International Overview and Outlook On Comminution Technology

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Avdelningen för Mineralteknik

International overview and outlook on

comminution technology
Yanmin Wang and Eric Forssberg

Department of Chemical Engineering and Geosciences

SE-971 87, Luleå, Sweden

This report concerns international overview and outlook on comminution technology
for effective production of mineral powders in order to improve the product quality
and reduce the energy consumption. These involve new and improved grinding mills
(roller mills, stirred media mills, vibration mills, centrifugal mills, jet mills, etc) and
high performance classifiers (air classifiers and centrifuges) as well as their industrial
applications. The possible utilisation of other assisted techniques like chemical, or
microwave or ultrasonic energies to grinding processes has been also described. In
addition, this report presents recent international work and outlook on modern
methods for on-/in-line control/analysis, modelling and simulation for optimisation of
grinding production.

Minerals, powder, comminution, grinding, mills, classification, classifier, grinding
aids, microwave, ultrasound, centrifuge, control, modelling, simulation.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction 4

2. Development and application of new mills 5

2.1 Roller mills 5
2.1.1 High pressure roller mill (HRPM) 5
2.1.2 Poittemill 8
2.1.3 HOROMILL 8

2.2 Stirred media mills 9

2.2.1 Sala Agitated Mill (SAM) 9
2.2.2 IsaMill 10
2.2.3 ALPINE ATR Mill 11
2.2.4 ANI-Metprotech Stirred Vertical Mill 11
2.2.5 MaxxMill 12
2.2.6 KD Tower Mill 12
2.2.7 Some aspects on developments of high efficiency stirred media mills 12

2.3 Vibration mills 14

2.3.1 Eccentric vibrating mill (ESM) 14
2.3.2 VibroKinetic Energy (VKE) Mill 15

2.4 Centrifugal mills 16

2.4.1 ZRM centrifugal tube mill 16
2.4.2 Aachen centrifugal mill 16

2.5 Jet mills 17

2.6 Other Mills 18

2.6.1 Hicom mill 18

2.7 Product size-energy input relation from various mills 18

3. Improved and new classifiers 18

3.1 Air classifiers 19
3.1.1 Turboplex with new wheel design 19
3.1.2 V- and VSK separators 19
3.1.3 Inprosys air classifier 19

3.2 Centrifuges 20
3.2.1 Disc-stack nozzle centrifuge 20
3.2.2 Centrisizer 21
3.2.3 TU Clausthal centrifuge 22
3.2.4 Counter-flow Rotating Hydro Classifier 22

4 Other assisted methods 22

4.1 Grinding aids 22
4.2 Microwave-assisted 25
4.3 Ultrasound-assisted 26

5 Control, modelling and simulation 26
5.1 On/In-line control and analysis for ground product 26
5.2 Modelling 28
5.3 Computer simulators 37

6. Summary and outlook 40

7. Acknowledgements 43


9. References 44

Caption of figures 49

Figures 52

1. Introduction
Comminution is a process whereby particulate materials are reduced from the coarse
feed sizes to the fine product sizes required for downstream or end use (Russell, 1989;
Kwade and Bernotat, 2002). The operations are found in different process industries
such as cement, mineral, coal, pulp and paper, ceramics, agricultural products,
fertiliser, food, pharmaceuticals, and paint/pigment materials. Grinding, especially for
ultra-fine grinding, is an energy-intensive stage in the overall of the process to provide
materials in the proper fine size range for the required properties of final product. It is
notorious that higher energy consumption and inefficiency in grinding technology of
various materials have long been regarded as a major area for recent developments. A
major problem in grinding is the enormous amount of energy required for producing
particles below micron-sizes. Conventional mills (mainly, tumbling ball mills) have
been used for grinding for many years, but the basic problem in this application is that
the power consumed by a conventional mill is limited by the centrifugation occurring
at speeds above critical, and the grinding media size are not too small. The impact
energy of each ball will otherwise be insignificant. A low speed and large grinding
media in a tumbling mill generate mainly impact and abrasive stresses. When particle
sizes are in the micron size range, these two forces do not work well. Comminution
mill development is always aimed at lowering the energy consumption, increasing the
throughput and having a mostly universal machine for the very different grinding
problems. In order to meet these requirements, numerous mills have been developed
and improved by institutes/universities and companies worldwide during recent years.

Besides developments of new mills for effective grinding, equipment for classification
is important. It is useful to discharge the fines or separate the coarse particle in the
comminution process in order to reduce the energy cost and avoids over-ground
particles in the final product. The resultant particle size distribution of the product
from the grinding system is also determined by the classification. It is well known that
classification becomes increasingly difficult as the cut size is reduced, and particularly
if the material has a low specific gravity or a high fraction of ultra-fines. A current
trend towards fine and ultra-fine products with higher surface areas means that more
exacting requirements are increasingly placed on the classification system.
Considerable efforts have been made recently to utilise and develop new air classifiers
(Braun, et al., 2002; Adam, et al. 2001; Farahmand, et al., 1997) and centrifuges
(Muller, Komper and Kluge, 1993; Timmermann and Schönert, 1995; Wang,
Forssberg and Axelsson, 1997) for classifying micron sized materials in comminution

Also, the feasibility of the application of chemical, or thermal or ultrasonic energies to

the grinding process has been a viable avenue of exploration and research. These
possible assisted-technique has a significant impact on the improvement of the
performance and the achievement of lower energy consumption in a comminution
process. Chemicals or grinding aids used in grinding processes generally increase
grinding energy efficiency, bring down the limit of grinding, prevent the agglomerates
or aggregates of ground particles, avoid grinding media coating and improve the
rheonolgy of material flow as well (Moothedath, et al., 1992). Thermal stress fracture
is generated in microwave energy assisted comminution (Wang, et al., 2000;
Kingman, et al., 1999 and 1998; Gungör, et al., 1998; Haque, 1998; Xia, et al, 1997;
Salsman, et al., 1997; Florek, et al, 1995; Walkiewicz, et al., 1991 and 1988; Chen, et

al., 1984). The fractures are induced along the grain boundaries between the different
minerals as a result of the difference in the absorption behaviours and the thermal
expansion coefficients of the materials. Microwave energy can reduce the work index
of the certain materials, which favours the subsequent grinding for efficient size
reduction, mineral liberation and energy saving. Also, a better breakage behaviour of
a grinding device like high pressure roller mill can be achieved with assistance of
ultrasonic activation (Gaete-Garrston, et al., 2000). The active roller with a high-
efficiency ultrasonic vibrator piezo-electrically driven was designed to obtain low
energy consumption required in comminution.

In addition, control and optimisation of the particle production in grinding device and
process has become significant in order to enable the desired quality to be produced
and optimise the energy consumption required for grinding. One option is to install an
on-line or in-line measurement system (i.e., particle size analysis) for continuous
control of grinding circuit has (Greer, et al., 1998; Puckhaber, et al., 1998; Kalkert,
1999 and Schwechten, et al., 2000). As known, grinding circuits are notoriously
unstable and unwanted fluctuations in particle size, pulp density and volume flow
rates can result in the inefficient use of grinding capacity and to poor extraction of
valuable minerals. Another is to utilise a computer simulator with proper models for
design, optimisation and analysis of a comminution device or process (Morrison, et
al., 2002; Herbst, et al., 2000 and 2001). The main objective for use of a simulator in
comminution is to reduce energy consumption without decreasing the throughput and
operating efficiency.

In this report, recent international work for effective comminution technology will be
overviewed. These areas involved 1) development and application of new mills, 2)
improved and new classifiers, 3) other assisted methods (grinding aids, microwave
and ultrasound) and 4) on-line control, modelling and simulation as well. In addition,
the outlook on these areas is also presented.

2. Development and application of new mills

Using the comminution devices for mechanically stressing particle materials remain
the most practical way to carry out industrial comminution for production of fine
materials. Improvement in the energy efficiency and the ground product quantity
should be directed towards the design of machines in addition to the process
optimisation. The development and application of the new comminution systems has
been recognised to be of paramount importance due to the inefficiency of
conventional comminution devices like tumbling ball mills.

2.1 Roller mills

2.1.1 High pressure roller mill (HPRM)

The HPRM has been applied to the existing comminution flow sheets for some brittle
materials such as cement, coal, limestone, diamond ore, etc. since the middle of the
1980´s. Figure 1 shows the principle of this equipment, which is based on the so-
called inter-particle comminution. It can achieve an efficient comminution in a
particle bed stressed under a high pressure (for most cases: 50 to 200 MPa). This
high-pressure particle-bed comminution is the result of scientific investigations into
the breakage behaviour of brittle particles under different stress conditions. The

research was first carried out by tests with individual particles and later by testing the
action of forces on particle collectives. A patent was granted to Professor Klaus
Schönert, now TU Clausthal, Germany, on the comminution process distinguished by
a single application of a pressure of more than 50 MPa on a bed of brittle particles.
According to Schönert (1991), the process is executed with double rolls which are
designed, fed and operated in such a way that a bed of particles is formed in the gap
between the rolls and set under the pressure mentioned. In spite of the fact that the
product is agglomerated which means that a dis-agglomerating step is needed, the
total specific energy consumption of the comminution system is 20 to 50 % less
compared to conventional ball mills. The double rolls used for the process are on the
first glance similar in design to conventional crushing, compacting or briquetting rolls
but differ considerably in details, particularly in view of the very high separating
force. The well-known disadvantages of conventional crushing rolls, e.g. uneven wear
and low capacity, are not valid for the high-pressure comminution. The process results
in some specific effects, e.g., introduction of fissures and cleavages in the particles,
"selective" grinding in mineral liberation and possibly advantages in the downstream
process. The capacity of the rolls is proportional to the circumferential speed, width of
rolls, as well as thickness and apparent densities of the agglomerates or flakes.
Kellerwessel (1996) summarised the main advantages of the HPRM as follows:
• less specific energy consumption and consequently less wear in a downstream ball
• increasing the capacity of existing plants with comparatively small investment;
• better liberation of valuable constituents;
• more intense attack of leach liquor; and
• comparatively low space requirements depending on the selected flow sheet.

Numerous works during the past decade (Kellerwessel 1996; Forssberg and Wang,
1996; Fuerstenau and De, 1995; Schönert, 1991 and 1988; Mayerhauser, 1990;
Conroy and Wustner, 1986) have indicated that an introduction of the HPRM into a
comminution system for a brittle material can result in a decrease of the overall
energy consumption for a required fineness of the final product. A number of
manufacturers in Germany have produced the HPRM machines. Therefore, various
terms are in use of the HPRM, e.g. Roller Press or RP (KHD, Humboldt Wedag, AG),
Ecoplex (Hosokawa Alpine AG), Polycom (Krupp Polysius AG) and high-
compaction rolls (Maschinenfabrik Koppern GmbH).

It is known that a large proportion of particles pressed under high compressive loads
revealing micro-fractures and other defects favour a subsequent grinding since their
particle stability is strongly reduced. This advantage has been found particularly for
fine and ultra-fine grinding of predominantly brittle mineral materials (Wang, et al,
1999 and 1998; Fuerstenau, et al., 1999; Van der Meer, et al., 1997). It is known that
a large proportion of particles pressed under high compressive loads revealing micro-
fractures and other defects favour a subsequent grinding since their particle stability is
strongly reduced. This advantage has been found particularly for fine and ultra-fine
grinding of predominantly brittle mineral materials (Wang, et al, 1999 and 1998;
Fuerstenau, et al., 1999).

Because the HPRM is more efficient at lower energy inputs and the ball mill is more
efficient at higher energy inputs, the greatest potential for energy savings should come
from using the two different comminution modes in tandem or in series as a hybrid

grinding circuit. A systematic study of energy efficiency of comminution (Fuerstenau,
et al., 1999) found that the energy consumed to achieve a reduction ratio of 30 using
the hybrid HPRM with ball mill system was only about 70 % of that required by ball
milling alone. An additional aspect of energy reduction with the hybrid system is
utilisation of the benefits of particle weakening and the flaws and cracks created in
particles during the particle-bed breakage under a high compression in the HPRM.
Van der Meer and Schnabel (1997) also described some of the specific features of the
roller press and the effect of roller press grinding on the energy consumption of the
subsequent ball milling. Their results with various ores showed that a reduction in
grindability by high pressure grinding rolls can be demonstrated both on lab- and pilot
plant scale. Figure 2 shows the results from various ores from the lab-scale tests. The
results confirmed the decrease in work index and indicated that this reduction in
grindability increases with applied roller pressure.

Wang, Forssberg and Klymowsky (1998) investigated that the pre-grinding of filter
cake limestone (12.6 % moisture) by the HPRM favoured a subsequent wet ultra-fine
grinding in a stirred media Drais mill. The ultra-fine grinding of the materials pre-
treated by the HPRM becomes more efficient since micro-cracks are introduced
during the compressive processes. The results indicated that the introduction of the
HPRM as a pre-grinder into a wet comminution flow sheet for production of a fine
limestone product is suggested for energy saving and size reduction. As shown in
Figure 3, the fineness of the ground product increases with the pass number of
grinding through the HPRM. The specific energy consumed for the material ground in
a subsequent wet stirred media mill is dependent on the pass number of pre-treatment
in the HPRM. It was found that the internal stress relaxation of the particle after the
high compressive loads has a significant effect on the subsequent wet ultra-fine
comminution. Furthermore, in another work with a dry hybrid system of HPRM and
agitated ball mill named SAM 7.5, a limestone per-treated from the HPRM was dry
ground in a subsequent dry SAM for different numbers of the passes (Wang, et al.,
1999). It is evident from the results that significantly less energy is required to
comminute the powdered limestone by the hybrid HPRM with SAM grinding process
compared to grinding in the SAM alone. The total energy requirement for the
production of limestone fines is dramatically reduced with the use of energy for pre-
grinding in the HPRM. The fine powder product with d50= 8 µm can be obtained at a
total energy input of more than 110 kWh t-1 in the case of a comminution system
without the HPRM. For the same fineness the total energy consumption of less than
25 kWh t-1 is needed in the case of pre-grinding in the HRPM. Correct partitioning of
the comminution energy between the HPRM and the subsequent stirred media mill is
necessary to maximum the energy utilisation in efficient milling.

It is known that multiple treatment of particles pressed through the RP is often

required in practice. The KHD Humboldt Wedag recently introduced an improved
version of the RP with splitter setting (see Figure 4). This machine can operate for
multiple passes in one unit by varying the splitter setting. It has a specific application
in the processing of an iron ore concentrate blend from a stockpile in USA
(Klymowsky, 1997). This improvement eliminates the incomplete compressive action
of the pressed particles along the edge of the machine. The re-circulating material
from the edge was about 300 % of the iron ore treated.

Wear protection on the surface of the rollers has become a challenge to the industrial
application of the RP. The KHD Humboldt Wedag AG early developed a welded
hard-facing on the roller's surface. A recent effort is the studs lining. The hard-metal
cylinder shaped studs are inserted into the surface of the rolls according to a certain
pattern. In operation, the interstices between them fill up with compacted material
forming an autogenous wear protection layer. The protruding studs are worn off with
time at an extremely low rate. The studs lining, as a rule, allows > 8000 hours of
operation without any maintenance.

