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Analysis Report of Residential Building

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A Report on

Structural Analysis and Design

of Residential Building
(2& half Storey)

Mr. Santosh Regmi
Thankot -6, Chandragiri, Kathmandu


This report comprises the summary of the residential building of Mr. Santosh
Regmi at, Thankot-6 ,Chandragiri, Kathmandu , Nepal. The reports consist of
the design procedures adopted, the assumptions made, the inputs made in the
design and the design output. During the design, it is assumed that the client will
completely follow the architectural as well as the structural design. It is also
assumed that the construction will be supervised by professional engineer.

The designer will not be responsible if any alterations to the structural system is
made by the client or the contractor without the prior written permission from
the designer, or the alterations to non-structural system is made such that the
weight of each individual floor or the weight of the whole building is altered by
more than 10% of design weight of each floor and the total weight.

The design calculations and derivations are limited to only a minimum to let the
concerned people know the methodology adopted. However, the calculations may
be provided to the client or concerned authorities when needed, upon request.
Hence the building is safe.

PART I: GENERAL DATA................................................................................................... 4

PART II: PRELIMININARY DESIGN................................................................................ 5

PART III: METHODOLOGY............................................................................................... 4

PART IV: LOAD CALCULATION....................................................................................... 6

PART V: DESIGN PARAMETERS..................................................................................... 8

PART VI: STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS................................................................................ 9

PART VII: DESIGN CALCULATIONS............................................................................. 20

PART VIII: SUMMARY..................................................................................................... 27

 Introduction

This report has been prepared as a part of the structural engineering analysis and
design of the residence building.

The massive data inputs, design analysis, calculations and outputs of the result are
computer aided by the Structural analysis and design software ETABS, which is a
special purpose computer program developed specifically for building structures by
CSI America. It provides the Structural Engineer with all the tools necessary to
create, modify, analyze, design, and optimize the structural elements in a building

Based on the final results, the designs have been performed and drawings were
prepared using AutoCAD 2014.

 Building Design Parameters

Nepal is located in boundary between the Indian and Tibetan plates, along which a
relative shear strain of about 2 cm per year has been estimated. The Indian plate is
also sub-ducting at a rate of, thought to be, about 3 cm per year. The existence of the
Himalayan range with the world’s highest peaks is evidence of continued uplift. As a
result, Nepal is very active seismically.

Reinforced concrete buildings may fail due to the either columns are overstressed
and burst due to lack of enough strength to resist the shock of the earth tremor and
vibration or failure of reinforced concrete members like beams at the poor ductile
detailing. Columns also do fail due to short column effect and splicing failure. Beams
fail due to anchorage failure, shear failure and confinement failure.

The building consists of a RCC frame structure, which is essentially an assembly of

cast-in-situ-concrete beams and columns. Floors and roof design consists of cast-in-
place concrete slabs. Therefore the member sizes or structural elements,
reinforcement details, joint details are considered during design process such that to
meet the design standards for ductile performance of the structure.

For the design of the building, the Indian Standard criteria for earthquake resistant
design IS 1893:2002 have been referred. According to the IS Code, the seismic zone
for Kathmandu has been taken falling in Zone V with very severe seismic intensity
(zone factor z = 0.36) and accordingly all other parameters like spectral coefficient
(Sa/g) and tremor response period or fundamental natural period (T) were calculated.
After that all design requirements such as seismic weight of building, lateral forces at
different floor levels and different column heads, base shear, distribution of design
forces to different floor levels are considered.

The characteristic compressive strength for concrete of 20 N/mm 2 (M20) was used in
all structural members and characteristic strength of 500 N/mm 2 (Fe500) was used
for reinforcing steel.
The tentative size of structural elements are determined through the preliminary
design so that after analysis the pre assumed dimensions might not deviated
considerably , thus making the final design both safe and economical . Tentative size
of various elements has been determined as follows:

For slab, preliminary design is done according to deflection criteria span /effective
depth = 40*modification factor. (IS 456-2000 Art 24.1)

From deflection criteria, we have,

d (Cl.23-2.1, p.37, IS456:2000)
α = Basic value of span to effective depth ratios for spans up to spans 10m.
β = a factor which accounts for correction in the values of α for spans
greater than 10m
γ = a factors which depends on the stress at service and amount of steel for
tension reinforcement
For fy=500 ,
Areaof cross sec tion of steel required
fs=0 .58 fy×
Areaof cross sec ti on provide
δ =a factor which depends on the area of compression reinforcement.
λ = a factor for flanged beams which depends on the ratio of web width to
flange width.
taken, αβγδλ=32

Thumb rule of (d=L/10 to L/12) basis is adopted to consider the preliminary design of
the beam section.
b 1
D 2

i) Depth of beam:
We have,
1 1
dbeam = 10 12 of span
ii) Width of beam:
1 2
We have, bbeam = 2 3 of d beam
Preliminary design of column is done consideration and interior column. For the load
acting in the column, live load is decreased according to IS 875-1978.
Cross-section of the column is adopted considering the economy. Square column
section is adopted in this building project as per the internal aesthetic requirements.
A percentage of steel is taken as 0.8 to 6 percentage of cross section area of
column, but as taking 6% area of steel is more at a laps section so generally % of
steel is taken up to 4% only..

