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Personal protective equipment |
for the prevention of falls
Licensed copy:London Fire Emergency Planning Authority, 29/11/2005, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

from a height Ð Low stretch |
kernmantel ropes |
The European Standard EN 1891:1998 has the status of a |
British Standard |
ICS 13.340.99 |
BS EN 1891:1998

National foreword
This British Standard is the English language version of EN 1891:1998.
The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical Committee PH/5,
Industrial safety belts and harnesses, which has the responsibility to:
Licensed copy:London Fire Emergency Planning Authority, 29/11/2005, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

Ð aid enquirers to understand the text;

Ð present to the responsible European committee any enquiries on the
interpretation, or proposals for change, and keep the UK interests informed;
Ð monitor related international and European developments and promulgate
them in the UK.

A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on request to

its secretary.
The British Standards which implement international or European publications
referred to in this document may be found in the BSI Standards Catalogue under the
section entitled ªInternational Standards Correspondence Indexº, or by using the
ªFindº facility of the BSI Standards Electronic Catalogue.
A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.

Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, the EN title page,
pages 2 to 16, an inside back cover and a back cover.

This British Standard, having Amendments issued since publication

been prepared under the
direction of the Health and Amd. No. Date Text affected
Environment Sector Board, was
published under the authority of
the Standards Board and comes
into effect on 15 September 1998

 BSI 1998

ISBN 0 580 29836 1


ICS 13.340.99
Licensed copy:London Fire Emergency Planning Authority, 29/11/2005, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

Descriptors: Personal protective equipment, accident prevention, protection against fall, ropes, textiles, definitions, specifications,
characteristics, elongation, sliding, tests, marking, information

English version

Personal protective equipment for the prevention of falls from a

height Ð Low stretch kernmantel ropes

Equipement de protection individuelle pour la PersoÈnliche SchutzausruÈstung zur Verhinderung von

preÂvention des chutes de hauteur Ð Cordes AbstuÈrzen Ð Kernmantelseile mit geringer Dehnung
tresseÂes gaineÂes aÁ faible coefficient d'allongement

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 25 March 1998.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical
references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to
the Central Secretariat or to any CEN member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the
same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and
United Kingdom.

European Committee for Standardization
Comite EuropeÂen de Normalisation
EuropaÈisches Komitee fuÈr Normung

Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

 1998 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CEN national
Ref. No. EN 1891:1998 E
Page 2
EN 1891:1998

Foreword Contents
Licensed copy:London Fire Emergency Planning Authority, 29/11/2005, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

This European Standard has been prepared by Page

Technical Committee CEN/TC 160, Protection against
falls from height including working belts, the Foreword 2
secretariat of which is held by DIN. 0 Introduction 3
This European Standard shall be given the status of a 1 Scope 3
national standard, either by publication of an identical 2 Normative references 3
text or by endorsement, at the latest by October 1998, 3 Definitions 3
and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn 3.1 Low stretch kernmantel rope 3
at the latest by October 1998. 3.2 Rope access 3
This European Standard has been prepared under a 3.3 Work positioning 3
mandate given to CEN by the European Commission
and the European Free Trade Association, and 3.4 Type A ropes 3
supports essential requirements of EU Directive(s). 3.5 Type B ropes 3
For relationship with EU Directive(s), see informative 4 Requirements 3
annex ZA, which is an integral part of this standard. 4.1 Materials 3
The annex A is informative. 4.2 Rope diameter D 3
According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, 4.3 Knotability K 3
the national standards organizations of the following 4.4 Sheath slippage Ss 4
countries are bound to implement this European 4.5 Elongation E 4
Standard: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, 4.6 Shrinkage R 4
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, 4.7 Mass per unit length M 4
Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal,
4.8 Mass of the outer sheath material Sp 4
Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
4.9 Mass of the core material C 4
4.10 Fall arrest peak force F 4
4.11 Dynamic performance 4
4.12 Static strength 4
5 Test methods 5
5.1 Samples 5
5.2 Conditioning 5
5.3 Rope diameter D 5
5.4 Knotability K 5
5.5 Sheath slippage SS 6
5.6 Elongation E 8
5.7 Shrinkage R 8
5.8 Mass per unit length M, core
material C and sheath material SP 9
5.9 Dynamic tests 9
5.10 Static strength test of terminations 12
6 Marking 12
7 Information to be supplied by the
manufacturer including instructions
for use 13
Annex A (informative) Recommendations
for inspection and care of low stretch
kernmantel ropes in use 14
Annex ZA (informative) Clauses of this
European Standard addressing essential
requirements or other provisions of EU
Directives 16

