Lumettu 2018 J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 953 012035

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Journal of Physics: Conference Series


Developing the Students’ English Speaking Ability Through Impromptu

Speaking Method.
To cite this article: A Lumettu and T L Runtuwene 2018 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 953 012035

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The 2nd International Joint Conference on Science and Technology (IJCST) 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 953 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“”012035 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/953/1/012035


A Lumettu1, T L Runtuwene2
Lecturer , Manado State Polytechnic, Department of Tourism, Manado, Indonesia
.agus.lumettu@gmail .com
Lecturer, Manado State Polytechnic, Department of Accounting, Manado,
Indonesia. [email protected] 
Abstract.Having multi –purposes, English mastery has becomea necessary for
us.Of the four language skills, speaking skill should get the first priority in
English teaching and speaking skills development cannot be separated from
listening.One communicative way of developing speaking skill is impromptu
speaking,a method sudden speaking which depends only on experience and
insight by applying spontaneity or improvisation. It is delivered based on the
need of the moment of speaking using simple language.This research aims to
know (1). Why impromptu speaking is necessary in teaching speaking? (2).
How can impromptu speaking develop the students’ speaking skills.The
method of this research is qualitative method and the techniques of data
collection are: observation,interview and documentation. The results of data
analysis using Correlation shows a strong relation between the students’
speaking ability and impromptu speaking method (r = 0.80).The research show
that by using impromptu speaking method, the students are trained to interact
faster naturally and spontaneously and enrich their vocabulary and general
science to support speaking development through interview,
speech,presentation, discussion and storytelling.
Keywords: Developing, Speaking Ability, Impromptu.

1. Introduction
As a means of communication, language plays a key role in human life. English is one of
these most widely used languages in the world. As a tool of International communication, English
is used for many purposes such as bureaucratic, academic, social, cultural, economic, religious,
and many other purposes.
Mastering English means being proficient in the four language skills, namely: Listening,
Speaking, Reading and Writing which cannot be separated from one another considering that the
development of one skill will contribute to the development of the other skills. Basically, the
development of the four skills is integrated. However, for an efficient delivery of the teaching
material for a certain time allocation, there are often accentuations of certain skills, for example,
the teaching of speaking eventhough there are also times when the teaching of the four skills is
done in the same time integrated. Sometimes, two skills are taught in the same time. When
teaching speaking, for example, listening in involved. To understand someone speaking, the
interlocutor needs to listen to what he or she is saying.
Of the four skills, speaking skill usually gets the first priority in English teaching. In relation
to this, Danielson et all (1) state : “ the scientifically valid procedure in language learning involves
listening first, to be followed by speaking than comes reading and finally the writing of the
language” It means that English teaching in earlier stages should be focused on the development
of listening and speaking skills. Here, the written wants to emphasize the teaching of speaking
which is, of course, cannot be separated for listening.

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The 2nd International Joint Conference on Science and Technology (IJCST) 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 953 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“”012035 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/953/1/012035

Speaking skill, as Lado puts it, is the ability to express oneself in life situations, or the
ability to report acts of situations or phrase words, or the ability to express a sequence of ideas
fluently (2). This shows that the teacher’s first task in teaching speaking is to encourage the
students to express their ideas and feeling’s freely while motivating them to be involved in
constant practices of English communication.
There are many ways of teaching speaking. One communicative way of developing this
skill is using impromptu speaking, that is, a method of speaking or making a speech without
preparation or with very little preparation and depends only on experience and insight. With this
method, the speaker applies spontaneity or improvisation. This sudden speaking is delivered based
on the need at the moment of speaking using simple language.

