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Saint Columban College

7016 Pagadian City

S T U D E N T ’ S L E A R N I N G M O D U L E 2

Student’s Name: ___________________________ Date: ____________________

Grade & Section:______________ Subject: _________________

Content Standard :
The learners demonstrate an understanding of the basic concepts of limit and continuity
of a function, derivatives, antiderivatives, and Reimann Integral.

Performance Standard :
The learners shall be able to formulate and solve accurately real-life problems involving
continuity of functions, situational problems involving extreme values, related rates, and
population models.

Learning Competencies:
The learners apply the limit theorems in evaluating the limit of algebraic functions, solve
problems involving the continuity and discontinuity of a function, apply the differentiation rules
in computing the derivatives of algebraic, exponential, and trigonometric functions, compute
higher-order derivatives of functions, use implicit differentiation to solve problems, and compute
the general antiderivatives of a function.

Learning Contents:
 Continuity on an Interval
 Different types of Discontinuity
 The equation of the Tangent Line
 Introduction to Derivatives
 The Differentiation Rules and Examples Involving Algebraic, Exponential, and
Trigonometric Functions.
Learning Resources:
1. Albay, E. “DIWA Senior High School Series: Basic Calculus(Second Edition)” DIWA
LEARNING SYSTEMS INC. Legaspi Village, 1229 Makati City, Philippines 2019.
2. Stewart, James. Calculus ( Metric Edition).7th ed.Singapore:Cengage Learning Asia
Core Values: hardwork, diligence, perseverance, integrity, and discipline


Mr. Mark Lyndon Borongan

 Mathematics

Email: [email protected]

FB Profile Name: Mark Lyndon Adamas Borongan

CP Number: 09317179056

Mrs. Mary Joy G. Oliveros, MA

 Mathematics

Email: [email protected]

FB Profile Name: MJoy Go

CP Number: 09464052271


 Mathematics

 STEM 12 Coordinator

Email: [email protected]

FB Profile Name: MaryJoyce Palma

CP Number: 09465923781/09365464664

Module No. 1. 4. Continuity on an Interval (continuation of module 1)

Time Frame: 1 week
Learning Targets: At the end of the lesson, I can :
a. illustrate the continuity of a function at an interval.
b. determine whether a function is continuous at an interval or not.
This lesson is the continuation of module 1 which talks about continuity
on an interval. It gives understanding on the importance of having
determination and positive attitudes whatever situation or circumstance
we go through life.

If you have questions or concerns regarding the module you may on my

Facebook account: Maryjoyce Palma / Cellphone number:

Before we proceed to our new lesson. Let’s have a short recap of our previous lesson.
What are the different differentiation rules. Discuss each of them using their formulas.

A. Motivation

Your home is in Point A. Your mom told you to deliver

the food that her friends ordered online. Your mom
gave you a sketch. See the figure on the left side. The
customers reside at point B,C,D,E,F,G,H. Show the
F E D route you took from your home to the last customer.


B. Transition/ Linking Statements:

When you connected the dots from A to I without lifting your pen or making a gap or a hole,
the route you’ve taken is continuous. As you have learned from our Previous lesson, once the
function or the graph of the function shows no hole or gap, then it is continuous.

Read me!
Continuity on an Interval

A Function is continuous on an interval if and only if we can trace the graph of the function
without lifting our pen on the given interval.

Finite Interval: These are intervals whose endpoint are bounded.

1. Open Interval: (a,b) or a < x < b Example: (2,5)


2. Closed Interval : [a,b] or a ≤ � ≤ � Example: [2,5]

3. Combination: composed of an open and closed interval on either side. [a,b) or (a,b}

or a ≤ � < � Example: [2,5)

Infinite Intervals: These are intervals with at least one unbounded side.

