2015 UNSW Postgrad Guide Updated

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It’s your

time to
Here at UNSW Australia, we believe in making the most
of every moment, which is why from day one, we’ll begin
to develop you as a leader in your field. So, when you
graduate and as you move through your career, you’ll
always be the one to stand out from the crowd.

A powerhouse of cutting-edge research and teaching

in the Asia Pacific, we’re a university that is driven by
innovation, technology and creativity – a university that
isn’t afraid of tackling society’s big issues.

You’ll be joining an entire network of people united

by a drive to create genuine, positive change. It’s what
has made us leaders in both education and research,
and more importantly, it’s why our graduates lead from
the outset.

So, to get you ready for the experience of a lifetime, this

guide will step you through the countless possibilities that
lie ahead. Be ready, your future starts here.


It’s your time to shine 02

A brighter future awaits 04
A few things we’re proud of 06
Discovery is in our DNA 08
Your journey starts here 10
A city within a city 12
Welcome to Sydney 15
Sydney’s enviable lifestyle 16
A home away from home 19
Postgraduate program summary table 20
Faculty and coursework program information 36
How to apply 132
Alternative entry pathways 134
Tuition fees and other expenses 136
Scholarships 138
Find an official UNSW representative 139
Index 140
Application forms 141

2 3
A brighter

As President and Vice-Chancellor of UNSW I take great

pride in our achievements, particularly our status as one
of the top 100 universities in the world, and as Australia’s
premier university focused on science, technology,
business and the professions.

Our modern and cosmopolitan campus sees staff and

students from 120 different countries come together to
pursue their academic passions and to tackle some of
the world’s greatest challenges. Through research, we
are making a difference in areas such as climate change
and lifesaving HIV treatment. We are also developing
innovative new technologies, including ultra-powerful
quantum computers that will transform the way we
work, and the groundbreaking bionic eye, which has the
potential to give the power of sight back to thousands.

This is a particularly exciting time to be studying at

UNSW. The Tyree Energy Technologies Building is our
new home for energy research and we have recently
completed the Wallace Wurth redevelopment, housing
state-of-the-art research and teaching medical facilities.
We have also expanded our on-campus student
accommodation with the Kensington Colleges and the
University Terraces.

By choosing UNSW you will be joining the brightest

and best students from Australia and abroad. Surveys
show their success in their chosen careers, with our
graduates consistently earning among the highest
starting salaries. UNSW has educated more CEOs
from Australia’s top 50 companies, produced more
technology entrepreneurs in the past 15 years and has
a higher number of millionaire alumni than any other
Australian university. So you know you will be joining a
talented and highly driven student community.

I wish you well with your journey ahead and hope to

welcome you to UNSW in the near future.

Frederick G Hilmer AO
President and Vice-Chancellor

4 5
A few
things UNSW has produced more technology

entrepreneurs in the past 15 years than any
other Australian university – research by
CrunchBase 2013. UNSW researchers won the highest amount of Australian Research

proud of
Council (ARC) funding in the country for 2015. Ranked above world
standard for research excellence in the Excellence in Research
for Australia Report 2012, we are recognised internationally for We have educated more CEOs from Australia’s top 50
pioneering research in photovoltaics, solar energy, quantum companies than any other Australian university, according to
computing, interactive cinema and HIV/AIDS research. research by Leading Company 2012.
We boast more millionaire alumni than any other
university in Australia, according to research by
Spear’s WealthInsight 2014.

– UNSW is a founding member of the prestigious Group of Eight (Go8) – a coalition

of Australia’s leading teaching and research intensive universities.
– UNSW gained membership to the Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU)
and the Universitas 21 network.
– UNSW is the only Australian university invited to join GlobalTech, the Global At UNSW, we offer over 200
Alliance of Technological Universities. exchange destinations to consider.

UNSW is ranked 48th in the world, in the

QS World University Rankings 2014. UNSW is ranked 21st in
the world for employer
reputation in the QS World UNSW is recognised as the Australian university with the strongest links
University Rankings 2014. to industry, reflecting our focus on real-world research and innovative
research partnerships. In 2014, we received $45.3 million in project
grants – the highest level of funding in the country – across three We take great pride in looking
funding schemes from the Australian Research Council (ARC). after our students.

In 2013, UNSW achieved the maximum

QS Five Star Plus rating – one of only
eight universities in the world to do so.

UNSW undergraduates
and postgraduates are
in the top 5% for starting
salaries and earn the
Climbing up the QS World University highest median starting UNSW has invested $1.2 billion in With a high quality of living and
Rankings by Subject 2014, we salary of any university student facilities - giving our students vibrant student mix, Sydney has You’ll work with some of the brightest
scored 16 subjects in the world’s top in NSW, according to access to state-of-the-art labs, been recognised as Australia’s and most inspiring academics,
50 with Accounting and Finance in the Australian Graduate design studios, libraries, sporting best student city in the QS Top 10 lecturers and researchers in the world.
the top 10. Survey 2012. and social facilities. Student Cities in the world 2014.

6 7
Discovery is
WE’VE BEEN INSPIRING Right now, our scientists are developing We conduct research across a Pioneering innovation
REVOLUTIONARY THINKING FOR YEARS. bionic eyes, new skin care products, solar wide range of areas, but we invest NewSouth Innovations (NSi) is at the
FROM POWERING OUR FUTURE AND cell technology and lifesaving virtual reality considerable resources in particular heart of our research and innovation.
PROVIDING CLEAN DRINKING WATER TO technology for the mining industry. They’re areas where we believe we can make the NSi encourages students to become


pioneering research into earthquake
response, cancer treatment and longer
lasting batteries for medical products.
biggest difference.

We’re an acknowledged world leader

in photovoltaics, HIV/AIDS research
entrepreneurs and leaders of the future by
supporting them with a hands-on ‘learn
by application’ approach. Through NSi’s
Student Entrepreneur Development team,
ON BOARD, WE CAN PAVE THE WAY TO And we want you to be involved… and quantum computing. Some of students have access to a range of free
AN EVEN BETTER FUTURE. our other research strengths include services to help them turn their ideas into
We’ve been discovering from the biomedical sciences; water, environment reality. These include business and legal
very beginning and sustainability; next-generation support; IP (Intellectual Property); financial
We were established in 1949 with a materials and technologies; social and accounting advice; as well as access
single-minded scientific focus. Our policy, government and health policy; to NSi’s network of industry partners,
curriculum may have broadened since, information and communications entrepreneurs, mentors and investors. For
but the desire to innovate, uncover new technology, robotics and devices; and more information, aspiring entrepreneurs
ways of doing things and improve the business, law and economics. We are and innovators should contact NSi at
world we live in still drives us today. In also home to a number of national www.nsinnovations.com.au
fact, in the Excellence in Research for centres for research excellence and we [email protected]
Australia report 2012, UNSW was ranked are affiliated with many of Australia’s
above, or well above, world standard in outstanding research institutes.
all fields assessed.

8 9
Your journey

starts here

PICK UP ON ORIENTATION www.graduation.
ARRIVAL – O-WEEK unsw.edu.au
LANGUAGE STUDIES gettingstarted.
www.languages. unsw.edu.au

– Master of Philosophy (MPhil) STUDIES
– Masters by Research (MRes) www.international.
– Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) unsw.edu.au
www.student.unsw. edu.au/visa www.student.unsw. www.student.unsw.
edu.au/cultural- edu.au/housing- edu.au/international
mentors assistance


www.lc.unsw.edu.au www.earlyyears. OPPORTUNITIES PROFESSIONAL
unsw.edu.au www.student.unsw. PLACEMENTS
edu.au/jobs-and- www.student.unsw.
volunteering edu.au/careers


http://scholarships. GLOBAL EDUCATION www.arc.unsw.edu. ORGANISATION
online.unsw. OPPORTUNITIES au/get-involved/clubs- www.arc.unsw.
– Study Abroad Program ACTIVITIES www.student.unsw. www.student.unsw. www.healthservices.
www.international.unsw. www.student. edu.au/religion edu.au/academic-skills unsw.edu.au
edu.au/inbound unsw.edu.au/life

– Student exchange
– Practicum Exchange Program
– International internships
– International volunteering
– International short courses SECURITY EQUITY & COUNSELLING & THE HUB
www.international.unsw. AND SAFETY DISABILITY SERVICES PSYCHOLOGY www.student.unsw.
edu.au/outbound www.facilities. www.studentequity. www.counselling. edu.au/hub
unsw.edu.au unsw.edu.au unsw.edu.au

10 11
A city within a city



12 13
to Sydney

Located on the south-east coast, Sydney is the gateway

to Australia and home to over 4.5 million people. Ideally
positioned between Australia and the Asia Pacific region,
Sydney is known as the country’s central business
capital. Plus, with such a high quality of living and vibrant
student mix, Sydney has been recognised as Australia’s
best student city in the QS list of the top cities for
students in 2013.

Australia’s business capital

With a strong economy and record of growth and stability,
Sydney is known internationally as Australia’s business
capital. More multinational companies have their regional
headquarters in Sydney than any other city in Australia
making it the country’s financial and commercial epicentre.
The city’s high living and educational standards contribute
to the reason our well qualified graduates are responsive
to today’s modern challenges. Sydney is a launch pad to
the rest of the world, giving our graduates the tools and
experience to make a profound and successful impact
both within Australia and on the world stage.

A vibrant city
Sydney is one of the world’s most multicultural cities.
You can experience a variety of food, entertainment
and cultures from around the world. And because of
the diverse cultural background, Australians are very
accepting of other cultures. In fact, over 50% Sydney’s
residents were born outside Australia or have at least one
parent born overseas.

*Economist Intelligence Unit’s (EIU) Global Livability Survey 2013

14 15
Sydney’s residents and visitors enjoy FOOD AND SHOPPING GETTING AROUND
a healthy outdoor lifestyle in a harbour Sydney is famous for its vibrant food The easiest way to travel to UNSW is
city surrounded by beautiful beaches, scene; with thousands of eateries, cafés on modern public buses. Regular bus
national parks and mountain ranges. and restaurants from many different services connect it to all major transport

enviable The warm and sunny climate allows

you to enjoy outdoor activities such as
swimming, hiking and camping.
cultures; as well as fantastic shopping,
weekly markets, and an exciting and
diverse nightlife – you’ll quickly find
hubs, including Sydney’s Central Railway
Station, which is approximately 15
minutes away by bus.

And beyond the outdoors, Sydney hosts Sydney is truly unique.
hundreds of major cultural and sporting From Central Station, you can travel
events each year. For more information SYDNEY’S CLIMATE across most of Sydney and easily
please visit: There are four seasons in Sydney. explore country New South Wales and
http://whatson.cityofsydney. Summer runs from December to interstate regions by bus or train.
nsw.gov.au/ February, autumn from March to May,
winter from June to August, and spring As a full fee paying international student,
from September to November. January you may be eligible for concession travel
and February are the hottest months, on selected trains, buses, ferries and rail
while Sydney’s winters are mild. in the greater Sydney metropolitan area.

16 17
A home away
from home

COLLEGES College Living Configuration Catering Internet Weekly rate
The Kensington The Kensington Colleges provide Single rooms Fully Catered - Wi-Fi Yes - Some $445
Colleges: not only a home at UNSW 21 meals per rooms/shared (shared
Basser, Australia for students, but a strong week unisex bathroom)
Philip Baxter community for students to excel. bathrooms $490
and Goldstein With pastoral care, academic (En-suite
mentoring programs, sporting and room)
social events regularly.
Fig Tree Hall A culturally supportive, alcohol free Single rooms Fully Catered - Wi-Fi Yes - All rooms $490 - En-
college with gender segregated 21 meals per suite room
floors and prayer contemplation week
rooms, dietary needs catered for eg.
Vegetarian, Halal.
UNSW Hall An older style accommodation, Single rooms Part Catered - Wi-Fi No – Shared $310 -
good value for money and the Breakfast and unisex shared
economical Dinner bathrooms bathroom
option for students.
Colombo House Ideally suited to the students who Single rooms Self Catered Wi-Fi Yes - All rooms $353 - En-
enjoy the benefits of a well suite room
integrated community life but enjoy
their independence

APARTMENTS Apartment Living Configuration Catering Internet Weekly rate
University Affordable student accommodation, Studio and Self Catered Wi-Fi Single bathroom $349 - $416
Terraces including ground floor cafes and 1 bedroom per
bars— right where the actions is! apartments apartment
Large communal kitchen and lounge
for students to socialise.
Barker Barker apartments offer on campus, 2,3 and 5 Self Catered Wired Shared unisex $235 - $360
shared independent living, most bedroom bathroom per student
apartments housing 5 residents apartments
Mulwarree Located close to campus, provides 5 bedroom Self Catered Wired Shared unisex $210
shared independent living. apartments bathroom per student
High St Close to the university with a family 1 and 2 Self Catered Wired Shared unisex $360 – $510
environment, best suited to couples bedroom Bathroom per
and families apartments apartment


Share in Flat One Bedroom UNSW College

Bond, Furniture, Utility Connections etc. $3,000 $3,700 $0 $0

Accommodation cost per week $250 $430 $349 $445
Internet $10 $20 $0 $0
Gas and Electricity $25 $35 $0 $0
Food $100 $100 $100 $0
Travel to University $40 $40 $0 $0
Average Costs Total $425 $625 $449 $445
Total Annual Cost $25,100 $36,200 $23,348 $23,140

18 19
Minimum IELTS requirements

Postgraduate program
Minimum academic entry requirement Program
Program name (Program code) annual S1 S2
For more details refer to the program entry Reading/ Speaking/ duration
Overall fees
writing listening

Arts and Social Sciences Coursework Programs

summary table
* Programs marked will be relaunched for 2015. For updated entry requirements and program structure, please visit art.unsw.edu.au from May 2014

1 to 1.5
Master of Applied Linguistics (8236) See page 38 6.5 6.0 6.0 $27,120

1 to 1.5
Master of Development Studies (8942) See page 38 6.5 6.0 6.0 $27,120
Academic entry requirements
FOR ALL PROGRAMS LISTED IN THIS GUIDE AND ALLOWS YOU The entry requirements provided in the Master of Education (8910) See page 39 6.5 6.0 6.0 1 year $27,120
TO COMPARE DIFFERENT PROGRAMS OF STUDY EASILY. FOR coursework program summary table below
are a guide only and may be higher than Master of Educational Leadership (8960) See page 41 6.5 6.0 6.0 1 year $27,120
those indicated. More detail can be found
NUMBER GIVEN WITH THE ENTRY OR CONTACT THE RELEVANT for coursework programs by referring to the Master of Teaching (8926) See page 41 7.5 7.0 8.0
FACULTY DIRECTLY. program entry in this guide or by contacting
the relevant faculty and for research programs 1 to 1.5
Master of International Relations (8233) See page 42 6.5 6.0 6.0 $27,120
by contacting the Graduate Research School: years
www.research.unsw.edu.au. In all cases
admission will be determined upon the receipt Master of International Relations/Master of
See page 43 6.5 6.0 6.0 2 years $27,120
CHOOSE THE FACULTY YOU WANT TO STUDY IN of an application. Cut-off scores may be Public Policy (8221)
1 increased should demand exceed the availability
Arts and Social Sciences UNSW Business School Built Environment Master of Journalism and Communication 1 to 1.5
of places in a program. UNSW reserves the right See page 43 6.5 6.0 6.0 $27,120
Art & Design Engineering Law
(8232) years
to vary entry requirements to those published
Medicine Science UNSW Canberra without further notice. Master of Public Relations and Advertising
See page 44 6.5 6.0 6.0
1 to 1.5
(8281) years
English language entry requirements
Accepted English language proficiency Master of Public Policy and Governance 1 to 1.5
See page 44 6.5 6.0 6.0 $27,120
qualifications for research programs can be (8259) years
found on page 128 in the English Language 1 to 1.5
Entry Requirements Requirements section. Please note that Master of Translation (8203) See page 45 6.5 6.0 6.0 $27,120
2 Program Name
(pg 29)
6.5 6.0 6.0 1 year $23,760
regardless of UNSW’s English language

Entry Requirements* requirements, you should be aware that you Master of Interpreting (8202) See page 46 6.5 6.0 6.0
Program Name 6.5 6.0 6.0 1 year $23,760
(pg 30)
must still satisfy the Australian Department of years
Entry Requirements
Immigration and Citizenship English language
Program Name
(pg 31)
6.5 6.0 6.0 1 year $23,760
requirements for visa applications. Master of Translation and Interpreting (8204) See page 46 6.5 6.0 6.0 2 years $27,120

Tuition fees Combined Master of Arts and Social

See page 47 6.5 6.0 6.0 2 years $27,120
Sciences (8224)
The estimated annual tuition fees are calculated
CHECK THAT THERE ARE NO ADDITIONAL ENTRY based on a program-prescribed full-time study
load in 2013. To calculate the estimated tuition Arts and Social Science Research Programs (Arts and Social Sciences Doctor of Philosophy program codes are likely to change. Visit the UNSW Handbook for
REQUIREMENTS THAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT fee for a whole program which may spread over
updated codes or contact the Faculty Student Centre: +61 2 9385 2289, [email protected])
BEFORE APPLYING more than one academic year, please refer to
3 All additional entry requirements are marked with a
• a four-year Bachelor’s degree with first or

* the Calculation of Tuition Fees section on

page 130. Doctor of Philosophy in Creative
upper second class honours from an
Australian University
Program Name
Entry Requirements*
6.5 6.0 6.0 1 year $23,760 Practice (1273) (includes music, creative • a completed Masters by Research degree, or 6.5 6.0 6.0 3 years $25,920
(pg 30)
Credit transfer writing, practice-based research). • equivalent academic qualification(s)
When applying to study at UNSW you may be approved by the appropriate Faculty
[In this case you would refer to page 30 for more details about entry requirements] Higher Degree Committee.
eligible to receive credit transfer in accordance
with UNSW’s admission policy. For further
• a four-year Bachelor’s degree with first
information, please refer to this link: or upper second class honours from an
APPLY NOW www.credittransfer.unsw.edu.au Australian University
Go to page 126 to find out how you can apply to study at UNSW. Doctor of Philosophy in Education (1970) • a completed Masters by Research degree, or 6.5 6.0 6.0 3 years $25,920
You should be aware that if the award of credit • equivalent academic qualification(s)
More details are available on the UNSW International website: transfer is provided after the eCoE has been approved by the appropriate Faculty Higher
www.international.unsw.edu.au/study/applying issued and results in a shortening of your Degree Committee.
4 Or contact UNSW International directly:
program duration, that UNSW must report the
change of program duration to the Department Doctor of Philosophy in Humanities (1271) • a four-year Bachelor’s degree with first
[email protected] of Immigration and Border Protection. For Research is conducted in the broad areas or upper second class honours from an
of history and philosophy, foreign languages Australian University
further information, please refer to this link:
and literature, linguistics, translating and • a completed Masters by Research degree, or 6.5 6.0 6.0 3 years $25,920
www.immi.gov.au interpreting, English literature, film, media • equivalent academic qualification(s)
and the performing arts (dance, theatre and approved by the appropriate Faculty Higher
performance, music). Degree Committee.
Doctor of Philosophy in Social Sciences
Coursework applications 30 Nov 2014 31 May 2015 (1272) This Program covers study towards
the PhD undertaken in the School of Social
Orientation dates 23 Feb – 27 Feb 22 Jul – 24 Jul Sciences, the Social Policy Research • a four-year Bachelor’s degree with first
Centre, and the Centre for Social Research or upper second class honours from an
Semester dates 2 Mar – 29 Jun 27 Jul – 24 Nov in Health. Research is conducted in the Australian University
broad areas of sociology and anthropology, • a completed Masters by Research degree, or
Research applications criminology, politics and international • equivalent academic qualification(s)
6.5 6.0 6.0 3 years $25,920
Higher Degree Research applications can be submitted outside of these relations, social work, policy studies, and approved by the appropriate Faculty Higher
development studies, social policy, social Degree Committee.
dates, however so as to ensure students are enrolled by census date (31 aspects of health and health care, including
March 2014 for Semester 1 and 31 August 2014 for Semester 2), it is highly HIV, sexual health, viral hepatitis, drug
recommended that students apply online up to 8 weeks prior to census. use, Aboriginal health and related areas of
education, health and wellbeing.

20 21
Minimum IELTS requirements Estimated Minimum IELTS requirements Estimated
Minimum academic entry requirement Program Minimum academic entry requirement Program
Program name (Program code) Reading/ Speaking/ annual S1 S2 Program name (Program code) Reading/ Speaking/ annual S1 S2
For more details refer to the program entry Overall duration For more details refer to the program entry Overall duration
writing listening fees writing listening fees

1. A social work qualification established by Recognised Bachelor degree in a related area with
eligibility for membership of the Australian a credit average (65%) or a recognised Bachelor 1.5
Master of Financial Planning (9273) 6.5 6.0 6.0 $36,960
Association of Social Workers, or membership degree with a credit average (65%) plus two years years
of an equivalent overseas professional social work experience. (pg 56)
work association
2. A minimum two years post-qualifying Master of Information Systems Please refer to the specific entry requirements. 1.5
6.5 6.0 6.0 $36,960
professional social work practice experience Management (8435) (pg 57) years
3. A first or upper-second class (Distinction)
Doctor of Social Work (1744) 6.5 6.0 6.0 3 years $25,920
thesis research Honours degree (minimum
Please refer to the specific entry requirements. 1.5
thesis wordlength: 10,000 words) OR Master of Marketing (8423) 6.5 6.0 6.0 $36,960
(pg 57) years
a Masters (Coursework) degree with
a distinction average and a significant Recognised Bachelor degree in a related area 1.5
research component, minimum equivalent Master of Risk Management (8428) 6.5 6.0 6.0 $36,960
with a credit average (65%). (pg 58) years
18 unit of credit content, consisting of
methodology training and a stand-alone Recognised Bachelor degree in a related area
research project. Master of Taxation (9250) 6.5 6.0 6.0 1 year $36,960
with a credit average (65%). (pg 58)
Recognised four-year Bachelor degree with
1.5 to 2 UNSW Business School Research Programs
Master of Arts by Research (2353) honours that includes a substantial research 6.5 6.0 6.0 $24,960
component. • a four-year Bachelor’s degree with first or
upper second class honours from an Australian
Education (2354) Music Education (2357) Social Work (2970) university, OR
Educational Leadership (2355) Social Science (2358) • a completed Master by Research degree, OR
equivalent academic qualification(s) approved 3 to 4
Relevant Bachelor degree from UNSW, at Doctor of Philosophy 6.5 6.0 6.0 $28,080
by the appropriate Faculty higher degree years
Master of Philosophy in Higher Education a level specified by the faculty or school, or 1.5 committee.
6.5 6.0 6.0 $24,960
(2359) equivalent from a recognised university or years Applicants must complete an expression of
tertiary institution. interest to the School before applying.
(pg 60-61)
UNSW Business School Coursework Programs
Information Systems and Technology
Business Foundation Programs Accounting (1521) Risk and Actuarial Studies (1545)
Management (1525)
Banking and Finance (1561) Taxation and Business Law (1535)
Recognised Bachelor degree with a credit Marketing (1550)
Master of Commerce (8404) 6.5 6.0 6.0 1.5 years $36,960 Economics (1540)
average (65%). (pg 50) Management (1605)

Recognised Bachelor degree with a credit Appropriate Bachelor degree in the relevant
Master of Commerce (Extension) (8417) 6.5 6.0 6.0 2 years $36,960
average (65%). (pg 50) discipline from UNSW or a qualification
considered equivalent from another university 1.5 to 2
Master of Philosophy (2585) 6.5 6.0 6.0 $28,080
Master of International Business (8371) Recognised Bachelor degree with a credit or tertiary institution at a level acceptable to the years
6.5 6.0 6.0 2 years $36,960 Faculty higher degree committee, usually at
average (65%). (pg 53)
honours level.
Recognised Bachelor degree with a credit Industrial Relations
Master of Professional Accounting (8409) 6.5 6.0 6.0 1.5 years $36,960 Accounting Organisational Behaviour
average (65%).(pg 53)
Information Systems and Technology
Banking and Finance Risk and Actuarial Studies
Master of Professional Accounting Recognised Bachelor degree with a credit Management
6.5 6.0 6.0 2 years $36,960 Economics Taxation and Business Law
(Extension) (8415) average (65%). (pg 54) International Business
Human Resource Management
Master of Technology and Innovation Recognised Bachelor degree in a related area
6.5 6.0 6.0 1.5 year $36,780
Management (8009) with a credit average (65%). (pg 58) Built Environment Coursework Programs
General Management and Leadership Programs Recognised three-year Bachelor degree in
Master of Architecture (8143) architecture with at least a credit average (65%) 6.5 6.0 6.0 2 years $33,120
3 to 6 and six months work experience.* (pg 64)
visit www.
AGSM Master of Business and Recognised Bachelor degree with minimum two years by
6.5 6.0 6.0 mbt.unsw.
Technology (8616) years professional experience. (pg 59) distance Recognised four-year Bachelor degree in
only a related area with a credit average (65%).
Master of Sustainable Built Environment 1.5
Applicants can complete the Graduate Diploma 6.5 6.0 6.0 $29,760
Recognised Bachelor degree with minimum two 16 visit www. (8132) years
Master of Business Administration to gain entry into this program subject to
years professional experience plus acceptable 6.5 6.0 6.0 months agsm.edu. satisfactory performance. (pg 64)
(AGSM MBA) (8350)
GMAT scores*. (pg 59) full time au
To apply, you will need a minimum four year
Specialist Programs Bachelor degree or a relevant degree in
any related fields such as Built Environment
Master of Accounting and Business Recognised Bachelor degree in a related area disciplines (architecture, planning, urban design
6.5 6.0 6.0 1 year $36,960
Information Technology (8425) with a credit average (65%).* (pg 54) as well as areas such as environmental science
and engineering) plus a minimum of three years
Recognised Bachelor degree in a related area postgraduate industry experience, including
Master of Actuarial Studies (8411) 6.5 6.0 6.0 1.5 years $36,960 Master of Sustainable Built Environment –
with a credit average (65%).* (pg 54) work in sustainability related professional role. 6.5 6.0 6.0 2 years $29,760
Extension (8134)
Recognised Bachelor degree in a related area Students who have completed the Master of
Master of Actuarial Studies (Extension) (8416) 6.5 6.0 6.0 2 years $36,960 Sustainable Built Environment (8132), may be
with a credit average (65%).* (pg 55)
eligible to apply for the Master of Sustainable
Recognised Bachelor degree in a related area Built Environment - Extension (8134), providing
Master of Economics (8412) 6.5 6.0 6.0 1 year $36,960 that they have a WAM of 65 and have satisfied
with a credit average (70%).* (pg 55)
the work experience requirement. (pg 65)
Recognised Bachelor degree in a related area
Master of Finance (8406) 6.5 6.0 6.0 1 year $36,960 Recognised Bachelor degree with at least a
with a credit average (65%).* (pg 55)
credit average (65%) in a realated area plus a
Master of Construction Project
Recognised Bachelor degree in a related area minimum of one year construction management 6.5 6.0 6.0 1 year $29,760
Master of Financial Analysis (8413) 6.5 6.0 6.0 1 year $36,960 Management (8123)
with a credit average (65%).* (pg 56) experience gained post completion of a Bachelor
degree. (pg 65)
Recognised Bachelor degree in a related area
Master of Financial Economics (8427) with a distinction average (75%) plus acceptable 6.5 6.0 6.0 $36,960
GMAT scores.* (pg 56)

22 23
Minimum IELTS requirements Estimated Minimum IELTS requirements Estimated
Minimum academic entry requirement Program Minimum academic entry requirement Program
Program name (Program code) Reading/ Speaking/ annual S1 S2 Program name (Program code) Reading/ Speaking/ annual S1 S2
For more details refer to the program entry Overall duration For more details refer to the program entry Overall duration
writing listening fees writing listening fees

Students who have completed of 8123 with an Built Environment Research Programs
Master of Construction and Project 1.5
average of 65% but not formally graduated can 6.5 6.0 6.0 $29,760
Management in Professional Practice (8124) years
apply. (pg 65) Recognised Master degree (with a substantial
research component), or a recognised four-year
Recognised Bachelor degree in a related 3 to 4
Doctor of Philosophy (1120) Bachelor degree (with a substantial research 6.5 6.0 6.0 $30,000
area with a credit average (65%). Applicants years
1.5 component) with first or upper second class
Master of Planning (8147) can complete the Graduate Diploma to gain 6.5 6.0 6.0 $29,760 honours. (pg 69)
entry into this program subject to satisfactory
performance. (pg 66) Architecture Facilities Management Landscape Architecture
Building Industrial Design Property Development and Management
Recognised Bachelor degree with at least a
1.5 Construction and Project Management Interior Architecture Town Planning and Urban Design
Master of Property and Development (8127) credit average (65%) plus relevant professional 6.5 6.0 6.0 $29,760
experience. (pg 66)
Bachelor degree in the relevant area from
$29,760 UNSW, at a level specified by the Faculty, or
1.5 to 2
Master of Urban Development and Design Recognised four-year Bachelor degree in a 1.5 (Plus Master degrees by research a qualification considered equivalent from a 6.5 6.0 6.0 $30,000
6.5 6.0 6.0 years
(8131) related area with a credit average (65%). (pg 67) years $5000 for recognised university or tertiary institution.
field trip) (pg 69)

You will need to have graduated from a Architecture (2200) Built Environment (2240) Town Planning (2230)
recognised four year bachelor degree or Building (2210) Landscape Architecture (2220)
equivalent in appropriate cognate discipline, with
Master of Urban Development & Design – a credit average (65 %). Bachelor degree in the relevant area from
6.5 6.0 6.0 2 years $29,760
MUDD Extension (8141) Admission is also open to graduates of a UNSW, at a level specified by the Faculty, or
1.5 to 2
recognised three year undergraduate degree in Master of Philosophy (2222) a qualification considered equivalent from a 6.5 6.0 6.0 $30,000
Architectural studies with a credit average (65 recognised university or tertiary institution.
%) across their degree. (pg 67) (pg 69)

A Recognised Bachelor degree with at least Architecture Facilities Management Landscape Architecture
a credit average (65%) in a relevant degree Building Industrial Design Property Development and Management
is required. A relevant field would be a built
1.5 (Plus Construction and Project Management Interior Architecture Town Planning and Urban Design
Master of Urban Policy and Strategy (8313) environment discipline or social science, social 6.5 6.0 6.0
years $5000 for
policy, business and law. At least 3 years of post
field trip) Art & Design Coursework Programs
graduate, industry experience is also required.
(pg 68)
Recognised Bachelor degree or completion of
Master of Art (9307) 6.0 5.5 5.5 1.5 years $26,880
the Graduate Diploma in Art (5307). (pg 72)
Graduate Diploma Programs
A recognised Bachelor’s degree in any field with
Graduate Diploma in Sustainable Recognised Bachelor degree in a related area
6.5 6.0 6.0 1 year $29,760 at least a credit average (65%) or equivalent.
Built Environment (5132) with a credit average (65%). (pg 65)
This provides admission into the 2 year program
Master of Curating and Cultural Leadership (96UOC). Applicants who have completed a
Recognised Bachelor degree. Professional 6.5 6.0 6.0 2 years $26,880
Graduate Diploma in Planning (5147) 6.5 6.0 6.0 1 year $29,760 (9318) recognised Honours or Bachelor’s degree in
experience may also be considered. (pg 66)
a related field may be eligible for advanced
standing into the 1.5 year (72UOC) or 1year
A Recognised Bachelor degree with at least
(48UOC) program. (pg 73)
a credit average (65%) in a relevant degree
is required. A relevant field would be a built
Graduate Diploma in Urban Policy and A recognised Bachelor’s degree in any field with
environment discipline or social science, social 6.5 6.0 6.0 1 year $29,760
Strategy (5313) at least a credit average (65%) or equivalent.
policy, business and law. At least 3 years of post
This provides admission into the 2 year program
graduate, industry experience is also required.
(96UOC). Applicants who have completed a
(pg 68) Master of Design (9313) 6.0 5.5 5.5 2 years $26,880
recognised Honours or Bachelor’s degree in
a related field may be eligible for advanced
Graduate Certificate Programs
standing into the 1.5 year (72UOC) or 1year
(48UOC) program. (pg 75)
The 7131 Graduate Certificate Program (24
UOC) offers foundational study in the field of
Graduate Diploma Programs
Urban Development and Design for non-cognate
(unrelated) disciplines.
Recognised Bachelor degree. Applicants with
Students who satisfactorily complete this Graduate Diploma in Art (5307) other academic and professional qualifications 6.0 5.5 5.5 I year $26,880
Graduate Certificate in The Built Environment program with a credit average (65 %), will satisfy may be considered for admission.* (pg 73)
admission requirements for both 8131 and 8141. 6.5 6.0 6.0 0.5 year $14,880
However as 7131 is a preparatory program A recognised Bachelor’s degree in any field with
for both 8131 Master of Urban Development Graduate Diploma in Cultural Leadership at least a credit average (65%) or equivalent.
and Design (8131) and 8141 Master of Urban 6.5 6.0 6.0 1 year $26,880
(5312) This provides admission into the 1 year program
Development and Design (Extension), no credit (48UOC). (pg 74)
is transferable if students proceed on to either
one of these programs. (pg 68) A recognised Bachelor’s degree. Applicants who
submit evidence of other academic qualifications
A Recognised Bachelor degree with at least Graduate Diploma in Design (5306) in a related field along with an minimum 2 years 6.0 5.5 5.5 1 year $26,880
a credit average (65%) in a relevant degree of verified professional design experience may
is required. A relevant field would be a built be considered for admission. (pg 76)
Graduate Certificate in Urban Policy and
environment discipline or social science, social 6.5 6.0 6.0 0.5 year $14,880
Strategy (7313)
policy, business and law. At least 3 years of post Graduate Certificate Programs
graduate, industry experience is also required.
(pg 68) Recognised Bachelor degree. Applicants with
Graduate Certificate in Art (7307) other academic and professional qualifications 6.0 5.5 5.5 6 months $13,440
may be considered for admission.* (pg 73)

A recognised Bachelor’s degree in any field with

Graduate Certificate in Cultural Leadership
at least a credit average (65%) or equivalent. 6.5 6.0 6.0 6 months $13,440
(pg 74)

24 25
Minimum IELTS requirements Estimated Minimum IELTS requirements Estimated
Minimum academic entry requirement Program Minimum academic entry requirement Program
Program name (Program code) Reading/ Speaking/ annual S1 S2 Program name (Program code) Reading/ Speaking/ annual S1 S2
For more details refer to the program entry Overall duration For more details refer to the program entry Overall duration
writing listening fees writing listening fees

A recognised Bachelor’s degree. Applicants who Recognised degree in Food Science or a

submit evidence of other academic qualifications cognate discipline (defined for each stream),
Graduate Certificate of Design (7306) in a related field along with an minimum 2 years 6.0 5.5 5.5 6 months $13,440 Graduate Diploma in Food Science (5037) with an average mark of at least 65, or an 6.5 6.0 6.0 1 year $35,520
of verified professional design experience may equivalent qualification from a recognised
be considered for admission. (pg 76) university or tertiary institution. (pg 92)

Art & Design Research Programs A recognised four year degree in Mining
Applicants should check the Art & Design research website before submitting an application: Engineering or a related engineering or physical
www.artdesign.unsw.edu.au/future-students/postgraduate-research-degrees Information for Art & Design Applicants: outlines proposal requirements. Master of Fine Arts (MFA) Proposal sciences discipline from a recognised institution,
Guide: to write a successful MFA proposal. PhD Proposal Guide: to write a successful PhD Proposal. Graduate Diploma in Mining Engineering (5335) or a three year degree plus a minimum of one 6.5 6.0 6.0 1 year $26,640
year relevant industry experience. You will need
Recognised Master degree (with a substantial at least an average 65% and no course fails.
research component), or a recognised four-year (pg 93)
Doctor of Philosophy 3 to 4
Bachelor degree (with a substantial research 6.5 6.0 6.0 $26,640
component) with first or upper second Recognised three-year Bachelor degree in
class honours. (pg 77) engineering or science or a discipline that
Graduate Diploma of Information included mathematics up to at least year two 1.5
6.5 6.0 6.0 $35,520
Art Education (1285) Design (1288) Media Arts (1289) Technology (5543) level, with a high credit average over the final years
Art Theory (1286) Fine Arts (1287) Visual Anthropology/Visual Culture (1283) two years; or completion of the Graduate
Certificate in Computing. (pg 94)
Recognised four-year Bachelor degree with
Master degrees by research honours that includes a substantial research 6.5 6.0 6.0 2 years $26,640 Graduate Certificate Programs
component, or the equivalent. (pg 77)
Recognised three-year Bachelor degree in
Graduate Certificate of
Art Education (2255) Art Theory (2265) Fine Arts (2245) engineering or science with a credit average 6.5 6.0 6.0 1 year $35,520
Engineering Science (7320)
(65%) over the final two years. (pg 80)
Art Administration (2264) Design (Honours) (2266)
Recognised three-year Bachelor degree in
Bachelor degree in the relevant area from engineering or science or a minimum of five 6
UNSW, at a level specified by the Faculty, or Graduate Certificate in Computing (7543) 6.5 6.0 6.0 $17,760
years work experience in an appropriate area of months
Master of Philosophy (2267) a qualification considered equivalent from a 6.5 6.0 6.0 1.5 years $26,640 engineering or science. (pg 94)
recognised university or tertiary institution.
(pg 77)
Engineering Research Programs
Engineering Coursework Programs Recognised Master degree (with a substantial
research component), or a recognised four-year
Recognised four-year Bachelor degree in an 3 to 4
Doctor of Philosophy Bachelor degree (with a substantial research 6.5 6.0 6.0 $36,480
appropriate area of engineering with honours 2/2 years
Master of Engineering Science (8338) 6.5 6.0 6.0 2 years $35,520 component) with first or upper second class
or a credit average (65%) over the final honours.
two years. (pg 80)
Electrical Engineering (1640)
Recognised four-year Bachelor degree in Biomedical Engineering (1710) Mining Engineering (1050)
civil engineering, electrical engineering, Food Science and Technology (1031)
Chemical Engineering (1010) Petroleum Engineering (1017)
Master of Engineering (8621) environmental engineering, mechanical 6.5 6.0 6.0 2 years $35,520 Industrial Chemistry (1016)
Civil and Environmental Engineering (1630) Photovoltaic Engineering (1655)
engineering and telecommunications, with at Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
least a credit average (65%). (pg 91) Computer Science and Engineering (1650) Surveying and Spatial Information Systems (1681)
Recognised four-year Bachelor degree in related Recognised four-year Bachelor degree with
Master of Biomedical Engineering (8660) area with a credit average (65%) over the final 6.5 6.0 6.0 1.5 years $35,520 1.5 to 2
Master of Engineering by Research honours that includes a substantial research 6.5 6.0 6.0 $36,480
two years. (pg 91) years
component, or the equivalent.
Recognised four-year Bachelor degree or Honours Electrical Engineering (2660)
2/2 degree involving some basic studies in Biomedical Engineering (2675)
Master of Science in Food Science (8037) chemistry, microbiology and biochemistry with a 6.5 6.0 6.0 2 years $35,520 Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
Chemical Engineering (2150) Photovoltaic Engineering (2655)
minimum average of 75% over the final two years. (2692)
Civil and Environmental Engineering (2650) Surveying and Spatial Information Systems (2721)
(pg 92) Mining Engineering (2180)
Computer Science and Engineering (2665)
Petroleum Engineering (2156)
A recognised four year (Honours) degree in
Mining Engineering, Engineering Geology, Civil Recognised four-year Bachelor degree with
Engineering or Geotechnical Engineering. A honours
credit average and no course fails over the final 1.5 to 2
Master of Science by Research that includes a substantial research component, 6.5 6.0 6.0 $36,480
Master of Mining Engineering (8335) two years of the degree is also required and 6.5 6.0 6.0 1.5 years $35,520 years
professional experience in the mining industry the equivalent.
will be highly regarded. Full details on entry
requirements are available at www.engineering. Biomedical Engineering (2795) Civil and Environmental Engineering (2750) Food Science and Technology (2031)
unsw.edu.au/mining-engineering. (pg 92)
Chemical Engineering (2010) Computer Science and Engineering (2765) Industrial Chemistry (2016)
Recognised four-year Bachelor degree in
engineering, science or a discipline that includes Law Coursework Programs
mathematics up to at least year two level,
with a credit average (65%) over the final two Recognised Bachelor degree in law with a credit
Master of Laws (9200) 6.5 6.0 6.0 1 year $35,040
Master of Information Technology (8543) years; or a recognised three-year Bachelor 6.5 6.0 6.0 2 years $35,520 average (65%). (pg 98)
degree in computer science or engineering,
with a credit average (65%) over the final two Recognised non-law Bachelor degree with a
Master of Business Law (9231) 6.5 6.0 6.0 1 year $36,000
years; or completion of the Graduate Diploma in credit (65%) average. (pg 98)
Information Technology (5543). (pg 93)
Master of Criminal Justice and Criminology Recognised Bachelor degree with a credit (65%)
6.5 6.0 6.0 1 year $33,060
Graduate Diploma Programs (9285) average. (pg 98)

Recognised four-year Bachelor degree in Recognised Bachelor degree with a credit (65%)
Master of Dispute Resolution (9235) 6.5 6.0 6.0 1 year $35,040
Graduate Diploma of Engineering Science engineering or science with honours 2/2 or a average. (pg 99)
6.5 6.0 6.0 1.5 years $35,520
(5341) credit average (65%) over the final two years.
(pg 80) Master of Human Rights Law and Policy Recognised Bachelor degree in a related area
6.5 6.0 6.0 1 year $35,040
(9211) with a credit average (65%). (pg 99)
Graduate Diploma in Biomedical Recognised three-year Bachelor degree in a
6.5 6.0 6.0 1 year $35,520 Master of International Law and International Recognised Bachelor degree in a related area
Engineering (5449) related discipline. (pg 92) 6.5 6.0 6.0 1 year $31,080
Relations (9240) with a credit average (65%). (pg 99)

26 27
Minimum IELTS requirements Estimated Minimum IELTS requirements Estimated
Minimum academic entry requirement Program Minimum academic entry requirement Program
Program name (Program code) Reading/ Speaking/ annual S1 S2 Program name (Program code) Reading/ Speaking/ annual S1 S2
For more details refer to the program entry Overall duration For more details refer to the program entry Overall duration
writing listening fees writing listening fees

Recognised Bachelor degree with a credit (65%) 1.5

Master of Law, Media and Journalism (9214) 6.5 6.0 6.0 1 year $31,080 Transfer considered on completion of the years or
average. (pg 100)
Master of Public Health (9045) with a minimum 2 years
Master of Public Health (Extension) (9046) 6.5 6.0 6.0 $37,200
Recognised non-law Bachelor degree, or a credit average (65%) and submission of an part-time
Juris Doctor (9150) 6.5 6.0 6.0 3 years $35,760 acceptable research proposal. (pg 109) by
recognised non-Australian law degree. (pg 100)
Graduate Diploma Programs 1.5
years or
Graduate Diploma in Law (5740) Recognised Bachelor degree in law. (pg 98) 6.5 6.0 6.0 1 year $26,280 Entry Requirements are as per Master of
Master of Public Health/Health 3 years
Health Management program (8901) above 6.5 6.0 6.0 $37,200
Management (9047) part-time
(pg 110)
Graduate Diploma in Business Law (5231) Recognised non-law Bachelor degree. (pg 98) 6.5 6.0 6.0 1 year $27,000 by
Graduate Diploma in Criminal Justice
Recognised Bachelor degree. (pg 98) 6.5 6.0 6.0 1 year $25,290
and Criminology (5285) 1.5
years or
Entry Requirements are as per Master of
Graduate Diploma in Dispute Resolution Master of International Public Health/Health 3 years
Recognised Bachelor degree. (pg 99) 6.5 6.0 6.0 1 year $26,280 Health Management program (8901) above 6.5 6.0 6.0 $37,200
(5235) Management (9044) part-time
(pg 111)
Graduate Diploma in Human Rights Law Recognised Bachelor degree in a related area. distance
6.5 6.0 6.0 1 year $26,280
and Policy (5211) (pg 99)
Graduate Diploma in International Law and Recognised Bachelor degree in a related area. years or
6.5 6.0 6.0 1 year $23,310 Entry Requirements are as per Master of
International Relations (5760) (pg 99) Master of International Public Health/Public 3 years
Health Management program (8901) above 6.5 6.0 6.0 $37,200
Health (9043) part-time
(pg 111)
Graduate Diploma in Law, Media and by
Recognised Bachelor degree. (pg 100) 6.5 6.0 6.0 1 year $23,310
Journalism (5214) distance

Law Research Programs An undergraduate degree in health, law

or criminology and honours/postgraduate
Masters in Forensic Mental Health (9012) 6.5 6.0 6.0 2 years $37,200
Recognised Master degree (including a qualifications or two years professional
substantial research component) with a experience in health, law or criminology
minimum distinction average (75%), or a 3 to 4
Doctor of Philosophy (1730) 6.5 6.0 6.0 $31,440 An undergraduate degree in medicine, nursing,
recognised four-year Bachelor degree (with a years
substantial research component) with first class health or medical science and:
honours. (pg 101) - an Honours, Graduate Certificate, Graduate
Diploma or higher qualification in medicine, nursing 1 year or
Completion of coursework component (UNSW or health or medical science; OR 2+ years
Master of Laws by coursework) with a minimum 3 to 4 Master of Reproductive Medicine (9065) - commencement of a recognised postgraduate 6.5 6.0 6.0 part-time $37,200
Doctor of Juridical Science (1740) 6.5 6.0 6.0 $31,440
distinction average (75%) is required to years medical specialist training program (e.g. general by
articulate to the SJD program. (pg 101) practice, obstetrics & gynaecology); OR distance
- 1 year full-time equivalent of postgraduate
Recognised four-year Bachelor degree (with a professional experience in medicine, nursing,
1.5 to 2
Master of Laws by Research (2440) substantial research component) with Honours. 6.5 6.0 6.0 $31,440 health or medical science. (pg 112)
(pg 101)
1 year or
Medicine Coursework Programs Entry Requirements are as per Master of 2+ years
Master of Women’s Health (9014) Reproductive Medicine program (9065)) above 6.5 6.0 6.0 part-time $37,200
Recognised three-year Bachelor degree in (pg 113) by
3 years
a cognate discipline plus relevant industry distance
Master of Pharmaceutical Medicine (9060) experience OR a four year undergraduate 6.5 6.0 6.0 $12,840
degree OR higher qualifications in a cognate Graduate Diploma Programs
discipline. (pg 104)
Recognised three-year undergraduate degree in
2 years
An undergraduate degree in a health-related or a cognate discipline which is defined as a degree
Graduate Diploma in Pharmaceutical part-time
public health-related discipline and: in one of the following: biomedical/biological 6.5 6.0 6.0 $12,840
Medicine (5504) by
• Honours or postgraduate qualification in a sciences; pharmacy; nursing; veterinary science;
healthrelated or public health-related discipline; or 1 year or chemistry/medicinal chemistry; medicine (pg 104)
• Substantial professional experience acquired as 2 years
Master of Health Management (8901) part of a health-related degree of 4 or more years 6.5 6.0 6.0 part-time $37,200 1 year or
duration; or by 2 years
Graduate Diploma in Health Management Entry Requirements are as per Master of Health
• Two years full-time professional experience in a distance 6.5 6.0 6.0 part-time $27,900
(5509) Management program (8901) above (pg 105)
health-related or public health-related discipline, by
including as a volunteer in a health and public distance
health organisation. (pg 105)
1 year or
1.5 2 years
Transfer considered on completion of the Master years or Graduate Diploma in International Public Entry Requirements are as per Master of Health
6.5 6.0 6.0 part-time $27,900
Master of Health Management (Extension) of Health Management (8901) with a minimum 3 years Health (5567) Management program (8901) above (pg 107)
6.5 6.0 6.0 $37,200 by
(8902) credit average (65%) and submission of an part-time distance
acceptable research proposal. (pg 105) by
distance 1 year or
1.5 years
1 years Entry Requirements are as per Master of Health
Graduate Diploma in Public Health (5507) 6.5 6.0 6.0 part-time $27,900
or 2 Management program (8901) above (pg 110)
Entry Requirements are as per Master of by
years distance
Master of International Public Health (9048) Health Management program (8901) above 6.5 6.0 6.0 $37,200
(pg 106)
by An undergraduate degree in health, law
distance Graduate Diploma in Forensic Mental Health or criminology and honours/postgraduate
6.5 6.0 6.0 1.5 years $27,900
(5512) qualifications or two years professional
1 year or experience in health, law or criminology
Entry Requirements are as per Master of 2 years
Master of Public Health (9045) Health Management program (8901) above 6.5 6.0 6.0 part-time $37,200
(pg 107) by

28 29
Minimum IELTS requirements Estimated Minimum IELTS requirements Estimated
Minimum academic entry requirement Program Minimum academic entry requirement Program
Program name (Program code) Reading/ Speaking/ annual S1 S2 Program name (Program code) Reading/ Speaking/ annual S1 S2
For more details refer to the program entry Overall duration For more details refer to the program entry Overall duration
writing listening fees writing listening fees

Applicants are required to have either an An undergraduate degree in medicine, nursing,

undergraduate degree or higher degree in a health or medical science and:
health-related or public health-related discipline -an Honours, Graduate Certificate, Graduate 6 months
and one of the following: Diploma or higher qualification in medicine, full-time
1. Honours or postgraduate qualification nursing or health or medical science; OR or 1+
in a health-related or public health-related Graduate Certificate in Reproductive
-commencement of a recognised postgraduate 6.5 6.0 6.0 year $18,600
discipline; or Medicine (7379)
medical specialist training program (e.g. general part-
2. Two years full-time professional experience practice, obstetrics & gynaecology); OR time by
in a health-related or public health-related distance
1 year or -1 year full-time equivalent of postgraduate
discipline, including as a volunteer in a health 2 years professional experience in medicine, nursing,
Graduate Diploma in Infectious Diseases or public health organisation. Applicants with 6.5 6.0 6.0 part-time $27,900 health or medical science. (pg 112)
Intelligence (5362) professional experience acquired as part of by
a health-related degree of 4 or more years distance 6 months
duration (e.g. MBBS, Bachelor of Nursing,) are full-time
advised to contact the School of Public Health or 1+
and Community Medicine Graduate Certificate in Women’s Health Entry requirements as per Graduate Certificate
6.5 6.0 6.0 year $18,600
Medicine (7014) in Reproductive Medicine (7379)
3.In exceptional circumstances, applications part-
will be considered for entry where the applicant time by
has extensive professional health or public distance
health experience but does not hold a formal
qualification in a relevant discipline. Medicine Research Programs
(e.g Nurses, Paramedics)
Recognised Master degree (including a
An undergraduate degree in medicine, nursing, substantial research component) or a recognised
health or medical science and: 3 to 4
Doctor of Philosophy four-year Bachelor degree (with a substantial 6.5 6.0 6.0 $37,200
- an Honours, Graduate Certificate, Graduate years
9 months research component) with first class honours. (pg
Diploma or higher qualification in medicine, 116-117)
or 1.5+
nursing or health or medical science; OR
Graduate Diploma in Reproductive years
- commencement of a recognised postgraduate 6.5 6.0 6.0 $27,900 Anatomy (1750)
Medicine (5508) part-time
medical specialist training program (e.g. general Medicine (Prince of Wales Clinical School) Obstetrics and Gynaecology (1820) Psychiatry (1800)
practice, obstetrics & gynaecology); OR (1770)
distance Paediatrics (1830) Surgery (Prince of Wales Clinical School) (1810)
- 1 year full-time equivalent of postgraduate
professional experience in medicine, nursing, Medicine Pathology (1780) Surgery (South Western Sydney Clinical School) (1811)
health or medical science. (pg 112) (South Western Sydney Clinical School)
(1771) Physiology and Pharmacology (1790) Surgery (St George and Sutherland Clinical School) (1812)
Graduate Certificate Programs Medicine (St George and Sutherland Rural Health (1795) Surgery (St Vincent’s Clinical School) (1813)
Clinical School) (1772)
1 year
A three year undergraduate degree OR relevant Medicine (St Vincent’s Clinical School) (1773)
Graduate Certificate in Pharmaceutical part-time
experience in the pharmaceutical industry (pg 6.5 6.0 6.0 $12,840
Medicine (7370) by Bachelor degree with honours; MBBS (from
distance an Australian or New Zealand university) or
Doctor of Philosophy
professional experience as acceptable to the 3 to 4
6 months Public Health and Community Medicine 6.5 6.0 6.0 $29,040
Higher Degree Committee of the Faculty. Proof of years
or 1 year (1835)
Graduate Certificate in Health Entry Requirements are as per Master of Health research experience as acceptable to the Higher
6.5 6.0 6.0 part- $18,600
Management (7360) Management program (8901) above (pg 106) Degree Committee of the Faculty.
time by
distance MBBS or other medical degree or a Bachelor All $29,040
degree plus relevant experience. Support from 1.5 to 2 except
6 months Master degrees by research 6.5 6.0 6.0
the proposed supervisor and the relevant Head years 2515:
or 1 year
Graduate Certificate in International Public Entry Requirements are as per Master of Health of School. $37,200
6.5 6.0 6.0 part- $18,600
Health (7367) Management program (8901) above (pg 107)
time by Health Administration (2960) Masters in Medicine (2515)
Health Professions Education (2885) Public Health (2845)
6 months
or 1 year Recognised four-year Bachelor degree All $37,200
Entry Requirements are as per Master of Health 1.5 to 2
Graduate Certificate in Public Health (7368) 6.5 6.0 6.0 part- $18,600 Master of Science by Research with honours (with a substantial research 6.5 6.0 6.0 except 2810:
Management program (8901) above (pg 110) years
time by component). (pg 116-117) $29,040
Anatomy (2800) Surgery (South Western Sydney Clinical School) (2875)
An undergraduate degree in health, law Community Medicine (2810) Obstetrics and Gynaecology (2830) Surgery (Prince of Wales Clinical School) (2876)
Graduate Certificate in Forensic Mental or criminology and honours/postgraduate Medicine (Prince of Wales Clinical School) Surgery (St George and Sutherland Clinical School) (2877)
6.5 6.0 6.0 1 year $18,600 Paediatrics (2805)
Health (7312) qualifications or two years professional (2820)
experience in health, law or criminology Pathology (2840) Surgery (St Vincent’s) (2878)
Medicine (South Western Sydney Clinical
Physiology and Pharmacology (2850)
Applicants are required to have either an School) (2821)
undergraduate degree or higher degree in a Psychiatry (2880)
Medicine (St George and Sutherland
health-related or public health-related discipline Clinical School) (2822) Rural Health (2835)
and one of the following:
Medicine (St Vincent’s Clinical School) (2823)
1. Honours or postgraduate qualification in a
health-related or public health-related discipline; or Recognised four-year Bachelor degree
1.5 to 2
2. Two years full-time professional experience in Master of Science by Research with honours (with a substantial research 6.5 6.0 6.0 $35,760
a health-related or public health-related discipline, 6 months component).
including as a volunteer in a health or public or 1 year
Graduate Certificate in Infectious Diseases Surgery (St George and Sutherland Clinical
health organisation. Applicants with professional 6.5 6.0 6.0 part- $18,600 Surgery (Prince of Wales Clinical School)
Intelligence (7362) School) (2862)
experience acquired as part of a health-related time by (2860)
degree of 4 or more years duration (e.g. MBBS, distance Surgery (South Western Sydney Surgery (St Vincent’s Clinical School) (2863)
Bachelor of Nursing,) are advised to contact the Clinical School) (2861)
School of Public Health and Community Medicine
3. In exceptional circumstances, applications will Bachelor degree in the relevant discipline from
be considered for entry where the applicant has UNSW, at a level specified by the Faculty or
Master of Philosophy
extensive professional health or public health School, or a qualification considered equivalent 6.5 6.0 6.0 1.5 years $37,200
Forensic Mental Health (2712)
experience but does not hold a formal qualification from a recognised university or tertiary institution
in a relevant discipline. (e.g Nurses, Paramedics) (pg 116-117)

30 31
Minimum IELTS requirements Estimated Minimum IELTS requirements Estimated
Minimum academic entry requirement Program Minimum academic entry requirement Program
Program name (Program code) Reading/ Speaking/ annual S1 S2 Program name (Program code) Reading/ Speaking/ annual S1 S2
For more details refer to the program entry Overall duration For more details refer to the program entry Overall duration
writing listening fees writing listening fees

Bachelor degree in the relevant discipline from

Accredited four-year Bachelor degree with
UNSW, or equivalent program from another
Master of Philosophy upper first class honours in psychology from
university or equivalent academic or professional 6.5 6.0 6.0 1.5 years $29,040
Public Health (2713) Combined PhD/Master of Psychology a university recognised by the Australian
experience acceptable to the higher degree 7.0 7.0 7.0 4 years $34,560
(Clinical) (1404) Psychology Accreditation Council. The degree
committee of the Faculty.
must include a research thesis as a major
component.* (pg 126)
Science Coursework Programs
Accredited four-year Bachelor degree with
Recognised three-year Bachelor degree in any upper first class honours in psychology from
discipline; or recognised Bachelor of Aviation Combined PhD/Master of Psychology a university recognised by the Australian
7.0 7.0 7.0 4 years $34,560
degree; or recognised three-year Bachelor 1 to 2 (Forensic) (1405) Psychology Accreditation Council. The degree
Master of Aviation Management (8741) 6.5 6.0 6.0 $30,240
degree in any discipline plus a minimum of 6 years must include a research thesis as a major
months relevant professional experience. (pg component.* (pg 126)
Accredited four-year Bachelor degree with
Recognised three-year Bachelor degree upper first class honours in psychology from
in Mathematics or Statistics, with sufficient Combined PhD/Master of Psychology a university recognised by the Australian
7.0 7.0 7.0 4 years $34,560
mathematical and/or statistical background, as 1.5 (Organisational) (1406) Psychology Accreditation Council. The degree
Master of Biostatistics (8751) 6.5 6.0 6.0 $33,840
indicated by a credit average or above in higher years must include a research thesis as a major
level mathematics and/or statistics university component.* (pg 127)
courses. (pg 123)
Recognised three-year Bachelor degree
Recognised three-year Bachelor degree in in Mathematics or Statistics, with sufficient
a discipline related to community eye health mathematical and/or statistical background, as
Master of Statistics (8750) 6.5 6.0 6.0 1.5 years $33,840
(e.g. medicine, optometry, public health, and indicated by a credit average or above in higher
management); or other relevant qualifications level mathematics and/or statistics university
Master of Community Eye Health (8761) 6.5 6.0 6.0 1 year $33,840
and experience that demonstrate the courses. (pg 123)
attainment of knowledge and skills (learning
outcomes) through formal or informal learning. Graduate Diploma Programs
(pg 125)
The minimum entry requirement to the
Master of Science And Technology – Recognised four-year Bachelor degree in Graduate Diploma in Aviation Graduate Diploma in Aviation Management is 6 months
6.5 6.0 6.0 1 year $33,840 6.5 6.0 6.0 $21,780
Engineering Materials (8715) engineering or science. (pg 124) Management (5741) at least 1 year of relevant industry experience.* to 1 year
(pg 120)
Recognised three-year Bachelor degree in any
discipline with an average of 65 or above; or Recognised three-year Bachelor degree in any
a Graduate Certificate or Graduate Diploma in discipline; or successful completion of other
Environmental Management with an average tertiary qualifications equivalent to three years
greater than 65; or a recognised four-year full-time study and a minimum of 2 years of
Bachelor degree with Honours; or a three- Graduate Diploma in Environmental professional experience in a role related to
6.5 6.0 6.0 1 year $33,840
Master of Environmental Management (8623) year Bachelor degree with a average of 50-65 6.5 6.0 6.0 2 years $33,840 Management (5499) environmental management; or other relevant
plus approximately five years professional qualifications and experience that demonstrate
experience in a relevant field; or other relevant the attainment of the same knowledge and
qualifications and experience that demonstrate skills (learning outcomes) through formal or
the attainment of the same knowledge and informal learning. (pg 122)
skills (learning outcomes) through formal or
informal learning. (pg 122) Recognised three-year Bachelor degree
in Mathematics or Statistics, with sufficient
Recognised three-year Bachelor degree Graduate Diploma in Mathematics and mathematical and/or statistical background, as
6.5 6.0 6.0 1 year $33,840
in Mathematics or Statistics, with sufficient Statistics (5659) indicated by a credit average or above in higher
mathematical and/or statistical background, as 1.5 level mathematics and/or statistics university
Master of Financial Mathematics (8161) 6.5 6.0 6.0 $33,840
indicated by a credit average or above in higher years courses. (pg 124)
level mathematics and/or statistics university
courses. (pg 123) Recognised three-year Bachelor degree with
a good pass in a related, but not necessarily
Master of Marine Science and Recognised three-year Bachelor degree in a Graduate Diploma (Research) (5304) directly relevant discipline to their chosen area 6.5 6.0 6.0 1 year $33,840
6.5 6.0 6.0 1 year $33,840
Management (8270) relevant area. (pg 121) of study.*
(pg 120, 125)
Recognised three-year Bachelor degree
in Mathematics or Statistics, with sufficient Graduate Certificate Programs
mathematical and/or statistical background, as 1.5
Master of Mathematics (8719) 6.5 6.0 6.0 $33,840
indicated by a credit average or above in higher years Recognised three-year Bachelor degree in any
level mathematics and/or statistics university discipline; or successful completion of other
courses. (pg 124) tertiary qualifications equivalent to three years
full-time study and a minimum of 2 years of
Recognised three-year Bachelor degree in 1.5 Graduate Certificate in Environmental professional experience in a role related to
Master of Optometry (8073) 6.5 6.0 6.0 $33,840 6.5 6.0 6.0 6 months $16,920
Optometry. (pg 125) years Management (7339) environmental management; or other relevant
qualifications and experience that demonstrate
Accredited four-year Bachelor degree with the attainment of the same knowledge and
honours class 1 in psychology from a university skills (learning outcomes) through formal or
Master of Psychology (Clinical) (8256) 7.0 7.0 7.0 2 years $33,840
recognised by the Australian Psychological informal learning. (pg 122)
Accreditation Council.* (pg 126)
Recognised three-year Bachelor degree
Accredited four-year Bachelor degree in Mathematics or Statistics, with sufficient
with honours class 1 or a good class 2 in Graduate Certificate in Mathematics and mathematical and/or statistical background, as
6.5 6.0 6.0 6 months $16,920
Master of Psychology (Forensic) (8257) psychology from a university recognised by the 7.0 7.0 7.0 2 years $33,840 Statistics (7659) indicated by a credit average or above in higher
Australian Psychological Accreditation Council.* level mathematics and/or statistics university
(pg 126) courses. (pg 124)

Accredited four-year Bachelor degree with

honours class 1 or a good class 2 in psychology
Master of Psychology (Organisational) (8258) 7.0 7.0 7.0 2 years $33,840
from a university recognised by the Australian
Psychological Accreditation Council.* (pg 127)

32 33
Minimum IELTS requirements Estimated Minimum IELTS requirements Estimated
Minimum academic entry requirement Program Minimum academic entry requirement Program
Program name (Program code) Reading/ Speaking/ annual S1 S2 Program name (Program code) Reading/ Speaking/ annual S1 S2
For more details refer to the program entry Overall duration For more details refer to the program entry Overall duration
writing listening fees writing listening fees

Science Research Programs Recognised Master degree (including a

substantial research component) or a recognised
3 to 4
One of the following qualifications: Doctor of Systems Engineering (1741) four-year Bachelor degree (with a substantial 6.5 6.0 6.0 $29,520
• A recognised undergraduate degree with research component) with first or upper second
Honours 2/1 or equivalent (for example at class honours.
UNSW, this is graded as distinction level or
75%+), or; Recognised Master degree (including a
• A recognised Master by Research degree substantial research component) or a recognised
3 to 4
or equivalent postgraduate qualification that 6.5 Doctor of Philosophy four-year Bachelor degree (with a substantial 6.5 6.0 6.0 $29,520
includes a substantial research component (min. research component) with first or upper second
3 to 4
Doctor of Philosophy (Research) written up as an academic thesis, awarded at or 6.0 in 6.5 6.5 $34,560 class honours.
above distinction level or equivalent, or; each
subtest) Aerospace Engineering (1663)
•In exceptional circumstances, sufficient English (1201) Project Management (1615)
Business (Economics and Management)
evidence of research experience that clearly Geography (1081) Mathematics and Statistics (1881)
demonstrates exceptional research skills and History (1241) Mechanical Engineering (1661)
the ability to undertake the proposed research Civil Engineering (1631)
program. International and Political Studies (1321) Southeast Asian Social Inquiry (1203)
Chemistry (1871)
(pg 128 -129) Oceanography (1082) System Engineering (1620)
Computer Science (1885)
Physics (1892)
Electrical Engineering (1643)
Applied Geology (1000) Chemistry (1870) Microbiology and Immunology (1440)
Aviation (1900) Climate Science (1476) Optometry (1860) Recognised Master degree (including
Biochemistry & Molecular Genetics (1410) Environmental Management (1425) Mathematics (1880) a substantial research component) or a
Master of Arts by Research (2406) recognised four-year Bachelor degree (with a 6.5 6.0 6.0 2 years $29,520
Biological Science (1435) Vision Science (1487) Physics (1890)
substantial research component) with first or
Biotechnology (1036) Geography (1080) Psychology (1400) upper second class honours.
Materials Science and Engineering (1045)
Recognised Master degree (including a
Completion of an Honours Class 1 degree in substantial research component) or a recognised
Psychology from UNSW or from a recognised Master of Engineering by Research four-year Bachelor degree (with a substantial 6.5 6.0 6.0 2 years $29,520
APAC university, and the availability of adequate research component) with first or upper second
supervision and research infrastructure. class honours.
(min. 7.0 7.0
Doctor of Philosophy / Master of Psychology Referees reports will be sought for applicants 7.0 in 4 years $34,560
Aerospace Engineering (2693) Electrical Engineering (2663) Mechanical Engineering (2691)
who are short-listed, and an interview may be each
required subtest) Civil Engineering (2651)
This degree is not available to overseas
Recognised Master degree (including a
students holding an EIPRS or UIPA.
substantial research component) or a recognised
Master of Science by Research four-year Bachelor degree (with a substantial 6.5 6.0 6.0 2 years $29,520
Psychology (Clinical) (1404) Psychology (Forensic) (1405) Psychology (Organisational) (1406)
research component) with first or upper second
class honours.
Recognised 4-year Bachelor degree with
Honours that includes a substantial research
Chemistry (2911) Geography (2041) Physics (2931)
component; or with the consent of the potential 1.5 to 2
Master of Science (MSc) 6.5 6.0 6.0 $34,560 Computer Science (2925) Oceanography (2042) Mathematics and Statistics (2921)
supervisor, a qualification or combination of years
qualifications considered to be equivalent by the
Faculty of Science Higher Degree Committee. Bachelor degree in a related area from UNSW,
at a level specified by the Faculty or School,
Master of Philosophy 6.5 6.0 6.0 1.5 years $29,520
Applied Geology (2000) Geography (2040) Optometry (2900) or equivalent qualification from a recognised
university or tertiary institution.
Aviation (2905) Materials Science and Engineering (2055) Physics (2930)
Biochemistry & Molecular Genetics (2460) Materials Science and Engineering (2175) Psychology (2450) Aerospace, Civil and Mechanical Humanities and Social Science (2225)
Physical, Environmental and Mathematical Science (2229)
Chemistry (2910) Mathematics (2920) Vision Science (2487) Engineering (2227) Information Technology and Electrical
Climate Sciences (2476) Microbiology and Immunology (2490) Business (2226) Engineering (2228)

Recognised Bachelor degree in the relevant

discipline or a qualification considered 1.5 to 2
Master of Philosophy (MPhil) (Science) (2475) 6.5 6.5 6.5 $34,560
equivalent from another university or tertiary years
institution usually at Honours level.