2. Theoretical review
2.1 Language Teaching.
In the teaching and learning of a language as a means of communication, a teacher has a key role.
Besides providing the students with a set of patterns, he or she also equips them with the practices
of the patterns in oral form. And this involves two or more parties as can be seen from what Tan
says (3): “communication means the sending and receiving of a message between a speaker and a
hearer in oral communication or between the writer and the reader in written form”.
From the definition given by Tan, it is evident that teaching English as a means of
communication is teaching the learners to understand and interact one another both in oral and
written forms using English. One is said to communicate successfully when he or she is able to
express what he or she feels and thinks with meaningful utterances or expression or when he or
she is able to understand what someone expresses. A communication occurs when there is a
transmission of a message from one person to another person, which is understood by the receiver
as intended by the sender.
In teaching and learning activities, the teacher and the student do communicate about the
subject matters using language. In relation to this, Skinner (4) says: “ Teaching is a process of
giving the students experience in creative understanding.” It means that teaching is meant not only
to provide the students with the things to understand but most importantly with opportunities to
use them in meaningful contexts and situations. Therefore, teaching must involve the students in
the activities using things they learn.
Another definition about teaching is given by Brown (5) as follows:“Teaching is showing
or helping someone how to do something, provide with knowledge, causing to know or
understand.” This definition shows three kinds of activities or purposes that teaching can offer:
(1) showing or helping someone how to do something, (2) providing with knowledge, and (3)
causing to know or understand.
Sheik (6) says that: Teaching a language means being able to guide the learners in their
journey to understand, communicate and think in another language.
In teaching a language, a teacher not only explains the rules, but also gives them various
topics about the language functions such as introducing someone, telephoning, requesting,
interrupting, thanking, forgiving, apologizing, commanding, inviting, greeting, parting, etc. and
more importantly, teaching a language is an activity to help the learners to speak the language
using various language functions and think in that language.Langley Steve(7) suggest, using easy
and effective ways to get students involved in speaking to the class with a minimum of fuss and
lot of fun and the bonus that it involves everyone in the class.
2.2 Speaking skill development
Speaking as aforementioned is one of the four main language skills. It is described by Lado ( 2)
as the ability to express oneself in life situation or the ability to express sequence of ideas fluently.
It is through speaking that we can utter our ideas and feelings to others. Similarly Alexander (8 )
says that “ The great majority of overseas students learning English are primarily interested in
speaking the language.

The 2nd International Joint Conference on Science and Technology (IJCST) 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 953 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“”012035 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/953/1/012035

In Indonesia, however, there have been too heavy stresses on the teaching of grammar and
reading during the Junior and Senior High School years. Speaking and listening are given the least
attention and time allocation and this has resulted in the passive mastery of English. After six
years of English study in Junior and Senior High Schools, the majority of graduates are unable to
speak English even using simple expressions. So, it can be said that English teaching in Indonesian
schools has not been significantly successful.
To have a deeper understanding of the natural speaking, let us look at Gritter’sstatement (
9) “ Speaking is a productive skill which requires the learners to retrieve almost instantaneously
the precise sound, from, word-order, arrangement and content vocabulary which will express what
he wants to say in unanticipated situations.”It is clear that speaking comprises unpredictable
matters. The natural conversation automatically flows out of the mouth of the speaker, not
memorized or learnt like poems. Therefore the hearer cannot always anticipate the speaker’s
utterances. Successfully coping with such unanticipated situations means mastering both linguistic
aspects and language functions for certain situations.
This notion is in accordance with that of Tan T(3) which says that speaking is a way of
learning the word in relation to major language function categories. It means that in real
communication, it is the language functions that are used to express and find out ideas. In natural
communications, the speaker and the hearer express the ideas that they have and in the same time
they also find new ideas. People, who discuss, for example do this. In conducting a discussion, it
is not sufficient for the speaker and the hearer just to express what they have already had before
they commence the discussion. They are also required to find new ideas with the help of the
language functions. Burke Annie(10) suggest collaborative activities that help the student
construct their own knowledge. A develop speaking skill is characterized by fluency (as can be
seen conversation, discussion, group work, role play and games, accuracy (as can be proved
through good functions, grammar and vocabulary), pronunciation(as can be identified through
segmental phonemes, supra segmental phonemes and speaking ability in specific contexts such as
oral presentation, spoken English for academic purposes, interviews and questioning Bailey et
2.3 Integration of speaking and listening
These two skills are inseparable and therefore the teaching and the learning of speaking cannot be
separated from that of listening. We can imagine when speaking is done without a listener.
Interaction will not take place and therefore it is not a communication in a real sense. In addition,
a good oral communication is a real interaction between the hearer and the speaker. Tarigan (12)
says that sound or voice is an important factor in increasing the learner’s vocabulary. Therefore,
the learner will have advantage when they listen to good utterances from the teacher, qualified
recordings, and qualified stories, etc.
In oral communication, a hearer will receive various sounds in the form or words or
sentences which can be delivered from different sources such as dialogs, stories and songs.
Adequate practices and experiences in listening from various sources will contribute to the
building of speaking skill. Hence the teaching of speaking should also involve listening activities
as suggested by Tarigan (12).