1. Open-Left Bounded: (a, ∞) or x > a.

2. Closed- Left Bounded [a, ∞) or x ≥ �.

3 Open – Right bounded : (-∞, �) �� � ≤ �.

4. Closed – right bounded: (-∞, �] �� � < �

5. Unbounded: ((-∞, ∞) �� ��� �� ���� �������.

Definition of Continuity of a function on a closed interval:

If a function f is defined on a closed interval [a,b] and is continuous on the open interval (a,b),
such that lim+ � � = �(�) and lim− � � = �(�), then f is continuous on the closed interval
�→� �→�
[a,b]. Moreover, f is continuous from the right at a and continuous from the left at b.

Example: Use the definition of continuity on a closed interval to identify all closed intervals [a,b]
wherein the function is continuous.

a. lim+ � � = � −3 = − 3 and lim− � � = � 0 = − 4 .

�→−3 �→−0

Also, f is continuous on the open interval (-3,0).

Therefore f is continuous on the closed interval [-3,0].

b. lim+ � � = � 2 =− 2 and lim− � � = � 3 = 1.

�→2 �→3

Also, f is continuous on the open interval (2,3). Therefore

F is continuous on the closed interval [2,3]

The definition for the continuity of a function on a closed interval may be modified for half-
closed intervals (a,b] or [a,b). on this example, lim+ � � =− 2 but f(0)= -4. Thus, the function is
not continuous at x = 0. Also, f is continuous on the open interval (0,2). Because lim+ � � =
� 2 =− 2 the function is continuous at x = 2. Thus, the function is continuous on the
interval(0,2], a half-closed interval.

Great job! After studying the concept notes, let’s try to answer
these activities!

A. Learning Activities :
Describe the intervals where the functions is continuous:

Great job! Now that you are done answering the activities, you are now ready to answer the test.
Good luck!

B. Assessment Technique:
Identify the intervals that the following function is continuous:
−� + � , �� − � ≤ � ≤ �
1. � � =
�� − � , �� � < � ≤ �
−�� , �� � ≤− �
2. � � = �
� − � , �� � ≤− �
3. � � = ��−�
� , �� � < �
4. � � = �
−� + �� − � , �� � ≥ �
5. � � = �−� − ��� + �� − �

A. Transfer of Learning
Using your knowledge on technology, make a powerpoint presentation of the summary of
this module based from what you have learned. Follow the rules of making a powerpoint
presentation and pass it online to your teacher.

B. Reflection:

What important attitudes or skills should a person posses for him or her to continuously and
bravely deal with any situation in life? Explain how each attitude or skill can affect a person’s
motivation and determination.

Obstacles in life may sometimes affect the continuity of your actions at a certain period. They
can even cause doubts regarding your capacity and strength. However, bear in mind that these
obstacles are life’s learning opportunities, as they make you stronger and wiser.

C. Closure & Synthesis:

Directions: Complete the S.T.O.P Summary

We Started the lesson__________________________________________________________

the Topic was________________________________________________________________
Our Opportunities for practice were_______________________________________________
the Purpose of the lesson was____________________________________________________

Module No. 1.5. Different Types of Discontinuities Time Frame: 1 week

Learning Targets: At the end of the lesson, I can :
a. illustrate the different types of discontinuity, such as hole/removable, jump/essential,
and asymptotic/ infinite; and
b. find the x-axis location of the function.


This lesson explains that some functions are always continuous

which is called discontinuous. Different types of discontinuities
will be explained in this lesson such as removable, jump, or
essential discontinuities.

Before we proceed to our new lesson. Let’s have a short recap of our previous lesson.
- When can we say that the graph is continuous or not in an interval?

A. Motivation
Let’s ride on our imagination!
You were having a stroll on a field. The scenic view has mesmerized you. You took out your
phone and took a photo of the green meadow decorated by a colorful patch of flowers. The
mesmerizing butterflies kissing every wild flower in the meadow. You kept on walking until you
bump into a tree. What would you do for you to continue exploring the field?

Yes! You would go around the tree. You would take another path and avoid the tree and move to
the next location. You would discontinue walking on that path and find another way to get to
what’s behind it.