We have,

pA p A
P= 0.4
f A +0 . 67 f A
ck c y sc =0 . 4 f ( A −100
ck g
)+0 .67 f y 100

Stairs is designed as per drawing. Column for stairs boxes is not included in the grid
system but they are assumed to be simply tied with main frame with beam.
The methodology adopted in the Structural Analysis and Design of Two and half
Storied RCC framed Residential Building has been described below:
1. Data Collection
All the data required for this project work have been taken from different
literatures. Design parameters have been taken from Indian Standard Code of
Practice. Soil test report collect from site.
2. Load Calculation
Load calculations have been done using the IS 875-1987 (Part 1 & Part 2) as
reference. The exact value of unit weights of the material used in the building has
been extracted from the code for the calculation. Thickness of materials was taken as
per design requirement.
2.1 Vertical Load
Loads on slabs may be divided into
i. Dead load - self-weight of slab.
ii. Live load - from relevant codes.
Load on beam are:
a. Self – weight of beam.
b. Load transfer from slab.
c. Load due to wall.
d. Load transfer from staircase.
Load on the columns were calculated by finding out the total dead load and
live loads acting on the columns according to their coverage and adding self – weight
of it.

a.) Self weight of the beam

In ETABS, after fixing the size of beam, software calculates self-weight of
beam itself. Moreover, the self weight of the beam as uniformly distributed load over
the span can be found by multiplying cross-sectional area of beam with unit weight of
reinforce concrete.
b.) Load Transfer from slab to beam
The load of the slab, dead load as well as live load, can be converted to
equivalent uniformly distributed load for beam by two ways.
 Triangulation Load Distribution
 Trapezoidal Load Distribution
c). Load due to wall
The load of wall as uniformly distributed load over the span can be found by
multiplying thickness and height of the wall with unit weight of brick work. Opening
have been calculated and deducted wherever opening such as window, door exist.
Partition load has been taken as 1 kN/m2 area of the slab.

d). Load transfer from staircase

Reaction produce by staircase have been calculated and this reactions have
been changed into uniformly distributed load over the beam by dividing span of
2.2 Lateral Load Calculation

Lateral loads acting on building are earthquake load only. Earthquake or

seismic load on a building depends upon its geographic location, lateral stiffness and
mass, and it’s reversible. Thus its effect has been considered along both axes of the
building taken one at the time. Due to flat slab roof we have not considered wind
load, also it is not practically used in our context. Hence only seismic load analysis is
carried out. For analysis and design earthquake action, following methods can be
1. Seismic Coefficient Method.
2. Response Spectrum Method.
Since the height of the building is less than 40m, equivalent static method is
On the basis of IS 1893:2000.

The total design lateral force or design seismic base shear (V B) along any principal
direction shall be determined by the following expression:
VB = Ah.W
Z I Sa
VB =
( × × ×W
2 R g )
T =0 . 075 h For RCC frame building
VB = Base shear
Ah = Design horizontal acc. spectrum
Z = Zone Factor
I = Importance Factor
R = Response Reduction Factor
g = Average Response Acceleration Coefficient
W = Seismic Weight of building
T = Natural period of vibration
h = Height of Building in m
d = Base Dimension at Plinth level
Design loads (imposed and earthquake) standard are referred to Indian Standard
Code of Practice IS: 875 (Part 2) 1987 for design loads for building and structures.
Reduction in Imposed Loads on Floors as allowed by the IS Code has been also
applied. Dead loads are calculated as per the mass and density of the structural and
other building elements.
The dead loads and live loads are calculated as indicated below to start with for
general guidance.
Loading assumption:
A. Dead Load
Assuming slab thickness of 125 mm
Self Load of slab = 125*25/1000
= 3.125 kN/m2
50mm thick screed + punning on floor
Intensity = 1.00 kN/m2
Total Dead Load = 4.125 kN/m2

