Language Arts Grade 5 Progress Report: Maplewood Powerschool Eteacher

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Progress Report (KATC)​ ​Term 1 KATC​ ​Term 1 (Expectations)

Term 2 (KATC) Term 2 (Expectations)​ ​Personalized Our

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Maplewood PowerSchool eTeacher

Knowledge/Understanding - Progress Report - Language Arts

V Name has demonstrated that he has strong reading (e.g. using context clues),
writing (e.g. creating a captivating opening), speaking (e.g. developing rapport),
We offer different
and listening (e.g. summarizing) strategies. He makes effective use of the
versions that have “Name
elements of style (e.g. word choice, sentence fluency, and voice) and
conventions (e.g. spelling, grammar, and punctuation).
Tokens”. This makes it easy to
cut and paste
W (L 3) Namedirectly into
consistently makes use of effective reading (e.g. using context clues),
writing (e.g. creating a captivating opening), speaking (e.g. developing rapport),
your report cards!
and listening (e.g. summarizing) strategies He has a strong understanding of the
elements of style (e.g. word choice, sentence fluency, and voice) and
conventions (e.g. spelling, grammar, and punctuation).

Name is developing stronger reading (e.g. using context clues), writing (e.g.
W (L 2 creating a captivating opening), speaking (e.g. developing rapport), and listening
(e.g. summarizing) strategies. He is working toward consistently making effective
use of the elements of style (e.g. word choice, sentence fluency, and voice) and
conventions (e.g. spelling, grammar, and punctuation).

D Name struggles to use reading (e.g. using context clues), writing (e.g. creating a
captivating opening), speaking (e.g. developing rapport), and listening (e.g.
summarizing) strategies which often result in an incomplete understanding of
We have comment
material. He has difficulty when required to use of the elements of style (e.g. word
banks for individual
choice, sentence fluency, and voice) and conventions (e.g. spelling, grammar,
and punctuation).
subjects like Language Arts.
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packages at a discount

Check out our ​Report Card packages​. We have ALL SUBJECTS

bundles and individual subjects available for grades 1-8. We also
have other great ​RESOURCES FOR GRADE 5​.
Progress Report (KATC)​ ​Term 1 KATC​ ​Term 1 (Expectations)

Term 2 (KATC) Term 2 (Expectations)​ ​Personalized Comments

Language Arts Grade 5

Progress ReportVersion
Knowledge/Understanding - Progress Report - Language Arts
We offer different
<first name> has demonstrated that <he/she> has strong reading (e.g. using
context clues), writing (e.g. creating a captivating opening), speaking (e.g.
versions to save you
developing rapport), and listening (e.g. summarizing) strategies. <He/She>
makes effective use of the elements of style (e.g. word choice, sentence fluency,
and voice) and conventions (e.g. spelling, grammar, and punctuation).

W (L 3) <first name> consistently makes use of effective reading (e.g. using context
clues), writing (e.g. creating a captivating opening), speaking (e.g. developing
rapport), and listening (e.g. summarizing) strategies <He/She> has a strong
understanding of the elements of style (e.g. word choice, sentence fluency, and
r reading (e.g. us
voice) and conventions (e.g. spelling, grammar, and punctuation).

<first name> is developingg),stronger

speaking (e.g.
reading (e.g. using context clues), writing
W (L 2 (e.g. creating a captivating opening), speaking (e.g. developing rapport), and
listening (e.g. summarizing) <He/She>
strategies. is toward consistently
<He/She> is working
making effective use of the elements of style (e.g. word choice, sentence fluency,
and voice) and conventions ts(e.g.ofspelling,
style (e.g.
grammar, and wpunctuation).