Aviation Chemistry Microbiology and Immunology

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Environmental Studies Geoscience Oceanography
Biological Science Materials Science Optometry
Biotechnology Mathematics Physics

UNSW Canberra Coursework Programs

UNSW Canberra offers a range of postgraduate coursework programs by distance learning. For more information visit: sas.unsw.adfa.edu.au/future_students/pg_

UNSW Canberra Research Programs

Recognised Master degree (including a

substantial research component) or a recognised
3 to 4
Doctor of Information Technology (1743) four-year Bachelor degree (with a substantial 6.5 6.0 6.0 $29,520
research component) with first or upper second
class honours.

Recognised Master degree (including a

substantial research component) or a recognised
3 to 4
Doctor of Project Management (1742) four-year Bachelor degree (with a substantial 6.5 6.0 6.0 $29,520
research component) with first or upper second
class honours.

34 35
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PhD (Education)

36 37
Arts and Arts and
Social Sciences Social Sciences

Bilingualism 6 rights and social justice principles and a community Refugees and Forced Migration recognises you are able to complete the degree in Classroom-based Research 6
Master of Applied Linguistics
Cross-cultural Pragmatics 6 development approach. 48UOC (1 year)*.
Core Courses (30 UOC) UOC Survey Research 6
Program Code 8236 * You may elect to study the 72 UOC program.
Psycholinguistic Inquiry 6 International Development AND
Commencement March and July Our International Development plan offers a specialist You will complete 6 Core Courses:
Research Project 6
Program Duration 1 to 1.5 years
Research-based Elective Courses (24 UOC) UOC
program in development policy and practice with
an international focus. You will develop superior
Intl Development Policy 6 Education
Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$27,120 Community Development 6
knowledge, critical and analytic skills and approaches Master of Education
You will complete 4 research-based Elective Courses, Electives (12 UOC) UOC
The UNSW Master of Applied Linguistics is designed to understanding and engaging with policy, planning, Refugees and Forced Migration 6
for those with a deep interest in the workings of options include: Program Code 8910
program delivery and practice. Coursework and Two elective courses from the full range of Master
International Protection Tools 6
language. It is a professionally relevant degree Discourse Analysis 6 research and practice experiences are relevant to local Commencement January, March, July of Education options refer to Master of Education
for students intrigued by the complex relationship and international social and community development, Research Methods 6 (Educational Studies) for full list.
Research Methods 6 Program Duration 1 year
between structural and functional elements of “aid” work and human rights Project Design 6
language, and its social, cognitive and cultural Thesis Writing 6 Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$27,120
manifestations. Current and aspiring language Refugees and Displacement Master of Education (Educational Psychology)
Media Translation 6 Our Master of Education programs are designed
professionals will develop specialist knowledge Our Refugees and Displacement plan offers studies Research Courses (6-18 UOC) UOC
to enhance your career options and professional A specialist professional development program which
guided by contemporary applied linguistics theory and Text Analysis for Translation 6 in development practice with a focus on refugees and
Students from both streams will engage in a advancement opportunities within a broad range of focuses on cognitive processes and their implications
practice, and by vocational demands and their own other displaced persons. You will develop a broad
Experimental Research Design 6 research course according to interest, capability and educational institutions, including early childhood, for teaching techniques and instructional design. It
professional ambitions. range of knowledge, critical and analytical skills and primary, secondary, vocational, workplace and
approaches in policy, planning, program delivery and academic achievements. You may select one of the is designed to provide deeper insights into human
For full list visit: www.handbook.unsw.edu.au tertiary teaching.
Entry requirements practice relevant to international and local community following options: development, learning, thinking, motivation and
You will benefit from an application assessment development work with refugees and other Graduates are equipped to progress into specialist individual differences within the framework of cognitive
1 Year Program (48 UOC): Research Report 6 load theory.
process and degree structure that recognises your displaced persons. fields of education or leadership roles within their
As above, however, you will receive advanced You will complete a number of formative tasks, building
level of relevant study and professional experience. existing fields, or into higher degree research.
standing of 24 units of credit and will not be required Entry requirements up to the submission of a single research report.
Experienced students will undertake a streamlined Core Courses (24 UOC) UOC
complete compulsory Core Courses as you have You will benefit from an application assessment Programs available in:
degree of 1 year (48 units of credit) while students with Research Project 12*
demonstrated additional qualifications and/or process and degree structure that recognises your • Master of Education (Assessment and Evaluation) Complete 2 compulsory courses
less professional experience will study for 1.5 years (72
professional experience. level of relevant study and professional experience. An individual research project, you must have a
units of credit). • Master of Education (Educational Psychology) Learning, Problem Solving, and
Career opportunities Experienced students will undertake a streamlined weighted average mark of 75 to enrol in this course.
1.5 Year Program (72 UOC) • Master of Education (Gifted Education) the Development of Expertise 6
The Master of Applied Linguistics is ideal for degree of 1 year (48 units of credit) while students with
- Honours degree or Graduate Diploma (or equivalent) less professional experience will study for 1.5 years Research Thesis 18* • Master of Education (Higher Education) Human Development and Education 6
language practitioners, developers of language
in a relevant discipline with a record of academic (72 units of credit). An extended individual research thesis, you must have • Master of Education (Special Education)
materials, language testers, language planners, Complete 2 of the following courses:
achievement equivalent to a UNSW credit average a weighted average mark of 80 to enrol in this course.
language therapists, administrators in language 1.5 Year Program (72 UOC): • Master of Education (TESOL)
of 65% OR Survey Research 6
institutions, and any other language professionals -H
 onours degree or Graduate Diploma (or equivalent) * Pathway to higher degrees by research for students who
• Master of Education (Educational Studies)
- Bachelor degree (or equivalent) in a relevant seeking to broaden their professional horizons in a relevant discipline with a record of academic
achieve high grades Behaviour Management of Exceptional Students 6
discipline with a record of academic achievement through advanced study in applied linguistics. achievement equivalent to a UNSW credit average Entry requirements Leading Individuals, Teams and Organisations 6
equivalent to a UNSW credit average of 65%, plus of 65% OR A recognised Bachelor degree and a postgraduate
one year full-time (or part-time equivalent) relevant Your advanced education in applied linguistics theory Elective Courses (18-30 UOC) UOC teaching qualification (e.g. Graduate Diploma of Creativity and Giftedness 6
professional experience and practice will prepare you for a successful career -B
 achelor degree (or equivalent) in a relevant
Education or Master of Teaching) Motivation in Education 6
as a linguistics specialist in areas such as: discipline with a record of academic achievement Students from both streams complete between 18 to
1 Year Program (48 UOC) equivalent to a UNSW credit average of 65%, plus 30 UOC of elective courses depending on research OR
- language acquisition and pathology
- Bachelor degree (or equivalent) in a relevant one year full-time (or part-time equivalent) relevant course selection. Electives include:
- language policy and planning A four year pre-service teacher education Research Core Courses (12 UOC) UOC
discipline with a record of academic achievement professional experience Options from the Core Courses of both streams
- language education in multicultural environments qualification, including professional experience,
equivalent to a UNSW credit average of 65% OR Complete 1 research methodology course from
including 1 Year Program (48 UOC) Developing Countries and equivalent to the qualifications required for Graduate
- Bachelor degree (or equivalent) in any discipline with -ESL and EFL (TESOL) teaching in private schools in the following:
 achelor degree (or equivalent) in a relevant International Relations 6 teacher status in NSW.
a record of academic achievement equivalent to a Australia and overseas discipline with a record of academic achievement Experimental Research Design 6
UNSW credit average of 65%, plus one year full- Politics of International Aid 6 Professional accreditation
This degree is built from a 2 year foundation program that equivalent to a UNSW credit average of 65% OR Survey Research 6
time (or part-time equivalent) relevant professional will not be offered in 2015. Successful applications will be These programs are endorsed by the NSW Institute of
 achelor degree (or equivalent) in any discipline with Rights Based Project Design and Evaluation 6
experience OR recognised for prior undergraduate or postgraduate study or Teachers as registered professional development. Classroom-based Research 6
relevant professional experience, this recognition is called a record of academic achievement equivalent to a International Advocacy: Linking Development
- Honours degree or Graduate Diploma (or equivalent) UNSW credit average of 65%, plus one year full- AND
advanced standing. Successful applicants will be made an and the UN 6 Program structure
in any discipline with a record of academic offer to study with us for 1.5 years or 1 year in duration and wtime (or part-time equivalent) relevant professional
achievement equivalent to a UNSW credit average International Political Economy 6 Master of Education (Assessment and Evaluation) Research Project 6
the offer will look like this: experience OR
of 65% - 96 UOC with 24 UOC Advanced Standing - This recognises Politics of International Law 6 This program provide an opportunity for you to explore
 onours degree or Graduate Diploma (or equivalent)
you are able to complete the degree in 72 UOC (1.5 year). the context, purpose, and role of assessment and
Relevant disciplines include: Linguistics, Languages, in any discipline with a record of academic Policy and Advocacy 6 Electives (12 UOC) UOC
TESOL, Cognitive Science, Speech Pathology, - 96 UOC with 48 UOC Advanced Standing - This recognises evaluation as well as contemporary issues in relevant
achievement equivalent to a UNSW credit average Two elective courses from the full range of Master
you are able to complete the degree in 48UOC (1 year)*. Power, Politics and Policy 6 theory and practice through a range of courses
Interpreting and Translation and Health Sciences. of 65%
* You may elect to study the 72 UOC program. covering assessment, measurement, assessment for of Education options refer to Master of Education
Relevant disciplines include: Social Sciences, For full list visit: www.handbook.unsw.edu.au
Relevant professional experience can include: work learning, testing, educational evaluation, policy and (Educational Studies) for full list
in a language-related area including teaching English Humanities, Business, Economics, Law, Public Health, Career opportunities research methodologies.
as a second or foreign language or a language other Master of Development Studies Communications, Social Research and Policy and Students build diverse and rewarding career paths in
Social Work. The Master of Education (Assessment and Master of Education (Gifted Education)
than English, translating and interpreting, curriculum Program Code 8942 local and international development, from practice-
Evaluation) consists of:
design, and other appropriate language professions. Relevant professional experience can include: working based roles to research and policy within education Designed for teachers who would like to specialise in the
Commencement March and July in the public sector, unions, business organisations, and government. Our graduates can be found in local field of gifted education, this rewarding program focuses
Assessment & Evaluation Core Courses (24 UOC) UOC
Program structure research/ policy institutes or third sector organisations. and international development agencies, the United on contemporary issues involving gifted and talented
Program Duration 1 or 1.5 years
1.5 Year Program (72 UOC): Nations, policy and advocacy groups, community- Complete 4 courses from the following: students as well as the development of curricula and
Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$27,120 based organisations and government organisations Educational Assessment and Measurement 6 teaching strategies for their learning needs.
Core Courses (24 UOC) UOC Our Master of Development Studies offers you Program structure locally and internationally. Our alumni have been
1.5 Year Program (72 UOC) actively involved in shaping the development field. Introduction to Modern Test Theory 6 The Master of Education (Gifted Education) consists of:
You will complete 4 Core Courses: a flexible and interactive postgraduate degree
that provides specialist studies in international International Development This degree is built from a 2 year foundation Investigating Issues in Curriculum and Assessment 6 Core Courses (24 UOC) UOC
Testing and Evaluation 6 development at the local, national and program that will not be offered in 2015. Evaluation of Educational Programs 6
The Grammar of English 6 international level. Core Courses (30 UOC) UOC Complete 1 compulsory course
Successful applications will be recognised for prior
undergraduate or postgraduate study or relevant Assessment for Learning: From Theory to Practice 6 Key Concepts and Issues in Gifted Education 6
Linguistics of Spoken English 6 Our postgraduate courses are based on a You will complete 6 Core Courses:
philosophy of human rights, social justice, community professional experience, this recognition is called
Linguistic Analysis 6 Complete 3 of the following courses:
NGOs and Development 6 advanced standing. Successful applicants will be
development and participatory approaches. You will Research Core Courses (12 UOC) UOC
made an offer to study with us for 1.5 years or 1 year Leadership for Gifted Students 6
be given the opportunity to put theory into practice Intl Development Policy 6
through local and international internship opportunities in duration and the offer will look like this: Complete 1 course from the following: Identification of Gifted Children 6
Advanced Disciplinary Courses (24 UOC) UOC Development, Rights and Health 6
and other special project and research experiences. -96 UOC with 24 UOC Advanced Standing - This Ethnographic Methodology 6 Developing Effective Programs for Gifted Students 6
You will complete the following Advanced Community Development 6 recognises you are able to complete the degree in
You are able to choose from two plans consisting of Experimental Research Design 6 Curriculum Differentiation &
Disciplinary Courses: Research Methods 6 72 UOC (1.5 year).
core courses and elective courses. A wide range of -96 UOC with 48 UOC Advanced Standing - This Qualitative Research 6 Assessment in Gifted Education 6
Second Language Acquisition 6 electives are offered which are underpinned by human Project Design 6

38 www.international.unsw.edu.au www.international.unsw.edu.au 39
Arts and Arts and
Social Sciences Social Sciences

Social and Emotional Development Our programs are designed both for teachers in The Master of Education (Educational Studies) consists Master of Educational Leadership Career opportunities
Core Courses (48 UOC) UOC
of Intellectually Gifted Children 6 mainstream schools who wish to facilitate inclusion of eight elective courses from the full range of Master of Graduates are equipped to lead education at all levels
of students with disabilities, as well as those work as Complete 8 core courses Education options (all 6 UOC): Program Code 8960 in government and independent schools, school
special educators in specialised settings. • Qualitative Research: Ethnographic & Action Research Commencement January, February, July systems, universities, TAFE and other educational and
Advanced TESOL Methodology 6
Research Core Courses (12 UOC) UOC training organisations.
Strand 1: Advanced TESOL Curriculum Design • Interventionist/Experimental Research Design Program Duration 1 year
Complete 1 course from the following: For qualified teachers who need an accredited and Assessment 6 and Analysis Professional accreditation
Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$27,120
Ethnographic Methodology 6 specialist qualification in Special Education, and have • Survey Research Design and Analysis The program is endorsed by the NSW Institute of
no prior studies in the area. Advanced TESOL Professional Practice OR Project 6 The Master of Educational Leadership is designed for Teachers as registered professional development.
• Educational Assessment and Measurement
Experimental Research Design 6 Contemporary Issues in Language Education aspiring and practising educational leaders seeking
Core Course (48 UOC) UOC • Design and Evaluation of ICT-Based Learning
Survey Research Design and Analysis 6 specialist professional development in educational
Second Language Acquisition 6 • Behaviour Management of Exceptional Students leadership theory, research, policy and practice. Master of Teaching (Secondary)
Complete 8 core courses
Qualitative Research 6 Discourse Analysis 6 • Teaching Methods for High Incidence Disabilities
Program Code 8926
Behaviour Management of Exceptional Students 6 • Developing a Performance Based Culture The programs are taught by academics and senior
Classroom-based Research 6 Linguistic Approaches to Spoken English 6 Commencement February
• Educational Leadership for Gifted Students educational professionals who are authorities in the
Teaching Methods for High Incidence Disabilities 6
AND Introduction to Linguistic Analysis 6 field. The breadth of electives offered allows students Program Duration 1.5 years
• Intellectual Disabilities
Intellectual Disabilities 6 to tailor the program to suit their individual educational
Research Project 6 • Autism Spectrum Disorders: Educational Practices Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$40,680
Autism Spectrum Disorders: Educational Practices 6 leadership interests and aspirations. You will develop
Strand 2: • Investigating Issues in Curriculum and Assessment an advanced knowledge of the latest theory and The Master of Teaching (Secondary) is an accelerated
Communication Disorders and Assistive Technology 6 For qualified teachers who hold an accredited • Professional Practice for Special Education research that informs contemporary educational
Electives (12 UOC) UOC pre-service secondary teacher education program that
Transitions in the Lives of Students with Disabilities 6 specialist qualification in TESOL and wish to update • Qualitative Research: Critical Reading and Inquiry leadership practice and will be able to apply these offers innovative teaching methods that link practice
Two elective courses from the full range of Master or extend their professional learning, with the option of educational leadership principles to your own with theory and equips you with the understanding
Inclusive Education: Policy, Planning and Pedagogy 6 • Introduction to University Learning and Teaching
of Education options refer to Master of Education progressing to higher degree studies. professional leadership context. and skills needed to become a competent education
(Educational Studies) for full list. • Student Learning in Higher Education
Professional Practice for Special Education 6 professional.
Core Courses (6 UOC) UOC • Educational Design for Learning in Higher Education The program allows leaders to share international
• Enhancing Learning and Teaching in Higher Education research and their own experiences in order to better You will gain advanced skills in effective unit and
Complete 1 compulsory course: understand and develop their leadership roles.
Master of Education (Higher Education) Strand 2: • Issues in Higher Education: Purpose, Role lesson planning, assessment and reporting design.
Contemporary Issues in Language Education 6
Designed to address increasing demands to For qualified teachers who already have an accredited and Organisation Entry requirements Emphasis is placed on enhanced communication
explore, critique and contribute to the study of qualification in Special Education and who want to • Coaching and Mentoring in Educational Leadership - A recognised Bachelor degree and a postgraduate skills to ensure effective classroom communication,
update and/or extend their professional learning, with Elective or Research Courses (18 UOC) UOC the practice of reflective teaching and the desire
higher education. In this program you can explore • Communication Disorders and Assistive Technology teaching qualification (e.g. Graduate Diploma of
the context, purpose, and role of higher education the option of going on to higher degree research. Complete 3 of the following courses: Education or Master of Teaching) to continually improve professional knowledge
• Transitions in the Lives of Students with Disabilities
as well as contemporary issues in relevant theory Teaching Oral Communication 6 and practice. The program also encourages active
Core Course (24 UOC) UOC • Leadership in Action engagement with members of the teaching profession
and practice. We offer a range of courses covering OR
adult learning, curriculum, leadership and change, Adult Learning 6 • Teaching Oral Communication and the wider community.
Complete 4 courses from the following options:
philosophy, policy and research methodologies. • Educational Leadership in Practice - A four year pre-service teacher education
Scaffolding ESL Learners 6
Behaviour Management of Exceptional Students 6 qualification, including professional experience, Teaching practice is undertaken in at least two
• Inclusive Education: Policy, Planning and Pedagogy
The Master of Education (Higher Education) consists of: Assessment for Learning 6 equivalent to the qualifications required for Graduate different secondary schools under the supervision
Teaching Methods for High Incidence Disabilities 6 • Current Research in Science Education
Core Courses (24 UOC) UOC Culture and Curriculum 6 teacher status in NSW. of experienced teachers, and is complemented by
Intellectual Disabilities 6 • Language and Learning: Sociocultural Perspectives an innovative program of community engagement.
Complete 1 compulsory course: Language and Learning 6 • Learning, Problem Solving, and the Development Program structure The school-based professional practice component
Autism Spectrum Disorders: Educational Practices 6
of Expertise Students complete eight courses (48 UOC), including consists of extensive self and peer evaluation and
Issues in Higher Education: Purpose, Role OR
Professional Practice for Special Education 6 • Human Development and Education two core courses (12 UOC) and six elective courses critical reflection with support provided for you to
and Organisation 6 One TESOL-related elective course (36 UOC), with a minimum of four electives to be
• Mental Processes and Instructional Procedures transition into your first year of teaching and to nurture
Complete 3 of the following courses: from the School of Education chosen from educational leadership electives. you as a future leader of the profession.
Research Core Courses (12 UOC) UOC Complete 1 courses from the following options: • Teacher Learning: Theory and Practice
Student Learning in Higher Education 6 • Individual Differences and Education
Ethnographic and Action Research 6 You must be available five days a week during normal
Complete 1 course from the following: Core Courses (12 UOC) UOC
Educational Design in Higher Education 6 • Motivation in Learning & Teaching school hours during these periods.
Ethnographic and Action Research 6 Experimental Research Design 6
Enhancing Learning & Teaching in Higher Education 6 • Scaffolding ESL Learners Complete 2 core courses
Survey Research Design and Analysis 6 Entry requirements
Experimental Research Design 6 • TESOL Advanced Professional Practice Organisation Theory in Education 6 A recognised Bachelor degree with studies in
Adult Education and Workplace 6
Survey Research Design and Analysis 6 Qualitative Research 6 • Financial Issues in Educational Leadership the relevant teaching specialisation(s). There are
Leadership Theory, Research and Practice 6
Classroom-based Research 6 • Organisations Theory in Education additional English language requirements.
Qualitative Research 6
Research Core Courses (12 UOC) UOC • Evaluation of Educational Programs
Classroom-based Research 6 AND Elective Courses (36 UOC) UOC Program structure
• Leadership Theory, Research and Practice
Complete 1 course from the following: During the program you will complete a range of core
AND Research Project 6 • Legal, Industrial & Ethical Issues in Complete 6 courses from the following: courses, method courses and 85 days of professional
Ethnographic Methodology 6 Educational Leadership
Research Project 6 Developing a Performance-based Culture 6 experience, including 50 days of supervised teaching
Experimental Research Design 6 • Advanced TESOL Methodology practice in at least two different secondary schools,
Linguistics Elective Courses (24 UOC) UOC Curriculum and Assessment 6
• Advanced TESOL Curriculum Design and Assessment and two electives drawn from any area in the Master
Survey Research Design and Analysis 6 Complete 4 of the following courses:
Electives (12 UOC) UOC • Advanced Professional Practice Financial Issues in Educational Leadership 6 of Education program.
Qualitative Research 6 Special Project 6
Two elective courses from the full range of Master • Assessment for Learning: From Theory to Practice Literature Reviews in Education 6 Teaching specialisations offered:
Classroom-based Research 6 of Education options refer to Master of Education Second Language Acquisition 6 • Workplace Leadership Development Project Leadership for Gifted Students 6 Double Method Courses
AND (Educational Studies) for full list. Testing and Evaluation 6 • Classroom-based Research
Coaching and Mentoring 6 • English
Research Project 6 The Grammar of English 6 • Educational Policy: Theory and Practice • History
• Contemporary Issues in Language Education Leading Individuals and Teams 6 • Mathematics
Master of Education (TESOL) Bilingualism 6
• Culture, Communication and the Curriculum Building Resilience 6 • Music
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
Electives (12 UOC) UOC Discourse Analysis • Developing Literacy: From Kindergarten to University • Science
You will study a cross disciplinary program in Evaluation of Educational Programs 6
Two elective courses from the full range of Master Cross-cultural Pragmatics 6 • Human Resource Management in Education Single Method Courses
Education and Applied Linguistics, engaging with Legal Issues in Educational Leadership 6
of Education options refer to Master of Education key issues and current debates in foreign and Linguistics of Spoken English 6 • Literature Review in Education • Aboriginal Studies
(Educational Studies) for full list. second language education in Australia and • Contemporary Issues in Educational Leadership Workplace Leadership Development Project 6 • Business Studies
Linguistic Analysis 6 • Dance
internationally. You will explore a range of social, • Engaging the Educational Research Literature Educational Policy: Theory and Practice 6
cultural, political and pedagogical aspects of Psycholinguistic Inquiry 6 • Effective Schools • Drama (Theatre and Performance Studies)
Master of Education (Special Education) Human Resource Management in Education 6 • Economics
education and applied linguistics. • Identification of Gifted Students
This program is designed to address the increasing School-Based Management and Accountability 6 • English
Strand 1: Master of Education (Educational Studies) • Developing Effective Programs for Gifted Students • English as a Second Language (ESL)*
demand for knowledge and skills in teaching children Contemporary Issues in Educational Leadership 6
For qualified teachers who require an accredited This program is designed for qualified teachers and • Curriculum Differentiation & Assessment in • Geography
and adults with special needs. Courses cover a wide
specialist qualification in TESOL, and have no prior other educational professionals who wish to study Gifted Education Teacher Leadership 6 • Mathematics
range of topics such as autism spectrum disorders,
studies in Linguistics or TESOL. education by coursework at an advanced level. Our • Creativity and Giftedness • Languages: Chinese, French, German, Indonesian,
emotional and behavioural disabilities, communication Effective Schools 6
disorders, intellectual disabilities, learning assistance, flexible programs allow you to select courses to suit your • Social and Emotional Development of Intellectually Japanese, Korean, Spanish
assistive technology as well as inclusive education. individual needs and interests, creating your own unique Gifted Children Research Project 6 • Legal Studies
specialisation or updating your knowledge and skills in • Key Concepts in Gifted Education Note: Not all courses listed are offered each year. • History
education more generally. • Music
• Research Project

40 www.international.unsw.edu.au www.international.unsw.edu.au 41
Arts and Arts and
Social Sciences Social Sciences

• Society and Culture your understanding of the rapidly changing nature of An extended individual research thesis, you must have (Australia), Ministry of External Affairs (Mexico), Master of Journalism and Communication You will select a project path according to your
*ESL is a second teaching specialisation only. The contemporary politics. You will gain a strong practical a weighted average mark of 80 to enrol in this course. Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Norway) and the Ministry interest, capability and academic achievements
prerequisites are two years of languages, or two years of grounding in a wide variety of issues of current of Defence (Singapore). Program Code 8232
* Pathway to higher degrees by research for students who
linguistics, or one of each, or the equivalent. international concern and reinforce your skills in Research Path (18 UOC) UOC
achieve high grades Commencement March and July
critical analysis, reflection and evaluation. Private sector: Media organisations, trans and multi-
Prospective English, history, music or mathematics national corporations, industry and financial services. Program Duration 1 to 1.5 years Complete a supervised research thesis
Electives (24-36 UOC) UOC Research Methods: Theory and Practice 6
teachers may select a double or single method. Entry requirements
International organisations such as the United Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$27,120
Prospective science teachers may select only one You will benefit from an application assessment You will complete between 24 to 36 UOC of Elective Media Research Project 12
double method. Others may select two single process and degree structure that recognises your Courses depending on your research course Nations and the World Bank. Non-government The communication landscape is constantly changing.
method courses. level of relevant study and professional experience. selection. Electives include: organisations in countries such as Australia, The UNSW Master of Journalism and Communication
Experienced students will undertake a streamlined Indonesia, Malaysia, Canada, Thailand and Tonga. is designed for journalism and communication Practice Path (12 UOC) UOC
International Development Policy 6
degree of 1 year (48 units of credit) while students professionals seeking to refresh and refine their
Year 1 (72 UOC) UOC Law, War and Justice 6 This degree is built from a 2 year foundation Complete a publishable work of narrative journalism
with less professional experience will study for 1.5 skills to keep up with emerging technologies, cultural
program that will not be offered in 2015. Literary and Narrative Journalism Practice 12
years (72 units of credit). China and Asia-Pacific Security 6 and social changes, and contemporary international
Compulsory Courses Successful applications will be recognised for prior
Semester 1 1.5 Year Program (72 UOC) International Peace and Security 6 undergraduate or postgraduate study or relevant
-Honours degree or Graduate Diploma (or equivalent) professional experience, this recognition is called You will develop specialist knowledge and
Learning Perspectives 6 Gender in Global Politics 6 Elective Courses (30-36 UOC) UOC
in a relevant discipline with a record of academic advanced standing. Successful applicants will be professional skills framed by interdisciplinary study
Professional Experience 1 6 achievement equivalent to a UNSW credit average Middle East and Global Politics 6 made an offer to study with us for 1.5 years or 1 year into the social, cultural, economic and political roles You will complete between 30 to 36 UOC of elective
of 65% OR in duration and the offer will look like this: of journalism, media and communication, locally and courses depending on your project path selection.
Creating Engaging Learning Environments 6 Developing Countries and International Relations 6
-96 UOC with 24 UOC Advanced Standing - This globally. You will be encouraged to think critically Electives include:
- Bachelor degree (or equivalent) in a relevant Policy and Advocacy 6 recognises you are able to complete the degree in 72
Method A1 6 about media practice and use reflective and ethical Any Core Courses as listed above
discipline with a record of academic achievement UOC (1.5 year).
Method B1 6 For full list visit: www.handbook.unsw.edu.au decision making in its production.
equivalent to a UNSW credit average of 65%, plus -96 UOC with 48 UOC Advanced Standing - This Censorship, Contempt and the Media 6
one year full-time (or part-time equivalent) relevant recognises you are able to complete the degree in Entry requirements
1 Year Program (48 UOC): Media and Public Relations 6
Semester 2 professional experience 48UOC (1 year)*. A recognised Bachelor degree (or equivalent
* You may elect to study the 72 UOC program. qualification) with a credit average (65%). Public Relations Strategy 6
Language, Literacy and Numeracy 6 1 Year Program (48 UOC) Core Courses (18 UOC) UOC
- Bachelor degree (or equivalent) in a relevant 1.5 Year Program (72 UOC) Advertising and Creativity 6
Addressing Learner Diversity 6 You will complete the following Core Courses:
discipline with a record of academic achievement - Honours degree or Graduate Diploma (or equivalent) Sports, Media and Culture 6
The Globalisation of World Politics 6 Master of International Relations /
The Professional Teacher: Ethics, Policy and Practice 6 equivalent to a UNSW credit average of 65% OR in a relevant discipline with a record of academic
Master of Public Policy Media Ethics and Law 6
International Organisations and Global Politics 6 achievement equivalent to a UNSW credit average
Method A2 6 - Bachelor degree (or equivalent) in any discipline with
Program Code 8221 of 65% OR Design Communication 6
a record of academic achievement equivalent to a The International Political Economy 6
Method B2 6
UNSW credit average of 65%, plus one year full- Commencement March and July - Bachelor degree (or equivalent) in a relevant For full list visit: www.handbook.unsw.edu.au
time (or part-time equivalent) relevant professional discipline with a record of academic achievement
Program Duration 2 years 1 Year Program (48 UOC):
Summer Semester (Year 1 only) experience OR Research Courses (6-18 UOC) UOC equivalent to a UNSW credit average of 65%, plus
Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$27,120 one year full-time (or part-time equivalent) relevant As above, however, you will receive advanced
Student Engagement 6 - Honours degree or Graduate Diploma (or equivalent)
You will select a Research Course according to your professional experience standing of 24 units of credit and will not be
in any discipline with a record of academic This program offers you the opportunity to study a
Professional Experience 2 / Internship 6 interest, capability and academic achievements: required complete our Core Courses as you have
achievement equivalent to a UNSW credit average combination of two separate degrees, the UNSW 1 Year Program (48 UOC)
Research Report 6 demonstrated additional qualifications and/or
of 65% Master of International Relations and the Peking - Bachelor degree (or equivalent) in a relevant professional experience.
Year 2 (24 UOC) UOC You will complete a number of formative tasks, building University Master of Public Policy (MPP). The discipline with a record of academic achievement
Relevant disciplines include: Social Sciences, combined program allows students to substantially
Compulsory Courses up to the submission of a single research report. equivalent to a UNSW credit average of 65% OR Career opportunities
Humanities, Business, Economics, Law, Public Health extend and deepen existing skills, knowledge and As a postgraduate Journalism and Communication
Professional Issues in First Year 6 and Communications Research Project 12* understanding of global politics and public policy. - Bachelor degree (or equivalent) in any discipline with
student at UNSW, we train you to be industry-ready;
The strengths of both programs are combined to a record of academic achievement equivalent to a
Social & Political Contexts of Education 6 Relevant professional experience can include: Either An individual research project, you must have a with practical assessment tasks that teach you to think
foster critical enquiry and advanced skills in analytical UNSW credit average of 65%, plus one year full-
paid or volunteer work (including internships) undertaken weighted average mark of 75 to enrol in this course. critically about media practice, using reflective and
2 elective courses from the Master of thinking and research. time (or part-time equivalent) relevant professional
in federal government agencies/departments, ethical decision making in its production.
Education program (see page 36) 12 experience OR
intergovernmental agencies, international agencies or Research Thesis 18*
Entry requirements - Honours degree or Graduate Diploma (or equivalent) You will develop a portfolio of skills in media practice,
institutions, non-governmental organisations or private An extended individual research thesis, you must have Admission into the MPP program is limited to
Professional Recognition in any discipline with a record of academic equipping you for work in print, radio, television and
research bodies. The work undertaken must relate a weighted average mark of 80 to enrol in this course. non-Chinese citizens or permanent residents of Hong
The Master of Teaching (Secondary) is recognised achievement equivalent to a UNSW credit average online media, and in the media relations and corporate
directly to international issues or concerns (e.g. foreign Kong SAR, Macau SAR and Taiwan. Students can be
as a teaching qualification in both government and
* Pathway to higher degrees by research for students who of 65% communication sectors.
policy, defence and national security, global policy achieve high grades considered for admission to the combined program at
non-government schools in New South Wales and all issues, trade). time of original application to one university, but must UNSW Master of Journalism and Communication
Relevant disciplines include: Arts, Humanities, Social
other states in Australia. It is also widely accepted as lodge a separate application for the second university graduates work across all areas of media,
Electives (12-24 UOC) UOC Sciences, Media, Communications, Journalism,
a teaching qualification internationally. Program structure
to ensure that all legal/ legislative requirements are Public Relations, Advertising, Marketing, Business, including journalism, freelance writing, editing,
1.5 Year Program (72 UOC):
Career opportunities You will complete between 12 to 24 UOC of Elective met. The admission requirements for both programs at Economics, Commerce and Law publishing, media research and production, strategic
Graduates work as secondary school teachers or Core Courses (30 UOC) UOC Courses depending on your research course the time of original application to one university must communications and public relations.
Relevant professional experience can include: work in in
education professionals in other areas related to selection. Electives include: be met. the public relations, advertising, journalism, or media and This degree is built from a 2 year foundation
You will complete the following Core Courses:
education and training. International Development Policy 6 communication sectors; or at least one year of workplace program that will not be offered in 2015.
Program structure
The Globalisation of World Politics 6 experience at management level.
Law, War and Justice 6 The program consists of 48 units of credit (UOC) in Successful applications will be recognised for prior
International Organisations and Global Politics 6 the UNSW Master of International Relations and 30 undergraduate or postgraduate study or relevant
China and Asia-Pacific Security 6 Program structure
Master of International Relations UOC plus a thesis in the PKU Master of Public Policy. professional experience, this recognition is called
The International Political Economy 6 1.5 Year Program (72 UOC):
Program Code 8233 International Peace and Security 6 For the full course listing visit: www.handbook.unsw. advanced standing. Successful applicants will be
Research Methods 6 edu.au/postgraduate/programs/current/8221.html Core Courses (24 UOC) UOC made an offer to study with us for 1.5 years or 1 year
Commencement March and July Gender in Global Politics 6
Project Design 6 in duration and the offer will look like this:
Middle East and Global Politics 6 Career opportunities Complete your choice of four courses from the - 96 UOC with 24 UOC Advanced Standing - This
Program Duration 1 to 1.5 years
Graduates may work in a range of challenging and following list: recognises you are able to complete the degree in 72
Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$27,120 Developing Countries and International Relations 6
Research Courses (6 to 18 UOC) UOC high-profile roles including: Understanding Contemporary Media 6 UOC (1.5 year).
The UNSW Master of International Relations is Policy and Advocacy 6 • Public sector: government departments such as - 96 UOC with 48 UOC Advanced Standing - This
Writing for Media 6
an advanced specialist degree that examines the You will select a Research Course according to your For full list visit: www.handbook.unsw.edu.au AusAid, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade recognises you are able to complete the degree in
complex way nation states and other global actors interest, capability and academic achievements: (Australia), Ministry of Defence, Department of Broadcast Journalism 6 48UOC (1 year)*.
relate to one another. When you study International Immigration and Citizenship Affairs (Australia), Ministry Online and Mobile Media 6 * You may elect to study the 72 UOC program.
Research Report 6 Career opportunities
Relations at UNSW you become part of the global of External Affairs (Mexico), Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Our graduates are multi-skilled and proficient in Media and Public Relations 6
You will complete a number of formative tasks, building (Norway), Ministry of Defence (Singapore).
conversation on issues such as military intervention, understanding complex international issues with
up to the submission of a single research report. Feature Writing 6
the conduct of war, environmental degradation, human political, social, economic and legal dimensions. Our • Private sector: media organisations, industry and
security, economic development, human rights, global Research Project 12* graduates can be found in a range of challenging financial services, non-government organisations. Media Ethics and Law 6
poverty and terrorism. and high-profile roles, both in Australia and
An individual research project, you must have a Corporate Communication 6
internationally, including:
As a Master of International Relations student you will weighted average mark of 75 to enrol in this course.
explore the way concepts and theories in International Public sector: Department of Foreign Affairs and
Research Thesis 18*
Relations shape our view of the world, and advance Trade, Ministry of Immigration and Border Protection

42 www.international.unsw.edu.au www.international.unsw.edu.au 43
Arts and Arts and
Social Sciences Social Sciences

Understanding Contemporary Media 6 - 96 UOC with 24 UOC Advanced Standing - This

Master of Public Relations and Advertising
Writing for Media 6
recognises you are able to complete the degree in 72
Policy Regulation and Governance 6 Elective Courses (12-24 UOC) UOC
Translation and Interpreting
Program Code 8281 UOC (1.5 year). Policy and Advocacy 6 You will complete between 12 to 24 UOC of elective
- 96 UOC with 48 UOC Advanced Standing - This Accredited by NAATI (The National Accreditation
Commencement March and July Research Methods 6 courses depending on your project path selection.
recognises you are able to complete the degree in Authority for Translators) since 2009, we understand
Advanced Disciplinary Courses (6 UOC) UOC Electives include:
Program Duration 1 to 1.5 years 48UOC (1 year)*. Project Design 6 the needs of this evolving global industry.
Social Planning 6
Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$27,120 You will complete the Advanced Disciplinary Course * You may elect to study the 72 UOC program. We offer three translation and interpreting degrees
Critical Perspectives in PR and Advertising 6 International Development Policy 6 that have been shaped by the needs of the individual
Merging theory and academic rigour with creativity, and the profession:
research, and practical industry skills, the Master of Research Courses (6-18 UOC) UOC Evaluation of Educational Programs 6
Master of Public Policy and Governance
Public Relations and Advertising is ideal for industry You will select a project path according to your Society, Environmental Policy and Sustainability 6 - Master of Translation
Program Code 8259 You will select a Research Course according to your
professionals seeking to advance their career, as well interest, capability and academic achievements interest, capability and academic achievements: - Master of Interpreting
Policy Studies 6
as career-changers wanting to enter a vibrant and Commencement March and July
rapidly evolving industry. Research Path (18 UOC) UOC Research Report 6 Global Politics: The Globalisation of World Politics 6 - Master of Translation and Interpreting (Professional
Program Duration 1 to 1.5 years Stream and Research Stream)
As a UNSW Master of Public Relations and Complete a supervised research thesis You will complete a number of formative tasks, building The International Political Economy 6
Advertising student you will be challenged and Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$27,120 up to the submission of a single research report. Courses in all interpreting and translation programs
Research Methods: Theory and Practice 6 Research Project 12* Issues in Social Development 6 are offered in English, with streams in the following
equipped to think critically and innovatively in your The UNSW Master of Public Policy and Governance
development of PR and advertising strategies. Media Research Project 12 provides specialist studies in public policy and Information and Research for Policy 6 languages: Chinese (Mandarin), French, Japanese,
An individual research project, you must have a
management, public administration and public Korean, Russian, Spanish and Indonesian (every
Our Master of Public Relations and Advertising weighted average mark of 75 to enrol in this course. Power, Politics and Policy 6
governance of services at the local, national and second year).
combines creative approaches with in-depth Practice Path (12 UOC) UOC Research Thesis 18* For full list visit: www.handbook.unsw.edu.au
knowledge of the theory and research behind the international level. Our programs are taught by NAATI accredited
planning and implementation of highly successful Complete a publishable work of narrative journalism Applying a social science perspective to questions of An extended individual research thesis, you must have practitioners, experienced interpreters and translators,
Career opportunities and leading researchers in the field, with recognised
public relations and advertising strategies. Literary and Narrative Journalism Practice 12 policy and management in modern organisations, you a weighted average mark of 80 to enrol in this course.
UNSW Master of Public Policy and Governance strengths in conference, legal and court interpreting,
Entry requirements will acquire a solid grounding in policy analysis, policy * Pathway to higher degrees by research for students who graduates work across all areas of public policy and
evaluation and social research. achieve high grades and translation pedagogy and advanced technology.
You will benefit from an application assessment governance. As a Public Policy and Governance
process and degree structure that recognises your Elective Courses (30-36 UOC) UOC The Master of Public Policy and Governance student, you will have the skills to work nationally Career opportunities
level of relevant study and professional experience. includes public policy areas such as health, social Elective Courses (24-36 UOC) UOC and internationally as a policy maker, researcher Our graduates work in a variety of domestic
You will complete between 30 to 36 UOC of elective
Experienced students will undertake a streamlined policy, service governance, applied policy analysis and/or advocate. and international areas including education and
courses depending on your project path selection. You will complete between 24 to 36 UOC of elective
degree of 1 year (48 units of credit) while students and research, assisting you to develop specialist academia, tourism, business and economics, media
Electives include: courses depending on your project path selection. Our graduates are employed in government and non-
with less professional experience will study for 1.5 knowledge relevant to your professional interest. and journalism, marketing, publishing, science and
Any Core Courses as listed above Electives include: government organisations, the business sector and technology, health, law, and international relations.
years (72 units of credit).
Entry requirements Social Planning 6 private enterprise, including: They have the professional interpreting and translation
1.5 Year Program (72 UOC) Law and the Culture Industries 6 You will benefit from an application assessment -Department of Climate Change skills necessary for employment in government and
- Honours degree or Graduate Diploma (or equivalent) Events Management and Marketing 6 process and degree structure that recognises your International Development Policy 6
-Department of Premier and Cabinet private sectors in conference, legal, community and
in a relevant discipline with a record of academic level of relevant study and professional experience. Evaluation of Educational Programs 6
Broadcast Journalism 6 -Alzheimer’s Australia diplomatic settings.
achievement equivalent to a UNSW credit average Experienced students will undertake a streamlined
of 65% OR Online and Mobile Media 6 degree of 1 year (48 units of credit) while students Society, Environmental Policy and Sustainability 6 -Public Guardian and Trustee of British Columbia,
with less professional experience will study for 1.5 Policy Studies 6 Canada Master of Translation
- Bachelor degree (or equivalent) in a relevant Sports, Media and Culture 6
discipline with a record of academic achievement years (72 units of credit). -Queensland Department of Mines and Energy
Media Ethics and Law 6 Global Politics: The Globalisation of World Politics 6 Program Code 8203
equivalent to a UNSW credit average of 65%, plus 1.5 Year Program (72 UOC) -In government, non-government organisations, the
one year full-time (or part-time equivalent) relevant Design Communication 6 The International Political Economy 6 business sector and private enterprise. Commencement March and July
 onours degree or Graduate Diploma (or equivalent)
professional experience in a relevant discipline with a record of academic Issues in Social Development 6 Program Duration 1 to 1.5 years
For full list visit: www.handbook.unsw.edu.au This degree is built from a 2 year foundation
achievement equivalent to a UNSW credit average program that will not be offered in 2015. Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$27,120
1 Year Program (48 UOC) Information and Research for Policy 6
1 Year Program (48 UOC): of 65% OR Successful applications will be recognised for prior
- Bachelor degree (or equivalent) in a relevant Power, Politics and Policy 6 The Master of Translation at UNSW is the leading
As above, however, you will receive advanced -B
 achelor degree (or equivalent) in a relevant undergraduate or postgraduate study or relevant
discipline with a record of academic achievement degree in this field and is NAATI accredited degree to
standing of 24 units of credit and will not be discipline with a record of academic achievement For full list visit: www.handbook.unsw.edu.au professional experience, this recognition is called
equivalent to a UNSW credit average of 65% OR train you for work in specialised areas such as legal,
required complete our Core Courses as you have equivalent to a UNSW credit average of 65%, plus advanced standing. Successful applicants will be
- Bachelor degree (or equivalent) in any discipline with demonstrated additional qualifications and/or medical, business, diplomacy, media and technology.
one year full-time (or part-time equivalent) relevant 1 Year Program (48 UOC): made an offer to study with us for 1.5 years or 1 year
a record of academic achievement equivalent to a professional experience. professional experience in duration and the offer will look like this: Entry requirements
UNSW credit average of 65%, plus one year Core Courses (18 UOC) UOC
Career opportunities - 96 UOC with 24 UOC Advanced Standing - This You will benefit from an application assessment
full-time (or part-time equivalent) relevant 1 Year Program (48 UOC)
Our students learn how professional communicators You will complete the following Core Courses: recognises you are able to complete the degree in 72 process and degree structure that recognises your
professional experience OR -B
 achelor degree (or equivalent) in a relevant
help organisations build mutually beneficial UOC (1.5 year). level of relevant study and professional experience.
- Honours degree or Graduate Diploma (or equivalent) discipline with a record of academic achievement Policy Analysis 6 - 96 UOC with 48 UOC Advanced Standing - This
relationships with the public including citizens, Experienced students will undertake a streamlined
in any discipline with a record of academic equivalent to a UNSW credit average of 65% OR recognises you are able to complete the degree in degree of 1 year (48 units of credit) while students
consumers and critics. Policy Regulation and Governance 6
achievement equivalent to a UNSW credit average -B
 achelor degree (or equivalent) in any discipline with 48UOC (1 year)*. with less professional experience will study for 1.5
of 65% Policy and Advocacy 6
Graduates of the Master of Public Relations and a record of academic achievement equivalent to a * You may elect to study the 72 UOC program. years (72 units of credit).
Advertising are well-rounded communication UNSW credit average of 65%, plus one year full-
Relevant disciplines include: Arts, Humanities, Social 1.5 Year Program (72 UOC)
professionals known for their creativity, innovation, time (or part-time equivalent) relevant professional
Sciences, Media, Communications, Journalism, Research Courses (6-18 UOC) UOC - Bachelor degree (or equivalent qualification) in
intellectual aptitude, and strategic thinking. They are experience OR
Public Relations, Advertising, Marketing, Business, You will select a Research Course according to your a relevant discipline with a record of academic
highly sought after in a range of professions including: -H
 onours degree or Graduate Diploma (or equivalent)
Economics, Commerce and Law interest, capability and academic achievements: achievement equivalent to a UNSW credit average
-Print in any discipline with a record of academic (65%) and an advanced level of bilingual proficiency
Relevant professional experience can include: work in in Research Report 6
-Radio achievement equivalent to a UNSW credit average OR
the public relations, advertising, journalism, or media and
-Television of 65% You will complete a number of formative tasks, building
communication sectors; or at least one year of workplace - Bachelor degree (or equivalent qualification) in any
experience at management level. -Online media industries Relevant disciplines include: Social Sciences, up to the submission of a single research report. discipline with a record of academic achievement
-Media relations Humanities, Business, Economics, Law, Public Health, equivalent to a UNSW credit average (65%), plus
Program structure Research Project 12*
-Corporate communication. Communications, Social Research and Policy and one year full-time (or part-time equivalent) relevant
1.5 Year Program (72 UOC): An individual research project, you must have a professional experience and an advanced level of
This degree is built from a 2 year foundation Social Work.
weighted average mark of 75 to enrol in this course. bilingual proficiency OR
Core Courses (24 UOC) UOC program that will not be offered in 2015. Relevant professional experience can include: working
Successful applications will be recognised for prior in the public sector, unions, business organisations, Research Thesis 18* - Honours degree or Graduate Diploma (or equivalent
Complete your choice of four courses from the
undergraduate or postgraduate study or relevant research/ policy institutes or third sector organisations. qualification) in any discipline with a record of
following list: An extended individual research thesis, you must have
professional experience, this recognition is called academic achievement equivalent to a UNSW credit
Advertising and Creativity 6 Program structure a weighted average mark of 80 to enrol in this course.
advanced standing. Successful applicants will be average (65%) and an advanced level of bilingual
Advertising Strategy 6 made an offer to study with us for 1.5 years or 1 year 1.5 Year Program (72 UOC): * Pathway to higher degrees by research for students who
achieve high grades
in duration and the offer will look like this: Core Courses (30 UOC) UOC
Corporate Communication 6
1 Year Program (48 UOC)
Feature Writing 6 You will complete the following Core Courses: - Bachelor degree (or equivalent qualification) in any
discipline with a record of academic achievement
Media and Public Relations 6 Policy Analysis 6
equivalent to a UNSW credit average (65%), plus
Public Relations Strategy 6 one year full-time (or part-time equivalent) relevant

44 www.international.unsw.edu.au www.international.unsw.edu.au 45
Arts and Arts and
Social Sciences Social Sciences

professional experience and an advanced level of Master of Interpreting Master of Translation and Interpreting Translation in C Language 6 UNSW Arts & Social Sciences is recognised as a
national and international leader in research. We
Centre for Social Research
bilingual proficiency. Discourse Analysis 6
Program Code 8202 Program Code 8204 generate outcomes with real social impact and in Health
- Honours degree or Graduate Diploma (or equivalent Commencement March and July Commencement March and July Introduction to Linguistic Analysis 6 genuine community engagement.
qualification) in a relevant discipline with a record of Qualitative Research: Critical Reading and Inquiry 6 Website: http://csrh.arts.unsw.edu.au
academic achievement equivalent to a UNSW credit Program Duration 1.5 years Program Duration 2 years Our overarching research strengths are:
average (65%) and an advanced level of bilingual Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$27,120 Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$27,120 Developing Countries and the International System 6 • Social Policy, Education and Health Research areas
proficiency. • Contemporary Humanities and Creative Arts • HIV and sexual health risk reduction
The Master of Interpreting reflects the growing The Master of Translation and Interpreting is our flagship Students studying the Research Stream are also able
• Development, Rights and Security • Sexuality, health and education
Relevant disciplines for all Translation and Interpreting international need for specialists with advanced degree in interpreting and translation at UNSW. to choose electives from the Professional Studies
• Viral hepatitis, Injecting drug use and harm
programs include: Interpreting and Translation, Arts, knowledge and skills in interpreting practice. Stream list of Core Courses. Supervision is offered in our School and Centres in reduction
It provides a fully accredited NAATI qualification a broad range of research and discipline areas.
Humanities, Social Sciences, Media, Communications, For full list visit: www.handbook.unsw.edu.au • Living with and treatment of serious and
Entry requirements allowing graduates to work as professional translators
Journalism, Public Relations, Advertising, Marketing, chronic conditions
- Bachelor degree (or equivalent qualification) in and interpreters. You will be offered a professional
Business, Economics, Commerce, Law, Linguistics,
a relevant discipline with a record of academic stream and a research stream, so that you can shape Master of Arts and Social Sciences (Combined)
The Arts and Media • Health promotion development and evaluation
Languages, TESOL and Cognitive Science.
achievement equivalent to a UNSW credit your postgraduate studies to your professional and
Successful applications to the 48 UOC (1 year Program Code 8224 Website: http://sam.arts.unsw.edu.au
average (65%) and an advanced level of personal aspirations.
program) will be recognised for prior undergraduate or bilingual proficiency OR Commencement March and July Research areas Social Policy Research Centre
postgraduate study or relevant professional experience, Entry requirements
- Bachelor degree (or equivalent qualification) in any • Creative writing
this recognition is called advanced standing and the Bachelor degree (or equivalent qualification) in any Program Duration 2 years Website: www.sprc.unsw.edu.au
discipline with a record of academic achievement • English and literary studies
offer will look like this: 72 UOC with 24 UOC Advanced discipline with a record of academic achievement
equivalent to a UNSW credit average (65%), Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$27,120 • Film studies Research areas
Standing - This recognises you are able to complete equivalent to a UNSW credit average (65%) and an
plus one year or part-time equivalent relevant The Master of Arts and Master of Social Sciences • Media and communication studies and practice • Care
the degree in 48 UOC (1 year), you may elect to advanced level of bilingual proficiency.
professional experience and an advanced level of (Combined) allows you to study an interdisciplinary • Music studies and music composition • Disability and mental health
study the 72 UOC program. • Theatre, dance and performance studies
bilingual proficiency OR Program structure combination of programs, expanding your existing • Households, families and communities
Program structure Professional Studies Stream: skills and knowledge in professionally relevant areas. and practice • Indigenous policy and participation
- Honours degree or Graduate Diploma (or
1.5 Year Program (72 UOC): equivalent qualification) in any discipline with a • Inequality, poverty and social ex/inclusion
Core Courses (84 UOC) UOC This program will enable you to sharpen your • Social policy administration and organisation
record of academic achievement equivalent to a
Core Courses (48 UOC) UOC
UNSW credit average (65%) and an advanced level You will complete the following Core Courses:
analytical thinking and research skills, providing
you will an academic breath that will set you apart
You will complete the following Core Courses: of bilingual proficiency. Translation and Interpreting Theories 6 from others. Website: http://education.arts.unsw.edu.au
Translation and Interpreting Theories 6 Relevant disciplines for all Translation and Interpreting
Interpreting in Legal Settings 6
Global Irish Studies Centre
programs include: Interpreting and Translation, Arts, Entry requirements Research areas
Translation in the Media 6 Humanities, Social Sciences, Media, Communications, Interpreting in Business and Community Settings 6 The program consists of 96 units of credit offered Website: http://irish.arts.unsw.edu.au
• Assessment and evaluation
Translation in Specialised Areas 6 Journalism, Public Relations, Advertising, Marketing, in the two specified 48 unit of credit coursework • Education policy
Translation in the Media 6
Business, Economics, Commerce, Law, Linguistics, programs. • Educational leadership
Text Analysis for Translation 6 Translation in Specialised Areas 6
Languages, TESOL and Cognitive • Educational psychology
Technology for Translation 6
Program structure Conference Interpreting 6
Your combined degree allows you to choose a
• Gifted education Centre for Refugee Research
combination of any two of the postgraduate programs
Accreditation in Translation 6 • Higher education
1.5 Year Program (72 UOC): Text Analysis for Translation 6 listed below (1 year programs only), with the exception Website: www.crr.unsw.edu.au
• Language, literacy and TESOL
Translation Practicum 6 OR of those specified in the exclusion list.
Core Courses (54 UOC) UOC • Maths and science education
Advanced Conference Interpreting 6 • Master of Applied Linguistics
Discourse Analysis 6 • Special education
You will complete the following Core Courses: Technology for Translation 6 • Technology - enabled education
Translation and Interpreting Theories 6
• Master of International Relations
Centre for Modernism Studies
Preparation for Accreditation in Translation 6 • Master of Translation
Elective Courses (24 UOC) UOC
Interpreting in Legal Settings 6 Interpreting Practicum 6 • Master of Development Studies
in Australia
You will complete four elective courses:
Advanced Bilingual Enhancement 6
Interpreting in Business and Community settings 6 Translation Practicum 6 • Master of Education programs Humanities and Languages Website: http://cmsa.arts.unsw.edu.au
Conference Interpreting 6 Preparation for Accreditation in Interpreting 6 • Master of Educational Leadership
Translation in C Language 6 Website: http://hal.arts.unsw.edu.au
Interpreting Practicum 6 Cross Cultural Pragmatics 6 • Master of Journalism and Communication
Cross Cultural Pragmatics 6 • Americas studies
Interpreting Accreditation 6 • Master of Public Policy and Governance • Asian studies
Introduction to Linguistic Analysis 6 Research Methods in Applied Linguistics 6
Advanced Conference Interpreting 6 • Master of Public Relations and Advertising • Australian studies
For full list visit: www.handbook.unsw.edu.au • Environmental humanities
Interpreting in International Settings 6 Research Stream: Exclusions • European studies
Cross Cultural Pragmatics 6 The following combination is excluded: Master of • History
1 Year Program (48 UOC): Core Courses (42 UOC) UOC Development Studies in International Development • Interpreting and translation
/ Master of Development Studies in Refugees and • Languages and language learning
Core Courses (42 UOC) UOC You will complete the following Core Courses: Displacement
Elective Courses (18 UOC) UOC • Linguistics
Translation and Interpreting Theories 6 • Philosophy
Translation and Interpreting Theories 6 You will complete 3 Elective Courses from the Career Opportunities
following list: Interpreting in Legal Settings 6 You will graduate with two Master degrees under • Women’s and gender studies
Translation in the Media 6
OR their specialist names, for example: Master of
Translation in Specialised Areas 6 Translation in the Media 6 Interpreting in Business and Community Settings 6
OR Journalism and Communication plus a Master of
Text Analysis for Translation 6 Translation in Specialised Areas 6 Translation in the Media 6 International Relations. Social Sciences
Technology for Translation 6 Text Analysis for Translation 6 Website:
Translation in Specialised Areas 6
Accreditation in Translation 6 Advanced Bilingual Enhancement 6 http://socialsciences.arts.unsw.edu.au
Text Analysis for Translation 6
Translation Practicum 6 Discourse Analysis 6 OR Research areas
Cross-cultural Pragmatics 6 • Criminology
Introduction to Linguistic Analysis 6
Research Project 1 6 • Development studies
Elective Courses (6 UOC) UOC Research Methods in Applied Linguistics 6 • Human rights and social justice
Complete 1 course from the following: Research Project 2 6 • International relations
International Organisations 6
Research Methods in Applied Linguistics 6 • Politic science
Advanced Bilingual Enhancement 6 Developing Countries and International Relations 6 • Social research and policy
Translation in C Language 6 • Social work
Professional Studies and Research Stream: • Sociology and anthropology
Cross Cultural Pragmatics 6
Introduction to Linguistic Analysis 6 Elective Courses (12-54 UOC) UOC
For full list visit: www.handbook.unsw.edu.au Complete between 12 to 54 UOC of elective courses
depending on your Stream selection:
Advanced Bilingual Enhancement 6

46 www.international.unsw.edu.au www.international.unsw.edu.au 47





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Master of Commerce

48 49
Business Business

Management Work and Organisation 6 Gateway Courses UOC

Master of Commerce Specialisation Courses Specialisation Courses UOC Core Courses UOC
Strategic Management Technology Innovation 6 Compulsory Gateway Courses
Program Code 8404 6 courses from the specialisation chosen Required Specialisation Courses Teams, Ethics and Competitive Advantage 6
Managing Organisational Change 6 Financial Literacy for Business Decisions 6
Commencement February, July Investments and Portfolio Selection 6 Data analysis course
One Capstone Course Strategic Human Resource Management 6 E-Business 6 (depending on chosen specialisation) 6
Program Duration 1.5 years Capital Budgeting and Financial Decisions 6
The capstone course will consolidate your learning and Managing Human Capital for Sustainability 6
Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$36,960 Financial Institution Management 6
allow you to develop technical skills in the area studied. Entrepreneurship and Venture Management 6 Elective Gateway Course UOC Gateway Courses UOC
The Master of Commerce (MCom) is a highly Credit Risk and Loan Policy 6
regarded specialised business qualification which Portfolio Management Process Capstone – Select 1 course from the following: Financial Literacy for Business Decisions 6
(Banking and Finance or Economics specialisation) International Banking Management 6 Capstone Courses UOC
would suit graduates from all disciplines. The program Business Economics 6 Business Economics 6
is innovative, industry relevant and incorporates the Strategy, Marketing and Management Strategy, Marketing and Management 6 Elements of Marketing 6 Financial Markets and Institutions 6
latest business thinking. (For all other specialisations) Elective Specialisation Course UOC
With a choice of 11 specialisations, you‘ll also have Strategy Management Accounting Financial Markets and Institutions 6
the flexibility to design a program that fits your Select 1 course from the following: Specialisation Courses UOC
(For Management Accounting specialisation) Economics and Finance Fundamentals of Risk and Risk Management 6
interests and career aspirations. Personal Financial Planning and Management 6 Required Specialisation Courses
Capital, futures, equities, derivatives, hedging and Legal Foundations of Business 6
Entry requirements Behavioural Approaches in Finance 6 foreign exchange are important functional elements of Investments and Portfolio Selection 6
Master of Commerce (Extension) Managing and Leading People 6
A recognised Bachelor degree (or equivalent International Corporate Finance 6 the financial markets. By studying this specialisation, Capital Budgeting and Financial Decisions 6
qualification) with a credit average, as determined Program Code 8417 you’ll learn how to use economic theory and economic
by the Business School. Please consult the following Applied Portfolio Management and Model 6 models to understand the financial markets and their Electives Specialisation Courses UOC
Commencement February, July Elective Specialisation Courses UOC
website for further assessment criteria: Alternative Asset Classes 6 products, and analyse decision-making under market
Required Specialisation courses:
www.business.unsw.edu.au Program Duration 2 years risk and uncertainty. Select 4 courses from the following:
Interpersonal Corporate Governance 6 Enterprise Systems 6
Program structure Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$36,960 Personal Financial Planning and Management 6
Risk and Insurance 6 Core Courses UOC Business Analysis and Consulting 6
The Master of Commerce consists of 12 courses The Master of Commerce (Extension) has a similar
Real Estate Finance and Investment 6 Issues in Corporate Finance 6
(72 UOC): structure as the Master of Commerce (MCom), but Teams, Ethics and Competitive Advantage 6
• 2 core courses adds four additional courses to extend your learning. Derivatives and Risk Management Techniques 6 Select 3 courses from the following: International Corporate Finance 6
• 3 gateway courses Data analysis course
Fixed Income Securities and Interest Rate Derivatives 6 (depending on chosen specialisation) 6 Business Process Management 6 Applied Portfolio Management and Modelling 6
• 6 specialisation courses Program structure
• 1 capstone course The Master of Commerce (Ext) consists of 16 courses Financial Planning Advice and Ethics 6 Project Management 6 Alternative Asset Classes 6
(96 UOC): International Corporate Governance 6
Takeovers, Restructuring and Corporate Governance 6 Gateway Courses UOC Business Analytics 6
• 2 core courses
Specialisations (to be declared upon application): • 3 gateway courses Asia-Pacific Financial Markets 6 Financial Literacy for Business Decisions 6 Service and Quality Management 6 Financial Institution Management 6
Select 1 specialisation from the following: • 6 specialisation courses Risk and Insurance 6
Trading – Financial Securities 6 Business Economics 6 Information Systems Auditing and Assurance 6
• 4 additional elective courses
Banking • 1 capstone course Financial Markets and Institutions 6 Security and Ethics in Cyberspace 6 Real Estate Finance and Investment 6
Business Strategy Capstone Course UOC Managing IS/IT Risk 6 Credit Risk and Loan Policy 6
Specialisation Courses UOC
The 4 additional courses in the MCom (Ext) can be in
Economics and Finance Capstone Portfolio Management Process 6 Business Intelligence Methods 6 Derivatives and Risk Management Techniques 6
any of the following areas to increase your knowledge: Required Specialisation Courses
Enterprise Systems and Business Design Accounting Fixed Income Securities and Interest Rates 6
Financial Economics 6
Finance Business Law Business Strategy Elective Specialisation Course UOC Financial Planning Advice and Ethics 6
Financial Systems and Economy 6
Human Resource Management Entity Planning and Performance Many factors affect a business organisation and Select 1 course from the following: Takeovers, Restructuring and Corporate Governance 6
its decision-making process. By understanding the Investments and Portfolio Selection 6
International Business Finance Managing Agile Organisations 6 Advanced Investment and Advanced Funds
strategic behaviour among firms and acquiring the
Information Systems tools for effective business decision-making, you’ll be Management Accounting and Business Analysis 6 Management 6
Management Accounting Specialisation Elective Courses UOC
Marketing able to think functionally and act strategically. Economics of Strategy 6 Applied Funds Management 6
Marketing Select 3 courses from the following:
Taxation International Banking Management 6
Organisation and Management Studies Organisational Economics 6
Core Courses UOC Real Estate Economics and Public Policy 6
International Corporate Governance 6 International Insurance Management 6
Risk Management Financial Econometrics 6
Teams, Ethics and Competitive Advantage 6
Trading - Financial Securities 6
Master of Commerce / Master Data Analysis course (depending on chosen Business Forecasting 6
Takeovers, Restructuring and Corporate Governance 6
E-Business and the Law 6
Core Courses
of Commerce (Extenstion) specialisation) 6 Capital Budgeting and Financial Decisions 6 One Capstone Course UOC
Teams, Ethics, and Competitive Advantage Gateway Courses UOC Market Risk Analysis 6
International Corporate Finance 6
(This course will focus on developing your skills to (Specialisations) Distribution, Retail Channels and Logistics 6
Capstone Portfolio Management Process 6
Financial Literacy for Business Decisions 6 Financial Institution Management 6
critique business practice, emphasising teamwork,
Banking Business Economics 6 New Product and Service Development 6
ethics, and sustainability.) Derivatives and Risk Management Techniques 6 Human Resource Management
Growing uncertainty over the future of world economy Managing and Leading People 6 Global Business and Multinational Enterprise 6
Data Analysis course* The best strategy will only succeed if staff decide to
(depending on chosen specialisation) has posed significant challenges to the dynamic Asia-Pacific Business and Management 6
banking environment. If you’re passionate about the Capstone Course UOC commit to it, and if they have the right skills to work
• Quantitative Methods for Business or collectively to make it happen. This specialisation
issues driving domestic and global financial markets, Global Business Operations and Management 6
• Data Analysis for Business or Specialisation Courses UOC Capstone Portfolio Management Process 6
this is the specialisation for you. provides a strong practical and theoretical grounding
• Business Forecasting Required Specialisation Courses for understanding the policies and procedures
Capstone or Practicum Course UOC
Economics of Strategy 6 associated with the strategic management of an
Core Courses UOC Enterprise Systems and Business Design Strategy, Marketing and Management 6 organisation’s employees.
Gateway Courses Organisational Economics 6
Teams, Ethics and Competitive Advantage 6 As technology advances, firms are increasingly
3 courses from the following: Global Business and Multinational Enterprise 6 looking to enterprise systems to run their business
(These will depend on the specialisaton you choose Data analysis course Core Courses UOC
more efficiently and effectively. This specialisation Finance
to study) (depending on chosen specialisation) 6 Global Business Strategy and Management 6
is designed to give you the skills and knowledge Finance plays a key role in today’s business. With Teams, Ethics and Competitive Advantage 6
Business Economics required for the strategic planning and implementation this specialisation, you’ll learn the key aspects of Data analysis course
Gateway Courses UOC of enterprise systems to support business operations. finance and financial decision-making related to
E-Business Elective Specialisation Courses UOC (depending on chosen specialisation) 6
Financial Literacy for Business Decisions 6 portfolio selection, mergers and acquisitions, capital
Elements of Marketing Select 2 courses from the following:
Core Courses UOC budgeting, and option pricing and hedging. You’ll have
Business Economics 6 Gateway Courses UOC
Financial Literacy for Business Decisions Strategic Management Accounting 6 the knowledge and capacity to meet the financial
Financial Markets and Institutions 6 Teams, Ethics and Competitive Advantage 6 challenges faced by organisations. Compulsory Gateway Courses
Financial Markets and Institutions Global Business Operations and Management 6
Data analysis course Financial Literacy for Business Decisions 6
Fundamentals of Risk and Risk Management Financial Systems and Economy 6 (depending on chosen specialisation) 6
Business Forecasting 6 Managing and Leading People 6
Legal Foundations of Business
Managing and Leading People Corporate Strategy in East Asia 6

