Improving The Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Phenolic Fiber Over Boron Modified High-Ortho Phenolic Resin

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High Performance Polymers

Improving the Thermal and Mechanical ª The Author(s) 2020
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Properties of Phenolic Fiber over Boron

DOI: 10.1177/0954008320976754
Modified High-Ortho Phenolic Resin

Yu Ren1,2,3 , Xu Lin1,2,3, Zhengjun Shi2,3, Yunwu Zheng2,3,

Jianxiang Liu2, Zhifeng Zheng4 and Can Liu1,2,3

Boron-modified high-ortho phenolic resins (BPRs) were prepared under normal pressure by using phenol and for-
maldehyde as raw materials, zinc acetate, and oxalic acid as catalysts, and boric acid as a modifier. Boron-modified phenolic
fibers (BPFs) were prepared by melt spinning and curing in a mixture of formaldehyde and hydrochloric acid, followed by a
heat treatment under high temperature. The structure, ortho–para ratio (O/P), molecular weight and distribution,
spinnability, thermal stability, fiber strength, and morphology of the resins were characterized by Fourier transform
infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), gel permeation chromatography (GPC), thermo-
gravimetric analysis (TGA), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and fiber strength testing. The results showed that the
addition of boric acid reduced the ortho reaction of the synthetic resin and the O/P value of phenolic resin. When the
content of boric acid was 3 wt%, the thermal stability was the best, the O/P value was up to 3.26, and the weight average
molecular weight (Mw) was 18745 g/mol. In Compared with the unmodified resin, the mass loss was increased by 33.7%,
and finally the carbon yield was 51.2%. The tensile strength of the fibers reached 187.2 MPa and the elongation at break
was 10.5%. By introducing boron into the molecular chain, the structure of the resin was improved, and the thermal
stability and mechanical properties of the fibers were improved.

High-ortho, boron modification, phenolic fibers, mechanical properties

Phenolic fiber has excellent flame retardancy properties Yunnan Key Laboratory of Wood Adhesives and Glued Products,
and has been widely used in textiles and composite mate- Southwest Forestry University, Kunming, Yunnan, People’s Republic of
rials required for special working conditions such as fire- 2
Key Laboratory of State Forestry Administration for Highly-Efficient
proof and corrosion resistance.1–4 Some other properties Utilization of Forestry Biomass Resources in Southwest China,
of the phenolic fiber are its high carbon yield, large spe- Southwest Forestry University, Kunming, Yunnan, People’s Republic of
cific surface area, and its fiber-shape retention after car- China
College of Materials Science and Engineering, Southwest Forestry
bonization. It can be used as the precursor of carbon fiber
University, Kunming, Yunnan, People’s Republic of China
and activated carbon fiber to prepare carbon fiber/pheno- 4
College of Energy, Xiamen University, Xiamen, People’s Republic of
lic resin composites and energy storage materials, which China
can be used in batteries, supercapacitors, microelectronic
Corresponding author:
devices and other technical fields.5–13 Phenolic fiber can
Can Liu, Yunnan Key Laboratory of Wood Adhesives and Glued Products,
be made from thermoplastic phenolic resin through melt Southwest Forestry University, 300 Bailong Road, Kunming, Yunnan
spinning. Phenolic resin is a three-dimensional (3-D) 650224, People’s Republic of China; Key Laboratory of State Forestry
crosslinked thermosetting fiber formed after curing in a Administration for Highly-Efficient Utilization of Forestry Biomass
crosslinking bath.14 Phenolic resin is brittle and has poor Resources in Southwest China, Southwest Forestry University,
Kunming, Yunnan 650224, People’s Republic of China; College of
spinnability due to the aromatic ring in its structure. Com- Materials Science and Engineering, Southwest Forestry University,
pared with phenolic resins, high-ortho phenolic resins Kunming, Yunnan 650224, People’s Republic of China.
have more intramolecular hydrogen bonds, which help Email: [email protected]
2 High Performance Polymers XX(X)

