Rule 126 127 QS

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RULE 126-127

1. What is a search warrant?

- A search warrant is an order in writing issued in the
name of the People of the Philippines, signed by a
judge and directed to a peace officer, commanding
him to search for personal property described
therein and bring it before the court

2. Can the SW real property?

- no. it is only for personal property.

3. How is a SW different from a WoA?

- Warrant of arrest- directed to the peace officer to
execute a warrant by taking the person stated in the
warrant and bring him under the custody of law. In
SW it is an order by the judge directed to a peace
officer to seize a personal property described in the
sw and bring it before the court.
- In warrant of arrest—it does become stale and may
be serve any time of the day and in any day while a
sw is only valid for 10 days and can only be serve in
day time unless it alleges that the property to be
seized is on theperson or in the place to be
- In woa--- it is enforceable anywhere in the PH while
SW is only in a particular place.

4. How are criminal cases instituted?

- By filing a criminal complaint or information

5. Where do you apply for a SW?

- any court w/in the territorial jurisdiction where the
crime was committed

6. If criminal action has already been filed?

- It will be filed where the criminal action has been

7. What about for a WoA? Where applied?

- It is applied where the criminal action was filed
- And then court will determine whether there is
probable cause for the issuance of arrest
8. Report on the preliminary audit on results of spot audit
in rtc branch 170

9. What is the proof that the court makes probing or

searching inquiries in examining the witnesses in
support of the SW?
- It will be based on the records made by the
10. Laud vs people

11. What are the personal property that can be subject of

- Subject of the offense
- Stolen or embezzled property and other proceeds or
fruits of the offense
- Means used or intended to be used for the
commission of another offense.
12. Let us say that you borrowed the paraphernalia of fortes
for drugs. So you used it. You have been on
surveillance by the police officials and agents and they
were able to get a SW against you and at the time of the
search you have w/ you the paraphernalia belonging to
fortes and the SW is for use of drugs and trading and
selling. Can they seize the paraphernalia for the drugs
even if it does not belong to you.
- Yes. In sw, it is not required that the personal
property to be seized is owned by the person against
the sw is directed, it is sufficient that the person is in
control of the property to be seized.

13. Can fortes recover back her pipe and rolling paper?
- No because the property seized is illegal. They will
be confiscated or forfeited by the government

14. There was no SW and w/o SW there was seizure and the
seizure was not even preceded by a valid WoA? So
there was a warrantless seizure. What were seized were
drugs so the court said yes this cannot be used as
evidence bcs fruit of the poisonous tree bcs of the
invalid arrest and seizure. Since the seizure was invalid
can you recover back your drugs?
- No. bcs the possession of illegal drugs is illegal. So
it should be confiscated in favor of the state. It is a
contraband so even if it was invalidly seized you still
cant get it back

15. Requirement for a valid search warrant

- It must be issued upon probable cause
- Probable cause must be determined personally by
the judge
- The judge must personally examine in the form of
searching questions and answers the complainant
and his witnesses in relation to the facts personally
known to them
- The warrant particularly describe the place to be
searched and/or things or property to be seized
- It must be in connection with one specific offense
- The sworn statements and the affidavits submitted
by the witnesses must be attached to the record

16. Your classmate said there must be an examination of

the complainant or the witnesses, how will the
examination be conducted?
-it must be under oath and must be in writing in the form
of searching questions and answers. And it must be
based on facts personally known to the applicant and

17. What should the witnesses and complainants produce?

- Affidavits. It will be attached to the application for
search warrant

18. What is a scatter-shot search warrant?

- A warrant issued for more than one specific offense.

19. How many offenses can you allege in your SW?

- Only one specific offense

20. And if there is more than 1, what is the effect?

- Then it is void.

21. Can your SW mention that you are searching for

house of the person mentioned therein?
- No. it will be considered as a general warrant that
vaguely describes the property to be seized. There
must be a particularity in describing the property to
be seized.

22. What if you know the owner of the place but you don’t
know his real name. Can a search warrant be issued in
favor of a person under JOHN DOE?
- Yes. As long as he can still be identified by distinct
marks or his address and occupation or age or

23. The search warrant mentions the it should be effected

at #1 Balakubak Street. But when the agents went there,
they saw that there was no such address. There is only
#1A and #1B. Does that mean that they should search
both #1A and #1B?
- No. The sw is void because the place cannot be
identified clearly because the SW is vague as to
which place to search.