The rapid introduction of the HPRM in various processing industries during last years
proves the advantage of this new technology for brittle materials. Some problems
have appeared with respect to design details and wear, but this is normal in
establishing a new system. The application will be broadened in the future, especially
in the area of ores and fine materials. According to Schönert (1991), many questions
concerning the HPRM applications are still unanswered. The most important issues
involve: a) the capacity in general and especially with fine feed; b) wear mechanisms
and wear material; c) micro-crack formation; d) profiled roller surfaces, influences on
capacity and wear; e) segmented roller liners; and f) influences on down-stream
processes as flotation and leaching.

2.1.2 Poittemill
The structure of Poittemill produced by POITTEMILL INGENIERIE Group, France,
is similar to that of the normal HPRM. One specific characteristic of this mill is,
however, to utilise a pulsated high pressure grinding cylinder or roller (Figure 5),
which may lead to the energy savings. The pulsation of the roller allows the feeding
of cylinders and dis-agglomeration of compacted cake. The pulsated pressure
grinding cylinder allows for energy saving of 30 %, as compared with a conventional
milling system. A system of this mill combined with an air classifier has been
commercially applied into industrial mineral powder processing. For instance, one of
the industrial installations has been in the production of limestone powders in
Nordkalk AB, Sweden. In addition, materials treated include alumina, clays, baryt,
cement, sand and talc.

The FCB Research Centre in France has designed a HOROMILL. This mill has
already acquired its reputation in the cement market in 1994. The configuration with
one idle roller within a cylindrical shell is shown in Figure 6. The shell is driven in
rotation by a gear motor via a rim gear and a pinion. The grinding force is transmitted
to the roller by hydraulic cylinders. Internals are provided to control the material
circulation. The main operational features of this mill are to combine effects of
centrifugal force and adequate internals and pass several times pass between the roller
and the shell. Grinding is thus achieved in several steps. The conjugate concave and
convex geometry of the grinding surfaces lead to angles of nip two or three times
higher than in roll presses, which leads to a thicker ground layer and a more
significant grinding work. In principle, the grinding zone is regularly fed, which
ensures a maximum and stable nip of the material between the roll and the shell.
From the mechanical viewpoint, this mill combines proven elements from the ball
mill (cylindrical shell on hydrodynamic shoes, drive gear rim) and elements akin to
the press (roller, bearings) but with much lower grinding pressure. Figure 7 shows the

HOROMILL grinding efficiency with different materials. A term of the substitution
ratio in the figure was used evaluate the process efficiency in dry ball grinding in
cement industry and the value of the ratio was fixed to 1.0 for all the P80 tested
(Evrard and Cordonnier and Obry, 1997). It is clear that the HOROMILL is at least
1.5 times more efficient that an optimised dry ball mill. They reported that the main
advantages are: a) larger capacity, b) good grinding efficiency, c) process flexibility
and d) good preferential performance. At present, more than 9 machines have been in
operation worldwide. Table 1 lists the main data associated with 3 machines in
operation for treatment of different materials.

Table 1. Details for 3 HOROMILL machines in various commercial operations

Parameters SMA, Karsdorf, Tepetzingo,
France Germany Mexico
Mill size mm 1600 3800 3800
Material ground Anhydrite Slag + Limestone
clinker + clay
Feed size mm <10 <50 < 100
Output t/h 12 65 225
P80 µm 18 25 65
Specific energy kWh/t 11.0 25.4 6.5 to 8.0
Substitution ratio based on P80 3.5 2.1 1.7 to 2.2

2.2 Stirred media mills

2.2.1 Sala Agitated Mill (SAM)

During recent years, a variety of agitated media mills have been developed and
applied worldwide. One of those is the Sala Agitated Mill (SAM) which was
developed by the formerly SALA International AB, Sweden, as shown in Figure 8.
This type of mill is presently manufactured by Grinding Division of Metso Group in
UK. It is designed for both wet and dry fine grinding. It has been reported that the
SAM offers significant reductions in specific energy consumption compared to
conventional grinding (Marmor, 1993). This reduction is mainly due to the application
of small grinding media and the resultant high-energy intensities. On the other hand,
the use of small grinding media provides an effective surface area enhancement in the
final product. Those mills are lightweight and compact and require as little as 10 % of
the floor space taken by a comparable tumbling ball mill.

In dry, fine grinding, an improvement of the grinding efficiency by the SAM may be
considered mainly in terms of: a) efficient transfer of energy from grinding media to
the material to be ground. It is well known that the shape and size of the media affect
the grinding action between particles and media within the mill. b) use of chemicals as
a grinding additive. A recent work (Forssberg and Wang, 1995) was aimed at
investigating the effects of grinding media and grinding aids on fine milling of
dolomite with a pilot scale SAM-7.5 in dry mode. The results showed that the
grinding media plays an important role in the dry, fine grinding of dolomite in the
mill. Replacing 8 mm ball by 8x8 mm cylpebs in the mill was found to be efficient for
energy saving and size reduction. The smaller balls give a better energy utilisation due
to the creation of the higher energy intensities compared to the larger size media. The
beneficial effect of using amine as a grinding additive was significant for dry grinding

of the finer fractions. The actions of chemical additives in dry milling involve the
elimination of aggregates formed and media and liner coating, the enhancement of
grinding rate and improvement of the flowability of dry material. The dry fine
grinding of a limestone with a small amount of quartz (feed size: 80 % <700 µm, Axel
Gustavsson AB, Sweden) was another application for the SAM mill (Lidström, 1998).
The type of mill was a SAM-30 in dry mode with a capacity of 4 t/h. The grinding
media was 12 mm cylpeds. The fineness of the ground product was 80 % <125 µm in
which 50 % < 44 µm. The ground product was used to neutralise acidic lakes.

The SAM mill was also applied into re-grinding of a hydrocyclone underflow
discharged in an industrial flow-sheet of separating gold at the Björkdal concentrator,
Sweden (Lidström, 1998). The Björkdal concentrator processes approximately one
million tons of gold ore per year. The ore contains approximately 3 g/t. gold. Gold is
first recovered in a gravimetric circuit from the underflow fraction from the
hydrocyclone. The overflow fraction is bypassed to the flotation circuit. The feed to
the flotation circuit before the installation of the SAM mills contained coarse particles
up to 600 µm and with 15-20 wt. % >250 µm. The gold in this feed was found to
occur primarily in the coarser size fractions, which are difficult to recover by
flotation. Further grinding of the feed by the SAM mills was needed. After regrinding
with the SAM, the fraction > 250 µm in the feed material was reduced to 5 wt. % and
the maximum size was only 400 µm. This feed size was found to be a suitable particle
size for gold recovery.

2.2.2 IsaMill
The IsaMill, which was specially designed and developed by NETZSCH-
Feinmahltechnik GmbH, Germany, has been used for very fine grinding of McArthur
River and Mount Isa zinc/lead ores in Australia (Enderle, et al, 1997). This mill is a
large horizontal stirred mill. The grinding media in the mills are oversize particles
from screening in the primary semi-autogenous grinding circuit at McArthur River
and the coarser particles after screening of slag and heavy medium plant reject
streams at Mount Isa. These zinc/lead/silver deposits require a regrinding product of
80 % passing 7 microns to improve the liberation of non-sulphide gangue in particular
and produce a single bulk zinc/lead concentrate. However, there was no accepted
technology for economic production of such fine particles by regrinding in the base
metal processing industry. The design of the large ISAMILL with the volume of 3000
litres and a 1.1 MW motor met this specific requirement. This mill can achieve high
throughputs of solids up to 80 t/h and of pulp up to 140 m3/h. The results on size
reduction and specific energy consumption as well as the operating condition with the
ISAMILL 3000 litre volume are listed in Table 2, which also shows that a desired
efficient energy utilisation was achieved at both sites.

Table 2. The results at Mount Isa and McArthur River sites with
the ISAMILL of 3000 litres (Enderle et al., 1997)
Mill Solid, Specific Size Pulp Solid Power Size, 80% pass, µm
Site Pressure, wt. % Energy, Reduct. flowrate, flowrate, t/h draw, kW Feed Product
kPa kWh/t Retio m3/h
Mt Isa 225 65 7,6 1,67 110 65 700 20 12
Open 300 20 28 3,75 90 20 710 30 8
Closed 425 20 36 4,30 65 15 700 30 7

At the McArthur River site, 15 t/h. of solids is being reground in each mill from 30
µm to 7 µm at a specific energy consumption of 36 kWh/t. At the Mount Isa site, 65
t/h of solids is being reground in each mill from 20 µm to 12 µm at a specific energy
consumption of 7.6 kWh/t. The mills have been used in production units since 1994 at
Mount Isa and since 1995 at McArthur River. The volume of the largest IsaMill is
4000 litres.

2.2.3 ALPINE ATR Mill

The ALPINE ATR mill is also an agitated ball mill (see Figure 9), which has been
developed by Hosokawa Alpine AG. The ATR mill is reported to be ideal for dry
production of ultra-fine mineral powders below 10 µm. A fineness of up to 70-80 % <
2 µm with high specific surface area can be achieved. This mill is often selected to
operate in a closed circuit with ALPINE fine classifiers. This vertical mill competes
with conventional jet mills but can be advantageous both for iron-free grinding and if
there is a requirement for the mineral to retain its foliated structure. The grinding
action is based on shear forces resulting from agitation between the grinding bead and
the product. A low rotor speed is used to prevent fluidisation. The feed material enters
from above and the residence time of the material in the mill is regulated by adjusting
the speed of metering screw at the mill discharge. The ATR system has a double-
walled mill jacket to permit water-cooling. Typical applications for the ATR mills
include mineral fillers (limestone, quartz and talc), frets and titanium dioxide.

2.2.4 ANI-Metprotech Stirred Vertical Mill

The development of large scale stirred vertical mills have been undertaken by
Metprotech, Australia. The schematic of the ANI-Metprotech machine is shown in
Figure 10. This mill has been applied for both fine (20-40 µm) and ultra-fine (< 20
µm) grinding. The feed slurry is pumped directly into the grinding chamber and there
is no vertical flow of grinding media in the mill. The ANI-Metprotech mill therefore
has a rapid grinding rate, which much reduces the circulating load and the number of
cyclones and the sizes of the pumps. The grinding chamber, shaft and agitator arms
are provided with a range of replaceable wear parts designed according to the
application and location in the mill. Special ceramic-lined designs are available for
process environments requiring an iron-free circuit. This mill is capable of delivering
a much higher power input per unit volume, typically 100-150 kW/m3 versus 20-30
kW/m3 for tumbling or tower mills. It has been reported (Clifford, 1998) that the
production of a very fine product in a reduced residence time allows successful fine
grinding of high-volume, low value materials such as minerals. The ANI-Metprotech
mill has been used in wet ultra-fine grinding for the recovery of refractory gold in
Ammtec Pty Ltd, Western Australia (Corrans and Angove, 1991). A common cause of
refractoriness is encapsulation of fine gold within the matrix of sulphide minerals. The
size and location of the gold with the sulphide matrix determines to a very large
degree the nature of the process required for its liberation and recovery.
Submicroscopic gold can be liberated by destruction of the sulphide with processes
based on the use of thermal, chemical or biological oxidation. If encapsulated gold is
coarser in size, say 1 or 2 µm to 20 µm, the liberation by ultra-fine grinding in the
Metprotech mill becomes possible. Sulphide encapsulated gold in the size range 5-20
µm can be economically recovered by use of the Metprotech mill. The use of this mill
enhances the efficiency of pressure oxidation for recovery of gold particles.

2.2.5 MaxxMill
Existing stirred ball mills are commonly used in wet grinding of material below 200
µm. The design of these machines does not allow a larger feed particle size. A new
MaxxMill, has been developed by Maschinenfabrik Gustav Eirich, Germany expands
the application of stirred ball mills to a particle size of several millimetres (Sachweh,
1997). The product of this mill can be used as the input for a conventional stirred ball
mill for further grinding. Figure 11 shows the general design of the MaxxMill. This
mill consists mainly of a rotating drum, a stirrer and a stationary wall scraper with an
integrated filling pipe. The stirrer is located eccentrically to the middle of the drum
with the eccentricity. The grinding media like steel, glass or ceramic balls with sizes
of 3 to 10 mm are filled up to 80 vol. %. The coarse material enters the machine
through the pipe in the wall scraper together with the carrier fluid (air or water). The
material will be mixed intensively with the balls, which have a pulverising effect on
the product. The fine product will be sucked from the upper layer of the balls through
the product outlet. The grinding media does not leave the mill because of their weight.
However, for a high viscosity slurry a sieve is needed to retain the balls. The
MaxxMill is most effective with feed particle size up to 5 mm. The product will be
below 150-30 µm. The throughput ranges from 100 kg/h to 20 t/h depending on the
mill size. This mill can be used in ceramic industry for milling of the hard
components and in mineral industry for grinding of minerals like limestone and

2.2.6 KD Tower Mill

In order to achieve a high recovery of particles below 10 µm, Mori et al (1997) have
modified a dry tower mill through redesigning the comminution cell and the shape
and insider diameter of the classifying parts. Figure 12 shows the KD-1 tower mill
and the modified versions KD-2 and KD-3. The KD-1 is similar to the conventional
tower mill in which the comminution and classification operate in the same column.
In this mill, the particles are mixed with the circulating airflow generated by the
blower and transported to the cyclone. The KD-2 has been structured as the KD-1 in
the grinding cell but its classification column has been enlarged to reduce the airflow
rate. It was found, however, that the maximum particle size of the product remained
the same as with the KD-1 due to air turbulence in the classification. In the latest
version KD-3, the classification column was redesigned and the cell has been
provided with a net to reduce the air turbulence. With this modified KD-3, the fine
particles pass through the net into the cyclone while the coarse particles are settled at
the bottom of the column. The grinding media was steel balls of 20 mm. Figure 13
shows the results with three KD mills for dry fine grinding of limestone. The
efficiency of the KD tower mill depends on the shape and design of the machine. It is
important to decrease the airflow rate and air turbulence in the column of the
classification for a better fragmentation. The KD-3 gave a high recovery of particles
below 10 µm.

2.2.7 Some aspects on developments of high-efficiency stirred media mills

a) Use of smallest grinding beads down to 0.10 mm for superfine particle production
One characteristic of stirred bead mills is to use the smallest beads down to 0.1 mm as
a grinding media to effectively utilise the transmitted grinding energy in size
reduction at high speeds. Recent theoretical studies by the University of

Braunschweig, Germany (1999) indicated that the transmitted grinding energy (E) is
proportional to two basic values, i.e., the number of contacts (BZ) and the intensity of
the contacts (BI):

E ∝ BI ⋅ BZ (1)

BI ∝ BI mk = d mk ρ mk vt
2 2

⎛ x ⎞
BZ ∝ BZ r = nt ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ (3)
⎝ d mk ⎠

where dmk is the bead size, ρmk is the density of bead, vt is the speed, x is the initial
particle size.

In Equation (3), the number of contacts, BZ, increases quadratically with ratio of the
initial particle size to the grinding bead diameter. If the particle size of the product to
be ground decreases, compensation can be made with correspondingly smaller
grinding beads, such that the number of the contacts is still sufficient. Meanwhile, the
intensity of impact of the grinding beads decreases proportionally to their mass.
Limited compensation can be made for this effect through higher contact speeds. This
means that the fineness that can be achieved is limited by the contact energy required
to just fracture the particles and a sufficiently high number of contacts, which is
primarily dependent on the grinding bead diameter.