50 www.international.unsw.edu.au www.international.unsw.edu.au 51
Business Business

Elective Gateway Course UOC Capstone Course UOC Organisation and Management Core Courses UOC Elective courses
Specialisation Courses UOC
Select 1 course from the following: Strategic Management Accounting 6 Successful managers know how to establish the Teams, Ethics and Competitive Advantage 6 Select 8 courses from the following
Required Specialisation Courses
Business Economics 6 most productive relationships between organisations
Global Business and Multinational Enterprise 6 and people. Gain an in-depth understanding of Data analysis course International Financial Statement Analysis 6
E-Business 6 Marketing (depending on chosen specialisation) 6
Cross-Cultural Management 6 management principles and their applications, and Financial Accounting 6
Elements of Marketing 6 The marketing of any business is critical to its success. develop the skills and capacity required to work as an
Global Business Strategy and Management 6 Quantitative Methods for Business 6
Gain an insight into the marketing world through market effective manager. Gateway Courses UOC
Financial Markets and Institutions 6 Business Economics 6
Asia-Pacific Business and Management 6 research and analysis, e-marketing and new product Financial Literacy for Business Decisions 6
Fundamentals of Risk and Risk Management 6 development, and develop the knowledge and practice Financial Systems and the Economy 6
Core Courses UOC Financial Markets and Institutions 6
Legal Foundations of Business 6 Electives Specialisation Courses UOC to become a more coherent marketer.
Teams, Ethics and Competitive Advantage 6 Investments and Portfolio Selection 6
Fundamentals of Risk and Risk Management 6
Select 2 courses from the following: International Corporate Finance 6
Core Courses UOC Data analysis course Specialisation Courses UOC
Specialisation Courses UOC Management Control Systems 6 (depending on chosen specialisation) 6 International Banking Management 6
Teams, Ethics and Competitive Advantage 6 Required Specialisation Courses
Required Specialisation Courses International Corporate Finance 6 Business & Security 6
Data analysis course Investments and Portfolio Selection 6
Organisations and People 6 Business Law in a Global Economy 6 Gateway Courses UOC
(depending on chosen specialisation) 6 Customer and Market Analysis 6
Compulsory Gateway Courses People, Organisations and Risk 6
Human Resource Management 6 International Business Tax 6 International Marketing in Asia 6
Financial Literacy for Business Decisions 6 Legal Risk Analysis 6
Employment Relations 6 Chinese Business and Management 6 Gateway Courses UOC Global Business Strategy and Management 6
Strategic Human Resource Management 6 Corporate Strategy in East Asia 6 Managing and Leading People 6 Chinese Business and Management 6
Compulsory Gateway Courses Electives Specialisation Courses UOC
Global Business Operations and Management 6 Financial Literacy for Business Decisions 6 Select 3 courses from the following: Special Topic in International Business 6
Elective Specialisation Courses UOC Special Topic in International Business 6 Elective Gateway Course UOC Business Law in a Global Economics 6
Elements of Marketing 6 Business Risk Management 6
Select 2 courses from the following: International Human Resource Management 6 Select 1 course from the following: International Business Tax 6
Managing IS/IT Risk 6
Cross-Cultural Management 6 Entrepreneurship and Venture Management 6 Elective Gateway Course UOC Business Economics 6 Project Management 6
Governing and Managing Organisational Risk 6
Employment and Industrial Law 6 Select 1 course from the following: E-Business 6 Language 6
Financial Institution Management 6
Capstone Course UOC Business Economics 6 Elements of Marketing 6
Negotiation Skills 6 Risk and Insurance 6 e-Business 6
Strategy, Marketing and Management 6 e-Business 6 Financial Markets and Institutions 6
Technology, Management and Innovation 6 Strategic Management of Risk and Loan Policy 6 With approval from the MIB Program Director, a
Financial Markets and Institutions 6 Fundamentals of Risk and Risk Management 6 maximum of three 3 courses offered in the MCom
Strategic Management Technology Innovation 6 program may be taken.
Management Accounting Fundamentals of Risk and Risk Management 6 Legal Foundations of Business 6
Organisational Behaviour 6
Capstone Course UOC The UNSW Business School, in partnership
Business leaders need to know how to use financial Legal Foundations of Business 6
Leadership for Social Impact 6 with the Korean Advanced Institute of Science
information to make strategic decisions. By studying Strategy, Marketing and Management 6
Managing Organisational Change 6 Managing and Leading People 6 Specialisation Courses UOC and Technology (KAIST) or Shanghai Jiao Tong
Management Accounting, which combines Accounting,
University (SJTU), offers a dual degree program:
Remuneration and Performance Management 6 Finance and Management, you’ll gain the tools and Required Specialisation Courses
Master of International Business Master of International Business/Master of
techniques to analyse financial information and Administration (MBA). The MIB offered at UNSW
International Human Resource Management 6 Specialisation Courses UOC Negotiation Skills 6
formulate strategies to drive business success. Program Code 8371 Business School and the MBA at the partner
Required Specialisation Courses Organisational Behaviour 6 institution. For more information visit:
Commencement February, July
Capstone Course UOC Core Courses UOC Customer and Market Analysis 6 Competitive Advantage Through People 6 www.business.unsw.edu.au
Program Duration 2 years
Strategy, Marketing and Management 6 Teams, Ethics and Competitive Advantage 6 Marketing Management 6 Organisations & People in Context 6
Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$36,960 Master of Professional Accounting
Data analysis course Applied Marketing Research 6
(depending on chosen specialisation) 6 The Master of International Business is designed to Program Code 8409
Elective Specialisation Courses UOC
International Business provide a unique experience of internationally based Commencement February, July
Elective Specialisation Courses UOC Select 2 courses from the following: learning, as well as developing knowledge and skills
As business becomes increasingly global, so will Gateway Courses UOC Program Duration 1.5 years
for business at the global level. Students will develop
the challenges faced by corporations. Explore Select 3 courses from the following: Managing Intangible Resources 6
Financial Accounting 6 the ability to think globally and strategically, and Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$36,960
the key concepts and principles that deal with
Marketing Communication and Promotion 6 Managing Agile Organisations 6 become an effective and successful leader in the
the development, strategy and management of Business Economics 6
global business environment. The Master of Professional Accounting provides
multinational organisations, and learn how to Distribution Retail Channels and Logistics 6 Cross-Cultural Management 6
Investments & Portfolio Sel. 6 an introduction to business with an accounting
manage businesses strategically in a changing New Product and Service Development 6 Global Business Strategy and Management 6 Entry requirements focus and enables you to obtain recognition by the
global environment. A recognised Bachelor degree (or equivalent peak professional accounting bodies in Australia
Specialisation Courses UOC e-Marketing 6 Global Business Operations and Management 6
qualification) with a credit average, as determined by including CPA Australia and the Institute of Chartered
Required Specialisation Courses International Marketing in Asia 6 Technology Management and Innovation 6 UNSW Business School. Accountants in Australia (ICAA). It is ideal if you are
Core Courses UOC
Business Analysis & Valuation 6 Services Marketing 6 Strategic Management Technology Innovation 6 interested in achieving professional accreditation or
Teams, Ethics and Competitive Advantage 6 Program structure
wish to build a career in financial management.
Corporate Accounting and Regulation 6 Non-Profit and Social Marketing 6 Managing Organisational Change 6 This program consists of 16 courses (96 UOC):
Data analysis course five core courses, three prescribed electives and eight This program is suitable if you are a graduate with
(depending on chosen specialisation) 6 Advanced Financial Reporting 6 Contemporary Issues in Market 6 Strategic Human Resource Management 6
elective options. no or limited exposure to the study of accounting. If
Management Accounting and Business Analysis 6 Events Management and Marketing 6 you have extensive accounting knowledge you are
Gateway Courses UOC Project Management 6 Capstone Course UOC Core Courses advised not to apply to this program.
Compulsory Gateway Courses Strategy, Marketing and Management 6 Global Business and Multinational Enterprise 6 Entry requirements
Capstone Course UOC
Financial Literacy for Business Decisions 6 Elective Specialisation Course UOC A recognised Bachelor degree (or equivalent
Strategy, Marketing and Management 6 Cross-Cultural Management 6
qualification) with a credit average, as determined by
Managing and Leading People 6 Select 1 course from the following: Risk Management Corporate Strategy in East Asia 6 the UNSW Business School.
Management Control Systems 6 To succeed in a volatile business environment, Integrative Cases in International Business 6 Program structure
Elective Gateway Course UOC Capital Budgeting and Financial Decisions 6 companies must deploy risk management strategies
International Business Negotiation 6 This program consists of 13 courses (72 UOC):
Select 1 course from the following: to minimise the risks incurred in running a business. 10 core courses, two core half courses, and one
Accounting Information Systems 6 This specialisation focuses on the management of elective course.
Business Economics 6 Elements of Marketing 6 operational risks that arise from an organisation’s Prescribed electives
E-Business 6 day-to-day activities through its people, systems and Core Courses UOC
Global Business and Multinational Enterprise 6 Asia-Pacific Business and Management 6
processes, and the challenges associated with their
Elements of Marketing 6 Auditing and Assurance Services 6
Human Resource Management 6 effective management. Global Business Operations and Management 6
Financial Markets and Institutions 6 Financial Accounting 6
International Human Resource Management 6
Fundamentals of Risk and Risk Management 6 Strategic Management Accounting 6
Legal Foundations of Business 6 Corporate Accounting and Regulation 6

52 www.international.unsw.edu.au www.international.unsw.edu.au 53
Business Business

Management Accounting and Business Analysis 6 Business Analysis and Consulting 6 Fundamentals of Risk and Risk Management 6 Master of Economics Retirement Saving and Spending over the Life cycle 6
Master of Accounting and Business
Business Economics 6 Information Technology Business Analytics 6 Risk Tools 6 Program Code 8412 Real Estate Economics and Public Policy 6
Introductory Statistics and Data Analysis 3 Program Code 8425 Security and Ethics in Cyberspace 6 Risk Decisions 6 Commencement February
Corporate Finance 6 Commencement February, July Managing IS / IT Risk 6 Program Duration 1 year Master of Finance
Legal Foundations for Accountants 3 Program Duration 1 year IS Executive Contemporary Issues Seminar Series 6 Master of Actuarial Studies (Extension) Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$36,960 Program Code 8406
Accounting Information Systems 6 Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$36,960 Program Code 8416 Commencement February, July
The Master of Economics is an innovative coursework
Corporations and Business Associations Law 6 The Master of Accounting and Business Information Commencement February, July program that provides an advanced training in Program Duration 1 year
Technology is a specialist program that exposes you to Elective Courses contemporary economics. The four core courses
Taxation Law 6 Program Duration 2 years Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$36,960
a range of key business concerns that are interrelated. Select two courses from accounting and/or information offer you an in-depth knowledge of current thought in
These include enterprise systems, business systems to complete the 48UOC Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$36,960 microeconomics, macroeconomics and econometrics, The Master of Finance offers a challenging learning
Elective Course UOC intelligence, decision support, strategic management The Master of Actuarial Studies (Extension) is a while the range of elective courses enables you to environment which exposes you to the latest thinking
accounting, e-business, corporate governance, risk two-year program that offers you the opportunity to acquire technical training and knowledge in a variety in finance, as lecturers are actively involved in
Select 1 course from the following: management, audit and assurance, information complete a more comprehensive program in actuarial of fields. It is designed for you if you are a professional innovative finance research. You will complete four
systems security, and forensic investigation. Master of Actuarial Studies and graduate with prior economic studies and are core courses and four elective courses, with the option
Business Analysis and Valuation 6 studies. You will gain the required competencies and
You have the opportunity to develop an in-depth Program Code 8411 quantitative risk management skills to pursue an interested in upgrading your skills in contemporary to specialise in corporate finance, funds management
Advanced Financial Reporting 6 economics. or investment banking. The program is designed
understanding of using leading edge business Commencement February, July actuary career. The program covers the professional
systems (including SAP and SaaS) to support a range actuarial subjects needed to obtain part I and/or part II for you if you are a graduate who has completed a
Program Duration 1.5 years The program is also an opportunity for you to further finance major in your undergraduate degree and are
of business decisions and strategies. The program exemptions from The Institute of Actuaries of Australia
Master of Professional Accounting (Extension) your career or prepare for a PhD program in Australia looking to develop your specialist skills by studying
also offers you a highly flexible choice of courses that Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$36,960 professional examinations, as well as the core technical
Program Code 8415 or overseas. more advanced finance topics.
can be tailored to suit a variety of career aspirations subjects of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (UK)
in accounting, management/IT consulting, business The Master of Actuarial Studies is ideal if you are professional examinations (subject to the required Entry requirements
Commencement February, July Entry requirements
strategy, audit and forensics. looking to enter the financial services or insurance academic standard). Graduates with a non-actuarial A recognised Bachelor degree (or equivalent A recognised Bachelor degree (or equivalent
Program Duration 2 years industry in a quantitative role. You will gain the required studies background should consider this program in qualification) majoring in economics with a credit
Entry requirements qualification) majoring in finance with a credit average
Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$36,960 competencies and quantitative risk management skills order to obtain part I and part II exemptions from the average in the economics major and a credit average in the finance major and a credit average overall,
A recognised Bachelor degree (or equivalent
to pursue an actuary career. The program covers the professional actuarial examinations. overall, with a 70% average as determined by as determined by the UNSW Business School. You
qualification) majoring in accounting or information
You will study the required 13 courses as stipulated professional actuarial subjects needed to obtain part I UNSW Business School. The economics major must must have demonstrated competence in mathematics
systems/information technology with a credit average Entry requirements
in the Master of Professional Accounting, plus four and/or part II exemptions from The Institute of Actuaries include a minimum of second-year microeconomics, and statistical methods. Entry is based on academic
overall, as determined by the UNSW Business School. A recognised Bachelor degree (or equivalent
additional elective courses relating to resource of Australia professional examinations, as well as the macroeconomics, econometrics and an additional achievement only and work experience will not be
management and specialised professional work. Program structure core technical subjects of the Institute and Faculty of qualification) in actuarial studies, econometrics,
economics focus, and applicants must have assessed. Please consult the following website for
This program consists of eight courses (48 UOC): Actuaries (UK) professional examinations (subject to mathematics or statistics with a credit average, as
demonstrated competence with mathematical and further assessment criteria: www.business.unsw.edu.au
three accounting courses, three information systems the required academic standard). determined by the UNSW Business School. Please
Master of Professional Accounting statistical methods. Please consult the following website
courses, and two elective courses chosen either from consult the following website for further assessment Program structure
(Extension) courses UOC for further assessment criteria:
accounting and/or information systems. Entry requirements criteria: www.business.unsw.edu.au This program consists of eight courses (48 UOC):
Select 4 courses from the following: A recognised Bachelor degree (or equivalent four core courses and four elective courses.
Accounting Courses UOC qualification) in actuarial studies, econometrics, Program structure
Program structure
International Financial Statement Analysis 6 mathematics or statistics with a credit average, as This program consists of 16 courses (96 UOC): Core Courses UOC
Select 3 courses from the following: This program consists of eight courses (48 UOC):
Business Analysis and Valuation determined by the UNSW Business School. Please four core courses, plus 12 electives.
four core courses and four elective courses.
International Financial Statement Analysis 6 Empirical Techniques and Applications in Finance 6
(if not already completed) 6 consult the following website for further assessment
Auditing and Assurance Services 6 criteria: www.business.unsw.edu.au Core Courses UOC Financial Risk Management for Financial Institutions 6
Business Risk Management 6 Core Courses UOC
Business Analysis and Valuation 6 Program structure Probability and Statistics for Actuaries 6 Empirical Studies in Finance 6
Managing Intangible Resources 6 Microeconomic Analysis 6
This program consists of 12 courses (72 UOC): Financial Theory and Policy 6
E-Business: Strategy and Processes 6 Business Risk Management 6 Financial Mathematics 6
four core courses plus eight electives. Macroeconomic Analysis 6
Advanced Financial Reporting Managing Intangible Resources 6 Finance for Actuaries 6
Econometric Analysis 6
(if not already completed) 6 E-Business: Strategy and Processes 6 Business Economics 6 Elective Courses UOC
Core Courses UOC Mathematical Economics 6
Managing Agile Organisations 6 Financial Accounting 6 Select 4 courses from any of the streams below:
Probability and Statistics for Actuaries 6
Reporting for Climate Change and Sustainability 6 Elective Courses UOC
Strategic Management Accounting 6 Financial Mathematics 6 Elective Courses UOC
Corporate Finance
Legal Environment of Asian Business 6 Choose 8 courses from the following:
Corporate Accounting and Regulation 6 Finance for Actuaries 6 Choose 4 courses from the following: Business Analysis and Valuation 6
Information Systems Auditing and Assurance 6 Superannuation and Retirement Benefits 6
Advanced Financial Reporting 6 Business Economics 6 Advanced Microeconomic Analysis 6
International Corporate Finance 6
Chinese Business and Management 6 Project Report – Actuarial Studies 6
Managing Agile Organisations 6 Advanced Macroeconomic Analysis 6
Alternative Asset Classes 6
Corporate Strategy in East Asia 6 Elective Courses UOC Actuarial Theory and Practice A 6
Management Control Systems in Advanced Econometric Theory 6
Risk and Insurance 6
International Business Taxation 6 Contemporary Context 6 Select 8 courses from the following: Stochastic Modelling for Actuaries 6
Policy Evaluation Methods 6
Real Estate Finance and Investment 6
International Corporate Governance: Reporting for Climate Change and Sustainability 6 Superannuation and Retirement Benefits 6 Actuarial Statistics 6
Applied Econometrics 6
Accounting and Finance Perspectives 6 Derivatives and Risk Management Techniques 6
Management Accounting and Business Analysis 6 Project Report – Actuarial Studies 6 Life Insurance and Superannuation 6
Strategic Market Behaviour 6
Entrepreneurship and New Venture Management 6 Takeovers, Restructuring and Corporate Governance 6
International Corporate Governance: Actuarial Theory and Practice A 6 Insurance Risk Models 6
International Trade 6
Or other courses as approved by the Program Director Accounting and Finance Perspective 6 Services Marketing 6
Stochastic Modelling for Actuaries 6 Financial Economics for Insurance and
Economics of Labour Markets 6
Superannuation 6 Structured Finance Law 6
Actuarial Statistics 6 Environmental Economics 6
Professional recognition Information Systems Courses UOC Actuarial Theory and Practice B 6 Taxation of Financial Arrangements 6
The Master of Professional Accounting is accredited Life Insurance and Superannuation 6 Microeconometric Modelling 6
Select 3 courses from the following: Models for Risk Management 6 Research Project 6
by CPA Australia and the Institute of Chartered Insurance Risk Models 6 Health Economics 6
Accountants in Australia (ICAA). Although the degree Business Process Management 6 Risk and Capital Management 6 Asia-Pacific Financial Markets 6
Financial Economics for Insurance and Special Topics in Economics 6
is accredited, these organisations assess every Project, Portfolio and Program Management 6 Asset-Liability Management 6 Behavioural Approaches in Finance 6
Superannuation 6
applicant against standing membership requirements. Economic Measurement 6
This includes the requirement that each applicant e-Business 6 Actuarial Theory and Practice B 6 Risk Management Strategies 6
Advanced Experimental Economics 6
holds an Australian Bachelor degree or equivalent, Information Systems Auditing and Assurance 6 Models for Risk Management 6 Retirement Saving and Spending over the Life cycle 6 Funds Management
as determined by the National Office of Overseas
Accounting Information Systems 6 Risk and Capital Management 6 Retirement Planning 6 Business Analysis and Valuation 6
Skills Recognition (NOOSR). If requested, these With approval elective courses may be selected from
organisations will provide an assessment of an Business Intelligence Methods 6 Asset-Liability Management 6 Fundamentals of Risk and Risk Management 6 the following list . Alternative Asset Classes 6
overseas qualification. Risk Tools 6 Financial Economics 6
Enterprise Systems 6 Risk Management Strategies 6 Financial Institution Management 6
For further information, contact the professional IS Strategy, Innovation and Agility 6 Risk Decisions 6 Superannuation and Retirement Benefits 6 Real Estate Finance and Investment 6
bodies or obtain information from their websites:
Information Systems Operational Excellence 6 Retirement Saving and Spending over the Life cycle 6 Financial Econometrics 6 Strategic Management of Credit Risk and Loan Policy 6
www.cpaaustralia.com.au and
www.charteredaccountants.com.au Business Systems Project 6 Retirement Planning 6 Business Forecasting 6 Derivatives and Risk Management Techniques 6

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Business Business

Fixed Income Securities and Interest Rate Derivatives 6 Accounting Courses granting of exemptions is not automatic. Decisions will the Australian Securities and Investment Commission’s
Master of Information Systems Management Electives
be made on a case-by-case basis by CPA Australia. Regulatory Guide 146 (RG146) Tier 1 training
Financial Planning Advice 6 Select 3 courses from the following: requirements. Upon completion of the program, you Program Code 8435 Select 2 courses from the following:
Advanced Investment and Funds Management 6 International Financial Statement Analysis 6 may also be considered for advanced standing in the
Master of Financial Economics Commencement February, July Business Process Management 6
Applied Funds Management 6 Financial Planning Association of Australia’s Certified
Auditing and Assurance Services 6 Financial Planner certification program. Program Duration 1.5 years Business Analysis and Consulting 6
Program Code 8427
Research Project 6 Business Analysis and Valuation 6 Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$36,960 Supply Chains and Logistics Design 6
Commencement February Entry requirements
Services Marketing 6 Business Risk Management 6 Service and Quality Management 6
Category A The Master of Information Systems Management
Program Duration 1.5 years
Asia-Pacific Financial Markets 6 Managing Intangible Resources 6 program provides you with a comprehensive, Decision Modelling and Simulation 6
A recognised Bachelor degree (or equivalent
Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$36,960 challenging and contemporary study based on a set of
Behavioural Approaches in Finance 6 Managing the Accounting and Finance Function 6 qualification) in commerce or finance with a credit Information Systems Auditing and Assurance 6
The Master in Financial Economics is a distinguished average overall, as determined by the UNSW information systems (IS) executive core competencies
E-Business: Strategy and Processes 6 Business School. established through extensive IS skills from the United Security and Ethics in Cyberspace 6
program that offers you advanced disciplinary depth
Investment Banking Financial Accounting 6 and exposes you to the latest thinking and research States and the European Union. A career development
Health Informatics 6
Category B: course, an extra-curricular career mentoring courses
Business Analysis and Valuation 6 findings in finance, economics and mathematics. The
Strategic Management Accounting 6 as well as a capstone executive course are offered Social Media and Networking 6
program is designed to give you a strong foundation in A recognised non-business related Bachelor degree
Alternative Asset Classes 6 Corporate Accounting and Regulation 6 to assess your learning and IS competencies. This Business Intelligence Methods 6
financial economics: (or equivalent qualification) with a credit average
Financial Institution Management 6 overall as determined by the UNSW Business School, program allows you to gain the latest knowledge
Advanced Financial Reporting 6 • To pursue a PhD degree in finance as the Master of and skills so you can manage business information e-Business and the Law 6
Risk and Insurance 6 plus a minimum of two years full-time professional
Managing Agile Organisations 6 Financial Economics is designed according to high work experience. Please consult the following website systems in a fast-changing business environment, with Legal Foundations of Business 6
Real Estate Finance and Investment 6 international standards such that graduates will be for further assessment criteria: a deeper understanding of information systems and the
Management Control Systems in Technology, Information and Law 6
competitive in the international academic job market www.business.unsw.edu.au organisational implications of technology decisions.
Strategic Management of Credit Risk and Loan Policy 6 Contemporary Context 6 Managing Organisational Change 6
• To conduct highly analytical or quantitative Entry requirements
Derivatives and Risk Management Techniques 6 Accounting for Climate Change and Sustainability 6 research in finance for businesses and government Program structure Career Management and Skills 6
This program consists of 12 courses (72 UOC): Admission to the Master of Information Systems is based
Fixed Income Securities and Interest Rate Derivatives 6 Assurance for Climate Change and Sustainability 6 organisations. Applied learning activities, both in and on relevant academic qualifications and professional Managing the Human Side of Technology 6
out of classroom, ensures you are familiar with and seven core finance courses, two core taxation courses
Takeovers, Restructuring and Corporate Governance 6 Management Accounting and Business Analysis 6 and three elective courses. experience. There are two categories of entry:
can undertake critical analysis of the latest theories,
Trading in Financial Securities 6 International Corporate Governance: techniques and practices in a chosen subject area Core Courses UOC Category A Entry with Core 1 exemption/credits Master of Marketing
Accounting and Finance Perspectives 6 Entry requirements (48 UOC)
Services Marketing 6 Program Code 8423
A recognised Bachelor degree (or equivalent Personal Financial Planning and Management 6
Structured Finance Law 6 • A recognised Bachelor degree (honours) with Commencement February, July
Finance Courses UOC qualification) in commerce, economics, mathematics, Financial Markets and Institutions 6 a major in information systems, information
Taxation of Financial Arrangements 6 physics, computer science or engineering with technology, computer science or software Program Duration 1.5 years
Select 3 courses from the following: Investments and Portfolio Selection 6
Research Project 6 a distinction average overall, as determined by engineering with a credit average overall, as Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$36,960
Investments and Portfolio Selection 6 the UNSW Business School. Minimum Graduate Financial Planning Advice and Ethics 6 determined by the UNSW Business School
Management Admission Test (GMAT) score of 600 is The Master of Marketing program is an advanced
Capital Budgeting and Financial Decisions 6 Applied Portfolio Management and Modelling 6 or degree designed for marketing professionals who are
International Finance also required. Please consult the following website for
Issues in Corporate Finance 6 further assessment criteria: www.business.unsw.edu.au Derivatives and Risk Management Techniques 6 • A recognised Bachelor degree with a major in looking to enhance their marketing knowledge and
Business Analysis & Valuation 6 information systems, information technology, skills. In unique and innovative ways, it combines
International Corporate Finance 6 Program structure Advanced Investment and Advanced Funds contemporary marketing issues with a critical,
International Corporate Finance 6 computer science or software engineering with a
This program consists of eight courses and a research Management 6 research-based approach to learning.
Applied Portfolio Management and Modelling 6 credit average and a minimum of two years full-time
Asia-Pacific Financial Markets 6 component (72 UOC). Tax Strategies in Financial Planning 6 relevant professional experience after completion of
Emerging Financial Markets 6 Specialisation in particular aspects of marketing is a
Alternative Asset Classes 6 Self Managed Superannuation Funds Law 6 the relevant degree.
Alternative Asset Classes 6 Semester 1 UOC highly distinctive feature of the program. Specialist
Derivatives and Risk Management Techniques 6 Category B Entry without exemption/credits (72 UOC) courses draw directly and explicitly on the research
International Corporate Governance: Microeconomic Analysis 6
strengths of the School, with courses on subjects such
International Banking Management 6 Accounting and Finance Perspectives 6 Elective Courses UOC • A recognised Bachelor degree (or equivalent
Mathematical Economics 6 as Services Marketing Management; Relationship
Behavioural Approach Finance 6 qualification) as determined by the UNSW
Financial Institution Management 6 Select 3 courses from the following: Marketing & CRM; Buyer Behaviour and Product and
Research Methods in Finance 2 6 Business School and a minimum of one year
Services Marketing 6 Brand Management, Strategic Digital Marketing; and
Risk and Insurance 6 Contract and Corporate Financial Theory 6 Taxation of Corporation 6 of relevant professional work experience after
Business-to-Business Marketing.
completion of the degree.
Real Estate Finance and Investment 6 Semester 2 UOC Taxation of Trusts 6
The program provides a platform for high achievers
Master of Financial Analysis Please consult the following website for further
Strategic Management of Credit Risk and Loan Policy 6 Advanced Micro Analysis 6 Taxation of Superannuation 6 to move into general management, to assume senior
assessment criteria: www.business.unsw.edu.au
Program Code 8413 Derivatives and Risk Management Techniques 6 Taxation of Capital Gains 6 marketing roles or to become skilled leaders in a
Advanced Econometric Theory 6 Program structure specialist area of marketing.
Commencement February, July Fixed Income Securities and Interest Rate Derivatives 6 Tax of Employee Remuneration 6 This program consists of eleven courses: four core 1
Advanced Topics in Asset Pricing 6
Program Duration 1 year courses, four core 2 courses, two elective courses and Entry requirements
Financial Planning Advice 6 Empirical Methodology in Corporate Finance 6 Tax of Property Transactions 6 As determined by the UNSW Business School:
one capstone course.
Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$36,960 Takeovers, Restructuring and Corporate Governance 6 Business Communication, Ethics and Practice 6
The Master of Financial Analysis is a specialist program Category A Applicants with limited professional
Advanced Investment and Advanced Semester 1 (or Summer Semester): UOC International Corporate Finance 6 Core courses UOC experience require:
that offers you a broad range of courses in accounting
Funds Management 6 Research component 24
and finance. These enable you to develop skills in Alternative Asset Classes 6 Core 1 A recognised bachelor degree (or equivalent
strategy, risk analysis and management, valuation, and Applied Funds Management 6 qualification) in commerce or business with credit
International Corporate Governance 6 Enterprise Resource Planning Systems 6
project development and management. The degree International Banking Management 6 average and significant academic studies in marketing or
Master of Financial Planning Risk and Insurance 6
extends your existing knowledge to further your career Operations Management 6 a closely related discipline; demonstrated competence in
choices in investment analysis, funds management and International Insurance Management 6 Program Code 9273 business statistics, plus a minimum of one year full time
Fixed Income Securities and Interest Rate Derivatives 6 e-Business 6
most careers involving business analysis. Trading in Financial Securities* 6 Commencement February, July professional work experience.
Applied Funds Management 6 Managing IS/IT Risk 6 Note: Students who have achieved a distinction average in
Entry requirements * International Corporate Governance: Accounting and Finance Program Duration 1.5 years
Perspectives may count as an Accounting or Finance course Trading in Financial Securities 6 Core 2 their degree may be exempted from the one year full time
A recognised Bachelor degree (or equivalent relevant work experience.
but not both. Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$36,960 Taxation Law 6
qualification) majoring in finance or accounting with a Information Systems Strategy, Innovation and Agility 6
credit average overall, as determined by the UNSW The Master of Financial Planning is a comprehensive Legal Aspects of Finance 6 Category B Applicants with a business degree and
Information Systems Operational Excellence 6
Business School. Please consult the following website Elective Courses program in financial planning. It enables you to marketing experience:
for further assessment criteria: Read Estate Finance and Investment 6 Project, Portfolio and Program Management 6
Select 2 from accounting and/or finance courses to develop knowledge and skills in financial markets, A recognised bachelor degree (or equivalent
www.business.unsw.edu.au financial planning, investment (theory, evidence Structured Finance Law 6 Information Systems Executive Seminar Series 6 qualification) in commerce or business with a credit
complete the 48UOC
and quantitative techniques), taxation law and average and:
Program structure Taxation of Financial Arrangements 6
strategies, compliance, risk management, ethical and Capstone Course UOC
This program consists of eight courses (48 UOC): Professional recognition Minimum of two years full-time professional marketing
professional conduct.
three accounting courses, three finance courses and CPA Australia may grant exemptions for elective experience and demonstrated competence in
Information Systems Executive Capstone Report 12
two elective courses chosen either from accounting segments of the CPA program for prior learning The program was developed as a response to meet business statistics.
and/or finance. assessed on the basis of courses that meet its the growing need and industry demand for specialist
requirements of equivalent content and depth. The training in financial planning. It is designed to exceed

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Business Business

Category C Applicants with extensive professional you with knowledge on risk management for financial
Strategic Management of Technology Core Course UOC AGSM MBA Program Stage 2 – Elective phase (42 UOC)
marketing experience institutions such as banks and insurers, including
and Innovation 6
mathematically complex aspects of financial and Tax Policy 6 Program Code 8350 7 elective courses in the following disciplines:
A recognised bachelor degree (or equivalent
insurance risk modelling and the implications of Financial Literacy for Business Decisions 6 • Accounting
qualification) in any discipline with: Commencement Session 1 (January)
financial decisions on the organisation and the • Economics
Minimum of five years full-time professional general wider society. Sample of Electives Courses UOC Program Duration 16 months • Finance
Electives Courses UOC
marketing and business experience and demonstrated Estimated tuition fee to complete AUD$76,120 • General management
Entry requirements Of the seven elective courses, you may study three Taxation of Corporations 6
competence in business statistics, plus evidence of • Marketing
A recognised Bachelor degree (or equivalent from the UNSW Business School and four elective Asia Pacific Tax Regimes 6 The AGSM MBA program is a world-class program • Organisational behaviour
formal marketing training.
qualification) in business or finance with a credit courses from either the Faculty of Engineering and/or ranked number 1 in Australia and 62nd in the world • Statistics and operations management.
Program structure average overall, as determined by the UNSW Tax Administration Process 6 (2014 Financial Times UK Global MBA Rankings). The
Faculty of Science. See the UNSW Online Handbook
The Master of Marketing has two entry pathways: Business School. Please consult the following website for further information at www.handbook.unsw.edu.au/ Taxation of Corporate Finance 6 program is designed for talented young managers During the elective phase, you may apply to go on
for further assessment criteria: postgraduate/programs/ current/ and business professionals seeking to accelerate their an international exchange program at one of the
• 1 year program consisting of 8 courses (48 UOC): International Tax: Anti-Avoidance 6
www.business.unsw.edu.au 8009.html career and fully realise their leadership potential. It prestigious partner schools in Europe, North America
Three Core courses, four Elective (MARK6) courses,
plus the Capstone course Taxation of Superannuation 6 incorporates scenario modelling and simulations into and Asia including London Business School, The
Program structure traditional classroom teaching, using the case study Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and
• 1.5 year program consisting of 12 courses (72 UOC): This program consists of 12 courses: eight core Taxation of Capital Gains 6
Capstone Course UOC method and a strong emphasis on teamwork and Northwestern University. Internships, management
Three Core courses, four Elective (MARK6) courses, courses and four elective courses. Consolidations and Group Structures 6 cohesion to develop management skills, encourage projects and individual studies in management may
plus four Elective (MARK5 or 6) courses, plus the Strategy, Marketing and Management (6UOC)
Core Courses UOC Taxation and Investment Regulations in China 6 critical thinking and sharpen decision-making abilities. also be undertaken during this phase.
Capstone course AGSM MBA students are of exceptional calibre, with a
The Core courses and Capstone course are offered Managing IS/IT Risk 6 Taxation Strategies in Financial Planning 6 typical average GMAT of 650. Career and recruitment services
Master of Taxation Career Services is an integral part of the AGSM
on Saturdays, while all Elective courses are typically People Organisation and Risk 6 International Tax: Design and Structure 6
taught over twelve evenings during weekdays. Program Code 9250 Joining an MBA program is one of the most and this team goes far beyond sourcing potential
Governing and Managing Risk 6 Principles of Revenue Administration 6 important decisions you can make, whether it is to employment opportunities. AGSM Career Services
Commencement February, July further your current career, make a change or develop
Fundamentals Risk and Risk Management 6 Tax Risk Management 6 Unit provides you with the opportunity to develop
Core Courses UOC Program Duration 1 year new abilities. career management skills during the course of
Risk Tools 6 Self Managed Superannuation Funds Law 6 the MBA program. The range of career services is
Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$36,960 You will meet and work with an exceptionally talented
Marketing Management: Contemporary Risk Decisions 6 International Tax Research 6 specifically designed to provide you with the tools for
Analytical Perspectives 6 Study Mode Distance learning or on-campus group of individuals from diverse backgrounds, successful job searching and career advancement
Case Studies in Risk Management 6 Studying the Master of Taxation by distance/online learning, Professional recognition many of whom have worked for global organisations. as well as the guidance and support needed to map
Strategic Skills for Marketers 6 in your home country does not require a student visa. The Master of Taxation has been approved by CPA You will gain knowledge, skills and confidence to
Legal Risk Analysis 6 out their long-term career paths. The tailored services
Creativity, Innovation and Change in Marketing 6 Studying the Master of Taxation at UNSW Australia requires Australia for specialist taxation accreditation. achieve your goals and accelerate your career.
a student visa*. provided include:
You will have lifelong learning opportunities and,
*Note: Courses offered in the Master of Taxation are delivered in a
Electives Courses UOC variety of modes: distance/online, face-to-face and in intensive mode. through the alumni network of over 15,000 across Career management programs - These programs
Elective (MARK 6) Courses UOC For more information on the teaching modes: http://www.handbook.
AGSM Master of Business and Technology* the world, be part of an influential global network provide you with a range of skills to pro-actively
Select 4 courses from the following: unsw.edu.au/postgraduate/programs/2014/9250.html Program Code 8616 of business leaders. The relationship of AGSM manage your career. These are delivered face-to-face
Services Marketing Management 6 Business Risk Management 6 If you are an International student studying in Australia you
MBA programs with many of the world’s leading via classroom/team sessions or online through the
need to ensure you enrol face-to-face courses that meet your Commencement February, July
Relationship Marketing & CRM 6 Reporting for Climate Change 6 visa requirements. business schools is testimony to its standing in the AGSM MBA Career Centre.
Program Duration 3 to 6 years part time via international community. This is reflected in the depth
Buyer Behaviour & Product and Models for Risk Management 6 The Master of Taxation is a specialist program designed Career advice/guidance - Individual counselling
distance learning of its incoming and outgoing exchange programs
Brand Management 6 to meet the growing need of Taxation professionals sessions are available by appointment with the
Risk and Capital Management 6 Estimated Annual Tuition fee For up to date with leading schools from Asia, Canada, Europe,
Advertising, Promotion & Integrated and practitioners to deal with complex taxation the United Kingdom and the USA. The AGSM MBA professional AGSM MBA Careers Services team to
Asset-Liability Management 6 issues involved in business decisions and business information on the fees for this program please refer to obtain more tailored career guidance and support.
Marketing Communication 6 program currently has exchange partnerships with 29
transactions. Taught by leading tax academics, the www.business.unsw.edu.au
Strategic Digital Marketing 6 Tax Risk Management 6 elite international business schools. Recruitment services - The AGSM Career Services
program provides exposure to the more complex Study Mode Distance/e-learning only:
Business-to-Business Marketing & Technology Management and Innovation 6 aspects of the discipline and a critical understanding Entry requirements Unit builds and develops strong relationships with
Key Account Management 6 of the Australian taxation system. The program also There are two pathways into the AGSM MBA Program companies who can benefit from having an MBA
Operational Risk Analysis and Management 6 Now more than ever technology is having a profound graduate in their organisation. Successfully aligning
emphasises developing skills in research, analysis and 1. A strong undergraduate degree (or equivalent
Advanced Marketing Strategy & Risk Management Strategies 6 impact on the world of business, from start-ups to the skills and experience of MBA students with the
sustained self-directed writing, including relevant skills qualification) and a minimum of 2 years professional
Segmentation Analysis 6 large multinational companies. The AGSM MBT needs of business is our key objective.
in collecting and organising material. work experience
Global Marketing Strategy 6 will give you the knowledge, skills, insights and
Master of Technology and Innovation Management The program also offers you the option to specialise in connections that you need to seize the opportunities 2. At least 6 year professional work experience The Career Services Unit continually markets to
Advanced Topics in Marketing 1 6 one of the following areas: that technology provides in today’s business previous and prospective recruiters and leverages
Program Code 8009 Applicants must also submit supporting from our strong alumni base. Prestigious clients
Advanced Topics in Marketing 2 6 environment. Whether you need business knowledge
• International Taxation: offers both basic and documentation including four personal statements include ABN AMRO Bank N.V., A.T. Kearney, Barclays
Commencement February, July and acumen to leverage your technical expertise
advanced international taxation knowledge and (each approximately 250 words in length), examining Bank PLC, BMW (Japan), Boral Limited, Mercer LLC
or you are looking for a greater understanding of
Program Duration 1.5 years advanced professional skills in the practical leadership, experience, community connectivity and (China), and McKinsey & Company.
Elective (MARK 5) Courses UOC how technology can help you respond to new and
application of international tax; problem solving capability; a detailed curriculum
Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$36,780 emerging business opportunities, the AGSM MBT
Applied Marketing Research 6 vitae demonstrating business management leadership Professional recognition
The Master of Technology and Innovation has everything you need.
• Taxation and Financial Planning: provides a multi- potential; two referee reports and proof of identify. The AGSM MBA program is accredited by the
International Marketing in Asia 6 Management is designed for you if you are an early disciplinary (taxation, law and business) education in Entry requirements Applicants must also provide a minimum overall Association to Advance Collegial Schools of
Not-for-Profit & Social Marketing 6 or mid-career science, engineering and technical financial planning and personal wealth accumulation. A recognised Bachelor degree (or equivalent GMAT score of 550 with minimum scores of verbal 25, Business (AACSB) and has European Foundation
specialist who wants to broaden and develop The specialisation is suitable for graduates seeking qualification) plus a minimum of four years relevant quantitative 35 and AWA 4.0. for Management Development (EFMD) EQUIS
Distribution, Retail Channels & Logistics 6
your skills to include people management and an a career in this area, whether in private professional professional experience, as determined by the UNSW accreditation, which places AGSM in an exclusive
New Product & Service Development 6 understanding of business. practice, in commerce or in government service; Program structure group of the world’s leading business schools – only
Business School
The AGSM MBA program has a two-stage structure – 142 of more than 13,000 business schools in the
Events Management & Marketing 6 Entry requirements • Revenue Administration: is suitable for the core phase and the elective phase.
Program structure world have received EQUIS accreditation.
A recognised Bachelor degree (or equivalent graduates currently working in revenue authorities This program consists of 12 courses (72 UOC).
Capstone core course UOC qualification) in science, engineering or technology or related agencies (in particular developing and Stage 1 – Core phase (54 UOC) UOC Scholarships
Learning can be tailored to individual needs (choose
with a credit average overall, as determined by the transitional economies in the Pacific, Asia, Africa 12 from over 25 courses). The program includes 9 core courses completed over 2 sessions The AGSM prepares great people to achieve great
Marketing Consulting Project 6 UNSW Business School. and Eastern Europe). two capstone courses and students are required things. We offer a range of scholarships for exceptional
Foundations of Management 6 candidates who demonstrate leadership potential,
Program structure to undertake at least one of two capstone courses
Entry requirements Accounting 6 academic ability and a commitment to their community.
Master of Risk Management This program consists of 12 courses (72 UOC): four A recognised Bachelor degree (or equivalent
towards the completion of their program. Students
core courses, one Capstone course, three elective are not permitted to enrol in either or both of the Data Analysis and Decision Making 6
Program Code 8428 qualification) in law or commerce ( including one
courses from the UNSW Business School, and four two capstone courses until they have successfully
taxation course) with a credit average, as determined Economics 6
Commencement February, July completed eight courses (48 UOC).
elective courses from either the Faculty by the UNSW Business School.
Program Duration 1.5 years of Engineering and/or Faculty of Science. *Program is only available to international students studying Finance 6
Program structure outside Australia through distance education.
Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$36,960 Marketing Management 6
Core Courses UOC The program consists of 8 eight courses: one course,
The Master of Risk Management (MRM) provides Tax Policy, is compulsory for all specialisations, except Operations Management 6
Technology, Management and Innovation 6
you with the skills to use a range of risk analysis and Taxation and Financial Planning. Organisational Behaviour 6
decision tools, vital in a fast changing and increasingly Competitive Advantage Through People 6
global business environment. This program provides Strategy 6

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Business Research
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W: www.business.unsw.edu.au/research

Accounting Banking and Finance Information Systems, Technology Management Risk and Actuarial Studies
Research areas Research areas and Management Research areas Research areas
• Accounting and assurance for carbon emission • Asset pricing • Careers and organisational performance • Asset-liability modelling and optimal control
permits/carbon instruments • Banking and financial institutions Research areas • Comparative management systems, in insurance
• Accounting failures and irregularities in published • Behavioural finance • Applications of the internet particularly in Asia • Enterprise risk management and dependent risks
financial reports • Corporate finance for example e-business, e-health, e-democracy • Corporate social responsibility and sustainability • Financial economics and applications in insurance
• Accounting for corporate combinations • Derivatives • Business process management • Corporate strategy and superannuation
and associations • Experimental and neuro finance • Business intelligence and decision making • Corporate diversification • Insurer capital management and loss reserving
• Accounting for goodwill and other intangible assets • Financial econometrics • Emergent methodologies for delivering high value IS • Corporate governance • Insurer optimal asset allocation and risk management
• Accounting information price formation and • Financial markets for example agile and lean development • Cross cultural and diversity management • Modelling and pricing of insurance, credit and
capital markets • Fixed Income • Enterprise systems • Dynamic capabilities operational risks
• Accounting information and corporate governance • International finance • Global supply chain management • Evolutionary theories in management, networks and • Pension and superannuation
• Audit and professional judgements • Investment management • Impact of IS on people, organisations, government economics • Population ageing research
• Audit quality • Macro-finance and society • Evolution of networks • Risk management and product design for retirement,
• Conservatism • Market microstructure • IS strategy and management • Foreign direct investment and inter-firm linkages longevity and health risks
• Corporate disclosure/Integrated reporting • Mergers and acquisitions • IS for innovation and open innovation • Globalisation and work in the service economy
• Customer-supplier negotiations • Mutual funds, pension funds and hedge funds • IS for social networking • High performance work systems and employee
• Customer profitability • Portfolio management • IS risk, security and forensics
• Role of the CIO (Chief Information Officer) and
well-being Taxation and Business Law
• Decision making and outcomes of temporary • Private equity adventure capital • Human resource management and its impact
corporate bankruptcy procedures • Quantitative finance IS executives on employees Research areas
• Development and evaluation of international • Real estate finance • Service quality management • Industrial relations • Alternative dispute resolution
auditing standards • Risk management • Industry emergence and evolution • Business ethics and ethics in taxation
• Earnings management • Securities offerings • Institutional theory and identity • Capital gains tax
• Economics of auditing Marketing • Intra- and inter- organisational networks • Chinese competition and consumer law
• Environmental management accounting • Innovation and entrepreneurship • Competition and anti-trust laws
Research areas
• Fair value accounting Economics • Affect and consumer judgement
• International business strategy • Conceptual and structural issues in income tax
• Consumer protection and fair trading laws
• Financial reporting by companies subject to • Labour market and industrial relations practices
Research areas • Branding and marketing communications • Contract law
external administration • Management behaviour and dynamics
• Applied econometrics • Competitive marketing strategy • Corporate governance
• Fraud • Managerial decision-making and mental models
• Applied microeconomics • Consumer psychology and consumer behaviour • Corporate tax integration and taxation of entities
• Global governance • New venture development
• Bayesian econometrics • Coordination in distribution channels • Directors’ duties
• Impact of International Financial Reporting • Occupational health and safety
• Computational economics • Cross cultural marketing and ethnography • E-business law
Standards (IFRS) • Organisational change
• Contract theory • Customer relationship management • Environmental tax
• Incentive scheme designs • Organisational ecology
• Development economics • Customer satisfaction • Fiscal federalism and intergovernmental transfers
• International accounting and auditing • Organisation theory
• Econometric and statistical modelling • Front line service • Franchising code of conduct
• International financial markets • Personality theory in relation to organisations
• Economic development • International marketing • Franchising policy, development, regulation,
• Integrating sustainability into business strategies • Skill formation and learning systems
• Economic growth • Macromarketing international expansion and comparative law
• Judgement and decision making research in a • Social network analysis
• Economic history • Marketing metrics • Good faith
financial reporting environment • Strategy formulation and implementation
• Economic measurement • Preference formation and consumer decision making • Goods and services tax
• Knowledge management and intellectual • Strategic choice theory
• Economics of technology and structural change • Pricing • Income tax
capital reporting • Strategic goal-setting and aspirations
• Environmental economics • Product/service innovation • Industry codes of conduct
• Management control systems • Supply chains and trust relations
• Experimental and behavioural economics • Retail assortment • Insolvency law
• Managerial judgement and decision making using • System dynamics of firm growth
• Financial economics • Services marketing • Intellectual property and taxation of
strategic performance information • Team dynamics and performance
• Firm dynamics • Services process analysis intellectual property
• Managing inter-firm relationships • Transnational corporations, intellectual property
• Game theory • Statistical and econometric modelling • Comparative taxation (including double
• Professional scepticism rights and aspects of performance
• Qualitative research methods and • Health economics taxation treaties)
management accounting • Heterodox economics • International taxation
• Reducing the expectation gap • Income distribution • International trade and investment law
• Role and impact of financial analysts • International finance • Legal issues in global branding
• Role of accounting in public-private partnerships • International trade • Not-for-profit organisations
• Strategising and accounting • Industrial organisation • Public finance
• Strategic performance management systems • Labour economics • Retail leasing law
• Strategic capital investment decisions • Macroeconomic theory • Shareholder rights and remedies
• Supply chain accounting • Macroeconometrics • Tax administration
• Value relevance of accounting information • Mathematical economics • Tax aspects of corporate finance
• Value relevance of environmental, social and • Microeconomic theory • Tax complexity
governance (ESG) disclosures • Microeconometrics • Tax compliance
• Water accounting • Monetary economics • Tax compliance costs
• Natural resource and environmental economics • Tax expenditures
• Pension economics • Tax risk management
• Personnel economics • Taxation in China
• Political economy • Taxation law reform
• Productivity analysis • Taxation of entities and groups of entities
• Public economics • Taxation of superannuation
• Public finance • Taxation of trusts
• Time series analysis • Tax-transfer system reform
• Unconscionable conduct

60 www.international.unsw.edu.au www.international.unsw.edu.au 61



UNSW Built Environment is Overall in the Excellence in
a knowledge leader in the Research for Australia among

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At UNSW Built Environment,
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The only faculty to have an international
– Santiago, Colombia
Pritzker Prize winning teacher, Professor Master of Construction
Glenn Murcutt, teaching in its design studios Project Management


E: [email protected]
W: www.be.unsw.edu.au

62 63
Built Environment Built Environment

Program structure Contracts Management and Law 6

Architecture Core Courses (60 UOC) UOC Sustainable Built Environment Suggested Elective Courses (24–36 UOC) UOC
The Master of Sustainable Built Environment Construction Management Applications 6
Master of Architecture Design Studio 1 6 Master of Sustainable Built Environment Managing the Sustainable Built Environment (Extension) is a two year full-time Program which
Project Management 6
Land and Environment Law 6 consists of:
Program Code 8143 Design Studio 2 6 Program Code 8132
• Four 6 UOC core courses totalling 24UOC;
Project Management 6
Commencement February, July Construction and Structures 6 Commencement February, July • A 12 UOC studio or a 12UOC research project; Plus
Economics of Climate Change and Carbon Markets 6 • A 12 UOC seminar-based advanced topics course;
Program Duration 2 years Environment 6 Program Duration 1.5 years
Environmental Impact Assessment 6 • Two “core” electives chosen from the Master of
Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$33,120 Professional Practice 6 Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$29,760 Urban Policy and Strategy Program and/or the Elective Courses (12 UOC) UOC
Environmental Auditing 6 Australian School of Business; plus Suggested Elective courses:
Taught by UNSW Built Environment’s (BE) Research Studio 12 This program is an advanced interdisciplinary
internationally recognised academics and renowned coursework program which provides opportunities for Society, Environmental Policy and Sustainability 6 • Sufficient additional “free” electives to make up a
Architecture in Asia 6 Computers in Construction Management 6
adjunct and visiting architects and professors, the you as a professional to enhance your knowledge and total of 96 unit of credit (UOC)
Frameworks for Environmental Management 6 Project Risk Management 6
focus of the Master of Architecture is to educate Major Design Studio 12 skills in the application of the principles of sustainable
creative and effective graduates who will become development to the planning, design, construction and Tools for Environmental Management 6 Graduate Diploma in Sustainable Property Investment 6
architects capable of meeting the challenges of Elective Courses (36 UOC) UOC management of the built environment. Transport Applications of GIS 6 Built Environment Asset and Facilities Management 6
local, regional and international leadership in built
Suggested courses: The program takes a global view and places it in a Property Development 6 Program Code 5132 Resources, Materials and Sustainability 6
environment design practice. The program fosters
a broad vision that equips you with a considered local context. It aims to: Case Studies in Urban Development and Design 6 Commencement February, July
Social Planning 6 All courses are offered in only one semester per year. Some
understanding of the cultural, social environmental, • improve understanding of the issues of sustainability,
Program Duration 1 year courses may not be offered every year. Please check with the
Modernity to Deconstruction 6 their interconnectedness and interdependencies at Managing Greenhouse Gas Emissions 6
political, business and development contexts in Faculty Student Centre prior to enrolment.
which architecture is designed, situated, debated and A History of Housing 6 building, neighbourhood, city and regional scales Design for Energy Efficiency 6 Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$29,760
practised. The program builds advanced knowledge • develop skills in energy/environmental modelling, Career opportunities
Architectural Spatialisation 6 assessment tools, life cycle assessment (LCA), Note that a variety of other electives may be selected, subject The Graduate Diploma of the Built Environment in This program is appropriate if you are seeking
and techniques in architectural design to cultivate to availability and any pre-requisites. Sustainable Development fully articulates into the
approaches to realising creative design ideas and Cinematic Space 6 sustainable planning and design, and triple bottom to advance your career in construction project
line (TBL) Most courses are offered in only one semester per year. Some Master program which allows flexibility in course management, design management, contracts
project excellence. You are expected to actively Processes in Architecture and Landscape 6 selection and progression.
• cultivate an awareness of human factors and urban courses may not be offered every year. Please check course management, construction corporate management
integrate theory, technology and elective course availability with the Faculty Student Centre prior to enrolment.
studies into design studio projects. Presentation Rhetoric 6 policy and planning considerations Entry requirements (including human resource management), value
• create specialisation through a graduate project or Career opportunities A Bachelor degree or equivalent from a recognised management and international project management.
Land and Environment Law 6
Program features design studio and electives The program is structured to support a number tertiary institution in any relevant field and evidence
• You may complete a wide range of elective Sustainable Development & the Urban Environment 6 of career options. It allows architects, planners, of a capacity to achieve credit level or better grades
courses drawn from other BE postgraduate Entry requirements
Design and Technology – Timber 6 A minimum four year Bachelor degree or equivalent in landscape architects and engineers to build a consistently. Master of Construction and Project Management
programs in planning, construction management, clearer focus on sustainability in their practice. It also in Professional Practice
urban design and sustainability to meet your Documentation Techniques for Major Buildings 6 an appropriate degree with credit average or above. Program structure
Where an applicant’s qualifications are not considered allows for career shift options regardless of career Program Code 8124
interests and develop specialised knowledge and Most courses are offered in only one semester per year. Some background – for example, graduates can specialise The Graduate Diploma comprises the four core
application to complement and integrate your courses may not be offered every year. Please check course adequate, admission may be permitted to the Graduate courses within the Master of the Built Environment –
in policy/governance, international development or Commencement February, July
advanced understanding of architecture as a availability with the Faculty Student Centre prior to enrolment. Diploma with the possibility of upgrading to the Masters Sustainable Development and four electives totalling
program, subject to satisfactory performance. education for sustainability. This is made possible Program Duration 1.5 years
discipline and practice. through the choice of appropriate electives and the 48 UOC.
Professional recognition
• Choice of design studio projects to select from Program structure graduate project topic. The Program Director advises Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$29,760
The Master of Architecture builds upon the UNSW
in your first year and engage in a two semester Bachelor of Architectural Studies degree. The Master A total of 72 units of credit (UOC) is required, students on these selections to enable the desired The management of construction projects embraces
graduating year of architectural design research and of Architecture has full five-year accreditation from the consisting of core courses (24 UOC), a research career pathways. Construction Project Management and comprises all of the modern management
project work. Architects Accreditation Council of Australia (AACA), project or design studio course plus elective courses. methodologies and principles of project management.
Master of Construction Project Management
• Summer semester courses including travel study NSW Architects Registration Board and Australian You apply the learnt skills across the different phases
elective courses. Institute of Architects (AIA). The combined Bachelor Master of Sustainable Built Environment – Program Code 8123 of the construction project life-cycle to achieve
Core Courses (24 UOC) UOC
of Architectural Studies and Master of Architecture is Extension successful outcomes in terms of time, cost, quality,
Commencement February, July
These are just some of the reasons why UNSW recognised by the Australian Institute of Architects and Sustainable Development and the safety and sustainability. Qualified applicants may
BE continues to be regarded amongst the most through the 2008 Canberra Accord by the following Urban Environment 6 Program Code 8134 Program Duration 1 year pursue research study as part of this program.
prestigious architecture program degrees in Australia. accreditation agencies: Commencement February, July
Resources, Materials and Sustainability 6 Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$29,760 Features of the program include:
• Commonwealth Association of Architects (CAA)
Entry requirements Energy and the Built Environment 6 Program Duration 2 year The management of construction projects embraces • strong participation and support from Australia’s
• Canadian Architectural Certification Board/
Graduates of undergraduate architecture and comprises all of the modern management leading construction and project management
Consiel canadien de certification en architecture Human Factors, Sustainability and Habitability 6 Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$29,760
degree programs from UNSW and other institutions methodologies and principles of project management. companies with learning content that is modern and
(CACBCCCA) The Master of Sustainable Built Environment
who achieved credit average results across their You apply the learnt skills across the different phases advanced
• Consejo Mexicano de Acreditacion de Ensenanza (Extension) is an advanced, post-professional degree
entire degree may apply directly to the UNSW Option 1 – Design Studio UOC of the construction project life-cycle. Qualified • lecturers who include leading researchers and
de la Arquitectura/Comite para la Practica for built environment and related professionals,
Admissions Office. applicants may pursue a research study as part of excellent teachers with very diverse backgrounds
Internacional de la Arquitectura (COMAEA/ 48 UOC from the following: with an emphasis on leadership, innovation and
COMPIAR) the Master of Construction Project Management in
Applications are required to include: transformation. This program extends the holistic, Entry requirements
• Korea Architecture Accrediting Board (KAAB) Integrated Design Studio 12 Professional Practice program (8124).
• A statement of intent (maximum 1000 words) outlining multidisciplinary and evidence-based education for Upon completion of the requirements of the Master of
why you wish to study architecture at UNSW • National Architecture Accrediting Board (NAAB) (US) or students may substitute one of the following studio sustainability focus of the three-semester masters Entry requirements Construction Project Management (8123), you may
• Demonstration of six months work experience in the classes in arrangement with the Program Director degree, the Master of Sustainable Development. It A recognised Bachelor degree with grades of apply to upgrade to the Master of Construction Project
Master of Architecture graduates are able to
office of an architectural practice. Preference will be Urban Design Studio 12 builds on the knowledge and skills in the application credit average or above in a relevant field such as in Professional Practice. A WAM of 65% in the 8123
prepare for the NSW Architects Registration Board
given to applicants who have obtained work experience of the principles of sustainable development to the architecture, building, civil engineering, quantity course is required.
professional practice and examination requirements Elective Courses 36
post completion of their undergraduate degree planning, design, construction and management of surveying, accountancy or business administration.
necessary to become a registered Architect in NSW. Program structure
• Curriculum vitae buildings and the urban environment. In addition to the academic requirement, you
• Hard copy A3 portfolio (maximum of 10 pages) of Career opportunities are required to have a minimum of 12 months A total of 72 units of credit (UOC) is required,
university architectural studies projects from a range of Graduates gain professional experience in a variety of Strong industry links and deep connections with management experience in the construction industry consisting of the six core courses (36 UOC) and
academic courses, particularly design studio courses, private, corporate and government practice settings to cutting edge research and international best practice gained post completion of a Bachelor degree. Work two elective courses (12 UOC) within the Master of
undertaken in your bachelor degree program. Please Option 2 – Research UOC provide a real-world framework for aspiring leaders to Construction Project Management (8123), Research
enable them to meet the requirements for registration experience completed whilst completing the Bachelor
note digital portfolios are not accepted as an architect. These practice settings range from 48 UOC from the following: develop skills in the planning, design, construction and degree does not count towards the 12 months Seminar (6 UOC) and a research project (18
large multidisciplinary built environment practices management of the sustainable built environment for experience requirement. UOC) (8124). In exceptional cases, where you can
Program structure Research Seminar 6 the 21st Century. demonstrate your research skills with evidence, the
to medium to small scale architectural practices.
A total of 96 units of credit (UOC) is required, Graduate Project 18 Program structure Research Methods course may be exempted and
Graduates may contribute to practice teams working Entry requirements
consisting of core courses (60 UOC) and elective A total of 48 units of credit (UOC) is required, substituted with an elective course.
on large scale civic and institutional buildings, urban Elective Courses 24 To apply, you will need a minimum four year Bachelor
courses (36 UOC). There is a wide range of elective consisting of 36 UOC of core courses and 12 UOC of
and infrastructure projects or multi-density residential degree or a relevant degree in any related fields Career opportunities
courses offered by the Faculty (additional to the elective core courses.
projects. These contributions may range from contract such as Built Environment disciplines (architecture, The program is appropriate for people seeking
following list of electives) which may be studied. You
documentation, design development to design planning, urban design as well as areas such as to advance their careers in construction project
should check with the Faculty at time of enrolment.
concept schemes and often include competitions. environmental science and engineering) plus a Core Courses (36 UOC) UOC management, design management, contracts
minimum of three years post graduate industry management, construction corporate management
Human Resources Management 6
experience, including work in a sustainability related (including human resource management), value
professional role. Principles and Practice of Management 6 management and international project management.
Construction Planning and Control 6