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EN 1891:1998

Introduction 3 Definitions
Ropes for use in rope access, rescue and in speleology For the purposes of this European Standard the
are used in similar ways and therefore require the following definitions shall apply:
Licensed copy:London Fire Emergency Planning Authority, 29/11/2005, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

same characteristics. They are used in combination

with ascending, descending and safety devices for 3.1
work positioning in rope access; lowering or raising low stretch kernmantel rope
casualties in rescue; as a means of ascent, descent and a textile rope consisting of a core enclosed by a
horizontal motion in speleology. The characteristics sheath, designed for use by persons in rope access
required are low extension during normal working including all kinds of work positioning and restraint;
procedure but with the capacity to withstand forces for rescue and speleology
generated by a fall. Some energy absorption of these NOTE The core is usually the main load bearing element and
impact forces is also desirable, the amount usually a typically consists of parallel elements which have been drawn and
compromise with the acceptable extension during turned together in single or several layers, or of braided elements.
normal working practice. The sheath is generally braided and protects the core, for example
from external abrasion and ultraviolet degradation.

1 Scope
rope access
This European Standard applies to low stretch textile
ropes of kernmantel construction from 8,5 mm to the technique of using ropes, in combination with
16 mm diameter, for use by persons in rope access other devices, for getting to and from the place of
including all kinds of work positioning and restraint; work and for work positioning
for rescue and in speleology. Two types of low stretch 3.3
kernmantel rope are defined: A and B. The European
work positioning
Standard specifies requirements, testing, marking and
information to be supplied by the manufacturer a technique which enables a person to work supported
including instructions for use of such low stretch in tension or suspension by personal protective
kernmantel ropes. equipment, in such a way that a fall is prevented
NOTE 1 It is possible that rope not conforming to this European 3.4
Standard may also be suitable for the activities described above.
type A ropes
NOTE 2 Ropes used for protection during any free climbing
activity in rope access, rescue or speleology should take account low stretch kernmantel ropes designed for general use
of other standards, e.g. EN 892. Dynamic mountaineering rope may by persons in rope access including all kinds of work
also be used for protection during rope access and work positioning and restaint; in rescue and in speleology
2 Normative references type B ropes
This European Standard incorporates, by dated or low stretch kernmantel ropes of a lower performance
undated reference, provisions from other publications. than type A ropes, requiring greater care in use
These normative references are cited at the
appropriate places in the text and the publications are 4 Requirements
listed hereafter. For dated references, subsequent
amendments to or revisions of any of these 4.1 Materials
publications apply to this European Standard only Materials used in the manufacture of low stretch
when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For kernmantel ropes shall be of continuous virgin
undated references the latest edition of the publication synthetic fibre. The materials used for the construction
referred to applies. of the sheath and the core shall be known to have a
EN 364:1992, Personal protective equipment against melting point > 195 8C.
falls from a height Ð Test methods.
4.2 Rope diameter D
EN 365:1992, Personal protective equipment against
When calculated as the arithmetic mean of the six
falls from a height Ð General requirements for
measurements described in 5.3, the rope diameter D
instructions for use and for marking.
shall be a minimum of 8,5 mm and a maximum of
EN 701:1995, Fibre ropes for general service Ð 16 mm.
General specification.
4.3 Knotability K
EN 919:1995, Fibre ropes for general service Ð
Determination of certain physical and mechanical The rigidity of the low stretch kernmantel rope shall be
properties. such that the knotability K shall be less than 1,2 when
determined in the knot test specified in 5.4.
EN 892, Mountaineering equipment Ð Dynamic
mountaineering ropes Ð Safety requirements and
test methods.

 BSI 1998
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EN 1891:1998

4.4 Sheath slippage Ss for type B ropes:

Sheath slippage Ss in a longitudinal direction relative 10
to the core shall be determined as specified in 5.5. Cmin = . 100 in percentage
D 2
With the rope diameter D as specified in 5.3, the sheath 2
Licensed copy:London Fire Emergency Planning Authority, 29/11/2005, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

slippage for type A ropes shall not exceed

which can be simplified to:
20 mm + 10 (D 2 9 mm) for ropes up to 12 mm
diameter, and 20 mm + 5 (D 2 12 mm) for ropes with a 40
Cmin = 2 . 100 in percentage
diameter between 12,1 mm and 16 mm. For type B D
ropes the sheath slippage shall not exceed 15 mm. where C = core and D = rope diameter as measured
Measurements shall be according to value V in 5.5.6 in 5.3.
and shall be reported as a percentage as described
If the construction of the low stretch kernmantel rope
in 5.5.6.
is such that separating the sheath and the core is
4.5 Elongation E impracticable, an appropriate substitute method of
When tested as described in 5.6, the elongation E shall determining the percentage mass of the core material
not exceed 5 %. may be used.

