Student Engagement Self-Regulation Satisfaction and Success in

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The document discusses a study on student engagement, self-regulation, satisfaction, and success in online learning environments. It explores the relationship between these constructs and perceptions of student success.

The purpose of the study was to explore the relationship between the constructs of student engagement, self-regulation practices, satisfaction, and perceptions of student success using theoretical frameworks of adult learning theory, self-regulation theory, and constructivism in the context of the English-speaking Caribbean.

The theoretical frameworks used in the study were Knowles' adult learning theory, self-regulation theory, and constructivism. An enhanced Moore interaction model was also used.

Walden University


Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies

Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies Collection


Student Engagement, Self-Regulation, Satisfaction, and Success

in Online Learning Environments
Marcia Anne Commissiong
Walden University

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Walden University

College of Education

This is to certify that the doctoral dissertation by

Marcia Anne Commissiong

has been found to be complete and satisfactory in all respects,

and that any and all revisions required by
the review committee have been made.

Review Committee
Dr. Jennifer Courduff, Committee Chairperson, Education Faculty
Dr. Danielle Hedegard, Committee Member, Education Faculty
Dr. Jennifer Lapin, University Reviewer, Education Faculty

Chief Academic Officer and Provost

Sue Subocz, Ph.D.

Walden University

Student Engagement, Self-Regulation, Satisfaction, and Success in Online Learning



Marcia Anne Commissiong

MPhil, University of the West Indies, Mona, 1985

BSc, University of the West Indies, Mona, 1981

Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Degree of

Doctor of Philosophy


Walden University

March 2020

An increasing number of higher education institutions are seeking to widen access to

education using online learning environments. Transitioning to this learning modality

requires institutions to focus on factors related to the constructs of student engagement,

self-regulation practices, and student satisfaction as predictors of student academic

success. Little research has been conducted on the 3 constructs and perceptions of student

success in the English-speaking Caribbean. This quantitative cross-sectional study

explored the relationship of the constructs and student success using the theoretical

frameworks of Knowles’ adult learning theory, self-regulation theory, and

constructivism. An enhanced Moore interaction model was used to design a new

instrument to measure the self-reported responses of learners and faculty. This instrument

was determined to be valid by content experts and reliable using statistical methods.

Using the convenience sampling strategy, 385 students and 61 faculty from a regional

Caribbean institution were selected. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics,

correlation relationship between pairs of the constructs, and multiple linear regression

relationship between the constructs and perceptions of student success. The findings

showed that the construct pairs correlated significantly with each other. The findings also

showed that student engagement, self-regulation, and satisfaction significantly predicted

perceptions of student success. The potential findings could lead to positive social change

in how universities approach the process of learning and instruction in online learning

environments. The instrument might also be used as a preliminary model in higher

education institutions in the Caribbean for predicting student success.

Student Engagement, Self-Regulation, Satisfaction, and Success in Online Learning



Marcia Anne Commissiong

MPhil, University of the West Indies, Mona, 1985

BSc, University of the West Indies, Mona, 1981

Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Degree of

Doctor of Philosophy


Walden University

March 2020

I dedicate this dissertation project to my mother, Florence Holness Commissiong,

whose desire for knowledge and passion for excellence inspired me to strive for

perfection in all that I do.


I wish to thank the following people for their support and guidance during this

doctoral journey:

To my committee chair and mentor, Dr. Jennifer Courduff, for her guidance,

generosity, genuine interest, care, patience, and understanding during my dissertation

journey. She shared many words of encouragement to keep me going.

To my dissertation committee methodologist, Dr. Danielle Hedegard, for her

expertise and guidance in quantitative research designs. She encouraged me to become a

better quantitative researcher.

To Dr. Jennifer Lapin for her rigorous evaluation of my dissertation document as

the university research review committee member.

To the content experts, Dr. Danielle Hedegard and Mrs. Michelle Wooding-

Andrade, for their invaluable comments and suggestions for improvement of the survey

question items and for endorsing the newly designed instrument for its intended purpose.

To my work colleague Ms. Tasmin Mohammed for navigating me through the

administration and presentation of question items in an online survey environment.

To the institutions that granted permission for the surveys to be conducted and

distributed the invitations to participants.

To those individuals who took the time to participate in the pilot and actual

surveys and completed the questionnaires.

Finally, to my sisters, Karen McGregor and Jacqueline Harvey, and their families

for their unwavering support, understanding, and patience throughout the dissertation

Table of Contents

List of Tables ..................................................................................................................... vi

List of Figures ......................................................................................................................x

Chapter 1: Introduction to the Study....................................................................................1

Introduction ....................................................................................................................1

Background ....................................................................................................................2

Problem Statement .........................................................................................................2

Purpose of the Study ......................................................................................................4

Research Questions ........................................................................................................5

Theoretical Framework for the Study ............................................................................7

Nature of the Study ........................................................................................................8

Definition of Terms........................................................................................................8

Assumptions of the Study ............................................................................................10

Scope and Delimitations ..............................................................................................10

Limitations ...................................................................................................................11


Summary ......................................................................................................................12

Chapter 2: Literature Review .............................................................................................14

Introduction ..................................................................................................................14

Literature Search Strategy............................................................................................16

The Online Learning Environment ..............................................................................16

Technology Adoption and Acceptance ................................................................. 18

Sense of Community and the Interaction Framework .......................................... 19

Theoretical Framework ................................................................................................21

Knowles’ Adult Learning Theory ......................................................................... 21

Self-Regulated Learning Theory........................................................................... 23

Constructivism ...................................................................................................... 24

Alignment of the Theoretical Frameworks to the Interaction Theory .................. 25

Student Engagement ....................................................................................................25

Challenges to Student Engagement ...................................................................... 28

Student Self-Regulation Practices................................................................................29

Student Satisfaction .....................................................................................................31

Studies of Pairs of the Three Constructs of Student Engagement, Self-

Regulation Practices and Student Satisfaction .................................................33

Student Engagement and Student Satisfaction ..................................................... 34

Student Engagement and Self-Regulation ............................................................ 34

Self-Regulation and Student Satisfaction ............................................................. 35

Constructs of Student Engagement, Self-Regulation Practices and Student

Satisfaction .......................................................................................................36

Student Success ............................................................................................................37

Studies of the Three Constructs of Student Engagement, Self-Regulation

Practices, and Student Satisfaction and Factors of Student Success ...............39

Student Engagement, Student Satisfaction, and Student Success......................... 40

Self-Regulation, Student Satisfaction, and Student Success ................................ 40

Student Engagement, Self-Regulation, and Student Success ............................... 41

Summary ......................................................................................................................43

Chapter 3: Research Method ..............................................................................................45

Introduction ..................................................................................................................45

Research Design and Rationale ...................................................................................46

Methodology ................................................................................................................47

Population ............................................................................................................. 47

Sampling Strategy and Procedures ....................................................................... 49

Sample Size........................................................................................................... 52

Data Collection ............................................................................................................54

Field (Pilot) Testing of the Questionnaire ............................................................ 56

Instrumentation ............................................................................................................56

Determination of Validity and Reliability ...................................................................62

Data Analysis Plan .......................................................................................................63

Research Questions ............................................................................................... 64

Correlation Analysis ............................................................................................. 68

Multiple Linear Regression................................................................................... 69

Threats to Validity .......................................................................................................71

Threats to External Validity .................................................................................. 71

Threats to Internal Validity ................................................................................... 72

Threats to Construct and Statistical Conclusion Validity ..................................... 72

Ethical Procedures .......................................................................................................72

Summary ......................................................................................................................73

Chapter 4: Results ..............................................................................................................75

Introduction ..................................................................................................................75

New Research Instruments ..........................................................................................77

Validity and Internal Reliability of the Scales ...................................................... 78

Data Collection and Results of the Pilot Study ............................................................78

Internal Reliability of the Scales ........................................................................... 81

Data Collection of the Actual Research Study ............................................................83

Introduction ........................................................................................................... 83

Data Collection ..................................................................................................... 84

Internal Reliability of the Scales ........................................................................... 84

Cronbach’s Alpha for All Responses .................................................................... 85

Cronbach’s Alpha for Responses With No Missing Demographic Data .............. 86

Preliminary Factor Analysis ................................................................................. 87

Participant Responses and Missing Data .............................................................. 91

Baseline Descriptive and Demographic Characteristics of the Sample ................ 92

Relationship of the Sample to the Population ....................................................... 96

Research Study Results ................................................................................................97

Descriptive Statistical Analysis of the Sample ..................................................... 97

Inferential Statistical Analyses of the Sample Population .................................. 101

Summary ....................................................................................................................144

Chapter 5: Discussion, Conclusions, and Recommendations ..........................................147

Introduction ................................................................................................................147

Interpretation of the Findings.....................................................................................148

Internal Reliability and Construct Validity of the Instrument ............................ 149

Correlation Analysis of the Construct Pairs........................................................ 149

Multiple Linear Regression Analysis Between the Three Constructs and

Student Success ....................................................................................... 151

Discussion of the Findings .........................................................................................153

Limitations of the Study.............................................................................................154

Recommendations ......................................................................................................156


Positive Social Change ....................................................................................... 158

Practical Implications.......................................................................................... 159

Conclusion .................................................................................................................160

References ........................................................................................................................161

Appendix A: Draft Student Questionnaire .......................................................................184

Appendix B: Draft Faculty Questionnaire .......................................................................187

Appendix C: Content Review Invitation..........................................................................190

Appendix D: Letter for Approval to Conduct Research ..................................................191

Appendix E: Preliminary Factor Analysis Tables ...........................................................194

List of Tables

Table 1. Type of Interactions and Engagement Factors ................................................... 28

Table 2. Type of Interactions and Self-Regulation Factors .............................................. 31

Table 3. Type of Interactions and Student Satisfaction Factors ....................................... 33

Table 4. Perceived Student Success Indicators ................................................................. 39

Table 5. Number of Online Programs in each Program Grouping ................................... 48

Table 6. Student Enrollment by Program Groupings........................................................ 49

Table 7. Survey Items for the Student Engagement Construct ......................................... 57

Table 8. Survey Items for the Self-Regulation Practices Construct ................................. 58

Table 9. Survey Items for the Student Satisfaction Construct .......................................... 58

Table 10. Survey Items for Perceptions of Student Success ............................................. 59

Table 11. Demographic Variable Information .................................................................. 61

Table 12. Highest Possible Scores for Each Variable....................................................... 62

Table 13. Summary of Inferential Statistical Tests per Research Question ..................... 68

Table 14. Question Coding for Student Engagement Items ............................................. 79

Table 15. Question Coding for Self-Regulation Practices Items ...................................... 80

Table 16. Question Coding for Student Satisfaction Items ............................................... 80

Table 17. Question Coding for Perceptions of Student Success Items ............................. 81

Table 18. Reliability Statistics for the Construct/Factor Scales of the Student Survey

Instrument for All Responses.................................................................................... 82

Table 19. Increase in Internal Reliability of the Student Engagement Scale for the Student

Survey Instrument ..................................................................................................... 82

Table 20. Reliability Statistics for the Construct/Factor Scales of the Student Survey

Instrument for All Responses.................................................................................... 85

Table 21. Reliability Statistics for the Construct/Factor Scales for the Faculty Survey

Instrument for All Responses.................................................................................... 85

Table 22. Reliability Statistics for the Construct/Factor Scales of the Student Survey

Instrument for Responses With No Missing Demographic Data.............................. 86

Table 23. Reliability Statistics for the Construct/Factor Scales of the Faculty Survey

Instrument for Responses With No Missing Demographic Data.............................. 86

Table 24. Comparison of Number of Participant Group Responses Before and After

Removal of Missing Demographic Information ....................................................... 92

Table 25. Gender Characteristics of the Participant Groups............................................. 93

Table 26. Age Group Characteristics of the Participant Groups ...................................... 93

Table 27. Age Group Characteristics of the Participant Groups Categorized by

Gender ....................................................................................................................... 94

Table 28. Cohort Characteristics of the Student Participant Group.................................. 98

Table 29. Program and Course Characteristics of the Student Participation Group ......... 99

Table 30. Teaching Characteristics of the Faculty Participant Group ............................ 100

Table 31. Program and Course Characteristics of the Faculty Participation Group ....... 101

Table 32. Descriptive Statistics for Student Engagement and Self-Regulation Practices of

the Sample Population ............................................................................................ 105

Table 33. Pearson Correlation for Student Engagement and Self-Regulation Practices of

the Sample Population ............................................................................................ 107

Table 34. Descriptive Statistics for Student Engagement and Student Satisfaction of the

Sample Population .................................................................................................. 109

Table 35. Pearson Correlation for Student Engagement and Student Satisfaction of the

Sample Population .................................................................................................. 111

Table 36. Descriptive Statistics for Self-Regulation Practices and Student Satisfaction of

the Sample Population .......................................................................................... 1134

Table 37. Pearson Correlation for Self-Regulation Practices and Student Satisfaction of

the Sample Population ............................................................................................ 115

Table 38. Durbin-Watson Statistic of the Independent Variables Against the Dependent

Variable ................................................................................................................. 1278

Table 39. Pearson Correlation for the Predictor and Outcome Variables for the Student

Group ...................................................................................................................... 129

Table 40. Pearson Correlation for the Predictor and Outcome Variables for the Faculty

Group ...................................................................................................................... 129

Table 41. Pearson Correlation for the Predictor and Outcome Variables for the Combined

Group ...................................................................................................................... 130

Table 42. Descriptive Statistics of the three Constructs and Perceptions of Student

Success for the Sample Population ......................................................................... 131

Table 43. Model Summary for Perceptions of Student Success (Dependent Variable)

With Independent Variables and Without Covariates of the Student Participant

Group ...................................................................................................................... 133

Table 44. Model Summary for Perceptions of Student Success (Dependent Variable)

With Independent Variables and Covariates of the Student Participant Group...... 133

Table 45. Model Summary for Perceptions of Student Success (Dependent Variable)

With Independent Variables and Without Covariates of the Faculty Participant

Group ...................................................................................................................... 134

Table 46. Model Summary for Perceptions of Student Success (Dependent Variable)

With Independent Variables and Covariates of the Faculty Participant Group ...... 135

Table 47. Model Summary for Perceptions of Student Success (Dependent Variable)

With Independent Variables and Without Covariates of the Combined Participant

Group ...................................................................................................................... 136

Table 48. Model Summary for Perceptions of Student Success (Dependent Variable)

With Independent Variables and Covariates of the Combined Participant

Group ...................................................................................................................... 136

Table 49. Coefficients for the Student Participant Groupa Without Covariates ............. 138

Table 50. Coefficients for the Student Participant Groupa With Covariates .................. 139

Table 51. Coefficients for the Faculty Participant Groupa Without Covariates ............. 140

Table 52. Coefficients for the Faculty Participant Groupa With Covariates .................. 141

Table 53. Coefficients for the Combined Participant Groupa Without Covariates ......... 142

Table 54. Coefficients for the Combined Participant Groupa With Covariates .............. 143

List of Figures

Figure 1. Conceptual model of the correlational patterns ................................................. 65

Figure 2. Conceptual model of the regression pattern ...................................................... 65

Figure 3. Country of residence characteristics of the student participant group .............. 95

Figure 4. Country of residence characteristics of the faculty participant group ............... 95

Figure 5. Scatterplot of student engagement and self-regulation practices for student

respondents ............................................................................................................. 104

Figure 6. Scatterplot of student engagement and self-regulation practices for faculty

respondents ............................................................................................................. 104

Figure 7. Scatterplot of student engagement and self-regulation practices for the

combined participant group .................................................................................... 105

Figure 8. Scatterplot of student engagement and student satisfaction for student

respondents ............................................................................................................. 108

Figure 9. Scatterplot of student engagement and student satisfaction for faculty

respondents ............................................................................................................. 108

Figure 10. Scatterplot of student engagement and student satisfaction for the combined

participant group ..................................................................................................... 109

Figure 11. Scatterplot of self-regulation practices and student satisfaction for student

respondents ............................................................................................................. 112

Figure 12. Scatterplot of self-regulation practices and student satisfaction for faculty

respondents ............................................................................................................. 112

Figure 13. Scatterplot of self-regulation practices and student satisfaction for the

combined participant group .................................................................................... 113

Figure 14. Q-Q plot of student engagement for the student participant group ............... 117

Figure 15. Q-Q plot of student engagement for the faculty participant group ............... 118

Figure 16. Q-Q plot of student engagement for the combined participant group ........... 118

Figure 17. Q-Q plot of self-regulation practices for the student participant group ........ 119

Figure 18. Q-Q plot of self-regulation practices for the faculty participant group ......... 119

Figure 19. Q-Q plot of self-regulation practices for the combined participant group .... 120

Figure 20. Q-Q plot of student satisfaction for the student participant group ................ 120

Figure 21. Q-Q plot of student satisfaction for the faculty participant group................. 121

Figure 22. Q-Q plot of student satisfaction for the combined participant group ............ 121

Figure 23. Q-Q plot of perceptions of student success for the student participant group122

Figure 24. Q-Q plot of perceptions of student success for the faculty participant group 122

Figure 25. Q-Q plot of perceptions of student success for the combined participant

group ....................................................................................................................... 123

Figure 26. Matrix scatterplot of the three constructs and perceptions of student success

for student respondents ........................................................................................... 124

Figure 27. Matrix scatterplot of the three constructs and perceptions of student success

for faculty respondents ............................................................................................ 125

Figure 28. Matrix scatterplot of the three constructs and perceptions of student success

for the combined participant group ......................................................................... 125

Figure 29. Scatterplot of the residual values for the three independent variables against

the dependent variable for the student participant group ........................................ 126

Figure 30. Scatterplot of the residual values for the three independent variables against

the dependent variable for the faculty participant group ........................................ 127

Figure 31. Scatterplot of the residual values for the three independent variables against

the dependent variable for the combined participant group.................................... 127

Chapter 1: Introduction to the Study


Online learning has become a popular means of greater access to higher education

among students (Fonolahi, Khan, & Jokhan, 2014; Garrison & Vaughan, 2013;

O’Connor, 2014; Stack, 2015). Despite the increased access, the retention rate of students

using this learning modality remains a concern for higher education administrators.

University and college administrators are constantly exploring ways to improve student

persistence and student satisfaction of online learners. Student success is predicated on

the ability of institutions to actively engage students in the learning process and increase

students’ use of self-regulation skills (Cho & Shen, 2013; Mello, 2016). While there have

been numerous studies on student engagement, self-regulation practices, and student

satisfaction globally, such studies are scarce in the English-speaking Caribbean. In this

quantitative study, I focused on the relationship among the three constructs of student

engagement, self-regulation practices, and student satisfaction and the impact of the

constructs on perceived student success in the online learning environment at Caribbean

higher education institutions. The research may address a gap in the literature on the

exploration of student engagement, self-regulation practices, and student satisfaction

together with perceptions of student success in a single study. The examination of the

three constructs together is innovative not only in the Caribbean but also globally. The

closing of the gap in knowledge has the potential to promote positive social change in the

teaching and learning approaches adopted by universities to increase student satisfaction

levels in online learning. In Chapter 1, I present the background to the research study and
describe the problem statement and purpose of the study. This chapter includes the

research questions, which align with null and alternate hypotheses, theoretical

framework, and the nature of the study. In the remainder of Chapter 1, I describe the

assumptions, limitations, and significance of the research.


In prior studies conducted in the English-speaking Caribbean, researchers have

centered primarily on the transitioning process to the online learning platform (Beaubrun,

2012; Rhoden, 2013). Studies on the three constructs of student engagement, self-

regulation practices, and student satisfaction have been conducted outside the Caribbean

in combinations of two constructs at a time (Jackson, 2015; Johnson, Edgar, Shoulders,

Graham, & Rucker, 2016; Kuh, Kinzie, Cruce, Shoup, & Gonyea, 2007; Larose, 2010;

Mello, 2016; Pellas, 2014; Puzziferro, 2008; Wang, Shannon, & Ross, 2013; Zhang et al.,

2015). There have been no studies on any one of the three constructs in Caribbean

institutions and no studies on the relationship between these constructs and student

success from the perspectives of students and faculty. The unique and innovative

combination of the three constructs as one research project was a gap in the literature.

Problem Statement

Higher education institutions have begun to widen access to their programs of

study using online learning platforms (Fonolahi et al., 2014; Garrison & Vaughan, 2013;

O’Connor, 2014; Stack, 2015). The shift to online learning requires institutions to ensure

student satisfaction through student engagement and self-regulation practices (Cho &

Shen, 2013; Mello, 2016). The constructs of student engagement (Pera, 2013), self-
regulation activities (Chapman, 2015; Cho & Shen, 2013; Greer, Pokorney, Clay, Brown,

& Steele, 2010; Wang et al., 2013; Zimmerman, 1989), and student satisfaction

(Kauffman, 2015; Saeler, 2015) have been studied in both traditional and online learning

environments. In these studies, researchers explored the impact of each of the constructs

on students’ learning experiences. Additionally, in studies conducted at colleges and

universities, researchers examined only two constructs at a time to determine the

relationship between the constructs within the pair. Previous researchers have focused on

the relationships between the pairs of constructs of (a) student engagement and student

satisfaction (Jackson, 2015; Johnson et al., 2016; Kuh et al., 2007; Larose, 2010); (b)

student engagement and self-regulation (Boekaerts, 2016; Mello, 2016; Pellas, 2014;

Zhang et al., 2015); and (c) self-regulation and student satisfaction (Puzziferro, 2008;

Wang et al., 2013) in either traditional classrooms or online settings. These studies have

shown a positive correlation between each of the constructs for the construct pairs of

student engagement and self-regulation and self-regulation and student satisfaction. The

relationship between the constructs of the construct pair for student engagement and

student satisfaction has produced mixed results. According to Jackson (2015) and Kuh et

al. (2007), a positive correlation exists between the constructs of student engagement and

student satisfaction in the traditional environment. In contrast, Larose (2010) reported

that the lack of attention paid to fostering student engagement in the online environment

as opposed to the traditional classroom is the reason for poor student satisfaction rates at

community colleges. Although studies have been conducted on two constructs at a time,
there is a gap in the literature as it relates to examining three constructs at a time in both

the traditional classroom setting and the online environment.

In the English-speaking Caribbean, there is little documented research on

comparisons between online and traditional environments related to educational

practices, learning processes, student characteristics, and student outcomes.

Consequently, there is a gap in the literature on the correlation between the pairs of

constructs of student engagement, self-regulation practices, and student satisfaction. I

explored this innovative relationship among the three constructs at the same time in

online learning environments in an English-speaking Caribbean higher education

institution. The closing of the gap in knowledge has the potential to promote positive

social change in the innovative teaching and learning approaches adopted by universities

to increase student satisfaction levels in online learning. The research would be of interest

to faculty and administrators of English-speaking Caribbean higher education institutions

in the design of innovative programs that are more responsive to the needs of the student

population pursuing online education programs of study.

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this quantitative research study was to understand the relationship

among the constructs of student engagement, self-regulation practices, and student

satisfaction and how this relationship impacts perceptions of student success in online

learning settings at English-speaking Caribbean higher education institutions. To address

the gap associated with the relationship among the three constructs and student success in

the English-speaking Caribbean literature, I used the quantitative research approach,

specifically the cross-sectional design methodology, to establish patterns of correlation

between the three constructs and patterns of regression between the three constructs and

perceived student success in the online environment. I used survey instruments to

examine the self-reported experiences of students and faculty concerning the constructs

of student engagement, self-regulation practices, and student satisfaction and factors

associated with student success in online programs of study.

Research Questions

The research questions in this study were used to determine whether there was

statistical significance in the relationship among student engagement, self-regulation

practices, student satisfaction, and perceived student success in online learning

environments. The first research question relates to the correlation model:

RQ1: What is the relationship among the pairs of constructs of student

engagement, self-regulation practices, student satisfaction in online courses?

The three sub questions and null and alternate hypotheses for the correlation


RQ1a: What is the relationship between student engagement and self-regulation

practices in online courses?

H01a. There is no relationship between student engagement and self-regulation

practices in online courses.

Ha1a. There is a relationship between student engagement and self-regulation

practices in online courses.

RQ1b: What is the relationship between student engagement and student

satisfaction in online courses?

H01b: There is no relationship between student engagement and student

satisfaction in online courses.

Ha1b: There is a relationship between student engagement and student satisfaction

in online courses.

RQ1c: What is the relationship between self-regulation practices and student

satisfaction in online courses?

H01c: There is no relationship between self-regulation practices and student

satisfaction in online courses.

Ha1c: There is a relationship between self-regulation practices and student

satisfaction in online courses.

The second question and null and alternate hypotheses correspond to the regression


RQ2: To what extent do the constructs of student engagement, self-regulation

practices, and student satisfaction relate to perceptions of student success in online


H02: The constructs of student engagement, self-regulation practices, and student

satisfaction do not relate to perceptions of student success.

Ha2: The constructs of student engagement, self-regulation practices, and student

satisfaction do relate to perceptions of student success.

Theoretical Framework for the Study

The theoretical framework for this study encompassed Knowles’ adult learning

theory (Phillips, 2005), self-regulated learning theory (Zimmerman, 1989), and the

constructivist model of Vygotsky that promotes student-centered learning (Ahn & Class,

2011). First, Knowles’ adult learning theory indicates that adult learners exhibit self-

directed learning characteristics during the engagement phase of the learning process

(Phillips, 2005). Furthermore, the theory has been used to illustrate the characteristics and

approaches employed by adult learners in learning environments, such as readiness and

self-motivation to learn (Allen & Zhang, 2016). The alignment of these characteristics to

the process of learning can provide insight into the relationship between student

engagement, self-regulation practices, and student satisfaction in the online learning

environment. Second, self-regulation models revolve around the motivational, behavioral,

and metacognitive abilities of students (Zimmerman, 1989). All three abilities play a role

in determining levels of student satisfaction in online learning (Artino, 2007; Puzziferro,

2008). Third, constructivism posits that student-centered learning positively impacts

student engagement and self-regulation practices (Ahn & Class, 2011; An & Reigeluth,

2011; Chapman, 2015). These three theories support the constructs of student

engagement, self-regulation practices, and student satisfaction in terms of enhancing

student learning experiences in the online environment (Kauffman, 2015), details of

which are given in Chapter 2.