64 www.international.unsw.edu.au www.international.unsw.edu.au 65
Built Environment Built Environment

Planning Sustainable Development and the Urban Property and Development

Property Development 6 Urban and Regional Design 6 program, which involves the deployment of knowledge
and skills in a intense two week workshop in a totally
Environment 6 Modern Property 6 Urban Planning and Infrastructure 6
Master of Planning new city and new culture, combined with critical
Energy and the Built Environment 6 Master of Property and Development Land and Environmental Law 6 You may take a 12 UOC research project in place of reflection on this experience, design development and
Program Code 8147 12 UOC of electives subject to the Program Director’s
Program Code 8127 Planning and Land Policy 6 documentation back in Sydney.
Commencement February, July approval. Electives can also be studied from a
Urban Design Stream UOC Commencement February, July Sustainable Development and the Entry requirements
postgraduate program within another faculty at UNSW
Program Duration 1.5 years Urban Environment 6 A recognised four year degree in a relevant discipline
Program Duration 1.5 years subject to meeting any prerequisites for that course
Architecture and the City 6 such as architecture, landscape architecture,
Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$29,760 and subject to the Program Director’s approval.
Design Modelling Time Based 6 Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$29,760 interior architecture, planning, construction, property
The Master of Planning exposes students to different Plus Most courses are offered in only one semester per year. Some
The Master of Property and Development (MPD) development and civil engineering. Admission is
fields of knowledge and paths to understanding as Urban and Regional Design 6 courses may not be offered every year. Please check course
at UNSW is designed to meet the needs of those also open to graduates of a recognised three year
required by a diverse, contemporary urban society. availability with the Faculty Student Centre prior to enrolment.
Urban Design Studio 1 12 who wish to work at the cutting edge of property Extended Core Courses (18 UOC) UOC undergraduate degree in Architectural Studies. All
You may concentrate your studies in one of four applicants must have achieved a minimum of a credit
Urban Design Studio 2 12 development practice. It combines built environment Career opportunities
specialist fields: Property Finance 6 average in their bachelor’s degree.
and commerce perspectives, reflecting a global Graduates will have developed a strong background
• environmental sustainability History and Theory of Urban Development approach to real estate with an Australian focus. The Project Management 6 in property development and investment, which
• urban management and governance and Design 6 Program structure
MPD is offered in collaboration with industry and will enable them to manage large commercial
• urban design Case Studies in Urban Development and Design 6 The program consists of eight core courses (66 UOC)
Case Studies in Urban Development and Design 6 professional associations – offering three choices: property portfolios or develop careers in financial
• urban modelling. and one elective course (6 UOC) totalling 72 units of
• Property and development institutions (banking and investment) and industry
Urban Landscape and Heritage 6 credit (UOC).
As a graduate you will have a sound understanding • Property and development (development Plus by participating in a wide range of activities such as
of the principles and practices of planning and and investment) property development, property analysis, property
• Property and development (asset and Core Courses (66 UOC) UOC
have an ability to think critically and analytically Urban Governance and Management Stream UOC finance, property management and asset and facilities
facilities management) Elective Courses (18 UOC) UOC
about the development and preservation of the built management. Urban Design Studio 1 12
Transport Land Use and Environment 6 Select 3 courses from the following:
environment. Urban Design Studio 2 12
Entry requirements Professional recognition
Rural Planning 6 Valuation 6
The program builds on the solid reputation of four A recognised Bachelor degree from an appropriate The program is recognised by the Australian Property Urban Design Studio 3 12
years of planning education at UNSW and has been Project Management 6 discipline with a credit average or above. Urban Economics 6 Institute (API) – subject to the relevant institutions
designated practical experience requirement. History and Theory of Urban
structured to allow you to study either for general Property Development 6 Program structure Asset and Facilities Management 6 Development and Design 6
Master of Planning, or to select elective studies
Case Studies in Urban Development and Design 6 A total of 72 units of credit (UOC) is required to
according to personal or professional interests. The Energy and the Built Environment 6 Case Studies in Urban Development and Design 6
graduate, consisting of a combination of core and
Planning program provides you with the opportunity Urban Landscape and Heritage 6
elective courses. You can major in development and Human Factors, Sustainability and Habitability 6 Urban Development and Design Planning and Urban Development 6
to conduct applied research into an area of personal Urban Modelling Stream UOC investment or in asset and facilities management. Designing Public Spaces 6 Urban Landscape and Heritage 6
interest in planning and/or of relevance to planning Master of Urban Development and Design
practice. The program culminates in the production of Design Modelling Time Based 6 Master of Property and Development with no major Communication in Urban Design 6
Social Planning 6 Program Code 8131
a dissertation of publishable quality. Design Collaboration using a Building
Core Courses (36 UOC) UOC Urban and Regional Design 6 Commencement February, July
Entry requirements Information Model 6
Property Investment 6 Urban Planning and Infrastructure 6 Program Duration 1.5 years
A recognised Bachelor degree with a credit average Urban Transport Planning Practice 6
or above. Where qualifications are not considered Property Development 6 You may take a 12 UOC research project in place of Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$29,760
GIS for the Built Environment 6 Elective Course (6 UOC) UOC
adequate, admission may be permitted to the Graduate 12 UOC of electives, subject to the Program Director’s (plus AUD$5000 for field trip)
Diploma, with the possibility of upgrading to the Master Most courses are offered in only one semester per year. Some Modern Property 6
approval. Electives can also be studied from a Select 1 course from the following:
courses may not be offered every year. Please check course In responding to the current unprecedented pace
program, subject to satisfactory performance. Land and Environmental Law 6 postgraduate program within another faculty at UNSW
availability with the Faculty Student Centre prior to enrolment. and scale of urban growth, the Master of Urban Architecture and the City 6
subject to meeting any prerequisites for that course
Program structure This list of electives is no exhaustive – other electives are Planning and Land Policy 6 Development and Design seeks the creative synthesis
available and may be taken by students. and subject to the Program Director’s approval. Design Modelling Time Based 6
A total of 72 units of credit (UOC) is required, consisting Sustainable Development and the of three urban research fields:
of seven core courses (42 UOC), a planning project (12 Professional recognition Urban Environment 6 Asset and Facilities Management Major • spatial political economy, the manifestation in Advanced Techniques using BIM 6
UOC) and elective courses (18 UOC). The program is accredited by the Planning Institute urban form of global patterns of capital formation,
Core Courses (36 UOC) UOC Principles and Practice of Management 6
of Australia (PIA). Graduates are eligible, subject to investment and disinvestment
Core Courses (42 UOC) UOC Plus • urban design principles and paradigms, normative Property Finance 6
professional experience requirements, for corporate Property Investment 6
Social Planning 6 membership of PIA. models of ‘good city form’ grounded in aesthetic,
Property Development 6 Modern Property 6
social and environmental concerns
Planning and Land Policy 6 Elective Courses (36 UOC) UOC Sustainable Development and the
Career opportunities Modern Property 6 • urban design as public policy, the intersection of
Land and Environmental Law 6 Planners are employed in a large variety of positions Select 6 courses from the following: public policy, design principles, the deal-making of Urban Environment 6
in many different organisations with relating to the Land and Environmental Law 6 the property sector and defence of the public realm.
Spatial Policy 6 Property Finance 6 Most courses are offered in only one semester per year. Some
built environment. The major employment sectors are Planning and Land Policy 6 courses may not be offered every year. Please check course
Urban Planning and Infrastructure 6 state and federal government departments (dealing Valuation 6 This is a multidisciplinary program that explores availability with the Faculty Student Centre prior to enrolment.
Sustainable Development and the the inter-relationship of urban development and
Urban Economics 6 with land use development, transport, heritage, Urban Economics 6 Urban Environment 6 design from an international perspective, placing the Professional recognition
infrastructure, urban services etc), local councils,
Human Factors, Sustainability and Habitability 6 Project Management 6 mega-cities of the Asia-Pacific region in comparative Graduates are eligible for membership to the
consultant planners, property companies, and
Plus relationship with the cities of Europe, the Americas, Urban Design Chapter of the Planning Institute of
environmental organisations. Energy and the Built Environment 6
the Middle East and Australasia. The one calendar Australia (PIA).
Human Factors, Sustainability and Habitability 6 Extended Core Courses (18 UOC) UOC year program involves two academic semesters of
Career opportunities
Planning Project 12 Case Studies in Urban Development and Design 6 study plus a summer semester which includes a
Graduate Diploma in Planning Asset and Facilities Management 6 Most graduates start their careers working for urban and
compulsory International Urban Design Studio working
Designing Public Spaces 6 architectural design consultants. Some have their own
Program Code 5147 Energy and the Built Environment 6 with universities and/or planning agencies in a major
Plus professional practices in urban design and allied design
Social Planning 6 city of the world. Each year students are given choice
Commencement February, July Human Factors, Sustainability and Habitability 6 areas. Others pursue careers in academia or continue
of two cities – in the past five years, the program has
Electives (18 UOC from one of the following fields) Urban and Regional Design 6 with doctoral studies at major international universities.
Program Duration 1 year Plus undertaken urban projects in Buenos Aires, Abu Dhabi
The Master of Planning may be undertaken as a Urban Planning and Infrastructure 6 Beijing, Delhi, Tokyo, Budapest, Hangzhou, Istanbul,
Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$29,760 Nagoya and Madrid.
general degree, or with a concentration in one field by You may take a 12 UOC research project in place of
Entry requirements Elective Courses (18 UOC) UOC Master of Urban Development & Design –
taking 18 UOC of electives from one of the following 12 UOC of electives subject to Program Director’s The Urban Design Studio sequence is progressive,
fields, together with an approved planning project. A recognised Bachelor degree or equivalent. Select 3 courses from the following: Extension
approval. Electives can also be studied from a moving from urban design principles and paradigms
Where qualifications are not considered adequate, Program Code 8141
postgraduate program within another faculty at UNSW Valuation 6 to the testing of these principles in a specific urban
admission may be permitted on the basis of
Environmental Sustainability Stream UOC subject to meeting any prerequisites for that course setting, usually in Sydney, in Studio 1. Core skills in the Commencement February, July
professional experience. Urban Economics 6
and subject to the Program Director’s approval. making of the urban project are consolidated in Studio
Transport, Land Use and Environment 6 Program Duration 2 years
Program structure Property Finance 6 2, which involves a detailed investigation of urban
Environmental Management 6 The program consists of seven core courses within design as public policy grounded in planning policies, Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$29,760
Development and Investment Major Project Management 6
Environmental Impact Assessment 6 the Master of Planning, totalling 42 units of credit, and political realities, development scenarios, master plan
Case Studies in Urban Development and Design 6 The Master of Urban Development and Design
one elective (6 UOC). Core Courses (36 UOC) UOC principles, evidence based design and the generation
Frameworks for Environmental Management 6 Extension Program (96 UoC) is an intensive
Designing Public Spaces 6 of urban design guidelines. The International Urban
Property Investment 6 coursework program involving four semesters full-time
Tools for Environmental Management 6 Design Studio is the culminating experience of the
Social Planning 6 study in one calendar year, or 8 semesters part-

66 www.international.unsw.edu.au www.international.unsw.edu.au 67
Built Environment Built Environment
Research programs

Career opportunities
time study. The program is Design Studio based, Urban Policy & Strategy Graduates will have a comprehensive understanding
multi-disciplinary and includes a compulsory fieldtrip
and workshop in a major international city. The Master of Urban Policy and Strategy of the theory and practice behind the development Research areas Research centres Research clusters
program offers advanced study in the growth and of urban policy and strategy including the key issues
Program Code 8313 UNSW Built Environment offers both Master and City Futures Research Centre The faculty’s research clusters are cross-disciplinary
change of urban form. The program connects with driving the management of cities. They will have an
Doctor of Philosophy programs. The Master of Professor Bill Randolph coalitions of staff and postgraduate research students
fellow universities, city agencies and professionals Commencement February awareness of the governance, politics and ethics of
Philosophy (MPhil) is a research degree that includes [email protected] organised around identifiable and emerging research
to integrate latest urban development practice with managing urban policy and have advanced skills in
Program Duration 1.5 years a coursework component designed to help you The City Futures Research Centre has established strengths. Through engagement on common projects,
creative design responses to the challenge of making preparing and managing strategic planning processes,
Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$29,760 develop research expertise in a particular area of itself as a significant centre for scholarly urban publications and workshops, they capitalise on the
the 21st century city. preparing them for senior leadership positions
(Plus AUD$5000 for field trip) study. The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is a research and housing research in Australia. With a range of synergies of individual research interests.
within governments, major corporations or specialist
degree providing opportunities for students to make research-intensive staff, postgraduate students, and
Entry requirements Urban Policy and Strategy is a unique degree offered strategic planning consultancies. Robert Freestone,
an original and significant high-level contribution to associated researchers within and outside the faculty,
You will need to have graduated from a recognised by the Faculty of Built Environment for professionals Associate Dean Research
knowledge in an area of built environment research. it represents the principal research concentration
four year bachelor degree or equivalent in appropriate wishing to develop advanced skills in urban Graduate Diploma in Urban Policy and Strategy [email protected]
cognate discipline, with a credit average (65 %). Judith O’Callaghan at UNSW Built Environment. Its work provided a
management. The program focuses on developing
Program Code 5313 Director of Postgraduate Research foundation for the UNSW’s 5 star rated research Urban Typologies
Admission is also open to graduates of a leaders in the field of urban policy. Work in this field
[email protected] performance in urban and regional planning under The urban typologies group undertakes cross-
is challenging and complex and requires a capacity Commencement February
recognised three year undergraduate degree in the ARC’s 2012 Excellence in Research Australia disciplinary research in cultural landscapes, urban
Architectural studies. All applicants must have not only to understand the range of issues confronting Program Duration 1 years Design – Architecture, Interior Architecture and assessment exercise - the only such rating to be morphology, architectural history, heritage and urban
achieved a minimum credit average (65 %) across urban managers but also to understand how to
Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$29,760 Industrial Design awarded to any Australian university. design. It focuses on metropolitan Sydney and the
their undergraduate degree. use and interpret data, to prepare evidence based
• Design as social, educative and ecological knowledge major typologies that have shaped its urban and
policy, and to understand core development finance The Graduate Diploma in Urban Policy and Strategy The main focus of City Futures is to understand
• Design as a speculative, creative and artistic practice suburban environment, drawing on cultural and critical
Program structure feasibilities. The program is particularly suited to fully articulates into the Master program which allows the interrelated areas of urban planning, housing,
• Computer-based perspectives that inform design architectural theory.
To qualify for the Master of Urban Development professionals wanting to up skill after being in the field flexibility in course selection and progression. design, development and policy. Its research interests
degree, students are required to complete ten core for several years. processes and outcomes
encompass the social, economic and environmental People and Place
courses and two elective course to accumulate a total Entry requirements • Product design processes including marketing,
aspects of contemporary city dynamics. City Futures The People and Place group is concerned with
of 96 UOC. Entry requirements A recognised undergraduate degree in a relevant field production and usability
has a range of active research partnerships with understanding the relationship between people
A recognised undergraduate degree in a relevant field (with at least a credit average) plus at least three
Environment and Sustainability – other universities in Australia, Asia and Europe. The and their environments with members bringing
The program offers advanced study in the growth (with at least a credit average) plus at least three years of post graduate, industry experience, including
Sustainable Development, Landscape Architecture applied focus of the Centre’s research involves close complementary expertise in the fields of urban
and change of urban form. An intense combination years of post graduate, industry experience, including work in an urban, regional or related professional
and Architecture partnerships with local, state and federal government sociology, environmental psychology, environment-
of coursework and design research is explored in work in an urban, regional or related professional role is required. A relevant degree would encompass
• Creation of sustainable urban environments in agencies as well as industry stakeholders and behaviour studies, urban and landscape design,
studios, theory seminars, case studies and field role is required. A relevant degree would encompass studies in a built environment discipline or studies
social, ecological and economic terms community groups. and social planning.
projects. studies in a built environment discipline or studies in social science, social policy, business and law.
in social science, social policy, business and law. • Environmental performance of buildings, precincts
Applicants should submit a CV including a short The Centre’s research is currently organised into a Design Research
This degree is for students interested in acquiring Applicants should submit a CV including a short and urban environments
personal statement (250-300 words) outlining their series of program areas: The Design Research group’s focus is research
a deeper knowledge in urban design by developing personal statement (250-300 words) outlining their • Education, governance and public policy
interest in applying for the program. • Housing policy and practice (incorporating the through design for the 21st century city.
rigorous research and design skills. This degree will interest in applying for the program. • Sustainable product development and
UNSW Australian Housing and Urban Research Research objectives are driven by an interdisciplinary
equip you for advanced practice of urban development Applicants will be required to undertake an environmental management
Institute Research Centre) commitment to practice-based production of
and design. This course will also prepare you if you Applicants will be required to undertake an interview process as part of their application for
History and Theory – Architecture, Landscape • Urban planning and policy knowledge. The major concern is with collaborative
would like to undertake a higher research degree. interview process as part of their application for entry into the program.
Architecture, Interior Architecture, and Planning • Healthy built environments design-based research and forging sustainable creative
entry into the program.
Program structure • History, heritage and theory of the built environment • Enabling built environments program (incorporating partnerships between with industry and practice.
Graduate Certificate in The Built Environment Program structure The Graduate Diploma comprises six core courses • Architectural theory and ideas the Home Modifications Information Network)
• Sustainable urbanism Emergent Digital Technologies
A total of 72 units of credit (UOC) is required, within the Master of Urban Policy and Strategy • Development of Australian architecture
Program Code 7131 • Spatial modelling and urban information The Emergent Digital Technologies group has a
consisting of core courses (60 UOC) and elective totalling 36 UOC and 12 UOC electives. • Asian architecture and design
technologies (incorporating the Australian focus on the development and application of digital
Commencement February (Only) courses (12 UOC). The program is a three-semester
Property Development and Construction – Urban Research Infrastructure Network Sydney technologies to examine, support, simulate and teach
Program Duration 0.5 years program delivered in one calendar year (Semester 1,
Graduate Certificate in Urban Policy and Strategy Building and Construction Management, Demonstrator Hub) the planning, design, construction, management and
Semester 2 and Summer Term). The program will be
Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$14,880 Real Estate, Sustainable Development, utilisation of the built environment.
able to be taken full-time or part-time. Courses in the Program Code 7313
Property and Development The Centre’s research can be viewed at:
The 7131 Graduate Certificate Program program will be delivered in intensive teaching blocks
Commencement February • Facilities, design, conflict, resource, tender, www.cityfutures.net.au
(24 UOC) offers foundational study in the field of in order to enable those still working to participate.
Program Duration 0.5 years and safety management
Urban Development and Design for non-cognate Cooperative Research Centre for Low Carbon Living
The program will utilise a number of different teaching • Organisational behaviour, human resources
disciplines (unrelated). Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$14,880 Professor Deo Prasad
strategies including: studios, master classes, problem- and culture
[email protected]
The Graduate Certificate of Built Environment is the based learning, case studies and field trips, consulting The Graduate Certificate in Urban Policy and Strategy • Property development, management and
pathway for graduates from a non-design background projects with clients, and evidence-based research. fully articulates into the Diploma program which allows tendering practices UNSW Built Environment has a close affiliation
to undertake postgraduate studies and establish a Class sizes in the program will deliberately be small to flexibility in course selection and progression. • Applications of information technology in with the CRC for Low Carbon Living. The CRC was
career in the field of urban design. allow students to engage in highly interactive classes management practice officially launched in late 2012 and is headed by
with other students, researchers, professionals, Entry requirements Built Environment Scientia Professor Deo Prasad. It
Entry requirements adjunct faculty and teachers. A recognised undergraduate degree in a relevant field Urban Studies – Urban Planning, Urban Design, brings together key property, planning, engineering
You will require a four year bachelor degree (with (with at least a credit average) plus at least three Urban Policy, Sustainable Development and policy organisations with leading Australian
credit average) in a non-design related field for years of post graduate, industry experience, including • Political, environmental, social and economic researchers to develop new social, technological and
Core Courses (60 UOC) UOC influences on planning and development
entry in this program. Upon graduation (with Credit work in an urban, regional or related professional policy tools for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in
average), you will then be able to enrol for the Master Drivers of Urban Change role is required. A relevant degree would encompass • Urban housing markets and dynamics the built environment. There are three major research
of Urban Development and Design (MUDD) or MUDD studies in a built environment discipline or studies • Urban planning, design and infrastructure issues in programs targeting key issues in transitioning to low
Strategic Urban Policy in social science, social policy, business and law. contemporary cities and urban areas carbon built environments:
Decision Making and Governance Applicants should submit a CV including a short • Environmentally sustainable development, design • Integrated Building Systems
Program structure personal statement (250-300 words) outlining their and community planning • Low Carbon Precincts
Four core courses (24 UOC). Development Economics
interest in applying for the program. • Engaged Communities
Impact Assessment
Applicants will be required to undertake an The Centre is headquartered in the Tyree Energy
Digital Cities interview process as part of their application for Technologies Building, a landmark 6-Star energy
Evidence-Based Policy entry into the program. efficient building while research students working on
projects with Built Environment staff are housed in the
Urban Leadership Program structure Red Centre.
International Policy Studio (12UOC) The Graduate Certificate comprises three core
courses within the Master of Urban Policy and
Strategy totalling 18 UOC and 6 UOC elective.
Elective Course (12 UOC)
Students can choose from a nominated list of BE
postgraduate electives. Currently this list includes
electives offered in Housing, Infrastructure Planning
and Procurement and Community Engagement.
Urban design may be studied through selected course
offerings in the MUDD program.

68 www.international.unsw.edu.au www.international.unsw.edu.au 69

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70 71

Master of Art Time-Based Art Master of Curating and Cultural Leadership

Program Code 9307 Painting You will need to complete three prescribed time- 2 Prescribed Major Core Courses 12 Program Code 9318
based art core courses, three time-based art studio 2 Studio Major Core Courses 12 Program Duration 2 years
Commencement February, July You will need to complete three prescribed painting You will need to complete three prescribed major core courses, two core theory courses, and
core courses, three painting studio major core printmaking core courses, three printmaking studio 1 Core Theory Course 6 Commencement February, July
Program Duration 1.5 years fourelectives (including at least one studio course).
courses, two core theory courses, and four electives major core courses, two core theory courses and
Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$26,880 (including at least one studio course). 3 Electives 18 Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$26,880
fourelectives (including at least one studio course). Prescribed Core Courses UOC
Please note that this program is under review for 2015. The Total units of credit 48 The Master of Curating and Cultural Leadership provides
information below may change. Prescribed Core Courses UOC Prescribed Core Courses UOC Select 3 courses from the following: pathways for both those with backgrounds in museums,
galleries, arts organisations, art history and art practice
The Master of Art (MArt) provides an intensive Select 3 courses from the following: Select 3 courses from the following: Time Based Art 1 6 Please refer to the Master of Art (9307) program entry and those who wish to enter curating or cultural
postgraduate experience in contemporary fine art Painting 1 6 Time Based Art 2 6 for further information on major choices and courses. leadership from other professional backgrounds.
Printmaking 1 6
practice. When you choose to study fine arts at UNSW
Painting 2 6 Printmaking 2 6 Time Based Art 3 6 Completion of the program with a credit average will Graduates are prepared to be independent
Art & Design.
allow progression to the Master of Art (9307). Please professionals, able to undertake leadership, research
you are provided with a lively and critically supportive Painting 3 6 Printmaking 3 6 refer to the Master of Art (9307) program entry for and innovation across a wide range of curating,
context in which you will be able to undertake Time-based Art Studio Major Core Courses UOC further information.
exploration and research across genre and media. exhibition, arts policy and management contexts.
Painting Studio Major Core Courses UOC Printmaking Studio Major Core Courses UOC Introduction to Game Design 6
This is possible under the guidance and mentoring The program consists of a shared core curriculum,
Select 3 courses from the following: Select 3 courses from the following: Introductory Interactive Multimedia 6 Graduate Certificate in Art which grounds all students in contemporary art and
of a committed staff of nationally and internationally
recognised artist educators and researchers. Advanced Drawing 6 Introductory Animation 6 Program Code 7307 cultural theory and a pragmatic understanding of the
Etching 6
The Master of Art program provides a foundation or art world, along with key skills in research, writing and
Drawing 6 Advanced Etching 6 Advanced Interactive Multimedia 6 Program Duration 6 months professional practice. The curriculum emphasises
an extension if you are, or would like to become, a
practising artist in the visual arts or related fields. It Painting 6 Custom Printing 6 Writing for Digital Media 6 Commencement February, July the transformative impact of new technologies, the
allows a focused investigation into art practice, which is dynamic field of Asia-Pacific art and design and the
Life Drawing 6 Advanced Custom Printing 6 Introduction to Sound 6 Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$13,440
grounded in critical and investigative thinking and which diverse and distinctive creativity of Australia.
also prepares you for further study at research level. Painting from Life 6 Artists’ Books 6 Advanced Animation and Video Graphics 6 Please note that this program is under review for 2015. The
information below may change. The program offers strong ties with industry and
The discipline areas within the Master of Art in Anatomy for Artists 6 Screen Printing 6 Advanced Sound 6 actively supports the development of professional
which students can major are: drawing; painting; Composition and Design 6 Video Construction 6 The Graduate Certificate provides an intensive networks and contacts. All students undertake a
Printmaking 6 postgraduate experience in contemporary fine art
printmaking; sculpture, performance and installation; carefully mentored internship. We work in partnership
Colour 6 Paper Technology 6 Introduction to Photographic Studio Lighting 6 practice. The program is structured to provide either with UNSW Galleries across the curriculum to provide
photography; and time-based art. Interdisciplinary a foundation or an extension for people who are, or
practice is encouraged and research excellence Digital Imaging and Painting 6 Special Projects – Studio 6 Advanced Photographic Studio Lighting 6 opportunities for students to produce
would like to become, practising artists in the visual public exhibitions.
promoted. Painting/Drawing Field Studies 6 Cinematography Workshop 6 arts or related fields.
Entry requirements Special Projects – Studio 6 Video Art 6 As well as core courses, students choose a
Sculpture, Performance and Installation Entry requirements specialisation from either:
A recognised Bachelor degree or completion of the Electronic Technologies 6 A recognised Bachelor degree. Applicants with other
Graduate Diploma in Art (5307). You will need to complete three prescribed sculpture, •C
 urating: focuses on contemporary curating as
Photography performance and Installation core courses, three Advanced Electronics 6 academic and professional qualifications may be a diverse and dynamic profession, which plays a
Program structure sculpture, performance and installation studio considered for admission. key role in setting cultural agendas and discovering
You will need to complete three prescribed Special Projects 6
majorcore courses, two core theory courses, and four new ground. The curatorial strand emphasises
UOC photography core courses, three photography studio Program structure
electives (including at least one studio course). experimentation and the development of a strong
major core courses, two core theory courses and four You will need to complete four courses, which include
3 Prescribed Major Core Courses 18 Career opportunities independent practice through curatorial studios and
electives (including at least one studio course). one prescribed major core course, one studio major
Prescribed Core Courses UOC In addition to becoming practising artists, graduates live public projects.
3 Studio Major Core Courses 18 core course, and two electives (including at least one
have also gained employment in related areas such •C
 ultural Leadership: includes museum education,
Prescribed Core Courses UOC Select 3 courses from the following: studio course).
2 Core Theory Courses 12 as the photographic industry, theatre and television policy, management, critical writing, promotion,
Select 3 courses from the following: Sculpture, Performance and Installation 1 6 production, prop making, digital and video production, UOC production and the many new roles emerging in
4 Electives 24
multimedia industries, galleries and museums. Many contemporary digital culture. It emphasises the
Photography 1 6 Sculpture, Performance and Installation 2 6 1 Prescribed Major Core Course 6
Total units of credit 72 also win prizes, gain grants, awards and commissions fluid boundaries between all of these activities,
Photography 2 6 Sculpture, Performance and Installation 3 6 as well as local, national, and international artist 1 Studio Major Core Course 6 and promotes a collaborative approach. This
residencies. Skills and insights that are learned within strand fosters a vision of leadership that is diverse
Plan Details Photography 3 6 2 Electives 12
this degree could enable graduates to work in many and limited by neither age nor status, it educates
Sculpture, Performance and Installation
Drawing other related fields. Total units of credit 24
Studio Major Core Courses UOC students to develop a unique individual philosophy
Photography Studio Major Core Courses UOC
You will need to complete three prescribed drawing Please refer to the Master of Art (9307) program entry underpinned by a robust and flexible skill set.
Select 3 courses from the following: Sculpture 6 Graduate Diploma in Art
core courses, three drawing studio major core for further information on major choices and courses.
Advanced Sculpture 6 Entry requirements
courses, two core theory courses and four electives Introduction to Analogue Photography 6 Program Code 5307 Completion of the program with a credit average will Depending on the level and nature of prior
(including at least one studio course). Installation 6
Digital Imaging 6 allow progression to the Graduate Diploma in Art qualifications, admission to the Master of Curating and
Program Duration 1 year
Electronic Technologies 6 (5307). Refer to the Master of Art (9307) program Cultural Leadership makes provision for three entry
Drawing Studio Major Core Courses UOC Advanced Analogue Photography 6 Commencement February, July entry for further information. points with different durations:
Select 3 courses from the following: Vector Graphics in Visual Arts 6 Advanced Electronics 6
Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$26,880 - A recognised Bachelor’s degree with at least a credit
Advanced Drawing 6 Writing for Digital Media 6 Metal Casting 6 average (65) or equivalent. The Bachelor’s degree
Please note that this program is under review for 2015. The
Ceramic Shell Casting 6 information below may change. can be in any field. This provides admission into the 2
Drawing 6 Introduction to Photographic Studio Lighting 6 year program (96UOC).
Painting 6 Advanced Photographic Studio Lighting 6 Sculpture Field Studies 6 The Graduate Diploma in Art provides an intensive
- A recognised Bachelor’s degree in a cognate field
Special Projects – Studio 6 postgraduate experience in contemporary fine art
Life Drawing 6 Cinematography Workshop 6 with at least a credit average (65) or equivalent.
practice. The program is structured to provide either
This provides admission into the 1.5 year program
Painting from Life 6 a foundation or an extension for people who are, or
would like to become, practising artists in the visual
Anatomy for Artists 6 - An Honours Degree in in a cognate field with at least
arts or related fields.
Composition and Design 6 12 months industry experience. This provides direct
Entry requirements admission to the advanced 1 year program (48UOC)
Colour 6 A recognised Bachelor degree. Applicants with other Cognate disciplines include Art History, Art Theory, Art Curating,
Digital Imaging and Painting 6 academic and professional qualifications may be Art Education, Museum and/or Heritage Studies, Cultural
considered for admission. Heritage Materials Conservation, Design Education.
Painting/Drawing Field Studies 6
Special Projects – Studio 6 Program structure Program structure – 2 year program
You will need to complete eight courses which You will need to complete sixteen courses, including
include two prescribed major core courses, one core ten core courses, four Stream courses, one Art or
theory course, two studio major core courses, and Design studio elective, and one elective.
threeelectives (including at least one studio course).

72 www.international.unsw.edu.au www.international.unsw.edu.au 73

UOC Program structure – 2 year program Future Making

a career in arts organisations and work in various Add 1 of the following: Art or Design studio elective. You will need to complete sixteen courses including
10 Prescribed Core Courses 60 capacities with practitioners, audiences, sponsors and The designing and making of objects with
The Australian Art Market (Arts Management Core Courses UOC six prescribed core courses, four Stream courses, four
funding bodies on interdisciplinary initiatives in the new materials using digital technologies and
4 Stream Courses 24 and Policy Stream students) 6 contextual studies courses, and two electives.
creative industries. 2 Prescribed Core Courses 12 craftsmanship. Future Making works with jewellery
1 Art or Design Elective 6 or UOC design, ceramics, metal,textiles, furniture and
The Master of Curating and Cultural Leadership 1 Stream Course 6
1 open Elective 6 Exhibitions and Collections (Curatorial Practice lighting design.
program will also prepare individuals for higher degree 6 Core courses 36
Stream students) 6 1 Art/Design/Media Elective 6
Total units of credit 96 research studies.
4 Stream courses 24 Interaction Design
Total units of credit 24
4 Contextual Studies courses 24 Involves interactive visual communication and user-
Core Courses UOC Graduate Diploma in Cultural Leadership Elective Course (6 UOC) UOC experience across graphics,media and emergent
Core Courses UOC 2 elective courses 12
Program Code 5312 One art or design studio elective course 6 inter-actives
Communication Skills for Creative Disciplines 6 Total units of credit 96
Program Duration 1 year Communication Skills for Creative Disciplines 6
Management of Art Organisations 6 UOC
Commencement February, July Narratives of Modernity or Beyond Modernities 6
Writing for Publication 6 Cultural Leadership Stream Fundamentals of Interaction Design: Human
Core Courses UOC
Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$26,880 Add 1 of the following: Computer Interactions 6
Cultural Heritage, Ethics and the Law 6 Select 2 of the following courses: UOC
The Australian Art Market (Arts Management and Interdisciplinary Studio 1: Insights, Processes
Internship 6 The program provides creative industry professionals Financial Literacy for Business Decisions 6 Interactive Design Proposals for Products
Policy Stream students) 6 and Communication 6
with the capacity to successfully work in wide range and Services 6
Research Paper 6 of projects and organisations in the visual arts Managing Agile Organisations 6 Interdisciplinary Studio 2: Critical Approaches
or Tangible Interfaces, Immersive Interactions 6
and associated creative fields. An interdisciplinary Dialogues, Communities and Cultural Development 6 to Practice 6
Exhibition Project 6 Exhibitions and Collections (Curatorial Practice
approach to arts administration support flexible, Interdisciplinary Studio 3: Culture, Identity Design and Production in Context 6
Current Issues in Art or Research Methods 6 integrated and adaptive professional strategies. Marketing and Promotion 6 Stream students) 6
and Principles 6
As well as core courses, students choose a Arts and Cultural Policy 6
Narratives of Modernity or Beyond Modernities 6 Capstone Project 6
specialisation from two options: Contextual Studies Courses
Elective Course (6 UOC) UOC Research Proposal 6
Add 1 of the following: Visual and Museum Cultures of
* Curatorial Practice Stream: includes registration UOC
the Asia-Pacific Region 6 One art or design studio elective course 6
The Australian Art Market (Arts Management and and handling of artworks, the art market, education Research Project 6
and public programs, exhibition history and design. Design Seminar 1: Design and Society 6
Policy Stream students) 6
* Arts Management and Policy Stream: includes Design elective streams Design Seminar 2: Design and the Mind 6
or Curating Stream
Exhibitions and Collections (Curatorial Practice
organisational psychology, arts and cultural policy, Design Design Research 6
marketing and promotion, compliance and finance for Select 2 of the following courses: UOC Experience Design
Stream students) 6 creative industries Master of Design Communication Skills for Creative Disciplines 6
World Biennales: Field Trip 6 Interdisciplinary courses focused on the design of
Program Code 9313 products, processes, services, events and spatial
Entry requirements
Exhibition Management and Curatorial Studies 6 Program Duration 2 years environments, with a focus on the quality of the
Cultural Leadership Stream Depending on the level and nature of prior Electives UOC
user experience.
qualifications, admission to the Graduate Diploma in Education and Public Programs 6 Commencement February, July
Select 4 of the following courses: UOC Cultural Leadership makes provision for three entry Two advanced disciplinary level elective courses 12
The Australian Art Market 6 Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$26,880 UOC
Financial Literacy for Business Decisions 6 points with different durations:
- A recognised Bachelor’s degree with at least a credit As a Master of Design student you will extend and Transforming the Everyday: Domestic Futures 6
Career opportunities
Managing Agile Organisations 6 Visual and Museum Cultures of
average (65) or equivalent. The Bachelor’s degree the Asia-Pacific Region 6 develop your theoretical, research, professional and Designing the Experience: Exhibitions and Beyond 6The Master of Design program provides design
Dialogues, Communities and Cultural Development 6 can be in any field. This provides admission into the 1 practical design knowledge and skills to an advanced professionals with new perspectives on design
year program (48UOC). Registration and Handling of level. This will equip you with the personal confidence Participatory Design for Commercial Contexts 6 practice, concentrating on an interdisciplinary
Marketing and Promotion 6
Works of Art and Material Culture 6 and professional capabilities needed to move into People, Places and Cultural Contexts 6 approach to design that provides more flexible and
- A recognised Bachelor’s degree in a cognate field
Arts and Cultural Policy 6 practice-based leadership roles in freelance, project or integrated professional design and academically
with at least a credit average (65) or equivalent. Right Here Right Now: Contemporary Issues design business contexts. informed processes. The studio focus of the Master
Visual and Museum Cultures of This provides admission into the 0.5 year program in Aboriginal Art 6
Your choice of studio specialisation includes: Graphic Communication of Design program also affords opportunities to
the Asia-Pacific Region 6 (24UOC). Cognate disciplines include Art History,
Art Theory, Art Curating, Art Education, Museum Involves graphic design for paper and print, the work collaboratively and experiment with new and
– Experience Design unfamiliar technologies. The combination of design
and/or Heritage Studies, Cultural Heritage Materials Graduate Certificate in Cultural Leadership – Graphic Communication screen and broadcast encompassing contemporary
Conservation, Design Education. typography, graphic design and cross-cultural theory, research and development, along with
– Visualiation and Visual Effects new technical explorations and innovative studio
Curating Stream Program Code 7318 communication strategies in designing for
- A Graduate Certificate in Cultural Leadership or – Future Making practices will inform the unique contributions that
Select 4 of the following courses: UOC equivalent. This provides admission into the 0.5 year Program Duration 6 months – Interaction Design different audiences.
graduate designers can bring to future projects and
World Biennales: Field Trip 6 program (24UOC). help shape rapidly evolving workplace cultures and
Commencement February, July UOC
Entry requirements contexts in local and international design in response
Exhibition Management and Curatorial Studies 6 Program structure –1 year program Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$13,440 Depending on the level and nature of prior Collaboration & Communication in Graphic Design: to significant creative, social and environmental
You will need to complete eight courses, including qualifications, admission to the Master Design makes
The program provides creative industry professionals An Introduction 6 challenges and opportunities.
Education and Public Programs 6 five core courses, two Stream courses, and one Art or provision for three entry points with different durations:
Design studio elective. with the capacity to successfully work in wide range Graphics Media: Contemporary Typography 6
The Australian Art Market 6 of projects and organisations in the visual arts - A recognised Bachelor’s degree with at least a credit
Core Courses UOC and associated creative fields. An interdisciplinary Graphics and Contemporary Society 6
Visual and Museum Cultures of average (65) or equivalent. The Bachelor’s degree
approach to arts administration support flexible, can be in any field. This provides admission into the 2 Graphic Design for Screen 6
the Asia-Pacific Region 6 5 Prescribed Core Courses 30
integrated and adaptive professional strategies. year program (96UOC).
Registration and Handling of 2 Stream Courses 12
Entry requirements - A recognised Bachelor’s degree in a cognate field Visualisation and Visual Effects
Works of Art and Material Culture 6 1 Art/Design/Media Elective 6 A recognised Bachelor’s degree with at least a credit with at least a credit average (65) or equivalent.
Total units of credit 48 average (65) or equivalent. The Bachelor’s degree Involves designing for animation, 3D, sound, film,
Right Here Right Now: Contemporary Issues This provides admission into the 1.5 year program
can be in any field. video, illustration, computing and other digital media
in Aboriginal Art 6 (72UOC).
Core Courses UOC Program structure – 6 months program - An Honours Degree in in a cognate field. This UOC
You will need to complete four courses including two provides direct admission to the advanced 1 year
Elective Course (6 UOC) UOC Communication Skills for Creative Disciplines 6 prescribed core courses, one Stream course, and one Exploring 3D Visualisation 6
program (48UOC)
Management of Art Organisations 6 3D Digital Aestheticsi 6
One art or design studio elective course 6 Cognate disciplines would typically include Animation,
Architecture, Ceramic Design, Design (generic), Design 3D Immersion and Interaction 6
One advanced disciplinary level elective course 6 Current Issues in Art or Research Methods 6
Education, Design Management, Digital Design / Computing or
Multimedia, Engineering Design, Exhibition or Display Design, Design and Production in Context 6
Narratives of Modernity or Beyond Modernities 6
Experiential Design, Exterior / Environmental or Landscape
Career opportunities Design, Furniture Design, Graphic Design or Graphics Media,
The program equips graduates with the intellectual Interior Design or Interior Architecture, Jewellery Design,
tools and contextual understanding needed to enter Lighting and/or Sound Design, Object Design, Service Design,
Spatial Design, Special Effects, Television / Film / Theatre or
Set Design, Costume or Fashion Design, Textile Design.

74 www.international.unsw.edu.au www.international.unsw.edu.au 75
ART & DESIGN Research contacts
PhD: Michele Barker: [email protected]
COURSEWORK PROGRAMS Masters by research: Katherine Moline: [email protected]
W: www.artdesign.unsw.edu.au/future-students/postgraduate-research-degrees

Graduate Diploma in Design UOC In the process you will also develop the underpinning
academic abilities required to pursue further
Research areas: • Design history, theory and aesthetics
Research institute
Program Code 5306 Transforming the Everyday: Domestic Futures 6 • Design within the Asia-Pacific region, designing
design studies at Graduate Diploma or Masters by • Drawing (including life drawing, anatomy, for artisan production, and sustainable design in • National Institute for Experimental Arts –
Program Duration 1 year Designing the Experience: Exhibitions and Beyond 6 coursework, or potential higher degree research composition and design, field studies) developing economies NIEA: www.niea.unsw.edu.au
training. With a strong commitment to collaborative
Commencement February, July • Painting (including life painting, anatomy, • Design and computing including interactive design,
teamwork, students are encouraged to make creative,
composition and design, colour, digital outputting, web design and screen interface, digital and pre-
Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$26,880 Graphic Communication cognitive and practical contributions to the resolution
field studies) press design
Research centres
Involves graphic design for paper and print, the of interdisciplinary problems, which call for the
The Graduate Diploma in Design is a postgraduate • Printmaking (including etching, lithography, relief
screen and broadcast encompassing contemporary application of specialist skills. In particular, you will be • Design and society including ageing populations; • iCinema Centre for Interactive Cinema Research:
coursework program for design practitioners painting, screen printing, custom printing)
typography, graphic design and cross-cultural asked to engage in collective experimentation, sharing design interventions for specific communities; www.icinema.unsw.edu.au
seeking to upgrade qualifications, expand existing
communication strategies in designing for your past experience and current research to help • Sculpture/Performance/Installation (including bronze design and national experience; and production and • Centre for Contemporary Art & Politics – CCAP:
or new specialist knowledge and skills and improve
different audiences. identify networks relevant to various existing and new casting, figurative sculpture, electronic sculpture, consumption design http://blogs.cofa.unsw.edu.au/ccap/
professional level project performance. The program
industry projects and practices at the local, national, installation, body works, earthworks, performance) • Environment/spatial design including interiors,
provides an academically rigorous and professionally
UOC regional and global level. exhibition, theatre, urban and landscapes
informed re-evaluation of design principles, practices • Visual education
and specialisations as a pathway into the Master of Collaboration & Communication in Graphic Design: Entry requirements • Qualitative research and ethnography • Ethical, socially aware and sustainable design
Research groups
Design by coursework. As a student in the Graduate An Introduction 6 - A recognised Bachelor’s degree.
• The political nature of curriculum reform in national • Graphics/media including visual identity design; • Imaging the Land International Research Initiative
Diploma of Design you will engage with industry
Graphics Media: Contemporary Typography 6 - Applicants who submit evidence of other and state contexts book, magazine and electronic media; illustration; – ILIRI: www.artdesign.unsw.edu.au/research/
relevant theoretical, research, professional and
academic qualifications in a cognate field, with experimental typography and letterpress printing collaborations-research-groups/iliri
practical design knowledge and skills that challenge • Exhibition access and interaction in the
your assumptions about working on innovative additional minimum 2 years verified professional • Interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary design • Omnium: online creative & education communities:
public domain
design projects. Visualisation and Visual Effects design experience www.omnium.net.au
• Practices of creativity in art and design • Jewellery including design for the body, costume
Your choice of studio specialisation includes: In exceptional cases an applicant who submits
Involves designing for animation, 3D, sound, film, and fashion; designs for the table, interior, industry, • The Environmental Research Initiative for Art –
education context
evidence of such other academic qualifications and
video, illustration, computing and other digital media installation and experimental object design ERIA: http://eria.com.au
– Experience Design professional experience, as may be approved by • Community-based practitioner research
– Graphic Communication the Committee, may be permitted to enrol for the • Textiles including design for the body, costume • Cicada Press: www.artdesign.unsw.edu.au/
UOC • Cognitive realism and conditions for authentic artistic
– Visualiation and Visual Effects qualification as a pathway to the Master of Design. design, accessories and fashion, objects, interiors research/collaborations-research-groups/
practice in educational settings
– Future Making Exploring 3D Visualisation 6 and designing for the commercial textile industry, cicada-press
Cognate disciplines would typically include Animation, • Online communities/transformative education
– Interaction Design installation and experimental textile and art design • Porosity: www.niea.unsw.edu.au/research/
3D Digital Aesthetics 6 Architecture, Ceramic Design, Design (generic), Design
Education, Design Management, Digital Design / Computing or • Critical influences on ideas and artistic practices and organisations/porosity-studio
Entry requirements Multimedia, Engineering Design, Exhibition or Display Design, visual art research
Experiential Design, Exterior / Environmental or Landscape • Research into Experimental Design: Objects – RED
- A recognised Bachelor’s degree. Future Making • Histories of Australian art education
Design, Furniture Design, Graphic Design or Graphics Media, Objects: http://redobjects.unsw.edu.au
- Applicants who submit evidence of other The designing and making of objects with Interior Design or Interior Architecture, Jewellery Design, • Aesthetics • in.site (Contemporary Curatorial and Education
academic qualifications in a cognate field, with an new materials using digital technologies and Lighting and/or Sound Design, Object Design, Service Design,
• Art, subjectivity and the body: trauma and memory Research): www.insite.unsw.edu.au
additional minimum 2 years of verified professional craftsmanship. Future Making works with jewellery Spatial Design, Special Effects, Television / Film / Theatre or
design experience Set Design, Costume or Fashion Design, Textile Design. • Australian art history and visual culture: • The Drawing Research Group: www.artdesign.
design, ceramics, metal,textiles, furniture and
post-colonialism unsw.edu.au/research/collaborations-research-
In exceptional cases an applicant who submits lighting design. Program structure – 6 months program groups/drawing-research-group
evidence of such other academic qualifications and You will need to complete four courses including one • Contemporary art and politics; contemporary art of
professional experience, as may be approved by UOC the Asia-Pacific region: art and anthropology • Indigenous Connections @ Cofa: www.cofa.
prescribed core courses, one Stream course, and two
the Committee, may be permitted to enrol for the unsw.edu.au/about-us/facilities/indigenous-
New Technologies, Traditional Techniques 6 contextual studies courses. • Critical and cultural theory
qualification as a pathway to the Master of Design. connections-cofa
Material Thinking 6 UOC • Curatorship, museology and the arts infrastructure;
Cognate disciplines would typically include Animation, • Asian Connections @ Cofa: www.cofa.unsw.edu.
Modern and contemporary art
Architecture, Ceramic Design, Design (generic), Design
1 Core course 6 au/about-us/facilities/asian-connections-cofa
Education, Design Management, Digital Design / Computing or • New media arts and theory
Multimedia, Engineering Design, Exhibition or Display Design, Interaction Design 1 Stream course 6
Experiential Design, Exterior / Environmental or Landscape
Design, Furniture Design, Graphic Design or Graphics Media, Involves interactive visual communication and user- 2 Contextual Studies courses 12 • Digital media (including digital video, digital imaging,
Interior Design or Interior Architecture, Jewellery Design, experience across graphics,media and emergent digital sound, interactive media, 2D and 3D animation)
Total units of credit 24
Lighting and/or Sound Design, Object Design, Service Design, inter-actives Photomedia (including analogue photography, digital
Spatial Design, Special Effects, Television / Film / Theatre or
imaging and integrated print, and installation media)
Set Design, Costume or Fashion Design, Textile Design.
Core courses UOC • Time-based art (including sound media, video art,
Program structure – 1 year program Fundamentals of Interaction Design: Human interactive media, performance and animation)
You will need to complete eight courses including two Interdisciplinary Studio 1: Insights, Processes
Computer Interactions 6 • Applied/object design including designing objects,
prescribed core courses, two Stream courses, and and Communication 6
Interactive Design Proposals for Products furniture and lighting
four contextual studies courses.
and Services 6 • Ceramics design including designing for the table,
UOC Design elective streams industry, interiors, installation and experimental art
2 Core courses 12 Select 1 of the following courses: UOC and design
Contextual Studies
• Design management and practice
2 Stream courses 12 UOC Transforming the Everyday: Domestic Futures 6
4 Contextual Studies courses 24 Identity, Symbols and Information 6
Design Seminar 1: Design and Society 6
Total units of credit 48 Managing Change, Innovation and Creativity 6
Design Seminar 2: Design and the Mind 6
Design Research 6 New Technologies, Traditional Techniques 6
Core Courses UOC Communication Skills for Creative Disciplines 6
Interdisciplinary Studio 1: Insights, Processes Contextual Studies Courses
and Communication 6 Graduate Certificate in Design UOC
Interdisciplinary Studio 2: Critical Approaches Program Code 7306 Design Seminar 1: Design and Society 6
to Practice 6
Program Duration 6 months Communication Skills for Creative Disciplines 6
Design Elective Streams Commencement February, July

Experience Design Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$13,440

interdisciplinary courses focused on the design of In the Graduate Certificate in Design you will build on
products, processes, services, events and spatial background experiences in different fields to acquire
environments, with a focus on the quality of the foundation knowledge and skills in design practice.
user experience. This includes the studio-based creative and critical
thinking, research, collaboration and problem-solving
skills needed to enter the design profession.

76 www.international.unsw.edu.au www.international.unsw.edu.au 77


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78 79
Engineering Engineering

Engineering Science • Food Process Engineering

• Geospatial Engineering
Graduate Certificate of Engineering Science
Biomedical Instrumentation 6 Fuel and Energy 6
Disciplinary Knowledge Courses UOC
Biosensors and transducers 6 Environmental Chemistry 6
Master of Engineering Science • Geotechnical Engineering & Engineering Geology Program Code 7320 24 UOC selected from the following:
• Manufacturing Engineering & Management Implantable Bionics 6 Advanced Transport Phenomena 6
Program Code 8338 Commencement February, July Project Management
• Mechanical Engineering Advanced Bionics 6
Commencement February, July • Nuclear Engineering Program Duration 0.5 year Problem Solving for Engineers 6
• Petroleum Engineering Dynamics of Cardiovascular Sys 6 Advanced Disciplinary Knowledge Courses UOC
Program Duration 2 years Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$17,770 Operations and Project 6
• Photovoltaics & Solar Energy Modelling 6
Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$35,520 The Graduate Certificate of Engineering Science 24 UOC selected from the following:
• Project Management Engineering Contract 6
• Renewable Energy Engineering program is designed for engineers and graduates
The Master of Engineering Science program is Advanced Process Control 6 Sustainability in Construction 6
• Satellite Systems Engineering wishing to develop and expand their knowledge and
designed for engineers and graduates wishing skills in their current area of expertise.* This will Research related courses (18 UOC) UOC Advanced Polymer Science and Research 6
• Structural Engineering Geotechnical Engineering
to develop and expand their knowledge and enable students to meet or maintain professional
• Systems & Control Masters Project (Half Time) 6 Complex Fluid Microstructure and Rheology 6
skills in their current area of expertise.* This will accreditation standards and to provide opportunities Rock and Slope Engineering 6
enable students to meet or maintain professional • Telecommunications Masters Project (Half Time) 6
• Transportation Engineering for continuing professional development, as well as Advanced Topics in Geotechnical Engineering 6
accreditation standards and to provide opportunities the opportunity to interact with those at the cutting Masters Project 12
for continuing professional development, as well as • Water Resources: catchments to coasts PLUS 6UOC selected from the following: Ground Improvement and Monitoring Techniques 6
• Water, Wastewater & Waste Engineering edge of their discipline.
the opportunity to interact with those at the cutting Eng PG Coursework Res Skills 6
Environmental Management 6
edge of their discipline. Students will develop This degree is offered in the following
their technical knowledge and ability to analyse specialisations (streams): Sustainability Assessment 6 Structures
Graduate Diploma of Engineering Science Electives (24 UOC) UOC
engineering problems. They will also gain further • Civil Engineering Managing Energy Efficiency 6 Advanced Concrete Structures 6
skills in solving engineering problems and justifying Program Code 5341 • Geospatial Engineering Must include 6UOC of engineering and technical
professional decisions. management (ETM) courses from: Operational Energy Efficiency 6 Structural Dynamics 6
Commencement February, July • Petroleum Engineering
Life Cycle Engineering 6 Sust Elec. Energy Tech Assess. 6
Students will have the chance to work on a complex, Program Duration 1 year BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING
open-ended enquiry-based project. This will develop Engineering Statistics 6 Engineering Decisions 6 Surveying
Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$35,520
their systematic approach to a problem and require Master of Engineering Science Life Cycle Engineering 6 Deformation Monitoring Surveys 6
project planning and the ability to analyse, interpret and The Graduate Diploma of Engineering Science Quality in Engineering 6
communicate results proficiently. The completion of the program is designed for engineers and graduates (Biomedical Engineering) Project Management 6 Ethics & Leadership in Eng 6
research provides a pathway towards postgraduate wishing to develop and expand their knowledge and Specialisation Authority Engineering Statistics 6
skills in their current area of expertise.* This will Economic Decision Anal.in Eng 6
research degrees through the development and Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering
enable students to meet or maintain professional Maintenance Engineering 6 Maintenance Engineering 6 Transport
demonstration of enquiry-based skills.
(* It is also possible for students to acquire some knowledge accreditation standards and to provide opportunities Units of Credit 96 Quality in Engineering 6 Transport Systems - Part 1: Network Analysis 6
and skills in a different specialisation with the approval of The remainder of electives may be chosen from
for continuing professional development, as well as Biomedical Engineering is the application of
the Stream Authority. This may require the student to take advanced disciplinary courses from this specialisation, Project Management Framework 6 Water and Waste Water
the opportunity to interact with those at the cutting engineering principles to developing technologies and
additional foundation and disciplinary knowledge courses at the or another specialisation within the Master of
edge of their discipline. solving problems in a diverse range of healthcare- Project Management 6 Advanced Water Engineering 6
discretion of the Stream Authority.) Engineering Science program with approval from the
Students will add breadth to their knowledge of related fields like implantable bionics, drug delivery stream authority. Eng Economics & Financial Mngt 6 Sustainable Infrastructure 6
Program structure systems, medical imaging, radiotherapies, orthopaedic
engineering in general and expand their knowledge Engineering Economics 6
The program comprises of 16 courses totalling 96 devices, telemedicine, robotic surgery, cell and
and skills in engineering management. Students
units of credit (UOC) in four key areas: tissue engineering, records management, physical Advanced Disciplinary Knowledge Courses UOC
will develop their technical knowledge and ability to CHEMICAL PROCESS ENGINEERING
analyse engineering problems. They will also gain rehabilitation and much more.
Disciplinary Knowledge (18-30 UOC) Enquiry-based (research) courses UOC Selected from the following:
further skills in solving engineering problems and Stream structure Master of Engineering Science Students may choose courses from any postgraduate
These courses are designed to develop core Advanced Thesis A (prerequisite for CEIC9003) 12
justifying professional decisions. (Chemical Process Engineering) specialisation offered from the School of Civil and
knowledge and skills in the chosen specialisation (* It is also possible for students to acquire knowledge and Disciplinary and foundamental Courses UOC Advanced Thesis B (this is an Advanced Research- Environmental Engineering:
and prepare students for the Advanced Disciplinary skills in a different specialisation at the approval of the Stream Specialisation Authority completion course and it is required)
Knowledge courses. Authority. This may require the student to take additional Disciplinary and foundational Courses School of Chemical Engineering • Environmental Engineering
foundation and disciplinary knowledge courses at the discretion Up to 24 UOC of disciplinary courses are selected With the approval of the stream authority, high • Geotechnical Engineering & Engineering Geology
Advanced Disciplinary Knowledge (18-30 UOC) of the Stream Authority.) from relevant disciplines such as Electrical, Chemical, Units of Credit 96 performing students for whom it is appropriate may
and Mechanical Engineering on approval of the The Master of Engineering Science in Chemical substitute the undergraduate course Thesis A for • Project Management
These courses drill down to the intricate details of This degree is offered in the following specialisations program authority. Up to 12 UOC foundational courses Process Engineering is a program of advanced Advanced Thesis B. • Structural Engineering
the discipline, fostering deep analysis and problem- (streams): may be taken to provide necessary background and study especially for chemical engineers, allowing • Water, Wastewater and Waste Engineering
solving skills. • Chemical Process Engineering only with program authority approval. These could them to expand their knowledge and skills and
• Civil Engineering include one or two courses from: increase career prospects. The program is also Electives (24 UOC) •W
 ater Resources (includes coastal
Enquiry-based (research) courses (18-30 UOC)
• Electrical Engineering Fundamentals of Anatomy 6 suited to other technical professionals who wish engineering courses)
(including a 12-24 UOC project) Elective courses are designed to give students the
• Energy Systems to redirect their engineering careers into this area. as well as the courses listed below from the additional
These courses provide a greater depth of study. • Environmental Engineering Principles of Physiology A 6 opportunity to tailor their program and to provide
It teaches advanced technical and management extended training in key areas of technology areas of transport and traffic engineering and
• Food Process Engineering Principles of Physiology B 6 skills and provides essential specialist knowledge in construction management.
Electives (24 UOC) • Geospatial Engineering management. See program information for
chemical engineering that is suitable across a wide further details. Urban Transport Planning Practice 6
Elective courses are designed to give students • Geotechnical Engineering & Engineering Geology range of areas including the fuel and energy sector,
• Manufacturing Engineering & Management Advanced Disciplinary Knowledge Courses UOC
the opportunity to tailor their program and to mineral processing, fine chemicals, pharmaceuticals, Transport Systems (Part 2) 6
provide extended training in key areas of • Mechanical Engineering At least 30 UOC selected from the following: petrochemicals, consumer products, the food industry
• Photovoltaics & Solar Energy CIVIL ENGINEERING Transport Modelling 6
technology management. and more.
• Project Management Medical Imaging 6 Traffic Management and Control 6
Students should choose at least 6 UOC • Renewable Energy Engineering Master of Engineering Science (Civil Engineering)
Biomedical Systems Analysis 6 Stream structure Design of Construction Operations 6
Engineering and Technical Management courses • Structural Engineering Specialisation Authority
and the remainder of electives may be chosen from • Telecommunications Mass Transfer in Medicine 6 Disciplinary Knowledge Courses UOC School of Civil & Environmental Engineering Construction Estimating and Tendering 6
disciplinary or advanced disciplinary courses from • Transportation Engineering Biocompatibility 6 24 UOC selected from the following: Units of Credit 96
their specialisation, or another specialisation within • Water Engineering: Catchments to Coasts
the Master of Engineering Science program subject to • Water, Wastewater & Waste Engineering Cellular & Tissue Engineering 6 Topics in Polymer Technology 6 This specialisation provides students with advanced Enquiry-based (research) courses (18 UOC) UOC
students being sufficiently prepared by way Regulatory Req of Biomed Tech 6 study options across the breadth of specialisations
Program Structure Extension Masters Thesis A 6
of prior learning. in Civil Engineering as well as courses in transport
Students must complete 48UOC of courses to be Clinical Laboratory Science 6 PLUS a further 18 UOC selected from: Extension Masters Thesis B 6
engineering and construction management as
This degree is offered in specialisations (streams) eligible for the degree. Introductory Polymer Chemistry 6 tabled below. Engineering Postgraduate Research Skills 6
including: Membrane Processes 6
• Biomedical Engineering Clinical Information Systems 6 Stream Structure
Instrumental Analysis 6
• Chemical Process Engineering Introductory Biomechanics 6 MEngSc students must complete a total of 96UOC
Topics in Business Management 6 Electives (24 UOC) UOC
• Civil Engineering of courses. Please note that the availability of the
• Electrical Engineering Mechanics of the Human Body 6 courses may vary from semester to semester and Students may choose any course for which they are
Process Engineering in Petroleum Industry 6
• Energy Systems Biomech of Physical Rehabili’n 6 courses may be offered in alternate years. eligible to enrol, as electives, including any of the
• Environmental Engineering Advanced Reaction Engineering 6 courses listed above.
Mech Properties of Biomaterial 6
Advanced Particle Engineering 6 At least 6 UOC must be taken from the Engineering
Biological Signal Analysis 6
Plant Operations 6

80 www.international.unsw.edu.au www.international.unsw.edu.au 81
Engineering Engineering

& Technical Management (ETM) Courses. For the Telecommunications ENERGY SYSTEMS Transport Modelling 6 Engineering Decisions 6
Civil Engineering specialisation we recommend the
Optical Circuits and Fibres 6 Transport Systems – Part 2: Queuing Theory 6 Life Cycle Engineering 6
following Engineering and Technical management Master of Engineering Science (Energy Systems) Master of Engineering Science
courses: Network Performance 6 Surface Water Hydrology 6 Ethics & Leadership in Eng 6
Specialisation Authority (Environmental Engineering)
Eng Economics & Financial Mngt 6 Wireless Communication Tec 6 Urban Hydrology 6 Engineering Statistics 6
School of Electrical Engineering & Specialisation Authority
Design of Construction Operations 6 Mobile & Satellite Comm System 6 Telecommunications School of Civil & Environmental Engineering Catchment and Water Resources Modelling 6 Maintenance Engineering 6
Project Management Framework 6 Units of Credit 96 Units of Credit 96 Channels, Rivers and Estuaries 6 Quality and Quality Systems ( UOC)
Environmental Management 6 Advanced Disciplinary Knowledge Courses UOC As with all streams under the Master of Engineering This specialisation provides students with advanced Groundwater Engineering 6 Quality in Engineering 6
Science, the Energy Systems specialisation is study options in Environmental Engineering. It is
Sustainability Assessment and Risk Analysis in Water Choose 24-30 UOC from the following lists: Waves and Beaches 6 Project Management Framework 6
underpinned by the attainment of disciplinary and designed to develop skills in analysis and design of
and Energy Systems Planning 6 Project Management 6
Power System Protection 6 advanced disciplinary knowledge, and the undertaking sustainable urban infrastructure. It is ideally suited Energy Efficiency in the Water Sector 6
In addition, students may select any ETM elective in of an enquiry-based learning component. This stream for both practising engineers and recent graduates Eng Economics & Financial Mngt 6
the consolidated Faculty list with approval. Mixed Signal Microelectronics Design 6 offers a broad range of theoretical- and applications- planning a career in environmental engineering.
Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits 6 based electives within the discipline of energy and FOOD PROCESS ENGINEERING Engineering Economics 6
power systems engineering, including smart-grids, Stream Structure
ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Microsystems Design and Technology 6 MEngSc students must complete a total of 96UOC Master of Engineering Science
power electronics for renewable energy engineering,
VLSI Technology 6 power system analysis and protection, high voltage of courses. (Food Process Engineering) Enquiry-based (research) courses 18 UOC
Master of Engineering Science
Quantum Devices 6 engineering, power systems planning and economics, Specialisation Authority Advanced Thesis A (prerequisite for CEIC9003) 12
(Electrical Engineering) Please note that the availability of the courses may
and electrical safety. Such a choice allows students School of Chemical Engineering
Power Electronics for Renewable and vary from semester to semester and courses may Advanced Thesis B (this is an Advanced Research-
Specialisation Authority the gain a depth and breadth of knowledge across
Distributed Generation 6 be offered in alternate years. Units of Credit 96 completion course and it is required)
School of Electrical Engineering & several themes.
Telecommunications High Voltage Systems 6 Disciplinary Knowledge Courses This specialisation is designed for engineers who With the approval of the stream authority, high
The stream provides a solid postgraduate program for performing students for whom it is appropriate may
Units of Credit 96 Choose 24-30 UOC to from the following list: want to specialise in the area of food science. It
Industrial and Commercial Power Systems 6 electrical engineers wishing to upgrade their skills or substitute the undergraduate course CEIC4002
provides a thorough study of factors affecting the
The Electrical Engineering specialisation within further their knowledge. • Design Practice A for CEIC9002.
Electricity Industry Planning 6 science, processes, operation technology and
the Master of Engineering Science is underpinned • Operations and Projects engineering of foods, and the life cycle of plants.
Electricity Industry Operation 6 Stream Structure
by the attainment of disciplinary and advanced Students also study issues that affect business
• Engineering Contracts
disciplinary knowledge, and the undertaking of an Electrical Safety 6 Disciplinary Knowledge Courses UOC decisions encountered in the food industry including Electives - maximum (24 UOC)
enquiry-based learning component. This stream offers • Sustainability in Construction
Digital Signal Processing Theory and Applications 6 Choose 24-30 UOC to from the following list: • Rock and Slope Engineering a focus on efficient design and robust, objective Students may choose the remainder of the electives
electives across several sub-disciplines of electrical analysis. It can also provide a solid postgraduate from the Disciplinary or Advanced Disciplinary
engineering, allowing students the option of obtaining Digital Image Processing 6 Microelectronic Design and Technology 6 • Deformation Monitoring Surveys
program for the professional food scientist wishing Knowledge courses listed above or with the
a good depth of knowledge in one discipline, or a Power System Equipment 6 • Contaminated Site Engineering to upgrade their skills or extent their knowledge.
Speech Processing 6 approval of the stream authority, other courses.
breadth of knowledge by adopting a multidisciplinary
approach when choosing their electives. The stream Robust and Linear Control Systems 6 Power System Analysis 6 Stream Structure Students may only choose electives for which they
Advanced Disciplinary Knowledge Courses
provides a solid postgraduate program for electrical Analysis and Design for Non-linear Control Systems 6 Electrical Drive Systems 6 are appropriately prepared by way of prior learning.
engineers wishing to upgrade their skills or further Minimum 24 UOC selected from the following: Disciplinary Knowledge Courses UOC
Up to 12 UOC of foundation knowledge courses
their knowledge. Real Time Computing and Control 6 Power Electronics 6
• Environmental Management Choose 24 UOC to from the following list: may be approved as electives by the Stream
Special Topics in Electrical Engineering 6 Advanced Digital Signal Processing 6 • Sustainability Assessment Chemistry, Biochemistry and Microbiology of Food 6 Authority where appropriate.
Stream Structure
MEngSc students must complete a total of 96UOC Special Topics in Electrical Engineering 6 Continuous-Time Control Systems 6 • Env Eng Sc 1 Food Processing Principles 6
of courses. Please note that the availability of the Optical Circuits and Fibres 6 • Env Eng Sc 2 Advanced and Applied Nutrition 6
courses may vary from semester to semester and GEOSPATIAL ENGINEERING
courses may be offered in alternate years. Enquiry-based (research) courses (18 UOC) UOC Mobile and Satellite Communication Systems 6 Food Microbiology 6
Enquiry-based (research) courses 18 UOC UOC Master of Engineering Science
Disciplinary Knowledge Courses UOC Project Food Diagnostics 6
Master’s Thesis A 6 (Geospatial Engineering)
Project Report A 6 Advanced Disciplinary Knowledge Courses UOC Instrumental Analysis in the Process Industries 6
Choose 24-30 UOC from the following lists: Master’s Thesis B 6 Specialisation Authority
Microelectronics Project Report B 6 Choose 24-30 UOC to from the following list: Advanced Food Engineering 6 School of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Engineering Postgraduate Research Skills 6
PLUS Power System Protection 6 Nutrition 6 Units of Credit 96
Digital & Embedded Systems Design 6
Engineering Postgraduate Research Skills 6 Power Electronics for Renewable and Food Preservation 6 This specialisation provides students with advanced
Microelectronic Design & Tech 6 Electives (24 UOC)
Distributed Generation 6 study options across a range of topics in geospatial
Solid State Electronics 6 Food Science and Technology Laboratory 6
High Voltage Systems 6 Students may choose any course for which they are engineering, including, advanced surveying;
RF Electronics 6 Electives (24 UOC) eligible to enrol, as electives, including any of the Advanced Food Chemistry 6 modern geodesy and geopositioning; GPS/GNSS
Industrial and Commercial Power Systems 6 disciplinary knowledge courses listed above. technology; geospatial image analysis; Geographic
At least 6 UOC Engineering and Technical Product Design and Development 6
Management (ETM) to be chosen. Electricity Industry Planning 6 Information Systems (GIS); remote sensing. The
Energy Systems At least 6 UOC must be taken from the Engineering Food Safety and Quality Assurance 6 program provides sufficient knowledge about the
Electrical Industry Operation 6 & Technical Management Courses. For the
The remainder of electives may be chosen from Food & Nutritional Toxicology 6 science and practice of geospatial engineering
Power System Equipment 6 Environmental Engineering specialisation we
disciplinary or advanced disciplinary courses from Electrical Safety 6 which should be required for students moving
Power System Analysis 6 recommend one of the following Engineering and Unit Operations in Food Processing 6
this specialisation, or another specialisation within to industry or staying in the graduate program
Smart Grids and Distribution Networks 6 Technical management courses:
Electrical Drive Systems 6 the Master of Engineering Science program subject pursuing their PhD studies.
to students being sufficiently prepared by way of Eng Economics & Financial Mngt 6
Power Electronics 6 prior learning. Advanced Disciplinary Knowledge Courses UOC Stream Structure
Enquiry-based (research) courses 18 UOC UOC Students must complete a total of 96UOC of
Project Management Framework 6 24 UOC comprising:
Project courses. Please note that the availability of the
Signal Processing In addition, students may select any ETM elective in Advanced Process Control 6 courses may vary from semester to semester and
Project Report A 6 the consolidated Faculty list with approval.
Advanced Digital Signal Processing 6 Advanced Processing Technologies 6 courses may be offered in alternate years.
Project Report B 6 Other Electives include:
Multimedia Signal Processing 6 Complex Fluid Microstructure and Rheology 6
PLUS Solid Waste Management 6
Disciplinary Knowledge Courses
Engineering Postgraduate Research Skills 6 Hazardous Waste Management 6 PLUS 6 UOC selected from the following:
Control Systems Minimum 24 UOC (4 courses) chosen from
Water Treatment 6 Environmental Management 6 the following:
Continuous - Time Control System Design 6
Electives (24 UOC) Wastewater Treatment 6 Sustainibility Assessment 6 • Problem Solving for Engineers
Computer Control Systems 6
At least 6 UOC Engineering and Technical Environmental Management 6 Managing Energy Efficiency 6 • Deformation Monitoring Surveys
Real - Time Engineering 6 Management (ETM) to be chosen. • Geospatial Information Science (*)
Sustainability Assessment and Risk Analysis in Water Operational Energy Efficiency 6
The remainder of electives may be chosen from and Energy Systems Planning 6 • Precise GPS Positioning
Sust Elec. Energy Tech Assess. 6 • Engineering Statistics
disciplinary or advanced disciplinary courses from Water & Wastewater Analysis 6
this specialisation, or another specialisation within • Principles of Programming
the Master of Engineering Science program with Urban Transport Planning Practice 6 (* core course)
approval from the stream authority.

