UNIT-3 Robot Drive Mechanisam

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Electric Drives and Servo System

• An electrical drive is defined as a form of
machine equipment designed to convert
electrical energy into mechanical energy and
provide electrical control of the processes.
Classification of Motor Drives
• A servomotor is a rotary actuator or linear actuator that
allows for precise control of angular or linear position,
velocity and acceleration.

• It consists of a suitable motor coupled to a sensor for

position feedback. It also requires a relatively
sophisticated controller, often a dedicated module
designed specifically for use with servomotors.
• Servomotors are not a specific class of motor
although the term servomotor is often used to refer
to a motor suitable for use in a closed-loop control

• Servomotors are used in applications such as

robotics, CNC machinery or automated
Types of Servomotor
AC vs DC Motors
• A.C. motors are powered from alternating current
• while D.C. motors are powered from direct current
(D.C.), such as batteries, D.C. power supplies or an
AC-to-DC power converter. ...
• A.C. induction motors do not use brushes; they are
very rugged and have long life expectancies
Why is AC motor preferred over DC?
• The main advantage of Ac motor over Dc motor is
that the speed - torque characteristic of AC motor is
very close to the ideal characteristic.
• Torque of Ac motor is constant up to certain speed
and then decreases, but in case of Dc motor torque
linearly decreases as speed increases
Can AC motors run on DC?

• An AC motor cannot run on an DC SUPPLY.. The DC

series motor can run on both AC &DC supply .It is
also called as an Universal motor. ... Because DC
can not produce rotating magnetic field
What is the advantage of DC over AC?

• DC has advantages over AC in applications where

battery, solar, or fuel cell power is present. It also
has the advantage of better motor speed control
than AC.
Disadvantages of DC motors:

• High initial cost.

• Increased operation and maintenance cost due to
presence of commutator and brush gear.
• Cannot operate in explosive and hazard conditions
due to sparking occur at brush ( risk in
commutation failure)
DC Motor
• A DC motor is any of a class of rotary electrical
machines that converts direct current electrical
energy into mechanical energy.
• The most common types rely on the forces
produced by magnetic fields.
• Nearly all types of DC motors have some internal
mechanism, either electromechanical or electronic,
to periodically change the direction of current flow
in part of the motor.
DC Motor Principle

• A machine that converts DC electrical power into

mechanical power is known as a Direct Current
motor. DC motor working is based on the
principle that when a current carrying conductor
is placed in a magnetic field, the conductor
experiences a mechanical force.
Brushless DC motor and a brushed DC motor Principal:
• The principle behind the internal working of both a
brushless DC motor and a brushed DC motor are
essentially the same.
• When the motor windings become energized, a
temporary magnetic field is created that repels
and/or attracts against permanent magnets.
• This force is converted into shaft rotation, which
allows the motor to do work.
• As the shaft rotates, electric current is routed to
different sets of windings, maintaining electromotive
repulsion/attraction, forcing the rotor to continually
Construction Differences

• Brushes inside electric motors are used to deliver

current to the motor windings through commutator
contacts. Brushless motors have none of these
current-carrying commutators. The field inside a
brushless motor is switched via an amplifier
triggered by a commutating encoder, such as an
optical encoder.
• Windings are on the rotor (rotating part of motor)
for brush motors and on the stator (stationary part
of motor) for brushless motors.
Brush Motor: Windings on rotor, magnets on stator
By positioning the windings on the outside stationary portion of the electric motor, the need for brushes
can be eliminated

Brushless Motor: Windings on stator, magnets on rotor

What is DC current used for?