to generate intermolecular free volume, facilitate segment was as high as 71% under optimal conditions (molar ratios
configuration movement, and better spinnability. At the of formaldehyde/phenol and potassium borate/phenol were
same time, the special link structure of the high-ortho- 1.8 and 0.2, respectively, and reaction time was 13 h). It
position phenolic resin causes the retainment of the phe- was found that the boron-containing resin solution has good
nolic hydroxyl group, thus increasing the number of wettability with carbon fiber at a concentration of 0.8 g/mL
reactive sites to be more than the phenolic resins during at 35 C. Li et al.39 prepared silicon and boron-modified
the curing reaction. The curing rate of the resin is higher phenolic resin by a simple two-step method. The maximum
than that of phenolic resins because the low activation decomposition rate (Dmax) decreased by about 2%/min and
energy and low reaction temperature of the high-ortho the residual weight at 900 C (R900) increased by 16.7%
resin are retained.15–22 A high-ortho position can be quan- after the introduction of boron and silicon. The structure
titatively characterized by the bonding ratio of the ortho of the oxidized resin was characterized to study the
and para positions (O/P) of the phenolic resin. The higher mechanism of the improved thermal stability and flame
the O/P of the resin, the more the occupied ortho posi- retardancy. Feng et al.40 introduced phenylboronic acid
tions, and thus gives more structural and processing (PBA) and two other boron compounds (4-hydroxymethyl
advantages. Li et al.22 prepared two types of novolacs: phenylboronic acid & boronic acid) to fabricate boron-
high-ortho novolacs (HOPF) with high ortho–para ratio, containing thermoplastic phenolic resins (BPRs). All the
and ordinary novolacs (NPF). They investigated the cure fabricated BPRs showed higher softening points, more
behavior of the HOPF and HMTA with hexamethylenete- excellent thermal decomposition temperature, and higher
tramine (HMTA) using DSC and TGA. The DSC analysis char yield. The optimal thermal decomposition temperature
confirmed that HOPF/HMTA exhibited higher reactivity was 317.4 C and the char yield ratio at 800 C was 69.6%.
than NPF/HMTA. Li et al. 15 used sodium carbonate Although boron modification can improve the heat resis-
(Na 2CO3) as a catalyst to prepare high-ortho phenol- tance of the resin, its melt processability was affected,
formaldehyde (HOPF) resin. With the addition of which made it difficult to prepare the boron-modified phe-
Na2CO3, the ortho/para ratio of methylol groups increased nolic resin fibers (BPFs) and also reduced the curing speed
from 7.26 to 27.80. The prepared phenolic resin had a fast of the original filaments. In this study, Zn2þ was used as a
curing rate, low curing temperature, high thermal stabi- phenolic polymerization catalyst. Different boron-modified
lity, and favorable mechanical performance. Yi et al.18 high-ortho phenolic resins were synthesized by changing
studied the effects of four metal-mediated catalysts (bar- the amount of boron. Phenolic fibers were synthesized
ium hydroxide, sodium carbonate, lithium hydroxide, and through the melt spinning of the synthesized resins. In this
zinc acetate) on the curing rate and temperature of phe- study, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), gel permeation
nolic resin. He found out that sodium carbonate and zinc chromatography (GPC), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR)
acetate increased the reaction activity of the phenol ortho spectroscopy, thermogravimetry (TG), rheometry, and
position and the condensation reaction of ortho methylol. scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were used to analyze
During synthesis, zinc acetate could form chelating com- the effects of boron addition on the properties and para-
pounds (containing a metal-ligand bond), which can pro- meters of the phenolic resin and phenolic resin fiber, which
mote the linkage of formaldehyde to the phenolic provides a theoretical basis for the preparation of high-
hydroxyl ortho position. performance phenolic fibers.
At the same time, phenolic fiber and its derivative mate-
rials are mostly used in high-temperature environments,
which have higher requirements on the thermal and Materials and methods
mechanical properties of the fiber. However, the steric
effect in the curing process of phenolic fiber will cause the Materials
oxidative cracking of the ortho-methylene group, which Phenol, zinc acetate, oxalic acid, and boric acid were all
worsens the heat resistance. Also, the benzene ring in the AR reagents purchased from Tianjin Fengchuan Chemical
chain segment is directly connected by the methylene, Reagent Technology Co., Ltd., China. Aqueous formalde-
which worsens the mechanical properties of the fiber.23 hyde, with a content of 37%–40%, purchased from
To address the above problems, boron can be introduced Chengdu Jinshan Chemical Reagent Co., Ltd., China.
into the main chain to modify the high-ortho phenolic resin Hydrochloric acid, with a content of 36%–38%, was pur-
and improve the thermal stability, mechanical properties, chased from Shandian Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., China.
and electrical properties of the resin, and reduce the reac-
tivity.24–28 Boron-modified phenolic resins have been
widely studied and reported.29–37 Sun and Sun38 investi- Preparation process
gated the optimization of the critical process parameters Preparation of BPRs. The BPRs were prepared by reacting
for the preparation of boron-containing phenolic resin (B phenol (1.0 mol) with formaldehyde (0.8 mol) in the pres-
containing PR). The highest char yield of B-containing PR ence of zinc acetate catalyst. First, a certain amount of
Ren et al. 3