4.6 Shrinkage R 4.10 Fall arrest peak force F

Shrinkage R shall be determined as described in 5.7. When tested as described in 5.9.4, the peak force shall
not exceed 6 kN.
4.7 Mass per unit length M
4.11 Dynamic performance
The mass per unit length M of 1000 mm of low stretch
kernmantel rope shall be determined as described When tested as described in 5.9.5, the low stretch
in 5.8. kernmantel rope shall withstand five falls without
releasing the mass.
4.8 Mass of the outer sheath material Sp
4.12 Static strength
When tested as described in 5.8, the minimum mass of
the material used in the sheath alone, as a percentage 4.12.1 Static strength without terminations
of the total mass of the low stretch kernmantel rope, When tested according to the appropriate parts
shall be: of 4.1, 5.1, 6, 8.1, 8.2, 8.5 and 9.5 of EN 919:1995, the
D 2 D 2 2 2 low stretch kernmantel rope shall sustain a force of at
2  2  least 22 kN for type A ropes and at least 18 kN for
Smin = . 100 in percentage type B ropes.
 2
2 4.12.2 Static strength with terminations
which can be simplified to: Terminations may be made with knots or by other
4D 2 4 methods. When tested as described in 5.10, the low
Smin = . 100 in percentage stretch kernmantel rope including terminations shall
where S = sheath and D = rope diameter as measured sustain a force of (15 +0,50 ) kN for type A ropes and
in 5.3. (12 +0,50 ) kN for type B ropes, each for a period of
If the construction of the low stretch kernmantel rope 3 min.
is such that separating the sheath and the core is
It shall be possible to create a termination (loop)
impracticable, an appropriate substitute method of
suitable for use as an attachment point anywhere on
determining the percentage mass of the outer sheath
the low stretch kernmantel rope, for example, a figure
material may be used.
of eight knot.
4.9 Mass of the core material C
When tested as described in 5.8, the minimum mass of
the material used in the core alone, as a percentage of
the total mass of the low stretch kernmantel rope, shall
for type A ropes:
Cmin = . 100 in percentage
 2
which can be simplified to:
Cmin = 2 . 100 in percentage

 BSI 1998
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EN 1891:1998

5 Test methods 5.3.3 Expression of results

Express the diameter D as the arithmetic mean of the
5.1 Samples
six measurements to the nearest 0,1 mm. Confirm that
The number and length of rope samples to be tested
Licensed copy:London Fire Emergency Planning Authority, 29/11/2005, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

the arithmetic mean of the six measurements is not

are noted in each test clause. The samples shall less than 8,5 mm or greater than 16 mm.
correspond to low stretch kernmantel ropes to be
marketed in every respect except for colour, for which 5.4 Knotability K
there is no requirement. 5.4.1 Sample
5.2 Conditioning One unused rope sample having a minimum length of
All the rope samples shall be conditioned in an 3 000 mm shall be used for the test.
atmosphere of less than 10% humidity for at least 24 h. 5.4.2 Procedure
The rope samples shall then be stored at a temperature
of (20 ± 2) 8C and a humidity of (65 ± 5) % for at least Make two single overhand knots in the rope
72 h. sample (250 ± 50) mm apart with the knot loops
Tests shall be carried out at a temperature of running in opposite directions.
(23 ± 5) 8C. Attach one end of the rope sample to a
5.3 Rope diameter D suitable fixture.

5.3.1 Sample Apply a load without shock in the form of a

mass of (10 ± 0,1) kg, or a corresponding force, so that
One unused rope sample having a minimum length of the load affects both knots.
3 000 mm shall be used for the test. Continue application of the load described
5.3.2 Procedure in for ( 60 ± 15) s. Attach one end of the rope sample to a Reduce the load to (1 ± 0,1) kg and then, while
suitable fixture. still under this load, measure the internal diameter of Apply a load without shock in the form of a the knots to the nearest 0,5 mm using a suitable
mass of (10 ± 0,1) kg, or a corresponding force, at a measuring device such as a tapered plug gauge (see
distance of at least 1 300 mm from the attachment Figure 1), without allowing an alteration of the free
point. width of the knot by the pressure of the measuring
device (see Figure 2). Continue application of the load described
in for (60 ± 15) s. After this loading period, with
the load still applied, measure the low stretch
kernmantel rope in two directions around the diameter,
starting at points 908 apart, at each of three levels
approximately 300 mm apart. The contact length of the
measuring instrument shall be (50 ± 1) mm. The low
stretch kernmantel rope cross-sectional area shall not
be subject to any deformation during measurement.

Dimensions in millimetres

Figure 1 Ð Gauge for determining knotability K

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EN 1891:1998

5.4.3 Expression of results Calculate the average of the internal diameters
of both knots.
Licensed copy:London Fire Emergency Planning Authority, 29/11/2005, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI Knotability shall thus be calculated from:

average internal diameter of the knots
rope diameter as specified in 5.3.3
5.5 Sheath slippage SS
5.5.1 General information
In order to determine sheath slippage, the low stretch
kernmantel rope shall be drawn through the apparatus
illustrated in Figure 3, where the movement is
restricted by radial forces. The resulting frictional force
on the sheath causes slippage of the sheath relative to
the core. The extent of this slippage shall be measured.
5.5.2 Sample
One unused rope sample with a length of
(2 250 ± 10) mm shall be used for the test.
1 Measuring point
5.5.3 Preparation
Figure 2 Ð Determination of knotability K
One end of the sheath and core of the rope sample
shall be fused (heat sealed) together. The other end
shall be cut at right angles to the axis of the low
stretch kernmantel rope.

