Concept Builders, Inc. Vs NLRC
Concept Builders, Inc. Vs NLRC
Concept Builders, Inc. Vs NLRC
G.R. 108734
29 May 1996
The alias Writ of Execution cannot be enforced by the sheriff because all the
employees inside petitioner’s premises at 355 Maysan Road, Valenzuela,
Metro Manila, claimed that they were employees of Hydro Pipes Philippines,
Inc. (HPPI) and not by petitioner. Thus, NLRC issued a break-open order
against Concept Builders and HPPI.
ISSUE/S: Whether or not the piercing the veil of corporate entity is proper?
The SEC en banc explained the “instrumentality rule” which the courts have
applied in disregarding the separate juridical personality of corporation, and
the test which determines the applicability of the docrine of piercing the veil
of corporate fiction is as follows:
The absence of any one of these elements prevents “piercing the corporate
veil” In applying the “instrumentality” or “Alter ego” doctrine, the courts are
concerned with reality and not form, with how the corporation operated and
the individual defendant’s relationship to that operation.