McLaughlin (1999) pointed out that running a stirred media mill with beads that are
too large raises both the unit cost of milling including energy consumption and the
total cost of the equipment needed to produce the product. To remain in the most
efficient portion of the cycle, it is suggested to use media that is only 200 times larger
than the d50 of the finished product. For example, a stirred bead mill plant that mills a
6 µm particles to 0.2 µm particle size using 500 µm beads operates very inefficiently,
required 15 times the amount of time required to mill with proper sized 100 µm media
and 15 times the fixed capital investment of the finished product.

b) New designs for separation of grinding media from the ground product
To achieve the finer particle size, an effective approach is to utilise the smaller beads
at high speeds. However, one problem for the most conventional stirred bead mills is
unreliable separation of the smaller beads from the mixture. Draiswerke GmbH,
Germany has recently developed a new design of a stirred bead mill DCP-Superflow®
in order to successfully separate small grinding beads from ground slurry product
(Stehr, 1998). As shown in Figure 14, a complete mixture of ground material and
grinding media in the mill is centrifuged by the spinning rotor and assisted by baffles
mounted on the inner rotor surface. Adjacent to the baffles are slotted openings in the
rotor cylinder because of the difference in density and size, the beads is separated by
centrifugal forces and returned through the slots to the inlet area of the outer annular
mill chamber. With the fresh particulate material flowing into the mill, the beads are
again carried downwards into the outer mill chamber. In this way, a defined internal
re-circulation of the grinding beads through the outer and the subsequent inner mill
chamber is ensured. Moreover, a new centrifugal bead mill ZR120, which has been
introduced by Buhler AG, Switzerland (Buhler, 2000), allows trouble-free utilisation

of very small grinding media at a high re-circulation rate (Figure 15). The centrifugal
operating principle of this mill offers significant advantages. Smaller grinding media,
which maintain in the grinding chamber by means of centrifuge forces, allow the
required product fineness to be obtained within a shorter time.

c) Application of additional force fields such as centrifugation and vibration

As mentioned above, the smaller grinding beads in ZR120 mill produce rather high-
energy intensities by means of an intensive centrifugal force field at high rotational
speed. It is apparent that the particles are efficiently fractured by both intensive
attrition and compression. In this mill, the pressure from grinding media can be
adjusted to achieve an optimal efficiency by variation of the centrifugal force and the
flow force. This is performed by a control system with its torque control function. The
pressure from grinding media, which can be flexibly selected, also allows the
processing of products with a wide variety of rheological characteristics and the
utilisation of the grinding media diameter in a range of 0.20 to 0.65 mm. The design
of this mill operates with a high grinding capacity and a good efficiency of the
grinding media. This results in a high productivity in terms of throughput and product

Schollbach (1998 and 1999) investigated the influence of grinding bead size on wet
comminution in stirred media mills with vibration assistance. His results indicated
that grinding media < 2 mm are too small due to the cushioning effect of the overall
grinding media charge, on the other hand, grinding media > 5 mm were found to too
large as they allowed only limited possibilities for contact between the ground
material and the media. In wet comminution of a limestone below 100 µm (d50=22
µm) by this vibration assisted mill, the economically viable range of grinding media
diameters are 2.5 to 4 mm. With the beads of 2.5-4 mm used as grinding media, some
favourable effects on comminution efficiency and the energy requirement can be
achieved, especially in the initial stage of the grinding process.

2.3 Vibration mills

2.3.1 Eccentric vibrating mill (ESM)

Vibration mills have been applied for fine grinding and pulverisation of raw materials
in various industries. Gock and Kurrer (1998) considered that conventional vibration
tube mills appear economically inefficient, which are caused by insufficient ratio of
tube volume to zero weight and the high power loss due to bearing loads. Also, a
constructional limit was readily reached. In order to exceed this limit, Professor E.
Gock at the Clausthal University of Technology, Germany introduced a new
mechanical vibration concept for vibration mills. In co-operation with the Siebtechnik
GmbH, one new type of vibration tube mill named ”eccentric vibratory mill or ESM”
has been developed and patented (Figure 16). Unlike conventional mills with circular
vibrations, this new mill performs elliptical, circular and linear vibrations. The device
is eccentric and the mass is balanced by means of a counter mass. The major
technological advantage consists of amplitudes of vibration of up to 20 mm, leading
to a high degree of loosening and thus to a decisive intensification of the impact
forces among the grinding media. Some studies (Kurrer, 1986; Kurrer, Jeng and
Gock, 1992) found that the impulse in the conventional vibration pipe mills mainly
occurs in the form of a normal impact, i.e., the grinding media is predominantly
subject to impact stress. The distribution of the normal impact over the grinding tube

lining is periodically and locally pronouncedly inhomogeneous. The friction impact is
an order of magnitude smaller than the normal impact and has a maximum amount in
the range of 0-90°. In the case of the eccentric vibratory mill, however, the main wear
zone is the range of 0-180°. Since the mean rotational frequency is many times above
that of conventional vibratory tube mills, the influence of the friction impact is much
more important from a mechanical point of view. The position of the main wear zone
is thus attributed to the summarised effect of relatively high normal and friction
impacts. Since normal impact prevails in the range of 0°-60° due to the predominantly
orthogonal position of the large major axis of the ellipse to the grinding tube lining,
there is friction impact in the range of 60°-180°. This is because the large major axes
of the ellipse are rather tangential to the grinding tube lining. The transportation effect
is changed by the increase of the circumferential frequency of the grinding media
filling as well as the high collision probability as a result of the amplitude modulation
of the individual balls, together with the far higher mean free path of the balls. This
effect contributes to a significant reduction of the energy consumption, compared to
the conventional vibration mills. This new mill may replace the conventional
vibration tube mills for an efficient comminution of brittle materials due to its
superior characteristics such as the considerably higher amplitudes of vibration and
the rejection of circular vibration. In addition, the mechanical-chemical processes for
some materials are also another application of this new vibration mill. Some work
(Kwade, et al., 2002; Wang, et al., 2002; Gock, et al., 1998) have confirmed that
advantage of this eccentric vibration mill versus a conventional vibration mill can
include a compact and modular design, a better mixing effect, higher energy density
and a lower specific energy requirement.

The results obtained in a recent work (Wang, et al., 2002) have shown that this
eccentric vibration mill is appropriate to an efficient mechanochemical treatment of a
brittle material like limestone, due to its superior characteristics such as the
considerably higher amplitudes of vibration and the rejection of circular vibration.
The mechanochemical treatment of calcitic limestone leads to a progressive loss in
crystallinity, which is much more intense along the basal planes {104}, {110} and
{202} of the crystal structure. The increased surface energy of the solids, due to the
structural distortion produced by impact and friction of the mobile parts of the ESM
mill, induces a progressive agglomeration of the particles, which tend to minimise the
exposed surface. Mechanochemical treatment of the calcitic limestone allows a
significant lowering in reaction temperature in the thermal decomposition due to the
distortion of the crystallite and lattice strain. The excess enthalpy content in the
ground solids increases with an increase of energy input in the ESM. This intensive
mechanical treatment produces a disordered phase whose decomposition is easier and
takes places at lower and not well-defined temperatures. The main effect observed in
mechanical activation is particle size reduction and crystal structure modification,
constitutes a promising way for achieving control of the reactivity in the solid state
and for the preparation of metastable phases with new and useful properties.

2.3.2 VibroKinetic Energy (VKE) Mill

VibroKinetic Energy (VKE) Mill, which was developed by Mr. Bruce H. Winn, is one
of major developments in vibration mill utilising a tuned spring system to suspend the
grinding chamber and the vibration motor energy source, as shown in Figure 17. This
mill has been manufactured by Micro Grinding Systems, Inc., USA. The VKE mill
consists of a lightweight horizontal grinding chamber, supported by radically

positioned, tuneable springs at each end of the chamber. The springs discharge
harmonic and kinetic energy during each cycle of the periodic force generator and
supplements the force applied to the grinding chamber by the force generator and thus
reducing the overall energy required to grind. Material is continuously fed into the
mill by a controlled feeder. Grinding media can be of some different types such as
steel rods, ball and cylpebs, ceramic balls or cylpebs. Material ground to the desired
size is fluidised by inert gas or air injection for removal from the mill, allowing the
remaining over-sized particles to be fractured without the cushioning effect of fine
particles. Coarse particles discharged through the end of the mill are recycled back to
the feed hopper. This mill has been applied to various materials such as pigments,
bentonite, feldspar, zircon, barite, quartz, manganese, alumna, magnetite, precious
metal ores, etc..

A comparative study with the VKE mill and the conventional Palla vibration mill has
been performed in the treatment of a granite rock chips (Microgrinding Systems Inc.,
1991). In their statement, the VibroKinetic Energy mill is almost twice as efficient as
the Palla mill at the same conditions. Utilisation and/or substitution of the VKE mill
in appropriate mill results in reducing power costs by almost half. They found that the
production rate of the VKE mill is superior to the Palla mill.

2.4 Centrifugal mills

2.4.1 ZRM centrifugal tube mill

Gock, et al. (2001) developed a new model ZRM 220-35 centrifugal tube media mill
for wet comminution of particle size below 2 µm. Figure 18 shows the design diagram
of this centrifugal tube mill: The machine is a two-tube mill driven with synchronous
motors via eccentrically mounted shafts. It runs in continuous operation, the
suspension product is discharged radially via a discharge chamber. This mill can be
used for wet milling of pigments, mineral filler, ceramic materials and chemical
product. Unlike the common agitated ball mills, this mill has no fixed installations.
Therefore, it is assumed wear can be drastically reduced. Figure 19 shows the particle
size distribution of ground limestone product when limestone feed below 110 µm was
ground. The specific energy requirement was 141 kWh/t for the product fineness of
d50=1.8 µm at a single run. However, the present industrial production using the
conventional agitated ball mills required approximately 150 kWh/t for the same
product fineness at multi-runs.

2.4.2 Aachen centrifugal mill

A new centrifuge ball mill was developed for micro-fine comminution by Aachen
University of Technology, Germany (Wellenkamp, 1997). The sketch of this mill is
shown in Figure 20. The energy is transferred to the ball charge by means of a rotor.
This is comprised of four wings, which divide the milling chamber into four
quadrants. The rotor is powered by an electric motor controlled by a frequency
converter, whereby rotations of 200 rpm to 1100 rpm are possible. The mill consists
basically of a cylindrical milling chamber inside of which the rotor revolves. The
chamber is double-walled in structure to enable cooling. In contrast to ball mills in
which the ball are already centrifuged at a centrifugal acceleration of 1 G this new
mill requires an acceleration of 6 G. This new mill has a potential for application in
ultra-fine grinding in the future.

2.5 Jet mills

Besides, a recent development in fine and ultrafine jet mill grinding/pulverising has
been made by PMT Zyklontercnik GmbH, Austria (Thaler, 2000). As known, jet mills
are comminution aggregates, where expanding gases with high velocities, up to 1200
m/s, are used to commiute particles by impact with other particles (opposed jetmill),
or built in targets (impact jetmill), or just by utilising high velocity differences (spiral
jetmill). The PMT Zyklontercnik GmbH modified and developed their spiral jetmill
PMT system for effective production of industrial mineral powders (Figure 21). A
new and required part of this jetmill with the enlarged milling area is a classifier rotor,
which is built in the mill with a centric or eccentric vertical axis with the advantage of
maintenance-free and high-speed bearings. Together with the basic structure of the
new rotor unit made from high strength aluminium alloy, the highest circumferential
speeds of up to 160 m/s are possible. This high speed combined with the new form of
the rotor leads to the lowest possible final product particle sizes with a d50 < 0.5 µm.
Also, the milling body is different to commonly used jetmills, which are designed to
keep the space inside as small as possible to prevent the product from escaping from
the milling process. The PMT also replaced the injector with other feeding system to
modify this spiral jetmill. Without the injectors, the specific energy consumption
decreased by at least 20 %. This design is also simple to verify because the grinding
inside the spiral jetmill is conducted essentially by high velocity differences. If the
material is fed into the chamber with a higher speed, the velocity differences are very
little and the grinding effect is also lower. When the particles are conveyed into the
grinding chamber at a lower speed, the highest velocity difference between the
particles and the high-speed air stream can be achieved. This means the whole energy
from the compressed air can be utilised for grinding and not for feeding the material.
Figure 22 shows the particle size distributions of the ground barytes, zeolite and
graphite products by the developed PMT spiral jetmill. It was reported that this
developed jetmills offers the following advantages: a) exact top cut; b) reduction of
the specific energy consumption; c) coarse product reject outlet for hard materials; d)
operational reliability; and e) industrial scale throughput.

2.6 Other mills

2.6.1 Hicom mill

The Hicom mill has been developed by Hicom International Pty Ltd. which is a
subsidiary of C.H. Warman group of Australia since the end of 80´s. Recently, this
mill has become commercially available and has found its first industrial application
in diamond processing plants (Boyes, Hoyer and Young, 1997). It applies the
principle of centrifugal milling through a special combination of grinding chamber
geometry and motion. The grinding chamber is approximately conical in shape with a
hemispherical base and is suspended about a vertical axis. It undergoes a rapid
circular oscillation referred to as nutating motion, much in the manner of a conical
flask being shaken by the wrist. This causes the contents of the chamber to tumble
rapidly in an induced acceleration field, in this case typically 40 to 50 times gravity.
Figure 23 shows the current Hicom mill in the first industrial application. The model
is a 55 kW unit with a 120 mm diameter feed throat and 30 litre grinding chamber.
The nutating geometry allows the mill to accept feed from a conventional feed belt or
hopper in a relatively stationary feed throat. The mill geometry also gives rise to a net
acceleration in the direction of flow. In continuous operation material is drawn

through the mill and positively discharged with minimal back mixing. The main
advantage of this mill is in an autogenous milling process without any grinding media.
The intense grinding action of the mill in combination with its low residence time and
near plug-flow transport characteristics makes it suitable for a diverse range of some
industrial applications. Hicom mills can operate with a charge of steel ball or other
media, or, alternatively, with an autogenous charge of ore. Thus the mills are
extremely versatile, and specific models are available to suit a very large number of
mineral and industrial processes. In particular, the Hicom mills are well suited to
energy efficient ultra-fine grinding.

The specific characteristics and operating capacity of this mill suggests that it could
be well matched to the needs of the diamond mining industry. Applications have been
identified both in the recovery process for marine diamond and in the liberation of
diamonds in South Africa and Australia. In the autogenous operation the mill can
selectively break shell contaminants from marine diamond concentrates and fully
liberate diamonds from ores without damage to the diamonds. Figure 24 shows the
simplified process flow-sheet including the Hicom mill at Alexkor Ltd, South Africa.
The proposed solution was to place a Hicom mill in the flow sheet after the DMS
plant, to preferentially grind the seashell to particle sizes below around 1 mm. In
addition to diamond liberation, other commercial applications are: a) conventional
milling of hard ores to less than 20 µm; b) autogenous reduction of critical size
pebbles in SAG mill circuits; c) fine milling of industrial minerals to the 2 µm range;
d) potential application for the milling of ores underground; e) mine back-fill
preparation; and f) mechanical alloying of high temperature materials.