24. Are all searches without a warrant invalid?

- No. There are instances when a warrantless search
may be valid

25. When will the judge issue a search warrant and what is
the form?
- Upon determination of probable cause by the judge
after examination of the witnesses and complainant
under oath.
- Sw shall particularly describe the placr to be
searched and things to be seized.
26. Dimal and Castillo vs People

27. People vs Pastrana & Abad

28. Is it mandatory that when you apply for a search warrant

you should give notice to the person against whom you
are applying a search warrant for?

- No. notice is not required—baka pag binigyan ng

notice, the person will flee.

29. What is a general warrant?

- Vaguely describes the property to be search and be
30. Is it valid?
- No. Because it is required that it must particularly
describe the property to be searched and seized

31. There is what we call a search as an incident of a lawful

arrest. In which case you dont need to have a search
warrant. Can a warrantless search precede your arrest?
- No. It is an invalid search. Arrest first before warrant.
Arrest should be first and search as the consequence of the
warrantless arrest.

32. What is the remedy of a person whose property was

seized but the property is not contraband and was
seized because it was being used as a car by the person
against whom the search warrant was issued?
- He can ask for the recovery of the property however it
should be made after litigation because it will be used
as evidence during litigation

33. What is this relief that they will file to recover the
- Writ of replevin if the object is legally possessed.

34. Can there be a SW against diplomatic officers?

- No. It is a principle in international law that there is
immunity accorded to diplomatic agents against

35. In effecting a SW can you break open the property?

When can you break a door?
- Not all the time.
 General Rule “knock and announce” principle:
officers implementing a search warrant must
announce their presence, identify themselves to the
accused and to the persons who rightfully have
possession of the premises to be searched, and
show to them the search warrant to be implemented
by them and explain to them said warrant in a
language or dialect known to and understood by
 The requirement is not a mere procedural formality
but is of essence of the substantial provision which
safeguards individual liberty. No precise for of words
is required. It is sufficient that the accused has
noticed of the officers, their authority and the
purpose of the search and the object to be seized.
a) a party whose premises or is entitled to the possession
refuses, upon demand to open;
(b) when such person in the premises already knew of the
identity of the officers and of their authority and persons;
(c) when the officers are justified in the honest belief that
there is an imminent peril to life or limb; and
(d) when those in the premises, aware of the presence of
someone outside (because, for example, there has been a
knock at the door), are then engaged in activity which
justifies the officers to believe that an escape or the
destruction of evidence is being attempted.

36. You obtained a SW against Abas, and in that Sw the

subject of the search was shabu. You served the SW in
the house of Abas. AND IT WAS CLEAN. You did not
find a single sachet of shabu. You left. After leaving
while walking, you realized the the floor creaked. Maybe
the shabu was hidden under the floor. Can u go back
the ff day on the strength of the same warrant and do
another search?
- No, a search warrant should only be used once
every day during the 10 day period. It cannot be
used except when the search conducted on 1 day
was interrupted.

37. Even if the 10 day period of effectivity has not yet

- After the 10 day period—the sw is void.

38. What is the time in making a search.

- In day time
39. Bawal sa gabi?
- It can be made at night when it is positively asserted
in the affidavit that the person or the thing to be
seized is at the property where the sw will be
40. What happens after the lapse of the 10 day period?
- It will be void
41. Do u need to do anything for the warrant to be void?
- No. it will be automatically void.
42. Can u extend validity of the sw?
- No.
43. If u did a search but yielded no result, do u still need to
make a return to the sw?
- Yes. Must state that they yielded no result.
45. People vs CA.
46. People vs Estrada
47. What is the exclusionary rule under the constitution?
- The principle which mandates that evidence
obtained from an illegal arrest, unreasonable search
or coercive investigation, or in violation of a
particular law, must be excluded from the trial and
will not be admitted as evidence.
48. People vs salangit
49. Pdea vs brodet—favorite daw nya
50. In place of the car, what did they submit?
- They wanted to submit a photograph as evidence.
51. A search warrant is being effected? what is the
procedure? what does a police officer must do?
- The search must be conducted in the presence of 1.
The lawful occupant of the place to be searched or
in absence, presence of his family and in absence of
the latter, 2 witnesses of sufficient age and secretion
residing in the same locality.
52. If he is allowed entry? What will he do?
53. The occupants are there can he choose to do the search
and seizure in the presence of 2 residents of the
- The hierarchy must be followed
54. If he does not follow the hierarchy notwithstanding the
presence of the occupant and made them stay in the
living room and he made the search in his own with 2
witnesses what is the effect?
- Any evidence that will be procured is admissible.
55. Dabon vs people
56. The s&s should be done in the presence of the persons
mentioned before, after that what will happen?
- After the search, the officer should give detailed
receipt to the occupant or in absence the 2
witnesses then the officer who executed the warrant
should prepare an inventory of the things seized.
57. And then, what will they do to the properties seized?
Can they bring it home?
- No. They should bring it to the proper legal custody
or the judge or who issued the warrant

