Test Bank Auditng Probprelim Related Topics

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Test Bank - Auditng Prob(Prelim Related Topics)

Accountancy (First Asia Institute of Technology and Humanities )

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Auditing Problems


Problem No. 1

In connection with your audit of Majika Corporation for the year ended, December 31, 2010, you
gathered the following:

1. Current account at Metrobank P2, 000, 000

2. Current account at BPI ( 100, 000)
3. Payroll account 500, 000
4. Foreign bank account – restricted (in equivalent pesos) 1, 000, 000
5. Postage stamps 1, 000
6. Employee’s postdated check 4, 000
7. IOU from controller’s sister 10, 000
8. Credit memo from a vendor for a purchase return 20, 000
9. Traveler’s check 50, 000
10. NSF check 15, 000
11. Money order 30, 000
12. Petty cash fund (4, 000 in currency and expense
receipts for 6, 000) 10, 000
13. Treasury bills, due 3/31/11 (purchased 12/31/10) 200, 000
14. Treasury bills, due 1/31/11 (purchased 1/1/10) 300, 000


Based on the above information and the result of your audit, compute for the cash and cash
equivalent that would be reported in the December 31, 2010 balance sheet.

A. 2, 784, 000 C. 2, 790, 000

B. 3, 084, 000 D. 2, 704, 000

Problem No. 2

In the course of your audit of the Las Pinas Corporation, its controller is attempting to determine
the amount of cash to be reported on its December 31, 2010 balance sheet. The following
information is provided:

1. Commercial savings account of P1, 200, 000 and a commercial checking account balance
of P1, 800, 000 are held at PS Bank.
2. Travel advances of P360, 000 for executive travel for the first quarter of the next year
(employee to reimburse through salary deduction).
3. A separate cash fund in the amount of P3, 000, 000 is restricted for the retirement of a
long term debt.
4. Petty cash fund of P10, 000.
5. An IOU from a company officer in the amount of P40, 000.
6. A bank overdraft of P250, 000 has occurred at one of the banks the company uses to
deposit its cash receipts. At the present time, the company has no deposits at this bank.
7. The company has two certificates of deposit, each totaling P1, 000, 000. These
certificates of deposit have maturity of 120 days.
8. Las Pinas has received a check dated January 2, 2011 in the amount of P150, 000.
9. Las Pinas has agreed to maintain a cash balance of P200, 000 at all times at PS Bank to
ensure future credit availability.

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10. Currency and coin on hand amounted to P15, 000.


How much will be reported as cash and cash equivalent at December 31, 2010?

A. 3, 025, 000 C. 2, 575, 000

B. 2, 825, 000 D. 5, 025, 000

Problem No. 3:

The cash account of Makati Corporation as of December 31, 2010 consists of the following:

On deposit in current account with Real Bank P900, 000

Cash collection not yet deposited to the bank 350, 000
A customer’s check returned by the bank for insufficient fund 150, 000
A check drawn by the Vice-President of the Corporation
dated January 15, 2011 70, 000
A check drawn by a supplier dated December 28, 2010 for
goods returned by the Corporation 60, 000
A check dated May 31, 2010 drawn by the Corporation
against the Piggy Bank in payment of custom duties.
Since the importation did not materialize the check
was returned by the customs broker. This check
was an outstanding check in the reconciliation of
the Piggy Bank account. 410, 000
Petty cash fund of which P5, 000 is in currency: P3, 600
in form of employees’ IOUs and P1, 400 is supported
by approved petty cash vouchers for expenses all
dated prior to closing of the books on December 31, 2010. 10, 000

Total 1, 950, 000

Less: Overdraft with Piggy Bank secured by a Chattel
mortgage on the inventories 300, 000
Balance per ledger P1, 650, 000


At what amount will the account “Cash” appear on the December 31, 2010 balance sheet?