Braun, et al., (2002) compared the specific energies required for milling of a
limestone material below about 100 µm to the fine products with a dry Hicom mill
pilot plant and a typical ball milling circuit. Figure 25 gives the results. It is seen that
the reduction in energy required to mill this limestone to fine sizes in the Hicom mill
system over what would be expected for the ball milling system. For the material sizes
produced during the experiments, the milling energy requirements were between 31 %
and 70 % lower than would be expected for a conventional ball milling circuit.

2.7 Product size-energy input relations from various mills

Wang and Forssberg (2001) summarised the product size-specific energy input
relations obtained by various recently developed mills such as MaxxMill®, Drais mill,
ESM, SAM and HPRM as well in the comminution of limestone, as shown in Figure
26. Clearly, these new or developed mills have shown a superior performance for size
reduction and energy saving compared to the conventional ball mill.

3. Improved and new classifiers

Classification of the ground products from the mills can save energy and avoid over-
grinding and increase the unit capacity. An improvement of the slope of the particle
size distribution is another objective. Recent work has focused on development and
application of new and improved air classifiers and centrifuges, especially for
classification of ultra-fine particles (Braun, et al., 2002; Adam, et al., 2001; Wang, et
al., 1997; Timmermann and Schönert, 1997).

3.1 Air classifiers

3.1.1 Turboplex with new wheel design

Hosokawa AlpineAG & Co., Germany has designed a new wheel for Turboplex
classifier (Adam, et al., 2001). This new classifying wheel 500 ATP-NG of a
production-scale classifier is shown in Figure 27. In this new wheel, the rigid-body
flow begins at the elbow of the blade. In the out area, a vortex forms, which replaces
external pre-acceleration of the classifying air and ensures that the air flows uniformly
through the interior of the rigid body. To obtain a uniform distribution of the airflow
over the wheel length, the blades are drawn in at different widths towards the centre
of the wheel- less towards the fines discharge and more to the hub side. The
classifying wheels with the new blade geometry with diameter of 200 and 315 mm
underwent extensive testing in the Alpine test facility. The purpose of reducing the
pressure loss was achieved to a complete satisfaction (Figure 28). In the fines range
d97 < 5 µm, the pressure loss of a Turboplex with the new wheels at the same fineness
is only about a half that of a normal classifier. As a result, blowers with low pressure
can be used, leading to an around 40 % energy saving.

3.1.2 V- and VSK-separators

In order to efficiently classify finer particles from the pressed agglomerates from the
HPRM, KHD Humboldt Wedag, AG, Germany has developed a new dry classifier so
called V-separator (Farahmand, et al., 1997), which owns its name to the particular
shape. The V-separator is a purely static separator without moveable components. It
measures about 6 meters high. The feed material is classified by a counter current
airflow while it cascades down a series of steps in the form of louvers. During this
operation the fine particles are extracted from the cascades and transported upward.
The coarser particles drop downward due to gravity. The cut is exclusively made by
regulating the airflow. Intense material movement through the cascade is of vital
importance. The particles, especially the coarser ones, are accelerated during this
operation and deagglomerating by impinging on the cascades. This separator type was
first applied at the Hyundai cement plant in South Korea. With the successful
industrial application of V-separator, the KHD also developed a combined VSK
classification system with V- and SK- separators for a purpose of fine classification
(Farahmand, et al., 1997). As seen in Figure 29, a dynamic SK-separator with a cage
wheel has been mounted downstream of the static separator (V-separator). The
dynamic section had to be arranged horizontally. This VSK separator allows
deagglomeration, primary classification of the broken up material, and secondary
classification in a single machine. The speed of the rotating cage wheel is again
determining with regard to the fineness required for the finished product.

3.1.3 Inprosys air classifier

The inprosys air classifier was developed by the SINTEF, Norway (Braun, et al.,
2002). Figure 30 shows the schematic drawing of this classifier. As seen, the feed
material enters the classifier suspended in air through a vertical pipe positioned at the
bottom of the classifier. The classification takes place in the classifying chamber.
After passing the feed dispersion cone, the coarse material is discharged from the
classifier by gravity through the coarse fraction outlet. Remaining material rises with
the air stream to the top of the classifier. A rotor accelerates the materials to its
peripheral speed thus creating a centrifugal force in the particle to act against the air

drag forces. As the particles move towards the inside of the rotor and are accelerated
to its peripheral velocity, a Coriolis effect is generated. As particle velocity increases,
the centrifugal force increases and coarser particles can be rejected outside the rotor,
while finer particles pass through the rotor and are discharged from the classifier fines
outlet. A secondary air inlet, supplying the classifier with an additional air stream, is
used to clean the coarse fraction from the very fine particles agglomerated on the
surface of the coarser grains. This results in an improvement of the classification

3.2 Centrifuges

Without a suitable classifier for classifying ultra-fine particles when the required cut
size is in the range of 0.2-1.0 µm, it is difficult to reach a high efficiency in the
production of ultra-fine particles. Recent development on this aspect is to utilise the
existing centrifuges and to develop new equipment based on centrifugation principle.

3.2.1 Disc-stack nozzle centrifuge

One development is the use of disc-stack nozzle centrifuges in chemical industry. Its
advantage over hydrocyclones and other centrifuges is the capability of treating a
dense feed slurry up to ∼ 20 vol. % solids. Figure 31 shows a schematic of a large-
scale disc-stack nozzle Model QX210-30B centrifuge (Wang, Forssberg and
Axelsson, 1997). This type of centrifuge is designed for re-circulation of a part of the
nozzle discharge to the bowl. The re-circulated stream of the underflow product is not
mixed with the feed but is taken down to the bottom of the bowl, where it enters a
special distributor. The distributor sends out the re-circulated material through re-
circulation tubes to the vicinity of the nozzles. Thus the re-circulated material is sent
back to the nozzles without interfering with the separation of the feed. The nozzle
discharge is collected in a de-foaming pump and then split into two parts, one being
re-circulated and the other being drawn off. By varying the relative amount of re-
circulated material it is possible to influence the classification. If more under-flow
material that is drawn off the finer will the particle size distribution of the overflow
be. The more one re-circulates and the less is drawn off, the higher is the
concentration of solids in the material drawn off. The nozzles in the machine are
situated in the perimeter of the slurry space and the coarse particles of the under-flow
are continuously discharged through these nozzles. The QX machine as a classifier is
used mainly to classify the materials into coarse and fine products. The rate of nozzle
discharge depends upon the number and size of the nozzles, i.e., their inner diameter.
In the machine, there are 12 openings for the installation of nozzles. This QX
centrifuge consists of 65 discs and the thickness of the spacer between the discs is 1
mm. The feed rate or the split (a volumetric ratio of overflow rate to feed rate) should
be limited below the flooding level of the QX centrifuge. Its capacity is 20 m3 h-1.

Studies (Wang, Forssberg and Axelsson, 1997) on wet classification of a calcite (size:
100% < 8 μm) and a kaolin clay (size: 100 % < 20 μm) in the centrifuge have been
carried out to obtain filler and coating grade pigments with a fineness of 90 % < 2 µm.
Figure 32 shows the classification performance plots of the centrifuge for both calcite
and kaolin clay under various operating parameters. The percentage of < 2 µm or < 1
µm particles recovered to the overflow is plotted against the solids concentration of
the overflow. When the solids concentration of the feed was held constant, i.e., 20 vol.
% solids, overflow concentration was varied by changing the rate of the overflow. The

relationship of the recovery of the ultra-fines vs. the solids concentration of the
overflow appears to be almost linear. The fineness of 90 % < 2 µm in the overflow
product can be achieved with a recovery of up to 50 % under optimum conditions. If a
centrifuge is used in a closed loop grinding circuit, an improved recovery of fines in
the overflow means a small fraction of the coarser particles rejected from the
centrifuge which need to be ground. Another index in the optimisation is the content
of ultra-fine particles < 2 µm in the overflow. It is evident that if a high content of
particles < 2 µm is required, the recovery of the fines drops very rapidly. This leads to
only small savings in the grinding power since the under-flow rate will be high.
Moreover, a total process optimisation is needed to give answers to which are the best
values for the contents of particles < 2 µm in the overflow and in the feed. In some
cases multi-stage classification may be an advantage. Furthermore, a benefit obtained
by this centrifuge is to improve the slope of the particle size distribution of the final
product. Figure 33 shows the results from one stage classification. For both calcite
and kaolin clay, centrifugal classification shows a significant effect in improving the
slope of the size distribution curves at ∼ 20 % by volume solids concentration of the
feed. The particle size distribution of the overflow product becomes narrower and
finer after removal of the larger particles from the feed.

The classification of various calcite materials (< 8 µm, <12 µm and < 45 µm) has also
been studied with respect to feed size (Wang and Forssberg, 2001). The selection of a
split appropriate for an efficient separation depends on the particle size distribution of
the feed. The highest recovery of the desired particles (< 2 µm) can be obtained with a
satisfactory fineness of the overflow product (90% < 2 µm) for the treatment of a feed
material <12 µm. An excessive amount of fine or coarse calcite particles in the feed
affects the efficiency of the classification using the QX centrifuge.

Numerous large-scale disc centrifuges have been successfully applied to industrial

classification/degritting of clays in New Zealand and Brazil. The main operating
conditions for industrial application in a Kaolin processing plant, New Zealand are
(Klein, Personal Commu., 1997):
- G-force: 4000 Gs;
- Size of nozzle: 1.6 mm;
- feed rate: ∼ 90 m3/h.

3.2.2 Centrisizer
According to the growing requirements for the production of ultra-fine powders, KHD
Humboldt Wedag, Germany has developed an improved version of the decanter
centrifuge named Centrisizer (Figure 34). Unlike the counter-current flow version of
conventional decanter centrifuges, this machine has been improved based on the
theory of direct current separation. The essential difference to conventional decanter
centrifuges is that the suspension is fed to cylindrical drums and both separated
products as well as fine and coarse materials are discharged from the opposite side of
the drum. The complete length of the drum is available for classification. Because of
the constant flow direction, a crosscurrent sedimentation is achieved. Problems with
the transportation of solid particles in the conical section of the drum as are well
known with conventional centrifuges used for classification, especially for very fine
materials, are eliminated. The long cylindrical rotor provides a large settling area. The
machine was used for the production of fine materials in the range of <1 µm (anatase)
to < 20 µm (limestone), operating as a cross current classifier at centrifugal

acceleration between 100 and 2000 G (Muller, Kompe and Kluge, 1993). For the
classification of an anatase < 1.5 µm and a limestone < 20 µm, the product fineness of
d99 between 0.7 µm to 15 µm could be attained at approximately 30 wt. %. The results
showed that the decanter centrifuge could be used for both classification and de-

3.2.3 TU Clausthal centrifuge

Technische Universität Clausthal in Germany has developed a new counter-flow
centrifuge (Timmermann and Schönert, 1997). Figure 35 shows the sketch of this
centrifuge. It consists of a bowl centrifuge into which clean fluid is introduced
through a porous media. The process chamber has three sections: fluidised bed zone,
classification zone and overflow zone. The fine product is directly discharged with the
overflow water. The coarse products settle outwardly, builds up a fluidised bed and is
aspirated. All process streams enter or leave the centrifuge by rotating joints. This
centrifuge was first utilised to classify fine quartz and calcite. The fine material
recovery is between 88 % at a size cut of 2 µm and 65 % at a size cut of 1 µm. The
coarse product load can be increased up to 30 vol. % which corresponds to 50 wt. %
for quartz and calcite. Figure 36 also shows a comparison with other different
classifiers like Centrisizer, Alpine-Hydroplex and Fryma classifier in the
classification of a calcite fine below 20-30 µm (Timmermann and Schönert, 1995).
The results indicated that the grade efficiency curves obtained by the TU Clausthal
centrifuge show a lower bypass and a better imperfection compared to the others.

3.2.4 Counter-flow Rotating Hydro-classifier

A counter-flow rotating hydro-classifier was developed in TU Karlsruhe in Germany
(Bickert, et al., 1996), as shown in Figure 37. Particle classification in the classifier is
based on centrifugal force fields. This classifier can be used in dry or wet treatment.
The feed enters the classifier into the classifying space. If the pressure loss in the
coarse stream is increased some of the fluid will pass through gaps to the inside of the
rotor and further through the hollow shaft into product collecting. The vanes form a
zone of forced vortex where the finest particles must pass through. The centrifugal
force obtainable ranges from 200 to 1800 Gs. It was reported (Bickert, et al., 1996)
that the classifier can obtain fine products down to 90 % < 3 µm. An advantage is the
versatility of the classifier and its capability to classify also a dense slurry with high
solids contents. No information is yet available of the classifier capacity. The results
showed that the classifier has a poor separation efficiency as it classifies only a partial
flow. The result is that the coarse product is rather similar to the feed of the classifier.

4 Other assisted methods

4.1 Grinding aids

One approach for effective size reduction and energy saving is to use a grinding aid or
chemical additive in fine comminution. Most of previous results in this aspect have
been obtained in the case of tumbling mills (Klimpel, 1982; EL-Shall, et al., 1984;
Somasundaran, et al., 1995). Since stirred bead mills have recently attracted attention
because of their reported high energy efficiency, ability for grinding into the
micrometer and submicrometer range and lower product contamination, some works

(Forssberg and Wang, 1995; Wang and Forssberg, 1995; Zheng, et al., 1997, Tuunila,
1997) have been carried out for this effect. This is because the findings from tumbling
mill grinding involving use of a chemical additive will not be wholly applicable to the
stirred media milling case, in which smaller grinding media are used, and the pattern
and velocity of rotation are rather different. It has been indicated that addition of a
favourable chemical additive into the ground particulate material in fine grinding in
stirred bead mills to improve the grinding efficiency with less power use. Table 3 lists
the chemicals used in stirred media mills: In a study (Wang and Forssberg, 1995),
three organic polymers (sodium salt of an acrylic copolymer, sodium salt of a
polycarboxylic acid and sodium salt of polymer) and two inorganic chemicals
(sodium hexametaphosphate and tetrasodiumpyrophosphate) were used as grinding
aids for wet ultra-fine grinding in a dolomite material (< 70 µm) in a stirred bead mill.
The fineness for the filler product was required to be 90 % less than 2 µm. The results
indicated that the polymeric chemicals have a superior effect on the grinding action,
as compared with the inorganic chemicals. The more effective size reduction and
energy saving requires properly viscous slurry conditions, which can be controlled by
a smaller amount of the polymeric chemical like polycarboxylic acid (Figure 38).
They also found that the periodic addition of the polymeric chemical into the ground
slurry during the process could enhance the grinding rate and the specific energy
efficiency. A steeper size distribution of the product can be obtained by adding the
polymeric chemical periodically. Zheng, et al. (1997) studied the effect of additives
on the wet grinding of limestone in a stirred bead mill. The chemical additives chosen
were representative inorganic electrolytes (sodium hydroxide and sodium carbonate),
a surfactant (sodium oleate/oleic acid) and a polymer (polyacrylic acid or PAA).
Figure 39 shows the results of average energy efficiency over the additive
concentration at various chemicals. Compared with grinding without additives, use of
sodium carbonate and sodium oleate results in a decreased energy efficiency at high
concentrations over the additive concentration range studied while use of sodium
hydroxide results in an increased efficiency only at the lower concentration of 0.008
%, but decreased efficiency at higher concentrations. However, use of oleic acid and
the PAA produced a beneficial effect at the higher concentration of 0.1 % but either
no effects or detrimental effects depending on the additives type and the
concentration. The PAA was found to be among the best additives for improving the
grinding energy efficiency. Furthermore, a work (Tuunila, 1997) indicated that
sodium carboxymethyl cellulose is recommended as a more effective grinding aid
among others (such as polycarboxylic acid, etc.) when a gypsum was wet ground in
the stirred bead mill.

