Candidate Brief PVC International UEA

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3 What makes UEA so special?
5 Other Accolades
6 About UEA Global
7 Our Benefits
   The Role
     The Person
   Further Information including How to Apply
11 Our Values
13 A Sustainable University
14 Our Campus
15 Norwich - City of Stories
16 Location

The University of East Anglia is a publicly funded and breaks new boundaries across its priority
major UK research and teaching university. It research themes of climate, creative and health.
was built to embody a radical new vision for
higher education, where interdisciplinarity is UEA is the place where global warming was first
crucial and excellence in both research and documented.  Since the 1970s, UEA’s Climatic
teaching is valued. UEA consistently ranks Research Unit, and more recently Tyndall
within the top quarter of universities in the Centre for Climate Change (Headquarters
UK for the quality of research and teaching. hosted at UEA), have played a pivotal role in
developing temperature records and climate
As a major regional employer and cultural models, contributing to the understanding of
centre, we take our regional civic responsibilities climate change, and informing global policy. Our
very seriously and have kept our sights on the Professors Corinne Le Quere and Rachel Warren
people and place we call home. In fact, we were recipients of Nobel Peace Prize (2007),
launched our University Civic Charter in October awarded to Al Gore and the Intergovernmental
2023; created from in-depth community Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) in recognition
engagement, renewing our commitment to of efforts to increase public knowledge of
the region as part of our 60th anniversary. anthropogenic climate change. Environmental
Science and Global Studies at UEA continue to be
There are many things which make UEA special, a major powerhouse for research and teaching.  
not least of which is the community of staff
and students that work and study here. UEA UEA is widely regarded as a pioneer in creative
includes four Nobel prize winners, including writing, having established the UK’s first Creative
Sir Paul Nurse and Sir Michael Houghton, and Writing Masters programme in 1970. This
many fellows of the Royal Society and British renowned programme has since attracted and
Academy amongst our alumni and current staff. produced numerous successful writers, including
Booker Prize winners such as Ian McEwan and Anne
Our campus is home to Sir Denys Lasdun’s iconic Enright, and Nobel Prize Winner Kazuo Ishiguro.
brutalist architecture set in hundreds of acres In recent years, UEA academics have played a
of beautiful country park that includes a large pivotal role in the discovery and presentation of
broad (lake). In the spirit of Lasdun’s ambition to the Gloucester Royal shipwreck (Norfolk’s Mary
inspire an anatomy of ideas, today, UEA is tackling Rose). Our iconic Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts
some of the key challenges of the changing is a major museum and arts research facility.
world. UEA’s research combines disciplines

Health research at UEA not only embraces the
Faculty of Medicine and Health but draws in
UEA is part of the
research from both social and natural sciences. Norwich Research Park
Research under this theme has made major
contributions in the fields of healthy ageing, Norwich Research Park (NRP) membership
epidemiology and involving citizens (via our locates UEA in one of the largest concentrations
innovative Citizens’ Academy) in improving health of research institutes in the whole of Europe
care outcomes. This theme benefits from close – four independent internationally-renowned
association with the other major research institutes research institutes: John Innes Centre, Quadram
on the Norwich Research Park; notably the Institute, Earlham Institute and The Sainsbury
Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital and the Laboratory; with the University of East Anglia
Quadram Institute. The Norwich Cancer Research and Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals
Network, and Norfolk Institute for Healthy Ageing, NHS Foundation Trust, supported and funded
are examples of key mechanisms for delivery by The John Innes Foundation, The Gatsby
of real impact from health research at UEA. Foundation, and UKRI Biotechnology and
Biological Sciences Research Council.
UEA has been a major success over the
last 60 years and looks forward with The NRP provides an ideal environment for
confidence to the next 60 years. collaborative use of infrastructure and facilities,
with a single portal for academics and businesses
to access the specialist facilities across the Park.