B. Live Load
IS: 875 (Part 2)-1987
Normal Residential building: 2 to 3kN/m2

LL = 1.5 kN/ m2

C. Column assuming size, C1 =300mmx300mm

D. Grid Beam & Secondary assuming size of 230mmx350mm

F. Exterior Wall assuming wall thickness of 230mm

Wall Load = 0.23(W)*2.5(H)*19.20
= 11 kN/m
Deducting 30% for openings,
Wall Load = 0.23(W)*2.5(H)*19.20* 0.7
= 7.73 kN/m
G. Partition Wall,
Wall Load = 0.115(W)*2.5(H)*19.20
= 5.52 kN/m

H. Parapet Wall
Load = 0.115(W)*1(H)*19.20
= 2.21 kN/m

 Static Load Cases

Name Type
Dead Linear Static
Live Linear Static
WALL Linear Static
FF Linear Static
Ex Linear Static
Ey Linear Static
Linear Static
ROOF LL Linear Static
 Seismic Load Calculation
Coefficient Calculation
Based on IS 1893 (Part 1): 2002, Criteria for earthquake resistant design of

Calculation of earthquake loads using Seismic coefficient method:

The design horizontal seismic coefficient,

Ah = Z*I*Sa/2Rg

Where Z=zone factor

I = Importance factor
R = Response reduction factor
Sa/g = average response acceleration coefficient

The approximate fundamental natural period of vibration (Ta) in seconds, of moment-

resisting frame buildings with brick infill panels,
may be estimated by the empirical expression:

Ta = 0.075*h0.75

h = Height of Building in meter, includes the basement storey and

I = 1 (6.4.2, IS 1893 (Part 1) 2002)

Z = 0.36
Ah= ZISa/2Rg

Ta = 0.075*h0.75
= 0.075*8.54.75
=0.374 sec

Sa/g = 2.5(from graph in page no 16, 1893 (part 1)-2002)

R = 5 (Page 23)

Ah = ZISa/2Rg
= 0.36*1*2.5/ (2*5)
= 0.09

The total design lateral force or design seismic base shear (V B) along any principal
direction is determined by the following expression

VB = Ah*W
=0.09*2499.48 KN
=224.95 KN

Where, Ah = the design horizontal seismic coefficient

W = Seismic weight of the building
Types of building Residential Building
Types of structural system Reinforced Concrete Frame
Number of stories Two and half storey
Design provision for future extension No
Story Height 2.87 m
Height of parapet wall 1.0 m
Total height of the Building 8.61 m
External wall/ some internal wall 230 mm
Few internal wall 115 mm
Plaster thickness 12 mm
Soil type Type II
Bearing capacity 150 KN/m2
Slab thickness 125mm
Beam size (mm) 230x350
Column size (mm) 300x300
Cement Ordinary Portland cement
Grade of concrete M20 for the entire member
Grade of steel Fe500 for both main and shear
Reinforced concrete 25.0KN/m3
Brick masonry 19.20KN/m3
Partition wall 1.00KN/m2
Floor finishes 1.00KN/m2
Ceiling Plaster 0.5KN/m2
Unit loads on floor
Bed Rooms 2.0KN/m2
Corridors 3.0 KN/m2
Stairs 3.0 KN/m2
Roof (accessible) 1.5 KN/m2
Roof (Non accessible) 0.750 KN/m2

Analysis method adopted for EQ resistant design : Seismic coefficient
Level of design : Professionally engineered
Total number of design load cases considered : 13
Seismic zoning factor : 0.36
Basic seismic coefficient : 0.09
Important factor : 1.0
Structural performance factor : 1.0
Weight of structure : 2499.48 KN
Horizontal base shear at plinth level : 224.95 KN
 Load Combinations taken in Analysis

2. 1.2(DL+LL+EQX)
3. 1.2(DL+LL-EQX)
4. 1.2(DL+LL+EQZ)
6. 1.5(DL+EQX)
7. 1.5(DL-EQX)
8. 1.5(DL+EQZ)
9. 1.5(DL-EQZ)
10. 0.9DL+1.5EQX
11. 0.9DL-1.5EQX
12. 0.9DL+1.5EQZ
13. 0.9DL-1.5EQZ

Analysis Detail:

Fig : Typical Floor Plan

Fig : 3D VIEW
Fig : Dead Load (Floor Finish)
Fig : Dead Load (Wall load)
Fig : Live Load
Fig :Roof Live Load
 Support Reactions
Autolateral load to stories along X-axis

Maximum lateral load in X-axis is 111.27 KN in third story

Autolateral load to stories along Y-axis
Maximum lateral load along Y-axis is 80.70 KN in third story
Axial Force Diagram (Sample)
Shear Force Diagram (Sample)
Bending Moment Diagram (Sample)
Story Response - Maximum Story Drifts

Summary Description
This is story response output for a specified range of stories and a selected load case
or load combination.