phenol, formaldehyde, and zinc acetate were mixed in a

250 ml three-necked flask, which was equipped with a
reflux condenser, a stirrer, and a thermometer. The mixture 1% BPRs
was heated and maintained at 75 C for 3 hours. Next, 2.5 g 2% BPRs

of oxalic acid was further added and the resulting mixture
3% BPRs
was heated to the reflux temperature for 1 hour, followed
by the addition of 1%–5% boron acid (the mass ratio of 4% BPRs
phenol) and stirring for 2 hours. After the reaction, the
mixture was dissolved in alcohol and distilled under 5% BPRs
828 686
vacuum to remove water and unreacted phenol at 120 C
for 2 hours. For comparison, high-ortho phenolic resin 755
(HOPRs) containing no boric was prepared.
4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500

Preparation of boron-modified phenolic resin fibers. The BPFs Wavenumber/cm-1

were prepared by a melt spinning machine using the BPRs
granule at a spinning temperature of about 100 C–120 C. Figure 1. FTIR spectra of HOPRs and BPRs.
The filaments were soaked in the curing solution, which
consists of 12 wt% hydrochloric acid and 18.5 wt% for-
maldehyde, and mixed properly. The resulting mixture was
sample, 10 fibers were tested to obtain an average value.
then maintained for 0.5 hours at room temperature. The
The average length of the fibers was 10 cm.
curing solution was heated from room temperature to boil-
ing point at a certain heating rate and keep it for 0.5 hours.
Then, the cured fibers were further heat-treated at 180 C Results and discussion
for 1 hour to complete the crosslinking. For comparison,
HOPFs containing no boric was prepared. Characterization of boron-modified high-ortho
phenolic resins
Figure 1 shows the FTIR spectrum of HOPRs and BPRs.
Characterization As shown in Figure 1, the stretching vibration of the ben-
The infrared spectrum of HOPRs and BPRs was obtained zene ring double bond in phenolic resin was around 1593
using a Thermo IS50 FT-TR type Fourier infrared spectro- cm1, the asymmetric stretching vibration of ether bond
meter. The resin was ground and potassium bromide was (C–O–C) was near 1100 cm1, the vibration of methylene
mixed and tableted for testing. NMR spectra of the samples bond (–CH2–) was near 1457 cm1, and the vibration of
were obtained using the JEOL ECX 400 M spectrometer. C–O (PhCH2–OH) in hydroxymethyl phenol was near
About 250 mg samples were dissolved in 5 ml deuterated 1040 cm1. The stretching vibration of O–H (PhO–H) in
acetone for measurement. The methyl peak of deuterated the phenolic hydroxyl group occurs around 3278 cm1. In
acetone was set to be 29 ppm from trimethylsilane (TMS). comparison with HOPRs, the stretching vibration of O–H
The molecular weight of the samples was determined (PhO–H) in the phenolic hydroxyl group shifted because
through GPC. The measurement was performed on a PL- part of the hydroxyl group reacts with boron. An absorp-
GPC50. The sample was dissolved with N,N- tion peak of medium intensity occurs around 1375 cm1,