Dimensions in millimetres

1 Moving plates
2 Spaces
3 Fixed plates

Figure 3 Ð Apparatus for the sheath slippage test

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EN 1891:1998

5.5.4 Apparatus The apparatus shall consist of a frame made
out of four steel plates each 10 mm thick, kept equal
Licensed copy:London Fire Emergency Planning Authority, 29/11/2005, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

distances apart by three spacers. These spacers shall

have rectangular slots in which the 10 mm thick steel
plates are able to slide in a radial direction. The
spacers shall be arranged in such a way as to allow
each of the three inserted plates to slide at an angle of
1208 (see Figure 3). Each of the seven plates shall have an opening
with a diameter of (12 +10 ) mm when testing ropes up
to 12 mm diameter as specified in 5.3, and with a
diameter of (16 +10 ) mm when testing ropes with a
diameter of between 12,1 mm and 16 mm as specified
in 5.3. The internal surfaces shall be semi-toroidal and
D 12 mm or 16 mm (see
have a radius of 5 mm. The polished surfaces of the
semi-torus shall show a mean roughness value of a Dimensions in millimetres
maximum of Ra = 0,4 mm and a maximum Figure 4 Ð Cross-section of orifices
peak-to-valley value of Rmax = 4 mm (see Figure 4). In the unloaded position, the openings in the
fixed plates and in the moving plates shall lie along a 5.5.5 Procedure
central axis. Each of the moving plates shall apply a At the start of the test, the openings of the
radial force of (50 ± 0,5) N in the direction in which it moving plates and of the fixed plates shall be coaxial.
moves. Introduce the fused end of the rope sample
into the apparatus and pull to a length of
(200 ± 10) mm through the test apparatus (see
Figure 5). Ensure that the open end of the rope sample
is not subjected to any load and lies in a horizontal
position in a straight line.



a) Before the test

b) After the test

1 Rope sample
2 Apparatus for the sheath slippage test (see Figure 3)
Dimensions in millimetres

Figure 5 ± Layout of rope sample before and after the test

 BSI 1998
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EN 1891:1998 Then apply a force of (50 ± 0,5) N to the low Continue application of the load described
stretch kernmantel rope via each of the three moving in for (5 ± 0,5) min then, with the load still
plates and pull the rope sample through the apparatus applied, make two marks on the rope sample
at a rate of (0,5 ± 0,2) m/s for a distance of (1 000 ± 1) mm apart. Let this distance be LA.
(1 930 ± 10) mm.
Licensed copy:London Fire Emergency Planning Authority, 29/11/2005, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI Apply an increase in mass without shock of Remove the loads from the sliding plates, push (100 ± 0,1) kg, or a corresponding force, to give a total
them back to their original coaxial position and bring load on the rope sample of (150 ± 0,2) kg.
the rope sample to its initial position. Apply the load described in for Repeat the test described above four times. (5 ± 0,5) min then, with the load still applied, measure
After the last test remove the rope sample completely the new distance LB between the two markings on the
from the test apparatus. stressed rope sample. Express this distance LB to the
nearest millimetre.
5.5.6 Expression of results
After the fifth test measure the relative slippage of the 5.6.3 Expression of results
sheath along the core at the free end of the rope Express the elongation as a percentage (to the nearest
sample (see Figure 6). Measure and express the value 0,1 %) of LB 2 LA divided by LA.
V to the nearest millimetre. Use this value V to (L 2 LA)100
calculate the percentage slippage SS. E= B
V ´ 100
Ss = to the nearest 0,1 in percentage 5.7 Shrinkage R
1 930
5.7.1 Sample
One unused rope sample having a minimum length of
3 000 mm shall be used for the test.
5.7.2 Procedure Attach one end of the rope sample to a
suitable fixture. Apply a load without shock in the form of a
mass of (10 ± 0,1) kg, or a corresponding force, at least
1 300 mm from the clamp or inner end of any formed
termination (e.g. figure of eight knot). Continue application of the load described
in for (60 ± 15) s then, with the load still
applied, make two marks on the rope sample
(1 000 ± 1) mm apart at least 100 mm away from the
1 Sheath
clamp or inner end of any formed termination. Let this
2 Core distance be LA.
a) Sheath slippage, positive Release the load.
b) Sheath slippage, negative After first ensuring that the ends of the rope
Figure 6 Ð Sheath slippage Ð positive and
sample are fused (heat sealed), submerge it in clean
water within a temperature range of (15 ± 5) 8C and a
pH range of 5.5 to 8 for a period of (24 ± 0,2) h.
5.6 Elongation E Within 15 min of removal from the water,
reapply the load as described in and
5.6.1 Sample
One unused rope sample having a minimum length of Continue application of the load described
3 000 mm shall be used for the test. in for (60 ± 15) s then, with the load still
applied, measure the distance between the two marks
5.6.2 Procedure described in Express this distance LB to the Attach one end of the rope sample to a nearest millimetre.
suitable fixture. 5.7.3 Expression of results Apply a load without shock in the form of a Express the shrinkage as a percentage (to the
mass of (50 ± 0,1) kg, or a corresponding force, to the nearest 0,1 %) of LA 2 LB divided by LA.
rope sample. (L 2 LB)100
R= A