82 www.international.unsw.edu.au www.international.unsw.edu.au 83
Engineering Engineering

(For example, students who have completed the 4 Stream Structure space segment to the ground segment and typical
Process Engineering: Natural Gas and Light Disciplinary knowledge courses UOC Electives - Advanced Disciplinary Knowledge Courses
year Bachelor of Engineering with Honours degree Disciplinary knowledge courses UOC applications. The stream serves as a point of
Hydrocarbons to Petrochemicals 6 at UNSW or an equivalent qualification would be Urban Transport Planning Prac 6 entry to a profession in the space industry, or to a
At least 18 UOC to be chosen from the list below:
Geomechanics 6 entitled to the maximum advanced standing.) At least 18 UOC to be chosen from the list below: research career in space.
Low Energy Buildings and Photovoltaics 6 Transport Modelling 6
Well Pressure Testing 6 Please note that the availability of the courses may Low Energy Buildings and Photovoltaics 6 Stream Structure
Solar Cell Technology and Manufacturing 6 Transport Systems Part 1 6
Numerical Reservoir Simulation 6 vary from semester to semester and courses may Grid-Connected Photovoltaics 6 Please note that the stream structure below lists the
Solar Cells 6 be offered in alternate years. Transport Systems Part 2 6 courses that fulfil the requirements of the degree,
Field Development Geology 6 Biomass 6
Traffic Management and Control 6 but does not indicate the recommended sequence in
Grid-Connected Photovoltaics 6 Disciplinary knowledge courses
Well Drilling Equipment & Operations 6 Wind Energy Converters 6 which individual courses should be taken. Students
Sustainable Energy in Developing Countries 6 Geotech Models and Site Investigations 6
Minimum 24 UOC (4 courses) chosen from Energy Efficiency 6 are strongly encouraged to consult the Electrical
Natural Gas Engineering 6 Geomechanics 6 Engineering School website for the recommended
Photovoltaics 6 the following:
Petroleum Production Engineering 6 Photovoltaics 6 stream structure and for advice on course selection
• Problem Solving for Engineers Advanced Foundation Engineering 6
Advanced Thermofluids 6 sequences that are consistent with timetabling
Drilling Fluids and cementing techniques 6 • Operations and Projects Slope Instability and Stabilization 6
Advanced Disciplinary Knowledge Courses UOC and availability.
Well Completions & Stimulation 6 • Engineering Contracts Rock Engineering 6
At least 24 UOC to be chosen from the list below:
Reservoir Characterisation 6 • Sustainability in Construction Advanced Disciplinary Knowledge Courses UOC
Geotechnical Engineering of Dams 6 Disciplinary knowledge courses (24-30 UOC) UOC
Advanced Photovoltaic Manufacturing 6 • Rock and Slope Engineering
Drilling Systems Design 6 At least 18 UOC to be chosen from the list below:
• Advanced Topics in Geotechnical Engineering Fundamentals of Geomechanics 6 Space Systems Engineering 6
Advanced Photovoltaics 6
Enhanced Oil Recovery 6 Renewable Energy System Performance Modelling
• Geomechanics Surface Water Hydrology 6 Space Systems Architectures and Orbits 6
Advanced Solar Cell Characterisation 6 and Performance Analysis 6
Blow out control and prevention 6 • Contaminated Site Engineering Urban Hydrology 6
Hybrid Renewable Energy Minigrids 6 Space Mission Development 6
Coal seam gas engineering 6 • Advanced Concrete Structures
PLUS choose 0-12 UOC from the following list: Catchment & WR Modelling 6 Space Law and Radio Regulations 6
• Structural Dynamics
Hybrid Renewable Energy Minigrids 6 Channels, Rivers and Estuaries 6 PLUS choose 6-18 UOC from the following list:
• Deformation Monitoring Surveys
Enquiry-based (research) courses 18 UOC UOC Stand-Alone System Design and Installation 6 Groundwater Hydrology 6 Integrated Design Studio 4 High PLUS choose 0-6 UOC from the following list:
• Transport Systems – Network Analysis
PTRL5005 Design Project 6 Photovoltaic Materials Processing Technology 6 • Fundamentals of Traffic Engineering Waves, Beaches 6 Performance Buildings 6 Advanced Aerospace Structures and Vibrations 6
Petroleum Engineering Project A 6 Managing Energy Efficiency 6 • Groundwater Investigations Structural Stability 6 Solar Thermal Energy Design 6 Principles of GPS Positioning 6
Petroleum Engineering Project B 6 • Advanced Water Engineering Electricity Industry Planning and Economics 6
Prestressed Concrete Design 6 Mobile and Satellite Communications Systems 6
Enquiry-based (research) courses 18 UOC UOC Reinforced Concrete Design 6 Electricity Industry Operation and Control 6
Advanced Disciplinary Knowledge Courses
Electives UOC Computational Structural Mechanics 6 Advanced Photovoltaics 6 Advanced Disciplinary Knowledge Courses 24-30 UOC
Engineering Postgraduate Research Essentials 6 Minimum 24 UOC (4 courses) chosen from
Technical Management Electives totalling 12 Project Report A 6 the following Steel Structures 6 The Space Segment 6
Petroleum Production Economics 6 • Eng Economics & Financial Mngt Advanced Materials Technology 6 Enquiry-based courses 18 UOC UOC The Ground Segment and Space Operations 6
Project Report B 6
• Project Planning & Control Engineering Postgraduate Research Skills 6 Satellite Applications 2 6
Water & Wastewater Analysis 6
PLUS • Human Resources Management Project Report A 6
Electives (24 UOC) Water Treatment 6 Satellite Applications 1 6
Engineering and Technical Management Course 6 • Contracts Management
Wastewater Treatment 6 SOLA9915 Project Report B 6
At least 6 UOC Engineering and Technical • Management of Risk
Management (ETM) to be chosen from the PLUS choose 0-6 UOC from the following list:
PLUS • Dispute Avoidance Solid Waste Management 6
approved ETM list. Digital Image Processing 6
a further 12 UOC electives, which can consist of • Resource Management Environmental Eng Science 1 6 Electives (24 UOC)
either disciplinary knowledge or advanced disciplinary The remainder of electives may be chosen from • Marketing in Technology and Engineering Remote Sensing Applications 6
disciplinary or advanced disciplinary courses listed Environmental Eng Science 2 6 At least 6 UoC Engineering and Technical
knowledge or the courses listed below: • Strategic Management for Engineering Management (ETM) to be chosen from the approved GPS Receivers 6
above. With the permission of the program authority, Environmental Management 6
Computational Mathematics 6 students may choose other courses, which they are • Problem Solving & Decision Making ETM list.
Satellite Navigation 6
eligible to enroll. Prerequisite requirements must be met. • Design of Construction Operations Sustainability Assessment 6 The remainder of electives may be chosen from
Fundamentals of Geomechanics 6 Requirements Engineering 6
Up to 12 UOC of foundation courses (Level 3) may be • Legal Studies and Professional Practice Special Topics 6 disciplinary or advanced disciplinary courses listed
Reservoir Engineering B 6 approved by the program authority as prerequisites. above. With the permission of the program authority,
• International Project Management
Principles of Geographic Information Systems
Formation Evaluation 6 • Project Management Framework students may choose other courses, which they are
and Science 6 Enquiry-based (research) courses (24 UOC) UOC
eligible to enroll. Prerequisite requirements must be
or, with approval from the Stream Authority, courses PROJECT MANAGEMENT Principles of GPS Positioning 6 met. Up to 12 UOC of foundation courses (Level 3) Project
from another specialisation within the Master of Enquiry-based (research) courses 18 UOC UOC
may be approved by the program authority Satellite Engineering Project A 12
Engineering Science program. Master of Engineering Science Fundamentals of Geopositioning 6
Masters Thesis A 6 as prerequisites.
(Project Management) Satellite Engineering Project B 12
Masters Thesis B 6
School of Civil & Environmental Engineering Engineering Postgraduate Research Essentials 6 SATELLITE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING
Electives (24 UOC)
Master of Engineering Science Units of Credit 96 Master of Engineering Science
Master of Engineering Science At least 6 UOC Engineering and Technical
(Photovoltaics & Solar Energy) (Renewable Energy Engineering)
This specialisation is designed for graduates who Electives (24 UOC) UOC (Satellite Systems Engineering) Management (ETM) to be chosen from the
Specialisation Authority intend pursuing a professional career in project Specialisation Authority approved ETM list.*
Students may choose any course for which they are Specialisation Authority
School of Photovoltaics and Renewable management in either the public or private sector, School of Photovoltaics and Renewable
eligible to enrol, as electives, including any of the School of Photovoltaics and Renewable
Energy Engineering at various levels of responsibility ranging from Energy Engineering The remainder of electives may be chosen from
courses listed above. Energy Engineering
Units of Credit 96 strategic issues through to detail. The courses Units of Credit 96 disciplinary or advanced disciplinary courses from
cover both fundamentals and applications in project At least 6 UOC must be taken from the Units of Credit 96 this specialisation, or another specialisation within
The specialisation in Photovoltaics and Solar management including planning, risk, contracts, Engineering & Technical Management Courses. The specialisation in Renewable Energy is designed the Master of Engineering Science program with
The School of Electrical Engineering and
Energy is designed to build on the previous people, equipment, materials, legals, finances and For the Project Management specialisation to build on the previous education of engineers approval from the stream authority.
Telecommunications offers a Satellite Systems
education of engineers who are currently being economics. The specialisation is designed as a we recommend the following Engineering and who are currently being attracted to the booming
Engineering stream in the Master of Engineering Note: Students who successfully complete the 24
attracted to the booming solar photovoltaic energy professional qualification for practitioners, and is Technical management courses: renewable energy industry. Students undertake
Science degree. Unlike other programs, which UOC project may be granted exemption of 6 UOC
industry. Students undertake courses from the areas the result of extensive consultation with industry. Eng Economics & Financial Mngt 6 courses in renewable energy and energy efficiency,
tend to be application-specific (that is master’s in Engineering and Technical Management.
of photovoltaic devices and photovoltaic systems The specialisation aims to provide participants with including technology, systems engineering, and
Project Management Framework 6 satellite communications), this stream will focus
and applications. the skills and information to enable them to take a assessment frameworks.
on the systems engineering aspect of satellites
leading role in industry. Environmental Management 6 before delving into the areas of applications
In order to fulfill the requirements of the degree In order to fulfill the requirements of the degree
students must complete a total of 96 UOC Sustainability Assessment and Risk Analysis in Water students must complete a total of 96 UOC of satellites. Thus, the stream comprises a
Stream Structure
comprising of 72 UC specialisation and 24 UOC and Energy Systems Planning 6 comprising of 72 UOC specialisation and 24 complement of core and elective courses, and a
MEngSc students must complete a total of 96UOC
electives. UOC electives. year-long practical project. These courses give
of courses. Students can apply for up to 48UOC In addition, students may select any ETM elective in
students a comprehensive foundation in satellite
Stream Structure of credit in accordance with the UNSW Admission the consolidated Faculty list with approval.
systems engineering in all its aspects from the
Students must complete 96 UOC of courses to be to Coursework Program Policy and Procedure.
eligible for the degree, and must complete:

86 www.international.unsw.edu.au www.international.unsw.edu.au 87
Engineering Engineering

(For example, students who have completed the 4 Stream Structure space segment to the ground segment and typical
Process Engineering: Natural Gas and Light Disciplinary knowledge courses UOC Electives - Advanced Disciplinary Knowledge Courses
year Bachelor of Engineering with Honours degree Disciplinary knowledge courses UOC applications. The stream serves as a point of
Hydrocarbons to Petrochemicals 6 at UNSW or an equivalent qualification would be Urban Transport Planning Prac 6 entry to a profession in the space industry, or to a
At least 18 UOC to be chosen from the list below:
Geomechanics 6 entitled to the maximum advanced standing.) At least 18 UOC to be chosen from the list below: research career in space.
Low Energy Buildings and Photovoltaics 6 Transport Modelling 6
Well Pressure Testing 6 Please note that the availability of the courses may Low Energy Buildings and Photovoltaics 6 Stream Structure
Solar Cell Technology and Manufacturing 6 Transport Systems Part 1 6
Numerical Reservoir Simulation 6 vary from semester to semester and courses may Grid-Connected Photovoltaics 6 Please note that the stream structure below lists the
Solar Cells 6 be offered in alternate years. Transport Systems Part 2 6 courses that fulfil the requirements of the degree,
Field Development Geology 6 Biomass 6
Traffic Management and Control 6 but does not indicate the recommended sequence in
Grid-Connected Photovoltaics 6 Disciplinary knowledge courses
Well Drilling Equipment & Operations 6 Wind Energy Converters 6 which individual courses should be taken. Students
Sustainable Energy in Developing Countries 6 Geotech Models and Site Investigations 6
Minimum 24 UOC (4 courses) chosen from Energy Efficiency 6 are strongly encouraged to consult the Electrical
Natural Gas Engineering 6 Geomechanics 6 Engineering School website for the recommended
Photovoltaics 6 the following:
Petroleum Production Engineering 6 Photovoltaics 6 stream structure and for advice on course selection
• Problem Solving for Engineers Advanced Foundation Engineering 6
Advanced Thermofluids 6 sequences that are consistent with timetabling
Drilling Fluids and cementing techniques 6 • Operations and Projects Slope Instability and Stabilization 6
Advanced Disciplinary Knowledge Courses UOC and availability.
Well Completions & Stimulation 6 • Engineering Contracts Rock Engineering 6
At least 24 UOC to be chosen from the list below:
Reservoir Characterisation 6 • Sustainability in Construction Advanced Disciplinary Knowledge Courses UOC
Geotechnical Engineering of Dams 6 Disciplinary knowledge courses (24-30 UOC) UOC
Advanced Photovoltaic Manufacturing 6 • Rock and Slope Engineering
Drilling Systems Design 6 At least 18 UOC to be chosen from the list below:
• Advanced Topics in Geotechnical Engineering Fundamentals of Geomechanics 6 Space Systems Engineering 6
Advanced Photovoltaics 6
Enhanced Oil Recovery 6 Renewable Energy System Performance Modelling
• Geomechanics Surface Water Hydrology 6 Space Systems Architectures and Orbits 6
Advanced Solar Cell Characterisation 6 and Performance Analysis 6
Blow out control and prevention 6 • Contaminated Site Engineering Urban Hydrology 6
Hybrid Renewable Energy Minigrids 6 Space Mission Development 6
Coal seam gas engineering 6 • Advanced Concrete Structures
PLUS choose 0-12 UOC from the following list: Catchment & WR Modelling 6 Space Law and Radio Regulations 6
• Structural Dynamics
Hybrid Renewable Energy Minigrids 6 Channels, Rivers and Estuaries 6 PLUS choose 6-18 UOC from the following list:
• Deformation Monitoring Surveys
Enquiry-based (research) courses 18 UOC UOC Stand-Alone System Design and Installation 6 Groundwater Hydrology 6 Integrated Design Studio 4 High PLUS choose 0-6 UOC from the following list:
• Transport Systems – Network Analysis
PTRL5005 Design Project 6 Photovoltaic Materials Processing Technology 6 • Fundamentals of Traffic Engineering Waves, Beaches 6 Performance Buildings 6 Advanced Aerospace Structures and Vibrations 6
Petroleum Engineering Project A 6 Managing Energy Efficiency 6 • Groundwater Investigations Structural Stability 6 Solar Thermal Energy Design 6 Principles of GPS Positioning 6
Petroleum Engineering Project B 6 • Advanced Water Engineering Electricity Industry Planning and Economics 6
Prestressed Concrete Design 6 Mobile and Satellite Communications Systems 6
Enquiry-based (research) courses 18 UOC UOC Reinforced Concrete Design 6 Electricity Industry Operation and Control 6
Advanced Disciplinary Knowledge Courses
Electives UOC Computational Structural Mechanics 6 Advanced Photovoltaics 6 Advanced Disciplinary Knowledge Courses 24-30 UOC
Engineering Postgraduate Research Essentials 6 Minimum 24 UOC (4 courses) chosen from
Technical Management Electives totalling 12 Project Report A 6 the following Steel Structures 6 The Space Segment 6
Petroleum Production Economics 6 • Eng Economics & Financial Mngt Advanced Materials Technology 6 Enquiry-based courses 18 UOC UOC The Ground Segment and Space Operations 6
Project Report B 6
• Project Planning & Control Engineering Postgraduate Research Skills 6 Satellite Applications 2 6
Water & Wastewater Analysis 6
PLUS • Human Resources Management Project Report A 6
Electives (24 UOC) Water Treatment 6 Satellite Applications 1 6
Engineering and Technical Management Course 6 • Contracts Management
Wastewater Treatment 6 SOLA9915 Project Report B 6
At least 6 UOC Engineering and Technical • Management of Risk
Management (ETM) to be chosen from the PLUS choose 0-6 UOC from the following list:
PLUS • Dispute Avoidance Solid Waste Management 6
approved ETM list. Digital Image Processing 6
a further 12 UOC electives, which can consist of • Resource Management Environmental Eng Science 1 6 Electives (24 UOC)
either disciplinary knowledge or advanced disciplinary The remainder of electives may be chosen from • Marketing in Technology and Engineering Remote Sensing Applications 6
disciplinary or advanced disciplinary courses listed Environmental Eng Science 2 6 At least 6 UoC Engineering and Technical
knowledge or the courses listed below: • Strategic Management for Engineering Management (ETM) to be chosen from the approved GPS Receivers 6
above. With the permission of the program authority, Environmental Management 6
Computational Mathematics 6 students may choose other courses, which they are • Problem Solving & Decision Making ETM list.
Satellite Navigation 6
eligible to enroll. Prerequisite requirements must be met. • Design of Construction Operations Sustainability Assessment 6 The remainder of electives may be chosen from
Fundamentals of Geomechanics 6 Requirements Engineering 6
Up to 12 UOC of foundation courses (Level 3) may be • Legal Studies and Professional Practice Special Topics 6 disciplinary or advanced disciplinary courses listed
Reservoir Engineering B 6 approved by the program authority as prerequisites. above. With the permission of the program authority,
• International Project Management
Principles of Geographic Information Systems
Formation Evaluation 6 • Project Management Framework students may choose other courses, which they are
and Science 6 Enquiry-based (research) courses (24 UOC) UOC
eligible to enroll. Prerequisite requirements must be
or, with approval from the Stream Authority, courses PROJECT MANAGEMENT Principles of GPS Positioning 6 met. Up to 12 UOC of foundation courses (Level 3) Project
from another specialisation within the Master of Enquiry-based (research) courses 18 UOC UOC
may be approved by the program authority Satellite Engineering Project A 12
Engineering Science program. Master of Engineering Science Fundamentals of Geopositioning 6
Masters Thesis A 6 as prerequisites.
(Project Management) Satellite Engineering Project B 12
Masters Thesis B 6
School of Civil & Environmental Engineering Engineering Postgraduate Research Essentials 6 SATELLITE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING
Electives (24 UOC)
Master of Engineering Science Units of Credit 96 Master of Engineering Science
Master of Engineering Science At least 6 UOC Engineering and Technical
(Photovoltaics & Solar Energy) (Renewable Energy Engineering)
This specialisation is designed for graduates who Electives (24 UOC) UOC (Satellite Systems Engineering) Management (ETM) to be chosen from the
Specialisation Authority intend pursuing a professional career in project Specialisation Authority approved ETM list.*
Students may choose any course for which they are Specialisation Authority
School of Photovoltaics and Renewable management in either the public or private sector, School of Photovoltaics and Renewable
eligible to enrol, as electives, including any of the School of Photovoltaics and Renewable
Energy Engineering at various levels of responsibility ranging from Energy Engineering The remainder of electives may be chosen from
courses listed above. Energy Engineering
Units of Credit 96 strategic issues through to detail. The courses Units of Credit 96 disciplinary or advanced disciplinary courses from
cover both fundamentals and applications in project At least 6 UOC must be taken from the Units of Credit 96 this specialisation, or another specialisation within
The specialisation in Photovoltaics and Solar management including planning, risk, contracts, Engineering & Technical Management Courses. The specialisation in Renewable Energy is designed the Master of Engineering Science program with
The School of Electrical Engineering and
Energy is designed to build on the previous people, equipment, materials, legals, finances and For the Project Management specialisation to build on the previous education of engineers approval from the stream authority.
Telecommunications offers a Satellite Systems
education of engineers who are currently being economics. The specialisation is designed as a we recommend the following Engineering and who are currently being attracted to the booming
Engineering stream in the Master of Engineering Note: Students who successfully complete the 24
attracted to the booming solar photovoltaic energy professional qualification for practitioners, and is Technical management courses: renewable energy industry. Students undertake
Science degree. Unlike other programs, which UOC project may be granted exemption of 6 UOC
industry. Students undertake courses from the areas the result of extensive consultation with industry. Eng Economics & Financial Mngt 6 courses in renewable energy and energy efficiency,
tend to be application-specific (that is master’s in Engineering and Technical Management.
of photovoltaic devices and photovoltaic systems The specialisation aims to provide participants with including technology, systems engineering, and
Project Management Framework 6 satellite communications), this stream will focus
and applications. the skills and information to enable them to take a assessment frameworks.
on the systems engineering aspect of satellites
leading role in industry. Environmental Management 6 before delving into the areas of applications
In order to fulfill the requirements of the degree In order to fulfill the requirements of the degree
students must complete a total of 96 UOC Sustainability Assessment and Risk Analysis in Water students must complete a total of 96 UOC of satellites. Thus, the stream comprises a
Stream Structure
comprising of 72 UC specialisation and 24 UOC and Energy Systems Planning 6 comprising of 72 UOC specialisation and 24 complement of core and elective courses, and a
MEngSc students must complete a total of 96UOC
electives. UOC electives. year-long practical project. These courses give
of courses. Students can apply for up to 48UOC In addition, students may select any ETM elective in
students a comprehensive foundation in satellite
Stream Structure of credit in accordance with the UNSW Admission the consolidated Faculty list with approval.
systems engineering in all its aspects from the
Students must complete 96 UOC of courses to be to Coursework Program Policy and Procedure.
eligible for the degree, and must complete:

86 www.international.unsw.edu.au www.international.unsw.edu.au 87
Engineering Engineering

STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING Environmental Management 6 Engineering Postgraduate Research Essentials 6

SYSTEMS AND CONTROL Electives (24 UOC) Receivers and Systems 6
Sustainability Assessment and Risk Analysis in Water
Master of Engineering Science At least 6 UOC Engineering and Technical GeoIT and Info Applns 6
and Energy Systems Planning 6 Master of Engineering Science
(Structural Engineering) Management (ETM) to be chosen. Electives (24 UOC) UOC
(Systems and Control)
In addition, students may select any ETM elective in
Specialisation Authority Students may choose any course for which they are
the consolidated Faculty list with approval. Specialisation Authority The remainder of electives may be chosen from Enquiry-based (research) courses 18 UOC UOC
School of Civil & Environmental Engineering eligible to enrol, as electives, including any of the
School of Electrical Engineering disciplinary or advanced disciplinary courses from
Project courses listed above.
Units of Credit 96 & Telecommunications this specialisation, or another specialisation within
Electives - Advanced Disciplinary Knowledge Courses the Master of Engineering Science program subject Project Report A 6 At least 6 UOC must be taken from the
This specialisation provides students with Units of Credit 96
to students being sufficiently prepared by way of Project Report B 6 Engineering & Technical Management Courses.
advanced study options in Structural Engineering. Project and Construction Management This stream offers a broad range of theoretical- and prior learning.
It is designed to develop skills in analysis and For the Transport Engineering specialisation we
Engineering Economics & Financial Management 6 applications-based electives within the discipline PLUS
design of steel and concrete structures, with an recommend the following Engineering and Technical
of control systems engineering, including robust Engineering Postgraduate Research Skills 6
understanding of modern materials. It is ideally Management of Risk 6 management courses:
linear control, non-linear control systems, real-time
suited for both practising structural engineers TELECOMMUNICATIONS Eng Economics & Financial Mngt 6
Design of Const. Operations 6 computing and control, and computer vision Such a
and recent graduates planning a career in
choice allows students the gain a depth and breadth Electives (24 UOC) Project Management Framework 6
structural engineering. Project Management Framework 6 Master of Engineering Science
of knowledge across several themes.
(Telecommunications) At least 6 UOC Engineering and Technical Environmental Management 6
Stream Structure Environmental Management 6
The stream provides a solid postgraduate program Specialisation Authority Management (ETM) to be chosen. In addition, students may select any ETM elective in
MEngSci students must complete a total of 96UOC Sustainability Assessment and Risk Analysis in Water for electrical engineers wishing to upgrade their School of Electrical Engineering the consolidated Faculty list with approval.
of courses. and Energy Systems Planning 6 The remainder of electives may be chosen from
skills or further their knowledge. & Telecommunications
disciplinary or advanced disciplinary courses from
Please note that the availability of the courses may
Stream Structure Units of Credit 96 this specialisation, or another specialisation within
vary from semester to semester and courses may Geotechnical Engineering
As with all streams under the Master of Engineering the Master of Engineering Science program subject Electives - Advanced Disciplinary Knowledge Courses
be offered in alternate years. Disciplinary knowledge courses (24-30 UOC) UOC
Geotechnical Models and Site Investigation 6 Science, the Telecommunications specialisation to students being sufficiently prepared by way of
Project Planning and Control 6
Core course 18 UOC is underpinned by the attainment of disciplinary prior learning.
Geomechanics 6 Management of Risk 6
Cont - Time Control Sys Design 6 and advanced disciplinary knowledge, and
Disciplinary knowledge courses UOC Advanced Foundation Engineering 6 the undertaking of an enquiry-based learning Design of Construction Operations 6
Minimum 24 UOC (4 courses) chosen from Computer Control Systems 6
Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering 6 component. This stream offers a broad range of TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING
Water & Wastewater Analysis 6
the following: Real - Time Engineering 6 theoretical- and applications-based electives within
Slope Instability 6 the discipline of telecommunications, including Master of Engineering Science Environmental Eng Science 1 6
Design Practice A 6
Rock Engineering 6 networking and network security, wireless and (Transportation Engineering) Environmental Management 6
Operations and Projects 6 PLUS choose 6-12 UOC from the following list:
satellite communications, modulation and coding,
Pavement Engineering 6 Specialisation Authority Sustainability Assessment 6
Engineering Contracts 6 Digital & Embedded Systems Design 6 quantum communications, and GPS technology.
School of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Geotechnical Engineering of Dams 6 Microelectronic Design & Tech 6 Such a choice allows students the gain a depth and Special Topics 6
Sustainability in Construction 6 breadth of knowledge across several themes. Units of Credit 96
Fundamentals of Geomechanics 6 Solid State Electronics 6 Special Topics 6
Rock and Slope Engineering 6 This specialisation provides students with
The stream provides a solid postgraduate program Principles of Geographic Information
Advanced Topics in Geotechnical Engineering 6 RF Electronics 6 advanced study options in Transport Engineering.
for electrical engineers wishing to upgrade their Systems and Science 6
Structural Engineering Power System Equipment 6 skills or further their knowledge. It is designed to develop skills in modelling and
Ground Improvement and Monitoring Techniques 6 analysing transport systems including passenger
Structural Stability 6 Fundamentals of Geopositioning 6
Advanced Concrete Structures 6 Power System Analysis 6 Stream Structure and freight for different modes of transport including
Prestressed Concrete Design 6 auto, rail, air, maritime and non-motorised. The Fundamentals of Geopositioning 6
Structural Dynamics 6 Electrical Drive Systems 6
Disciplinary knowledge courses UOC program provides sufficient knowledge about the Engineering Economics & Financial Mgmt 6
Reinforced Concrete Design 6 Power Electronics 6
Deformation Monitoring Surveys 6 Choose 24-30 UOC to from the following list: science and practice of transport engineering which
Computational Structural Mechanics 6 Project Management Framework 6
Advanced Digital Signal Processing 6 should required for students moving to industry or
Microelectronic Design & Tech 6 staying in the graduate program pursuing their PhD. Environmental Engg Science 2 6
Steel and Composite Structures 6 Multimedia Signal Processing 6
Advanced Disciplinary Knowledge Courses UOC Power System Analysis 6
Advanced Materials Technology 6 Stream Structure Transport, Land Use & Env 6
Optical Circuits and Fibres 6
Minimum 24 UOC (4 courses) chosen from Advanced Digital Signal Processing 6 MEngSc students must complete a total of 96UOC Principles of Programming 6
the following: Wireless Communication Tec 6 of courses.
Continuous-Time Control System Design 6 Data Structures & Algorithms 6
Structural Stability 6 Transport Engineering Mobile & Satellite Comm system 6
Optical Circuits and Fibres 6 Please note that the availability of the courses may Econometric Analysis 6
Prestressed Concrete Design 6 Urban Transport Planning Practice 6
vary from semester to semester and courses may
Photonic Networks 6 Choice Modelling 6
Computational Structural Mechanics 6 Transport Modelling 6 Advanced Disciplinary Knowledge Courses UOC be offered in alternate years.
Network performance 6 GPS Positioning 6
Reinforced Concrete Design 6 Transport Systems – Part 2: Queuing Theory 6
Core course 18 UOC Disciplinary knowledge courses UOC
Wireless Communication Tec 6 Precise GPS Positioning 6
Steel and Composite Structures 6 Traffic Management and Control 6
Robust and Linear Control Systems 6 Minimum 24 UOC (4 courses) chosen from
Mobile & Satellite Comm System 6 Optimization 6
Advanced Materials Technology 6 Analysis and Design on Non-linear Systems 6 the following:
Digital Modulation & Coding 6 Multivariate Analysis 6
Water Engineering Engineering Contracts 6
Real Computing and Control 6
Surface Water Hydrology 6 Transport Applications of GIS 6
Enquiry-based (research) courses 18 UOC UOC Deformation Monitoring Surveys 6
Advanced Disciplinary Knowledge Courses 24-30 UOC Av. Safety&Accident Prevention 6
Urban Hydrology 6 PLUS choose 6-12 UOC from the following list: Sustainability in Construction. 6
Masters Thesis A 6
Choose a minimum of 18 UOC from the Air Traffic Management 6
Catchment and Water Resources Modelling 6 Computer Vision 6 Rock and Slope Engineering 6
Masters Thesis B 6 following list:
Channels, Rivers and Estuaries 6 Artificial Intelligence 6 Safety Risk Management 6
Engineering Postgraduate Research Skills 6 Network Systems Architecture 6 Transport Systems – Part 1: Network Analysis 6
Groundwater Engineering 6 Digital Signal Processing Theory and Applications 6 Aviation & Tourism 6
Switching Systems Architecture 6
Waves and Beaches 6 Smart Grids and Distribution Networks 6 Advanced Disciplinary Knowledge Courses
Electives (24 UOC) UOC Network Operations and Control 6 24UOC (4 courses) UOC
Water & Wastewater Analysis 6
Students may choose any course for which they are Advanced Wireless Communication 6 WATER RESOURCES: CATCHMENTS TO COASTS
Urban Transport Planning 6
eligible to enrol, as electives, including any of the Enquiry-based (research) courses 18 UOC UOC
Coding and Information Technology 6
courses listed above. Transport Modelling 6 Master of Engineering Science
Microwave Circuits, Theory and Techniques 6 (Water Resources: catchments to coasts)
At least 6 UOC must be taken from the Transport Systems – Part 2: Queuing Theory 6
Project Report A 6
Engineering & Technical Management Courses. Advanced Networking 6 Specialisation Authority
Traffic Management and Control 6
For the Structural Engineering specialisation we Project Report B 6 School of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Quantum Communications 6
recommend the following Engineering and Technical PLUS
PLUS 0-12 UOC to from the following list: Units of Credit 96
management courses: Enquiry-based (research) courses 18 UOC UOC
Engineering Postgraduate Research Skills 6 This specialisation provides students with advanced
GPS Positioning 6
Eng Economics & Financial Mngt 6 Master’s Thesis A 6 study options in large-scale Water Engineering. It
GPS Receivers 6
Project Management Framework 6 Master’s Thesis B 6 is designed to develop skills in analysis and design

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Engineering Engineering

Stream Structure
across the disciplines of engineering hydrology,
engineering hydraulics, groundwater, estuary and
Electives - Advanced Disciplinary Knowledge Courses
MEngSc students must complete a total of 96UOC
Engineering Specialisation structure
To qualify for the Masters Degree, students should
Entry requirements
A recognised four-year Bachelor degree in
port engineering, coastal and marine engineering. It Project and Construction Management of courses. Master of Engineering successfully complete courses that total at least 96 engineering, science or medicine, with an average
is ideally suited for both practising water engineers Engineering Economics & Financial Management 6 UOC including: grade of 65% over the final two years.
Please note that the availability of the courses may Program Code 8621
and recent graduates planning a career in large- Program structure The program consists of courses
scale water engineering. Management of Risk 6 vary from semester to semester and courses may Commencement February, July Specialisation Courses (96 UOC) UOC
be offered in alternate years. totalling 72 units of credit (UOC) of which a minimum
Design of Const. Operations 6 Program Duration 2 years 6 Disciplinary Courses 36 of 48 UOC must be from courses offered by the
Stream Structure
MEngSc students must complete a total of 96UOC Project Management Framework 6 5 Advanced Disciplinary Courses 30 Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering. The
Disciplinary knowledge courses UOC Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$35,520
of courses. remaining 24 UOC may be at either postgraduate or
Environmental Management 6 The Faculty of Engineering offers a two year 2 Engineering and Technical Management courses 12 undergraduate level and can be selected from other
Minimum 24 UOC (4 courses) chosen from
Please note that the availability of the courses may Sustainability Assessment and Risk Analysis in Water the following: Masters Degree program. You may choose to 2 Research Project Courses 12 schools of the University if approved by the Graduate
vary from semester to semester and courses may and Energy Systems Planning 6 study one of the five streams (specialisations) School of Biomedical Engineering.
Design Practice A 6 within the program: Civil Engineering, 1 Advanced Course in Design Practice 6
be offered in alternate years. The selection of any background courses must be
Groundwater Investigations 6 Environmental Engineering, Electrical Engineering,
made in consultation with the Graduate School of
Disciplinary knowledge courses UOC Geotechnical Engineering Mechanical Engineering or Telecommunications
Sustainable Infrastructure 6 Specialisation Mechanical Engineering Biomedical Engineering. You are encouraged to
which lead to a Master of Engineering. Flexibility
Minimum 24 UOC (4 courses) chosen from Geotechnical Models and Site Investigation 6 present a full program plan to the School prior to the
Advanced Water Quality Principles 6 and choice are maintained throughout the two year The Master of Engineering in Mechanical
the following: commencement of your first semester.
Geomechanics 6 program by providing many elective courses. It Engineering is defined by a core of disciplinary
Deformation Monitoring Surveys 6
Design Practice A 6 Advanced Foundation Engineering 6 serves as an entry point for students to move into knowledge, advanced disciplinary knowledge and an
Contaminated Site Engineering 6 the engineering profession. advanced research component.
Operations and Projects 6 Background Courses UOC
Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering 6
Engineering Contracts 6 Specialisation Civil Engineering Specialisation structure Examples of courses available include:
Slope Instability 6
Advanced Disciplinary Knowledge Courses UOC The stream requires the completion of 96 UOC of
Sustainability in Construction 6 Rock Engineering 6 Academic plan CVENYS8621 courses, including: Fundamentals of Anatomy 6
Minimum 24 UOC (4 courses) chosen from
Rock and Slope Engineering 6 Pavement Engineering 6 The stream of Civil Engineering enables students to Computing for Engineers 6
the following: Specialisation Courses (96 UOC) UOC
Advanced Topics in Geotechnical Engineering 6 Solid Waste Management 6 specialise, and gain depth of knowledge across a Fundamentals of Mathematics B 6
Geotechnical Engineering of Dams 6 broad range of areas, including project management, 6 Disciplinary Courses 36
Ground Improvement and Monitoring Techniques 6 Fundamentals of Geomechanics 6 Hazardous Waste Management 6 transport engineering, structural engineering, Engineering Materials and Chemistry 6
5 Advanced Disciplinary Courses 30
Advanced Concrete Structures 6 Water Treatment 6 geotechnical engineering, water resources and Physiology 1A 6
waste water treatment. 2 Engineering and Technical Management courses 12
Structural Dynamics 6 Structural Engineering Wastewater Treatment 6 Physiology 1B 6
2 Research Project Courses 12
Specialisation structure Fundamental of Physics 6
Deformation Monitoring Surveys 6 Structural Stability 6 Water & Wastewater Analysis 6
To qualify for the Masters Degree, students should 1 Advanced Course in Mechanical Design 6
Groundwater Investigations 6 Prestressed Concrete Design 6 successfully complete courses that total at least 96
Advanced Water Engineering 6 Enquiry-based (research) courses 18 UOC UOC UOC including: Biomedical Engineering Courses UOC
Reinforced Concrete Design 6 Specialisation Telecommunications
Fundamentals of Water Engineering 6 Computational Structural Mechanics 6 Master’s Thesis A 6 Specialisation Courses (96 UOC) UOC Medical Imaging 6
Academic plan TELEAS8621
Steel and Composite Structures 6 Master’s Thesis B 6 6 Disciplinary Courses 36 Biomedical Systems Analysis 6
The specialisation in telecommunications focuses on
Advanced Disciplinary Knowledge Courses UOC Advanced Materials Technology 6 Engineering Postgraduate Research Essentials 6 5 Advanced Disciplinary Courses 30 recent and advanced aspects of telecommunications, Mass Transfer in Medicine 6
2 Engineering and Technical Management courses 12 ranging from protocols used in networks such as Biocompatibility 6
Minimum 24 UOC (4 courses) chosen from
the internet, the operation and control of such
the following: Electives (24 UOC) UOC 2 Research Project Courses 12 Cellular and Tissue Engineering 6
Transport Engineering networks, the design and operation of switches and
Urban Hydrology 6 1 Advanced Course in Design Practice 6 routers within such networks. Aspects of advanced Regulatory Requirements of
Urban Transport Planning Practice 6 Students may choose any course for which they are
Catchment and Water Resources Modelling 6 eligible to enrol, as electives, including any of the wireless communications are also covered such Biomedical Technology 6
Transport Modelling 6 as modulation techniques, coding techniques and
Channels, Rivers and Estuaries 6 courses listed above. Clinical Laboratory Science 6
Transport Systems – Part 2: Queuing Theory 6 Specialisation Electrical Engineering information theory.
Groundwater Engineering 6 At least 6 UOC must be taken from the Engineering Chemistry and Physics of Synthetic and
Traffic Management and Control 6 Academic plan ELECAS8621 Specialisation structure
& Technical Management Courses. For the Water/ Biological Polymers 6
Waves and Beaches 6 wastewater/waste Engineering specialisation we The specialisation in electrical engineering provides The program consists of 96 units of credit made up
of the following courses: Clinical Information Systems 6
recommend the following Engineering and Technical you with the opportunity to acquire comprehensive
Water Engineering
management courses: knowledge over a range of technology and design Specialisation Courses (96 UOC) UOC Introductory Biomechanics (1) 6
Enquiry-based (research) courses 18 UOC UOC Urban Hydrology 6
Environmental Management 6 issues in electrical systems. Core courses provide a
6 Professional Electives 36 Mechanics of the Human Body 6
Extension Master’s Thesis A 6 Catchment and Water Resources Modelling 6 firm foundation in signal processing, system control,
Sustainability Assessment and Risk Analysis in energy systems, microelectronics systems and Biomechanics of Physical Rehabilitation (2) 6
Extension Master’s Thesis B 6 5 Telecommunications Electives 30
Channels, Rivers and Estuaries 6 Water and Energy Systems Planning 6 photonics and other electrical systems.
2 Management Courses 12 Mechanical Properties of Biomaterials 6
Engineering Postgraduate Research Essentials 6 Groundwater Engineering 6 In addition, students may select any ETM elective in Specialisation structure Biological Signal Analysis 6
the consolidated Faculty list with approval. 1 Design Proficiency Course 6
Waves and Beaches 6 The program consists of 96 units of credit made up
1 Master of Engineering Project 12 Biomedical Instrumentation 6
Electives (24 UOC) UOC of the following courses:
Water & Wastewater Analysis 6
Biosensors and Transducers 6
Students may choose any course for which they are Electives - Advanced Disciplinary Knowledge Courses Specialisation Courses (96 UOC) UOC
eligible to enrol, as electives, including any of the Implantable Bionics 6
WATER, WASTEWATER & WASTE ENGINEERING Env Eng Sc 1 6 6 Professional Electives 36
courses listed above. Dynamics of the Cardiovascular System 6
At least 6 UOC must be taken from the Master of Engineering Science
Env Eng Sc 2 6 5 Electrical Engineering Electives 30 Biomedical Engineering Modelling Organs Tissues and Devices 6
Engineering & Technical Management Courses. (Water, Wastewater & Waste Engineering) Environmental Management 6 2 Management Courses 12
Master of Biomedical Engineering Advanced Bionics 6
For the Structural Engineering specialisation we Specialisation Authority Sustainability Assessment and Risk Analysis in 1 Design Proficiency Course 6
recommend the following Engineering and Technical Water and Energy Systems Planning 6 Program Code 8660 Masters Project Report* 12
School of Civil & Environmental Engineering 1 Master of Engineering Project 12
management courses: Commencement February, July Engineering Statistics and Experiment Design 6
Units of Credit 96 Surface Water Hydrology 6
Eng Economics & Financial Mngt 6 Urban Hydrology 6 Program Duration 1.5 years (1) For students with no mechanics background. (2) Only
This specialisation provides students with advanced Specialisation Environmental Engineering offered in semester 1 of every even year. * This degree is
Project Management Framework 6 study options in Water, Wastewater and Waste Catchment and Water Resources Modelling 6 Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$35,520 primarily obtained through coursework study but may include
Engineering. It is designed to develop skills in The stream of Environmental Engineering enables a research project conducted at UNSW, hospital, industry or
Environmental Management 6 Channels, Rivers and Estuaries 6 students to specialise, and gain depth of knowledge The Master of Biomedical Engineering is designed
analysis and design of water, wastewater and other approved institution. The program offers scope for original
across a broad range of areas, including project for graduates in engineering, science or medicine.
Sustainability Assessment and Risk Analysis in Water waste treatment facilities. It is ideally suited for both Groundwater Engineering 6
research into the application of engineering principles and
management, transport engineering, geotechnical You are able to select up to 24 units of credit (UOC)
and Energy Systems Planning 6 practising engineers and recent graduates planning technology to medical problems.
Waves and Beaches 6 engineering, water resources, waste and waste in courses providing a background of study in either
a career in water, wastewater and waste engineer. biological or physical sciences and then complete
water treatment.
the program by selecting another 48 UOC from a
In addition, students may select any ETM elective in
broad range of postgraduate courses. An optional
the consolidated Faculty list with approval.
Research Project (12 UOC) is available in the
final semester.

90 www.international.unsw.edu.au www.international.unsw.edu.au 91
Engineering Engineering

Food Diagnostics 6 Program Structure Specialisation Mine Management Additional Disciplinary

Graduate Diploma in Biomedical Engineering Students must complete 48UOC of courses to be
Information Technology
Food Toxicology 6 Academic plan MINEPS8335 Hazard ID, Risk and Safety Mgt 6
Program Code 5449 eligible for the Graduate Diploma. This Graduate Master of Information Technology
Food Preservation 6 Diploma is offered in the following specialisations Specialisation structure Mining Geomechanics 6
Commencement February, July Program Code 8543
FS&T Laboratory 6 (streams): The stream requires successful completion of five Minge Geol & Geophysics 6
Program Duration 1 years 1. F
 ood Science for Chemical Engineers, Academic core courses (Group A) and seven elective courses Commencement February, July
Food Safety and Quality 6 Mining Processes and Analysis 6
Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$35,520 Plan FOODLS5037 (Group B) a total of 72 UOC. Program Duration 2 years (or 1 year with
Advanced Food Chemistry 6 advanced standing)
The Graduate Diploma in Biomedical Engineering 2. F
 ood Science for Biochemists, Academic Plan Group A Core courses UOC
is a specialist postgraduate qualification for Nutrition 6 FOODMS5037 Group B Elective courses UOC Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$35,520
Foundation disciplinary:
candidates with a three-year Bachelor degree or Food Microbiology 6 3. Food Science, Academic Plan FOODJS5037 Advanced disciplinary: The Master of Information Technology provides
equivalent. Provided that you perform well in your Engineering Postgraduate Research Skills 6
Advanced and Applied Nutrition 6 engineering and science students with a broad-based
first semester (credit average or better) you may Technology Management 6
Fundamentals of Mining Engineering 6 IT education and specialised knowledge in a maximum
apply for articulation to the Master of Biomedical Advanced Food Engineering 6 Mining Industry Research Proj* 6 of two majors, enabling them to work in a range
Engineering taking all their course credits into
Food Processing Principles 6 Mining Engineering Additional Disciplinary Mine Slope Stabiloity 6 of positions in the IT industry. It is offered by the
that program.
Master of Mining Engineering School of Computer Science and Engineering
Unit Operations in Food Proces 6 Mining Processes and Analysis 6 Adv Soil Mechns and Mine Fill 6 (CSE). If you have a computing background you
Entry requirements Product Design and Development 6 Program Code 8335
Hazard ID, Risk and Safety Mgt 6 Drilling, Blasting and Machine 6 may seek exemptions from up to eight courses (48
A recognised three-year Bachelor degree in a
Commencement February UOC) and complete the program in one year. By
related discipline. Mining Industry Research Proj 6 Mine Water & Waste Management 6 seeking exemptions you will be required to undertake
Advanced Disciplinary Knowledge Courses Program Duration 1.5 years additional assessment before credit is granted.
Program structure * This is a core course for students intending to
24UOC (4 courses) UOC Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$35,520 articulate to the Masters in Mining Engineering. See the Advanced Standing section in the program
For details visit: www.engineering.unsw.edu. Group B Elective courses UOC
au/ graduate-school-of-biomedical-engineering f Advanced Process Technologies 6 structure for possible course exemptions.
The Master of Mining Engineering will be awarded
Engineering Advanced disciplinary:
Complex Fluid Micro & Rheology 6 after successful completion of 72 Units of Credit If you are not eligible for entry into the Master of
points of coursework, either full time or part time. A Mining and Resource Law 6 Specialisation Mine Management Information Technology, or who wish to undertake a
Sensory Analysis of Foods 6
majority of the courses will be offered as modules Academic plan MINEQS5335 shorter postgraduate qualification, you may apply for
Technology Management 6
Advanced Food Microbiology 6 over a short block period. Please note that some
Food Science electives may only be offered every two years. Management Systems 6
the Graduate Diploma of Information Technology.
Stream structure Entry requirements
Master of Science in Food Science Mine Geol & Geophysics 6
Enquiry-based courses minimum 18 UOC UOC Specialisation Mine Geomechanics The stream requires successful completion of four A recognised four-year Bachelor degree in
Program Code 8037 Env Mgt for the Mining Ind 6 core courses (Group A) and four elective courses engineering, science or a discipline that includes
Advanced Thesis A 12 Academic plan MINEJS8335
Commencement February, July (Group B) a total of 48 UOC . mathematics up to at least year two level, with an
Specialisation structure Advanced Mineral Economics 6
Advanced Thesis B 12 average grade of 65% over the final two years; a
Program Duration 2 years The stream requires successful completion of seven Mineral Processing 6 Group A Core courses UOC recognised three-year Bachelor degree in computer
Note that the undergraduate CEIC4002 Thesis A core courses (Group A) and five elective courses
Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$35,520 Mine Design and Feasibility 6 Foundation disciplinary: science or engineering, with an average grade of 65%
(6 UOC), although not available for postgraduate (Group B) a total of 72 UOC. over the final two years; or completion of the Graduate
The Master of Science program is designed for enrolment, is an alternate prerequisite for CEIC9003 Mine Water & Waste Management 6 Eng Coursework PG Research Skills 6
Group A Core courses UOC Diploma in Information Technology.
food scientists and graduates wishing to develop and counts toward the Research-based course Units
Uranium mining fundamentals 6 Fundamentals of Mining Eng 6
and expand their knowledge and skills in their of Credit. Foundation disciplinary: Program structure
current area of expertise.* This will enable students Mine Ventilation 6 The program consists of 16 courses totalling 96 units
to meet or maintain professional accreditation Eng Coursework PG Research Skills 6 of credit (UOC). These courses are defined by four
Electives (24 UOC) UOC Mining Industry Research Project II* 6 Additional Disciplinary
standards and to provide opportunities for Fundamentals of Mining Engineering 6 study levels – level 0 has no course prerequisites,
continuing professional development, as well as Students may choose any courses for which they *Written permission is required for this course. Hazard ID, Risk and Safety Mgt 6 level 1 has one prerequisite, level 2 has a chain of
the opportunity to interact with those at the cutting are eligible to enrol, as electives, including any of the two prerequisites and level 3 has a chain of three
A course calendar indicating options for core and Mining Processes and Analysis 6
edge of their discipline. Students will develop their courses listed above. Suggested electives that would Additional Disciplinary prerequisites. As many courses within the program
count as additional Advanced Disciplinary Knowledge elective courses is available from the UNSW School
technical knowledge and ability to analyse food have prerequisites, courses may only be studied if the
courses (should these be required or desired) include: Mining Processes and Analysis 6 of Mining Engineering website www.engineering.unsw.
science problems. They will also gain further skills Group B Elective courses UOC required prerequisites have been met.
Hazard ID, Risk and Safety Mgt 6 edu.au/mining-engineering
in solving food science problems and justifying Ethics & Leadership in Eng 6
professional decisions. Advanced disciplinary: You may complete introductory courses (level 0),
Engineering Statistics 6 Mining Industry Research Proj 6 core computing courses (level 1 and 2) and advanced
*( It is also possible for students to acquire some knowledge Mining and Resources Law 6
and skills in a different specialisation with the approval of the Economic Decision Anal. In Eng 6 Mine Geol & Geophysics 6 Graduate Diploma in Mining Engineering electives (level 3). Two majors can be studied. For
Stream Authority. This requires completion of an appropriate Technology Management 6 the full list of courses visit: www.cse.unsw.edu.au/
Program Code 5335
stream in the Graduate Diploma program 5037, which Management Systems 6 information/current-students/postgrad-coursework/
articulates to this program.) Graduate Diploma in Food Science Group B Core courses UOC Commencement February, July programs/mit/mit_courses.html
Mine Geol & Geophysics 6
Program Code 5037 Advanced disciplinary: Program Duration 1 year
Program Structure Env Mgt for the Mining Ind 6 Non-CSE Elective Options
Students must complete 96UOC of courses to be Commencement February, July Technology Management 6 Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$35,520 You may receive one elective option for every four
eligible for the degree, and must complete: Advanced Mineral Economics 6 CSE courses completed, including one open elective.
Program Duration 1 year Geotechnical Engineering* 6 The Graduate Diploma of Mining Engineering will
1. At least 18UOC of research-based courses be awarded after successful completion of 48 Units Mineral Processing 6
(at least 12UOC of which must be advanced Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$35,520 Geotechnical Data Collection* 6 Projects
of Credit points of coursework, either full time or Mine Design and Feasibility 6 You are also able to substitute two or three electives
research-completion courses) Mining Geotechnical Project* 6 part time. A majority of the courses will be offered
The Graduate Diploma of Food Science program with a project of equal value provided you meet the
2. At least a further 24UOC of advanced as modules over a short block period to permit Mine Water & Waste Management 6
is designed for graduates from cognate disciplines Mine Slope Stability 6 following criteria:
disciplinary courses employees of mining companies and associated Uranium mining fundamentals 6
wishing to develop their knowledge and skills in • completed (or have advanced standing in) 72 UOC
Food Science. This will enable students to meet or Numerical in Mine Geomechanics 6 service providers to attend on a part-time basis.
Specialisation Food Science and Technology Mine Ventilation 6 • obtained agreement from a CSE academic supervisor
maintain professional accreditation standards and Adv Soil Mechs and Mine Fill 6 Please note that some electives may only be offered • maintained a distinction level performance in
Academic plan FOODKS8037 to provide opportunities for developing their career every two years. the program
Drilling, Blasting and Machine 6
opportunities. Students will develop their technical
The specialisation in Food Science and Technology
knowledge and ability to analyse food science Mine Water & Waste Management 6 Specialisation Mine Geomechanics
is defined by a core of disciplinary knowledge, Advanced Standing UOC
problems. They will also gain further skills in * Written permission from the Program Authority is Academic plan MINERS5335
advanced disciplinary knowledge and an advanced
solving food science problems and justifying required prior to enrolment in these courses. Advanced standing may be granted for up to 8
research component. It provides a solid postgraduate
professional decisions. courses from the following list:
coursework program for the professional food Stream structure
scientist wishing to upgrade their skills or extend The stream requires successful completion of six core Foundations of Computer Science 6
Entry requirements
their knowledge. courses (Group A) and two elective courses (Group B)
A student must hold a Bachelor degree in Food Principles of Programming 6
Specialisation structure Science or a cognate discipline (defined for each a total of 48 UOC .
Data Structures and Algorithms 6
stream), with an average mark of at least 65, or an Group A Core courses UOC
Disciplinary knowledge courses UOC Microprocessors and Interfacing 6
equivalent qualification from a recognised university
Choose 24UOC (4 courses) to from the following list: or tertiary institution, in order to be admitted to Foundation disciplinary: Database Systems 6
Instrumental Analysis Proc Ind 6 the program. Eng Coursework PG Research Skills 6 Computer Networks and Applications 6
Fundamentals of Mining Engineering 6

92 www.international.unsw.edu.au www.international.unsw.edu.au 93
Engineering Engineering

Artificial Intelligence 6 Systems Capacity Planning (2) 6

Graduate School of School of Computer Science School of Mining Engineering
Engineering Project Management 6 Wireless Mesh and Sensor Networks (2) 6
If you receive advanced standing you may choose to
Biomedical Engineering and Engineering Dr Chris Daly
Mobile Data Networking (2) 6 [email protected]
forego those credits in favour of completing additional Associate Professor Gregg Suaning School of Computer Science and Engineering engineering.unsw.edu.au/mining-engineering
Securing Wireless Networks (2) 6
courses from the course list. If you are eligible for [email protected] Student Office
advanced standing you will be restricted in your Security Engineering (2) 6 engineering.unsw.edu.au/biomedical-engineering [email protected] Research areas
choice of electives, available at a ratio of 1:4 for every engineering.unsw.edu.au/ • Geomechanics: mining geomechanics,
CSE course completed. Research areas computer-science-engineering geomechanics for underground spaces
Graduate Diploma in Information Technology • Biomaterials and tissue engineering • Innovative education and training: knowledge
Majors • Physiological measurement, modelling and Research areas and data management, innovative teaching and
Up to two majors can be selected from the following Program Code 5543 neurostimulation • Artificial intelligence learning methods, general concepts of providing an
areas with a completion of minimum of three courses Commencement February, July • Bioinformatics enhanced alternative mining education
required to satisfy the major. Course levels are • Database • Underground environment
indicated in brackets. Program Duration 1.5 years • Embedded and operating systems
Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$35,520 School of Chemical Engineering • Networks
• Sustainable mining practices
Artificial Intelligence UOC • Programming languages
The Graduate Diploma of Information Technology Chemical Engineering and
Experimental Robotics (1) 6 Industrial Chemistry • Service oriented computing
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (1) 6
provides engineering and science students with a
broad-based IT education, and more specialised
• Software engineering School of Petroleum Engineering
Associate Professor Jie Bao • Theory
knowledge in up to two majors, enabling them to work [email protected] Associate Professor Sheik Rahman
Data Warehousing and Data Mining (2) 6
in a range of positions in the IT industry. engineering.unsw.edu.au/chemical-engineering [email protected]
Machine Learning and Data Mining (2) 6 engineering.unsw.edu.au/petroleum-engineering
Entry requirements
Neural Networks (2) 6 A recognised three-year Bachelor degree in
Research areas School of Electrical Engineering Research areas
• Computer process control
Computer Vision (1) 6 engineering or science or a discipline that included • Electrochemical engineering and Telecommunications • Drilling and completion
mathematics up to at least year two level, with a high • Environmental technology • Production engineering
credit average over the final two years; or completion • Heat and mass transfer Dr Jinhong Yuan • Petroleum economics
Bioinformatics UOC of the Graduate Certificate in Computing. • Membrane science and technology [email protected] • Reservoir characterisation
• Minerals and energy, particle technology engineering.unsw.edu.au/electrical-engineering • Reservoir engineering and simulation
Compulsory course: Program structure
The program consists of 12 courses totalling 72 units and catalysis Research areas
Bioinformatics Methods and Applications (0) 6 • Polymer science and technology
of credit (UOC). These courses are defined by four • Biomedical engineering
study levels – level 0 has no course prerequisites, • Process modelling and optimisation • Computer networks
Then select 3 courses from the following: level 1 has one prerequisite, level 2 has a chain of • Reaction engineering, supercritical fluids • Control systems School of Photovoltaic
Computational Bioinformatics (2) 6
two prerequisites and level 3 has a chain of three • Electrical power equipment
• Microsystems
and Renewable Energy
Introduction to Probability and Stochastic Food Science and Technology • Mobile communications Professor Alistair Sproul
Processes (0) 6 You may cover introductory courses (level 0), core Associate Professor Jie Bao • Photonic technologies and optical communications [email protected]
computing courses (level 1 and 2) and advanced [email protected] or • Power electronics and drives engineering.unsw.edu.au/energy-engineering
Introduction to Statistics and Statistical electives (level 3). Two majors can be studied. [email protected] • Power systems
Computations* (0) 6 Research areas
engineering.unsw.edu.au/chemical-engineering • Quantum computing
If you are not eligible for entry to the Graduate • Crystalline silicon solar cells - design and processing
Data Warehousing and Data Mining (2) 6 • Signal processing
Diploma of Information Technology, or wish to take a Research areas techniques
Machine Learning and Data Mining (2) 6 shorter postgraduate qualification, you may apply for • Electrical energy storage
• Food chemistry
* MATH5856 has a corequisite of MATH5846. Seek permission the Graduate Certificate in Computing. • Food engineering • GaAS and SiGe devices, light trapping in thin
from School of Mathematics if you have sufficient background
knowledge and wish to enrol in MATH5856 on its own.
• Food microbiology School of Mechanical and crystalline silicon, novel semiconductor devices
• Photovoltaic applications in developing countries
Graduate Certificate in Computing • Food processing
• Nutrition Manufacturing Engineering • Photovoltaic device fabrication and characterisation
Information Technology Program Code 7543 • Postharvest technology of fruit and vegetables • Photovoltaic device physics, modelling, design and
This option is for students who do not want to specify • Sensory analysis/product development Associate Professor Zhongxiao Peng characterisation; photovoltaic module design
Commencement February, July
a major. You may study three to six courses (18 to 36 [email protected] • Photovoltaic solar energy conversion
UOC) from any IT specialisation. Program Duration 6 months engineering.unsw.edu.au/mechanical-engineering • Quantum well and advanced solar cell structures
Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$17,760 • Wire and dot structures
Database Systems UOC Research areas
• Semiconductor device modelling
Database Systems Implementation (2) 6
The Graduate Certificate in Computing provides School of Civil and • Advanced manufacturing
• Semiconductor device physics
engineering and science students with a specialised • Design, analysis and simulation systems
Data Warehousing and Data Mining (2) 6 IT education, which may include study in one of the IT Environmental Engineering • Energy, fluids and environment
• Commercially oriented silicon solar cells device
design, processing and characterisation
majors within the Master of Information Technology. • Mechanical and autonomous systems
Information Retrieval and Web Search (2) 6 Associate Professor Ian Turner • Thin film crystalline silicon photovoltaic devices
Entry requirements [email protected]
Web Data Compression and Search (2) 6 engineering.unsw.edu.au/civil-engineering
A recognised three-year Bachelor degree in
Web Applications Engineering (1) 6 engineering or science, or a minimum of five years of Research areas
work experience in an appropriate area of engineering • Engineering construction
e-Commerce Systems UOC or science. • Environmental engineering
Web Applications Engineering (1) 6 Program structure • Geotechnical engineering
The program consists of four courses totalling 24 units of • Structural engineering
Service-Oriented Architectures (2) 6 • Transport engineering
credit from any course within the Master of Information
e-Enterprise Project (2) 6 Technology which you are qualified to study. • Water engineering
e-Business: Strategy and Management* (0) 6
e-Business and the Law (0) 6
* You must apply six weeks before the start of semester
by submitting a Master of Business and Technology Cross
Program Enrolment form to the School of Computer Science
and Engineering Student Office. A curriculum vitae must be
attached at the request of the Graduate Programs in Business
and Technology Program Office.