B. Transition/ Linking Statements:

You, stopping because of a tree and finding another route is like a discontinuous function.
When you can no longer continue, you find another route. Just like discontinuous functions,
there could be a variety of ways or reason why you can’t continue, and that’s what we are
going to learn today.

Read me!
Suppose that f is a functions on the open interval (a,b) except possibility number c contained in a
(a,b). if f is nit continuous at c, then f is said to have a discontinuity. In fact, discontinuity can be
categorized into two: removable or nonremovable.

A removable discontinuity exist when it can be fixed by redefining the function at the point of
discontinuity. It is represented by a hole on the graph of the function.
For example:
3�2 −5�
f(x) = �
with a removable discontinuity at x = 0. To remove the discontinuity, you need to
redefine the function so that f(0) = -5. Removable discontinuities are common in functions in
which the limit exist at c but f(c) does not exist. Examples are rational functions that can be
simplified to its polynomial equivalent, either by factoring or by rationalizing the numerator or
3�2 −5� �(3�−5)
In our example, we used factoring: f(x) = =
� �
f(0)= -5
A nonremovable discontinuity, on the other hand, exists when the function cannot be redefined
at x=c to make the function continuous. These are usually the functions wherein the limit at c
does not exist. The two types of nonremovable discontinuities include the jump and essential

discontinuity. A jump discontinuity happens when the limit does not exist at c because the limit
from the left and the limit from the right have different values. An essential discontinuity is also
known as the infinite discontinuity because the limit at the real number c is infinite. An essential
discontinuity is represented by a vertical asymptote on the graph and is common to the rational
functions that cannot be further simplified and written as polynomial functions.

Example: classify the discontinuity of the function

g(x) = 2�−1
The function is discontinuous at x= , because the rational function cannot be further
written to its equivalent polynomial function, then the function will have a vertical asymptote at
1 1
x= . Thus, the function has an essential discontinuity at x= .
2 2

Great job! After studying the concept notes, let’s try to

answer these activities!

B. Learning Activities : Multiple Choice!
Directions: Classify the Discontinuity of the following function:

4�2 −2�
1. f(x) =

4�2 −2�
2. f(x) =
3. f(x) = �2−5�
4.� � = 3� − 5
5. � � = 2�3 −4

Great job! Now that you are done answering the activities, you are now ready to answer the test.
Good luck!

B. Assessment Technique:
Directions: Determine if each function is continuous. If the function is not continuous, find
its x-axis location and classify each discontinuity. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. f(x) = �2+2�+2
a. removable discontinuity at x=1
b. Essential discontinuity at x= -1
c. essential discontinuity at x = -1; x= 3
2. f(x) = �2+�
a. continuous
b. removable discontinuity at x= -1; essential discontinuity at x =0
c. jump discontinuity at x =2
d. jump discontinuity at x = -1

3. f(x) = 2 + 2� + 2
a. Continuous
b. jump discontinuity at x = -2
c. Jump discontinuity at x =3
d. Removable discontinuity at x =2 ; essential discontinuity at x = -1

−2� − 1 , � ≤− 1
4. f(x) =
� − 4, � >− 1
a. Jump discontinuity at x = -1
b. Essential discontinuity at x = -2
c. continuous
d. removable discontinuity at x = -2;Essential discontinuity at x= -1

5. f(x) = − �3 + 4�2 − 5
a. Continuous
b. Removable discontinuity at x = -2; Essential discontinuity
c. Essential discontinuity at x = 3
d. essential discontinuity at x = -3, x=1

A. Transfer of Learning: Apply it in Real Life!
You are commissioned by AAA Review Center to conduct a four hour review session
among the teacher education graduates. You are assigned to discuss the topic,
“Discontinuity of functions”. On a one whole sheet of paper, make a review material
with all the concepts, examples and illustration about the topic on it.