 BSI 1998
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EN 1891:1998

5.8 Mass per unit length M, core material C and The entire falling mass, including fixing
sheath material SP bracket and possibly also a measuring device, shall
weigh (100 ± 1) kg for type A ropes and (80 ± 1) kg for
5.8.1 Sample type B ropes.
Licensed copy:London Fire Emergency Planning Authority, 29/11/2005, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

One unused rope sample having a minimum length of

3 000 mm shall be used for the test. 5.9.3 Sample
5.8.2 Procedure If the low stretch kernmantel rope is to be
placed on the market without preformed termination Attach one end of the rope sample to a loops, one unused rope sample of 4 000 mm minimum
suitable fixture. length shall be used for the tests, otherwise one Apply a load without shock in the form of a unused sample of the same length shall be supplied
mass of (10 ± 0,1) kg, or a corresponding force, at least with each type of preformed termination.
1 300 mm from the clamp or inner end of any formed Samples provided without preformed
termination (e.g. figure of eight knot). terminations shall be terminated at both ends in loops Continue application of the load described produced by tying figure of eight knots, as shown in
in for (60 ± 15) s then, with the load still Figure 7c), unless supplied as described in
applied, make two marks on the rope sample If the low stretch kernmantel rope is placed
(1 000 ± 1) mm apart at least 100 mm away from the on the market with preformed termination loops, one
clamp or inner end of any formed termination. end of the sample shall be terminated in the form of a Release the load, cut out the marked portion loop produced by tying a figure of eight knot, as
of the low stretch kernmantel rope and determine the shown in Figure 7c), and the other end terminated as
mass to the nearest 0,1 g. supplied. Separate the sheath from the core of the The length of the termination loops described
sample and determine the mass of the sheath to the in and from the inner end of the
nearest 0,1 g. termination (including the knot or any other fastening
arrangement except splicing) to the outer edge of the
5.8.3 Expression of results loop shall be (175 ± 25) mm while under a load of Calculate the mass of the sheath SP as a (100 ± 1) kg for type A ropes and (80 ± 1) kg for type B
percentage of the total mass of the core and the ropes (see Figure 7a). Visually check that the knots on
sheath. Express as SP to the nearest whole number. the termination loops are symmetrical and that the
ropes lie parallel in the knot, and hand tighten equally Calculate the mass of the core C as a as shown in Figure 7c).
percentage of the total mass of the core and the
sheath. Express as C to the nearest whole number. The length of the sample when suspended by
the 100 kg mass for type A ropes or the 80 kg mass for Express the mass of the sheath and core type B ropes shall be (2 000 +1000 ) mm when measured
combined as M in g/m to the nearest whole number.
between the attachment points of the rigid structure
5.9 Dynamic tests and the suspended mass.
5.9.1 General 5.9.4 Fall arrest peak force test F
There are two types of dynamic test which use the Carry out the first test on the sample prepared
same test specimen. as described in 5.9.3 within 10 min of the low stretch
5.9.2 Apparatus kernmantel rope's removal from the standard
atmosphere (see 5.2). The dynamic performance test apparatus shall
comply with 4.1.1 paragraph 2; 4.4 and 4.6 of Suspend the 100 kg mass for type A ropes or
EN 364:1992. the 80 kg mass for type B ropes from the rigid
structural anchorage point, by connecting the sample The falling mass shall be made of metal. Its between them, for (60 +100 ) s.
shape is not specified; however, it shall be such that
the distance between the point of attachment of the Raise the mass by (600 +200) mm at a maximum
rope on the rigid structure and the point of attachment
on the falling mass is 100 mm maximum. of 100 mm horizontally from the rigid structural
anchorage point. Hold it by the quick release device The falling mass may be guided. If the falling (see Figure 8).
mass is guided, its speed measured over a section of
(100 ± 0,1) mm in the range from 4,95 m to 5,05 m
beneath the release point, shall be (9,920,2 ) m/s.
NOTE This test of the apparatus controls the amount of friction
allowed in a guiding device.

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EN 1891:1998
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NOTE Hand tighten equally.

Ensure that ropes are parallel.