58. At which point in time will the return be prepared?

- The returned should be prepared within 10 days
after the search was issued but generally the return
is given to the judge along with the inventory


60. What is your remedy against an improperly issued

search warrant?

- Motion to Quash the Search Warrant

61. Where do you file MTQ the Search Warrant?

- The court where the criminal actions was instituted.
But if there is no criminal action instituted—in the
court that issued the sw.
- And if later on the court did not resolve to such
motion, and subsequently a criminal action was
instituted then it shall be resolved in that latter court

62. Police officer went to your house, they knocked and you
opened the for and then they asked you, “nabalitaan
naming drug addict ka, swede tumingin-tingin lang
kami sa loob ng bahay mo, check lang namin.” then you
proceeded to take out an outfit as Mrs. Pots in Beauty
and the Beast and you sang “be our guest”

- Valid since the occupant voluntarily agreed to the

search by not objecting when the police officers
proceeded. There is a waiver of right.

63. Pinapasok mo ang mga pulis then your husband wore

a watch on his body (para lang consistent sa costume)
and your child is wearing candles on his/her hand.

64. You let the police officer in VOLUNTARILY without a

Search Warrant and said “sign, inosente kami tingen ka,
hanap ka” (high din pala sa drugs) thinking they would
not find any drugs thinking you all have consumed it
but you actually hallucinating bec you thought they
were no more drugs but in fact there were a lot of drugs
in your house and they seized it. Is this valid or invalid?
and can it be used as evidence against you?
- Valid. bec there is a valid relinquishment against the
rights on unreasonable search and seizure

65. There was a search warrant issued against you the

police knocked at your door, sabi mo, “may search
warrant ka ba?” and sinaksak niya sa baga mo kung SW
and so, you were so scared bec nasa look na ng bata
mo yung search warrant, so you let them go in and they
conducted the search, then they were able to seize 3
sachet of shabus from your house.
- No, It can’t be considered as a waiver
because he doesn’ know he was waiving
something. The Supreme Court also recognized
that the person is afraid from the police so they
will just comply.
 That the person should know that the right
exists and he was aware of that right
 He knowingly waives his right

66. Subsequently you went to court and you looked at the

records of the case, upon looking (supposedly there
should be searching inquiries that would be supported
by the transcript of stenographic notes and the
affidavits of witneses) but in the transcript there were
no persons who attended the application for the Search
Warrant only the dogs of th judge (grey, brownie, and
whitey) and in that the court was recoded asking their
dogs whether the search warrant should be issued and
the transcript recorded the number or “arffs” that the
dog made (6 arffs - yes) so the search warrant is issued.
Can you still quash that Search Warrant or is it now a
waiver since you allowed the police officer to enter your
house nung sinaksak nila sa baga mo yung SW?

- Yes, you can still file a MTQ against the search

warrant bec the issuance of the search was invalid,
it having no probable cause and there was record
and witnesses.
67. The issue is whether there is s waiver on you part (RE
question above)
- No. There is no waiver of your right bec it was not
your negligence and was in good faith believing that
the search warrant was properly instituted by lawful
officers not merely dogs (own answer)

68. In order for there be to be said a valid waiver on the

improper search and seizure, what are the elements that
should be present?
 That the person should know that the right exists
and he was aware of that right
 He knowingly waives his right




72. Do you know what are the requirements in order in

order for there to be a valid waiver?

a. the person should know that the right existed and that
he is aware that he can avail to such right
b. he knowingly waived his right
74. Sa SM body checking, can you invoke your constitutional
- No, because bill of rights is only enforceable against the
state not for private individual. But it can be basis for damages
under independent civil action.