Besides chemical additives used in wet milling, effective role of chemical additives
for dry grinding of carbonate minerals in stirred media mills has been exminated
(Forssberg, et al., 1995; Wang, et al., 2002). It is known that particle
aggregation/agglomeration causes poor flowability of dry material to be ground in a
mill. Also, grinding media and liner coating results in a poor dry grinding efficiency
due to the cushioning effect. Forssberg, et al. (1995) studied that an addition of 0.1 wt
% of Berolamine (a mixture of trietanolamine, dietanolamine and etanolamine) into a
dolomite material being ground with an agitated media mill SAM resulted in an
increased of the product fineness with less energy consumption. Figure 40 shows the
particles below 10 µm increases by 20 % in the presence of the grinding additive at
the similar energy input. However, it is interesting to see that the use of amine for dry
milling of dolomite did not affect the breakage of the coarser fractions, but only had a

significant effect when the finer fraction built up in the SAM. This is due to the finer
particles being more susceptible to agglomeration. As a surface active grinding
additive, amine is a hetero-polar organic compound. Molecules of the compound
adsorbs on the solid surface by their polar functional group, thus decreasing the
surface energy or coat the external surfaces of fine dispersed particles, thereby
preventing their agglomeration or act as lubricant on shell and media to prevent
powder coating and influence their flowability. Due to the physical absorption, the
surfactant-coated particles alter the grinding actions of particle-particle as well as
particle-media. The forces involved in the physical absorption may be London-van
der Waal forces. The molecules are physically adsorbed on the particles. This
involved approaching the solid surface along a low-energy path. This consequence of
the decrease in the frictional forces is favourable to increase the flowability of dry
material. On the other hand, the use of amine, particularly triethanolamine, was found
to be only effective in the cases of some softer minerals such as calcite (Sohoni, et al.,

Table 3 Chemicals used as grinding aids for fine grinding in stirred media mills
Chemical Type Ground Milling Reference:
material mode
Tetrasodium liquid dolomite wet (Wang, et al, 1995)

Sodium liquid dolomite wet (Wang, et al., 1995)


Sodium salt of an liquid dolomite wet (Wang, et al., 1995)

acrylic copolymer

Polycarboxylic acid liquid dolomite, wet (Wang, et al., 1995,

limestone, 2002; Zheng, et al.,
1997; Laapas, et al.,
Sodium hydroxide liquid limestone wet (Zheng, et al., 1997)

Sodium oleate liquid limestone wet (Zheng, et al., 1997)

Oleic acid liquid limestone wet (Zheng, et al., 1997)

Sodium liquid Limestone, wet (Wang, et al., 1995;

carboxymethyl gypsum Tuunila, 1997)

Trietanolamine liquid dolomite dry/wet (Wang, et al., 1995;

Laapas, et al., 1984)

Mixed liquid dolomite, dry (Wang, et al., 1995

trietanolamine/dietano limestone and 2002)

4.2 Microwave-assisted

Microwave is a form of electromagnetic energy with associated electric and magnetic

fields. The materials that absorb the microwave radiation are termed dielectric and
contain dipoles. When the microwaves are applied to dielectric materials the dipoles
align and flip around since the applied field is alternating. Subsequently, the material
heats when stored internal energy is lost to friction. Typically natural materials, like
ores contain various minerals, which have very different mechanical and thermal
properties. When the energy is applied, stresses of different magnitudes can be created
within the lattice, both by the heating and cooling processes. This is due to
significantly different thermal expansion coefficients existing between different
mineralogical species. The stresses lead to localised fractions of an intergranular and
transgranular nature but not necessarily to catastrophic failure. These fractures may
lead to a significant reduction in comminution resistance. Thermal stress fracture is
generated in the microwave-assisted comminution of minerals. The fractures are
induced along the grain boundaries between the different minerals as a result of the
difference in the absorption behaviours and the thermal expansion coefficients of the
materials. Microwave energy treatment can reduce the work index of certain
materials, which favours the subsequent processes for efficient size reduction,
separation with less energy.

The application of thermal energy to assist with mineral or material fracture and
liberation by microwave heating has been an interesting subject (Wang, et al., 2000;
Kingman, et al., 1999 and 1998; Gungör, et al., 1998; Haque, 1998; Xia, et al, 1997;
Salsman, et al., 1997; Florek, et al, 1995; Walkiewicz, et al., 1991 and 1988; Chen, et
al., 1984). The present microwave technology is bringing into commercial use for a
revolutionary new process to recover gold, copper and other metals from refractory
ores. It was reported that the microwave has a significant impact in the processing of
platinum group and base metal ores, and heavy mineral sands (Bateman Project
Holdings, 2000). A study performed by Wang and Forssberg (2000) indicated that the
particle size has a significant effect on the microwave heating behaviour and the
grind-ability of the pre-heated material. Thermal stress fractures in a coarse fraction (-
9.50+4.75 mm) of limestone and quartz could be affected by microwave heating to
varying degrees, resulting in an increased fineness of the ground powder product in a
subsequent dry ball milling. The industrial minerals (dolomite, limestone and quartz)
were difficult to heat in lower microwave energies (< 7 kW) during an exposure (< 30
min), particularly to the finer material below 4.75 mm. The use of microwave energy
to assist milling of the silicate and carbonate minerals is inappropriate due to their
thermal insensitivity in microwave exposure. However, they tested a copper ore
associated with sulphide, showing microwave sensitive. The thermal stress cracks in
the copper ore occurred readily. A better liberation of sulphide minerals in the ore
matrix was obtained when the ore pre-heated by microwave was crushed. The
selective fractures along the sulphide-gangue mineral grain boundaries cause a better
and cleaner liberation of sulphide mineral particles from the ore matrix. Also, this can
reduce the energy input in a subsequent grinding for the mineral liberation. The
cleaner liberation may favour the subsequent extractive processing like flotation. This
aspect needs to be further investigated.

4.3 Ultrasound-assisted

The fragmentation effect of ultrasonic fields in suspensions and solids has been
studied since 1950s. Gärtner (1953) attempted firstly to utilise ultrasonic waves in the
fragmentation of particles. His results were poor. Another study (Graff, 1979)
concerned the arrangement of transducers in a multi-stage mill. Quantitative
information on the success of these work is scarce. Leach (1988) investigated the
fragmentation of resonant rocks samples fixed to the tip of an ultrasonic transducer to
observe a preferred fracture at the node. Lo and Kientzler (1992) evaluated the
Tarpley nip roller machine, using the device to grind mineral specimens. Their results
showed energy consumption similar to that of a ball mill. Menacho, et al. (1993)
performed a comminution test with and without ultrasonic pre-treated samples in a
ball mill. The pre-treated mineral exhibited a higher grinding rate of 32 %. The
majority of the devices mentioned above were composed of a stationary vibrating
surface opposing a passive rotating device that nips the particles in a gap that is
smaller than the feed particle size. The ultrasonic vibration amplitude is about an
order of magnitude smaller than the gap. The low processing capability attained with
this design limits the method application, in spite of the very low energy consumption
claimed. A recent work (Gaete-Garreton, et al., 2000) presented to apply ultrasound
energy to grinding in a high pressure roller mill (HPRM). As shown in Figure 41, the
design is based on a HPRM in which one of the rollers can be ultrasonically activated.
In the approach, the device retains its higher performance, extending its ability to the
efficient treatment of hard materials like granite and quartz. The rollers apply
mechanical stress to the material, facilitating the breakage process and coupling the
active roller to the particles being ground. To achieve a lower specific energy
consumption, the active roller was designed as an ultrasonic vibrator piezo-electrically
driven at its third longitudinal resonant mode. Figure 42 shows that the particle size
distributions in the ultrasonic roller press machine and in the ball mill are
approximately the similar. However, the processing time was 40 min for the ball mill
and only 1.85 min for the ultrasonic machine. In addition, the rate of energy
consumption in the ultrasonic machine was 6.8 kWh/t and for the ball mill, the value
increased to 20 kWh/t. The results in Figure 43 show that when ultrasonic energy is
applied, the total consumed power diminishes inversely to the ultrasonic power
applied. The total power needed by the process drops by approximately 15 % for an
applied ultrasonic power of approximately 100 W. these results suggest that it would
be interesting to explore the application of even higher ultrasonic power than that
tested in their study.

5. Control, modelling and simulation

5.1 On/In-line control and analysis for ground product

In-process measurement of particle size distribution provides continuous analysis,

quality control and optimisation of product yield for various industries like mineral,
cement, pharmaceutical, chemical, food, pigment, fillers/coating and powder
metallurgy. As process production rates continue to improve, the delay between
laboratory analysis and process correction of the product stream become more
significant costly in many commercial applications. Elimination of sample handling
and operator manipulation is now possible for most pneumatic flows using optical
methods (normally laser beam or image analysis) or for slurry flow using an

ultrasonic extinction technique, which are properly interfaced with the process stream.
The demand for continuous control of fine grinding circuit has led to recent
developments on on-line/in-line particle sizing devices (Greer, et al., 1998;
Puckhaber, et al., 1998; Kalkert, 1999 and Schwechten, et al., 2000). As known,
grinding circuits are notoriously unstable and unwanted fluctuations in particle size,
pulp density and volume flow rates can result in the inefficient use of grinding
capacity and energy efficiency and to poor extraction of valuable minerals.

Normally, the on-line/in-line instruments are divided into two categories, namely
stream scanning and field scanning (Allen, 1990). In the former, individual particles
are observed, counted and sized, whereas in the later the size distribution is deduced
from the interaction between an assembly of particles and a measuring device. In
stream scanning, particle size may be determined by the amount of light cut off by a
particle as it passes through a light beam or by collecting and measuring the scattered
light. Basic counters pick up the light scattered in the forward direction but a greater
sensitivity is obtained by incorporating a light-collecting device such as an elliptical
mirror. These instruments are usually applied to dilute systems. Field scanning
techniques are dominated by the low-angle laser light systems, of which several
versions exist for the measurement of dry powders (Witt, et al., 1996 and
Malcolmson, et al., 1998). These instruments yield reproducible particle size
distributions. The other field-scanning instruments employ ultrasonic extinction (or
attenuation) to generate a particle size distribution from the production line of a
concentrated suspension (Greer, et al., 1998). In addition, image analysis technique is
also one option for on-line/in-line measurement of relatively coarse particles.

The demand for continuous control of particle processing circuits has led to the
development of some on-line or in-line particle size analysis devices. These devices,
which are commercially available, can be classified into two categories according to
the measurement of various product streams, dry particles in air and liquid particles in
suspension. A survey report (Wang and Forssberg, 2000) has demonstrated that the
commercially available instruments for on-line/in-line particle size analysis are
suitable for use in obtaining particle size distributions by means of laser diffraction or
ultrasonic extinction or image analysis, even with very fine powders. Eight
instruments for dry particle analysis and the five instruments for suspension stream
analysis have been found. The instruments based on either laser diffraction or
ultrasonic extinction can be used for fine particles down to 0.1 or 0.5 µm. The image
analysis technique is used for on-line measurement of relatively coarser particles. The
instruments such as the Insitec EPCS from UK and the Sympatec MYTOS &
TWISTER (Germany) for dry powder, and the Sympatec OPUS for suspensions are
user friendly with good software control systems under Window environment. The
Sympatec company, Germany has extensive experiences on dry dispersion
technology. Sympactec and Malvern/Insitec both have developed their methods for
on-line/in-line sample handling before measurement. These instruments have been
widely installed in various industrial production lines. For instance, the KiMA
Echtzeitsysteme GmbH, Germany has produced an on-line particle size analyser
called “Online Particle Sizer”. In the instrument, a laser beam is scanned rapidly and
focussed down to a micron scale by a lens. This produces a fast moving laser focus,
which scans a region in space. The transmitted laser energy is collimated by another
lens system and directed onto a fast detector, which only measures intensity. Particles
to be measured fall through the focus region and block the beam while it scans over

them. The range of particle sizes is 2-500 µm. This system can continuously deliver
information, which can be used immediately by conventional control systems. This
particle size analyser can be used in milling processes, milling control and quality
control. Figure 44 shows the schematics of a ball mill with the Online Particle Sizer
and a Fuzzy Control Engine (FCE). The FCE is connected to the existing PLC and
adds its capabilities. Fuzzy control is a way to control the machinery of a grinding
plant in a robust and cost effective way. The control strategy is set up in natural
language. This means that the experience of plant and automation staff can be
effectively implemented. The control system uses a lot of parameters, which are
nearly impossible to handle in the conventional way. As a result, there exist lots of
sophisticated grinding plant controllers, which are highly stable, even at start up or
shut down and which can be well understood and supported. With the Online Particle
Sizer, one of the most important parameters of a grinding plant is available and can be
inserted into the complex control strategy. This can lead to a higher quality product
with lower energy required and reduced cost in producing powder like cement. The
first installation of the system took place recently in cement industry (Kalkert, 2000
and KiMA, 2000)

The CSIRO Minerals, Australia has developed an acoustic emission (AE) soft-sensors
for the control of the processing systems (see Figure 45). The AE is mechanical waves
arising from the rapid release of strain energy within a stressed material. Sources may
be defect related deformation processes, impacts, shear, abrasion and particle
breakage. Energy radiates from a source as elastic waves, which can be defected at the
material surface (typical 10-1000 kHz). The significant areas of work on surface
vibration (AE) passive monitoring of process variables/machine condition are: a)
grinding mill; b) hydrocyclones/DM cyclones and c) slurry pipeline. The multiple AE
transducers are installed on the rotating AG/SAG mill surface or on stationary DM
cyclone shell in order to log and analyse the data. This CSIRO technology has been in
some field trials in mines around Australia, South Africa and Chile.