The Enterprise Centre is a regional business,

knowledge and innovation hub, with workspace
provision and supports over 80 businesses
working alongside UEA staff and students in a
dynamic and vibrant entrepreneurial community.
On the wider NRP, there are dedicated
laboratory and office spaces in the Innovation
Centre and Centrum hosting over 600 staff
within a total of 115 businesses and spinouts.


• Queen’s Anniversary Prizes for Higher and Further Education have been awarded to UEA for
international development studies (2009), creative writing (2011) and environmental sciences
(2017). Notable alumni include Sir Paul Nurse (1973, Nobel Prize for Medicine 2001), Kazuo
Ishiguro (1980, Nobel Prize for Literature 2017), Michael Houghton (1972, Nobel Prize for
Medicine 2020) and Sarah Gilbert (1983) who led the Oxford University team to develop a
COVID-19 vaccine, approved in 2020.
• Our Doctoral College, established in 2018, hosts six Doctoral Training Partnerships and
integrates Faculty and School provision for 1600 Postgraduate Research Students (including
those from across the Norwich Research Park), enabling collaboration and innovation.
• We recognise our global impact and were one of the first universities to declare a climate
and biodiversity emergency in June 2019. Our sustainable campus, including over 50 acres of
environmentally valuable parkland, is constantly evolving with ambitions to be 100% net zero
by 2045 or sooner.
• UEA is a University of Sanctuary, an accreditation given to universities that show an ongoing
commitment to creating a welcoming culture of inclusivity and awareness.
• UEA was awarded the Silver Athena SWAN Award in 2019, ten Schools have been awarded
Bronze and four Silver, with the remaining five Schools working towards their first award.
UEA signed up to the Race Equality Charter and make annual submissions to the Stonewall
Workplace Equality Index.

A vibrant place to study, learn and work, UEA is a very special place.

UEA Global sits within UEA’s Admissions, Recruitment and Marketing Division
(ARM) and supports the University’s international activities. Our priorities
are to enhance UEA’s global reputation, recruit international degree-seeking
and study abroad students, engage with strategic global partners, and support
enquirer and student experience through hybrid events and study abroad

International Student Recruitment and Progression

UEA’s Global Recruitment team recruits students from across the globe
through in-country exhibitions, visits to schools and univerisities, higher
education conferences and virtual events. The team includes staff based on
campus and overseas, with regional hubs in North America, China, South
East Asia, Africa and India. The team works in collaboration with INTO UEA,
academic scholarship bodies, international agencies and university partners.

Global programmes, Study Abroad and Exchange

UEA’s Global Programmes and Study Abroad team supports international

activities through our portfolio of over 200 partner universities wordwide.
These partnerships enable UEA degree students to study abroad for a
year, semester or short-term period, as well as enabling UEA to welcome
international visiting semester and year-long students to our campus. The
team also hosts student groups for campus visits and short-term programmes.
Alongside these exchange and customised programmes, GPSA administers
outwards mobility funding schemes which support students on international


UEA offers a fantastic benefits package for staff. We recognise all our staff have different priorities
and lifestyles so we are continually reviewing our offering to ensure there are benefits which suit
everyone. Current benefits include:

Competitive 30 Days 14 Additional Contributory Staff Sportspark Research

Rates of Pay Holiday Statutory and Pension Development Discount Support
Customary days

Health and Library Campus Care Leave Sainsbury Ofsted And much
Wellbeing Facilities Policies Centre for Registered more!
Visual Arts Nursery

Further information can be found on our Staff Benefits page.

