Sociometry: Subject:-Nursing Education

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SUBMITTED TO :- Ms Anand Bhawna
Nursing Tutor
Speciality – Peads
Msc Nursing 1st Year
Sociometry is a quantitative methods for measuring social
relationship . it was developed by psychotherapist well being for a work group ,
sociometry can be a power full tool for reducing conflict and improving
communication because it allow the group to see itself objectively and to
analysis its own dynamic . it is also power full tool for assessing dynamic and
development in groups devoted to therapy or training.
“ The term sociometry related to its latin etymology socius meaning
companion and meaning measure Jacob Moreno defined . sociomtry as the
inquiry into the evalution and organization of the groups and the positive of
the individual within them.
A use full working definition of sociometry is the amethodology for
bracking energy vector of interpersonal relationship in a group . it show the
pattern of how individual associated with each other when acting as agroup
towards a specified end or goal . Moreno himself defined sociometry as the
mathematical study of psychological properties of populations . the experimental
techniques and the result obtained by the application of quantitative methods.
According to Helen Jennings sociometry is the means of presence simply
and group cally the entire structured of rekationship existing at a giving
structured of relations at a ginen among members of a given group , the major
lines of communication of the pattern of attraction or rejection in the full scope .
are made , readily comprehensive at a geanse.
The basic techniques in the sociometry is the , socio metric testv. In
sociometry experimental method and the science of the society.a approach to a
new political orientation Moreno distributes the depth to hich a group needs
to go for the him had a qualitative meanings and did not appliy unless some
group process criteria were met.
Others criteria are the rule of adequate motivation . every participation
should fell about the experimental that it is his or her own cause… that it is
ann apportunity for him concerning his life situation and the rules of gradual
inclusion of all slow dioletic process of the sociometry experimental.ian .
Choice are always made on some basic or criterion may be
subjective such as an invitive feelings of like and dislike a person on first
impression . the criterion may be objective and conscious such as knowing that a
person does or does not have criterion may be more objective and conscious
such as knowing that a person does or does not have certain skills needed for
the group task.
When member of a group are asked choose others in the group based on a
specific criteria , everyone in the group based on a specific criteria , everyone
in the group can make choice were made from these choice a description
emerges of the network . inside the group . a drawing like a map , of those
network is called a sociogram. The date for the sociometry may also be
displayed as a table or matrix of each person choice . such as a table is called a
A simple example of applied sociometry is to have group member
make a selection on the basic of a simple no tratening criteria . ask everyone in
the group would you choose to salf sandwich order everyone in this room , go
to storm and come back with the right sand wiches and the right
your choice by your talents .regarding of the criteria , the person who receives
the most hands on his or her shoulders is what is know as the sociometry. If
you had to project a new culture rhenomenon , unheard or at this points in turn
whom in this room would you ask for information.
Regardless of the criteria the person who receive the most hand on his
or her shoulder is what is know as the sociometry for this specific criteria.other
sociometry relationship which may be observea are mutuals , where two people
choose each other , who choose person , who choose person and so on and goes
or cleavages when cluster of people chose each other but no one cluster has
chose any one in any other cluster.
Suppose we want to know how much interpersonal trust exists within
a small group of six members lets call the group member Ann, ,Bob, Edna,
and Fred. For the purpose of this example we will use the following certerion .
I trust this person to keep oral agreements and commitments , and not to
understand / under cut me or go behind my back . we will use the symbols to
indicate high trust to indicate moderate trust and to indication distrust conflicts.
Next we interview each group members individually , when we have
established rapport and have explained that all response will be kept
confidential rapport and have explained that all responses will be kept
confidential , we ask the person we are interviewing , we ask the person in the
group , based on the criteria.
Say we are interviewing ann. Ann rates the others as following.
Bob =+

You can see that ann’s choice have been charted in ann ‘s row:-ann
high trust rating of bob in the where the ann row interested bob’s coloms.
Where the ann row enter the claves row. The matric already enter the group
dynamic win the little analysis clavige.
The matrix already tell us to great deal about the group dynamic. With
a little analysis the matrix become something. Like a x- ray or CAT scan of
the group interpersonal relationship , coloums show the large percentage of
can identified the normal leader of the group may be close to rejecting . row
showing all the analysis manner
Ann Bob Clave Don Edna Frud
Total + 2 4 0 3 4 1
Total 0 2 1 2 2 1 4
Total - 1 0 3 0 0 0
Total choice received 5 5 5 5 5 5
Not chosen by 0 0 0 0 0 0
Nutualst 1 2 0 1 2 0
Nutual 0 1 0 0 2 0 1
Nutual 1 0 1 0 0 0

This means ann has high trust of bob distrust or is in conflict with clavis has
moderate or is in conflict with clavis. Has moderate trust of don and so on.
In the course of interview we enlist the all of detail about all the relations .
can ask ann for exm why she distrusis clavis and ideas about what clavis do to
improve in situations.
After conducting all the interview obtaining the rating from everyone the
next step is to chart all the responses in the sociometrix .here is the sociometrix
for the sample group.
The selection of appropriate criterion on makes break the sociometry
intervention . as in all data collection in the social science , the answer you can
get depend upon the question. Any question enlist the information but unless the
items information may be confused .a good criteria should be present a
meaningfull choice of patient in an simple formet as possible.
The criteria should be as simple stated and as and straightforward as
The responsibility should have some actually experience in reference to the
The criteria should be specific rather than general or vague . vaguely definea
criteria evoke response.
A criteria is more powerfull if it is one that has a potential for beings asked .eg.
for incoming college freshment the questions .
A trust this person to keep oral age mentst and commitment ,work for urine
win solutions and not to understand and undercut me or go behind my back.

+ = high trust.
- = moderate trust.
= conflict.
Based on ability to work effectively ,as team members ,whom would you
choice to work with team members, whom you on an important teacher project.
a) If you were going with and what person would you want person whould
you not want go with.
b)If you had leave to go home person would you want to invite to your home
and what to invite to yours home and what person , would you not want to
invite to yours home.
c) If you were told the person would you choose and what person would you
not choose.
At camp, you like to do lot of things with other camps . in order to help
staff work out your group we would like to tell us would like to tell us which
campers you like to
Cabin with.
Go on canoe trip with
To be in your favorite activity with.
The typical process for a sociometry follows these basic step.
a) Identify the group to be studed.
b)Develop the criteria.
c) Established the rapport.
d)Gather sociometric data.
e) Analysis the interpretate data
f) In a group develop and implementation test.
1. Hoffman ,chers, Welcox ,L.Gomex ,E Hallander
(1992),Sociometric.Application in a cooperate environment ,Jownal of
group Psychotherapy ,Psychoderama& Socimetric 45, 3-16.
2. Hollander, Carl .e (1958),An Introduction to Sociogram construction
,Denver ,Colorade snow Lionpress, Inc Avaliable At the Coloracto 8000
begin of the Skype -303.302.
3. Morena , Jacob levy (1934) , Revised edition (1953) who shall survive
beconny beacon house.
4. North way many l. (1967) , A primer of sociometry , Toroto , University

of torantro press.

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