-PHASE
following? above UNITS, BUT THE
II. Caustics
123. Electrode used in reinforced manganese oxide
III. Acids
IV. Copper Sulfate
124. electrode used in seawater and Silver-silver chloride
117. Gases that either promote combustion or are C. anode
flammable can be produced at the and
structure 125. electrode used most frequently in calomel
A. anode only lab experiments
B. protected structure only 126. which part of the structure the most cathodic site
C. anode and structure polarizes first?
D. neither the anode or structure
127. current requirement DIRECTLY
118. Before working on a project you must know all of the proportional to
which of the following? above surface area

I. The possible hazards INVERSELY

II. Where to go in case of emergency proportional to
III. Contact people and telephone information polarization
IV. MSDS data for materials handled
128. Positive voltage terminal must ALWAYS be
connected to the
129. negative voltage terminal ALWAYS connected to
130. typical ... 138. HMWPE insulation chlorine, hydrochloric acid, or
uses for is not petroleum hydrocarbons.
Impressed recommended for
current use in
systems environments
131. Kirchoff's The law states that the sum of the source
voltage voltages around any closed loop of a circuit is 139. Four basic anode, anode backfill, means of
law equal to the sum of the voltage drops across components of connecting anode to structure, and the
the resistances in that loop. galvanic cp system structure
132. Kirchoff's The law states that as much current flows away 140. Zinc anodes are salt, brackish water
current from a point as flows toward it. It is especially commonly used in
law useful in analyzing parallel circuits and in
141. aluminum alloy seawater applications
tracing current flow in complex piping networks.
anodes are
133. Series Current is the same everywhere primarily used in ?
142. Remote Earth the point where the further distance
Voltage drops may all be different depending
from the anode produces no further
on the value of each resistance, but the sum of
change in voltage gradient
the voltage drops (Et) must add up to the
voltage of the source. 143. cathodic use a distributed anode configuration
protection systems consisting of a continuous anode on
The total resistance of a series circuit equals the for reinforced the concrete surface or closely
sum of the individual resistances. concrete spaced strips embedded in the
concrete surface.
134. parallel current divides into a number of separate
circuit branches. each branch may have a different 144. galvanic anodes placed over the entire surface to
resistance;thus, the value of the current in each for atmospherically distribute the current evenly
branch may be different. Voltage drop across exposed
each element or source in the circuit is the reinforced
same. concrete
Voltage drop across each branch is the same 145. single phase have greater ripple than 3 phase
and is equal to source voltage. rectifiers
146. silicon diodes more efficient than selenium diodes
Total current flowing into and out fo the junction
and they do not age
point of the branches equals the sum of branch
currents. 147. PEARSON SURVEY used to detect holidays
total resistance is equal to the reciprocal of the CALCULATION LOOK UP RESISTANCE OF THAT
sum of the reciprocals of the individual DIAMETER IN TABLE
The total resistance is always less than the THEN USING OHM'S LAW DIVIDE
smallest resistance in the circuit. THE VOLTAGE BY THAT NUMBER.
135. percent percent efficiency = (DC Power out/AC power
efficiency in) x 100 WATCH UNITS. NEED TO BE IN
1 OHM = 1,000,000 microohms
136. WATTS = Vdc x Idc
1 volt = 1000 millivolts
137. AC Input (3600 K N) / T
149. DCVG (Direct detecting cathodic protection current
Current Voltage pickup at coating holidays
where K = meter constant
Gradient ) Surveys
N= number of revolutions of the disk
are used for what?
T= time in seconds of observation
150. coating resistance is ? simply the resistance of the structure to the environment mulitplied by the surface area
of the structure. Units are therefore ohm-ft^2
151. How to test for isolation Placing the reference electrode in one location and not moving the electrode.
152. what to use to measure resistance ammeter, voltmeter, and external DC power supply.
between pipe and casing
DO NOT use volt-ohmmeter due to the influence of the voltage between the structures.
153. 0.32 / OL Good diode
OV / OV Shorted diode
OL / OL Open Diode
154. Consequences of Electrolytic couple Without CP, corrosion may occur inside casing.
155. Electronic short Pipe electrically shielded inside casing and does not receive CP

Casing adds to the current required for CP

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