The Pro-Vice-Chancellor (International) will be directly media presence, use of social media and collateral internationally.
accountable to the Vice-Chancellor for ensuring strong and • Working closely with the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation)
sustained growth of the number of international students by and the Faculty Pro-Vice-Chancellors to develop international research
leading the development of an international strategy, promoting collaborations and funding opportunities and a strategy which will enhance
the University’s education and research strengths overseas and the University’s approach to engagement with policy makers and funding
ensuring that all undergraduate and postgraduate international programmes.
students at UEA have an outstanding educational and on-campus
experience. • To promote and co-ordinate the development of international education
and research partnerships ensuring that they contribute to the strategic
imperatives of academic and financial sustainability.
• To engage fully in the University’s annual planning and funding round to
• As a member of the Executive Team, to play a full part in shaping the overall ensure that all international activities are properly considered in line with
strategic direction of the University and implementing the policies and the agreed strategy and that a set of measurable targets are in place to
strategies agreed by the University’s Council. track progress.
• To lead the development of the University’s international strategy, working • To support the Vice-Chancellor and other colleagues to ensure positive
with Executive Team colleagues and senior staff in Admissions, Recruitment outcomes from international visits.
and Marketing to identify international market opportunities and to
• To support the work of the Alumni and Development Office to increase
monitor trends to develop and implement a strategic approach to ensure
engagement with alumni communities overseas.
strong and sustained growth in overseas student recruitment.
• To ensure the effective co-ordination of international activity across the
University as a whole and oversee the implementation of agreed strategies
and plans.
• Building on the current University branding, establish and promote a
strong and distinctive brand identity overseas that promotes our strengths,
furthering the goals of improved student recruitment, continued attraction
of world-class academics, and the development of mutually beneficial
international partnerships.
• To lead international marketing initiatives, contribute to wider university
corporate marketing strategies and initiatives and enhance the University’s

insight with regard to institutional positioning, • Ability to network successfully and learn from
collaboration and cooperation, organisational others
• Senior level leadership experience gained within structures and appropriate levers and methods
• Understanding and knowledge of the issues
a large, complex organisation with a track for change
and challenges Universities face in the current
record for successfully inspiring, coaching/
• Good commercial business acumen and climate.
mentoring and leading a large-scale, in-house
experience of negotiating academic business
staff cohort ranging from senior managers to • Experience of successful negotiation with
operational professionals senior executive, university and government
• Awareness of key factors impacting Higher leaders
• Demonstrable experience of creating
Education in the UK and internationally,
international collaborations with quantifiable VALUES AND BEHAVIOURS
including an understanding of the strategic
University-wide impact
issues influencing the internationalisation of • An inclusive and determined approach
• Successful record of change management, and student education and student mobility that inspires colleagues, builds trust and a
the delivery of complex projects, within budget purposeful direction for the future
• Ability to think analytically, strategically and
and to tight timescales
creatively and provide compelling leadership, • Knowledge and understanding of the
• Evidence of developing impactful international contributing to the wider leadership of the University Values, with a commitment to
student recruitment schemes University embed them throughout the University
• Extensive experience of traveling and • Superb communication and engagement • Demonstrable commitment to the promotion
conducting business overseas in key target skills that ensure users and stakeholders are of equality, diversity and inclusion
markets consulted and considered collaboratively in
planning and implementation • Commitment to delivering the highest levels of
• Ability to write concise, persuasive strategic
• Analytical appreciation of the changing reports, development proposals and to deliver • High levels of credibility with students,
external environment in the UK and impactful presentations to key stakeholders academics and professional service staff.
internationally with regard to academic
• Ability to engage successfully with the
structures, the higher education market and
University’s community of students, academics
what constitutes an attractive and competitive
and professional services staff, as well as with
university offer
key external partners
• A strong degree of strategic intelligence and