Internetworking UOC

Network Routing and Switching (2) 6

Advanced Computer Networks (2) 6

94 www.international.unsw.edu.au www.international.unsw.edu.au 95


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96 97
Law Law

Master of Laws Master of Business Law Master of Criminal Justice and Criminology Master of Dispute Resolution Master of Human Rights Law and Policy Graduate Diploma in Human Rights Law
and Policy
Program Code 9200 Program Code 9231 Program Code 9285 Program code 9235 Program Code 9211
Program Code 5211
Commencement February, July Commencement February, July Commencement February, July Commencement February, July Commencement February, July
Commencement February, July
Program Duration 1 year Program Duration 1 year Program Duration 1 year Program Duration 1 year Program Duration 1 year
Program Duration 1 year
Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$35,040 Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$36,000 Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$33,060 Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$35,040 Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$35,040
Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$ 26,280
Website www.law.unsw.edu.au/llm Website www.law.unsw.edu.au/mbl Website www.law.unsw.edu.au/mcjc Website www.law.unsw.edu.au/mdr Website www.law.unsw.edu.au/mhrlp
Website www.law.unsw.edu.au/gdilir
The UNSW Master of Laws (LLM) offers you as The Master of Business Law has been designed The Master of Criminal Justice and Criminology is The Master of Dispute Resolution provides The development of human rights law has altered
a law graduate an opportunity to acquire further for non-lawyers involved in the private, commercial, designed for graduates seeking an interdisciplinary comprehensive and academically rigorous the ways in which nation states, governments, Entry requirements
expertise and enhance your career prospects. Our government or international sectors where business specialised education at an advanced level in criminal postgraduate study for those seeking a specialist individuals and groups interact. Although human A recognised Bachelor degree in law, the social
LLM program is ranked among the finest in Australia, law issues are relevant to their employment. You can justice law, policy, theory and practice. qualification in dispute resolution theory and practice. rights are universal and the entitlement of everyone, sciences or humanities.
with 11 specialisations contributing to a rigorous and tailor the program to your needs by completing The program will enable you to develop skills in regardless of status, race, gender, nationality or other
challenging academic program. a generalist degree or choosing to specialise. It is jointly offered by UNSW Law and the identifying the underlying issues that shape and distinction, too often they are imperfectly understood See the Master of Human Rights Law and Policy entry
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences drawing on inform a range of dispute resolution processes, and and poorly observed. In recent decades, there has and law website for further information.
By incorporating a specialisation into the LLM, you can Entry requirements the acknowledged excellence in research and to think creatively about approaches and solutions to been an expansion in thinking about and applying
pursue an area of law that complements your existing A recognised non-law Bachelor degree with a minimum teaching of criminal justice and criminology in each them. Courses promote interdisciplinary study through human rights concepts and standards, including in
legal practice or provides entry into a new legal field. credit (65%) average. faculty. The program provides graduates from a Master of International Law and
exposure to dispute resolution practitioners in a range Australia and our region. The aim of this program is International Relations
Alternatively, you can complete a generalist LLM, variety of disciplines with a strong understanding of of fields. to train and support future professionals and scholars
choosing from the entire range of courses offered and Program structure criminological and legal research, and legal Program Code 9240
You are required to complete the compulsory course as leaders in the dynamic and expanding field of
tailor the program to meet your professional needs. and criminological perspectives on the practices Entry requirements human rights law and policy.
Legal Concepts, Research and Writing for Business Commencement February, July
and regulation of criminal justice institutions A recognised Bachelor degree with a minimum credit
Entry requirements Law in your first semester of study. In addition, if and processes. (65%) average. Entry requirements Program Duration 1 year
A recognised LLB or JD with minimum credit you have not previously undertaken legal studies A recognised Bachelor degree in law, the social
(65%) average. within your Bachelor degree you are also required to Entry requirements Program structure Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$31,080
sciences or humanities with a minimum credit
complete two compulsory courses: Legal Foundations A recognised Bachelor degree with a minimum credit You are required to complete two compulsory courses, (65%)average. Website www.law.unsw.edu.au/milir
Program structure of Business, and Corporations and Business (65%) average. Dispute Resolution and Principled Negotiation
The program consists of 48 units of credit, or eight Associations Law. Students who have previously (12 UOC) with the balance of the program selected Program structure There is virtually no area of world politics in which
courses (one course = 6 UOC). To incorporate undertaken legal studies can select elective courses in Program structure from the elective courses on offer. All students are required to complete the compulsory international law does not play a role and international
a specialisation into a Master of Laws, you must place of these two courses. You are required to complete the compulsory course, course, International Human Rights, in the first year law cannot be fully understood without an appreciation
choose four courses (24 UOC) from those allocated Explaining Crime, in the first year of study, and non- Career opportunities of study, and non-law graduates must also complete of the political context in which it operates. The Master
to that specialisation. The remaining courses may To incorporate a specialisation, you will be required law graduates must also complete the compulsory Lawyers and practitioners from non-legal backgrounds the compulsory course Legal Concepts, Research and of International Law and International Relations provides
be selected from any of those offered by UNSW Law to obtain no less than 24 of the 48 UOC required for courses Legal Concepts, Research and Writing for have identified the need to expand their skills and Writing for Human Rights. an interdisciplinary study program for students with
(unless otherwise stated). the award of the degree from the courses allocated Criminal Justice and Criminology, and Conceptualising knowledge in the new and ever changing field of backgrounds in law, the social sciences or humanities
to that specialisation. Criminal Laws. professional dispute resolution. This program would Career opportunities who are interested in a career in international law and
Specialisations be of particular relevance to professions such as Graduates go on to various careers. Some work in international relations. It provides a strong theoretical
LLM specialisations are available in the following areas: Specialisations Career opportunities court registrars, policy advisors, lawyers, mediators, positions in state and federal government, in the and practical understanding of the international legal
• Corporate and commercial law You can tailor the program to your needs by This program provides graduates (lawyers and arbitrators, managers, diplomats, and industrial Australian Human Rights Commission or in community system, the workings of international politics and their
completing a generalist degree or choosing to non-lawyers) with a specialisation in contemporary relations specialists. organisations. Some hold advocacy positions in effect on each other.
• Corporate, commercial law and taxation specialise in one of the following areas: criminal justice challenges across a diverse area international NGOs, or work as international civil
• Criminal justice and criminology (including areas such as international criminal law, servants in international governmental organisations. Entry requirements
• Corporate and commercial law
fraud and money-laundering and human rights). This Graduate Diploma in Dispute Resolution A recognised Bachelor degree in law, the social
• Dispute resolution • Corporate, commercial and taxation law degree offers advanced career options for lawyers sciences or humanities with a minimum credit
• Environmental law Program Code 5235
• Innovation law in criminal legal practice or in the development of (65%)average.
• Human rights and social justice public policy, both nationally and internationally. For Commencement February, July
• International business and economic law Program structure
• Innovation law non-law graduates this qualification may build on Program Duration 1 year
• Media and technology law existing criminal justice and criminological expertise You are required to complete two compulsory courses,
• International business and economic law or it may be the basis of developing a specialised Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$26,280 Principles of International Law and The Politics of
• Taxation law.
expertise in criminal justice and criminological issues. International Law (12 UOC) in the first year of study,
• International law Website www.law.unsw.edu.au/gddr
Career opportunities Career opportunities arise in criminal justice-related then you choose half of your elective courses from the
• Media and technology law The MBL is suited to commercial, government or Entry requirements Law courses offered and half from the International
environments such as in corrective services, court
• Taxation. international careers which have a legal aspect administration and in fields of health and welfare that A recognised Bachelor degree. Relations and Politics courses offered by the Faculty
but do not require a person to be a lawyer such as intersect with criminal justice. of Arts and Social Sciences.
Career opportunities entrepreneur, small-business owner, accountant, See the Master of Dispute Resolution entry and
Our LLM is popular with new graduates and Faculty website for further information. Career opportunities
company secretary, commercial transaction
experienced lawyers alike who seek a professional Graduate Diploma in Criminal Justice and Career opportunities are diverse but may include
negotiators and managers, human resources,
edge in their career. The Master of Laws offers law Criminology positions in government ministry in areas such as
sales and marketing and corporate governance
graduates an opportunity to study areas of specialty foreign affairs, trade, defence, human rights or the
professionals. It is also a valuable qualification if you Program Code 5285
in greater depth and sophistication than is met within environment. Other opportunities may include positions
are seeking a career in a field where knowledge of
a Bachelor of Laws program. Course and program Commencement February, July in non-government organisations or international
legal requirements is an advantage.
offerings are continually reviewed to ensure that the organisations such as the United Nations.
curriculum accurately reflects and anticipates the Program Duration 1 year
growing needs of both our students and industry. Graduate Diploma in Business Law Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$25,290
Graduate Diploma in International Law and
Program Code 5231 Website www.law.unsw.edu.au/gdcjc International Relations
Graduate Diploma in Law Commencement February, July Entry requirements Program Code 5760
Program Code 5740 Program Duration 1 year A recognised Bachelor degree.
Commencement February, July
Commencement February, July Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$27,000 See the Master of Criminal Justice and Criminology Program Duration 1 year
Program Duration 1 year entry and law website for further information.
Website www.law.unsw.edu.au/gdbl Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$23,310
Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$26,280 Entry requirements Website www.law.unsw.edu.au/gdilir
Website www.law.unsw.edu.au/gdl A recognised non-law Bachelor degree. See the
Entry requirements
Master of Business Law entry and law website for
Entry requirements A recognised Bachelor degree in law, the social
further information.
A recognised LLB or JD. sciences or humanities.

See the Master of Laws entry and law website for See the Master of International Law and International
further information. Relations entry and law website for further information.

98 www.international.unsw.edu.au www.international.unsw.edu.au 99
Law Enquiries
UNSW Law welcomes enquiries from prospective postgraduates at law@
unsw.edu.au prior to application. For further information about our research
programs, please visit www.law.unsw.edu.au/future-students/research

Master of Law, Media and Journalism JD (Juris Doctor) Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Research strengths
Program Code 9214 Program Code 9150 The Doctor of Philosophy provides you with the Business and Commercial Law Intellectual Property
opportunity to conduct a research project that • Corporate finance • Copyright law
Commencement February, July Commencement February, July
will make a significant contribution to an area • Corporate regulation, accountability and governance • Patents
Program Duration 1 year Program Duration 3 years of knowledge. A UNSW Law PhD produces • Investment and securities law • Trade mark law
Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$35,760 researchers with the highest level of scholarly • Corporations and human rights • Theories of intellectual property
Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$31,080
expertise. Throughout the program of study, you • Insolvency • Colonial copyright
Website www.law.unsw.edu.au/mlmj Website www.law.unsw.edu.au/jd will acquire advanced specialist research training in • Traditional knowledge
• Directors’ duties and shareholder remedies
The UNSW JD is a graduate level law degree and can order to produce a thesis that provides evidence of • Cyberlaw
The Master of Law, Media and Journalism is a
be used as a basis for seeking admission to the legal independent thought and critical analysis, effective Constitutional and Public Law
specialist degree that equips you with the ability to International and Comparative Law
profession in Australia and overseas. The UNSW JD communication, and expert knowledge of the • Constitutional law
interact with new media developments in a practical • International human rights law
allows you to study law at a postgraduate level which discipline. Graduates commonly pursue careers in • Human rights
way and understand the legal consequences of • International refugee law
reflects the maturity and proven proficiency academia, specialist legal practice and in related • Federalism
those interactions. It develops a depth of knowledge • International law and climate change
with tertiary study demonstrated by graduates. areas of law and policy work. • Indigenous rights
through strong theoretical and practical understanding • International environmental law
• Administrative law
of the different regulatory and legal issues that Program duration • International humanitarian law
Entry requirements • Immigration law
arise in the context of print, radio, television and 3 to 4 years. • International criminal law
A recognised Bachelor degree or equivalent • Electoral law
online media sectors, media relations and corporate (Minimum duration for completion is 3 years) • International trade law
qualification in any discipline other than law, or a
communications. Offered in partnership with the Criminal Law, Criminal Justice and Criminology • International investment law
recognised non-Australian law degree.
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, this program is Entry requirements • Policing • International economic law
suitable for you if you have a background in media or Program structure A recognised Master degree (including a substantial • Prisons • Terrorism and national security
law, or would like to deepen your knowledge of this The program consists of 16 compulsory courses research component) with a minimum distinction • Punishment • Use of force
growing area. and one prescribed elective (from a choice of three) average (75%), or a recognised four-year Bachelor • Sentencing • Law of the sea
which provide comprehensive knowledge of the many degree with first class honours that includes a • Juries
Entry requirements • Comparative constitutional law
areas of law that are fundamental to legal practice substantial research component, or the equivalent. • Sexual assault law reform
A recognised Bachelor degree with a minimum credit Law Reform
and an understanding of the legal system. You then • Domestic violence
(65%) average. • Counter terrorism
choose seven elective courses from a wide range • International criminal law
Doctor of Juridical Science (SJD)
Program structure on offer each semester. These electives include the • Law reform and human rights
opportunity for high-level experience of legal practice The Doctor of Juridical Science provides an Evidence and Civil Procedure • Criminal justice law reform
The program consists of two compulsory courses
in the form of internships, clinical practice at our opportunity to combine a doctoral thesis with the • Litigation • Immigration and refugee law
(12 UOC) in the first year of study: Understanding
Kingsford Legal Centre, national and international coursework component of a Master of Laws degree, • Alternative dispute resolution
Contemporary Media; and Legal Concepts, Research Legal Institutions and Governance
mooting competitions, short courses overseas and allows significant research into an area of interest • Case management and court procedure
and Writing for IP and Media Law (for non-law • Police accountability
studying the legal systems of specific countries, and often developed within the coursework program. The • Class actions
graduates). You then choose half of your electives • Australian legal institutions
our international exchange program which allows degree prepares you for an academic career and for • Identification of evidence
courses from the media and technology law courses • Rule of law
you to go on exchange to one of our 60 partner law high-level research and policy related work. • Role of experts
offered by UNSW Law and half from the media and
schools around the world. • Sexual assault
journalism courses offered by the Faculty of Arts and Program duration Legal Theory
• Police interrogation
Social Sciences. 1 year coursework (completed as a Master of Laws at • Legal philosophy
Professional recognition
The UNSW JD is accredited by the Legal Profession UNSW) to articulate into two to three years of research. Human Rights and Social Justice • Critical legal theory
Career opportunities • Law and social theory
Admission Board and satisfies the academic (Minimum duration for completion is three years) • Bill of rights
The Master of Law, Media and Journalism is of • Analytical legal theory
component for admission to practice as a solicitor and • Terrorism and human rights
particular relevance to careers in broadcast, print Entry requirements • Continental legal theory
barrister of the Supreme Court of NSW. To practise • Development and human rights
and online journalism, social media, public relations, Completion of coursework component (UNSW • Feminist legal theory
law in other countries you must satisfy the academic • Theories of human rights
and communication and legal policy positions in Master of Laws by coursework) with a minimum
and accreditation criteria in the particular jurisdiction. • Access to justice
government and private practice. distinction average (75%) is required to articulate National Security and Terrorism
Always refer to the relevant authority or admitting • Indigenous peoples
to the SJD program. • Anti-terror law
body in that country or state. • Refugee law
• Counter terrorism
Graduate Diploma in Law, Media and Journalism • Theories of human rights
Career opportunities • Terrorism and human rights
• Climate change and human rights
Program Code 5214 Our graduates work in Australia and all over the world Master of Laws by Research • National security and human rights
as solicitors and barristers, as in-house lawyers in The Master of Laws by Research requires Indigenous Peoples and the Law • National security and civil liberties
Commencement February, July
the corporate and government sectors, policy and completion of an original piece of research, similar to • Social justice
Program Duration 1 year Private Law
legislative advisors or researchers, prosecutors or that required for a PhD but on a more modest scale. • Land rights
• Contracts
Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$23,310 public defenders in the criminal justice system, as As with other research degrees, work is undertaken • Native title
• Equity
lawyers in community legal centres or working in under the supervision of experts in a chosen • Customary law
Website www.law.unsw.edu.au/gdlmj • Law of obligations
non-government organisations focusing on particular research area that enables development of original • Sovereignty
• Property
Entry requirements issues or rights. insights and critical research skills, in a supportive • Indigenous cultural property
• Succession
A recognised Bachelor degree. and stimulating environment. • Indigenous people in international law
• Torts
See the Master of Law, Media and Journalism entry
Program duration
and law website for further information.
1.5 to 2 years advanced study.
(Minimum duration for completion is 1.5 years)

Entry requirements
A recognised four-year Bachelor degree with honours
that includes a substantial research component, or
the equivalent.

100 www.international.unsw.edu.au www.international.unsw.edu.au 101



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102 103
Medicine Medicine

While our flagship remains the Master of Health Professional recognition

Pharmaceutical Medicine Pharmaceutical Development of Medicines 6
Management, students can also elect two enrol in Elective Courses (12 UOC)* UOC This program is recognised by the Royal Australasian
Post-marketing Compliance of Medicines 6 Elective Courses UOC
Jan Cooper, Program Administrator our popular dual Master degree programs, which Choose 2 of the following** College of Medical Administrators and the Australasian
Pharmaceutical Medicine Program Biostatistics and Trial Design* 6 Non-Clinical Assessment of Medicines 6 combine the Master of Health Management with College of Health Service Management.
[email protected] either a Master of Public Health or International Public Community Development 6
Advanced Pharmacokinetics* 6 Clinical Development of Medicines 6
www.drugdev.med.unsw.edu.au Health (see Dual Award Degrees). Master of Health Immunisation Policy and Practice 6
Pharmacoeconomics* 6 Medicines Development 6 Master of Health Management (Extension)
Management (Extension), Graduate Diploma and
The postgraduate programs offer students an Advanced Social and Behavioural Epidemiology 6 Program Code 8902
Advanced Regulatory Affairs 6 Pharmaceutical Development of Medicines 6 Graduate Certificate programs are also available.
excellent opportunity to upgrade current skills Advanced Health Economics and Financial Commencement February, July
which can be used as a stepping stone to further Advanced Pharmaceutical Development Post-marketing Compliance of Medicines 6 Management 6
professional development in the pharmaceutical of Medicines* 6 Master of Health Management Program Duration 1.5 years full time or
Clinical Trial Design and Biostatistics 6 Academic Practice*** n/a
industry. Opportunities may take students to careers in Therapeutics and the Molecular Basis of Disease 1 6 (prerequisite is Clinical Development of Medicines) 3 years part time by distance learning
Program Code 8901
pharmaceutical product discovery and development; Program Design and Evaluation 6 Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$37,200
Therapeutic Basis of Drug Use and Development 1 6 Advanced Pharmacokinetics 6 Commencement February, July
preclinical or clinical safety testing; regulatory affairs Qualitative Research Methods 6
(prerequisite is Non-Clinical Assessment of Medicines) The Master of Health Management (Extension)
positions within a pharmaceutical company or with a Therapeutic Basis of Drug Use and Development 2 6 Program Duration 1 year full time or
regulatory agency or government health department; Health Technology Assessment / Prevention and Management of Chronic Disease 6 enables students to extend their research skills
Therapeutics and the Molecular Basis of Disease 2 6 2 years part time by distance learning
part of a team evaluating new products; clinical trial Pharmacoeconomics 6 through course work and an 18 UOC major research
Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$37,200 Applied Research Methods in Public Health 6 project in health services management. You should
management; medical and scientific communications; Advanced Clinical Trials Management* 6
Advanced Regulatory Affairs 6 apply to study this program on completion of core
pharmacovigilance; product compliance; health The Master of Health Management has one aim - to Ethics and Law in Public Health 6
Economic Drivers of the Pharmaceutical Industry (prerequisite is Introduction to Regulatory Affairs)
technology assessment; or senior managerial enable individuals to develop the capabilities required courses within the Master of Health Management.
and Medical Department Management 6 Policy Studies 6
positions within biopharmaceutical and medical Advanced Pharmaceutical Development of Medicines to become inspirational leaders and skilled manager Successful completion of the extension program is
* Electives have prerequisites (prerequisite is Pharmaceutical Economic Evaluation in Health Care 6 pathway for entry into the PhD program.
technology businesses. in this vitally important and highly competitive field.
Development of Medicines ) 6 You will study alongside local and international Comparative Health Care Systems 6 Entry requirements
Non SoMS Electives (12 UOC) Therapeutics 1 students, led by a dynamic group of internationally Transfer will be considered on completion of the
Master of Pharmaceutical Medicine Advanced Biostatistics and Statistical Computing 6
recognised Faculty each of whom are experts in their Master of Health Management (8901) or equivalent
Up to two Electives from courses (all 6 UOC) outside Therapeutics 2
Program Code 9060 field. Informed by the latest health services research, Advanced Epidemiology 6
the School of Medical Sciences may be taken in the with a minimum credit average and submission of an
Therapeutics 3 this program takes you beyond generic studies of
Commencement February final year of study. Tobacco, Alcohol and Illicit Drugs 6 acceptable research proposal.
Therapeutics 4 administrative and human resources, and into the
Program Duration 3 years part time by distance world where managerial decision making has a direct Reproductive, Maternal and Child Health 6 Program structure
Professional recognition Advanced Clinical Trials Management impact on individuals’ lives and well-being. A sustained In addition to the 48 UOC required for the Master of
Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$18,600 The Pharmaceutical Medicine program is supported Rehabilitation and Restorative Care 6
(prerequisite is Clinical Development of Medicines) focus on the latest issues and trends in health system Health Management, you must complete 24 UOC
As the MBA is to the world of commerce, so strongly in Australia by peak industry organisations Environmental Health 6 consisting of one 6 UOC course tailored to your
Medical Department Management design and reform, workforce leadership and planning,
the The Master of Pharmaceutical Medicine is and internationally by the Drug Information particular research project and a major project (18
human resource management, implementation and Management of Aged Care Programs and Services 6
a valuable asset in recruitment and promotion Association. UOC). The program is available through distance
translational science and quality improvement methods,
within the pharmaceutical industry, medicine and Graduate Certificate in Pharmaceutical Medicine Principles and Practice of Primary Health Care education if you choose to study outside of Australia.
ensure that graduates from our program are ready to
government. The program is a vocational course, in the Community 6
Graduate Diploma in Pharmaceutical Medicine Program Code 7370 practice world class, evidence based management. Professional recognition
especially designed to enhance the capabilities HIV/AIDS: Australian and International Responses 6 This program is recognised by the Royal Australasian
of current or future staff whose vocation lies in Program Code 5504 Commencement February Mode of delivery
The Global HIV Epidemic: Social Aspects and Impacts 6 College of Medical Administrators and the Australasian
the clinical, regulatory, scientific, informational, Commencement February This program is delivered as face-to-face weekly
Program Duration 1 year part time by distance College of Health Service Management.
pharmacoeconomic and managerial areas of the classes. Some electives may involve intensive Inequalities and Health 6
Program Duration 2 years part time by distance Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$12,840 workshops followed by independent study.
pharmaceutical industry, medicine or government. Health Impact Assessment 6
All of these areas are interrelated. It is not possible Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$18,600 Graduate Diploma in Health Management
Entry requirements The program is also available in part-time mode via
to function to maximum potential in any of these Potential students who do not have a degree but have Public Health Perspectives of Indigenous Health 6
The Graduate Diploma in Pharmaceutical Medicine distance learning if you choose to study outside of Program Code 5509
areas without adequate knowledge of the others. program is designed for those people who wish to relevant experience in the pharmaceutical industry Indigenous Health and Wellbeing Across the Lifespan 6
Australia, with approval from the Program Director, but Commencement February, July
The program thus includes core courses that provide gain an understanding of the Therapeutics industry may be admitted. you must attend one-week residential schools held in Case Studies in Aboriginal Health and Torres
a good working knowledge of the various areas (pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, medical technology Program Duration 1 year full time or
Sydney before each academic semester, in February Strait Islander Health 6
mentioned, plus a selection of elective courses that industries). It provides a sound basic understanding Program structure 2 years part time by distance learning
and July.
enable students to gain depth in the areas of their of the principles of therapeutic product development, Health Aspects of Crises, Emergencies and Disasters 6
Core Courses (24UOC) UOC Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$27,900
particular interest. regulation and use. It articulates to the Master of Entry requirements
Management of Laboratory Services 6 The Graduate Diploma in Health Management is available
Pharmaceutical Medicine degree. Principles of Drug Action 6 An undergraduate degree in a health-related or public
The Master of Pharmaceutical Medicine and to a Managing Human Resources for Health 6 for students who want a faster entry point into the field
health-related discipline and:
lesser extent the Certificate and Diploma, will enable The Graduate Diploma in Pharmaceutical Medicine Efficacy and Safety of Medicines 6 of health management, or who wish to study specialist
• Honours or postgraduate qualification in a health- Outbreak Investigation 6
the student to fast-track, master and achieve, in a few builds upon the foundation of courses laid down in the Law, Ethics and the Regulation of Medicines 6 elective subjects (such as aged care or laboratory
related or public health-related discipline; or
years, a level of competency that would otherwise first year of the program as outlined for the Graduate Public Mental Health in Australia 6 management) without undertaking all core courses for the
Clinical Development of Medicines 6 • Substantial professional experience acquired as
take decades. Certificate in Pharmaceutical Medicine.In the second Master of Health Management.
part of a health-related degree of 4 or more years Current Challenges in Infectious Diseases 6
year of the program, students examine issues related
Entry requirements duration; or Mode of delivery
to the formulation of new medicines, with a strong Communicable Disease Control in Humanitarian
3 year undergraduate degree in a cognate discipline • Two years full-time professional experience in a This program is delivered as face-to-face weekly
plus relevant industry experience or 4 year
focus on quality of product, examination of impurities Health Management health-related or public health-related discipline, Emergencies and Disasters 6
classes. Some electives may involve intensive
and stability of the new medicine.
undergraduate degree or higher qualifications in a Joanne Travaglia, Director including as a volunteer in a health and public Tropical Disease Control 6 workshops followed by independent study.
cognate discipline. Those who do not have a degree The program also includes methods of assessment Health Management Program health organisation.
Mathematical Modeling of Infectious Diseases 6 The program is also available in part-time mode via
but have relevant experience in the pharmaceutical and prevention of adverse events, reporting [email protected]
responsibilities and the use of safety information Program structure Social and Cultural Aspects of Contagion 6 distance learning if you choose to study outside of
industry may be admitted to the Graduate Certificate
databases. Protection of intellectual property relevant Program Administrator The program is available through distance education Australia, with approval from the Program Director, but
and, upon successful completion of this program, may * Elective courses offered by the School are under progressive
to the industry is examined. Students conclude their [email protected] if you choose to study outside of Australia. A total of you must attend one-week residential schools held in
apply to upgrade to the Graduate Diploma and then, if review. Please check the School website for updated elective
program by examining the use of statistics in design of www.sphcm.med.unsw.edu.au 48 units of credit (UOC) is required, consisting of 36 courses: www.sphcm.med.unsw.edu.au Sydney before each academic semester, in February
they wish, to the Master degree.
clinical trials and assessment of data. Factors driving UOC of core courses and 12 UOC of electives. The and July.
The UNSW Health Management Program is the oldest program may include a summer semester if you wish **Core courses from the Master of Public Health or Master of
Program structure the pharmaceutical industry and the importance of
and largest health management program in Australia. to complete your studies over a 12 month period. International Public Health programs can be taken as electives Entry requirements
decision making throughout the drug development towards the Master of Health Management.
It has gained an international recognition for producing An undergraduate degree in a health-related or public
Core Courses (12 UOC) UOC process are examined.
health managers capable of leading teams, services Core Courses (36 UOC) UOC ***As an international student, if you are from a non-English
health-related discipline and:
Principles of Drug Action 6 Entry requirements and systems in this rapidly changing, high demand Foundations in Public Health and Health Care Systems 6 speaking country you are required to take an additional • Honours or postgraduate qualification in a health-
A recognised three-year Bachelor degree in a cognate field. As a result, our alumni can be found in positions course, Academic Practice, in your first semester. This course related or public health-related discipline; or
Law, Ethics and the Regulation of Medicines 6 Health Leadership and Workforce Management 6 is available for all students to assist them to gain maximum
discipline which is defined as a degree in one of the of senior management in health and related services
benefit from their study and to get them academically ready. It • Substantial professional experience acquired as
following: biomedical/biological sciences; pharmacy; around the world. Healthcare Economics and Financial Management 6 does not contribute to the UOC requirements of the degree. part of a health-related degree of 4 or more years
Plus nursing; veterinary science; chemistry/medicinal
The program sets out a strong core of key subjects Clinical Governance and Risk Management 6 duration ; or
chemistry; medicine Articulation
including leadership, risk, financial and change • Two years full-time professional experience in a
Strategy, Policy and Change 6 The program articulates with the Graduate Diploma
Elective Courses* UOC Program structure management and evidence informed decision making. health-related or public health-related discipline,
Evidence-informed Decision-Making 6 in Health Management and the Graduate Certificate
Students can also choose from a wide range of including as a volunteer in a health and public
Efficacy and Safety of Medicines 6 Core Courses UOC in Health Management. Credit for courses completed
electives to support their specialist interests and skills, Advanced standing can only be granted by the Program health organisation.
Clinical Development of Medicines 6 in the Graduate Certificate and the Graduate Diploma
Discovery of Medicines 6 including in the fields of aged care, laboratory and Director on the basis of demonstrated equivalent Master
may be transferred to the Master program. Contact the
R&D in the Pharmaceutical Industry 6 disaster management. degree level coursework previously undertaken.
Introduction to Regulatory Affairs 6 School for details on the credit transfer policy.

104 www.international.unsw.edu.au www.international.unsw.edu.au 105

Medicine Medicine

Program structure Students must choose at least two (12 UOC) of the The aim of the Master of International Public Health Plus Graduate Certificate in International Public Health Master of Public Health
The program is available through distance education following courses: is to combine a human ecology perspective of health
if you choose to study outside of Australia. You must and disease and expertise in relevant investigative Program Code 7367 Program Code 9045
successfully complete the following courses totalling Courses (12 UOC) UOC methods, with evidence-based, culturally appropriate Project or Other Electives (12 UOC) Commencement February Commencement February, July
36 units of credit (UOC). Foundations 6 and cost effective approaches to disease control, health
2 Electives or 12 Program Duration 6 months full time or Program Duration 1 year full time or
promotion and health services development based on
Core Courses (36 UOC) UOC Strategy Policy & Change 6 Elective plus 6 1 year part time by distance learning 2 years part time by distance learning
real-life public health interventions. This emphasises
Foundations in Public Health and Health Care Systems 6 Health Leadership 6 development of infrastructure for policy development, Project in International Health 6 Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$18,600 Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$37,200
monitoring and surveillance, research and evaluation,
Strategy, Policy and Change 6 Clinical Governance & Risk 6 *Elective courses in the School are under progressive review. The Graduate Certificate in International Public Health The Master of Public Health is widely recognised
workforce development, and program delivery that
Please check the School website for updated elective courses: provides recognition to health professionals who are as essential for a career in population health.
Health Leadership and Workforce Management 6 directs and supports public health action to promote, www.sphcm.med.unsw.edu.au limited to study for a short time, and want to focus on
And protect and maintain the health of populations. Many UNSW graduates of this program occupy
Clinical Governance and Risk Management 6 international public health. key positions in health services and universities in
**International students from non English-speaking countries
12UOC from the prescribed list of electives Mode of delivery are required to take an additional course, Academic Practice, Australia and internationally.
Mode of delivery
Plus This program is delivered as face-to-face weekly in their first semester. This course is available for all students
This program is delivered as face-to-face weekly
classes. Some electives may involve intensive to assist them to gain maximum benefit from their study. It does Mode of delivery
Articulation not contribute to the UOC requirements of the degree. classes. Some electives may involve intensive This program is delivered as face-to-face weekly
The Graduate Certificate articulates with the Master workshops followed by independent study. workshops followed by independent study. The
2 Health Management electives (12 UOC) classes. Some electives may involve intensive
of Health Management and Master of Public Health. *** Core courses from the Master of Public Health or Master program is also available in part-time mode via workshops followed by independent study. The
The program is also available in part-time mode via of Health Management programs can be taken as electives
Credit for courses completed in the Graduate distance learning if you choose to study outside program is also available in part-time mode via
distance learning if you choose to study outside of towards the Master of International Public Health.
Articulation Certificate may be transferred to the Graduate Diploma Australia, with approval from the Program Director, but distance learning if you choose to study outside
Australia, with approval from the Program Director, but
The program articulates with the Master of Health and the Master programs, and you should contact the Articulation you must attend one-week residential schools held in Australia, with approval from the Program Director, but
you must attend one-week residential schools held in
Management. Credit for courses completed in the School for details on the credit transfer policy. The program articulates with the Graduate Diploma Sydney before the beginning of semester.
Sydney before each academic semester, in February you must attend one-week residential schools held in
Graduate Diploma may be transferred to the Master in International Public Health and the Graduate Sydney before each academic semester, in February
Professional recognition and July. Entry requirements
program. Contact the School for details on the credit Certificate in International Public Health. Credit for and July.
transfer policy. This program is recognised by the Australasian An undergraduate degree in a health-related or public
Entry requirements courses completed as part of the Graduate Diploma health-related discipline and:
College of Health Service Management. An undergraduate degree in a health-related or public Entry requirements
and the Graduate Certificate may be transferred to
Professional recognition • Honours or postgraduate qualification in a health- An undergraduate degree in a health-related or public
health-related discipline and: the Master program. For details on the credit transfer
This program is recognised by the Australasian related or public health-related discipline; or
policy, contact the School. health-related discipline and:
College of Health Service Management. • Honours or postgraduate qualification in a health-
International Public Health related or public health-related discipline; or • Substantial professional experience acquired as
part of a health-related degree of 4 or more years
• Honours or postgraduate qualification in a health-
Professor Richard Taylor, Program Director Graduate Diploma in International Public Health related or public health-related discipline; or
• Substantial professional experience acquired as duration; or
Graduate Certificate in Health Management International Public Health part of a health-related degree of 4 or more years • Substantial professional experience acquired as
Program Code 5567 • Two years full-time professional experience in a
[email protected] duration; or part of a health-related degree of 4 or more years
Program Code 7360 Commencement February, July health-related or public health-related discipline, duration; or
Dr Patrick Rawstorne, Assistant Program Director • Two years full-time professional experience in a including as a volunteer in a health and public
Commencement February, July health-related or public health-related discipline, Program Duration 1 year full time or health organisation. • Two years full-time professional experience in a
International Public Health
Program Duration 6 months full time or including as a volunteer in a health and public 2 years part time by distance learning health-related or public health-related discipline,
[email protected]
1 year part time by distance learning health organisation. Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$27,900 Program structure including as a volunteer in a health and public
Program Administrator The Graduate Certificate in International Public Health health organisation.
Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$18,600 [email protected] Program structure Mode of delivery comprises courses totalling 24 units of credit (UOC)
A total of 48 Units of Credit (UOC) is required, This program is delivered as face-to-face weekly including International Health (6 UOC) and three Program structure
The Graduate Certificate in Health Management is
designed for students who want to complete their The UNSW International Public Health programs will consisting of 18 UOC of core courses and 30 UOC of classes. Some electives may involve intensive international health-related electives as for Master of A total of 48 units of credit (UOC) is required,
studies in Health Management in a short period of equip you with the knowledge and competencies to select electives. workshops followed by independent study. The International Public Health (18 UOC). consisting of 18 UOC of core courses and 30 UOC of
time or who wish to focus their management studies in contribute to disease control and health promotion program is also available in part-time mode via selected electives.
across a wide range of populations and countries. Core Courses (18 UOC) UOC distance learning if you choose to study outside Articulation
a specific area. Core Courses (18 UOC) UOC
These programs attract a diverse group of students Health Promotion and Social Perspectives of Health 6 Australia, with approval from the Program Director, but The Graduate Certificate articulates with the
Mode of delivery from a range of countries, disciplinary and professional you must attend one-week residential schools held in Graduate Diploma and Master of International Public Health Promotion and Social Perspectives of Health 6
This program is delivered as face-to-face weekly practice backgrounds, and work settings. This level of Epidemiology and Statistics for Public Health 6 Sydney before each academic semester, in February Health. Credit for courses completed in the Graduate
classes. Some electives may involve intensive and July. Certificate may be transferred to the Graduate Epidemiology and Statistics for Public Health 6
diversity adds to the richness of the programs through International Health 6
workshops followed by independent study. the sharing of experiences, which enables you to gain Diploma or Masters program. Contact the School for Foundations in Public Health and Health
Entry requirements
further insight and understanding of public health issues details on the credit transfer policy. Care Systems 6
The program is also available in part-time mode via A recognised Bachelor degree, in a health-related
in an international, or global, health context. International Public Health Electives (18 UOC) UOC
distance learning if you choose to study outside of discipline, and at least one year of work experience in
Australia, with approval from the Program Director, but To study international public health you can enrol in At least 3 courses (18 UOC) from the designated a health-related field. Electives* (30 UOC) UOC
you must attend one-week residential schools held in the Master of International Public Health, or the Master international public health electives must be selected Public Health The following list of electives allows you to focus on
Sydney before each academic semester, in February Program structure
of Public Health in International Health (see Master The Graduate Diploma in International Public Health Associate Professor Andrew Hayen areas of interest and professional relevance. Electives
and July. Academic Practice ** n/a
of Public Health Streams) or a dual award Master comprises the following courses: Program Director, Public Health may be chosen from core courses offered in the
degree program combining the Master of International Community Development 6 [email protected] health management or international health programs
Entry requirements
Health with either the Master of Public Health or Master Program Design and Evaluation 6 Courses (36 UOC) UOC or graduate courses offered by other academic
An undergraduate degree in a health-related or public Program Administrator
health-related discipline and: of Health Management (see Dual Award Degrees). units within the University or by other universities in
Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate programs in Policy Studies 6 International Health 6 [email protected]
accordance with the UNSW policy on credit transfer.
• Honours or postgraduate qualification in a health- international public health are also available. Health Promotion and Social Perspectives of Health 6
Comparative Health Care Systems 6 The UNSW Public Health program provides Approval from the Program Director is required to
related or public health-related discipline; or
preparation for education, research and service in undertake an elective offered outside the School.
Reproductive Maternal and Child Health 6
• Substantial professional experience acquired as Master of International Public Health Plus all aspects of public health. The program includes Community Development 6
part of a health-related degree of 4 or more years Environmental Health 6 study in epidemiology, quantitative and qualitative
duration; or Program Code 9048 Advanced Health Economics and Financial
HIV/AIDS: Australian and International Responses 6 3 international health-related electives research methods, social determinants of health,
Commencement February, July (from the Master of International Public Health) 18 health promotion, development and education in Management 6
• Two years full-time professional experience in a
The Global HIV Epidemic: Social Aspects and Impacts 6 health, as well as systematic review of topical public
health-related or public health-related discipline, Program Duration 1 year full time or 1 Elective 6 Academic Practice ** n/a
including as a volunteer in a health and public 2 years part time by distance learning Health Aspects of Crises, Emergencies and Disasters 6 health issues. It is designed to address the continuing
Program Design and Evaluation 6
health organisation. health needs of specialists in public health as well
Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$37,200 Health Leadership and Workforce Management 6 Articulation as providing a general orientation to public health Qualitative Research Methods 6
Program structure Current Challenges in Infectious Diseases 6 The Graduate Diploma articulates with the Master issues and methods for health professionals. You can
The Master of International Public Health (MIPH) of International Public Health. Credit for courses Prevention and Management of Chronic Disease 6
The program is available through distance education enrol in the general Master of Public Health program,
program provides the basic professional education Communicable Disease Control in Humanitarian completed in the Graduate Diploma may be
if you choose to study outside of Australia. or one of five areas of specialisation (see Master of Applied Research Methods in Public Health 6
for graduates to work internationally in health Emergencies and Disasters 6 transferred to the Masters program. Contact the
Students must successfully complete a minimum Public Health Streams). The general program can
departments, with non-government organisations, School for details on the credit transfer policy. Ethics and Law in Public Health 6
of four courses or the equivalent to a total of 24 Tropical Disease Control 6 be taken alone or as a dual award Master program
and with international multi-lateral and bi-lateral donor
Units of Credit (UOC) from courses offered by the with the Master of Health Management or the Master Policy Studies 6
and aid agencies. Many graduates of MIPH or similar Global Non Communicable Diseases 6
School of Public Health and Community Medicine. of International Health programs (see Combined Economic Evaluation in Health Care 6
programs have found employment with international
Recommended courses are listed in the Master of Immunisation Policy and Practice 6 Degrees). Master of Public Health (Extension),
aid organisations. Comparative Health Care Systems 6
Health Management entry. Selection of courses must Applied Research Methods 6U Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate programs
be approved by the Program Director. are also available. Advanced Biostatistics and Statistical Computing 6
Advanced Epidemiology 6

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Tobacco, Alcohol and Illicit Drugs 6 • Master of Public Health in Health Economic Evaluation Program Design and Evaluation 6 wish to progress to postgraduate research in infectious Communicable Diseases in Humanitarian
• Master of Public Health in Health Promotion diseases epidemiology. You must complete: Emergencies and Disasters 6 Master of Public Health (Extension)
Reproductive, Maternal and Child Health 6 Qualitative Research Methods 6
• Master of Public Health in Infectious Diseases Program Code 9046
Tropical Disease Control 6
Rehabilitation and Restorative Care 6 Epidemiology and Control Applied Research Methods 6
Core Courses UOC Commencement February, July
Environmental Health 6 • Master of Public Health in International Health Policy Studies 6
• Master of Public Health in Primary Health Care. 3 Master of Public Health Core Courses 18 Plus Program Duration 1.5 years full time or
Management of Aged Care Programs and Services 6 Health Impact Assessment 6 Project in an International Health-related topic or 6 2 years part time by distance education
Plus stream-defining course
Principles and Practice of Primary Health Care Health Economic Evaluation Stream Advanced Social and Behavioural Epidemiology 6 Current Challenges in Infectious Diseases or 6 Elective 6 Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$37,200
in the Community 6 The Master of Public Health (Extension) is designed
3 Master of Public Health Core Courses 18 Economic Evaluation in Healthcare 6
HIV/AIDS: Australian and International Responses 6 Primary Health Care Stream for students who have completed the Master of
The Global HIV Epidemic: Social Aspects Plus
Public Health or equivalent and would like to focus
The Global HIV Epidemic: Social Aspects Plus stream defining courses and Impacts 6 Primary health care is recognised as a critical
more deeply on a content area of interest, undertake
and Impacts 6 Economic Evaluation in Health Care 6 
 Infectious Disease Electives (12 UOC) UOC component of any health service. The discipline seeks
Health Aspects of Crises, Emergencies advanced study in research methodology and/or enter
Choose 2 from the following: to extend the first level of the health system from
Inequalities and Health 6 Healthcare Economics & Financial Management 6 and Disasters 6 into a PhD program.
sick care to the development of health. The Master
Health Impact Assessment 6 Current Challenges in Infectious Diseases 6 Immunisation Policy and Practice 6 of Public Health in Primary Health Care allows you to Entry requirements
Public Health Perspectives of Indigenous Health 6 Plus Comparative Health Care Systems 6 The Global HIV Epidemic: Social Aspects specialise in primary health care. You must complete: Transfer considered on completion of the Master of
and Impacts 6 Public Health (9045) or equivalent with a minimum
Indigenous Health and Wellbeing Across the Lifespan 6 Plus credit average and submission of an acceptable
2 Health Management electives (12 UOC) UOC Elective 6 Outbreak Investigation 6 Core Courses (24 UOC) UOC
Case Studies in Aboriginal Health and Torres Strait research proposal.
Islander Health 6 Choose 2 from the following: Communicable Diseases in Humanitarian 3 Master of Public Health Core Courses 18
Program structure
Comparative Health Care Systems Health Promotion Stream Emergencies & Disasters 6
Health Aspects of Crises, Emergencies and Disasters 6 Plus stream-defining course The program is available through distance education if
Policy Studies The field of health promotion encompasses a Tropical Disease Control 6 Principles and Practice of Primary Health Care 6 you choose to study outside Australia.
Management of Laboratory Services 6
wide range of strategies and sectors with the social
Advanced Health Economics & Financial Management Social and Cultural Aspects of Contagion 6 Electives (18 UOC) UOC In addition to the 48 UOC required for the Master of
Managing Human Resources for Health 6 determinants of health providing a platform for action
and analysis. Health promotion effectiveness and Plus Choose 3 from the following: Public Health, you must complete 24 UOC consisting
Outbreak Investigation 6 Advanced Biostatistics & Statistical Computing
impact depends on a workforce that is equipped with of one 6 UOC course tailored to your particular
Advanced Epidemiology Infectious Disease Method Electives (6 UOC) UOC Community Development 6 research project and a major project (18 UOC).
Public Mental Health in Australia 6 the core skills to implement current knowledge, yet
Applied Research Methods for Public Health flexible and adaptable to change. The Master of Public Choose one of the following: Program Design and Evaluation 6
Current Challenges in Infectious Diseases 6
Plus Health in Health Promotion is designed for students Qualitative Research Methods 6 Prevention and Management of Chronic Diseases 6
Communicable Disease Control in Humanitarian who wish to specialise in health promotion. You Graduate Certificate in Infectious
Emergencies and Disasters 6 Elective 6 Applied Research Methods 6 Comparative Health Care Systems 6
must complete: Diseases Intelligence
Tropical Disease Control 6 Economic Evaluation in Health Care 6 Tobacco, Alcohol and Illicit Drugs 6
Core Courses (24 UOC) UOC Program Code 7362
Aboriginal Health and Wellbeing Stream
Mathematical Modeling of Infectious Diseases 6 Advanced Health Economics & Rehabilitation and Restorative Care 6 Commencement February, July
Indigenous peoples globally face severe health and 3 Master of Public Health Core Courses 18 Financial Management 6
Social and Cultural Aspects of Contagion 6 Management of Aged Care 6 Program Duration 6 months full time or
social inequalities. As guardians of a substantial Plus stream-defining course Advanced Biostatistics & Statistical Computing 6 1 year part time by distance learning
Communication in Health 6 proportion of human cultural diversity, there is a global Qualitative Research Methods 6 HIV/AIDS: Australian and International Responses 6
call for strengths-based, wholistic and empowering Advanced Social and Behavioural Epidemiology 6 Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$18,600
Immunisation Policy and Practice 6 The Global HIV Epidemic: Social Impacts
ways to support their survival. The Master of Public Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases 6
Advanced Social and Behavioural Epidemiology 6 Electives (18 UOC) UOC and Aspects 6 Infectious diseases, both emerging and re-emerging,
Health in Aboriginal Health and Wellbeing allows you
to gain a deeper understanding and skills to contribute Inequalities and Health 6 are growing at a rapid pace in developing countries.
* Elective courses in the School are under progressive review. Choose 3 from the following:
Please check the School website for updated elective courses to enhancement of the physical, psychosocial, cultural Plus Population growth, urbanisation, increased travel
Community Development 6 Public Health Perspectives of Indigenous Health 6 and migration (internal and external), and changing
www.sphcm.med.unsw.edu.au and environmental determinants of wellbeing among Project in an Infectious Diseases-related topic or 6
Program Design and Evaluation 6 Indigenous Health and Wellbeing Across the Lifespan 6 ecosystems are just some of the factors contributing
**As an international student, if you are from a non English- Indigenous peoples. The program requires you to Elective 6 to changes in disease epidemiology. There is an
speaking country you are required to take an additional successfully complete: Prevention and Management of Chronic Disease 6 Case Studies in Aboriginal and Torres Strait
course, Academic Practice, in your first semester. This course urgent need to develop the capacity of the health
International Health Stream Islander Health 6 workforce in their knowledge of the theory and
is available for all students to assist them to gain maximum Core Courses (18 UOC) UOC Applied Research Methods in Public Health 6
benefit from their study. It does not contribute to the UOC Clinical Governance and Risk Management 6 principles of control of infectious diseases in this
3 Master of Public Health Core Courses 18 Policy Studies 6 The Master of Public Health in International Health
requirements of the degree. evolving scenario.
provides students from developing countries with
*** Core courses from the Master of Health Management or International Health 6
Master of International Public Health programs can be taken as
skills and knowledge to address key health issues Plus The Graduate Certificate in Infectious Disease
Plus stream defining courses in their home countries, as well as enabling local
electives towards the Master of Public Health. Reproductive, Maternal and Children’s Health 6 Project in a Primary Health Care related topic or 6 Intelligence aims to impart skills in effective
Public Health Perspectives of Indigenous Health 6 students to contribute effectively to international health management or control of infectious diseases.
Articulation Environmental Health 6 Elective 6
Indigenous Health and Wellbeing development. You must complete: Students can study online or combine this with
The program articulates with the Graduate Diploma in HIV/AIDS: Australian and International Responses 6 If you are enrolled in the Primary Health Care plan you will be intensive coursework during Summer School.
across the Lifespan 6
Public Health and the Graduate Certificate in Public Core Courses (24 UOC) UOC required to enrol in one or more courses in the summer semester. Student chooses from a range of specialty courses
Health. Credit for courses completed as part of the The Global HIV Epidemic: Social Aspects 6
3 Master of Public Health Core Courses 18 in infectious diseases including HIV control,
Graduate Diploma and the Graduate Certificate may Plus Inequalities and Health 6 immunization practice, and current challenges in
be transferred to the Masters program. Contact the Social Research Stream
Plus stream-defining course infectious Diseases. The program articulates with
School for details on the credit transfer policy. Public Health Perspectives of Indigenous Health 6
Aboriginal Health International Health 6 This stream is for anyone who wants to change the Master of Public Health in Infectious Diseases
and Wellbeing Electives (12UOC) UOC Health Leadership and Workforce Management 6 public health and health policy for the better—even Epidemiology specialization as well as the Master of
Master of Public Health Streams
Current Challenges in Infectious Diseases 6 when change means political action or social change International Health.
You may obtain a Master of Public Health in an Choose 2 from the following:
Electives (18 UOC) UOC outside the healthcare system. Much medical and
area of specialisation (stream). The name of the Communicable Disease in Humanitarian This program is aimed at health professionals
Case Studies in Aboriginal health research does not make a difference, because
specialisation stream is reflected on your testamur Emergencies and Disasters 6 Choose 3 from the following who seek to increase their capacity around the
and Torres Strait Islander Health 6 it stays in the medical journals. This degree will
when you graduate. The streams allow you to focus management of infectious disease control strategies
Social and Cultural Aspects of Contagion 6 Community Development 6 equip you to see the social and structural problems
your studies where the School has considerable Community Development 6 and those who wish to change to a career in infectious
that prevent useful policy change, and find ways to
expertise and may incorporate individualised project Plus Program Design and Evaluation 6 disease epidemiology. This program offers an entirely
Immunisation Policy and Practice 6 address them.
work. If you demonstrate capability through achieving Project in a Health Promotion-related topic or 6 web-based study program enabling participants to
Prevention and Management of Chronic Disease 6 Policy Studies 6
a credit average and propose an appropriate project Quantitative Research Methods Stream effectively integrate their learning into their daily
topic in the area of specialisation you may apply Elective 6 Comparative Health Care Systems 6 professional life without the costly disruption that face-
Ethics and Law in Public Health 6 The Master of Public Health in ‘Quantitative Research
to undertake a 6 UOC project. The project may be Infectious Diseases Epidemiology and Control Stream Reproductive, Maternal and Child Health 6 to-face coursework entails. Individual courses within
in the form of a small-scale research study, a case Tobacco, Alcohol and Illicit Drugs 6 Methods’ stream will equip public health graduates the Program have been developed so as to provide
Infectious diseases, both new and re-emerging, Environmental Health 6 with knowledge of the principles of quantitative a practice-based and authentic approach to this field
study, a program evaluation or a report on field Reproductive, Maternal and Children’s Health 6 remain a significant challenge in population health in research methods that underpin public health of study.
experience, and will be negotiated in advance with HIV/AIDS: Australian and International Responses 6
Environmental Health 6 developed and developing countries. The Master of programs and policies. The stream will be aimed at
the relevant Stream Convenor. You must complete
Public Health in Infections Diseases Epidemiology The Global HIV Epidemic: Social Impacts and Aspects 6 public health students and professionals interested Entry requirements
48 UOC to complete a stream. Management of Aged Cares Services 6
and Control will provide you with strong training in the in learning the skills required to epidemiological Please see Graduate Diploma in Infectious Diseases
Principles and Practices of Primary Health Care 6 Health Aspects of Crises, Emergencies and Disasters 6
Streams are available in: principles of communicable diseases epidemiology and biostatistical skills in their future careers and Intelligence (5362).
• Master of Public Health in Aboriginal Health and Inequalities and Health 6 and modelling. It is aimed at public health students Health Leadership and Workforce Management 6 those wishing to begin the transition to a career in
Wellbeing who seek a career in communicable disease control quantitative research methods in public health.
Health Leadership and Workforce Management 6 Current Challenges in Infectious Diseases 6
in the health sector or in international health, or who

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health and provides a general orientation to public • Two years full-time professional experience in a Program structure Program structure Epidemiology and Statistics for Public Health 6
Graduate Diploma in Infectious
health issues and methods for the health professions. health-related or public health-related discipline, A total of 72 units of credit (UOC) is required, consisting A total of 72 units of credit (UOC) is required, consisting
Diseases Intelligence International Health 6
including as a volunteer in a health and public of 42 UOC of core courses and 30 UOC of electives. of 24 UOC of core courses and 48 UOC of electives.
Mode of delivery health organisation. Health Leadership and Workforce Management 6
Program Code 5362
This program is delivered as face-to-face weekly Core Courses (42 UOC) UOC Core Courses (24 UOC) UOC
Commencement February, July classes. Some electives may involve intensive Program structure Clinical Governance and Risk Management 6
workshops followed by independent study. The The Graduate Certificate in Public Health comprises Health Promotion and Social Perspectives of Health 6 Health Promotion and Social Perspectives of Health 6
Program Duration 1 year full time or
2 years part time by distance learning program is also available in part-time mode via distance the following courses totalling 24 units of credit: Foundations in Public Health and Health Care Systems 6 Foundations in Public Health and Health Care Systems 6
learning if you choose to study outside Australia, with Electives (18 UOC) UOC
Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$27,900 Courses (24 UOC) UOC Strategy, Policy and Change 6 Epidemiology and Statistics for Public Health 6
approval from the Program Director, but you must Designated international public health electives
Infectious diseases, both emerging and re-emerging, attend one-week residential schools held in Sydney Foundations in Public Health and Health Care Systems 6 Healthcare Economics and Financial Management 6 International Health 6 (from the Master of International Public Health) 18
are growing at a rapid pace in developing countries. before each academic semester, in February and July.
3 electives from the Master of Public Health 18 Epidemiology and Statistics for Public Health 6 Plus Project in an international health-related area or 6
Population growth, urbanization, increased travel Electives (48 UOC) UOC
Entry requirements
and migration (internal and external), and changing Health Leadership and Workforce Management 6 Elective 6
An undergraduate degree in a health-related or public Designated International Public Health Electives
ecosystems are just some of the factors contributing Articulation Clinical Governance and Risk Management 6
health-related discipline and: (from Master of International Public Health) 18
*As an international student, if you are from a non-English
to changes in disease epidemiology. There is an The Graduate Certificate articulates with the Graduate speaking country you are required to take an additional
urgent need to develop the capacity of the health • Honours or postgraduate qualification in a health- Diploma and Master of Public Health. Credit for Electives (30 UOC)** course, Academic Practice, in your first semester. This course
Electives 24
workforce in their knowledge of the theory and related or public health-related discipline; or courses completed in the Graduate Certificate may is available for all students to assist them to gain maximum
Electives may be chosen from core courses offered in Plus Project in International Health related area or 6
principles of control of infectious diseases in this • Substantial professional experience acquired as be transferred to the Graduate Diploma or Master benefit from their study. It does not contribute to the UOC
the health management, public health or international requirements of the degree.
evolving scenario. part of a health-related degree of 4 or more years program. Contact the School for details on the credit Elective 6
public health programs. You may also enrol in
duration; or transfer policy.
The Graduate Diploma in Infectious Disease graduate courses offered by other academic units *As an international student, if you are from a non-English-
Intelligence aims to impart skills in effective • Two years full-time professional experience in a within the University, as well as approved courses speaking country you are required to take an additional
management or control of infectious diseases. health-related or public health-related discipline, offered by other universities. Approval of the Program course, Academic Practice, in your first semester. This course
including as a volunteer in a health and public Dual Award Master Director is required to undertake an elective offered is available for all students to assist them to gain maximum
Students can study online or combine this with
health organisation. benefit from their study. It does not contribute to the UOC Psychiatry – Forensic
intensive coursework during Summer School. Degree Programs outside the School. requirements of the degree
Student chooses from a range of specialty courses Program structure Associate Professor Glenda Lawrence You may undertake independent studies across Mental Health
in infectious diseases including HIV control, The Graduate Diploma in Public Health comprises the Program Director, Public Health selected areas of concentration, to learn about a Project Manager
immunisation practice, and current challenges in Master of International Public Health/
following courses totalling 36 UOC: [email protected] particular area or course matter of special interest not Dr Elizabeth Kaziro
infectious Diseases. The program articulates with Health Management
offered in the formal program. [email protected]
the Master of Public Health in Infectious Diseases Core Courses (18 UOC) UOC Program Administrator Program Code 9044
Epidemiology specialisation as well as the Master of *As an international student, if you are from a non-English
Foundations in Public Health and [email protected] opportunities
International Health. speaking country you are required to take an additional Commencement February, July
Health Care Systems 6 The School of Public Health and Community Medicine course, Academic Practice, in your first semester. This course (February commencement recommended)
This program is aimed at health professionals Epidemiology and Statistics for Public Health 6 at UNSW offers three dual award degree programs to is available for all students to assist them to gain maximum
who seek to increase their capacity around the benefit from their study. It does not contribute to the UOC Program Duration 1.5 years full time or Master of Forensic Mental Health
enable you to make the most of your studies and fast- 3 years part time by distance learning
management of infectious disease control strategies Health Promotion and Social Perspectives of Health 6 requirements of the degree.
track your career by completing two Master degrees Program Code 9012
and those who wish to change to a career in infectious within 18 months. You can enrol in one of the following ** Elective courses in the School are under progressive review. Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$37,200
disease epidemiology. This program offers an entirely Please check the School website for updated elective courses: Commencement February, July
Electives (18 UOC) UOC combined programs:
web-based study program enabling participants to www.sphcm.med.unsw.edu.au The Master of International Public Health (MIPH) (February commencement recommended)
• Master of Public Health/Health Management is recognised as a sought after qualification in
effectively integrate their learning into their daily 3 Electives from the Master of Public Health 18
• Master of International Public Health/Public Health Program Duration 2 years part-time
professional life without the costly disruption that face- international health. Many graduates of MIPH or
• Master of International Public Health/ Master of International Public Health/
to-face coursework entails. Individual courses within similar programs have found employment with Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$37,200
Articulation Health Management. Public Health
the Program have been developed so as to provide The Graduate Diploma articulates with the Master international aid organisations. The Master of Health Online Handbook www.handbook.unsw.edu.au/
a practice-based and authentic approach to this field Program Code 9043 Management provides students with the essential
of Public Health. Credit for courses completed in the postgraduate/programs/2015/9012.html
of study. Master of Public Health/Health Management knowledge, skills and attributes required for senior
Graduate Diploma may be transferred to the Master Commencement February, July
program. Contact the School for details on the credit Program Code 9047 managerial roles in health service delivery.
Entry requirements: Program Duration 1.5 years full time or Graduate Diploma in Forensic Mental Health
transfer policy. Commencement February, July 3 years part time by distance learning Mode of delivery
Applicants are required to have either an
undergraduate degree or higher degree in a health- This program is delivered as face-to-face weekly Program Code 5512
Program Duration 1.5 years full time or Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$37,200
related or public health-related discipline* and one of Graduate Certificate in Public Health 3 years part time by distance learning classes. Some electives may involve intensive Commencement February, July
the following: The Master of International Public Health (MIPH) workshops followed by independent study. The (February commencement recommended)
1. Honours or postgraduate qualification in a health- Program Code 7368 Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$37,200 is recognised as a sought after qualification in program is also available in part-time mode via
related or public health-related discipline; or international health. Many graduates of MIPH or distance learning if you choose to study outside Program Duration 2 years part-time
Commencement February, July The Master of Public Health/Health Management
enables candidates to specialise in both public health similar programs have found employment with Australia, with approval from the Program Director, but Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$27,900
2. Two years full-time professional experience in a Program Duration 6 months full time (Semester 1
and health management. The dual award degree international aid organisations. The Master of Public you must attend one-week residential schools held in
health-related or public health-related discipline, commencement only) or Online Handbook www.handbook.unsw.edu.au/
program will provide graduates with essential knowledge, Health (MPH) is widely recognised as essential Sydney before each academic semester, in February
including as a volunteer in a health or public 1 year part time by distance learning. postgraduate/programs/2015/5512.html
health organisation. Applicants with professional skills and attributes to carry out senior managerial roles for a career in population health, including health and July.
experience acquired as part of a health-related Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$18,600 in both population and clinical health services. promotion, primary health care, policy formation,
research, and management of health programs. Entry requirements
degree of 4 or more years duration (e.g. MBBS, The Graduate Certificate in Public Health is designed Graduate Certificate in Forensic Mental Health
Mode of delivery An undergraduate degree in a health-related or public
Bachelor of Nursing,) are advised to contact the for health professionals who wish to study in a short Mode of delivery
This program is delivered as face-to-face weekly health-related discipline and: Program Code 7312
School of Public Health and Community Medicine time frame. This program is delivered as face-to-face weekly
classes. Some electives may involve intensive • Honours or postgraduate qualification in a health- Commencement February, July
3. In exceptional circumstances, applications will workshops followed by independent study. The classes. Some electives may involve intensive
Mode of delivery related or public health-related discipline; or (February commencement recommended)
be considered for entry where the applicant has workshops followed by independent study. The
This program is delivered as face-to-face weekly program is also available in part-time mode via
extensive professional health or public health program is also available in part-time mode via • Substantial professional experience acquired as Program Duration 1 year part-time
classes. Some electives may involve intensive distance learning if you choose to study outside
experience but does not hold a formal qualification distance learning if you choose to study outside part of a health-related degree of 4 or more years
workshops followed by independent study. The Australia, with approval from the Program Director, but Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$18,600
in a relevant discipline. (e.g Nurses, Paramedics) Australia, with approval from the Program Director, but duration; or
[*Examples include medicine, nursing, allied health, program is also available in part-time mode via you must attend one-week residential schools held in
you must attend one-week residential schools held in • Two years full-time professional experience in a Online Handbook www.handbook.unsw.edu.au/
health sciences, biomedical sciences, behavioural distance learning if you choose to study outside Sydney before each academic semester, in February
Sydney before each academic semester, in February health-related or public health-related discipline, postgraduate/programs/2015/7312.html
and social sciences, human services, environmental Australia, with approval from the Program Director, but and July.
health, veterinary science, health administration and you must attend one-week residential schools held in and July. including as a volunteer in a health and public Forensic Mental Health is a sub-speciality of mental
management, biostatistics, health economics.] Sydney before each academic semester, in February Entry requirements health organisation. health in which scientific and clinical expertise is
Entry requirements
and July. An undergraduate degree in a health-related or public applied in legal contexts, combining civil, criminal,
An undergraduate degree in a health-related or public Program structure
health-related discipline and: correctional and legislative matters. It embraces the
Graduate Diploma in Public Health Entry requirements health-related discipline and: A total of 72 units of credit (UOC) is required, consisting
• Honours or postgraduate qualification in a health- therapeutic objectives of mental health services for
An undergraduate degree in a health-related or public • Honours or postgraduate qualification in a health- of 48 UOC of core courses and 24 UOC of electives.
Program Code 5507 related or public health-related discipline; or a specific forensic target group, as well as providing
health-related discipline and: related or public health-related discipline; or
• Substantial professional experience acquired as Core Courses (48 UOC) UOC mental health evaluation and consultation in the
Commencement February, July • Honours or postgraduate qualification in a health- • Substantial professional experience acquired as legal justice system. The Master of Forensic Mental
part of a health-related degree of 4 or more years Health Promotion and Social Perspectives of Health 6
Program Duration 1 year full time or related or public health-related discipline; or part of a health-related degree of 4 or more years Health Program has been developed to enhance the
duration; or
2 years part time by distance learning • Substantial professional experience acquired as duration; or Foundations in Public Health and Health Care Systems 6 knowledge and skills of a broad range of professionals
part of a health-related degree of 4 or more years • Two years full-time professional experience in a working at the interface of human services and
Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$27,900 • Two years full-time professional experience in a Strategy, Policy and Change 6
duration; or health-related or public health-related discipline, criminal justice systems.
health-related or public health-related discipline,
The Graduate Diploma in Public Health addresses including as a volunteer in a health and public Healthcare Economics and Financial Management 6
including as a volunteer in a health and public
the continuing education needs of specialists in public health organisation.
health organisation.