2.4 Impromptu speaking

2.4.1. What is impromptu speaking?

Merriam Webster (13) defines impromptu as :
1. Made, done or formed on or as if on the spur of the moment, improvised.
2. Composed or uttered without previous preparation. Collins English Dictionary (14)defines:
“Impromptu is applied to that which is spoken, made or done in the spur of the moment to
suit the occasion and stressed spontaneity.”

The 2nd International Joint Conference on Science and Technology (IJCST) 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 953 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“”012035 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/953/1/012035

3. says that : Impromptu speaking is being able to speak on the spot
or any given topic. You need to be able to deliver it with ease and with confidence, but
impromptu speaking is that something that you can learn overtime and you can become better
Based on these definitions we can conclude that:
1. Impromptu speaking is done with no or little preparation.
This is a very high quality speaking. It is not learned and memorized but spontaneous and
natural. Sometimes the speaking is so sudden that there is no time to think about the main
points to deliver. It can happen in a real life situation when you are suddenly asked to deliver
a speech or talk about something or it can also happen in a test situation like in an IELTS
speaking test where you are given only one minute to prepare for talking about a certain
topic for a certain length of time. The most important thing to do in such a test is to have
main points in mind.
2. Impromptu speaking suits the occasion
Because impromptu speaking is done without or with very little preparation and because it
is done spontaneously in the spur of the moment, it depends on the basic knowledge of the
topic and understanding of the situations where the speech is delivered. Because it is
spontaneous, the language used is usually simple both from the point of view of vocabulary
and sentence structure used.

2.4.2. Structure of impromptu speaking

Like other kinds of speaking, impromptu speaking has the introduction, main points and
conclusion.(chodounsky (15).
Further, the whole structure of the speech is suggested as follows :
I. Introduction
a. Open the speech
b. State the thesis
c. Preview the main points.
II. Transition to main points
III. Main point I
a. State it
b. Explain it
c. Prove it
d. Conclude it
IV. Transition to main point II
V. Main point II
a. State it
b. Explain it
c. Prove it
d. Conclude it
VI. Transition to conclusion

VII. Conclusion
a. Restate thesis and main points
b. Conclude the speech

2.4.3. Impromptu speaking delivery tips

1. Go Slowly
Hurrying increase any feelings of unease you have, take your time, breathe deeply, get up
from chair slowly, walk to the front calmly.

The 2nd International Joint Conference on Science and Technology (IJCST) 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 953 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“”012035 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/953/1/012035

2. Take your time to begin

Look around and smile. Make your eye-contact with one or two people in the rooms.
3. Stand tall.
Make sure you are standing on both feet about a shoulder width a part. Resist the urge to
slump or fiddle or put hands in your pocket and remember to breathe!
4. Use your notes as reminders only
Trying to remember the whole speech is not suggested. Why not? if you forget one part,
you’ll forget the whole thing.
5. Talk conversationally
Consider that your impromptu speaking is a conversation with a friend. By doing this, you
will keep your language natural simple and flowing.
6. Watch the words
Do not use vocabulary or jargons which are not familiar to your audience.
7. Keep it short and to the point
The audience will be more interested in listening if you stay on target and be brief.
8. Personalize your speech
It is good to use examples/stories from your experience. It has two advantages. First it lets
the audience see you as a real person. Second, it gives you authenticity or a right to speak
on the subject. It makes you credible.
2.4.4. Possibilities of applying impromptu speaking method in preparing other kinds of speaking.
Based on the definitions given by Merriam Webster Dictionary and Collins English
Dictionary, impromptu speaking refers to wider activities than just speech. It can include
many kinds of speaking activities such as presentation, debating, interview and even

3. Research methodology
3.1. Research Method
The method used in this research is qualitative method. According to Moleong (16)
qualitative research is a research which is intended to understand the phenomena of what is
experienced by the subject of research such as behavior, perception, motivation, holistic
actions qualitatively using words and language in a natural special contexts by using various
scientific methods.

3.2. Location of Research

The location of research is Tourism Department which was selected purposively.

3.3 Sources of Data

Nasution (17) states that in qualitative research,only the sources that can provide information
are chosen as the sample. Thus sample can be things, events, people or situations. The
researchers collect data based on the natural observation of situations. Lofland and lofland in
Moleong (16) says that the main sources of data in a qualitative research are actions, words
and others are additional such as documents etc.