Nature of the Study

The nature of this study was quantitative, using the cross-sectional research

design. I sought to establish both a pattern of correlation between pairs of the three

constructs of student engagement, self-regulation practices, and student satisfaction and a

relationship between the three constructs and perceived student success. Using the cross-

sectional design, I selected student and faculty participants using the nonprobability

convenience sampling strategy. Although several researchers have developed instruments

for the three constructs and student success, no one instrument incorporated all the

measurable indicators in a single questionnaire. As a result, I developed an instrument for

this study using the Moore (1989) interaction model as the common operational

definition for all three constructs. The interactions comprised learner-content, learner-

instructor, and learner-learner, and I incorporated a fourth interaction representing the

learning environment in the form of the learner-online environment. In the final design of

the instrument, I aligned the indicators of perceptions of student success to the

operational definitions of the three constructs. The cross-sectional design is consistent

with the collection of data on the level of experiences of faculty and students in real-life

situations and allows for comparative studies in the online learning environment using

statistical analytical methods.

Definition of Terms

For this research study, I defined the following terms:

Andragogy: A learning model that incorporates the life experiences of adults in

the learning process. The model is linked to Knowles’ adult learning theory, which
emphasizes the need for learners to self-direct their learning, become engaged in the

learning process, and be intrinsically motivated (Allen & Zhang, 2016; Schultz, 2012).

Constructivism: A learning theory that fosters student-centered learning in a

collaborative learning environment (Ahn & Class, 2011; An & Reigeluth, 2011).

Online learning: The use of a technologically enhanced platform for the delivery

of courses and programs that provides a collaborative environment to foster relationships

and community among learners and instructors (Cox & Cox, 2008; Yuan & Kim, 2014).

Self-regulation practices: Constitutes the ability of students to apply

metacognitive, motivational, or behavioral skills in self-directed learning at the four

collaborative interfaces or interactions of (a) learner-content, (b) learner-instructor, (c)

learner-learner, and (d) learner-online platform (Moore, 1989; Zimmerman, 1986, 1989).

Student engagement: Corresponds to the amount of effort that students expend in

the active learning process at the four collaborative interfaces or interactions of (a)

learner-content, (b) learner-instructor, (c) learner-learner, and (d) learner-online platform

(Kuh, 2003; Moore, 1989).

Student satisfaction: Correlates to the educational experience of students at the

four collaborative interfaces or interactions of (a) learner-content, (b) learner-instructor,

(c) learner-learner, and (d) learner-online platform. Dimensions of student satisfaction

include (a) academic achievement, (b) performance, (c) perceptions of the learning

environment, (d) success, (e) persistence, and (f) quality of the instructional design,

content, and delivery (Artino, 2007, 2008; Bolliger & Martindale, 2004; Kuo, Walker,

Belland, & Schroder, 2013; Kuo, Walker, Schroder, & Belland, 2014; Moore, 1989;
Puzziferro, 2008; Reinhart & Schneider, 2001; Thurmond, & Wambach, 2004;

Yukselturk & Yildirim, 2008).

Student success. Relates to the measure of student academic achievement

attributed to satisfaction with the overall educational experience and the efforts of

students to engage in the learning process and self-direct their learning. Dimensions of

student success include academic achievement, such as pass rates, retention, persistence,

and advancement (Ashby, Sadera, & McNary, 2011; Cuseo, 2007; Subotzky & Prinsloo,


Assumptions of the Study

For this research study, I made several assumptions. First, I assumed that survey

participants’ responses would represent the actual experiences of the learners and faculty.

Second, I assumed that the institution’s representative would send the survey instrument

to all eligible participants. The remaining assumptions related to the correlation and

regression models. Correlation assumed that the variables associated with the constructs

of student engagement, self-regulation practices, and student satisfaction would be

independent of each other. Multiple linear regression assumed a linear relationship

between the predictor and outcome variables.

Scope and Delimitations

The scope of the study was limited to a regional institution in the English-

speaking Caribbean. The population comprised both students and faculty members from

programs that offer at least one course online. Programs using the traditional face-to-face

learning model were excluded from the project. Before conducting the data analysis for
the study, I ascertained the validity and reliability of the instrument. For this study, I

achieved content validity by engaging two experts with experience in teaching online

learning courses. I received feedback on the comprehensiveness and relevance of each

question and the representativeness of the entire instrument based on its purpose. I

revised the questionnaire by clarifying question items and expanding the student success

indicators. The current instrument comprises a 13-item scale for student engagement, a

13-item scale for self-regulation practices, a 5-item scale for student satisfaction, and a

14-item scale for perceptions of student success.

I determined the reliability of the new instrument through field testing, which I

conducted at different higher education institutions. I did not use the data collected from

the field test in the actual data analysis; I used the data to verify reliability through the

calculation of the Cronbach’s alpha statistic. I also used the data to establish construct

validity based on preliminary factor analysis of the correlation between the three

constructs of student engagement, self-regulation practices, student satisfaction, and

factors aligned to perceptions of student success.


The limitations of this quantitative research study were related to threats to

internal and external validity. The threat to internal validity was reduced because the

intent of the study was to generalize within the target population and not to determine

cause and effect relationships between the predictor and outcome variables. Similarly, the

use of a cross-sectional study minimized the threat to external validity as I sought only to

establish a relationship between the variables in the target population.


I focused on combining the three constructs of student engagement, self-

regulation practices, and student satisfaction at one time as experienced by faculty and

students in the online learning environment in this quantitative study. This innovative

approach to the unique combination of the three constructs helps fill a gap in the

literature. The results of the research study might provide a model that can be used by

institutions to predict the success of students based on their engagement, self-regulation

practices, and levels of satisfaction. The research would be particularly useful to faculty

and administrators designing instructional approaches that foster the alignment between

the three constructs to meet student needs. Additionally, the potential findings could lead

to positive social change in the way that universities approach the process of learning and

instruction for the benefit of students in online learning environments.


In Chapter 1, I presented a summary of the research study as it related to the need

for the project, its purpose and significance, and social change implications. The chapter

also included the problem statement; research questions and hypotheses; research design

model, including development of a new instrument; the rationale for the target population

selection; and steps to minimize threats to internal and external validity.

In Chapter 2, I examine the theoretical frameworks of Knowles’ adult learning

theory, the self-regulated learning theory, and the model for a constructivist learning

environment in setting the foundational principles of the study. The alignment of the

frameworks to the three constructs of student engagement, self-regulation practices,

student satisfaction, and student success, and the operational definition is highlighted as

essential to achieving the purpose of the study. The gap in the literature related to the

exploration of the correlation of pairs of the three constructs and the innovative

relationship of the three constructs and perceived student success in a single study is

Chapter 2: Literature Review


The purpose of this quantitative research study was to understand the relationship

among the constructs of student engagement, self-regulation practices, and student

satisfaction and the alignment of this relationship to student success in online learning

settings at English-speaking Caribbean higher education institutions. Numerous studies,

outside of the Caribbean, have been conducted on the constructs of student engagement

(Pera, 2013), self-regulation activities (Chapman, 2015; Cho & Shen, 2013; Greer et al.,

2010; Wang et al., 2013; Zimmerman, 1989), and student satisfaction (Kauffman, 2015;

Saeler, 2015) in both the traditional and online learning environments. Researchers have

explored the impact between each of the constructs and students’ learning experiences.

Despite these studies, there is a gap in the literature concerning the study of the three

constructs at the same time in the online environment. Additionally, there is a gap in the

literature on the innovative relationship between the three constructs and perceptions of

student success in a single study in the English-speaking Caribbean.

Higher education institutions have recognized the importance of developing and

maintaining effective infrastructural systems to encourage learner persistence in the shift

to online learning (Milman, Posey, Pintz, Wright, & Zhou, 2015). The design of these

systems is required to satisfy the needs of learners while ensuring that students remain

engaged in the learning process and apply self-regulation skills to succeed (Cho & Shen,

2013; Mello, 2016). In previous studies conducted at colleges and universities,

researchers have combined or paired two constructs at a time to determine the

relationship between the constructs within the pair. Studies in the English-speaking

Caribbean have centered primarily on the process of transitioning to the online learning

platform (Beaubrun, 2012; Rhoden, 2013). A study of the innovative relationship

between pairs of the three constructs would add value to the transition process for these

Caribbean institutions as they seek to create an innovative learning space that is

responsive to the needs of online learners. The following four points substantiate this

innovation. First, there is little empirical data on the impact of any of the three constructs

in the Caribbean as it pertains to higher education learners in both traditional and online

learning environments. Second, there is no information on the study of any two of the

constructs together in Caribbean institutions in the two learning environments. Third,

there is no information on the innovative study of the three constructs together globally in

the traditional and online learning environments in higher education. Fourth, there is no

study examining the innovative relationship of the three constructs and student success

together globally in traditional and online learning. Based on the gaps identified, this

research study can create a positive social impact on the teaching and learning process

employed at Caribbean higher education institutions in online learning. Additionally, a

positive social change at the policy level may emerge because of the exploration of

factors associated with student engagement, self-regulation practices, student satisfaction,

and student success in a single study when institutions are transitioning to the online

learning modality.

In this chapter, I present a review of the literature on Knowles’ adult learning

theory, self-regulated theory, and the constructivist model that supports student-centered
learning. My review includes the tenets of the constructs of student engagement, self-

regulation, and student satisfaction and the alignment of the constructs to perceptions of

student success. I conclude with a review of the online learning environment and the

relationship between this environment and factors associated with the three constructs

and student success.

Literature Search Strategy

For this literature review, I used the databases in the Walden University library

related to Academic Source Complete, Education Source, ERIC, PsychINFO,

SocINDEX, ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global, and Google Scholar to search for

the following keywords and terms: transitioning to online learning, online learning

environments, student engagement, self-regulation, student satisfaction, student success,

Knowles’ adult learning theory, self-regulation theory, constructivism, and constructivist

model. Keywords for the three constructs were searched first separately and then

combined to ensure there was a gap in the literature on the study of the constructs at the

same time.

The Online Learning Environment

As a preamble to the presentation of the theoretical framework, I conducted a

literature review of the online learning environment to set the context for the study. The

review focused on the transition to online learning platforms and the need for innovative

change in the delivery of learning content. The review further linked the transition

process to the constructs of student engagement, self-regulation practices, and student

satisfaction and viewpoints of student success.

Higher education institutions are constantly seeking to widen access to their

programs of study using online learning platforms (Fonolahi et al., 2014; Gallagher &

LaBrie, 2012; Garrison & Vaughan, 2013; O’Connor, 2014; Stack, 2015). There also has

been increasing demand by students for institutions to use multiple formats in the

delivery of courses (Duesbery, Brandon, Liu, & Braun-Monegan, 2015). Accessing

courses online or in a blended format of face-to-face and online delivery modes is an

attractive and flexible option for both undergraduate and graduate students. The use of

this modality is evident in the significant growth in the number of students enrolled in

online courses in higher education institutions (Allen & Seaman, 2014).

The shift to online learning requires that institutions review their pedagogical

approaches and strategies so that curricular designs accommodate learner diversity and

learner needs in the online environment (Judge & Murray, 2017; Stocker, 2018; Sun &

Chen, 2016). Cox and Cox (2008) and Yuan and Kim (2014) posited that providing a

collaborative learning environment is an essential component of online learning platforms

because it fosters relationships and a sense of community among instructors and learners.

Yuan and Kim further asserted that this sense of community positively impacts student

performance and student satisfaction levels.

The transition to using online learning platforms also depends on the abilities of

instructors to adjust their teaching and learning norms for instructional delivery and time

management skills (Martins & Nunes, 2016). Students expect instructors to establish or

promote a sense of community and maintain an online presence so they feel supported

throughout the entire learning experience (Loh, Wong, Quazi, & Kingshott, 2016;
Northcote, Gosselin, Reynaud, Kilgour, & Anderson, 2015). Student expectations were

consistent with the main predictors for instructors’ online teaching self-efficacy, which

included learner satisfaction through engagement, use of instructional strategies, and

class management (Horvitz, Beach, Anderson, & Xia, 2015).

Technology Adoption and Acceptance

The successful delivery of online educational content is further predicated on the

acceptance and use of technology by students and their perceived level of technical self-

efficacy (Castillo-Merino & Serradell-López, 2014; Cheung & Vogel, 2013). Several

models have been proposed to measure the level of acceptance of technology use by

students in learning environments. These models include the technology acceptance

model (TAM; Davis, 1989) and the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology

(UTAUT; Venkatesh, Morris, Davis, G. & Davis, F., 2003), both of which rely on the

principle of an intent to use the technology and the associated behavioral patterns of

actual use.

TAM and UTAUT have been applied to studies in higher education institutions

using traditional, blended, and online learning modalities (Attuquayefio & Addo, 2014;

Awwad, & Al-Majali, 2015; Dečman, 2015; McKeown & Anderson, 2016; Nagy, 2018;

Padhi, 2018; Sattari, Abdekhoda, & Gavgani, 2017). In all the studies, the importance of

placing emphasis on institutional technical support was underscored, particularly in

online learning environments. Additionally, differences in technology adoption and usage

between undergraduate and graduate student cohorts suggested that it was important to

adjust approaches to content delivery of course materials between the two groups in the
online learning environment (McKeown & Anderson, 2016). In this study, graduate

students were more likely to accept readily and adopt the use of technology in the

learning process over undergraduate students.

In studies of technology acceptance and adoption in the Caribbean region,

researchers have focused primarily on mobile learning and UTAUT (Thomas, Singh, &

Gaffar, 2013; Thomas et al., 2014). Findings suggested that the context in which studies

using UTAUT were conducted played a significant role in determining the effects of

technology adoption among students at the higher education level. According to Thomas

et al. (2013), contextual factors related to non-Western cultures or country-specific

differences tended to contradict some of the UTAUT relationships, particularly those

relationships involving facilitating conditions and attitudes of technology users. Thomas

et al.’s (2013) research showed that similar uncharacteristic outcomes could occur when

exploring students’ online learning experiences in studies conducted in regions outside

the United States, such as the English-speaking Caribbean, and justifies the need to

establish contextual baselines in these countries.

Sense of Community and the Interaction Framework

In initial studies, researchers proposed that social presence, cognitive presence,

and teaching presence were fundamental constituents for the successful delivery of online

educational content (Garrison, Anderson, & Archer, 1999). Subsequent researchers

explored the relationship between the three constituents and the relative importance of

each constituent on the online teaching and learning process (Garrison, Anderson, &

Archer, 2009; Ke, 2010; Kehrwald, 2008; Tallent-Runnels et al., 2006; Wallace, 2003).
Although there was general agreement that the three constituents were integrated and

transposable, there was divergence in the hierarchical importance of the constituents.

Garrison et al. (2009) positioned cognitive presence as the pivotal constituent; Kehrwald

(2008) concentrated on social presence; and Ke (2010), Tallent-Runnels et al. (2006), and

Wallace (2003) placed teaching presence as the key constituent. Given that the three

constituents involved both student and instructor interactions, they were reviewed as

being synonymous with social interaction, cognitive interaction, and teaching interaction.

All three interactions were considered influential in promoting a community of learning

and a community of learners in asynchronous and synchronous online settings (Sun &

Chen, 2016).

Sher (2009) recognized three types of interactions that occur in the online learning

environment. These interactions were previously presented as a framework and pertained

to student and instructor, student and student, and student and educational content as it

related to the traditional learning environment (Moore, 1989). Additionally, Garrison et

al. (2009) aligned social presence (interaction) to student participation or student

engagement and teaching presence (interaction) to the activities between the student and

content or self-regulation skills. Ke (2010), on the other hand, likened cognitive presence

(interaction) to perceptions of student satisfaction and a higher level of student success.

Other researchers have expanded the original interaction framework to include a

learner-interface interaction (Hillman, Willis, & Gunawardena, 1994) and instructor-

instructor, instructor-content, and content-content interactions (Anderson & Garrison,

1995). I used the original Moore interaction model of student-instructor, student-student,

and student-educational content as a foundation for this study. In addition, I introduced a

fourth interaction component, the learner-online platform interaction, to explore the

interplay between the learner and the online learning space. This newly constructed

interaction model comprised the subdivisions (a) learner-content, (b) learner-instructor,

(c) learner-learner, and (d) learner-online platform, and was named the four-phased

interaction model.

Theoretical Framework

I used three theoretical frameworks as the basis for exploring the association

between pairs of the three constructs of student engagement, self-regulation practices,

and student satisfaction and the relationship between the three constructs and student

success. These theoretical frameworks are Knowles’ adult learning theory (Knowles,

1975; Phillips, 2005), self-regulated learning theory (Zimmerman, 1989), and the

constructivist model of Vygotsky that promotes student-centered learning (Ahn & Class,

2011). Each framework is presented separately below and shows the alignment between

the theory and the three constructs and student success.

Knowles’ Adult Learning Theory

I conducted the study at a higher education institution and used Knowles’ adult

learning theory as the foundational theoretical framework. Knowles’ adult learning

theory is aligned with the andragogical model that incorporates and values the life

experiences that adults bring to the learning process (Schultz, 2012). Owing to the

participatory role of the adult learner, emphasis is placed on facilitating self-directed

learning as opposed to instructor-directed learning. Studies have shown that a larger

number of adult learners are more likely to choose the online learning model over the

traditional learning model due to financial, family, and work responsibilities when

compared to the choices of recent graduates (Aragon & Johnson, 2008; Hachey, Conway,

& Wladis, 2013; Ke, 2010; Rotar, 2017; Xu & Jaggars, 2011). The online learning

environment requires students to be actively engaged in activities that foster the six tenets

of Knowles’ adult learning theory (Allen & Zhang, 2016; Schultz, 2012). These tenets

underscore the learner’s ability to (a) develop a need or longing for acquiring knowledge,

(b) establish a learning baseline or foundation, (c) self-conceptualize, (d) position oneself

in a cognitive state of readiness to achieve goals, (e) develop problem-centered skills, and

(f) become a self-motivator. Chief among the characteristics of the adult learner is the

correlation that exists between self-directed learning and learner engagement, where

learner motivation is intrinsically stimulated.

Contrary to this belief, Phillips (2005) proposed that self-directed learning must

be externally stimulated first for learners to become engaged. Phillips further purported

that once extrinsically motivated engagement occurs, continuous engagement of the adult

learner in the learning process is replaced by intrinsically motivated engagement. The

notion that self-directed learning is not always intrinsically motivated was supported by

Cox (2015), who cited an actual example of a conversation held with an adult learner.

Like Phillips’ proposition, this learner had to be externally driven to complete the

program of study.

Studies grounded in the Knowles’ adult learning theory have shown that both the

online learning environment and instructional content need to be technology-driven to

foster self-directed learning (Schultz, 2012). Schultz (2012) illustrated the link between

learner-centered curriculum and an interactive learning environment in the development

and implementation of an online GIS certificate program. The proposed model used for

the design of the program focused on “learning success in a student-centered adult

distance learning environment” (p. 51). In this model, there was alignment between the

characteristics of the adult learner and the facilitator’s best practice approaches to content

delivery. Given that Knowles’ adult learning theory is predicated on students taking

charge of their learning, it follows that the theory is correlated with the constructs of

student engagement, student self-regulation practices, and by extension, student

satisfaction and student success.

Self-Regulated Learning Theory

The study of self-regulatory processes has been of interest to many researchers

over the years, particularly in the social learning context (Zimmerman, 1989;

Zimmerman & Martinez-Pons, 1988). Zimmerman (1986) proposed a definition for self-

regulation in the academic setting that aligns learner metacognitive, motivational, and

behavioral competencies to academic performance and success. Zimmerman (1989)

further postulated that the theory for self-regulation learning requires learners to apply

self-directed learning strategies and perceptions of skills self-efficacy to achieve

academic targets. In this study, I used the three components of self-regulation to explore

the learner’s ability to control and optimize the learning process. Metacognition involves

strategies that lead to the continuous cycle of self-instruction and self-evaluation

(Zimmerman & Martinez-Pons, 1988). Motivation, which is intrinsically driven,

enhances the perceptions of self-efficacy to accomplish learning tasks and activities, and

behavior leads to the social interactions that take place within the learning environment.

The theory of self-regulation has led to studies related to the implementation of strategies

geared towards the achievement of learning outcomes, particularly in the online

environment (Tabak & Nguyen, 2013; Wandler & Imbriale, 2017). These studies

supported the use of the Zimmerman self-regulation model in online learning platforms,

particularly due to the online social interactions necessary for student success (Kitsantas,

& Dabbagh, 2011; Lai, 2011; Lear, Linda, & Prentice, 2016).


Constructivism emerged as a learning theory based on the contributions by

philosophers Piaget on cognitive development through the construction of knowledge and

Vygotsky on the social context of cognitive development (Brown, 2014; Guo, 2018;

Johnson, 2017; Wang, 2014). The Vygotsky approach to the constructivist theory fosters

student-centered learning in a collaborative learning environment (Ahn & Class, 2011;

An & Reigeluth, 2011). Focusing on higher-order critical thinking skills, the

constructivist model supports self-regulated learning, student engagement, and social and

cognitive interaction skills. The creation of a collaborative learning environment is a

critical requirement for online learning platforms as it allows students to take an active

part in the learning process.

Further, it is argued that the online learning environment is better aligned to the

constructivist model than the traditional mode of learning as the online platform allows

learners to create meaning from their interactions with the learning content (Guo, 2018;
Johnson, 2017). A collaborative learning environment also is integral to the application of

the andragogical learning model (Ahn & Class, 2011; An & Reigeluth, 2011). Studies

illustrating the use of the constructivist model confirmed that student competencies to

direct their learning were strengthened through engagement, collaborative, and

technological supportive activities to produce positive learning outcomes (Blayone,

vanOostveen, Barber, DiGiuseppe, & Childs, 2017; Chitanana, 2012; Cortés & Barbera,

2013; Seo & Engelhard, 2014).

Alignment of the Theoretical Frameworks to the Interaction Theory

The interaction and interplay between Knowles’ adult learning theory, self-

regulated learning theory, and the constructivist model are evident from the literature

review conducted, and the three theories present a comprehensive, integrated framework

within which the study can be conducted. Furthermore, the theories are linked to the

successful delivery of the learning content through the creation and alignment of the

components of a social presence, cognitive presence, and teaching presence in the online

environment. These three components are synonymous with Moore’s (1989) interaction

theory that identifies three types of interactions occurring in the learning process, that is,

learner-content, learner-instructor, and learner-learner interactions. These interactions

result in learners playing an active role in student engagement and self-regulation

activities as a means of achieving student satisfaction and student academic success.

Student Engagement

Numerous studies have been conducted on student engagement in the traditional

and online learning environments (Centner, 2014; Czerkawski & Lyman, 2016; Dixson,
2015; Handelsman, Briggs, Sullivan, & Towler, 2005; Kuh, 2003; Mello, 2016; Pellas &

Kazanidis, 2015; Robinson & Hullinger, 2008; Schreiber & Yu, 2016). These studies

linked student engagement to the key factors impacting the learning process inclusive of

instructional design and delivery, technology support, self-regulated or self-directed

learning, student satisfaction, persistence, student performance, and student academic

success. The role of the instructor in fostering student engagement also has been explored

and found to be an additional key factor, particularly considering the transition process to

online platforms (Cho & Cho, 2014; Ma, Han, Yang, & Cheng, 2015). More recently,

there has been a focus on the relationship between engagement and the collaborative

learning environment and associated tools due to the rapid advances in technology and

digital resources (Donaldson et al., 2017; Hew, 2016). Technology has been found to

enhance the collaborative environment through the creation of active learning sites.

The definition of student engagement remains elusive, and the challenge to

finalize and accurately describe the term is based on how scholars conceptualize the

construct in the field (Azvedo, 2015; Dixson, 2015; Sinatra, Heddy, & Lombardi, 2015).

The definition proposed by Kuh (2003) that engagement correlates to the amount of

effort expended by the student in the learning environment was used in this study. This

description of student engagement appears to be widely accepted as it was used to

develop the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) instrument: an instrument

that is recognized as valid and reliable throughout the educational sector (Dixson, 2015).

Since the implementation of the NSSE, other engagement measurement tools

have emerged (Dixson, 2010, 2015; Handelsman et al., 2005; Ouimet & Smallwood,
2005; Roblyer & Wiencke, 2004). A study of student engagement in the traditional

learning environment revealed that four basic elements were in alignment with the Kuh

(2003) definition (Handelsman et al., 2005). The engagement elements comprised skills

(effort), emotional (connection to course material), participation/interaction (interactions

with course content, peers, instructors), and performance (achieving desired goals). While

these engagement elements were fundamental in the development of the Online Student

Engagement Scale (OSE; Dixson, 2010, 2015), Schreiber and Yu (2016) applied the

themes of the South African Survey of Student Engagement (SASSE) to the study of

student engagement and academic achievement. These themes encompassed academic

challenges, learning with peers, experience with staff, and campus environment. I applied

the engagement elements used by Dixson (2010, 2015) and the SASSE themes which

address the active learning components theorized by Vygotsky (Ahn & Class, 2011; An

& Reigeluth, 2011) to the four-phased interaction model and used the elements as the

foundation for the development of the instrument for this study. The combined

engagement factors are depicted in Table 1.

Table 1

Type of Interactions and Engagement Factors

Type of interactions Engagement factors of learner

Learner-content Applies critical thinking skills
Integrates own views with that of others
Prepares study notes
Applies learning to real-life situations
Learner-instructor Interacts with instructor
Discusses academic performance and other matters
related to academic goal achievements
Obtains meaningful feedback on assignments
Understands better difficult concepts and content
after interaction
Learner-learner Collaborates as one-to-one or as a group
Interacts with peers on mastering course material
Respects peer differences
Values peer differences
Learner-online platform Uses learning space to participate in course activities

Challenges to Student Engagement

Student engagement has been established as a key component of the learning

process. Despite this recognition by researchers and scholars, Khan, Egbue, Palkie, and

Madden (2017) reported that faculty faced challenges in fostering student engagement in

online learning spaces. Most of these challenges related to the transfer of traditional

instructional methods to the online environment without modifying these methods for

suitability in online settings. Khan et al. explored the mechanisms that could be employed

in increasing the level of participation and engagement among learners and concluded

that incorporating active learning strategies in the design and delivery of instructional

content was a critical requirement. The quantitative instrument for this study included an

examination of learning mechanisms using in the online learning spaces.

Other challenges of student engagement in the online learning environment

related to the mechanisms employed by students in their decision-making processes.