Input Data
Name StoryResp1
Display Type Max story drifts Story Range All Stories
Load Case Ex Top Story Story3
Output Type Max Bottom Story Base


Maximum story drift along X-axis is 0.001884 in

second story
Summary Description
This is story response output for a specified range of stories and a selected load case
or load combination.

Input Data
Name StoryResp1
Display Type Max story drifts Story Range All Stories
Load Case Ey Top Story Story3
Output Type Max Bottom Story Base


Maximum story drift along Y-axis is 0.001762 in story 2



Fig: Column rebar along grid 1

Fig: Column rebar along grid 2

Fig: Column rebar along grid 3
ETABS 2016 Concrete Frame Design
IS 456:2000 Column Section Design

Column Element Details Type: Ductile Frame (Summary)

Level Element Unique Name Section ID Combo ID Station Loc Length (mm) LLRF
Story1 C5 49 C 12*12 1.5(DL+Ex) 0 2844.8 0.587

Section Properties
b (mm) h (mm) dc (mm) Cover (Torsion) (mm)
304.8 304.8 56 30

Material Properties
Ec (MPa) fck (MPa) Lt.Wt Factor (Unitless) fy (MPa) fys (MPa)
22360.68 20 1 500 500

Design Code Parameters

ɣC ɣS
1.5 1.15

Axial Force and Biaxial Moment Design For Pu , Mu2 , Mu3

Design Pu Design Mu2 Design Mu3 Minimum M2 Minimum M3 Rebar Area Rebar %
kN kN-m kN-m kN-m kN-m mm² %
531.1187 -20.4345 72.2861 10.6224 10.6224 2024 2.18

Axial Force and Biaxial Moment Factors

K Factor Length Initial Moment Additional Moment Minimum Moment
Unitless mm kN-m kN-m kN-m
Major Bend(M3) 1.545126 2489.2 24.6425 10.6798 10.6224
Minor Bend(M2) 1.481025 2489.2 -0.6196 9.8121 10.6224

Shear Design for Vu2 , Vu3

Shear Vu Shear Vc Shear Vs Shear Vp Rebar Asv /s
kN kN kN kN mm²/m
Major, Vu2 44.8553 78.1322 30.3333 44.8553 337.85
Minor, Vu3 43.176 78.1322 30.3333 43.176 337.85

Joint Shear Check/Design

Joint Shear Shear Shear Shear Joint Shear
Force VTop Vu,Tot Vc Area Ratio
kN kN kN kN cm² Unitless
Major Shear, Vu2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Minor Shear, Vu3 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
(1.1) Beam/Column Capacity Ratio
Major Ratio Minor Ratio

Additional Moment Reduction Factor k (IS

Ag Asc Puz Pb Pu k
cm² cm² kN kN kN Unitless
929 20.2 1595.0057 311.1249 531.1187 0.828649

Additional Moment (IS 39.7.1)

Consider Length Section KL/Depth KL/Depth KL/Depth Ma
Ma Factor Depth (mm) Ratio Limit Exceeded Moment (kN-m)
Major Bending (M3 ) Yes 0.875 304.8 12.619 12 Yes 12.8883
Minor Bending (M2 ) Yes 0.875 304.8 12.095 12 Yes 11.8411

N/A: Not Applicable
N/C: Not Calculated
N/N: Not Needed


Fig: Beam rebar in GF

Fig: Beam rebar in First Floor

Fig: Beam rebar in Second Floor
ETABS 2016 Concrete Frame Design
IS 456:2000 Beam Section Design

Beam Element Details Type: Ductile Frame (Summary)

Level Element Unique Name Section ID Combo ID Station Loc Length (mm) LLRF
Story1 B1 20 B 9*14 1.5(DL-Ey) 152.4 3429 1

Section Properties
b (mm) h (mm) bf (mm) ds (mm) dct (mm) dcb (mm)
228.6 355.6 228.6 0 30 30

Material Properties
Ec (MPa) fck (MPa) Lt.Wt Factor (Unitless) fy (MPa) fys (MPa)
22360.68 20 1 500 500

Design Code Parameters

ɣC ɣS
1.5 1.15

Factored Forces and Moments

Factored Factored Factored Factored
Mu3 Tu Vu2 Pu
kN-m kN-m kN kN
-64.5193 0 59.1316 0