Dimethylformamide (DMF), and polystyrene (PS) was which is due to the stretching vibration of the B–O bond.
used as the reference material. The rheological behavior With the increase of the boric acid content, the absorption
of the samples was measured using a Thermo Haake peak had become stronger. The absorption peak near 686
MARS, with a cooling system under steady-state mode cm1 was attributed to the characteristic absorption peak
with a starting temperature of 180 C and finishing tempera- of H3BO3 in BPRs.41 The absorption peak at 755 cm1
ture of 90 C. About 1.5 g of the powder sample was heated was attributed to the ortho-substituted benzene ring, and
to 180 C and cooled to 80 C to generate the viscosity- the absorption peak at 828 cm1 was attributed to the
temperature curves. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) para-substituted benzene ring. The phenolic resins synthe-
was performed on GER, TGA209 F3 thermogravimetric sized with several boric acid additions all show a rela-
analyzer. Samples were pyrolyzed in a nitrogen atmosphere tively integrated area of the ortho-absorption peak
from room temperature to 800 C. The heating rate was set greater than the para-absorption peak.
at 10 C/min. The outside surface of the fibers was observed To further characterize the ortho–para position perfor-
by the HITACHI SU8010 scanning electron microscope mance and specific O/P value of the phenolic resin, the
and the surface of the sample was treated with gold spray. carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance (13C NMR) spectra
The tensile strength of the fiber was measured using the of the boron-modified phenolic resin with different contents
BAIEN instrument YG005A single fiber tester. For each are shown in Figure 2 and Table 1, from which the molecular
4 High Performance Polymers XX(X)

Figure 2. C NMR spectra of HOPRs and BPRs.

Table 1. The chemical shift and O/P value of HOPRs and BPRs.

Sample O-O0 chemical shift Integral area Q-P0 chemical shift Integral area P-P0 chemical shift Integral area O/P value

0% 31 17.00 35.5 12.30 40 0.76 3.40

1% 31 13.25 35.5 11.58 40 0.78 2.98
2% 31 15.25 35.5 12.73 40 0.44 3.04
3% 31 14.90 35.5 11.32 40 0.47 3.26
4% 31 11.64 35.5 11.19 40 0.47 2.75
5% 31 16.57 35.5 17.30 40 0.30 2.73

structure can be determined. The chemical shift of solvent- (o-p0 ) of the two phenolic hydroxyl groups. The chemical
deuterated acetone was around 29 ppm. The methylene bond shifts were 31, 40, and 35.5 ppm, respectively. The phenolic
(–CH2–) in the phenolic resin was connected to the ortho hydroxyl carbon occurs between 154–158 ppm was.42 The
position (o-o0 ), para position (p-p0 ), and ortho–para position three linkage modes of methylene bond (–CH2–) are shown
Ren et al. 5

Figure 3. The structure diagram of the connection methods of methylene bond.

in Figure 3. The O/P of the boron-modified phenolic resin

5% BPRs
can be calculated using equation (1).43 4% BPRs
3% BPRs
2AO  O þ AO  P 2% BPRs
Ortho-Para ¼ ð1Þ 1% BPRs
2AP  P þ AO  P HOPRs