Salary will be discussed on appointment. In line with GDPR, we ask that you do NOT send us any information that can
identify children or any of your Sensitive Personal Data (racial or ethnic origin,
Place of Work – The University’s Norwich campus. political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, data
concerning health or sex life and sexual orientation, genetic and/or biometric
Any offer will be subject to evience of Right to Work in the UK. data) in your CV and application documentation. Following this notice, any
inclusion of your Sensitive Personal Data in your CV/application documentation
The post is superannuable under the Universities Superannuation Scheme will be understood by us as your express consent to process this information
and there is an annual holiday entitlement of 30 days plus statutory (8 days) going forward. Please also remember to not mention anyone’s information or
and customary (6 days) holidays. The University is committed to creating an details (e.g. referees) who have not previously agreed to their inclusion.
environment where the health, welfare and safety of all students and staff
is of paramount importance. The University’s Safeguarding Policy addresses The preferred method of application is online at:
both child protection and safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable If you are unable to apply online please email: [email protected]
adults within the work of the University. Appointment will be subject to All applications will receive an automated response.
a satisfactory Occupational Health Assessment to be carried out by the
University’s Occupational Health Service. All candidates are also requested to complete an online Equal Opportunities
Monitoring Form which will be found at the end of the application process.
Information on the benefits of working at UEA can be found at https://www. This will assist the University in monitoring selection decisions to assess whether equality of opportunity is being achieved. Any information collated
from the Equal Opportunities Monitoring Forms will not be used as part of the
If you require the information contained within this candidate brochure in a selection process and will be treated as strictly confidential.
different format please email [email protected]
For a confidential conversation about this opportunity, please contact:
The University of East Anglia has engaged the services of Odgers Berndtson, Joseph Whittaker, Researcher
to whom applications should be sent at your earliest convenience but no later +44 (0)20 7529 6323 – [email protected]
than 24th November 2023 at 5pm.
Nick Willis, Senior Consultant, Education Practice
In order to apply, please submit a comprehensive CV along with a covering +44(0)20 7529 6305 – [email protected]
letter setting out your interest in the role and how you match the required
We are committed to ensuring everyone can access our website
criteria. Please include in a separate document, the names and addresses of
and application processes. This includes people with sight loss,
three referees. Referees will not be approached until the final stages and not
hearing, mobility and cognitive impairments. Should you require
without prior permission from candidates.
access to these documents in alternative formats, please contact
[email protected]

Shaped by staff, our UEA values represent a
core set of standards for how we behave as
an employer, drive excellence in teaching,
learning and research, and collaborate as an
anchor institution in our local community.

From tackling global challenges, striving

for student and staff success, and
creating a vibrant inclusive environment,
our values are what unite us.



We are collaborative We empower our We respect each other. We are ambitious for
by nature. colleagues to do their our colleagues, students
best every day. and research success.
We treat everyone equally
Together we build connections, and are fair and consistent
share ideas and develop new We trust our people to make in everything we do. We We are forward-thinking and
networks. We champion our decisions based on their value diversity and embrace brave in our approach and
regional, national and global expertise and knowledge. We different thoughts and views. decisions. We make space
relationships and demonstrate work to ensure processes are We are open to challenge, so for innovation and creativity,
that together we can achieve simple and efficient so we we can learn and improve. seize opportunities that are
greater goals and positively are agile in times of change, We encourage each other to responsible and sustainable,
influence the world around us. and allow our people to create a positive, accessible and aspire to transform
make choices that work for environment that supports our education for the better.
them, us and wider society. physical and mental wellbeing.


At UEA, we are now working to create a university that will be

even better in the future, and we are working to achieve net zero
carbon by 2045 (or earlier). Our Sustainable Ways vision is one
of a resilient university – where consumption is efficient and self-
generated energy supports low carbon goals, supported by a vibrant
community of world-leading researchers and inspired graduates.
At a basic level, our sustainable development means that we try to balance the ‘three
pillars’ of environmental, economic and social elements.

We challenge our environmental impact through on-site energy generation and a

district heating and cooling network, reducing our reliance on grid electricity and
therefore fossil fuels. We promote and use recycled and ‘eco’ products such as
biological cleaning materials. We champion local suppliers and ethical causes, including
Fairtrade and vegan products. We seek to ensure value for money in a holistic, whole-
life costing sense in our new buildings and procurement contracts.

The Green Impact programme sees teams from across our campus challenge their
School or Department to improve its sustainable credentials. An online toolkit guides
teams through a range of actions to an end of year celebration of achievements and
the resulting awards. Central campaigns, such as holiday shut-downs or awareness day
events, support a whole-University approach to
energy saving and other initiatives.