A. 1, 315, 000 C. 1, 495, 000

B. 1, 425, 000 D. 1, 725, 000

Problem No. 4

You noted in the following composition of Malabon Company’s “cash account” as of December
31, 2010 in connection with your audit:

Demand deposit account P2, 000, 000

Time deposit – 30 days 1, 000, 000
NSF check of customer 40, 000
Money market placement (due June 30, 2011) 1, 500, 000
Savings deposit in a closed bank 100, 000
IOU from employee 20, 000
Pension fund 3, 000, 000
Petty cash fund 10, 000

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Customer’s check dated January 1, 2011 50, 000

Customer’s check outstanding for 18 months 40, 000
Total P7, 760, 000

Additional information follows:

a. Check of P200, 000 in payment of accounts payable was recorded on December 31, 2006
but mailed to suppliers on January 5, 2011.
b. Check of P100, 000 dated January 15, 2011 in payment of accounts payable was recorded
and mailed on December 31, 2010.
c. The company uses the calendar year. The cash receipts journal was held open until
January 15, 2011, during which time P400, 000 was collected and recorded on December
31, 2010.


The cash and cash equivalents to be shown on the December 31, 2010 balance sheet is:

A. 3, 310, 000 C. 2, 910, 000

B. 1, 910, 000 D. 4, 410, 000

Problem No. 5

You were able to gather the following from the December 31, 2010 trial balance of Mandaluyong
Corporation in connection with your audit of the company:

Cash on hand P 500, 000

Petty cash fund 10, 000
BPI current account 1, 000, 000
Security Bank current account No. 01 1, 080, 000
Security Bank current account No. 02 (80, 000)
PNB savings account 1, 200, 000
PNB time deposit 500, 000

Cash on hand includes the following items:

a. Customer’s check for P40, 000 returned by bank on December 26, 2010 due to
insufficient fund but subsequently redeposited and cleared by the bank on January 8,
b. Customer’s check for P20, 000 dated January 2, 2011 received on December 29, 2010.
c. Postal money orders received from customers, P30, 000.

The petty cash fund consisted of the following items as of December 31, 2010.

Currency and coins P 2, 000

Employees’ vales 1, 600
Currency in an envelope marked
“collections for charity” with
names attached 1, 200
Unreplenished petty cash vouchers 1, 300
Check drawn by Mandaluyong Corp,
payable to the petty cashier 4, 000
P10, 100

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Included among the checks drawn by Mandaluyong Corporation against the BPI current account
and recorded in December 2006 are the following:

a. Check written and dated December 29, 2010 and delivered to payee on January 2, 2011,
P80, 000
b. Check written on December 27, 2010, dated January 2, 2011, delivered to payee on
December 29, 2010, P40, 000.

The credit balance in the Security Bank current account No. 2 represents checks drawn in excess
of the deposit balance. These checks were still outstanding at December 31, 2010.

The savings account deposit in PNB has been set aside by the board of directors for acquisition
of new equipment. This account is expected to be disbursed in the next 3 months from the
balance sheet date.


Determine the adjusted balances of the following:

5. Cash on hand

A. 410, 000 C. 470, 000

B. 530, 000 D. 440, 000

6. Petty cash fund

A. 6, 000 C. 2, 000
B. 7, 200 D. 4, 900

7. BPI current account

A. 1, 000, 000 C. 1, 080, 000

B. 1, 120, 000 D. 1, 040, 000

8. Cash and cash equivalents

A. 2, 917, 200 C. 3, 052, 000

B. 3, 074, 900 D. 3, 066, 000

Problem No. 6

The books of Manila’s Service, Inc., disclosed a cash balance of P687, 570 on December 31, 2010.
The bank statement as of December 31 showed a balance of P547, 800. Additional information that
might be useful in reconciling the two balances follows:

a. Check number 748 for P30, 000 was originally recorded on the books as P45, 000.
b. A customer’s note was dishonored on December 29 (maturity date). The bank charged
Manila’s account for P142, 650, including a protest fee of P2, 650.
c. The deposit of December 24 was recorded on the books as P28, 950, but it was actually a
deposit of P27, 000.
d. Outstanding checks totaled P98, 850 as of December 31.
e. There were bank service charges for December of P2, 100 not yet recorded on the books.
f. Manila’s account had been charged on December 26 for a customer’s NSF check for P12,
g. Manila properly deposited P6, 000 on December 3 that was not recorded by the bank.
h. Receipts of December 31 for P134, 250 were recorded by the bank on January 2.