5.2 Modelling

Models for each comminution process are useful for some purposes such as process
design, performance evaluation and assessment, equipment and process scale-up but
most importantly for simulation. Many mathematical models were developed
primarily to provide the basic elements for simulation. These models mainly involved
empirical, phenomenological and fundamental models as well (Herbst, et al., 2002).
The empirical models, which are so called black box models, are a set of algebraic
expresses by regression, multivariate statistics or neural networks (e.g., Bond’s
equation is a semi-empirical model). The phenomenological models are a set of
algebraic and differential equations arising out of application of some engineering,
physics and chemistry (e.g., population balance model). The fundamental models are
a set of algebraic and differential equations based on the basic laws of physics and
chemistry (e.g., discrete element method or computational fluid dynamics). Figure 46
shows the model hierarchy. Model development for comminution (particularly for ball
mills) can be roughly divided to three periods (Herbst, et al., 2002):

In early the 1960´s, some researchers (Bond, 1952; Holmes, 1957; Charles, 1957;
Schuhmann, 1960) had proposed laws relating energy for breakage to simple
parameters due to the absence of low cost digital computation and the corresponding

programming languages available. Bond (1952) concluded that work input to break a
cube of side x1 is proportional to the volume x13 of the cube, but on formation of the
first crack, the energy flows to the resultant new surfaces, such energy being
proportional to x12. When an irregularly shaped particle is broken, the strain energy is
irregularly distributed, and hence the energy required for breakage lies between x13
and x12, the geometric mean being x12.5. Thus, the number of particles of assumed
similar shape per unit volume will be proportional to 1/x13, so that the work input a
unit volume was taken to be x12.5/x13=1/x11/2. In reducing a fixed size x1 to a product
size x2, the Bond work index formula is expressed as:

⎡ 10 10 ⎤
E A = Wi ⎢ − ⎥ (4)
⎢⎣ x 2 x1 ⎥⎦

where x1 and x2 are expressed in microns as the size associated with 80% passing.
Holmes (1957) introduced a variable exponent r in place of the power of 0.5 used by
Bond, producing

⎡⎛ 100 ⎞ r ⎛ 100 ⎞ r ⎤
E A = Wi ⎢⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ − ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎥ (5)
⎢⎣⎝ x 2 ⎠ ⎝ x1 ⎠ ⎥⎦

thus allowing lines of any desired slope on the energy utilisation plot. Charles (1957)
also incorporated a variable exponent into the energy equation but in the context of
the size modulus of the Schuhmann plot. Based on the Charles’ concept, Schuhmann
(1960) expressed the energy for breakage as:

E A = A( x ' ) − n (6)

where n is the slope of the straight-line portion of the Schuhmann plot. Among these
models, the Bond’s formula has been more popular to be used for ball mill circuit
design and process analysis for comminution devices/circuits as well.

During a period of the 1960´s-1980´s, some researchers (Lynch, et al, 1967; Mular
and Herbst, 1980; Laguitton, 1984; Ford and King, 1984) have used
phenomenological models for analysis and optimisation of comminution circuits. The
common one is based on the population balance methods (PBMs). The PBM
simulation approach was investigated extensively in the 1970´s and early 1980´s. The
population balance equation provides a powerful model for the description of
industrial comminution devices. It allows the development of a uniform model that
describes the operating behaviour of rod, ball, semi-autogenous and autogenous mills.
The fundamental population balance model for any comminution process is:

dκ ( x ) p ( x )
+ τℜ( p ( x), x, F [ p ( x)]
p( x)
−τ + 3τκ ( x)
dx x

−τ ∫
R' ( x)
[ ]
ℜ ' ( p ( x ' ), x ' F p ( x ' ) b( x; x ' )dx ' − τ ∫
R '' ( x )
3κ ( x ' )
p( x ' )
x '
a ( x; x ' )dx ' (7)

= pin ( x) − p out ( x)

where p is the mass fraction of particle in a certain size, κ is the specific rate of
breakage of material, τ is the average residence time in a comminution device, ℜ is
the rate at which particles at co-ordinate position are destroyed, b and a are the non-
linear functions. It has been indicated that the phenomenological models provide a
much superior prediction of circuit performance rather than the empirical model
(Herbst, et al., 2002). Figure 47 shows the respective predictions of a modified Bond
model, in this case presented as a family of curves labelled with each work index
value and of a general simulator JKSimMet (including PBMs), as well as the
experimental data points. Clearly, the ore work index was essentially constant over
the period of the testing, but the phenomenological models predicted the circuit

In the late 1980´s and early 1990´s, the application of Discrete Element Methods
(DEM) to grinding simulation was investigated by Mishra and Rajamani (1992). The
DEM involves tracking the motion of a large number (< 106) of discrete elements
(balls) in response to the applied forces within a mill. Essentially, this involves the
solution of a very large set of differential equations describing the translational and
rotational motion of each element in 2D or 3D space. Recent activities on this aspect
have been focused on the increase of computational speed to reduce simulation time
and solve bigger problem (Rajamani, et al., 2001). The shear and impact energy
dissipation spectra are particularly useful in the estimation of liner wear (Qiu, et al.,
2001). A phenomena that can be incorporated in the DEM computations to study the
effects on such factors as power and the energy spectra over time. The DEM in
simulations focus on discrete ”particles” by solving Newton’s second law of motion
applied to a particle of mass, mi, moving with the velocity vi when it is acted upon by
the collection of forces fij including gravitational forces and particle-particle, particle-
fluid, and particle boundary interactive forces:

d (mi vi )
= ∑ f ij (8)

A recent development is the prediction of comminution results based on the energy

spectra. Bwalys, et al. (2000) and Buchholtz, et al. (2000) have described the methods
of incorporating breakage into DEM simulation. It is also reported that ways of using
both PEM and DEM modelling for comminution purposes are of particular interest to
industry as it builds on the proven strengths of both approaches to extrapolate into
new application in simulation technology. In addition, mathematical equations for
computational fluid dynamics (CFD) have been recently used for simulation of
particle/ball and slurry motion in mill. Models for discrete grain breakage (DGB),
combining with the DEM, have been applied in breakage behaviours of particles by a
ball (Herbst, et al., 2002).

Recent development and application on mills has been mainly focused on two types of
equipment, i.e., the roller press under high compressive loads and agitated or stirred
mill with small media. Consequently, modelling of the performance of these machines
have been carried out for the optimisation purpose.

Modelling for the performance in high pressure roller mills have largely been
restricted to describing product size distribution curves from the lab scale machines
using the self-similarity principle (Kapur, 1972; Fuerstenau, 1991). However, recent
work have been made on the performance models, which are able to describe the
throughput and power draw in addition to the particle size distribution (Lim and
Weller, 1997; Morrell, Tondo and Shi, 1997). Lim and Weller (1997) have developed
an empirical model for the HPRM throughput. This model takes into account the
effects of variation in grinding force (Fsp), rolls speed (Fu), maximum feed size (FT),
moisture content (Fw), rolls surface type (Fr) and scale-up factor (Fs):

Q = Fr Fs Fw FT Fu (1 + s ⋅ log Fsp ) (9)

where s is a constant of measuring the sensitivity of the specific throughput to

changes in specific grinding force. Also, Morrell, et al (1997) have derived models for
the prediction of power draw, product size distribution and throughput as well. A
linear model with a correcting factor for the mass throughput, Q, (t/h), is:

Q = 3600 ⋅ U ⋅ L ⋅ x g ⋅ ρ g ⋅ c (10)

where U is circumferential velocity of the rolls (m/s), L is the length of the rollers
(m), xg is a working gap (m), and ρg is the flake density (t/m3) and c is the correction
factor and can be expressed by:

c = 1.3365 − 12.759 ⋅ U (11)

where D is the diameter of the roll. In order to verify that these models developed
from the lab-scale mills can be used for prediction of the full scale machines, the
JKMRC has recently carried out a work regarding the HPRM model verification and
scale up (Shi, 2003). Figure 48 shows the procedure for this work. The four rock
materials selected to test were from Rio Tinto, De Beers and BHP Billiton. The
surfaces of the roll used were smooth and studded. Figures 49-52 shows the results for
the product size distributions and power draw obtained from the experiments in the
lab-scale machine and predicted full scale. Also, the prediction of the throughput of
full-scale HPRM using the lab-scale data is shown in Figure 53. From this work, it
was concluded that the models are able to provide a high degree of accuracy in the
prediction of the product size distributions; the throughput predictions are also good
for the smoothed rolls in term of tph actually passing between the rolls, but with the
studded rolls the throughput prediction appears to be dependent on the relative height
of the studs. These models were supposed to put into the simulator JKSimMet for the
simulation purpose after this work.

Stirred media mills (including tower mill) for ultra-fine and fine grinding only really
differ from one another in terms of the design if stirrer that they incorporate.
Otherwise their operation is identical. They typically comprise a stationary cylindrical
vessel, which can be mounted either vertically or horizontally. Figure 54 shows the
typical versions of these units. Currently, stirred mills find industrial application in
fine (15-40 µm) and very fine (< 15 µm) grinding in Australia (Napier-Munn, et al.,
1999; Johnson, et al., 1998). There is a good evidence that conventional ball mills are
capable of grinding finer than is traditionally accepted, for instance by the application
of very fine media, but tumbling mills are ultimately limited in terms of the energy
that they can transmit to the media. In order to increase the energy efficiency and
optimise the performance of stirred mills, some recent work on the corresponding
modelling have been undertaken.

The JKMRC has put efforts to model the size reduction and power draw of tower
mills (Morrell, 1993 and Duffy, 1994) and to scale up tower mill using modelling and
simulation (Jankovic, 1999). Morrell, et al (1993) used the population balance model
to predict the size reduction in tower mills. The model used is stated as

⎛r ⎞ i ⎛r ⎞
Pi = f i − ⎜⎜ i ⎟⎟ pi + ∑ aij ⎜ j ⎟p j (12)
⎜d ⎟
⎝ di ⎠ j =1 ⎝ j ⎠

where fi is mass flow of size i in the feed, pi is mass flow of size i in the product, di is
discharge rate of size i, ri is breakage rate of size i and aij is appearance function (the
fraction of size j material broken into size i). To allow for residence time changes
brought about by changing the volumetric flowrate of material to the mill, or changes
in hold-up of solids caused by changes in mill volume, ball charge or slurry density,
the following relation is applied:

⎛ ri ⎞ u ⎛ ri ⎞
⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ (13)
⎝ di ⎠ v ∗
⎝ i ⎠

where u is volume of the mill occupied by slurry and v is volumetric feedrate. The
volume of the mill filled by slurry can be estimated from the volume of the cylindrical
section of the mill between the inlet and outlet, less the stirrer and ball volume. The
value of the factor (r/d*) varies with particle size and typically will be distributed as
shown in Figure 55. The particle size at which the maximum rate occurs (xm) is a
function of the ball size and will increase as the ball size increases.

It was assumed that charge density and stirrer speed should be linearly related to the
net power in tower mill (Duffy, 1994). The net power (Wnet) equation can be
expressed by

Wnet = kH b N s ρ c Db
0.111 a
Ds T b (kW) (14)

where k is calibration constant, Hb is height of ball charge (m), Ns is helical screw

stirrer speed (rpm), ρc is charge density (tonnes/m3), Ds is helical screw diameter (m),
T is number of turns of the helical screw per start, Db is mean ball size and a and b are
constants to be fitted to data. The fitted no load and net powers were combined and

plotted against observed gross power (Figure 56). Clearly, the fit is good, which
suggests that the proposed stirrer diameter relation is valid.

Jankovic (1999) continued to investigate the scale up of tower mill using modelling
and simulation. The purpose was to study the validation of model from a lab scale
mill (0.1 kW) to the full-scale mills (150-920 kW). The designed procedure for the
scale up was 1) lab tower mill test, 2) grinding table test, 3) breakage rate fitting, 4)
collision frequency, 5) breakage rate scale-up and 6) pilot and full scale mill
simulation. The power scale-up and the breakage rate scale-up were found to follow
the relations:
Pindustrial ⎛ Blab ⎞
⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ =K (15)
Plab ⎝ Bindustrial ⎠

⎛ ri ⎞ ⎛r ⎞
⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ = ⎜⎜ i ⎟⎟ K (16)
⎝ di ⎠ industrial ⎝ d i ⎠ lab

Figure 57 shows the results of the breakage rate scale-up obtained from the
predication by modelling and experiments. The simulated and experimental results for
the tower mills at various locations in Australia are given in Table 4. It is seen that the
simulated data match the experimental results properly except for the grinding a
nickel concentrate at Mt Keith. Therefore, it can be concluded from this work that the
models for tower mills or vertimill developed based on the lab- and pilot scale units
need to be improved using industrial data. The scale-up methods can predict the
performance of the full-scale units accurately, providing that the work at lab is carried
out according to the strictly defined procedures. The developed models and
methodologies can be used for the scale-up and optimisation of industrial size vertical
stirred media mills. However, the samples used for the scale-up procedure in the lab
and pilot test work must be similar size distribution to the industrial mill feed. The
another limitation is to require the relatively fine materials for the lab- and pilot mills
for the scale-up work.

Table 4 Results obtained from simulation and experiments

Location Circuit P80, Circulating
mm load, %
tph exp Scale-up exp Scale-up
MIM tower mill 36 9 11 95 123
Cannington Pb 32 20 20.3 120 177
Cannington Zn 12 10.9 12 230 176
Cannington Ag 1.6 18 21.2 90 92
Granny Smith 14.8 32 38 120 118
Mt Keith 65 68 82 220 310

Tracer studies on a vertical Sala Agitated Mill (SAM) and a horizontal Netzsch
Stirred Mill (LME4) was undertaken, and the size distribution results from solid tracer
tests on quartz and calcite were used to determine the breakage characteristics of the
pilot-scale mills by the CSIRO Minerals and MIM Process Technologies in Australia
(Weller, et al., 2000). In their work, modelling of residence time distributions of the

SAM and the LME4 with respects to various parameters such as mill rotation speed
and flow rate was performed based on the population balance model. In addition, the
breakage behaviours with the brittle industrial minerals (quartz and calcite) in the
vertical SAM were predicted by means of the batch population balance model.

The results show that breakage in a grinding environment in the pilot scale stirred mill
closely matched industrial scale mills, which was studied by impulse addition of
tracer to the pilot scale mills operated at steady-state hold up conditions. It was
indicated that the liquid tracer and fine solids transport through the Sala vertical mill,
as determined by the corresponding residence time distributions, are the same
provided that the hold-up is maintained constant. The residence time distribution of
the mill is independent of whether the feed is introduced at the top or the bottom of
the mill. Modelling of the residence time distribution of the Sala machine is not as
strongly compartmentalised as in the case of the Netzsch mill. Also, the breakage
results show that the batch population balance model can reasonably be used to
determine the cumulative breakage function and breakage rate for material in the
SAM operating at steady state hold-up (see Figures 58 and 59). However, the
accuracy of the fitting procedure is dependent on the selection of size fraction data
and whether the mode of breakage is regarded to be independent of time. There is a
reasonable match of the best data fitting model results to experiments. On the basis of
the results, the cumulative breakage functions and breakage rates of quartz and calcite
tracer in the SAM are roughly power law functions of particle size above a lower size
limit. There is an evidence of what may be a strong change in the grinding
characteristics of quartz and calcite near the finest grinding sizes for the SAM.
However, this may be a function of particle sizing experimental technique.

It was found that the population balance model used in the study is only strictly
appropriate for a single mixer model of breakage of impulse injected tracer in a
steady-state hold-up stirred mill. They suggested that a possible significant
improvement in the model accuracy could be gained by formulating and solving an
appropriate population balance equation that directly incorporates flow effects
modelled by multiple mixers in series. This approach would directly utilise the
optimal number of mixers and associated mean residence times gained from the
analysis of residence time distribution. An even more sophisticated approach would
be a coupled convection-diffusion and population balance model for charge transport
along the axis of the stirred mill during the comminution process.

The group of Computational Fluid Dynamics, CSIRO Minerals has developed the
model for a 4-litre Netzsch horizontal bead mill based on the computational fluid
dynamics (CFD) (Lane, 1999). A number of CFD simulations have been carried out
adopting several alternative approaches to simulating the flow in the horizontal mill.
These methods involved: a) A model was set up to represent the entire mill interior as
close as possible to the manufacturer’s specifications, including the rotor shaft with
nine discs each with five holes. b) To study the flow in some detail, a small section of
the mill was modelled, which neglecting end effects may be regarded as the basic
repeating unit in the mill. c) The modelling of the entire length of the mill. A steady-
state approach to the solution was attempted. The flow field prediction was obtained
using explicit time stepping, stopping the calculation after 400 time steps of 0.04
seconds wit 20 iteration per time step. d) The residence time distribution of ore
particles in the mill will be calculated from the CFD modelling.