Kahn, Everington, Kelm, Reid, and Watkins (2017) examined the need for students to

engage in reflexive or involuntary reflective thought or activities when considering the

actions to take about the demands of online learning. In the decision-making process,

students first aligned the cause and effect of proposed actions to their social contexts

prior to exercising the appropriate actions. The Kahn et al. research study demonstrated

that the process of reflexivity could either encourage or discourage student engagement

actions where the latter could lead to frustration and eventually program withdrawal. By

understanding this dynamic relationship between reflexivity and engagement, educational

institutions can implement measures to promote active learning and engagement


Student Self-Regulation Practices

The practice of self-regulation is predicated on the ability of learners to apply

metacognitive, motivational, and behavioral skills to the learning process to achieve the

desired outcomes (Zimmerman, 1986, 1989). The three components of self-regulation are

aligned to student performance and academic success (Artino, 2008; Broadbent & Poon,

2015; Cho & Shen, 2013). Studies have shown further that the metacognitive component

of self-regulation is more central to positive student experiences in the learning process

(Kuo et al., 2013, 2014; Lee, Kim, & Grabowski, 2010; Puzziferro, 2008).

Survey instruments to measure self-regulated learning have been developed for

traditional and online modalities (Cho & Cho, 2017; Pintrich, Smith, Garcia, &
McKeachie, 1993; Schraw & Dennison, 1994). The most recent instrument correlated

self-regulation in the three types of interaction: learner-content, learner-instructor, and

learner-learner with students’ online learning experiences (Cho & Cho, 2017). Measuring

the learning experiences as self-efficacy and course satisfaction, Cho and Cho (2017)

found that there was a positive relationship between (a) self-regulation in learner-content

interaction and learning experiences, and (b) self-regulation in learner-instructor

interaction and learning experiences. There was no relationship found between self-

regulation in learner-learner interaction and learning experiences. While the instrument

developed by Cho and Cho (2017) was a significant addition to the measurement tools

available for assessing self-regulation practices and the interaction theory, it did not align

the interactions with the components of metacognitive, motivational, and behavioral self-

regulated learning. For this dissertation project, I developed an instrument; which

incorporated the three components of self-regulation into the four-phased interaction

model. Table 2 shows the integration of the practice of self-regulation with the four-

phased interaction model using the four themes of the SASSE.

Table 2

Type of Interactions and Self-Regulation Factors

Type of interactions Self-regulation practices of learner Components of self-

regulated learning
Learner-content Allows time for review of content Metacognitive,
Develops plan to achieve learning motivational
Implements plan to achieve
learning goals
Completes course activities
Checks online learning space for
course material updates
Learner-instructor Initiates communication with Motivational, behavioral
Uses more than one way to
Learner-learner Develops plan to assist peers Metacognitive
Implement plan to assist peers
Monitors interactions with peers
Reflects on interactions with peers
Responds to contributions by peers
Learner-online Uses online activities to self-direct Behavioral
platform learning

Student Satisfaction

The predictors of student satisfaction relate to academic achievement,

performance, perceptions of the learning environment, success, persistence, and quality

of the instructional design, content, and delivery (Artino, 2007, 2008; Bolliger &

Martindale, 2004; Kuo et al., 2013, 2014; Puzziferro, 2008; Reinhart & Schneider, 2001;

Thurmond, & Wambach, 2004; Yukselturk & Yildirim, 2008). These predictive

dimensions of student satisfaction, which have been explored either separately or

combined, are viewed as the hallmark of the teaching and learning process (Yukselturk &

Yildirim, 2008). For instance, a study of the relationship between the construct of student
satisfaction and academic achievement in traditional versus online learning settings

Saeler (2015) showed that there was no statistical significance found between academic

achievement and satisfaction in both learning environments. As with the construct for

self-regulated practices, Moore’s (1989) interaction model has been used as a framework

to study the relationship between student satisfaction and interactions occurring at the (a)

learner-learner, (b) learner-instructor, and (c) learner-content interfaces. These studies

have shown that there is a positive correlation between interaction and student

satisfaction in both distance and online learning (Ali & Ahmad, 2011; Bolliger &

Martindale, 2004; Bray, Aoki, & Dlugosh, 2008; Dennen, Darabi, & Smith, 2007; Kuo et

al., 2013, 2014; Lee, 2012; Thurmond & Wambach, 2004).

Kuo, Walker, Belland, and Schroder (2013) highlighted that more studies have

been conducted on learner-learner and learner-instructor interactions than on learner-

content interactions. These studies revealed that the first two types of interactions were

more suitably aligned to student satisfaction in online learning environments (Bolliger &

Martindale, 2004; Jung, Choi, Lim, & Leem, 2002; Sher, 2009). Conversely, Kuo et al.

(2013) found that the learner-instructor and learner-content interactions were better

predictors of student satisfaction than the learner-learner interaction. While further

studies using the interaction model showed that the learner-instructor interaction was the

key predictor of student satisfaction (Battalio, 2007), the Kuo et al. study placed the

learner-content interaction in the primary predictive position. Moreover, Kuo et al.

inferred that the course design for online learning and ease of navigating the course

material were critical to the interactive ability of learners and the content.
In reviewing the dimensions of student satisfaction, it was clear that these

dimensions or outcomes of student satisfaction could be organized using the newly

configured interaction model. For this study, the four-phased interaction model was

applied as shown in Table 3.

Table 3

Type of Interactions and Student Satisfaction Factors

Type of interactions Student satisfaction factors

Learner-content Quality of learning experiences
Course activities aligned to expectations
Learner-instructor Interactions with instructors
Learner-learner Interactions with peers
Learner-online platform Orientation program to online learning

Studies of Pairs of the Three Constructs of Student Engagement, Self-Regulation

Practices and Student Satisfaction

Previous research studies have explored the relationships between two constructs

at the same time. There were no studies found that examined the three constructs together

in a single study in higher education institutions. The relationship of the constructs which

were investigated together and which represent all possible pairs of the three constructs

are presented as follows: (a) student engagement and student satisfaction (Jackson, 2015;

Johnson et al., 2016; Kuh et al., 2007; Larose, 2010); (b) student engagement and self-

regulation (Boekaerts, 2016; Mello, 2016; Pellas, 2014; Zhang et al., 2015); and (c) self-

regulation and student satisfaction (Puzziferro, 2008; Wang et al., 2013). These studies

were conducted in either the traditional classroom or the online environment.

Student Engagement and Student Satisfaction

The relationship between the constructs of student engagement and student

satisfaction has produced mixed results. According to Jackson (2015) and Kuh et al.

(2007), a positive correlation existed between the constructs of student engagement and

student satisfaction in the traditional environment. In contrast, Larose (2010) reported

that the lack of attention paid to fostering student engagement in the online environment

as opposed to the traditional classroom is the reason for poor student satisfaction rates at

community colleges.

Studies that used the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) survey

instrument were conducted based on the traditional face-to-face mode of learning at

higher education institutions (Jackson, 2015; Johnson et al., 2016). The positive

correlation that resulted between engagement and satisfaction was obtained at the

undergraduate level, regardless of the ethnicity of the students studied. While there was

alignment between the factors associated with student engagement in the two studies,

Jackson (2015) reported that engagement was found to be a predictor of satisfaction in

both the adult African American and adult Hispanic American student groups.

Additionally, the student engagement indicators of the NSSE were found to be positively

correlated to each other, thereby validating the alignment of the energumen factors

(Johnson et al., 2016).

Student Engagement and Self-Regulation

The studies of the relationship between the constructs of student engagement and

self-regulated learning showed a general positive correlation trend between the constructs
(Mello, 2016; Pellas, 2014; Zhang et al., 2015). In addition to engagement and self-

regulation, some of the studies included other constructs or factors such as self-efficacy

and self-esteem (Pellas, 2014) and academic burnout (Zhang et al., 2015). Both

engagement and self-regulation were further segregated into their respective components.

Engagement was categorized into cognitive, emotional, and behavioral (Pellas, 2014),

while self-regulation was split into the locomotion and assessment forms.

The classification of both engagement and self-regulation resulted in a deviation

from the general positive correlation trend. Pellas (2014) reported that there was a

positive correlation between self-regulation and cognitive and emotional engagement but

a negative correlation between self-regulation and behavioral engagement. Similarly,

Zhang et al. (2015) found that the locomotion form of self-regulation and student

engagement but a negative correlation between the assessment form of self-regulation

and student engagement. These results suggest that while the two constructs, overall, can

exhibit a positive relationship with each other, mixed results can be obtained when the

constructs are sub-divided into smaller components.

Self-Regulation and Student Satisfaction

Studies related to self-regulation and student satisfaction showed a positive

correlation between each of the constructs (Puzziferro, 2008; Wang et al., 2013). Both

studies examined the relationship between the two constructs in online learning

environments. These results were the same for community college students (Puzziferro,

2008) and undergraduate and graduate students (Wang et al., 2013). The Motivated

Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) instrument was used in either the whole or
altered forms to monitor motivational levels of students. Students who had prior

experiences with online learning were likely to be more motivated. Additionally,

motivation was directly linked to self-regulation learning strategies, and in all cases,

increased levels of motivation were associated with higher course satisfaction levels.

Constructs of Student Engagement, Self-Regulation Practices and Student


A recent study was conducted on the psychological processes through which

student-athletes in youth sports academies in Ethiopia will be successful (Tadesse,

Asmamaw, Mariam, & Mack, 2018). Although the research was not conducted in a

higher education institution, the study reported on the development and testing of a model

to measure student engagement, self-regulation, and psychological need satisfaction of

adolescents and youths. A review of the study showed that the psychological need

satisfaction construct was primarily related to sporting activities and not to the quality of

the learning experiences. This research study in youth sports academies justified the need

for conducting a similar study in higher education institutions.

The gap in the literature for my study concerns the innovative relationship of the

constructs of student engagement, self-regulation practices, and student satisfaction in a

single research project in higher education institutions. With the addition of student

success as a fourth factor and as an outcome variable, the cross-sectional relationship of

the three constructs and student success was explored. I developed an instrument for this

study as there was no existing instrument that measured all three constructs and student

success at the same time in a single questionnaire.

Student Success

Student success has been aligned with the components of active learning (Ahn &

Class, 2011; An & Reigeluth, 2011). The factors contributing to student success are

similar to those presented for student satisfaction. These factors include academic

achievement, such as pass rates, retention, persistence, and advancement (Ashby et al.,

2011; Cuseo, 2007; Subotzky & Prinsloo, 2011). Student success is not only an important

desired outcome of learners, but it is a sought-after goal of instructors and institutions

alike. Chief among these factors is student retention and hence degree completion. The

retention rates tended to be lower for students taking online courses when compared to

students in face-to-face classes in one community college setting (Gregory & Lampley,

2016). Nonetheless, studies related to learners at community colleges have shown that the

differences in student success in the online learning environment and the traditional

learning environment are linked to the category of learners (Aragon & Johnson, 2008;

Hachey et al., 2013; Xu & Jaggars, 2011). Traditional learners or recent high school

graduates tend to enroll in face-to-face courses at community colleges, while adult

learners or non-traditional learners tend to pursue online learning programs. In the online

environment, adult learners had more successful outcomes as these learners deliberately

chose this mode of learning as opposed to the younger learners who often were guided by

their parents or guardians to select the traditional face-to-face programs. An interesting

paradox arises with this argument regarding the differences in choices made by the recent

high school graduates and older adult learners. Researchers reported that online learners

tended to be more successful if they were proficient in using the technology associated
with the learning environment (Dupin-Bryant, 2004; Hachey et al., 2013; Harrell &

Bower, 2011; Kerr, M. S., Rynearson, & Kerr, M. C (2006). This finding suggested that

the younger generation were more likely to demonstrate technological self-efficacy in

comparison to the adult learners. Additionally, online learners who displayed

characteristics associated with self-directed learning and time management skills were

more likely to succeed in online environment (Johnson & Berge, 2012; Kenner &

Weinerman, 2011; Kerr et al., 2006; Kiely, Sandmann, & Truluck, 2004; Neuhauser,

2002; Rovai, 2004; Wojciechowski & Palmer, 2005).

For this study, student success factors comprised learners’ self-report on course

grade improvements, student engagement and self-regulated activities, and student

satisfaction with the online environment and overall institutional support. Furthermore,

this research study explored student and faculty perceptions of student success using the

same measurement scale in the newly constructed instrument. Table 4 presents the

indicators for the measurement of perceived student success.

Table 4

Perceived Student Success Indicators

Perceived student success

Academic success is influenced by
Obtaining better grades
Engaging in course activities
Participating in assistance programs
Self-directed own learning
Interacting with instructors
Interacting with peers
Feeling of a sense of belonging to the online learning community
Meeting of course expectations
Being motivated intellectually
Feeling of a personal sense of accomplishment
Relevancy of course goals to professional goals
Relevancy of course goals to personal goals
Being satisfied with the delivery of the course content
Being satisfied with the support given to achieving academic goals

Studies of the Three Constructs of Student Engagement, Self-Regulation Practices,

and Student Satisfaction and Factors of Student Success

There were no studies found that explored the three constructs of student

engagement, self-regulation practices, and student satisfaction, together with factors

associated with student success in a single study. Instead, studies examined either the

relationship between each construct and student success or the relationship between two

of the constructs and student success. For the combination of pairs of constructs and

student success, I present the following studies: (a) student engagement, student

satisfaction, and student success (Burrow & McIver, 2012; Korobova & Starobin, 2015;

Webber, Krylow, & Qin, 2013); (b) self-regulation, student satisfaction, and student

success (Inan, Yukselturk, Kurucay, & Flores, 2017; Nicol, 2009); and (c) student
engagement, self-regulation, and student success (Fong et al., 2017; Rahal & Zainuba,


Student Engagement, Student Satisfaction, and Student Success

Studies related to student engagement, student satisfaction, and student success

showed a positive correlation between each of the constructs and student success (Burrow

& McIver, 2012; Korobova & Starobin, 2015; Webber et al., 2013). The studies were

conducted in the traditional setting and used undergraduate student grades to measure

academic success. Two of the studies examined data from the 2008 NSSE survey to

assess the alignment of the engagement factors to student satisfaction and student success

(Korobova & Starobin, 2015; Webber et al., 2013) while the correlation to student

engagement in the third study was deduced based on improvements in student

performance (Burrow & McIver, 2012). The NSSE benchmarks incorporated categories

related to students’ experiences with academic programs, relationships and interactions,

and support. Findings from the Korobova and Starobin (2015) and Webber, Krylow, and

Qin (2013) studies confirmed that interactions between faculty and students and staff and

students were linked to the quality of the learning experience and desirable student

outcomes. Additionally, the research showed that designing an appropriate assessment

model can lead to overall academic success.

Self-Regulation, Student Satisfaction, and Student Success

Studies related to self-regulation, student satisfaction, and student success showed

a positive correlation between each of the constructs and student success in online and

blended learning modalities (Inan et al., 2017; Nicol, 2009). In one study, self-regulation
was sub-divided into the four components (Inan et al., 2017), while self-regulation was

treated as a developmental process based on students’ interaction with the online segment

of the course design (Nicol, 2009). The use of the online learning environment allowed

students to monitor their progress through assessment feedback provided by the course

facilitator and build their confidence in controlling their own learning. Owing to the self-

regulation developmental exercise, students reported that they were more engaged in the

learning process and chose to expend greater effort in learning the course material to

achieve better grades. These comments were consistent with the tenets of the self-

regulation instrument of the first study, which assessed the extent to which students

planned, requested assistance, managed their time, and evaluated their learning (Inan et

al., 2017). The outcome of the self-regulated activities in both studies contributed to

higher satisfaction and academic success rates. Furthermore, a comparison of the studies

showed that the online environment promoted greater self-regulated activities and

provided more flexible opportunities for learning over the traditional learning

environment (Inan et al., 2017; Nicol, 2009).

Student Engagement, Self-Regulation, and Student Success

Studies related to student engagement, self-regulation, and student success

generally showed a positive trend between each of the constructs and achievement as one

of the factors aligned to student success (Fong et al., 2017; Rahal & Zainuba, 2016). The

construct of self-regulation was found to influence the emergence of student engagement

activities, and the studies focused more on the relationship between self-regulation and

student success. While both studies agreed that self-regulation practices led to higher
student performance and factors of student success, Rahal and Zainuba (2016) showed

that this finding was not the case for at-risk students. Using the principles associated with

motivation and innovation, self-regulation skills were not always used for achieving

academic success (Rahal & Zainuba, 2016). Students who were most likely to perform

well always self-regulated their abilities to engage in the learning process. On the

contrary, students who were low achievers had the highest number of repeat chances and

hence failure rates prior to the eventual success in their courses.

Self-regulation showed a stronger correlation for achievement than for student

persistence (Fong et al., 2017). This finding suggested that self-regulation was not

positively associated with all the factors for student success, such as student retention.

While the researchers aligned self-regulation to the strategies of cognition, motivation,

and metacognition, this definition was different from the one I used for the dissertation

research study. Fong et al. (2017), in their meta-analytical study, identified self-

regulation as one of the psychosocial components required to measure the student success

factors of achievement and persistence. The researchers posited that self-regulation on its

own and, by extension, student engagement, would not be high predictors for all factors

associated with student success.

These results are particularly useful for this dissertation study, where I sought to

establish a relationship between the three constructs and perceived student success from

the viewpoint of both students and faculty. Additionally, the factors selected for student

success are wider than those examined in the Fong et al. (2017) study. The use of the

construct of student satisfaction added another dimension to studies related to the

predictors for student success. In this context, the dissertation added value to and had the

potential to have a positive social impact on the implementation of online programs at

higher education institutions in the English-speaking Caribbean.


The shift to online learning has driven institutions to ensure student satisfaction

through student engagement and self-regulation practices (Cho & Shen, 2013; Mello,

2016). These three constructs are even more critical to student persistence and student

success in online learning environments. While studies have shown that there is

equivalence in learning in both traditional and online learning settings (Fonolahi et al.,

2014), educators have sought to enhance the online modality to drive and improve

student success (Khan, Egbue, et al., 2017; Kuo et al., 2013).

In Chapter 2, I explored the essential components of a collaborative online

learning environment and aligned these components to the three constructs. The

theoretical framework for the study examined the tenets of the Knowles’ adult learning

theory, the self-regulated learning theory, and the model for a constructivist learning

environment. The three constructs were presented as single concepts and construct pairs.

Similarities and differences between each of the constructs were highlighted. The gap in

the literature pertained to the absence of documented scholarly work in higher education

institutions on the exploration of the innovative relationship of the three constructs in a

single study. My study examined an innovative approach to measuring the three

constructs and student success in higher education institutions in the English-speaking

Caribbean. In Chapter 3, I outline the quantitative methodology used to examine the

cross-sectional relationship among the constructs of student engagement, self-regulation

practices, and student satisfaction, and the impact of these constructs on perceptions of

student success.
Chapter 3: Research Method


This non-experimental quantitative cross-sectional study was to explore the

innovative relationship between the constructs of student engagement, self-regulation

practices, and student satisfaction and how this relationship was aligned to perceptions of

student success in online learning settings at English-speaking Caribbean higher

education institutions. This relationship was measured from the perspectives of both

students and faculty. Studying the three constructs of student engagement, self-regulation

practices, and student satisfaction at the same time in a single research study in higher

education has been a gap in the literature. Additionally, the exploration of the innovative

relationship of the factors associated with the three constructs and student success in the

same study has been a gap in the literature. This cross-sectional research study required

the use of two instruments to capture data separately for students and faculty, and each

instrument incorporated the variables associated with the three constructs and student

success as one questionnaire. The overarching goals of the study comprised both a

correlational study of the constructs and a regression study of the constructs and

perceived student success at a Caribbean regional institution.

In Chapter 3, I present the research design and rationale for the development of a

new instrument to measure student engagement, self-regulation practices, student

satisfaction, and student success. I describe the process for scale development,

establishing validity and reliability of the instrument, field testing the instrument, and
administering the final iteration of the instrument to sample participants (Worthington &

Whittaker, 2006). The chapter also includes the data analysis plan and ethical procedures.

Research Design and Rationale

I used a quantitative cross-sectional design (Campbell & Stanley, 1963) given that

data were collected at a single point in time. As a descriptive study, the intention was not

to determine cause-and-effect relationships between the constructs but to suggest possible

relationships or predictions across constructs as variables. An advantage of cross-

sectional studies is that several variables can be explored at the same time. Cross-

sectional studies also allow for the collection of self-reported data over a short period

(Field, 2016). Due to the limited resources for this study, a short time frame to conduct

the research was consistent with the design choice. Many of the predictive studies

presented in Chapter 2 were cross-sectional in design; they were conducted to either

validate new or modified instruments or to add to the body of knowledge and scholarly

literature by confirming or disproving associations between variables.

This study explored (a) the correlational relationship between all possible pairs of

the three constructs of student engagement, self-regulation practices, and student

satisfaction and (b) the multiple regression relationship of the constructs and perceived

student success. For the multiple regression model, the three constructs of student

engagement, self-regulation practices, and student satisfaction were treated as the

independent or predictor variables and perceptions of student success as the dependent or

outcome variable. While student engagement, self-regulation practices, student

satisfaction, and perceptions of student success were the main variables for the multiple
regression model, it was important to identify any other variables that could influence the

relationship between the independent and dependent variables. For this study, data in the

form of gender and age groups of student and faculty participants, and years of

experience of faculty participants were collected and managed as control variables given

that these variables remained unchanged during the period of the research project.

Consequently, the use of a cross-sectional design approach to the study supported the

statistical analyses of the relationships between the primary variables of student

engagement, self-regulation practices, student satisfaction, and perceived student success,

the development and testing of a new instrument as a means of exploring these

relationships, and the continuation of research in the field (Campbell & Stanley, 1963).


The methodology described the population for the study and the sampling

procedures used to determine the appropriate sample size. A separate population was

used for field testing of the instrument prior to its use as the final survey. Additionally,

the methodology section includes descriptions of how the data were collected and the

process for obtaining approval from the Walden University Institutional Review Board

(IRB) and consent from the participants.


This research study was conducted at one of the campuses of a Caribbean regional

university, and the target population consisted of students and faculty at both the

undergraduate and graduate levels. Based on information from the institution’s 2017–

2018 annual report, the CCC campus (pseudonym) serves 15 countries across the
Caribbean and offers face-to-face, blended, and online courses and programs at the

professional, undergraduate, and graduate levels. The campus has an average annual

enrollment of approximately 6,000 students, 540 adjunct faculty members, and 467 full-

time staff members. The main program disciplines incorporate studies in the humanities

and social sciences. At the undergraduate and graduate levels, 62 programs of study

comprise certificates, diplomas, associate degrees, bachelor’s degrees, graduate diplomas,

master’s degrees, and doctoral degrees. Only a subset of these seven program groupings

uses online learning as the teaching and learning delivery modality.

Although the CCC campus website specified that the institution offers a total of

78 online courses and programs, the exact number of online programs within each of the

program groupings could not be determined, as the delivery mode was not stated for all

program offerings. The number of online programs was approximated, as shown in Table

5. These programs were delivered in two main formats: (a) online only or (b) online or


Table 5

Number of Online Programs in Each Program Grouping

Program level Program groupings Total number of Total number of

programs online programs
Undergraduate Certificate 6 6
Diploma 6 5
Associate degree 4 3
Bachelor’s degree 30 22
Graduate Diploma 5 1
Master’s degree 11 9
Doctorate 3 2
The total student enrollment for the academic programs at the start of the

academic year 2017–2018 was 6,325, with 5,351 women and 974 men. Of the 6,325

students, 6,049 students were enrolled in the seven program groupings as shown in Table

6. Given that most programs offered were determined to use the online delivery modality,

the size of the target population was estimated as 540 faculty and 6,000 students.

Table 6

Student Enrollment by Program Groupings

Program level Program groupings Number of students

Undergraduate Certificate 107
Diploma 141
Associate degree 382
Bachelor’s degree 4,492
Graduate Diploma 36
Master’s degree 763
Doctorate 128
Total 6,049

Sampling Strategy and Procedures

The intent of the sampling strategy was to select students and faculty who

represented the seven undergraduate and graduate program groupings offered at the CCC

regional campus. In quantitative studies, two types of sampling methodologies can be

applied to the research design: probability and nonprobability sampling (Frankfort-

Nachmias, Nachmias, & DeWaard, 2015). Probability sampling is employed when the

researcher desires a representative sample of the study population. Furthermore,

probability sampling allows for the comparisons of findings from different samples taken

from the same target population because the sampling parameters used are identical or

equivalent. Conversely, nonprobability sampling is not representative of the target

population, and repeated sampling measures would not produce the same probability of

inclusion when using the same population parameters or definition.

Many factors were considered in the selection of an appropriate sampling strategy

for this research study. First, most of the English-speaking Caribbean higher education

institutions were established as brick-and-mortar institutions to offer traditional face-to-

face programs. The transition to offering online programs in these institutions has been

slow, resulting in a limited number of online programs being offered. The only institution

that offers a broad selection of online programs is the CCC campus. Second, an

advantage of the CCC campus is that it was developed as an institution to offer both face-

to-face and online programs and courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels.

Furthermore, the programs offered at this campus cover typical types of programs found

in Caribbean institutions, from certificate programs to doctoral degrees. Third, while not

all disciplines are embraced at the CCC campus, the programs are accessible to a wide

cross-section of learners within the Caribbean community. Fourth, a list of names of

faculty and students was not available from any of the institutions to obtain a

representative sample of an identified target population. Thus, I conducted the study at

the CCC campus due to the range and number of online programs and courses offered

and the student and faculty populations, which would have representation across the

English-speaking Caribbean countries.

Initially, I considered the use of a probability sampling technique in the forms of

either the stratified sampling design or cluster sampling design so that I would employ

the program groupings as the strata or clusters. This technique would have resulted in
multi-stage selection points as the goal of the research questions was to identify faculty

and students as two separate sampling units, both of which are aligned to online

programs. Instead, I chose the non-probability sampling methodology of convenience

sampling for the study, where participants would be classified as volunteers. In this case,

entire classes used the online delivery modalities within the programs would comprise the

target population of students and faculty. An advantage of convenience sampling is that

the process of data collection can be extended until the desired sample size is achieved, or

the availability of volunteer participants has been exhausted. Convenience sampling was

also chosen to minimize the time needed to construct sampling selection points to arrive

at the target population numbers for the study. While non-probability sampling may or

may not limit my ability to generalize the findings of the target population at the regional

campus, the convenience sampling method supports the testing of a new instrument on

the seven program groupings at the institution.

