June 2019 (R) MS - Paper 2B Edexcel Biology IGCSE

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Mark Scheme (Results)

Summer 2019

Pearson Edexcel International GCSE

In Biology (4BI1) Paper 2BR

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Summer 2019
Publications Code 4BI1_2BR_msc_20190822
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Question Answer Additional Mark

Number guidance
1(a) An explanation that makes reference to two of 2
the following points:

 (burning) fossil fuels / use fossil fuels / Ignore more

use coal / use oil / use gas / eq (1) cars / factories

 deforestation / cutting down trees (1)

 increasing population / eq (1)

Question Answer Mark

1(b) An answer makes reference to one of the following points: 1

 wind blows CO2 away / eq (1)

 (computer) maintain / control /

alter CO2 concentration (1)

 (wind affects) stomatal opening / transpiration /

concentration gradient / absorption of CO2 / eq (1)

Question Answer Additional Mark

Number guidance
1(c) An answer that makes reference to three of the Allow 3
following points: converse for
all Mps

 (more valid) as similar to natural world /

nature / eq (1)

 different plants / ecosystem / Mp 2 Ignore

more species / community / eq (1) larger scale

 temperature / humidity / rain / light not Mp3 Ignore

maintained / controlled (1) wind
direction /
wind speed
/ monitored
/ pH / ions

Question Answer Additional Mark

Number guidance
1(d) An explanation that makes reference to two of the 2
following points:

 CO2 used / required / needed / taken in / Mp1 and

absorbed / reactant for / eq (1) Mp2
Allow if in
 produce carbohydrate / starch / glucose / equation
sugar / eq (1)

 low concentration limits (photosynthesis) /

is limiting factor / eq (1)

Question Answer Additional Mark

Number guidance
1(e) A description that makes reference to four of the 4
following points:

 (weight / bubble) potometer / eq (1)

 measure bubble movement / original and

final position / change in mass / weigh and
reweigh / eq (1)

 reference to time / eq (1)

 control of named abiotic factor / light / Mp 4

temperature / humidity (1) Ignore
cover soil
or plant
 repeat / obtain average (1)

Question Answer Mark

1(f) An explanation that makes reference to the following points: 2

 affects CO2 absorption / eq (1)

 affects water loss / transpiration / eq (1)


Question Answer Mark

1(g) An answer that makes reference to three of the following 3

 use renewable energy / wind / solar / eq (1)

 use less fossil fuel / coal / oil / gas / eq (1)

 use public transport / cycling / road tax / hybrid /

electric cars / less cars / less vehicles / eq (1)

 prevent deforestation / plant trees / eq (1)

 fewer cattle (1)

 less rice farming / paddy fields (1)

 less CFC / methane (CH4) / nitrous oxide (N2O) / ozone

(O3) / chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) / hydrofluorocarbons
(HCFCs and HFCs) / air conditioning / refrigerator /
aerosols / eq (1)

Total 17 marks

Question Answer Additional Mark

Number guidance
2(a) (i) 1
 number of / amount / all of Ignore
a species / one species / an organism group
(in an area / habitat) (1)

Question Answer Mark

2(a) (ii) 1
(different/all) species / types / organisms / populations
(in a habitat / area / place / environment / ecosystem)

Question Answer Additional Mark

Number guidance
2(a) (iii) 1
(all) organisms / community / (different / all) species / Ignore
biotic factors and environment / area / habitat / animals
abiotic factors / non-living factors / physical factors (1) and

Question Answer Mark

2(b) 1
The only correct answer is D acidity of soil

A is not correct as availability of mates is not an abiotic factor

B is not correct as number of pathogens is not an abiotic factor

C is not correct as number of predators is not an abiotic factor


Question Answer Mark

2© 1
The only correct answer is B quadrat

A is not correct as a potometer is not suitable

C is not correct as a spotting tile is not suitable

D is not correct as a sweep net is not suitable

Question Answer Additional Mark

Number guidance
2(d) An answer that makes reference to the following: 2

 more (biodiversity) in woodland (1) Allow

 more species / different organisms / different types / for wheat
different plants / greater variety of species / field
more species rich / eq (1)

Total 7 marks

Question Answer Mark

3(a) The only correct answer is A cortex 1

B is not correct as it is not in the collecting duct

C is not correct as it is not in the loop of Henle

D is not correct as it is not in the medulla

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

3(b) 1
64 to 66 (1) Allow mark if seen on

Question Answer Mark

3© An explanation that makes reference to four of the following 4

 protein large (molecule) (1)

 cannot enter Bowman’s capsule / cannot leave blood /

cannot pass through glomerulus / basement
membrane / capillaries (1)

 glucose (re)absorbed / glucose into blood /

glucose into capillaries (1)

 proximal convoluted tubule / by active transport /

diffusion (1)

 urea concentration higher / increased (1)

 because water (re)absorbed / water into blood /

water into capillaries / urea secreted /
urea added to urine (1)