• Direct current (DC) is the unidirectional flow of

an electric charge. A battery is a prime example
of DC power. Direct current may flow through a
conductor such as a wire, but can also flow
through semiconductors, insulators, or even
through a vacuum as in electron or ion beams.
AC Motor
Stepper Motor
Difference Between Synchronous
Motor And Induction Motor
• AC motors can be divided into two main categories –
• Synchronous motor
• Asynchronous motor. An asynchronous motor is popularly
called as Induction motor.
• Both the types are quite different from each other. Major
differences between a synchronous motor and an induction
motor are discussed further.
Constructional Difference
• Synchronous motor: Stator has
axial slots which consist stator
winding wound for a specific
number of poles.
• Generally a salient pole rotor is
used on which rotor winding is
• Rotor winding is fed with a DC
supply with the help of slip
rings. A rotor with permanent
magnets can also be used.
• Induction motor: Stator
winding is similar to that of a
synchronous motor. It is
wound for a specific number
of poles.
• A squirrel cage rotor or a
wound rotor can be used. In
squirrel cage rotor, the rotor
bars are permanently short-
circuited with end rings.
• In wound rotor, windings are
also permanently short-
circuited, hence no slip rings
are required.
Difference In Working
• Synchronous motor: Stator poles rotate at the
synchronous speed (Ns) when fed with a three phase
• The rotor is fed with a DC supply. The rotor needs to
be rotated at a speed near to the synchronous speed
during starting.
• If done so, the rotor poles get magnetically coupled
with the rotating stator poles, and thus the rotor
starts rotating at the synchronous speed.
• Synchronous motor always runs at a speed equal to
its synchronous speed.
• Induction motor: When the stator is fed with
two or three phase AC supply, a Rotating
Magnetic Field (RMF) is produced.
• The relative speed between stator's rotating
magnetic field and the rotor will cause an
induced current in the rotor conductors.
• The rotor current gives rise to the rotor flux.
• According to Lenz's law, the direction of this
induced current is such that it will tend to
oppose the cause of its production, i.e. relative
speed between stator's RMF and the rotor.
• Thus, the rotor will try to catch up with the
RMF and reduce the relative speed.
• Induction motor always runs at a speed which
is less than the synchronous speed.
Direct Drive Actuator
• Theoretically, the term ‘direct drive’ can be
applied to any motor which directly drives a load
or rotor without transmission elements such as
gears, pulleys or chains.
• More usually, the term refers to brushless,
permanent-magnet, synchronous motors which
transmit their torque directly to their load or
How it works
• Direct drive motors work in much the same way
as most brushless DC motors. Magnets are
attached to the motor’s rotor and windings are
arranged on the motor’s stator.
• As the windings are energized, they produce
electromagnetic fields which either attract or
repel the rotor’s magnets.
• Appropriate switching or ‘commutation’ of power
to the windings produces a controlled motion.
• There are linear and rotary direct drive motors but
rotary versions are by far the most frequently
• Direct drive motors usually have a large number
of poles (>30 and sometimes >100) which allows
them to produce high torque at no or low speed
(usually <1000rpm).
• Direct drive motors with diameters of >1m are
possible, able to produce torque of >10,000Nm.
• Many direct drive motors are ‘frameless’ which
means that they are supplied without a housing,
bearings or feedback sensor.
• This allows machine builders and system
integrators to streamline their housing, shaft
and bearing design to optimize overall size,
shape, weight and dynamic performance.
• The torque-to-inertia ratio is also higher in
direct drive motors than traditional motor
arrangements and there is a low electrical
time constant.
• This means that the torque is applied quickly
when voltage is applied, achieving what
control engineers refer to as good servo
Advantages of the direct drive approach are
• Excellent dynamic performance and accurate
control of position and/or speed
• No backlash or wear
• High reliability due to low part count &
elimination of gears, pulleys, seals, bearings etc.
• Compact – with low axial height and large bore
• High torque to inertia ratio and high torque to
mass ratio
• Low torque ripple or ‘cogging’ . Torque ripple is
an effect seen in many electric motor designs,
referring to a periodic increase or decrease in
output torque as the motor shaft rotates.
• It is measured as the difference in maximum and
minimum torque over one complete revolution,
generally expressed as a percentage.
• High torque at low speeds
• Energy efficiency from eradication of losses in
intermediate mechanical elements
• Low acoustic noise or self-induced vibration
• No/low maintenance
• Low cooling requirements due to advantageous
thermal geometry
• Relatively large air gaps and hence good resistance
to shock and resilience in dirty environments.
• Direct drive applications are found in a antenna
systems (e.g. vehicle mounted satellite
communications), surveillance & CCTV
cameras, scanners, telescopes, electro-optics, rate
tables, radar and weapons systems.
• There are also applications in CNC machine tools,
packaging equipment, robotics and even high end
record turntables.
Mathematical Modeling
• Modeling is important in process industries.
There is no definite algorithm to construct a
mathematical model that performs better in all
• Modeling is viewed as a state-of-art technique. It
involves mathematical knowledge of the system
of interest and making the knowledge to create
• Researchers have different knowledge base, and
a unique way of looking at problems. Various
researchers may come up with variety of models
for the same system.
• There is usually plenty of room for argument
about which model is “best".
• It is very important to understand at the
outset that for any real system, no “perfect”
model exists. All the models are subjected to
realistic assumptions.
• A mathematical model is defined as the set of
equations that describes the behaviour of the
• It is the art of translating problems from an
application area into tractable mathematical
formulations whose theoretical and numerical
analysis provides insight, answers and
guidance useful for the originating application.

