PMNL Management Week 7

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•  Art and science of PODC of human
efforts and resources for the general
PHARMACY good within the organizational
ADMINISTRATION framework and economic
environment of the company or firm,
NAME:_____________________ –  Planning
–  Organizing
–  Directing
–  Controlling

•  A force that drives an enterprise and
determines its success or failure
•  An act of conceiving and achieving
the desired results involving the use of
human talents and resources

Management in Business Management in Business

•  Defined as: •  Defined as:
–  The function that coordinates the efforts –  Organization and coordination of
of people to accomplish goals and activities of an enterprise based on
objectives utilizing available resources certain policies to achieve clearly defined
efficiently and effectively. objectives
Being effective is about doing the
right things, while being efficient is MATERIALS

about doing things right. METHODS



Management in Pharmacy
•  Management is a process which brings •  Management in Pharmacy requires
together resources and unites them in FOCUS.
such a way that, collectively, they –  It is a conscious, organized effort to
achieve goals and objectives in the harness all the resources available as well
most efficient manner possible. as using them to attain the goals of the
(Tootelian and Gaedeke,1993) pharmacy effectively and efficiently.

Roles of Pharmacy Managers: THE MANAGEMENT PROCESS

–  Manage people •  PLANNING:
–  Manage processes –  The formulation of objectives, programs,
–  Manage entire organizations policies, procedures, rules, and regulations in
–  Supervise other pharmacists or order to achieve the goals of the business. It
technicians is related to the decision- making as it selects
–  Oversee a department the best course of action to take, it also
involves “forecasting” or making decisions in
–  Develop project plans and budget
–  Create work schedule
–  Planning is used to accomplish the present
–  Conduct orientation objectives and their relationship in the future.

•  Planning:
–  assesses internal resources, Activities involved in planning:
–  establishes goals,
–  formulates general policies and A.  Develop objectives: envision the goals
procedures, to be accomplished
–  develops business strategies. B.  Forecasting: Estimate and predict future
•  This is the most critical element of conditions and events
management. C.  Programming: establish the sequence
•  Without a business plan, the and priority of action to take or steps to
pharmacy’s operation will have no follow in achieving the objectives
purpose and direction; therefore, there D.  Scheduling: Set a time sequence for the
will be no significant achievements. steps to take in undertaking a project


E.  Budgeting: allocate resources to ORGANIZING

achieve an objective within the
specified period of time •  Refers to
–  grouping people,
F.  Developing policies: formulate
–  establishing relationship among them, and
standing decisions that applies to the –  defining the authority and responsibility that they
concerns of the enterprise as a whole have.
–  identifying tasks to perform;
in achieving its objectives. –  arrange tasks in a logical order;
G. Establishing procedures: Standardize –  classifying tasks into certain types,
–  designating employees into clusters; delegating
the work that must be done uniformly authority and responsibility;
if the objectives are to be achieved. –  establishing the methods for evaluating
performance and accountability.

Three steps in organizing COMMON MISTAKE

A.  Grouping of people and •  The common mistake in small
identification of the work to be done pharmacies is the manager’s
B.  Delegation of authority and presumption that all employees
responsibility understand their individual tasks.
C. Establishment of relationships among •  Some conventional terms related to
people and tasks tasks in the workplace include:

•  Some conventional terms related to •  It determines what positions to be
tasks in the workplace include: filled. It also involves
A.  Delegating: the work of a manager to
entrust others with responsibility and –  preparing the job description
authority and to create accountability for –  identifying the sources of potential
the result applicants
B.  Authority: the sum of the rights and power
assigned to a position –  Interviewing applicants, selecting
C.  Accountability: the obligation to assume applicants
responsibility and exercise authority in –  orienting new employees to their jobs
conformity with understood and accepted –  training them and evaluating their
performance standard


•  Staffing is a highly qualitative process. •  A process which sets personnel goals.
As such, the manager must have both –  Establishes work standards
the technical knowledge of the jobs to –  develops leadership styles
be performed and the feel for how –  motivates personnel
people will fit in their new work –  train and retrains personnel
environment. –  evaluates personnel disciplines
–  dismisses personnel as necessary
–  promotes personnel

