Time For Adaption of New Eye To World

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Volume 6, Issue 9, September – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Time for Adaption of New Eye to World

Meet Patel1,Aniket Parmar2,Varun Jaiswal3,Rishi Patel4,Jayrasinh Parihar5,Rishabh Patel6
Department of Aeronautical Engineering, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Insitute of Technology, Gujarat, India

Abstract:- The Aircraft that usually operated by some II. ENDURANCE

artificial intelligence is referred as a “Drone”. Any
aircraft which is not having Pilot on board is termed as The maximum time that an aircraft spend in cursing
“Unmanned Aerial Vehicle”. As technology is increasing flight is termed as Endurance. It is given by the ratio of
day by day all sectors including aviation too has shown change in fuel weight to the fuel flow rate, while in cruise.
some significant changes. There are many types of
drones based on their uses also having different size and So this is completely dependent on the power plant
shapes based on their uses. For example let say quad (engine) characteristics. It can also be improved by having a
copters are used for weather surveillance, aerial high lift airfoil, so that a lesser thrust and subsequently
photography, etc. On other hand drones are also widely lesser fuel flow rate is enough to keep the aircraft in level
used in military operations or in defence sector. Well flight during cruise.
developed nations are using drones and unmanned aerial
vehicles since long time; but when it comes to small III. AIRFOIL
nations whose economy is still under developing stage,
they are also now advancing towards artificial We have chosen the airfoil ‘S1223 RTL’ because of its high
intelligence in defence sector and it is expected that after lift capability.
5-10 years all the countries around the world will use The graph between Coefficient of Lift, CL and Angle of
drones and UAVs in their defence. Attack, α is for Reynolds Number range of 2 * 105 to 5 *
I. INTRODUCTION TO DRONE The design CL as calculated in Problem Statement 1 is 2.48
A drone is classified as a “UAV” or an “Unmanned
Aerial Vehicle” and it has a designated task that it can carry
out, depending upon the requirements of the user. They
come in various sizes and configurations which further
bifurcates them based on their maneuverability and agility.

Drones can be of the typical copter type, for example,

Quadcopter but also can refer to other aerodynamically
streamlined aircraft type too, for example, NATO drones.

[Fig. 2] CL Characteristics of S1223 RTL [6]

[Fig. 1] NATO Drone Global Hawk [4]

[Fig. 3] S1223 RTL Plot [6]

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Volume 6, Issue 9, September – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
This airfoil is a Richard T. LaSalle modification of the The root chord is 100 mm and the tip chord is 70 mm.
S1223 to S1223RTL
Max thickness 13.5% at 19.9% chord.
Max camber 8.3% at 55.2% chord
The Dat file is taken for this airfoil from airfoiltools.com [6]


The wing has been modelled using the airfoil profile

selected above. The airfoil profile points, from Dat file, was
fed into excel file ‘GSD_PointSplineLoftFromExcel’. Using
View Macros, the airfoil profile is successfully input into the
CATIA Part Design Sketch.

Then an offset plane is created and the airfoil is

projected in the same. The airfoil is scaled and translated to
get the tip of the wing. With the trailing edge coinciding,
this gives us a Delta configuration wing.

[Fig. 6] Side View

Using Measure Item tool, the surface area of the wing

is found. As the wing in itself is only 400mm span, the
surface area will be quite small.

Surface Area, S = 0.036 m2

[Fig. 4] Modelled Wing

The top view below clearly shows the delta

configuration. Further the 0.7 factor scaling done can be
witnessed in the side view of the wing, showing the
difference between the root and tip airfoil chords.

[Fig. 7] wing geometry


The PBS TJ150, with a maximum thrust of 1,500 N, is

the most powerful turbojet engine produced by PBS. Its
advantage is its compact design, low weight with a thrust of
up to 1,500 N, and low fuel consumption in the given power
category. The generator output is 750 W. One of the PBS
TJ150 engine versions enables landing on water. The PBS
TJ150 engine is a single-shaft jet engine consisting of a
[Fig. 5] Top View radial compressor, radial and axial diffuser, annular

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Volume 6, Issue 9, September – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
combustion chamber, axial turbine and a fixed outlet nozzle. The model is made using CATIA as shown below.

[Table 1] Engine Parameters [7]

The length and the diameter of the engine is noted for

the design of the model. [Fig. 8] Fuselage

VI. AERODYNAMIC PARAMETER The propulsion unit is placed on the belly of the
CALCULATIONS fuselage. The placement is shown below.

The common cruise speed for a fixed-wing long range drone

is 250 m/s
Using an optimum thrust of 1000 N, as maximum thrust is
not needed in cruise.
Using the thrust equation,

T = m’ * V
• m' = T / V = 1000 / 250 = 4 kg/s

The dynamic pressure at cruise altitude and velocity,

q = ρ * V2 / 2 = 0.41356 * 2502 / 2 = 12923.75 N

The Lift is then given by,

L = q * S * CL = 12923.75 * 0.036 * 2.48 = 1153.8324 N

The dynamic pressure at sea level altitude,

q = ρ * V2 / 2 = 1.225 * 2502 / 2 = 38281.25 N

Due to this excessive pressure, near transonic velocity [Fig. 9] Engine Placement
is not possible in sea level atmosphere.
The Lift is then given by,
L = q * S * CL = 38281.25 * 0.036 * 2.48 = 3417.73 N


The fuselage is modelled to be simple and effective.

There is no need for a cockpit as this is supposed to be
unmanned. The fuselage has to support essential avionics,
control system and surveillance equipment. Further fuel for
a 48hrs surveillance mission must be carried.

[Fig. 10] Final model in CATIA

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Volume 6, Issue 9, September – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

To sum up, due to advancement in technology people

around the globe can easily afford the drone for their private
uses or for their entertainment. Drones are not only used for
entertainment purpose or in defence related activities but
now some delivering agencies are now focusing on the uses
of drones to deliver their parcels across the whole country.
The major benefit of the drones is that it reduces man work.
For example if drones are used to deliver parcel than it will
increases the speed of the work and on other hand it will
also decrease the man effort.

Many people nowadays are choosing artificial

intelligence as their professional hobby and for that people
drones and UAVs plays a key role for their career and as
there are copious choices in the field of AI, people will also
get vast opportunities for their career and we hope that this
sector would how some significant advancements in near


[1]. https://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/international-
[2]. https://www.sensorsone.com/local-gravity-calculator/
[3]. http://www.aerodynamics4students.com/properties-of-
[4]. https://www.defencetalk.com/nato-drone-project-set-
[5]. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endurance_(aeronautics)
[6]. http://airfoiltools.com/airfoil/details?airfoil=s1223rtl-il
[7]. https://www.pbs.cz/en/Aerospace/Aircraft-

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