B. Reflection:

Have you ever been on a situation or a point in your life that caused you to stop and hold back?
How were you able to get out from that situation and get on your feet and move forward?

Obstacles and challenges may often affect your drive and motivation in achieving your dreams,
which may cause you to slow down and eventually stop. You may take some time to rest while
“refueling” your positive attitude and getting your optimism back. But never allow these
obstacles to ruin your determination. You only have three choices, give up, give in or give all
that you got. Always view your obstacles as removable discontinuity.

C. Closure & Synthesis:

Directions: Complete the S.T.O.P Summary

We Started the lesson__________________________________________________________

the Topic was________________________________________________________________
Our Opportunities for practice were_______________________________________________
the Purpose of the lesson was____________________________________________________

Module No. 1.6. The Equation of the tangent line Time Frame: 1 week
Learning Targets: At the end of the lesson, I can :
a. illustrate the tangent line to the graph of a function at a given point.
b. relate the derivative of a function to the slope of the tangent line.

This module will help you to understand more about the equation of
the tangent line. You will learn to calculate the slope of a curve in a
specific point. God bless!

Before we proceed to our new lesson. Let’s have a short recap of our previous lesson.
- What are the types of discontinuity?
- When can we say that the function is a removable or non removable discontinuity?

A. Motivation
Have you ever driven a car or any vehicle before?

Why must we be careful with the slippery roads when we drive?

B. Transition/ Linking Statements:

If we are travelling in a car around the corner and we drive over something slippery
on the road, and our car starts to skid, it will continue in a direction tangent to the

Read me!
Slope of the line Tangent to a Curve
The slope m of the line tangent to a curve y=f(x) at point P[x,f(x)] is given by the equation.
� � + � − �(�)
� = ���
�→� �
Provided that the limit exist. This is commonly called the limit of the difference quotient.

The slope of the tangent line to a curve at P is also used to find the slope of the curve at that
point. Consider the following illustrative examples applying the formula.

Example 1: Consider the curve of the function � � = 2�2

a. Find an expression for the slope of the curve at any point at x.
b. identify the slope at the point where x=2.

a. � � = 2�2 , so � � + ℎ = 2(� + ℎ)2 ; thus

� �+ℎ −�(�) 2(�+ℎ)2−2�2

� = lim ℎ
= lim ℎ
ℎ→0 ℎ→0
2(�2+2�ℎ+ℎ2 )−2�2
= lim ℎ
2�2 +4�ℎ+2ℎ2 −2�2
= lim ℎ

= lim ℎ
= lim ℎ
= lim 2(2� + ℎ)
= 4x
The general expression for the slope of the line tangent to the curve f(x) = 2�2 is 4x.
b. To get the slope of the tangent line at a specific point, simply use the substitution. Therefore,
the slope at x=2 is 4(2) = 8.

This example is sometimes very time-consuming because of the presence of the increment h. A
more manageable alternate formula can be derived if z=x+h. this implies that h= z-x.
Evaluating the limit as z approaches x, the formula for the difference quotient can now be written
� � − �(�)
� = lim
�→� �−�
Example 2: Find the equation of the tangent line to the curve � � = �+2
at x = 9.

� � −�(�) 1 5�−1 5�−1

� = lim �−�
=lim �−� �+2

�→� �→�
1 5�−1 �+2 −(5�−1)(�+2)
= lim �−� (�+2)(�+2)
1 5��−�+10�−2 −(5��+10�−�−2)
= lim �−� (�+2)(�+2)
1 5��−�+10�−2−5��−10�+�+2
= lim �−� (�+2)(�+2)
1 (11�−11�)
= lim �−� (�+2)(�+2)
1 11(�−�)
= lim �−� (�+2)(�+2)
= lim (�+2)(�+2)
= (�+2)2
At x=9,
11 1
m= (9+2)2=11
5 9 −1 44
Also, the point of tendency is [9, f(9)]. By substitution, � 9 = 9 +2
= 4.
Thus, the point of tangency is (9,4). The equation of the line may be determined by using the
point slope equation.
� − �1 = �(� − �1 ) = � − 4 = 11 (� − 9)

1 9
�= � − 11 + 4

1 35
�= �+
11 11

Great job! After studying the concept notes, let’s try to

answer these activities!