1 Figure of eight knot

2 Termination loop
3 Attachment point
a) Sample for the dynamic test (5.9) b) Sample for the static strength c) Detail of figure of eight knot
test (5.10)
M = (100 ± 1) kg for type A ropes or a corresponding force y = (2 000 +100
0) mm (5.9.3)
M = (80 ± 1) kg for type B ropes or a corresponding force z = 300 mm min. (5.10.2)
Dimensions in millimetres

Figure 7 Ð Preparation of the sample

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M = (100 ± 1) kg for type A ropes or a corresponding force

M = (80 ± 1) kg for type B ropes or a corresponding force
Dimensions in millimetres
x= distance after the fall arrest peak force test in 5.9.4
Figure 8 Ð Fall arrest peak force test (5.9.4) M = (100 ± 1) kg for type A ropes or a corresponding force
M = (80 ± 1) kg for type B ropes or a corresponding force Activate the quick release device and allow Dimensions in millimetres
the mass to fall. Figure 9 Ð Dynamic performance test (5.9.5) Measure and record the peak force. Express
the result to the nearest 0,1 kN. Activate the quick release device and allow Release the load from the sample within the mass to fall.
1 min. Do not remove the sample from the test rig.
Proceed with the sample as specified in Carry After the drop release the load from the low
out the first dynamic performance test in accordance stretch kernmantel rope within 1 min.
with within (3 ± 0,5) min of releasing the load The interval between the consecutive tests on
from the sample. the rope sample shall be (3 ± 0,5) min from release to
5.9.5 Dynamic performance test release. Raise the 100 kg mass for type A ropes or the Carry out the tests specified in 5.9.5 on the
80 kg mass for type B ropes so that the attachment rope sample five times or until the low stretch
point of the mass is at the same height as the kernmantel rope releases the mass.
anchorage point on the rigid structure, at a maximum
of 100 mm horizontally from it (see Figure 9). Hold the
mass by the quick release device.

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EN 1891:1998

5.10 Static strength test of terminations 6 Marking

5.10.1 Apparatus 6.1 Marking on the low stretch kernmantel rope shall Force measurement requirements comply with 2.2 of EN 365:1992 and at least with 6.2
and 6.3.
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Force measuring requirement shall be in accordance

with 4.1.1 of EN 364:1992. 6.2 Low stretch kernmantel rope shall have external
bands at both ends which shall have the following Requirements for rate of stressing permanent markings:
Requirements for the rate of stressing shall be in a) the letter A for type A ropes or the letter B for
accordance with of EN 364:1992. type B ropes followed by the diameter in millimetres Attachment points as specified in 4.2 e.g. A11,0; B9,2.
Each rigid anchorage point should be a ring of b) the number of this European Standard.
(20 ± 1) mm bore and (15 ± 1) mm diameter cross- 6.3 Low stretch kernmantel rope shall have the
section, or a rod of the same diameter cross-section. following internal markings repeated at least every
5.10.2 Sample 1 000 mm throughout its length: One unused rope sample of 3 000 mm a) the name or trade mark of the manufacturer,
minimum length shall be used for the test. importer or supplier;
b) the number of this European Standard and the The sample shall be terminated at both ends type of rope, A or B;
in loops produced by tying figure of eight knots, unless
supplied as described in c) the year of manufacture;
d) either the name of the material(s) from which the If the low stretch kernmantel rope is low stretch kernmantel rope is made, or a colour to
supplied with termination loops formed differently signify the material from which the low stretch
from those described in, one end of the kernmantel rope is made according to EN 701.
sample shall be terminated in the form of a loop
NOTE The material used to carry the marks described in 6.3
produced by tying a figure of eight knot. need not be the same as that used for the construction of the
low stretch kernmantel rope. The minimum rope length between the
attachment points of the test machine, excluding
terminations, shall be 300 mm before any load is
applied [see Figure 7b)]. Visually check that the knots
on the termination loops are symmetrical and that the
ropes lie parallel in the knot, and hand tighten equally
as shown in Figure 7c).
5.10.3 Procedure Install the sample, prepared as described
in 5.10.2, in the test machine. Submit the sample to the specified force
(see 4.12.2). Observe that the sample withstands the force
for a period of 3 min.