UV signal/mv
The Ao-o0 , Ao-p0 , and Ap-p0 are peak intensities, are Mw=20482
related to o-o0 , o-p0 , and p-p0 bonds respectively. Using
equation (1), the O/P values of BPRs and HOPRs were
determined as 2.98, 3.04, 3.26, 2.75, 2.73, and 3.40, respec- Mw=17586
tively. In both HOPRs and BPRs, the o-o0 bonds were Mw=17516
dominant, and the ratio of the p-p0 bonds appeared very Mw=16731
low. From Figure 2 and Table 1, it can be seen that the 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5

addition of boron leads to a downward trend in the O/P Retention Time/min

value of the resin. The analysis showed that after the

Figure 4. GPC chromatograms of HOPRs and BPRs.
boron and the phenolic hydroxyl group form the B–O bond,
the two hydroxyl groups linked on the B atom
Table 2. O/P value, molecular weight and spinning temperature
caused the ortho-position reaction to be of HOPRs and BPRs.
affected by a steric hindrance, which reduced the ortho- Melt viscosity at
position reaction probability of the phenolic resin, Sample O/P value Mn Mw Mw/Mn 120 C/mPas
increased the para-position reaction probability, and
0% 3.40 14610 16731 1.14 0.1  105
decreased the O/P value.44 At the same time, the two hydro-
1% 2.98 14983 17586 1.17 0.1  105
xyl groups (OH–B–OH) linked to the B atom can be dehy- 2% 3.04 15357 17516 1.14 0.8  105
drated with the phenolic hydroxyl group to form crosslinks, 3% 3.26 16410 18745 1.14 2  105
reducing the probability of the ortho reaction. With the 4% 2.75 17138 20034 1.16 5  105
addition of boron, the O/P value of the resin showed a 5% 2.73 17603 20482 1.16 10  105
unimodal trend. The highest O/P value of the phenolic resin
was 3.26 with 3% boric acid, which decreased to 2.73 when
the amount of boric acid was increased to 5%. At the same molecular weight distribution is uniform, with a small poly-
time, with the addition of boric acid, more Hþ ions were dispersity index (PDI), and the resin has good spinnabil-
released, and the pH of the system further dropped, which ity.46 As shown in Figure 4 and Table 2, as the boron
was beneficial to the formation of the para-structure under content increased, the number average and weight average
the strong acid system.45 It can be seen from Table 1 that molecular weight (Mn and Mw) increased with the addition
when the content of boric acid was above 3%, the O/P value of boric acid, and the molecular weight distribution
decreased significantly. Therefore, it can be concluded remained stable, indicating that the introduction of boron
from the MNR data that the resin prepared with a 3% boron into the molecular chain produced more link structures. It
content had the highest O/P value. also promoted the increase of the molecular weight, which
The molecular weight of the phenolic resin is the core was beneficial to the improvement of the mechanical and
factor in fiber preparation, and its high molecular weight thermal stability of the phenolic resin. The analysis showed
has better mechanical properties and thermal stability. The that the addition of boron led to the limitation of the ortho
6 High Performance Polymers XX(X)