• Developing a precise model of the system is

difficult, but the model validates if it describes
the dominating dynamic properties of the
• Modeling can be performed using experimental
data referred to as system identification and by
physical principles. A model may consist of
algebraic, differential, or integral equations,
stochastic processes, geometrical structures,
• Mathematical modeling increases the
understanding of the system, predicts the future
system behaviour, carry technical and
quantitative computations for control design
from which optimization can be done. Various
steps involved in developing dynamic model of a
system are as follows
• Step 1 :Define System Boundaries
• Step2 : Make Simplifying Assumptions
• Step3 : Formulate the balance equations
• Step4 : Draw a block diagram involving all
inputs, outputs, parameters.
• Step5 : Present the Model in State Space or
transfer Function form
• A general model exists which includes the
system of interest as a special case, but it is
very difficult to compute with or analyze the
general model.
• The goal is then to simplify or make
approximations to the general model which
will still reflect the behaviour of the particular
system of interest.
• The scientific method of modeling process is
given below.
• Step 1 : Make general observations of phenomena
• Step 2 : Formulate a hypothesis
• Step 3 : Develop a method to test hypothesis Step 4 : Obtain
• Step 5 : Test hypothesis against data
• Step 6 : Attempt to confirm or deny hypothesis
• Specific reasons for modeling is related in one
way or other with the following two categories.
First category is to gain understanding.
• A mathematical model accurately represents
some behaviour of a real-world system of
interest which can often gain improved
understanding of that system through the
analysis of the model.
• Furthermore, in the process of building the
model, certain factors are most important in
the system, and how different parts of the
system are related.
• Second category is to predict or simulate.
• Very often it becomes mandatory to know
how a real-world system behaves, as in the
case of nuclear reactor, space flight etc.
• It is expensive, impractical, or impossible to
experiment directly with the system.
• Modeling is an important task to be carried
out in such situations and based on the
mathematical model, computer simulations
can be performed before implementing the
same on hardware.
• A reasonable trade off exists between
accuracy, cost and flexibility.
• Increasing the accuracy of a model generally
increases cost and decreases flexibility.
• The goal in creating a model is usually to
obtain a sufficiently accurate and flexible
model at a low cost.
Flow diagram of Modeling
• The flow diagram of modeling process is
shown in Figure .
• Real world data represents quantitative
measurements of the system of interest.
• This data is processed and the information
pertaining to the real world data have been
• Based on the collective information of data
obtained, models have to be formulated or
constructed. Formulated Model is analyzed
and mathematical results are obtained.
• Interpretation on the results is carried out
and predictions on input-output behaviour of
the system under consideration were studied.
The obtained results with the formulated
model are tested with real world data.
• Mathematical modeling is indispensable in many
applications, successful in many further applications,
gives precision and direction for problem solution ,
enables a thorough understanding of the system
modelled, prepares the way for better design or
control of a system and allows the efficient use of
modern computing capabilities.
• Modeling finds its applications in Anthropology for
Modeling, classifying and reconstructing skulls, in
Archaeology for Reconstruction of objects from
preserved fragments, in Artificial intelligence for
Computer vision, Image interpretation, Robotics,
Speech recognition, Optical character recognition and
Reasoning under uncertainty, in Arts for Computer
animation (Jurassic Park), in Astronomy for Detection
of planetary systems, correcting the Hubble telescope,
Origin of the universe and
• Evolution of stars, in Biology for Protein folding,
Human genome project and Population
dynamics, in Chemical engineering for Chemical
equilibrium and Planning of production units, in
Chemistry for Chemical reaction dynamics,
Molecular modeling and Electronic structure
calculations, in Computer science for Image
processing, Realistic computer graphics (ray
