Differential & Propeller Shaft

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 The propeller shaft is a shaft that transmits power from gear box to the

 On one end, propeller shaft in connected to main transmission shaft by

universal joint.

 On the other hand, it is connected to differential pinion shaft by another

universal joint.

 Propeller shaft transmits the rotary motion of main transmission shaft

( i from
(coming f b ) to the
gear box) h differential
diff i l so that
h rear wheels
h l can be
b rotated.

 A sliding (slip) joint, is also fitted between universal joint and propeller shaft
on transmission side which takes care of axial motion of propeller shaft.

 Propeller shaft is made of a steel tube which can withstand torsional stresses
and vibrations at high speeds.

IIt must also

l beb capable
bl off changing
h i length
l h while
transmitting torque.
A slip joint is provided between universal joint
and propeller shaft to adjust for any change in
 To transmit required torque loads, the propeller shaft
must be durable and strong.
 Forged steel and high-strength, cast, end yoke for
h d t vehicles
heavy-duty hi l are usedd to t provide id the th
necessary rigidity required to maintain bearing
alignment under torque loads.
 Anti-friction bearings are used to with stand
ill ti loads
oscillating l d while
hil the
th propeller
ll shaft
h ft is
i rotating
t ti
at high speeds. The needle roller bearings carry large
l d andd are usedd because
loads b off their
th i high
hi h capacityit in
i a
limited space.
 For propeller shaft you need material with high
t i l rigidity
i idit as well
ell as material that can take
a lot of fatigue .
 A low carbon steel with nickel is most preferable
material for manufacturing propeller shaft.
 The slip yoke is an important component of any
drive shaft assembly. The slip yoke assembly is
what allows drive shafts to flex or “slip” with
their given application. The slip yoke is also
essential for allowing u-joints to rotate properly
with the drive shaft.
Why the Differential gear is used?
Wh l receive
Wheels i power from f th engine
the i viai a drive
d i shaft.
h ft
The wheels that receive power and make the vehicle move
f d are called
ll d the
th drive
d i wheels.
h l The
Th main i function
f ti off
the differential gear is to allow the drive wheels to turn at
diff t rpms while
different hil both
b th receiving
i i power from
f th engine
the i
i.e., When a car makes a turn, the wheels must spin at
different speeds.

CASE-I: (When vehicle moves straight)

In this case, the spider gear rotates along with the
ring gear but does not rotate on its own axis. So
the spider gear will push and make both the side
gears turn,
turn and both will turn at the same speed.
In short, when the vehicle moves straight, the
id id gear assembly
spider-side bl will
ill move as a single
i l
solid unit.
CASE II: (When vehicle takes a right turn)
 I this
In hi case spider
id gear playsl a key
k role.
l Along
Al with
the rotation of the ring gear it rotates on its own axis.
So, the spider gear has a combined rotation.
 W
Whene thee sp
de gea
gear iss sp
spinningg as we
well as rotating,
o a g,
peripheral velocity on the left side of spider gear is
the sum of the spinning and rotational velocities.
velocities But
on the right side, it is the difference of the two, since
the spin velocity is in the opposite direction on this
side. This means the left side gear will have higher
speed compared to the right side gear.
( h vehicle
hi l takes
k a left
l f turn))
While taking a left turn, the right wheel should
rotate at a higher speed. By comparing with the
previous case,
case it is clear that,
that if the spider gear
spins in the opposite direction, the right side gear
ill have
h a higher
hi h speed.d
D b k off Diff
ti l
In this case a standard differential will send the
j it off the
th power to t the
th slippery
li wheel,
h l so the
vehicle won’t be able to move. To overcome this
bl Li
it d Slip
Sli Differentials
Diff ti l are introduced.
i t d d

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