A. Learning Activities :
Direction: Find the equation of the tangent line to the function at x=a.
1. � = �+� at x = 9
2. � = �+�
at x = 3
3. � = �� + � at x= 1
4. � = �� + � at x=6
5. � = ��� + ���+7x-9 at x= 5

Great job! Now that you are done answering the activities, you are now ready to answer the test.
Good luck!

B. Assessment Technique:
Directions: For each problem, find the equation of the tangeant line to the function at x = a
and complete the “Calcuko” (Calculus Sudoku) by filling out each box with the
corresponding letter and subscript of the correct answer. Choose from the options
provided. There should be no same letter, regardless of its subscript, in each row, column,
in each main diagonal, and in each quadrant. Problem 7 was given as an example.

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16

1. � = �� + �� + � at x = - 2

2. � = �+� at x= -2
3. � = ��� + �� + � at x = - 2
4. � = −�� + �� + � at x = 1
5. � = �� + �� − � at x = 2

6. � � = �−� at x= 2

7. �(�) = �−� at x= -1

8. �(�) = � at x= 1
9. � = �� − �� + � at x = - 1

10. � =− �−� at x= -3
11. �(�) = �� + � at x = -2
12. � � = ��� + � + � at x = 1

13. � =− � at x= 2
14. � =− ��� + �� + � at x = 2
15. � � = ��� − � at x = 0
16. � = ��� + � at x = 0

A1 A2 A3 A4 A5

y= -6x+9 y= 5x+5 y= -4x-2 y= x - y= 3

B1 B2 B3 B4 B5
� �
y= 2 y= � � + �
y= -3x-7 y= -x-1 y= -4x

C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
� � �
y= 2x-3 y= �� � − �� y= -6x-7 y= 5x-1 y= �
� -1

D1 D2 D3 D4 D5
� �
y= -x+2 y= �� � + � y= -1 y= -2x-3 y= 7

A. Transfer of Learning
Directions: Find the equation of the tangent line to the function at x=a.
1. � = ��� + �� + � at x = - 2

2. � = ��+� at x= -2
3. � = ��� + �� + � at x = - 2
4. � = −��� + �� + � at x = 1
5. � = ��� + �� − � at x = 2
B. Reflection:

In learning mathematics. The adage “past is past” does not make any sense. The
knowledge concepts. Skills that you have learned from your previous mathematics
subjects are essential to perform operations and solve activities in more advanced
mathematics subjects. Recognizing this fact will ensure you a favorable academic
performance and success.

C. Closure & Synthesis: (you may choose your own activity)

Directions: Complete the S.T.O.P Summary

We Started the lesson__________________________________________________________

the Topic was________________________________________________________________
Our Opportunities for practice were_______________________________________________
the Purpose of the lesson was____________________________________________________

Module No. 2. 1. Derivatives Time Frame: 1 week

Learning Targets: At the end of the lesson, I can :
a. apply the definition of the derivative of a function at a given number;
b. be able to find the derivative of a function.

This lesson lesson helps you to understand derivatives of

functions and its importance to our daily life. Pay attention to the
whole lesson.God bless!

A. Motivation
Imagine that you are now 30 years old and is finally managing you dream business. It’s up to
you what business would you like to engage in. May it a be a restaurant, a boutique, a salon, any
business but please be sure that the business that you are imagining is legal.
To keep your business going and make it successful, you need to have a good managerial skills
and one of it is to be able to compute your profits and loss using graphs.

B. Transition/ Linking Statements:

Derivatives was not made without any good cause. Derivatives is used not only in mathematics
but also in different fields. One of this is that it is used by businessmen/women in calculating
profits and loss with the use of graphs. To gain knowledge on derivative may help one day when
you are going to manage your own business.