tracing), Criminalist science, Finger print
recognition and Face recognition, in Economics
for Labour data analysis, in Electrical engineering
for Stability of electric circuits, Microchip analysis,
Power supply network optimization, in Finance
for Risk analysis and Value estimation of options,
• In Fluid mechanics for Wind channel and Turbulence, in
Geosciences for Prediction of oil or ore deposits, Map
production, Earth quake prediction, in Internet for Web
search and Optimal routing , in Linguistics for
Automatic translation, in Materials Science for
Microchip production, Microstructures and
Semiconductor modeling, in Mechanical engineering
for Stability of structures (high rise buildings, bridges,
air planes), Structural optimization and Crash
simulation, in Medicine for Radiation therapy planning,
Computer-aided tomography, Blood circulation
models, in Meteorology for Weather prediction,
Climate prediction (global warming, what caused the
ozone hole), in Music for Analysis and synthesis of
• In Neuroscience for Neural networks, Signal
transmission in nerves, in Pharmacology for
Docking of molecules to proteins, Screening of
new compounds, in Physics for Elementary
particle tracking and Laser dynamics, In
Political Sciences for Analysis of elections, in
Space Sciences for Trajectory planning, Flight
simulation and Shuttle re-entry, in Transport
Science for Air traffic scheduling, Taxi for
handicapped people and Automatic pilot for
cars and airplanes.
• Steady state occurs after the system becomes
settled and at the steady system starts working
• Steady state response of control system is a
function of input signal and it is also called as
forced response.
• Steady State VS Transient State: Basically every
system has a transient and a steady state.
• The steady state is the state that is established
after a certain time in your system.
• The transient state is basically between the
beginning of the event and the steady state.
Fundamentals of Servo Motion Control
• The fundamental concepts of servo motion control have not
changed significantly in the last 50 years.
• The basic reasons for using servo systems in contrast to open
loop systems include the need to improve transient response
times, reduce the steady state errors and reduce the sensitivity
to load parameters 9592048025.
• Improving the transient response time
generally means increasing the system
• Faster response times mean quicker settling
allowing for higher machine output.
• Reducing the steady state errors relates to
servo system accuracy.
• Finally, reducing the sensitivity to load
parameters means the servo system can
tolerate fluctuations in both input and output
• An example of an input parameter fluctuation
is the incoming power line voltage.
• Examples of output parameter fluctuations
include a real time change in load inertia or
mass and unexpected shaft torque
• Servo control in general can be broken into two
fundamental classes of problems.
• The first class deals with command tracking. It
addresses the question of how well does the
actual motion follow what is being commanded.
• The typical commands in rotary motion control
are position, velocity, acceleration and torque.
For linear motion, force is used instead of torque.
• The part of servo control that directly deals with
this is often referred to as “Feedforward” control.
• It can be thought of as what internal
commands are needed such that the user’s
motion commands are followed without any
error, assuming of course a sufficiently
accurate model of both the motor and load is
• The second general class of servo control
addresses the disturbance rejection
characteristics of the system.
• Disturbances can be anything from torque
disturbances on the motor shaft to incorrect
motor parameter estimations used in the
feedforward control.
• The familiar “P.I.D.” (Proportional Integral and
Derivative position loop) and “P.I.V. ”
(Proportional position loop Integral and
proportional Velocity loop) controls are used
to combat these types of problems.
• In contrast to feedforward control, which
predicts the needed internal commands for
zero following error, disturbance rejection
control reacts to unknown disturbances and
modeling errors.
• Complete servo control systems combine both
these types of servo control to provide the
best overall performance.
Hydraulic Piston Servo
Robot Selection
• According to Bosch Rexroth, the evaluation
criteria you should follow is an outline referred to
as LOSTPED— load, orientation, speed, travel,
precision, environment and duty cycle.