Sampling procedures. The sampling procedures apply to the process by which

the sample population of students and faculty were selected. I obtained a letter of

cooperation from the director of the regional campus to allow access to the students and

faculty in the programs selected (see Appendix D). Faculty and student participants were

invited to participate in the study and asked to complete an online survey instrument. The

survey instrument was sent to entire classes of students and faculty in online programs by

the campus representatives using their email addresses.

Sampling frame. In this study, the sampling units were the faculty who teach in

the online programs and their students. The online courses within these online programs
constituted the sampling frame. The eligibility criteria for the study were detailed as

inclusion and exclusion criteria. The inclusion criteria consisted of those programs that

were categorized by the institution as used the online delivery approach to offer the

programs to students. Given that the CCC campus was asked to distribute the survey

instrument, I did not require a list of the online programs and their attendant online

courses as a selection point. The exclusion criteria for this study were the programs and

courses that were not delivered to students online.

Sample Size

The minimum sample sizes for the study were determined collectively for the

undergraduate and graduate student and faculty participants in the online programs using

the G*Power statistical tool available online. The G*Power tool is a statistical analysis

program used in survey research methods (Faul, Erdfelder, Lang, & Buchner, 2007). The

statistical tool’s computational range includes a variety of statistical tests, such as t-tests,

F-tests, correlation, and regression analyses (Faul, Erdfelder, Buchner, & Lang, 2009). I

incorporated these analyses into this study.

In computing the required sample size prior to data collection, an a priori power

analysis was conducted based on the determination of several factors (Faul et al., 2007,

2009). These factors comprise (a) type of statistical tests, (b) statistical significance level

or the alpha- (α-) value, (c) effect size of the statistical analysis, and (d) power of the

statistical test. The α-value is normally set at 0.05 or 0.01. An α-value of 0.05 generally

means that there is a 5% probability that the results obtained will be due to chance. The

effect size represents the statistical differences obtained when comparing the results of
the variables and has three classification levels: small, medium, and large. When the three

classification levels are compared, a larger effect size results in a larger sample size.

Conventionally, the medium effect size is chosen and differs for correlation and

regression analyses. The power of the statistical test concerns the probability that the

differences between the variables, if found, are statistically significant. A power of 0.08

or greater is normally used in data analyses and signifies that there is an 80% chance that

the differences are statistically significant.

Several statistical models were considered in the determination of the total sample

size for conducting the correlation and regression analyses. For each model, the α-value

and power level chosen were 0.05 and 0.95 respectively. The effect size classification

levels are given as 0.10 (small), 0.30 (medium) and 0.50 (large) for correlation analyses,

and 0.02 (small), 0.15 (medium), and 0.35 (large) for regression analyses (Faul et al.,

2007, 2009). The correlational models considered were the bivariate normal random

model (continuous variables) and the point biserial model (continuous and binary

variables). The total sample sizes for each of the student and faculty participant groups

were calculated as (a) 138 for the bivariate normal correlation model, and (b) 134 for the

point biserial correlation model with both models using a medium effect size of 0.30.

Given that the regression analysis involved two or more predictor variables, the multiple

linear regression model was identified as being appropriate for the research study. Both

the random and fixed multiple linear regression models were considered in the

calculation of the population sample size. The total sample sizes for each of the student

and faculty participant groups were calculated as (a) 68 for the random model, and (b)
119 for a fixed model by setting the number of tested predictors to three and using a

medium effect size of 0.15 for both models. Consequently, the total sample size for each

student and faculty participant group was 138, which was the largest sample size

calculated for the conduct of the statistical analyses in this study. I expected a minimum

response rate of 25%, and considering I intended to administer the survey instrument to

more than one class, this response rate was achievable.

Data Collection

The research project explored the relationship of the three constructs of student

engagement, self-regulation practices, student satisfaction, and perceptions of student

success in the online programs at the CCC campus from the viewpoint of both student

and faculty participant groups. The project used a single questionnaire for each

participant group that I developed to represent the three constructs and factors aligned to

perceived student success. The online programs differed in the number of progression

levels required for completion of the respective programs. The recruiting procedure

involved the collection of data from participants within the various levels for the 2018-

2019 academic year. The cross-sectional sampling of the academic levels of any one

program allowed for greater representation of the participants in that program.

Additionally, demographic data collected from participants included gender, age group

range, and country of residence.

I established a relationship with the executive management team at the Caribbean

regional campus for (a) seeking permission to access the students and faculty as

participants and (b) sending the survey questionnaire. Students and instructors from the
regional campus in the selected programs were invited to participate through the

institution’s Email system. Given that a list of students and faculty was not be provided, I

submitted the link to the questionnaire and invitation to participate to my assigned

contact at the institution. The invitation had an introduction to the survey, explained the

intent of the research project, provided instructions on how to proceed, and presented the

informed consent details. Participants were given information as to how they could exit

the survey at any time. My contact in turn uploaded the link to the questionnaire and

invitation on the institution’s intranet. To maximize participation, I included three follow-

up reminders to participants. There were no conflicts of interest as I had no prior

relationship with the campus or its members.

Data were collected using SurveyMonkey as the online survey platform. The

standard version of the software was purchased for the research study as it was more

versatile than the basic version for conducting the survey for this study. One of the

disadvantages of the basic version of Survey Monkey is that it only allows the collection

of data from a maximum of 100 participants. Considering the sample size was a

minimum of 138 student participants and 138 faculty participants, the standard version

was more than adequate. The standard version of the software accommodated the import

of the results into Microsoft Excel. From Microsoft Excel, I imported the data into SPSS,

which was the statistical software used to analyze the data.

Participants had 4 weeks to complete the survey. During this period, I sent the

three follow-up emails to students and faculty, encouraging them to participate in the

research study. I included documentation related to informed consent at the beginning of

the survey and formed part of the purpose of the study, along with instructions to

complete the questionnaire. This information indicated that by completing the

questionnaire, students and faculty would have voluntarily consented to be part of the

research study. The instructions also gave students and faculty the opportunity to exit the

survey at any time.

Field (Pilot) Testing of the Questionnaire

Prior to collecting data for the study, the instrument was field tested under the

same conditions described for the data collection process using a sample of students and

faculty from two other higher education institutions inclusive of obtaining informed

consent. The purpose of testing the instrument was to identify any problems associated

with the question items and the methodology to be employed in the actual study. The

results of the field test were used only in determining the instrument’s reliability as

outlined in the section on determination of validity and reliability. Additionally, the

results were not used in the data analysis for the actual research study.


I designed a survey instrument to measure the constructs of student engagement,

self-regulation practices, and student satisfaction using an enhanced version of Moore’s

(1989) interaction theory, and the factors related to perceived student success The Moore

interactions constitute learner-content, learner-instructor, and learner-learner. I added the

learner-online platform as a fourth interaction to ascertain the contribution of the three

constructs to the online learning environment. In Chapter 2, I identified several factors

for each of the constructs and perceptions of student success (see Tables 1-4). Tables 7-
10 below is a compilation of survey items for the constructs of student engagement, self-

regulation practices, and student satisfaction and factors of perceived student success.

I present the operational definitions used to conduct this study for the three

constructs and perceptions of student success as a precursor to introducing the survey

items. The operational definition for student engagement in the online learning

environment corresponds to the amount of effort that students expend in the active

learning process at the four collaborative interfaces or interactions of learner-content,

learner-instructor, learner-learner, and learner-online platform.

Table 7

Survey Items for the Student Engagement Construct

Student engagement
• Applies critical thinking skills • Understands better difficult concepts and
• Integrates own views with that of others content after interaction
• Prepares study notes • Collaborates as one-to-one or as a group
• Applies learning to real-life situations • Interacts with peers on mastering course
• Interacts with instructor material
• Discusses academic performance and • Respects peer differences
other matters related to academic goal • Values peer differences
achievements • Uses learning space to participate in
• Obtains meaningful feedback on course activities
Number of survey items: 13

The operational definition for self-regulation practices in the online learning

environment constitutes the ability of students to apply metacognitive, motivational, or

behavioral skills in self-directed learning at the four collaborative interfaces or

interactions of learner-content, learner-instructor, learner-learner, and learner-online

Table 8

Survey Items for the Self-Regulation Practices Construct

Self-regulation practices
• Allows time for review of content • Uses more than one way to communicate
• Develops plan to achieve learning goals • Develops plan to assist peers
• Implements plan to achieve learning • Implement plan to assist peers
goals • Monitors interactions with peers
• Completes course activities • Reflects on interactions with peers
• Checks online learning space for course • Responds to contributions by peers
material updates • Uses online activities to self-direct
• Initiates communication with instructor learning
Number of survey items: 13

The operational definition for student satisfaction in the online learning

environment correlates to the educational experience of students at the four collaborative

interfaces or interactions of learner-content, learner-instructor, learner-learner, and

learner-online platform.

Table 9

Survey Items for the Student Satisfaction Construct

Student satisfaction
• Quality of learning experiences
• Course activities aligned to expectations
• Interactions with instructors
• Interactions with peers
• Orientation program to online learning
Number of survey items: 5

The operational definition for perceived student success in the online learning

environment relates to the measure of student academic achievement attributed to

satisfaction with the overall educational experience and the efforts of students to engage

in the learning process and self-direct their learning.

Table 10

Survey Items for Perceptions of Student Success

Perceived student success

Academic success is influenced by
• Obtaining better grades
• Engaging in course activities
• Participating in assistance programs
• Self-directed own learning
• Interacting with instructors
• Interacting with peers
• Feeling of a sense of belonging to the online learning community
• Meeting of course expectations
• Being motivated intellectually
• Feeling of a personal sense of accomplishment
• Relevancy of course goals to professional goals
• Relevancy of course goals to personal goals
• Being satisfied with the delivery of the course content
• Being satisfied with the support given to achieving academic goals
Number of survey items: 14 questions

The student and faculty questionnaires were developed using the survey items

given in Tables 6-9 (see Appendices A and B). The questionnaires were a combination of

four scales for the variables: student engagement, self-regulation practices, student

satisfaction, and perceptions of student success. The same survey items were used for

both the student questionnaire and the faculty questionnaire allowing for the comparison

of student responses and faculty responses for each scale item for the four variables.

The questionnaires were sectionalized into two parts. Part I pertained to

demographic information and Part 2 related to four variables of student engagement, self-
regulation practices, student satisfaction, and student success. The demographic items

included gender, age group, name and level of program, full-time and part-time status.

Table 11 defines the demographic variables and justifies the measurement used for each


Part II of the questionnaires used the five-point Likert scale: strongly agree (5),

agree (4), neither agree nor disagree (3), disagree (2), strongly disagree (1). Participants

rated the extent to which each scale item for each variable applied to either students’

experiences or faculty members’ experiences regarding their students. I recognized that

while the student participants ascribed a personal value to the scale items for each

variable for the online program in which they are enrolled, faculty participants ascribed a

composite or class value to the scale items for each variable.

The variable scores were calculated using the numerical values assigned to the

Likert scale. The total possible scores for each variable are shown in Table 12. For

example, one of the student engagement question items required students to respond to “I

apply critical thinking skills to the course activities.” There were five possible responses

to this question based on the five-point Likert scale. If the response chosen was disagree,

the score calculated for this item was the numerical value 2.
Table 11

Demographic Variable Information

Name of Definition Value ascribed Measurement Highest

variable to variable of variable possible
Gender Male/Female 0=No answer Categorical – 2
1=Male nominal
Age group Range of ages in 1=30 and under Categorical – 5
years 2=31-40 ordinal
5=Over 60
Country of English-speaking 15 country Categorical - 15
residence Caribbean possibilities nominal
Name of List of all 36 possibilities Categorical - 36
program programs offering nominal
only online
Program Four groups at the 1=Certificate Categorical – 4
groupings undergraduate and 2=Diploma ordinal
graduate levels 3=Bachelor’s
Year of Current year 8 possibilities Discrete 8
program student enrolled numerical
Cohort status Full-time or part - 1=Full-time Categorical - 2
time 2=Part-time binary
Expected year Graduation year 8 possibilities Discrete 8
of graduation numerical
Number of Numerical data Open number of Discrete Open until
online courses possibilities numerical data
currently collected
Number of Numerical data Open number of Discrete Open until
hours spent possibilities numerical data
online per week collected
Table 12

Highest Possible Scores for each Variable

Type of variable Variable Measurement of Highest possible

variable score
Predictor Student engagement Categorical - ordinal 65
Self-regulation 65
Student satisfaction 25
Outcome Perceptions of Categorical - ordinal 70
student success

Determination of Validity and Reliability

A newly constructed instrument needs to be confirmed as being valid and reliable

before being administered for data collection (Worthington & Whittaker, 2006). For this

study, content validity was achieved by engaging two experts in online learning to

evaluate the question item constructions. An invitation was first sent to the content

experts asking them to participate in a content review of the instrument (see Appendix

C). Once agreement was given, the experts were sent the questionnaire and asked to

provide feedback on (a) the comprehensiveness and relevance of each question item, and

(b) the representativeness of the entire instrument to its purpose. I received comments on

six question items in the both the student engagement and self-regulation practices

categories. These comments related to the clarity and complexity of the question item

construction. Additionally, comments were received on the purpose of the question items

in the perceived student success category. I revised the question items and reconstructed

the questions for the perceived student success category of the instrument. The

adjustments increased the number of items for student engagement by 1 to 13-item scale
and self-regulation practices by 3 to a 13-item scale. I refined the questions in the

perceived student success to a 14-item scale sub instrument.

Reliability was to be determined through the field testing of the instrument

through the application of the Cronbach’s alpha statistic and verification of significant

correlations between the question items. Additionally, field testing was to be used to

determine content validity and to conduct a preliminary factor analysis of the correlation

between the four factors of student engagement, self-regulation practices, student

satisfaction, and perceptions of student success.

The field test of the instrument was conducted at two other higher education

institutions, one in the Caribbean and the other in the United States, prior to the

administration of the study. The field test participants were both students and faculty who

were not associated with the study site. Results from the field test were not used in the

statistical analyses for the research study.

Data Analysis Plan

Data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS)

Version 23 software. Each participant data was screened first for completeness (Warner,

2013). Data screening is critical to the data analysis process as it allows the researcher to

maintain the integrity of the dataset. Data screening identifies incomplete responses such

as missing scores for the demographic information and the scale items for each variable,

incorrect scoring of items, coding errors, and extreme data. Prior to confirming the

findings that there were incomplete or extreme responses, I examined the data to

determine if the data could be modified or replaced. If the incomplete data influenced the
remaining dataset negatively in terms of the quality of the data collected and the results

of the analytical process, the data were cleaned by removing the data from the datasets

such that there were no missing scores for the demographic information and the scale

items for each variable. The data values were removed by defining the parameters and

rules within which data were acceptable. The SPSS tool selected the values that did not

comply with the predefined rules and removed the unwanted data.

Research Questions

The research questions were aligned to the conduct of correlational analyses

between pairs of the three constructs of student engagement, self-regulation practices,

and student satisfaction, and regression analysis of the three constructs as predictor

variables and perceived student success as the outcome variable. The intent of the study

concerned the self-reported opinions of both students and faculty as it related to their

experiences in the online learning environment. Figure 1 and Figure 2 represent the

relationship patterns of the variables for this study.


Student Engagement Student Engagement

Self-Regulation Self-Regulation
Practices Practices

Student Satisfaction Student Satisfaction

Figure 1. Conceptual model of the correlational patterns.

Student Engagement

Self-Regulation Perceived Student

Practices Success

Student Satisfaction

Figure 2. Conceptual model of the regression pattern.

As stated in Chapter 1, the research questions were to determine whether there

was statistical significance in the correlation model for the pairs of constructs among

student engagement, self-regulation practices, student satisfaction, and the regression

model for the constructs and perceived student success in online learning environments.

The first question related to the correlation model:

RQ1: What is the relationship among the pairs of constructs of student

engagement, self-regulation practices, student satisfaction in online courses?

The three sub questions and null and alternate hypotheses for the correlation


RQ1a: What is the relationship between student engagement and self-regulation

practices in online courses?

H01a. There is no relationship between student engagement and self-regulation

practices in online courses.

Ha1a. There is a relationship between student engagement and self-regulation

practices in online courses.

RQ1b: What is the relationship between student engagement and student

satisfaction in online courses?

H01b: There is no relationship between student engagement and student

satisfaction in online courses.

Ha1b: There is a relationship between student engagement and student satisfaction

in online courses.

RQ1c: What is the relationship between self-regulation practices and student

satisfaction in online courses?

H01c: There is no relationship between self-regulation practices and student

satisfaction in online courses.

Ha1c: There is a relationship between self-regulation practices and student

satisfaction in online courses.

The second question and null and alternate hypotheses correspond to the regression


RQ2: To what extent do the constructs of student engagement, self-regulation

practices, and student satisfaction relate to perceptions of student success in online


H02: The constructs of student engagement, self-regulation practices, and student

satisfaction do not relate to perceptions of student success.

Ha2: The constructs of student engagement, self-regulation practices, and student

satisfaction do relate to perceptions of student success.

Data analysis commenced with the data screening and cleaning procedures that

first identified abnormal or uncharacteristic datasets and second cleaned the data by

modifying, correcting, or removing these anomalies. Data analysis of the cleaned datasets

included descriptive and inferential statistics for both students and faculty. The

descriptive statistical analysis summarized the data for each demographic variable using

frequency data tables depicting mean scores, standard deviation, and the number of

respondents for the online programs represented in the data collected. Inferential statistics

were used to examine (a) the correlation model of pairs of the three construct variables of

student engagement, self-regulation practices, and student satisfaction, and (b) the

regression model of the three constructs and perceived student success as outlined in the
research questions. Table 13 summarizes the inferential statistics tests that were used for

each research question.

Table 13

Summary of Inferential Statistical Tests per Research Question

Research questions Research sub question Data analysis

RQ1 RQ1a Correlation
RQ2 Multiple linear regression

Correlation Analysis

The correlation analysis determines if there is an association between two

continuous variables. Although the Likert scale is classified as ordinal variables, the

ordinal values can be converted to numerical values to allow for the correlation model to

be applied. A Pearson correlation coefficient, r, is a common correlational tool that is

calculated to examine the extent of the association (Field, 2016). The closer the Pearson

coefficient is to 1, the stronger the association between the two variables. Pearson

coefficients of 0 and -1 indicate a zero correlation and a total negative correlation

respectively. The two assumptions that must be satisfied for correlation analyses are (a)

the variables are normally distributed, and (b) the scores for the variables are independent

of each other. The fulfillment of the first assumption was determined by creating a

scatterplot of the data and checking to see if there was a linear relationship between the

two variables. The completion of the questionnaire by separate participants satisfied the

second assumption that the scores on the two variables were independent. If the criteria
of the two assumptions are met, r can be computed using SPSS. The correlation between

the variables will be significant if the probability value is p < .05 or p < .01. An example

of the correlation statement is represented by r(df) = correlation value, p < .05 where df =

degrees of freedom.

Multiple Linear Regression

Multiple linear regression analysis was conducted to determine the association

between multiple predictor variables (two or more variables) and outcome variables

(Warner, 2013). For the research project, the multiple linear regression assessed the

strength of the relationship between the three constructs and perceptions of student

success. The output of the multiple linear regression analysis is the Pearson coefficient, r,

multiple coefficient, R, as the coefficient of determination and its squared value, F-test to

measure the predictive value, beta coefficients, t-test, and the intervals associated with

95% confidence levels. The assumptions for multiple linear regression are that (a) the

variables are evenly distributed (normality); (b) a linear relationship exists between the

predictor and outcome variables (linearity); (c) the variance of error terms is similar

across the predictor variables (homoscedasticity), and (d) the absence of multicollinearity

is satisfied. These assumptions are tested while the multiple regression analysis is being

conducted. The first three assumptions are ascertained from the patterns of relationship

between the variables on a scatterplot diagram. Additionally, the criteria for

homoscedasticity are met when the confidence levels and statistical significance tests are

validated (Field, 2016). One of the statistics that is determined in the multiple linear

regression analysis is the Durbin-Watson test. If the value of this test is greater than the
cut-off point of 1, the assumption is that the residual values of the variables are

independent. In the coefficient table, if the collinearity statistic is less than the upper level

of the confidence interval of 95%, then the predictor variables are not highly correlated

with each other. This last assumption is further tested by reviewing the variance inflation

factor (VIF) statistic, which requires that the predictor variables are not highly correlated

with each other.

The general equation for the multiple linear regression model shows the

relationship between the outcome variable and the three predictor variables as follows:

Y = B1X1 + B2X2 + B3X3 + B0

where Y is the outcome variable, B1 to B3 are the slopes of the predictor variables

X1 to X3, and B0 is the constant error. For statistical significance, the null hypothesis

should be rejected.

In research studies, it is important to identify any confounding variables and

covariates that could interfere with a priori assumptions made during the data analysis

phase. Confounding variables are hidden variables that influence the results ascribed to

the relationship between predictor and outcome variables (Field, 2016; Warner, 2013).

Conversely, covariates are variables that could have a predictive influence on the

outcome variable. Potential confounding variables and covariates may be treated as

control variables. In this study, the control variables identified were gender, age group,

and years of experience of faculty participants in using an online learning environment.

The reason for classifying these variables as control variables was due to the possibility
of influence on the predictor variables. Hence, there was a need to control the effects that

these control variables would have across the levels of the predictor variables.

Threats to Validity

Validity of survey research or cross-sectional designs concerns the accuracy of

the instrument to measure the intended variables and the precision to which the findings

can be generalized (Frankfort-Nachmias et al., 2015). Threats to validity are categorized

as both external and internal. External threats to validity relate to the extent to which the

sample is representative of other populations, over time, and in other settings. Threats to

internal validity relate to extrinsic factors associated with selection biases and intrinsic

factors associated with changes within the sampling units over time, the stability of the

survey instrument, or the inclusion of extreme anomalies in the findings.

Threats to External Validity

As a cross-sectional study, the threats to external validity was heightened using

convenience sampling procedures that do not adequately support generalizability within

the target population. Furthermore, the study was conducted in the participants’ natural

setting, and data collected only at a single point in time and not through a pre-test and

post-test design structure. The results emerging from the singular collection period had

the potential to threaten the ability of the researcher to generalize to outside populations.

To address this threat, the cross-sectional research design was only intended to study the

relationship between the variables in the target population.

Threats to Internal Validity

Many of the threats that occur to internal validity correlate to pre-test and post-

test research designs. Given that the intent of this research study was to generalize the

relationship between the predictor and outcome variables and not to determine cause and

effect relationships, the threat to internal validity was reduced. Additionally, other

potential threats to internal validity were reduced through the exploratory nature of this

study and the short timeframe for the study, thereby reducing the focus on the cause and

effect interpretation of the results regarding the relationship between the variables.

Threats to Construct and Statistical Conclusion Validity

The possibility of threats to both construct and statistical conclusion validity

existed in this study. Aligning the development of the survey instrument to the theoretical

framework of Moore’s interaction theory reduced the impact of this threat. The threat to

statistical conclusion validity was minimized by comparing the results of the relationship

between the variables with other similar established instruments.

Ethical Procedures

Students and faculty participated in the research study on a volunteer basis, and I

maintained confidentiality and anonymity throughout the research process. Given that I

did not send the questionnaire to the participants directly, the names and email addresses

of the students and faculty were not be captured. To alleviate any ethical concerns about

the recruitment of participants to the study, I followed up with my assigned contact at the

institution to ensure that the invitation and questionnaire link to participate had been

posted on the general website for students and faculty. Additionally, my institutional
liaison was independent of the participation pool of faculty members to eliminate any

conflict of interest that could arise. The administration and staff at the institution did not

have access to the data collected. The use of SurveyMonkey as the software survey tool

allowed for data collection to be accessed directly and only by the researcher, thereby

eliminating any ethical concerns regarding anonymity and confidentiality. The online

survey tool also allowed respondents’ information, including participants who would

have withdrawn from the study, and their survey data to be kept confidentially for the

period specified by the researcher. For the study, I will keep the data on SurveyMonkey

for the period of the dissertation study, after which I will delete the data from my

SurveyMonkey account.

The consent form prepared for the expert content evaluation and the field testing

of the instrument was submitted to the Walden University IRB for evaluation. Data from

the field testing did not form part of the statistical analyses of the survey findings. An

application for the conduct of the actual study was submitted to IRB for approval. The

IRB approval number for this study was 02-06-19-0397117.


In Chapter 3, I presented the quantitative cross-sectional study which explored the

innovative relationship between the constructs of student engagement, self-regulation

practices, and student satisfaction and how this relationship was aligned to student

success in the online learning environment at English-speaking Caribbean higher

education institutions. This innovative relationship was measured from the perspectives

of both students and faculty. The cross-sectional study involved the design of a new
instrument to examine the four factors, and the operational definition for the constructs

used the Moore (1989) interaction model as the basis for the design. The two

questionnaires developed separately for students and faculty used the same thematic

approach to each of the four factors, and the wording of questions generally was the

same. The strategies for content validity and reliability were presented and included the

use of subject experts and pilot testing of the instruments. In Chapter 4, I discuss the

results obtained for validity and reliability and statistical analyses conducted to explore

the innovative relationship between the four factors.

Chapter 4: Results


The purpose of this study was to explore the innovative relationship between the

constructs of student engagement, self-regulation practices, and student satisfaction and

how this relationship aligns to perceptions of student success in online learning settings at

English-speaking Caribbean higher education institutions. These relationships were

measured from the perspectives of both students and faculty who self-reported their

experiences in the online environment. The overarching goals of the study comprised

both a correlational study of the constructs and a regression study of the constructs and

perceived student success at one Caribbean regional institution.

Two main research questions guided this study. The first question related to the

correlation model:

RQ1: What is the relationship among the pairs of constructs of student

engagement, self-regulation practices, student satisfaction in online courses?

The three sub questions and null and alternate hypotheses for the correlation


RQ1a: What is the relationship between student engagement and self-regulation

practices in online courses?

H01a. There is no relationship between student engagement and self-regulation

practices in online courses.

Ha1a. There is a relationship between student engagement and self-regulation

practices in online courses.

RQ1b: What is the relationship between student engagement and student

satisfaction in online courses?

H01b: There is no relationship between student engagement and student

satisfaction in online courses.

Ha1b: There is a relationship between student engagement and student satisfaction

in online courses.

RQ1c: What is the relationship between self-regulation practices and student

satisfaction in online courses?

H01c: There is no relationship between self-regulation practices and student

satisfaction in online courses.

Ha1c: There is a relationship between self-regulation practices and student

satisfaction in online courses.