75. When going to a parking in SM, the guards said open your
trunk, you can’t invoke your constitutional right against
unreasonable searches and seizure, can you demand search
warrant before opening your trunk?
- No

76. Can they tell you not to enter unless you allowed searches
in your vehicle?
- Yes, it is valid. Since it is a private institution, they
can impose rules and regulations as deemed necessary.
77. Vaporoso vs people
78. Is the 2nd search valid?
- No .
79. Sanchez vs people
80. Why the court allowed stop and frisk
- Law enforcement officers there would be circumstance that
will incite probable cause them to make stop and frisk in order
them to proceed investigation without them being harm of
concealed weapons.
81. People vs cogaed
82. People vs comprador
83. Why there can be search without a warrant for moving
- Because the vehicle is moving and if the police
officer will get the sw first then it will be too late to apprehend
the moving vehicle
 Because apply for search warrant, it must decribed the
particulary described the place to be search. It be done for
vehicles because it is moving from one place to another.
84. People vs lo ho wing
85. Caballes vs ca
86. In checkpoint in limited for visual view?
- Yes.
87. Is there subject for exception?
 Plain view doctrine

88. What is the basis for the validity of searches in airports

and body search?
 It is founded on public interest, safety and necessity.
89. You are police officer and you are effect searching warrant
for violation of intellectual property rights. You went to the place to
be search, you get the illegal items. You think, na masama pa tong
tao na to, so you went to the cabinets you saw crystalline substance
which the later turn out to be a drugs. It is valid under plain view
- Not valid, valid under plain view doctrine must unexpectedly
90. People vs Acosta
---PART 6---
91. What are kakawati leaves? (Extra question)

92. You are a police officer and you are enforcing a search
warrant for a violation of Intellectual Property rights.
Your client is SanRio and there are fake SanRios named
“bye bye kitty” (ginaya nila young hello kitty). You went
to the place to be searched. While you were there, you
already got the bye bye kitties that were infringing in the
IP rights. Then, you said “hmm, tingin ko masama itong
taong to at marami pa Siyang other illegal things” so
you went through the cabinets. You saw that there were
crystalline substances that later on turned out to be
drugs. Is this valid under the plain-view doctrine?

- No it is not valid. Under the plain-view doctrine, the

evidence must be inadvertently discovered.

93. In the case of People vs Acosta, was there a valid

seizure pursuant to the plain view doctrine? (Discuss
the case)
- NO
94. What was the subject of the seizure here?
- Marijuana
95. Where was it found?
- Under the gabi plants
96. The arrest was based on what complaint? Was it for the
- No, the arrest was based on the mauling incident
that occurred.
97. What is the case of Comerciante vs People?
98. What is stop and frisk?
- Stop and frisk is when a police officer, finding
genuine reason, stops a person who he finds
suspicious and then searches his person for any
illegal items.

99. In which courts can you apply for a cyber warrant?

- In the RTC of Manila, QC, and Pasig.

100. Should you apply it on the court where the crime

was committed?
- Not necessarily. It can be applied on the specific
courts enumerated by law.
101. What is the case of Esquilo vs People?

102. Why do you apply for cyber warrants?

- for violations of cyber crime offences and other

- You apply it where the crime or any of its elements
a. Where the parts of the computers used is
situated; and
b. Where the damages caused to the natural
or juridical persons took place

103. If you applied for a cyber warrant in the court that

has jurisdiction over the territory where the crime or
any of the elements are committed, what is the scope of
enforceability of the cyber warrant?
- Territorial jurisdiction

104. In which courts can you apply for a cyber

warrant where if issued, it can be enforced nationwide
or even outside the Philippines?
- Special cybercrime courts in Manila, QC, Pasig,
Iloilo, Cagayan de oro, Cebu, Makati.

105. As a rule, it is the law enforcement authorities

that will apply for a cyber warrants. Is there an instance
where the cybercrime warrants was applied by a person
who is not a law enforcement agent?
- Yes, when such natural or juridical person is outside
the Philippines
- When committed by the use of ICT

106. What is the period of effectivity of a cyber

It depends on the kind of the warrant.
The period depends on what crime determined by the court
which shall not exceed 10 days from issuance.