3.4 Research Instruments

In this research, the research instruments are the researchers as the planners, executors, data
collectors, data analysts and interpreters and finally become the discussers and the reporters
of the research results.

3.5 Data Collecting Techniques

In this research, the researchers use some techniques of collecting data, namely :
1. observation

The 2nd International Joint Conference on Science and Technology (IJCST) 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 953 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“”012035 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/953/1/012035

2. interview
3. documentation( w.w.w. Eureka (18) Teknik pengumpulan data
dalam penelitian kualitatif.
3.6 Data Analysis Technique
Data analysis starts from the beginning of the research and during the whole process of
research. In this research, 3 techniques of analysis were applied, namely: data reduction, data
presentation. And conclusion.

3.7.The Stages Of The Research Are As Follows :

1. Pretest (speech, interview and storytelling) is conducted for the whole class
2. The class is divided into two smaller groups : one experimental group and one control
3. Treatment is done for both groups using different methods. Impromptu speaking method
is used for the experimental group and full text memorization method is used by the
control group.
4. Post test is done using the same test for both groups.
5. Analysis is done to compare the data of the two groups.
6. Finally the conclusion is drawn from the various data obtained.
7. Research results are reported.

4. Discussion and results.

Tourism Department Of Manado State Polytechnic consist of 4 Study Programs, namely:

DIII Tourism Study Program, DIII Underwater Ecology Study Program, DIII Tour and Travel
Business Study Program and DIV Hotel Management Study Program. Of these 4 Study
Programs, the DIV Hotel Management consisting of semester I,III,V and VII. The object of this
research was semester VB considering that the students have learnt English for 4 semesters which
means that they have got enough background to participate in impromptu speaking. Besides, this
class is at the main building of Tourism Department where the principal researcher has his most
activities. Further, these activities were planned to be done at the Tourism Department Park in
0rder that when practicing during the break time, they would not be late for the next class. They
rush into the classroom before their lecturer arrives. Other classes are at the other buildings and
therefore it was hard for the students to join this practice. With this practice, it is expected that
the students are able to speak English Fluently and naturally when they do their job training at
hotels in North Sulawesi or in other cities or in foreign countries. Further, these students are
expected to be able to grab job opportunities in foreign countries to become foreign exchange
contributors for Indonesia. The number of five semester students of D IV Class C is 20 as can be
seen from following table.

Table I. List Of Class VB Students of Hotel management Study Program


1 Riandy Wantalangi 15064002

2 Jeinnancy Kakomole 15064004
3 Maurend O M Mende 15064006
4 Astriani Luntungan 15064010
5 Andrew N Datangmanis 15064013
6 Eirene pua 15064016
7 Yosua Yefta Manembu 15064019
8 Desiana Grace Mamole 15064021
9 Frisico A Sumampouw 15064026
10 Reymon Prince Gosal 15064027
11 Yulia Filia Garing 15064031
12 Yustiro R O.Malaghanda 15064033
13 Juanly Glend Lendeng 15064035

The 2nd International Joint Conference on Science and Technology (IJCST) 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 953 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“”012035 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/953/1/012035

14 Jemris Marinu 15064040

15 Marlina Rumengan 15064045
16 Aline Suciati Awaeh 15064051
17 Drevi Tamedia 15064001
18 Yandri Rondonuwu 15064015
19 Rocky Rumagit 15064056
20 Fatria K. Solang 15064040

All the students were included in the pre – test and then the class was randomly divided into two
consisting of 10 students in each smaller group. The first group was the experimental group
applying impromptu speaking method and the other group was the control group using full text
memorization. The following are the names of students who were the members of experimental
group and control group in table 2.