reaction. The probability of the para reaction increased, and further link more phenolic hydroxyl groups and molecular
the para reaction activity was higher, which objectively chains. The formation of macromolecular chains restricted
increased the progress of the polycondensation reaction and the movement and diffusion of molecular chains. This
increased the molecular weight. However, more para reactions helped to form a larger structural network in a wider range,
would reduce the order of the resin. The molecular weight which further limited the movement of cooperative segments
distribution of the phenolic resin of all samples was relatively and increased the melt viscosity.46 Higher melt viscosity is
narrow, and the addition of boric acid did not destroy the not conducive to the resin flow and requires higher fiber-
uniformity of the molecular chain, and the narrow molecular forming conditions. Thus the molecular weight of the resin
weight distribution was beneficial to the preparation of fibers. should not be too high, that is, the boron content should not
To study the processability of the resin, a rheometry test be too high. When the boron content was 3%, the O/P value
of the resin was carried out, and the results are shown in was the highest and similar to that of HOPRs. This indicates
Figure 5. As the temperature increased, the viscosity of the that a 3% content of BPFs had more ortho structures, the
resin dropped sharply. All curves had obvious turning highest molecular chain linearity, and strong chain segment
trends. After 140 C, the viscosity of all resins became moveability. The melt formed by heating had more excellent
extremely low with no spinnability. As the boron content fluidity and fiber-forming properties, suitable spinning tem-
increased, the molecular weight of the resin and the visc- perature, and excellent spinnability better than other BPFs.
osity increased at the same temperature. The viscosity of
different resins at 120 C was shown in Table 2. The anal-
ysis showed that higher molecular weight leads to higher Preparation and characterization of the phenolic fiber
levels of entanglement and stronger interaction between the The TG thermograph and its derivative (DTG) form are
molecular chains. As the content of boron increased, B–O shown in Figures 6 and 7, respectively. Figure 6, it can
bonds would be formed on phenolic hydroxyl groups, and be seen that the addition of boric acid increased the carbon
yield of the fiber precursor. The carbon yield of the resin
with the addition of 3% boric acid was the highest, 51.2%,
and the resin without boric acid gave the lowest carbon
2.5x106 4% yield of 17.5%. It can also be seen from Figure 6 that the
3% pyrolysis curve of the fiber precursor had more weightless
steps. The weight loss in the range of 110 C–300 C was
Viscosity/ mPa·s

considered to be due to the weak chemical bonds in the
1.5x106 0%
boron phenolic and the decomposition of low-molecular-
weight resins. The DTG curve of BPFs all had a weight loss
different from that of the HOPFs around 180 C. The anal-
5.0x105 ysis showed that the boric acid did not completely react
during synthesis, and the free boron in the sample reacted
60 80 100 120 140 160 further with the phenolic hydroxyl group at high tempera-
Temperature/℃ ture to generate small molecules and water escape, which
caused a continual weight loss of the fiber. The resin with
Figure 5. The viscosity-temperature curves of HOPRs and BPRs. no boric acid addition lost less weight in this range because

Untreated fibers
100 3% BPFs
5% BPFs 0.0
2% BPFs
1% BPFs
4% BPFs
-0.2 Untreated fibers

1% BPFs

2% BPFs
51.2% -0.4 3% BPFs
4% BPFs
5% BPFs
40 -0.6 HOPFs

20 -0.8
200 400 600 800 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Temperature/°C Temperature/°C

Figure 6. TG curves and derivative weight of HOPFs and BPFs.

Ren et al. 7

Cured fibers 0.0
5% BPFs
90 3% BPFs
2% BPFs
1% BPFs Cured fibers

4% BPFs
5% BPFs

HOPFs -0.2
3% BPFs
2% BPFs
4% BPFs
60 1% BPFs
53.8% HOPFs
50 50.3%
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 200 400 600 800
Temperature/°C Temperature/°C

Figure 7. TG curves and derivative weight of cured HOPFs and BPFs.

