English For Academic and Professional Purposes: Immaculate Conception Seminary Academy

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S.Y.: 2021 – 2022 


Name: MENDOZA, Lady Anne Cedilla Date: September 15, 2021 

Grade & Strand: 12 – STEM Activity No.: _____1_______ 


“New focus on reading, writing: Improving literacy offers gains in all subjects.” – Taryn Plumb, The Boston Globe


The statement above states that literacy helps us as an individual to gain a deeper understanding of the world around us
and also helps us explore a specific subject properly. An example that will enhance my statement is the subject English,
with the help of literacy, students will be able to learn reading and writing and will have knowledge regarding the subject.


Reading (then)

- Reading before includes generalized overview about the topic

- Reading before was all about stories like narrative stories and such

Reading (now)

- Reading now focuses more on as an individual skill that needs to master by each student
- Reading now has a comprehensive viewpoint of literacy compared to before, the literacy was by different

EXAMINE (Methods of paragraph development) PAGES 5-9


What concept is being identified?

- The concept that was being identified in the paragraph was the definition of the anti-intellectualism and how it is
commonly used by the people as well as who it is for.

What does the paragraph say about the concept?

- The paragraph is explaining how anti-intellectualism is used to mock other people and where we usually interact
with the word, “anti-intellectualism.”


What is the subject of the paragraph?

- A home appliance
What examples and illustrations were used to expound on the subject?

- The examples that were used to expound the subject was the 90’s refrigerator and a TV to determine whether
they were cost and energy-efficient.


What is the topic of the paragraph?

- The topic of the paragraph is all about clouds

What details were used to describe the topic?

- The details that were used to describe the topic were how clouds form that were explained in a scientific way


What process is being described in the paragraph?

- The process was how caterpillar transforms into a very beautiful butterfly

What are the essential stages involved in the process?

- The essential stages of how caterpillar transforms into a very beautiful butterfly is the second stage wherein the
caterpillar will release a silk produced by its body and will create a cocoon for its protection for the third process
and for it to take place. Then, after the third stage, the caterpillar will break out of the cocoon and spread its wings
and is already considered a butterfly.


What are the two subjects discussed in the paragraph?

- The scientist and a poet

What similarities and differences do both subjects have?

- Both the scientist and the poet strive for perfection. On the other hand, their difference lies on how the poet
imagine a pot of gold at the end of it while the scientist wants to spell it out it angstrom units measuring wave


What is the cause discussed in the paragraph?

- The cause of global climate is the greenhouse gases produced by human activities.

What effects are presented in relation to the cause?

- Global temperatures that will continue to rise, longer periods of drought, wildfires, and in some regions of the
world, there could be drastic increase in the number, duration, and intensity of tropical storms.


What is being classified in the paragraph?

- The whole Hindu population of India

What are the categories presented in the paragraph?

- The Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and the Shu-dra caste.


1. C
2. B
3. B
4. B
5. D

1. The main subject of the article is skin cancer
2. The main idea of the article is how dangerous skin cancer is and how to prevent getting skin cancer
3. Basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma
4. Basal cell usually appears on the hands or face. It may appear like an open sore, reddish patch, mole, shiny
bump, or scar which are usually caused by a combination of cumulative and intense, occasional sun
exposure. Treatment can be done in an outpatient clinic and rarely leads to death.
5. Squamous cell carcinoma often looks like scaly red patches, open sores, elevated growths with a central
depression, or warts. They can become disfiguring and sometimes deadly of allowed to grow and spread to
other parts of the body. It is main caused by cumulative ultraviolet exposure over the course of a lifetime, if
not treated right away, this type of cancer can be fatal.
6. Melanoma can trigger genetic defects that lead the skin cells to multiple rapidly and form malignant tumors.
This type of cancer appears like moles while some develop from moles. Melanoma is cause mainly by
intense, occasional UV exposure, especially in those who are genetically predisposed of the disease. Early
treatment of melanoma can save the life of the one afflicted, but once the cancer cells spread to other body
parts, it can be deadly.
7. Because of the ozone layer depletion resulting in more UV light penetrating the Earth’s surface.
8. Spending less time under the sun especially between 10 AM to 3 PM, wearing and using sun protection
Factor of at least 15, and checking one’s skin regularly for sores or other appearances.
9. Skin care awareness is important so that we may be able to educate ourselves on how we can prevent such
disease that would harm our health, especially that most of our lifetimes, we spend our time outside, with the
sun touching our skins. The skin is the protective layer of the body, and we must take care of it so it can do its
own job.

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