The second question and null and alternate hypotheses correspond to the regression


RQ2: To what extent do the constructs of student engagement, self-regulation

practices, and student satisfaction relate to perceptions of student success in online


H02: The constructs of student engagement, self-regulation practices, and student

satisfaction do not relate to perceptions of student success.

Ha2: The constructs of student engagement, self-regulation practices, and student

satisfaction do relate to perceptions of student success.

The development of a new instrument (student and faculty) to analyze these

relationships in a single study required that the instrument be pilot tested at different

institutions other than the institution selected for the actual study site. As a new

instrument, the validity and reliability of the instrument needed to be confirmed to verify

the accuracy of variables being measured and internal consistency of the scales. Validity

was determined as content validity in this study and described in Chapter 3. Details of the

internal reliability of the instruments will be presented in this chapter.

Chapter 4 provides the results of the pilot study and the actual research study.

Chapter 4 is organized into five sections: (a) the results of the pilot study and how the

results impacted the reliability of the instrument, (b) the results of the actual study and the

reliability outcome of the instrument for the research study compared with the outcome

obtained for the pilot study, (c) the preliminary factor analysis of the instrument, (d) the

correlation analyses between pairs of the three constructs, and (e) the linear multiple

regression analysis between the three constructs as predictor variables and perceptions of

student success as the outcome variable.

New Research Instruments

The research instrument was designed to ask the same questions of both student

and faculty participants. As described in Chapters 2 and 3, questions were structured

using a four-phased interaction model to obtain the most relevant items for each of the

three constructs. This four-phased model allowed for the establishment of commonality

between the question items in relation to the interactions of (a) learner-content, (b)

learner-instructor, (c) learner-learner, and (d) learner-online platform. The learner-online

platform was added as an innovative modification to Moore’s (1989) original interaction

model that comprised the first three interactions. This modification was necessary

considering I was exploring students’ and faculty’s self-reported opinions of their

interactions in the online learning space. Question items for perceptions of student

success were not linked directly to the four-phase interaction model but instead to the

question items for the three constructs.

Validity and Internal Reliability of the Scales

Validity, as content validity, was established using one set of question items as

the instrument’s two questionnaires were the same for both students and faculty. In

Chapter 3, I described the stages to establish content validity for the question items. Two

content experts determined the validity of the instruments prior to the distribution of the

surveys to participants in the pilot study and the actual research study. While the research

questions focused primarily on each construct overall, I recognized that the internal

reliability using the Cronbach’s alpha test would not distinguish between the four

interactions in this study.

Data Collection and Results of the Pilot Study

The pilot study was conducted at two institutions offering online programs and

courses using two surveys, one for students and one for faculty. The response rate was

very low, and this response rate may have been affected by the timing of distribution of

the surveys at both institutions. During the time that the surveys were open to the

participants, students were in the process of either writing final examinations or

completing projects for the close of the semester/quarter. For the student survey, a total of
10 responses were received. Of the 10 responses, two responses were incomplete. For the

faculty survey, a total of three responses were received, and one of those was incomplete.

The question items were coded for all constructs to represent the data more clearly. The

codes are given in Tables 14, 15, 16, and 17.

Table 14

Question Coding for Student Engagement Items

No. Question Code

1 Apply critical thinking skills to the course activities SE1
2 Integrate my own views with that of others when learning the SE2
course material
3 Prepare study notes to understand the course material SE3
4 Apply my learning of the course material to real-life situations SE4
5 Interact with my instructors at least once a week about the course SE5
6 Discuss academic performance and other matters related to the SE6
achievement of academic goals with my instructors
7 Obtain meaningful feedback on assignments from instructors SE7
8 Understand difficult concepts and content better after interacting SE8
with instructors
9 Collaborate with my peers in a one-to-one or group relationship SE9
10 Interact with peers on mastering the course material at least once SE10
a week
11 Respect peer differences SE11
12 Value peer differences SE12
13 Use the online learning space to participate in the course SE13
Table 15

Question Coding for Self-Regulation Practices Items

No. Question Code

1 Give myself enough time to review the course material SR1
2 Develop plans to achieve my learning goals SR2
3 Implement plans to achieve my learning goals SR3
4 Complete course activities assigned by the given deadline SR4
5 Check the online learning space for course material updates at SR5
least twice weekly
6 Initiate communication with my instructors SR6
7 Use more than one way to communicate with my instructors SR7
8 Develop a plan to assist peers in understanding the course SR8
9 Implement a plan to assist peers in understanding the course SR9
10 Monitor interactions with peers about the course material SR10
11 Reflect on interactions with peers about the course material SR11
12 Take the initiative to respond to contributions by my peers in the SR12
online learning space
13 Use the online course activities to guide my own learning of the SR13
course material

Table 16

Question Coding for Student Satisfaction Items

No. Question Code

1 Quality of my learning experiences SS1
2 Alignment of course activities to my expectations of the course SS2
3 Interactions with instructors SS3
4 Interactions with peers SS4
5 Orientation program provided for online learning SS5
Table 17

Question Coding for Perceptions of Student Success Items

No. Question Code

1 Obtaining better grades PSS1
2 Engaging in course activities PSS2
3 Participating in programs that assist in improving my PSS3
understanding of the course material
4 Self-directed learning PSS4
5 Interacting with instructors PSS5
6 Interacting with peers PSS6
7 Feeling of a sense of belonging to the online learning community PSS7
8 Meeting of course expectations PSS8
9 Being motivated intellectually PSS9
10 Feeling of a personal sense of accomplishment PSS10
11 Relevancy of course goals to professional goals PSS11
12 Relevancy of course goals to personal goals PSS12
13 Being satisfied with the delivery of the course content PSS13
14 Being satisfied with the support given to achieving academic PSS14

Internal Reliability of the Scales

Reliability analyses of the scales of the three constructs of student engagement,

self-regulation practices, student satisfaction, and factor for perceptions of student

success were conducted by calculating the value of Cronbach’s alpha (α). According to

Kline (1999), a Cronbach statistic between 0.7 and 0.8 demonstrates acceptable reliability

of scales, and a Cronbach statistic above 0.8 exhibits good reliability. Table 18 illustrates

the Cronbach statistic for each of the construct and factor scales of the student survey,

which varied between 0.749 and 0.824.

Table 18

Reliability Statistics for the Construct/Factor Scales of the Student Survey Instrument for
All Responses

Construct/factor Cronbach’s alpha Cronbach’s alpha Number of

based on standardized items
Student engagement 0.426 0.537 13
0.777 0.775 10
Self-regulation practices 0.824 0.827 13
Student satisfaction 0.751 0.743 5
Perceptions of student 0.749 0.774 14

Student engagement scale. For the original 13-item student engagement scale, an

initial value of Cronbach’s alpha was found to be 0.426, as shown in Table 18. This value

was below the acceptable statistic for the internal consistency of a scale. When three

questions were removed, the internal reliability of the scale increased to an acceptable

value of 0.777. Table 19 gives further details of the gradual increase in internal

consistency with question items removed.

Table 19

Increase in Internal Reliability of the Student Engagement Scale for the Student Survey

Reliability test Cronbach’s alpha Highest Cronbach’s Question removed

number alpha if item deleted
1 0.426 0.569 SE6
2 0.569 0.686 SE5
3 0.686 0.777 SE3
4 0.777

Self-regulation practices scale. For the original 13-item self-regulation practices

scale, the value of Cronbach’s alpha was found to show good internal reliability at 0.824,
as shown in Table 18. The initial Cronbach statistic result indicated that no questions

were to be removed.

Student satisfaction scale. For the original 5-item student satisfaction scale, the

value of Cronbach’s alpha was found to be acceptable at 0.751, as shown in Table 18.

The initial Cronbach statistic result indicated that no questions were to be removed.

Student success scale. For the original 14-item student satisfaction scale, the

value of Cronbach’s alpha was found to be acceptable at 0.749, as shown in Table 18.

The initial Cronbach statistic result indicated that no questions were to be removed.

Due to the low participation numbers for the pilot study, the 13-item

questionnaire for student engagement was not adjusted to 10 items for the actual study as

I wanted to retest the internal reliability of the instrument using a larger sample size.

Although eight of the 10 participants answered all questions in the pilot study, the

Cronbach statistic was calculated on the 10 student responses and not the eight complete

responses. A preliminary result for the eight responses showed that the internal reliability

was lower than the internal consistency of the 10 responses. This result supported the

decision to test the reliability of the instrument using a larger population size.

Data Collection of the Actual Research Study


The actual study was conducted at a Caribbean regional institution (CCC campus)

with a population of students and faculty spanning several Caribbean islands. The two

questionnaires, one each for student and faculty participants, were not adjusted following

the pilot study as the sample size was small. The recruitment exercise was carried as
described in the methodology for the duration of the planned data collection period. The

internal reliability of the larger sample from the study site was calculated using

Cronbach’s alpha. Data analyses comprised both a descriptive study and an inferential


Data Collection

The actual study was conducted over four weeks. Students enrolled in and faculty

teaching online courses were invited to participate in the study using the convenience

sampling method. Letters of cooperation and IRB approval from the institution (see

Appendix D) allowed the researcher to collect data from participants. The data collection

involved issuing invitation letters and three follow-up letters to participants through my

administrative contacts at the institution. Data collection was carried out as planned

except in one instance when the institution’s liaison for student participants indicated that

the second follow-up letter was not distributed as scheduled. To compensate for this

oversight, the survey remained open for an additional five days after the third and final

follow-up letter was issued.

Internal Reliability of the Scales

The internal reliability of the instrument used for the actual research study was

determined in two ways. First, Cronbach’s alpha was calculated using all the responses

from each participant group, and second, Cronbach’s alpha was calculated using only

those responses that had no missing demographic data. Participant groups were separated

for the internal reliability determination. Tables 16, 17, 18, and 19 give the results of the

Cronbach statistic test.

Cronbach’s Alpha for All Responses

The internal reliability for the scales for each participant group was calculated

using all the responses collected. Tables 20 and 21 show the Cronbach statistic for each

of the construct and factor scales. This statistic varied between 0.838 and 0.917 for the

student questionnaire and between 0.806 and 0.907 for the faculty questionnaire.

Table 20

Reliability Statistics for the Construct/Factor Scales of the Student Survey Instrument for
All Responses

Construct/factor Cronbach’s alpha Cronbach’s alpha Number of

based on standardized items
Student engagement 0.835 0.837 13
Self-regulation practices 0.866 0.868 13
Student satisfaction 0.861 0.861 5
Perceptions of student 0.917 0.921 14

Table 21

Reliability Statistics for the Construct/Factor Scales for the Faculty Survey Instrument
for All Responses

Construct/factor Cronbach’s alpha Cronbach’s alpha Number of

based on standardized items
Student engagement 0.863 0.864 13
Self-regulation practices 0.907 0.910 13
Student satisfaction 0.806 0.807 5
Perceptions of student 0.898 0.903 14
Cronbach’s Alpha for Responses With No Missing Demographic Data

The internal reliability for the scales for each participant group was calculated

using responses that had no missing demographic data. Tables 22 and 23 show the

Cronbach statistic for each of the construct and factor scales. This statistic varied between

0.833 and 0.921 for the student questionnaire and between 0.794 and 0.906 for the faculty


Table 22

Reliability Statistics for the Construct/Factor Scales of the Student Survey Instrument for
Responses With No Missing Demographic Data

Construct/factor Cronbach’s alpha Cronbach’s alpha Number of

based on standardized items
Student engagement 0.833 0.836 13
Self-regulation practices 0.860 0.863 13
Student satisfaction 0.863 0.863 5
Perceptions of student 0.921 0.925 14

Table 23

Reliability Statistics for the Construct/Factor Scales of the Faculty Survey Instrument for
Responses With No Missing Demographic Data

Construct/factor Cronbach’s alpha Cronbach’s alpha Number of

based on standardized items
Student engagement 0.863 0.864 13
Self-regulation practices 0.906 0.910 13
Student satisfaction 0.794 0.797 5
Perceptions of student 0.889 0.983 14
A comparison of the internal reliability statistics obtained for the student

engagement, self-regulation, student satisfaction, and perceptions of student success

scales for all responses with the same scales for responses with missing demographic data

removed revealed little differences in the values of the Cronbach’s alpha. The high

degree similarity between the two sets of statistics confirmed that the reliability of the

instrument designed for students and faculty was consistent. Consequently, there was no

need to remove any of the items from the two questionnaires as the Cronbach’s alpha

result showed that the measurements for each of the constructs of student engagement,

self-regulation practices, student satisfaction, and factors on perceptions of student

success were consistent.

Preliminary Factor Analysis

The preliminary factor analysis was conducted to support the content validity

established in Chapter 3 for the question items of the newly developed instrument. Given

that the question items were the same for both student and faculty groups, the factor

analysis was conducted on the student group, which had a larger number of respondents.

A separate factor analysis was conducted for the three constructs and perceptions of

student success, as each of the four dimensions had a different operational definition. The

questionnaire was constructed by identifying four interaction factors for each of the three

constructs: (a) learner-content; (b) learner-instructor; (c) learner-learner; and (d) learner-

online platform. The group of questions for perceptions of student success did not pre

identify factors. The factor analysis used the principal components extraction method

with an oblimin rotation.

Student engagement. The factor analysis examined 13 question items for student

engagement to determine how these items were grouped. All items were correlated with

at least one other item above the correlation value set at 0.3 (see Appendix E, Table E1).

The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of sampling adequacy was 0.78 (see Appendix E,

Table E2), and was greater than the recommended value of 0.6 (Field, 2016). The same

table confirmed the significance of the factor analysis based on Bartlett’s test of

sphericity (χ2(78) = 1755.94, p < .001).

Four factors emerged from the principal component analysis for student

engagement (see Appendix E, Table E3). These four factors explained 71% of the

variance in the question items for eigenvalues over 1. The pattern matrix of these factors

revealed how the question items were loaded to represent the construct of student

engagement (see Appendix E, Table E4). An examination of the factor loading showed

that all the question items for the learner-content interface were categorized in the same

factor. The items for the learner-instructor interface also were placed in the same factor.

The items for the learner-learner interface were sorted into two factors, and the learner-

online platform question was placed in one of the two factors identified for the learner-

learner interface. The preliminary factor analysis showed that the factors for learner-

learner and learner-online platform could be improved by adding more questions that

would create a further distinction between the items.

Self-regulation practices. The factor analysis examined 13 question items for

self-regulation practices to determine how these items were grouped. All items were

correlated with at least one other item above the correlation value set at 0.3 (see
Appendix E, Table E5). The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of sampling adequacy was

0.81 (see Appendix E, Table E6), and was greater than the recommended value of 0.6

(Field, 2016). The same table confirmed the significance of the factor analysis based on

Bartlett’s test of sphericity (χ2(78) = 1984.48, p < .001).

Four factors emerged from the principal component analysis for self-regulation

practices (see Appendix E, Table E7). These four factors explained 70% of the variance

in the question items for eigenvalues over 1. The pattern matrix of these factors revealed

how the question items were loaded to represent the construct of self-regulation practices

(see Appendix E, Table E8). An examination of the factor loading showed that all the

question items for the learner-instructor interface were categorized in the same factor.

The items for the learner-content interface shared three factors. The items for the learner-

learner interface were sorted into three factors, and the learner-online platform question

was placed in one of the same factors with the learner-content interface. The preliminary

factor analysis showed that the question items for learner-content and learner-learner

could be shifted around. The learner-online platform interface could be improved by

adding more questions that would create a further distinction between the items.

Student satisfaction. The factor analysis examined the five-question items for

student satisfaction to determine how these items were grouped. All items were

correlated with at least one other item above the correlation value set at 0.3 (Appendix E,

Table E9). The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of sampling adequacy was 0.82 (see

Appendix E, Table E10), and was greater than the recommended value of 0.6 (Field,
2016). The same table confirmed the significance of the factor analysis based on

Bartlett’s test of sphericity (χ2(10) = 763.65, p < .001).

Only one factor emerged from the principal component analysis for student

satisfaction. This factor explained 65% of the variance in the question items for

eigenvalues over 1 (see Appendix E, Table E11). There was no pattern matrix of these

factors given that one factor for the question items could not be rotated. An examination

of the preliminary factor analysis showed that the question items depicting the learner-

content, learner-instructor, learner-learner, and learner-online platform interfaces could

be improved by adding more questions that would create a further distinction between the


Perceptions of student success. The factor analysis examined 14 question items

for perceptions of student success to determine how these items were grouped. All items

were correlated with at least one other item above the correlation value set at 0.3 (see

Appendix E, Table e12). The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of sampling adequacy was

0.90 (see Appendix E, Table E13), and was greater than the recommended value of 0.6

(Field, 2016). The same table confirmed the significance of the factor analysis based on

Bartlett’s test of sphericity (χ2(91) = 2518.26, p < .001).

Three factors emerged from the principal component analysis for perceptions of

student success (see Appendix E, Table E14). These three factors explained 68% of the

variance in the question items for eigenvalues over 1. The pattern matrix of these factors

revealed how the question items were loaded to represent perceptions of student success
(see Appendix E, Table E15). The preliminary factor analysis showed that the question

items for perceptions of student success could be refined to create distinctive categories.

Overall factor analysis results. The preliminary factor analysis was conducted to

establish the construct validity of the question items within the three constructs and

perceptions of student success. The analysis revealed the number of factors associated

with the question items created for this study. For the constructs, student engagement,

and self-regulation practices, the results confirmed the four-factor design of the question

items. Despite the confirmation, some question items did not fit exclusively in the factors

as originally intended. For the construct, student satisfaction, the results contradicted the

four-factor design and established that a one-factor design was a better fit for the original

question items. For perceptions of student success, although the original question item

design did not identify the number of factors to be represented, a three-factor design

emerged. The preliminary factor analysis results were discussed further in Chapter 5.

Participant Responses and Missing Data

The treatment of missing data was considered in this study. I found missing data

in participants’ responses to the demographic questions and the questions associated with

the three constructs and perceptions of student success. An initial total of 385 students

and 61 faculty members responded. The number of student responses was above the

minimum sample size of 138 calculated for this study, while the number of faculty

responses was below the projected sample size. The student and faculty responses were

cleaned by removing all missing demographic information. The cleaning exercise

resulted in a lower number of responses for the participant groups, as shown in Table 24.
Table 24

Comparison of Number of Participant Group Responses Before and After Removal of

Missing Demographic Information

Participant group Number of original Number of responses after

responses removal of missing
demographic information
Student 385 352
Faculty 61 53

The survey instruments treated the scales for student engagement, self-regulation

practices, student satisfaction, and perceptions of student success as distinct from each

other. Although I found missing data for responses related to these scales, I noted that

missing data for one scale did not mean missing data for the other scales. As a result, I

kept the missing data for the scales and reported on them when I conducted the

correlation and linear multiple regression analyses.

Baseline Descriptive and Demographic Characteristics of the Sample

The research sample comprised both student and faculty participant groups. The

baseline demographic characteristics presented relate to the gender, age group, and

country of residence of the sample. Gender and age group were identified as covariate

variables in Chapter 3 and were included in the baseline model to describe the

characteristics of each participant group.

Table 25 shows the gender ratio for the student and faculty respondents. In both

participant groups, the percentage of female respondents was higher than male

respondents. Female respondents were 87.8% for the student participant group and 75.5%

for the faculty participant group.

Table 25

Gender Characteristics of the Participant Groups

Gender Student Faculty

Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Male 43 12.2 13 24.5
Female 309 87.8 40 75.5
Total 352 100.0 53 100.0

The age ranges for the two participant groups are displayed in Table 26. There

were five age group ranges between 30 years and Under to Over 60 years. For the

student participant group, the highest number of respondents was found in the 31-40 age

group range (39.2%), and the lowest number of respondents was in the over 60 age group

(0.3%). For the faculty participant group, the highest number of respondents was found in

the 51-60 age group range with 35.8%, and the lowest number of respondents was in the

over 60 age group with 9.4%. There were no faculty members in the age group 30 and

under who participated in the study.

Table 26

Age Group Characteristics of the Participant Groups

Age group Student Faculty

range Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
30 and under 120 34.1 0 0.0
31-40 138 39.2 16 30.2
41-50 72 20.5 13 24.5
51-60 21 6.0 19 35.8
Over 60 1 0.3 5 9.4
Total 352 100.0 53 100.0

The age group ranges of each participant group were further categorized by

gender, as seen in Table 27. For the student participant group, the highest number of male
respondents was found in the 41-50 age group, and the highest number of female

respondents was found in the 31-40 age group range. The lowest number of male

respondents and the lowest number of female respondents were found in the same age

group range of over 60 years. For the faculty participant group, the highest number of

male respondents and the highest number of female respondents were found in the 51-60

age group range. The age groups with the lowest number of male and female respondents

differed for the faculty participant group. The lowest number of male respondents was

found in the 41-50 age group, whereas the lowest number of female respondents was

found in the over 60 age group.

Table 27

Age Group Characteristics of the Participant Groups Categorized by Gender

Age group Student gender by numbers Faculty gender by numbers

range Male Female Male Female
30 and under 10 110 0 0
31-40 12 126 4 12
41-50 16 56 1 12
51-60 5 16 6 13
Over 60 0 1 2 3
Total 43 309 13 40

The CCC regional institution serves several islands in the Caribbean. Figure 3 and

Figure 4 show the distribution of respondents by country of residence. For the student

participant group, 21 countries were represented, inclusive of two countries outside of the

Caribbean region. The largest number of student respondents was from Trinidad and

Tobago, followed by Jamaica. For the faculty participant group, 12 countries were
represented, inclusive of four countries outside of the Caribbean region. The largest

number of faculty respondents was from Trinidad and Tobago followed by Jamaica.

Figure 3. Country of residence characteristics of the student participant group.

Figure 4. Country of residence characteristics of the faculty participant group.

Relationship of the Sample to the Population

The research study used a non-probability sampling technique to explore the self-

reported opinions of students and faculty. The intent of the study was not to generalize

and determine cause and effect. The study was an exploratory one, particularly due to the

development of a new instrument comprising two questionnaires (student and faculty) to

measure student engagement, self-regulation practices, student satisfaction, and

perceptions of student success. The distribution of the survey questionnaires occurred

during the summer period and did not represent the total student and faculty population of

the institution. Consequently, the timing of the study impacted the representativeness of

the sample to the institution’s population.

The response rate for the student participant group could not be determined as

information on the size of the summer student population enrolled in online courses was

not provided. While the summer population size for students could not be ascertained, the

average annual student population or target population was approximately 6000 students.

Based on this annual projection of the total student population, the response rate for the

student participant group was 6.4% for all responses and 5.9% after removing the missing

demographic data.

The invitation to participate, follow-up reminders, and the link to the survey were

sent to 273 adjunct faculty members by the institution. The total response rate for the

faculty participant group was 22.3%. After the data cleanup exercise, the response rate

for faculty was 19.4%. This response rate was less than the 25% predicted in Chapter 3.

Furthermore, the response rate was less than the anticipated minimum sample size of 138
and would have required 50.0% of the faculty to respond with no missing data. There are

approximately 540 adjunct faculty members, and the final response rate of faculty

represented 9.8% of the faculty population.

Research Study Results

The results of the research study comprise descriptive and inferential statistics.

The descriptive statistical analysis of the responses summarized the data for the

demographic variables of the student cohort and faculty teaching statuses, program level

and year, number of programs, number of teaching years, number of courses, number of

hours spent online. The number of teaching years was identified as a covariate variable in

Chapter 3 and was included in the statistical analysis to describe the characteristics of the

faculty participant group. These variables were measured using frequency tables, mean,

standard deviation, and the number of respondents for the online programs. The

inferential statistical analyses presented the results of the correlation and multiple linear

regression statistics according to the research questions.

Descriptive Statistical Analysis of the Sample

Student cohort characteristics. Table 28 presents the cohort characteristics of

the student participation group. These characteristics comprised student respondents’ full-

time and part-time statuses, and program level, and program year in which they were

enrolled. The frequency and percentage descriptions are provided. The largest student

respondent group was part-time (80.7%). Most of the student respondents were enrolled

in the Bachelor’s programs (61.4%), followed by the Master’s programs (16.5%). The

smallest student respondent group was enrolled in the Graduate Certificate (1.1%) and
Graduate Diploma programs (1.1%). Most of the student respondents were enrolled in

year 1 of their programs of study (41.8%). The numbers of student respondents enrolled

in year 2 (24.7%) and year 3 (25.6%) were almost the same. The smallest numbers of

student respondents (0.3%) were enrolled in years 6, 7, and 8.

Table 28

Cohort Characteristics of the Student Participant Group

Demographics Frequency %
Cohort information
Full-time 68 19.3
Part-time 284 80.7
Total 352 100.0
Program level enrolled
Undergraduate certificate 8 2.3
Undergraduate diploma 6 1.7
Associate degree 21 6.0
Bachelor’s degree 216 61.4
Graduate certificate 4 1.1
Graduate diploma 4 1.1
Master’s degree 58 16.5
Doctoral degree 35 9.9
Total 352 100.0
Program year enrolled
1 147 41.8
2 87 24.7
3 90 25.6
4 22 6.3
5 3 0.9
6 1 0.3
7 1 0.3
8 1 0.3
Total 352 100.0

Student program and course characteristics. Table 29 displays the program

and course characteristics of the student participation group. These characteristics

comprised the expected graduation year, the number of courses in which the student
respondents were enrolled, and the number of hours spent online per week. The central

tendency, standard deviation, and range of responses are given. The largest number of

student respondents selected 2021 as the expected graduation year. Most student

respondents indicated that they were pursuing two courses, while most respondents spent

10 hours per week online.

Table 29

Program and Course Characteristics of the Student Participation Group

Statistics Graduation year Number of courses Number of hours

enrolled per week
Mean 2020.89 1.56 15.42
Median 2021.00 2.00 13.00
Mode 2021 2 10
Standard deviation 1.483 0.916 10.930
Range 7 5 60
Minimum 2019 0 0
Maximum 2026 5 60

Faculty teaching characteristics. Table 30 presents the teaching characteristics

of the faculty participant group, which comprised faculty respondents’ full-time and part-

time teaching statuses and program teaching levels. The frequency and percentage

descriptors are provided. The largest faculty respondent group was part-time (84.9%).

