Report Card Comments Grade 1 Progress Report Ontario

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Grade 1 Progress Report Comments

Progressing Well Progressing with Difficulty

In Science, ~Name demonstrates In Science, ~Name rarely

clear, critical thinking skills when demonstrates critical thinking skills
identifying personal action that when identifying personal action
~h/s/e can take to help maintain a that ~h/s/e can take to help
healthy environment for living maintain a healthy environment for
things, including humans. ~H/s/e living things, including humans.
needs to continue to use ~H/s/e needs to listen and engage
appropriate science vocabulary for during activities and discussion
this grade. with peers.


Created by Schooled by Sawyer | 2015

Progressing well Progressing with Difficulty

In Language, ~Name is beginning to In Language, ~Name is beginning to

use environmental print such as a use environmental print such as a
personal dictionary, word wall and personal dictionary, word wall and
class made thematic lists, with class made thematic lists, with
growing confidence. ~H/s/e reads some assistance. ~H/s/e is
grade appropriate levelled readers beginning to decode letter sounds
with ease. ~Name is encouraged to and gain some comprehension.
continue to take risks when writing ~Consistent daily reading of take
~h/s/r stories and to use inventive home readers will help ~Name
spelling when needed. become a more confident reader.


Progressing Well Progressing with Difficulty

In math, ~Name is able to In math, ~Name is beginning to

demonstrate, using concrete demonstrate, with great assistance
materials, the concept of one-to-one and using concrete materials, the
correspondence between number concept of one-to-one
and objects when counting. The correspondence between number
next step is for ~h/s/r to represent, and objects when counting. An
compare, and order whole numbers important next step is to have daily
to 50, using a variety of tools (e.g., at home practise of recognizing
connecting cubes, ten frames, base numbers and representing a given
ten materials, number lines, number up to 20.
hundreds charts).

Created by Schooled by Sawyer | 2015

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