D <first name> struggles topelling,

use reading (e.g. grammar
using context clues), writing (e.g.
If you
creating a captivating opening), speaking (e.g. developing rapport), and listening
want to edit the
(e.g. summarizing) strategies which often result in an incomplete understanding
of material. <He/She> has difficulty when required to use of the elements of style
comments,(e.g. youwordcan
choice, sentence fluency, and voice) and conventions (e.g. spelling,
grammar, and punctuation).
work in Google Docs or
you can download to
your preferred

Check out our ​Report Card packages​. We have ALL SUBJECTS

bundles and individual subjects available for grades 1-8. We also
have other great ​RESOURCES FOR GRADE 5​.
Progress Report (KATC)​ ​Term 1 KATC​ ​Term 1 (Expectations)

Term 2 (KATC) Term 2 (Expectations)​ ​Personalized Comments

Term One (KATC)

(Comments based on Achievement Chart)
Knowledge/Understanding - Term 1 - Language Arts
4 By recognizing specific characteristics, Name accurately identifies different forms of
text (e.g. narratives have characters, plot, conflict, setting, and point of view). When
creating work, he includes all of the required components. He understands the
importance of opinions and themes and how they affect a piece of work. We have
banks of comments
By recognizing specific characteristics, Name identifies different forms of text (e.g.
narratives have characters, plot, conflict, setting, and point onWhen
of view). thecreating
work, he includes the required components. He is becoming increasingly aware of the
importance of opinions and themes and how they affectChart a piece ofand
work. the Curriculum

2 Expectations
Name identifies some different forms of writing by recognizing specific characteristics
(e.g. narratives have characters, plot, conflict, setting, and point of view). He has
started to understand how opinions and themes affect a piece of work.

1 Name has difficulty identifying different forms of writing by recognizing specific

characteristics (e.g. narratives have characters, plot, conflict, setting, and point of
view). He finds it challenging to share how opinions and themes affect a piece of work.

Application - Term 1 - Language Arts

4 Name has successfully transferred his strengths in language to other subjects as well
as situations outside of the classroom. He makes insightful connections to literature
and media which extend far beyond personal experience.

3 Name has successfully transferred his strengths in language to some other subjects
as well as situations outside of the classroom. He makes connections to literature and
media which extend beyond personal experience.

2 Name has transferred some of his language skills to some other subjects and
situations outside of the classroom. He is beginning to make connections to literature
and media which extend beyond personal experience.

1 Name has not transferred many language skills to other subjects and situations
outside of the classroom. When he makes connections to literature and media, they
rarely extend beyond personal experience.
Progress Report (KATC)​ ​Term 1 KATC​ ​Term 1 (Expectations)

Term 2 (KATC) Term 2 (Expectations)​ ​Personalized Comments

Term One (Expectations)

(Comments based on Curriculum Expectations)

Reading - Term 1 - Language Arts

Name chooses text that is both suitable for the situation and challenging for his
4 reading level. As he reads “Holes”, he uses strong comprehension strategies
(e.g. activating prior knowledge and visualization) to identify important ideas that
support the main idea. He analyses a variety of text forms and identifies the point
of view that has been presented. He recognizes how the text could be presented
differently and suggests alternatives by identifying missing points of view.

Name chooses text that is both suitable for the situation and challenging for his
3 reading level. As he reads “Holes”, he uses strong comprehension strategies
(e.g. activating prior knowledge and visualization) to identify important ideas that
support the main idea. He analyses a variety of text forms and identifies the point
of view that has been presented. He recognizes how the text could be presented
differently and suggests alternative points of view.

2 During reading activities, Name chooses text that is easily accessible rather than
searching for text that is both suitable for the situation and challenging for his
level. While reading “Holes”, he has shown that his comprehension strategies
(e.g. activating prior knowledge and visualization) are improving. He is becoming
more effective at analyzing text forms and identifying the point of view that has
been presented. He should consider how the text could be presented differently
and suggest alternative points of view.

1 During reading activities, Name chooses text that is easily accessible rather than
All of our comment
searching for text that is both suitable for the situation and challenging for his

banks are GROWING!

level. While reading “Holes”, he has shown that his comprehension strategies
(e.g. activating prior knowledge and visualization) are improving, but significantly
We regularly add comments
below his grade level. He is beginning to analyze text forms and identify the point
of view that has been presented. He should consider how the text could be
based on new ideas,
presented differently and suggests alternative points of view.

suggestions from buyers,

curriculum changes, etc.
Progress Report (KATC)​ ​Term 1 KATC​ ​Term 1 (Expectations)

Term 2 (KATC) Term 2 (Expectations)​ ​Personalized Comments

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