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i. A bank memo stated that a customer’s note for P45, 000 and interest of P1, 650 had been
collected on December 27, and the bank charged a P360 collection fee.


Determine the following:

9. Adjusted cash in bank balance

A. 583, 200 C. 589, 200

B. 577, 200 D. 512, 400

10. Net adjustment to cash as of December 31, 2006

A 104, 370 C. 98, 370

B. 110, 370 D. 175, 170

Problem No. 7

Shown below is the bank reconciliation for Marikina Company for November 2006:

Balance per bank, Nov. 30, 2010 P150, 000

Add: Deposit in transit 24, 000
Total 174, 000
Less: Outstanding checks P28, 000
Bank credit recorded in error 10, 000 38, 000
Cash balance per books, November 30, 2010 P136, 000

The bank statement for December 2006 contains the following data:

Total deposits P110, 000

Total charges, including an NSF check of P8, 000
and a service charge of P400 96, 000

All outstanding checks on November 30, 2010, including the bank credit, were cleared in the
bank in December 2010.

There were outstanding checks of P30, 000 and deposits in transit of P38, 000 on December 31,


Based on the above and the result of your audit, answer the following:

11. How much is the cash balance per bank on December 31, 2010?

A. 154, 000 C. 164, 000

B. 150, 000 D. 172, 400

12. How much is the December receipts per books?

A. 124, 000 C. 110, 000

B. 96, 000 D. 148, 000

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13. How much is the December disbursements per books?

A. 96, 000 C. 89, 600

B. 79, 600 D. 98, 000

14. How much is the cash balance per books on December 31, 2010?

A. 150, 000 C. 180, 400

B. 170, 400 D. 162, 000

15. The adjusted cash in bank balance as of December 31, 2010 is:

A. 141, 600 C. 172, 000

B. 162, 000 D. 196, 000

Problem No. 8

The accountant for the Muntinlupa Company assembled the following data:

June 30 July 31
---------- ---------

Cash account balance 15, 822 39, 745

Bank statement balance 107, 082 137, 817
Deposits in transit 8, 021 12, 880
Outstanding checks 27, 718 30, 112
Bank service charge 72 60

Customer’s check deposited July 10, returned 8, 250

by bank on July 16 marked NSF, and
redeposited immediately; no entry made
on books for return or redeposit
Collection by bank of company’s notes receivable71, 815 80, 900

The bank statements and the company’s cash records show these totals:

Disbursements in July per bank statement P218, 373

Cash receipts in July per Muntinlupa’s books 236, 452


Based on the application of the necessary audit procedures and appreciation of the above data,
you are to provide the answers to the following:

16. How much is the adjusted cash balance as of June 30?

A. 87, 565 C. 107, 082

B. (3, 695) D. 15, 822

17. How much is the adjusted bank receipts for July?

A. 253, 787 C. 245. 537

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B. 214, 802 D. 232, 881

18. How much is the adjusted book disbursements for July?

A. 220, 767 C. 181, 782

B. 212, 517 D. 206, 673

19. How much is the adjusted cash balance as of July 31?

A. 137, 817 C. 22, 513

B. 112, 335 D. 120, 585

20. How much is the cash shortage as of July 31?

A. 8, 250 C. 196, 144

B. 71, 815 D. 0

Problem No. 9

In the audit of Pasig Company’s cash account, you obtained the following information:

The company’s bookkeeper prepared the following bank reconciliation as of November 30,

Bank balance – November 30, 2010 P90, 800

Undeposited collections 5, 000
Bank service charges 100
Bank collection of customer’s note (8, 000)
Outstanding checks:

Number Amount
---------- ----------
7159 P3, 000
7767 5, 000
7915 2, 000 (10, 000)
Book balance – November 30, 2010 P77, 900

Additional data are given as follows:

a. Company recordings for December:

Total collections from customers P165, 000
Total checks drawn 98, 000

b. Bank statement totals for December:

Charges 123. 800
Credits 169, 000

c. Check No. 7159 dated November 25, 2010, was entered as P3, 000 in payment of a
voucher for P30, 000. Upon examination of the checks returned by the bank, the actual
amount of the check was P30, 000.

d. Check No. 8113 dated December 20, 2010 was issued to replace a mutilated check (no.
7767) which was returned by the payee. Both checks were recorded in the amount
drawn, P5, 000, but no entry was made to cancel check no. 7767.

e. The December bank statement included a check drawn by Sipag Company for P1, 500.