Read me!

Let f be a function that is defined in each number x in some open interval (a,b). the
derivative of f at x denoted by f’(x) is given by the formula:

� � + � − �(�)
�' � = ���
�→� �

Note that �' � is just one of the notations used to denote the derivative of a function f. in
�� �
other references, you will find another notations such as y’, ��, ��
� � , ��� � � � ,

The process of finding the derivative of a function is called differentiation. You may use the
following steps in the process of differentiation;

1. Evaluate f at x+h

2. Subtract f(x) from f(x+h).

3. Divide the difference of f(x+h) and f(x).

4. Take the limit of the quotient as h approaches 0.


In other word, use the formula in finding the derivatives, which is

� � + � − �(�)
�' � = ���
�→� �

1. f(x) =2x+5


To get the derivative of this, we use the formula,

� �+� −�(�)
�' � = ��� �

� �+� +�−��+�
= ���

, we substitute (x+h) to every x in the function.

= ��� �
, simplify

= ��� �
, simplify further

= ���

, since h divided by h is 1.

�' � = �. Therefore the derivative of f(x) = 2+5 is 2.

Great job! After studying the concept notes, let’s try to

answer these activities!

A. Learning Activities : Match me.
Directions. Differentiate each functions and choose match it to their derivatives in
the box. Write the letter of your answers in the space provided.

a. f’(x)=2x+1 d. f’(x) = 2 �

b. f’(x) = − � �3 e. f’(x)=1

c. f’(x)=-4x

______1. f(x)= − � �2 + 1
_____2. f(x)= �2 + � − 2
_____3. . f(x)= � + �
______4. � � =
_____5. f(x) = �

Great job! Now that you are done answering the activities, you are now ready to answer the test.
Good luck!

B. Assessment Technique: True or False:

Directions: Write T if the statement is true. If the statement is false, change the High
lightened term to make the statement true. Write your answer in the space provided.

_____1. The derivative of the function f(x) =
is -4x.

____2. The derivative of the function f(x)= 2� + 4 is f’(x)= � �+�

_____3. The process of finding the derivative of the function is called differentiation.
_____ 4. The derivative of f(x) = 3x is 3.
______5. The derivative of f(x) = 2x + 4x +2x is 10.

A. Transfer of Learning
Help me!

a. Your friend Anna was absent in your online math class yesterday when your teacher discussed
how to find the derivative of a function. She got sick and was not able to join in the class through
google meet. Your teacher gave her a module or a self-learning material. The next day, Anna
came knocking on your door and begged you to help her. On a one whole sheet of paper, write a
procedural text discussing how to get the derivative of the function f(x)= 4� + 5. Discuss each

B. Reflection:

Remember that the derivative of a function is a formula that represents the instantaneous rate of
change at a point. Although you cannot find an accurate formula to predict the occurrences of
rapid changes at a particular period of your life, you can always choose to possess the proper
attitude to cope up with these changes.

C. Closure & Synthesis: (you may choose your own activity)

Directions: Complete the S.T.O.P Summary

We Started the lesson__________________________________________________________

the Topic was________________________________________________________________
Our Opportunities for practice were_______________________________________________
the Purpose of the lesson was____________________________________________________

Module No. 2.2. The differentiation Rules and Examples Involving Algebraic Exponential
and Trigonometric Functions
Time Frame: 1 week
Learning Targets: At the end of the lesson, I can :
a. derive the differentiation rules; and
b. apply the differentiation rules in computing the derivatives of algebraic, exponential,
and trigonometric functions.


This lesson helps you to master the concepts of differentiation rules

involving algebraic exponential and trigonometric functions.

Before we proceed to our new lesson. Let’s have a short recap of our previous lesson.
How can you find the derivative of a function? Write the steps of differentiation.