Most of the faculty respondents taught in the bachelor’s programs (60.4%) followed by

the master’s programs (22.6%). The associate degree level had the smallest number of

faculty respondents (3.8%). There were no faculty respondents who taught at the

undergraduate certificate, undergraduate diploma, graduate certificate, and graduate

diploma levels.
Table 30

Teaching Characteristics of the Faculty Participant Group

Demographics Frequency %
Status information
Full-time 8 15.1
Part-time 45 84.9
Total 53 100.0
Program teaching level
Associate degree 2 3.8
Bachelor’s degree 32 60.4
Master’s degree 12 22.6
Doctoral degree 7 13.2
Total 53 100.0

Faculty program and course characteristics. Table 31 displays the program and

course characteristics of the faculty participation group. These characteristics comprised

the number of years teaching, number of programs teaching, number of courses teaching

in a select program, and number of hours spent online per week. The central tendency,

standard deviation, and range of responses are given. The largest number of faculty

respondents had been teaching for at least four years. Most faculty respondents indicated

they taught one online program of study. In their selected programs, most faculty

respondents taught one course while the majority of respondents spent 10 hours per week

teaching online.
Table 31

Program and Course Characteristics of the Faculty Participation Group

Statistics Number of Number of Number of Number of

years programs courses hours per week
teaching teaching teaching in a
select program
Mean 7.15 1.92 1.91 12.06
Median 6.29 1.62 1.61 10.57
Mode 4 1 1 10
Standard deviation 4.576 1.479 1.362 8.411
Range 19 8 7 38
Minimum 1 0 1 2
Maximum 20 8 8 40

Inferential Statistical Analyses of the Sample Population

The inferential statistical analyses of the sample population were based on the

research questions for this study. The two main research questions involved a correlation

analysis of each pair of the three constructs and a multiple linear regression analysis of

the constructs and perceptions of student success. Prior to the conduct of the analyses, I

created subscales for each of the three constructs and perceptions of student success by

adding the respondent numerical values ascribed to the Likert scale of each survey item.

As indicated in Chapter 3, the maximum numerical values for the constructs and

perceptions of student success varied as follows:

Student Engagement 65

Self-Regulation Practices 65

Student Satisfaction 25

Perceptions of Student Success 70

The findings from the correlation and regression models are presented separately

for each participant group. Due to the low response rate from the faculty participant

group, the student group and the faculty group were combined to create a third participant

group. The findings are also presented for the combined participant group.

Correlation analysis of the sample population. The correlation between each

possible pair of the three constructs was determined to address the first research question

and the attendant three sub questions. The overarching correlation question is as follows:

RQ1. What is the relationship among the pairs of constructs of student

engagement, self-regulation practices, student satisfaction in online courses?

The sub questions and the associated null and alternate hypotheses are presented

under the applicable sections for the construct pairs. The relationship among the pairs of

constructs was calculated as the Pearson correlation coefficient, r (Field, 2016). The

correlation statement is represented by

r(df) =correlation value, p < .05 or p < .01 where df = degrees of freedom.

This correlation value gives the strength of the association between the variables

being measured and ranges from -1 (perfect negative correlation) to +1 (perfect positive

correlation). The strength of the association or correlation among variables is related to

the Cohen effect size classification levels for correlation analyses (Faul et al., 2007,

2009). The absolute values of these levels are given as 0.10-0.29 (small or weak), 0.30-

0.49 (medium or moderate), and 0.50-1.00 (large or strong). The Cohen correlation

classification was used to discuss the strength of the relationship between the variable

pairs following the computation of the Pearson correlation coefficient, r.

The two assumptions of correlation analyses to be satisfied prior to the calculation

of r were (a) the variables are normally distributed, and (b) the scores for the variables

are independent of each other. The first assumption was examined using a scatterplot to

confirm that there was a linear relationship between variables of each pair of constructs.

The second assumption was determined as being satisfied given that separate participants

had completed the student and faculty surveys.

Student engagement and self-regulation practices. Figure 5 and Figure 6 show

the relationship between the variables of the constructs of student engagement and self-

regulation practices for student and faculty participant groups. Figure 7 shows the

relationship between the variables for the combined participant group. An examination of

the scatterplots showed that there was a linear relationship between the variables.

Consequently, the first assumption for the correlation model for students, faculty, and the

combined group was satisfied.


Figure 5. Scatterplot of student engagement and self-regulation practices for student


Figure 6. Scatterplot of student engagement and self-regulation practices for faculty


Figure 7. Scatterplot of student engagement and self-regulation practices for the

combined participant group.

Table 32

Descriptive Statistics for Student Engagement and Self-Regulation Practices of the

Sample Population

Variable Student group Faculty group Combined group

Mean SD N Mean SD N Mean SD N
engagement 51.58 6.808 309 50.66 6.802 53 51.44 6.805 362
regulation 50.45 6.729 297 46.52 7.661 52 49.87 7.005 349

Table 32 presents the descriptive statistics for student engagement and self-

regulation practices in terms of mean, standard deviation, and the number of responses.

The ranges of the mean values for the participation groups varied by 0.92 for the student

engagement construct and by 3.93 for the self-regulation practices construct. The

differences between the mean values for the two constructs showed that more
respondents indicated a higher level of agreement with the question items for student


The first correlation research sub question and related null and alternate

hypotheses are as follows:

RQ1a: What is the relationship between student engagement and self-regulation

practices in online courses?

H01a. There is no relationship between student engagement and self-regulation

practices in online courses.

Ha1a. There is a relationship between student engagement and self-regulation

practices in online courses.

Table 33 displays the Pearson correlation coefficient between the variables for

student engagement and self-regulation practices. The correlation between student

engagement and self-regulation practices was found to be significant (p < .01), r(295) =

.58, p .001 for the student participant group, and the strength of the relationship was

strong (r > .5). For the faculty participant group, the correlation between the two

variables was significant (p < .01), r(50) = .77, p .001, and the strength of the relationship

was strong (r > .5). For the combined participant group, the correlation between the two

variables was significant (p < .01), r(347) = .61, p .001, and the strength of the

relationship was strong (r > .5). The correlation between student engagement and self-

regulation practices was highest for the faculty participation group and lowest for the

student participant group. The findings showed that there is a strong significant

relationship between student engagement and self-regulation practices given that r > .5
and p < .01. Consequently, I rejected the null hypothesis and supported the alternate


Table 33

Pearson Correlation for Student Engagement and Self-Regulation Practices of the

Sample Population

Constructs Student engagement Self-regulation practices

Student participant group
Student engagement 1.000 0.577**
Self-regulation practices 0.577** 1.000
Faculty participant group
Student engagement 1.000 0.774**
Self-regulation practices 0.774** 1.000
Combined participant group
Student engagement 1.000 0.605**
Self-regulation practices 0.605** 1.000
Note. ** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (two-tailed).

Student engagement and student satisfaction. Figure 8 and Figure 9 show the

relationship between the variables of the constructs of student engagement and student

satisfaction for student and faculty participant groups. Figure 10 shows the relationship

between the variables for the combined participant group. An examination of the

scatterplots showed that there was a linear relationship between the variables.

Consequently, the first assumption for the correlation model for students, faculty, and the

combined group was satisfied.


Figure 8. Scatterplot of student engagement and student satisfaction for student


Figure 9. Scatterplot of student engagement and student satisfaction for faculty


Figure 10. Scatterplot of student engagement and student satisfaction for the combined
participant group.

Table 34 presents the descriptive statistics for student engagement and student

satisfaction in terms of mean, standard deviation, and the number of responses. The

ranges of the mean values for the participation groups varied by 0.92 for the student

engagement construct and by 1.16 for the student satisfaction construct. The differences

between the mean values for the two constructs showed that more respondents indicated a

higher level of agreement with the question items for student engagement.

Table 34

Descriptive Statistics for Student Engagement and Student Satisfaction of the Sample

Variable Student group Faculty group Combined group

Mean SD N Mean SD N Mean SD N
engagement 51.58 6.808 309 50.66 6.802 53 51.44 6.805 362
satisfaction 18.82 3.858 296 17.66 3.519 53 18.64 3.827 349
The second correlation research sub question and related null and alternate

hypotheses are as follows:

RQ1b: What is the relationship between student engagement and student

satisfaction in online courses?

H01b: There is no relationship between student engagement and student

satisfaction in online courses.

Ha1b: There is a relationship between student engagement and student satisfaction

in online courses.

Table 35 displays the Pearson correlation coefficient between the variables for

student engagement and student satisfaction. The correlation between student

engagement and student satisfaction was found to be significant (p < .01), r(294) = .56,

p .001 for the student participant group, and the strength of the relationship was strong

(r > .5). For the faculty participant group, the correlation between the two variables was

significant (p < .01), r(51) = .69, p .001, and the strength of the relationship was strong

(r > .5). For the combined participant group, the correlation between the two variables

was significant (p < .01), r(347) = .58, p .001, and the strength of the relationship was

strong (r > .5). The correlation between student engagement and student satisfaction was

highest for the faculty participation group and lowest for the student participant group.

The findings showed that there is a strong significant relationship between student

engagement and student satisfaction given that r > .5 and p < .01. Consequently, I

rejected the null hypothesis and supported the alternate hypothesis.

Table 35

Pearson Correlation for Student Engagement and Student Satisfaction of the Sample

Constructs Student engagement Student satisfaction

Student participant group
Student engagement 1.000 0.556**
Student satisfaction 0.556** 1.000
Faculty participant group
Student engagement 1.000 0.691**
Student satisfaction 0.691** 1.000
Combined participant group
Student engagement 1.000 0.576**
Student satisfaction 0.576** 1.000
Note. ** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (two-tailed).

Self-regulation practices and student satisfaction. Figure 11 and Figure 12 show

the relationship between the variables of self-regulation practices and student satisfaction

for student and faculty participant groups. Figure 13 shows the relationship between the

variables for the combined participant group. An examination of the scatterplots showed

that there was a linear relationship between the variables. Consequently, the first

assumption for the correlation model for students, faculty, and the combined group was


Figure 11. Scatterplot of self-regulation practices and student satisfaction for student

Figure 12. Scatterplot of self-regulation practices and student satisfaction for faculty

Figure 13. Scatterplot of self-regulation practices and student satisfaction for the
combined participant group.

Table 36 presents the descriptive statistics for self-regulation practices and student

satisfaction in terms of mean, standard deviation, and the number of responses. The

ranges of the mean values for the participation groups varied by 3.93 for the self-

regulation practices construct and by 1.16 for the student satisfaction construct. The

differences between the mean values for the two constructs showed that more

respondents indicated a higher level of agreement with the question items for student

Table 36

Descriptive Statistics for Self-Regulation Practices and Student Satisfaction of the

Sample Population

Variable Student group Faculty group Combined group

Mean SD N Mean SD N Mean SD N
regulation 50.45 6.729 297 46.52 7.661 52 49.87 7.005 349
satisfaction 18.82 3.858 296 17.66 3.519 53 18.64 3.827 349

The third correlation research sub question and related null and alternate

hypotheses are as follows:

RQ1c: What is the relationship between self-regulation practices and student

satisfaction in online courses?

H01c: There is no relationship between self-regulation practices and student

satisfaction in online courses.

Ha1c: There is a relationship between self-regulation practices and student

satisfaction in online courses.

Table 37 displays the Pearson correlation coefficient between the variables for

self-regulation practices and student satisfaction. The correlation between self-regulation

practices and student satisfaction was found to be significant (p < .01), r(294) = .45,

p. 001 for the student participant group, and the strength of the relationship was moderate

(.3 < r< .5). For the faculty participant group, the correlation between the two variables

was significant (p < .01), r(50) = .89, p .001, and the strength of the relationship was

strong (r > .5). For the combined participant group, the correlation between the two
variables was significant (p < .01), r(346) = .52, p .001, and the strength of the

relationship was strong (r > .5). The correlation between self-regulation practices and

student satisfaction was the strongest for the faculty participation group and lowest for

the student participant group. The findings showed that while the relationship between

self-regulation practices and student satisfaction was significant (p < .01), the relationship

was moderate for the student group (.3 < r < .5) and strong for the faculty and combined

groups (r > .5). Consequently, I rejected the null hypothesis and supported the alternate


Table 37

Pearson Correlation for Self-Regulation Practices and Student Satisfaction of the Sample

Constructs Self-regulation practices Student satisfaction

Student participant group
Self-regulation practices 1.000 0.450**
Student satisfaction 0.450** 1.000
Faculty participant group
Self-regulation practices 1.000 0.887**
Student satisfaction 0.887** 1.000
Combined participant group
Self-regulation practices 1.000 0.518**
Student satisfaction 0.518** 1.000
Note. ** Correlation is significant at the .01 level (two-tailed)

Correlation results of all paired constructs. The correlation results of all paired

constructs of student engagement, self-regulation practices, and student satisfaction

showed that the relationships were significant but differed in association strength for the

participant groups. All construct pairs showed a strong relationship for all participant

groups except for the self-regulation practices and student satisfaction pair, which

showed a moderate relationship for the student group. Additionally, the relationship
between self-regulation practices and student satisfaction for the faculty group was the

highest of all the paired associations. In contrast, I found that the association between

self-regulation practices and student satisfaction for the student participant group was the

lowest of all the paired associations.

Multiple linear regression analysis of the sample population. The multiple

linear regression analysis was conducted between the three constructs as the predictor

variables and perceptions of student success as the outcome variable. The regression

analysis was conducted to assess the strength of the relationship between the constructs

and perceptions of student success, as given in the second research question. This

research question and the null and alternate hypotheses state as follows:

RQ2: To what extent do the constructs of student engagement, self-regulation

practices, and student satisfaction relate to perceptions of student success in online


H02: The constructs of student engagement, self-regulation practices, and student

satisfaction do not relate to perceptions of student success.

Ha2: The constructs of student engagement, self-regulation practices, and student

satisfaction do relate to perceptions of student success.

The assumptions of multiple linear regression to be satisfied were (a) the variables

are evenly distributed (normality), (b) a linear relationship exists between the predictor

and outcome variables (linearity), (c) the variance of error terms is similar across the

predictor variables (homoscedasticity), and (d) the absence of multicollinearity.

The first assumption was confirmed by examining the Q-Q plots of the

independent and dependent variables for each participant group. Q-Q plots are used

generally to graphically represent the normal distribution of each variable individually

(Field, 2016). Figure 14, Figure 15, and Figure 16 showed the patterns of relationship for

student engagement for the three participant groups.

Figure 14. Q-Q plot of student engagement for the student participant group.

Figure 15. Q-Q plot of student engagement for the faculty participant group.

Figure 16. Q-Q plot of student engagement for the combined participant group.

Figure 17, Figure 18, and Figure 19 showed the patterns of relationship for self-

regulation practices for the three participant groups.


Figure 17. Q-Q plot of self-regulation practices for the student participant group.

Figure 18. Q-Q plot of self-regulation practices for the faculty participant group.

Figure 19. Q-Q plot of self-regulation practices for the combined participant group.

Figure 20, Figure 21, and Figure 22 showed the patterns of relationship for

student satisfaction for the three participant groups.

Figure 20. Q-Q plot of student satisfaction for the student participant group.

Figure 21. Q-Q plot of student satisfaction for the faculty participant group.

Figure 22. Q-Q plot of student satisfaction for the combined participant group.

Figure 23, Figure 24, and Figure 25 showed the patterns of relationship for

perceptions of student success for the three participant groups.


Figure 23. Q-Q plot of perceptions of student success for the student participant group.

Figure 24. Q-Q plot of perceptions of student success for the faculty participant group.

Figure 25. Q-Q plot of perceptions of student success for the combined participant group.

The Q-Q plots for student engagement, self-regulation practices, student

satisfaction, and perceptions of student success satisfied the assumption for normality and

demonstrated that the variables were evenly distributed. Normal distribution was

confirmed from the output of the plots, which showed that the data were close to the

diagonal lines for all graphs. While normality was observed in the graphs, the largest

deviations occurred with student satisfaction and perceptions of student success for the

student and combined groups.

The second assumption for multiple linear regression analysis was examined

using a matrix scatterplot diagram to determine the linear relationship of the predictor

and outcome variables. The matrix scatterplots for the student, faculty, and combined

participant groups are shown in Figure 26, Figure 27, and Figure 28 respectively. Each

matrix scatterplot of the four variables is sectionalized into 16 quadrants and shows the
individual relationship of each variable with the other. On examination of the matrix

scatterplots, I found that the graphs demonstrated a linear relationship between pairs of

all four variables. This linear relationship between the variable pairs confirmed that the

second assumption had been met.

Figure 26. Matrix scatterplot of the three constructs and perceptions of student success
for student respondents.

Figure 27. Matrix scatterplot of the three constructs and perceptions of student success
for faculty respondents.

Figure 28. Matrix scatterplot of the three constructs and perceptions of student success
for the combined participant group.

The third assumption of homoscedasticity was determined in two ways. The first

method used a scatterplot diagram of the residual values against the predicted values to
show that the predictor variables were independent of the outcome variable (Field, 2016).

The second method was the computation of the Durbin-Watson statistic. A Durbin-

Watson value of over the cut-off point of 1 indicates that the assumption of

homoscedasticity is met. Field (2016) suggested that the closer the Durbin-Watson

statistic is to the value of 2, the more accurate the independence of the variables. Figure

29, Figure 30, and Figure 31 show the scatterplots of the residual values for each

participant group.

Figure 29. Scatterplot of the residual values for the three independent variables against
the dependent variable for the student participant group.

Figure 30. Scatterplot of the residual values for the three independent variables against
the dependent variable for the faculty participant group.

Figure 31. Scatterplot of the residual values for the three independent variables against
the dependent variable for the combined participant group.

An examination of the scatterplots for the student and combined participant

groups showed heteroscedasticity as the data points were not evenly distributed across all
the values for the three independent variables. The presence of heteroscedasticity

indicated that the assumption for homoscedasticity was not met for these two participant

groups. Conversely, the scatterplot for the faculty group showed that the assumption for

homoscedasticity was met as the data points were evenly distributed. Table 38 shows the

Durbin-Watson statistic for the three participant groups. A review of the Durbin-Watson

test for the groups gave different results. The results of the test revealed that the residual

values were independent for all participant groups as the statistic was greater than 1.

Additionally, given that the Durbin-Watson statistic was closer to the value of 2, the test

suggested that the assumption for homoscedasticity had been met for all participant


Table 38

Durbin-Watson Statistic of the Independent Variables Against the Dependent Variable

Participant group Durbin-Watson statistic

Student 1.915
Faculty 2.054
Combined 1.948

The fourth assumption of multicollinearity for the multiple linear regression

analysis was confirmed by an examination of the correlation coefficient and the variance

inflation factor (VIF) statistic for the independent variables. The absence of

multicollinearity signifies that the relationships between the predictor variables are not

strongly correlated. Field (2016) states that the coefficient values of the predictor

variables should not be greater than 0.8 or 0.9. Table 39, Table 40, and Table 41 show the

Pearson correlation coefficient for the four variables for the three participant groups. The
coefficient values for all the three predictor variables pairs for the student and combined

participation group were less than 0.8. The coefficient value for the faculty participant

group was greater than 0.8 for the self-regulation practices and student satisfaction

predictors and less than 0.8 for the remaining predictor pairs. The high correlation

between self-regulation practices and student satisfaction was a violation of

multicollinearity for the faculty group.

Table 39

Pearson Correlation for the Predictor and Outcome Variables for the Student Group

Constructs Perceptions of Student Self-regulation Student

student success engagement practices satisfaction
Perceptions of 1.000 0.423 0.433 0.379
student success
Student 0.423 1.000 0.589 0.567
Self-regulation 0.433 0.589 1.000 0.460
Student 0.379 0.567 0.460 1.000

Table 40

Pearson Correlation for the Predictor and Outcome Variables for the Faculty Group

Constructs Perceptions of Student Self-regulation Student

student success engagement practices satisfaction
Perceptions of 1.000 0.333 0.367 0.309
student success
Student 0.333 1.000 0.774 0.683
Self-regulation 0.367 0.774 1.000 0.886
Student 0.309 0.683 0.886 1.000
Table 41

Pearson Correlation for the Predictor and Outcome Variables for the Combined Group

Constructs Perceptions of Student Self-regulation Student

student success engagement practices satisfaction
Perceptions of 1.000 0.412 0.439 0.381
student success
Student 0.412 1.000 0.615 0.584
Self-regulation 0.439 0.615 1.000 0.528
Student 0.381 0.584 0.528 1.000

Descriptive statistics for the four variables. Table 42 displays the descriptive

statistics for the independent and outcome variables by participant group. The results

obtained for the mean and standard deviation for the three constructs were comparable to

the results obtained for these statistics in the correlation model for both participant

groups. For the comparison of the four variables in the multiple linear regression model,

the number of student participants was reduced from 297 to 286. In like manner, the

number of faculty respondents was reduced from 52 to 51. The statistics for the standard

deviation of the three constructs were similar in value for the two participant groups, and

the largest difference was found to be 1.096 for the variable self-regulation practices. In

contrast, the values of the standards deviation for perceptions of student success differed

by 2.031 for the two participant groups

Table 42

Descriptive Statistics of the three Constructs and Perceptions of Student Success for the
Sample Population

Variable Student group Faculty group Combined group

Mean SD N Mean SD N Mean SD N
of student 59.52 7.886 286 56.00 5.855 51 58.99 7.710 337
51.74 6.815 286 50.78 6.848 51 51.59 6.819 337
regulation 50.56 6.633 286 46.47 7.729 51 49.94 6.954 337
18.81 3.913 286 17.78 3.414 51 18.64 3.827 337

Covariates. The possible covariates for this study were identified in Chapter 3 as

gender, age group, and years of experience of faculty participants in using an online

learning environment. Covariates are those variables that could influence the outcome

variable (Field, 2016; Warner, 2013). Controlling for these covariates would give a better

predictive value of the independent variables on the dependent variable. The multiple

linear regression analyses for the participant groups compared the results for (a) the four

variables only, and (b) the four variables and covariates collectively.

Multiple linear regression analyses. The results of the regression analyses were

presented in two segments: (a) predictive nature of the model on the dependent variable,

and overall model fit; and (b) extent of the effect of each independent variable on the

dependent variable. Two multiple linear regression analyses were computed for each set

of results for each participant group: student, faculty, and combined. The first regression

analysis incorporated the data for the three independent and dependent variables only.
The second regression analysis incorporated the three independent variables, covariates

as independent variables and the dependent variable. The effect size classification levels

depict the strength of the variability and relationship between the independent and

dependent variables in the results for regression analyses (Faul et al., 2007, 2009). The

absolute values for the classification levels are 0.02-0.14 (small), 0.15-0.34 (medium) and

0.35 and greater (large).

The extent of the relationship of each independent variable on the dependent

variable is given in the correlation tables for each participant group. The correlation

tables without covariates show whether the independent variables are significant

predictors of the dependent variable. The covariate correlation tables also show if the

covariates are significant predictors of the dependent variable for the participant groups.

Multiple linear regression model fit. The multiple linear regression tables present

the extent to which the regression model predicts the dependent variable and overall

model fit for each participant group. The square of the correlation, R2, explains the

amount and strength of the variance contributed by the independent variables on the

dependent variable (Field, 2016). The F ratio indicates the extent to which the model

predicts the dependent variable and fits the overall participant data. The probability, p,

determines if the R2 and the F ratio are significant.

Table 43 and Table 44 present the data for the student participant group. For the

student group without covariates, R2 = .25, F(3, 282), p < .001 and F(3, 282) = 30.89,

p < .001. The R2 result indicated that the predictor variables of student engagement, self-

regulation practices, and student satisfaction explained 25% of the variability of the
outcome variable, perceptions of student success. The variability for this group was

moderate and significant (p < .05). The F ratio result indicated that the regression model

was a good fit for the student participant data (F > 1 and p < .05). For the student group

with gender and age group as covariates, R2 = .26, F(5, 280), p < .001 and F(5, 280) =

19.51, p < .001. The R2 result indicated that there was a slight increase in variability

(26%) of the predictor variables on the outcome variable. The variability for this group

also was moderate and significant (p < .05). Although there was a decrease in the F ratio

result, the regression model was a good fit for the student participant data while

controlling for gender and age group (F > 1 and p < .05).

Table 43

Model Summary for Perceptions of Student Success (Dependent Variable) with

Independent Variables and without Covariates of the Student Participant Group

Model Ra R Adjusted Std. Change Statistics Durbin-

Square R Error R F df1 df2 Sig. F Watson
Square of the Square Change Change
Estimate Change
1 .497 .247 .239 6.878 .247 30.879 3 282 .000 1.915
Note R . Predictors: (constant), student engagement, self-regulation practices, student

Table 44

Model Summary for Perceptions of Student Success (Dependent Variable) with

Independent Variables and Covariates of the Student Participant Group

Model Ra R Adjusted Std. Change Statistics Durbin-

Square R Error R F df1 df2 Sig. F Watson
Square of the Square Change Change
Estimate Change
1 .509 .259 .246 6.849 .259 19.571 5 280 .000 1.916
Note Ra. Predictors: (constant), student engagement, self-regulation practices, student
satisfaction, and covariates, gender, age group
Table 45 and Table 46 present the data for the faculty participant group. For the

faculty group without covariates, R2 = .14, F(3, 47), p = .064 and F(3, 47) = 2.59,

p = .064. The R2 result indicated that the predictor variables of student engagement, self-

regulation practices, and student satisfaction explained 14% of the variability of the

outcome variable, perceptions of student success. Although the variability for this group

was moderate, it also was insignificant (p > .05). The F ratio result indicated that the

regression model was not a good fit for the faculty participant data given that the ratio

was insignificant at p > .05. For the faculty group with gender and age group as

covariates, R2 = .16, F(6, 44), p = .223 and F(6, 44) = 1.43, p = .223. The R2 result

indicated that although there was a slight increase in variability (16%) of the predictor

variables on the outcome variable, the result was insignificant (p > .05). The F ratio result

showed that the regression model was not a good fit for the faculty participant data while

controlling for gender, age group, and years teaching.