Figure 60 shows the velocity vectors in a radial-axial plane when modelling the full
length of the mill. It was found that the material in the mill has a complex spiralling
pattern, where as well as moving in an azimuthal motion in the direction of agitator
rotation, there is a series of circulatory mixing cells in the radial-axial plane, where
the shearing action of each disc causes the mixture to be centrifuged radially outwards
towards the outer wall. The fluid then impinges on the outer wall and is drawn
radially inwards again. The distribution of shear rates in a radial-axial plane is shown
in Figure 61. Higher shear rates are generated due to the relative movement between
discs and the outer wall. The highest shear rates corresponds to the highest local rates
of energy dissipation, and it is found that most of the energy dissipation occurs in a
small volume surrounding the outer part of the discs and at the outer wall. This means
that most of the grinding would be expected to take place in these zones. Thus, it is
predicted that grinding of all particles may depend on the circulation of particles in
and out of these zones of high-energy dissipation. The results of CFD simulation of
the residence time distribution are shown in Figure 62 along with the experimental
tracer results. Qualitatively, these results give a similar curve with a very broad
residence time distribution, which indicates axial dispersion of slurry particles. Both
curves indicates early exiting, with the peak in the distribution occurring considerably
earlier than the nominal mean residence time of 80 seconds, and the curves also show
long tail. However, the peak in the CFD result occurs at a time only about half of that
in the experimental result.

In their summary with the CFD modelling, the present study has shown that a range of
information may be obtained by modelling horizontal stirred mills including flow
pattern, velocities and shear rate with the mill. This model can also be used to
compare power draw, mixing (residence time distributions) and disc wear rates, and
hence is expected to be a valuable tool for improving grinding performance while
minimising power consumption and wear.

The discrete element method are being applied to model the 2-D performance of the
stirred mills in Xstrata Technology (Clark, 2003). The simulation of the wear and
grinding behaviours of grinding media with various geometry. From the results, the
balls or beads give a higher energy efficiency, compared to the irregular shape media.

The CSIRO Minerals has used a discrete element method to simulate the charge
motion in a centrifugal mill with various loadings. The charge in a 30-cm centrifugal
mill, used for high intensity and ultra-fine grinding, has been investigated. The
cylinder executes a centrifugal motion with diameter 12-cm. The supporting arm
rotates at 1000 rpm while the mill cylinder counter-rotates at the same rate. It is filled
with uniform 6-mm particles and there are four flat lifters. These parameters were
chosen to match the experimental configuration used by Hoyer (1984). The particle
distributions, both measured experimentally and predicted by the DEM simulations,
are shown below for three different particle loadings. It can be observed that the
numerically predicted charge profiles show very close agreement with the high-speed
photographs of Hoyer. The 75% and 50% loaded cases exhibit a steady stable charge
profile that simply rotates with the mill whilst the granular material deformed
smoothly. This is in accordance with the behavior observed experimentally.
Furthermore, the charge profiles matched the experiments very closely, with the 75%
case being indistinguishable even to the point of predicting the same amount between

the lifter and the charge as the charge separate the lifter at the top. Theoretically there
is a complete change in the flow behavior for loads less than 30%. This also observed
experimentally. The simulation of the 25% loaded case exhibits the same unsteady
flow as the experiments with the particles forming a characteristic distorted three
pointed shape that flops around the inside of the mill with a tumbling motion spraying
loose particles all around.

Power measurements were also made for the centrifugal mill with a fill level of 40%
and a charge consisting of 4 kg of steel balls and 1 kg of quartz for a range of rotation
rates. Matching DEM simulations were performed to determine the accuracy of the
DEM predictions. The figure below shows the experimental, theoretical and DEM
results for various rotation rates. The power predictions are all normalised by the mass
of the charge to give specific power consumption, in order to enable direct
comparison of these quantities. For most mill speeds multiple power measurements
were made. They show a reasonable amount of variation. The spread in these results
provides some idea of the amount of experimental error or variation that is intrinsic to
these systems. The precise reasons for these variations are unknown.

For 300 rpm, the DEM prediction is extremely close to the single experimental result
and is closer than the theoretical one. For the higher rotation rates (for which multiple
experimental measurements were made) all the DEM predictions lie well within the
experimental ranges. In general, they are near the middle of the ranges and for the
400-rpm case the DEM result is in the lower part of the range. One would expect the
DEM predictions to be slightly lower than the true power consumption because
mechanical energy losses in the motor and gears of the mill are not included in these
predictions. The DEM power consumption is purely that consumed by the actual
particle motions and their interactions with the mill chamber. It is also clear from this
figure that the theoretical predictions of Hoyer (1985) represent an upper bound for
the power, corresponding to the upper limit of the experimental range for each
rotation rate. The DEM predictions are much closer to the mean experimental power
for each rotation rate than are the theoretical values. This suggests that DEM is likely
to give a good estimate of actual power draw and will predict this more accurately
than does the theory.

This is one of the few applications for which we have been able to obtain high quality
experimental data. The very close agreement between the simulations, the
experiments and with the theory gives us a degree of confidence that the DEM
approach of trying to model correctly the applications at the particle level is capturing
sufficient reality to give good predictions. One important caveat is that the particles
used in the experiments were very close to spherical and so the circular particles used
to model them are a good approximation. Cases where the real particles are really
non-circular are not always well matched by DEM simulations using circular
particles. Flows such as in hoppers and in slowly rotating tumblers where the material
is partially stationary and then must shear can be significantly affected by ignoring
particle shape. More details regarding this application can be found in a paper by
Cleary and Hoyer (2000).

Also, the CSIRO Minerals has been using the DEM to predict the three-diminsion
performance of the Hicom mill (Morton, 2003). As known, the Hicom mill has
become a promising machine as an alternative for energy saving and effective size

reduction in ultrafine grinding of industrial minerals like calcite and dolomite. The
detailed information on the simulation of the comminution in the Hicom mill is
limited due to the commercial reasons at this moment.

5.3 Computer simulators

Computer simulation as a technique for design, optimisation and analysis of mineral

processing operations like comminution has been developed since 1960´s (King,
2001). Simulation is a procedure that can be utilised to model a comminution process
(device and circuit) without actually running the experiments. The models, which are
useful and effective in a simulator, must all fit seamlessly together so that the
simulator can function in the intended way. Different models for the same unit
operation must be interchangeable to facilitate their comparison under comparable
operating conditions. The computer is an essential tool for simulation: In most
systems, the individual unit operations are complex that the computer can be
described in the mathematical terms only if these can be translated into computer
code. In addition, the systems reveal complex interactions and interconnections
among the individual units must be accurately accounted for. A simulator for
processes is a set of computer programs that provides a detailed numerical description
of the operation in a processing circuit. The simulator must be provided with an
accurate description of the material (rock, ore or mineral) that is to be processed, a
description of the flowsheet that defines the process and an accurate description of the
operating behaviour of each unit operation that is included in the flowsheet. The
simulator utilises these ingredients to provide a description of the operating plant. The
detailed description of the material will include information on its physical and
mineralogical characteristics. The flowsheet is the familiar graphical representation of
the location of the unit operations in the plant together with the network of pipes and
conveyors that transmit material between the units. The simulator links together the
modelled behaviour of each unit operation and synthesises the overall performance of
the circuit.

Metso Minerals Co.(formerly Nordberg) has developed a crushing plant simulator

named BRUNO (Kaja, 2002). This simulator has been utilised to facilitate the
comminution equipment selection process. The program was a DOS based mass
balance program that kept track of the tonnage rate of each size fraction in various
circuit flows. The Bruno uses a graphical environment to define the circuit
components and their relationships. The pallet contains feed material, plant feeders
and grizzly feeders, primary gyratory crushers, jaw crushers, cone crushers, impact
crushers, screens, silos and stockpiles. The Bruno plant simulator is a tool for
calculation of the capacity and gradation of crushing and screening circuit. It can
provide an opportunity to vary circuit components and optimise the performance of a
circuit and the equipment selection, resulting in a more cost-effective crushing

According to Hedvall, et al. (2002), Sandvik Rock Processing AB, Sweden introduced
a simulator PlantDesigner® for optimisation and design of crushing and screening
plant circuits. This PlantDesigner® software is a PC program in Windows 98/ME or
Windows 2000/XP for design of flowsheets, simulation of processes and calculation
of mass balances for crushing and screening plants. The programming language is a
structured subset of C with object-oriented extensions. Figure 63 shows how the

PlantDesigner® interacts with starting and final properties. It was reported (Hedvall, et
al., 2002) that in order to obtain good results predicted with the PlantDesigner®, the
company has more than 12000 tests for various materials with the
machines/equipment in the PlantDesigner® database. This engineering tool can predict
and calculate new applications/processes with a high accuracy.

A simulator for analysis, optimisation and design of comminution circuits so-called

JKSimMet has been developed by the Julius Krutschnitt Mineral Research Centre
(JKMRC)), Australia (Morrison, et al., 2002). The JKSimMet is a recognition of the
need to integrate certain fundamental tasks in one piece of software. The tasks that
have considerable synergy with one another include flowsheet drawing, data analysis,
model fitting, simulation and reporting. These tasks are integral to the iterative nature
of the simulation process. This software or simulator is a user-friendly package for
processing engineers. The current version 5 of JKSimMet incorporates all of the
essential tasks. This is designed for use with Windows/MS. The graphical user
interface of JKSimMet communicates with a Microsoft Access database that stores
and organises the user’s data by projects and flowsheets within a project. This
software contains an extensive library of unit models for use in all three major
functions of data analysis, model fitting and simulation. The user needs only to
specify which unit models are required for the current flowsheet case, connect them
with flowstreams and to specify the necessary design variables, which define the
current or starting operating condition for each unit. Flowstreams are also models in
this software. Streams are modelled by specifying total flows of solids and liquids, as
well as solid phase and characteristics (such as specific gravity). The JKSimMet has
been regarded to be a steady-state process simulator for data analysis, plant
optimisation and plant design for comminution and classification circuit.

The USIM PAC simulator for design/optimisation of mineral processing plant has
been developed for 16 years by BRGM, France (Brochot, et al., 2002). The latest
version available is the USIM PAC 3.0, which incorporates the modern developments.
This is a user-friendly steady-state simulator that allows processing engineers and
researchers to model plant operations with available experimental data and determine
optimal plant configuration that meets production targets. The simulator can also
assist plant designers with sizing unit operations required to achieve given circuit
objectives. Figures 64-66 show the methodologies used to produce a preliminary plant
design, to design an industrial plant from a pilot plant campaign, and to optimise an
existing plant, respectively.

The University of Utah, USA (King. 2001), has developed a simulator MODSIM. The
simulator offers the versatility to the user to modify and adapt the models of the unit
operations that are used. The underlying theme for the models that are used in the
MODSIM is the population balance method. In addition to the application in
engineering, the MODSIM has been used as an academic tool to enhance the
educational experience of students of mineral processing. Figure 67 shows the closed
milling circuit with a rod mill, a ball mill and hydrocyclones. The simulated size
distributions around the circuit are given in Figure 68.

Herbst and Nordell (2002) recently introduced a new methodology so called high
fidelity simulation (HFS) for simulation of comminution devices. The HFS tools of
values for processing design include discrete element modelling (DEM),

computational fluid dynamics (CFD), discrete grain breakage (DGB) and population
balance modelling (PEM). They used the HFS tools to accurately predict the scale-up
calculation of a ball mill, milling performance of SAG mills, breakage behaviour for
primary crushing, and screening performance as well. For instance, in order to
examine the accuracy of HFS scale-up calculations for ball mills, a batch mill
grinding test was conducted with an iron ore concentrate below 10 mesh in a lab-scale
ball mill. Also, a DEM simulation for the lab-scale tests was carried out for the same
conditions used in the experiments. Figure 69 shows the estimated micro-scale
breakage rate parameters from the experimental data and the DEM energy spectra.
They calculated a macro-scale selection functions, which were in turn used to perform
the PBM simulations for a large 13.5×26 ft ball mill, with the predicted impact energy
dissipation and the estimated micro-scale parameters. The results ate shown in Figure
70. It is seen that the product size distribution is accurately predicted by this
procedure. The power draw and feed rate predicted of 1999 kW and 106 MTPH are
very close to the measured values of 2004 kW and 106 MTPH, respectively.

Mine-to-mill exists on a number of levels ranging from enterprise simulation to

exploring for the best combination of comminution processes (blasting-crushing-
grinding). The simulator can then mimic the real circuit performance. However,
application of a simulator for a comminution chain from mine-to-mill is sparse except
some recent work by the JKMRC (Morrison, et al., 2002) and Herbst, et al (2000 and
2001). The main objective for use of a simulator in the chain should be to reduce
energy consumption without reducing the throughput and operating efficiency.

The JKMRC, Australia has developed a combined software package for optimisation
of mine-to-mill comminution circuit. Perhaps the most profitable of all optimisation
possibilities has been the matching of run of mine sizing to milling circuit
characteristics. The JKSimMet simulation program combined with another program
JKSimBlast can be used to optimise, control and analyse the whole comminution
chain from mine-to-mill. The JKSimBlast is used to estimate the product size
distribution from blasting. Two successful examples can be referenced (Kanchibotla,
et al., 1998; Kojovic, et al., 1998). A work by Kanchibotla, et al. aimed to maximise
the throughput and Kojovic, et al tried to minimise to production of < 6 mm iron ore.
The models used in the both softwares in collaboration with the client can investigate
blasting and milling scenarios to predict the operating conditions that provide
maximum comminution efficiency and minimum cost.

Herbst and Blust (2000) utilised the PBM in their software named MinOOcad to study
mine-to-mill optimisation. In the case, the plant is required to treat four distinct ore
types with different hardnesses, and the question was what the blending strategy
would yield the best performance, assuming the crushing and grinding circuits were
controlled to maximise production regardless of the feeds. The simulation software by
Herbst, et al. (2001) employed a multi-component approach and energy-based
comminution models, where the latter make it possible to look at tradeoffs between
finer fragmentation in blasting to changes in gyratory crusher settlings and SAG mill
operation. In their study, numerous alternatives were investigated. The results in
Table 5 show that best blending strategy would be to mix all ore types in the
proportion they exist in the mine, and run with a more open gyratory crusher setting
(OSS). Evidently, altering the run of mine size by changing powder factor (PF) has
little effect. From an operating perspective the important points are to maximise

blending prior to the crushing process, and to ensure there is sufficient coarse material
in the SAG feed to provide maximum rates of breakage.