A. Motivation
During the Face to face class, have you experience waking up late? During these times
we usually panic. When you are running late, what do you usually do to try catch the class on
time or if not at least not lengthen the minutes that you have been late?

Yes, we usually take shortcuts. Shortcuts helps us save time and effort.

B. Transition/ Linking Statements:

The derivative allowed you to understand further the graph of a function in terms of its
rate of change. However, finding the derivative of a function through the limit can be a
lengthy process. In this module, you will derive some rules that will simplify the process of

Read me!
The Constant Rule: Suppose you have a constant function f(x) = c. Now, because the function
has a constant value for whatever value of x, f(x+h) = c.

� � + ℎ − �(�)
�' � = lim
ℎ→0 ℎ
= lim =lim 0 =0
ℎ→0 ℎ ℎ→0

Thus, the derivative of a constant (c) is zero. In symbols if c is constant, then ��
(c) = 0

� �
Example: �� (100) = 0, ��
(9) = 0

The Power Rule: The power rule can be derived using the power function f(x)= �� . Let us
examine the cases where n is equal to 2 and 3, and come up with a generalized rule for the
derivative of power functions.
If n=2 then, f(x+h)-f(x) = � + ℎ − �2 = �2 + 2�ℎ + ℎ2 -�2 = 2xh+. Thus,

� � �+ℎ −�(�) 2�ℎ−ℎ2 ℎ(2�−ℎ)

(�� )= lim ℎ
= lim ℎ
= lim ℎ
= lim (2� + ℎ) = 2x.
ℎ→0 ℎ→0 ℎ→0 ℎ→0

If n= 3, then
f(x+h)-f(x) = � + ℎ − �3

= �3 + 3 �2 ℎ + 3�ℎ2 + ℎ3 -�3

= 3 �2 ℎ + 3�ℎ2 + ℎ3

� � �+ℎ −�(�) 3 �2 ℎ+3�ℎ2+ℎ3 ℎ(3 �2+3�ℎ+ℎ2

Thus, �� (��)= lim ℎ
= lim ℎ
= lim ℎ
ℎ→0 ℎ→0 ℎ→0

= 3 �2 + 3�(0) + (0)2 = 3 �2

Looking at the pattern, you will be able to derive the power rule of differentiation.

If n is any real number, then �� (�� ) = ���−�

Example: �� = �� (�� ) = ���−� = ��� .

The Constant Multiple Rule: Recall that if k is any constant, then lim �. �(�) = �lim �(�).
�→� �→�
You will use the limit rule to derive the constant multiple rule for derivatives. Suppose that f is
defined and differentiable at x, and k is any real number constant. Then,
� �� �+ℎ −��(�)
[kf(x)]= lim ℎ
definition od derivative

� �+ℎ −�(�)
= lim�[ ℎ
] factoring

� �+ℎ −�(�)
=�. [ lim ℎ

= �. ��
[� � ]

If k is any real number constant and f is a differentiable function of x, then

� �
[kf(x)]= �. ��
[� � ]

The Sum and Difference Rules: The sum and difference rules are very obvious that you
probably do not need to state them formally. For example, when you are asked to differentiate y=
8x2+2x, you might quickly say that y’= 16x+2, which is correct. The rule states that,

If f and g are two differentiable functions at x, then

� � �
� � ±� � = [� � ] ± [� � ]
�� �� ��
Differentiate the function: y= � ��
� �
Solution: �� � �� = 2�� �� = 2 (��� ) = ���

Meaning, the derivative of the sum or difference of two functions is the sum or difference of
their derivatives.

Find the derivative of each function.
a. f(x) = 9x+2 b. g(x)= � �� + ��� − �� + �
a. In this function, our two differentiable functions are 9x and 2, thus:
� � � �
f’(x) = �� �� + �� [ �] =9�� � + �� [ �]=9+0 =9.
b. In this function, the differentiable terms are �� , ��� , �� ��� �. Thus,
� � � �
f’(x) = �� � �� + �� ��� − �� �� + �� [ �]= ��� + �� − �.