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f. Undeposited collections on December 31, 2010 P8, 000.

g. The service charge for December was P150 which was charged by the bank to another

h. The bank collected a note receivable of P7, 000 on December 28, 2010 but the collection
was not received on time to be recorded by Pasig.

i. The outstanding checks on December 31, 2010 were:

Check No. Amount

7767 P 5, 000
8856 1, 300
8910 2, 300
8925 4, 100


Based on the above and the result of your audit, determine the following:

21 Unadjusted cash balance per books as of December 31, 2010

A. 152, 800 C. 144, 900

B. 152, 750 D. 165, 700

22 Adjusted cash balance as of November 30, 2010

A. 85, 800 C. 63, 800

B. 58, 800 D. 90, 800

23 Adjusted book receipts for December 2010

A. 170, 500 C. 172, 000

B. 182, 000 D. 173, 000

24 Adjusted bank disbursements for December 2010

A. 120, 150 C. 125, 150

B. 76, 150 D. 98, 150

25 Adjusted cash balance as of December 31, 2010

A. 132, 650 C. 137, 800

B. 137, 650 D. 134, 650

Problem No. 10

You obtained the following information on the current account of Paranaque Company during
your examination of its financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2010.

The bank statement on November 30, 2010 showed a balance of P306, 000. Among the bank
credits in November was customer’s note for P100, 000 collected for the account of the company
which the company recognized in December among its receipts. Included in the bank debits
were cost of checkbooks amounting to P1, 200 and a P40, 000 check which was charged by the

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bank in error against Paranaque Co, account. Also in November you ascertained that there were
deposits in transit amounting to P80, 000 and outstanding checks totaling P170, 000.

The bank statement for the month of December showed total credits of P416, 000 and total
charges of P204, 000. The company’s books for December showed total debits of P735, 600,
total credits of P407, 200 and a balance of P485, 600. Bank debit memos for December were:
No. 121 for service charges, P1, 600 and No. 122 on a customer’s returned check marked “Refer
to Drawer” for P24, 000.

On December 31, 2010 the company placed with the bank a customer’s promissory note with a
face value of P120, 000 for collection. The company treated this note as part of its receipts
although the bank was able to collect on the note only in January 2011.

A check for P3, 960 was recorded in the company cash payments books in December as P39,


Based on the application of the necessary audit procedures and appreciation of the above data,
you are to provide the answers to the following:

26. How much is the undeposited collections as of December 31, 2010?

A. 339, 600 C. 219, 600

B. 179, 600 D. 139, 600

27. How much is the outstanding checks as of December 31, 2010?

A. 191, 960 C. 361, 960

B. 397, 600 D. 363. 160

28. How much is the adjusted cash balance as of November 30, 2010?

A. 216, 000 C. 176, 000

B. 256, 000 D. 157, 200

29. How much is the adjusted bank receipts for December?

A. 635, 600 C. 475, 600

B. 515, 600 D. 435, 600

30. How much is the adjusted book disbursements for December?

A. 395, 960 C. 225, 960

B. 431, 600 D. 397, 160

31. How much is the adjusted cash balance as of December 31, 2010?

A. 625, 640 C. 220, 000

B. 195, 640 D. 375, 640

32 An auditor would consider a cashier’s job description to contain compatible duties if the cashier
received remittance from the mailroom and also prepares the

A. Daily deposit slip

B. Prelist of individual checks
C. Remittance advices

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D. Monthly bank reconciliation

33 Which of the following internal control procedures will most likely prevent the concealment of a
cash shortage resulting from improper write-off of a trade account receivable?