•  It involves keeping personnel and other •  The process of measuring and
resources focused on the goals of the correcting the activities of
pharmacy and ensuring that they are
utilized in a manner consistent with the subordinates and the company itself
policies established by the owner. to assure conformity with its plans.
•  This is a continuous activity. •  It is the most overlooked management
•  Concerned with finding different ways to process since it is commonly assumed
achieve the goals of the pharmacy. that the process is sufficient to ensure
•  It is a challenging task that often that the pharmacy is operating
separates the highly competent from the effectively and efficiently.
less skilled managers.


•  It also establishes points of periodic •  QUANTITATIVE:
monitoring of the pharmacy; measure –  Financial statements to determine if
pharmacy performance; examines revenues and expenses are within
strategies and recommends changes budgeted limits
as appropriate; develops yearly –  Inventory
performance measurements; and •  QUALITATIVE:
evaluates the annual performance of –  Evaluating levels of patient satisfaction
the establishment. –  Employee performance.



•  According to Personality •  According to Personality
–  Workaholic: –  Reconciler
•  Process oriented •  He is a HYBRID of all types of managers; a
•  Manager by “KAYOD” RECONCILER manager
•  Hardworking and dedicated ◇ Believes in contingency management;
•  Formal and introverted shares his knowledge and
•  He cuts down problems into manageable size; a •  has excellent behavioral skills
fast decision-maker, impatient, and shrewd •  ◇ Has balance and chooses well
•  He is a “SIGURISTA”; he has GUT FEEL, and he
•  ◇ “Ugnayan” managers exemplify highly
knows how to USE PEOPLE
resilient, highly adaptable men of the first
•  Does firsts things first; he has a talent of “KAYOD order


•  According to Personality •  According to Personality
–  Pragmatic –  Carefree
•  “OIDO” comes from Spanish word “oir” or “to •  The OPPORTUNIST; availing on a LOOPHOLE
listen” •  ◇  An EXTROVERT; he deals with people
•  ◇ This manager acquires his managerial skills
•  ◇  This manager will always find loopholes to
by playing it by ear
avoid hard work or utilize an excuse for failure
•  ◇ He has a vast field of practical experiences
•  ◇  Loves to get by; avoid headaches and
that compensates for his lack of formal believes NO-MONEY-NO-WORK philosophy
education •  ◇  Likes to resort to shaky deals to achieve
•  ◇ He is the opposite of the “LIBRO” manager easy settlement

TYPES OF MANAGER According to Management Levels

•  According to Personality •  Top manager: High –ranking executives

–  Theoretical of the organization. They are involved in
•  The IDEALIST the operations of the whole organization.
•  ◇  “LIBRO” is a Spanish word for book. This
These are presidents, CEOs, Senior vice
manager literally goes by presidents who:
•  the book –  Develop and review long- range plans and
•  ◇  Thinker, Cautious, Planning-Oriented, Strives for strategies
Professional Performance, Stubborn, Seeks Quality –  Evaluate overall performance of various
Results and has High Ideals departments and ensure cooperation
•  ◇  He usually has adequate formal training in –  Involved in the selection of key personnel
–  Consult subordinates and tackle subjects or
•  ◇  “MATAAS ANG TINGIN SA SARILI” problems which are general in scope


According to Management Levels According to Management Levels

•  Middle manager: direct the activities of the •  First level manager: belong to the lowest
supervisors and in some cases, these of the level of management. These are the
workers. These are the branch managers, production supervisors, clerical
project managers, firm managers or finance supervisors, school supervisors or hospital
managers who:
–  Make plans of intermediate range and prepare
long range plans for review by top managers –  Make detailed, short range operating plans
–  Analyze managerial performance to determine –  Review performance of subordinates
capability and readiness for promotion –  Supervise day-to-day operations
–  Establish departmental policies –  Prepare specific task assignments
–  Counsel subordinates on production, personnel –  Maintain close contact with operative
or other problems employees
–  Select and recruit personnel

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