Table 45

Model Summary for Perceptions of Student Success (Dependent Variable) With

Independent Variables and Without Covariates of the Faculty Participant Group

Model Ra R Adjusted Std. Change statistics Durbin-

square R error R F df1 df2 Sig. F Watson
square of the square change change
estimate change
1 .376 .142 .087 5.595 .142 2.585 3 47 .064 2.054
Note Ra. Predictors: (constant), student engagement, self-regulation practices, student
Table 46

Model Summary for Perceptions of Student Success (Dependent Variable) With

Independent Variables and Covariates of the Faculty Participant Group

Model Ra R Adjusted Std. Change statistics Durbin-

square R error R F df1 df2 Sig. F Watson
square of the square change change
estimate change
1 .404 .164 .049 5.708 .164 1.434 6 44 .223 1.909
Note R . Predictors: (constant), student engagement, self-regulation practices, student
satisfaction and covariates, gender, age group, years teaching

Table 47 and Table 48 present the data for the combined participant group. For

the combined group without covariates, R2 = .24, F(3, 333), p < .001 and F(3, 333) =

34.78, p < .001. The R2 result indicated that the predictor variables of student

engagement, self-regulation practices, and student satisfaction explained 24% of the

variability of the outcome variable, perceptions of student success. The variability for this

group was moderate and significant (p < .05). The F ratio result indicated that the

regression model was a good fit for the combined participant data given that F > 1 and

p < .05. For the combined group with gender and age group as covariates, R2 = .26,

F(3, 333), p < .001 and F(3, 333) = 19.57, p < .001. The R2 result indicated that there was

a slight increase in variability (26%) of the predictor variables on the outcome variable.

The variability for this group also was moderate and significant (p < .05). Although there

was a decrease in the F ratio result, the regression model was a good fit for the student

participant data while controlling for gender and age group given that F > 1 and p < .05.
Table 47

Model Summary for Perceptions of Student Success (Dependent Variable) With

Independent Variables and Without Covariates of the Combined Participant Group

Model Ra R Adjusted Std. Change Statistics Durbin-

square R error R F df1 df2 Sig. F Watson
square of the square change change
estimate change
1 .488 .239 .232 6.758 .239 34.781 3 333 .000 1.948
Note R . Predictors: (constant), student engagement, self-regulation practices, student

Table 48

Model Summary for Perceptions of Student Success (Dependent Variable) With

Independent Variables and Covariates of the Combined Participant Group

Model Ra R Adjusted Std. Change Statistics Durbin-

square R error R F df1 df2 Sig. F Watson
square of the square change change
estimate change
1 .509 .259 .246 6.849 .259 19.571 5 280 .000 1.916
Note Ra. Predictors: (constant), student engagement, self-regulation practices, student
satisfaction and covariates, gender, age group

The tables for the student and combined participant groups showed a high degree

of similarity between the results regression model for the independent and dependent data

set without the inclusion of the covariates. The tables for these two participant groups

also showed a high degree of similarity between the results regression model for the

independent and dependent data set controlling for the covariates of gender and age

group. Consequently, the constructs of student engagement, self-regulation practices, and

student satisfaction significantly and moderately predict perceptions of student success.

Additionally, the overall regression model was found to fit the independent and

dependent data set for the two groups. For the faculty participant group, the three
independent variables did not statistically predict the dependent variable. The contrast in

results between the student and combined groups and the faculty group may have been

due to the small number of respondents for the faculty group.

Statistical significance of the three constructs. Table 49 and Table 50 present the

correlation data for the independent variables separately with and without covariates for

the student participant group. For the student group without covariates, the results of the

unstandardized coefficient, B, showed that each independent variable predicted

perceptions of student success. Perceptions of student success varied positively and

significantly by 0.21 (moderate) for student engagement (B = .21, t(282) = 2.62, p < .01),

0.30 (moderate) for self-regulation practices (B = .30, t(282) = 3.87, p < .001) and 0.32

(moderate) for student satisfaction (B = .32, t(282) = 2.49, p < .05). Consequently, the

outcome variable, perceptions of student success, was moderately and significantly

predicted by student engagement, self-regulation practices, and student satisfaction.

Based on the findings, student satisfaction was the best predictor of perceptions of

student success, followed by self-regulation practices, and then student engagement.

Table 49

Coefficients for the Student Participant Groupa Without Covariates

Model Unstandardized Std. 95.0% Collinearity

coefficients coeff. Confidence statistics
t Sig. interval for B
B Std. Beta Lower Upper Tolerance VIF
error bound bound
1 (Constant) 27.335 3.501 7.807 .000 20.443 34.227
Student .213 .081 .184 2.617 .009 .053 .373 .541 1.847
Self- .300 .077 .252 3.871 .000 .147 .452 .630 1.588
Student .321 .129 .159 2.492 .013 .067 .574 .654 1.529
Note a. Dependent variable: perceptions of student success

For the student group with covariates, the results of the unstandardized

coefficient, B, showed that each independent variable predicted perceptions of student

success. Covariate results for B showed that gender did not predict the outcome variable,

but age group predicated perceptions of student success. Perceptions of student success

varied positively and significantly by 0.20 (moderate) for student engagement (B = .20,

t(280) = 2.42, p< .05), 0.29 (moderate) for self-regulation practices (B = .29, t(280) =

3.80, p < .001) and 0.32 (moderate) for student satisfaction (B = .32, t(280) = 2.49,

p < .05). For the covariates, perceptions of student success varied positively and

significantly by 0.97 (high) for age group (B = .97, t(280) = 2.10, p < .05), but not

significantly for gender (B = .36, t(280) = .30, p > .05). Hence, the outcome variable,

perceptions of student success, was moderately and significantly predicted by student

engagement, self-regulation practices, and student satisfaction while controlling for the

Table 50

Coefficients for the Student Participant Groupa With Covariates

Model Unstandardized Std. 95.0% Collinearity

coefficients coeff. Confidence statistics
t Sig. interval for B
B Std. Beta Lower Upper Tolerance VIF
error bound bound
1 (Constant) 25.845 4.130 6.259 .000 17.716 33.974
Student .197 .081 .170 2.422 .016 .037 .357 .536 1.866
Self- .293 .077 .247 3.801 .000 .141 .445 .629 1.590
Student .320 .128 .159 2.493 .013 .067 .572 .654 1.530
Gender .361 1.218 .015 .297 .767 -2.036 2.758 .982 1.018
Age group .971 .462 .110 2.103 .036 .062 1.880 .962 1.040
Note a. Dependent variable: perceptions of student success

Table 51 and Table 52 present the correlation data for the independent variables

separately with and without covariates for the faculty participant group. For the faculty

group without covariates, the results of the unstandardized coefficient, B, showed that

each independent variable did not predict perceptions of student success. Perceptions of

student success varied positively and insignificantly by 0.10 (low) for student

engagement (B = 0.10, t(280) = .57, p > .05), 0.26 (moderate) for self-regulation practices

(B = .26, t(280) = 1.00, p > .05) and negatively by 0.12 for student satisfaction

(B = -.12, t(280) = -0.25, p > .05). Consequently, the outcome variable, perceptions of

student success, was not significantly predicted by student engagement, self-regulation

practices, and student satisfaction (p > .05).

Table 51

Coefficients for the Faculty Participant Groupa Without Covariates

Model Unstandardized Std. 95.0% Collinearity statistics

coefficients coeff. Confidence
t Sig. interval for B
B Std. Beta Lower Upper Tolerance VIF
error bound bound
1 (Constant) 41.080 5.932 6.925 .000 29.146 53.014
Student .103 .183 .121 .566 .574 -.264 .471 .400 2.498
Self- .256 .255 .337 1.002 .321 -.258 .769 .161 6.210
Student -.124 .501 -.073 -.249 .805 .067 .883 .214 4.664
Note a. Dependent variable: perceptions of student success

For the faculty group with covariates, the results of the unstandardized

coefficient, B, showed that each independent variable and covariate did not predict

perceptions of student success. Perceptions of student success varied positively and

insignificantly by 0.11 (low) for student engagement (B = .11, t(280) = .55, p > .05), 0.21

(moderate) for self-regulation practices (B = .21, t(280) = .79, p > .05) and negatively by

0.06 (low) for student satisfaction (B = -.06, t(280) = -.121, p > .05). For the covariates,

perceptions of student success varied positively and insignificantly by 1.71 (high) for

gender (B = 1.71, t(280) = .90, p > .05), 0.60 (high) for age group (B = .60, t(280) = 59,

p > .05), and negatively by 0.06 (low) for years teaching (B = -.06, t(280) = -.25, p > .05).

Hence, the outcome variable, perceptions of student success, was not significantly

predicted by student engagement, self-regulation practices, and student satisfaction while

controlling for age group (p > .05). The insignificance of the constructs while controlling
for the covariates for the faculty group may have been due to the small number of


Table 52

Coefficients for the Faculty Participant Groupa With Covariates

Model Unstandardized Std. 95.0% Collinearity

coefficients coeff. Confidence statistics
t Sig. interval for B
B Std. Beta Lower Upper Toler VIF
error bound bound ance
1 (Constant) 37.339 7.550 4.945 .000 22.122 52.556
Student .108 .197 .127 .550 .585 -.289 .506 .357 2.798
Self- .209 .267 .276 .785 .437 -.328 .746 .153 6.516
Student -.063 .523 -.037 -.121 .904 -1.116 .990 .205 4.882
Gender 1.714 1.911 .129 .897 .375 -2.137 5.566 .921 1.086
Age group .599 1.012 .104 .593 .557 -1.439 2.638 .616 1.623
Years -.055 .216 -.044 -.253 .801 -.490 .381 .643 1.554
Note a. Dependent variable: perceptions of student success

Table 53 and Table 54 present the correlation data for the independent variables

separately with and without covariates for the combined participant group. For the

combined group without covariates, the results of the unstandardized coefficient, B,

showed that each independent variable predicted perceptions of student success.

Perceptions of student success varied positively and significantly by 0.19 (moderate) for

student engagement (B = .19, t(333) = 2.55, p < .05), 0.29 (moderate) for self-regulation

practices (B = .29, t(333) = 4.12, p < .001) and 0.29 (moderate) for student satisfaction

(B = .29, t(333) = 2.40, p < .05). Consequently, the outcome variable, perceptions of

student success, was moderately and significantly predicted by student engagement, self-

regulation practices, and student satisfaction. Based on the findings, self-regulation

practices and student satisfaction were the best significant predictors of perceptions of

student success.

Table 53

Coefficients for the Combined Participant Groupa Without Covariates

Model Unstandardized Std. 95.0% Collinearity

coefficients coeff. Confidence statistics
t Sig. interval for B
B Std. Beta Lower Upper Tolerance VIF
error bound bound
1 (Constant) 29.410 3.054 9.630 .000 23.403 35.418
Student .190 .074 .168 2.548 .011 .043 .336 .528 1.893
Self- .287 .070 .259 4.119 .000 .150 .424 .578 1.730
Student .293 .122 .146 2.396 .017 .052 .533 .614 1.629
Note a. Dependent variable: perceptions of student success

For the combined group with covariates, the results of the unstandardized

coefficient, B, showed that each independent variable predicted perceptions of student

success. Covariate results for B showed that gender and age group did not predict the

outcome variable. Perceptions of student success varied positively and significantly by

0.18 (moderate) for student engagement (B = .18, t(331) = 2.40, p < .05), 0.29 (moderate)

for self-regulation practices (B = .29, t(331) = 4.12, p < .001) and 0.29 (moderate) by

student satisfaction (B = .29, t(331) =2.14, p < .05). For the covariates, perceptions of

student success varied positively and insignificantly by 0.94 (high) for gender (B = .94,

t(331) = .89, p > .05), and 0.38 (high) for age group ( B= .38, t(331) = 1.02, p > .05).

Hence, the outcome variable, perceptions of student success, was moderately and
significantly predicted by student engagement, self-regulation practices, and student

satisfaction while controlling for gender and age group.

Table 54

Coefficients for the Combined Participant Groupa With Covariates

Model Unstandardized Std. 95.0% Collinearity

coefficients coeff. Confidence statistics
t Sig. interval for B
B Std. Beta Lower Upper Tolerance VIF
error bound bound
1 (Constant) 27.255 3.640 7.489 .000 20.096 34.415
Student .180 .075 .159 2.397 .017 .032 .327 .520 1.923
Self- .288 .070 .260 4.124 .000 .151 .426 .576 1.736
Student .294 .122 .147 2.404 .017 .053 .534 .614 1.630
Gender .936 1.051 .043 .891 .374 -1.132 3.004 .972 1.029
Age group .381 .372 .050 1.023 .307 -.352 1.114 .955 1.047
Note a. Dependent variable: perceptions of student success

Multiple linear regression results of all participant groups. The multiple linear

regression results of the three participant groups showed a high degree of similarity

between the student and combined groups. These two groups demonstrated that the

constructs of student engagement, self-regulation practices, and student satisfaction

moderately and significantly predicted perceptions of student success. The regression

results for the faculty group showed that the three independent variables did not predict

the outcome variable. Although the faculty regression result was insignificant, the faculty

and student groups combined revealed that the independent variables do relate to the

outcome variable. The difference in results suggested that the respondent numbers for the

faculty group were too small for the multiple linear regression analysis. The statistical
significance of the analyses was therefore based on the results for the student and

combined groups only. Consequently, the null hypothesis for question 2 is rejected. The

alternate hypothesis that the constructs of student engagement, self-regulation practices,

and student satisfaction relate to perceptions of student success is supported.


A new instrument for each of the participant groups was developed to explore the

correlation relationship between pairs of the constructs of student engagement, self-

regulation practices and student satisfaction, and the regression relationship between the

constructs and perceptions of student success. A pilot study was conducted to determine

the reliability of the instrument at two institutions, which were different from the actual

study site. Only 10 students and three faculty responded to the pilot study. As a result, the

reliability of the instrument was calculated using the data set from the research site.

The instrument for the student and faculty participant groups was found to be

reliable using the data sets from the actual study. The Cronbach statistic was used to

determine internal reliability and measured between 0.794 and 0.906. Additionally,

preliminary factor analysis was conducted to determine the construct validity of the

instrument. The factor analysis confirmed the four-factor question item design for student

engagement and self-regulation practices. Conversely, the analysis contradicted the

intended four-factor question item design for student satisfaction. Additionally, the factor

analysis identified a three-factor design for perceptions of student success. The question

items for perceptions of student success had not been categorized into factors for the

The number of responses for the student and faculty participant groups varied.

Initially, 385 students and 61 faculty responded. After the demographic data were

cleaned, a total participant sample of 352 and 53 resulted. The minimum sample size of

138 for each participant group was achieved only for the student group. As a result of the

small respondent numbers for the faculty group, a combined participant group was

created by merging the results of the student and faculty groups.

Descriptive statistical analysis of the responses summarized the data for each

demographic variable. These variables comprised gender, age group, country of

residence, name and level of program, full-time and part-time status, number of online

courses, and number of hours spent online. The variables were measured using frequency

tables, mean, standard deviation, and the number of respondents for the online programs.

The two main research questions related to correlation and regression models. For

the correlation analysis research question, the relationships between pairs of the three

constructs were determined separately. The results showed that the construct pairs

correlated significantly with each other, but the strength of the relationships between the

pairs varied. The correlation strength was strong for all pairs of all participant groups

except for the self-regulation practices and student satisfaction pair, which showed a

moderate correlation for the student group. The null hypotheses for each of the pairs were

rejected given that p<.01. Consequently, the alternate hypotheses were supported as


Ha1a. There is a relationship between student engagement and self-regulation

practices in online courses.

Ha1b: There is a relationship between student engagement and student satisfaction

in online courses.

Ha1c: There is a relationship between self-regulation practices and student

satisfaction in online courses.

The multiple linear regression analysis showed that there was a distinct difference

in results for the student, faculty, and combined groups. For the student and combined

participant groups, the null hypothesis was rejected as the three constructs as independent

variables moderately and significantly predicated perceptions of student success as the

dependent variable. For the faculty participant group, all the predictor variables were

statistically insignificant. Consequently, only the results for the student and combined

participant groups were used to measure the relationship between the constructs and

perceptions of student success. The alternate hypothesis supported the results as follows:

Ha2: The constructs of student engagement, self-regulation practices, and student

satisfaction do relate to perceptions of student success.

These findings are further analyzed in Chapter 5.

Chapter 5: Discussion, Conclusions, and Recommendations


The purpose of this non-experimental quantitative cross-sectional study was two-

fold. The first part of the research was a correlation study to explore the innovative

relationship between the constructs of student engagement, self-regulation practices, and

student satisfaction. The second part of the research was a regression study to examine

the relationship between the three constructs and perceptions of student success. The

correlation and regression relationships were measured separately from the perspectives

of both students and faculty who self-reported their experiences in the online

environment at an English-speaking Caribbean higher education institution. The

exploration of the relationships of the three constructs and student success in a single

research study in higher education was a gap in the literature.

A newly constructed instrument was used to capture data separately for students

and faculty using two questionnaires. Content validity was determined using content

experts. The reliability of the instrument was calculated using the Cronbach alpha

statistic. The results of the reliability test showed strong internal reliability of the question

items for the four variables of student engagement, self-regulation practices, student

satisfaction, and perceptions of student success. Construct validity of the instrument

revealed that the question items were based on a four-factor design for student

engagement and self-regulation practices as desired. The four-factor design was not

evident for the question items for student satisfaction. The number of question item

factors for perceptions of student success were not predetermined, and a three-factor
design emerged. Prior to conducting the research study, the instrument was field tested at

two other higher education institutions.

The results of the correlation study between pairs of the three constructs showed

statistical significance for the student, faculty, and combined participant groups. The

strength of the association between the pairs varied. The results of the regression study of

the relationship between the three constructs and perceptions of student success showed

statistical significance. These results were obtained for the student and combined

participant groups. The regression results for the faculty participant group were

insignificant, perhaps because of the small sample size, which was below the required

minimum sample size of 138. Consequently, the faculty data were not used in the

interpretation of the regression findings.

Interpretation of the Findings

The findings are interpreted for the internal reliability and construct validity of the

instrument and the correlation and the multiple linear regression analyses of the study.

For the correlation analysis, the results are discussed for all participant groups: student,

faculty, and student and faculty combined. For the multiple linear regression analysis, the

results are discussed for the student and combined participant groups. The regression

analysis results of the faculty participant group were not consistent with those obtained

for the student and combined groups, and it was concluded that the difference was a

result of the low response rate from the faculty group.

Internal Reliability and Construct Validity of the Instrument

The internal reliability and construct validity of the new instrument were

calculated using the data provided by the actual study participant groups, as the pilot

study response rate was low. Given that content validity was already established in

Chapter 3, the strength of the internal reliability of the scales for the three constructs and

perceptions of student success confirmed the instrument’s acceptability for use in the

study. Content validity of the scale items verified the intent of the measures for each

construct and perceptions of student success. The results of construct validity showed that

the questions items for the interaction subdivisions of learner-content, learner-instructor,

learner-learner, and learner-online platform were not consistent for the three constructs.

Correlation Analysis of the Construct Pairs

The results of the correlation between the pairs of the three constructs of student

engagement, self-regulation practices, and student satisfaction verified that each

association was positively significant. Previous studies conducted on the relationship

between student engagement and self-regulation practices showed a positive correlation

(Boekaerts, 2016; Mello, 2016; Pellas, 2014; Zhang et al., 2015). Studies conducted on

the relationship between student engagement and student satisfaction gave mixed results

(Jackson, 2015; Johnson et al., 2016; Kuh et al., 2007; Larose, 2010). Studies conducted

on the relationship between self-regulation practices and student satisfaction showed a

positive correlation (Puzziferro, 2008; Wang et al., 2013). The correlation results

between the construct pairs are discussed separately below.

Although previous studies showed an overall positive correlation between student

engagement and self-regulation practices (Mello, 2016; Pellas, 2014; Zhang et al., 2015),

mixed results were obtained when the constructs were subdivided into smaller

components. My findings were consistent with the overall correlation results of previous

research. The mixed results in previous studies confirmed that the operational definition

was a key factor in determining the relationship between this pair of constructs. I did not

explore the correlational relationship between the subcomponents of any pair of

constructs, as this part of the analysis was beyond the scope of my study.

The mixed relationship between student engagement and student satisfaction in

previous studies appeared to be related to the learning environment. Jackson (2015) and

Kuh et al. (2007) reported a positive correlation in the traditional environment. Larose

(2010) reported a negative correlation between the two constructs at the community

college level in the online environment. Furthermore, studies using the NSSE survey

instrument were conducted at the undergraduate level in the traditional setting, and there

was no partiality observed for ethnicity (Jackson, 2015; Johnson et al., 2016). Webber et

al. (2013) reported a positive relationship between dimensions of student engagement and

student satisfaction. Although I explored the relationship collectively for seven higher

education program levels, my overall results corresponded to the positive correlation

findings of previous studies.

Studies between self-regulation practices and student satisfaction have shown a

positive correlation (Puzziferro, 2008; Wang et al., 2013). These studies were conducted

in the online learning environment using community college students (Puzziferro, 2008)
and undergraduate and graduate students (Wang et al., 2013). Researchers reported that

self-regulated activities associated with online learning contribute to higher student

satisfaction rates (Inan et al., 2017; Nicol, 2009). My correlation results were consistent

with the previous studies for this pair of constructs. Of all the studies on the correlation

relationship between the three construct pairs, the correlation findings between self-

regulation practices and student satisfaction were more comparable to my study in terms

of learning environment and range of student participation.

Previous studies on the pairs of constructs were not conducted in the same

research study at the higher education level. One study explored the three constructs at

the same time, but this study was conducted in youth sports academies (Tadesse et al.,

2018). Furthermore, the study was conducted to validate the factors of the scale items for

student engagement, self-regulation, and psychological need satisfaction of adolescents

and youths. Although this study used a three-factor model for student engagement, a

four-factor model of self-regulation, and a three-factor model for student satisfaction, the

researcher did not explore the association between the constructs. Consequently, my

study closed the gap in the exploration of the correlation relationship between pairs of the

three constructs in a single study.

Multiple Linear Regression Analysis Between the Three Constructs and Student


The results of the multiple regression analysis verified that there was a positive

and significant relationship between each of the three constructs and perceptions of

student success. The findings showed that the constructs predicted perceptions of student
success while controlling for the covariates of age and gender. The strength of predictive

relationships was either low or moderate. There were no previous studies found on the

use of a regression model to explore the relationship between the three constructs and

perceptions of student success at the same time. Nonetheless, previous studies reported

on the relationship between pairs of constructs and student success, as discussed below.

Prior studies examined student engagement, student satisfaction, and student

success (Burrow & McIver, 2012; Korobova & Starobin, 2015; Webber et al., 2013) in a

single study. The study by Webber et al. (2013) reported that the dimensions of the

student engagement associated with academic activities predicted higher levels of student

success (cumulative GPA). The other studies examined predictors within each construct

and not the relationship between constructs and student success (Burrow & McIver,

2012; Korobova & Starobin, 2015). The results of the Webber et al. (2013) study

confirmed the predictive nature of student engagement on student success obtained in my

current study.

Studies showed a positive relationship between student engagement, self-

regulation, and student success (Fong et al., 2017; Rahal & Zainuba, 2016). Self-

regulation led to higher levels of student performance and predicted student success. This

finding was more noticeable in high achievers as opposed to low achievers (Rahal &

Zainuba, 2016). Furthermore, the researchers noted that self-regulation was not a high

predictor for all dimensions of student success. Other studies showed a positive

relationship between self-regulation, student satisfaction, and student success in online

and blended learning environments (Inan et al., 2017; Nicol, 2009). These studies also
confirmed self-regulation as a predictor of higher student success rates. The influence of

self-regulation practices on perceptions of student success was evident in my findings,

where the predictive level was determined to be moderate.

Discussion of the Findings

The findings of this study add to the current literature as it relates to the

exploration of the three constructs and perceptions of student success within the

Caribbean context. Further, the study adds to the body of knowledge in the examination

of (a) the three constructs together, and (b) the three constructs and perceptions of student

success in a single study. First, the findings show the correlation relationship between

pairs of the three constructs in a Caribbean institution and contribute to the understanding

of the association of each construct with the other. Second, the findings illustrate the

predictive relationship between the three constructs and perceptions of student success

and the importance of the constructs to student persistence. Third, the correlation and

predictive relationships have the potential to assist other Caribbean institutions in

designing online learning spaces that are responsive to the needs of students.

The study measured the self-reported scores of both students and faculty. While

previous studies focused on the correlation of construct pairs based on students’

responses, there were no studies that measured faculty responses. Consequently, the study

adds to the current literature on faculty’s self-reported views on the extent to which

students are engaged in the online learning environment, apply self-regulation practices,

and are satisfied with their online experiences.

The measurement of each construct and factors of student success in previous

studies have used separate questionnaires. There have been no studies that combined the

constructs and perceptions of student success in a single questionnaire and single study.

My research study was predicated on the development of an instrument to measure all

three constructs and perceptions of student success at the same time. As a result, my

study has added to the current literature in the use of a single questionnaire that can

produce comparable results to the use of separate questionnaires for the same constructs

and factors of student success.

The development of the questionnaire sections for student engagement, self-

regulation practices, and student satisfaction used Moore’s (1989) three interaction model

of (a) learner-content, (b) learner-instructor, and (c) learner-learner as part of the common

operational definition. The interaction model was enhanced by adding a fourth interaction

to represent the web-based technology presence. This new interaction was designated as

the learner-online platform interaction and was included in the operational definition. The

enhanced interaction model has added to the body of literature on interactions likely to be

found in the online learning environment.

Limitations of the Study

The study had several limitations. These limitations are presented as follows:

The study was conducted at one higher education institution in the English-

speaking Caribbean. The selection of this institution was due to the limited

number of Caribbean institutions offering online programs.

A convenience sample method was used to obtain student and faculty responses.

This sampling strategy did not facilitate the determination of a cause and effect

relationship between the predictor and outcome variables. Although the sampling method

supported the testing of a new instrument, the method did not allow the results to be

generalized for the target population as respondents were treated as volunteers.

The response rate for the pilot study was very low. Although the pilot study

involved two institutions, a total of 10 students and three faculty members responded.

The low response made it difficult to conduct internal reliability and factor analyses on

the data obtained. Instead, these analyses were performed on the actual research study’s


Data collection was dependent on the support of the institution’s liaison. I had no

control over the distribution of the invitation to participate, follow-up letters, and the link

to the questionnaires. In one instance, I was informed that one of the follow-up letters

was not distributed as intended, and I extended the length of the survey to accommodate

this oversight.

The minimum sample size of 138 was not achieved for the faculty respondents.

Initially, a total of 61 faculty members responded. After the data clean-up exercise, 53

faculty responses remained. Additionally, due to the online learning modality of the

program offerings, the survey was distributed only to adjunct faculty members.

The timing of the survey distribution exercise affected the possible number of

available responses. The questionnaires were distributed during the summer term, which

had fewer program offerings when compared to the September and January terms. In
order not to wait out an entire term following the pilot testing exercise, the research study

was conducted during the summer period.