110 www.international.unsw.edu.au www.international.unsw.edu.au 111

Medicine Medicine

Mode of Delivery:
Distance Delivery available to overseas
of flexibility is allowed in completing the program
to suit the student and his/her time commitments
- c ommencement of a recognised postgraduate
medical specialist training program (e.g. general
Women’s Health Medicine higher in Reproductive and Perinatal Epidemiology
and Biostatistics. In this instance, you would also UNSW CAMPUS-BASED SCHOOLS,
international students* Assessment is all done on-line with electronically- practice, obstetrics & gynaecology); or Team Leader, Student Services and be encouraged to undertake the course Applied CENTRES AND UNITS
marked MCQs, on-line discussion sessions and Program Development Research Methods. The Medicine Higher Degree
Program Structure: -1
 year full-time equivalent of postgraduate
[email protected]
scheduled assignments. For each course students
should allow 8-10 hours per week over the 13 week
professional experience in medicine, nursing, health
Committee has approved guidelines that state
that completion of 12 UOC of research (including
School of Public Health and
Core Courses (24 UOC) UOC or medical science.
semester for reading, research, on-line chatroom,
Women’s health medicine is a rapidly expanding
a 6 UOC research project and 6 UOC of specified Community Medicine
Law & Mental Health 6 assessments and assignments. research related coursework) will be considered
Graduate Diploma in Reproductive Medicine and diverse field of practice. It encompasses the Research Student Support Officer
Psychiatry & the Criminal Law 6 as evidence of research ability when considering
Career Opportunities timely provision of sexual and reproductive care, [email protected]
Program Code 5508 PhD applications.
Violence 6 The reproductive medicine postgraduate programs will pre-pregnancy and pregnancy care as well as the www.sphcm.med.unsw.edu.au
enhance the career prospects of doctors and trainees Commencement February, July management of female specific conditions
Administration, Services & Institutions 6 Entry requirements The School of Public Health and Community Medicine
in obstetrics and gynaecology who wish to specialise and malignancies.
Program Duration 9 months full time or An undergraduate degree in medicine, nursing, is a leading Australian and regional school for the
in reproductive medicine and surgery. Some will see 1.5+ years part time by distance health or medical science and: related disciplines of public health, health management
Electives UOC Increasing numbers of medical practitioners are
this as part of the lead up to registration for CREI - an Honours, Graduate Certificate, Graduate and community medicine, with an extensive alumni
Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$27,900 developing special interests in this area – in particular
Mental Disorders, Personality Disorders & Crime 6 training, others will use it as part of a more general Diploma or higher qualification in medicine, network in Australia and the Asia-Pacific region.
general practitioners, family planning practitioners
enhancement of their understanding of this area of Program structure nursing or health or medical science; or Many of our alumni are leaders in the health sector,
Substance Abuse, Unusual Behaviours & and generalist gynaecologists. Significant career
practice. However, the opportunities presented by this The Graduate Diploma in Reproductive Medicine and these relationships place us at the forefront of
Special Groups 6 opportunities exist for those with demonstrable skills - commencement of a recognised postgraduate
program are far broader than this. will be awarded after the satisfactory completion translation of research into practice. We seek to
and knowledge in this field. medical specialist training program (e.g. general
Criminal & Disordered Sexual Behaviour 6 of 36 units of credit. You must complete Basic promote health, prevent disease and strengthen health
Practitioners from other areas of medicine, which practice, obstetrics & gynaecology); or
Families, Children & Adolescent Forensic Psychiatry 6 Reproductive Physiology and 30 UOC of electives In addition there are similar specialisations emerging systems in Australia and the region, and continually
interdigitate with reproductive medicine – for example - 1 year full-time equivalent of postgraduate
or 36 UOC of electives. in nursing and counselling, and amongst biological work at the interface of research translation. We have
Civil Law in Relation to Psychiatry 6 trainee specialists in endocrinology, oncology and professional experience in medicine, nursing,
scientists. This program offers an entirely web-based a vibrant and active research culture, evidenced in
paediatrics – find this program a useful agent to Entry requirements* health or medical science.
Epidemiology & Statistics for Public Health 6 study program enabling participants to effectively the activities of our many research students (currently
their general training. Colleagues from nursing and An undergraduate degree in medicine, nursing, health integrate their learning into their daily professional over 140 enrolled) and academic staff, our track record
Well Being in Indigenous Health across the Life Span 6 midwifery who have interests in this area also benefit or medical science and: life. Individual courses within the Program have been of high impact publications, our successful history of
from the courses studied and find that their career -a  n Honours, Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma
Evidence-informed Decision-making 6 developed to provide a practice-based and authentic Graduate Certificate in Women’s Health research grants, and the transdisciplinary backgrounds
prospects are enhanced. Those who work in the or higher qualification in medicine, nursing or health approach to this field of study. Medicine and experience of our academic, research and conjoint
Applied Research Methods for Public Health 6 field of natural medicine will also find this knowledge or medical science; or
useful. There is an increasing desire for all branches Program Code 7014 staff.
- c ommencement of a recognised postgraduate Mode of delivery
of medical therapy to work together for the good of medical specialist training program (e.g. general The School’s coursework programs can be taken Research Areas
Articulation Commencement February, July
the patients, and the understanding of reproductive practice, obstetrics & gynaecology); or either full time or part time. Courses are offered by • Global health
The MFMH9012 program articulates with the Program Duration 1 year full time or
physiology and pathology. And an up-to-date -1  year full-time equivalent of postgraduate online distance mode only. • Infectious diseases epidemiology
Graduate Diploma in Forensic Mental Health5512 and
appreciation of the various intervention that can be professional experience in medicine, nursing, health 2 years part time by distance • Primary health care
the Graduate Certificate in Forensic Mental Health Career Opportunities
7312. Credit for courses completed as part of the provided for patient with infertility and reproductive or medical science. • Indigenous health
endocrine problem will be of benefit for those working This program provides you with an opportunity to Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$18,600
GradDip and the GradCert may be transferred to the • Social research
alongside conventional medical practice. develop and expand your knowledge in the field of Program structure
Master’s program, in accordance with the UNSW Graduate Certificate in Reproductive Medicine • Ageing, centenarian health and
woman’s health medicine, whether you are presently The Graduate Certificate in Reproductive Medicine
policy on credit transfer. The UNSW postgraduate program is internationally geriatric medicine
Program Code 7379 working in this field or are intending to do so. This will be awarded after the satisfactory completion of
recognised and the reproductive medicine degree will • Biostatistics
depth of knowledge may be particularly useful to you 24 units of credit (4 elective courses).
be useful throughout the world for those planning a Commencement February, July • Epidemiology
if you are working in areas such as clinical education,
Reproductive Medicine career in this area. Program Duration 6 months full time or policy and procedure development and if you are Entry requirement
• Health economics
• Health promotion
Team Leader, Student Services and Program 1+ year part time by distance committed to a high standard of contemporary clinical An undergraduate degree in medicine, nursing,
Professional recognition • Health services and systems
Development Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$18,600 practice. Successful completion of this postgraduate health or medical science and:
The reproductive medicine postgraduate programs • Health service management and
[email protected] study program may also provide you with a - an Honours, Graduate Certificate, Graduate
are not produced in collaboration with RANZCOG or Program structure human resources
swch.med.unsw.edu.au competitive advantage if you are seeking Diploma or higher qualification in medicine,
RCOG. However the course content is recognised by The Graduate Certificate in Reproductive Medicine will • Mathematical modeling
employment in this field. nursing or health or medical science; or
Reproductive medicine sits at the interface between both these bodies as being applicable to those wishing be awarded after the satisfactory completion of 24 units • Mental health
to register for CREI or some specialised training in Professional recognition - commencement of a recognised postgraduate • Psychosocial issues
medicine and science. It is a young discipline, being of credit (4 elective courses).
reproductive medicine. The UNSW Master degrees Successful completion of a recognised postgraduate medical specialist training program (e.g. general • Refugee health
born (literally) with the birth of Louise Brown in
are widely recognised throughout the world as a high study program will generally be considered as practice, obstetrics & gynaecology); or • Scholarship of learning and teaching
1978. New approaches to the clinical management Entry requirements*
of infertility offer hope to many couples, with great quality credential of attainment at postgraduate level. An undergraduate degree in medicine, nursing, health evidence of a candidate’s commitment to ongoing - 1 year full-time equivalent of postgraduate • Smoking cessation interventions
satisfaction for clinicians involved in their care, and Certification of completion of training for this program or medical science and: education and development, as required by most professional experience in medicine, nursing, • Sexual health
continuing rapid scientific advance reflecting into will assist trainees in the application for further -a  n Honours, Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma professional organisations and bodies both in health or medical science.
practice. However reproductive medicine is about professional training in the area. or higher qualification in medicine, nursing or health Australia and internationally.
more than infertility, with considerable strengths in or medical science; or Centre for Primary Health Care
gynaecological disorders including polycystic ovary Master of Reproductive Medicine - c ommencement of a recognised postgraduate Master of Women’s Health Medicine
syndrome, endometriosis and premature ovarian Program Code 9065
medical specialist training program (e.g. general and Equity
practice, obstetrics & gynaecology); or Program Code 9014
failure that affect millions of women. The field Professor Mark Harris
stretches from paediatric and adolescent disorders Commencement February, July -1  year full-time equivalent of postgraduate Commencement February, July [email protected]
through menopause and beyond, and links to Program Duration 1 year full time or professional experience in medicine, nursing, health
Program Duration 1 year full time or www.cphce.unsw.edu.au
endocrinology, oncology, urology and surgery amongst 2+ years part time by distance or medical science.
2+ years part time by distance Research Areas
other specialities.
Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$37,200 Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$37,200 • Structured care for the prevention and management
Reproductive medicine is an expanding field. It of chronic disease (especially diabetes,
Program structure Program structure
is at the forefront of emerging medico-scientific cardiovascular disease, multi-morbidity and mental
This program is designed to be completed part time The MRMed is designed to be completed part-time
technology offering career opportunities to those health) including self management, teamwork,
over two years. However, a significant degree of over two years. However, significant flexibility is
with demonstrable skills and knowledge. Increasing information systems, decision support and links to
flexibility is allowed in completing the program to allowed in completing the program to suit your time
numbers of medical practitioners are developing community programs
suit your time commitments. Basic Reproductive commitments. You must complete two core courses as
special interests in this area – particularly GPs, family • Prevention in primary health care including
Physiology must be completed before undertaking a foundation for further study, which are Reproductive,
planning practitioners and specialist gynaecologists assessment of lifestyle and other risk, brief
the clinical courses. You may then select any Perinatal Epidemiology and Biostatistics and Applied
working in menopause and infertility. In addition, there interventions, coaching and motivational
combination of electives to make a total of 48 UOC Reproductive Anatomy and Physiology. You must
are similar specialisations emerging in nursing and interviewing, referral and long term maintenance
for the program. also complete six elective courses to meet the
counselling, and amongst biological scientists. This • Health equity research including early childhood,
program offers an entirely web-based alternative requirements of the program. disadvantaged communities and population,
Entry requirements*
where practitioners are able to integrate their study An undergraduate degree in medicine, nursing, health A pathway to a higher research degree (PhD or healthy public policy and health impact assessment
program into their daily professional life. or medical science and: Masters) will be offered as an option if you are • Integration of policy and practice linking primary
- an Honours, Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma interested in undertaking a research degree. A 6 UOC health care and the rest of the health system
Mode of delivery • Health informatics in primary health care with a
or higher qualification in medicine, nursing or health research project elective is planned which will be
The School’s coursework programs can be taken focus on integration of care across providers
or medical science; or offered to you provided you have achieved a credit or
either full-time or part-time. Courses are offered and services
by online distance mode only. A significant degree

112 www.international.unsw.edu.au www.international.unsw.edu.au 113

Medicine Medicine

• Gastrointestinal motility
Simpson Centre for Health Dementia Research Unit
• Neurodegenerative disorders
Muru Marri Indigenous Obstetrics and Gynaecology
perinatal health
• Methodologies for population-based research • Hepatic metastases
Services Research Health Unit Professor Michael Chapman in areas of perinatal research including severe • Histamine and its role in the cell-mediated immune
Educational Research and Development Group [email protected] maternal morbidity and mortality and utilisation response to tumour growth
Professor Ken Hillman • e-learning and online learning tools Professor Lisa Jackson-Pulver http://swch.med.unsw.edu.au • Caesarean section • Hormonal control of fat metabolism, pregnancy
[email protected] and assessments [email protected] • Population-based research (including data linkage) metabolism and body composition
The Simpson Centre’s work concentrates on of vulnerable reproductive and perinatal populations • Human factors in medical errors
Research Areas Reproductive Medicine and Gynaecology • Hypertension, CKD and pre-eclampsia
developing and evaluating innovative health services Exercise Physiology Research (infertility, perinatal mental health, substance use
• Data quality enhancement and epidemiological • Immunology
and clinical practice. Patient safety in acute hospitals • Exercise rehabilitation and training • Assisted reproductive science and technology and women in prison)
studies of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and • Immunosuppresive effects of tumour
is a complex, policy resistant challenge, requiring • Skeletal muscle function • Recurrent implantation failure and
international Indigenous health • Intensive care
complex interventions. • Physical activity in paediatric populations recurrent miscarriage
• Empowerment of families, and particularly youth, • Intensive care medicine
• Human movement analysis • Pathogenesis of ectopic pregnancy
Research Areas
• Examinations into medical emergency teams
• Exercise and bioactive ingredients on metabolic to promote health and wellbeing during the key
• Embryonic genome activation and programming School of Psychiatry • Intervertbral disc cell biology and regeneration
and vascular health transitions across the lifespan (for example, • Major injury and models of care
and capabilities pregnancy, infancy, school transitions, pre-adolescence • Gynaecological and non-gynaecological effects of Associate Professor Philip Ward • Mechanics of disc for back pain cure
• Developing hospital-wide patient safety systems to adolescence, adulthood to ageing) polycystic ovary syndrome [email protected]
Gastrointestinal and Bladder Disease Group • Modulation of tumour infiltrating lymphocyte activity
which have now been taken up in the majority of • Enhancement of primary health care and mental • New approaches for minimally invasive http://psych.med.unsw.edu.au
• Uncovering the causes of and developing by the histamine-2 receptor, cimetidine
Australasian, North American and UK hospitals gynaecological surgery
therapeutics for gut and bladder diseases health, drug and alcohol, corrective and other • Molecules in prostate cancer metastasis
• Pioneering day of surgery admissions in • Pelvic floor imaging for chronic pelvic pain Contact for the Master of Philosophy in Forensic
services to support better health, wellbeing and • Nephrology
acute settings • Outcomes of multidisciplinary care in chronic Mental Health Program (2712)
social outcomes • Neurology
• Exploring the inequity in health status and pelvic pain Associate Professor Kimberlie Dean
Inflammation and Infection Research • Educational research playing a critical role in • Novel anti-cancer agents
health services access among Indigenous and • Fertility preservation for women who require [email protected]
• Arthritis research enhancing the Indigenous health workforce • Nuclear medicine
ethnic Australian children in order to understand chemotherapy or radiotherapy www.forensicmentalhealth.unsw.edu.au
• Cancer cachexia mechanisms research development to achieve positive, widespread change • Nutritional studies
their aetiology, epidemiology and potential • Impact of menopause on bone and
• Computational biology and bioinformatics Research Areas • Octreotide in colo-rectal cancer
policy interventions cardiovascular health
• Cytokine biology research • Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia • Orthopaedic surgery
• Developing and evaluating a new stroke patient care • Endocrine regulation of endometriosis
• Immune regulation research • Anxiety disorders • Orthopaedic surgery clinical outcomes research
model to improve patient outcomes and continuum • Peritoneal Cancer, peritonectomy/HIPEC
• Infection and immunity research • Bipolar disorder
of care TEACHING HOSPITALS AND CLINICAL SCHOOLS • Physician and trainee education
• Inflammatory bowel disease research Maternal and Fetal Medicine • Brain imaging
• Developing and evaluating the care model in • Plastic and reconstructive surgery
• Metabolic disorders research • Childhood and adolescent mental disorders
emergency departments in particular with an
emphasis on reducing t access block
• Ocular diseases research School of Women’s and • Epidemiology of adverse pregnancy outcome
• Effects of ART on multiparity and on
(autism, ADHD, Tourette’s) • Prostate brachytherapy
• Public health and chronic kidney disease
• Pulmonary inflammation research • Depression
• Providing rapid systematic reviews on key policy
issues for various government agencies on topics
Children’s Health pregnancy outcome • Epidemiology of mental disorders, including burden • Radiofrequency ablation
Metabolic Disease • Advanced fetal imaging of disease • Research Areas
such as conflict-resolution in palliative care, • Environmental determinants of obesity Research Areas • Biology of trophoblast and trophoblast cell culture • Rheumatology
• Forensic mental health
evidence on the impact of public reporting of health • Molecular biology of ageing • Derivation and characterisation of amniotic fluid • Sleep disorders and respiratory failure
Paediatrics • Genetics of mental disorders
system performance, evidence on the impact of • Mitochondrial bioenergetics stem cells • Treatment of liver cancer and nonocytotoxic control
• Healthy brain ageing
implementing routinely collected electronic patient Professor Richard Lock • Assessment of in utero fetal behaviour of colorectal cancer
• Intellectual disability mental health
reported outcome measures in cancer settings Molecular Pharmacology and Drug Design [email protected] • Habituation during pregnancy • Vitamin D3 analogue in cancer
• Mental health of refugees and asylum seekers
• Evaluating the effectiveness of a world-first, state- • Computer-aided drug design http://swch.med.unsw.edu.au • Causation and management of postnatal depression • Neurobiology of schizophrenia
wide policy initiative in reducing unnecessary blood • G-protein coupled receptor
• Aboriginal child health • Neurostimulation for mental disorders
transfusions across all hospitals in NSW • Cancer drug discovery
• Evaluating end-of-life care in emergency departments • Asthma education Urogynaecology
• Perinatal and women’s mental health
St Vincent’s Clinical School
Nerve, Brain and Behaviour • Brain and nervous system disorders
• Evaluating models of care in emergency departments Associate Professor Mark Danta
• Brain, blood pressure and stress • Childhood cancers and blood disorders • Role of urothelial cell ATP in the mechanism of • Psychoimmunology
• Comparative neuroanatomical and • Cystic fibrosis and pancreatic complications urgency in the overactive bladder • Schizophrenia [email protected]
• neuropathological research • Low grade bacterial cystitis in refractory • Transcultural issues in psychiatry http://stvcs.med.unsw.edu.au/
School of Medical Sciences • Neuropathic pain research
• Cutaneous haemangiomas, pathogenesis
and therapy detrusor overactivity • Trauma and mental health
• Workplace mental health Research Areas
Associate Professor Pascal Carrive • Neuropharmacology and brain injury • Developmental disorders in childhood • Randomised controlled trial of electromagnetic chair
• Young people at risk for mental disorders • Antiarrhythmic pharmacology
[email protected] • Developmental neuroscience, growth factors and versus routine PFMT for stress incontinence
Translational Neuroscience Facility • Arterial ageing
Dr David Simar adult neural stem cells • Randomised controlled trial of single use versus
• Clinical neurophysiology • Bone marrow transplantation
[email protected] • Diabetes, growth and syndrome X, epidemiology re-use catheters in patients who self-catheterise • Bowel cancer screening
• CNS neuroprotection • Epilepsy, pathogenesis and cognitive outcomes for bladder outflow obstruction; cost and
• Functional genomics • Gastrointestinal disorders, inflammatory bowel microbiological implications
St George & Sutherland • Cardiac electrophysiology
• Memory and plasticity • Cardiac transplantation
As a central element of the biomedical research precinct
at UNSW, our School features modern laboratory • Neurosystems
diseases and nutritional therapies Clinical School • Cardiovascular haemodynamics
• Immunodeficiency syndromes • Clinical governance – patient safety, risk
facilities and leading-edge research infrastructure. • Sensori-motor • Genetics of craniofacial syndromes Gynaecological Oncology Dr Ashish Diwan management, clinical quality
Our staff and students use their disciplinary expertise • Immunology, infectious diseases [email protected]
Emerging research groups • Development of an EORTC quality of life model for • Clinical pharmacology
in molecular and cellular biology, experimental • Long term effects of therapy in cancer survivors http://stgcs.med.unsw.edu.au
• Cell Biology Lab vulvar cancer • Control of HIV infection and injecting drug users
physiology, pharmacology and tissue pathology to • Lung diseases and airway inflammation
• Women’s perceptions of sexuality and body image • Coronary heart disease
explore the causes and treatment of a wide range of • Neonatal medicine
following treatment for early stage vulvar cancer Department of Medicine • Drug monitoring
diseases important to our community. They have a • New generation sequencing technologies in
• Patients’ choices regarding sentinel node biopsy for • Falls in the elderly
strong commitment to assisting the next generation of genetic diagnosis Research Areas
vulvar cancer • Gene therapy
biomedical researchers gain expertise through higher • Neurocutaneous syndromes, tuberous sclerosis • Aortic wall tensile strength
• Patterns of failure in patients with endometrial • Genetics of thrombosis
degree studies, and are supported in their work by an • Olfactory neurobiology and human psychophysics of • associated glycoproteins
cancer • Interventional cardiology
integrated team of research support staff. taste and smell • Biology and treatment of CLL and lymphoma
• HPV DNA testing as a test of cure for CIN11-111 • Lung transplantation
• Psychosocial aspects of childhood malignancy; • Blood clotting related to autoimmunity
MAJOR RESEARCH GROUPS • Nutritional status, quality of life, and exercise • Molecular approaches to diagnosis and treatment
• Renal complications of haemopoietic stem • Blood in health and disease
Cellular and Genetic Medicine Unit pattern at time of diagnosis for women with of cancer
cell transplantation • Breast cancer and pharmacoepidemiology
• Developmental and regenerative dermatology gynaecological cancer • Nitric oxide and blood vessels
• Cancer
• Neurodegeneration and repair • Primary surgery for the management of stage 1B2 • Nucleic acid based catalytic molecules
• Cancer clinical trials
• Neuromuscular and regenerative medicine cervical cancer • Palliative care medicine
• Cardiac ischaemia and reperfusion injury
• Oncology research • International multicentre randomized phase 3 clinical • Treatment of cancer with monoclonal antibodies
• Cardiology
trial of a laparoscopic approach to endometrial cancer • Cancer – epidemiology, aetiology, chemoprevention,
• Clinical haematology
Cellular and Systems Physiology patterns of care, hereditary colorectal
• Clinical pharmacology
• Cardiovascular disease • Dermatology
• Fetal and developmental research Perinatal and Reproductive Epidemiology • Emergency medicine
• Membrane and cellular biophysics • Gastroenterology
• Muscular dystrophy • Health services research, health economics and
• Gastrointestinal inflammation
• Sensory neuroscience epidemiological research in reproductive and

114 www.international.unsw.edu.au www.international.unsw.edu.au 115

Medicine Medicine

Public Health Association of Australia

South Western Sydney upper extremity biomechanics; molecular biology of
osteolysis; bonegraft substitutes
Rural Clinical School Neuroscience Research Australia

- Mechanobiology
- Computational Cardiology +61 2 6285 2373
Clinical School • Plastic surgery: distraction osteogenesis; bone A/Prof Craig McLachlan (Formerly Prince of Wales Medical Research Institute) • Molecular, structural and computational biology www.phaa.net.au
graft substitutes [email protected] Professor Peter Schofield biology division [email protected]
Professor Minoti Apte • Ophthalmology http://rcs.med.unsw.edu.au [email protected] - Epigenetics
[email protected] • Surgical oncology - Next generation sequencing Royal Australian College of General Practitioners
http://swscs.med.unsw.edu.au • Soft tissue sarcoma Research Areas - X-ray crystallography +61 2 9886 4700
• Translational medicine and chronic disease Research Areas - Protein complexes www.racgp.org.au
• Cardiology and Diabetes (Genetics, Genome • Ageing and neurodegeneration in Aboriginal - Nanotechnology [email protected]
Department of Medicine instability, HRV, Arrhythmias, Cardiac Hypertrophy, Australians • Vascular biology division
Research Areas The Kirby Institute for Infection Aortic devices, BP) • Alzheimers disease – clinical and genetic studies - Atherosclerosis
Royal Australian and New Zealand College
of Ophthalmologists
• Asthma • Rural medical education and workforce outcomes • Autism – clinical and imaging studies
• Blood disorders
and Immunity in Society • Medical Devices & Sensor Technology • Biochemical basis of brain function

- Obesity
- Diabetes
+61 2 9690 1001
• Cancer (formerly the National Centre in HIV • ICT and Quantified health • Childhood injury
[email protected]
• Cardiac diagnostics Epidemiology and Clinical Research) • Vascular biology, inflammation and drug targets • Consequences of nerve and spinal cord injury
• Diabetes Dr Janaki Amin • Biomarkers and inflammation • Construction of atlases of the brain and spinal cord Registration for Doctors and Royal Australian and New Zealand College
• Immunology (including transplantation immunology) • Stress / Cognition in humans and experimental animals
• Infectious diseases
[email protected]
• Pathology and Resident stem cells • Developmental neurobiology of schizophrenia Specialist Medical Practitioner of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
+61 3 9419 0672
• Multiple sclerosis
• Nephritis
Research Areas
• Biostatistics and databases
• Cancer (liver, lung, prostate, radiation
oncology, NETS)
• Falls prevention, particularly in the elderly
• Frontotemporal dementia – clinical, pathological,
Training in Australia www.ranzcog.edu.au
[email protected]
• Neurological disease • HIV epidemiology and prevention • Paediatrics and Maternal health imaging studies
• Immunovirology and pathogenesis • Genetics and neuropathology of dementia Royal Australian and New Zealand College
At UNSW some graduate vocational coursework
• Justice health • Genetics of mental illness including bipolar disorder, of Psychiatrists
Department of Surgery Master programs are conducted in health services
• Public health interventions schizophrenia and depression +612 9352 3600
• Gastrointestinal diseases • Sexual health Garvan Institute • Human balance, postural control and movement
management, forensic mental health and public
health. However, graduates of these programs
• Cell biology and gene regulation • Surveillance and evaluation for public health • Human sensation and mechanisms of transmitting [email protected]
Dr Alessandra Bray do NOT automatically become eligible to work as
• Connective tissue • HIV therapeutic and vaccines research sensory information to the brain
[email protected] medical practitioners. We also provide research Australasian College of Dermatologists
• Cancer • Viral hepatitis clinical research • Injuries from road accidents
www.garvan.org.au training, for example, PhD and Master of Science +61 2 8765 0242
• Inflammation • Viral hepatitis epidemiology and prevention • Magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy degrees, but this training again is NOT a qualification www.dermcoll.asn.au
Research Areas • Mechanisms of acute and chronic pain to practise medicine. [email protected]
• Cancer • Motor neurone disease – clinical, pathological,
• Diabetes and obesity imaging studies Registration for medical practice in Australia is
Prince of Wales Clinical School National Drug and Alcohol • Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease • Muscle function and fatigue in health and disease regulated by separate laws in each state and territory
Australasian College of Emergency Medicine
+61 3 9320 0444
Department of Medicine Research Centre • Osteoporosis
• Arthritis, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis and other
• Neurodegeneration and related diseases
• Parkinson’s disease – neuropathology and
which are administered by the medical boards. A
medical practitioner must be registered under the
Dr Jonathon Ehrlich, [email protected] Professor Michael Farrell • immune disorders cellular biochemistry laws of the state or territory in which he/she intends to Royal Australasian College of Medical
Associate Professor John Pimanda, [email protected] • Pituitary disorders • Sleep physiology and sleep apnoea practice. Information on the registration requirements Administrators
[email protected] ndarc.med.unsw.edu.au • Vestibulo-ocular reflex and balance and procedures for overseas trained doctors is +61 3 9824 4699
http://powcs.med.unsw.edu.au available from the Australian Medical Council. www.racma.edu.au
Research Areas
Research Areas
• Clinical trials of pharmacological and psychological
Children’s Cancer Institute Information is also available from the Information [email protected]
Service for Overseas Trained Health Professionals.
• Bioinformatics and protein mass spectrometry treatments for alcohol and other drug dependence Dr Amanda Philp St Vincent’s Centre for Applied Royal Australasian College of Physicians
• Biostatistical genomics (such as cannabis dependence, amphetamine [email protected] Australian universities do not have responsibility for +61 2 9256 5444
• Bone cancer dependence, and cocaine dependence) www.ccia.org.au Medical Research the conduct of programs providing training for medical www.racp.edu.au
• Coagulation in cancer • Economic evaluations of such treatment, including practitioners wishing to become specialists – these [email protected]
• Diving and hyperbaric medicine Research Areas Professor Terry Campbell
cost analysis, cost-effectiveness analysis, cost-utility [email protected] are controlled by professional medical colleges. To
• Nephrology • Cancer cell immortality Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
analysis, and work on prescribed medications under www.amr.org.au become a specialist, a medical practitioner must
• Neuroscience • Telomerase and haematopoietic cells +61 3 9249 1200
the pharmaceutical benefits scheme be accepted into and complete a training program
• Psychosocial research • Targeting the N-myc oncogene in neuroblastoma www.surgeons.org
• Epidemiological studies of harms caused by alcohol Research Areas arranged by one of the recognised professional
• Respiratory and pulmonary inflammation • MRP genes in neuroblastoma [email protected]
and drug use, including heroin overdose death and • Applied neurosciences colleges. A major part of this training takes place in
• Cancer aetiology and prevention non-fatal overdose • ODC gene: another molecular target • Blood, stem cell and gastro-oesophageal cancer teaching hospitals but is NOT the responsibility of Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists
• Ovarian cancer • Epidemiology of alcohol and other drug use • Bone marrow metastasis in neuroblastoma • Clinical research program any of the Australian universities, although university +61 3 9510 6299
• Pancreatic cancer translation • Epidemiology of comorbidity between alcohol and • ABC’s in adult cancers • HIV immunovirology staff have significant roles in both the colleges www.anzca.edu.au
• Colorectal oncology other drug dependence and other mental disorders, • MRP4 as a therapeutic target in neuroblastoma • Inflammation/cytokine and hospitals. Training positions are competitive
• Tumour growth such as the affective and anxiety disorders • Improving treatment for leukaemia • Structural biology and often not easily available, particularly to non- Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists
• Allosteric disulphides • Studies of patterns of alcohol and drug use in • Genetic suppressors of neuroblastoma residents. Enquiries should be directed to the relevant +61 2 9268 9777
• Bioactive lipid signalling the general population and in sub-section • ATP-binding cassette transporters in adult cancers professional college. For details of all professional www.ranzcr.edu.au
• Neuro-oncology sentinel populations • Drug resistance in childhood leukaemia medical colleges in Australia, visit the Committee of [email protected]
• Cancer Screening • Cohort studies of child and adolescent populations • Pre-clinical evaluation of new therapies for Victor Chang Cardiac Presidents of Medical Colleges website at:
• Sarcoma childhood leukaemia Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia
• Breast cancer
in order to develop new understanding of
vulnerabilities and resilience in the life cycle • New therapies for AML Research Institute +61 2 8356 5858
• Wnt signalling and metastasis • Long term follow up for survivors of childhood cancer Foreign medical practitioners who wish to arrange www.rcpa.edu.au
• Evaluation of new prevention approaches and early Professor Boris Martinac
• Stem cell • Mechanism of relapse in acute a period of training in Australia should ensure that [email protected]
interventions in alcohol and other drugs [email protected]
• Metastasis • International drug policy lymphoblastic leukaemia they are eligible for an appropriate visa. Enquiries for
• Indigenous issues related to alcohol and other drugs • Neuroblastoma tumour initiation hospital positions should be directed to appropriate
• Criminal justice system issues related to alcohol and • Retinoid therapy for neuroblastoma and skin cancer Research Areas hospitals, or to the relevant professional body.
Department of Surgery
other drugs • Initiation of childhood leukaemia • Cardiac physiology and transplantation division
Associate Professor John Pimanda, • Histone modification in cancer Contact Details of Relevant Professional Bodies
- Heart transplants
[email protected] • Causes of childhood cancer and Principal Professional Colleges
- Pulmonary hypertension
Professor Philip Crowe, [email protected] • Treatment-related outcomes of childhood cancer - Cardiac mechanics Australasian College of Health Services Management
http://powcs.med.unsw.edu.au • Cancer and stem cell biology • Developmental and stem cell biology division +61 2 9878 5088
• Cytoskeletal proteins and cancer - Embryonic development and childhood heart www.achse.org.au
Research Areas • Aurora kinases in cancer disease [email protected]
• General surgery: wound healing • Using nanotechnology to deliver cancer treatments - Cardiac stem cells
• Orthopaedic surgery: connective tissue healing; Australian Medical Council
- Cardiac regeneration
anthroplasty, prothesis design and evaluation; +61 2 6270 7878
• Molecular cardiology and biophysics molecular
genetics division www.amc.org.au
- Cardiac receptors [email protected]
- Inherited heart diseases
- Cardiac electrophysiology

116 www.international.unsw.edu.au www.international.unsw.edu.au 117


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118 119
Science Science

Aviation Aviation & Tourism 6 • Systems and Cellular Biology

• Molecular Medicine
Biological, Earth and To fulfil the program requirements you need to
complete at least one course from three of the four
Environmental Management
Econometrics in Aviation 6
Jamie Lim
[email protected]
• Infectious Disease Environmental Sciences core topics – marine biology/biological oceanography, Institute of Environmental Studies
Airport Economics, Mgmt&Policy 6 marine geosciences/coastal engineering, physical [email protected]
www.aviation.unsw.edu.au The wide array of scientific research conducted in Dr John Triantafilis www.ies.unsw.edu.au
Airline Incident Investigation (3 UOC) oceanography/marine engineering, environmental
BABS is represented by the active research projects [email protected]
management/sustainability. For more details about
The foundations of the School of Aviation are supported Aviat’n Ground Saf’ty Invest’n (3 UOC) in the School, some of which are suitable for Graduate www.bees.unsw.edu.au The UNSW environmental management programs
the program structure contact Professor Iain Suthers:
by resources and expertise from the aviation industry. Diploma students – see http://www.babs.unsw.edu.au/ combine the strengths of the six key University
SRM: Human Performance 6 The Faculty offers study programs in science, and [email protected]
Students undertaking aviation programs at UNSW research-projects. faculties in this field – Arts and Social Sciences,
are exposed to a high degree of interaction between ecology and evolution. Special expertise includes Built Environment, Australian School of Business,
Safety Risk Management 6
academic staff and industry personnel. Many staff Students interested in one of these Research areas animal behaviour, ecology and environmental Engineering, Law and Science. It is coordinated by the
Compulsory Courses (24 UOC) UOC
members have international industrial experience or projects, should apply for this Biotechnology mammalogy, marine biology, palaeontology and plant Institute of Environmental Studies which also runs the
Graduate Diploma in Aviation Management* and Bimolecular Science stream. Students who ecology. Computer facilities are maintained allowing Topics in Australian Marine Science 6
and consult widely for the Australian aviation industry. three core courses.
Programs offered by the School are uniquely Program Code 5741 successfully complete the Graduate Diploma access to the university-wide area network, including
18 UOC of core courses comprised of one course
international in their application, thus demanding a high (Research) with a sufficiently high weighted average library databases and the internet; computers have The environmental management programs
Commencement February, July each from three of the following four streams:
level of cultural and political awareness. mark are qualified to continue further in their research been configured to deliver multimedia applications. are designed for people from a wide range of
Program Duration 1 year by distance learning careers by undertaking postgraduate studies by Graduates find employment in areas such as media, Marine Biology/Biological Oceanography UOC disciplinary backgrounds, professional experience,
(Part-time mode is also available) research (Masters or PhD level). agriculture, environment, government, industry, Marine Microbiology 6 and environmental knowledge and experience.
Master of Aviation Management* research, education, consulting, fisheries and It is envisaged that as well as environment, such
Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$21,780 Entry requirements forestry. Specific roles include research, technical, Topics in Marine Science 6
Program Code 8741 backgrounds and experience may include planning,
*Program is available to international students studying outside Applicants are required to have a recognised three administration, manufacturing, human resources and engineering, life sciences, physical sciences, social
Commencement February, July Australia through distance education. year full-time Bachelor degree with a minimum average commercial functions. science and the humanities, finance, accounting,
Marine Geosciences/Coastal Engineering UOC
mark greater than 55, specialising in: economics, corporate reporting, law, architecture,
Program Duration 1-2 years by distance The Graduate Diploma is designed with industry input • Molecular Cell Biology; Channels, Rivers and Estuaries 6 landscape architecture and building, business
for professionals and managers working in aviation
Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$30,240
related environments.
• Genetics; Marine Science Waves, Beaches and Coastal Infrastructure 6 management, and the health professions.
*Program is available to international students studying outside • Microbiology; or
Professor Iain Suthers Principles of Geographic Information Systems 6 The program is designed to suit:
Australia through distance education. Entry requirements • Biotechnology
[email protected], • Recent graduates who want to establish a career in
Minimum entry requirement is at least 1 year of www.bees.unsw.edu.au Advanced Geographic Information Systems 6
The Master of Aviation Management (MAvMgmt) is Students must also demonstrate in their application environmental management
relevant industry experience. Applicants with more that they have research experience in one of the Remote Sensing Applications 6
designed for professionals who have a University Master of Marine Science and Management • People working in some aspect of environmental
experience may be eligible for advanced standing and relevant disciplines for this stream. Students without
degree and relevant industry experience. The management who want to upgrade or broaden
complete the diploma in less time. demonstrated research experience will be considered Program Code 8270
program is developed with industry input and aims to Physical Oceanography/Marine Engineering UOC their skills.
provide managers and professionals with the skills Program structure at the discretion of the Postgraduate Coordinator in the Commencement February
and knowledge to be effective in a contemporary The program consists of courses totalling 48 units of School of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences Fluids, Oceans and Climate 6 This may include:
Aviation environment. Program Duration 1 year • technical or scientific specialists who wish to
credit. A credit average (65%) must be achieved to It is essential that applicants identify an appropriate Oceanographic Processes 6
continue on to the Master of Science and Technology in Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$33,840 enhance or broaden their technical skills
The MAvMgmt is offered entirely through distance academic supervisor and obtain agreement prior Introduction to Climate Science 6 • technical or scientific experts who wish to set their
Aviation. Available courses are listed under the entry for to submitting an application for postgraduate
education. The online courses are delivered through a This program is for students who are interested specialist skills in the broader social, legal, economic
the Master of Science and Technology in Aviation. study. Identifying and negotiating with prospective
secure learning and teaching website. Students do not in the interdisciplinary field of marine science and and political contexts of environmental management
Environmental Management/Sustainability UOC
need to attend any on-campus activities. supervisors is up to applicants, and applicants need to management. Topics in marine science including • people from a social sciences or humanities
align their interest with the research area of one of the coastal management and engineering, climate Biodiversity and Conservation of Natural Resources 6
Entry requirements Biotechnology and School’s academics. change, marine ecology and conservation, physical
background who wish to expand their disciplinary
expertise into the environmental area
Recognised three-year Bachelor degree in any Environmental Impact Assessment 6
discipline; or recognised Bachelor of Aviation degree;
Biomolecular Sciences Program structure
oceanography and modelling. The Master of Marine
Science and Management is a joint program between Environmental Law Fundamentals 6
• people from a social sciences or humanities
background who wish to develop their
or recognised three-year Bachelor degree in any Biochemistry, Molecular Biology Students typically enrol in courses as follows: UNSW and three Sydney Institute of Marine Science Law of the Sea 6 understanding of the scientific and technical bases
discipline plus a minimum of 6 months relevant
and Genetics Courses (SIMS) partner universities. Students enrol in the of environmental management.
professional experience. program at UNSW, but complete two courses at two of Conservation in Aquatic Ecosystems 6 • people with considerable work experience outside the
Associate Professor Ruiting Lan • 18 UOC of postgraduate courses from the School of the partner universities (this means students will take Research Internship in Marine and Terrestrial environment area who wish to move into this field
Program structure [email protected] Biotechnology and Biomolecular Science. Students courses from three universities in total), and a seminar Conservation 6 • people from a wide range of disciplinary
The Master of Aviation Management (MAvMgmt) is www.babs.unsw.edu.au may enrol in these courses semester 1 or semester series at the Sydney Institute of Marine Science at backgrounds and experience who want to have a
designed for professionals who have a University 2 depending on the scheduling of courses. Students Notes:
Biochemistry, molecular biology and genetics are the Chowder Bay (offered under Topics in Australian better understanding of environmental management
degree and relevant industry experience. The should discuss their course selection with their Remote Sensing Applications runs through Topics in Geography.
key foundations of modern biology, biomedicine and Marine Science). including planning, policy development, decision
program is developed with industry input and aims to supervisor. It is strongly recommended that all Research projects are not to exceed 25% (12 UOC) of the total
provide managers and professionals with the skills biotechnology. UNSW offers a range of basic and UOC studied under a coursework Masters program. making, and the wide range of specialist knowledge
students enrol in BABS7180 Research Techniques. The Sydney Institute of Marine Science is a unique
and knowledge to be effective in a contemporary advanced programs in these disciplines to prepare that informs each of these processes.
Postgraduate courses not from the School of heritage-listed, natural bushland site that rests on Elective Courses (24 UOC)
Aviation environment. students for the science of tomorrow. These programs 12 UOC of electives chosen from any of the four streams
Biotechnology and Biomolecular Science may be the iconic shores of Sydney Harbour. Founded Entry requirements
are ideal for students interested in understanding and at UNSW plus 12 UOC selected from the annual supplemental
taken where a student can demonstrate that the in 2005 as a partnership between four major A recognised Bachelor degree in any discipline of
Compulsory Course UOC appreciating biological processes at the molecular level. electives list and undertaken at two of the Sydney Institute
course is relevant to their research project and this NSW universities – Macquarie University, Sydney of Marine Science (SIMS)partner universities (University study. Relevant experience will also be considered for
Aviation Research Project 6 The disciplines also represent fundamental components
is approved by the student’s supervisor and the University, the University of New South Wales and of Technology Sydney, University of Sydney, and admission. In special circumstances, students who
of medical science and play an increasingly important
Note: This course is to be undertaken in the final year of the Postgraduate Coordinator; the University of Technology Sydney – SIMS is an Macquarie University). do not have such qualifications may be considered
role in many aspects of modern medicine.
Master’s degree innovative multidisciplinary marine science research for admission into the Graduate Certificate. In these
• 30 UOC of research project, comprised of a and teaching facility that brings together researchers cases, credit level performance in the Graduate
Study of biotechnology and biomolecular sciences
Elective Courses UOC
is also available through the Master of Philosophy
combination of the following courses (depending
on the amount of coursework completed each
from around the world. SIMS has recently undergone Chemistry Certificate may lead to articulation with the Graduate
degree, a 1.5 year program which has coursework an extensive AAUD$20 million upgrade of its facilities. Diploma and the Master programs. Please also refer
semester): BABS5019 Research Project (6 UOC), School Office
Law and Regulation in Aviation 6 and research components. For more information about SIMS visit www.sims.org. to information regarding articulation rules.
BABS5029 Research Project (12 UOC), BABS5039 [email protected]
Aviation and Security 6 Research Project (18 UOC), BABS5049 Research www.chem.unsw.edu.au/postgrad Articulation
Av. Safety & Accident Prevention 6 Graduate Diploma (Research) Project (24 UOC). Entry requirements The School of Chemistry’s reputation as one of Students whose entry to the Graduate Diploma or
A recognised three-year Bachelor degree in a Australia’s leading research facilities is confirmed by Master degree is approved may carry 24 units of credit
Airline Operational Management 6 Program Code 5304 relevant area. the consistently high level of funding it receives, most from the Graduate Certificate to the Graduate Diploma
Airport Planning 6 Commencement February, July* notably from the Australian Research Council. Links or Master degree, provided they have maintained a
*Entry is dependent on the availability of a suitable Program structure
with institutes and universities in Europe, Asia and credit level performance the lower degree has not been
Airport Operations Management 6 academic supervisor. The Master of Marine Science and Management
the United States also ensure the School’s position awarded. Students may carry 48 units of credit from the
is a 48 UOC coursework program. At UNSW, you
Air Traffic Management 6 Program Duration 1 year at the forefront of international research efforts. Many Graduate Diploma to the Master degree, provided the
undertake compulsory courses (24 UOC) and two
staff are recognised, nationally and internationally, lower degree has not been awarded. Where a Graduate
Airline Corporate Management 6 Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$33,840 electives (12 UOC). These can be taken in any order.
as leaders in their fields. The School of Chemistry Certificate or Graduate Diploma has been awarded and
Safety Management Systems 6 The remaining two electives (12 UOC) are taken at
Research in Biotechnology and Bimolecular Sciences is located in state-of-the-art laboratories, and has students wish to enrol at the next level (the Graduate
two of the three SIMS partner universities (University
Human Factors in transport 6 (BABS) spans fundamental to applied sciences, and immediate access to world-class facilities in the Diploma or the Master), the Program Committee will
of Technology Sydney, University of Sydney, and
includes human bacterial pathogens, hepatitis viruses, University’s Analytical Centre. determine the courses already completed which may be
Aviation Human Factors 6 Macquarie University).
tissue engineering, cancer, bioinformatics, functional credited to the new program. Note that these may not be
Aircraft Accident Invest. Tech 6 genomics, extremophiles, astrobiology, and more. fully credited to the new program.
Research is grouped into four main disciplines:
Flight Deck Ops for Adv. Trans 6
• Environmental Microbiology

120 www.international.unsw.edu.au www.international.unsw.edu.au 121

Science Science

Master of Environmental Management The following three electives are also Plus
Master of Financial Mathematics Master of Statistics Master of Biostatistics
recommended introductory courses for students
Program Code 8623 from non-cognate backgrounds: Fundamental Knowledge Courses (24 UOC) UOC Program Code 8161 Program Code 8750 Program Code 8751
Commencement February and July Normally 4 (on basis of previous Commencement February Commencement February, July Commencement February
Electives UOC disciplinary qualifications and experience) 24
Program Duration 2 years Program Duration 1.5 years Program Duration 1.5 years Program Duration 1.5 years
Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$33,840 Biodiversity & Conservation of Natural Resources 6 Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$33,840 Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$33,840 Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$33,840
The Master of Environmental Management (MEM) Environmental Impact Assessment 6 The Master of Financial Mathematics is unique in its The Master of Statistics covers a wide range of The Master of Biostatistics represents the
will provide you with the frameworks, tools and basic Society Environmental Policy and Sustainability 6 in-depth analysis of financial modelling issues. This statistical theory and practice and provides advanced development and application of statistical science to
knowledge of environmental management, with an Elective Courses (12 UOC) UOC is achieved through a well-balanced combination training for practising statisticians. research in health-related areas, including medicine,
emphasis on sustainability. It consists of courses Specialist electives chosen from UNSW-wide of advanced mathematical techniques of stochastic biology, public health and epidemiology. It provides
Advanced disciplinary/interdisciplinary courses: Entry requirements
which provide a basis for critical appreciation of course list 12 analysis, numerical methods and sophisticated advanced coursework training in bio-statistical theory
frameworks for environmental management and basic Core Courses UOC statistical techniques. The program is appropriate for • A recognised three-year Bachelor degree in and methods using an on-campus delivery mode
“environmental literacy” in key disciplinary areas. The you if you who wish to develop your knowledge and statistics or a four-year honours degree in a related with a significant project component. The program
Students must take the following three core courses: Your choice of fundamental knowledge courses is discipline (commonly mathematics). Honours
latter is seen as a key attribute in the environmental skills in mathematical, statistical and computational is appropriate for graduates who wish to work as
Frameworks for Environmental Management 6 determined through consultation with the Program graduates in statistics may be exempt from courses
management field which involves collaborative decision methods applied to modern finance. It also provides biostatisticians.
Tools for Environmental Management 6 Coordinator and based on your previous qualifications totalling a maximum of 24 units of credit.
making by specialists from many disciplines. The you with the skills to enter into high-quality careers in
and experience. If it is determined that less than Entry requirements
program core courses provide an introduction to the Addressing Environmental Issues 6 the financial industry. • A sufficient mathematical/statistical background and
four fundamental knowledge courses are required to • A recognised three-year Bachelor degree in
inter- and transdisciplinary nature of environmental at least a credit average grade (65%) or equivalent
satisfy the fundamental knowledge component of the Entry requirements statistics or a four-year honours degree in a related
management. overseas qualifications in relevant third year or
Graduate Diploma, the remaining units of credit will be • A recognised three or four-year mathematics discipline with a significant quantitative component
Advanced Disciplinary Elective Courses: higher mathematics/statistics university courses.
Program structure taken as specialist electives. or statistics program within a science and/or (such as science, engineering, finance, economics,
Ordinarily, students must complete: A minimum of 30 UOC of Advanced Disciplinary In special circumstances the Program Coordinator mathematics Bachelor degree, or a degree in a Program structure actuarial science, psychology, epidemiology or
electives must be taken. Students are eligible to take may approve substitution of a fifth fundamental related discipline. A total of 72 units of credit (UOC) of courses must be bioinformatics). Honours graduates in statistics may
1. Three compulsory 6UOC Core Courses (totalling
up to 54UOC of elective courses (including research knowledge course in place of a specialist elective. completed including 24 UOC of compulsory courses be exempt from courses totalling a maximum of 24
18 UOC) • A sufficient mathematical/statistical background and
electives where eligible). 12 UOC or more must be and 48 UOC of elective courses. units of credit.
2. Four 6UOC Disciplinary Knowledge courses Your choice of specialist electives is through at least a credit average grade (65%) or equivalent
chosen from the list of advanced disciplinary electives
(totalling 24 UOC) consultation with the Program Coordinator and overseas qualifications in relevant third year or Compulsory Courses (24 UOC) UOC • A sufficient mathematical/statistical background and
offered by the Institute of Environmental Studies (with
based on previous experience, needs and higher mathematics/statistics university courses. at least a credit average grade (65%) or equivalent
3. Elective courses, to make up the total of 96 UOC IEST code):
timetabling constraints. Stochastic Processes 6 overseas qualifications in relevant third year or
overall. At least 2 IEST electives (totalling 12 UOC Program structure higher mathematics/statistics university courses.
Electives UOC Statistical Inference 6
or more) must be taken. A total of 72 units of credit (UOC) of courses must be
Professional Competencies in Sustainability: Graduate Certificate of completed including 48 UOC of compulsory courses Program structure
Project* 12
Students who achieve a Distinction level (75%) External Drivers 3 Environmental Management and 24 UOC of elective courses. A total of 72 units of credit (UOC) of courses must be
average after their first four courses may seek completed including 48 UOC of compulsory courses
approval from the Program Coordinator to replace Professional Competencies in Corporate Program Code 7339 Compulsory Courses (48 UOC) UOC Plus and 24 UOC of elective courses.
some electives with an approved Internship Research Sustainability: Internal Responses 3
Commencement February Computational Methods for Finance 6 Compulsory Courses (48 UOC) UOC
Project (6 UOC), and/or a research project for those Environment Internship 6 Elective Courses (48 UOC) UOC
who are interested: Research project (24 UOC). Program Duration 6 months Continuous Time Financial Modelling 6 Applied Regression Analysis 6
Media Advocacy & Public Education 6 Applied Regression Analysis 6
Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$16,920 Stochastic Processes 6 Statistical Methods in Epidemiology 6
Environment and Development 6 Computational Methods in Finance 6
Disciplinary Knowledge Program structure Discrete Time Financial Modelling 6 Longitudinal Data Analysis 6
Regional Methods 6 This program involves 24 units of credit of study, Special Topics in Statistics 6
Students will bring very different knowledge bases to Introduction to Stochastic Analysis 6 Statistical Inference 6
Environmental Management Systems 6 providing an introduction to the frameworks
the program, and will need to fill different knowledge Experimental Design 6
(especially sustainability), tools and basic disciplinary Term Structure Modelling 6 Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials 6
gaps to achieve the ‘disciplinary knowledge’ Managing Greenhouse gas Emissions 6 knowledge relevant to environmental management. Classical Measure, Integration and Probability 6
(DK) courses for which they cannot demonstrate Project* 12 Survival Analysis 6
Students may choose other electives offered outside Courses include one core course, two fundamental Statistical Methods in Epidemiology 6
sufficient background. For example, a student with
the IES, from a pre-approved MEM elective list knowledge courses and one elective course. It is fully Project 12
a background in engineering will probably take DK Plus Data Mining and its Business Applications 6
(some electives may need School approval) or as articulated with the Graduate Diploma and Master of
courses in Ecology, Economics, Law and Social
approved by the MEM Postgraduate Coordinator. For Environmental Management. Time Series Analysis 6
Science, while a student with a Social Science/Law Plus
background will probably take DK courses in Ecology, students who have not received advanced standing Note: Choice of elective and fundamental knowledge courses Elective Courses (24 UOC) UOC Multivariate Analysis 6
Economics, Engineering and Physical Science. for their program and are completing the full 96 UOC is through consultation with the Program Coordinator and
at UNSW, electives may also include choosing from based on previous qualifications and experience, needs and Risk and Capital Management 6 Sample Survey Design 6 Elective Courses (24 UOC) UOC
The courses to be taken will be determined following foundational recommended electives, depending upon timetabling availability of courses.
discussion of academic qualifications and experience Statistical Inference 6 Data Management for Statistical Analysis 6 Bioinformatics Methods and Applications 6
your disciplinary background.
with the program coordinator. Ordinarily, students will Experimental Design 6 Longitudinal Data Analysis 6 Measure, Integration and Probability 6
take four out of the six Disciplinary Knowledge courses.
Graduate Diploma in Environmental Management Mathematics and Statistics Measure, Integration and Probability 6 Non-parametric Statistics 6 Bayesian Inference and Computation 6
School Office Special Topics in Financial Mathematics 6 Survival Analysis 6
Program Code 5499 Experimental Design 6
Disciplinary Knowledge Courses UOC [email protected]
Commencement February and July www.maths.unsw.edu.au Asset-Liability Management 6 Statistical Consulting 6 Stochastic Processes 6
Ecosystems Management 6
Program Duration 1 year The School of Mathematics and Statistics is one Optimisation 6 Categorical Data Analysis 6 Data Mining and its Business Applications 6
Environmental Management:
Economics Fundamentals 6 Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$33,840 of the premier Australian centres of mathematical Applied Regression Analysis 6 Discrete Time Financial Modelling 6 Time Series Analysis 6
research. Its continued success in obtaining high
Environmental Law Fundamentals 6 Entry requirements Classical Measure, Integration and Probability 6 Introduction to Stochastic Analysis 6 Multivariate Analysis 6
levels of Australian Research Council funding as well
A recognised Bachelor degree in any discipline. In Time Series Analysis 6 Term Structure Modelling 6
Environmental Management: as other external research funding is a measure of Sample Survey Design 6
special circumstances students who do not have such
Physical Science Fundamentals 6 its national research standing. International research Multivariate Analysis 6 Up to 18 UOC may be taken in postgraduate courses offered
qualifications may be considered for admission. Non-parametric Statistics 6
collaborations involve institutes and universities by other UNSW departments or schools, subject to the
Environmental Management: in Europe, Asia and North America. As a research Longitudinal Data Analysis 6 approval of the Head of School. Statistical Consulting 6
Social Science Fundamentals 6 Program structure
This program involves 48 units of credit of study for student you may spend part of your program Nonparametric Statistics 6 Note: MATH5816 has the prerequisite MATH5965. Categorical Data Analysis 6
ironmental Management: people wanting a solid grounding in the frameworks at leading international universities such as the *There are conditions and requirements regarding the
University of California Berkeley in the United States, Categorical Data Analysis 6 Bayesian Inference and Computation 6
Engineering Fundamentals 6 (especially sustainability), tools and basic disciplinary progression to the compulsory project and academic
knowledge relevant to environmental management. and the University of Goteborg and University of Bayesian Inference and Computation 6 performance, please refer to the note under the Master of Advanced Biostatistics and Statistical Computing 6
It is fully articulated with the Master of Environmental Tubingen in Europe. Science and Technology in Mathematics for more details.
To ensure the achievement of basic environmental Not all elective courses are offered every year. Health Informatics Principles 6
literacy students are required to choose Fundamental Management.
The School is organised into three specialisations: *There are conditions and requirements regarding the Notes: Other courses may be taken as electives subject to
Knowledge courses for which they cannot • Applied Mathematics progression to the compulsory project and academic approval by the Head of School.
demonstrate sufficient experience. This will help the Core Courses (12 UOC) UOC • Pure Mathematics performance, please refer to the note under the Master of
Not all elective courses are offered every year.
student with no background in the field to participate • Statistics Science and Technology in Mathematics for more details.
in addressing environmental issues as part of a Frameworks for Environmental Management 6 *There are conditions and requirements regarding the
multidisciplinary team. progression to the compulsory project and academic
Tools for Environmental Management 6 performance, please refer to the note under the Master of
Science and Technology in Mathematics for more details.

