Upstaged Reading Guide

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Shira Gordon is painfully shy. She rarely speaks and blushes at

everything. And yet, when she’s alone in her room, she’ll sing and
dance, dreaming she were different. So when her best friend
forces her to audition for their school’s production of The Music
Man, she’s mostly hoping the play will get canceled . . . but a tiny
part of her hopes she’ll get in.

And she does. As a member of the barbershop quartet. Playing a

dude with a mustache is not exactly her dream role, but Shira is
surprised by how much she loves rehearsing with her quirky new
friends. When her teacher asks her to understudy the lead role,
Marian the Librarian, she reluctantly accepts.

It’s not easy to understudy Monica Manley, an eighth-grade diva

who will not be upstaged. And things get even more complicated
when a mysterious prankster starts playing tricks on Monica and
Shira’s crush joins the cast. But something keeps Shira going, and it might just be Marian
herself. Sure, Marian is a leading lady, but she’s also misunderstood, lonely . . . and shy. And
if a star can be shy, then maybe, just maybe, a shy person can be a star.

“A sincerely moving story with a whole lotta heart.”


“Readers who participate in chorus or theater will appreciate the

articulate portrayal of the work, the tension, the camaraderie, and the
occasional magic of those experiences.”

“As Upstaged shows so brilliantly, even the blaring of seventy-six

trombones is not as glorious as the unfolding of a soul out into the
—Gary Schmidt, Printz Honor and two-time Newbery Honor winner

“Warm, funny, and heartfelt, Upstaged will resonate with every

young person who ever doubted their own abilities, sang in a
school musical, or stood up for a friend.”
—Barbara Carroll Roberts, author of Nicki on the Line

Chapter 1: Pilgrim Feet

We learn from Cassie that Shira is in the chorus, and she has
a good voice. So, why doesn’t Shira want to audition for the

Cassie asks, “What happened to this being the year you were
going to stop being Shy Shira?” Have you ever made a goal to
change a quality or characteristic about yourself?

Chapter 2: A Hat and a Mustache

On page 9, Shira says she hopes to see a sign saying,

Is that what she really wants? What do you think she’s really hoping for?
What does Shira mean that seventh grade is “when people notice you. For all
the wrong things?” Has there ever been a time you felt noticed for something
you didn’t want?

Chapter 3: Radar
On page 18, Shira mentions codes. Are there literally “codes” in school? What
are the “codes” that Shira is talking about? Are there any “codes” that you
think exist at your school?

In Chapter 3, we meet Paul. What are your first impressions of Paul? What sets
him apart from other characters we’ve met so far?

Chapter 4: A Grubby Old Ball

Based on what Shira overhears, what is the disagreement between Mr. Hoover
and Mrs. Manley? Who would you side with in this disagreement?

Chapter 5: Cooties
In Chapter 5, we meet Shira’s sister, Sophie. What is your first impression of
Sophie? How are she and Shira similar, and how are they different?

Chapter 6: Cartoon Chicken

On page 33, Shira shares a memory about specks of dust and shafts of light.
What do you think the dust and the light represent? What does this memory
tell us about Cassie?

Do you agree or disagree with Shira that, “Sometimes it comes in handy to

have reasonably uptight parents?”
Chapter 7: Telling Fortunes
On page 43, Shira responds to Paul’s invitation dance like this: “‘No, thank
you. I don’t really dance,’ I say, which is partly true, but not nearly the truth.”
Can you explain what she means?

Chapter 8: Ta-Da!
On page 52 when Shira thinks maybe she’s not going to play Jacey Squires,
she feels “a jolt of worry.” What’s changed for her?

In this chapter, we learn a little bit about the plot and setting of The Music
Man. What similarities can you think of between The Music Man and the way
Shira describes middle school?

Chapter 9: Starfish
Do you think there’s such thing as a “motherish” thing to say? Can you give
some examples?

What does Sophie’s “creatures in the wild” comment really mean?

Chapter 10: Sincere

What does Vijay mean by “wordplay?”

Chapter 11: Skin Deep

How do Monica and Shira disagree about the character of Marian? Why do you
think the two of them feel differently about the character?

Chapter 12: Goal

What do you think is keeping Shira from quitting? Is it only that she wants to
“get to know Marian better” or are there other reasons?

Chapter 13: Dum Da Da-Da-Da

Monica leaves her score behind a lot. Do you think there’s significance to
things you leave behind?

What do you think of Frankie’s comment on page 80: “Isn’t that stalking…It
sounds like stalking”?

What does Shira mean when she says “I’m not really me, but I’m not
pretending, either. It’s some free space in between.” Have you ever done
something that made you feel that way, too?

Chapter 14: Ding Dong Ding

What does Felix mean by “hypothetical?” Do you agree with Vijay that by using
hypotheticals, “You get to see how people’s minds work”?
Chapter 15: Perfect
In this chapter, Shira finds out she has a special talent she didn’t realize she
had. Have you ever discovered a secret talent you didn’t know you had?

