Methodology Research Design

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Chapter III


Research Design

This qualitative research study utilized comparative research design. It sought to

understand the advantages and disadvantages of online learning and modular learning.

Furthermore, it examined to determine similarities and difference that are related to the type of

learning. Thus, this research design helped the researchers to interpret the effects of online

learning and modular learning on Grade twelve (12) STEM students.

Research Setting

This study will be conducted In Valencia National High School located at Lapu-

lapu street, Valencia City, 8709, Bukidnon. Valencia National High School in which the

available buildings cannot cater the growing number of enrollees every year. Hence, the

institution had undergone hindrances in providing astounding and practical teaching on the

students due to a large quantity of learners in every classroom in consideration that the school is

publicly welcome to all.


The sampling method of the study is purposive sampling since the respondents were

purposively chosen for the study. The researchers gather 60 samples of Grade Twelve (12)

STEM students in Valencia National High School.

Research Participants

The participants of the study are Grade twelve (12) STEM students from Valencia

National High School. There are 60 participants that were asked by the researchers.

Data Collection Procedure

The researchers gathered information for the study through primary sources, which

include distribution of survey questionnaires which is composed of thirty (30) items indicators

with 4-likert scale, fieldwork notes, and official documents. Sixty (60) respondents were

randomly selected considering their availability. The administration of survey questionnaires

lasted for a week only. It was then retrieved personally by the researchers. The data gathered was

encoded, analyzed and interpreted.

Data Analysis Procedure

The answers of the respondents to the given questions were analyzed through

different levels of coding. Formulated codes were from the given answers of the respondents on

the different questions relayed to them. These codes were then narrowed down into categories

(Appendix C). The information collected from the survey served as the template of

determining the preference of Grade twelve (12) STEM

Students whichever is hard to deal with, the online style of learning or the modular type of

learning. The researchers utilized the descriptive statistics such as mean, frequency and

percentage of two (2) or more dependent and independent variables. Likewise, correlation

analysis performance in double-shift education system. This also includes the scaling system,

which was used by the researchers as a technique to monitor the respondents’ interpretation of


Ethical Considerations

A letter request to conduct the study was sent to the office of the school principal of

Valencia National High School to have legitimate statement or notice for the researchers to have

access in interviewing the students through online foregoing the collection of data of the

students’ performance among Grade twelve (12) STEM students due to the online and modular

type of learning (Appendix A). Furthermore, a letter of consent was given to each of the

respondents that stated different statements for the respondents’ freedom.



In this chapter, the researcher will present the research design, the

respondents, the research instruments and the procedures used in data gathering, and

the statistical method of data.

Research Design

This study used a descriptive-comparative research design in which seeks to

compare the two variables in order to enhance one's understanding of the other

variable. This research is designed to assimilate the Distance Learning and Traditional

Learning on Academic Performances of Grade 12 HUMSS A of Fatima National High


Research Respondents

The respondents will be the Senior High Students under the class of Grade 12-

HUMSS A of Fatima National High School were selected to answer the questionnaires

Research Instruments

The research instrument is consisted of two parts. The first part is consisting of the items

which gathers respondent profile such as their name, sex, age, parents’ education attainment and

parents’ occupation. The second part of the research instrument is where the respondent is

required to fill or answer each number. Each of number that they answer has following
response option and corresponding indicators, as follows; 5 - strongly disagree, 4 - disagree, 3 -

neutral, 2 - disagree, 1 - strongly disagree.

Data Gathering Procedures

The researchers had allotted vigorous time, effort and cooperation in making the

questionnaire so as to serve its intended respondents. The survey was created using suitable

questions modified from related research and individual questions formed by the researchers.

The survey comprised of 2 main parts subdivided into different parts. After approving the

questionnaire, copies were distributed to the Grade 12-HUMSS A Students of FNHS. The

respondent was given time to respond and then the researchers collected the survey

questionnaire the next day.

Statistical Treatment

To identify how distance learning and traditional learning will affect the academic

performances of Grade 12-HUMSS A of Fatima National High School, with the used of Likert's

Five- Point rating scale the data were analyzed and interpreted.

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