the resin structure was more ordered, the synthetic resin It can be seen that the curing reaction and high-temperature
was more uniform, and the low-molecular-weight resin and heat treatment largely eliminated the pyrolysis peak of fiber
system unreacted compounds were less. From the DTG precursors below 250 C, and only a significant decomposi-
curves shown in Figure 6, 1% BPFs at around 180 C has tion stage at 280–400 C, indicating that the curing reaction
more weight loss different from other samples, which could and high-temperature heat treatment improved the thermal
be attributed to the destruction of the basic resin reaction stability of the fiber. The analysis showed that the curing
system and the lack of a 3-D system structure dominated by liquid (CH2O–HCl) provided excessive formaldehyde,
boric acid, resulting in more remnant small molecules and which enables a continual condensation reaction of the
degradation in this temperature range. The main weight thermoplastic resin with formaldehyde. This leads to the
loss of the fiber occurred in the temperature range of formation of a 3-D crosslinked network structure that
300–800 C, which was mainly due to the crosslinking reac- evolves into a thermosetting resin and improves the struc-
tion between B–OH and PhCH2–OH, Ph–OH, etc. and tural stability of the fiber. At the same time, after modifica-
more high-bonding energy B–O bonds were introduced tion with boron, the B–O bonds were connected to the
into the molecular network. At the same time, a large num- branch of the phenolic molecule, which had a greater steric
ber of tri-substituted benzene rings formed a network. In hindrance effect and hinders the crosslinking reaction
comparison with the HOPFs resin, more degradable sub- between the CþH2OH and the phenolic molecules, made
stances were observed at 550 C, which confirmed that the the boric acid and CþH2OH residue. The high-temperature
addition of boric acid in the NMR data increased the prob- heat treatment during the curing process further facilitated
ability of a para reaction, which increased the content of the reaction between the boric acid and CþH2OH remain-
physical conformation and thermal properties of the fiber. ing in the fiber. Through this reaction, a large number of
On the other hand, the benzyl borate linkage replaced the crosslinked structures were continually formed, which
unstable phenolic hydroxyl group, which also increased the enabled the completion of the crosslinking reaction and
thermal stability and delayed the thermal degradation tem- enhanced the thermal stability of the fiber. Although the
perature of BPFs. The initial temperature of the main carbon yield before and after curing was not significantly
weight-loss stage of HOPFs was higher than that of BPFs, improved, the fiber retained its shape at high temperature
which could be because the unmodified high-ortho pheno- after curing, which greatly increases the temperature range
lic resin had higher linearity, was completely reacted, and that the fiber can be used. Finally, after boron modification,
did not contain unreacted residual boron. However, it can the carbon yield of 5% BPFs increased by 13.9% compared
be seen from the DTG curves in Figure 6 that the weight- with HOPFs, and the carbon yield reached 53.8%.
loss rate of HOPFs in the main weight-loss stage was sig- Figure 8 shows the effect of the cured fiber with differ-
nificantly higher than that of BPFs, and the carbon yield ent boric acid content on the tensile strength and elongation
was also lower than that of BPFs. of the fiber. After curing and heat treatment, the tensile
It can be seen from Figure 7 that the carbon yield of the strength and the elongation at fiber break were both
fiber after curing was improved, and the carbon yield of the improved with increasing boric acid content. The maxi-
resin with the addition of 5% boric acid was the highest. mum values of the tensile strength and the elongation at
The HOPFs-cured fiber has the lowest carbon yield of break, 187.2 MPa and 10.5%, respectively were recorded
39.9%. Figure 7 shows the DTG curve of the cured BPFs. when the boric acid content was 3%. The analysis showed
8 High Performance Polymers XX(X)

200 30 are the same. In comparison with the fiber before curing,
the absorption peak of the residual boric acid of the fiber at
686 cm1 after curing reaction was reduced. This indicates
Tensile strength/Mpa

160 20 that a small amount of boric acid participates in the reaction

at high temperature during the curing process, forming a
140 15
stable B–O bond and a branched crosslinked thermoset
120 10
resin. Cured BPFs still maintained a high-ortho absorption
peak at 754 cm1. The cured fiber still retained the char-
100 5 acteristics of the high-ortho-position with an undamaged
structure. All resin and fiber samples showed high-ortho
80 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 absorption peaks, indicating that the prepared phenolic
resin materials had stable characteristic bonds before and
Figure 8. Tensile strength and elongation of cured BPFs.
after curing, which made the material structure stable.
Figure 10 shows the SEM micrographs of 3% BPFs and
its cured fibers. The surface of the fiber precursor was
3% BPFs smooth and uniform without grooves and wrinkles, indi-
cured 3% BPFs
cating that there was no volatilization of ethanol and free
phenol during the formation of fiber by melt spinning.
Also, no damage was noticed for the fibers. The cross-