Table 2.Participants of Experimental Group and Control Group

No Experimental Group

1 Riandy Wantalangi (A1)

2 Juanly Glend Lendeng (A2)
3 Maurend O M Mende (A3)
4 Astriani Luntungan (A4)
5 Andrew N Datangmanis (A5)
6 Eirene pua (A6)
7 Yosua Yefta Manembu (A7)
8 Yustira R Malaghanda (A8)
9 Frisico A Sumampouw (A9)
10 Reymon P Gosal (A10)
11 Yulia Filia Garing (B1
12 Desiana G Mamole (B2)
13 Jeinnancy Kakomole (B3)
14 Jemris Marinu (B4)
15 Marlina Rumengan (B5)
16 Aline Suciati Awaeh (B6)
17 Drevi Tamedia (B7)
18 Yandri Rondonuwu (B8)
19 Rocky Rumagit (B9)
20 Fatria K. Solang (B10)

Further, the names in experimental group will be changed with A1,A2 and so on according
to the order of names in the list, while the names of the students in control group will be changed
with B1, B2, and so on.
The kinds of speaking material taught to both groups were speech, interview and storytelling.
The difference lies on method in preparing them. The experimental group did the preparation with
very little preparation. They practiced speech, interview and storytelling with only points or
keywords, while the control group practiced using full text. The students in the experimental group
with only important points, developed the speech, interview and storytelling creatively using their
own sentences. The students in control group prepared their speaking by memorizing the text. After
5 weeks of practice, the post tests for the two groups were conducted with the following results.

The 2nd International Joint Conference on Science and Technology (IJCST) 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 953 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“”012035 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/953/1/012035

Tabel 3. Pre – Test and Post –Test Results

Pre - Test Post - Test
1 A9 72 95
2 B1 75 97
3 A2 55 93
4 B2 75 96
5 B3 75 96
6 B4 80 100
7 B5 80 98
8 A3 55 90
9 A10 75 98
10 B6 80 96
11 B7 80 96
12 B8 85 100
13 B9 85 100
14 A5 65 95
15 A8 65 93
16 A7 60 89
17 A1 55 96
18 A6 67 96
19 A4 65 96
20 B 10 85 100

From the table above we can see that the students who practiced using impromptu speaking
method (experimental group) were more successful than those who practiced with conventional
method (control group) as can be seen from the experimental class mean score which was 96
points while that of the control group was only 71.7 points. There was a difference of 24.3 points.
From the data in table 3 above, we can calculate the correlation between the correct and natural
speaking ability and the impromptu speaking method in English teaching. The score of correlation
obtained is 0.80 which shows that the relation between speaking ability and impromptu speaking
method is very strong and significant.

5. Conclusion

1. The first group of students who applied impromptu speaking method was better in
speaking more fluently and naturally because they have learnt to use their own
sentences and their creativity to develop their speaking.
2. The second group of students who applied full text memorization mostly failed because
of feeling nervous when they forget one sentence or even one word that made them
forget the whole text.

6. Suggestion

1. It is suggested that impromptu speaking method be applied in developing the students’

speaking ability, because by using this method the students are taught to use their
creativity in developing the ideas and arranging sentences based on main points or
2. Impromptu speaking motivates the students to expand their vocabulary, improves their
pronunciation and develop their ideas that is closely related to speaking skills.

7. Acknowledgments

The authors would like express their sincere gratitude to all of the parties who have helped
them in preparing this journal. Great thanks are extended to DRPM Ditjen Penguatan Risbang for
the research fund and opportunities given to them to do this research.

The 2nd International Joint Conference on Science and Technology (IJCST) 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 953 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“”012035 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/953/1/012035

In this occasion, the authors would also like to render special thanks to the Director of
Manado State Polytechnic, Ir. Ever N Slat, MT, the head of Tourism Department, Octavianus
Lintong,SPi and the head of Accounting Department, Stevi Kalgis,SE.,MM.Ak for their support
in conducting the research.
On this occasion, we wish to deliver deep thanks for the assistance given by Prof.Dr.Debby
Willar,ST.,MEngSc and Benny Towoliu,SE.,M.Par, Dr. Tineke Saroingsong,SST.,M.Eng in the
writing of this journal.
The authors would also like deliver their warmest t hanks to the students of Tourism
Department, especially class VB for their willingness to be the participants of the research.
Last but not least we also have to acknowledge the help of the administrative staff of
Tourism Department for providing the authors with some necessary documents.
God Bless Us All !

8. References

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[4] Brown H.D 1980 Principles Of Learning And Teaching Prentice Hall New Jersey 70
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[12] Moleong J.L 2011Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif PT Remaja Rosdakarya Bandung 6
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[14] Sheik W.Cockey 2015 Teaching World Language English 2nd Edition,National Capital
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[15] Skinner,Ch,1958. Essential Of Education Psychology, Prentice Hall Inc, Engelwood Cliffs,
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