107. What is your remedy on an improper cybercrime

warrant issued against you?
- Motion to quash a cyber warrant

108. Can the effectivity of a cyber warrant be

- Yes. For justifiable reasons, the person who applied
for the warrant may file with the court but the
extension shall not exceed 10 days.
109. In search warrants under the Rules of Court, a
return needs to be filed. Is the same for cyber warrant?
- Yes
110. What is the effect on failure to return a cyber
- Failure would lead to the punishment of contempt of
court to the officer who has the cyber warrant.

111. We said that there are certain courts that can

issue cyber warrants that can be enforced even outside
the Philippines. So, how are we going to serve that
cyber warrant if it is to be enforced outside the
- The cyber warrant would be enforced through the

112. Let’s say that you were able to seize computers

as a consequence of cyber warrant. What are you
supposed to do with the computer and the computer
data therein?
- The computes should be submitted to the Court.

113. Is there an instance where you do not need to

submit it to the Court and it can be first kept in custody
of the law enforcement officers?
- Yes, it can be kept by the law enforcement officers
for 6 months in order to ensure the preservation of
the computer data.
114. What is a warrant to disclose computer data?
- It is the submission of information or traffic datas to
the court.
115. What is warrant to search, seize and examine
computer data?
- It is the same as the search warrant but the thing to
be searched here is the computer data.
- Order issued by the judge to the law enforcement
officers, to search and seize the computer data that
is subject to the offence committed.

--PART 7--

103. Where should the search and examination of the

computer data be conducted? Should it be in the place
of search and seizure or can it be done in a desired
- At the place of the Seizure.
- As much as possible they will get a forensic image of the
computer on site,

104. Is this subject to Exceptions?

- No. Must still get a forensic image of the computer on site
and then explain why you will examine the data in
another location. E.g. availability of programs needed, tools that are
note on site.

105. What is a warrant to intercept computer data?

- It is a warrant issued for the submission of the result of the
listening of the communication or tapping of wires into a
communication device.
106. Doesn’t that violate the law against Anti-Wire
tapping act?
- It does not violate the anti-wiretapping act because there
is a prior warrant given by the court.
What is a Warrant to Intercept Computer Data (WICD).
 A WICD is an order in writing issued in the name of the
People of the Philippines, signed by a judge, upon
application of law enforcement authorities, authorizing
the latter to carry out any or all of the following activities:
(a) listening to, (b) recording, (c) monitoring, or (d)
surveillance of the content of communications, including
procuring of the content of computer data, either directly,
through access and use of a computer system or
indirectly, through the use of electronic eavesdropping
or tapping devices, at the same time that the
communication is occurring.

107. What is an WSSECD?

 - is an order in writing issued in the name of the
People of the Philippines, signed by a judge, upon
application of law enforcement authorities,
authorizing the latter to search the particular place
for items to be seized and/or examined.

107. Under the WSSED, you can examine the computer

data even off site. How long is the period you are given
to examine?
- After the initial return is submitted to the court
pursuant to the WSSECD, the court shall issue an order
fixing the period to conclude the examination of all the
items seized, which period may be extended not
exceeding thirty (30) days, upon motion, for justifiable

108. When should the return be filed?

- The return should be filed within 48 hours of for less than
the amount provided by the order.

109. As a rule the one that should have custody would

be the court. What are the exception that it would not
have been the court that will have custody and what will be the
- If there is a reasonable ground that the evidence used shall
be preserved.
- That the Law enforcement agencies will apply to the court.

110. What if you apply to search sieze and examine in

Pasig, but the case was filed in Quezon City. Where
do you make your return, in Pasig or in Quezon City?
- The return must be made to the court where the warrant
was issued. Sa Pasig.

111. Shouldn’t it be returned to the court that issued the

- Yes ma’am to the issuing court.

112. But if the return is made there and the materials are
seized were deposited to the court that issued the
warrant, how can it be used as evidence in Quezon City?
- The evidence used will be transferred to the court where it
was subsequently filed.

113. What is the process when the computer data that

was returned to the court that issued the warrant
for it to be forwarded to the court where the case is pending?
In order for the warrant to be forwarded to the court where
the case is being held, it requires:
- The Authorized law enforcers in the initial court within a
period of 48 hours to give it to the court which is trying the
114. Will the computer data be always destroys after the
- If upon the order of the court.

115. Even if the person is the Accused, should we return

the computer to the accused?
- No, the computer shall no longer be returned to the

116. What if a person who is different from the accused

is the owner of the computer. Can he still claim the
- So long as the Owner of the computer has not committed
anything in relation to the crime and/or the computer does not
contain other materials.