• Using the LOSTPED approach can help you avoid

the common mistake of purchasing a high-
performance SCARA robot with all the features
you may think you need when your application
really only needs a simpler Cartesian system.
• “With a Cartesian robot, the building blocks for a
basic system can be purchased and then later
customized. Mounting brackets, actuators,
motors and controls can be changed as
application needs change,”

• If the workspace is tight, a compact SCARA robot

is likely more suitable. But if space is not an issue,
a simpler Cartesian system can often be built
without all the extra features included in a SCARA
or six-axis design.
• Application complexity is also an issue to
consider. For example, a six-axis robot can move
in all the planes that a human arm does.
• So, for applications where there is a mechanical
interference, such as a box in a corner with parts
inside, a six-axis arm can bend to reach in and
grab that part more easily.

• However, in a pick-and-place application with a

20 kg payload and no need for high accuracy,
both a SCARA and a Cartesian robot could handle
the application. “But a 20 kg payload is at the
upper end of a SCARA robot’s capabilities,
requiring more costly controls and components,”.
• “With a Cartesian robot, a 20 kg payload is no
problem, which makes it possible to save money
by downsizing the mechanics, using smaller
components, and less complex controls.”

• Cartesian robots also make sense when the

application involves long travel spans, he adds.
For example, if the X-axis of robotic travel needs
to be, say, 10 meters for an automated storage
and retrieval system, a gantry system can be
constructed from linear modules. But that length
of travel cannot be handled by a SCARA or six-axis
Computer Controlled Robot
Computer Controlled Robot
Motion Control
There are two modes to control this robot arm,
first is manual by dragging the track bars that
controls a specific servo such as

• Gripper: click open & close button to open

and close the robot gripper.

• Base: Drag the tracking bar right & left or even

use keyboard arrows (right/left) to move the
base right and left.
• Shoulder: Drag the tracking bar right & left or
even use keyboard arrows (up/down) to move
the shoulder Up and Down

• Elbow: Drag the tracking bar right & left or

even use keyboard keys (w/s) to move the
elbow motor Up and Down
Motion Record
• Once you want to automate the movement of
the robot arm you have to record the position
in every step by clicking "Rec. Position" Button
or press (R) in keyboard, then the application
will take care of it.
• In every step you record the application
detects the moved motor position and save it
inside a list separately.
• By clicking the button "Start Auto mood" the
application will send those saved positions in
a form of sequence orders.
• A graphical interface is there that draws every step in a graph
to let the user notes any unusual change might happen, at the
same time there is a table of data on the right side gives the
specific angle and the accurate time for its move.

• So by using these features, any movements can be composed

and then send it to the Robotic Arm as a task, as they exactly
do in manufacturing automation.

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