Table 5 Simulated results

Ore feedrate, Total energy,
Option 1: four ores crushed/ground separately (PF 285 18.7
=0.177 kg/MT and OSS=200 mm)
Option 2:Four ores blended at crusher (PF =0.177
OSS=150 mm 287 18.6
OSS=175 mm 312 17.1
OSS=200 mm 326 16.4
OSS=225 mm 334 16.0
Option 3: Four ores blended at crusher (OSS=200
PF=0.200 kg/MT 326 16.5
PF=0.177 kg/MT 326 16.4
PF=0.100 kg/MT 326 16.3

6 Summary and outlook

The recent mill developments have been brought forward to the manufacture of
equipment, which is based on either high-pressure inter-particles bed comminution or
on small grinding media intensively stirred, in combination with either vibration or
eccentric actions. Some of the mills have been designed according to the combined
actions of attrition and compression. The developed mills have been replacing the
conventional ball mills for the production of fine particles.

Besides the energy saving, the HPRM offers a selective liberation of valuable
minerals within the ores. The POITTEMILL eliminates the high-compaction flakes
and agglomerates due to its specific pulsated pressure action during the process. The
HOROMILL is one of the specific designs of the roller press. A comparison of the
performances of these rollers is suggested.

Small media grinding innovations include agitated bead mills, as opposed to the more
traditional stirred ball mills and ball mills. The stirred media mills like the SAM,
IsaMill, MaxxMill, ATR-MILL ANI-Metprotech Mill and KD-mill at present have
higher energy intensities than conventional mills and can avoid the consequent
problems of media separation from the final product for mills in continuous use.
Power savings are achieved by the ability of the mills to stir the very small media
necessary for efficient fine grinding. Some aspects on recent developments of high-
efficiency stirred media mills mainly involve a) use of smallest grinding beads down
to 0.10 mm for superfine particle production; b) new designs for separation of small
grinding beads from the ground product; and c) application of additional force fields
such as centrifugation and vibration. These developments make the mechanical
production of colloidal brittle particles in nano-scale possible.

In addition, there are other types of high-efficiency mills associated with vibration and
eccentric, impact and centrifugal actions such as the VKE and eccentric vibration
mill, Centrifugal mills and jetmills. The Hicom Mill is of a unique design, which can
selectively liberate valuable particles (e.g., diamond) within the ores. All of these mill
types are available for wet and/or dry fine and ultra-fine grinding. These mills reduce
the specific energy consumption and improve the product quality. Depending on the
grinding mechanism employed in a particular equipment, limitations exist for
achieving final size of ground products. Variables of the milling process like media
type, size and density, type of movement of media, ratio of maximum particle size to
media size, etc., play an important role in determining the efficiency of fine particle
production. Selective liberation of valuable particles within the ores is one advantage
in the application of some new or improved mills.

Utilisation of chemical, or thermal or ultrasonic energies to the fine grinding process

has been a viable avenue of exploration and research. These assisted-techniques have
a significant impact on the improvement of the performance and the achievement of
lower energy consumption in a comminution process. Chemicals used as grinding aids
in fine grinding processes generally increase grinding energy efficiency, bring down
the limit of grinding, prevent the agglomerates or aggregates of ground particles,
avoid grinding media coating and improve the rheonolgy of material flow as well.
Thermal stress fractures in microwave energy assisted comminution are induced along
the grain boundaries between the different minerals as a result of the difference in the
absorption behaviours and the thermal expansion coefficients of the materials.
Microwave energy can reduce the work index of the certain materials, which favours
the subsequent grinding for efficient size reduction, mineral liberation and energy
saving. The microwave assisted comminution is a promising technology for the
liberation of the precious metals (gold) in the ore matrix. Also, a better breakage
behaviour of a grinding device like HPRM can be achieved with an assistance of
ultrasonic activation. The active roller with a high-efficiency ultrasonic vibrator
piezo-electrically driven has been designed to obtain a low energy consumption
required in comminution.

Particle classification with new and improved classifiers (air classifier and
centrifuges) from the processes can save energy, avoid over-grinding, improve the
product quality and increase the unit capacity. Some new air classifiers (V-/VSK
separator, Inprosys and Turboplex with a new wheel) have applied to various fine
comminution processes in order to saving energy for the required product quality.
Recent work has been challenged to produce very fine particles with a narrow size
distribution efficiently. This has reflected both in effective application of the
improved classifiers (Centrisizer and disc-stack nozzle centrifuges) and in
development of new centrifuges (TU Clausthal centrifuge and Counter-flow rotating
hydro-classifier). Centrifuges have emerged to efficiently achieve a product with a cut
size of 0.2-1.0 µm. The product size distribution becomes steeper and finer after
removal of the undesired coarse particles in the feed. These centrifuges have been
used in some commercial flow sheets to produce a very fine powder. Obviously,
further developments will extend the achieved limits and lead to the design of new

It has been demonstrated that the commercially available instruments for on-line/in-
line analysis and control of particle size are suitable for use in obtaining particle size

distributions by means of laser diffraction or ultrasonic extinction or image analysis,
even with fine powders. The instruments based on either laser diffraction or ultrasonic
extinction can be used for fine particles down to 0.1 or 0.5 µm. The image analysis
technique is used for on-line measurement of relatively coarser particles. These
instruments have been recently installed in various industrial lines for production of
fine powders in order to control the product quality and reduce the whole energy cost.
However, the precision/accuracy of the on-line or in-line particle size analysis
instruments for secure industrial installation and application should be further
improved. To ensure the reliable results it is necessary to compare the results from the
on-line/in-line instruments with the off-line analysis. In addition, acoustic emission
soft-sensors have been applied for control and optimisation of a tumbling ball mill
performance. With the development of the advanced instruments, the more on-line
systems for control and optimisation of grinding processes will be most likely

Model developments on modern mills like stirred media mills (tower mills), high-
pressure roller mills (HPRM), centrifugal mills and Hicom mill have received some
attention. Methodology for the models involves empirical derivation method,
population balance method (PBM), discrete element method (DEM) and
computational fluid dynamics models (CFD). Their combination used for simulators
and softwares, especially PBM with DEM and/or CFD, becomes of particular interests
to industrial applications, and will be a major concern for the simulation of “real case”
in the near future. The models for power draw, product size distribution and
throughput in the HPRM with various surface geometries (smooth and studded) have
been applied for the simulation from lab- to full-scale machines. Efforts to model and
simulate the size reduction and power draw of tower mill (vertical stirred mills) have
been put for the scale-up purpose. The population balance model with tracer
technology has been used to predict the performance (size reduction and residence
time distribution) of the stirred mills. The present CFD modelling for the horizontal
stirred mills provide some information regarding the flow pattern, velocities and shear
rate with the mill. This model also predicts the power draw, residence time
distribution and wear in the mill. However, the CFD method for simulation of the
grinding performance of the stirred mills is still needed to be further developed. The
DEM has been used to simulate the 2-D performance of the wear and grinding beads
with various geometries in the horizontal stirred mill. The 3-D simulation of the
milling performance of the stirred mill with the DEM will be highly expected in the
near future. The simulation with DEM for centrifugal mills and Hicom mill has been
also developed.

The existing simulators developed can be used as an engineering tool in steady-state

process simulation for data analysis, plant optimisation and plant design. Most of
these software packages are run on PC under Window environments and user-
friendly. Some simulators like USIM PAC 3.0 offer a wide spectrum of design criteria
such as comminution process optimisation in industry.

Possible investigations involve the optimisation of blasting for downstream,

simulation of fragmentation by blasting and comminution using the existing software
and use of advanced image technology into analysis of fragment size distribution.
Blasting design should deal with the economic optimisation by balancing energy
utilisation of blasting and subsequent comminution. An increase of applied explosive

energy will lead to finer fragmentation and a larger number of micro-cracks in the
primary fragments, which can beneficial to the subsequent crushing and grinding.
Finer fragmentation can give a higher productivity, less wear and less maintenance for
loading, hauling and primary crushing. The increased explosive energy will, however,
necessitate higher costs for drilling and blasting. Therefore, the optimisation of blast
design must be based on either minimisation of production costs or maximisation of
operating profits. In practise, the optimisation of blast design is difficult because the
blasting operation on site will seldom give consistent results from one blast to the
next. The variations of rock conditions, which always affect the result are another
reason for the difficulties. The most common problem experienced involves very real
differences between designed and practical blasting operations. The simulation of
different energy chains with the existing softwares is possible for the optimisation
purpose. It has been found that there is a balance between fragmentation by blasting
and subsequent comminution in energy utilisation and production cost. These
different operations have their respective mode of operation in various ways.
Experiments for establishment of the optimum point for the balance are costly and
difficult. Therefore, it is proposed to use the existing simulators named
JKSimBlast/JKSimMet and the MinOOcad to analyse and optimise the comminution
chain from mine-to-mill in order to reduce energy consumption without decreasing
the throughput and operating efficiency. In addition, development of models for
fragmentation in open pit and underground blasting is needed. Digital image analysis
for fragment size distributions obtained by blasting and crushing. Quantitative
determination of massive blasted materials in field blasting tests is rather difficult.
Advanced image analysis technology provides an approach to solve this problem.

7 Acknowledgement
The authors wish to thank the Swedish Mineral Processing Research Association
(MinFo) and the MinBaS for supporting this work.

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Caption of figures

Figure 1 Principle of high-pressure roller mill

Figure 2 Reduction in ball mill (BM) grindability as a function of specific
pressure of the HPRM
Figure 3 Dependence of specific energy input on the fineness of ground
products obtained by stirred media mills with or without the
Figure 4 An improved version of the HPRM with splitter settling
Figure 5 Structure of Poittemill
Figure 6 Configuration with one idle roller with a cylinderical shell in the HOROMILL
Figure 7 Grinding efficiencies of the HOROMILL grinding various materials
Figure 8 SAM mills in wet and dry modes
Figure 9 ALPINE ATR Mill for dry grinding
Figure 10 ANI-Metprotech Stirred Vertical Mill
Figure 11 Generaldesign of MaxxMill
Figure 12 KD-1 tower mill and the modified versions KD-2 and KD-3
Figure 13 Experimental results obtained by three KD mills for dry milling of
Figure 14 Construction of DCP-Supeflow stirred bead mill
Figure 15 Principle of ZR120 centrifugal bead mill
Figure 16 Construction of eccentric vibration mill (ESM)
Figure 17 VibroKinetic Energy (VKE) mill
Figure 18 ZRM centrifugal tube mill
Figure 19 Particle size distributions as a function of specific energy input
Figure 20 Aachen centrifugal ball mill
Figure 21 Scheme of PMT Jet mill system
Figure 22 Particle size distributions of the ground barytes, zeolite and graphite
products by the PMT spiral jetmill
Figure 23 Hicom mill in industrial applications
Figure 24 Simplified process flowsheet including Hicom mill at Alexkor Ltd.,
South Africa
Figure 25 Specific energy for grinding limestone below 100 µm to different
Figure 26 Product size-energy input relations from various mills in the case of
milling limestone
Figure 27 New classifying wheel 500 ATP-NG for Turboplex air classifier
Figure 28 Pressure losses as a function of the product fineness – comparison of
the new classifying wheel and a standard classifying wheel
Figure 29 Simulated air flow in VSK separator
Figure 30 Schematic drawing of the Inprosys air classifier
Figure 31 A disc-stack nozzle centrifuge
Figure 32 Classification performance plots of the disc centrifuge for both
kaolin clay and limestone under various conditions
Figure 33 Results for one stage classification by the disc centrifuge
Figure 34 An improved version of the decanter centrifuge Centrisizer
Figure 35 Sketch of the TU Clausthal centrifuge
Figure 36 Comparison with various classifiers
Figure 37 Counter-flow rotating hydro-classifier

Figure 38 Specific surface area vs. specific energy input during ultrafine
grinding with various amounts of polymeric chemicals
Figure 39 Average energy efficiency over the additives concentration at
various materials ground in stirred media mill
Figure 40 Influence of grinding additive (BA-10) on the size distributions of
ground dolomite products obtained in SAM
Figure 41 Schematic representation of the experimental system with an
ultrasonic mill
Figure 42 Size distributiona for the same materials ground in the ball mill and
the ultrasonic roller mill
Figure 43 Total power consumed vs. applied acoustic power for the same
grinding task at 120 rpm
Figure 44 Schematics of a ball mill with the Online Particle Sizer anda Fuzzy
Control Engine (FCE)
Figure 45 An acoustic emission soft-sensor installed on the ball mill
Figure 46 Hierarchy for models
Figure 47 Experimental results and simulated results predicted by Bonds
index and JKSimMet
Figure 48 HPRM model verification and scale-up procedure.
Figure 49 Product size distributions and power draw obtained from the lab-
scale experiments and predicted full scale of HPRM with smooth
rolls in the case of Rio Tinto ore.
Figure 50 Product size distributions and power draw obtained from the lab-
scale experiments and predicted full scale of HPRM with smooth
rolls in the case of De Beers ore.
Figure 51 Product size distributions and power draw obtained from the lab-
scale experiments and predicted full scale of HPRM with studded
rolls in the case of De Beers ore.
Figure 52 Product size distributions and power draw obtained from the lab-
scale experiments and predicted full scale of HPRM with studded
rolls in the case of BHP Billiton ore.
Figure 53 Predication of the throughput of full-scale HPRM using the lab-scale
Figure 54 Typical versions of the stirred media mills
Figure 55 Variation of parameter (ri/di*) with particle size for tower mills
Figure 56 Observed vs fitted gross power for tower mills
Figure 57 Results of breakage rate scale-up obtained from the predication and
experiments for tower mills
Figure 58 Model estimated breakage distribution functions of (A) quartz (solid
line) and (B) calcite (large dashed line) tracer.
Figure 59 Model estimated breakage rates of (A) quartz (solid line) and (B)
calcite (large dashed line) tracer.
Figure 60 Velocity vectors in a radial-axial plane when CFD modelling the full
length of the horizontal stirred bead mill.
Figure 61 Distribution of shear rates in a radial-axial plane in the horizontal
stirred bead mill, predicted by CFD modelling
Figure 62 Resident time distributions in the horizontal stirred bead mill
obtained by CFD modelling and experimental tracer method.
Figure 63 Staring and final properties in PlantDesigner®

Figure 64 Methodology for preliminary plant design
Figure 65 Methodology to design an industrial plant from a pilot plant
Figure 66 Methodology for optimization of an existing plant
Figure 67 A milling circuit with a rod mill, ball mill and hydrocyclone
Figure 68 Simulated particle size distributions in the milling circuit
Figure 69 Microscale breakage rate parameters estimated from the batch data
and the DEM energy spectra
Figure 70 Measured and predicted product size distributions for 13.5 x 26.0 ft
ball mill

Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6
Figure 7
Figure 8
Figure 9
Figure 10
Figure 11
Figure 12
Figure 13
Figure 14
Figure 15
Figure 16
Figure 17
Figure 18
Figure 19
Figure 20
Figure 21
Figure 22
Figure 23
Figure 24
Figure 25
Figure 26
Figure 27
Figure 28
Figure 29
Figure 30
Figure 31
Figure 32
Figure 33
Figure 34
Figure 35
Figure 37
Figure 38
Figure 39
Figure 40
Figure 41
Figure 42
Figure 43
Figure 44
Figure 45
Figure 46
Figure 46
Figure 48
Figure 49
Figure 50
Figure 51
Figure 52
Figure 53
Figure 54
Figure 55
Figure 56
Figure 57
Figure 58
Figure 59
Figure 60
Figure 61
Figure 62
Figure 63
Figure 64
Figure 65
Figure 66
Figure 67
Figure 68
Figure 69
Picture 70

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