Design Moments, Mu3 & Mt

Factored Factored Positive Negative
Moment Mt Moment Moment
kN-m kN-m kN-m kN-m
-64.5193 5.172E-07 0 -64.5193

Design Moment and Flexural Reinforcement for Moment, Mu3 & Tu

Design Design -Moment +Moment Minimum Required
-Moment +Moment Rebar Rebar Rebar Rebar
kN-m kN-m mm² mm² mm² mm²
Top (+2 Axis) -64.5193 564 0 564 174
Bottom (-2 Axis) 0 282 0 1 282

Shear Force and Reinforcement for Shear, Vu2 & Tu

Shear Ve Shear Vc Shear Vs Shear Vp Rebar Asv /s
kN kN kN kN mm²/m
76.6716 41.81 34.8616 55.0824 296.7
Torsion Force and Torsion Reinforcement for Torsion, Tu & VU2
Tu Vu Core b1 Core d1 Rebar Asvt /s
kN-m kN mm mm mm²/m
0 59.1316 188.6 315.6 0
Part VIII: Summary
8.1 Column Design
Different Column Sections and required longitudinal reinforcements are tabulated below:
Table 8-1: Column Design Summary
Column ID Type Size Reinforcemen Lateral ties

8 mm 4-
C1 Square 12” x 12” 4-16Ø legged lateral
4-12 Ø ties @100
(304 x mm and 150
mm c/c at
304mm) ends and mid
C2 square respectively.
12” x 12” 8-16 Ø
(304 x 304
4-20 Ø + 4-16
square Ø
C3 12” x 12”
(304 x 304

8.2 Beam Design

Two different beam sections used in the buildings are tabulated below. The reinforcement
shall be as specified in the drawings.
Table 8-2: Beam Sections
Sn Designation Size Top Rebar Bottom Rebar
1 Beam 9” x 14”
-Beam G.F. 9” x 14” 2-16mm Φ(T)+1-16mm 2-16mm Φ(T)+1-12mm
Φ(E) Φ(T)
-Beam 1st FL. 9” x 14” 2-16mm Φ(T)+1-12mm 2-16mm Φ(T)+1-12mm
Φ(E) Φ(T)
-Beam Top Fl. 9” x 14” 2-16mm Φ(T)+1-12mm 2-16mm Φ(T)+1-12mm
Φ(E) Φ(T)
2 Tie Beam 9” x 12’’ 3-12mm Φ(T) 3-12mm Φ(T)
3 Lower Tie Beam 9” x 12’’ 3-12mm Φ(T) 3-12mm Φ(T)
4 Strap beam 14” x 22” 6-16mm Φ(T) 3-16mm Φ(T)
8.3 Slab Design
The final output of the slab is presented below. The construction shall follow the details
provided in slab drawing.
Table 8-3: Slab basic data
Slab Thickness 125 mm
Main bars (bottom): Φ10@ 150mm c/c
Main bars (top): Φ10@ 150mm c/c (x-dir)
Φ10@ 150mm c/c (y-dir)
Dist. Bars: Φ10@ 150mm c/c
8.4 Staircase Design
The output of the design of staircase is presented below. The construction shall follow the
detail drawing of the staircase.
Table 8-4: Staircase basic data
Staircase Thickness 125 mm
Main bars (bottom): Φ12@ 180mm c/c
Main bars (top): Φ12@ 180mm c/c
Dist. Bars: Φ10@ 100mm c/c

8.5 Footing Design

The output of the design of footing is presented below. The construction shall follow the
detail drawing of footing.
Footing Footing Size Rebar Thickness
F1 5’-0” x 5’-0” Φ12@ 150mm c/c both direction 1’8”
F2 6’-0” x6’-0” Φ12@ 150mm c/c both 1’8”
F3 6’-6” x 6’-6” Φ12@ 150mm c/c both 2’-0”
Standards and Codes of Practice:

1. Indian Standards Code of Practice For

Plain & Reinforced Concrete IS: 456-2000; Bureau of Indian Standards
(BIS), July 2000, New Delhi
2. Design Aids for Reinforced Concrete IS:
456-1978 Special Publication: 16 Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS),
New Delhi
3. Nepal National Building Code, NBC 105:
1994, Department of Housing and Physical Planning.
4. Handbook on Concrete reinforcement
and Detailing, Special Publication: 34 [SP: 34 –1987].
5. Explanatory Handbook on Code for
Earthquake Engineering IS: 1893 –2002, Beau of Indian Standards
(BIS), New Delhi.
6. Ductile Detailing of Reinforced Concrete
Structures subjected to Seismic forces- Indian Code of Practice IS
13920: 1993, Beau of Indian Standards (BIS), New Delhi.

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