122 www.international.unsw.edu.au www.international.unsw.edu.au 123

Science Science

Entry requirements
Master of Mathematics
Galois Theory 6
• Recognised three year Bachelor degree in
Plus Core Courses UOC Physics
Modules of Represent’n Theory 6
Program Code 8719 Mathematics or Statistics. Evidence Based Optometry 6 Contact: Professor Michael Ashley
Geometry 6 Elective Courses (30 UOC) UOC [email protected]
Commencement February and July • A sufficient mathematical/statistical background and
Special Topics in Statistics 6 at least a credit average grade (65%) or equivalent www.phys.unsw.edu.au
Program Duration 1.5 years Materials Design 6 Elective Courses UOC
Applied Regression Analysis 6 overseas qualifications in relevant third year or
Materials Processing 6 The UNSW School of Physics is one of the leading
Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$33,840 higher mathematics/statistics university courses. Behavioural Optometry 1 6
Continuous Time Fin’l Model’g 6 physics schools in Australia and well recognised
The program is intended for students who have Materials Properties and Behaviour 6 internationally. The School has more than 40 staff,
Program structure Advanced Contact Lens Studies 1 6
completed a degree in Mathematics or Statistics, or Measure, Integ & Probability 6 The program requires 24 units of credit, consisting Materials Characterisation 6 including 20 academic and 20 research staff, and more
a Science degree with a major in mathematics or Research Skills in Optometry 6
Stat Methods in Epidemiology 6 of four courses from the School of Mathematics and than 50 research students from all over the world who
statistics, and who wish to further their knowledge of Advanced Materials Characterisation 6
Statistics (excluding MATH5001, MATH5925 and Public Health Optometry 6 are engaged in a variety of research projects. Many of
mathematical sciences. The program offers intensive, Stochastic Processes 6 Materials Applications and Performance 6 these projects have strong international collaborations
MATH5935). Available courses are described on the Visual Neuroscience 6
high-level training in principles of mathematical Data Mining 6 School’s website: www.maths.unsw.edu.au and links. The School receives significant external
Materials Modelling 6
sciences. In particular, the program will develop their Behavioural Optometry 2 6 research funding each year from various Australian and
research and analytic skills, and substantially broaden Time Series 6 Management 6 international funding agencies. Postgraduate students
Specialty Contact Lens Studies 6
the knowledge gained from their prior studies. This Intro to Prob and Stoch Proc 6 have access to first rate laboratories, equipment and
program will equip students with a range of skills Materials Science Speciality Contact Lenses 6 projects, which have been externally judged to be of the
demanded by todays employers, and will provide a
Multivariate Analysis 6
and Engineering Optometry and Vision Science Advanced Clinical Optometry 6 highest quality.
means of obtaining the necessary preparation for Intro to Stats and Stat Comput 6 Dr Sieu Khuu (Optometry Programs)
further research in Mathematics. Professor Charles Sorrell Research Project 6
Longitudinal Data Analysis 6 [email protected] Graduate Diploma (Research)
[email protected] Business Skills in Optometry 12
Entry requirements www.optom.unsw.edu.au
Nonparametric Statistics 6 www.materials.unsw.edu.au Program Code 5304
Recognised three-year Bachelor degree in Dr Catherine Suttle
Mathematics or Statistics, with sufficient mathematical Statistical Inference 6 The field of materials science and engineering offers Commencement February, July*
(Community Eye Health Programs) Master of Community Eye Health
and/or statistical background, as indicated by a credit Clinical Trials 6 coursework programs, research and development. *Entry is dependent on the availability of a suitable
[email protected]
average or above in higher level mathematics and/or The school is equipped with modern facilities for the Program Code 8761 academic supervisor.
Survival Analysis 6 www.optom.unsw.edu.au
statistics university courses. processing, characterisation, and property measurement
Commencement February, July Program Duration 1 year
Categorical Data Analysis 6 of metals, ceramics, polymers and composites. The School of Optometry and Vision Science offers
Program structure research and coursework programs. Research Program Duration 1 year by distance learning Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$33,840
The program consists of 72 units of credit (UOC) Bayesian Inference & Comput’n 6 Master of Science and Technology -
candidates can enrol in either the Doctor of Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$33,840 The purpose of the Graduate Diploma (Research) is to
comprised of 60 UOC of coursework subjects, and a Discrete Time Fin’l Modelling 6 Engineering Materials
Philosophy or the Master of Science program. provide specialised knowledge and research training
supervised research project worth 12 UOC. Program Code 8715 This program is currently being made available
Intro to Stochastic Analysis 6 Research in the School of Optometry and Vision in disciplines within the Faculty of Science. It can
online so that the program may be taken from any
Commencement February, July Science encompasses a diverse range of topics be used as a higher degree qualifying program (for
Semester 1 geographical location, subject to good internet
and disciplines including basic, applied and clinical students who do not meet criteria for direct entry to
Program Duration 1 year connection. The Master of Community Eye Health
• 24 UOC of courses taken from the list of courses Graduate Diploma in Mathematics and Statistics research in the science of vision. The School’s Honours or MSc/PhD programs), to upgrade existing
offers specialised training in a range of areas,
provided by the School of Mathematics and Statistics Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$33,840 multidisciplinary approach to research is one of its qualifications or to develop expertise in a different but
Program Code 5659 including the following aspects of the community eye
key strengths. Research students come from a variety related disciplinary area from that of the first degree.
Commencement February, July The Master of Science and Technology in Engineering care field: needs assessment, health economics,
Semester 2 of disciplines including optometry, microbiology, Students who qualify to enrol in the Honours program
Materials provides a comprehensive study of the epidemiology, advocacy, and the Vision 2020: The
Program Duration 1 year education, bioengineering and pharmacology. The would generally be expected to do so rather than enrol
• 18 UOC of courses taken from the list of courses full range of materials, including metals, ceramics, Right to Sight global initiative. The program was
School incorporates the Optics and Radiometry in this Graduate Diploma (Research) program.
provided by the School of Mathematics and Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$33,840 polymers and composites. It is designed for graduates developed by the School in collaboration with the
Laboratory, which conducts research into eye
Statistics Materials Processing wishing to acquire expertise in the design, selection, International Centre for Advancement of Rural Eye Research projects are available in all areas of the
The Graduate Diploma is intended for mathematics protection and colour measurement, and has close
use and performance of modern materials. The Care (ICARE), part of the LV Prasad Eye Institute School of Physics at UNSW: astrophysics, biophysics,
• Advanced Mathematics Project A or statistics graduates wishing to further develop their links with the Cooperative Research Centre for Vision.
program is designed for several types of students: (LVPEI) Hyderabad, India. condensed matter physics, music acoustics, and
knowledge and skills in mathematical and statistical
theoretical physics. Full-time and part-time projects
Semester 3 sciences. In particular, it provides an opportunity for • Graduates with science, engineering, technology, The program aims to produce health professionals
Master of Optometry are available, subject to the discretion of the
advanced training in topics relevant to applied or or related backgrounds who seek to broaden their who are innovative leaders with an understanding
• 18 UOC of courses taken from the list of courses Program Code 8073 supervisor. Further information on research projects
pure mathematics, medical statistics and financial range of expertise of the principles of community eye health and their
provided by the School of Mathematics and Statistics offered in the School, some of which are suitable for
mathematics. • Graduates with materials science or materials Commencement February, July applications.
Graduate Diploma students, can be found at
• Advanced Mathematics Project B engineering backgrounds who seek to extend
Entry requirements Program Duration 1.5 year Entry requirements www.phys.unsw.edu.au.
• Recognised three year Bachelor degree in specific aspects of their expertise A recognised Bachelor degree and at least three years
Courses UOC Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$33,840 Entry requirements
Mathematics or Statistics. • Graduates with materials science or materials of work experience relevant to community eye health.
Applicants should have completed a three year (full-
Optimization 6 • A sufficient mathematical/statistical background and engineering backgrounds who seek to update their The program provides advanced training in
Program structure time equivalent) Bachelor of Science, with a major in
at least a credit average grade (65%) or equivalent expertise clinical and theoretical aspects of optometry, with
Special Topics (Appl Maths) A 6 Currently, three of the six courses in this program are Physics, with a minimum WAM in the range 55-64%.
overseas qualifications in relevant third year or opportunities for specialisation in areas such
Entry requirements available in online format. From 2014 the program Student with a major in a closely related area, e.g.
Special Topics (Appl Maths) B 6 higher mathematics/statistics university courses. as contact lenses, occupational optometry, and
A recognised four-year Bachelor degree in will be entirely online, with a research project which Astrophysics, may also be eligible for admission.
behavioural optometry.
Fluids, Oceans and Climate 6 engineering or science. may be taken at any location with appropriate co-
Program structure It is essential that applicants identify an appropriate
Special Topics (Appl Maths) D 6 The program requires 48 units of credit (UOC), Entry requirements supervision (see below).
Program structure academic supervisor and obtain their agreement prior
consisting of eight courses from the School of A recognised three-year Bachelor degree in optometry.
Computational Mathematics 6 This program comprises a total of 48 units of credit The program comprises 48 UOC, including six to submitting an application for the Graduate Diploma
Mathematics and Statistics (excluding MATH5001, (UOC) with 36 UOC of formal coursework plus 12 Program structure compulsory courses totalling 36 UOC. 12 UOC are (Research) in Physics. Agreement of a supervisor is
Comput’l Methods for Finance 6 MATH5925 and MATH5935). A maximum of two not a guarantee of admission but is required before
UOC of experimental and/or design project work The program consists of one core course in addition to gained by a completion of a research project which
Graph Theory 6 courses may be selected from those offered by other (Materials Project). All formal coursework is taught a selection of courses from the electives listed below. may be conducted at ICARE, LVPEI, or UNSW, an application will be considered. Information about
UNSW schools, subject to approval of Heads of during work hours, although the project work may be The core course is to be taken in the first semester or at the candidate’s home location (if appropriate academics in the School of Physics and their research
Computational Combinatorics 6 relevant schools. Available courses are described on undertaken with considerable flexibility in terms of of enrolment in this program. A total of 48 UOC is supervision is available at that location). Where interests is available from the School of Physics
Special Topics (Pure Maths) A 6 the School’s website: www.maths.unsw.edu.au time and location. Enrolment in formal coursework required for this degree. A number of the courses appropriate, joint supervision will be arranged website www.phys.unsw.edu.au.
Special Topics (Pure Maths) B 6 courses offered by schools other than Materials have pre-requisites, co-requisites or exclusions, as between academic staff of LVPEI and UNSW.
Program structure
Graduate Certificate in Mathematics and Statistics Science and Engineering is permitted, subject to the indicated in the course descriptions. Up to 12 UOC
Special Topics (Pure Maths) C 6 The Graduate Diploma (Research) in Physics consists
approval of the Head of School. may be taken elsewhere in the University subject to
Program Code 7659 UOC of 24 UOC of advanced coursework, and a research
Functional Analysis 6 the approval of the Head of School. Available courses
project, under the guidance of an academic supervisor
Commencement February, July for Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma, Graduate Introduction to Community Eye Health 6
Banach and Operator Algebras 6 Compulsory Courses (18 UOC) UOC culminating in a written thesis, worth 24 UOC.
Diploma by Research, and Master of Optometry
Program Duration 6 months Community Eye Health Needs Assessment 6 Courses can be chosen from:
Number Theory 6 Professional Communication and Presentation 6 programs are listed as follows:
Algebraic Topology 6 Estimated annual tuition fee AUD$16,920 Epidemiology of Blinding Eye Diseases 6 Courses UOC
Materials Project 12
Complex Analysis 6 The Graduate Certificate is intended for mathematics Advocacy and Education in Community Advanced Physics 6
or statistics graduates wishing to further develop their Eye Health 6
Analysis 6 Advanced Theoretical Physics 1 6
knowledge and skills in mathematical and statistical Eye Health Economics and Sustainability 6
Harmonic Analysis 6 sciences. In particular, it provides an opportunity for Advanced Theoretical Physics 2 6
advanced training in topics relevant to applied or pure Eye Care Program Management 6
Advanced Astrophysics 6
mathematics, medical statistics and financial mathematics. Research Project 12

124 www.international.unsw.edu.au www.international.unsw.edu.au 125

Science Science

Advanced Solid State Physics 1 6 The Dual PhD/Master program provides dual graduate If your qualifications were completed outside Australia Professional and Ethical Practice (Forensic) 1 6 Program structure
Advanced Solid State Physics 2 6 training for psychologists who intend to develop or you did not complete your secondary education The program structure for both the Master and Dual
Professional and Ethical Practice (Forensic) 2 6
skills in research to the level of PhD as well as skills in English, to obtain full or provisional registration PhD/Master degree consists of three compulsory
Advanced Experimental Physics 6 to work as clinicians in hospitals, community health with the Psychology Board of Australia (PBA), you components:
and other settings where they might be engaged in must demonstrate English language skills at IELTS Plus • Coursework courses (weekly lectures and seminars
Students may enrol into these courses in Semester
health promotion and the diagnosis, assessment and academic level 7 with a minimum score of 7 in each with associated written forms of assessment)
1 or Semester 2, depending on course timetabling. • Professional practice (completion of a minimum
treatment of people with a range of psychological of the four components (listening, reading, writing Stage 2 Courses (48 UOC) UOC
All courses contribute equally to the final weighted of 1,000 hours of supervised organisational practice
problems or disabilities. and speaking). Results of the test must be obtained
average mark for the Graduate Diploma (Research), Law for Psychologists 2 6 in the School’s careers research and assessment
in one sitting within two years prior to applying
i.e., coursework contributes a total of 50% Entry requirements service and in organisational field settings, weekly
for registration. Those who are not registered Experimental Psychology and Law 6
Master of Psychology (Clinical) organisational meetings and career
Research projects are available in all Departments as a provisional psychologist cannot undertake
An accredited four-year Bachelor degree with honours Professional and Ethical Practice (Forensic) 3 6 development workshops)
of the School: Astrophysics; Biophysics; Condensed professional practice, a compulsory component of
class 1 in psychology from a university recognised Professional and Ethical Practice (Forensic) 4 6 • A research thesis (Master program) or PhD thesis
Matter Physics; Theoretical Physics; and Music all Master of Psychology programs, as they are not
by the Australian Psychological Accreditation Council (Dual PhD/Master program)
Acoustics. Full-time and part-time projects are permitted to have any patient or client contact. Research Thesis (Forensic) 1 12
(APAC) or an equivalent qualification as assessed by
available, subject to the discretion of the supervisor. the Australian Psychological Society. The degree must
Students will complete 24 UOC of research, by Research Thesis (Forensic) 2 12
include a research thesis as a major component. Master of Psychology (Forensic) Stage 1 Courses (48 UOC) UOC
enrolling in courses from the following: Professional recognition
Dual PhD/Master of Psychology (Clinical) Combined PhD/Master of Psychology (Forensic) Research and Evaluation Methods 6
The Master of Psychology (Forensic) is an APAC
Courses UOC An accredited four-year Bachelor degree with upper Program Code accredited postgraduate program offering the fifth Psychology of Organisations 1 6
PHYS5006 Physics Research Project 6 first class honours or equivalent in psychology 8257 (Master),1405 (Dual PhD/Master) and sixth years of required study leading to full Psychology of Organisations 2 6
from a university recognised by the APAC or an membership of the Australian Psychological Society
PHYS5012 Physics Research Project 12 equivalent qualification as assessed by the Australian Commencement February Learning, Training and Development 6
(the professional body of Australian psychologists) and
PHYS5018 Physics Research Project 18 Psychological Society. The degree must include a Program Duration to registration as a psychologist with the Psychology Career Choice and Development 6
research thesis as a major component. 2 years (Master), 4 years (Combined PhD/Master) Board of Australia and practise endorsement as a
PHYS5024 Physics Research Project 24 Professional and Ethical Practice (Organisational) 1 6
forensic psychologist.
Half way through their research project students will Program structure Estimated annual tuition fee
(Master) AUD$33,840 Professional and Ethical Practice (Organisational) 2 6
be required to submit a literature review. This will The program structure for both the Master and If your qualifications were completed outside Australia
contribute 30% to the final research grade. Students dual PhD/Master degree consists of three (Dual PhD/Master) AUD$34,560 or you did not complete your secondary education Assessment in Organisations 6
will submit a written thesis at the end of their final compulsory components: Contact in English, to obtain full or provisional registration
session. The thesis will contribute 70% to the final • Coursework courses (weekly lectures and seminars Dr Richard Kemp, [email protected] with the Psychology Board of Australia (PBA), you Stage 2 Courses (48 UOC) UOC
research grade. Students will also be required to with associated written forms of assessment) must demonstrate English language skills at IELTS
• Professional practice (completion of a minimum of The program provides graduate training for academic level 7 with a minimum score of 7 in each Psychological Assessment 2 6
present a seminar at the end of their research project.
1,000 hours of supervised clinical practice within psychologists who intend to pursue employment within of the four components (listening, reading, writing Advanced Topics in Organisational Psychology 6
the School clinic and in field clinical settings, weekly a setting associated with the legal system – police, and speaking). Results of the test must be obtained
courts, prisons, probation and parole, guardianship, Professional and Ethical Practice (Organisational) 3 6
Psychology clinical meetings and skills training workshops)
• A research thesis (Master program) or PhD thesis child protection, statutory review tribunals (for
in one sitting within two years prior to applying
Professional and Ethical Practice (Organisational) 4 6
for registration. Those who are not registered
School of Psychology (Dual PhD/Master program). example, mental health), worker compensation,
as a provisional psychologist cannot undertake Research Thesis (Organisational) 1 12
www.psy.unsw.edu.au licensing of special programs and community services,
professional practice, a compulsory component of
public policy and legislative review. The program Research Thesis (Organisational) 2 12
The School of Psychology is one of the strongest Stage 1 Courses (48 UOC) UOC all Master of Psychology programs, as they are not
aims to produce graduates with expertise in both the
psychology departments in Australia. The School permitted to have any patient or client contact.
Research and Evaluation Methods 6 criminal and civil domains of forensic psychology.
offers excellent research and professional training Professional recognition
facilities, which include extensive computing Psychological Assessment 1 6 Entry requirements The Master of Psychology (Organisational) is an
Master of Psychology (Organisational)
facilities, a psychological test library, a psychology Master of Psychology (Forensic) APAC accredited postgraduate program offering fifth
Child Clinical Psychology 6
clinic, a careers research and assessment service, An accredited four-year Bachelor degree with honours Combined PhD/Master of Psychology and sixth years of study leading to full membership
a technical workshop and laboratories in all areas of Human Neuropsychology 6 class 1 or a good class 2 in psychology from a (Organisational) of the Australian Psychological Society (the
experimental psychology. university recognised by the APAC or an equivalent professional body of Australian psychologists), to
Experimental Clinical Psychology 1 6 Program Code
overseas qualification as assessed by the Australian registration as a psychologist with the Psychology
The School maintains strong links with professional Experimental Clinical Psychology 2 6 Psychological Society. The degree must include a 8258 (Master), 1406 (Dual PhD/Master)
Board of Australia and practice endorsement as an
practitioners in the areas of clinical, forensic, research thesis as a major component. Commencement February Organisational Psychologist.
Professional and Ethical Practice (Clinical) 1 6
neuropsychology and organisational psychology. The
School is recognised for its research tradition, and Professional and Ethical Practice (Clinical) 2 6 Dual PhD/Master Psychology (Forensic) Program Duration If your qualifications were completed outside Australia
many School staff have international reputations in An accredited four-year Bachelor degree with upper 2 years (Master), 4 years (Combined PhD/Master) or you did not complete your secondary education
their respective fields. Research programs are often first class honours or equivalent in psychology from Estimated annual tuition fee in English, to obtain full or provisional registration
carried out in collaboration with researchers in other a university recognised by the APAC or an equivalent (Master) AUD$33,840 with the Psychology Board of Australia (PBA), you
countries. The following programs are offered in two overseas qualification as assessed by the Australian (Dual PhD/Master) AUD$34,560 must demonstrate English language skills at IELTS
forms, either as two-year taught programs leading Stage 2 Courses (48 UOC) UOC Psychological Society. The degree must include a academic level 7 with a minimum score of 7 in each
research thesis as a major component. Contact
to a Master of Psychology with a clinical, forensic of the four components (listening, reading, writing
Psychology of Health and Illness 6 Dr Joanne Earl, [email protected]
or organisational specialisation, or as dual PhD/ and speaking). Results of the test must be obtained
Program structure The program provides graduate training for
Master of Psychology programs which incorporate the Experimental Clinical Psychology 3 6 in one sitting within two years prior to applying
The program structure for both the Master and psychologists, who intend to work with organisations,
Masters-level training and qualification with a research Professional and Ethical Practice (Clinical) 3 6 for registration. Those who are not registered
Dual PhD/Master degree consists of three teams and individual employees to improve their
PhD in a relevant area of psychology. In the clinical as a provisional psychologist cannot undertake
Professional and Ethical Practice (Clinical) 4 6 compulsory components: performance and increase effectiveness and
program only, preference is given to students wishing professional practice, a compulsory component of
• Coursework courses (weekly lectures and seminars productivity in the workplace. Organisational
to undertake the dual award program. Research Thesis (Clinical) 1 12 all Master of Psychology programs, as they are not
with associated written forms of assessment) psychologists analyse organisations and their people, permitted to have any patient or client contact.
Research Thesis (Clinical) 2 12 • Professional practice (completion of a minimum and devise strategies to recruit, motivate, develop,
Master of Psychology (Clinical) of 1,000 hours of supervised practice in forensic change and inspire.
Dual PhD/Master of Psychology (Clinical) settings, weekly forensic psychology meetings, and
Professional recognition skills training workshops) Entry requirements
Program Code The Master of Psychology (Clinical) is an APAC • A research thesis (Master program) or PhD thesis Master of Psychology (Organisational)
8256 (Master),1404 (Dual PhD/Master) accredited program offering the fifth and sixth years (Combined PhD/Master program) An accredited four-year Bachelor degree with honours
of required study leading to full membership of the class 1 or a good class 2 in psychology from a
Commencement February
Australian Psychological Society (the professional university recognised by the APAC or an equivalent
Program Duration body of Australian psychologists) and its specialist overseas qualification as assessed by the Australian
2 years (Master), 4 years (Dual PhD/Master) Stage 1 Courses (48 UOC) UOC
college, and registration as a psychologist with Psychological Society. The degree must include a
Estimated annual tuition fee the Psychology Board of Australia and practise Law for Psychologists 1 6 research thesis as a major component.
(Master) AUD$33,840 endorsement as a clinical psychologist.
Research and Evaluation Methods 6 Dual PhD/Master of Psychology (Organisational)
(Dual PhD/Master) AUD$34,560 An accredited four-year Bachelor degree with upper
Psychological Assessment 1 6
Contact first class honours or equivalent in psychology from
Interventions in Forensic Psychology 1 6 a university recognised by the APAC or an equivalent
Professor Skye McDonald, [email protected]
Interventions in Forensic Psychology 2 6 overseas qualification as assessed by the Australian
Psychological Society. The degree must include a
Applications of Forensic Psychology 6 research thesis as a major component.

126 www.international.unsw.edu.au www.international.unsw.edu.au 127

Science Science

Aviation Biological, Earth and Environmental Management and Policy Physical Geography, Remote Sensing, GIS, Mathematics and Statistics Physics
Human and Urban Geography Associate Professor Dr Thanh Tran
Professor Jason Middleton Environmental Sciences Research areas
• Sustainable and community adaptation to Dr John Triantafilis [email protected] Professor Michael Ashley
[email protected] www.maths.unsw.edu.au [email protected]
www.aviation.unsw.edu.au Biological Science climate change [email protected] www.phys.unsw.edu.au
• Mitigating Global Climate Change with www.bees.unsw.edu.au Research areas
Associate Professor Bryce Kelly
Research areas Sustainable Energy; • Applied Mathematics: biomathematics; computational Research areas
[email protected] Research areas • Astronomy and astrophysics
• Accident investigation • Biodiversity conservation through access and mathematics; fluid dynamics, oceanic and atmospheric
www.bees.unsw.edu.au • Aquaculture: management, integrated farming • Astrobiology
• Airport operations and management benefit sharing; sciences; nonlinear phenomena; optimisation
• Aviation human factors and safety • Natural resource management systems, degraded pond restoration, diseases • Astronomy from Antarctica
Research areas • Pure Mathematics: algebra and representation
• Aviation meteorology • Tools and approaches for assessing and monitoring of aquatic organisms, classification schemes for • Atomic electronics
• Ecology of chemical defences against herbivores theory; algebraic and metrical geometry; discrete
• Aviation and tourism the state of the environment and emerging trends; brackishwater aquaculture and finfish mariculture • Atomic theory
in marine plant/herbivore interactions, seaweed mathematics; functional analysis; harmonic analysis;
• Airborne remote sensing of the earth’s surface • Land use change and land degradation • Coastal development and management including in • Atomic and nuclear clocks
population biology, ecology of marine biofouling and and mathematical physics
• Cabin safety • Sustainable development goals the Asia-Pacific region • Biophysics
development of novel antifoulants • Statistics: bayesian statistics and Monte Carlo
• Forecasting and financial analysis • Spatial frameworks for environmental • Coastal geomorphology • Biophotonics and optical sensors
• Ecology of coastal vegetation, habitat assessment, methods; biostatistics and computational biology;
• Scheduling and fleet planning decision making • Development of cultural industries stochastic processes and financial analysis; space and • Brown dwarfs and free-floating planets
wetland and river ecology
• Transport human factors and safety • Science-policy interface • Disturbance ecology: impacts of development on time series modelling; and statistical machine learning • Cellular mechanisms of salt tolerance
• Ecology of predation as it influences native and feral
ecosystems • Interdisciplinary Research: Centre for Energy and • Condensed matter physics
• Environmental and socio-economic impact Environmental Markets; mathematics and statistics in • Electronic devices based on semiconductor
• Functional morphology in mammalian teeth and Geology assessment nanowires
Biotechnology and skeletons; evolutionary history of vertebrates;
Research areas • Environmental planning and policy
• Extrasolar planetary science
fossil history of Australian mammals and vertebrate • High speed quantum devices
Biomolecular Sciences faunas; species-level diversity in Australian • Applied mineralogy • Fluvial geomorphology
• High-temperature superconductivity
mammals; phylogenetic studies in marsupials • Clays and industrial minerals • Geocomputation
• GIS methods and applications
Materials Science • Isotope shifts - quantum electrodynamic effects and
Associate Professor Ruiting Lan • Evolution of plant adaptive strategies across • Coal geology
[email protected] environments; relating variability in plant form and • Coastal and estuarine geology • International development and Engineering relativistic effects in many-electron atoms
• Lyapunov modes and correlation time scales
www.babs.unsw.edu.au • Environmental geology • International migration, transnationalism and
life history to diversity and distribution Professor Charles Sorrell • Molecular line astrophysics
• Environmental geophysics multiculturalism
Research areas • Evolutionary biology of ageing [email protected] • Musical acoustics: instruments and performance
• Exploration and environmental geochemistry • Nearshore processes
Note: Active Research areas may vary over time. • Ecological, evolutionary and genetic dynamics www.materials.unsw.edu.au techniques (includes inter-faculty collaborations)
• Exploration and environmental geophysics • Pacific and indigenous studies
associated with sexual reproduction • Nanophotonics
• Geological evolution of significant Australian fossil • Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction: environmental Research areas
Environmental Microbiology • Relationships between sexual selection, inbreeding • Nuclear theory
localities change of the late Quaternary and Holocene • Biomaterials
• Biofilm and biofouling control and extinction • Optoelectronics
• Geospatial information systems • Palynology, charcoal analysis, geochemistry, mineral • Ceramics coal in sustainable development
• Bioremediation and biofuels • Anatomy, development and function of the • Plant membrane biophysics
• Groundwater contamination – landfill studies, magnetic analysis • Composites
• Novel bioactives invertebrate nervous system • Planetary atmospheres
leachate plume characterisation • Remote sensing • Electronic and superconducting ceramics
• Novel biocatalysts • Molecular ecology and evolution • Quantum computing
• Hydrochemical modelling and application of • Rural and urban land capability assessment • Fracture, failure and wear
• Monitoring and maintaining the health of Australian • Effects of water resource development on the • Quantum properties of black holes
environmental isotopes in groundwater systems • Soils: soil science, soil acidification, soil use and • High-temperature materials
ecosystems ecology of rivers and wetlands, using remote • Semiconductor nanostructures
• Hydrogeochemistry and water-rock interaction in management • Iron, steel and alloy processes
• Water quality and water re-use sensing, GIS and hydrological analyses; ecology • Semiconductor nanowires
different rock type environments • Sustainable development • Nanotechnology
of Australian waterbirds, including reproductive • Silicon quantum electronics
• Hydrogeology including groundwater studies in • Geography of racism and anti-racism • Nanomaterials hydrogen storage group
success, movements, habitat use • Star formation and the interstellar medium
Systems and Cellular Biology porous and fracture aquifer systems • Urban geography • Particle science and technology
• Adaptive management of environmental flows in • Strongly correlated electron systems
• Igneous petrology • Vegetation and climate of the postglacial period • Photocatalytic materials and physical metallurgy • Superconducting devices and quantum nanoscience
• Cell stress and ageing regulated and unregulated rivers
• Ore deposits • Vegetation and forest assessment • Polymers • Tests of grand unification theories
• Cholesterol and sterols • Ecology of desert systems; role of ecosystem
• Gem deposits • Water quality assessment, lake and river limnology • Property optimisation by texture control • Theoretical physics
• Genetic mapping of phenotype and disease engineers in soil and landscape processes in
• Petroleum geology and geophysics • Pyrometallurgical processes • Varying constants (cosmology)
• Protein interaction networks and systems biology deserts; the ecology of biological soil crusts,
• Regional geology • Sustainable processing of materials • Violation of the fundamental symmetries
plant-soil interactions in rangelands
• Remote sensing and image processing
Molecular Medicine
• Global scale ecology – the ecology and evolution of
• Salinisation – dry land and irrigation salinity Chemistry • Vocal acoustics: speech and singing
plant life histories, plant-animal interactions, and the
• Cancer evolution of invasive species across ecosystems • Salinisation and contaminant studies Associate Professor Jonathan Morris Optometry and Vision Science
• Immunogenetics • Ecology and behaviour of Australian and Antarctic • Sedimentology and basin analysis [email protected] Dr Blanka Golebiowski
• Biomaterials marine mammals • Soil salinity assessment and management www.chem.unsw.edu.au [email protected] Dr Lenny Vartanian
• Behavioural ecology of lizards • Soil science
Research areas www.optom.unsw.edu.au [email protected]
• Invertebrate systematic and evolution • Structural geology
Infectious Disease www.psy.unsw.edu.au
• Surface water – groundwater interaction and Research areas
Bioactive Molecules
• Evolution of pandemic norovirus seawater intrusion into coastal aquifers • Anterior segment and contact lenses: Mechanisms Research areas
• Mathematical, computational and statistical methods Climate Science • Water quality in ground and surface water • Design and understanding of bioactive molecules and treatment of dry eye; contact lens design and • Associative learning
to understand biological systems Research areas environments • Heterocyclic chemistry for therapeutic compounds material technology; ocular homeostasis, inflammation, • Behavioural neuroscience
• Molecular evolution and population structure of • Climate variability and change; extremes; model • 3-D geological modelling • Exploration of DNA-drug interactions supplements infection and the effect of contact lenses on the • Cognitive science
bacterial pathogens evaluation; justice • Vertebrate palaeontology • Mode of action of antifreeze proteins defence systems of the eye; epidemiology of contact • Developmental psychology
• Hepatitis C virus and host immune responses • Land surface, ecological and hydrological modelling • Geology of Archean systems lens-related infection; orthokeratology; biomarkers in • Forensic psychology
• Mucus-associated bacteria in inflammatory bowel • Ocean dynamics • Sedimentary geology Chemical and Biological Catalysis ocular surface and other diseases • Health psychology
disease • Modes of climate variability (including El Nino, Indian • Karst science (geology, hydrology, geochemistry, etc) • Glaucoma and posterior segment: Corneal and • Language
• Homogeneous catalysts for efficient and selective ocular biomechanics in glaucoma; role of the immune • Neuropsychology
• Viruses initiating carcinogenesis Ocean Dipole, Southern Annular Mode) synthesis; efficient routes to pharmaceuticals, nitrogen
• Medical bacteriology • Australian rainfall variability/change Marine and coastal studies system in posterior segment disease; biomarkers in • Organisational psychology
fixation and carbon sequestration ocular surface and other diseases; neuroscience: • Perception
• Medical Virology • Land-atmosphere interactions • Structure and dynamics in catalysis using
Research areas cellular structure/function in health and disease; ocular • Psychological treatments
• Water cycle processes nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, X-ray
• Coastal management melanoma • Psychopathology
• Vulnerability to climate impacts crystallography and modelling
• Coastal sedimentary processes and oceanography • Optics: Applied vision research, applications of • Psychophysiology
• Climate impacts on remote communities and
• Fisheries management holography in vision • Social psychology
indigenous Australians; climate of cities
• Fisheries oceanography Functional Materials • Public Health Optometry: Eye care delivery,
• Air pollution meteorology
• Genetics • Designer surfaces leading to super hydrophobic development of refractive error, access to eyecare
• Ocean carbon cycle and biogeochemistry
• Invasive species surfaces, biosensors, optoelectronic devices, organic services in New South Wales, occupational optometry
• Feedbacks and thresholds in the climate system
• Marine ecology electronics, biomaterials • Vision Science: Development of the visual system,
• Paleo proxy data - model comparison
• Marine ecotoxicology • Nanostructured materials for catalysis, gas adsorption visual function in disease, low vision and visual
• Geophysical fluid dynamics rehabilitation, visual processing, visual perception in
• Abrupt climate change and molecular sieves
sport, visual psychophysics (form and motion in the
• Vegetation dynamics visual scene)
• Carbon cycle
• Atmosphere, ocean and coupled climate modelling
• Atmospheric physics and dynamics
• Cloud and convective processes

128 www.international.unsw.edu.au www.international.unsw.edu.au 129

UNSW UNSW Canberra


Our graduates shape Australia,
the region and the international SCHOOLS School of Business School of Humanities and
community as leaders in Defence, SCHOOL OF BUSINESS Dr Keiran Sharpe Social Sciences
government, and industry. [email protected]
Associate Professor Craig Stockings
SCHOOL OF http://bus.unsw.adfa.edu.au
We are regarded as a premier of some of the ENGINEERING AND
[email protected]
Research at the School of Business reflects http://hass.unsw.adfa.edu.au
education provider excelling in INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY
the wide array of disciplinary backgrounds
The School has established research
teaching and research in all SCHOOL OF HUMANITIES of its academic staff members, many
strengths in five scholarly disciplines:
of whom have achieved international
our disciplines. AND SOCIAL SCIENCES
recognition for their research. The School
English, history, Indonesian studies,
international and political studies and
SCHOOL OF PHYSICAL, has adopted an interdisciplinary approach
With excellent facilities, we offer essential for the study of business issues
applied ethics.
a supportive and stimulating - Group of Eight, a coalition of Australia's in a changing and uncertain world, Research areas
environment for postgraduate drawing together work in economics,
leading research intensive universities law, psychology, statistics, accountancy,
• Asia-Pacific studies
research students from around 35 • Australian literature
- Universitas 21

finance, leadership analysis, history, • International and non-traditional security
different countries. education and project management. • Applied ethics and leadership
- Association of Pacific Rim Universities RESEARCH CENTRE • Modern history and military history
Research areas
• Fragile states project
AUSTRALIAN CENTRE • Governance, change and complexity
FOR THE STUDY OF ARMED • Managing operations, knowledge School of Physical,
and innovation
• Choice modelling and choice experiments
Environmental and
CENTRE FOR QUANTUM • Management of Mathematical Sciences
COMPUTATION AND performance enhancement
• Logistics Dr Scott Sharpe
COMMUNICATIONS [email protected]
TECHNOLOGY (ACT NODE) http://pems.unsw.adfa.edu.au
THE SINO-AUSTRALIA School of Engineering and The School of Physical, Environmental
RESEARCH CENTRE FOR Information Technology and Mathematical Sciences encompasses


COASTAL MANAGEMENT the disciplines of chemistry, geography,
Associate Professor Mark Pickering mathematics and statistics, oceanography
AUSTRALIAN CENTRE [email protected] and physics.

FOR CYBER SECURITY http://seit.unsw.adfa.edu.au
Research areas
The School’s diverse research interests
• Applied and industrial mathematics
span the base disciplines of aeronautical
IN THE EXCELLENCE IN RESEARCH FOR engineering, civil engineering,electrical • Astrophysics


engineering, mechanical engineering,
computer science and information
• Coastal catchment science
• Functional materials
technology. The School has established
research strengths in a wide variety of • Molecular design
application areas. • Biological chemistry
UNIVERSITAS 21 • Chemical physics and physical chemistry
Research areas
ENGINEERS AUSTRALIA • Air-traffic management • Environmental systems
• Acoustics and vibration • Geographic information science
APRU (ASSOCIATION OF PACIFIC • Autonomous vehicles • Physical oceanography
RIM UNIVERSITIES) • Composite materials and structures
• Control theory
• Cyber security
STUDENTS • Complex imaging

THE PROJECT MANAGEMENT MENTLTITUTE30.2 • Design, decision and optimisation
• Engineering physics
• Fluid mechanics (including microfluidics)
• Geotechnical engineering
• Impact and dynamics
• Information and communication
• Micro-air vehicles
Research • People and technology
T: +61 2 6268 8597 • Quantum electronics
E: [email protected] • Space engineering
• Underwater communications
W: www.unsw.adfa.edu.au
How to apply
We’re a competitive university and unfortunately, we can’t
accept everyone that applies. Because of this, your application
does not guarantee admission.
JOIN OVER 53,000 OF THE WORLD’S BEST STUDENTS AT A TOP 100 WORLD UNIVERSITY. You may need to submit additional documents, including a
resume, evidence of your experience, a statement of study,
or portfolio. You’ll find this information in your program’s
entry requirements. ASKED QUESTIONS
Am I an international student?
STEP You are an International student if you don’t have

CHOOSE YOUR PROGRAM Australian or New Zealand citizenship, or Australian
Make sure it suits your interests, skills and career goals. INFORMATION FOR RESEARCH STUDENTS permanent residency.
Before applying, you need to contact a potential supervisor in
your area of research and submit your research proposal. What is the difference between domestic and
For more details visit: www.research.unsw.edu.au/how- international students?
STEP apply-postgraduate-research-study-program
International students don’t fit the citizenship

or residency categories above and may have a
The necessary information is in this guide, and for the latest information check the Online Handbook Once you have been advised you have a suitable supervisor,
different application process and outcome.
at www.handbook.unsw.edu.au you can submit your application with all supporting
documentation (see step 3) to the Graduate Research School
by email: [email protected] If you gain Australian or New Zealand citizenship,
or Australian permanent residency after applying
(Students wishing to study at UNSW Canberra need to email: but before you start your studies, you must inform
[email protected]) the Admissions Office immediately. This could
STEP SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION ONLINE impact your offer, and require you to apply as a

Please name all attachments using the following
To do this, visit: www.apply.unsw.edu.au You will need to forward the domestic applicant.
following documents: naming convention:
• Certified copies of academic transcripts and testamurs (if not in English a NAATI UNSW ID, SURNAME, First Name – document type.
Am I a sponsored student?
approved translation must be provided). Students who will have their tuition and other
• Certified copies of IELTS or TOEFL (or equivalent) test scores. Example: 3
 260535 NGUYEN, Minh – IELTS Result
or associated fees paid by a UNSW approved
• Details of work experience, if applicable.
3260535 NGUYEN, Minh – Research Proposal sponsor don’t need to pay the normal acceptance
Some programs may require additional documentation.
deposit provided they provide evidence of that
arrangement and complete the International
Sponsored Student Agreement form.
STEP TRACK YOUR APPLICATION This information should be supplied at the time of
Coursework applications 30 Nov 2014 31 May 2015

application. Further information can be viewed at:
Once you submit your application online, you will receive an application receipt. This will
Orientation dates 23 Feb – 27 Feb 22 Jul – 24 Jul www.international.unsw.edu.au/
contain your student ID number. From now on, you can track your application at:
www.my.unsw.edu.au Semester dates 2 Mar – 29 Jun 27 Jul – 24 Nov

Research applications How do I apply for a student visa?

Higher Degree Research applications can be submitted outside This can be quite a lengthy and complex process,
of these dates, however so as to ensure students are enrolled by so make sure you plan ahead so you have plenty
WE WILL SEND YOU A LETTER OF OFFER census date (31 March 2014 for Semester 1 and 31 August 2014 for of time to submit all your documentation. For more

5 You will be advised of the outcome of your application via email. If you are receiving
assistance with your application your nominated representative will also receive a copy.
Semester 2), it is highly recommended that students apply online up
to 8 weeks prior to census.
information about “How to apply” for student visa,
please visit the following websites:
Department of Immigration and Border Protection


ACCEPT YOUR OFFER COURSEWORK PROGRAMS Graduate Research School www.international.unsw.edu.au

6 To do this, go to: www.my.unsw.edu.au and follow the instructions in your offer letter. Admissions Office T: +61 2 9385 5500 Austrade (Australian Trade Commission)
Once we receive your acceptance, you will be sent your electronic confirmation of T: +61 2 9385 3656 E: [email protected] www.studyinaustralia.gov.au
enrolment (eCoE). F: +61 2 9385 9437
W: www.enquiry.unsw.edu.au Do I need to study full-time on a student visa?
If you are in Australia on a student visa, you will
Admissions Office T: +61 2 6268 6006
need to study full-time to satisfy your visa. We
UNSW Australia F: +61 2 6268 8666
define normal full time enrolment as 18-24 units of
STEP ENROL ONLINE Kensington, Sydney E: [email protected]
credit (UOC) per semester for degrees at UNSW.

7 Once you have accepted your offer you must enrol online at www.my.unsw.edu.au
to secure your place in your program of choice.
NSW 2052
For more information about your visa obligations
please go to the Department of Immigration and
Border Protection website: www.immi.gov.au

132 133
You can find an application form for UNSW
Institute of Languages on page 143 of this guide.

BOTH THE ACADEMIC ENTRY 223 Anzac Parade, Kensington Sydney NSW

F: +61 2 9662 2651
E: [email protected]
W: www.languages.unsw.edu.au



• EVIDENCE OF ENGLISH • UNIVERSITY ENGLISH • UNSW INSTITUTE Foundation English Entry Minimum accepted score: C+ with
To find out the academic entry requirements for
LANGUAGE ABILITY ENTRY COURSE (UEEC) OF LANGUAGES Course (FEEC) a minimum of 20 in the writing
your chosen degree, please refer to the relevant
If English isn’t your first language, Intensive English language course Study with UNSW Institute of If you are planning to enrol in UNSW component. Some UNSW programs
coursework program entry in this guide.
you must provide evidence that conducted at UNSW Institute Languages to meet the English Foundation Studies prior to starting a require a higher grade.
your English language ability meets of Languages. language entry requirements to start Bachelor degree, this intensive English www.languages.unsw.edu.au/
Alternatively, the UNSW Admissions Office can your UNSW degree! UNSW Institute course offers you a direct pathway to
our requirements. This means that courses/academic-english/the-
help you find out the specific academic entry of Languages offers a comprehensive
you must submit results from an Minimum accepted score: C+ meeting the English language entry university-english-entry-course
requirements needed, please contact: range of English language programs
www.enquiry.unsw.edu.au acceptable English language test (grade point 7.0) with a minimum requirements. You will not need to
taken in the last two years prior to of 20 in the writing component. which cover academic English, general retake an IELTS or similar exam after Tertiary Orientation Program
starting study at UNSW. See Some UNSW programs require English and professional English. successfully completing the FEEC If you already meet the English
Programs are developed and delivered program.www.languages.unsw.
our English language a higher grade. language entry requirements for UNSW
by highly qualified and experienced edu.au/courses/academic-english/
requirements policy: www.languages.unsw.edu.au/ but need to gain confidence or improve
teachers who are specialists in
www.unsw.edu.au/elp engforuniversity/ueec.html feec your English skills for an academic
teaching English. They will help you
achieve the language skills needed for environment, you may want to take
University English this intensive five-week course before
• INTERNATIONAL ENGLISH • PEARSON TEST OF your academic and Entry Course (UEEC)
career success. starting your UNSW degree. It will
LANGUAGE TESTING ENGLISH - ACADEMIC This intensive English course may also give you the chance to settle into
SYSTEM (IELTS) - ACADEMIC Overall minimum score of 68. Other help you get into your UNSW degree
Demand for programs is high, and we Sydney, familiarise with the local accent
Overall minimum score of 6.5 with qualifications and other English sooner. On successful completion of
recommend that you apply at least and meet fellow students.
a minimum score of 6.0 in the sub- tests UNSW also accepts a number UEEC, you will be accepted into the
three months before your intended www.languages.unsw.edu.au/
tests of listening, reading, speaking of academic qualifications and relevant UNSW degree without having
start date for a UNSW Institute of courses/academic-english/tertiary-
and writing other English tests as meeting the to retake an IELTS or similar exam.
Languages program. orientation-program
is required. English language requirements. Course material is based on UNSW
www.elts.org For more information visit
resources and enhanced through the
For information about these www.languages.unsw.edu.au
use of online learning and
• TEST OF ENGLISH AS qualifications and the full English teaching activities.
A FOREIGN LANGUAGE language requirement policy visit:
(TOEFL) www.unsw.edu.au/elp
Internet-based test: overall
minimum score of 90 with a TERM DATES 2014 Dates 2015 Dates
minimum in writing of 24.
Term 1 6 Jan – 7 Feb 5 Jan – 6 Feb

Paper-based test: overall minimum Term 2 10 Feb – 14 Mar 9 Feb – 13 Mar

score of 577 with a minimum score Term 3 17 Mar – 18 Apr 16 Mar – 17 Apr
of 5.0 in the Test of Written English. Term 4 22 Apr – 23 May 20 Apr – 22 May
Term 5 26 May – 27 Jun 25 May – 26 Jun
Term 6 30 Jun – 1 Aug 29 Jun – 31 Jul
Term 7 4 Aug – 5 Sept 3 Aug – 4 Sept
Term 8 8 Sept – 10 Oct 7 Sept – 9 Oct
Term 9 13 Oct – 14 Nov 12 Oct – 13 Nov
Term 10 17 Nov – 19 Dec 16 Nov – 18 Dec

You can find an application form for UNSW Institute of Languages on page 143
Course Fee: for fee information please see www.languages.unsw.edu.au

134 135
Tuition fees and

other expenses

* Indicative fee only. * Indicative fee only.

Faculty 2014 (AUD$/UOC) 2015 (AUD$/UOC)* Faculty 2014 (AUD$/UOC) 2015 (AUD$/UOC)*
Arts and Social Sciences $565 $600 Arts and Social Sciences $540 $570
Australian School of Business Australian School of Business $585 $620
All coursework programs except MBA (8350) $770 $815 Built Environment $625 $665
MBA (8350) $760 $805 COFA, Art Design Media $555 $590
Built Environment Faculty of Engineering $760 $805
All coursework programs except the Master of Architecture (8143) $620 $655 Law $655 $695
Master of Architecture (8143) $690 $730
UNSW Medicine
COFA, Art Design Media $560 $595
Band 1: Master by Research and PhDs in Public Health $605 $640
Faculty of Engineering $740 $785 Band 2: All other disciplines in Medicine $775 $820
Law UNSW Science $720 $765
All coursework programs except Juris Doctor (9150) $730 $775 UNSW Canberra at ADFA $590 $625
Juris Doctor (9150) $745 $790
UNSW Medicine $775 $820
Graduate diplomas by research are In addition, you will need at least Medibank OSHC will pay benefits
UNSW Science not classified as research degrees and AUD$2,000 when you arrive in towards your medical and hospital
All coursework programs except Aviation programs (8738, 5678, 7448) $705 $745 fees are calculated using the value of Sydney to cover initial expenses such treatment, medically necessary
Aviation programs (8738, 5678, 7448) $630 $670 individual courses undertaken. as a rental bond payment (security ambulance transport and most
$615 $650 For more information about the UNSW deposit), electricity, gas and telephone prescription medicines. Just be aware
UNSW Canberra at ADFA
fees policy, including refund of fees and connection fees and basic furniture and that there may be some exclusions for
Nura Gili $560 $595 household items. pre-existing conditions and you may
overpayments, visit:
https://my.unsw.edu.au/student/fees/ All estimates are subject to inflation have to serve a waiting period to receive
BECAUSE EACH STUDENT’S Fees are charged based on A typical postgraduate program will FeePolicyInternational.html and currency fluctuations. The current certain services. Also, as with any health
STUDY CHOICES ARE DIFFERENT, the year of commencement: include courses from within the faculty inflation rate in Australia is approximately insurance, certain services are not
IT’S IMPOSSIBLE TO PROVIDE A For example, if you start in Semester 2 offering the degree. However, if you Other study-related costs 2.5 to 3.5% per year. covered by Medibank’s policies. These
DEFINITIVE COST OF STUDYING AT (July) 2014, the fees for the first semester do choose courses from outside your Some programs and courses have include optical, physiotherapy, dental and
UNSW. BUT HERE ARE A FEW THINGS will be calculated at 2014 rates. Your faculty, they will be charged at the rate costs, which are additional to the tuition Overseas student health cover certain pharmaceuticals.
TO CONSIDER WHEN CALCULATING second semester will be calculated at set by that faculty. As an example, fees, for expenses like laboratory kits, If you are in Australia on a student visa, If you want to be covered for these
YOUR EXPECTED FEES. 2015 rates. the course Environmental Impact equipment and field trips. Textbooks then you will need to pay for health expenses, you will need to take out
Assessment will be calculated using the
Fees are course-based: If you are required to complete a are not considered compulsory, but insurance in Australia through the additional insurance.
course again, you will be charged at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences rate, we recommend budgeting around Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)
Fees for international students are set
rate applicable to the year you re-take which is AUD$550 per UOC in 2014. AUD$1,000 per year for books. scheme and maintain insurance for the US financial aid
according to the course (subject) and
not the program. The fees reflect the the course. An estimate of your total costs (tuition full duration of your visa. www.international.unsw.ed.au/
Research program fees: study/financial
relative cost of delivering the course. For and other study-related costs) will The only exception is for students
Estimating your tuition fees: The tuition fees listed for research We’re authorised to help approved
example, a science course is likely to cost be shown on your Confirmation of from Belgium, Norway and Sweden
Estimates for each program are outlined programs are for a standard full-time year citizens of the United States extend their
more than an arts course. For that reason, Enrolment Form (CoE) that will be issued who are covered by CSN or
in the Postgraduate Programs Summary of study, which is 48 UOC per year or 24 national student loans. If you are eligible
your total tuition fees will vary depending on acceptance of an offer of admission Kammarkollegiet. These students will,
Table, starting on page 20. You can also UOC per semester. for this support, the UNSW Financial Aid
on which courses you choose. to UNSW. however, need to provide proof of official
calculate your own expected fees by Some research degrees combine Office will be able to explain this to you.
health insurance cover from their home
referring to the relevant table above. coursework with research. In this case,
Fees vary each year: Living costs government provider.
your research tuition fee covers the Canadian student loans
Fees for programs fluctuate from year Obviously living costs vary depending for
Coursework program fees: cost of these courses and you are not If you are from Canada, we can help
to year. The tuition fees listed above are each student, but we estimate a single There are five registered
A coursework Masters program will required to pay an additional fee. you extend funding from your Canada or
for students in 2014. The fees listed for international student will need around providers of OSHC:
require 48 units of credit (UOC) per AUD$20,000 a year to cover living Medibank (UNSW’s preferred health Provincial Student Loan to cover study
2015 are indicative only; these fees may year, a Graduate Diploma will require 36 programs here at UNSW. We can also
expenses. This doesn’t include the costs cover provider), BUPA Australia Health,
change during the program. Actual fees or 48 UOC per year, while a Graduate assist with confirmation of enrolment
of large non-essential items like electrical Worldcare, nib OSHC and Australian
for 2015 will be released in late 2014. Certificate requires 18 or 24 UOC per forms after you have applied.
equipment or a car. Health Management.
www.my.unsw.edu.au/student/fees/ semester. Most courses (subjects) are
TuitionFees.html 6 UOC.

136 137


1 Go to: www.scholarships.unsw.edu.au
Some of our scholarships for international postgraduate coursework
programs include:
Search for Scholarships.
• JURIS DOCTOR INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP 2 Select ‘International’ in the Residency
Established to assist high achieving international students to undertake the Juris
search box and press the search button
Doctor program at UNSW, the scholarship is valued at AUD$10,000 for one year.
to display a list of available scholarships.
Read the descriptions and selection criteria
• COFA INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP to find which ones you are eligible for.
This scholarship assists international coursework students wishing to undertake
study at the COFA (College of Fine Arts). The scholarship covers full tuition for the
minimum duration of the student’s program. Register your details by clicking on the
3 register button.
• BROADLEAF CAPITAL INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP To avoid your registration from expiring you
Established to encourage highly talented people to undertake full-time study must confirm it within three hours.
in the AGSM MBA Program at the Australian School of Business, UNSW, who
intend to study or undertake a career related to risk management or corporate Complete and submit your
governance. The scholarship is valued at AUD $10,000 pa for the minimum 4 scholarship application.
duration of program. Please check the application
requirements as some scholarships
• UNSW SPORTS SCHOLARSHIPS may have specific questions, or require
UNSW also encourages talented athletes to apply for the UNSW Elite supporting documentation.

Find an official UNSW representative

Athlete Support Program. It provides access to the very best sporting facilities
and flexible study support.

Go to: www.research.unsw.edu.au/
Some of our scholarships for postgraduate research programs include: 1 international-research-candidate-
• INTERNATIONAL POSTGRADUATE RESEARCH scholarships for application guidelines.
Funding PhD or Master by Research students across all disciplines, these UNSW Australia Hong Kong office Europe – Manuela Thiel
2 Click ‘Register a scholarship.’
scholarships cover tuition fees and heath insurance for successful applications Sydney NSW 2052 Unit 2006, 20th Floor, Kinwick Centre T: +49 30 2904 5906
and their dependants. 32 Hollywood Road, Central E: [email protected]
Complete the online registration
T: +61 2 9385 6996 Hong Kong
3 form along with the scholarship
• UNIVERSITY INTERNATIONAL POSTGRADUATE application form. F: +61 2 9385 9907 T: +852 2841 2800 Indonesia – Nur Fatmah Syarbini
AWARDS (UIPA) E: [email protected] F: +852 2588 1724 T/F: +62 21 7051 0721
Based on outstanding academic merit and research potential, these awards E: [email protected] E: [email protected]
4 Upload the application form and W: www.international.unsw.edu.au
provide successful applicants undertaking a PhD or Master by Research with a click ‘Register’
tax-exempt living allowance and covers tuition fees. Singapore office Malaysia – Soon Choo Chua
10 Anson Road,13-07 International Plaza T: +60 (12) 691 2811
• TUITION FEE SCHOLARSHIP (TFS) PLUS A SUPERVISOR/ Send in supporting documentation. E: [email protected]
5 Singapore 079903
If you have previously submitted documentation
for your admission application, you do not need
Available to students undertaking a PhD, Master by Research or Master of to resend. Email all supporting documentation F: +65 6220 3026 North America – Ashley Waggener
Philosophy, these scholarships provide successful applicants with a living T: +1 202 577 9216
to [email protected] E: [email protected]
allowance stipend in addition to covering tuition fees. E: [email protected]
W: w ww.singapore.unsw.edu.au/about/
6 Have 2 referees complete the referee reports contact-us
and email them to us. North Asia – Jen Zee
Vietnam office
There are many scholarships available that are offered by organisations other than E: [email protected]
Ho Chi Minh City
UNSW, including the Australian government, industry partners, and organisations in 5th Floor, Lucky Star Building
South Asia – Ashok Mathews
your home country. Some of these scholarships include: 102 Bis Le Lai, District 1
T: +91 99029 111 51
– Australia Awards – Scholarships and Leadership Program Ho Chi Minh City
E: [email protected]
www.australiaawards.gov.au T: +84 8 3925 2679
– Endeavour Awards www.aei.gov.au F: +84 8 3925 6765 Mekong Region – Don Evans
– Home Country Scholarship
E: [email protected] T: +84 8 3925 2679
W: www.unsw.edu.vn E: [email protected]

138 139
Index UNSW
This form is to record your details at a recruitment event. Once completed, this form should be
submitted to your agent within two weeks of the event. This is NOT an application form. Please do
not send this form to UNSW. To apply, please go to www.apply.unsw.edu.au
Apply Online 1. Personal Details
www.apply.unsw.edu.au OFFICE USE ONLY – Fee Waiver Code
38 Applied Linguistics
Student portal access point
73-74 Curating and 110 Dual Award Master First given name:
Cultural Leadership Degree Programs
47 Arts/Social Sciences
(Combined) Online Handbook Second given name:
75-76 Design 111 Forensic Mental Health
38 Development Studies 43 Journalism & 105 Health Management Family name:
Communication UNSW Institute of Languages
39-41 Education 106 International Public Health Title: Date of birth (dd/mm/yy): Gender: M F
41 Educational Leadership 44 Public Relations & 109 Infectious Diseases
Advertising UNSW Foundation Studies Country of residency: Country of citizenship:
42 International Relations Intelligence
77 Research Programs www.ufs.unsw.edu.au Are you an Australian permanent resident? YES NO If yes, provide your visa number:
45-46 Interpreting and Translation 104 Pharmaceutical Medicine
43 Journalism and 120, 121 Psychology MORE ABOUT UNSW Email address (compulsory):
Communication 107-110 Public Health
80, 91 Biomedical Engineering UNSW home page Home phone number:
44 Public Policy 112 Reproductive Medicine www.unsw.edu.au
81 Chemical Process Daytime phone number:
44 Public Relations & Engineering 113-117 Research Programs UNSW International
Advertising 113 Women’s Health Medicine Mobile phone number: UNSW ONLINE APPLICATION FEE
81 Civil Engineering www.international.unsw.edu.au (non-refundable)
47 Research Programs Fax number:
82 Electrical Engineering UNSW online TV channel
41 Teaching (Secondary) NATURAL SCIENCES
www.tv.unsw.edu.au AUD$50 unless a fee waiver code has been
82 Energy Systems Mailing address (This is the address the University will send all correspondence to):
45 Translation 120 Biochemistry, Molecular provided by a UNSW representative or staff member
83 Engineering Science Student Life@UNSW
Biology, and Genetics at a recruitment event.
76, 79 Environmental Engineering www.studentlife.unsw.edu.au
BUILT ENVIRONMENT 125 Community Eye Health
83, 92 Food Process Engineering UNSW Alumni To be eligible for the application fee waiver, you must
64 Architecture 121 Environmental Science attend a recruitment event and your documents
65 Construction 86, 92 Food Science 121 Environmental must be certified (or for applicants studying in China,
Project Management and Technology Management Residential address (This is the address where you currently live. Please do not use a PO Box address): they must be notarised).
83 Geospatial Engineering
66 Planning 121 Marine Science &
Residential Communities Paper application forms can be downloaded online
66 Property and Development 84 Geotechnical Engineering Management
and Engineering Geology www.rc.unsw.edu.au and incur a non-refundable fee of AUD$250.
69 Research Programs 125 Optometry
93-94 Information Technology University Library
64 Sustainable Built
Environment 84 Manufacturing Engineering SCIENCE
and Management 120 Aviation UNSW Scholarships 2. Visa Details
67 Urban Development www.scholarships.unsw.edu.au
and Design 85 Mechanical Engineering 123 Biostatistics
Student Development What visa type will you hold during your studies? (eg. student visa)
68 Urban Policy and Strategy 92-93 Mining Engineering 121 Chemistry
International (SDI) If you require a student visa, in which country will you be applying for the visa?
85 Nuclear Engineering 122, 124 Mathematics and Statistics www.internationalstudent.
BUSINESS 85 Petroleum Engineering 125 Physics unsw.edu.au Which Australian Immigration Office will you be applying for the student visa?
50-53 Commerce and Extension 86 Photovoltaics and (eg. Australian Embassy Berlin)
126 Psychology Careers and Employment
Banking Solar Energy
122 Research Programs www.careers.unsw.edu.au If you currently have a passport, what is the passport number?
Business Strategy 86 Project Management
Enterprise Systems and 124 Material Science Arc@UNSW
87 Renewable and Engineering www.arc.unsw.edu.au If you currently hold an Australian visa, what is the visa number (as it appears on your
Business Design
Energy Engineering passport)? *This information is required if you intend to submit your application for a
Human Resource 122 Statistics
Management 95 Research Program GOVERNMENT student visa to a DIAC (Immigration) office in Australia.
International 87 Satellite
Business Systems Engineering
RESOURCES 3. Program Preferences – you may nominate up to three coursework program choices.
72-73 Art
Organisation and 88 Structural Engineering Student visas
73-74 Curating and Cultural www.immi.gov.au Preferred year of study: Preferred semester: Semester 1 (March) Semester 2 (July) Study mode: Full time Part time
Management 88 Systems and Control Leadership
54 Accounting and Business 89 Telecommunications
Australian diplomatic missions Preference Program code* Program name: e.g. Master of Professional Accounting Specialisation: e.g. Accounting
72-76 Cross-Disciplinary Art
Information Technology www.dfat.gov.au/missions e.g. 8409
89 Transportation Engineering and Design
54 Actuarial Studies
89 Water Resources 77 Research Programs 1st
59 AGSM Master of Business
90 Water, Waste Water,
and Technology 2nd
and Waste Engineering
59 AGSM MBA Program
51, 55 Economics LAW
51, 55 Finance 98 Business Law 4. Funding (Sponsorships)
56 Financial Analysis 98 Criminal Justice If your tuition fees will be paid directly to UNSW by one of the organisations that the University has established an official sponsorship agreement with, please
56 Financial Economics and Criminology
provide the details below. If you are being sponsored, you must submit documentary proof of your sponsorship agreement to UNSW directly.
56 Financial Planning 99 Dispute Resolution Defence funding for UNSW Canberra@ADFA students does not need to be recorded below.
57 Information 99 Human Rights Law
Systems Management and Policy I will be sponsored: YES NO
52, 57 Marketing 99 International Law and If yes, my sponsor details are: (organisation, country)
54 Professional Accounting International Relations
60 Research Programs 98 Laws
5. English Language Proficiency – Please refer to the University’s policy on English language requirements.
56, 58 Risk Management 100 Law, Media, and
Journalism English is my first language. YES NO
58 Taxation
100 JD (Juris Doctor)
58 Technology and OR The sole language of instruction in my Degree or Diploma (within the last two years) was English: YES NO
Innovation Management 101 Research Programs *You must have studied at tertiary level for a minimum of one year.

OR I have been or will have been a resident in one or more English speaking countries for a period of at YES NO
least five years immediately prior to the commencement of my program at UNSW.

OR I hold a certificate of English proficiency from an approved test (e.g. IELTS or TOEFL) undertaken YES NO
within the last two years.

140 This is NOT an application form. Please do NOT send this form to UNSW. To apply, please go to www.apply.unsw.edu.au 141
5. English Language Proficiency – Please refer to the University’s policy on English language requirements.

If yes, Test name: Test score: Test date: / / (dd/mm/yy)

OR I will be sitting a test: Test name: Test date: / / (dd/mm/yy) APPLICATION FORM
1. Personal Details (as in passport)
1. You can apply without having satisfied the University’s English language requirements, however, a confirmed offer will not be issued until the English language requirements
have been met. Family Name: Given Name:

6. Admissions Qualifications – Please complete the relevant section Other Names (i.e. your English name, if any):

6.1 Application for undergraduate programs – If you are applying for postgraduate programs, you do not have to provide these details. Date of Birth: (DD/MM/YEAR): Male Female
Country in which I attended high school:
Country of Birth: Nationality: Passport No.:
Name of qualification: Please attach a copy of the first page of your passport which shows your photograph.

Name of institution:
Will you be under 18 on arrival? Yes No
Have you been awarded this qualification? YES NO *Please note: if you are under 18 years of age on commencement of study, certain visa regulations apply.

If yes, what was your score or grade?

2. Citizenship
Date qualification was/will be awarded: / / (dd/mm/yy)
Are you a citizen or permanent/temporary resident of Australia? Yes No
6.2 Application for postgraduate programs If you ticked a box with an asterisk (*), you will need Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC). This can be arranged by UNSW Institute of Languages in section 8.

Study level (e.g. undergraduate, postgraduate): What type of visa will you be applying for? Student Student Dependant Tourist Working Holiday


Name of institution:
3. Home/Postal Address (must be student’s address, not agent’s address)
Address in Home Country (compulsory):
Qualification awarded:

Have you completed this qualification? YES NO City: State: Postcode: Country:

If yes, what was your score, GPA or overall Telephone: Fax: Email:
Student Address in Australia (if known)
Dates of study: From: / / To: / / (dd/mm/yy)
Address in Australia:
Date qualification was/will be awarded: / / (dd/mm/yy)

Honours category (if relevant): City: State: Postcode: Country:

Are you seeking credit for any of the above YES NO Telephone: Fax: Email:
tertiary study?

4. English Programs
7. Other qualifications held – if not appropriate, do not complete this section
Academic English
Please include details of other qualifications 1.
and/or memberships of professional bodies Introduction to Academic English (IAE) Academic English Tertiary Orientation Program (TOP)
relevant to your application. e.g. Institute of IELTS Test Preparation (ITP) Foundation English Entry Course (FEEC) University English Entry (UEEC)
Chartered Accountants (ICAA) or IEAUST
General English
General English (Beginner to Advanced) GE Cambridge Exam Preparation
8. Employment details: Complete this section if you are applying for a program that includes work experience as one of the criteria for admission.
You should provide details of your current/most relevant employment here. Otherwise, leave this section blank. Professional English
Description of relevant position: English for Business Communication (int & adv) English for Law English for Medical Professionals

Division/Department (if applicable): Term and start date? Term: Start date:
Company/Organisation: How many weeks do you intend to study English? Number of weeks

Number of years of professional/management experience: Have you been granted a scholarship? Yes No Scholarship’s Name or Sponsor’s Name:

9. Declaration and signature

5. English Language Test Scores
I declare that the information declared on this form is complete and correct. I authorise the University to obtain information from any educational institution previously or
If you have taken an IELTS or TOEFL or other test, please give details and attach a copy of the test result if available.
currently attended by me. If any information supplied by me is considered to be untrue, incomplete or misleading in any respect, I understand the University may take
such action as it believes necessary including the disclosure of the information to any person or body the University considers has a legitimate interest in receiving it and I Test must have been taken within 12 months of the enrolment date.
consent to such disclosure. I understand the University reserves the right to vary or reverse any decision made on the basis of untrue, incomplete or misleading information.
I have made this application having had access to sufficient information regarding UNSW programs, courses, fees, costs, facilities and services. I understand the University
IELTS Score (Overall): IELTS Writing Score:
reserves the right to make alterations to any matter offered in this publication without notice and that this agreement does not remove my right to take further action under IELTS Test Report Form No.: Cambridge Score:
the Australian consumer protection laws. TOEFL/IBT/PBT Score: PTE Score:

6. Do you have future study plans in Australia?

Name (Print): Date: No Yes, UNSW Foundation Studies Yes, UNSW Yes, other university

Level of course: Bachelors Degree (Undergraduate) Masters Degree (Postgraduate) PhD (Doctorate)

Name of course: Faculty:

Do you have a Letter of Offer? No Yes, Full offer Yes, Package offer Yes, Conditional offer

This is NOT an application form. Please do NOT send this form to UNSW. To apply, please go to www.apply.unsw.edu.au Commencement date: UNSW Student ID Number (if available)


7. Airport Pick-up AUD$150
Do you require airport pick-up? Yes No If yes, please complete the following:
Airport pick-up: $150. Please provide arrival details at least two weeks (14 days) prior to scheduled departure.

Arrival date: Arrival time: Airline/Flight number:

8. Overseas Students Health Cover (OSHC)

You must maintain OSHC for the proposed duration of your student visa. UNSW Institute of Languages can arrange visa-length cover with Medibank,
our preferred provider of OSHC.

Yes, please arrange

Single rate for myself OR Couple rate for myself and partner OR Family rate for myself and dependant/s

The length of OSHC will be calculated and advised, depending on your proposed enrolment period.
If you wish to combine your English course together with your UNSW academic program under one student visa and you would like us to arrange OSHC to cover the entire period of the
visa, please provide a copy of your UNSW offer letter.

No, I will make my own arrangements for the duration of my student visa

If you have a current OSHC, please quote your OSHC policy number: and expiry date:

9. Agent Information
Agent Name: Branch Name:
Contact Name: Email Address:

10. Additional Information

How did you hear about UNSW Institute of Languages?

Name of any relatives or friends who have completed a program here: Year:

11. Checklist
Application Form filled out completely and correctly? Attached copies of all required documents?
Listed your program preferences and commencement date? Copy of your UNSW offer letter (if applicable).
Signed the declaration on this form? If under 18 years of age, your parent/legal guardian must also sign.

I certify that the information on the form is correct and complete in every detail, and I understand that inaccuracies or omissions may result in non-
acceptance or cancellation of enrolment at any time. I have read and understood the Conditions of Enrolment1 and acknowledge that the personal
information provided is covered under the Privacy Policy2.

Signature of Student (as it appears in your passport): Date:

(Unsigned applications cannot be processed. Please sign your name on the signature box. A typed-in name cannot be accepted. Education Representatives cannot sign on behalf of the student.)

If applicant is under 18 years of age the signature of a Parent or Legal Guardian is required.

Signature of Parent or Legal Guardian: Date:

Lodge the completed form with a UNSW Global representative in your country or post to:
UNSW Institute of Languages, PO Box 853, Kensington NSW 1465, Australia
T: 61 2 9385 5396 F: +61 2 9662 2651 E: [email protected]
UNSW Global Pty Limited CRICOS Provider Code: 01020K UNSW Global Pty Limited ABN 62 086 418 582
1. www.unswglobal.unsw.edu.au/coen.pdf
An online application form is available at https://www.languages.unsw.edu.au/forms/application-form.asp?param1=ft 2. www.languages.unsw.edu.au/privacy.html

NOTES Kensington campus
The Kensington campus is UNSW’s main campus located 15 minutes by bus from Sydney’s
city centre and only 15 minutes by car from Sydney International Airport. Situated in Sydney’s
eastern suburbs, nearby are the beach suburbs of Bondi, Coogee and Maroubra.


2.5 KM

6.8 KM

7.1 KM
9.5 KM


COFA - Art Design Media UNSW Canberra at ADFA

COFA is located at Paddington, only minutes from the UNSW Kensington campus, within UNSW Canberra campus is located at the Australian Defence Force Academy in Canberra,
easy reach of Sydney’s art galleries, fashion and design hubs in Surry Hills and East Sydney. Australia’s capital city. The campus is located a few kilometres from Canberra’s city centre
COFA is the home of a world-class art and design gallery, new technologically advanced and offers opportunities to international students for research study.
computer laboratories, and fine art and design studio spaces. Canberra is a three-hour drive from Sydney.
There is a free hourly shuttle bus between Kensington and Paddington campuses.

SOCIAL MEDIA CRICOS Provider Code: 00098G
© UNSW Australia October 2014

Acknowledgements: Jack Watts Currie, Julie Constable,

Tricha Tippapart
Design and Layout: Jack Watts Currie, Kancy Ho,
Marco dos Santos
Photography: David Maurice Smith, Jenny Evans
DISCLAIMER: UNSW programs, courses and any arrangements for
www.twitter.com/unsw programs and fees including staff allocated, as stated in the guide
or any other University publication, announcement or advice of the
University, are an expression of intent only and are not to be taken
as a firm offer or undertaking. The University reserves the right to
make alterations to any matter contained within this publication
www.gplus.to/unsw without notice. Information in this Guide is accurate as of October
2014, but may be amended without notice by the University.
All costs and fees are provided in Australian Dollars (AUD$). Any
agreement with the University does not remove the right to take action
under Australia’s consumer protection laws.
COMPLIANCE: The Education Services for Overseas Students
(ESOS) Act 2000 sets out the legal framework governing delivery of
education to overseas students studying in Australia on a student
visa. UNSW in providing education services to overseas students
complies with the ESOS Framework and the National Code of
http://e.weibo.com/ozunsw Practice for Registration Authorities and Providers of Education and
Training to Overseas Students 2007 (The National Code).
A description of the ESOS framework can be found at the following
link: www.aei.gov.au/Regulatory-Information/Education-Services-
http://i.youku.com/u/ for-Overseas-Students-ESOS-Legislative-Framework/National-
UNTc1OTIyMTQ4 Code/nationalcodepartd/Documents/ESOS_FrameWork_pdf.pdf




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