section of the precursor is uniform without holes, which
conforms to the morphology of brittle fracture. A small
amount of residue in the cross-section of the fiber precur-
sor, which may be caused by the structural adhesion of
828 uncured resin, was observed. The fiber surface of the
cured yarn was smooth without shrinkage and wrinkles.
1375 755 The fiber cross-section was found rough and concave,
showing a certain degree of toughness fracture. Because
4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500
of the good integrity of the cured resin, the cross-section
was clean and free of impurities. The diameter of the
Figure 9. FTIR spectra of 3% BPFs and its cured fibers. uncured fiber was found to be 133.2 mm, while that of the
fiber after curing with hydrochloric acid formaldehyde
solution was 196.6 mm, which indicates fiber thickening
that as the content of boric acid increased, a large number after curring. The analysis showed that due to the addi-
of borate bonds were formed when the fiber was cured. The tional supplement of formaldehyde monomer in the curing
bond energy and bond length of the borate bonds were both reaction, the resin further reacted and formed crosslinks
greater than the R–CH2–R methylene bridge. After the between linear molecules, which evolved into an insolu-
bridge was broken, the B–O bonds were still connected, ble resin. In the process of the reaction, the chemical
thus this improved the mechanical strength and flexibility. reagents dissolved in the fiber. The water generated by
Boric acid competes for reaction sites in the reaction pro- the reaction volatilized, forming a hole of about 1.6 mm,
cess, hinders the curing reaction of CþH2OH and phenol which increased the thickness of the fiber diameter.47 The
ring, increases the content of B–O bonds, reduces the tra- cross-section of the cured fiber did not form a skin-core
ditional physical conformation bonding, and effectively structure, indicating that C þH2OH diffused uniformly
improves the toughness and strength of the fiber. The from the surface to the inside. With an increase in tem-
mechanical properties of the fiber decrease as the content perature, the movement ability of CþH2OH increased, and
of boric acid increases. The excess boric acid in the resin the curing process gradually became gentle. This did not
reacts with the phenolic hydroxyl groups, which reduce the cause the slow movement of CþH2OH on the surface to
bonding of the curing reaction, affects the resin physical form a skin-core structure, neither did it prevent the inter-
confirmation process, and reduces the spinnability, nal solidification of the fiber. Thus, the curing bath treat-
strength, and toughness of the fiber. The comprehensive ment and high-temperature treatment enhanced the
analysis showed that the mechanical properties were the uniform solidification of the fiber precursor that increased
best when the boric acid content was 3%. the crosslinking degree. Also, the fiber toughness and
Figure 9 shows the FTIR spectrum of 3% BPFs before mechanical properties of the fiber were greatly improved.
and after curing. It can be seen that the absorption peaks of With such improvement, the brittle fracture of the primary
the main functional group of BPFs before and after curing fiber was changed into a ductile fracture.
Ren et al. 9

Figure 10. SEM micrographs of 3% BPFs and its cured fibers.

Conclusion work was partially supported by Supported by the National Key

Research and Development Program of China (No. 2017YF-
The unique phenolic resin fiber was prepared by adding D0601003) and the Applied Basic Research Programs of Science
boron element in the synthesis of phenolic resin. The con- and Technology Department of Yunnan Province (Award
clusion was as follows. Phenol, formaldehyde, and boric No.2018ZG004, 2017FG001-072, 2017FG001-001). The study
acid under the dual catalysis of zinc acetate and oxalic acid. also was supported by the Key Laboratory of State Forestry
When the mass fraction of boric acid was 3%, a high-ortho Administration for Highly-Efficient Utilization of Forestry Bio-
boron modification with a maximum O/P value of 3.26, a mass Resources in Southwest China (Southwest Forestry Univer-
molecular weight of 18745 g/mol, and a molecular weight sity) (No. 2019-KF05).
distribution of 1.14 was synthesized. The addition of boric
acid brought about the steric hindrance effect on the ortho ORCID iDs
reaction, which reduced the probability of the ortho reac-
Yu Ren
tion of the phenolic resin, increased the probability of the
Can Liu
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