Follow us on Twitter @SustainableUEA

UEA is based on a campus that
provides top quality academic,
social and cultural facilities
to over 17,000 students.
Although located in 320 acres of rolling parkland,
virtually no part of the campus is more than a few
minutes’ walk from anywhere else, so everything is
close at hand – the library, nursery, health centre,
supermarket (incorporating a post office), banking
facilities and restaurants. Amongst the striking
buildings is the UEA’s Sainsbury Centre for Visual
Arts, which contains the Robert and Lisa Sainsbury
Collection – one of the greatest art collections
formed in Europe during the 20th Century.

The University has invested in new learning

and teaching and research spaces, including
a celebrated new Enterprise Centre that
underpins its commitment to promoting
student enterprise and entrepreneurship.

Sport and Recreation plays a major part in the life

of the University of East Anglia, centred around the
major Sportspark facility which is one of the most
successful community sport facilities in the UK.
This accessible and affordable facility provides a
diverse range of activities, and incorporates a 50m
Olympic size swimming pool, indoor climbing wall,
coaching resource centre and sports injury clinic.

The city’s motto is ‘A fine city’ and its strong cultural
heritage has seen Norwich maintain the best of its historical
character whilst developing to become one of the most
vibrant and attractive cities in Europe. Norwich offers miles
of riverside walks and cycle ways, and a unique collection of
1930’s parks. The city is surrounded by beautiful countryside
and within easy reach of the stunning Norfolk coast.
Norwich is a UNESCO World city of Literature, the first in the UK, as well
as being one of the newly named Tech Cities recognising the growth of
digital businesses in the region. The most prominent high-rise building,
apart from the castle, is the magnificent 11th century cathedral, which
still dominates the skyline. The city’s medieval centre of cobbled streets
remains largely intact, but there is still space for modern buildings such as
the city’s centrepiece, the Forum, which is a striking piece of contemporary
architecture. The glass front overlooks the colourful open-air market (one
of the largest in the country) and reflects the city in all its diversity.

The city is consistently rated as one of the top ten shopping venues in
the UK. Norfolk and Suffolk attract thousands of visitors each summer.
The famous Norfolk Broads are among the most important wetlands in
Europe and a haven for rare plants, wildlife and insects. The Broads attract
holidaymakers who come to navigate the intricate natural network of
waterways formed by the Rivers Bure, Yare and Waveney and their tributaries.

For further information about UEA’s excellent facilities, staff benefits,

picturesque campus and the UEA working environment, please visit
the ‘Careers at UEA’ microsite
at-uea. Additional information about living and working in the city
of Norwich can be found at
Some cities you’ve heard of, others you have to discover.
Norwich is one of the most beautiful, modern historic cities in CROMER
Britain. It’s a city that celebrates the independent, stimulates
creativity, promotes change and encourages diversity.

UEA is a campus university located 3 miles from the centre NORWICH

of Norwich. Situated in the heart of Norfolk, which means

it’s an ideal location to explore Norwich and beyond.






An internationally renowned university, UEA is ranked in the
UK Top 30 (The Times/Sunday Times 2024, Guardian University
Guide 2023 and Complete University Guide 2023) and the
World Top 50 (Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2023),
where it ranks in the World Top 100 for research citations (Times
Higher Education World University Rankings 2023), reflecting
the international excellence of its research environment. The
University holds UK Teaching Excellence Framework Silver status.

Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Wellbeing

The University is committed to diversifying its workforce

and to the wellbeing of all our staff. For example, we
already hold an Athena Swan Silver Institutional Award in
recognition of our advancement towards gender equality.
Further details on our broader Equality, Diversity, Inclusion
and Wellbeing work can be found on our website.

University of East Anglia, Norwich Research Park, Norwich, Norfolk, NR4 7TJ, UK | +44 (0) 1603 456161 |

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