Total 6 marks

Question Answer Additional Mark

Number guidance
4(a)(i) An answer that makes reference to two the Ignore 2
following points: just
 more poisonous / toxic / dangerous to a cat / figures
cats are more susceptible / cats more easily alone
poisoned / smaller amount needed to poison
cat / less required to poison cats / eq (1) Ignore
 by 6 times / 600% / over 1000 / 1065 mg
more (1) Allow

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

4(a)(ii) An explanation that makes reference to 2
the following points: Allow full marks for
correct answer
without working
 they would need to eat 350 bars (2)
OR calculation 1000 x
70 = 70 000
 (for a 70 kg person) each bar
provides only 2.86 (mg per kg) (2) 70000÷ 200 = 350


200 ÷ 70 = 2.86

1 mark for 200

(mg) (less than)
70 000

Question Answer Additional Mark

Number guidance
4(b) An explanation that makes reference to four of the 4
following points:

 osmoregulation / homeostasis (1)

 collecting duct (1)

 less / not permeable (1)

 less water (re)absorbed / less water in blood

/ blood more concentrated / dehydration (1)

 more urine / more water in urine /

dilute urine / urine not concentrated (1)

Question Answer Additional Mark

Number guidance
4(c) An explanation that makes reference to the following Allow Mps 1 4
points: 2 and 3 in
 (same) volume / cm3 / mass / g of water (1) Mp 1
 temperature change / rise / before and after
(burning) (1) Reject
 (same) mass of chocolate / food (1) symbols

 mass of water (g/cm3) × temperature rise Mp 4 mass

(◦C) (× 4.2) ÷ mass of chocolate (g) of chocolate
not needed
if same
mass of

Total 12 marks

Question Answer Additional Mark

Number guidance
5(a) An explanation that makes reference to the 2
following points:
 (less) oxygen (transported) (1) aerobic
 respiration / more anaerobic respiration (1) =2

Question Answer Mark

5(b) 2

Genotype of parents Percentage of offspring

likely to have PFK
both homozygous dominant 0
heterozygous x heterozygous 25 (1)
heterozygous x homozygous 50 (1)

Question Answer Mark

5(c) An explanation that makes reference to the following 2

 (all) offspring are homozygous dominant / Ignore

none with recessive allele / none with affected less
allele / none heterozygous / none are carriers (1) likely

 all offspring normal / no offspring have PFK (1)

Question Answer Mark

5(d) An explanation that makes reference to two of the following 2

 offspring all healthy/none have PFK means dog is

homozygous (dominant) / no recessive allele (1)

 offspring 50% healthy/some have PFK means dog is

heterozygous / carrier / has recessive allele (1)

Question Answer Mark

The only correct answer is D GUCCAUACC 1

A is not correct as the sequence CAGGTATGG is wrong

B is not correct as the sequence CAGGUAUGG is wrong

C is not correct as the sequence GTCCATACC is wrong

Question Answer Mark

5(e)(ii) An explanation that makes reference to three of the following 3

 T replaces G / G is replaced by T / GTA to TTA (1)

 different mRNA / codon (1)

 (different) tRNA / anticodon (1)

 different amino acid(s) (1)

Total 12 marks

Question Answer Mark

 LH / luteinising hormone (1) 1

Question Answer Mark

 release of egg / ovum / ova (1) 1

Question Answer Mark

 progesterone (1) 1

Question Answer Mark

 ovary / ovaries / corpus luteum / placenta / follicle (1) 1

Total 4 marks

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

7(a)(i) award full marks for 3
correct numerical
 56 ÷ 146 × 100 answer without working

 74 ÷ 167 × 100

 44 – 38 = 6%
Allow one mark for
38 to 38.4 in working
5.9 to 6.0 (3)
Allow one mark for
44 to 44.31 in working

Question Answer Additional Mark

Number guidance
7(a)(ii) An answer that makes reference to three of the following Ignore 3
points: quoting
 increase in (total) supply (1) alone

 increase in farmed (1)

 no / little change in wild fish /

decrease and increase in wild fish /
wild fish fluctuates /
wild fish increases slightly / eq (1)

Question Answer additional Mark

Number guidance
7(b) An answer that makes reference to six of the following points: 6

 selective breeding / GM (1)

 separate sizes / ages / sex (1)

 use nets / cages / cover / eq (1)

 control amounts of food / frequency of feeding /

protein rich (1)

 remove uneaten food / waste / filter / change water / Mp 5

remove faeces / eq (1) Ignore

 antibiotics / fungicide / vaccination / remove dead fish / Mp6

biological control / wrasse / pesticide (1) Ignore
 oxygen / aerate / use paddles / flowing water (1)

 growth hormone / oestrogen(s) (1)

Total 12 marks

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