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7 Information to be supplied by the p) on how to ensure the compatibility of any

components to be used in conjunction with the low
manufacturer including instructions for stretch kernmantel rope, e.g.
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Ð that the adjustment device chosen is suitable

The manufacturer's notes shall comply with 2.1 of for the diameter of the rope,
EN 365:1992 and in addition shall include at least
Ð by reference to other European Standards;
advice or information as follows:
q) on limitations of the materials in the product or
a) the name (model designation) if applicable and
hazards which may affect its performance, e.g.
type (A or B) of the low stretch kernmantel rope;
temperature, the effect of sharp edges, chemical
b) the diameter D of the rope as specified in 4.2; reagents, cutting, abrasion, knotting, UV degradation;
c) the sheath slippage SS as specified in 4.4; r) on disinfection of the product without adverse
d) the elongation I as specified in 4.5; effect;
e) the mass of the outer sheath SP as specified s) on the expected lifespan of the product
in 4.8; (obsolescence) or how the user can determine the
f) the mass of the core material C as specified in 4.9; lifespan;
g) the mass per unit length M as specified in 4.7; t) on how to protect the product during
h) the shrinkage R as specified in 4.6;
u) on the meaning of any markings on the product
i) the static strengths as specified in 4.12.1 (e.g. A10,5 means low stretch kernmantel rope
and 4.12.2; type A and the number following is the diameter in
j) the material(s) from which the low stretch millimetres when tested according to this European
kernmantel rope is made; Standard;
k) the number of this European Standard: EN 1891; v) on recommended methods of forming
l) that, if type B ropes are chosen, users should be terminations on the low stretch kernmantel rope;
aware that the level of performance will be less than w) that the system should incorporate a reliable
that of type A; that greater care will be required in anchorage point, above the user, and that any slack
protecting against the effects of abrasion, cuts, low stretch kernmantel rope between the user and
general wear and tear etc., and that in use great care the reliable anchorage point should be avoided;
should be taken to minimize the possibility of a fall. x) advice that for ropes used for protection during
This advice shall be presented in such a way that it any free climbing activity in rope access, rescue or
attracts the reader's attention, e.g. by the use of bold speleology, other European Standards shall be taken
text or colour; into account, e.g. EN 892 Dynamic mountaineering
m) hat type A ropes are more suitable for use in ropes;
rope access and work positioning than type B ropes; y) advice that cut lengths of low stretch kernmantel
n) that the product should be used only by trained rope should be marked as described in clause 6.
and/or otherwise competent persons or the user
should be under the direct supervision of such a
o) that before and during use, consideration should
be given as to how any rescue could be safely and
efficiently carried out;

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EN 1891:1998

Annex A (informative) A.2.2 Local abrasion

Local abrasion, as distinct from general wear, may be
Recommendations for inspection and care caused by the passage of the rope over sharp edges
of low stretch kernmantel ropes in use while under tension and may cause serious loss of
Licensed copy:London Fire Emergency Planning Authority, 29/11/2005, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

A.1 General strength.

Slight damage to the outer fibres and an occasional
The recommendations in this annex are written with torn yarn may be considered harmless, but serious
polyamide and polyester in mind, as these are the reduction in the cross-sectional area of one strand or
materials from which low stretch kernmantel ropes are somewhat less serious damage to more than one
usually made. However, unless polyamide or polyester strand should merit rejection. Protection at points
are referred to specifically, the recommendations apply where excessive abrasion may occur is economic.
to low stretch kernmantel ropes made from any
permitted material. A.2.3 Cuts, contusions, etc.
Ropes made from any material are liable to wear and Cuts, contusions, etc. or careless use may cause
to mechanical damage, and can be weakened to some internal as well as external damage. This may be
extent by various agencies such as chemicals, heat and indicated by local rupturing or loosening of the yarns
light. Regular inspection is therefore essential to ensure or strands.
that the ropes are still serviceable. A.2.4 Internal wear
It is also emphasized that, no matter what agency has Internal wear caused by repeated flexing of the rope,
weakened the rope, the effect will be more serious on particularly when wet, and by particles of grit which
the small sizes than on the larger sizes of rope. have been picked up, may be indicated by excessive
Consideration should be given, therefore, to the looseness of the strands and yarns or the presence of
relationship of the surface area of the rope and the powdered fibre.
rope cross-section. A.2.5 Repeated loading
Examinations of about 300 mm at a time may prove to The resistance of polyamide filament rope to damage
be convenient, the rope being turned to reveal all sides due to repeated loading is good, but a permanent
before continuing. At the same intervals, the strands elongation may occur so that the extension available in
should be untwisted slightly to allow examination an emergency is reduced.
between the strands. If the original length of the rope is known exactly, a
To define a standard of acceptance or rejection is check measurement made under exactly the same
much more difficult than to describe the method of conditions will indicate the total extension of the rope
inspection. There can be no well defined boundary but may not reveal local extension of parts of the rope.
between ropes which are safe and those which are not Measurement of the distance between regularly spaced
because this depends on the stresses placed on a rope indelible markers on the rope may help to reveal
in an emergency. In practice, the decision whether to severe local permanent elongation which may cause
continue to use a rope or discard it should be based breakdown on subsequent loading.
on an assessment of the general condition of the rope. A.3 External causes of damage
Many of the conditions which will guide the examiner A.3.1 Mildew
cannot be exactly described but can only be stated in Mildew does not attack polyamide or polyester ropes.
general terms.
A.3.2 Heat
If, after examination, there is any doubt about the
Heat may, in extreme cases, cause fusing. Any signs of
safety of the rope, it should be withdrawn from
this should obviously merit rejection, but a rope may
service. It is again emphasized that the effects of wear be damaged by heat without any such obvious
and mechanical damage are relatively greater on warning. The best safeguard is proper care in use and
thinner ropes which, therefore, require more stringent storage. A rope should never be dried in front of a fire
standards of acceptance. or stored near a stove or other source of heat.
A.2 Physical causes of damage A.3.3 Strong sunlight
A.2.1 General external wear Strong sunlight causes weakening of rope fibres, but is
unlikely to penetrate beneath the surface. Unnecessary
External wear due to dragging over rough surfaces exposure should be avoided.
causes surface chafing or filamentation. This is the
most readily noticeable cause of weakness, particularly Solar degradation should be checked by rubbing the
if a new rope is available for comparison. In the surface of the rope with the thumb nail. If degradation
extreme, the strands become so worn that their outer has taken place, the surface material will come off as
powder. In addition, the surface of the rope will feel
faces are flattened and the outer yarns are severed. In
dry, harsh and resinous.
ordinary use, some disarrangement or breakage of the
fibres on the outside of the rope is unavoidable and Whilst the consequences of such degradation may be
harmless if not extensive. Polyamide and polyester significant in small ropes, e.g. less than 20 mm, it is
filament ropes have a very good abrasion resistance. unlikely to be of significance in larger ropes during
their expected period of life.