Provisional Remedies

*Look at Rule 127 on Rule of Attachments. This is a remedy

available in criminal cases but it is essentially available when there
is a civil aspect instituted together with your criminal aspect. So if
you filed a civil case later on or ahead of the civil case such that
there is no civil aspect instituted together with the criminal case, you
cannot avail to an Attachment. It is a Remedy when there is a civil
case attached*

What are the grounds for an Attachment? (imemorize lang daw)

The purpose of an attachments is for you not to have an
empty victory, why? For example in Estafa, so you want to be paid
but what the other party will do is to transfer all his properties but
“kahit patayin mo ko wala akong pambayad” so it will be an empty
victory as the civil liability will not be satisfied. So What you do in
order to prevent this from happening is that during that case you will
already attach the property of the accused. Meaning you will place
his property in custodia legis or in the custody of the law. So that
you have a reserved pagka nanalo ka, duon kukunin yung
pambayad. That is the effect of Preliminary Attachment.

Now there are different ground 1 is when he is about to

abscond from the PH, take note that in Paragraph B, Sec. 2 in the
enumerations of the positions. Kita niyo yon? Ok. Sabi ng Supreme
Court in all of these positions from Public officer all the way to Agent
or Clerk in the Course of his Employment as Such. It presupposes
that they occupy a position of Trust by their position so you do not
have to prove that they have a trust relationship. Okay? But any
other position not mentioned in that enumeration na may fiduciary
capacity in order for you to justify the issuance of a warrant or a
preliminary attachment you need to establish the fiduciary capacity.
An example is Fraud, is when you have a BP22 or an estafa case,
so obviously there’s fraud and it would warrant an attachment.
Cause there is fraud in the performance of obligations. The fraud
does not need to be in the start of the Obligations, it is possible for
the fraud to be there in order to induce you to come into an
agreement or the fraud is present in the performance of the
obligation. So nung time na nagenter kayo ng loan maayos pa siya
di pa siya demonyo pero nung performance na dun ka na niya

Mere non-payment of a load however is not necessarily


Another Provisional Remedy is Support, I asked my student before

can you give me a case or a crime when there will be a support as
a provisional remedy?

When you say Provisional Remedy it is remedy during the

pendency of a case. It is ancillary to the main case, it cannot exist
independently of the main case. Kung wala yung main case wala
yung provisional remedy so kung nadismiss na yung kaso after the
dismissal wala ka nang provisional remedy it presupposes the
existence of the main case.

Tinanong ko “Kelan magkakaroon ng support na criminal case?”

Sabi nung Lola mo, Robbery. Di ko alam bakit Robbery siguro
ninakaw yung pambayad ng tuition need ng support, Hinde. For
example nirape, tapos nagkaanak sa rape or VAWC, those warrant
support. You learned Support in Persons that it is never Final. It is
always be subject to change depending on the necessity, and
financial capacity.

So what if during the pendency for a crime of rape the

accused was giving support to the alleged victim’s daughter. During
Trial it was proven via DNA Evidence that the paternity is not that
of the Accused, meaning he is not the father and that he is not
obliged to give support. What will happen to the support that he
already gave? If erroneous, there must be restitution. Kailangan
ibalik yan. Eh nagastos na nila, napambili na nila ng diaper
ganyan… The Rules and SC provides that you can get it from the
one who is obliged to give support. Whoever is the real father,
support will be subject to reimbursement.

Third one was like our earlier discussion, question was “Can
criminal Prosecution be restrained?” “Pwede ka bang mag-injuction
or TRO ng criminal prosecution?”

The answer is as a General rule no. The Exceptions, marami yon

nasa Jurisprudence. Isa don is “When it ceases to be prosecution
but persecution.” Nalala niyo yon?

“Si Mr. Sobrevilla ang saya niya sabi niya” Yes! One is Enough!


Grades will be sent in canvas. Only the highest grade will be

(Nagcrash daw kasi phone niya nung viber eh.)

MOSTLY essay ang exam sa finals but wag kakalimutan ang

Also mostly din ng coverage from finals. LAGING KASAMA

On a good note, baka daw mag21 ang start ng exams para sa 2nd
year and 3rd year
para daw hindi magsabay sabay ang exams natin na may 2
subjects per day.

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