The preliminary factor analysis revealed that the factor loading of the question

items for the three constructs did not all correspond to the pre-determined interaction

factors. Although the interaction factors of (a) learner-content, (b) learner-instructor, (c)

learner-learner, and (d) learner-online platform were not explored as separate dimensions,

the factors formed the basis of the operational definitions for the constructs.

Students had to approximate their responses to questions requesting information

on their relationships with more than one instructor and more than one student. Faculty

had to approximate their responses to an entire class of students.

The multiple linear regression analysis for the faculty participant group exhibited

insignificant results (p > .05). These results appeared to be due to the small number of

responses obtained given that the combination participant group gave significant results.

The findings of the faculty group were omitted from the final reporting of the regression

analysis results.


There are several recommendations for further research in the study of student

engagement, self-regulation practices, student satisfaction, and perceptions of student

success in online learning environments. First, recommendations are presented for the

improvement of the new instrument as follows:

The questions items for the constructs of student engagement and self-regulation

practices should be re-organized using the factor loading suggestions given in the

preliminary factor analysis.

The question items for student satisfaction should be expanded and improved so

that they represent more accurately the four-factor design of the (a) learner-content, (b)

learner-instructor, (c) learner-learner, and (d) learner-online platform interactions.

The question items for the learner-online platform interaction should be expanded

beyond one question each for the constructs.

The question items for perceptions of student success should be categorized based

on the suggested factor ladings of the items in the factor analysis.

A confirmatory factor analysis should be conducted on the constructs of student

engagement, self-regulation practices, student satisfaction, and perceptions of student

success once the adjustments to the question items have been completed.

Second, recommendations are presented for future research as follows:

The initial study was distributed to only adjunct faculty facilitating online

programs of study. A future study of full-time and adjunct faculty would allow for a

better representation of the faculty participation group. This study would confirm or

refute also the multiple linear regression research question.

Future research involving a comparison of the interaction factors would allow for

a greater understanding of how these factors relate within the constructs and between the

Comparisons of the responses to individual question items for the student and

faculty groups would determine if there are any statistical differences between the two

groups. The comparisons would also determine if there are any deviations from the

overall findings obtained for the constructs and perceptions of student success. For the

multiple linear regression model, the comparison would determine which questions items

are better predictors of the student success.


The implications for this research study are presented for positive social change

and practical considerations that could arise from the results and findings. The positive

social change is presented in relation to the transition from traditional to online learning

environments in higher education institutions in the Caribbean. The practical implications

take into account the collection of data for more than one construct in a single study and

how this approach may help in reducing questionnaire fatigue in students and faculty.

Positive Social Change

The combination of questions items for the three constructs and perceptions of

student success in a single is an innovative approach to studying self-reported responses

of students and faculty. Higher education institutions’ academic environments constantly

review the responses of stakeholders, particularly students, to policy changes, structural

changes, and academic programs. A model that is designed to alleviate questionnaire

fatigue among survey respondents can be regarded as a positive response to this problem.

Furthermore, a single questionnaire model incorporating several concepts could change

the way that the design of questionnaires is viewed, particularly those questionnaires

intended to give a preliminary account of stakeholder feedback.

The findings of the correlation and regression analyses compared favorably with

the results from similar studies. The instrument could be used as a preliminary model in

higher education institutions in the Caribbean, wanting to obtain information on the

predictors of student success based on their engagement and self-regulation activities and

levels of student satisfaction. Furthermore, the findings from the single instrument study

could lead to a better understanding of student responses to the online learning

environment and the development of policies to ensure student success.

The research would be particularly useful to faculty and administrators in the

design of instructional approaches that foster the alignment between student engagement,

self-regulation practices, and student satisfaction. In addition, the research would be

useful in determining how these constructs predict student success. The potential findings

could lead to positive social change in the way that universities approach the process of

learning and instruction in online learning environments.

Practical Implications

The use of a single questionnaire can give the institutions a quick overview of the

correlation among the pairs of the three constructs and the predictive nature of the

constructs on perceptions of student success. The single questionnaire model could

accommodate the conduct of several analyses and reporting of findings at one time or the

reporting of the findings at different times. The instrument could be used by the
ministries of education in the Caribbean territories to develop a baseline for the three

constructs and perceptions of student success and evaluate responses over time.


The findings from the study presented the results for the internal reliability and

construct validity of the instrument. The internal reliability of the instrument scales was

above 0.7, which is the acceptable statistic for the internal consistency of a scale. The

construct validity confirmed the original four-factor design of the instrument for student

engagement and self-regulation practices but contradicted the number of factors

identified for student satisfaction.

The findings of the innovative relationship between the constructs of student

engagement, self-regulation practices, and student satisfaction, and the relationship

between the three constructs and perceptions of student success were consistent with

findings from previous research studies. Pairs of the three constructs were positively and

significantly correlated to each other. Additionally, the three constructs significantly

predicted perceptions of student success. The same predictive result was obtained while

controlling age and gender as covariates.

The positive social impact of my study is aligned with the innovative approach to

studying self-reported responses of students and faculty for the three constructs and

perceptions of student success. The new instrument could be used as a preliminary model

in higher education institutions in the Caribbean to learn about the predictors of student

success. A useful practical implication pertained to the establishment of baseline data for

the three constructs and perceptions of student success and evaluating trends over time.

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Appendix A: Draft Student Questionnaire

The following questionnaire is to be administered to students enrolled in online

programs and is sectionalized into two parts. Part I pertains to demographic information

and Part II relates to student engagement, self-regulation practices, student satisfaction,

and student success.

Part I: Student Demographic Information

Please complete the following section by selecting or writing your answers

Gender: Male Female

Age group: Under 30 31-40 41-50 51-60 Over 60

Country of Residence _____________________________________________________

Name of Program:________________________________________________________

Level of Program: Certificate Diploma Bachelors Masters

Year of Program: ________________________________________________________

Cohort Status: Full-time Part-time

Expected Year of Graduation: _______________________________________________

Number of online courses currently taking _____________________________________

Number of hours spent online per week _______________________________________

Part II: Student Survey

The following is a list of statements related to student engagement, self-regulation,

student satisfaction, and perceptions of student success. Please read each statement and
rate your experience using ‘Strongly Agree’ (5), Agree (4), Neither Agree nor Disagree

(3), Disagree (2), Strongly Disagree’ (1). There are no right or wrong answers.

Student Engagement – Rate the extent to which the following statements apply to you. I

1. Apply critical thinking skills to the course activities
2. Integrate my own views with that of others when learning the course material
3. Prepare study notes to understand the course material
4. Apply my learning of the course material to real-life situations
5. Interact with my instructors at least once a week about the course material
6. Discuss academic performance and other matters related to the achievement of
academic goals with my instructors
7. Obtain meaningful feedback on assignments from instructors
8. Understand difficult concepts and content better after interacting with instructors
9. Collaborate with my peers in a one-to-one or group relationship
10. Interact with peers on mastering the course material at least once a week
11. Respect peer differences
12. Value peer differences
13. Use the online learning space to participate in the course activities

Self-Regulation Practices – Rate the extent to which the following statements apply to
you. I …
1. Give myself enough time to review the course material
2. Develop plans to achieve my learning goals
3. Implement plans to achieve my learning goals
4. Complete course activities assigned by the given deadline
5. Check the online learning space for course material updates at least twice weekly
6. Initiate communication with my instructors
7. Use more than one way to communicate with my instructors
8. Develop a plan to assist peers in understanding the course material
9. Implement a plan to assist peers in understanding the course material
10. Monitor interactions with peers about the course material
11. Reflect on interactions with peers about the course material
12. Take the initiative to respond to contributions by my peers in the online learning
13. Use the online course activities to guide my own learning of the course material

Student Satisfaction – Rate the extent to which you are satisfied with the following
statements. I am satisfied with the …
1. Quality of my learning experiences
2. Alignment of course activities to my expectations of the course
3. Interactions with instructors
4. Interactions with peers
5. Orientation program provided for online learning

Perceptions of Student Success – Rate the extent to which you agree with the following
statements. Academic success in an online course is influenced by
1. Obtaining better grades
2. Engaging in course activities
3. Participating in programs that assist in improving my understanding of the course
4. Self-directed learning
5. Interacting with instructors
6. Interacting with peers
7. Feeling of a sense of belonging to the online learning community
8. Meeting of course expectations
9. Being motivated intellectually
10. Feeling of a personal sense of accomplishment
11. Relevancy of course goals to professional goals
12. Relevancy of course goals to personal goals
13. Being satisfied with the delivery of the course content
14. Being satisfied with the support given to achieving academic goals.
Appendix B: Draft Faculty Questionnaire

The following questionnaire is to be administered to faculty members who teach

online programs and is sectionalized into two parts. Part I pertains to demographic

information and Part II relates to student engagement, self-regulation practices, student

satisfaction, and student success.

Part I: Faculty Demographic Information

Please complete the following section by selecting or writing your answers

Gender: Male Female

Age group: Under 30 31-40 41-50 51-60 Over 60

Country of Residence _____________________________________________________

Complete for each program you are currently teaching:

Name of Program:______________________________________________________

Level of Program: Certificate Diploma Bachelors Masters

Year of Program: ______________________________________________________

Teaching Status: Full-time Part-time

Number of years teaching online: ____________________________________________

Number of online courses currently teaching ___________________________________

Number of hours spent teaching online per week ________________________________

Part II: Faculty Survey

The following is a list of statements related to student engagement, self-regulation,

student satisfaction, and perceptions of student success. Please read each statement and
rate your experience with students using ‘Strongly Agree’ (5), Agree (4), Neither Agree

nor Disagree (3), Disagree (2),Strongly Disagree’ (1). There are no right or wrong


Student Engagement – Rate the extent to which the following statements apply to your
students. Students …
1. Apply critical thinking skills to the course activities
2. Integrate their own views with that of others when learning the course material
3. Indicate that they prepare study notes to understand the course material
4. Apply their learning of the course material to real-life situations
5. Interact with me as instructor at least once a week about the course material
6. Discuss academic performance and other matters related to the achievement of
academic goals with me as instructor
7. Indicate that they obtain meaningful feedback on assignments from me as
8. Understand difficult concepts and content better after interacting with me as
9. Collaborate with their peers in a one-to-one or group relationship
10. Interact with their peers on mastering the course material at least once a week
11. Respect peer differences
12. Value peer differences
13. Utilize the online learning space to participate in the course activities

Self-Regulation Practices – Rate the extent to which the following statements apply to
your students. Students …
1. Allow enough time to review the course material
2. Develop plans to achieve their learning goals
3. Implement plans to achieve their learning goals
4. Complete course activities assigned by the given deadline
5. Check the online learning space for course material updates at least twice weekly
6. Initiate communication with me as instructor
7. Use more than one way to communicate with me as instructor
8. Indicate that they develop a plan to assist their peers in understanding the course
9. Indicate that they implement a plan to assist their peers in understanding the
course material
10. Monitor interactions with their peers about the course material
11. Reflect on interactions with their peers about the course material
12. Take the initiative to respond to contributions made by their peers in the online
learning space
13. Use the online course activities to guide their own learning of the course material
Student Satisfaction – Rate the extent to which your students are satisfied with the
following statements. Students report/indicate that they are satisfied with the …
1. Quality of learning experiences
2. Alignment of course activities to their expectations of the course
3. Interactions with instructors
4. Interactions with peers
5. Orientation program provided for online learning

Perceptions of Student Success – Rate the extent to which you agree with the following
statements about your students. Students’ academic success is influenced by
1. Obtaining better grades
2. Engaging in course activities
3. Participating in programs that assist in improving their understanding of the
course material
4. Self-directed learning
5. Interacting with instructors
6. Interacting with peers
7. Feeling of a sense of belonging to the online learning community
8. Meeting of course expectations
9. Being motivated intellectually
10. Feeling of a personal sense of accomplishment
11. Relevancy of course goals to professional goals
12. Relevancy of course goals to personal goals
13. Being satisfied with the delivery of the course content
14. Being satisfied with the support given to achieving academic goals
Appendix C: Content Review Invitation

Dear Colleague:

I am a PhD student in The Richard W. Riley College of Education and Leadership at

Walden University, United States. I am conducting a research study to understand the
importance that faculty and students place on the relationship between the constructs of
student engagement, self-regulation practices, and student satisfaction and how this
relationship is aligned to student success in online learning at English-speaking
Caribbean higher education institutions.
You are being invited to review a questionnaire developed for use as the data collection
instrument for this study as a Content Expert. Your review of the question items will
assist in determining the validity of the instrument.

If you agree to conduct this evaluation, you will be sent the Content Expert Review
document with the question items and asked to comment on the comprehension and
relevance of each item and provide suggestions for improvement (if necessary). You will
also be asked to comment on any of the sections that are inadequately represented for the
intended purpose of the overall questionnaire. To perform the role of Content Expert, you
should have been teaching online courses/programmes at the higher education level for at
least five years where you would have been exposed to students’ levels of engagement,
satisfaction, and success, and students’ abilities to self-regulate (self-direct) their

Please indicate your agreement to act as Content Expert of the survey instrument for this
research project by replying to this email with the words “I agree to perform the role of
Content Expert for this questionnaire”. Kindly note that your participation is voluntary
and you may discontinue your involvement in the study at any time. If you have any
questions about the research project, you may contact me at
[email protected] or at (868) 298-7509.

Should you be in agreement, I look forward to receiving your evaluation within one week
of sending you the Content Expert Review document.

Yours sincerely,

Marcia Commissiong
Appendix D: Letter for Approval to Conduct Research

Dear XXX,

It was a pleasure speaking with you briefly this morning. This email is to (1) request
initial permission to conduct research at your institution, and (2) if you are in agreement,
to obtain information about your institution’s research approval process.

I am enrolled in the doctoral programme at the Richard W. Riley College of Education

and Leadership, Walden University, Minnesota, United States where I am specializing in
Learning, Instruction, and Innovation. My research study will focus on the importance
that students and faculty place on the relationship between the constructs of student
engagement, self-regulation practices, and student satisfaction and how this relationship
is aligned to student success in online learning at English-speaking Caribbean higher
education institutions. For this study, I have designed my own survey instrument for two
participant groups: students and faculty.

I am requesting initial approval to conduct the research study at YYY Campus. This
project will require support from your institution in the form of displaying/distributing
the study invitation and survey instrument online on my behalf. Since the survey
instrument is new, I will field test the instrument at another institution in order to
determine its validity and reliability prior to conducting the actual study at YYY Campus.

If you are generally in agreement with the study being conducted at your institution, I
will send an official request for your formal approval. In the interim, I am required to
start the application process for the IRB approval from Walden University. For the
Walden University IRB application, I am required to gather information about the IRB or
research approval process of your institution where I will conduct my study. The
information required will be the answers to the following questions (Yes/No):

• Does your institution have its own IRB (or other formal research approval
• Does your institution’s IRB process indicate that the Walden University IRB
should serve as the “IRB of Record” for my project?
• Does your institution’s IRB indicate that collecting data from your students and
faculty are exempt from your institution’s IRB review process?
• Does your institution’s IRB process indicate that it wishes to serve as the “IRB of
Record” for my project?
If your institution requires that I apply for approval from your institution’s IRB, that
is, your institution will serve as the “IRB of Record”, please respond to the following
with Yes/No:
• Does your institution’s IRB wish to conduct its IRB review before the Walden
IRB approval of my project?
• Does your institution’s IRB wish for the Walden IRB approval of my project to
occur first?

I will need to provide Walden University’s IRB with supporting documentation of your
institution’s position as it relates to the six questions above. This documentation can be in
the form of an email, memo, or copy of your university’s policy. Your response by email
to the questions above will be sufficient.

I thank you for your kind attention and look forward to a favorable response at your
earliest convenience.


Marcia Commissiong
PhD student at Walden University and Principal Researcher

Dear Ms Commissiong

My apologies for the delay . As discussed I am supportive of this research. Copied on this
email is AAA who is Chair of our Ethics Committee. I am directing your email to her for
follow up directly with you. Please make contact with her.

I am hopeful that the process will be quick and smooth to enable your research.

Kind regards

Dear Ms. Commissiong

Re: Research Ethics Approval for Conduct of Research Proposal- “Student Engagement,
Self-Regulation Practices, Student Satisfaction and Student Success in Online Learning
Thank you again for submitting the above-named proposal for review by CCC Research
Ethics Committee and for addressing comments sent to you on March 8, 2019.

We are satisfied that you have addressed all matters raised. We therefore convey approval
for you to proceed with the conduct of your study as detailed in the documents submitted
to the CCC Research Ethics Committee on April 7, 2019.

Dear Ms Commissiong

Further to your previous correspondence and our telephone conversation before I went on
my break, the CCC campus will be happy to assist in the distribution of this survey
questionnaire to our online degree students. I will advise of the date on which it is sent
out in due course.

All the best.

Kind regards,
Appendix E: Preliminary Factor Analysis Tables

Table E1

Correlation Matrix of Student Engagement Question Items

SE1 SE2 SE3 SE4 SE5 SE6 SE7 SE8 SE9 SE10 SE11 SE12 SE13
1.0 .65 .47 .55 .19 .16 .29 .23 .17 .07 .22 .22 .22
.65 1.0 .39 .56 .18 .18 .21 .23 .14 .09 .28 .23 .26
.47 .39 1.0 .43 .29 .28 .25 .25 .19 .29 .08 .11 .27
.55 .56 .43 1.0 .23 .21 .31 .32 .18 .15 .22 .18 .20
.19 .18 .29 .23 1.0 .67 .48 .48 .23 .27 .02 .13 .22
.16 .18 .28 .21 .67 1.0 .56 .52 .20 .30 .09 .17 .17
.29 .20 .25 .31 .48 .56 1.0 .67 .21 .22 .14 .19 .14
.23 .23 .25 .32 .48 .52 .67 1.0 .18 .18 .13 .18 .21
.17 .14 .19 .18 .23 .20 .21 .18 1.0 .65 .39 .41 .34
.07 .09 .29 .15 .27 .30 .23 .18 .65 1.0 .26 .33 .29
.22 .28 .08 .23 .02 .09 .14 .13 .38 .26 1.0 .81 .43
.22 .23 .11 .18 .13 .17 .19 .18 .41 .33 .81 1.0 .51
.23 .26 .27 .20 .22 .17 .14 .21 .34 .29 .43 .51 1.0

Table E2

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin and Bartlett Measures for Student Engagement

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy .778
Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 1755.942
df 78
Sig. .000
Table E3

Principal Components Analysis for Student Engagement

Extraction Sums of Squared Sums of
Initial Eigenvalues
Loadings Squared
% of Cumulative % of Cumulative
Total Total Total
Variance % Variance %
1 4.393 33.792 33.792 4.393 33.792 33.792 3.251
2 2.017 15.513 49.305 2.017 15.513 49.305 2.599
3 1.732 13.322 62.627 1.732 13.322 62.627 3.084
4 1.080 8.308 70.935 1.080 8.308 70.935 2.213
5 .752 5.784 76.719
6 .596 4.588 81.306
7 .524 4.032 85.339
8 .461 3.543 88.881
9 .380 2.922 91.804
10 .339 2.610 94.414
11 .286 2.200 96.613
12 .271 2.085 98.699
13 .169 1.301 100.000

Table E4

Pattern Matrix of Question Item Loading for Student Engagement

1 2 3 4
SE6 .835
SE8 .831
SE7 .829
SE5 .759
SE11 .916
SE12 .902
SE13 .533
SE1 -.859
SE2 -.829
SE4 -.765
SE3 -.664 .348
SE10 .879
SE9 .761
SE1-SE4: Learner-Content
SE5-SE8: Learner-Instructor
SE9-SE12: Learner-Learner
SE13: Learner-Online Platform
Table E5

Correlation Matrix of Self-Regulation Practices Items

SR1 SR2 SR3 SR4 SR5 SR6 SR7 SR8 SR9 SR10 SR11 SR12 SR13
SR 1.0 .47 .53 .38 .26 .32 .21 .32 .28 .21 .25 .36 .36
SR .47 1.0 .83 .32 .25 .24 .15 .34 .30 .29 .35 .33 .27
SR .53 .83 1.0 .35 .30 .27 .18 .38 .33 .31 .37 .38 .34
SR .38 .32 .35 1.0 .38 .21 .20 .22 .19 .19 .21 .40 .29
SR .26 .25 .30 .38 1.0 .25 .19 .16 .13 .30 .25 .39 .35
SR .32 .24 .27 .21 .25 1.0 .56 .39 .39 .30 .32 .39 .29
SR .21 .15 .18 .20 .19 .56 1.0 .35 .35 .12 .11 .20 .20
SR .32 .34 .38 .22 .16 .39 .35 1.0 .93 .44 .47 .29 .17
SR .28 .30 .33 .19 .13 .39 .35 .93 1.0 .43 .47 .29 .16
SR .21 .29 .31 .19 .30 .30 .12 .44 .43 1.0 .70 .49 .30
SR .25 .35 .37 .21 .25 .32 .11 .47 .47 .70 1.0 .51 .32
SR .36 .32 .38 .40 .39 .39 .20 .29 .29 .49 .51 1.0 .47
SR .36 .27 .34 .29 .35 .29 .20 .17 .16 .30 .32 .47 1.0

Table E6

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin and Bartlett Measures for Self-Regulation Practices

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy .805
Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 1984.478
df 78
Sig. .000
Table E7

Principal Components Analysis for Self-Regulation Practices

Extraction Sums of Squared Sums of
Initial Eigenvalues
Loadings Squared
% of Cumulative % of Cumulative
Total Total Total
Variance % Variance %
1 4.990 38.386 38.386 4.990 38.386 38.386 2.306
2 1.593 12.250 50.636 1.593 12.250 50.636 3.375
3 1.264 9.722 60.358 1.264 9.722 60.358 2.737
4 1.237 9.519 69.877 1.237 9.519 69.877 3.554
5 .786 6.048 75.924
6 .677 5.211 81.136
7 .603 4.640 85.776
8 .519 3.991 89.767
9 .431 3.312 93.079
10 .374 2.878 95.957
11 .291 2.237 98.194
12 .168 1.293 99.487
13 .067 .513 100.000

Table E8

Pattern Matrix of Question Item Loading for Self-Regulation Practices

1 2 3 4
SR5 .642
SR13 .610
SR12 .571 -.421
SR4 .442 -.348
SR10 -.855
SR11 -.842
SR9 -.392 -.594 .454
SR8 -.380 -.572 .436
SR7 .915
SR6 .743
SR2 -.937
SR3 -.925
SR1 -.670
SR1-SR5: Learner-Content
SR6-SR7: Learner-Instructor
SR8-SR12: Learner-Learner
SR13: Learner-Online Platform
Table E9

Correlation Matrix of Student Satisfaction Items

SS1 1.0 .81 .67 .47 .48
SS2 .81 1.0 .71 .44 .48
SS3 .67 .71 1.0 .53 .51
SS4 .47 .44 .53 1.0 .47
SS5 .48 .48 .51 .47 1.0

Table E10

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin and Bartlett Measures for Student Satisfaction

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy .820
Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 763.653
df 10
Sig. .000

Table E11

Principal Components Analysis for Student Satisfaction

Extraction Sums of Squared
Initial Eigenvalues
% of Cumulative % of Cumulative
Total Total
Variance % Variance %
1 3.252 65.043 65.043 3.252 65.043 65.043
2 .698 13.960 79.003
3 .534 10.676 89.678
4 .335 6.702 96.381
5 .181 3.619 100.000
Table E12

Correlation Matrix of Perception of Student Success Items

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
PSS 1.0 .46 .37 .39 .28 .21 .22 .39 .33 .36 .36 .35 .34 .26
PSS .46 1.0 .74 .47 .52 .54 .50 .53 .50 .43 .47 .46 .43 .40
PSS .37 .74 1.0 .43 .48 .51 .53 .56 .53 .56 .54 .51 .41 .40
PSS .39 .47 .43 1.0 .28 .30 .28 .44 .51 .38 .43 .41 .33 .38
PSS .28 .52 .48 .28 1.0 .64 .62 .48 .42 .34 .44 .45 .50 .45
PSS .21 .54 .51 .30 .64 1.0 .71 .45 .41 .44 .41 .44 .40 .39
PSS .22 .50 .53 .28 .62 .71 1.0 .51 .39 .44 .45 .44 .49 .47
PSS .39 .53 .56 .44 .48 .45 .51 1.0 .61 .52 .55 .50 .43 .46
PSS .33 .50 .53 .51 .42 .41 .39 .61 1.0 .57 .62 .54 .41 .42
PSS .36 .43 .56 .38 .34 .44 .44 .52 .57 1.0 .68 .63 .43 .43
PSS .36 .47 .54 .43 .44 .41 .45 .55 .62 .68 1.0 .80 .61 .60
PSS .35 .46 .51 .41 .45 .44 .44 .50 .54 .63 .80 1.0 .61 .60
PSS .34 .43 .41 .33 .50 .40 .49 .43 .41 .43 .61 .61 1.0 .83
PSS .26 .40 .40 .38 .45 .39 .47 .46 .42 .431 .60 .60 .83 1.0

Table E13

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin and Bartlett Measures for Perceptions of Student Success

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy .904
Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 2518.262
df 91
Sig. .000
Table E14

Principal Components Analysis for Perceptions of Student Success

Extraction Sums of Squared Sums of
Initial Eigenvalues
Loadings Squared
% of Cumulative % of Cumulative
Total Total Total
Variance % Variance %
1 7.139 50.996 50.996 7.139 50.996 50.996 5.047
2 1.236 8.827 59.823 1.236 8.827 59.823 4.805
3 1.156 8.258 68.081 1.156 8.258 68.081 5.090
4 .825 5.894 73.976
5 .657 4.694 78.670
6 .553 3.952 82.621
7 .511 3.649 86.271
8 .442 3.156 89.427
9 .355 2.538 91.964
10 .299 2.135 94.099
11 .276 1.971 96.070
12 .212 1.512 97.582
13 .181 1.290 98.872
14 .158 1.128 100.000

Table E15

Pattern Matrix of Question Item Loading for Perceptions of Student Success

1 2 3
PSS4 .718
PSS1 .716
PSS9 .619
PSS2 .568 -.504
PSS3 .568 -.440
PSS8 .523
PSS10 .492 -.379
PSS6 -.871
PSS7 -.827
PSS5 -.771
PSS14 -.883
PSS13 -.861
PSS12 -.695
PSS11 .356 -.684

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