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EN 1891:1998

A.4 Chemical causes of damage A.4.3 Polyester ropes

A.4.1 General Chemical attack of a sufficient degree may be
indicated by local weakening or softening of the rope
The variety of possible chemical contaminants of rope
Licensed copy:London Fire Emergency Planning Authority, 29/11/2005, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

so that surface fibres can be plucked or rubbed off as

is very wide and the information given in A.4.2
a powder in extreme cases. The chemical resistance of
and A.4.3 is only a general guide. In cases of
polyester filament is in general extremely good, but hot
uncertainty on the nature of the contaminant and the
solutions of strong alkalis progressively dissolve the
remedy to be adopted, an expert should be consulted.
fibre, causing gradual loss in mass and a corresponding
Attack may be more severe if some drying out occurs.
fall in breaking load. It is advisable, therefore, to avoid
A.4.2 Polyamide ropes exposure to alkaline conditions.
Chemical attack of a sufficient degree may be Resistance to acids and particulary to sulfuric acid is
indicated by local weakening or softening of the rope good, although the concentration should not be
so that surface fibres can be plucked or rubbed off as allowed to exceed about 80 %. Thus, even dilute
a powder in extreme cases. The chemical resistance of solutions of sulfuric acid should not be allowed to dry
polyamide filament is, in general, extremely good, but on a rope. If any contamination is suspected, the rope
solutions of mineral acids cause rapid weakening. It is should be washed out well in cold water. If there is
advisable, therefore, to avoid immersion in acid any doubt after subsequent careful inpection, the rope
solutions, either cold or hot. should be discarded.
Polyamide filament is unaffected by alkalis at normal Resistance to hydrocarbon oils and common organic
temperature and by many oils although it swells in solvents is good, although polyester filament may swell
contact with certain organic solvents. Exposure to in certain chlorinated solvents. Attack by concentrated
fumes, spray or mist of acids or to organic solvents phenols is severe and contact should be avoided.
should be avoided, but, if contamination is suspected,
the rope should be washed out well in cold water. If
there is any doubt after subsequent careful inspection,
the rope should be discarded.
Polyamide ropes absorb a limited amount of water
when wetted and may lose a small proportion of their
strength while wet.

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EN 1891:1998

Annex ZA (informative)
Clauses of this European Standard addressing essential requirements or other
provisions of EU Directives
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This European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and the
European Free Trade Association and supports essential requirements of EU Directive 89/686/EEC.
WARNING. Other requirements and other EU Directives may be applicable to the product(s) falling within the
scope of this European Standard.
The following clauses of this European Standard are likely to support requirements of Directive 89/686/EEC,
Annex II:

EU-Directive 89/686/EEC, Annex II Clauses of this European Standard

1.1.1 Ergonomics 4 and 5
1.1.2 Levels and classes of protection 3.4, 3.5, 4.9, 4.10, 4.11, 4.12, 5.8, 5.9, 6.2, 6.3 and 7
1.3.2 Lightness and design strength 4.8, 4.9, 4.11, 4.12, 5.8, 5.9 and 5.10
1.4 Information supplied by the manufacturer 6 and 7
2.4 PPE subject to ageing 7
2.12 PPE bearing one or more 6
identification or recognition marks directly or
indirectly relating to health and safety Prevention of falls from a height 4 and 5

Compliance with the clauses of this European Standard provides one means of conforming with the specific
essential requirements of the Directive concerned and associated EFTA regulations.

 BSI 1998
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