The Product and Quotient Rule: Unlike the sum and difference rules, the derivative of the
product or quotient of two functions is not equal to the product or quotient of their derivatives.
The rule states that,

If f and g are two differentiable functions of x, then the following rules should be followed:

Product Rule: �� � � � � = � � �' � + � � �'(�)
� � � � � �' � −� � �'(�)
Quotient Rule: �� � �
= [� � ]�
To easily remember these rules, a prime notation is sometimes used such that you let u= f(x) and
v = g(x). Then, using the prime notation, you have

Product Rule: �� �� = ��� + ���
� � ���−���)
Quotient Rule: =
�� � [�]�

Find the Derivative of the following functions:
(��� +�)
a. y = (4-��� )(�� + �� ) b. f(x) = (�−�)
a. u=4-��� v= �� + ��
du= -4x dv= � + ���

Substitute to: �� �� = ��� + ���
= (4-��� ) � + ��� + (�� + ��)( − ��)
= 8+ ���� − ��� − ��� - ���� − ���
= ���� − ���� + ���� +8
b. u = ��� + � du = 4x
v= � − � dv = 1

� ��� + � (� − �)(��) − ( ��� + �)(�)

�� � − � [� − �]�
��� −��− ��� +�
= (�−�)�
��� −��+�
= (�−�)�

Great job! After studying the concept notes, let’s try to

answer these activities!

A. Learning Activities: Let’s Exercise our WITS!
Directions: Differentiate the following functions using the rules that you learned.
1. f(x) =100
2. g(x) = ���

3. g(x) = � ��
(�� −�)(��+�)
4. y =
5. f(t) = (� + �)(�� − �� + �)

6. h(q) = ��� − �� + �
7. r(x) = (��� − �� + �)(��� − �)
(�� −�)(��+�)
8. t(f) =
(�� −�)
9. f(x) = ��

10. f(x) = �

Great job! Now that you are done answering the activities, you are now ready to answer the test.
Good luck!

B. Assessment Technique: Apply it in real Life!

Directions: Answer the following problems. Show your complete solutions.

1. if a stone is thrown vertically upward from the surface of the moon with a velocity of 10
meters per second (m/s), its height (in m) after t seconds (s) is h= 10t - 0.83�2 .
a. What is the velocity of the stone after 3 s?
b. What is the velocity of the stone if it has risen by 25 m?
2. A spherical balloon is being inflated. Find the rate of the increase if the surface area (S=4��2 )
with respect to the radius r are the following:
a. 0.3 m
b. 0.61 m
c. 0.91 m

A. Transfer of Learning: Apply it in real Life!
1. Suppose that the cost (in pesos) for a company to produce pairs of a new line of jeans is C(x) =
2 000 + 3x +0.01�2 + 0.0002�3
a. Find the marginal cost function. (Hint: first derivative)
b. find C’(100) and explain it’s meaning. What does it predict?
c. Compare C’(100) with the cost of manufacturing the 101st pair of jeans.

B. Reflection:

There are differentiation rules that can be challenging to understand and follow, but bear in mind
that these rules made your differentiation journey easy and hassle free. Just like the rules you
encounter in school or at your home. There are rules imposed that you don’t seem to understand,
but always remember that these rules will make your student journey or life journey lighter than
your journey without it. It will somewhat help you clear out the walls on your road to success.

C. Closure & Synthesis: (you may choose your own activity)

Directions: Complete the S.T.O.P Summary

We Started the lesson__________________________________________________________

the Topic was________________________________________________________________
Our Opportunities for practice were_______________________________________________
the Purpose of the lesson was____________________________________________________

Great job! We are almost done with the module 2! Some

lessons in module 2 will be tackled in module 3! I hope you
enjoyed learning the topics! See you in our next journey!

Prepared by:

Basic Calculus-Instructor


Basic Calculus-Instructor

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