Perfect pitch is a good thing, right? So, why is Shira self-conscious about it?
Can you be as self-conscious about a good characteristic as you can about a
bad one?

Chapter 16: A Toilet Flushes on F-Sharp

Why is Cassie frustrated with Shira? Who do you sympathize with in this
scene: Cassie or Shira?

Chapter 17: Spam

What do you think of Ms. Channing? Can you make a prediction about her role
in the story?

What did Monica reveal at the end of the chapter? What do you think her
motivation was?

Chapter 18: Call the Banana Patrol

How has your perception of Ms. Channing changed? How do you explain how
she reacted at the end of the chapter?

Chapter 19: A Double Boiler

A malapropism is when you get a phrase wrong. Why does Shira react to
Monica’s malapropisms with such frustration?

Why does Monica’s comment to Cassie upset her so much?

Chapter 20: Glacial Erratic

Based on how Shira describes Paul, what sets him apart from other kids at
Hedgebrook? Have your perceptions of Paul changed at all since we first met

Paul says, “But it’s different on stage…it’s better. I’m better.” Is there a place
where you feel that way?

Have you heard any songs from THE MUSIC MAN?
Listen and see what you think!
What are your favorites?
Chapter 21: Turtle Brave
In this chapter, we learn about the special meaning the rock has for Shira, and
for Paul. Is there a place or spot that has a special meaning for you? What is it,
and why?

Do you think Paul is right? Could Monica be jealous of Shira?

Chapter 22: Jade Marimba Teal

What’s the importance of the costumes and what problems do they bring up?

Chapter 23: Crashing Cymbals

Have you ever been swept up in a song, or heard a piece of music that
transports you?

What does Shira mean by, “I’ve been looking right through Paul all this time. I
haven’t seen him at all.”?

Chapter 24: A Thousand Kisses Shy

So…would it (the kiss) count?

Chapter 25: Spotlight

How does Mr. Hoover pick up on Shira’s feelings? How does he compare to Dr.
Leeds in that way?

What do you notice about Monica in this chapter? Do you have any new
perceptions about Monica?

Chapter 26: One Door Closes

How have Shira’s feelings about playing Jacey Squires changed and why?

Chapter 27: Whomp, Whomp

Do you have any ideas about who shredded Monica’s script? Do you feel sorry
for Monica?

Chapter 28: Benched

Do you believe Melinda? What’s changed in the barbershop
quartet by the end of this chapter, and why?

Chapter 29: The Blue Marauder

Do you think the Blue Marauder really is one of them?
Chapter 30: The Jaws of a Crocodile
On page 197, Shira says, “Walking through the halls with a teacher is a special
feeling…like we’re suddenly promoted to being trusted. I wonder if that’s what
it’s like to grow up.” What does she mean, and have you ever felt that way?

Chapter 31: Mistaken

Why do you think Felix and Vijay don’t want to go see Mr. Donnelly?

How would you describe Mr. Donnelly based on what we’ve seen?

Chapter 32: The Most Unassuming People

When Vijay says, “You’re like the last person I’d suspect,” Felix looks “relieved,
but a little disappointed, too.” Why would Felix feel that way?

Chapter 33: Purple Garlic

How do you feel about the Blue Marauder at this point in the story?

Chapter 34: Murray

What do you think about the saying, “When one door closes, another one

Chapter 35: Showtime

Has there ever been a time you felt nerves similar to what Shira and the others
are feeling in this chapter?

Chapter 36: Sincere

Would you be satisfied if the story ended here? Why or why not?

Chapter 37: Break a Leg

On page 252 Cassie tells Shira, “You can be shy and still be a star.” Do you
think that’s true?

Chapter 38: Bells on the Hill

What is the significance of the “trick” that Seventy-Six Trombones and
Goodnight My Someone are composed of the same notes?

Chapter 39: Crush

Do you agree with Shira’s decision? Should she have gone with Drew to

Chapter 40: AKA Marian

Has Monica changed over the course of the story, or is she still the same old
Monica? What about Shira?
• Create a playlist of songs or pieces of music with special meaning to you.
• Choose a character and write a post-show diary entry from that character’s
point of view.
• Create a timeline of key moments from the story, showing how and when
Shira has changed.


Diana Harmon Asher is the author of Sidetracked, which was
an ABA Indies Introduce book and an ALA Notable Book. She
is the mother of three sons and the daughter of two gifted
singers. Her own first singing role was in a
summer school production of The Music
Man, where she played Mr. Jacey Squires.

She lives with her husband, Henry and their

cat, Chester, in Westchester, New York.

Visit her online at

UPSTAGED published by Amulet Books, an imprint of ABRAMS

Illustrations © 2021 Emma Yarlett
Reading Guide by Diana Harmon Asher and Benjamin Asher

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