A. Write-offs must be supported by an aging schedule showing that only receivables overdue for
several months have been written off.
B. Write-offs must be approved by the cashier who is in a position to know if the receivables
have, in fact, been collected.
C. Write-offs must be approved by a responsible officer after review of credit department
recommendations and supporting evidence.
D. Write-offs must be authorized by company field sales employees who are in position to
determine the financial standing of the customers.

34 An entity’s internal control structure requires every check request that there be an approved
voucher, supported by a prenumbered purchase order and a prenumbered receiving report. To
determine whether checks are being issued for unauthorized expenditures, an auditor most likely
would select items for testing from the population of all

A. Cancelled checks
B. Approved vouchers
C. Purchase orders
D. Receiving reports

35 Which of the following auditing procedures would the auditor not apply to a cutoff bank

A. Trace year end outstanding checks and deposits in transit to the cutoff bank statement.
B. Reconcile the bank account as of the end of the cutoff period.
C. Compare dates, payees and endorsements on returned checks with the cash disbursements
D. Determine that the year end deposit in transit was credited by the bank on the first working
day of the following accounting period.

36 A client maintains two bank accounts. One of the accounts, Bank A, has an overdraft of P100,
000. The other account, Bank B, has a positive balance of P50, 000. To conceal the overdraft
from the auditor, the client may decide to

A. Draw a check for at least P100, 000 on Bank A for deposit in Bank B. Record the receipt but
not the disbursement and list the receipt as a deposit in transit. Record the disbursement at
the beginning of the following year.
B. Draw a check for at least P100, 000 on Bank B for deposit in Bank A. Record the
receipt but not the disbursement and list the receipt as a deposit in transit. Record the
disbursement at the beginning of the following year.
C. Draw a check for P100, 000 on Bank B. for deposit in Bank A. Record the disbursement as
an outstanding check, but do not list the receipt as a deposit in transit. Record the receipt at
the beginning of the following period.
D. Draw a check for at least P100, 000 on Bank A for deposit in Bank B. Record the
disbursement but not the receipt and list the disbursement as an outstanding check. Record
the receipt at the beginning of the following year.

37 While performing an audit of cash, an auditor begins to suspect check kiting. Which of the
following is the best evidence that the auditor could obtain concerning whether kiting is taking

A. Documentary evidence obtained by vouching credits on the latest bank statement to

supporting documents.

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B. Documentary evidence obtained by vouching entries in the cash account to supporting

C. Oral evidence obtained by discussion with controller personnel.
D. Evidence obtained by preparing a schedule of interbank transfers.

38 Two months before year-end, the bookkeeper erroneously recorded the receipt of a long term
bank loan by a debit to cash and a credit to sales. Which of the following is the most effective
procedure for detecting this type of error?

A. Analyze bank confirmation information.

B. Analyze the notes payable journal.
C. Prepare year-end bank reconciliation.
D. Prepare a year-end bank transfer schedule.

39 Postdated checks received by mail in settlement of customer’s accounts should be

A. Returned to customer.
B. Stamped with restrictive endorsement.
C. Deposited immediately by the cashier.
D. Deposited the day after together with cash receipts.

40 The cashier of Milady Jewelries covered a shortage in the cash working fund with cash obtained
at December 31 from a bank by cashing but not recording a check drawn on the company out of
town bank. How would you as an auditor discover the manipulation?

A. By confirming all December 31 bank balances.

B. By counting the cash working fund at the close of business on December 31.
C. By investigating items returned with the bank cut-off statements of the succeeding
D. By preparing independent bank reconciliations as of December 31.

41 An essential phase of the audit of the cash balance at the end of the year is the auditor’s review
of cutoff bank statement. This specific procedure is not useful in determining if

A. Kiting has occurred.

B. Lapping has occurred.
C. The cash receipts journal was held open.
D. Disbursements per the bank statement can be reconciled with total checks written.

42 From the standpoint of good internal control, the monthly bank statement should be reconciled
by someone under the direction of the

A. Controller
B. Treasurer
C. Credit manager
D. Cashier

43 For effective internal controls purposes, which of the following individuals should be responsible
for mailing signed checks?

A. Receptionist
B. Accounts payable clerk
C. Payroll clerk
D. Treasurer

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